Tatar wisdom. Vintage customs of the Tatar people

Tatar wisdom. Vintage customs of the Tatar people

Tatara - The Turkic people living in the central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Volga region, Ural, in Siberia, in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Far East.

The total number of Tatars in the world is about 6 million people. The number in Russia is 5.4 million people, of which more than 2 million live in the Republic of Tatarstan. They are divided into three main ethno-territorial groups: Tatars Volgo-Ural, Siberian and Astrakhan, sometimes allocate Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. The Volga-Tatar nation includes descendants of the Kazan Tatars and most of the Astrakhan Tatars and Misharey. Siberian Tatars (Barabinsk, Tobolo-Irtysh, Tomsk) have a somewhat different attitude towards the Volga Tatars. They were always far from them geographically, and also not closely related to origin. In the linguistic terms between them there are also differences. Crimean and Dobriershin Tatars, to the formation of the nation of the Volga Tatars, do not at all have any relationship.

Adopting ethnonym tatar The ancestors of the modern Volzhsky Tatars, was somewhat peculiar. And so far, the Volga Tatars have other ethnonyms, some of which are already forgotten, and some are preserved. So, for example, the neighbors of the Volga Tatars - Mariy residents call them ethnonym sUAS (syas, syas), Udmurts - biger, Kazakhs - nougay, Kalmyki - ethnonym mangot..

Believers Tatars: Muslims-Sunni, part quacks. Tatar language belongs to the Kypchak subgroup of the Turkic group of the Altai family of languages \u200b\u200band is divided into three dialects: West (Mishar), Kazan (Middle) Dialect and East (Siberian-Tatar).

The basis of Tatar vocabulary is the words of national origin. As a result of contacts with the languages \u200b\u200bof various families, the Tatar language borrowed some words in varying degrees. Borrowing from the Russian language covers all parties to the life of the Tatar people, since since the time of the Bulgarian state, Tatars had close connections with Slavs.

Tatar proverbs in the Tatar language

B. әhektne Yuldan Ezlәmә, Belerenәn Ezlә.

Kitap - White Chishmә.

Kүp Ukygan KүP Beller.

Jөz Sum Akchaң Bulganca, yөz Dustovoy Bulsyn.

DUS Akchadand Schymmәt.

Dusts үzeңn Yakhshirak Bulsyn.

Tella Belgәn - Illәr Belgәn.

Tәmla Dual Tel, Tәmsez Dual.

Teleң neither әytsә, Karagyң Shuna Ivesther.

Agachna Yafraki Bizi, Keshena Hesmәt Bizi.

Who Ashlәmi, Shul Asham.

Ash Betkәch Uonarka is bright.

ӘNi Yorta - Altyn Bières.

Bәyrәm Ashu - Kara-Karsha.

Tugan An Ber, Tugan Vatan Ber.

Neither chucks, shuns Uryrsh.

Tatar proverbs with translation into Russian

BUT LMAZ It remains a diamond, even if you throw it into dirt.

No bee bites honey does not happen.

Carefree guy - Oslo Comrade.

Careless man and from well water gets fat.

Mad dogs his tail is gnawing.

Blud Honey, silent fell.

I do not believe the rich, do not lean on the water.

Wealth is not a support, unity - support.

The child's illness is worse than its.

In the sand I was poured - unnoticed, my daughter gave - not to see.

WDD face Shaitan slide.

The faithful of his homeland will live forever, betraying his homeland - one day.

Believe the horse and the dog of their own, but not his wife.

The culprit is one blow with a stick, a baseman - five.

During the hunger, the Baysk child will die first.

The enemy is not waiting for the gum.

Father's enemy in his friends do not take.

Time will not come - Does not bloom.

The time of sand into the stone, the stone turns into the sand.

A stupid dog and in the afternoon.

A fool will say: "won," the wise will say: "Lit in the road."

Hungry wolf and lion will be painted.

Even if there is no money, conscience should be.

Even the sun does not happen without spots.

Two brands of heads in one boiler will not fit - they will be waved.
(Option: Two brands of heads in one boiler will not fit - and without horns will fit).

Girls and over the slit in the log laugh.

