The value of obsolete words in Russian. Dictionary of obsolete words by alphabet letters

The value of obsolete words in Russian. Dictionary of obsolete words by alphabet letters

Outdated are words that are no longer used in standard speech. To determine whether a certain word applies to obsolete, apply lexicographic analysis. He must show that now this word in speech is rarely used.

One of the types of obsolete words are historians, that is, the designations of concepts that no longer exist. There are quite a few similar words among the designations of professions or social positions of a person who have ceased to be relevant, for example, one-bedroom, trademark, a merchant, Provitmister, Foretor, Potter. A huge number of historicism denotes the objects of material culture, out of everybody - a horse, a beacher, a bunch, lapti. The meaning of some words belonging to this category is known at least, parts of the native speakers, which are imperative without effort, but there are no historians in the active dictionary.

Archaisms are words that indicated the concepts that continue to exist in the language, for the notation of which another word is used. Instead of "in order" they say "so that" instead of "invoking" - "has long been long," and instead of the "eye" - "Eye". Part of these words is completely impossible to those who face them, and thus they fall out already from a passive vocabulary stock. For example, the word "rattling" few recognize as synonym "in vain." At the same time, its root is preserved in the words "vanity", "in vain", as long as incoming, at least in the passive dictionary of the Russian language.
Some archaisms remained in modern Russian speech as components of phraseologism. In particular, the expression "take care of both Zenitsa Oka" contains two archaisms at once, including "Zenitsa", which means "pupil". This word, in contrast to the word "OKO" unknown to the overwhelming majority of native speakers, even formed.

Words come out of active use and fall into passive vocabulary gradually. Among other things, the change of their status is due to changes in society. But the role of directly linguistic factors is essential. An important point is the number of connections of this word with the rest. A word with a rich set of systemic relationships of various nature will be noticeably slower to go into a passive dictionary.
Outdated words should not necessarily be ancient. Relatively recent words that have arisen can quickly come out. This applies to many terms that appeared in early Soviet times. At the same time, the Russian words and borrowing, such as Batalia (Battle), Victoria (in the meaning of "victory", but not a female name), "Fortation" (victory) are observed.

Archaisms are divided into a number of categories, depending on the nature of their obsolescence. The main option is archaisms self-lexical, such words are outdated to the fullest. For example, it is "izh", meaning "which" either "OKO", that is, eye. Archaism lexico-semantic is considered a multi-valued word, outdated in one or several values. For example, the word "shame" still exists, but no longer means "spectacle". In the archaeisams of lexico-phonetic, writing and pronunciation of the word changed, but the value was preserved. "Gishvan" (now Spanish) refers to this category of archais. The lexico-word-forming type of archaisov contains consoles or suffixes that make this form outdated. For example, I previously existed a version of the verb to "fall", now it is possible only to "fall".

Outdated words in modern written and oral speech can be used with different goals. In particular, when writing historical novels, their presence is necessary for stylization. In modern oral speech, their function can be an increase in the expressiveness of the pronounced. Archaisms are able to give statements both a solemn, elevated and ironic character.

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W.older words, just like dialects, you can disseminate two different groups: archaisms and historisms .

Archaisms - These are words that, in connection with the appearance of new words, came out of use. But their synonyms are in modern Russian.

For instance:

right hand- right hand, lanits- cheeks, ramen.- shoulders, chersla- Launch and so on.

But it is worth noting that archaisms, nevertheless, may differ from the modern words of synonyms. These differences may be in the morpheme composition ( rybar- Fisherman, friendly -friendship), in their lexical meaning ( stomach- a life, the guest- merchant,), in grammatical design ( on Bale- on the ball, executive- execute) and phonetic features ( mirrzal- mirror, gishvan- Spanish). Many words are fully stolen, but they still have modern synonyms. For example: paguba- death or harm, preserve- Hope and firmly believe in order- To. And in order to avoid possible errors in the interpretation of these words, when working with artistic works, it is strongly recommended to use the vocabulary of outdated words and dialects, or an intelligent dictionary.

Historisms - These are words that indicate such phenomena or objects that completely disappeared or ceased to exist as a result of the further development of society.

Many words have become historicists who denote the various objects of the life of our ancestors, phenomena and things that were somehow related to the economy of the past, the old culture that existed once, the socio-political system. Many historicism is found among words that are somehow related to military topics.

For instance:

Reduced, chain, taken, choreetc.

