If you break the post before confession and communion. What you can eat during a strict post and in front of communion

If you break the post before confession and communion. What you can eat during a strict post and in front of communion
If you break the post before confession and communion. What you can eat during a strict post and in front of communion

There are different measures of advances before communion, a single rule that would be established for all does not exist.
The practice of a three-seven-day post in front of the communion appeared in the 18-19 centuries, during the period of Eucharistic cooling, when people were communched once or twenty, respectively, they fastened about a week.


Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion:
The rules of the three-day post before the communion does not exist

- Tradition to fast for three days or a week before communion is also the local Russian custom. If we turn to the canons or definitions of the Universal Councils, we will not find such a requirement. Canons talk about posts on Wednesdays and Fridays, about four multi-day posts during the year, in addition, in the liturgical books, we meet an indication of a few more lean days, for example, the day of the court of the head of John the Forerunner or the Holiday of the Cross of the Lord. But in the canons nothing is said about the need to fast for three days or a whole week before communion. It seems to me that the requirements are confessed before each communion and fast for a week or three days arose when the communion became very rare: one or three or four times a year. I consider it a decline. In the ancient church, Christians usually came together every Sunday. I think that in those churches where the communion has become rare, it would be wrong to change the tradition and demand to communicate every Sunday. But I am sure that it is not enough to pass three or four times a year. In practice, very good to start communion every Sunday. Therefore, I will say this: follow the post on Wednesdays and Fridays, refrain also on Saturday evening, confess at least once a month, but we are often coming more often. I recommend this practice to people who are preparing to join the Orthodox. If a person commits once a month or less, I say that it is too rare. If we look at the practice of an ancient church and the teaching of the holy fathers, we will see that they testify to frequent communion. Not only early, but also later fathers, such as the Saint or who lived in the XVIII century, the compiler of "Dobryolism", they speak in favor of frequent communion. And I believe that movement in the Greek Church for frequent communion is a good phenomenon. I welcome when people often come up. I think that the rules for confession and fasting before communion can be changed. But these questions, it seems to me, are within the competence of local churches.

I remember when I just accepted Orthodoxy, about fifty years ago, the priest on the liturgy came out with the bowl and said: "We start up with the fear of God," but no one approached. Nobody was involved. And I still felt: it can not be right. Now, in the West in Orthodox churches, almost all are segged. And I'm glad to this. Of course, we are involved not because they are confident in their own righteousness, but because we believe in the mercy of God. We come to the bowl because we are designed, we call the Communion saints Daras. Communion is not something that you can earn or earn, it is always the free gift of God's love.

- Before the commitors, the priest hurts the "Holy - Holy", in the sense of "Holy Gifts - for those who holy", but then the choir is responsible: "One is Satoly, the Lord Jesus Christ ...". However, we, without being saints in this sense, still daring to commitory ... On the other hand, we know, in the New Testament and in liturgical texts, the saints are called all Christians who are not excited from the Church for especially grave sins. How do the holiness and personal moral perfection of a person correlate in this case?

- First of all, if we talk about the understanding of holiness, you should use three words: one, some, all. One Holy - Jesus Christ. Holiness belongs to God, only he holy by its nature. We can be holy only through the communion of the Holiness of God. Next, we say that the holiness is called everything. When the Apostle Paul addresses his messages to all the saints in Rome, in colossi, etc., he turns to Christian communities. Also, the apostle Peter writes about Christians as a "holy people." In this sense, all Christians are holy. Finally, we are talking about those saints that are glorified by the church and who are marked in the church calendar. We can say the same about the priesthood. Only the High Priest - Jesus Christ, as they say in the message to the Jews. Then, through baptism, all Christians become priests, as the apostle Peter writes, calling Christians not only by the holy people, but also a "royal priesthood." Further, the priests become some - who chose and put on this ministry through the laying down of the hands. Thus, in holiness, and the priesthood has three levels.

We are all called to holiness. Therefore, if I come to the communion, I do it not because I am already holy, but because I am a sinner who requires God's help, which serves in the holy of communion.

Of course, some people because of perfect sins cannot take communion. But mostly, of course, the communion is not a saint award, but assistance for sinners. In some lives, we read that there were such saints that, after the communion, did not proceed again to the cup, as, for example, Holy Maria Egyptian. She fell in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher and then went to the desert, where many years did not take the holy gifts, and then only before the overweight itself.

- But can this be a common rule?

Of course, this is not a general rule. This rule for the saints, which for many years can live in one communion. But we must pass often. Not because we are saints, but since weakness and need help, in grace.

