Beautiful, modern, Russian male names. Male names for a child

Beautiful, modern, Russian male names.  Male names for a child
Beautiful, modern, Russian male names. Male names for a child

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is an important and responsible task. The fate of the baby depends on the decision of the parents. When choosing names for boys, it should be borne in mind that the name should reflect natural human qualities, be harmonious, go well with last name. In the old days, children were given a name according to the holy calendar. Currently, some believing parents adhere to this, others often name their children based on family traditions and personal preferences.

The name given to the baby determines the character and fate of the child. Since ancient times, the name of the baby was given special meaning. The name is associated with many different beliefs and customs. It is believed that you should not give the baby the name of a deceased relative, you can repeat his fate. However, many families have tradition of naming a child after his father, grandfather. The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person, so that the child takes an example from him and grows up to be a good person himself.

The meaning, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference should be taken into account. How to choose a name so that the boy calls it with pride, so that it evokes a benevolent reaction from other people. ancient sages linked the fate of the boy with his name. given name became a kind of amulet, the true was hidden from everyone until a certain time. A fictitious middle name was given to the baby so that the child would not be jinxed, the best happy share would not be taken away from him.

The name may indicate that the little man belongs to a particular nation. Depending on the character, it is able to emphasize the talent, dignity of its owner. Some names form male features, emphasize power, strength, others express the love of parents for children, a connection with nature. There are different approaches to choose from. Someone looks at the calendar, others at popularity, each nation has its own traditions. When a person is satisfied with a name, it helps him achieve his life goals. When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names following fashion. The most common and popular male names names are considered today:

  • Maksim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrey.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexei.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matthew.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child himself likes such names, and he calls his name with joy. Many parents prefer to call their babies by well-established, time-tested old names. Long names are shortened. Preference is given traditional names. The religious factor also affects the popularity of the name. Easy-to-understand names are becoming common. Fashion for boys names can change the established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not go out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in every nation. Use your intuition and common sense when choosing a name for your child. To make it sound good should say it out loud, listen to how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. You should think about the middle name that the future man will give to his children so that it does not sound extravagant to the ear.

An overly unusual name can lead to ridicule at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows up and possibly takes a leadership position, to him will be addressed by full name. A favorable combination of a name with a patronymic plays important role. An adult male is addressed by his first name. It is necessary to choose an easy-to-pronounce combination.

If the middle name is of medium length, the name will do the same in size. With a long patronymic, it is better to choose short name. For example, Lev Evgenievich goes well. Nationality must be taken into account. Some parents name their sons after a famous actor or famous hero stories. Better not to do it. Every man lives his own destiny.

You should not call the boy the same name as his father. It's not the best combination. Repetition enhances the energy of the name and properties inherent in the character of the spouse. This creates confusion in communication when 2 people have the same name.

Since ancient times, people with certain names have been hardy, strong, reached the heights in life. These qualities are appreciated at all times. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong male names for their children. These include:

Strong names include: Igor, Ruslan. Eugene, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with a patronymic, are beautifully pronounced and have powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual names without thinking about their meaning and how a boy can live with it. Parents name the child in such a way that even the registry office employees refuse to register it under that name. Muscovites who were born received such unusual names as Mir, Justin, Cosmos, Elka. Choosing names for boys, sometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology, they name the child in honor of famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR, at the dawn of communism, strange names were given. Tractor, Kim. Unusual names coined in those years are unlikely to be used. For example - Vladlen in honor of Vladimir Lenin, Pofistal - meant: The winner of fascism, Joseph Stalin. In the US, there is a real boom in unusual names. What you should know when choosing rare names, what are the recommendations of psychologists, the nuances, you need to think about this. Some rare names resonant and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomir (loving world).
  • Yaroslav (bright glory).
  • Damir (giving peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

Choosing the right name is important factor influencing the future life path child.

According to the Orthodox Church, from the very birth of the child, the Guardian Angel protects. In Rus' it was accepted name the child after that saint, on the day of memory of which the baby was born. Often parents choose bright names historical figures. Such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav were called Slavic princes. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nicholas is the conqueror of nations.
  • George is a farmer.
  • Fedor is a gift from God.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexei is a defender.

Russians are closer to Russian traditions. Often boys are called Yaroslav, Elisha, Svyatoslav. In our time, they are increasingly turning to the origins of Russian history, recalling the names of the ancient Slavs who became part of it. Russian names have good value and understandable to any person.

Birth of a child - significant event for all family members. Choosing a name is a crucial moment. Today in the arsenal there is a huge number of names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual in sound. The information provided will help you find the right solution. And you chose names for boys: strong, cool. The most Russian name, or any others? Read more about names below.

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On this page: Kazimir, Kai (Gai), Kallinik, Kalina, Kallistrat, Kapiton, Karl, Karp, Kaspar, Kasyan, Kosma (Kuzma), Kim, Kindin (Akindin), Cyprian, Cyrus, Kirei, Kiriak, Kirill, Kirsan (Chrysanthus), Kiryan, Claudius, Klim, Clement, Clement, Kondrat, Konon, Conrad, Konstantin, Korney, Kornil, Christian, Xavier, Xenophon, Kuzma, Kupriyan // Laurus, Lawrence, Ladimir, Ladislav, Lazarus, Larion (Illarion , Hilarion), Leo (Leo, Leon), Leonard, Leonid, Leonty, Leopold, Login (Logvin, Longin), Luka, Lukyan, Lyubim, Lubomir

Kazim and p(see Slavic names)

Kai (see Guy)

Call and nick, Kali on
Godfather orthodox name : Callie nickname
: “Beautiful winner”, “winner of glorious
victory "(kalli + nikos, other Greek)
Middle name education: Kallinikovich, Kallinikovna; Kalinich, Kalinichna
Conversational options: Kalina, Kalinka, Kalenka, Kalechka, Kalya, Kalin, Lin, Lin, Molt,
Linik, Kalinushka, Kalinochka, Kalinik, Kalenik, Kanya, Kan, Kanushka, Nick, Nika, Nikasha
- Martyr Kallinikos of Cilicia, July 29 / August 11
- St. Kallinikos, Patriarch of Constantinople, August 23 / September 5
: Callinicus
: Callinicus, Kallinikos
Kallinik, Kalina - very rare names (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Callistre a t
Godfather Orthodox name: Callistra t
Meaning, origin of the name: “Beautiful army, army” (calli + stratos, other Greek),
in meaning very close to the name Evstra t
Middle name education: Kallistratovich, Kallistratovna
Conversational options: Kalya, Kalist, Alya, Alik, Istrat, Kalenka, Kalechka, Kalist,
Callist, Calistka, Tracing paper, Calis, Alice, Alka, Calistar, Listrat
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Callistratus of Byzantium, September 27 / October 10
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches : Callistratus, Callistratus
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Callistratus is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Kapit He
Godfather Orthodox name: Capito n
Meaning, origin of the name: "Heady", "big-headed" (capito, lat.)
Middle name education: Kapitonovich, Kapitonovna
Conversational options: Kapa, ​​Kapochka, Kapchik, Kapusha, Kaposhka, Kaposhka, Kapitosha,
Kapitokha, Kapitoshenka, Kapitoshka, Tosha, Tokha, Toshenka, Toshik, Tonchik, Tonya
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Capito of Olivria (Constantinople), August 12/25
- Hieromartyr Kapiton of Chersonesos, March 7/20
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Capito (at the end o)
Modern English counterparts: Capito
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kapiton is a rare name (about 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: In Europe, the names Karl are widespread,
TO a rlo, Carlos, Carrol, Caroy, Karel, Charles, Charles, etc. Source for all
of them is the ancient Germanic name Karl, meaning "warrior, warrior, warrior"
(there is an assumption that it can also mean "free man").
The Latinized forms of the name were Karolus and Carolus (Emperor Karl
Great in German - Karl der Grosse, in Latin - Carolus Magnus). french
the form of the name is Charles (Charles), it also passed to the British - Charles (Charles). Name
worn by such a large number of European supreme rulers that in a number of countries it
became associated with the very concept of "king" and "royal power", for example,
Charles I Stuart (English) and Charles XII (Swedish) in Russia are called "King", in
Czech Republic - "kral", Poland "krol", Latvian "karalis", while English, Swedish,
the French, German and Swedish "kings" of Charles actually bore titles
king (king), kung (kung), roi (rua), koenig (koenig)
Middle name education: Karlovich, Karlovna
Conversational options: Karlusha, Karlusya, Karlus, Carlos, Karchik, Karlunya, Kari,
Karel, Charlie, Chuck, Karolek, Lolek, Lyolek, King, Charlemagne
Modern English counterparts: Charles // Charlie, Chuck, Chip, Chaz, Chas, Char,
Chucky Chase
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:

Godfather Orthodox name: Carp
Meaning, origin of the name: "Fruit", "grain" (Greek). In Greek mythology
the name Karpos belonged to the god of fruits, who was the son of Zeus and the goddess of flowers
Chlorides (Flora)
Middle name education: Karpovich, Karpovna
Conversational options: Karpusha, Karpunya, Karpusya, Karpus, Karpushka, Karpushka,
Karpukha, Karpenka, Karpik, Carp, Karputka
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Holy Apostle Carp, Bishop of Beria (Macedonian), May 26 / June 8
- Hieromartyr Carp of Thyatira, October 13/26
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: carpus
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Karp is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Casp a r
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: This is the name of one of the three magi ("three kings"),
who came with gifts to bow to the baby Jesus. Main European variants
pronunciation and spelling of the name - Kaspa p / Kaspar (German); Ka sper / Kasper, Casper,
Kacper (Danish, Swedish, Polish); Gaspar / Gaspard (French), Jasper / Jasper (English).
It is believed that the name comes from the Persian and Chaldean gizbar - "guardian
Middle name education: Kasparovich, Kasparovna
Conversational options: Kas, Kasper, Kas, Kasik, Kasya, Kaska, Kaspi
Modern English counterparts: Caspar, Casper, Jasper // Cap, Cappy, Caps, Cas, Caspy,
Jas, Jaz, Jazzy, Jax, Jay
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Borrowed European name, in Russia is very rare

