The value of the proverb Proverbs are the wisdom of the people

The value of the proverb Proverbs are the wisdom of the people
The value of the proverb Proverbs are the wisdom of the people

Proverbs and sayings are pearls of folk wisdom, which are transmitted from generation to generation. They concluded all the truth and experience that are tested for the centuries-old history. People, surviving grief and sadness, love and happiness, hatred and anger, humor and irony, made up proverbs and sayings. With their help, we can understand the story of a kind, the reality that surrounded our ancestors. In addition, they add expressiveness to the said, deepen its content.

Narget genre

It is difficult to call the exact date of the creation of the first proverb and sayings, because they go in the people from time immemorial. But it is indisputable that throughout history they are true accompanied by their creator. Why are they so racks and are simply necessary in the speech and life of a simple person? The answer is simple - they transmit the opinion of the people, his assessment of life and observing the whole thing. After all, not every saying was the proverb. Only those who were able to reconcile with the thoughts and lives of most people experienced millennia and reached us. The proverbs and sayings do not need to prove, they transmit the hard truth that has passed many generations. In the old days, people did not know the letters and could not leave their wisdom on paper, so they transferred it from mouth to mouth. Proverbs and sayings are impregnated with the mentality of the people, his lifestyle, his morality. They are a brilliant manifestation of creativity of our ancestors.


Speaking about what a proverb is, you need to plunge into times of primitive building, because it was then it originated. They were not recorded, but simply remembered, so their main feature is the brevity and accuracy of expressed thoughts. Their structure is completely simple, they consist of 2 parts. The first of them transmits a description of the phenomenon or object, and the second is their assessment. Thus, what is the proverb, it is not difficult to determine. This is a small form of the poetic creativity of the people, a brief saying that has an instructive meaning. It is also a genre of folklore, which is found almost all nationalities around the world. Interesting is that they are similar to the meaning of the proverb, although they live at the opposite ends of our planet. This shows that the life of people, even in unlike natural conditions and for millions of kilometers from each other, not so different.


The small genre of folk art, which reflects one of the phenomena of life through the phrase or turnover of speech, is called the saying. Often it is characterized by a humorous hue. The saying does not determine and evaluates a variety of life phenomena. Its foundation are comparison, metaphor, paradox and hyperbole. She transmits the meaning of what a person wants to say, not directly, but Ocean, awarding the statement of a kind of highlight. It does not carry an instructive meaning, but only displays what is happening.

The difference between sayings and proverbs

Proverbs and sayings are often confused, because they are very similar to each other. Both are a steady expression that is used to strengthen the meaning of the said. Therefore, very often people believe that this is the same phenomenon with different names. Of course, general signs they have (brevity, nationality, aphoristic, accuracy), but there is a huge difference between them. For example, what is the proverb? This is an expression that has a logical conclusion. It encourages any action. The mandatory component is also a moral or a teaching concluded in this statement. Proverbs are not only popular, but also often have the author (A. Griboedov, I. Krylov, etc.). The saying is a brief popular expression that accurately describes any pattern or phenomenon. It can also be author. There is no moralization and call for action. She simply talks about the event that the event. But there are in the people such proverbs and sayings that it is very difficult to determine the genre to which they relate.

Slavic sayings and proverbs

The Russian people, as one of the representatives of Slavs, is very reverent about their proverbs and sayings. Some of them were created for centuries, others were borrowed from other peoples, but we got along with us that it is almost impossible to distinguish them. Very often, Russian proverbs have rhyme and consist of 2 parts. Morality is a mandatory component, and sometimes several proverbs are suitable for the same teaching. The most ancient of them are those who reached us from the XII century. The meaning of proverbs is higher and summarizing than in sayings. They are already found in the "Word about the regiment of Igor" and other ancient Russian manuscripts. Since the XVII century, the collections of these folk statements began to create. Russian proverbs have a different origin: part - the work of simple people, part of the religious books, part of the writers and poets created.

Studies of Russian proverbs

In the 30th year of the last century, Philologist M. Shakhovich was engaged in the study of Russian proverbs and sayings. They were written two more dissertations, which significantly expanded the knowledge circle on this issue. His work was to study the bibliography on pamraiography (assembly of proverbs) and drawing up a list of sources, which was 1435 references. The collected materials he grouped into 20 sections in a historical order. He believed that his work could be useful for studying the history of Slavic peoples, their family relations and relations in their society. He also released three collections of proverbs that serve as a good benefit to study them.

Thus, speaking about what the proverb and the saying should be understood that this is not the same thing. They have common features, but also there are cardinal differences. The meaning of the proverbs and sayings is deep, it gives speech a special shade.

Davydov Nikita, student 3g class School No. 27 of the city of Yakutsk

Since childhood, we have heard short, folding expressions from our moms and grandmothers, so similar to the rhymes, for example: "you can not pull out and fish out of the pond", "a small spool, yes roads", "do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred Friends. " Come to school, we learned about reading lessons that these are proverbs and sayings. What is the proverbs and sayings? Why do they need people? Where did they come from? What is the point in yourself? Do they need in our modern life?





To answer all these questions, we conducted research ontopic: "The role of the proverb and sayings in the life of a modern man."

Object of study: The role of proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern man (on the example of the diagnosis of students of 3 g of class MOBU №27)

Subject of study: Proverbs and sayings as a genre of folklore.

Purpose of the study: Determine the role of proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern person, and stimulate interest in this genre of Folklore.

Research tasks:

1. To explore the literature on the topic of research.

2. To diagnose students of 3r grade Mobu SOSH No. 27.

3. Create a collection of proverbs and sayings for younger students.

Chapter I. Proverbs and sayings as a genre of folklore.

1.1. Proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern person.

Time does not stand still. Humanity develops rapidly. It's no secret that we live in the 21st century, the century of new technologies. Now even the baby knows what a computer is how to use it. And our grandparents could not imagine that the phones will be the size of the palm that you can find out the necessary information not only from books, but just opening the page on the Internet. In the age of information technology, there are completely few reading people left, stopped writing letters on paper and send them in ordinary envelopes ... But from our ancestors I got an invaluable gift ... This is an oral folk creativity. Until now, moms sing their kids lullabies, tale tales, boosters that they heard themselves when they are from their moms and grandmothers. So passes from the mouth to the mouth, from the century to the century a miracle called folklore. Nothing can replace live speech.

1.2. Proverbs and sayings.

The emergence and development of proverbs and sayings belongs to deep antiquity. A person has long been cared not only about food, housing and loved ones. He sought to understand the surrounding world, compared various phenomena, created a new one in nature, and in his imagination. The centuries-old observations of the people, his dreams and hopes were embodied in proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and sayings belong to the folk genre. The proverb is a national saying, which expresses the opinion of non-individual people, but a folk assessment, a popular mind. It reflects the spiritual appearance of the people, aspirations and ideals, judgments about the most different sides of life.

At the moment it is very difficult to say, from which time the most first proverbs appeared on ancient Russia, who are brief and accurate sayings. Similarly, it is also unknown and a specific time when the sayings appeared for the first time, the roles of whose taught speeches, capable of expressively and very accurately characterize and describe any occurrence of the phenomenon.

