The message about the people of Yakuta briefly. All-Russian media project "Russian Nation" - all ethnides of Russia as inseparable parts of the Unified Russian Nation

The message about the people of Yakuta briefly. All-Russian media project
The message about the people of Yakuta briefly. All-Russian media project "Russian Nation" - all ethnides of Russia as inseparable parts of the Unified Russian Nation

Live in harmony with nature, faithful, to honor, but not afraid of change - all this is about Yakuts, one of the most numerous northern Peoples Russia.

Yakuts (self-calibration of Sakha or Sakhalar) as the people appeared as a result of the mixing of Turks with the pepologies who lived at the medium flow of Lena. It is believed that ethnicity Yakuts were formed to XIV-XVV. However, even then the process was not complete: as a result of a nomadic lifestyle, this people constantly moved, in the path of influencing the nation new bloodFor example, Evenkaya.

Yakuts belong to the North Asian type of the Mongoloid race. In many ways, their culture and traditions are similar to the customs of Central Asian turkic peoplesBut there are still some differences. The language of Yakuts is in the Altai family and refers to Turkic adverbs.

Patience, perseverance and high performance - national traits Yakuts: Despite the extremely harsh climate and heavy living conditions, Sakha's time impacts were able to graze the cattle and plow the stale ungrateful lands. The climate also had a great influence on the National costume: Even on the wedding, Yakut girls wear fur coats.

The main fishery of Yakuts include horse breeding, hunting and fishing. In our time, such classes are subject to problematic, so many Yakuts are involved in the mining industry, because their region is rich in diamonds.

Yakuta - traditionally nomadic peopleTherefore, as housing, they use easily disassembled yurt.

But do not rush to imagine a felt house, similar to those that build Mongols: the Yakut yurt is made of wood and has a cutting roof, in shape resembling a cone.

In the yurt, there are many windows, under each of which are satisfied with sleeping places. Sun beds are separated by partitions, harboring small "rooms", the heart of the yurt - the mashed hearth. In the hot season of the year, the short-lived beretta yurts are built, which are called urassami. Not all Yakuts are comfortable in the yurts, so, since the XX century, many prefer huts.

Traditional beliefs and holidays

For Yakut beliefs, it is characterized by nature as a mother, love and respect for it. In this case, there is in relationships with environmental And some "unseasonal" disgrace: the nature is perceived as the otherworldly power, with which it is impossible to fully cope. In total, in the opinion of Sakha, there is a soul and strength. And the rites of Yakuts are designed to establish relations between numerous spirits and humanity.

Sakha has his own, rather curious, explanation of origin natural cataclysms: They arise to clean the affected evil spirits Places.

Thus, the split or burned zipper tree is purely from any bad and even can heal.

Great importance It has the goddess Aan, the patroness of the whole living, helping people, plants and animals to grow and fruit. Ritual with offerings for Aan is in spring.

One of the most important perfumes in yakut tradition - The owner of the road. He is trying to drop in minor offerings: horses, coins, pieces of fabric and buttons are put on the intersection.

The owner of the water, the gifts that are taken to bring twice a year: in autumn and spring. They consist of a birchy boat, on which the image of a person is cut out, and tested pieces tied to it, tapes, etc. It is impossible to drop knives, needles and other sharp objects: it can offend and insult the owner of water.

The owner of the star Star and Sedovlas, his purpose is the expulsion of evil spirits. The fire, as a symbol of light and heat, Sakha has always been read. He was afraid to stew and transferred to a new place in the pots, as the flame will be warm up - the family and home the hearth are protected.

Baai Bayianai - the Spirit of the Forest - Assistant in everything concerns hunting. Some animals of Yakuts were chosen in antiquity as the sacred closest to Baai, and therefore put the taboo on their murder and eating. Such animals belonged to goose, swan, ermine. The king of birds was considered an eagle. The main among the beasts and the most revered among Yakuts was a bear. And in our time, many believe in the miraculous power of the faucenes from his claws or teeth.

