Tatar tribes. Tatars - Interesting customs, Features of life

Tatar tribes. Tatars - Interesting customs, Features of life
Tatar tribes. Tatars - Interesting customs, Features of life

In our country there are many nations-strangers. It is not right. We should not be someone else's friend.
Let's start with the Tatars - the second in the number of the ethnos of Russia (almost 6 million of them).

1. Who are Tatars?

The history of the ethnonym "Tatars", as it often happened in the Middle Ages, is the history of ethnographic confusion.

In the 11-12 centuries, the steppe of Central Asia was inhabited by different Mongolian-speaking tribes: Nimans, Mongols, Keritites, Merkites and Tatars. The last nomads along the borders of the Chinese state. Therefore, in China, the Tatars name was postponed to other Mongolian tribes in the value of "Varvara". Actually, the Chinese, the Chinese called the White Tatars, who lived north of Mongols were called black tatars, and inhabit the Mongolian tribes in the Siberian forests - wild tatars.

At the beginning of the XIII century, Genghis Khan took a punitive campaign against the real Tatars for the poisoning of his father. The order was preserved, which Vladyka Mongols gave his soldiers: destroy everyone who is growing above the TV axis. As a result of this massacre, Tatars as military-political force were erased from the face of the earth. But, as evidenced by the Persian historian Rashid-Ad-Dean, "because of their extreme majority and honorary position, other Turkic childbirth, with all the differences in their discharges and names, became known under their name, and everyone was called Tatars."

Mongols themselves never called themselves Tatars. However, the Khorezmian and Arab merchants constantly inserted with the Chinese brought the name "Tatars" to Europe before the advent of Batu-Khan's troops. Europeans have come closer to the ethnonym "Tatars" with the Greek title of hell - Tartar. Later, European historians and geographers used the term Tartarium as a synonym for the "Barbast East". For example, on some European maps of the XV-XVI centuries, Moscow Rus is indicated as "Moscow Tartarium" or "European Tartarium".

As for the modern Tatars, they don't have absolutely no relation to the Tatars of the XII-XIII centuries by the Tatars of the XII-XIII. Volga, Crimean, Astrakhan and other modern Tatars inherited from Central Asian Tatars only name.

The modern Tatar people have no single ethnic root. Among his ancestors were Huns, Volga Bulgars, Kipchak, Nogai, Mongols, Kimaki and other Turkic-Mongolian peoples. But even more on the formation of modern Tatars had the influence of Finno-Ugry and Russians. According to anthropological data, more than 60% of the Tatars prevail the European-like features and only in 30% - Türco-Mongolian.

2. Tatar people in the Epoch of Genghisids

The emergence on the shores of Volga Ulus Juchi was an important milestone in the history of Tatars.

In the Epoch of Genghisids, Tatar history became truly worldwide. Reached perfection of the system of public administration and finance, postal (Yamsk) service inherited by Moscow. More than 150 cities arose where the endless half-step steppes recently extended. Some of their names sound like a magic fairy tale: Gulstan (country country), Shed (Palace), Aktyuba (White Arch).

Some cities in their size and population population are far exceeded Western European. For example, if Rome had 35 thousand inhabitants in the XIV century, and Paris - 58 thousand, the capital of the horde, the city of Sarai, more than 100 thousand. According to the testimony of Arab travelers, there were palaces, mosques, temples of other religions, schools, public gardens, baths, water supply. There lived not only merchants and warriors, but also poets.

All religions in the Golden Horde used the same freedom. According to the laws of Genghis-Khan, the death penalty was relying for insulting religion. The clergy of each religion was freed from paying taxes.

The contribution of the Tatar in military art is indisputable. It was they who taught Europeans not to neglect exploration and reserve.
In the era of the Golden Horde, a huge potential for the reproduction of Tatar culture was laid. But Kazan Khanate continued this way for the most part of inertia.

Among the fragments of the Golden Horde, who scattered along the borders of Russia, Kazan had the greatest importance for Moscow due to its geographical proximity. Discussed on the banks of the Volga, among the dense forests, the Muslim state was a kinda phenomenon. As state education, Kazan Khanate originated in the 1930s of the XV century and for a short term of its existence managed to show its cultural originality in the Islamic world.

3. Taking Kazan

The 120-year-old neighborhood of Moscow and Kazan was noted by fourteen major wars, not counting almost annual border skins. However, for a long time, both sides did not seek to conquer each other. Everything changed when Moscow realized himself "Third Rome", that is, the last defender of the Orthodox faith. Already in 1523, Metropolitan Daniel destroyed the further path of Moscow politics, saying: "The Grand Duke will take the entire land of Kazan." Three decades, Ivan Grozny performed this prediction.

On August 20, 1552, the 50,000-thousand Russian army was located under the walls of Kazan. The city defended 35 thousand selected warriors. About ten thousand Tatar riders were hidden in the surrounding forests and worried Russian sudden raids from the rear.

The siege of Kazan lasted five weeks. After the sudden attacks of the Tatars from the forest, the whole Russian army crossed cold autumn rains. Through the grooved warriors even thought that the bad weather was satisfied with the Kazan sorcerers, who, according to the testimony of Prince Kurbsky, when sunrise, went on the wall and worked out all sorts of hours.

