Indicate which tribal unions and peoples belong to. Eastern Slavs

Indicate which tribal unions and peoples belong to. Eastern Slavs
Indicate which tribal unions and peoples belong to. Eastern Slavs

Per year 6370 ... went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia. Those whocks were called Rus, as others are called Swedes, and other Normans and Angles, and other Gotland, like these. Rusi said ... Slovenia ...: "Our Land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come pronomize and possess us "

"And he had two husbands, not relatives to him, but the boyars, and they took over to the Tsargrad with their own. And they went on the Dnieper, and when they sailed past, they saw a small town on the mountain. And asked: "Whose town is it?". The same answered: "There were three brothers Kii, the cheeks and chorive, which built this town and cured, and we sit here, their descendants, and pay tribute to Khazara." Askold and Dir remained in this city, they have gathered many Varyagov and began to own the land of pollast ... "

"In the year 6374 (866). Askold and Deer went to the Greeks ..., many Christians killed and besieged the Tsargrad with two hundred ships. The king hardly entered the city and prayed all night with the Patriarch Fothem in the Church of the Holy Virgin ..., and they carried the divine robe of the Holy Virgin with the songs, and washed her semi in the sea. It was at this time silence and the sea was calm, but here it suddenly rose a storm with the wind, and again the huge waves got up, the shoddigious Russian shodded ships, and nailed them to the shore, and broken, so that few of them managed to avoid this trouble and return home "

"In the year 6387 (879). Rurik died and handed over his own reign of his parents, giving him a son Igor's son, because it was still very small. Per year 6390 (882). Oleg made a lot of warriors with his own way ... And they came to the mountains of Kiev, and found out Oleg, that the Askold and Deer were pronounced here ... When Askold and Deer came, ... Oleg Ascold and Diru said: "Not the princes you are not a prince But I am a princely kind, "and showed Igor:" And this is the son of Rüric. " And killed Askold and Dira, attributed to the mountain and buried Askold on Mountain, which is called the now Urokskaya "

Homework: carefully read § 5, write in writing to the question: "In the year 6370 ... I went for the sea to Varyags, to Russia" In which year, this event happened to Christ, if our ancestors believed that Jesus was born in 5508 from creation World. Remember date!

East Slavic tribes are more than a dozen different tribes that can be combined with the concept of Eastern Slavs. Their tribal unions over time merged into a single nationality, drawing up the basis of the ancient Russian state. Over time, the political bundle of Eastern Slavs occurred, which allowed the XVII century to form three main peoples - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

Early History

There are very few early history of East Slavic tribes. In many ways, due to the fact that they had no writing. Only around 863 appeared a verbolitis created by specially Byzantine linguists.

Some information about the early history of East Slavic tribes can be found in Arab, Byzantine and Persian sources. The first original Eastern Slavic documents belong to the XI century. But they are extremely small. The chronicles are considered the most reliable and full sources. They began to actively compile after the adoption of Christianity on the sample of the Byzantine chronicles.

The most complete from those who came to the present day is the "Tale of Bygone Years", which was written at the turn of the XI-XII centuries. At the same time, the author, first of all, is interested in the ancient Russian state, therefore special attention is paid to the glades and Novgorod words, while information about the rest of the tribes is extremely scarce.

Eastern Slavs settlement

The settlement of East Slavic tribes actively begins in the VII-VIII centuries. Initially, the Dnieper river was dwelling by Polyana, in the north they are located northerners, mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gums, the Drevlyan was taken by the North-Western regions.

Dvregovichi settled between the Dvina and Pripyat, and the half-pool lived along the river of the Pole. Curvoes moved land in the Dnieper area, Volga and Dvina.

In the Western and South Bug, too, were the territories of East Slavic tribes. There lived a duleba or bell, some of them moved to the west with time, mixed with Western Slavs.

The dominant role in which East Slavic tribes, where they lived, have played customs and language, special ways of doing economy. The key activities for several centuries remained agriculture (growing barley, wheat, millet), some cultivated rye and oats. Massively bred homemade bird and cattle.


If you deepen in an ancient story again, then we learn that Antairs are one of the Rannesian tribes, from which many of the tribes of the Eastern Slavs occurred. Nowadays it was possible to restore the ideas about their life and the economy as fully as possible.