Kas i n
Godfather Orthodox name: Cassia n
Meaning, origin of the name: “From the genus Kassiev”, “descendant of Cassius” (lat.). Cassius is
Roman generic name, its literal meaning "one who wears a helmet", "wearing a helmet"
Middle name education: Kasyanovich, Kasyanovna
Conversational options: Cassius, Cassius, Kasya, Kasyan, Kasechka, Kasenka, Kasik, Kasyasha,
Kasyanka, Kasatik, Kasatka, Mowing, Koska
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Rev. Cassian the Greek, Wonderworker of Uglich, May 21 / June 3; October 2 / 15
- St. Cassian the Roman, February 29 / March 13 (since the celebration of this
saint by church calendar falls on February 29, then real name days can
be only once every 4 years - on leap years)
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cassian
Modern English counterparts: Cassius, Cassian // Cass, Cash, Cashy, Cassio, Cain,
Cian, Ian
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kasyan is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: In the USSR, this male name was popular for the first
years after the revolution of 1917, then it was deciphered as "Communist
Youth International". In Europe and the USA, the name Kim is equally
male and female (for example, intelligence officer Kim Philby, actress Kim Basinger).
This name in Europe was first used as a diminutive of the names Kimball,
Kimberly and then became a personal name in its own right. Special love name and
the surname Kim is used by Koreans, Vietnamese, Chinese
Middle name education: Kimovich, Kimovna
Conversational options: Kim, Kimushka, Kimchik, Kimochka, Kimka, Kimcha, Kimmy
Modern English counterparts: Kim // Kimmie, Kimmy, Kym
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kim is a rare name (about 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Kind and n(see Akindi n)

Cypri a n(see Kupriya n)

Cyrus, Cyrus to her
Godfather Orthodox name: Cyrus
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Cyrus has been known since ancient times. wore it
Cyrus the Great (circa 500 BC), the first king of the Achaemenid state, who conquered
a significant part of the front and Central Asia. The name meant "Sun" or "similar
the sun, like the sun. In transcription from the Old Persian language, it looked like
something like this: Kurush, Kuros, Khor (Kurush, Kuros, Khor). Greek spelling
name - Κυρος (Kyros), in Latin - Cyrus
Note: The Russian name Kirei in the old days was formed not only from the church name
Cyrus, but also from others - Cyril, Kiriak, Kirik, as well as the Tatar personal name Giray
Middle name education: Kirovich, Kirovna; Kireevich, Kireevna
Conversational options: Kira, Kirya, Kirka, Kirei, Kireyka, Kirenka, Kira, Kiryusha,
Kiryushka, Kiryushka, Kirunya, Kirus, Kirok, Kirik, Kiryukha, Kiryka, Kiryasha,
Kiryasha, Kirek, Kiryonok, Kiryosha, Kiryoshka
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Cyrus of Alexandria, doctor, January 31 / February 13; June 28 / July 11
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cyrus
Modern English counterparts: Cyrus (in Russian Cyrus) // Cy (in Russian Cy), Cyro
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kir is a rare name (about 1 in 10,000 newborn boys), the name Kirei is still
rarer (less than 1 in 10,000)

Kiri a to(see Kirya n)

Cyrus and ll
Godfather Orthodox name: Kirill
Meaning, origin of the name: The name comes from the Greek name Cyrillos (Κύριλλος
- "powerful, commanding, commanding"). The name is based on the word kirios (κυριος
- "lord", "lord", "power", "strength")
Middle name education: Kirillovich, Kirillovna
Conversational options: Kiril, Kiryusha, Kirilka, Kira, Kirya, Kiryasha, Cyrus, Kirenka,
Kirechka, Kirochka, Kirunya, Kirey, Kireyka, Kiryushka, Kiryushka, Kirusha, Kirok,
Kirik, Kiryukha, Kiryakha, Kirka, Kirka, Kirila, Kirilo, Kirill, Kirillo,
Kirilchik, Kirilushka, Kirilochka, Kirilonka
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- St. Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, January 18/31; June 9 / 22
- Rev. Kirill, Abbot of Beloezersky, June 9/22
- Holy Martyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortynsky, July 9/22; September 6 / 19
- St. Cyril, Bishop of Catania, March 21 / April 3
- Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril, teacher Slovenian, February 14/27; May 11/24 (his
brother was a saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius Moravian)
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cyril
Modern English counterparts: Cyril, Cyrillus // Cy (in Russian Sai), Kiril, Kirill
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
The name Kirill is in a very high 7th place in the popularity rating of men
names (approximately 350 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Kirs a n, Chris nf
Godfather Orthodox name: Chrissa nf
Meaning, origin of the name: Chrysanthus is a Greek name meaning "golden-colored",
“golden flower”, “golden flower” (chrysos - gold, anthos, anphos - flower). Kirsan - Russian
folk and literary (passport) form of the name Chrysanth
Middle name education: Kirsanovich, Kirsanovna; Khrisanfovich, Khrisanfovna
Conversational options: Kirsanya, Kirsasha, Sasha, Kirsanka, Kirsanushka, Chris,
Krisan, Khrisan, Khrisanya, Khris, Khrysa, Chrysant, Khrisanochka, Khrisanushka, Khrisanka,
Khrisenka, Sant, Sanf, Sanya, Sanya, Sanyushka, Sanka, Rusan, Kira, Kirya, Kira,
Kirochka, Kirenka, Kiryasha, Kiryusha, Kirusha
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Chrysanthus of Rome, March 19 / April 1
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Chrysanthus
Modern English counterparts: Chrysanthus, Chrysanth
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kirsan and Chrysanth are very rare names (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

kiri i n
Godfather Orthodox name: Kyria k
Meaning, origin of the name: "Day of the Lord (Sunday)", i.e. "Sunday",
"born on Sunday" - from the Greek Κυριακος (Kyriakos)
Middle name education: Kiryanovich, Kiryanovna
Conversational options: Kiryasha, Kiryasha, Kiryashenka, Kiryak, Kira, Kirya, Kirenka,
Kirochka, Kironka, Kiryusha, Kiryushka, Kiryushka, Kirunya, Kirei, Kirok, Kirik,
Kiryukha, Kirka, Kirka, Kirek, Kiryonok
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Hieromartyr Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, October 28 / November 10
- Venerable Cyriacus of Palestine, hermit, September 29 / October 12
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cyriacus
Modern English counterparts: Cyriak, Cyriac, Syriack
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kiryan is a rare name (about 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Cl and vdiy
Godfather Orthodox name: Claudius
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Claudius is of Latin origin.
Appius Claudius Sabinus of Regille was the founder of the Roman dynasty of the Claudians.
who lived in 540-480 BC. He was from the city of Regill, from the tribe of the Sabines.
His original name was Atta Claus (Atta Clausus), but after in 495 he became
Roman consul, the name was changed to the Roman manner - Appius Claudius (Appius
Claudius), and his entire genus was named Claudia (Claudia, genus Claudius). Name Claudius
(Claudius) comes from the Latin verb claudere ("to lock, close, close,
block"), the derivatives of which are clausus ("closed, inaccessible"), claudo
(“close, close, close”). The exact subtext of the name is unknown - it may be from
claudere urbem (to besiege a city), may be from claudo (to close the line, column) or homo
clausus (secret person)
Middle name education: Kla vdievich, Kla vdievna
Conversational options: Laying, Klavdya, Klavdik, Kladka, Klavdichka, Kladenka,
Klavdenka, Klavdyusha, Klavik, Avchik, Klasha, Klashka, Klaha, Diy, Dey
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Claudius of Rome, tribune, March 19 / April 1
- Martyr Claudius of Sebaste, March 9/22
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Claudius
Modern English counterparts: Claude, Claudius // Claud, Claudie, Cloudy
Note: The Latin word claudus ("lame") close in spelling to the origin
The family name Claudius has nothing to do with it. From this huge and influential
kind of Roman patricians for hundreds of years, more than 30 consuls, 5 dictators, 7
censors, 6 victors, etc. And only one of them had an injured leg -
Claudius, the son of Nero, who ruled in 41-54 years of our era, that is, he lived (note
attention) 500 years later than the founder of the legendary family
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Claudius is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Klim, Klim e nt, Clementius
Godfather Orthodox name: Kliment nt
Meaning, origin of the name: From the Latin word clemens - "merciful,
compassionate, kind, gentle"
Note: The most "correct" Russian forms of the name are Kliment,
Klim and Klim entiy, also possible are Klement, Klementi and Klementiy (in Czech
language - Kl e ment, in Polish Klemens). Famous bearers of the name - Timiryazev Kliment
Arkadievich, Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich
Middle name education: Klimovich, Klimovna; Klimentovich, Klimentovna; Klimentievich,
Conversational options: Klim, Klimka, Klimochka, Klimchik, Klimusha, Klimushka,
Klimasha, Klimakha, Klimukha, Klimash, Klimashka, Klisha, Wedge, Klem, Klema, Maple
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra, January 23 / February 5
- Holy Apostle Clement of Rome, April 22 / May 5; September 10 / 23
- St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Clement, Bishop of Ohrid, July 27 / August 9
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Clement
Modern English counterparts: Clement, Clemens // Clem
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
The names Klim + Kliment + Klimenty in total take 73rd place in the ranking
popularity of male names (approximately 12 per 10,000 newborn boys, of which
Klim is 5-6 per 10,000, Clement 3-4 per 10,000, Clement 1-2 per 10,000)

Kondr a t
Godfather Orthodox name: Kodra t, Kondra t
Meaning, origin of the name: The Russian name Kondrat is given in honor of saints with names
Kodrat and Kondrat. The church name Kodrat comes from the Latin quadratus and
Greek kondratos, which means "broad-shouldered", "square". Name Kondrat
came from Georgia, but is of Greek origin: “warrior carrying a spear”, “warrior,
armed with a spear" (kontoratos)
Middle name education: Kondratovich, Kondratovna
Conversational options: Kondrash, Kondrash, Kondrashenka, Kondratik, Kondratka,
Kondratka, Kondratushka, Kondrakha, Horse, Kondya, Kondey, Kodya
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Holy Apostle Codratus, Bishop of Athens and Magnesia, September 21 / October 4
- Martyr Kodrat of Corinth, doctor, March 10/23 (see in the holy calendar Kodrat, Cyprian,
Dionysius, ...); on the same day, the memory of Kodratus of Nicomedia is celebrated
- Martyr Kodrat of Nicomedia, March 10/23 (see in the holy calendar Kodrat, Satorin, Rufin, ...)
- Martyr Kondrat of Mesukevi (Georgian), April 15/28
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Quadratus, Kondrat (Condratus)
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kondrat is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys). In old times
it was quite common, as evidenced by the large number of such
surnames like Kondratiev, Kondrashov, Kondratov, Kondratenko, etc.