All this time, the Russian warriors under the leadership of the Danish engineer are sporming a dope under one of the Kazan towers. On the night of October 1, the work was completed. In the subpople laid 48 barrels with gunpowder. At dawn hit a monstrous explosion. It was terrible to see, says the chronicler, a lot of insistered corpses and crippled people flying in the air on a terrible height!
Russian army rushed to the attack. The royal banners have already fluttering on urban walls, when Ivan Grozny himself came up to the city with the Guards Shelves. The presence of the king gave new forces to Moscow warriors. Despite the desperate resistance of the Tatars, in a few hours Kazan Pala. There were such a lot of those killed on both sides that in some places of piles of bodies lay in shorts with urban walls.

The death of Kazan Khanate did not mean the death of the Tatar people. On the contrary, it was precisely as part of Russia that the Tatar nation, which finally, was finally developed, the Republic of Tatarstan.

4. Tatars in Russian history and culture

The Moscow State never closed in the narrow national religious framework. Historians calculated that among the nine hundred of the most ancient noble gods of Russia, Velikors constitute only one third, while 300 surnames are immigrants from Lithuania, while the other 300 are from Tatar lands.

Moscow Ivan Grozny seemed to the Western European asian city not only in his unusual architecture and development, but also in the number of Muslims living in it. One English traveler who visited Moscow in 1557 and invited to the royal feast, noted that the first table was sitting the king and the sons and Kazan kings himself, for the second - Metropolitan Makarius with the Orthodox clergy, and the third table was entirely allocated to Circassian princes. In addition, two thousand noble Tatars have dated other chambers!

In the sovereign service, they were rendered not last. And there was no case that the Tatars in the Russian service change the Moscow king.

Subsequently, the Tatar childbirth gave Russia a huge number of representatives of the intelligentsia, prominent military and socio-political figures. I will call at least some surnames: Alyabyev, Arakcheev, Akhmatova, Bulgakov, Derzhavin, Milyukov, Michurin, Rachmaninov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Tatishchev, Chaadaev. The princes of Yusupov were direct descendants of the Kazan Tsaritsa Sunbik. Timiryazev comes from Ibrahim Timiryazev, the surname of which literally means "Iron Warrior". General Yermolov had his ancestor of Arslan-Murza Yermol. Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev wrote: "I am a purebred Tatar and along the Father's line and on the mother's line." He signed "Arslanbek", which translated "lion". You can enumerate indefinitely.

Over the centuries, the culture of Tatars was also herself in Russia, and now many of the originally Tatar words, household items, culinary dishes entered the consciousness of the Russian man as if their own. According to Valishevsky, entering the street, the Russian man put on shoe, Armyak, Zipun, Kaftan, Balyk, Cap. In a fight he put in business fist. Being judge, ordered to wear on the convicted candals And give it knuta. Going to the far path, he sat down in Sani yamchik. A, getting out of the postal sleigh, came in kabak, replaced by ancient Russian korchm.

5. Religion Tatar

After taking Kazan in 1552, the culture of the Tatar people remained primarily due to Islam.

Islam (in his Sunni version) is the traditional religion of Tatars. The exception is a small group, which in the XVI-XVIII centuries was facing Orthodoxy. They also call themselves: "Kryashen" - "baptized".

Islam in the Volga region established himself in 922, when the ruler of the Volga Bulgaria voluntarily turned to the Muslim faith. But an even greater importance was the "Islamic Revolution" of Uzbek Khan, which at the beginning of the XIV century made Muslim in the state religion of the Golden Horde (by the way, contrary to the laws of the Genghis Hana on the equality of religions). As a result, Kazan Khanate became the most northern stronghold of the World Islam.

In the Russian-Tatar story there was a sad period of acute religious confrontation. The first decades after the capture of Kazan were marked by persecutions on Islam and the violent plantation of Christianity among the Tatars. Only the reforms of Catherine II fully legalized the Muslim clergy. In 1788, the Orenburg Spiritual Assembly opened - the Muslim Office, with the center in Ufa.

In the XIX century, inside the Muslim clergy and the Tatar intelligentsia, the forces were gradually ripe, who felt the need for departure from the dogma of medieval ideology and traditions. The revival of the Tatar people began with the reform of Islam. This religious and renewed movement was called jadeidism (from Arabic al-Jadid - update, "new method").

Jadidism has become a significant contribution of the Tatar to modern world culture, an impressive demonstration of Islam's ability to modernization. The main outcome of the activities of Tatar religious reformers was the transition of Tatar society to Islam, purified from medieval fanaticism and meeting the requirements of time. These ideas were deeply penetrated into the crowd of the people, primarily through jadidist madrasas and printed products. Thanks to the activities of the jadidists, the Tatar at the beginning of the 20th century, Vera mainly separated from culture, and politics became an independent sphere, where the religion has already been subordinate. Therefore, today, Russian Tatars are in the full sense of the word with a modern nation, which is completely alien to religious extremism.

6. About Kazan Syrote and Uninvited Guest

Russians have long been said: "The old proverb is not afraid of it," because "on the proverb not a court, nor reprisals." It is not the best way to achieve an interethnic understanding of uncomfortable proverbs.