Now we can argue that Antairs lived in rural settlements, which were sometimes strengthened. Mostly they were engaged in agriculture, arable business. The processing of metals was widespread, the archaeologists more than once found bronze and iron workshops of Ants. East Slavic tribes and their neighbors not only fought with each other, but in peaceful periods actively exchanged, trading business. First of all, we are talking about goths, Scythians, Sarmatians, Roman provinces.

Already at that time, the most first forms of social organization are created, unions and association are formed.


One of the most famous East Slavic tribes - Curvichi. They were mainly engaged in agriculture, handicrafts and cattle breeding. Smolensk, Izborsk, Polotnsk belonged to their key cities. In a broad sense, it was the Union of East Slavic tribes, which was finally formed in the VIII-X centuries. According to the most common hypothesis, the curviti was included in the ancient Russian nation. They treat East Slavic tribes along with other oldest tribes of that time.

By the XI century, the Polotsk and Smolensk Principality and part of Novgorod possessions were located on the territory of Krivichi. We can get basic information about the "Tale of Bygone Years", in which it is argued that they lead their origin from the shelter.

Where did Crivichi live?

Crivichi settled most of the modern Belarus in several centuries. With them, they adjinted Dregovichi and Radmichi. Since ancient times, Crivichi interacted closely with Varyags, and the Byzantine Emperor Konstantin VII recalled about them that they did boats, which could go to the Tsargrad himself.

According to the most common version, in 980 the last prince of Krivich was killed, whose name was Rog Volodya. Made this Novgorod Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

After the formation of Kievan Russia, Crivichi took part in the colonization of Eastern lands, partially assimiced there.


Another important East Slavic tribe - Vyatichi. They are located in the Oka basin in the VIII-XIII centuries. From the "Tale of Bygone Years", we can find out that in the 9th century, Naznychi began to live under the Khazars who paid tribute. Management, as in most other neighboring tribes, was carried out by Prince and Veche. Judging by the archaeological finds, Vnatichi actively participated in international trade.

The power of the prince of East Slavic tribes was very limited by a powerful evening, that is, the People's Assembly. Moreover, it was the initial branch of the management in tribes, because it was exactly the "organization" invited Rurik to prince.

Presumably, he entered him adult men. All those who were in the meeting, united not related ties, and public social functions. Most likely, it was a very militarized community.

In the second half of the 19th century, Vynhatichi was subordinated by Kievan Rus after the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav.


The names of East Slavic tribes are largely determined by the place of residence. One of them, which deserves a separate mention, Drevlyan. Mostly they lived in the Ukrainian Polesie (Forest, Wood Strip).

As long as the Kiev Rus was not subordinated, had a very developed state organization. The political center of the tribe was based in the city of Earrows, with time, moved to Ovruch.

The tribe is also known. They lived in the upper reaches of the Dniester and Dnieper. On the territory of modern Gomel and Mogilev regions of the current Belarusian. The first written evidence that confirm their existence belongs to the end of the 9th century.

As a result of archaeological excavations, a large number of burials of the radiramics were found, which were carried out on the ceremony of the troves. They are characterized by burial fires with oval outlines, while in such mounds of the dead lay on a fire in the direction from the west to the east. It is noteworthy the structure of the burial fires, which resembled the so-called home-teremki.

In most Kurgans there are no personal belongings. Most likely, they burned down her dot on the funeral bonfires. By the way, the burial traditions were similar and among other East Slavic tribes. For example, the nesting mounds are known in places where curviti lived.

Kievan Rus

Ancient East Slavic tribes should be attributed not only to curvacres, races, but also polished, Pskov, Pskov, Zveliyan, Bolowhov, Bujan, Narevian, Northerners, Tivers, Radmich.

Over time, they began to unite. The state in which all Eastern Slavic tribes entered is Kievan Rus.

It originated in the 9th century due to the dynasty of the princes of Rurikovich, who combined East Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes among themselves.

During his highest heard, the Kievan Rus occupied the territory of the Dniester in the West, the Taman Peninsula in the south, northern Dvina in the north, the tributaries of the Volga in the East.

Already by the XII century, feudal wars began within the state, in which about one and a half dozens of Russian principalities were involved, which were led by representatives of various branches of Rurikov's dynasty.

Kiev has lost its former majesty and importance, the principality itself was in the collective ownership of the princes, but Russia existed later, as an ethnocultural region, which played a decisive role in the unification of Slavic lands.

