The last line-up of the group is via gra. Chronicle of changes in the composition of the group "Via gra"

The last line-up of the group is via gra.  Chronicle of changes in the group
The last line-up of the group is via gra. Chronicle of changes in the composition of the group "Via gra"

Soon it will be fifteen years since a stunning team appeared on the Russian stage that conquered the heart of every man - the VIA Gra group. Over the entire history of its existence, more than ten soloists have changed in it, and therefore, who was part of the first composition of Viagra, with which it all began, is now remembered by few. So who was at the origin? What was the very first composition of "Viagra" - the legendary female group of the Russian stage? Let's remember.

The history of the group

Two friends, two talented musicians, two people obsessed with music, eager to change the world, decided to create a new female group that will turn the idea of ​​the Russian stage around. In 2000, successful TV producer Dmitry Kostyuk and composer Konstantin Meladze, having analyzed the success of the Spice Girls in the West and the Brilliant in Russia, joined forces to create a new group that would not only be able to compete with popular bands, but would also become a standard for them.

Selection of soloists

Since the task was not easy, the work progressed very slowly. The first composition of "Viagra" was recruited for a very long time. The first in the group was at that time the TV presenter of the Biz-TV channel, the general director of which was Dmitry Kostyuk. He offered a talented and intelligent girl to participate in the project, but she doubted for a long time, as she preferred rock music. The interest to see what would come of this venture prevailed over doubts, and Vinnitskaya agreed.

Numerous auditions did not give results, the producers could not find those who fit the group's format one hundred percent. The first composition of "Viagra" - Alena Vinnitskaya and selected girls Marina Kashchin and Yulia Miroshnichenko - began work on the first compositions, but the result did not satisfy Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk, and they decided to close the project.

After some time, they returned to their unfulfilled dream and started all over again, only this time they began to treat the applicants for a place in VIA Gre even more demandingly.

Not a trio, but a duet

It was originally planned that "VIA Gra" will consist of three surprisingly attractive and charming girls who can sing. Desperate to find suitable soloists, the producers thought about creating a solo project with Vinnitsa. But Nadezhda Granovskaya became an unexpected discovery for them. The girl met all the requirements, the main one of which was a stunning sexy appearance. This is how Viagra was finally formed.

The first line-up (photo above) did not last long, but did a lot.

“Attempt # 5” was the title of the girls' first song, which instantly made them incredibly popular - they literally woke up famous. It happened on September 4, 2000, the day after the premiere of the composition on the Biz-TV channel. The debut was marked with the awards "Golden Gramophone", "Stopudovy Hit", "Golden Firebird" and "Golden Weight". In 2001, the group's first album was released.

Many years have passed since then, and the soloists have often changed in the collective, but no one will argue that Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya are the real very first "VIA Gra". By the way, are you wondering why the band was named that way? There are several versions.

Origin of the group name

It turns out that the name was not given to the team in honor of the drug of the same name. According to one version, "VIA Gra" is a combination of the abbreviation "vocal-instrumental ensemble" and the word "gra" (in Russian - "game").

According to the other, the name consists of the first letters of the names of the soloists. "VI" - Vinnytsia and "GRA" - Granovskaya. "A" in between for readability.

Nevertheless, the sexy appearance of the artists, members of the group, tends to be more associated with a well-known drug. In addition, the name is perceived in the same way by ear.

Alena Vinnitskaya: facts from the biography

It was with this girl that the history of the group began. She entered the first line-up of "VIA Gra", and to this day her name is associated with the team. Alena Vinnitskaya participated in the Meladze and Kostyuk project for three years, after which she left the group and went on a free voyage through the open spaces of show business. Despite the fact that the artist already has eight solo albums and thousands of fans in Russia and Ukraine, critics call the VIA Gra period the most successful stage in her creative life.

Nadezhda Granovskaya: some facts from life

A young provincial girl Nadezhda Meikher, who came from the hinterland to the capital of Ukraine, managed to get into the first composition of the Viagra group. The names changed, the soloists left, new ones came to replace them, but Nadezhda Granovskaya turned out to be the most frequent guest in the team. She left the group several times, then came back again. The reasons for this were different - pregnancy, conflicts within the team, etc. Nevertheless, the door was always open for her at VIA Gre. An interesting fact is that before participating in the project, Nadezhda Granovskaya had no vocal experience at all. "VIA Gra" taught her to sing and turned her into a real star. She is now a successful singer, actress and TV presenter.