Djigit, if and falls, - Find.

There are six doors for parting, and to return - only one.

Up to forty - Malay, after forty - babai.

The gemstone does not happen.

The friend whom you are bad considered, better than a good enemy.

Friend you will be offended, - I'll get the enemy.

To a friend, show your teeth, the enemy - the teeth.

Durak and business stupid does.

Bad Baran Baigue, a bad guy - Drachwa.

Dranushka and decoration will not help.

If the wife is beauty, then let friends be blind.

If you kill, you will blow even cold water,before drinking it.

If the skilnik is long, do not burn your hand.

Female language - carbon burning.

Life will force, and climb the stone to the mountain.

For a poisonous snake, the horns are killed.

Love Yes, you get a debt - the wife will remain.

Evil mother-in-law and on the egg seam will find.

Gold in the ground find knowledge in .

The son-in-law came - Khan came.

And the wife will raise, and laugh his wife.

And the daughter of Mullah has shortcomings.

And the frog happens beloved.

Having a daughter will quickly struggle.

Cooker wife - Shitana flap.

The horse without salt suffers, the guy is without a girl.

decore within a month, a man - during the year.

Konya and the bride from their village do not take.

The beauty of the mountain - stones, the beauty of the girl - braids.

Beautiful girl cester.

I want to see beautiful, to marry.

Who does not know the memory of the ancestors, he will not feel the taste of life.

corolor companion.

The forest will straighten the curve tree, the human curve will straighten the people.

Summer will break - you will starve in winter. ( tatar proverb about winter )

Horse in Saraj - Slava Allah, wife on the street - Allah punished.

The horse is chosen on the teeth, a girl - in the eyes.

Favorites - eight, chosen one.

His mistress, with his wife live.

Mishar will be, Mishar will endure.

Young love games, old men - sleep.

The husband of the old one does not happen, Mullah - Poor.

Men in the house there is no firewood, there are many women - there is no water.

A man in thirty-lion.

A man does not marry - will not form.

The man of parents will not quit.

Husband love healthy, wives are rich.

People will rise - and you get up.

Do not take the mother who praises the mother, take the one that the village praises.

You won't be rich - your beloved will get another.

Not every trap gets a beast.

Do not believe the smile of the enemy, do not suspect the malice in the other.

Do not look for a friend without flaws.

Don't need a guy that before lunch.

Do not look at the growth, look at the mind. ( about the groom )

Face does not know how to kiss the face.

Unfinished affairs will cover the snow.

No one should forget the parents and
Sybka, in which it swung. ( proverb Buinsky Mishar )

New boots of someone else's village are not standing old noodles of their village.

One mother's prayer will take the top over the seven curses of Mullah.

From Calma - Water Talaa.

The defeated enemy will die ingloriously,the victorious enemy will be glorified by the century.

The instructions of the horse Allah, but the right horse himself.

Betrayed a friend worse than the enemy.

The charm of life is with a loved one.

Having grumbled on a lush, no fur coat.

The child gave birth - rich became rich.

The child is small - heavier, matured - the heart is hard.

The relative is rich good, the wife is healthy.

With a sore place, you will not remove your hand, you will not assign an eye from the worker girl.

With the hunger, die, and give parents last. ( proverb about parents )

With the hands of your beloved water sweeter honey.

With good wife and paradise is not necessary. ( proverb about Zhenya )

Shed locked when the horse is increased.

The strength of the wolf - in the teeth, the power of a person - in labor.

No matter how much Klyachi hopped - it will not be a fighting horse.

How many friends you have - it will show.

Modest girl attractive.

In a word in the face - whip on the back.

First - Allah, then - the husband.

The dog is rich in the evil rich himself.

Dogs do not affect not fit.

Salt porridge is better than a meaningless word.

Elder brother is the second father.

The old woman is a castle for home.

Shoots crookedly, and gets straight. ( proverb about speech cunning man )

Tatar and a nail nail.

Tatar and stone water lick.

Tatar after dinner by mind is strong.

Patient will achieve goal.

There is no one who grew up without a father's horse, someone who, without mother, do not give up a daughter.

Tosca in cute is a bitter pleasure.