East Slavic Unity

The union of East Slavic tribes refers to the end of the 9th century. It was then that the Novgorod Prince Oleg, who, most likely, was Varyague by origin, decided to unite power in his hands over Novgorod and Kiev. In the chronicle, this event dates back to 882 year.

As a result, the class of early referring ancient Russian state is formed, from which Kievan Rus appeared. This moment has become a turning point in the history of Eastern Slavs. But not everything went smoothly. In some lands, the princes from Kiev was greeted by the fierce resistance of local feudalists, which was suppressed only with the help of weapons.

Drevlyan resistance

Some of the most stubborn were Drevlyan, with them the longest struggle was conducted. When, during the next campaign, Prince Igor decided to gather a double tribute from the Rod, they broke his squad and deprived his life himself.

Instead of Igor, his wife Olga, who finally, using tough measures, was subordinated to the Ridge directly Kiev. Their capital, which was in the city of Earrows, was fully destroyed.

At the same time, the centers of East Slavic tribes are formed, which, ultimately, are subordinate to Kiev. Thus, under Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the land of Vyatichi and the modern North Caucasus entered the Kiev. When the early refortion state was finally formed, more favorable conditions were created for economic growth and maintenance.

Soon, more favorable conditions for economic growth and maintenance of the country began to be formed. But these processes were associated with restrictions on freedoms, peasants, as evidenced by numerous sources.

Neighbors of Slavs

East Slavic tribes and their neighbors often collaborated with each other. In this article, we have already called a few tribes, which most often had to intersect the Slavs.

Now consider this question in more detail. In the West, the main neighbors of the eastern Slavs were the German and Celtic tribes. In the east, the Finno-Ugors and Balts lived, among them there were Sarmatians and Scythians, some of which are considered to be the ancestors of modern Iranians. Over time, they are increasingly more active than Hazars and Bulgars.

From the south, the Greeks, Romans, Illyrians, ancient Macedonians traditionally adjointed with the Slavs.

In the Byzantine chronicles, it was not emphasized in the Byzantine, that the neighborhood with Slavic tribes was turned around by a real disaster. Also seriously worried about the neighborhood and numerous German peoples, as the bold raids were regularly accomplished, as a result of which the most fertile lands were captured, residential buildings and economic buildings were destroyed.

The situation in some way changed in the VI century, when Turkic tribes arose in the neighboring territories. They began to lead a fierce struggle with the Slavs for land located in the Danube and Dniester areas. Moreover, some Slavic tribes over time passed to the side of the Turks, which put their ultimate goal of the seizure of the Byzantine Empire. As a result of a long war, the Byzantines were completely involved in the Western Slavs, but the southern could defend their independence.

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What tribes were East Slavic peoples?

According to the information, most of which was obtained as a result of the study of the ancient written sources and archaeological finds, the tribes of the Eastern Slavs were separated from the Indo-European community in about a hundred and fifties to our era, after which their number and influence began to increase rapidly.

How did the tribes of the Eastern Slavs arose?

The first mentions of the numerous tribes of Venenov, as well as Soclavains and Ants (this is how the first Slavic ethnic groups called in those days) are present in the manuscripts of Greek, Byzantine, Roman, as well as Arab authors. On early times, you can also learn information from Russian chronicles.

The very crushing of this people on the eastern, western and southern, according to the statements of some scientists, is due to their pushing out of other nations, which was not uncommon at that time (the times of the great resettlement of peoples).

South Slavic (Bulgarian, Slovenian, as well as Serbohorvat and Macedonian) tribes are those communities that preferred to stay in Europe. Today, they are considered the progenitors of Serbs, Chernogortsev, Croat, Bulgarians, as well as Slovenians and Bosnians.

To the tribes of Western Slavs (Slanezhanam, Polyanam, Praeanam, as well as Bohemians and Poland), scientists are ranked by the Slavs that moved to the northern latitudes. From these communities, according to the authors of the most popular versions of the emergence of Slavic peoples, Czechs, Poles and Slovaks occurred. The Southern and Western Slavic tribes were, in turn, were captured and assimilated by representatives of other peoples.

East Slavic tribes, to which scientists include tivers, whites Croat, Northerners, Volyan, Polochan, Drevlyan, as well as streets, radiologists, Bujan, Vyatichi and Dregovich, consist of the Slavs that moved to the territory of the so-called Eastern European Plain. The descendants of the above-mentioned tribes today's historians and Slavophiles researchers consider Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians.