The roots of the Yakut holidays go to the ancient rites, among whom the most important is the yshah, celebrated in the early summer. During the holiday around the young birch in the meadow they make a conmanion. Nowadays, such an action is associated with the friendship of all peoples living in the territory of Yakutia, previously it symbolized the world tree. Osyakh - family day and celebrated by people of all ages.

An important part of the holiday is a sprinkling of fire by Kumen, and then appeal to the deities asking for such benefits as luck, peace, etc. Yakuta wear traditional costume, prepare national dishes, drink Kumys. During the meal, it is necessary to sit at one table with the whole family, relatives of near or far. Yyzah - a fun holiday with dances, rounds, competitions in the fight, pulling sticks, archery.

Family rites and traditions

The modern Yakut family differs little from the average Russian. But until the 19th century, Sakh has spread polygamy. According to the Yakut traditional family model, each woman lived separately, observing its own way of life, life, economy. You preferred to tie myself to the ounces of Marriage Yakuta in 16-25 years. When the groom's family was walked to the parents of the bride, it was accepted for the girl to pay calm. In case the groom is too poor, he could steal the bride, and the money "to work" later.

To protect the house and cattle from damage, the evil eye, evil spirits and so far in some uluses, a number of measures are taken. For a successful conspiracy, such, it would seem, the little things like an ornament on clothes, "right" decorations, special utensils. Some conspiractions are not enough, it is also necessary to conduct special rites, with which Sakha hope to get a good harvest, increase the livestock, give birth to healthy children, etc.

Old customs and traditions have great importance. Women can not look at the Magic Stone Sat, who find in the stomachs or liver of animals and birds, otherwise it will lose its strength. Sat wrap up in Beresto and horse hair, they caress as an eye, because with it you can call rain, wind, snow. The first is especially important in the event of arid weather, because the soil fertility depends largely on timely irrigation.

Interesting Facts about Yakuts and Yakutia

The most famous component yakut folklore - Epos Olonkho, considered as a view of poetry, but the sound is rather reminiscent of the opera. Thanks ancient art Olonkho to our time reached the many folk yakut tales. The contribution of Olonkho to the folklore of the peoples of the world is so great that in 2005 he was included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list.

One of the popular Yakut dishes is Stroganin: finely chopped frozen fish.

Square of Yakutia more Argentina Square.

Approximately a quarter of the global mining of diamonds falls on Yakutia.

More than forty percent of the territory of Yakutia is behind the northern polar circle.

When Sakha eat the meat of the bear, before the start of the meal, they imitate a croution crout. Thus, they defend the Spirit of the Bear, giving themselves to the birds.

Yakut horses graze themselves, behind them does not look after the shepherd.