Only one fact remains indisputable: and the proverbs and sayings could arise in ancient times, and from the most time they began to be folk satellites throughout history.

The exact definition of what proverbs and sayings do not give no. There are many opinions about this. But in one opinion these opinions agree: the proverbs and sayings are the peak of folk wisdom, which displays the reality, tested by the centuries-old experience of generations, the history of every nation.

Proverbs belong to the most curious folklore genre remaining in many ways mysterious and incomprehensible. Proverb, this is most likely a popular assessment of any event. This is the display of the spiritual appearance of the people, ideals and aspirations, as well as reflections on different faces of life. Not noticing themselves, we use proverbs in our speech, in which they acquire a concrete meaning.

Over time, new proverbs appear, and the old acquires new values. The widespread and longevity of proverbs are obliged to the fact that when one part of them lost its direct value, then the new, figurative meaning immediately acquired.

The saying is different from the proverb by the fact that it is deprived of a generalizing instructive meaning. In everyday life, we often use sayings and do not even think about where they came from. The saying does not have the completeness of judgment, as well as a specific nature.

So we can come to the conclusion that proverbs and sayings are a reflection of the vital, historical experience of the people. Proverb- This is a proposal, and the saying is only a phrase or phrase. This is the main sign that distinguishes proverbs from sayings.


It can be concluded that the proverbs and sayings are universal, applicable in many situations, and that is why they have come to our 21st century from the mouth of the mouth, and they fits perfectly in the daily lives of modern people. And so far, this topic remains interesting and not fully disclosed. With the advent of new life values, new phenomena appear, and proverbs and sayings will also appear, characterizing their milestones in human history.

Chapter II. The role of proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern person.

2.1. Experimental work

In order to find out whether in modern life is used and the proverbs and sayings are of interest in our time, we conducted experimental work.

Experimental work was carried out in three stages. At the first stage, we tried to find out from students 3g grade Mobu School No. 27, whether they know the proverbs and sayings; From whom most often they hear them. In order to find out this, we compiled a questionnaire consisting of 3 questions:

Dear friends! Please answer a few questions.

1. Do you know the proverbs? Stress:WELL NO

If yes Give an example:

2. Do you know the sayings? Stress.WELL NO

If yes Give an example:


3. From whom most often do you hear the proverbs and sayings?

A) from parents b) from grandparents c) from teachers

Analysis of the results of the survey showed that only 40% of children know what proverbs are, and the sayings know only 10%, it was difficult to bring examples. Most of the respondents noted that they hear them mostly from grandparents.

The results of the survey are shown in the chart 1:

At the 2 stage of work, we developed a class script and spent it.

Subject: Proverbs and sayings.

Purpose: to stimulate interest in proverbs and sayings, as the folklore genre.

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part

Today we will talk about proverbs and sayings.

1. Conversation "From the history of proverbs and sayings"

Proverbs and sayings belong to the folk genre.

The emergence and development of proverbs and sayings belongs to deep antiquity.

Created in centuries, moving from generation to generation, proverbs and sayings supported the way of people's life, fastened the spiritual and moral appearance of the people.

And what is the difference between proverbs and sayings?

The proverb is a folk saying, which expresses not individuals, and folk wisdom, the people's mind. It reflects the spiritual appearance of the people, aspirations and ideals, judgments about the most different sides of life.

The saying is different from the proverb by the fact that it is deprived of the instructive meaning. Sayings, these are a label expressions that can very accurately characterize and describe any occurring phenomenon.

Thus, we conclude that proverbs and sayings are a reflection of the vital, historical experience of the people. The proverb is a whole proposal, and the saying is only a phrase or phrase. This is the main sign that distinguishes proverbs from sayings.

The proverb contains moraling, morality, instruction. The saying is simply an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced by in other words.


III. The game "Halfs".

Given half of the proverbs. Your task to find the continuation of the proverb.

For two hare you will blow

Do you like to ride


What we go

Good word

Bad straight

Wolves fear -


How to ak

Business time

Not in their sleigh

Hurry -

Some seven times

Visiting is good

that's right.

and the cat is nice.

in the forest not walk.

no shirt for yourself.

none can't catch one.

love and sloy to carry.

made on laughter.

and at home is better.

the more firewood.

study learning.

so will respond.

fun hour.

do not sit down.

people rush.

once a rejection.

IV. Antonyms in proverbs. Who will define what antonyms are?

Find in proverbs words with opposite values.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Smart silent when the fool grieves.

Smart vinit itself, stupid - his comrade.

An intelligent business will teach, and stupid will only get bored.

It would be the beginning, there will be an end.

There will be a day, there will be a night.

Better bitter truth than a beautiful lie.

Angry crying from envy, and kind from pity.

Looking for friends, and the enemies will find themselves.

Invalid friend - a dangerous enemy.

The full hungry will not understand.

From laziness - disease, from work - health.

Good wins evil.

Who lied in the morning, will lie in the evening.

No badness before good.

A friend argue, and the enemy gives up.

The coward dies, and the brave wins.

What will you learn in youth, come in handy and in old age

V. Submire the words suitable.

Spring gives flowers, and ____________ - fruit.

Who ______________ to work is glad, will be rich in the fall.

Without snow - summer without bread.

The stronger winter, the sooner ______________.

Skvortz saw, know - ______________ at the porch.

What will be born in the summer, then _________________ it will be useful.

The land _________________ rests, and spring blooms.

Summer collects, and _______________ eats.

Who will work in the spring, will be _________________ rich.

What you collect in the summer, then ________________ on the table you will find.

Vi. Work on the illustrated collection of proverbs and sayings.

In order to increase interest in proverbs and sayings, we have collected and published a collection of proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings were promoted here. These are given explanations of their meanings. (Slides 9, 10, 11). Take several proverbs from the collection and try to determine their meaning, then compare our ideas with explanations of data in the collection.

VII. Outcome.

Guys, in conclusion, we ask you to fill out the questionnaire.

1. Whether it was interesting to learn about the proverbs and sayings


2. What do you think are needed by proverbs and sayings in the modern world?


Thank you so much!

The results of the second questionnaire are shown in Chart 2:

In the 3 stage, we summarized the results and made conclusions on the experimental work done. And came to such conclusions. Repeated questionnaire showed that children had an interest in proverbs and sayings. Most respondents believe that proverbs and sayings are needed in the modern world.

2.2. Collection of proverbs and sayings for younger students

In order to stimulate interest in proverbs and sayings, we decided to collect proverbs and sayings to the collection. There also included explanations of the meaning of each proverb and sayings. The collection is colorfully illustrated, which is especially important, because it is addressed to children.

Proverbs and sayings.

Since childhood, we have heard short, folding expressions from our moms and grandmothers, so similar to the rhymes, for example: "you can not pull out and fish out of the pond", "a small spool, yes roads", "do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred Friends. " Come to school, we learned about reading lessons that these are proverbs and sayings. What is the proverbs and sayings? Why do they need people? Where did they come from? What is the point in yourself? Do they need in our modern life?