TO oh non
Godfather Orthodox name: Ko non
Meaning, origin of the name: Ancient Greek name Konon (Κόνωνος), famous
its bearers were the commander Konon of Athens and the astronomer, mathematician Konon
Samos. The stress in this name is possible both on the first and on the second syllable, but
preferably on the first one. The meaning of the name is unknown
Note: There is a similar Celtic name Conan, meaning "little wolf"
Middle name education: Kononovich, Kononovna
Conversational options: Kona, Konya, Konosh, Konash, Kanash, Kon, Konsha, Konsha, Konosha,
Konysh, Konechka, Konochka, Konka, Konya, Konyasha
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Conon of Isauria, March 5/18
- Martyr Konon of Mandon, gardener (i.e. gardener), March 5/18
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: conon
Modern English counterparts: conon
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Konon is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

TO he's glad
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: Konrad (Konrad) - a common name in Germany,
as well as last name. Consists of two elements: kon ("brave, courageous, brave") and rath
("advice"). In general, among the Germans, this means “an honest, good adviser” (after all, to give
really good advice, you need to tell a person the truth, and this requires a certain
courage!). The name Conrad was carried by several kings and dukes, as well as Catholic
saints. In addition to Germany, the name is found in Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary
Middle name education: Konradovich, Konradovna
Conversational options: the Czechs have Konradek, Konek, Radek, the Germans have Kurt, Kurti, Kunz, Kuno
Modern English counterparts: Konrad, Conrad // Kon, Konnie, Rad, Konman, Con,
Connie, Connor, Rad, Comrad, Conrado, Rado
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Borrowed European name, in Russia is very rare

Constant and n
Godfather Orthodox name: Konstantin
Meaning, origin of the name: "Persistent", "permanent", "unchanging" (from constans,
latin.); in ancient Rome there were several names with this root: Constans (Constant),
Constantius (Constantius), Constantinus (Constantine)
Middle name education: Konstantinovich, Konstantinovna
Conversational options: Kostya, Kostya, Kostenka, Kostyunya, Kostyusha, Kostyash, Kostyan,
Kostyanya, Kostyushka, Kostyushka, Kostyushok, Kostyura, Kostyukha, Kostya, Kotya, Kitten,
Kotik, Kotka, Mowing, Koska, Kosenka, Kosechka, Koska, Coca
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great, May 21 / June 3
- Rev. Constantine of Sinada, December 26 / January 8
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Constantine
Modern English counterparts: Constantine, Constantin // Constant, Costa, Costas,
Tino, Stan, Tine, Con
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Konstantin - a very popular name, is on the 25th place in the popularity rating
male names (118 per 10,000 newborn boys)

Korn e th, Corny l
Godfather Orthodox name: Leah Roots
Meaning, origin of the name: Cornelii were one of the most influential Roman
childbirth. The Roman language mentioned in the New Testament was also widely known.
Centurion Cornelius, converted to Christianity by the Apostle Peter. It is believed that the name
Cornelius comes from the Latin cornu ("horn"), which is a symbol of abundance, wealth,
strength, and besides, meaning a military war horn. The figurative meaning of the name is
"powerful" or "to blow the offensive". Russian forms of the name - Korne th and Korni l
Middle name education: Korneevich, Korneevna; Kornilovich, Kornilovna
Conversational options: Kornil, Kornila, Korneika, Korneichik, Kornyusha, Kornyushka,
Korneyushka, Kornyukha, Kornisha, Kornysh, Kornasha, Kornilka, Korniy, Cornelius,
Cornel, Cornelka, Bark
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Hieromartyr Cornelius the Sotnik, September 13/26
- Venerable Cornelius, miracle worker of Komel, May 19 / June 1
- Martyr Cornelius of Pskov-Caves, February 20 / March 5
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cornelius
Modern English counterparts: Cornelius, Cornell // Corney, Corny, Cory, Cornel, Con,
Connie, Connor, Neil, Neeley, Lius
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Roots - a rare name, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys; Kornil - still
rarer name, less than 1 in 10,000 births

Cosm A(see Kuzma)

Christie a n
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: Christian is a common name in Western Europe.
Means "Christian", "dedicated to Christ" (Greek, Lat.), the first letter is "K" (not "X")
corresponds to Western practice of pronunciation. Emphasis is allowed as
on the first syllable, and on the last
Note: If the child needs to be baptized, then the appropriate godname would be
Middle name education: Kristianovich, Kristianovna
Conversational options: Chris, Kristyusha, Kristyushka, Kristysha, Kristosha, Kristoshik,
Kristik, Kristin, Kristyuha, Krista, Christo
Modern English counterparts: Christian // Chris, Chrissy, Kris, Kit, Crix, Xian
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Christian - a borrowed European name, in Russia it is rare, no more than 1-2 per
10,000 newborn boys

xav e riy
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The main European variants of the name are Basque
Xabier (Shavi e p), Spanish Javier (Javier p), French Xavier (Xavier), English Xavier
(Zayvi e p), German Xaver (Xa ver), Latin Xaverius (Xaverius), Polish Ksawery
(Xav e riy), Italian Saverio (Save rio). The Russian form of the name is Xavier.
Xavier (Xabier, Javier) is the surname of a famous Catholic saint, which eventually became
a popular male personal name in Europe. Saint Francis Xavier
Xavier, priest of the Christian order of the Jesuits, lived in 1506-1552, he became famous
missionary work in India, Japan and China. Saint Francis Xavier
was born in the family castle of Javier (Castillo de Javier, province of Navarre, Spain), his father was
a native of the Basque Country. The name of the castle in Basque (Xabier) means "new home"
Middle name education: Ksaveryevich, Ksaveryevna
Conversational options: Xaver, Xaverka, Xaverik, Xava, Xav, Xavik, Sava, Savek, Savik
Modern English counterparts: Xavier (pronunciation ZAY-vyer, ZAV-ee-er) // Zav, Zave,
Xavi, Xave, Xavi, Xabi, X, Zae, Zay
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Xavier - a borrowed European name, in Russia it is very rare,
less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys

Xenoph O nt
Godfather Orthodox name: Xenopho nt
Meaning, origin of the name: "Speaker of a foreign (foreign) language",
"foreigner, foreigner": xenos + phone (Greek). This name was given to an ancient Greek writer,
politician, historian and military leader
Middle name education: Xenofontovich, Xenofontovna
Conversational options: Xena, Xenya, Ksesha, Senya, Senechka, Senka, Senosha, Senoshka,
Fonya, Fonechka, Fonyushka, Fosha, Foshenka
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Venerable Xenophon of Constantinople, January 26 / February 8
- Rev. Xenophon of Robey, January 26 / February 8; June 28 / July 11
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Xenophontos
Modern English counterparts: Xenophon
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Xenophon is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Kuzm A
Godfather Orthodox name: Cosma
Meaning, origin of the name: The Greek name Κοσμας (Kosma) comes from the word
κοσμος (space), which is translated into Russian as “world” (Universe), “universe”, and
also "order, beauty, decoration"
Middle name education: Kuzmich, Kuzminichna
Conversational options: Kuzya, Kuzyasha, Kuzenka, Kuzechka, Kuzichka, Kuzik, Kuzyaha, Kuzka,
Kuzenka, Kuzyomka, Kuzyomchik, Kuzyona, Kuzmichok, Kosma, Kosma, Mowing, Kosenka, Koska,
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- unmercenary martyr Cosmas of Arabia, October 17/30
- Rev. Cosmas, Bishop of Maium, October 12/25
- St. Cosmas, Bishop of Chalcedon, April 18 / May 1
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cosmas
Modern English counterparts: Cosmos
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
The Holy Martyrs Cosmas and Damian of Arabia were very revered in Rus', the name Kuzma
was widespread, hence the large number of surviving to our time
surnames: Kuzmin, Kuzminov, Kuzmenkov, Kuzin, etc. The most famous, of course,
was Kuzma Minin (comrade-in-arms of Dmitry Pozharsky). Nowadays, the name Kuzma is
rare, no more than 2-4 per 10,000 newborn boys

Cupri i n
Godfather Orthodox name: Cyprian
Meaning, origin of the name: "Cypriot", "from the island of Cyprus" (Greek)
Middle name education: Kupriyanovich, Kupriyanovna
Conversational options: Kupryasha, Kuprya, Kuprik, Kupreyan, Kupriyash, Kupriyashka,
Kupryashka, Kupriyanchik, Kuprenka, Kuprechka, Kouprey, Kupriy, Cooper
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Hieromartyr Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, August 31 / September 13
- St. Cyprian, Metropolitan of Kiev, Moscow, May 27 / June 9; September 16 / 29
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Cyprian
Modern English counterparts: Cyprian, Cyprianus
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Kupriyan is a very rare name (less than 1 in 10,000 newborn boys)

Kurt (see co nrad)