On September 3, 2000, the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group VIA Gra was founded. Throughout the history of the group, 13 girls were the soloists of VIA Gra. The composition of the participants in the popular project of Konstantin Meladze and Dmitry Kostyuk changed 16 times. We decided to make a selection of the soloists of this group most beloved by the fans of the group.

1. The beginning group achieved its first commercial success in 2000, when it included two soloists: Ukrainian TV presenter Alena Vinnitskaya and primary school teacher (by profession, but not by vocation) Nadezhda Granovskaya. Why can the duo be called one of the best lineups in the history of the group? Yes, if only because the premiere of the song of the first line-up of VIA Gra - "Attempt №5" - began the triumphant ascent of the collective to the musical Olympus of Ukraine, and then Russia.

It was in this composition that the Russian listener recognized the group with an extravagant name. The first song of VIA Gra became an absolute hit in 2000 and sounded from every iron. For this composition the young group received the first serious musical awards in the awards "Golden Gramophone", "Stopudovy Hit", "Golden Firebird". The first video was filmed for the song. Then there was the song and video "Hug Me", the first appearance on stage in front of an audience of many thousands, tours, interviews and photo sessions, filming in the New Year's musical "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka." And in September 2001, the group released their debut album "Attempt # 5", which sold 700 thousand copies in the CIS countries and acquired the status of "Golden Disc", and also gave us the right to call this line-up of the group "golden".

2. One of the best lineups of the group can be called the first trio of VIA Gra: Alena Vinnitskaya, Anna Sedakova and Tatiana Naynik. This set did not last long - from April to September 2002. Tatyana Naynik, a sexy model from St. Petersburg, replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya, who had gone on maternity leave, in the duet, and Anna Sedakova, by the way, is also a former model from the cultural capital of Russia, came to the group in order to implement the producer's plan to create a trio.

With the advent of this line-up, the group has its own feature. It lies in the fact that in this musical group there must certainly be "white", "black" and "red-haired" soloists. Already for this, the first trio can be called a landmark for the group. During their joint work, these three girls shot a video for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop! ”, After which the label of the sexiest female collective of the domestic show business was fixed for VIA Groi. In May 2002, the group received the Ovation Award. Then there was the first song of the group, recorded in a rock style - "Good morning, dad!". But in the video for this composition you can see not three, but four soloists - unexpectedly Nadezhda Granovskaya returned from maternity leave. Her arrival marked the creation of a new line-up of VIA Gra. By the way, after Tatyana Naynik left for the “Maybe” team, Maxim magazine called it “golden”, just the same lineup of Sedokov - Vinnitskaya - Naynik.

3. The undoubted leader of our rating is the truly "golden composition" of VIA Gra: Anna Sedakova, Nadezhda Granovskaya-Meikher and Vera Brezhneva. The trio was formed in January 2003, when the young and promising Vera Brezhneva came to replace Alena Vinnitskaya, and broke up in May 2004, when Anna Sedakova left the group due to pregnancy. Thus, in this composition, the group existed for one year and four months.

This line-up was nicknamed "Golden" by the fans of the collective and journalists for its efficiency and creative upsurge of the group during this period, as well as the beauty and sexuality of the unsurpassed trio. So, in January, one of the most popular compositions in the entire history of VIA "Do not leave me beloved", as well as the video of the same name, are released. After this work, each new song of VIA Gra became a hit. Music album of the group "Stop! Filmed! ”, Which was published in April 2003, received the status of a“ gold ”collection. And already in the summer, the fans of the band were able to see a new video - a parody video for the song “Kill my friend”. Then there was the first duet work with Valery Meladze. In the summer of 2003, the girls, together with the singer, recorded a song and shot a video for the composition "Ocean and Three Rivers". The team managed to do all this work without interrupting constant tours and numerous performances in different cities of Russia. In the same year, the group's English-language album entitled “Stop! Stop! Stop! " and one more album in Russian - "Biology".