I am heard and accustomed to proverbs and sayings from an early age, we instinctively understand their meaning. We are not thinking about where this or that expression came from, we perceive the proverbs and sayings as an integral part of speech, life and communication. And what kind of initial meaning are the proverbs and sayings, which fit so well in our age, in our time? Most of them have lost their initial importance, and acquired a new meaning. Let's try to immerse yourself in history and find the initial values \u200b\u200bof the expressions and phrases familiar to us.

Here is a bright example of the proverb that we all know well: without difficulty caught the fish out of the pond.

We all understand the meaning of these words. It is, of course, that for achieving any goals it is necessary to make efforts that all the intended and planned will not come to you.

There are many more similar proverbs talking about the benefits of labor, about the need for an application and effort.

Here is another bright example: I want to eat fish, but I do not want to climb into the water.

The meaning is also clear. Laziness and reluctance to make efforts will not give the necessary results.

Proverbs and sayings about labor and laziness great many. Here, for example: business time, and fun hour. It is usually said as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about the case.

Here is an instructive proverb: you will hit two hares, you can't catch one. It is said when someone takes immediately for several cases, and therefore no one can do well.

An example of a proverb about friendship: an old friend is better than new two. We all have friends, we can be friends. But every person has one, a special friend, tested by time, which was near you and in joy, and in trouble. This is what kind of friends say this proverb. When they want to emphasize loyalty, dedication and indispensability of an old friend.

Well, for those who have no other person nearby, folk wisdom reads: there is no friend - so look for, and found - so take care.

Here we are talking about what a friendship should be treated. A friend must be preserved, and not offend him in trifles. Nowadays, saving friendship becomes harder and more difficult. It is easier for us to send SMS, or chat over the Internet. We are less likely to see our friends, replacing them on the soulless modern technologies, thereby removing each other. Nothing can replace live communication. We must take care of friendship, more often to communicate, meet with your friends.

Of course, there are proverbs and sayings and about the house, about the family. For example: Do not rub in the corners, but red cakes.

Now the word "red" many perceive only as color, red, shade red. But earlier this word was used in the meaning - beauty, beautiful. For example: Krasno Girl. It is said about how beautiful girl is. Also about the house. The beauty of the house and his mistress is not an appearance. Previously, the girls were tried not by the one who had fun and whiter, but according to her ability to prepare, to keep the farm.

We often hear such an expression: all together together, and the soul is in place.

Here we are talking about the fact that when the whole family is assembled, all at home, then everyone is calm, no one to worry about. If someone was delayed late, then of course you are worried about it, and wait for your native person.

That and treasure, Kolya Field.

This proverb says for himself at all times. When everyone gets around at home, no quarrels and offense. What else is needed for happiness? In a loving and understanding family, where you can always find support, there will always be wealthy, and achievements.

But in order to in the family there was a way, you need to make a lot of effort, about this and says the following saying: Happiness is not a bird, it does not arrive.

We must be able to build relationships, be able to save your happiness. There is still a saying: you have to fight for happiness.

There are also proverbs and sayings that displays the change of the time of the year. Every season of the year was important for the people.

Until now, there is a holiday - no winter wires. People waited for the awakening of nature, waited for the arrival of spring, because it was in the spring that began in Russia sowing. The people believed that winter should be carried out with honors. Call spring into your edges.

It was the spring that people sowed wheat and rye, from which then Molly flour, baked bread. With this, the many proverbs and sayings are also associated with this, which in our time have acquired a new meaning, but the meaning remains the same, and reached us through the century.

For example: I feed one day. Here it was originally about the importance of the day of sowing and landing. Hence the other saying: what we will sing, then get married. Now this saying is applicable to many cases. How to bring up children that you will put them in them, such a person will grow. How do you feel about people, we are waiting for such an attitude to yourself.

By the way about the attitude of people. There is a label proverb: What hello, the answer is.

Here we are talking about how you feel about people around you. Public saying. You should not wait for a good relationship from a person to you if you were poorly understood.

Proverbs and sayings Great many. All of them are teaching us. Work without laziness, be friends sincerely and honestly, take care of your happiness, your family. On the timeliness of helping each other. For example: Road spoon to dinner. This proverb tells us that the help provided on time is very important. There are many proverbs and sayings carrying this meaning.

Expensive egg to the Holy Day. We all know a bright holiday Easter. Also, all children happily help moms and grandmothers to paint and decorate eggs, a constant attribute of this holiday. After all, on ordinary days, people do not. Hence the meaning that everything should be done at one time.


Thus, having studied this topic and conducting experimental experimental, we came to such conclusions:

1. The proverb is a complete proposal. The proverb is a short proposal containing folk wisdom. Written by a simple folk language, often possesses rhyme and rhythm.

For example:

Without difficult, do not catch and fish from the pond.

For two hares, you will not catch one.

2. The saying is a symbolic phrase or phrase. The saying is a well-established phrase or phrase, a figurative expression, metaphor.

For example:

"Pig layering" (early)
"Bear Service" (Help addressed to harm)
"Stay with the nose" (be deceived)

Summing up the above above, we can safely argue, proverbs and sayings firmly entered the life of a modern person. And let them lose their original meaning, and let the words acquired new meanings, but it is precisely the proverbs and sayings there will always be a place in the lives of people. They will be given new meaning, transformative time, respectively ... But it will be a completely different story. The story for our ancestors, to which we, from the mouth of the mouth, from the mother to children they bring this miracle of folk art, folklore.


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Allow me to submit research performed: student 3 "g" class Mobu SOSH No. 27 of the city of Yakutsk Davydov Nikita Head: Barashkova O.R.

The topic of research work: "The role of the proverb and sayings in the life of a modern man." Object of the study: the role of proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern person (on the example of the diagnosis of students of 3r grade Mobu SOSH No. 28) Subject: Proverbs and sayings as a genre of Folklore. The purpose of the study: to determine the role of proverbs and sayings in the life of a modern person, and stimulate interest in this genre of Folklore. Tasks for research: 1. To explore the literature on the topic of research. 2. To diagnose students of 3r grade Mobu SOSH No. 27. 3. Create a collection of proverbs and sayings for younger students.

The theoretical part in order to learn more on the topic of research, we visited the library, studied the necessary literature.

From the history of proverbs and sayings, the proverbs and sayings belong to the folk genre. The emergence and development of proverbs and sayings belongs to deep antiquity. Created in centuries, moving from generation to generation, proverbs and sayings supported the way of people's life, fastened the spiritual and moral appearance of the people.

And what is the difference between proverbs and sayings? The proverb is a national saying, which expresses the opinion of non-individual people, and folk wisdom, the popular mind. It reflects the spiritual appearance of the people, aspirations and ideals, judgments about the most different sides of life. The saying is different from the proverb by the fact that it is deprived of the instructive meaning. Sayings, these are acknowledged expressions that can very accurately convey and describe any phenomenon.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that proverbs and sayings are a reflection of the life experience of the people. The proverb is a whole proposal, and the saying is only a phrase or phrase. This is the main sign that distinguishes proverbs from sayings. The proverb contains moraling, morality, instruction. The saying is simply an eloquent expression that can be easily replaced by in other words. Compare: the proverb saying "Eyes are afraid, and the hands are doing" - at the sight of great work it is terrible, which is not going to cope with it, and starting work, they understand that they are able to overcome difficulties. "Zarube yourself on the nose" - remember once and for all, remember firmly firmly.