Godfather Orthodox name: Laurel
Meaning, origin of the name: From the Latin laurus - "laurel tree", "laurel
wreath", in a figurative sense, the meaning of the name is "triumph, victory"
Middle name education: Lavrovich, Lavrovna and Lavrovich, Lavro vna (two possible
accent variant)
Conversational options: Lavrya, Lavrik, Lavrusha, Lavrenya, Lavrenka, Lavrechka,
Lavrushka, Lavrukha, Lavrusya, Lavrus, Lavrunya, Lavrunka, Lavryusha, Lavrok, Larya,
Larenka, Larechka, Larka, Larik, Laver, Lor, Laur
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style)):
- Martyr Laurus of Illyria, August 18/31
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Laurus
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Lavr is a rare name, no more than 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys

laurel e ntii
Godfather Orthodox name: Lavrentii
Meaning, origin of the name: “Crowned with laurels”, “laureate, winner” (lat.).
Another interpretation of the name is "Laurentian", i.e. originating from the city of Lavre NT in
Italy, resident of Lavrenta (lat.)
Middle name education: Lavrentievich, Lavrentievna or Lavrentievich, Lavrentievna
Colloquial options: Lavr, Lavrya, Lavrenya, Lavrenka, Lavrenka, Lavrenechka,
Lavreniy, Lavrentik, Lavrechka, Lavrusha, Lavrukha, Lavrusya, Lavrusya, Lavrunya,
Lavrunka, Lavryusha, Lavrok, Lavrik, Chest, Larenka, Stall, Stall, Larik,
Laryusha, Laver, Laurel
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Rev. Lawrence of Komel, May 16/29
- Hieromartyr Lawrence of Rome, August 10/23
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Laurence, Lawrence, Lavrentii
Modern English counterparts: Lawrence, Laurence (Lawrence, Lawrence) // Lauren,
Larry, Laurie, Lorry, Lori, Law, Lawrie, Ren, Lanny, Lol, Los, Loz, Lars
Lawrence is a rare name, approximately 1-4 per 10,000 newborn boys

get along and p, Ladisla in(see Slavic names)

L and the dawn
Godfather Orthodox name: Lazarus
Meaning, origin of the name: "God's help", "God helped". The name Lazarus is
one of the variants of the names Elizar, Eleazar, originating from El'azar (heb.)
Middle name education: Lazarevich, Lazarevna
Conversational options: Lazarka, Lazarka, Lazarik, Lazura, Lazurya, Lazurenka,
Lazurechka, Lazurka, Lazuta, Lazuta, Lazunya, Lazya, Lazik, Dawn, Zarka, Zarushka,
Zarka, Zarik, Zurya, Lazor, Zorya, Zora, Zorik
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- St. Lazarus of Galicia, July 17/30; November 7 / 20
- Saint Lazarus of Constantinople, icon painter, November 17/30
- Right-Believing Prince Lazar of Serbia, June 15/28
- Righteous Lazar Four-day, October 17/30 and on Saturday Lazarus
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Lazarus
Modern English counterparts: Lazarus, Lazar // Lazzy, Laz, Larry, Zo, Russ
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Lazar is a rare name, about 1-2 in 10,000 newborn boys

lari He(see Illario n, Ilario n)

a lion
Godfather Orthodox name: A lion
Meaning, origin of the name: The name originates from the Latin name Le o or
Greek name Leo n, meaning "lion", in a figurative sense - "brave" (brave
like a lion)
Middle name education: Lvovich, Lvovna
Conversational options: Lyova, Lyovonka, Lyovochka, Lyovushka, Lyovka, Levik, Lyovchik, Lev,
Leo, Leosha, Leon, Leonushka, Leushka, Lyoushka, Levushka, Levosha, Levash, Lefty,
Levsha, Lyonya
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Rev. Leo, Bishop of Catania, February 20 / March 5
- St. Leo, Pope of Rome, February 18 / March 3
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Leo
Modern English counterparts: Leo, Leon // Lee, Lion, Lyon, Lio, Leos
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Leo - a popular name, is in 36th place in the ranking of the popularity of male names
(73 per 10,000 newborn boys)

L e oh, leo n(see lion)

Leon a rd
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The name Leonard is a Russian variant
German name Leonard (Leonhard, Leonhardt). This name literally means "brave
like a lion", "strong like a lion", from the Old Germanic words lewo, levon, leo (lion) and harti,
hard, hardu (brave, strong, strong). In Italy it's Leonardo, in Sweden it's Lennart,
in the Czech Republic Lenart

Middle name education: Leonardovich, Leonardovna
Conversational options: Leo, Len, Leonard, Lenny, Lenchik, Leon, Leosh, Lennart,Lenart, Leo, Lenya
Modern English counterparts: Leonard, Leonhard // Len, Lennie, Lenny, Leo, Leon,
Lon, Le, Nano, Nardo, Hardy
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
Leonard - a borrowed European name, in Russia it is rare, no more than 1-2
per 10,000 newborn boys

Leon and d
Godfather Orthodox name: Leonie d
Meaning, origin of the name: Derived from the ancient Greek name Leonidas
(leon - “lion”, idea - “appearance, appearance”), literally - “like a lion”, “similar
lion", "like a lion", "son of a lion"
Middle name education: Leonidovich, Leonidovna
Conversational options: Lyonya, Lyonechka, Lyonchik, Lyonka, Lenik, Lyon, Leonidka,
Leonidik, Leon, Leonka, Leonushka, Leonechka, Leo, Leonya, Leosha, Lyosha, Lyokha, Lyoka,
Lenya, Len, Ledya, Lyova, Lyovochka, Lyovka, Onya, Onka
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Leonid of Egypt, June 5/18
- Martyr Leonid of Corinth, March 10/23; April 16 / 29
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Leonidas
Modern English counterparts: Leonidas, Leonard, Leopold // Leon, Len, Lee, Lennie,
Lenny, Leo, Lon, Lynar
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015.:
The name Leonid is in 50th place in the popularity rating of male names (49 out of 10,000
newborn boys)

Le o ntii
Godfather Orthodox name: Leontiy
Meaning, origin of the name: "Lion" (lat., Greek)
Middle name education: Leontievich, Leontievna or Leontievich, Leontievna
Conversational options: Leont, Leon, Leonya, Leonechka, Leonushka, Leonka, Leosha,
Lyosha, Leontik, Leo, Lenya, Lyonechka, Lenka, Lonya, Lonechka, Lonka, Lyova, Lyovochka,
Lyovka, Len, Lena, Len, Lenya, Onya, Onka, Otya
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Saint Leonty, Patriarch of Jerusalem, May 14/27
- St. Leonty, Bishop of Rostov, May 23 / June 5
- Martyr Leonty of Tripoli, military leader, June 18 / July 1
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Leontius, Leonty
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Leonty is a rare name, approximately 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys

Leop oh ice
Godfather Orthodox name: absent
Meaning, origin of the name: The German name Leopold (Leopold) comes from
the ancient Germanic name Leudbald, meaning "the fearless people", "the people
heroes" or "brave of the people" (liut, leud - people, bald - fearless, brave,
brave). By the XI-XII centuries, from the original Leudbald (Liutbald), the name changed to
modern Leopold (obviously due to association with the Latin word leo - "lion").
And therefore, today no one bothers to consider that the name Leopold has a second
meaning - "brave lion", "brave as a lion" (like the name Leonard)
Note: Leonid, Leo, Leonty may be suitable as a godname
Middle name education: Leopoldovich, Leopoldovna
Conversational options: Leo, Lei, Paul, Poldi, Poldek, Polo, Paul, Leosh, Leoshek,
Modern English counterparts: Leopold // Leo, Lepp, Poldi, Poldie
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Leopold - a borrowed European name, in Russia it is very rare, less
1 in 10,000 newborn boys

L oh gin, lo gin
Godfather Orthodox name: Longin
Meaning, origin of the name: "Long", "long" (Longinus, lat.)
Middle name education: Loginovich, Loginovna; Logvinovich, Logvinovna
Conversational options: Loguta, Laguta, Logva, Loga, Logash, Logash, Logun, Loginka,
Loginka, Logonka, Logochka, Logutka, Lonya, Lonechka, Lonka, Longin, Longa
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Longinus of Nicomedia, April 24 / May 7
- Martyr Longin Sotnik, October 16/29
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Longinus
Modern English counterparts: Longinus // Longin, Long, Longi, Lo
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Login, Logvin are very rare names these days. In the old days they were
popular and loved, this is evidenced by a large number of Russian surnames:
Loginov, Logvinov, Logachev, Lagutin, Login, Logunov and others.

Long and n(see Login)

Onion A
Godfather Orthodox name: Luca
Meaning, origin of the name: This name was borne by the holy apostle Luke - the author of one
of the four Gospels and the Acts of the Holy Apostles, he was a doctor, considered the first
icon painter and patron saint of doctors and painters. His name in Greek
Loukas, Loukanos, which means "from Luka nii". Lucania - a region in southern Italy (by-
Italian Lucania)
Note: In some cases, the meaning of the name is derived from the Latin lux (lux) - “light”,
what can't be right
Middle name education: Luki h, Luki nichna
Conversational options: Lukasha, Lukasya, Lukanya, Lunya, Lukash, Lukash, Lukesha,
Lukashenka, Lukashka, Lukashok, Luksha, Lukas, Lukasik, Lukanka, Lukanchik,
Lukonya, Lukonechka, Lunechka, Lunka, Lutonya, Lutosha, Lutoshka, Lutokha, Lukiy,
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Holy Apostle Luke the Evangelist, April 22 / May 5; October 18 / 31
- Rev. Luke of Greece, February 7/20
- Rev. Luke of Tauromenia, November 6/19
- Martyr Luke of Emesa (Emissky), deacon, January 29 / February 11
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Luke
Modern English counterparts: Luke, Lucas (English), Luca (Italian), Lukas (German,
scand.) // Lukie, Lukey, Luka, Luca, Luc, Lou, Cass
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Luka is a rare name, approximately 1-2 per 10,000 newborn boys

Luk I n
Godfather Orthodox name: Bows A n
Meaning, origin of the name: "Light". Common in the Roman Empire
the names Lucius, Lucian are derived from the Latin words lux (lux) - “light”, lucere (lucere)
- "shine". Such modern European names as Luci are formed from them. A n,
Lucy e n, L at cho, luch A But. Church Orthodox form of the name - Lucian, Russian
the literary norm was the name Lukyan
Note: It is sometimes believed that the name Lucian comes from Lucas (Luca), that is, it
associated with the name of the apostle Luke (see Luke A) and means "follower, student of Luke"
Middle name education: Lukyanovich, Lukyanovna
Conversational options: Lukanya, Lukonya, Lukyasha, Lukasha, Lukyanushka, Lukyanka,
Lukoyan, Lukiyan, Lukinya, Lukan, Lutsek, Luka, and also, see derivatives on behalf of Luka
Patron saints and birthdays (old / new style):
- Martyr Lucian of Antioch, October 15/28
- Hieromartyr Lucian of Belgium, June 3/16
Godname in foreign Orthodox churches: Lucian
Modern English counterparts: Lucian, Lucius // Lou, Lush
Name popularity (frequency) in 2010-2015:
Lukyan is a rare name, approximately 1-3 per 10,000 newborn boys X, C, E, Yu, I

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is not an easy task for moms and dads. I so want the future name of the child to have a beneficial effect on the fate of the baby, help him through life, so that the name of the child does not bring inconvenience.