So, the "explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" Ushakov as follows explains the origin of the "Sirota Kazanskaya" expression: it was originally said "On the Tatar Mirza (princes), who became terrible after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate, Ivan Grozny, to get from the Russian kings all sorts of concern, complaining of her bitter fate" .

Indeed, Moscow sizards considered their duty to caress and train Tatar Murz, especially if they decided to change faith. According to the documents, such "Kazan orphans" received about a thousand rubles an annual salary. Whereas, for example, Russian drugs had only 30 rubles a year. Naturally, such a state of affairs gave rise to the envy of Russian seruners.

Later, Idioma "Kazan orphan" lost historical and ethnic stratum - so they began to talk about anyone who only pretties unhappy, seeking to cause sympathy.

Now - about Tatarine and Guest, which of them "worse", and who is "better."

Tatars of the times of the Golden Horde, if they happened to come to the subordinate country, behaved in it as the Lord. Our chronicles are full of stories about the oppression of Tatar Baskakov and the greed of the Khanian court. Russian people involuntarily accustomed to every Tatar, who came to the house, consider not so much a guest as the rapist. Then they began to say: "Guest on the yard - and trouble on the yard"; "And the guests did not know how the owner were tied up"; "The sewer is not great, and the guest will bring the chest - and the last will take." Well, and - "Uninvited Guest Worse than Tatar".

When the times changed, the Tatars in turn knew what he was Russian "Uninvited Guest". The Tatars also have a lot of offensive sayings about Russians. What can you do with this?

History is an irreparable past. What was, it was. Only the truth treats morals, politics, interethnic relations. But it should be remembered that the truth of history is not naked facts, but an understanding of the past in order to live correctly in the present and future.

7. Tatar Razba

Unlike other Turkic peoples, the Kazan Tatars centuries lived not in the yurts and kibits, but in the outgrow. True, in accordance with the general-Russian traditions, the Tatars preserved a way to separate the female half and a kitchen by a special curtain - Charshau. In the second half of the XIX century, a partition appeared instead of the old curtains in Tatar dwellings.

On the male half of the huts were the honorable place for guests and the place of the owner. It also highlighted space for recreation, a family table was covered, many homework were held: men were engaged in tailored, short craft, lapel weaving, women worked behind a weaving machine, triggered the threads, hung, rolled felt.

The front wall of the corner to the corner was occupied by wide scratches, on which soft down jackets, perins and pillows were resting, poorly replaced by felt. Nara in fashion and to this day, for them traditionally enshrined the honorable place. In addition, they are universal in their functions: can serve as a place of work, food, recreation.

The mandatory attribute of the interior was red or green chests. According to custom, they constituted the indispensable part of the dowry of the bride. In addition to the main purpose - storage of clothes, fabrics and other valuables - the chests markedly revived the interior, especially in combination with the bedding scenicly laid on them. In the outstands of the rich Tatars, the chests were so much that sometimes they were put on each other.

The next attribute of the interior of Tatar rural housing was a bright national feature, and characteristic only for Muslims. This is popular and universally revered Shamail, i.e. Written on glass or paper and inserted text from the Qur'an with the wishes of the world and the well-being of the family. The characteristic detail of the interior of the Tatar dwelling was also flowers on the windowsill.

Traditional Tatar villages (aules) are located along rivers and roads. These settlements are distinguished by the design of the development, the presence of numerous stupids. The buildings are located inside the estate, and the street forms a solid line of deaf fence. Externally, the Tatar horses almost do not distinguish between Russian - that's just the doors are not revealed in the Cell, but inside the hut.

8. Sabantuy

In the past, Tatars in their mass were rural. Therefore, their folk holidays were associated with the cycle of agricultural work. Like other agricultural peoples, the Spring has been particularly expected from the Tatar. This time of the year was celebrated by the holiday, which was called "Saban Tue" - "Plow Wedding".

Sabantuy is a very ancient holiday. In Alceaevsky district of Tatarstan, a tombstone was found, the inscription on which it says that the deceased reopened in 1120 on the day of Sabantua.

Traditionally, before the festival of youth and older men began to collect gifts to Sabantuy. The most valuable gift was considered a towel, which was obtained from young women who got married after the previous Sabantua.

The holiday itself was celebrated. The place of their holding was called "Maidan". The competition included jumps, running, long and height, national struggle of Korsech. Only men took part in all types of competitions. Women only observed from the side.

Competitions were carried out through the centuries developed by the Raunt. Started their jumps. Participation in them was considered prestigious, so all who could have been put on a rustic horse racing. The riders were the boys 8-12 years old. The start was arranged in the distance, and the finish is on the Maidan, where they were waiting for the participants of the holiday. The winner was given one of the best towels. The owners of the champs received separate prizes.

At the time when the riders went to the place of start, other competitions were held, in particular running. Participants were subdivided by age: boys, adult men, old men.

After the contests are completed, people diverged home to be treated with festive kushans. And a few days later, depending on the weather, proceeded to SEVA torn crops.

Sabantuy to this day remains the most beloved mass holiday in Tatarstan. The cities are a one-day holiday, and in the countryside it consists of two parts: gifts and Maidan collection. But if earlier Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginnings of spring field work (at the end of April), now - in honor of their ending, in June.