The practical part in order to find out whether in modern life is used and are the interests of the proverbs and sayings we conducted an experimental work. Experimental work was carried out in three stages. At the first stage, we tried to find out from students 3g grade Mobu School No. 27, whether they know the proverbs and sayings; From whom most often they hear them. In order to find out this, we compiled a questionnaire consisting of 3 questions.

Analysis of the results of the survey showed that only 40% of children know what proverbs are, and the sayings know only 10%, it was difficult to bring examples. Most of the respondents noted that they hear them mostly from grandparents. The results of the survey are shown in the diagram

At the 2 stage of work, we developed a class script and spent it.

The game "Halves" for two hares will be afraid, you like to ride, it is not sleeping that we will sing a good word from bad straight wolves to be afraid - the age live, as it will be, the farther in the forest, the case is time, not in your sleigh Guest is good, then you will get enough. And the cat is nice. In the forest not walk. No shirt for yourself. None can't catch one. Love and sloy to carry. Made on laughter. And at home is better. the more firewood. Study learning. So will respond. Fun hour. Do not sit down. People rush. Once a rejection. Fragments from the class hour

In order to stimulate an interest, and we decided to collect proverbs and sayings to the collection to the proverbs and sayings. There also included explanations of the meaning of each proverb and sayings. The collection is colorfully illustrated, which is especially important, because it is addressed to children.

Then re-conducted a survey. Repeated questionnaire showed that children had an interest in proverbs and sayings. Most respondents believe that proverbs and sayings are needed in the modern world. The results of the second questionnaire are shown in the diagram.

Thus, having studied the topic, we came to such conclusions: 1. The proverb is a complete proposal. The proverb is a short proposal containing folk wisdom. Written by a simple folk language, often possesses rhyme and rhythm. For example: without difficulty caught and fish out of the pond. 2. The saying is a symbolic phrase or phrase. The saying is a well-established phrase or phrase, a figurative expression, metaphor. For example: "Pig layering" (attack) "Bear Service" (Help treated in harm) "stay with a nose" (to be deceived) Summing up everything above, we can safely argue that proverbs and sayings firmly entered the life of a modern person . And let them lose their original meaning, and let the words acquired new meanings, but it is precisely the proverbs and sayings there will always be a place in the lives of people.

Thanks for attention!


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Proverbs and sayings

Questionnaire number 1 Do you know the proverbs? Stress: No, do you know the sayings? Stress: Yes No 3. From whom most often do you hear the proverbs and sayings? A) from parents b) from grandparents c) from teachers

From the history of proverbs and sayings, the proverbs and sayings belong to the folk genre. The emergence and development of proverbs and sayings belongs to deep antiquity. Only one fact remains indisputable: and the proverbs and sayings could arise in ancient times, and from the most time they began to be folk satellites throughout history. Created in centuries, moving from generation to generation, proverbs and sayings supported the way of people's life, fastened the spiritual and moral appearance of the people.

And what is the difference between proverbs and sayings? The proverb is a folk saying, which expresses not individuals, and folk wisdom, the people's mind. It reflects the spiritual appearance of the people, aspirations and ideals, judgments about the most different sides of life. The saying is different from the proverb by the fact that it is deprived of the instructive meaning. Sayings, these are a label expressions that can very accurately characterize and describe any occurring phenomenon.

The game "Halves" for two hares will be afraid, you like to ride, it is not sleeping that we will sing a good word from bad straight wolves to be afraid - the age live, as it will be, the farther in the forest, the case is time, not in your sleigh Guest is good, then you will get enough. And the cat is nice. In the forest not walk. No shirt for yourself. None can't catch one. Love and sloy to carry. Made on laughter. And at home is better. the more firewood. Study learning. So will respond. Fun hour. Do not sit down. People rush. Once a rejection.

Antonyms in proverbs. Hours - light, and not by studying darkness. Smart silent when the fool grieves. Smart vinit itself, stupid - his comrade. An intelligent business will teach, and stupid will only get bored. It would be the beginning, there will be an end. There will be a day, there will be a night. Better bitter truth than a beautiful lie. Angry crying from envy, and kind from pity. Looking for friends, and the enemies will find themselves. Invalid friend - a dangerous enemy. The full hungry will not understand. From laziness - disease, from work - health. Good wins evil. Who lied in the morning, will lie in the evening. No badness before good. A friend argue, and the enemy gives up. The coward dies, and the brave wins. What you will learn in youth, come in handy and in old age.

Put the Spring Suitable Spectacle gives flowers, and ____________ - fruits. Who ______________ to work is glad, will be rich in the fall. ____________ without snow - summer without bread. The stronger winter, the sooner ______________. Skvortz saw, know - ______________ at the porch. What will be born in the summer, then _________________ it will be useful. The land _________________ rests, and spring blooms. Summer collects, and _______________ eats. Who will work in the spring, will be _________________ rich. What you collect in the summer, then ________________ on the table you will find. autumn summer winter summer spring winter winter winter in winter

Without difficult, you can't catch the fish from the pond. It is of course that to achieve any goals it is necessary to make efforts that all the conceived and planned will not come to you. How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

There is no friend - so look, and found - so take care. It is about the friendship you need to go. A friend must be preserved, and not to offend him in trifles How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Do not rub in the corners, but Krasnu Pies. Now the word "red" many perceive only as color, red, shade red. But earlier this word was used in the meaning - beauty, beautiful. The beauty of the house and his hostess is not an appearance, but the ability to cook, lead the economy. How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Questionnaire # 2 Interestingly, it was possible to learn about the proverbs and sayings yes no 2. What do you think is needed by proverbs and sayings in the modern world? WELL NO

Thus, we came to such conclusions: 1. The proverb is a complete proposal. The proverb is a short proposal containing folk wisdom. Written by a simple folk language, often possesses rhyme and rhythm. For example: without difficulty caught and fish out of the pond. For two hares, you will not catch one. 2. The saying is a symbolic phrase or phrase. The saying is a well-established phrase or phrase, a figurative expression, metaphor. For example: "Pig layering" (attack) "Bear Service" (Help treated in harm) "stay with a nose" (to be deceived) Summing up everything above, we can safely argue that proverbs and sayings firmly entered the life of a modern person . And let them lose their original meaning, and let the words acquired new meanings, but it is precisely the proverbs and sayings there will always be a place in the lives of people.

Study of the level, focusing of thinking, the ability to understand and operate in the figurative meaning of the text, differentiation and focusing of judgments, the degree of their depth, the level of development of speech processes.

The technique can be applied both in the study of adolescents and adults.

Instructions for test

The subject is called several metaphors and proverbs and ask to explain their disturbed figurative meaning.