- What is the place of moral perfection in preparation for communion? Many people in Kiev in Kiev are confessed and communioned every week, and at the same time it happens that some of them confessed from the evening, in the morning asking for a confession again, because in the evening or night sinned something - insensitive thoughts, movements Hearts, etc. In addition, many Christians every time, a week for a week, we will confess the same sins. How can I give a promise to confession not to repeat these so-called "casual" sins, if I know for sure that I will do them?

- Too frequent walking in confession can express a kind of superstition. It is worth remembering that the communion is grace, and the devil does not want us to take grace. And so he is looking for any ways to make us cease to pass. When it happens that it is visited by sinful thoughts, which can happen even during the Divine Liturgy, we must simply repent of it inside ourselves and start communion, because it is a devilish temptation.

Grace that is served in the sacrament of repentance is very important for each of us. But we must take responsibility and "play our party". You can not turn the confession into the mechanical listing of the same sins. She must be rare enough to be event, really disclosing your inner state. Every day in the evening prayers we ask for the forgiveness of sins. And if we sincerely pray for forgiveness, God forgives us at the same time. This does not mean that the confession does not need to go. Some of our misconduct prevent the communion as long as we do not confess. But we must seriously refer to the repentant prayers from our daily rule. Confession should not become too frequent. It should be more responsible to approach this. Too frequent walking in confession depreciates it.

We must understand that we really need to confess the same sins again and again. Do not avoid confession for the reason that sins are repeated. Usually overnight we do not become saints. We need a struggle, permanent ascetic effort above yourself. But God's grace makes a change in us. Perhaps we do not notice her, but it happens. With the help of daily efforts, grace of God, confession, and above all, we can move forward - humbly and quiet.

- But it also happens that people are disappointed in their efforts, since they are confessing the same thing, they are involved, and no change for the better for themselves do not observe. It is especially felt in big cities with their bustle, when a person practically does not have time for a spiritual life. Work, a long extinguishing road in traffic jams, family worries ... not everyone finds time even for morning or evening prayers.

- In fact, we, clerics, and especially the monks that do not need to take care of the family and children, we understand the conditions in which family Christians live. People are forced to work a lot, for a long time to get to work and home, and in the evening at home, too, a lot of things need to do ... We must understand these difficult conditions in which many laity live. Despite this, every Christian can find at least a little time in the morning and in the evening to pray before the icon. Even five minutes in the morning and in the evening are of great importance. These minutes set the "direction" of the whole day and give the depth, which is impossible to achieve otherwise. It should be said about short prayers that can be created during the day. We can pray when we take a shower when we are going to the subway, we drive the car or stand in a traffic jam. We can use brief prayers, for example, Jesus: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have a lot of me," or "Glory to you, Lord, thank you," or the "Most Holy Mother of God, save us", or other short prayers. So we can pray even at the most busy time, or, for example, when we go from one place to another. It is very important to see that in addition to the special allotted time for prayer before the icon (which each of us needs), it is possible to pray freely and during the day, anywhere. But if we want to pray during the day, then you need to choose the brief and simple prayers for this, such as Jesus. You can always create prayer Jesus: when we are waiting for something when we travel, go, at the moments of changing tasks at work, etc. The Apostle Paul writes: "Incomprehensively pray." He says that it is very difficult, but begins with a very simple: with frequent short prayers during the day. With the help of such prayers, we can fill all your day the presence of Christ - and this is the way to true prayer. Look for Christ everywhere. Jesus prayer can do not only monks or clerics, but also laity, having families and worldly responsibilities. Create Jesus prayer - not when an increased concentration of attention is required, but at all intermediate moments. We can connect the time of prayer and work. Learning such a method of Jesus prayer is very important in our daily life. And also a Jesus prayer to teach children well. They can repeat Jesus prayer from time to time from early age, because it is very simple.


Mark, Episcopes Egorievsky, Deputy Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate:
Tradition of a three-day post

The tradition of a three-day post comes from the tradition of the synodal period, when they were communioned once or twice a year. In this situation, it is normal and very good if a person in front of the communion will come 3 days. Today, as a rule, the conformists and priests recommend communion much more often. A kind of contradiction is obtained: people who want to communion often do themselves to almost a permanent post on Thursdays and Saturdays, which becomes for many unbearable feat. If we will not refer to this question with reasoning, it will have a negative impact on the spiritual life of our church.

conducted the priest Andrei Dudchenko, Constantinople-Kiev

There is no obligatory law, how many days to fast before the holy communion

Igumen Watoped Monastery Archimandrite Ephraim

- Tell me, the father, how to prepare for the Holy Communion? In our tradition, we must fast for three days, and the priests will not stand in front of communion. What is explained by such a difference?