Most obsolete words are called clothing objects and household items: lice, Svetts, Endow, Camzole, Armyak.

Also to historicists can be attributed to the words that denote the title, professions, positions, classes that have ever existed in Russia: king, lacquer, boyar, slap, stable, burlak,tinkeretc. Production activities such as horse and manufactory.Patriarchal life phenomena: purchase, lifts, born and others. Disappeared technologies such as medicality and tinning.

Historists have become the words that arose in the Soviet era. These include these words like: producer, NEP, Makhnovets, Likbez, Budenovetsand many others.

Sometimes it happens very difficult to distinguish archaisms and historians. This is due to the revival of cultural traditions of Russia and with frequent use of these words in proverbs and sayings, as well as other works of folk art. Such words include the words denoting the lengths of the length or measurement of weight, calling Christian and religious holidays and others and others.

Dictionary of outdated words by alphabet letters:

  • Wolf Ticket (Wolf Passport)
    In the XIX century, the name of the doctor closing access to civil service, an educational institution, etc. Today, phraseologism is used in the meaning of a sharply negative characteristic about the work of anyone.
    The origin of this turn is usually explained by the fact that a person who gained such a document was not allowed to live in one place for more than 2-3 days and he had to wander, like a wolf.
    In addition, in many combinations of wolf means "abnormal, inhuman, animal", which increases the opposition between the winner of the wolf ticket and other "normal" people.
  • Like a blue megrin
    There are several options for the origin of phraseologism.
    1. The word Merin comes from Mongolian Morin "Horse". In historical monuments, Siv, Merin Siv is very typical, adjective blue "light gray, gray" shows the old age of the animal. The verb lie in the past different meaning - "say nonsense, trimmed; chat." Sixy Merin here - a stallion crammed from a long work, and portable - a man who is already talking from old age and carries a corporate nonsense.
    2. Merin - stallion, blue - old. The expression is explained by the usual boasting of old people on their own, as if still preserved, like young people.
    3. The turn is associated with the attitude towards a silent horse as a stupid creature. The Russian peasants were avoided, for example, to lay the first furrow on Siberian Merine, since he "blocked" - became mistaken, putting it wrong.
  • Give dub - Die
    The turnover is connected with the verb to cry - "cool, lose sensitivity, firm." Oak coffin has always been familiar to the diecery. Peter I introduced a tax on oak coffins - as for luxury.
  • Alive, smoking!
    The origin of the expression is associated with the game "Smoking", popular in the XVIII century in Russia at the gatherings in the winter evenings. The players sat in the circle and passed to each other the burning raucion, saying "alive, alive, smoking, not dead, legs thin, soul short ...". He losing the one who had a hole of Gasla, began to smoke, smoke. Later, this game was replaced by "Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out."
  • Nick down
    In the old time, almost the entire population in Russian villages was illiterate. For accounting for a landowner of bread, work produced, etc. Applied so-called tags - wooden sticks to soy (2 meters), on which knife was made with a knife. The tags were split into two parts so that the scubons were on both: one remained at the employer, the other is the performer. By the number of scuba was calculated. Hence the expression "bruit on the nose", meaning: to remember pretty, take into account the future.
  • Play in Biryulki
    A game in "Biryulki" was widespread in Starin in Russia. It was that with the help of a small hook pull out, did not stop the rest, one of the other heaps are all flavors - all sorts of small toy things: hatchets, glasses, baskets, barrels. So they spent time in long winter evenings not only children, but also adults.
    Over time, the expression "Play Biryulki" began to mean empty pastime.
  • Laptem Sing Break
    Lapti - Wicker shoes from Lyk (subcortex layer of Lip), covering only the foot of the legs, - in Russia were the only available to the footwear of the poor peasants, and soup soup from the cabbage is the most simple and beloved food. Depending on the wealth of the family and the time of year, the hubs could be either green, that is, with a sorrel, or sour - from the sauar cabbage, with meat or launched - without meat, which ate during the post or in case of extreme poverty.
    About a man who could not earn his boots and more exquisite food, said that he was "lapties soup fucking, that is, he lives in a terrible poverty and ignorance.