Before the discovery of Diring-Yuryakh, all of humanity was considered to be spread over the entire planet by resettlement from the only Olduva Center in Africa. Diring, one might say, put the end of the version of the alleged universal resettlement. Now the north, who considered the deserted desert, will figure out one of the oldest cradle of the origin of mankind and the Ramateria of the oldest foundations of cultures and languages. In this direction, it is necessary to hope, over time, go under the arm with Diring published in this work of the Nostratic (all-lactation) of ethnonyms and toponyms on the basis of the threatening-self-independent and Maya-Paleoisian languages. Who and how created such a generallylanet of the oldest ethnonyms and toponyms - a mystery. The key to that riddle may be the fact that Maya-mayaati talked to the Self, and Yukagir Ceduli have a language from the group of threatening, very close to the Mansi language. However, to solve that riddle is the task of the humanities of the coming centuries. The author is pleased that Yakut dirin and threatening self-mayat nostratics will stand on the turning corner of the revision of the origin of all mankind. It will be much more prestigious and honorable than all the former allegedly migrant versions, because in any Empires of antiquity and modernity, the role of little ones was equally modest.
The chick appeared on the light does not turn into a horse, and the born Hong-Honghuses and Turks do not become a new ethnic. Such is deftly disguised the essence of "AKSOMATIC" migrating theory about the Yakuts - the theory of "scientific" cancellation of Sakha as a self-conceived independent people and turning it into the degenerate barrodges. To strengthen the picture of the degeneration, the theory does not expose on foreground Heroic work on the cold pole, and emphasizes a one-sided poverty, backwardness and "primitiveness" of Sakha under the guise of sympathy. For the transmission of more "smart" neighbors, the deleteful successes of the Dirring Culture, the rehaustory theory came up with even certain "cultural heroes" from the "immigrants" allegedly learned by the Dirring, how to live on the pole of cold and eternal Merzlot. There are allocated by Ommois, absolute savages that did not meet even the elementary vessels from Berestov and the simplest pagan rites. This theoretical destruction of Sakha and turning it into a degraded process of absolutely foreign neighbors is a lot of sympathizer and to this day. And all this because of the transition of Sakha in the past on the imperial language of kaganats and Khanate. According to toponyms, Yakutia changed at least a dozen languages \u200b\u200bin the past. Those languages \u200b\u200bcame and left without changing Tel. Turkicature is only another replaceable from that tent of those who come and left languages. Today, the impressive group of Yakuts moved to Russian-speaking, and did not remain among the Yakuts who do not know how to speak Russian. However, because of this, something does not speak about the origin of Sakha from the Russians.
The entire conscious life of the author of these lines went to find out the above-mentioned natural and artificial difficulties of Sakha ethnogenesis. Over the proposed monograph, he worked almost half a century. And the fact that he was not in a hurry to put his conclusions, almost destroyed everything a long-term study: he had to write a telegram-shaped monograph, compressed - after lost. Complete labor was also due to economic limitations. But each head of labor has become the most abstracts of the future independent monograph. Their author gives its future followers in the XXI and subsequent centuries. There are different emotions around Yakut ethnogenesis. The author did not find it possible to focus on them in his monograph, because the results of the and fate of humanitarian research, completed by passions are well known.


Chapter 1. Traditional culture Peoples of Yakutia.

1.1. The culture of the peoples of Yakutia in the XVII-XVIII centuries. and the spread of Christianity ....................................................................... 2

1.2. Yakuta .............................................................................. 4.

Chapter 2. Beliefs, culture, life .

2.1. Beliefs ......................................................................................... 12.

2.2. Holidays ............................................................................. 17.

2.3. Ornaments ...................................................................................... ... 18

2.4. Conclusion ........................................................................ ..19.

2.5. Used literature ................................................... ... 20

Traditional culture of the peoples of Yakutia in XVII - XVIII BB

In the traditional culture of the peoples of Yakutia until the end of the XVIII century. No significant changes took place. With this section in this section is given general characteristics The cultures of indigenous peoples of the region of the XVII - XVIII centuries.

The peoples of the whole Lena region begin to change the lifestyle and type of activity, there is a change in language and traditional culture. The main event in this change was the charge of Yasak. Most of The indigenous population is departed from the main classes and go to the fastener hunting. Yukagira, Avena and Evenks go to fur classes, throwing reindeer herding. By the middle of the XVIIV, Yasak began to pay Yakuts, 80 years old. The same century began to pay Yasak Even, Evenks and Yukagira, Chukchi began to pay taxes by the middle of the XVIII century.

There is a change in everyday life, the houses for livestock becomes a separate building, the buildings of the economic value (barns, storage rooms, the bath) appear, the clothing of Yakuts are changed, which is made from Russian or foreign cloth.

Spread of Christianity.

Before the adoption of Christianity, Yakuts were pagans, believed in the spirits and the presence of different worlds.

With the advent of Russians, Yakuts began to move gradually into Christianity. First began to go to orthodox faith Women marrying Russian. Men accepted new religionThey received a gift rich caftan and were released from Yasak for several years.

In Yakutia, the adoption of Christianity is changing the customs and morals of Yakuts, such concepts disappear as blood resist, weaken related relationships. Yakuts receive names and surnames, literacy spreads. Churches and monasteries become centers of enlightenment and typography.