Each people have their own distinctive features that allow almost no mistake to determine the nationality of a person. It is worth noting that the Asian peoples are very similar to each other, since everyone is the descendants of the Mongoloid race. How can I define a tatar? What is the difference between the appearance of the Tatar?


Without a doubt, each person is unique, regardless of nationality. Nevertheless, there are some common features that combine representatives of race or nationality. Tatars accepted to refer to the so-called Altai family. This is the Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatar were known as farmers. Unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, the Tatars do not have pronounced features of the appearance.

The appearance of the Tatars and the change, which now appear in them, are caused in many ways to assimilate the Slavic peoples. True, among the Tatars sometimes found blonde, sometimes even red representatives. This, for example, cannot be said about Uzbeks, Mongols or Tajiks. Do the features of the eye of the Tatar? They do not have a narrow eye cut and dark skin. Are there any common features of the appearance of the Tatars?

Tatars description: a little history

The most ancient and crowded ethnic groups include Tatars. In the Middle Ages, mention of them bought everyone around: in the east of the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coast. Different scientists included mentioning the people in their works. The mood of these records was obviously polar: some wrote with an exquisite and admiration, other scientists showed out fear. But united all one thing - no one remained indifferent. It is obvious that it was the Tatars that had a huge impact on the development of Eurasia. They managed to create an original civilization that affected the most different cultures.

In the history of the Tatar people were both ups and downs. The periods of the world were replaced by the cruel time of bloodshed. The ancestors of modern Tatars took part in the creation of several strong states at once. Despite all the events of fate, they managed to maintain both their people and identity.

Ethnic groups

Thanks to the works of anthropologists, it became known that the ancestors of Tatars were not only representatives of the Mongoloid race, but also the Europeans. It was this factor that led to a variety of appearance. Moreover, the Tatars themselves are made to divide into groups: Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Khaska. Volga-Siberian Tatars, whose features have the greatest signs of the Mongoloid race, differ in the following signs: dark hair, pronounced cheekbones, brown eyes, wide nose, fold over the top of the century. Representatives of this type are few.

The face of the Volga Tatars oblong, cheekbones are not too pronounced. Eyes big and gray (or brown). Nose with a hubber, oriental type. The physique is correct. In general, the men of this group are quite tall and hardy. They don't have dark skin. Such is the appearance of the Tatar from the Volga region.

Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

The appearance of the Kazan Tatars is described as: A tightly folded strong man. Mongols are noticeable with a wide sulfur face and a slightly narrowed eye cut. Neck short and strong. Men rarely wear thick beard. Such features are explained by the merge of Tatar blood with different Finnish peoples.

The marriage rite is not similar to religious action. From religiousness - only reading the first chapter of the Quran yes special prayer. After marriage, the young girl does not immediately move into his spouse's house: another year she will live in his family. It is curious that her new-minced husband comes to her as a guest. Tatar girls are ready to wait their lover.

Only a few have two wives. And in cases where this happens, there are reasons: for example, when the first is already aged, and the second one is more young - now leads a household.

Most often there are European Tatars Tatars - owners of blond hair and light eyes. Nose is narrow, eagle or hidden. Growth is low - in women about 165 cm.


In the nature of the men-Tatar, some features were seen: hard work, choplost and hospitality bordering stubbornness, pride and indifference. Respect for the eldest - that's what is especially distinguished by Tatars. It was noted that the representatives of this people tend to be guided by the mind, adjusts to the situation, law-abiding. In general, the synthesis of all these qualities, especially hard work and perseverance, makes a man-Tatar very purposeful. Such people are able to achieve their career success. The work is brought to the end, have the habit of achieving their own.

Purebred Tatar seeks to receive new knowledge, showing enviable heaviness and responsibility. Crimean Tatars celebrates special indifference and calm in stressful situations. Tatars are very curious and talkative, but during the work stubbornly silent, apparently not to lose concentration.

One of the characteristic features is a self-esteem. It is manifested in that Tatar also considers himself special. As a result, some arrogance and even arrogance is observed.

Cleanity allocates Tatars. In their housing, they do not tolerate mess and dirt. Moreover, it does not depend on financial capabilities - both rich and poor Tatar maritimely monitors cleanliness.

My home is your home

Tatars - the people are very hospitable. Ready to take a person, regardless of his status, faith or national affiliation. Even with modest delta, they show welcoming hospitality, ready to divide a modest lunch with the guest.

Tatar women stand out with huge curiosity. They are attracted by beautiful clothes, they are watching other nationalities with interest, follow the fashion. Tatars are quite tied to their home, devote themselves to raising children.

Tatar women

What is amazing the creation - Tatar woman! In her heart, the immense, deepest love for her loved ones, to children. Her destination is to carry peace to people, serve as a model of peace and morality. A woman-tatar is distinguished by a feeling of harmony and special musicality. It radiates some spirituality and nobility of the soul. The inner world of Tatarka is full of wealth!