  • Fawn
    The word "Lebesit" comes from the German phrase "ICH LIEBE SIE" (Lebe Zi - I love you). Seeing the insincerity in the frequent repetition of this "Lebe Zi", Russian people were intensely formed from these German words to the Russian word "Lebesit" - it means to crumble, to enjoy someone, to seek someone's location, favor.
  • Fish in muddy water
    It has long been one of the prohibited methods of fishing, especially during spawning, is her stunning. Known fables of the ancient Greek poet Ezopa about a fisherman who muttered water around the networks, driving a blinded fish there. Then the expression came out of fishing and gained more importance - to benefit from an unclear environment.
    Known and the proverb: "Before fishing, [Need] torture water," that is, "deliberately create confusion to extract benefits."
  • Small fry
    The expression came from peasant everybody. In the Russian northern lands of Sokh is a peasant community from 3 to 60 yards. And the small tank was called a very poor community, and then her poor inhabitants. Later, the shallow pie began to be called and officials occupying a low position in the state structure.
  • On the thief hat burns
    The expression dates back to an old joke about how they found in the thief market.
    After vain attempts to find the thief, people turned for help to the sorcerer; He shouted loudly: "Watch! On the thief, the hat is burning!" And suddenly everyone saw how some kind of man grabbed his cap. So the thief was discovered and evident.
  • Wash your head
    The royal soldier in the old days served indefinitely - to death or to complete disabilities. Since 1793, a 25-year term of military service was introduced. The landowner had the right for the provinity to give his fortress in soldiers. Since the recruits (recruits) swank their hair and they said about them: "Bend", "the forehead washed", "the head washed", the expression "wrapped his head" became in the lords of the rulers synonymous with the threat. In the portable meaning "Hinting a head" means: to make a strict reprimand, it is hard to swing.
  • Neither fish nor fowl
    In the Western and Central Europe of the XVI century, a new course has appeared in Christianity - Protestantism (Lat. "Protest, object"). Protestants, unlike Catholics, opposed the Pope of Roman, denied the Holy Angels, a monasticism, arguing that everyone himself could contact God himself. Their rites were simple and inexpensive. There was a stubborn struggle between Catholics and Protestants. Some of them in accordance with the Christian commandments ate modest - meat, others preferred lean - fish. If a person did not adjoin any movement, he was contemptuously called "no fish, nor meat." Over time, it began to talk about a person who does not have a clearly pronounced life position that is not capable of active, independent actions.
  • Nowhere to put samples - disapprovingly about the depraved woman.
    An expression based on a comparison with the golden thing moving from one owner to another. Each new owner demanded to check the product from a jeweler and put a sample. When the product was in many hands, there was no longer a place for sample.
  • Not washing, so catalym
    Before the invention of electricity, a heavy cast iron iron was split on fire and, until he cooled, she stroked them underwear. But this process was severe and demanded a certain skill, so often underwear "rolled". For this, the washed and almost dried underwear was fixed on a special rink - a round wood like that which the dough is currently rolled out. Then with the help of Rubel - a curved corrugated board with a handle - the rolling pin together with the liner-winding on it rolled along a wide flat board. In this case, the fabric was stretched and straightened. Professional booms knew that well-label linen had a more recent look, even if the washing was not entirely successful.
    So the expression appeared "not washing, so catalym", that is, to achieve a result not one, so in the other way.
  • Break a leg - Wish good luck in anything.
    The expression, was originally used as a "spell", designed to deceive unclean strength (such an expression was observed for the hunting; it was believed that the direct wish of good luck could "smooth out" production).
    Answer "To hell!" It was supposed to secure the hunter. To hell - this is not a type of type "went to hell!", And please go to hell and tell him about it (about that the hunter does not get a fluff or pen). Then the unclean will do on the contrary, and there will be something that it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe hunter will return "with Puph and Feather", that is, with prey.
  • We smoke the swords on the oral