Table: East Slavic Tribal Unions

Scheme: Eastern Slavs in the era of the "Great Migration of Peoples"

How did the Slavic tribes coexisted with other peoples?

Most of the Slavic tribes were forced to move on the territory of Central Europe, in particular, at the Earth, once the Great Roman Empire, having broken down in 476. At the same time, the conquerors of this empire formed a new statehood during this period, which, although based on the experience of the heritage of the Roman Empire, was different from her. At the same time, the territories chosen by East Slavic tribes were not so developed in culturally.

Some Slavic tribes settled on the shores of Lake Ilmen, subsequently, based on this place, the city of Novgorod, others - decided to continue the path and settling on the banks of the Dnieper River, founded the city of Kiev, who later became the mother of the cities of Russian.

Approximately the sixth and eighth century, Eastern Slavs were able to occupy the whole territory of Eastern European Plain. Their neighbors were Finns, Estonians, Lithuanians, Labs, Mans, Khanty, as well as Ugra and Komi. It is worth noting that according to the available historical data, the settlement and development of new territories was carried out peacefully, without any hostilities. Oriental Slavs themselves did not be hostressed with the above nations.

Confrontation of the Eastern Slavic nomads

But in the territories located in the East and the southeast there was a perfect other situation at the same time. In these regions of the plain, it was adjacent to the Slavs, the nomadic people called the Slavs, called the Turks. Regular raids of steppe nomads ruined the Slavic settlements of about a thousand years. At the same time, Turks formed their states in the southeastern and eastern borders of the Eastern Slavs. Their biggest and most powerful state of the Avarian Kaganat, existed in the middle of the five hundred years and fell in 625, after the collapse of Byzantium. However, in the seventh-eight century, the Bulgarian kingdom is located on the same territory. Most of the Bulgars, settled at the medium current Volga, formed the state included in history as the Volga Bulgaria. The remaining Bulgars, which settled in the Danube formed the Danube Bulgaria. A little later, as a result of the assimilation of representatives of the South Slavic tribes, a new people appeared with Turkish migrants, called by Bulgarians.

The territories liberated by Bulgarians occupied new Turks - Pechenegi. This people later founded the Khazar Kaganat, in the steppe territories located between the banks of Volga and Azov with the Caspian seas. Later, the tribes of the Eastern Slavs were enslaved by the Khazari. At the same time, Eastern Slavs pledged to pay the Khazar Kaganat tribute. Such relations of Slavic eastern tribes with Khazars continued until the ninth century.

The "first Slavs" - "Tale of Bygone Years" did not reach us in its original form. Neusal Slavs neighbors: Khazars and Varyags. Varangian warrior. What did the word "Rus" mean? 1. What is a "pedigree"? 3. Origin and settlement of Slavs. Among the Scandinavian tribes was not the people of Russia (RUOTSI). Khazar warrior. By VIII century Khazars conquered the tribes of the Pollas, Northerners, Radmich, Vyatichi.

"The ancestors of Slavs" - the Slavic tribe had to be treated and move to other lands. Benches, tables and all homemade utensils were made of wood. From the animal skins did clothing for student winters. And in the summer, when it was warm, men worn only shirts yes pants. A fast arrow will catch up with a hare in the field, and a bird in the sky. It is only necessary to catch it, and it was possible to get fur.

"Ancient Eastern Slavs" - commands mermaids, abdominal and other water inhabitants. A big holiday from the mermaids - Kupala. (Conversation). What role did our ancestors assigned? The house is a patron at home. Dazhibogu was at the Public Slavs by the God of the Sun. Handling agriculture. Myth in its own way explains the origin of the Earth and man.

"The gods of the ancient Slavs" - rivers. From history ... Dogoda, Marshmallow. Underworld gods. - dominic over the Underworld. Sent, pleasure. Polkans Magi Voltz Volkhovets Slavs Rudotok. Cors, god of drunkenness. Svva, goddess of fruits. Light, sun, vital heat. Zimzherl, or Zimster, Spring. Mogochka, earthly fruits.

"Religion of Slavs" - the God of the Sun was called Chorea (Khoros) or Yarilo. Among the Slavs were common worship of the sun. Head idol is crowned with cap. Others suggest the connection of mumps with spinning and weaving .. Eastern Slavs. Leader: Kalashnikova T.V. Religion, rituals. Mokosh (Makosh) - a female deity, still remaining unparthanded to the end.