Only in the XIX. Church books appear in the Yakut language and the first priests of Yakuts. The persecution of shamans and persecution on the supporters of the shamanism begins. The shamans who did not accept Christianity referred away.


The main occupation of Yakuts was the breeding of horses and cattle, in the northern regions were engaged in reindeer herding. Cattlers made seasonal swinging, and in the winter for livestock was incended by the hay. Great importance retained fishing and hunting. In general, a very peculiar specific farm was created - sedentary cattle breeding. It was a great place for horse breeding. The developed cult of the horse, the Turkic terminology of horse breeding speaks for the fact that the horses were given by SAHA southern ancestors. In addition, research conducted by I.P. Guriev, showed the high genetic similarity of Yakut horses with steppe horses - with Mongolian and Akhalteinskaya rocks, with a Kazakh horse such as Jaba, partly with Kyrgyz and, which is especially interesting, with Japanese horses from Cherry Island.

During the period of medium Lena basin, the Yuzhnosibirsk ancestors of Yakuts have particularly large economic importance had a horse that possess the ability to "beat" the snow by hooves, to break the crust of ice, feed themselves. Cattle cattle for distant swing is not adapted and appears usually during the period of decorated semi-seated (shephent) economy. As you know, Yakuts did not nomadic, but moved from the winter to the anneton. This corresponded to the Yakut dwelling, Turuorbach Dueye, wooden stationary yurt.

According to written sources of the XVII-XVIII centuries. It is known that the Yakuts lived in the yurts in the yurts, "shrouded land", and in the summer - in the Bershevy Yurts.

An interesting description is made up by the Japanese who visited Yakutia in late XVIII. W.: "In the middle of the ceiling, a large hole was done to which a thick icy board is laid, thanks to which inside the yakut house is very light."

Yakut settlements usually consisted of several dwellings located one from the other at a considerable distance. Wooden yurts almost unchanged to the middle of the XX century. "I wrote the inside of the Yakut yurt, - I wrote V.L. Serushevsky in his book" Yakuta ", - especially at night, lit by the red flame of fire, produced a little fantastic impression ... Her sides, isolated from round standing logs, seem striped from shaded The grooves, and the whole with the ceiling ... with the pillars in the corners, with a mass of the forest, gently falling from the roof on the ground, seems to be some kind of eastern tent. Only a light eastern fabric due to circumstances is replaced by a golden deciduous tree here ... ".

The doors of the Yakut yurt were located on the east side, towards ascending Sun.. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Fireplaces (Camulope Ohokh) were not broken clay, but smeared by it, and all the time wondered. Hotons were separated only by a low rherish partition. The dwellings were built from small trees, for they considered a sin to cut a thick tree. Yurt had an odd number of windows. Orona-sunbeds, walking along the southern and western walls of the dwelling, were wide and went to bed across. They had different heights. The lowest Earon was placed on the right side, near the entrance (Uη Oon), and the higher - the host, "so that the happiness of the owner was not lower than the guest happiness." The orons from the west side were separated from each other with solid partitions, and the end of the end was taken at the front, leaving only a hole for a small door, drove off from the inside. The partitions are not solid among the erases of the south side. Day was sitting on them and called the Oron Oron "Seat". In this regard, the first Eastern Nar on the south side of Yurts was called in Starin Caenul Oloch "Free Sitting", the second - Orto Oroj, the "middle seat", the third Nara has the same southern wall - Tspectiyer Oloch or Uluutuyar Oloch, "power session"; The first orone on the western side of Yurt called Cagul Ooh, "Sacred Seat", the second orone - Darhan Oloh, "Honorary Sceancy", the third from the northern side of the Western Wall-Kencheter Oloh "Children's Sedia". And the Nara on the north side of the yurt was called Cuerell Ooh, Lena for servants or "pupils".

For winter housing, a lower imperceptible place was chosen, somewhere at the bottom of Alas (Elaini) or near the forest edge, where it was better protected from cold winds. These were considered the northern and western winds, therefore they put the yurt on the northern or western part of the clearing.