Tatar girls from the young years are aimed at strong, durable marriage. After all, they want to love her husband and raise future children behind the solid walls of reliability and confidence. No wisest says the Tatar saying: "A woman without a husband, that a horse without a zlond!" The word husband for her is the law. Although witty tatars are complemented - on any law, however, there is a correction! And yet these are loyal women who sacred traditions and customs. However, do not hope to see the Tatar in the Black Parandge - this is a stylish lady, which is characteristic of self-esteem.

The appearance of the Tatars is very well-groomed. Modnitsa in the wardrobe can be observed stylized things that emphasize its national affiliation. Here, for example, there are shoes that imitates chictek - national leather boots that wear Tatar girls. Another example is the applications where the patterns transmit the stunning beauty of the earthly flora.

And what about the table?

Woman Tatarka is an excellent hostess, loving, hospitable. By the way, a little about the kitchen. The Tatars National Kitchen is quite predictable in the fact that the basis of the main dishes is often the dough and fat. Even a lot of dough, a lot of fat! Of course, this is far from the most healthy nutrition, although guests are usually offered exotic dishes: Kasel (or dried horse), Gubady (is a puff pastry with a large variety of stuffs, from cottage cheese to meat), Talcisch-Kaleva (incredibly calorie dessert From flour, oils and honey). Squeeze all this rich treats can be anaran (a mixture of riding and water) or traditional tea.

Like men-Tatars, women are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals. Overcoming difficulties, they show seamless and resourcefulness. All this is complemented by great modesty, generosity and kindness. Truly, the Tatar woman is a great gift over!

Tatara (self-confession - tatt. Tatar, Tatar, MN. Tatarlar, Tatarlar) - Turkic people living in the central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Volga region, Ural, in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Xinjiang, Afghanistan and the Far East.

Tatars are the second ethnicity ( ethnoc. - Ethnic community) After the Russians and the most numerous people of Muslim culture in the Russian Federation, where the main arral of their settlement is the Volga-Uralsky. Within this region, the largest groups of Tatars are concentrated in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Language, writing

According to many historians, the Tatar people with a single literary and practically general conversational language have developed during the existence of a huge Turkic state - the Golden Horde. The literary language in this state was the so-called "Idel Terkis" or Old Tartar, based on the Kypchak-Bulgarian (Polovtsovsky) language and enabling elements of Central Asian literary languages. A modern literary language based on the middle dialect arose in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries.

In ancient times, the Turkic ancestors of Tatars enjoyed a rune letter, as evidenced by archaeological finds in the Ural and Middle Volga region. Since the voluntary adoption of Islam among the ancestors of Tatars, the Volga-Kammy Bulgarians - Tatars enjoyed Arab writing, from 1929 to 1939 - Latin graphics, since 1939, use Cyrillic with additional signs.

The earliest of the preserved literary monuments in the Old Tartar literary language (the poem Kul Gali "Kõys-and Yosif") was written in the XIII century. From the second half of the XIX century. A modern Tatar literary language begins to form, by the 1910s fully supplanted oldatar.

The modern Tatar language belonging to the Khupchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Kypchak Group of Turkic Language Family is divided into four dialects: Middle (Kazanskotatar), West (Mishar), East (Siberian Tatars language) and Crimean (Crimean Tatars language). Despite the dialectal and territorial differences in Tatars are a unified nation with a single literary language, a single culture - folklore, literature, music, religion, national spirit, traditions and rites.

Tatar nation in terms of literacy (ability to write and read in his own language) Before the 1917 coup, it took one of the leading places in the Russian Empire. Traditional thrust for knowledge has been preserved and at the current generation.

Tatars, like every major ethnos, have a rather complicated internal structure and consist of three ethno-territorial groups: Volgo-Ural, Siberian, Astrakhan Tatars and the subconfestional community of baptized Tatars. By the beginning of the XX century, the Tatars were the process of ethnic consolidation ( Consolidbuttion [Lat. Consolidatio, from Con (CUM) - together, at the same time and Solido - weaving, strengthen, grow], strengthening, strengthening anything; Association, cohesion of individuals, groups, organizations to enhance the struggle for general goals).

Popular culture of Tatars, despite its regional variability (it varies from all ethnic groups), in its basis one. People's term Tatar language (consisting of several dialects) is based on a single one. From XVIII - on the beginning of the XX centuries. There was a nationwide (the so-called "high") culture with a developed literary language.

The consolidation of the Tatar nation had a strong impact of the high migration activity of the Tatar from the Volga-Ural region. So, by the beginning of the XX century. 1/3 of the Astrakhan Tatars consisted of immigrants, many of them were mixed (through marriages) with local Tatars. The same position was observed in Western Siberia, where by the end of the XIX century. About 1/5 of the Tatars were immigrants from the Volga region and the Urals, also intensely mixed with indigenous Siberian Tatars. Therefore, today the allocation of "pure" Siberian or Astrakhan Tatars is almost impossible.

Crashing are allocated by their religious affiliation - they are Orthodox. But all other ethnic parameters unite them with the rest of the Tatars. In general, religion is not an ego formation factor. The basic elements of the traditional culture of baptized Tatars are the same as the other neighboring groups of Tatars.

Thus, the unity of the Tatar nation has deep cultural roots, and today the presence of Astrakhan, Siberian Tatars, Kryashen, Mishar, Nagaybakov has a purely historical and ethnographic value and cannot serve as a basis for allocating independent peoples.