"Unions of Eastern Slavs" - all. White Croats. Illustrations picked up Frolov Dima. Measure. Dryagovichi. Ilmenie Slovenia. Avara. Slavs believed in the afterlife and revered their ancestors. Noble people existed polygamy. Civil uprising. Eastern Slavs were pagans. Bloodworn community. Roof wing with fooled clay branches.

Total in the topic 34 presentations

Societies at the stage of decomposition of primitive relations. The formation of unions is a stage in the way of education of statehood. They were complex structures that were carried out territorial-political character. Consider further how the union was eastern Slavs in antiquity. Names of tribal unions And their brief description will also be presented in the article.

Principles of union

Education of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs It began with the VI century. The association occurred by consolidating several small tribes, one of which became dominant. His name became name of the tribal union.

East Slavscommunicated by the generic and territorial-political principle. Each education had its own geographic area, their name, customs, traditions. In some tribal Unions Eastern Slavs Approved certain internal laws, ritual rules. Everyone had a language, but each union had their own dialects.

Political system

Tribal Unions of Eastern Slavs were well organized.

Each territory existed their cities. One of them was a kind of capital. Religious events were held here, transmission meetings. It is important to note that in each tribal Union of Eastern Slavs There was a princely power. She was passed from his father to his son.

In addition to the prince, management and control were in the hands of the evening. In every tribe, which was part of the Union, was an elder.

Distinctive features

Of particular interest is the features of the development of territories tribal alliances of the Eastern Slavs and their settlement By terrain. As archaeological finds show, people occupied the territories close to the reservoirs.

Who was the neighbors of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs? Next door to them lived South and Western Slavs. In the VI-VIII centuries. In these tribes, the process of formation of statehood also passed.

If you look at Card tribal unions of Eastern SlavsYou can see that they occupied fairly extensive territories.

It is worth saying that the goal of all Eastern Slavic tribal unions was protected from external enemies. A separate tribe was unable to confront the attacker. To improve the efficiency of protection, the prince formed a squad.

Tribal Unions of Eastern Slavs: Table

Tribal formations are described by Nestor in his "Tale". Total, the author talks about 15 tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs. For convenience, the names of the main ones and brief description are shown in the table.

Association of the tribes, which occupied the territory in the supporter Zap. Bug. At the end of the X century, they became part of the ancient Russian state


One of the associations that appeared on the territory of Dlebov. Volynians created about 70 cities. The center was Volyn.

Tribes, settled on the upper and average oco. From the middle of the X century, Vntychi was part of the Kiev Rus. Since the XII century, their territory belonged to Chernigov, Rostov-Suzdal and Ryazan principles


In the 6th - x centuries. These tribes occupied the territory of the Right Bank of Ukraine, Polesia. Their neighbors were Dregovichi, Buzhani, Volynian. The capital was the city of Earrows. In 883, Oleg laid them tribute to


These tribes occupied the northern regions of the Dnieper Rights Bank. In antiquity, the main city was tours. Since the X century, the Kiev Rus

This tribal association occupied the area of \u200b\u200bZap. Volyni. In the VII century, they made devastating raids of Avara. In 907, Druzhina Dublebov took part in a campaign to Kinggrad

Ilmenie Slovenia

This union is considered one of the most numerous. Such neighbors were sorny and measuring. At the beginning of the XIX century, together with miracles and curvits, Slavia shaped, which became the center of Novgorod land

They occupied the territory on the watershed of the Zap. DVY, Volga and Dnieper. The main cities were: Smolensk, Izborsk, Polotsk

They settled on Wed. The flow of the Dnieper. It is believed that they have formed the center of the Old Russian State


This union occupied the eastern part of the Upper Podprovia. With the middle of the 9th century were chosen by tribute to Khazari. In 885, Oleg joined them to the state. Finally, the radarity has lost its independence in 984, when their squad was defeated by the Governor of the KN. Vladimir


This tribal association occupied the territory on the gum, Sul, the Seimas. They also paid the Khazarad tribute. In the composition of Russia were approximately from 865

These tribes settled along the Dniester and the mouth of the Danube. In 907 and 944, participated in the campaigns to the Tsargrad. From the middle of the X century included in Sosawa Rus, in the XII century. Under the Natius of Polovtsy and Pechenegs moved to the northern territories where they mixed with other tribes

They lived in Nizhny Podneprovye, along the Black Sea coast, in wagon. The abilities were fighting in Kiev, defending his independence. Under the onslaught of nomads moved to the northern territories. In the middle of the x century. entered Russia


A characteristic feature of a tribal device of society during the period of "military democracy" is the desire of one association to be elevated over another.