4. The composition, in which Albina Dzhanabaeva first appeared as the lead soloist of VIA Gra, can also be called one of the best. Former backing vocalist Valeria Meladze, as well as the mother of his son, joined the group instead of Svetlana Loboda, who had begun her solo career. Albina became a "redhead" from VIA Gra in September 2004 and stayed in the group, in fact, until the project was closed in October 2012. In total, she was in the group for over 8 years. Well, in collaboration with Granovskaya and Brezhneva, Dzhanabaeva headed VIA Gro from 2004 to 2006, until the "white" Vera left the band because of her solo career.

During this period, the group's clip box of clips is replenished with a video for the song "The World I Didn't Know Before You", which was released in November. Already in March, another duet work will appear on the public display - with the TNMK group, popular in Ukraine. The clip is called "There is nothing worse", where one of the popular television projects is shown in a parody form. The group began to tour actively, and in August began work on a video for the song "Diamonds". It was because of this song that the fans began to call the composition of Albina - Nadya - Vera diamond, and therefore one of the best. In addition, in an exclusive solo interview with Dzhanabaeva for the magazine "HELLO!" in 2008 the editors named the Granovskaya - Brezhnev - Dzhanabaev lineup "golden".

5. The duet Albina Dzhanabaeva and Meseda Bagaudinova closes our rating of the best compositions of the pop group VIA Gra. The producers decided to return to the original format of the collective, when instead of Nadezhda Granovskaya, who left for the second time, two soloists, Christina Kots-Gottlieb and Olga Koryagina, did not stay in place of the "little black" from VIA Gra. Also, the most popular soloist, Vera Brezhneva, left the collective forever.

In the most difficult period for the group, this composition of VIA Gra becomes the most singing. Never before in the history of VIA Gra have soloists been so vocal prepared. Because of this, we can also mark this duo as one of the best in the history of the group. It was formed in July 2007 and existed until March 2008. During this period, a rather provocative song and a clip called "Kisses" appear in the VIA Gra archive. The composition and video for it shocked the audience a little. However, it was because of its frankness and sexuality that the song became popular. She was voted a hit of 2007.

No one imagined what the new composition of "Viagra" would be when the show of Konstantin Meladze began to select new participants for the team. There were many worthy contestants, the Russian land is rich in beautiful and talented girls. And yet, three of them turned out to be the strongest - the amazing beauty of the voice, femininity and magnetic charm did their job. Recently, the people were presented with a new composition of "VIAGra". It includes three beautiful girls - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg.

"VIA Gra": was, is and will be

The famous producer and composer Konstantin Meladze has been the mentor of the VIA Gra group throughout the entire period of its existence, more than 13 years. During this time, the team has changed several times. The changes that took place in the group concerned not only the fate of its members, but also reflected technological, stylistic and sociological trends in the field of show business. After all, "VIA Gra" has always been on the stage with the female group No. 1. And it has become a "school of life" for many popular stars of our time. The graduates of this school are Vera Brezhneva, Svetlana Loboda, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Nadezhda Meyher-Granovskaya, Anna Sedokova and other famous singers, TV presenters and actresses.

History of the show "I want to" VIA Gro "

This time, the producer Konstantin Meladze instructed the people to choose a new line-up of "Viagra". Millions of TV viewers decided the fate of the group, created its history.

Fifteen thousand participants from four CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Ukraine) fought for the right to become one of the soloists of the popular group for several months. Two contrasting trios were selected for the final. The charming favorite of one of the jury members Igor Vernik - Maria Goncharuk, red-haired Yulia Lauta and burning brunette Diana Ivanitskaya competed with amazing and extremely talented girls from Ukraine - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erika Herceg. Two completely different teams had only one step to take to victory. But there was also something that united them - this is the irrepressible energy of the participants, the undoubted talent of each of the girls, their amazing sexuality and femininity.

The winners have been determined!

The audience decided the fate of the participants by SMS voting. It was difficult to guess who they would prefer. Upon completion of voting and counting of votes, Igor Vernik opened the envelope with the names of the winners of the show. They were beautiful Ukrainian women - Anastasia Kozhevnikova, Misha Romanova and Erica Herceg. According to the producer of the group Konstantin Meladze, the girls are very promising, creative, versatile, so they will certainly be able to absorb the best traditions of VIA Gra and multiply the success of the collective with a thirteen-year history of existence. He also noted that the renewed group "VIAGra" will not be quite the same to which the audience is accustomed. The new composition will bring its bright colors to it. In addition, it was decided to somewhat change the image of the band, taking into account the peculiarities of its new members.