The hardworking day is not enough, the slacker - the day does not erect.

You tell - your truth, I tell - mine.

The rich oven does not cool.

A similar guy do not ask what kind of tribe he is.

At the house where the girl lives, there will be forty horses tied.

Dagger has two faces, Jigita has one.

The real guy is the word iron.

At the cheating leg short.

I will not scream and rags will not be scarceed, you will not get a real word from ignorant.

The craftsmen are golden hands.

Able to dance and one boards enough.

Die, but do not let you kiss someone who you do not love.

Fallen snake jalute.

Ducking water is not returned.

Scientist man older than father.

There will be no idle rich.

Good wine and beautiful wife - two sweet poison.

Though the mouth of the curve, the Baja daughter without the groom will not remain.

The chrome crow flies before others.

Kissed jokingly, cried - truly.

A man who has a father and grandfather is an oak with roots.

What in tears live, it is better to die with the song on the lips.

Than nine sons, better one lame husband to have.

Than a bride-husband in the house of the bride to settle, better - in the fire.

Black stone and after washing does not bother.

What entered the stomach, that is, profit.

Alien Earth for bones is hard.

It was a foreign husky, but live in the homeland. ( proverb about his homeland )

Puppy barks, and a dog beat.

The berry mined without difficulty does not deliver pleasure.

The son of the father will be the language of the mother - daughter.

Rage leads to madness.

On this page: Tatar folk proverbs and sayings about friendship, health, knowledge, labor, friendship, family education and other topics. School students can find 3, 4, 5 or 10 proverbs to the lesson.

All that did not sort the topics by laying here. The rest (themes - food, evil, nickname "Prince") can be viewed on the tag.

Women's minds are that Tatar Sumy (Perented).
Wait, Tatar, give a saber to snatch (or: to be shaped).
And there is power, yes there is no will. Unilies only tatars take.
This is a judicial Tatar region (the memory of the Tatar power).
Not Tatar jumped up, did not take his head.
Not on time (not at the time) Guest worse than Tatar.
From the wall writes (from the right to left, Jew or Tatar).
Tatar hat (Chertka Cap) All in the patch (Kamenka).
Lyudai, give money! - Fool, what kind of kiryak? (Teases Tatars: Lyudai - God; Kiryak - it is necessary.)
Will live, smoothly for a buoy (Kostroma province built from tatar raids).
In the water of devils, in the earth worms, in the Crimea Tatars, in Moscow, the boyars, in the forest, the bitch, in the city hooks: to climb to the man (to Merin) in the belly: there will be inserted there and you will put it on the windows.
You are a barin, and I am not a Tatar.
Martvin (or: Tatar, i.e. burdock), Did it fuck in it?
Star became the mind end (Tatar).
Sixty years passed, the mind back (Tatars say).
It would be better dogs Tatar's wife died than me (he has two).
Tatar - Pork Ear. Shaved hops.
Eat the Tatarin's Bear - both are unreliable.
My friend is yours - and only (i.e., Tatar, who does not know in Russian, or Kalmyk).
There is no proc. In Tatarchi.
Now about Tatar happiness only in fairy tales.
I love well done in Tatarin.
Tatar or through good, or through a fraudster.
Red Zyryanin created God, Red Tatar - Damn.
Zyryanin Ryzh from God, Tatar Ryzh from the line.
Sits like a chicken on eggs. Sitting Tatars take.
Wait, Tatar, give a sable to take out (or: to hone)!
Live, so that the Tatars sitting did not cover.
Early Tatars on Russia go.
Not on time Guest - worse (in the forest) of the Neflet (Tatar).
Wait, Tatarin: Let the sable snatch (or: hone).
We, Tatars, all for nothing (do not look at custom, decency).
On the field on the arc, at the turn of Tatar, there is a tree of Lebanese (royal, paradise), Mitrofanovsky leaves, Claws Devilsky (burdock).
On the field of Nogai, at the turn of Tatar, people lie beaten, their heads are obrused (sheaves).
BUY Yes, Kaduy Damn for three years I was looking for, and buoy yes, I stood at the gate. (Tatars were looking for buoy to ruin him, but did not find the road to him).
Kazan Drive - I. Horde passed.
For drunken people drunk (by the River of the Nizhny Novgorod province, 1377. Russians are amazed in the village of Tatars).
With one side of the Cheremis, and on the other hand, (1524, the army on the courts went under Kazan and beaten in the corneal thresholds).
Your speeches in the gospel, our and in Azabuka (and to the Tatar Prologue, i.e., in Koran) are not suitable.
Crooked, Kosos Motovilo, left under the skies, said in Tatarski, shelted in German (swan).
Motovilo-corneal under the skies went out, in Tatar said, in German, shelted (crane).
Flow to yourself, Tatar, Afimia passed (August 11, the beginning of the Victory Dmitry Donskoy).
We went to Tatars in Tar Tarara - so for them and you?
Does not beats anger of Tatar.
Bay all the tatar goes.
Nor San \\ "a, no man \\" but no (i.e., nothing probably from Tatar: neither to me nor to me).
Neither Yaman, nor Yaksha, no middle arm (with Tatarsk.).
Eyes of geese Pasi, the voice of the song Song, hands yarn strands, kicks a child's feet (speaks in the song tatar Polon Wife).
It is necessary to twist the head of the hole, the brain is pouring (Tatarsk.).
On the area of \u200b\u200bArsk, at the turn of Tatar, two eagles eroy, in one language indoor (christening).
Your words are at least in the Bible, and our and in Tatar sacraticles (in the Tatar Prolog) are not suitable.
What is Khan (king), such and the Horde (people).
Where Khan (King), here and the Horde (and the people).
On Kuprie and Ustigny Kazan Birthdaynitsa ( celebration of Kazan).
Khan Crimean yes Pope ... (i.e. enemies our).
Great in the house that Khan in the Crimea.
Many troubles were done - Khan Crimean and Pope.
Alai Bulay Crimean Songs - Yes, there are also crazy.
Various as Khan to Crimea (i.e., broken into raid).
In the house they seek Mamai fought. Present Mamaevo is a closer.
AND Mamai Truth did not eat.