  • You can use this test in another embodiment, offering the subject to compare the phrases to each other and find among them similar or opposite in meaning. This will allow propagation the level of formation of associative processes and flexibility of thinking.
Test Material
  1. Strike while the iron is hot.
  2. Do not sit down in your sleeves.
  3. There is no smoke without fire.
  4. Not all that is gold that glitters.
  5. Forest cabin - pinch fly.
  6. Murder will out.
  7. Still waters run deep.
  8. Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.
  9. What goes around comes around.
  10. Every day is not Sunday.
  11. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
  12. There is nothing to make a mirror, if Ryzh Kriva.
  13. Do not rub in the corners, but red cake.
  14. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  15. He took up the man - do not say that not a duzh.
  16. Seven times measure cut once.
  17. In the clothes they meet, the mind escape.
  18. Not on Senka hat.
  19. As it will happen, it will respond.
  20. Small spool but precious.
  21. Leopard change his spots.
  22. There is safety in numbers.
  23. Prevaricate.
  24. Cat has been glad.
  25. Poking in the desert.
  26. The intestine is thin.
  27. Two of a Kind.
  28. Drink yourself.
  29. Garden head.
  30. My tongue is my enemy.
  31. Make a fool to God to pray - the forehead breaks.
  32. Well done among sheep.
  33. Goosebumps.
  34. One with a compass, seven with a spoon.
  35. Like a scuffer on the head.
  36. Moses of the nose is not pumped.
  37. Fifth wheel in the cart.
  38. Further in the forest - more than firewood.
  39. How thunder among clear sky.
  40. Money chickens do not peck.
  41. The soul went into the heels.
  42. Throw shadow on the wint.
  43. Through water in a step.
  44. Let go of the goat in the garden.
  45. It is necessary to register

    To see the material entirely, you need to register or log in to the site.

    1. No one will see In the test results, your name or photo. Instead, only gender and age will be specified. For example, " Woman 23." or " Male, 31.“.
    2. The name and photos will be visible only in the comments or other records on the site.
    3. Rights in VK: " Access to the list of friends"And" Access at any time"Wanted that you can see the tests that have passed your friends and see how many answers in percentage you have coincided. Wherein friends will not see Answers to questions and results of your tests, and you will not see the results of them (see paragraph 1).
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    Interpretation of test results

    Literally interpretation of the phrase, or an explanation with the help of the reproduction of examples from his own experience, indicates a low level of communication.

    Results can be assessed using the table:

  • Interpretation of proverbs / Almanac psychological tests. M., 1995, p.125-126.

In every culture of various nationalities there are elements inherent only to her. Some elements are expressed in the language of this nation. And they transmit accumulated experience and knowledge, farewell to subsequent generations, memories of any specific events that have experienced significance for the history of this culture. There are a huge mass of such linguistic means of expression. However, we will analyze specific representatives from this mass of folk language funds.

Table of contents [show]

What is proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings are short sayings about the life and everyday life of the people, in whose language they were born. They relate to the small form of poetic creativity. The proverb is a rather laconic phrase with rhythmic sound. Its meaning in the teaching of subsequent generations. It carries in itself many times the experience passed from older generations to the youngest in the form of a kind of output. The saying is also not distinguished by a large number of words. Represents a speech turn with the meaning. Often this meaning is humorous. The main difference of the proverb from the saying is that the first is a proposal with a deep meaning, and the second - phrase or a combination of several words.

The history of the appearance of these speech genres

The exact date of birth of the first proverbs and sayings will not say any person. With the advent of the language, as a means of communication and transmission of experience, people sought to capture and transfer all seen phenomena to the future. In ancient times, writing and access to it were imperfect. Literally a few centuries ago, many people in Russia were illiterate. And what about more distant times? The exit and was the people's oral creativity, memorable phrases and expressions, which in their short presentation carry global meaning, and most importantly remembered well and transferred along the chain from the mouth to the mouth. So up to this day the experience and wisdom of many centuries have reached.

Use of proverbs and sayings in speech

Russian proverbs and sayings and their importance firmly entrenched in culture and history. There is not a single person who would not know at least one of them. Being a small literary genre, they have a deep meaning. Without losing its relevance in completely different temporary intervals, they are still used in oral speech, in the media, completely different printed publications and books. All this use of use speaks of the importance of information that proverbs of the Russian people and their meaning. Cultural value and folk wisdom will simply won't let them forget and disappear.

Purpose of proverbs and sayings

As already mentioned, the most important thing in these means of language expressiveness is a description of the surrounding phenomena. Thus, our ancestors described the world around and passed the following generations. Russian proverbs and sayings and their meaning is, first of all, history. They reflect life and everyday problems of society that occurred at the moment when they were born. These phrases and phrases received an emotional color, the frequency of origin of this phenomenon and the cause-effect relationship was noticed, the solution was laid. This is the composition of the Russian proverbs and their importance later on the pages of history and tightly imprinted in the culture of the people. That is, it can be concluded that the initial purpose was a description of the phenomenon for descendants and solving issues with it related.

Place of proverbs in modern life

Russian proverbs and their importance are firmly fixed in the culture of our people. They are an integral part of everyday life, everyday conversations, literature. Most proverbs do not lose relevance, they reflect the essence of things that are not limited to the temporary framework of existence. Their meaning remained as significant as the centuries ago. Types of human character and the laws of the universe over the course of generations change little. Russian proverbs and their importance did not change their place in society. Their task is still the same - to teach and warn.

The last generations were strongly distant from the literature, many Russian folk proverbs and their meaning are unknown to modern children. For them, this is a meaningless set of words. However, in the life path, they will not have to encounter these statements. And even without reading the literary classics, they eventually recognize this part of the folk culture.

Famous Russian proverbs and sayings, their meaning

We give a few examples of proverbs. A wonderful bright representative of their society is the proverb "An old friend is better than new two." How many times in life each of us came across this statement? And we all know why it is. An old friend is checked for years, he will not betray, he became something native, so much in common between old friends, so many memories! Can new friends offer something like that?

Cheek brings success. This proverb states the importance of making decisions and their embodiment. Often, for the performance of desire, there is not enough willpower for risk. The courage in the initiative of the case is half of the success. Fear has always been, there will be. It is absolutely natural for a living person, but you need to be able to overcome it. Then many things will seem not as complex and inadvertible, as initially.

The first step is difficult. The meaning is similar to the previous one. In order to do something, you need to start work for starters. And subsequently, the case will move much easier.

Seven times measure cut once. It emphasizes the need for careful planning and prediction of possible results. For all actions, you have to pay something and sacrificed. It is necessary to clearly understand, it is worth it or not. Otherwise, it will be painfully painful or even ashamed for unprecedented gustiness.

Sources of proverbs and sayings

The initial source, of course, was oral. The phrases were transmitted from man to man, from generation to generation. After they began to appear in folk literary work: in the bass, fairy tales, legends, and so on. Proverbs and their meanings in Russian fairy tales were supposed to teach and teach the wisdom of the life of children, for whom these fairy tales were intended. Now the proverbs are also found in oral speech, and in the literature, and in printed publications. Extensive collections in book bindings appeared, the expanses of the Internet are also rich in proverbs and explaining their meaning. Culture cannot throw out such a huge part to nowhere.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings

In order to be civilized people, it is necessary first of all to remember its story, the wisdom of predecessors, to be familiar with the art and culture of the people to which you belong. The memory of the past gives a huge development perspective. Many situations were already completed and are precedents. So, in history, multiple variants of their solution are already captured. So the Russian proverbs and their meaning. When used by their use, they will help to avoid multiple mistakes and unpleasant consequences in the lives of individuals and on the global scale of society.