Life before and after

The composition of the new group "Viagra" has been determined, and now fans of the legendary musical group are increasingly interested in the biographies of its new members. Let's find out what the girls' life was like before they came to the show of Konstantin Meladze.

Brief biography of Anastasia Kozhevnikova

Nastya was born in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk in Ukraine. Already at the age of six, she took up vocals and began to sing in the children's choir "Droplets". At the age of eight, Nastya went to a music school to learn to play the piano. In parallel with her studies in secondary and music schools, the girl managed to practice choreography and study acting at the pop song theater called "Galatea".

The childhood dream of becoming an artist of the big stage led Nastya through life. She did not miss a single opportunity and her talent. The girl took part in all kinds of music competitions, including "The First Swallows", "Running on the Waves", "Young Galicia" and others. But she did not achieve much success at that time. The only thing the jury paid attention to was the irrepressible energy of the young girl.

When Anastasia turned sixteen, she took part in her first casting on the Superzirka show. But, unfortunately, the girl was again deprived of attention. Nastya did not give up and went to the casting of the "X-Factor" show, where she also did not go beyond the first round. Desperate and abandoning her dream of a big stage, Anastasia became a student at the Kiev National University of Technology and Design. When she found out about the start of the casting of the show "I want to" VIA Gro ", she decided to try her luck for the last time. And this time luck smiled at her - she became a member of the new "Viagra"! The photos that you see in the article demonstrate the girl's genuine joy! By the age of twenty, she managed to fulfill her first big dream, and this is a real victory!

Short biography of Erica Herceg

Erica was born in a village called Malaya Dobran, which is located near the border of Ukraine with Hungary, near Uzhgorod.

The girl has mixed blood: her father is Hungarian, her mother is the daughter of a Ukrainian and a Hungarian. Erica's parents got married when they were very young - dad was 22, mom - 18. When the girl was five years old, the family decided to have a second child. The birth was very difficult, which adversely affected the health of Erica's mother. Concern for the well-being of the family and the upbringing of young children completely fell on the shoulders of Nikolai, the father of the family. Erika went to a Hungarian school, where she studied Ukrainian for only two hours a week. Every day for this she went 12 kilometers from home and crossed the border. When the rules for crossing the borders of countries became stricter, the girl had to change school.

In high school, Erica studied at the lyceum at the local church, sang in the church choir.

After receiving a certificate of secondary education, the girl went to the city of Beregovo in order to become a student at the Ferenc Rakozzi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute. During her studies, Erica worked as a waitress at a local cafe.

2008 was a year of change for the girl. She lost as much as 30 kilograms in order to try her hand at modeling. She starred in advertisements for jewelry and lingerie.

Working in a modeling agency in 2011 brought the girl to Kiev. There, in 2012, she received her first major contract with a French lingerie company. In the same year she was invited to appear in one of the autumn issues of Playboy magazine. And in 2013, she was already included in the new composition of "Viagra". At the age of 25, Erica achieves real success.

Short biography of Misha Romanova

The third soloist of the renewed group was born in the Ukrainian city of Kherson. At birth, the parents gave their daughter the name Natalya. Her real name is Mogilenets. Misha Romanova is a stage name that the girl invented in memory of the two men she once loved. The girl attended a comprehensive school and often suffered from peer bullying. It's hard to imagine, but as a child, she stuttered badly. It began after Misha became an unwitting witness to a quarrel between her parents when she was five years old. The girl recalls how hard it was for her, because she could not even buy herself chewing gum in the store, since the sellers did not understand her.

On the advice of doctors, the parents sent the girl to vocal lessons. Misha's surprise and delight knew no bounds when she realized that she did not stutter when she sings. Since then, even in the classroom, when she was called to answer, she did not tell the material she had learned, but “sang”.

In 2001, the girl became a member of the vocal studio of the Neftyanik Palace of Culture, soon took the place of the soloist, and later the assistant to the head of the studio.

The dream of becoming an artist gave her the strength to take part in all possible music competitions. She won prizes in "Little Stars", "Carousel Melodies", "Sights of Talents". Misha Romanova was educated at the Kiev Variety and Circus School, where she entered in 2007. At 23, her dream came true - she became a real artist, a soloist of the legendary group "VIAGRA".

New line-up - new song - new concert!