"I know that in Russia some priests say that in front of the communion it is necessary to fast for three days, and some are five days. In fact, there is no compulsory law, how many days to fast in front of the holy communion. The proof of this is that the priests will not be obligatory, and then not only communionable the next day, but also serve as Liturgy. After all, we observe the posts defined - four posts per year and posts on Wednesday and Friday, I think that these posts are enough. If someone wants to fast before the communion even a whole week for Askusa, for awe, please, but that this is legalized by the artists - we have never heard about it anywhere. If this were a prerequisite for the communion, firstly, the priests would have to fast. Sometimes they say that Christians need only once every two or three months, there is no such law. When Christian has no fatal sins, he has the right to commitory more often.

fragment of a meeting with the laity in the spiritual and educational center of Yekaterinburg Metropolis

Orthodox post are those days when people are cleaned by the Spirit. But at the same time the body is cleared, because in every person everything should be pure - both the soul, and the body, and thoughts. In the days of the post, you need to carefully relate to your psychophysical state. The person who has decided that he is ready to limit his food, in principle knows which products are allowed to use in a particular period, and which cannot be.

Main canons power in the post

It is necessary to figure out what you can still eat in the days of the post, and which products it is necessary to exclude from the diet. So, mandatory exceptions are subject to:

  1. Meat products;
  2. Milk, as well as butter, cottage cheese and cheese;
  3. Eggs and mayonnaise;
  4. Fatty sweets and pastries;
  5. Fish and vegetable oil (in strict day days);
  6. Alcohol and tobacco.

These products can not be equipped in the post. There is an opinion that if a person does not eat meat, eggs, no milk drinks, then he is deprived of a protein, which is so necessary for the body. But with the right approach to the post's diet, it is completely wrong.

There are many products that are rich in protein. If you diversify the lean ration with mushrooms, eggplants, bean and soy, then you can get the required amount of protein. After all, even nutritionists have proven that Soya may well replace the fish and meat.

And yet, before the post, you should find out if it will not be dangerous for the body, because not everyone may be useful from any product.

What is allowed to eat in a strict post

In Christianity, the days of the post differ in the degree of rigor. One day can be permitted one, on the second - another. And there are days in which it is absolutely impossible to eat. The strictest post in Christians is great.

It lasts 40 days in which any entertainment activities are prohibited. In addition, there are some canons that need to follow:

  1. It is forbidden to take any food on Fridays, as well as on the day of the beginning of the Great Post;
  2. The first and last week marked the resolution of the reception in food of vegetables, fruits and bread. Water is allowed as drinking.
  3. Other days, meal is allowed by honey, nuts and any vegetable food.

What you can eat during the post in incredible days:

  1. Eggplant;
  2. Zucchini;
  3. Fish;
  4. Lentil;
  5. Oatmeal;
  6. Any fruit salads, of course, not refueling them sour cream.

The main food becomes vegetable products. These are mainly cereals (it is best of all buckwheat, wheat, bone and oatmeal, as these are invalid Russian types of cereals, besides, they are rich in fiber, minerals).

Of course, do not forget about the vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. The main thing is that the post does not cause power violation. It is not necessary to skip breakfast, as well as you need to remember that it is advisable to snack more often.

Due to the fact that in the lean diet there is no animal protein, which gives the feeling that a person is fed for a long time, I want to find something significant, especially in the first days. But in this case, the purification can be forgotten.

The best option here is regular food, as well as the inclusion in the diet, precisely the cereals of whole cereals, and of course beans.

It is important to remember that any restriction in food it is necessary to prepare your body. For him, it will be a cruel stress option, in which a person moving daily, suddenly stop eating sharply. There will be no benefit from such an attempt to purify.

Features of food after post

Some people think that if the post is over, then you need to recoup for all the days and to nourish everything and immediately, and even more.

At the same time, absolutely not thinking that in this case the abstinence would not only be beneficial, but even on the contrary - one harm. How to eat after the end of the post?

The first days should be as if gradually "sinking" post. It is not recommended these days to eat:

  1. Meat (except, possibly chicken, turkey or fish);
  2. Mushrooms, especially pickled;
  3. Do not get involved in baking;
  4. Caloric sweets, such as cake, cake with oil or butter cream;
  5. Sausages and smoked sausages.

Since the body, during the time the post lasted, turns away from the animal food, then it is necessary to start to eat it, as if rejecting himself. Do not have fried meat or fish. It is desirable that food be boiled and to eat it follows small portions, little by little.