    The expression dates back to the Old Testament, where it says that "the time will come when the peoples snatch the swords and a spear on the sickles: it will not raise the people to the people of the sword, and they will not learn to fight."
    In the old Slavonic language "Oral" - an instrument for the processing of the earth, something like a plow. The dream of establishing a universal world is figuratively expressed in the sculpture of the Soviet sculptor E.V. Vuchetich, depicting a blacksmith, crossing the sword in a plow, which is installed in front of the UN building in New York.
  • Goof
    Losak is a drum with teeth in the car, with which the wool is cleaned. Get to the promot - meant to cripple, lose your arms. Get into the aunt - get into trouble, in an awkward position.
  • Long with the pantalyk
    Cancel in confusion, confuse.
    Pantalyk is a distorted Pitelk, Mountain in Attica (Greece) with a stalactite cave and grotes, in which it was easy to get lost.
  • Straw widow
    The bunch of straw among the Russians, Germans and a number of other nations served as a symbol of the concluded agreement: issuance of marriage or sale. To break the straw meant to break the contract, disperse. There was also the custom to strive the bed newlyweds on rye snip. From the colors of straw spawned and wedding wreaths. Wreath (from the Sanskrit word "Vienna" - "Bunch", in the meaning of the bunch of hair) was a symbol of marriage.
    If the husband went somewhere for a long time, they said that the woman remained at one straw, so the expression "straw widow" appeared.
  • Dance from the stove
    The expression has become popular thanks to the novel of the Russian writer of the XIX century V.A. Sleptsova "Good man." The main hero of the novel "Ostive Nobleman" Sergei Terebenev returns to Russia after a long wanderfish in Europe. He recalls how he was taught in childhood to dance. All the movements of Seryozha began from the stove, and if I became mistaken, the teacher spoke to him: "Well, go to the stove, start first." Terebenev realized that his life circle was closed: he started from the village, then Moscow, Europe and, reaching the edge, he again returns to the village, to the stove.
  • Terched Kalach
    In Russia, Kalach is wheat bread in the shape of a castle with a handling. The grated Kalach was baked from a steep cam dough, which was long and grated. Hence the proverb "Not Trat, do not mint, will not be Kalach," that in a figurative sense means: "Through people are taught." And the words "grated Kalach" became covered - so they talk about an experienced, many who had a man who had a lot of "rubbed between people."
  • Pull one
    Reciper is very thin, flattened, twisted gold or silver wire used for embroidery. Manufacturing Reanitis consists in stretching it. This work performed by hand, tedious-monotony and takes a lot of time. Therefore, the expression "pull aquaitel" (or "to breed a caniler") in a figurative sense began to mean: do something monotonous, tedious, causing annoying loss of time.
  • At the line on cakes
    In deep antiquity, Kuligami called Polyany in the drechy forests. The pagans considered them enchanted. Later, people were deepening deep into the forest, they found the Kuligi, settled there with the whole family. Hence the expression: at the line on the cakes, i.e. very far.
  • Too
    In Slavic mythology, Chur or Shchur - ancestor, ancestor, the god of a homely focus - the house.
    Original "Chur" meant: limit, border.
    From here, I was led: "CHUR", meaning the ban to concern something, to move for some kind of action, for some limit (in spells against "unclean power", in games, etc.), the requirement to comply with some condition , persuasion.
    The word "too much" was born from the word "chur", meaning: go through "Chur", go beyond the limit. "Overweight" means too, not in moderation, excessively.
  • Shershell with Masherochka
    Until the XVIII century, women received a home education. In 1764, a smolny institute of noble maiden was opened in St. Petersburg at the Swenzen Smolny Women's Monastery. She studied in him the daughters of the nobles from 6 to 18 years. Learning was the law of God, French, arithmetic, drawing, history, geography, literature, dancing, music, various types of housekeeping, as well as the items of "secular passage". The usual appeal of the institutes to each other was the French Ma Chere. Russian words "Shero" and "Masherochka" appeared from these French words, which are currently used to name a couple consisting of two women.
  • Walk the trumps
    In ancient Russia, the boyars, in contrast to commoners, sewed to the door of the front desk with silver, gold and pearl collar, which was called the trump card. The trump card was impatiently sticking up, giving a proud posture of the boyars. Walking the goatre - to walk importantly, and trump - to brag something.