True Slavs called themselves in the legends of Volynian, Zaryan, Polyana. Other tribes were given various offensive names. For example, Tiversev was called intelligence, residents of Novgorod - carpenters, radioches - crescents, etc.

The place in the hierarchy was designated with the help of associations with shoes. For example, a dominant tribe - "in boots", Danikov - "Laps". When subordinate to the city, the Elder's conqueror went out barely. To designate a place in a tribal hierarchy, instructions on classes, color, material and size of clothes, tents, etc. have been used.


According to historians, East Slavic tribes consisted of several tribal groups, whose name was not known to Northor. The number of cities correlate with the number of communities (100-150 people in each) or groups that united around the city.

Most likely, there were several groups in the cryment tribe. In the chronicles of Nestor, the Smolensk Crucas and Curvicians-Polochanov speak. They conducted independent foreign policy activities. Also, on the basis of finds, archaeologists allocate Pskov curvacies and Smolensk-Polotsk.

Curvichi is considered to be a united grouping, which has developed in the interaction of Slavic immigrants and a malicious local population.

Historians believe that Northerners combined three tribal groups. The desires and Featmen were in the composition of one union. Vntychi and Radmichi, presumably, were originally one tribe, and subsequently divided. This is evidenced by the legend of Vyatko's brothers and Radim.

Ilmenie Slovenia

They were also confidential relations with neighbors. It is believed that in the place of Novgorod there were previously villages of various tribes. They surrounded empty space, which performed as a venue of the Union Evening.

From these villages, the "Ends" of the city were formed - areas with self-government.

By the middle of the 9th century, a confederation was formed from tribes that settled on an extensive territory. She entered Slovenia, Chud, all, Curivichi, Murom, Merey.

Formation of statehood

Currently, there is no single approach to the issue of the formation of ancient Russian state.

In the XI-XVI centuries. Dynastic and theological concepts dominated. The latter came from Cyril Methodius tradition. According to her, the state was formed in the process of confrontation of old (paganism) and new (Christianity) faith.

Christians opposed tribes that did not know God's laws. The founder of the state was recognized by Vladimir. At the same time, all previous historical events were considered the "shadow" of baptism.

According to the dynastic concept, the foundation of the state is associated with the emergence of the Rurikovsky dynasty. In 862, Rurik rose at the head of East Slavic tribes. In this concept, it is of particular importance to origin of the first princes and their dynastic bonds.

The theory of public contract

In accordance with it, the state was formed as a result of the variations of the Varyags for the reign, establishing contractual relations between tribes.

The corresponding agreements took place not only in the Novgorod land, but also in Kiev, as well as in Smolensk, in the Seversk territories, in the Caucasus.

Patriarchal concept

According to her, the state was formed as a result of the unification of the tribes in the union, and the unions in the "Supersonuisa". At the same time, the hierarchy of power became more complicated. Before the emergence of Russia, in the Eastern European territories, there were three parts of Russia: Favoria (Center - Kiev), Artania (located east of Slovenian districts), Slavia (Land Sloven). In 882, Oleg united them, the state arose.

Theory of conquest

It connects the formation of the state with the subordination of the Slavs Scandinavam. The process of formation of the state at the same time stretched for a long time while the middle of the X century. Unified education was created led by Prince Igor.

Socio-economic concept

She prevailed among Soviet scientists. Researchers paid attention to the presence of social prerequisites for the formation of the state. Among them: Improving labor instruments, the emergence of inequality, classes, private property.

The role of each tribe was determined depending on its development, preparedness for the entry into the state. The center of the emergence of predisposing factors is called the average subway. Glade, dews, northerners lived here. Within the framework of the theory, the identity of the Rus and Polyan tribes is approved.

Influence of foreign policy factor

Some researchers consider it decisive in the process of state formation. The tribes that settled in the middle phenosis, united in an alliance for joint struggle with the Khazari. So in 830-840. An independent state was created. Power in it was in the hands of the kagan. At the same time, a squad was formed. It consisted mainly of hired Varyagov, who were excellent warriors.

The sociological approach to the problem of the state is based on the recognition of the creation of a pre-combined druginous layer. She began to be called Russia and subsequently spread his power to the tribes of the farmers, adopting the function of the state.