In general, it should be noted that when choosing a place for housing, they tried to find a secluded happy corner. They did not settle among the old mighty trees, because the latter have already taken happiness, the power of the earth. As in Chinese geomantia, the choice of place for housing was given an exceptional value. Therefore, the cattle desires in these cases often appealed to the help of shaman. Also addressed to fortunate, for example, to fortunate with a mute spoon.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries. Large patriarchal families (Carghan as a Roman "surname") were housed in several homes: Urun Dayie, "White House" occupied the owners, in the following - married sons and in Hara Dayee "Black, thin house" were located servants and slaves.

In summer, such a big rich family lived in the stationary (not collapsible) birch urace cone-shaped form. She cost very expensive and had significant sizes. Back in the XVIII century. Most of the summer housing in wealthy families consisted of such birest yurt. They were called "Muc. Kurdoulahah Mogol Uras" (with three belts Big Mongolian Uras).

The orange and smaller diameters were spread. So, Urasa middle size called Dalla Uras, low and wide in shape; Hanas Urasa, High Uras, but a small diameter. Among them, the greatest one had 10 m height and 8 m in diameter.

In the XVII century Yakuts were post-combed nation, i.e. Nathodology determined in the conditions of early grade society on the basis of existing remnants of a tribal organization and without a state-shaped state. In socio-economic terms, it developed on the basis of patriarchal-feudal relations. The Yakut society consisted, on the one hand, from small nobility and economically independent ordinary communities, and on the other hand, from patriarchal slaves and a subalkal dependent (bondal) Luda.

In the XVII - XVIII century. There were two forms of the family - a small monogamous, consisting of parents and mostly minor children, and a large patriarchal family, uniting blood-study families, at the head of which was the Patriarch father. At the same time prevalted the first variety of families. S.A. Tokarev found presence big family exclusively in Toyon farms. It was accounted for, except to Toyon himself, his brothers, sons, nephews, federals, chores (slaves) with wives and children. Such a family was called Aga-Carghan, moreover, the word AAA in the literal translation of the "senior in age." In this regard, Aga-Uus, patriarchal kind, initially could designate a large patriarchal family.

Patriarchal relations predetermined marriage with Calma (Suul) as the main condition for marriage. But rarely practiced marriage with the exchange of brides. There was a custom of the Levirata, according to which after the death of the older brother, his wife and children went to the family of the younger brother.

In the studied time, Sakha Diono existed a neighboring form of a community, which usually arises in the era of the decomposition of the primitive system. It was a union of families on the principle of territorial-neighboring ties, partly with joint property on the means of production (pastures, hayfield, commercial land). S.V. Bakhrushin and S.A. Tokarev noted that the Sensens of the Yakuts in the XVII century. We were leased, passed by inheritance, sold. The object of private property and part of fishing grounds. Several rural communities amounted to the so-called. "Volost", having a relatively constant number of farms. In 1640, judging by Russian documents, 35 Yakut volosts were established. S.A. Tokarev determined these parishes as tribal groups, and A. A. Borisov proposed a Ranneyakutsky ulus to consider as a territorial association consisting of clans or as an ethno-geographical province. Large of them were Bohryurskaya, Meki, Nursery, Borogonskaya, Betyu, who had from 500 to 900 adult men. The total population in each of them hesitated from 2 to 5 thousand people. But among them met and where the total number of the population did not exceed 100 people.

In accordance with the archaeological data, the nationality of Yakuts appeared as a result of the connection of several local tribes, which lived near the average river Lena, with those who lived in the south and were Turkic-speaking immigrants. Then, the created nation shared into several subgroups. For example, reindeer herds from the North-West.

Is the nation of Yakuts?

Yakuts are considered one of the most numerous Siberian peoples. Their number reaches over 380 thousand people. Some information about their culture should be known at least because they inhabit very extensive territories. Yakuts settled the Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk region, but mainly they live in the Republic of Sakha.