The group has already managed to record several new songs, shoot a video, and have worked on tour. The first joint work of the girls is the composition "Truce", on which a video work has already been filmed by a talented director. And on November 4, 2013, the updated "VIAGra" gave its first concert at the State State Theater in Moscow. The new line-up - Erica, Nastya and Misha - conquered the audience, the girls gained thousands of fans, showing their selfless work on stage. And this was only their first concert!

High hopes

Listeners will find many more amazing works by the "Viagra" group. The new composition of the team, which was formed by the people themselves, will certainly be able to justify even the most daring expectations!

November 8, 2010, 13:54

The starting lineup of the group, thus, from which it all began, were two Ukrainian girls, Alena Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya... The history of their arrival in the group turned out to be different. Alena, who at that time worked for the Ukrainian television company Biz-TV, was invited by Dmitry Kostyuk to participate in the group. Another producer was Konstantin Meladze. It was he, together with Dmitry, who was lucky enough to open Nadezhda for the group. The starting point that persuaded him to decide to accept Nadezhda as a member was her amateur photo session.

There are several versions of why the group was named that way. On the one hand, VIA is an abbreviation that stands for "Vocal-instrumental ensemble", and "Gra" is translated from Ukrainian as "game". On the other hand, many believe that the name is a derivative of the surnames of the vocalists, in which "VI" is the beginning of the surname "Vinnitskaya", "A" is the first letter of Alena's name, and "Gra" is, accordingly, the beginning of the surname of Alena's partner group, Nadezhda Granovskaya. There is also a version that "Gra" stands for "Voice, Joy, Artistry". But the real reason was that all sorts of decryptions somehow formed the word "VIA Gra", which has the same name with pills that increase sexual potency in men, which was fully facilitated by the external image and sex appeal of the vocalists. In 2002, the group "VIA Gra" was shocked by some changes. A new stage in its evolutionary development began. The structure was changed - the collective turned from a duet into a trio. It all started with the fact that Nadezhda Granovskaya was preparing to become a mother, respectively, on a busy touring activity for a while it was required to put an end to it. In order to make up for the temporary loss of Nadezhda, a casting was urgently announced. The producers decided to increase the number of participants to three people, which was successfully done. An ex-TV presenter was invited to the group Anna Sedokova, who worked on O-TV and Novy Kanal, as well as a model from St. Petersburg - Tatyana Naynik. Not letting the updates "take root", the group continued "right off the bat". An excellent video for the song “Stop! Stop! Stop!". He showed that the group was moving in the right direction and that Anna Sedokova was in the group was extremely beneficial. On September 12, 2002, the filming of the video for the song "Good Morning, Daddy!" This event was marked by the return to the ranks of Nadezhda Granovskaya, who less than a month ago gave birth to a son, who was named Igor. Some time after the filming of the video, Tatiana leaves the group. Golden composition In 2003, there were some changes again. Alena Vinnitskaya decided to start her own solo career. Accordingly, again casting, painful elections, as a result of which the group gets Vera Brezhneva... The next "era" is formed, the line-up, which is often called the golden line-up among the fans of the group. Indeed, such a definition in relation to Vera, Anna and Nadezhda is quite reasoned. This year is becoming very fruitful in terms of the creativity of the team. At the beginning, a video clip for the song "Don't leave me, darling!" Is shot. This is followed by the release of the group's second album, Stop! Cut! "
In 2004, Anna Sedokova leaves the group. On an emergency basis, they are looking for a replacement for her, which they find in the person of Svetlana Loboda, but the replacement turned out to be a little unequal, despite the fact that on June 4, 2004 VIA Gra won the Muz-TV 2004 award, a video clip for the song Biology is being shot ... Still, Svetlana is not "accepted" by fans who immediately draw analogies between her and Anna Sedokova.
Despite this, slight dissatisfaction with Svetlana grew and it was decided to part with her. Currently, Svetlana is pursuing a solo career.
In place of Loboda they take Albina Dzhanabaev, who worked for a long time on backing vocals with Valery Meladze and got into the group on his recommendation. And that would have already breathed easy for everyone, but suddenly Nadya Granovskaya leaves. 2005 year. And the group is urgently looking for a replacement. Christina Kots-Gottlieb is taken in a hurry. Albina becomes the center - as the strongest vocalist. The group looks like this:
Christina also did not "take root". I had to urgently take the girl who was at Meladze's dancers. The girl is modest and diligent. Her name is Olga Koryagina.