Very often we pronounce phrases to friends, colleagues, unfamiliar people, etc. The meaning of which we do not understand or misinterpret ... We propose to verify your idea of \u200b\u200bthem with a true meaning.

1. The first pancake ...

Incorrect interpretation: when we can't do something from the first time, we say: "The first pancake com." That is - it did not work, did not come out, crumpled.
But the origin of the proverb at the self is completely different. Yes, and she sounds a little differently - "First Damn Commum". And no spelling error here is not. Just the point here is completely different - the first pancake ... Bear.
Why are the first pancake bears? Many nations, including the Slavs, existed the custom of giving the first pancakes of Commons (in the Valves Children's coma - bears). After all, the ancient Slavs honored the holiday of the comedian, dedicated to the awakening of the bears, whom they considered the progenitors of people. The first pancakes that the hostess baked were brought to Berorcog Bear, who woke up from the winter hibernation and were hungry like wolves.
First-source: "The first pancake commam, damn the second - acquaintance, the third pancake is a long nurse, and the fourth - to me."

2. ZGI is not visible

"Although the eye of a shard", "darkness", "Darkness Egypt" and "Night ZGI is not visible" - so figuratively we can say about thick, impenetrable darkness. But what is "ZGA", which is never visible? This is not known to many. By the way, even lingules still argue about the origin of this word. Some believe that "ZGA" - the name of the metal rings on the horse's arc and that, saying "no zgi is not visible", Russian people wanted to say: so dark that even this ringle is not visible.
Others argue, and more evolving that "ZGA" is nothing more than a series of changes in the word "Sutga", that is, the road, trail. In some adverbs and now in the meaning "road", the word "stealth" is used, from where, in particular, a decreasing "trap" is formed. Remember, there is even a song that begins like this: "Walking-track shots ..."
So it turns out that the expression "nor zgi is not visible" means: "So dark that the trails, tracks are not visible." And then it becomes clear and the meaning of such, for example, the proverbs, which supporters "rings on the horse's arc" could not explain: "Blind blind is driven, and both zgi do not see."
Figure: 1 - Surprised; 2 - udes; 3 - arc; 4 - reason with a darkness; 5 - ZGA; 6 - saddle; 7 - artless; 8 - Breaking: a) longitudinal belt, b) transverse belts, c) suggestive belt, d) rim belt, d) d) 9 - Oglot: a) comb, b) heavy; 10 - abdominal; 11 - a litter; 12 - Homes; 13 - clamp; 14 - Suppon; 15 - Vegetted

3. Work is not a wolf ...

In fact, the meaning of the saying is not at all to postpone the case. On the contrary, in the old days, when the wolf resorted to the village, the peasants were hiding and waited when the wolves get bored and he would run into the forest. And the work does not run away anywhere. Consequently, it is not necessary to wait - you need to start working.

4. From the work of the horses die

Incorrect interpretation: "It is harmful, so work smaller."
The full version of the saying sounds like this: "From the work of the horses die, and people are stronger." The wise people wanted to say these words that the work is harmful only for unreasonable animals that do not understand the joy of labor. For a person, work is not just useful, but also necessary for a healthy and happy life.

5. My hut with the edge ...

Previously, the village was located long line of houses along the road. And for those who lived with the edge, people were special responsibility - the first to meet any danger and, if necessary, to prevent any danger. Therefore, stating "my hut from the edge", the peasant actually said: "I am ready to protect the rest of my villages with my life."

6. Own shirt closer to the body

Incorrect interpretation: "Your interests I am more expensive."
Let's remember, and when was these words uttered? Of course, at the funeral of the comrade fallen in battle. When the soldiers filmed their shoes from the body and threw them into the grave - closer to the body of the deceased. Thus, they showed how he was roads.

7. You have brewed you and break

Incorrect interpretation: "Your problems do not worry me."
Recall when these words were pronounced? When the peasant came to visit the neighbor, and he was treated. A polite peasant in such cases refused the porridge - they say, you need food more. "You have brewed porridge, you and get it up."

8. not sorry

9. Fish is looking for, where deeper, and man - where better

Incorrect interpretation: "Everyone is looking for only its benefit."
This is a stupid fish looking deeper. A man, a reasonable person, looking where he can better serve as his country.

10. Operate as Sidorov Goat
This spicy story originates in the XII century. Boyar Sidor Kovyla Vistula, Personal friend of the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich, was distinguished by an extravagant habit: "Drake" goats. That is, speaking a medical language, copulating with goats.

While the woman with a furnace flies, seventy-seven doom will change his mind. About the female ability to foresee everything, to think about everything and quickly choose from several solutions correct.

Grandma still said in half (wondered). 1. It is not known whether the estimated desired will come true. 2. It is unknown whether the actual thing is what we are talking about.

Unnamed sheep ram. What does not have a name is difficult to distinguish.

Without salt, the curve table. It turns out when salt is not served to the table.

HARD WORDS BREAK NO BONES. Crossing, offensive, offensive words are forgotten, they can be squeezed.

Paper erased everything. You can write anything anything.

In one feather and the bird will not be born. Not all people are the same in their qualities.

Varvara me aunt, and the truth is my sister. True more than just.

In the spring days long, yes thread turning. Study. In the spring you do not want to work.

THERE IS NOTHING LIKE LEATHER. Everyone praises what is close to him, expensive.

Glow of the people - Glasa of God. Study. The opinion expressed by the people is indisputable, it must be reckoned with him.

Mountain gave birth to a mouse. Huge efforts gave insignificant results.

Thunder is not born, man does not cross. The careless person will not make the necessary in advance, before it is forced to this circumstance.

Affairs go, the office writes. Justly about rapid activity, unrelenting activity, etc.

Good than glory lies, and thin will run. The bad glory spreads rapidly, and good about a person can remain unknown.

A friendly - not cargo, and apart - at least throw. Together, it is not consistently working hard, but the apart is difficult.

For the taste, I do not take it, and it will be hot and it will be wet. Speaks jokingly when they are preparing IL offering to eat something hot.

For the demand of money do not take. The question of anything does not oblige anything.

Flace a crow into high (boyars) choirs. Study. It is said that or about who fell into an alien to him, a higher society, Wednesday.

Knows a cat whose meat ate. Understands what is to blame.

Know the edge, do not fall. Know the measure, do not move the boundaries of the permitted.

Gold and glitters in dirt. Having great advantage is always noticeable.

What pop, such and coming. What is the boss, those and subordinates.

Who is not sin to God, the king is not to blame? Study. All people are sinful, everything is not without sin.

Who took the stick, that Capral. Study. Who has the power, in that power, he disposes.