Religion and customs of Yakuts

Yakuts have a very important place for their beliefs and to this day takes a worship of mother nature. Their traditions with customs are very closely related to it. Yakuts believe that the surrounding nature is alive, because all its objects have their own perfumes possessing internal power. One of the main since ancient times was the "Host of the Road". Previously, he was made by rich sacrificial offerings - left at the crossroads of horse-hair, flasks of matter and buttons with copper coins. Similar actions were made for the owner of water bodies, mountains and so on.

Thunder with lightning in the views of Yakuts always pursue evil spirits. So since it happens that some tree splits during a thunderstorm, it was believed that it was endowed with therapeutic force. The wind on the ideas of Yakuts have 4 spirit at once, which also protect peace on Earth. The earth has a female deity, called Aan. It monitors the growth and fertility of all things, whether it is plants, animals or people. In the spring especially for Aan are arranged. As for the water, that is, her owner and she. Gifts are brought in autumn, as well as in the spring. Given birest boats with images of man carved on them and with attached pieces of matter. Yakuts believe that sharp objects sinners drop into the water. The owner of the fire on their tradition is a kind of gray-haired old man who, by the way, is very effectively expelled evil spirits. To this element always treated very respectfully. For example, the fire did not extinguish and earlier times even transferred with them in a pot. It is believed that his element is patronizing the family and a homely hearth.

The spirit of the forest in Yakuts is considered a certain Baai Bayanai. He can help in the fishery or on the hunt. In ancient times, this people chose the sacred animal, it was impossible to be either killed or eating. For example, goose or swan, ermine or some others. Eagle worshiped as the head of all birds. And the Bear has always been the most revered among all Yakut groups. Its claws, like other attributes, are used to this day as charging.

Festive customs of Yakuts

Holidays among Yakuts are very closely connected with their traditions and with rites. The most important thing is the so-called yychi. It happens once a year. It can be said that this is a reflection of the worldview and painting of the world. It is noted at the beginning of summer. According to the ancient traditions, a bircker among the young birches is set, which will symbolize the world tree and be as if the axis of the universe. At this time, it also has also become the personification of the friendship of all nations inhabiting Yakutia. This holiday bears family status. Osyah always began with the sprinkling of fire, as well as the 4 sides of the light by Kuism. Then there is a request to the Divine about the grace. On this celebration dresses national clothes, And be sure to prepare several traditional dishes and koumiss is served.

Yakuts (self-sucking - saha), the people in the Russian Federation (382 thousand people), indigenous population Yakutia (365 thousand people). Language of the Yakut of the Uygur Group of Turkic languages. Believers are powered.


Speak in Yakut language turkic Group Altai family languages. Shaders are united in Central, Vilyuyskaya, North-Western and Taimyr Groups. 65% of Yakuts speak Russian.


In the ethnogenesis, Yakuts participated both local tunga-speaking elements and Turkic-Mongolian tribes (Hongna, Turks-Tight, Kipchak, Uigurs, Khakas, Kurykan, Mongols, Buryats), settled in Siberia in the X-XIII centuries. and assimilated the local population. Finally, the ethnos was formed by the XVII century. By the beginning of contacts with the Russians (1620s.) Yakuts lived in the amgin-Lena interfluve, on Vilya, at the mouth of Olekma, in the headwaters of Yana. Traditional culture is most fully represented by the Ambinsky-Lena and Vilyuy Yakuts. Northern yakuts in culture are close to the Eveners and Yukagiram, Olekminsky are very much evolved by the Russians.


Yakuta hunters

Basic traditional occupation Yakutov - horse breeding and breeding cattle. In Russian sources of the XVII century. Yakuts are called "equestrian people." Men were cared for horses for large horned cattle - Women. Cattle was kept in summer at the foot of the stern, in the winter - in the chlevins (hotons). The sensation knew even before the arrival of the Russians. Special breeds of cow and horses adapted to harsh climates. The conditions of the North. Local cattle differed endurance and unpretentious, but was unproductive, breathed only in the summer. Cattle occupies a special place in the culture of Yakuts, special rites are devoted to him. Known burial of Yakuts with a horse. Her image is given important role In the Yakut Epos. Northern Yakuts were adopted by the Tungusky peoples reindeer herding.