Salt in the first days after the post is better limited. Do not get carried away with flour products on oil and egg. Much more useful will be dishes from croup (rice, buckwheat, millet or oatmeal - does not matter) with fruits in which it is desirable to add more than greens. After all, the body is needed during this period of vitamins.

The sacrament of communion - how to prepare for it, what can you eat?

The smaller duration of the post before communion is three days. It happens that a person cannot withstand these limitations due to illness or even heavy, exhausting work, while the body requires a lot of calories.

In this case, the confession, which necessarily takes place before the communion, you need to repent the father and in this sin. What can not be done, it is to say to the father, which he fastened if the post was not resumed.

So you can eat in this post? It is allowed almost the same as on days of other posts:

  1. You can eat vegetables and fruits;
  2. Cereal from croup;
  3. Boiled or baked fish;
  4. Bread;
  5. Nuts.

You can also eat sweets, such as bitter chocolate, kozinaki, but the consumption of these products is better limited. The main thing is to remember that in the use of even those products that are allowed, you need to know the measure, do not overeat.

Benefit for a person or "Why fast"

Feeding in the post for all the rules is very useful for human health. The resulting food will give the body the necessary substances, and the lack of products that are prohibited, will not give the body to spend the forces to fight toxins, etc.

Check-in in its essence normalizes the work of the whole organism, but its main benefit is:

  1. Improvement of digestion;
  2. Disposal of dysbacteriosis;
  3. Cleansing the liver and normalization of its operation;
  4. Complete purification of the body. Slags and toxins are completely output;
  5. Food over days will prevent a set of excess weight.

Some people who fear of excess weight are not triggered, for example, to pieces with potatoes fried in oil, albeit vegetable. If you pay attention to benchmarks, then this food is quite allowed on weekends and is completely not harmful to health.

Why is this happening? Everything is simple. Even if on the day off, to afford to enjoy your favorite pies, all unnecessary organisms of the substance will bring out of the body over the next five weeks.

Small joy after post

Only those people who really kept the great post, after his end, can fully feel pleasure from everyday food. In the first days, after a forty-day abstinence, ordinary food perceives unusually "sweet."

Those products that before the post seemed ordinary, seem to be a gentle nectar. Not everyone may experience such sensations. Only those few who truly refrained from the forbidden meal are capable of such.

After all, you no longer need to ask yourself a question, can I have it today, now. After all, as if a person did not try, there is no time for cooking enough time, and twice in the days tomorrow it will not be what ate today.

Therefore, it turns out that all the food often consists of water, nuts and dried fruits.

Fast or not?

In any case, regardless of whether a person will comprehend or not, in everything you need to know the measure. After all, if we reduce yourself with constant hunger, the body will not receive the substances you need, will use internal resources that are not infinite.

And in the end, just "tired" work and stop. Is there any benefit from such a starvation? The answer is obvious - no. The same can be said about overeating. Surplus will be postponed in the body, and as a result - obesity, heart disease and other internal organs.

So observe the post or not - the case of everyone. The main thing is not to fall in extremes.

Everyone who calls themselves Orthodox should have the sacrament of the Eucharist once a year at least once a year. It symbolizes the unity of the flock with the Savior by biting consecrated food. The church imposes significant bans on believers in relation to this rite. In particular, the list of food is quite spicy, which is impossible to eat before communion.

Abstinence before communion

Everyone who wished to undergo the rite of the Eucharist is obliged to follow the post. If a person just crossed the threshold of the Church and makes the first steps on the path of comprehending the foundations of Orthodoxy, the Council of Batyushki is needed.

As a rule, the newcomers set a week post within which it is envisaged ban on such products:

  • Milk;
  • Milk derivatives and fermented milk products;
  • Meat products;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • In exceptional cases, it is recommended to limit fish consumption.

Even those products that are not listed above are not abused by no means. Moreover, it is recommended that there are fewer portions.

In addition to the gastronomic prohibitions, it is also not worth visiting the theater, watch the performance of the hypocrites on the TV screen, watch humorous programs and dance on discos. Music is allowed only church. In general, you need to do everything in order to stay clean and soul, and the body.

For what time before the communion it is impossible to eat?

On the eve of the sacrament, the prohibitions increase repeatedly:

  1. With a new day of the new day, it is forbidden to touch food and water;
  2. The restriction applies to smoking cigarettes and alcohol consumption;
  3. During the day until the communion should be abstained from love merits;
  4. There is a common misconception that before the rite cannot be brushing his teeth. However, the official position of the church on this occasion is absent.