Today in the arsenal of parents huge amount names for boys, from Orthodox to modern and very unusual. How to name a boy is up to you and your beloved spouse to decide, but of course it’s better to first read a little information about the meaning of the boy’s name in order to choose the right one.

Female portal prepared for you a complete list of Russian names for a boy, as well as modern and unusual male names. We hope you choose the best name for your son!

Auror / Avrory (new) - son of the morning dawn

Adonis (old) - lord

Alevtin (new) - alien to evil


Anastasy (old) - resurrected

Russian names for boys starting with the letter B

Bazhen (other Russian) - saint

Benedict (old) - blessed

Vilen (new) - short for V.I. LENIN

Vissarion (old) - forest man

Eruslan (other Russian) - "lion"


Isidore / Sidor (old) - patron of fertility

July (new) - summer

Russian names for boys starting with the letter K

Casimir (glor.) - announcing peace

Kuzma / Kozma (nar. from old Cosmas) - decorated

Kupriyan (nar. from Cyprian) - a native of Cyprus or copper

Russian names for boys starting with the letter L

Laurel (old) - famous

Lawrence (old) - crowned with laurels

Lazar (old) - "God's help"

Larion (nar. from Hilarion) - joyful

Mily (old) - cute

Miloneg (glor.) - cute

Miloslav (glor.) - glory is sweet

World (new) - "peace"

Miron (old) - kind

Miroslav (glory) - winner

Russian names for boys starting with the letter N

Nazar / Nazarius (old) - dedicated to God

Nathan (old) - bestowed

Naum (old) - consolation

Neon (old) - shining

Neonil (old) - principled

Nestor / Nester (old) - returned to his homeland

Nicander (old) - the winner of men

Nord (new) - north (ny)

Russian boy names starting with the letter O

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P



Prokop (Prokofy)


Prokhor (old) - head of the choir

Russian names for boys starting with the letter P

Radium (new) - "radium"

Radim (glor.) - native

Radislav (glor.) - glad to glory

Radomir (glor.) - glad to the world

Russian names for boys starting with the letter C

Savva / Sava (old) - desired

Savely (old) - desired

Light (new) - "light"

Svetlan (glor.) - bright

Svetozar (glor.) - bright as the dawn

Svetoslav (glor.) - "glory is bright"

Svyatogor (ancient Russian) - "holy mountain"

Svyatopolk (other Russian) - "holy regiment"

Tristan (old) - sad (tristia)

Tryphon (old) - pampered

Trofim (old) - pet


In contact with


For many centuries, the choice of a name for a boy was approached thoroughly and seriously. After all, the boy must grow up to be a brave, strong and dexterous representative of the stronger sex, who will be able to cope with the role of a hunter or a brave warrior and a brave defender of the family. As a result, the names of the boys were intended to emphasize strength and masculinity.

When thinking about how to name a boy, you need to focus on this option, in which both the adult brutal form and the soft child form are used. Psychologists advise choosing a name for a rude and cruel boy only with a diminutive name - this will make his temper the softest.

In particular, Maxim can be called Masik, Maksik, Masya. Alexei - Lesha, Lesha, Lenechka. If the baby is very timid, gentle and weak, shy, it is much better to choose the most strict name for the boy, in other words, the adult form of the name. In this case, Maxim should be called Max, and Alexei - Lekha or Alexei.

A competent choice of a name for a baby can help bring up any qualities in a boy.

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is a very responsible matter, because the fate of the child depends on this decision of the parents. All the more responsibly, parents should take the choice of a name for the boy.

A male name is something that should be proud of, and that every man should wear with dignity throughout his life. All boys dream of being strong, agile and successful, but they also want their name to be just as strong and beautiful, and to emphasize their masculine strength and beauty to the greatest extent!

Today, when it comes to choosing a name for a boy, there are thousands of different names, and parents now have plenty to choose from. Parents are no longer limited to choosing from traditional names that have been passed down from generation to generation. However, when choosing a name for your child, it is necessary to take into account not only fashion trends, political and religious views, as well as the time of year.

It is known that in different time years, children are born with completely different characters. Therefore, knowing the natural coloring of the name and date of birth, you can correctly choose the names of boys by month, the meaning of these names can successfully develop the qualities that your child lacked from birth, or, conversely, muffle unwanted ones.

Boys born winter, always very talented, strong-willed, purposeful, thinking, but, at the same time, in family life they experience difficulties because of their quarrelsomeness, intransigence, the need to argue over trifles and be sure to win. They do not spare themselves in work, therefore they achieve high results. It is difficult to confuse them, as they are sure of what they are doing. Many have a tough temper, tough, domineering, stubborn, proud. These qualities are most pronounced in those born in December, weaker - in February, "January" children are more balanced. Therefore, we advise you to give winter children "soft" melodious names, so as not to aggravate the character traits laid down by the harsh winter.

spring people are easily vulnerable physically and morally. They are indecisive, touchy, windy, selfish, squeamish. Most often, these people are gifted, but insecurity prevents them from becoming leaders. Each word, deed is weighed, carefully listen to the opinion of the interlocutor. They are more willing to accept the role of followers, although they think correctly. They are stubborn, selfish, cautious, pliable to flattery, not devoid of self-admiration. They have a subtle sense of humor, have a good memory and quickly grasp everything. March men pay great attention to their appearance, often look in the mirror. They make good diplomats and orators. Spring babies should be given "hard" sounding names to counter the unsustainable nervous system and psyche.

Summer has a beneficial effect on those born at such a time.

"Summer" children are kind, but often cowardly and spineless. They are easily influenced, emotional and impressionable, they love risk, they are proud, courageous and persistent in achieving their goals, they are active.

Great diligence allows you to achieve success in business. Their kindness extends to other people's children, to animals, and their temper does not develop into rancor. They are good at art. "Summer" children should be given "hard" names to protect them from unwanted adversity.

Wise autumn, associated in our minds with maturity, experience, slowness, endowed people born at this time with the corresponding features. "Autumn" people are universal. They are reasonable, serious, comprehensively gifted, value the accumulated experience and never repeat mistakes, do everything slowly and deliberately. There are many pedants among them. They are thrifty, know the value of money, thrifty. Diplomatic and principled, they are diligent and diligent in their work, adhere to a clear line of conduct, are persistent in business, have a clear mind, and an easy character. A clear and balanced character, devotion contributes to strong marriages. Born in autumn, they rarely conflict in the family, they love children and animals. Among them are actors, philosophers, people of exact sciences. "Autumn" children can be given any names, since nothing can affect their natural character.

Therefore, the meaning of the name by month of the year can vary significantly. For example, the "December" Alexei is healthier than the "summer" and "spring". Alyoshka is stubborn and persistent and often gets into conflict situations without wanting to. He is an eternal fighter for justice, but adults sometimes get the impression that the boy is an incorrigible bully and bully. Pride will not allow him to prove that it was not he who was to blame for some kind of brawl, but his classmate, that he only wanted to restore justice. As a result, most of the blame falls on him.

"Summer" Alexey has a less strong will than "winter" or "autumn". He needs the support of friends, the approval of his actions by colleagues. Due to modesty, he is not always able to realize his ideas himself, he turns to friends and like-minded people for help. It is difficult to experience failures, painfully perceives criticism. His diplomacy and tact are very popular with girls. Has a good memory, quickly grasps everything new. Likes adventure literature, fantasy.

Alexei, born in the spring, is capable of deep feelings, but he does not dare to express them. Severely suffers from indecision. experienced emotional drama knocks him out for a long time. He is amorous, will not delve into the motives of the behavior of his beloved, her benevolence and sensitivity are enough for him. He prefers not to talk about feelings, since he is still not able to express their depth. He does not tolerate violence, pressure, and even the influence of outsiders, but he does not know how to openly protest, he tries to get rid of the presence of such people. He does not aspire to power. He is not one of those who reads morality or imposes, which deserves the respect of colleagues, friends and especially his adored children, his beloved wife.

"Autumn" Alexey is more self-confident. It is not easy to talk to him, he analyzes every phrase, requires arguments, undeniable arguments from his partner, he himself always knows how to prove and defend his ideas. He is specific, concise in conversation, has a sharp and lively mind. Initiative, practical, rational. But at the same time, he is attentive to colleagues, always ready to listen to everyone, discuss the work plan, and takes into account the opinions of others. Tactful, correct and charming man. Winter and autumn give firmness to the character of Alexei. He gravitates toward the exact sciences, is practical and enterprising.

On our website, we present for you the most preferred boy names by months of the year, based on their character.

Names of boys born in January

These people often have trouble making difficult decisions. However, they rarely ask for help from others. They prefer to solve their problems themselves. can be good and devoted friends but usually go on with their lives.