There were developed as meat hunting for a large beast (elk, wild deer, a bear, a boar and others) and fur fishery (fox, sandy, sable, squirrel, ermine, ondatra, cunning, wolverine and others). Specific hunting techniques are characteristic: with a bull (a hunter sinking to mining, hiding for the bull, which is chased in front of him), the horse's horse chase along the trail, sometimes with dogs. Hunting tools - bow with arrows, spear. It was used to interpret, tarnish, culls, pits, sinks, tray, samostroles (aya), grazing (save); From the XVII century. - firearms. In the future, due to the reduction in the number of beasts, the value of hunting fell.


Fisheries were of great importance: river (fishery of sturgeon, chiru, Muksun, Nelma, Siga, Harius, Tugun and others) and lake (Gollyan, Karas, Pike and others). Fish was caught up with tops, faces (tue), a network (Ilim), a non-child from the horse's hair (Baadya), beat the Ostroga (Atar). Fisheries were mainly engaged in the summer. In the fall, a collective ebb was arranged with a section of mining between the participants. In winter, caught fish in the hole. For yakuts who did not have livestock, fisheries was the main economic activity: in the documents of the XVII century. The term "Balley" ("Fisherman") was used in the meaning of the "poor man". At fishing, some tribes were also specialized - the so-called "hiking" Yakuts - Venefi, Ontulas, Coki, Kiriytsey, Kyrgydians, and others.

Collecting and farming

There was gathering: the harvesting of pine and deciduous Collus, the collection of roots (Saran, Chekane and others), greenery (wild onions, horseradish, sorrel), to a lesser degree of berries (the raspberry was not used, considered unclean). Agriculture borrowed from the Russians at the end of the XVII century. Before mid XIX. in. It was developed weak. The distribution of agriculture (especially in the amgin and Olekmin district) was promoted by the Russian exile settlers. Cultivated special varieties of wheat, rye, barley that have time to mature for a short and hot summer, grown garden crops.

For years soviet power Yakuts have formed new branches of farms: cellular animalism, small animal husbandry, poultry farming. Moved mostly riding, loads were transported by a brother.


There were known, chipped by horse cacil, Sani (Silis Chearaca) with a tree of wood with rhizome, who had a natural curvature; Later - Sani Type of Russih Warrovn, in which the bulls were usually harnessed, Northern Yakuts are reindeer NARTS. Water transport: raft (aal), boats - Dolblashka (Onocho), shuttle (you), Berevian boat (Tuo I), others. Yakuts were watching time on the lunarly sunny calendar. Year (Sal) was divided for 12 months to 30 days in each: January - Tuxunnu (ninth), February - Olunny (tenth), March - Kulun Tarta (month of feeding foals), April - Mouus Study (Ice A month), May - yya (a month of fishing cows), June - BES ый (month of the billet of a pine sick catholine), July - on yya (month of Senokosa), August - Atyroja (month of stacking of the hay), September - Balagan Oya (a month of swinging from the texts in winter), October - Altynnya (Sixth), November - Satinnya (Seventh), December - Auxynny (eighth). New Year has come in May. Vedali folk calendar Weather predictors (Dwyllyt).


Among the traditional crafts in Yakuts - blacksmithing, jewelry, wood processing, barks, bones, leather, fur, unlike other peoples of Siberia - stucco ceramics. From the skin they did dishes, from the horse's hair, they leaked cords, they embroidered. Yakut blacksmiths (Timir Uuaga) have paid iron in minor mining. From the beginning of the twentieth century. Produced products from purchased iron. The blacksmithium also had a product value. Yakut jewelers (Kemus Uuaga) were made of gold, silver (partially interpret Russian coins) and copper female decorations, horse sabs, dishes, cult objects and others, knew the chasing, silver black. Art carving (ornamentics of Konovyanki SERGE, Cums for Kums Cums and others), embroidery, appliqué, weaving from horsehair and others were developed. In the XIX century Was the spread of carving on the mammoth bone. In ornamenty, curls, palmettes, meandra predominate. Characterized by a twisted motif on nonsense.