All of the above applies to the case when the Eucharist is happening during the day. However, sometimes believers wish to pass the sacrament at night during one of the great church holidays (most often chosen Christmas or Easter). In this case, the abstinence should begin at least eight hours before communion.

In this video, the priest Andrei Fedosov will tell how many days before the Holy Communion must be observed:

Remains in front of the sacrament

The state of health and age of a person does not always allow fully abide by all spiritual prescriptions. Therefore, in some cases, the priest, to whom the believer applied for help can be allowed to allow:

  • Usually religion does not allow reception inside the medicine on the eve of the rite. The ban applies only to those products of the pharmaceutical industry to swallow. Those that allow outdoor use can be used without fear of the sacred car. Obviously, it is sometimes worth retreat from tough religious prescriptions for health. To do this, you just need to notify the father in advance;
  • If a person suffers from diseases that do not allow strict post, the church also goes to meet and reduces the level of requirements;
  • Chained to beds and in mortal hazards may be traveled and the field of food intake;
  • Frequently free church morality also applies to small children, especially those that still cannot taste the holy gifts;
  • Anyone who is obstructed by the covenants of the Faith of Christ over the course of several years or a lifetime, can also count on the softest conditions of abstinence. As a rule, the priest permits to reduce the duration of the post to three days.

It is forbidden to carry out a rite for the bonuses, dead and ejected from the church.

How is the sacrament of the Eucharist (communion)?

The root procedure looks like this:

  1. When carrying out ritual bread and wine believers must bow in the belt;
  2. Then the priest reads the relying case of prayer, the completion of which also needs to be honored. It is allowed to bow in advance if the church is overwhelmed by people;
  3. As soon as the main gates of the iconostasis, it should be crossed;
  4. Before the rite, the rite of the believer folds hands on the chest in the shape of a cross and is suitable for a cup of wine;
  5. When approaching the vessel approaches, you need to repeat prayer;
  6. By canons, the order procedure looks like this: clergy, children, adults;
  7. When approaching the vessel with wine, it is clearly called your own name and take gifts. Touch hands to the cup categorically prohibited;
  8. Upon completion of the rite, the deep bow of the icon of Christ, eat bread and then drink it;
  9. After that, it is allowed to approach icons;
  10. For one day, only one-time passage of the rite is allowed.

What can not be done after the communion?

The church prescribes to continue abstaining some time after the communion. In particular, on the day of the rite is prohibited:

  • Spit;
  • Hugging and moving each other;
  • Have fun (dance, sing, laugh loudly);
  • Indulge
  • Kneel, even before icons;
  • Kiss icons and hands of clergy;
  • Throwing food. All food on this great day is sacred. Therefore, some Orthodox are trying to eat all the crumbs off the plates. The fact that in no way cannot be used in food (bones, waste), betray fire.
  • Loud and talk a lot. A few hours after the rite, believers spend in silence and tranquility, alone with their thoughts and God;

Like any other church holiday, the day of communion is recommended to be carried out in reading spiritual literature and constant prayers. Typically, the communion is celebrated in a quiet cozy family circle. Voaging you need to go at home. At this great day, you need to keep moral and physical purity by all the might.

Among that it is impossible to eat before communion, there are casual foods: meat, fish, eggs and milk. However, it is impossible to build the canons into something absolute. In rare cases, priests can meet those who cannot observe the post of health, but want to touch the faith of God. After all spiritual abstinence Much more important than physical.

Video: How to prepare for the Holy Communion?

In this video, Protoirey Vladimir will answer popular questions about the preparation for communion, which post must be followed by what prayers to read:

Many Orthodox believers ask a question of internally, via the Internet or are interested in relatives: can we brush your teeth before communion? But this is not the only thing that not only newcomers can ask. A lot of questions appear in churches. It is worth noting that there is a huge number of barbecue myths, delusions. This article briefly retold answers of experienced and pious priests, recommendations and useful advice beginners are given.

What is the communion?

How does Christ say to the Gospel about the communion? On the eve of terrible death on the cross, he collects his students together and prepares a meal. On the table bread and wine. Christ says that in memory of him will drink wine and eat bread, as it is the symbols of its blood and body.

To present, liturgy is performed in the temples and holy communion is being prepared using bread and wine. The priests pray together with the parishioners with the words "about the proposed honest gifts to the Lord pray."

What is actually meant by bread and wine in the holy bowl? Prayers read before the communion of the house are also needed a Christian as church. Why do you need prayer? Because the Lord is connected to those man who calls him to himself.

What is the communion?