Tatar ethnos has an ancient and bright history, closely associated with the history of all the peoples of the Ural - Volga region and in Russia as a whole.

The original culture of Tatars adequately entered the treasury of world culture and civilization.

The traces of it we find in the traditions and the language of the Russians, Mordvy, Mari, Udmurt, Bashkir, Chuvash. At the same time, the National Tatar culture synthesizes the achievements of the Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Indoran peoples (Arabs, Slavs and others).

Tatars are one of the most moving peoples. Because of the landflower, frequent faults in the homeland and traditional traction to trade before 1917, they began to move into various regions of the Russian Empire, including in the province of Central Russia, to Donbass, to East Siberia and the Far East, North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. This migration process intensified during the years of Soviet rule, especially in the period of the "great stations of socialism." Therefore, at present, there is not a single subject of the federation in the Russian Federation where the Tatars live. Even in the pre-revolutionary period, Tatar national communities were formed in Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, China. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, Tatars who lived in the former Union Republics - Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine were found in the near abroad. Already at the expense of reemigrants from China. In the middle of the 20th century, Tatar national diasporas in the USA, Japan, Australia, Sweden were formed from the middle of the 20th century.

Culture and life of the people

Tatars are one of the most urban peoples of the Russian Federation. The social groups of Tatars living in both cities and in villages are almost no different from those that exist from other peoples, primarily among the Russians.

In terms of lifestyle, Tatars do not differ from other surrounding peoples. Modern Tatar ethnos originated in parallel with the Russian. Modern Tatars are the Turkic-speaking part of the indigenous population of Russia, which, due to the larger territorial approach, chose not Orthodoxy, and Islam.

The traditional housing of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Viurala was the cutter hopping, fenced off from the street by the fence. The external facade was decorated with multicolor painting. In the Astrakhan Tatars, which preserved some of their steppe cattle products, yurt's summer housing was told as summer housing.

Like many other peoples, rites and holidays of the Tatar people largely depended on the agricultural cycle. Even the names of the time of the year were denoted by the concept associated with one or another work.

Many ethnologists celebrate the unique phenomenon of Tatar tolerance, which consists in the fact that in the entire history of the existence of the Tatars, they were not the initiators not a single conflict on ethnic and religious grounds. The most famous ethnologists and researchers are confident that tolerance is the unchanged part of the Tatar national nature.

We all know that our country is a multinational state. Of course, the main part of the population is Russians, but, as you know, Tatars are the second ethnicity and the most numerous people of Muslim culture in Russia. Do not forget that the Tatar ethnos originated in parallel with the Russian.

To date, Tatars make up a little more than half of the population of their National Republic - Tatarstan. At the same time, the considerable number of Tatars lives outside of the RT - in Bashkortostan -1.12 million, in Udmurtia -110.5 thousand, in Mordovia - 47.3 thousand, in Mari El - 43.8 thousand, Chuvashia - 35.7 thousand. In addition, Tatars also live in the fields of the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia.

Where did the name of the ethnos - "Tatars"? This question is considered very relevant at present, since there are many different interpretations of this ethnonym. We will give the most interesting.

Many historians and researchers believe that the name "Tatars" occurred from the name of the great influential genus "Tat", from which many Turkic spearar devices "Golden Horde" originated.

But the famous Turkologist D.E. Emelev believes that the origin of the word "Tatars" is somehow connected with the ancient Turkish word and the people. "TAT", according to the ancient Turkic chronicist Mahmud Kashgari, the name of the ancient Filiarity. Kashgari said that Turks called those who speak Farsi, that is, in Iranian. Thus, it turns out that the initial meaning of the word "TAT" was probably "PERS", but then this word in Russia began to denote all the eastern and Asian peoples.

Despite his disagreements, historians settle in one - the ethnonym "Tatars", of course, of ancient origin, however, as the name of the modern Tatars, he was accepted only in XIV. The current Tatars (Kazan, Western, Siberian, Crimean) are not direct descendants of the ancient Tatars who came to Europe along with the troops of Genghis Khan. They have developed into a single nation, only after they gave the name "Tatars" European peoples.

Thus, it turns out that the complete decryption of the ethnonym "Tatars" is still waiting for its researcher. Who knows, perhaps you will ever give exactly the explanation of the origin of this ethnonym. In the meantime, let's talk about the culture of Tatars.

It is impossible to pass by the fact that the Tatar ethnic has an ancient and bright history.
The original culture of Tatars, beyond any doubt, entered the treasury of world culture and civilization. Judge themselves, traces of this culture we find in the traditions and language of Russians, Mordvy, Mari, Udmurtov, Bashkir, Chuvash, and the National Tatar culture synthesizes all the best achievements of the Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Indoran peoples. How did it happen?

The thing is that Tatars are one of the most moving peoples. Unnecessaries, frequent faults in their homeland and traditional traction for trade led to the fact that before 1917 they began to move into various regions of the Russian Empire. In the years of Soviet rule, this migration process was only intensified. That is why, at present, there is not a single subject of the federation in Russia, wherever the representatives of the Tatar ethnos were there.