Yakuts existed several seasonal settlements: winter (Kytesta), summer (Sailayk) and autumn (sore). Winter settlements were located near the reasons, consisted of 1-3 yurt, summer (up to 10 yurt) - in pastures. Winter dwelling (Balagan Kypunny Dayee), where they lived from September to April, there were inclined walls of thin logs on a log frame and a low bartal roof. The walls were wrapped with a clay with manure, the roof over the log layered was covered with bark and ground. From the XVIII century. The polygonal connate yurts with a pyramidal roof are also common. The entrance (Aan) was done in the eastern wall, the windows (Tyunyuk) - in South and Western, roof oriented from north to south. In the northeast corner, to the right of the entrance, the focus of the Chuvala type (ooh oh) was organized, along the walls struggled by the female Nara (Oraon), the honorable was considered to be a note from the middle of the southern wall to the western corner. Together with the part of Western Nara adjusted to it, it formed an honorary corner. Next to the north there was a host place. The left of the entrance was intended for young men and workers, to the right, at the hearth, for women. In the front corner, the table (oscolition) and stools, from another setting there were chests, drawers. From the northern side, the same design of Khlev (Hoton) was attached to the yurt. The entrance to it from the yurt was behind the hearth. Before the entrance to the yurt, a canopy or canopy was built (Kyuule). Yurt surrounded the low mound, often with a fence. At the house set a conmar, often decorated with rich carvings. From the 2nd half of the XVIII century. As a winter housing, the Yakuts spread Russian huts with a stove. Summer dwelling (Hurrah Saiynga Duey), in which he lived from May to August, was the covered cylinder-built cylinder structure from Praisters (on the frame of four stories, bonded at the top of the square frame). In the north, frameworks, covered with turf (Kholuman) were known. In the villages there were economic buildings and structures: barns (AMPARA), glaciers (Buluus), cellar for the storage of dairy products (Tar IIE), smoke dugouts, mills. Loaded from the summer dwelling, they put the kelves for calves (Titik), built canopies and more.


The National Clothing of Yakuts consists of a single-breasted caftana (sleep), in winter - fur, in summer - from a cowie or horse skin of wool inside, rich - from the fabric, sewed from 4 wedges with extension wedges at the belt and wide, collected by the sleeves; Short leather pants (Soya), leather feeders (cootor), fur socks (Cenche). Later, fabric shields with a postponed collar (ORBAH) appeared. Men rejected by a simple strap rich - with silver and copper plaques. Women's wedding fur coats (sagiahs) - long before the fifth, expanding down the book, on the coquette, with linen with small bugs with sleeves and a fur collar-sock. Board, hem and sleeves bore wide stripes of red and green cloth, pose. The fur coats were richly decorated with silver ornaments, beads, fringe. They were valued very expensive and was inherited, mainly in the Toyon families. A female wedding headdress (Dwaebakka) was sewed from a sable or beauty fur. He had a kind of a cap, descending on his shoulders, with a high riding of red or black cloth, velvet or brocade, densely trimmed beads, pose, plaques, and certainly with a large silver heart-shaped blossom (Tuoyach). The most vintage dyabakka is decorated with Sultan from bird feathers. Women's clothing supplemented belt (chickel), breastplate (Ilin Kabiher), Nastrichnaya (Caline Kabiher), cervical (my simege) decoration, earrings (exist), bracelets (esca), Accompany (Sukhuh Simege), Rings (Bichileh) made of silver, Often gold, with engraving. Shoes - Winter high boots made of deer or horse skins Fur (ETERBES), summer boots from suede (Saara) with tops covered with cloth, in women with appliqué.