National ornaments of India. Indian patterns

National ornaments of India. Indian patterns
National ornaments of India. Indian patterns

Today in the cooking enthusiasm of India, many artists discover such folk artas a traditional indian ornament. As in any folk creativity, the Indian ornament is also unusually beautiful and intricate, and each element is not just an image, but a means of transmitting information, simply speaking, each item means something like any people.

I generally love folk creativity, the ornaments of all nations in my opinion are beautiful, everyone has their own unique BeautyFor each ornament you can find a place in your life. Ornaments can decorate the interior, details of the interior, clothing, dishes, furniture.

But today's painting today for example, you will not perform in the style of North American Indians, in such a matter, every artist will first remember exactly the traditional Indian ornament. But what would not be able to accidentally be a path with a picture of something not appropriate, it would be nice to know before starting work what one or another item means :)

The first element is known to us by all since childhood, remember this element could be frequently found on homemade mamia bathrobes, scarves, sweaters, etc. He is still popular today, I must say that this element has become popular and distributed many centuries ago.

It is called: Bhutan (Booth), Paisley, Indian cucumbers (peppers).

It is still unknown, what exactly does he represent himself, perhaps this is the seed of the palm tree, cypress, or even sacred in eastern culture flame. But the main thing is what Bhutan means is a symbol of fertility, it is believed that things with this symbol attract the owner wealth and well-being. It is also believed that this symbol indicates the entire beautiful Divine essence of the person himself, his talents and all top Qualitiesgiven to him by the gods.


Flowers, also a very popular element of patterns, can be found almost everywhere, Indians at all special love To flowers. Flowers also mean the frequency of life, the value of each moment. It is important to deal with what kind of flower is drawn, for example, the red flowers of Ashoka, symbolize love.


Lotus is very important, Lotus is a symbol of purity, loyalty, enlightenment, inspiration for overcoming any difficulties in life. Lotus is more than a plant, this is a symbol of unshakable will and purposefulness. Lotus is born in order to pass through the darkness, survive even in the most dirty water and reveal your clean, impeccable beauty. Also in the ornament at the lotus light erotic subtextFor example, newlyweds are customary to decorate garlands from the lotus. And women give men objects with images of an octalis lotus, wanting to hint about their feelings.


What a traditional indian pattern can do without an elephant, an elephant is one of the favorite animals in artistic art India. This is not by chance, because the elephant is a symbol of longevity, prosperity, prudence, will, patience, goodwill and insight. In general, if you wish to a person of all the best, everything you need to succeed in life or fulfill my secret desires, give him an "elephant", well, or his image.

Not a gift from the Hindu symbol of wisdom and happiness is God Ganesh. Find out it easy, because this god is an elephant head.


Cow is the mother of the whole world, the Hindus respectively respect and honor the cow, the image of the cow on the subjects symbolizes all the same, selflessness and self-sacrifice.


Peacock can also be found in Indian patterns. Peacock national symbol India, this royal bird symbolizes wealth, abundance, and can also expel dark forces.

The sun

The sun will mean divine protection, as the sun, it is a divine eye, licking on us from heaven. Most often, the sun in the Indian ornament is depicted in the form of a circle with many rays.

Indian patterns are affected by imagination. They attract their intricate forms and life-affirming plots. India's culture admissors are applied to the brushes and feet, they paint fabrics and create bizarre accessories on the basis of these motifs. Paisley's curls ("cucumbers") are inspired to create masterpieces of the most mast fashioned couturiers. Often, this motive, like solaricers, is used in interior design for the manufacture of frescoes, lamps, furniture upholstery, thread. And what to talk about tattoo art! The most famous salons offer millions of sketches both for temporary and permanent tattoos, which are based on amazing Indian patterns.

It is safe to say that the ancient Indian art painting today is experiencing another period of universal adoration.

Mehendi and his story

Mehendi is the art of applying paints with paints made from henna. The history of this painting is so ancient that it is already impossible to accurately determine its accurate age and pranodine. The Indians are confident that the origin of the origin was the ancestors of Aria, and this happened this at least five thousand years ago. And if the time of disputes does not cause the disputes among historians, then there are differences about the place. Most likely, the ancient art originated in the territory Ancient EgyptSince the archaeological finds are evidenced in favor of this version. The Egyptians stained the feet and palm of the dead henna, believing that it would facilitate their hard journey into the afterlife.

IN early XII. Century Painting Hena received widespread distribution in India. From the moment the formation of the Art of Mehendi began in the form in which we know and we. Today, Indian patterns in the hands can be seen almost at any end of the Earth.


For India, traditional materials, time immemorials were cotton and silk. And whatever the influence of the West, today in this country does not lose the relevance of these materials. Traditional Indian patterns are used for embroidery and painting. The youth, of course, draws attention to the Western fashion, but the most solemn events in the life of the Indians meet, having to go into the same clothes, which ancestors wore many thousands of years in a row.


Triangles and solar symbols, strict geometric ornaments and plexuses of deciduous branches - symbols underlying indian art mural. And the role of each of these elements is far beyond the boundaries of ordinary decorativeness. What secrets are the ancient Indian patterns? The value of each element is firmly connected with its image.

For example, the connected triangles symbolize the unity of two began: male and female, heaven and earthly, giving and receiving.

Swastiki, or solarices, are ancient signs in which the deepest symbolism has been concluded. They seem to describe the course of the Sun in the sky, streams of its lively energy, donating fertility and health.

Stars strengthen communication with deities, express hope.

Squares and diamonds are the simplest symbols of the house, native bed.