Tatar diasporas were formed in a variety of countries around the world. In the pre-revolutionary period, Tatar national communities were formed in countries such as Finland, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, China. After the collapse of the USSR, the Tatars who lived in the former Union republics were also abroad - in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, in Ukraine and in the Baltic countries. Later, in the middle of the 20th century, Tatar national diasporas were formed in the USA, Japan, Australia, Sweden.

According to the majority of historians, the Tatar people directly with a single literary and practically general conversational language have developed during the existence of such a Turkic state as a golden horde. The literary language in this state was the so-called "Idel Terkis", that is, an old assembly, based on Kypchak-Bulgarian language and enabling elements of Central Asian literary languages. The modern literary language arose in the second half of the XIX and early XX centuries based on the middle dialect.

The development of the letter from the Tatar was also phased. Archaeological finds in the Ural region and the Middle Volga testify that in ancient times the Turkic ancestors of Tatars enjoyed the Runic letter. Since the voluntary adoption of Islam Volzhsko-Kammy Bulgars - Tatars enjoyed Arab writing, later, in 1929 - 1939 - Latin graphics, well, since 1939, they use traditional Cyrillic with additional signs.

The modern Tatar language belongs to the Kypchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Kypchak Group of Turkic Language Family. It is divided into four main dialects: medium (Kazanskotatar), West (Mishar), East (Siberian Tatars) and Crimean (Crimean Tatars language). Do not forget that almost in every area, in each village there is a special mini-dialect. Nevertheless, despite the dialectal and territorial differences, the Tatars are a single nation with a single literary language, a single culture - folklore, literature, music, religion, national spirit, traditions and rites. It is noteworthy that the Tatar nation in terms of literacy even before the 1917 coup was held one of the leading places in the Russian Empire. I want to believe that the traditional traction for knowledge has been preserved and at the current generation.


Chapter 1. Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars

Chapter 2. Turkic Tatar theory of ethnogenesis Tatars and a number of alternative points of view


List of used literature


At the end of the 19th - early 20 century. In the world and in the Russian Empire, a public phenomenon developed - nationalism. Which carried out the idea that a person is very important to calculate himself to a certain social group - nation (nationality). Under the nation understood the generality of the territory of the settlement, culture (especially, a single literary language), anthropological traits (body structure, face features). Against the background of this idea, each of the social groups had a struggle for the preservation of culture. Herald of nationalism ideas became the originating and developing bourgeoisie. At this time, such a struggle was conducted in Tatarstan - world social processes did not bypass our region.

Unlike revolutionary shouts of the first quarter of 20 V. And the last decade of the 20th century, which used very emotional terms - nation, nationality, people, in modern science it is customary to use a more cautious term - an ethnic group, ethnos. This term carries in itself all the same community of language and culture, as well as the people, and nation, and nationality, but does not need to be specified or the size of the social group. However, belonging to any ethnic group is still an important social aspect for a person.

If you ask for a passerby in Russia, what kind of nationality he is, then, as a rule, passerby with pride to answer that he is Russian or Chuvash. And, of course, from those who be proud of their ethnic origin will be Tatar. But what will mean this word - "Tatar" - in the mouth of the utmost. In Tatarstan, not everyone who counts themselves to Tatars says and reads in Tatar. Not everyone looks like a Tatar with a generally accepted point of view - mixing the features of Caucasian, Mongolian and Finno-Ugric anthropological types, for example. Among the Tatars there are Christians, and many atheists, and not everyone who considers themselves Muslim, read Quran. But all this does not prevent the Tatar ethnic group to preserve, develop and be one of the most distinctive in the world.

The development of national culture entails the development of the history of the nation, especially if we have prevented the study of this story for a long time. As a result, the unlawful, and sometimes vowel, ban on the study of the edge, entailed a particularly rapid surge of Tatar historical science, which is also observed to this day. The pluralism of opinions and lack of actual material led to the folding of several theories trying to combine the largest number of well-known facts. No just historical doctrines have been formed, and several historical schools who carry a scientific dispute. At first, historians and publicists were divided into "Bulgarists", who considered the Tatars that occurred from the Volga Bulgarians, and Tatarists, who considered the period of folding the Tatar nation, the period of the existence of the Kazan Khanate and denying participation in the formation of the Bulgarian nation. Subsequently, another theory appeared, on the one hand, contrary to the first two, and on the other - uniting all the best of the existing theories. She was called "Turko Tatar".

As a result, we can, relying on the key points designated above, formulate the purpose of this work: to reflect the greatest range of points of view on the origin of the Tatars.

Tasks can be divided according to the points under consideration:

Consider the Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars;

Consider the Turkic Tatar point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars and a number of alternative points of view.

The names of chapters will correspond to the designated tasks.

point Vision Ethnogenesis Tatars

Chapter 1. Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars

It should be noted that in addition to the language and cultural community, as well as common anthropological devils, historians pay a considerable role to the origin of statehood. So, for example, the beginning of Russian history consider not archaeological cultures of the Dlavyansky period and not even the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs that moved in 3-4 centuries, and the Kiev Rus, which pretended to the 8th century. For some reason, a considerable role in the formation of culture is given to the dissemination (official adoption) of a monotheistic religion, which happened in Kievan Rus in 988, and in the Volga Bulgaria in 922, Bulgar-Tatar theory occurred, first of all of such prerequisites.