    We often meet outdated words in classical literature. These are often given a footnote-explanation, because in modern language these words are not used, and many of them may not know.

    Examples of obsolete words:

    indea - even

    lanita - Cheek

    saryn - Radd, crowd

    sedmian - week

    lena - Lazy

    Outdated words include archaisms and historians. These are words that are rarely used in a lively modern speech or meet only in the literary works of writers of past centuries. Outdated words will be taken to the passive vocabulary of the modern Russian language.

    Archaisms are characterized by the fact that, as a rule, are synonyms in modern speech.

    Examples of archaism:

    dLAN - PADON,

    vying - neck;

    belt - shoulders,

    sobil - sail,

    pit - poet

    rybar - Fisherman,

    magnifier - lips.

    Historisms, as can be guessing from the name of these words, are associated with a certain era in the history of the country and are the names of those subjects that have already disappeared, and the word, as a reminder of descendants, remains in the literature, archival documents or periodics of those years.

    Give these examples of obsolete words - historians:

    fist - a tricky peasant in the 20-30 years of the last century;

    rabbak - Working Faculty;

    rabafakovets, Rabbakovka - Students of Rabafaka.

    Among the historians are many ancient names of monetary units, length measures and weights, titles of objects and clothing, etc., for example:

    pads, Pood, Mustra, Arshin, Grivennik, Runs, Burlak, Corporation, Rack, Kharchevnya, etc.

    Under outdated words, they mean those words that in view of the time gap came out of the previously familiar active use, but in the passive dictionary they remained and more by the native speakers they remain clear.

    Among obsolete words, such two species as archaisms and historians are distinguished.

    For example, the lounges are on the Old Russian cheeks. DLAN - Palm. Dolu - down, down. Othmy - eyes. Man - forehead. Or the archaic appeal is a gracious sovereign :-). Virgo - girl. There is such a word - the stubborn - the entry / shirt /. Avelaced - was driven with someone. This is a people's speech, the last two words I have heard a grandmother / Smolensk region.

    I can add something to the already written by other authors that today used words can be considered outdated if they are used in other values \u200b\u200bin other values \u200b\u200bthan in the current one. Such words are called semantic archaisms.


    Patterns - teenage boy.

    Otrokovitsa - teenage girl.

    Star - astrologer.

    Lyedie - Aktr.

    The creature is a living being.

    Shame - spectacle.

    Vulgar - ordinary.

    Homeland - coffin.

    Zolotar - Jeweler.

    Refer - hope.

    TMOM - blind.

    Crown - wreath.

    Supper - dinner.

    Vities - speaker.

    This is this.

    Early to sleep.

    Grad - city.

    Arap - Negro.

    Evilless - innocent.

    Lamb - Lamb.

    Husband is a mature man.

    Scoundrel - not suitable for the army service.

    The damage is a public house.

    Resident - monastery.


    Likbez, Berkchets, Chata, Kolymag, Diligence, Serf, October, Pioneer, Laporn, Inquisition, Postener, Komsomol, Sagittarius.

    In the works of the classics of the 18th - 19th centuries full of obsolete words. The meaning is not always clear.

    The poet Pushkin is a shine. Outdated word. So a nun.

    He has plastic. The word is found in the conversation of old rural residents. Lenhing for sleep on the stove.

    It is used today outdated word now.

    Outdated Words, or Archaisms, designate such objects, phenomena and concepts that did not disappear from our modern life, but continue to exist in it, but already under a different name. That is, they are designated modern words.

    Archaisov knows a lot. And in the dictionaries they are given.

    Here is the vocabulary of Ozhegov. I open at random page - and immediately come across outdated words: lanita - cheek; lapotter - Peasant; word baryshnik used in value obidnik and horse trader.

    Close dictionary. What can I remember?

    It is easy to do if you remember some expressions and phrases of our famous classic writers. For example, A, P, Chekhov has such an appeal: Wellemudrey Secretary! I.e promotud.

    From the poem A.S. Pushkin Prophet; Everybody is known to everyone:

    I think that the allocated outdated words to the modern language should not be translated, because we all know them from the school program.

    Here are some more outdated words: Polon - captivity; shell - helmet; Pedhetz - Infantryman; tuga - longing, sadness; Dandy - right hand; Guardian - watchman; finger finger; the existing one; Tatt - thief, robber, etc.

    I repeat that archaisms are very many and original Russians, and Old Slavonic, and borrowed.

    As part of this project, it is simply impossible to list them.

    Outdated words (so called words that used to be used quite actively, and now they are rarely or not used at all in those values \u200b\u200bin which there were a lot in Russian. Because the process of obsolescence is constant. Such words are even subdivided sometimes on outdated; and outdated.

    Here is some of them:

    Screen. Archaism. Many have now thought about screenshots that abbryly refer to screenshot; But it turns out to be called small chests and styling. For example, if Dostoevsky lived not in the 190s century, but early, he would call Starukhin casket (laying), from which Raskolnikov pulled out money and jewelry, screen. From the word hide.

    Carniga. Archaism. And so called the nuns. The color of their clothes.

    White. Historicism. This subtative adjective meant once an appointment with a par value of 25 rubles.

    Zerchant. Archaic meaning. This word has the outdated amount of rich fertile. From the word cereb.