And it would seem ... Everything is fine. We are working. It was not so! The new Olga Koryagina leaves the ViaGra team. Get married. Albina and Vera did not work long as a duet and the producers found an excellent Mesedu.
All of these changes in the composition of the above ended Vera Brezhnev and she left the team. Meseda and Albina perform excellently as a duet ... In March 2008, the producers take on a new soloist - the winner of the Miss Russia 2006 contest Tatiana Kotova... In January 2009, the team was rearranged. Meseda Bagaudinova had to part with the team due to the fact that the soloist of the first line-up of the group and the main old-timer of the team, Nadezhda Meikher, returned to the team on March 22, 2010 Tatyana Kotova finally left the group of her own free will. To replace Tatyana with the producers of the collective, the finalist of the Ukrainian project "Zirok Factory 3" was invited - Eva Bushmina.
Now the soloists of the group VIA Gra are Nadezhda Meyher-Granovskaya, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina. Over the entire period of performances, many participants have passed through the project, and all of them, in one way or another, associate their future life with show business. Alena Vinnitskaya successfully made her solo career in Ukraine. Tatiana Naynik producer and member of the Maybe trio. Anna Sedokova and Svetlana Loboda actively trying to promote solo in Russia and Ukraine. Christina Kotz-Gottlieb is engaged in the modeling business. Olga Romanovskaya (Koryagina) shot a video for the song "Lullaby" and after the birth of the child never returned to the big stage, but opened her own brand boutique in Odessa. Left the group in August 2007 Vera Brezhneva decided to try her hand at television and hosted the program "Magic 10", later made a successful solo career. Meseda Bagaudinova plans to do a solo project. Tatiana Kotova Immediately after leaving the band, she began filming in one of the new Russian TV series and released the solo song "On". The author of the lyrics and the composer of all the songs of the group is Konstantin Meladze. He, together with Dmitry Kostyuk, performs a production role. Updated 08/11/10 15:09: Ex-soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Olga Romanovskaya naked at the anniversary concert

Which of the soloists of the popular group, besides Vera Brezhneva, pulled out a lucky ticket, and who was much less fortunate?

For more than 17 years of existence of the group "VIA Gra", its composition has changed many times. The number of members in the group was also inconsistent: from a duet to a quartet. For many, VIA Gra turned out to be an excellent launching pad for a career in show business. One of the brightest stars in the group Vera Brezhneva, February 3, 2018 turned 36 years old. Today she is one of the most demanded Russian pop singers. How the fate of the other brightest members of the popular group developed - in the material site

Vera Brezhneva

(Photo: Evgeniya Guseva / "KP")

Attention of the producers of "VIA Gra" Vera Galushka attracted me when at one of the concerts she volunteered from the audience to sing with the group. After this performance, she was invited to the casting. Vera took the pseudonym "Brezhnev" and sang in "VIA Gre" for four years, from 2003 to 2007.

In 2007, the singer leaves the group and begins work on a solo career. Yet Vera Brezhneva TV presenter and actress. The most famous films with her participation are the trilogy "Love in the Big City" and "The Jungle", and in the New Year's movie "Yolki" the singer plays herself.

Brezhnev is actively involved in charity work. Her foundation "Ray of Vera" helps children with hematological oncological diseases. Since 2014, Brezhnev has been the UN Ambassador on the Rights and Discrimination of HIV-infected Women Living in Central Asia and Eastern Europe (UNAIDS program). Vera has two daughters - Sonya and Sarah... Since 2015, the singer is married to a producer Konstantin Meladze.

Alena Vinnitskaya

The soloist of the first line-up of "Via Gra" left the group in 2003 and began to pursue a solo career in Ukraine. She has released eight albums, twenty-three music videos and soundtracks for three feature films. On the personal front, the singer is also doing well. Alena Vinnitskaya married to a producer Sergey Alekseev.

Anna Sedokova


The first line-up of the group Anna Sedokova missed because of age. The producer did not dare to take a 17-year-old girl into a team with a provocative name. But in 2002, Anna comes to the group and attracts all the attention to herself. It is believed that the composition of the group with Sedokova was the most successful and sexiest in the history of the collective.