There are several evidence of how the communion actually is being prepared and that under it is hidden from human eyes. Once a certain person came to the temple. In the temple were open. The priests stood at the altar. Suddenly, the shortened man saw the priest pierces the baby with a copy. He shouted at the whole temple: "Why do baby kill?" All people standing in the temple turned around. No one could understand what kind of baby is speech. In fact, the priest in his hands was a prosfora (small breadfill and water breads).

The Lord is invisible and endlessly sacrificed for the sake of people, but not materially, but spiritually. In real, his crucifix was seen almost 2,000 years ago at Calvary in Jerusalem.

Let's go back to the gospel and to those lines where the Lord is at the Lord's Eve. He said: "From now on, you will drink my blood (wine) and eat my body (bread) in memory of me." But how it will happen, even the apostles did not know. Especially it is not given to know and us. This is a divine mystery. We just have to take it seriously, and since there is, therefore, the prayers read before the communion are very necessary, first of all for the most communion.

Another living evidence

In the city of Lanchano (Italy) to this day there is a true proof that the communion is not just bread and wine. In the Catholic Church of Saint-Lenodies in the 8th century, one priest doubted that the communion was a miracle. When he picked up a piece of bread, he saw something similar to muscle tissue. He looked into the bowl and saw - instead of wine there blood. The priest shouted from horror. Then he realized that it was impossible to doubt. The Lord proved him that everything is truly. To this day, this miracle is in Lanchen. Many pilgrims come to pray near such a shrine.

What is needed before the sacrament of a Christian? Of course, first of all, faith in what they will be given to taste not just bread and wine, but the body of Christ. Of course, such a meal is a miracle. The Lord gives part of himself a sinful person. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed not only with fear, but also faith. It is impossible to compete.

How to treat?

Above, we reviewed two evidence of the Miracle of God. It is worth noting that in the Altar during the liturgy there is not only Jesus Christ, but also the Mother, Archangels, Saints.

No wonder the holy fathers said that the angels would mourn because the communion was not honored. After all, they have no body, no need. They and so with God. And the Lord gave the Lord such a great gift - to connect with him during the communion. Let it be invisible.

  • canon repentable to the Savior;
  • canon Prayer Mother's Mother;
  • canon Guardian Angel;
  • submission to the Holy Communion.

It is all these prayers, chants, Kondaki will help to prepare correctly to take the holy gifts as it should be.

Posts and confession

Priests say that you need to fast at least 3 days. If a person unchurched, rarely visits the temple, sinful, then he needs to prepare almost a week. That is why the optimal option for such people is great, as well as Petrov and Assumption. But it is not necessary that therefore choose periods of multi-day posts. After all, it is more important - this is a reconciliation with God, not the convenience.

What to do before communion to someone who rarely goes to the temple? First, it is necessary to approach the priest to confession. When the father takes jumping, you can find out in the temple, which is closer to your home or you want to visit. Be prepared for the fact that the priest after confession may not allow communion. It may have a lot of reasons for it. Often, to allow for communion, you need to fast, repent, visit the temple many times. Be sure to ask the Batyushka after confession, it blesses it to approach the holy bowl or not. Often, the priests themselves insist that the confessor comes out. You need to accept such advice.

What post before communion?

If you are novice or have not been in the temple for a long time, then you will definitely go to the priest to confession. Usually, during this sacrament, many spiritual questions are solved. The father will explain to you what to do what to beware when you can pass.

What is meant by post? Meat, milk can not eat, eggs too. In addition, dishes, products, beverages, which contain the above products are not consumed. Remember that the post must be spiritual. Food use a little. For example, for breakfast - tea with oatmeal or Hercules porridge on the water, at lunch - a soup on a vegetable broth, behind dinner - vegetable salad and rice / potatoes.

To drink in front of communion, as during the post, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Coffee is also recommended to refuse. After all, the body should be a temple of the soul, a calm "home", sober and vigorous. (not lean), coffee and alcohol can not set up on prayers.

Spiritual side

We will continue our conversation about post. We dealt with food. As for entertainment, views of films, then you need to postpone all this. Any unimportants need to be replaced by prayers to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, his guardian angel and holy.

Let's talk about reading before communion. We mentioned the canons and follow the Holy Communion. In addition to them, they advise reading the Gospel, the Holy Fathers. Be careful to take the barrel literature or the one that refers to the Falchrystian.

No need to fuss during fasting. If you have the opportunity, then postpone case for later. They can wait. After all, the earthly life is speeding up, and the post room needs to think about eternity.

Why such restrictions?