Bulgaro-Tatar theory is based on the situation that the ethnic basis of the Tatar people was the Bulgarian ethnos, which established on the Middle Volga region and the Ural of VIII. n. e. (Recently, some supporters of this theory began to attribute the appearance of the Turkic-Bulgarian tribes in the region to the VIII-VII centuries. BC. e. and earlier) The most important provisions of this concept are formulated as follows. The main ethnocultural traditions and the peculiarities of the modern Tatar (Bulgaro-Tatar) of the people were formed during the Volga Bulgaria (X-XIII century), and in the subsequent time (Goldenordinsky, Kazanskokhansky and Russian periods), they underwent only minor changes in language and culture. The principalitys (Sultanates) of the Volga Bulgar, being in the Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde), enjoyed a significant political and cultural autonomy, and the influence of the Ordan ethnopolitical system of power and culture (in particular, literature, art and architecture) was considered a purely external influence that did not provide Noticeable influence on the Bulgarian society. The most important consequence of the domination of Ulus Juchi was the disintegration of the Unified State of the Volga Bulgaria to a number of possessions, and the Unified Bulgarian Nature - into two ethno-territorial groups ("Bulgaro-Burtasa" Ulus Mushcha and "Bulgars" of the Volga-Kama Bulgarian principalities). During the period of the Kazan Khanty, Bulgarian ("Bulgaro-Kazansky") Ethnos strengthened the early Domongol ethnocultural features, which continued to be traditionally preserved (including the self-configuration "Bulgars") until the 1920s, when he was forcibly imposed on the Tatar bourgeois nationalists and Soviet government. Etnonym "Tatars".

Let us dwell more. First, the migration of the tribes from the northern Caucasus footage after the decay of the state of the Great Bulgaria. Why is Bulgarians currently assimilated by the Slavs, became Slavic people, and Volzhsky Bulgarians - Turkic Population, who has gained living before them in this area? Is it possible that the enlightened Bulgar was much larger than local tribes? In this case, the postulate that the Turkic-speaking tribes penetrated this territory long before the appearance of the Bulgarians - during the times of Kimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatov, Gunnov, Khazar, looks much more logical. The history of the Volga Bulgaria begins not with the fact that the nagged tribes founded the state, and with the association of the doors of the cities - the capitals of tribal unions - Bulgar, Bilyar and Suwara. The traditions of statehood also did not necessarily proceed from the seed tribes, since the local tribes adjacent to the powerful ancient states - for example, the Scythian kingdom. In addition, the provision that Bulgarians assimilated local tribes contradicts the provision that the Bulgarians themselves were not assimilated by Tatar-Mongols. As a result, Bulgaro-Tatar theory breaks about the fact that Chuvashsky is much closer to the ancient Bulgarian than Tatar. And the Tatars today speak the Turkic-Kipchak adveria.

However, the theory and advantages are not devoid. For example, the anthropological type of Kazan Tatars, especially men, relates them to the peoples of the North Caucasus and indicates the origin of the face - nose with a humpkin, a European-like type - precisely in the mountainous terrain, and not in Steppe.

Prior to the early 90s of the 20th century, the Bulgarian Tatar theory of ethnogenesis of the Tatar people was actively developed by the whole of pleate scientists, among which A. P. Smirnov, H. G. Gimadi, N. F. Kalinin, L. Z. Zalya, in . Yusupov, T. A. Trofimova, A. H. Khalikov, M. Z. Zakiev, A. G. Karimullin, S. Kh. Alishev.

The theory of Tatar-Mongolian origin of the Tatar people is based on the fact of resettlement to Europe of the nomadic Tatar-Mongolian (Central Asian) ethnic groups, which, mixed with Kypchak and adopted during the Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde) Islam, created the basis of the culture of modern Tatars. The origins of the theory of Tatar-Mongolian origin of the Tatars should be sought in medieval chronicles, as well as in folk legends and epic. The greatness of the Mongolian and Golden Chanis-based powers, the Presents says in Genghis Khan, Aksak-Timur, Epos about Igee.

Supporters of this theory deny, or inhabit the meaning of the Volga Bulgaria and its culture in the history of the Kazan Tatars, believing that the Bulgaria was a weakly mastered state, without urban culture and with superficially Islamized population.

During the period of Ulus Juchi, the local Bulgarian population was partially exterminated or, retaining paganism, moved to the outskirts, and the main part was attached to the assimilation by the sucked Muslim groups that brought urban culture and the language of Kipchak type.

Here, again, it should be noted that, in the opinion of many historians, Kipchak were irreconcilable enemies with Tatar-Mongols. With both the campaign of the Tatar-Mongolian troops - under the leadership of Subedes and Batu - was aimed at the defeat and destruction of the Kipchak tribal. In other words, the Kipchak tribes during the period of Tatar-Mongolian invasions were exterminated or ousted on the outskirts.

In the first case, the exterminated boils, in principle, could not cause the formation of the nationality within the Volga Bulgaria, in the second case, the theory is illogical to call Tatar-Mongolian, since the Kipchaks did not relate to the Tatar-Mongols and were a completely different tribe, albeit the Turkic-speaking.