After leaving, Anna Sedkova begins a solo career. She also managed to work as a TV presenter on Russian and Ukrainian TV, and in 2008 she played the main role in the comedy "Pregnant". In March 2010, Sedokova's book The Art of Seduction was published. Now Anna is not married. She has three children - daughters Alina and Monica and son Hector.

Svetlana Loboda


Soloist "VIA Gra" Svetlana Loboda was in 2004 and only four months, but during this time she managed to star in one of the group's most famous videos for the song "Biology" and the New Year's musical "Sorochinskaya Yarmarka". After leaving the group, Svetlana almost immediately released her first single and began to actively develop her solo career. The singer also managed to open her own travel agency and create a line of youth clothing “F * ck the macho”.

In 2009, Loboda represented Ukraine at Eurovision. In 2010 the brand appears "LOBODA", now that is the name of her musical project. In 2012, Svetlana Loboda was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Ukraine". Now the singer is not married and is raising a daughter. Evangeline.

Albina Dzhanabaeva

Before "VIA Gra" Albina Dzhanabaeva worked as a backing vocalist for Valeria Meladze... Immediately after Anna Sedokova left the group, Dzhanabaeva was invited to take her place, but she refused, because she had just given birth to a son. Kostya... Later, the singer replaced Svetlana Loboda in the group.

Even before leaving the group in 2012, Albina Dzhanabaeva combined her solo career with work at VIA Gre. She later worked in television, starring in a film Kirill Serebrennikov"Treason" and became one of the six mentors of the show "I Want V VIA Gro".

All the time of her participation in the group, Dzhanabaeva managed to hide the secret who is the father of her son. In 2009, a scandal erupted in connection with the divorce of Valery Meladze and his wife. He then officially announced that Kostya was his son. Since 2014, Albina Dzhanabaeva has been married to Meladze. The couple are raising two sons - Constantine and Luke.

Olga Romanovskaya

After leaving the group in 2007, Olga Romanovskaya (she was a participant"VIA Gra" for about a year) also decided to build a solo career, but it is difficult to call it successful. Later, Olga tried to realize herself in other areas. She launched the Romanovska clothing line. In 2016, the singer replaced Elena Flying and became the host of the "Revizorro" program, but soon left the project.
Olga is married to a Ukrainian businessman Andrey Romanovsky... Couple raising a son Maxima.

Meseda Bagaudinova

In 2009 Meseda, who came to VIA Gro in 2007, left the group in connection with the return of Nadezhda Granovskaya. Bagaudinova's solo career after leaving VIA Gra is also difficult to call successful, for eight years she has released only seven songs. In 2013 she was a mentor in the show "I Want V VIA Gro".

Now Meseda is not married. She has a son Aspar.

Tatiana Kotova


Miss Russia Tatiana Kotova she was a soloist of VIA Gra for two years, from 2008 to 2010. After leaving the group, she embarked on an acting and vocal career. Twice she became the cover girl of the popular men's magazines MAXIM and XXL. Now Tatyana Kotova is working on a solo album.

Eva Bushmina

Yana Shvets took a pseudonym "Eva Bushmina" at the Ukrainian "Star Factory". In "VIA Gre" she performed from 2010 to 2012. After leaving, Eva began to actively pursue a solo career. During this time, she managed to release an album and shoot twelve clips. Eva Bushmina is married to the son of the ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Dmitry Lanov... The couple has a daughter Edita.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Real surname HopesMeikher... The producer of VIA Gra, Konstantin Meladze, advised her to take a pseudonym. The singer left the group three times. Granovskaya left the very first line-up of VIA Gra in 2002, when she was pregnant with her son. Igor... A month after giving birth, she returns to the team and sings in "VIA Gre" until 2006. In 2009, Granovskaya again becomes the soloist of the group. In 2011, Nadezhda is pregnant again, this time she finally left the team.

In between participation in the group, Granovskaya was building a career as a presenter on Ukrainian TV. After the birth of a daughter Anna she returned to television, but already as a mentor in the show "I Want V VIA Gro". The trio of her charges eventually won the show and are now the new line-up of the group.

Then, in 2014, Nadezhda took part in the show "One to One", and in the same year she began a solo career. In 2016, in Kiev, Nadezhda Granovskaya released her author's play "Historia de Un Amor"

Nadezhda Granovskaya is married to a Russian businessman Mikhail Urzhumtsev, the couple is raising the son of Hope Igor and two daughters Anna and Maria.