Grigory, Ilya, Timofey, Daniel, Ivan, Ignat, Athanasius, Kirill, Nikita, Anton, Maxim, Pavel, Mikhail, Sergey, Philip, Peter, George, Yuri, Yegor, Nikolai, Efim, Konstantin, Stepan, Fedor, Mark, Fadey, Vasily, Naum, Yakov, Prokop, Theoktist, Nifont, Theodosius, Nikanor, Seraphim, Artem, Clement, Semyon, Trofim, Valentin, Savva, Benjamin, Adam, Emelyan, Prokhor, Prokl, Elizar, Sevastyan Sebastian.

Names of boys born in February

They can be called "rain people" - unusually gentle and sensitive. They are easy to hurt. It's rare to find such caring people. Therefore, they are very good advisers and parents. They are best suited for jobs that require meticulousness and precision.

Benjamin, Fedor, Alexei, Anton, Nikolai, Kirill, Konstantin, Stepan, Peter, Gennady, Innokenty, Semyon, Ivan, Dmitry, Maxim, Grigory, Efim, Timofey, Nikita, Alexander, Arseny, Victor, Leonty, Gerasim, Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Ignat, Lavrenty, Roman, Vasily, Hippolyte, Zakhar, Pankrat, Pavel, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Evgeny, Vlas, Makar, Efim, Valery, George, Yegor, Yuri, Gabriel, Clement, Arkady, David, Ephraim, Jacob, Ignatius, Julian, German, Nicephorus, Savva, Akim, Valerian, Feoktist, Luke, Porfiry, Valentine.

Names of boys born in March

It is possible to characterize boys born in March in one word - "rainbow". Rainbow people have an optimistic view of the world. They can easily cheer up any company thanks to their unique sense of humor. They are not afraid of defeat, but on the contrary, they encourage them to act.

Daniil Danila, Ilya, Pavel, Julian, Fedor, Kuzma, Leo, Eugene, Makar, Maxim, Fedot, George, Athanasius, Vyacheslav, Philip, Alexander, Ivan, Taras, Vasily, Gerasim, Grigory, Roman, Yakov, Konstantin, Arkady , Cyril, Anton, Leonty, Leonid, Mark, Victor, Denis, Stepan, Semyon, Alexei, Valery, Trofim, Efim, Timofey, Yegor, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan, Arseny, Savva, David, Nikifor, Venedikt, Rostislav, Mikhail , Nicander, Heraclius.

Names of boys born in April

Boys born in March can be described with the word "Wind". These people are energetic and dynamic, they cannot stagnate in one place. They are always driven by the need for change. But this does not mean that the "Wind People" are fickle in feelings. And if they meet their "half", they will be infinitely faithful and devoted to her.

Innocent, Sergei, Ivan, Kirill, Yakov, Foma, Vasily, Artem, Zakhar, Peter, Stepan, Mark, Veniamin, Efim, Makar, Nikita, Leonid, George, Semyon, Anton, Daniel, Vadim, Alexander, Savva, Trofim, Mstislav, Gabriel, Andrei, Yegor, Yuri, Plato, Maxim, Khariton, David, Martin, Nikon, Tikhon, Antip, Sofron, Hypatius, Polycarp, Titus, Rodion, Nifont, Terenty, Artemon, Victor, Aristarchus, Kondrat, Samson.

Names of boys born in May

"Dawn" is a characteristic word for boys born in May. If there is such a person in the company, then, thanks to his energy and optimism, he will be able to “defuse” any tense situation. And you can not say that he is a carefree person. And if necessary, he will take full responsibility for himself.

Anton, Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, George, Nikifor, Alexander, Grigory, Fedor, Denis, Vsevolod, Vitaly, Gabriel, Anatoly, Alexei, Leonty, Savva, Thomas, Mark, Vasily, Stepan, Semyon, Kirill, Maxim, Yakov, Nikita, Ignat, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Peter, David, Konstantin, German, Makar, Dmitry, Andrei, Heraclius, Pavel, Yegor, Yuri, Artem, Fedot, Clement, Arseny, Nikolai, Kondrat, Valentin, Pafnuty, Efim, Yeremey, Athanasius, Timothy, Pimen, Severin, Nicodemus, Joseph, Pakhom, Modest, Lawrence, Kasyan.

Names of boys born in June

You can characterize boys born in March with the word "Star". Such people are usually always lucky. They enjoy great success with the opposite sex, and authority at work. They also have excellent health. And their only drawback is absent-mindedness, which is associated to a greater extent with their exorbitant attraction to the unknown.

Ignatius, Ivan, Sergey, Alexander, Alexei, Konstantin, Mikhail, Fedor, Vladimir, Leonty, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, George, Yegor, Yuri, Makar, Christian, Valery, Denis, Khariton, Pavel, Dmitry, Nazar, Igor, Leonid, Nicander, Fedot, Ephraim, Vasily, Jan, Timothy, Andrei, Gabriel, Peter, Arseny, Savva, Elisha, Grigory, Tikhon, Mstislav, Innokenty, Savely, Cyril, Eremey, Nikifor, Julian, Gennady, Ignat, Roman, Sylvester, Anton, Karp.

Names of boys born in July

Boys born in March can be described in one word - "Grass". These people are born leaders. They are always very organized and know very well what they are striving for. They make quick and clear choices. And never regret what has already been done. But alone with yourself, sometimes they allow themselves to relax.

Leonty, Ivan, Gleb, Julius, Julian, Peter, Anton, Artem, German, Svyatoslav, Alexey, Roman, Mikhail, Yakov, David, Denis, Pavel, Sergey, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily, Konstantin, Mark, Philip, Matvey, Foma, Kuzma, Tikhon, Anatoly, Alexander, Cyril, Innocent, Stepan, Daniel, Arseny, Vladimir, Efim, Fedor, Fedot, Leonid, Emelyan, Gury, Ipaty, Terenty, Galaktion, Yevsey, Stanislav, Maxim, Samson, Demyan, Sofron, Nicodemus, Demid.

Names of boys born in August

The most preferred names for boys born in August characterize them as - "Lake". These people can always be trusted. After all, for them, someone else's secret is very sacred. And even to their best friend, they will never reveal someone's secret. They have principles that they never break. And they are the embodiment of loyalty and constancy.

Roman, Seraphim, Ilya, Semyon, Savva, Trofim, Boris, Gleb, David, Makar, Christopher, German, Clement, Naum, Nikolai, Konstantin, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander, Anton, Leonty, Vasily, Stepan, Kuzma, Denis, Grigory, Leonid, Alexei, Dmitry, Matvey, Ivan, Peter, Julian, Yakov, Miron, Fedor, Tikhon, Arkady, Pavel, Philip, George, Yegor, Yuri, Frol, Evdokim, Nikanor, Savva, Athanasius, Polycarp, Yermolai, Prokhor, Valentin, Evdokim, Gury, Elizar, Markel.

Names of boys born in September

The most preferred names for boys born in September can be called as - "Lightning". These individuals are unusually mobile and temperamental. You will never get bored in their company. There are always ideas for leisure activities, and they are completely non-conflict. But they can be easily hurt because they are very gullible.

Andrei, Timofey, Fadey, Athanasius, Arseny, Grigory, Peter, Nikandr, Ivan, Savva, Alexander, Daniel, Makar, Pavel, Christopher, Jacob, Gennady, Semyon, Anton, Fedor, Julian, Maxim, Gleb, David, Zakhar, Kirill, Mikhail, Thomas, Akim, Nikita, Khariton, Clement, Dmitry, German, Sergey, Fedot, Efim, Valery, Ilya, Leonty, Nikolai, Stepan, Victor, Kondrat, Andrian, Pimen, Benjamin, George, Arkhip, Porfiry, Lukyan, Arkady.

Names of boys born in October

The most preferred names for boys born in October characterize themselves as - "Stone". People "stones" are very reckless. They try at all costs to try everything that life throws at them, but rarely bring the work they have started to the end. But still, it cannot be said that these people can ever be bored.

Konstantin, David, Trofim, Fedor, Mikhail, Oleg, Andrey, Dmitry, Peter, Anton, Ivan, Makar, Vladislav, Stepan, Sergey, Ignatius, Mark, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Khariton, Grigory, Roman, Denis, Vladimir, Erofey, Pavel, Alexei, Matvey, Philip, Thomas, Julian, Maxim, Kuzma, Martin, Benjamin, Nikita, Nazar, Efim, Leonty, Luka, Igor, Trofim, Kondrat, Innocent, Nikandr, Tikhon, Aristarkh, Ignat, Rodion, Savva, Kasyan, Gury, Demyan, Valerian.

Names of boys born in November

The most preferred names for boys born in November characterize themselves as - "The Sun". These people are dreamers and romantics, which makes them easy to spend money. They say about such people that they were not born in their era. And often they are not understood by the people around them. As a rule, they have only one devoted friend.

Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Anton, Heraclius, Denis, Konstantin, Ignatius, Athanasius, Dmitry, Andrei, Mark, Maxim, Stepan, Zinovy, Kuzma, George, Yegor, Yuri, Nikandr, Grigory, Arseny, Herman, Pavel, Valery, Eugene, Cyril, Fedor, Fedot, Mikhail, Orest, Vincent, Victor, Nikifor, Matvey, Hilarion, Osip, Maximilian, Ignat, Nestor, Taras, Terenty, Demyan, Eugene, Rodion, Julian, Philip, Nikon.

Names of boys born in December

The most preferred names for boys born in December characterize themselves as - "Moon". These people are very mysterious and mysterious. Outwardly they are indifferent and cold, but inside they are passionate. They are distrustful of others. And you need to work hard to earn the trust of these people. But they will always quickly come to the rescue, in difficult times.