Who resigned, that two ate. About enterprising, debris, cunning, who knows how to get a person.

The staircase should be revenge on top, and not below. The order in something must be vested on top.

Lich trouble start. It is difficult to start any business, to continue will be easier.

Better small fish than a big cockroach. Better a little useful than a lot, but unnecessary, useless.

Little dog to old age puppy. A man of little growth always seems younger than his years.

They do not wear dead with forefall. The past will not return.

Moscow from a kerching candle burned down. And insignificant reasons can cause major events.

There is no masters on the sin. Everyone may happen trouble, trouble, misfortune; Everyone can make misconduct.

On angry water caring. Angry more and gets.

On the pike in the sea, so that the crucian do not sleep. Dangers are forced to be on guard.

Do not drip over us. No need for a hurry.

He began behind the health, and finished (Svet) for rest. On the inconsistency of a good start to the poor end (in words, actions, etc.).

There was no penny, yes suddenly Altyn. It is said for unexpected luck or joy after bad luck.

Not any - do not listen, but do not bother. It is said that interrupts the speaker, expressing distrust, disagree with him.

The need jumps, the need is dancing (crying), the need of a song sings. Study. Poverty forces to do what I would not want.

Dung on milk blowing and water. The one who wipes failure or trouble, becomes overcome careful.

One head is not trouble, but trouble, so alone. A person is lonely, not burdened about the family concerns, it is easier to transfer any difficulties, deprivation.

One hand knot is not covered. Alone will not cope with any matter.

Hunting mortal, yes fate bitter. About a strong desire if it is impossible to implement it.

Error in false not put. The error is not considered a deliberate deception.

Work fools love. It says jokingly or with disregard, whose diligence does not approve.

Ruby tree in itself. 1. Choose yourself even (with marriage). 2. Throw for the fact that according to your forces, opportunities.

Fish from head rot. Disintegration, decomposition in any environment, the team begins primarily on top.

From face water do not drink. Beauty is not important. Specifies when choosing a ugly bride or groom.

Seven wool to heaven and all the forest. About long and incomprehensible speech.

The word Silver word, the unspecified - golden. Word -Serbro, and silence - gold.

Cattle to drive is not a rose to walk. If you keep cattle, no time to idle.

The full hungry will not understand. About who does not understand the needs, inconvenience and desires of the other.

Fedot, yes not that. About who is actually worse for whom he is accepted or for whom it gives out himself.

DO NOT COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED. About anything just judged by the final results. It is said when it is premature to judge the results of something.

Tea drink - not firewood chop. Usually refers to the invitation to drink tea.

An hour with kvass, sometimes with water. Poor, injigned. Often as the answer to the question: "How do you live?"

Zhukov, V.P. Dictionary of Russian proverbs and sayings. / V.P. Zhukov. - M.: "Modern Encyclopedia", 1967 - 537 p.

The meaning of proverbs and sayings well explain on the example. In a series of small stories L.N. Tolstoy the narratives are given, very precisely transmitting the meaning of proverbs and sayings. They are shown below. Examples showed not much, only those proverbs who teach the mind of the mind are taken, useful in life situations and will suit many. The meaning of other proverbs and sayings, which are not here, try to explain by ourselves by analogy with the examples.

Know Cricket Your Six
He took a braid and conceived the grass to mow. Cut off my leg and cried. Baba saw and said:
- Do not mow you. You still have a father to have breakfast. Know Cricket Your Six.

Dog in the manger
The dog lay under the shed on the hay. The cow wanted the Senza, she approached the barn, shoved his head and only grabbed the village of Sen - the dog was buried and rushed to her. The cow moved and said:
- at least ate myself, and even herself does not eat, and I do not give me.

He knows the cat whose meat ate.
The girl without a mother went into the trigger and drank the milk. When the mother came, the girl feared and does not look at the mother. And said:
"Mother, something like a cat climbed into the chamomist, I drove it out." It would not eat it milk.
Mother said:
- Knows a cat whose meat ate.

As you look, you see.
The boy lay on the ground and looked at the tree with a side. He said:
- tree curve.
And the other boy said:
- No, it is straight, yes you look crooked. As you look, you see.

You can deliver in a penny - they will not believe in the ruble.
The merchant took two hryvnias. He said:
- I'll pay tomorrow.
He came tomorrow, he did not pay. He wanted to take a hundred rubles. He was not given. You can deliver in a penny - do not believe in the ruble.

Two times not to die.
Burned house. And the child remained the baby. No one could enter the house. The soldier approached and said:
- I will go.
He was told to:
- Sgorie!
Soldier said:
- Do not die twice, and once not to avail.
Floored to the house and made the child!

Iron bread mined.
The boy took the hook of iron and threw. Guy said:
- What are you kind of throwing?
The boy said:
- What I iron, it is impossible to eat it.
And the man said:
- Iron bread mined.

Family bash is thicker.
The boy lived in learning, came the ravoisi for the holiday. Sat down for porridge. The boy said:
- What is your porridge thick, so the owner does not happen.
And the mother said to him:
- Family Bashka thick boils.

And the bee flies on a red flower.
The girl with his mother came to the ranks. And they began to choose ribbons. Mother asked:
- What do you want?
Daughter said:
- Red.
And bee flies on a red flower.

Raven for the sea flew, I didn't become smarter.
Barin went abroad. I came to myself and started sneaking my hands to plant. Men said:
- Raven per sea flew, I didn't become smarter.

Our hung, and your sleep.
There were two men, Peter and Ivan, they mowed me together. Peter the next morning came from his family and began to remove his meadow. The day was hot, and the grass dried; By evening, it became the hay. And Ivan did not go cleaned, but spent at home. On the third day, Peter is led by home hay, and Ivan just got row. By evening I rained. Peter had a hay, and Ivan had all her grass. Our hungry, and your sleep.

A stupid bird is not my house.
The girl loved to play on the street, and how he comes to the house - bored. Mother asked:
- Why do you miss?
- It's boring at home.
Mother said:
- Stupid bird is not a nice house.

The alphabet is taught, screaming to the whole hut.
An old man lived with an old woman. They were in the hut quietly. They let them go to their home. The guys have become so shouting that old people have ears. The alphabet is taught, shouting to the whole hut.

Playing sheep - wolf kidnast.
Sheep went under the forest; Two lamen ran away from herd. Old sheep said:
- Do not shawit, lambs, come to trouble.
And the wolf stood behind the bush and said:
- Do not believe, lamb, old sheep; She says so because her legs do not go from old age and envy her. Why do you miss? Run more.
The lambs listened to the wolf and ran, and the wolf caught them and stabbed them. Playful Sheep - Wolf Care.

Nearby drop, and stone is hammering.
A man began to dig a ditch and a fish all summer. Dropped into three versts. The owner came and said:
- Many you dug. Lucky drop, and stone is hammering.

Bulat Iron and Kissel does not cut.
There was one strong, angry dog. She gnawed all dogs, except for two: she did not bite a little puppy and a big wolfhound. Bulat Iron and Kissel does not cut.