selected from Russian Folk Proverbs and sayings - a collection of folk proverbs and sayings collected by Vladimir Ivanovich Dalem

No matter how surprisingly it looks, but the proverbs and sayings Tatar and Russians differ little from each other. I remember the case. My daughter was seven years old, and son - nine. She decided to compose a rhyme. Walks, words in rhyme folds. Here and the son "caught fire", I also began to compose something. And he repeated some kind of her phrase. That as shouting: "You write my poems!" I read Tatar proverbs and sayings - and I am surprised: how they look like our proverbs! Words are different, and the meaning is one.

Proverbs Tatar

Diamond remains diamond, even if you throw it into dirt.

Without wind leaves do not pegs.

Without children - grief, and with children - grief.

Without a shortage of a wedding there is no.

Without difficulty and hare you can't catch.

Close straw is better than a distant barley.

The disease is pushed, but comes out drachmans.

The fact that the bat does not see the day, the sun is not guilty.

Volchonok, nevertheless, will be a wolf, even if a man is raised.

Even if you sit crookedly - say right.

The good name of the whole herd can spoil a small calf.

The house where there are children - the bazaar where there are no children - a cemetery.

Good for good pays everyone, good for evil - a real person.

If I did not get bent when I was a twist - it will not be afraid when it is a stick.

If there were no meal for meals - you do not enter, licking the dishes.

A woman without a husband - a horse without a zest.

Needle, though Mala, and hurts.

Each flower on his stem is blooming.

When a person is lucky, he even turns into gold.

Who runs a lot - a lot gets tired.

Who is in no hurry, he will catch up on the cart.

Who fell himself - they will not cry.

It will not have time to stumble, as already falls.

Do not subject to the severity that you cannot raise.

One is happy in youth, the other - in old age.

The wound from the horns heals, the wound from the language does not heal.

The hand washes her hand, and both hands wash the face.

Wedding piru is accompanied by the scuffle.

The mind is not in the years, but in my head.

Smart - hint, stupid - stick.

Someone else's advice are listening to his mind.

What to cry in the forest, then hear in response.

What sticks up, gets on your head.