During the liturgy, before the removal of the holy bowl, the choir sings that we are (parishioners) we leave the whole terrestrial vanity. Not everyone (the more modern) a person understands that sooner or later, the earthly life will end and everything that he worked on, will go into oblivion. After all, he will not be able to pick up a passport or beloved job, bank accounts or a computer with valuable information with him. He appears before God with his conscience, with sins and virtues. The Lord will not ask whether you were the Director General, he will ask to answer for the fact that he was offended by the client's grandmother. God still, whether you have "Lexus". He will ask, whether you were brought by the weak, weak, without taking money from them.

Why are the restrictions in the post in relation to entertainment? It's time to sit down at the table or stand in front of icons and think: what did you do bad for all your life during this period. Is it a conscience? It is more important for a Christian to know about, for example, it is possible to brush your teeth before communion, but about what sins are actually and what is repentance, how not to sin. The Lord is upset when a person makes sin even mentally. Just think: you mentally angry, even the heart is numb. This is also a sin. It is necessary to repent sincere.

When do not allow communion?

Do you know what you need to get rid of your sins? If you repent, we must try to avoid the limits. So that the priest admits to the communion, it is necessary to attend every Saturday at the evening service, then in the morning on the liturgy. The same should be done in large church holidays. You need to read the morning and prayer. Of course, this takes up for 20-30 minutes. If you do not have time, you can read Serafimov Rule: Three times "Our Father", three times the "Virgin ..." and once "Symbol of Faith." But at the same time, during the day you need to pray to God, holy. These are the most important rules.

May not allow communion in such cases, for example:

  • murder, abortion;
  • vorozhba, fortune telling, psychic, spiritualism, astrology;
  • other faith, heretical views;
  • cohabitation out of marriage, debauchery, homosexuality, drug addiction and alcoholism and so on.

The priest needs to speak the whole truth during confession, do not hide any sin. The Lord stands next to the invisible, he knows everything, only waiting for repentance of the heart. If you hide, it will be even big sin. You need to completely clean your soul before communion. What do the holy fathers and priests say? Human soul should be clean, bright, with hope for correction and to change the life for the better. Do not go to the bowl if you are not sure you want to live with God.

If the father is blessed

When the priest gives a blessing, it should be taken seriously. You should read not only Canon the Mother of God before communion, but also canons to the Savior, the guardian angel, as well as the submission. All this is in Orthodox prayer.

The readability is very large. Therefore, canons can be read for 2-3 days before communion, but the following is read only on the eve of the evening, after coming from the temple from the evening service.

You need to do so that no one distracted you. If you accommodate together with your family, friends, pilgrims, then read in turn, pray.

Morning in front of communion

As is known to Orthodox Christians, it is impossible to eat anything in the morning before communion. Even drinking medicines is not allowed. But is it possible to brush your teeth before communion? There is no ban on it. If you are sure that you do not swallow randomly water or pasta, you can clean your teeth.

If the stomach is sick, there is no opportunity to wait until noon, then it is better to go to early service. In small cities and in the villages, Liturgy serve early, and in the megalopolis - at 7 am or at 9-10 hours.

For the sake of the connection with God, you can suffer. It is worth reading my prayers.

The morning before communion is always exciting. It is necessary to morally prepare. After reading the morning rule, go to the temple at least half an hour before the liturgy in order to quietly submit notes, put candles, approach your beloved saints.

Before the communion itself

The service should carefully listen to prayers. When priests prepare the sacrament, pray to take the blood and the body of Christ worthy. At the same time, a pious person sincerely should consider himself unworthy of such a gift.

Remember the Canon of the Virgin before communion: you need to pray that the Mother of God stands up for us, sinners. And Canon Jesus Christ about what? We see the Lord in our sins. About this and remember when we are waiting for the communion.

The very moment of communion

When the royal gates and the priest comes out with the bowl, you need to make a terrestrial bow. Then stand in line, arms crossed on the chest. When approaching the bowl, you need to call your Orthodox name to the father and open your mouth wide. Communion should be swallowed immediately so that the particle is not stuck in the teeth. Take the warmth and prosfora.

Many people ask: "Is it possible to eat in front of communion?" You know why the answer is no? Because the Lord must enter the first in the body of the Christian. After all, God is more important for us, and not food.

So we talked about whether it is possible to brush your teeth before communion, how to prepare that read, brought examples of evidence of true faith. It must be remembered that God needs our prayers and repentance, and not the earth.

How to prepare for confession and communion?Preparation for confession and communion, especially for the first time, causes many, many questions. I remember my first communion. How hard it was me to figure it out in everything. In this article, you will receive answers to questions: What to speak to the priest's confession - an example? How to commitory and confess? Rules of communion in the church? How to confess the first time? How to prepare for communion? The answer to these questions gives the modern Greek preacher Archimandrite Andrei (Konanos) and other priests.