    ASPID is a poisonous snake, yelling - Plow, Namal - soap, ahead of time - in advance, scorched - the eldest, Crynitsa is a well, finger - finger, get out - to dress up, a hustochka - handkerchiefs, Nicoli - Never, Odnani - Once.

    Outdated words are divided into historians and archaisms, we give examples and those and others.


    county, boyar, volost, king, clerk, Altyn.


    belly - Life,

    mirror - mirror,

    dLAN - Palm.

    eye - eye

    cold is cold.

    About what different two groups of obsolete words differ, read here.

And you know that the words "fire" and "four" - relatives that the word "old" was previously synonymous to the word "strong". We remembered the 20 most ancient words in the history of mankind, whose origin can tell about many things.

1 J.

Personal pronoun "I" occupies the first line in the list of the Best, this lexeme is basic for most languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This is the word CIFTER, that is, its value depends on the speaking itself. Linguists believe that the word "I" is at least 40 thousand years.

In Russian, the word "I" goes back to Praslav. AZ with a protethic j.

According to language irony, despite the fact that it is customary to say that "I-last letter in the alphabet", in Cyrillic, the first letter "AZ" also denoted the personal pronoun "I".

2 mother

The word "mother" is in all languages. In most of them, often even unable to each other, sequences of sounds / MA /, / MAMA / correspond to the word "mother". So, in Chinese "Mom" - Māma (妈妈 / 媽媽), in Czech Máma, in French and Persian MAMAN languages, in Dari - Maadar. However, sometimes such a sequence of sounds can also have other meanings. So, in the Georgian language "Mom" - Father, in the Latin "Mamma" - a breast of women, nursing milk.

3 man

In many languages, the same word means both a man and a person in general. So, in English MAN, in French Homme. The word "man" in Russian dates back to Praslav. * Mǫž .ščina - a derivative with suffix -in- from the adjective * MǫǫǫSK, then from the noun * Mǫž. The Russian language is borrowed, probably through the Belarusian-Ukrainian media from Polish mężczyna.

The Russian "man" is known to the ancient-Indo-European Word Mánuṣ (Mánu-, Mánuṣ-), which meant "man, husband".

4 Zola.

One of the most ancient words common in all Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bis the word "ash". This word is considered to be related to such words as "green" and "gold." Linguists also consider the word "ash" Litwhen's word "žlas" (gray) and Latvian "Zils" (Blue). The word "ash" is included in the list of 23 top-resistant lexes that have not changed for 15 thousand years.

5 fire

More than 15 thousand years and the word "fire". In Russian, it comes from Praslav. * Ognis. The English word "Fire", in turn, comes from the phewerman form * Petwor-, from which the ancient-English form of the word "FEOWER" and English "Four" occurred. Goes back to Praiado European form * Qwetwor. That is, the word "fire" and numerical "four" - long-range relatives.

6 Old

Do not consider tautology, but the word "old" is old. In Russian, it comes from Praslanjan form * Star. Interestingly, the word "old" belly to the Lithuanian Stóras "Thick, Thunder" and the ancient-Icelandic Word of Tours "Big, strong, important, courageous", as well as the ancient-Indo-European word Sthirás, which is translated as "strong, strong". That is, the word "old", consumed today in the meaning "who lived, existed for a long time" initially also correlated with the meaning of power, reliability and fortress.

7 hand

The Russian word "hand" comes from Praslanjan form * Rǫka. In all Slavic languages, this word is almost identical. Also this word is related to Lithuanian Rankà, Latvian Roka, the ancient-Prussian RNSKO. Etymologically, this word is also associated with alternation with Lithuanian Renkù, Rinkaũ, Riñkti in the value "Collect" and Parankà "Collecting, Collection".

8 No

Negative particle "No" also has an ancient origin, it is not less than 20 thousand years old. This particle is in all Indo-European languages, in Russian, it is formed from the ancient-Russian HT, the negative particle not in English is formed from the ancient English * Nōht, Nāht ("Nought, Nothing").

9 Other

The word "other" is historically known to the word "second", this applies to all Indo-European languages. In Russian, the word "Other" comes from the forms related to the old-Slavic Drooga and ancient \u003d Greek ἄλος. In Czech, the word Druhý translates as "second", in Polish Drugi also "second". The Anglia word "Other" occurs about the old-English "The Second" (ADJ.), "One of the Two, Other.

10 one, two, three ...