Roman, Plato, Anatoly, Grigory, Ivan, Valery, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander Alexei, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Christopher, Jacob, George, Yegor, Yuri, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Vasily, Stepan, Andrey, Naum, Athanasius , Savva, Gennady, Zakhar, Nikolai, Anton, Leo, Pavel, Cyril, Thomas, Daniil, Arkady, Arseny, Orest, Mark, Adrian, Arkhip, Valerian, Procopius, Yaroslav, Mitrofan, Clement, Vsevolod, Paramon, Filaret, Gury , Modest, Sofron, Nikon, Spiridon, Tryphon, Sevastyan, Semyon.

Modern boy names

The name of the boy, which will be given to the modern child, accompanies him all his life, this is the name of the future man. What name should the boy choose? with which it will be compatible. The choice of a name for a boy should be taken responsibly, because, in addition to everything, the names of boys are continued in the patronymics of future children and should be harmonious and consonant with the rest of the initials. Therefore, when choosing a beautiful name for a boy, consider these details and also look at the meaning of the name.

List of boy names

Boys names letter A

Alexander - from Greek. "protect + husband (rank)".
Alexey - “protect”, “reflect”, “prevent”; church Alexy.
Anatoly - a popular name for a boy - "east", "sunrise".
Andrei - many boys bear this name - means "courageous."
Anton means from Greek. "combat", "compete"; church Anthony.
Aristarchus - from the Greek. “best, command”, “lead”.
Arkady - translated as "resident of Arcadia, a pastoral region in the Peloponnese", "shepherd".
Arseny - from the Greek. means "courageous".
Artem - the name Artem is Greek, the meaning is "dedicated to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and the moon."
Athanasius - from the Greek. "immortal".

Boys names letter B

Boris - from Russian; possibly abbr. from Borislav.
Bronislav - the Slavic name - "protect", "protect" is absent in the Orthodox Saints.
Bogdan is a beautiful Russian name for a boy, meaning " given by God».

Boys names letter V

Vadim - origin. Russian; possibly from other Russian. "vaditi", i.e. "sow confusion", perhaps as an abbreviation. from Vladimir.
Valentine - means "strong", "healthy"; will reduce. on behalf of Valens.
Valery - Roman generic name, "to be strong, healthy"; church Valery.
Vasily - origin. Greek "royal", "royal".
Benjamin - from other Hebrew. "son of the right hand", obviously, allegorically beloved wife.
Victor - in translation means the boy "winner".
Vitaly - in translation means the boy "life".
Vladimir - (glory.) Vladimir means "to reign."
Vladislav - from the Slavs; from the basics of words with the meaning "own + glory".
Vlas - origin. Greek "simple", "rough"; Orthodox - Vlasy.
Vsevolod - from Russian; from the basics of words with the meaning "all + own".
Vyacheslav - from the Slavic bases “higher”, “higher”, i.e. “more + glory”.

Boys names letter G

Gennady - origin. Greek "noble".
Georgy - origin. Greek "farmer".
German - origin. lat. "single womb", "native".
Gleb - from other German. “given to God”, “given under the protection of God”.
Proud - origin. Greek; the name of the king of Phrygia.
Gregory - from the Greek. "awake", "awake".
Gury is a rare name for a boy "animal", "lion cub".

Boys names letter D

Danila - the meaning of "God is my judge", church. Daniel; unfold Daniel, Danilo
Dementius is a rare Roman generic name, possibly meaning "to tame".
Demyan - from Latin, possibly "a dedicated boy to the goddess Damia."
Denis is a popular name meaning "dedicated to Dionysus", the god of wine, winemaking, poetic inspiration and fun folk festivals.
Dmitry - from the Greek. "pertaining to Demeter", the goddess of agriculture and fertility.

Boys names letter E

Eugene - a noble child matters.
Evdokim - meaning "glorious", "surrounded by honor."
Evstigney - from the Greek. "good, good + relative"; church Eusignius.
Egor is a true Russian name, you are named George.
Elisha - origin. other Hebrew god + salvation
Emelyan is a Roman generic name; church Emilian.
Epifan - meaning. "prominent", "noble", "famous"; church Epiphany.
Eremey - the name comes from words with the meaning "throw, throw + Yahweh" (the name of God).
Efim - the meaning of the name "benevolent", "benevolent" boy.
Ephraim - translated from Hebrew, possibly a dual number from "fruit".

Boys names letter Z

Zakhar - from other Hebrew. "God remembered"; church Zechariah.
Zinovy ​​- origin. Greek "Zeus + life".

Boys names letter I

Ivan - translated from Heb. means "God has mercy."
Ignatius - from lat. "fiery"; Russian unfold Ignat.
Igor is a Scandinavian name. It means "abundance + protect".
Ishmael - origin. other Hebrew "God will hear."
Hilarion is the origin of the Greek. the meaning is "cheerful".
Ilya - from other Hebrew. "My God is Yahweh (Jehovah)."
Innocent - origin. lat. "innocent".
Joseph, Osip - from other Hebrew. "He (God) will multiply", "He (God) will add".
John - (Orthodox) - God has mercy, the grace of God, God favors, God has mercy (Heb).
Hippolytus - from the Greek. "horse + untie, unharness".
Heraclius - meaning from "Hercules".
Isaiah - from other Hebrew. "salvation of Yahweh (god)"; church Isaiah.

Boys names letter K

Kasyan - from lat. "Cassius is a Roman generic name"; church Cassian.
Cyril is a man "ruler", "lord", "master".
Clement - from lat. "merciful", "indulgent".
Konstantin - the meaning of "permanent" man.
Roots - from Greek, from Latin, Roman generic name from "horn"; Russian unfold Kornil, Korniy, Korney, Kornil.
Kuzma - in translation it means "peace", "order", "universe", figurative meaning- "decoration", "beauty", "honor"; church Cosmas, Cosmas.

Boys names letter L

Laurel - male. means "laurel tree".
Lawrence - from lat. Laurentian in Lavrent is the name of a city in Latium.
The lion is of Greek origin. "a lion".
Leonid - origin. Greek "lion + appearance, likeness".
Leontius - meaning "lion".
Luke - from Greek, possibly from Latin. "light".

Boys names letter M

Makar - meaning "blissful", "happy"; church Macarius.
Maxim - the name for a boy Maxim comes from Latin, the meaning is “big”, “great”.
Mark, Marco is a Roman personal name, possibly meaning "to be lethargic, weak" or "born in March".
Matthew - translated as "gift of Yahweh (God)"; church Matthew, Matthew.
Mechislav - from the Slavs, from the basics of words with the meaning "throw + glory"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.
Milan - from glory. "Cute"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.
Myron - the meaning is "fragrant oil of myrrh."
Miroslav - from words with the meaning "peace + glory"; the name of the boy is not in the Orthodox Saints.
Michael - origin. other Hebrew "who is like God."
Modest is a Latin name for a boy. - “modest”.
Moses - meaning, from Egypt. "child, boy, son."
Mstislav - origin. Russian; from the basics of words with the meaning "revenge + glory".

Boys names letter H

Nazar - meaning in translation "he dedicated".
Nathan - origin. other Hebrew "God gave"; bibl. Nathan.
Nahum - from other Hebrew. "comforting".
Nestor - from Greek, name oldest member Trojan War.
Nikanor - the meaning of the name "win + man."
Nikita - means boy "winner".
Nicephorus - origin. Greek "winner", "victorious".
Nicholas - from Greek. "to win + the people."
Nikon - origin. Greek "win".

Boys names letter O

Oleg - Scandinavian origin "saint".
Orestes - origin. Greek; the name of the son of Agamemnon.

Boys names letter P

Pavel - origin. lat. "small"; family name in the genus Aemilia.
Peter - meaning / "stone".
Plato - (Orthodox name) - broad-shouldered, full, wide.
Prokhor - origin. Greek "dance ahead."

Boys names letter P

Rodion - meaning "inhabitant of Rhodes."
Roman - in translation, the name Roman means "Roman", "Roman".
Rostislav - Slavic comes from the basics of words with the meaning "grow + glory."
Ruslan - from Arabic origin. through Turk. Arslan - "lion"; in this form the name was created by Pushkin; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.

Boys names letter C

Savely - origin. Greek "sabinsky"; church Savel.
Svyatoslav - from Russian; from the basics of words with the meaning "holy + glory".
Sevastyan - origin. Greek "sacred", "revered"; church Sebastian.
Semyon - from Greek, from other Hebrew. "God Hearing"; church Simeon; etymologically the same as Simon, in fact, in all languages, both names stand apart.
Seraphim - from other Hebrew. "serpents" - in the biblical tradition, symbolized the flame around the throne of God; hence the seraphim, the fiery angel.
Sergey - origin. Latin, Roman generic name; church Sergius.
Sylvester - from lat. "forest", figurative meaning - "wild", "uneducated", "uncivilized".
Spiridon - from Greek, possibly from Latin. personal name and means "illegitimate" child, boy.
Stanislav - from the Slavs; from the basics "to be established, to stop + glory"; the name is absent in the Orthodox Saints.
Stepan - from Greek. "wreath"; church name Stephen.

Boys names letter T

Taras - from the Greek. "excite", "excite", "excitement"; church Tarasy.
Timothy - origin. Greek "revere + god".
Timur - Mongolian, meaning. "iron"; mong name. Khan, known in Europe under the name Tamerlane.
Tikhon - correlates with the name of the god of chance, fate and happiness.
Tryphon - origin. Greek means "to live in luxury".
Trofim - the meaning of "breadwinner", "nourishing".

Boys names letter U

Ustin - origin. Russian see Justin.

Boys names letter F

Fadey - meaning. "praise".
Fedor - from the Greek. "god + gift"; church Theodore.
Theogen - (Orthodox) God-begotten, born of the gods.
Felix - from lat. "happy", "prosperous".
Philip - the meaning of the name "loving horses", "who is fond of horseback riding"; the name was given to the Macedonian kings.
Flor - from lat. "flower"; unfold Frol, Fleur.
Thomas means "twin".