The coated value of the circles is known in many ancient cultures, but the Indians see in this sign even more deep meaning. For them, a circle is a symbol of a turn of life. And the circle with the burning languages \u200b\u200bof the flame ("Pacriti") implies the revival, the growth of the life of life, the new beginning.

Basics of meditation

No Master Mehendi, no artist on the fabrics from India will not make their work to your work. Indian patterns in this regard are similar to japanese art calligraphy. They are applied leisurely, in a relaxed atmosphere. The master is fencing from the worldly fuss, configures on a certain way, takes his tool into his hands and begins to create. Perhaps it is precisely this Indian patterns and are obliged to their magic undergoing power ...

Publication 2016-02-01 Liked 3 Views 1708

What to combine indian ornament

The culture of each ethnos was formed with centuries, this mosaic consists of music, songs, literature, national clothes And another set of elements. The traditional ornament is the same integral part of the culture, a kind of identification mark. It can be found on dishes, objects, clothing and even on the body, as in the case of Indian.

Juicy Indian Patterns on Fabrics

If you draw your attention to patterns that adorn Indian textile products, then this people do not change here: the riot of paints, the abundance of small elements, excessiveness that has reached harmony. Popular topics for ornaments are the world of nature and animals. Generously decorated with flowers, mango fruits, images of lotus, elephants, peacocks, tigers and fish.

At the same time, each region is distinguished by the peculiarities of patterns, for example, in Rajasthan is very popular ornament from small points, and in the state of Uttar Pradesh, the main motive plays the tree of life.

There are even special. Bandhana is the ancient type of modern pattern of Tai-Dai, when the image is obtained using the nodules on the tissue tied at the time of color. The most common technique for applying a drawing on the fabric - with the help of special wooden seals, and in particularly exclusive cases - manually, brush. If geometric ornaments or vegetable patterns, figures of people, animals immediately crawled out of yarn - this is called ITCAT.

The famous oriental paisley pattern

Paisley can be called one of the most famous patterns from the East. You can know it called the "Indian Cucumber", Booth, Turkish Bob. This element of the almond form can be found in traditional ornaments Persia, Iran and India.

Its origin is not fully known and there are several different versions On this account, but the value similar in all cultures is fertility and the beginning of a new life ... In India, inside the frame from images of the Indian cucumbers wrote their wishes, as it was considered that the pattern would help to come true.

In Europe, Paisley pattern became popular in the XVIII century, and from that time fashion often comes back to him. The last bright boom, this ornament survived when hesond, and, apparently, now it comes to his time, because it flashes in the collection of one, then another designer.

What to combine Indian ornaments in clothes

If you choose a scarf, a belt or other small accessory with an oriental pattern, you can safely combine it with rich colors' clothes, because India loves bright colors! To the dress with such a coloring is better to choose one-photographic accessories. Blouse with paisley ornament will look great with black jeans or trousers. Fans

The bright and striking beauty of the nature of India was reflected in different types Decorative folk creativity. However, a significant impact on the Indian ornament used to decorate tissues and jewelry, furniture and dishes was provided by a religion that was written in a region of this multinational and multi-convales of this country.

Floral ornament

In that part of India, where the main religion is Islam, the greatest distribution, as well as in other Muslim cultures, received vegetable and geometric ornaments. It is determined by the fact that in this religion there is a ban on the image of the face of Allah, people and animals. Indian masters reached highest level Mastery, creating vegetable patterns. The most beloved and popular are the sacred symbolizing creative principle, carnation and mango fruits, pomegranate. Often in patterns include images of trees - palm trees and cypress.

So, in the Northern state of Uttar Pradesh, the main Indian ornament is floral garlands and medallions. As well as borrowed from Persian culture. Similar ornaments and patterns are applied not only to household items, they also decorate the walls in homes, decorated fabrics and use them in the traditional art of drawing henna - Mehendi. Among the entire diversity of plant drawings, such an Indian ornament should be allocated as boot, better known in Europe called Paisley.

"Indian cucumber"

Booth is a very important symbol, meaning in Indian culture fire.

This pattern is loved in India, is widely used in art and daily activities. Sari and Shawli, decorated with a variety of interpretations of the "Turkish cypress", as elsewhere called Paisley, wear women of all religions. The question of where and when this Indian appeared very popular in modern world And adorns furniture, clothing, shoes, jewelry and other items in many countries, is still open. For the championship India and Persia argue for several centuries. The basis of this pattern is a drop-shaped shape with a curved tip, which can be empty or filled with vegetable or abstract patterns and elements.

Geometric patterns

Various geometric and ornaments are equally popular and widespread, among which you can select "Giasir" - Czech fish, "Jali" - lattice.

Often when creating patterned motifs are used simple lines and corners, triangles directed as top and symbolizing male startAnd down - personifying female. On the tissues you can see squares, diamonds and circles, which can be filled with both geometric and vegetable elements. Indian ornament often uses a shash pattern and a swastika motive as a symbol of Divine Fire and the Sun. This group of patterns can also be attributed to the religious, representing the mandatory attributes of the gods - tridents (Triculus), various drums (damasters) and such a common ritual drawing, like a tilac - a tick with a point in the center. When decorating clothing, images of scenes from the Divine Life of Ganesh, Shiva and Krishna can be performed.

Animalistic images

In Central India and Rajasthan, where most of The population professes Buddhism and Hinduism, vegetable and geometric patterns are used in the decor. As well as images of animals, such as elephants, camels and lions, and birds, as a rule, parrots and peacocks with flowing tails are symbolizing well-being and prosperity.

It should be noted such a feature of Indian art as naturalistic and almost complete lack of stylization when creating animalistic patterns and ornaments.