The ancient origin also has numeral one, two, three and five. They are not less than forty thousand years and they used before all languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European family. A recent study of linguists from the English city Reading has established that the numerical "one" (one) is somewhat younger than "two" and "three". The numeral "Four" (four) has undergone significant changes, therefore the variant of this numerical consumed is now consistently under.

11 Lai

The Russian word "Lai" comes from the ancient Russian laıaty "bark, scold", Lai "Quarrel, Hula". Belnar Lithuanian Lóti, Lóju "bark", Latvian LÃt, Lāju "bark, sculpt, slander", the ancient-Indo-European RāuTi "barks", Ossetian Ræin "bark", Greek. Λαίίίι, Latin Lātrāre "bark", Lāmentum "Robbery, scream".

12 Gold

The word "gold" also has ancient roots. He is at least 20 thousand years old. The Slavonic Zolto came from the Indo-European language with the value "yellow" (Pyranceo-European form * Ghlo-).
This word is also akin to the East Lithuanian žeLTAs "Golden", "Golden-Yellow", Gothic Word Gulþ, ancient-Indooropean Híraṇyam "Gold".

In addition, linguists also do not exclude the root of the root * Ghel - with the root of * GHLEI-.

13 people

Russian (and general Slavonic) word "man", unlike his lexically simple equivalents in the Romanesque and German languages \u200b\u200b(Homo, L "Homme, Hombre, Uomo, Man, Der Mensch, etc.), is complex, bible, split, that Increases its word-formative capacity, the ability to enter into new morphological connections. Comes from Praslav. * Čelověk, from the cat. Among other things happened: the ancient-Russian form of man Čelověk, Old-Slavic Khlovyѣk (Dru. Grech. ἄνθρωπος).

15 Apple

Linguists are unanimous in the fact that the word "apple" in Slavic languages \u200b\u200bis one of the most ancient. The exact time of its origin is unknown, but it existed already during the period of the general European language. According to the researchers, this word was borrowed from Celtic languages. The initial sound of J (iot) originated on the overall Slavonic soil. The word "apple" in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Celtic group dates back to Praform Ablu. In the modern Russian "Apple" in the original meaning "Ball" is not used, and denotes the fruit of an apple tree.

16 people

The Slavic word "people" leads their origin from the general Slavonic Ljudje - "People". Etymologically related to other languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo-European Group: Ancient LIUT ("People") and Gothic Liudan. In the old-Slavic language, the word people meant a "free person." The same meaning is traced in European languages. In it Liute, in the Burgundy LEUDIS "Free husband (man)", in the Greek ἐλεύθερος "Free (person)".

17 God.

The word "God" dates back to the general Slavonic - Bog, belly to the Old Indian - Bhaga-H. In the Ancient Language - Baga, Baga (fate, fate, happiness, God). These words go back to Indo-European form - Bhag- (endowing wealth, God).

In the modern Russian, the word "God" came from Old Russian, where God is borrowing from the Church Slavonic. Probably, the Slavonic Bog has ancient history, where Baha, Baga - "Fate, Fate", "Mr., God," either dates back to the ancient Indian Bhaga-H - "Welfare, Happiness", as well as "Verifying, Giving", Bhagavant - " Blessed, "" Great, God. "

18 beast

The word "beast" is also in all ancient languages. The literal meaning of the word is a "wild animal". Although in Russia, this word began to be used only from the XI century, it is very old and came from Indo-European. This word is found in many ancient languages, for example, in the Old Parus (Swirins - "Wild Anim"), in Latin - Ferus (Wild).

19 do not care

The verb "spit" is ultra-resistant and exists almost unchanged at the passage of more than 15 thousand years. In Russian, the word "spit" comes from Praslanjan form * Pjuti, the relatives of Lithuanian Spiáuti, Spiáuju, Spióviau "spit", Latvian spl̨aũt is the same, the Greek πτύω "plu", πτύαλον, πτύελον "saliva". In different languages, this word has onomatopoietic origin with options transmitting spution sound.

20 give

The word "give" comes from Praslavyan form * dātī; * dājātī; * Dāvātī and goes back to Praiado European * DO-. This word is relatively Lithuanian Dúoti, Greek. ΔίΔωμι, the ancient-Indo-European Dádāti "gives", Avestian Dadāiti "gives".

Ancient in origin is a noun gift formed from the verb "Dati" to mediate the unproductive in the modern Russian language of the suffix -R- (as a PIR).