Boys names letter U

Julian - origin. from Greek. "Juliev"; church Julian; unfold in-t Ulyan.
Julius - from Latin, Roman generic name, means "curly"; the founder of the Julius family is traditionally considered the son of Aeneas; the month of quintiles was renamed July in honor of Julius Caesar; church Julius.
Yuri - origin. from Greek; see George.

Boys names letter I

Jacob - from other Hebrew. "heel"; according to biblical legend, Jacob, the second-born twin, grabbed his first brother Esau by the heel in order to keep up with him; church Jacob. Yaroslav - comes from words with the meaning "fierce, bright + glory." Many of us want to choose names for boys using the already modern ready-made name lists for boys, for example, "popular boy names", "beautiful boy names" or "Russian boy names". This section of the site "boys names" offers you a list of the most beautiful, popular, and also truly Russian names for boys. Each name for a boy presented on the pages of our site is accompanied by detailed description name, characteristics, as well as the history of the origin of the name.

A modern male name for a child is a very abstract concept. Old Russian, foreign, "Russified" names of predominantly ancient Greek and Latin origin, creative - in each of these groups there are names that are relevant today.

  • Full name consonance. The abundance of letters "r" in the surname and patronymic can be balanced by a soft name, devoid of this letter. And vice versa.
  • Harmonization with surname and patronymic. An ornate name with a simple surname and patronymic sounds ridiculous. As well as most ordinary, modest names, coupled with unusual or foreign surnames.
  • Some people believe that if the letter “r” is missing in the baby’s patronymic, then it is in without fail must be in the name, otherwise the child will grow up too soft-spoken. An overabundance of the letter "r" also does not bode well, therefore, if this letter is present in the middle name, the name must be chosen without it.
  • It will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the interpretation of the name before naming the child. Male names have a wide variety of meanings and there is an opinion that a “weak” name can negatively affect the future of the baby.
  • It is considered bad luck to name a baby in honor of the dead, especially tragic deaths, relatives or great martyrs. There is an opinion that a child can repeat their fate.

Russian male names for a child

Young parents, as opposed to pretentious overseas names, are increasingly calling their children names of Old Slavonic origin.

By way of education Slavic names can be divided into categories:

  • Names given in order of birth. The first-born could be called Pervush, the next born boy - Vtorak, the third child - Tretiak.
  • Names of the gods: Yarilo.
  • Names derived from the names of representatives of flora and fauna: Hare, Pike, Wolf, Eagle, Nut.
  • Names formed from human qualities: Moguta, Brave, Stoyan.
  • Names formed from participles: Hoten, Nezhdan, Zhdan.
  • Two-basic names formed using two roots, as well as their derivatives: Bogdan - "given by God", Miroslav - "praising the world", Burislav - "stormy glory". Princely family names, for the most part, were two-base.

It is the dual-basic Slavic names that are most widely used today, but in other categories there are very harmonious male names. Below is a list of child-friendly options.

Male names for a child are Orthodox

Orthodox names for children are recorded in the Saints. Saints are a church book in which holidays and commemorated saints are listed in calendar order. The tradition of choosing male names for a child by month and day of birth originated more than 11 centuries ago. At that time, people believed that a saint and a child named after him formed a special bond.

Men's names for the child were chosen according to the holy calendar from the list of those saints that are commemorated on the day the baby is born or on the eighth or fortieth day after birth. Sometimes it was allowed to name a child in honor of a saint especially revered by the parents.

Male names for a child according to the sign of the zodiac

  • Those born under the sign of Aries (March 21 - April 20) are suitable for such names as Arkady, Yuri, Arseny, Oleg, Artem, Adolf, Andrei, Yaroslav, Alexander, August, Alexei, Valery, George, Gabriel, Egor, Nikolai, Savely, Rostislav.
  • Taurus (April 21 - May 21) is better called Akim, Aristarkh, Timur, Fedor, Taras, Makar, David, Vasily, Matvey, Nikita, Mikhail, Borislav, Boris, Anisim, Yegor, Anton or Ilya.
  • The nature of Gemini (May 22 - July 21) will be emphasized by such names as Alexei, Innokenty, Apollo, Gabriel, Arkady, Heinrich, Gennady, Nikita, Konstantin, Gerasim, George, Ignat, Eugene, Klim, Igor, Innokenty, Makar, Mark, Felix, Sergei, Nikolai.
  • With the sign of Cancer (June 22 - July 22), names such as Julius, Stanislav, Arseny, Andrey, Grigory, Valentin, Anisim, Vyacheslav, Denis, Vitaly, Demyan, Maxim, Ilya, Efim, Lev, Dmitry, Mstislav, Timofey are combined , Semyon.
  • Those born under the sign of Leo (July 23 - August 21) are suitable for the names August, Robert, Avenir, Alexander, Rodion, Albert, Alexei, German, Aron, Anton, Anatoly, Savely, Jan, Mark, Kirill, Leo, Leonid, Daniel, David , Ilya, Ivan, Peter, Rostislav, Roman, Nikolai, Ruslan, Arthur.
  • Boys-Virgos (August 22 - September 23) are best called one of the following names: Adrian, Stepan, Gerasim, Agathon, Valentin, Arkhip, Gennady, Vsevolod, Gleb, Heinrich, Marat, Gordey, Demid, Demyan, Grigory, Herman, Igor, Dmitry, Konstantin, Innokenty, Klim, Nikita, Modest, Matvey, Rostislav, Prokhor, Stanislav, Sergey.
  • For boys born under the sign of Libra (September 24 - October 23), the names Akim, Abram, Yakov, Eugene, Alfred, Arkady, Julius, Alexei, Boleslav, Anton, Albert, Vitaly, Innokenty, Evdokim, Ilya, Vilen, Demyan, Leonid are suitable , Konstantin, Leo, Miron, Nikita, Modest, Pavel, Oleg, Timur, Prokhor, Plato, Rostislav, Philip.
  • With the zodiac sign of Scorpio (October 24 - November 22), such male names as Yaroslav, Azariy, Yuri, Averyan, Efim, Anisim, Joseph, Zakhar, Prokhor, Mstislav, Rodion, Savely, Rudolf, Fedor, Taras, Yakov, Eduard are combined , Artem, Athanasius, Ruslan, Sergey, Arseny.
  • The optimal male names for Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22) are Alexander, Yaroslav, Arseny, Aristarkh, Jan, Felix, Heraclius, Hilarion, Stepan, Semyon, Bulat, Vladimir, Vasily, Artem, Vyacheslav, Athanasius, George, Joseph, Zakhar, Peter, Maxim, Roman, Miron, Svyatoslav, Rustam, Savely.
  • The Capricorn boy (December 23 - January 20) will suit the names David, Abram, Daniel, Bogdan, Arthur, Gleb, Vadim, Dmitry, Grigory, Vladlen, Igor, Ignat, Ephraim, Ivan, Yegor, Leonid, Marat, Kirill, Nikolai, Modest, Matvey, Robert, Oleg, Peter, Jan, Rudolf, Rodion.
  • Aquarius babies (January 21 - February 19) are best called Adam, Ernest, Yuri, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Andrey, Avenir, Valery, Arkady, Albert, Vsevolod, Gleb, Vilen, Gury, Yeremey, Pavel, Illarion, Oleg, Leonid or Plato .
  • For a boy born under the sign of Pisces (February 20 - March 20), the names Mikhail, Anton, Alfred, Bogdan, Athanasius, Daniel, Valentin, Valery, Borislav, Vadim, Vasily, Efim, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Eremey, Vladislav, Maxim, Ivan , Timofey, Rudolf, Roman, Edward, Philip, Yuri, Fedor.

Popular and rare male names for a child and their meanings

The Moscow Civil Registry Office kindly provided statistics on the choice of names for male babies, based on data from past years and the first quarter of this year.

  • The rating of the most popular male names for a child in 2017 was headed by Alexander. This name, long loved by the people, has Greek roots and means "protector of the people."
  • The second position is occupied by Michael, which in Hebrew means "who is like God."
  • Bronze went to Artem. Initially, the name was just a colloquial form of the name Artemy, but now it is an independent beautiful male name for a child. Translated from Greek, Artem means "intact, impeccable health."
  • In fourth place are Daniels and Daniels - names of biblical origin with Hebrew roots. They translate as "God is the judge."
  • The fifth step in the list of male names for a child, popular this year, was taken by Maxim - a Roman generic name. In Latin it means "greatest".
  • In sixth place is the hero of the Russians folk tales Ivan. One of the translations of this name from Hebrew sounds like "the grace of God."
  • The seventh place was named Dmitry. This popular name has Greek roots and means " dedicated to the goddess Demeter." Recall that Demeter is the goddess of the earth and fertility in ancient Greek mythology.
  • The eighth position was taken by the name Cyril. A strong name with ancient Greek roots, translated as "lord."
  • The ninth place also went to the name ancient Greek origin. This position is occupied by the name Timothy, which means "honoring God."
  • The Russian name Yegor closes the top ten. This name appeared as a phonetic version of the name George, and the latter comes from the Greek name Georgios, which means "farmer".

The lion's share of the list of popular names in last years make up the same male names for a child, but rare, unusual names annually supplement the corresponding lists.

  • In 2014, Sevastopol, Sila, Rassvet and Jazz were born.
  • In 2015, baby Mercury was born, named either in honor of the saint, or in honor of the god of trade, or in honor of the first planet from the Sun.
  • Last year, the list of unusual names was supplemented by the name of Latin origin Laurus, which can mean the plant of the same name, as it translates as “holiday”, the ancient Greek name Evstigney, translated as “good sign”. Also in the list of unusual names of the past year, the names of Achilles, a brave and almost invulnerable hero of ancient Greek legends, appeared. Caesar is a famous commander and dictator, Bartholomew is an Aramaic name, translated as "son of the plowed land", which was worn by one of Christ's disciples.


The range of names for boys these days is simply huge. If future or accomplished parents are interested in actual male names for a child in 2018, then you should turn to the top of the same name for the current year: practice shows that the “winners” of such charts remain in demand for a long time.

In general, it is not so important what origin the name of the child is. The main thing is that parents like it and fit the baby.