Other useful articles:

The communion established Jesus Christ himself on his last meal with the apostles. Modern Greek preacher and theologians Archimandrite Andrei (Konanos) saysIf people realized what the gift of unity with God they receive during the communion, because now in their veins the blood is flowing ... if they realized it to fully, their lives would have changed very much!

But, unfortunately, most people during the communion are similar to children playing with precious stones and not understanding their values.

Communion rules can be found in any temple. Usually they are set forth in a small little book called "How to prepare for the Holy Communion." These are these simple rules:

  • Before communion you need 3 days fast - There are only vegetable foods (refuse meat, dairy products and eggs).
  • Need to be in the evening On the eve before the day of communion.
  • Need to confession Either in the evening service either on the day of communion at the very beginning of the liturgy (morning service, during which the communion occurs).
  • Need a few days more pray hard - To do this, read Morning and evening prayers and read the canons: Canon repented to the Lord to our Jesus x Rista ,
    Canon Prayer Blessed Virgin,
    Canon Angel XP Antel,
    Follow-up to holy communion *. * If you have never read the canons (in church-Slavic language), you can listen to audio (there are on websites-prayer at the specified links).
  • You need to take an empty stomach (in the morning there is nothing and not to drink). An exception is made for sick people, such as diabetics, for which food and medicine are vital.

If you become communion on every liturgy, every Sunday, your confessor will be able to allow you to quickly fast and not deduct all the indicated prayers. Do not be afraid to ask the father and consult with him.

How is the communion in the church?

Suppose you decided to come on Sunday. So, on the eve of the evening (on Saturday) you need to come to the evening service. Usually evening service in the temple begins at 17:00. Find out, the liturgy (morning service) begins at Sunday, on which the communion itself will be held. Usually, the morning service in the temple begins at 9:00. If the confession was not in the evening service, then confess at the beginning of the morning service.

Around the middle of the service, the priest will leave the altar bowl. All those who were preparing for communion are going near the bowl and fold their hands on the chest right on top of the left. To the cup fit carefully not to turn it out. The priest with a spoon gives parties to the holy gifts - a piece of body and blood of Christ under the guise of bread and wine.

After that, you need to go to the end of the temple, where you will give a lock. It is diluted with wine water. It is necessary to drink so that no drop or babe of the Eucharist disappear. Only after that you can cross. At the end of the service you need to listen to thanksgiving prayers.

How to prepare for confession? What to talk to the confession to the priest - an example? List of sins

The main rule for confession, about which priests always resemble, do not retell sins. Because if you begin to retell the story, as you committed sin, then you will involuntarily begin to justify yourself and blame others. Therefore, the confessions are simply called sins. For example: pride, envy, foul language, etc. But not to forget anything, take advantage list of sins against God, against nearby, against yourself (Usually this list is in the book "How to prepare for the Holy Communion".

Sins write on a leafle to not forget anything. Come to the temple in the morning early in order not to be late for confession and on the overall prayer before confession. Before confession, go to the priest, cross, apply to the gospel and to the cross and start listed in advance the recorded sins. After confession, the priest reads the permissive prayer and will say whether you are committed to communion.

It rarely happens when the priest does not allow you to compete for your correction. This, including and checking your pride.

It is important during confession, calling sin, to give yourself a promise not to repeat it. It is very important on the eve of the communion to reconcile with the enemies and forgive their offenders.

How to confess the first time?

The first confession is often called general confession. As a rule, almost all sins from the list of sins against God, near and herself fall into the leafles with the list of sins. The father will surely understand that you came to confession for the first time and will help you with advice, how to try not to repeat sins and mistakes.

I hope the article "How to prepare for confession and communion?" It will help you to decide and go to confession and communion. It is important for your soul, because confession is the cleansing of the soul. The body we wash every day, but do not care about the purity of the soul!

If you have never confessed and did not come together and it seems to you that it is very difficult to prepare, I recommend that you do this feat. The award will be great. I assure you nothing like you have not experienced before. After the communion, you will feel unusual and with nothing comparable spiritual joy.

The most difficult usually seems to subtract the canons and submits to the Holy Communion. Indeed, in the first time read hard. Take advantage of the audio record and listen to all these prayers within 2-3 evenings.

Listen in this video, the story of the priest Andrei Tkacheva about how much time (usually several years) separates a person from the desire to go to the first confession until the first confession.

I wish everyone to enjoy life and thank God for everything!

Alena Krais.