The tongue is long in what the arguments are short.

The idleness language never idle.

Tatar sayings

Fight from smoke, but got into the fire.

There would be a head, and the hat would be found.

Do not worry on wood wood.

Every family has its black sheep.

Crow the Roron eye does not turn off.

The spent the word cannot be returned.

There is a lot of compensation, but a little sense.

Hungry bear does not dance.

Where there are a lot of shepherds, there all the sheep penetrate.

Two watermelons do not fit one mouse.

For evil and day, and night dark.

Waiting for the goose do not miss the duck.

Money is not a penny, yes glory is good.

The day of the day is worse, and the dress is already.

Money and in stone a hole turns.

They lived to the keys - that neither bread, no flour.

For blind chicken and muffin - wheat.

If you say "honey" - in the mouth will not be sweet.

If the mountain does not go to you - you come to the mountain.

Eat - I do not want.

From one Volos, the Arkan is not falling.

From one drop, the sea will not work.

What is the shepherd - Takovo and herd.

When the fire is sweating - the water is not needed.

Horse on four legs and that stumbles.

Who will hurry, he will burn soup.

Where the front wheels are there and rear.

Mouse and so does not climb in Noura, and still joined the tail of Lukushko.

He drank a penny - inxicane's three kopecks.

Do not sing the songs of others.

The loser and the wind blows towards.

Thread in a thin spot rust.

Fire in the Podol will not take.

Conversation - silver, and silence is gold.

The dog leaves - the caravan goes.

Word said - released arrow.

Self itself, and the eyes are hungry.

Saving from the rain, got under Grad.

Immediate snake enough.

I wanted to smooth your eyebrows, and the eye scicure.

Alien soul - bottomless sea.

Language without bones.

The egg does not teach the chicken.

We all live on the same planet. And no matter how color the skin of another person, in whatever language he would not say, even in Russian, even in Tatar, at least in Ukrainian, but the moral principles of all people are the same: to be honest, hardworking, tearing and loving The land on which they live. That's why, probably, proverbs and sayings from different countries are so similar. Yes, look at least, - and make sure!

O wisdom

Sakal Agarm Akle Kermi.

While the beard does not develop the mind will not come.

Tatars Akyly Tөshtәn Sosң.

Wisdom is acquired after the middle of life. (literally - after lunch in wisdom)

Ola Kesche - Sollas Tөsh.

Wise man - strong as oats.

Yasha Kүp Tә, Akylya Yuk. For many years - there is no mind.

(I left the years, and I did not reach the mind)

About wealth

Sauligm - Bailyag.

Health is wealth.

About death

ӘҗәLdәn Daru Yuk.

There is no medication from death.

Oh boltunas

Tank Bakyldap, Tuchәn Tayldap Tuimas.

The frog does not get quarrels, and the chatter does not get tired.

Tellenә Salngan.
Eshendә Abyngan.
Who speaks a lot, the point will not do.

Bistәse bistribution, Kyan Khastasi.
From long conversations and hare sick.

Oh truth

Dreshek Uta and Yang, ships and baotma.

True on fire is not lit and in water is not sinking.

BALA KүәәN, ADM SZDәN Zyyant.

The child can be jammed, and a person will observe.

About happiness
boshetna Yuldan Ezlәmә, Belenah Ezlә.

The road to happiness is achieved through the search of knowledge.

About beauty

Maturly Tuid Kryk, Aquil Kөn Dә Kir.

Beauty will come in handy at the wedding, and the mind is every day.

Maturna Yes, Akyl Artyk Bulmas.

Even the beautiful mind is not a hindrance.

Ike Kyun Koyrygyn Berry Totam Dimә.

For two hares, you will not catch one.

Yomyrka is thrown by өyrәtmi.

Teach your grandmother to suck eggs.

Yuzne Dә AK TKәn - Uku, Sonne Dә AK TKәN - Coo.

Live and learn.

Ber Shyrpadan ut Bulmy.

Fire from one match will not turn around. (There is safety in numbers)

Altuy, cheese kilә!

Wyry dirt, manure rides!

Crust Kashk Avyzny Ert.

Dry spoon mouth arm.