Not for that wolf beaten, which is gray.
Wolf ate the sheep; The hunters caught the wolf and began to beat him. Wolf said:
- In vain you beat me: I'm not guilty that it is gray.
And the hunters said:
- Not for the wolf beat that it was gray, but for the fact that the sheep ate.

He chased behind the axle, missed the ax.
The man saw - the river sails the log. He became an ax from the shore to get it. The ax clinched for a log and ran out of his hand. Hitting the axle, missed the ax.

The day is bought to the evening, if there is nothing to do.
One student asked the book; Dali him. He said:
- incomprehensible!
He was given another. He said:
- Bored!

Do not seek goodness.
Fight a hare from dogs and gone into the forest. In the forest, he was good, yes, he had a lot of fear and wanted to hide even better. He began to look for where a better place, and climbed into the cow in the ravine - and pushed to the wolf. The wolf grabbed it. "It can be seen, however, I thought the hare - that from good good look no need. I wanted to hide to hide and disappeared at all. "

"Genius, spirit and nature of the people manifests itself in his proverbs" (F. Bacon)

Folk proverbs and sayings Part of the spiritual heritage that received us from our ancestors. This is truly the golden storehouse of folk wisdom accumulated throughout the centuries. They cover almost all sides of our life, so it is very useful from early childhood to acquaint your baby with proverbs and sayings, to memorize , Rass their meaning, where and in what cases are applied, learn to resort to them at each other case.

Russian folk proverbs and sayings.

Life live - not the field go.

There is a saying on Echorka.
Talking-flower, proverb-berry.

Not knowing the broth, do not fall into the water.

Life is given to good deeds.

Red Speech Speak.

We hope for God, and not bad.

Without corners, the house is not built, without a proverb it is not a pall.

Wet rain is not afraid.

Small, yes delete.

On someone else's kat, pleased with his villain.

Who on the milk it is happening, he blows on the water.

Cowardly bunny and pencils - wolf.

There would be a lunch, and the spoon will be pleased.

Standing of the century Book Grow man.

His land and in the handstone of Mila.

Ahi yes ohh will not give sovereigns.

It does not work out.

Once lied, and in the age of the liar became.

Mother highly wakes up, but a little beats, the stepmother is laughing low, and it hurts.

On the native katch and pebbles are familiar.

Better than ten to blame forgive than one innocent execution.

Where pine adult, she is red.

Look at someone who does not make good anyone.

Without root and wormwood does not grow.

The sting of acutely, but the language of acute.

Without a friend on the heart of the blizzard.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

There is no friend, so look, and there are so bearing.

Liar - always incorrect friend, will envelop you around.

Roda side - mother, strangers - stepmother.

Where to live, there and hear.

Meet the clothes, and follow the mind.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Stupid one bird that is not nice.

To visit to go - you need to led to yourself.

Bed trouble, and food food.

On someone else's side and spring is not red.

Any man of his happiness blacksmith.

On someone else's side and Sokol is called Crown.

God will extinate, God and dries.

Child learns without people.

Thunderstorm hits a high tree.

Altyn Silver will not lie ribs.

Do not get rich in deception, but you will eat.

Going for a day, take bread for a week.

Love to ride - love and sosochos to carry.

What is hurt, such is on her and shirt.

Himself ruins, who does not like others.

It is better to be silent than to lie.

We do not know how to sew gold, so Bay Hammer.

Giving hand does not look at.

Kaba knew where he fell, here the straws fired.

The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.

Summer works for the winter, and winter - for the summer.

Who cares for children, he sheds a tear then.

For the scholars of three are unaccustomed, and they do not take.

In crowded but not mad.

What goes around comes around.

Prepare Sani in the summer, and the cart in winter.

Who knows a lot from that much and asks.

Get up early, digestively, it will be true.

Maybe somehow before the good will not bring.

Master's business is afraid.

Play, play, yes, you know the matter.

He graduated from the case - Goulai boldly.

Without difficult, do not pull out the fish out of the pond.

Envious eye sees far away.

Health cannot be bought - his mind gives.

Case time, fun hour.

Little day before the evening, if there is nothing to do.

Who does not work shall not eat.

In the summer you come down - in the winter you will not be enough.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Patience and a little effort.

Love to ride, love and sosochos to carry.

It will be a day - there will be food.

Human labor feeds, and Leng spoils.

After trying together, it will not be cargo.

Beware from troubles until they are.

Craft drink is not asking, but feeds itself.

Bel snow, and the legs are trampled, the black poppy, and people eat.

Child, though crooked, and father's father cute.

Not an ax that has a carpenter.

Do not sit back, it will not be boredom.

The day is bought to the evening, if there is nothing to do.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Without a case to live only the sky to smoke.

Put the idleness, do not postpone the case.

Do not rush to the tongue, hurry the case.

For all things, I will try skillfully.

Would hunt - will be a job work.

On the dress, they meet, in the mind they escort.

Letting learn - always useful.

And the power of the mind is inferior.

Smart went - some word tell me, the fool went three say, and he himself like him.

The smart head has one hundred hands.

The mind is good, and two are better.

Without a sun, you can not stay, without a nice you can not live.

What is the mind, such and speech.

In a smart conversation of the mind, it is in a stupid to lose their loss.

Know more, but speak less.

Stupid kitchen, and smart all fishing.

Krasnaya Bird is stump, and man teach.

The person is unaccustomed - that the ax is inaccurate.

Dunno lies, and Zica runs away.

Want to eat Kalachi, so do not sit on the furnace.

From the window of all the light do not look back.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Alphabet Science, and the guys beech.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

A friend argue, and the enemy gives up.

Do not recognize a friend at three days, find out three years.

Friend and brother - a great thing: do not take away soon.

I was a friend, I drank water - wealthy honey.

There is no friend, so look, but you will find, so take care.

New friends are on, and old do not lose.

For a friend, seven miles are not a gossip.

Without a friend of the orphan, with another family man.

Seven one is not waiting.

Horse is familiar with the grief, and for the trouble.

With the sun warm, with the mother is welcome.

There is no such friend like a native mother.

To which the treasure, if in the family of the way.

Bratsk love is better than stone walls.

Bird is glad spring, and mother's baby.

Izba children's cheerful.

The whole family together and the soul in place.

Maternal endless woman knows.

Maternal anger that spring snow: and much falls out, but soon melts.

At cute cataty a lot of names.

Grandma - one only grandfather is not grandson.

Good daughter Annushka, Ki praises mother da grandma

From one furnace, yes of the ease of Kalachi.

And from the good father, the sheep is beamed.

Bird in the nest until autumn, and children in the house until age.

From a bad seed, do not expect a good tribe.

Capricious as a child ugly in the years.

All are equal to kids - and guy, and girls.

Izba children's cheerful.

Picture of the artist Peter Breygel called "sayings".

Pattern of the artist Peter Breygel (1525 / 30-1569) called "sayings". The name speaks for itself, in the picture shows more than two dozen diverse instructive sayings. Here are some of them: beat your head about the wall, led each other behind the nose, pour beads in front of the pigs, stick sticks in the wheels, sit between two chairs, watch through your fingers, and others. Where in the picture is depicted, what a saying is looking for yourself.