Ber Keshe Bөtene Keshe is, Bazhet Keshe Ber Keshe is.

All is well that ends well.

Timerne Kyzynda bitches.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Hut Keshene өyrәt.

On errors learn.

Celeneң ү CHEX Yuk, Shul Ceques Schever White Maktana.

Who has no hair, boasts his sister's hair. (When something brags something that he really does not have)

Tatarң Uly Ber Yashendә yөri, Ike Yaschendә үрмәли.

The son of Tatarin walks in one year and crawls in two years. (When everything goes on the contrary. - bargain the cart ahead.)

neither chucks, shuns Uryrsh.

What we sleep, you will get enough.

Usaal Blossa Asarlar, Yuache Blesң Basarlar.

You will be evil - hang, you will be soft - let out.

Ana Site Belәn Kermәsә, Tana Site Belәn Kermәs.

If not entered with mother's milk, then the cow will not be included with the milk.

үtkәn Ash Kire Kitem.

What was - do not return.

Diamond diamond Belәn Kisәlәr.

And a piece of diamond - diamond.

Diamonds of the Balchik of Arazhana Tashlasa, Diamond Boyl.

Diamond remains a diamond, even if you throw it into the dirt.

Kүk Timer Cayrau Belәn Diamond Bulmas.

Heaven sharpens iron, not diamond.

Altyn - Tash, Alabuta - Ash.

Gold - Stone, Swan - soup.

Araka - Shaitan Sidg.

Vodka - liquid traits.

Ber Kartlikt - Ber Jachlects.

One old man - in his youth one was.

Ber Kichkә - Ker Michkә.

One evening is one bag of linen.

Yomshak Agachna Cort Basa.

Soft bee tree make. (Drop stone sharpening)

Azklyi Arymas.

Folding horse will not get tired.

Balyk Bashynan Cherry.

The fish rots from the head.

Gapa Mulla Kyzinda yes Bula

Sins even at the daughter of Mullah are.

Dosnesң of Arshae, Khatnnyaң Yakhshi Yakhshi.

From friends, the old friend is better, and the wife is young (new).

DJ Ajanya at that Abyna.

Egatelek Cader Card Beler.

The price of youth knows the old man.

Yaakka Jachersәң, Yakynnan Allars.

Җntarrtmas, Kan Tarta.

If the soul does not pull, then the blood pulls.

The stock of echno is quiet.

Stomach reserves will not resolve.

IKәLGәNL ILL white.

What two know - knows the whole country.

Kunak Ashu - Kara-Karsha.

They fed away - in response and you are ties.

Kurkenchean - Eshlame, Eshlasen - Kurkma.

If you are afraid - do not, and if I did - do not be afraid.

Kүz Kүrә Bern, Kңңel - melan.

Eyes see one, soul - a thousand. (In the sense of an insightful, attentive person)

Kүz Kurka - Kul Yolka.

You never know what you can do till you try. (If you translate literally, then the hands jerk)

Neither chucks, shuyriers.

What goes around comes around.

Dulas Cantan Yaman.

Mad cow worse than horse.

Thausk Tөreki Tara Kerә, Ashamas - Taga Kerә.

Chickens dream of millet, if not, will still dream.

Tama Tama-Tama Tash Tishә.

A drop stone gradually sharpening.

Timerne Kyzynda bitches.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Wennan Chega Wenak.

Playing can harm.

ҮZhlgan Elamas.

Who fell himself, he will not pay.

Halyk әytsә Hack әyter.

The people always tell the truth.

Һәrkemneң Couots үzen Taba Kәrek.

Every hand begged in your direction (meaning: everyone strives to take himself)

Chakyrgang җIirgә Bar, Kugan җ figure whale.

Where are you invited - go, from where they drive away - go.

At өner - Bүre yөr.

The dog leaves - the wolf walks.

Eashaң җitmesh - Esheң Bethrem.

Life is not enough, and the work will not end.

Slaәtesz Sәnәk Synryer, Kөchzzz Kөrk Synryryr.
The man who does not know how to break, but a weak man with a shovel.

DJ Ajanya at that Abyna.
Even a four-legged horse stumbles.