Festive folk costume holistic artistic image. People's festive suit

Festive folk costume holistic artistic image. People's festive suit
Festive folk costume holistic artistic image. People's festive suit

MBOU "Selikha Securities School"

Public lesson Visual arts Subject: People's festive suit 5 Class

Teacher from: Ilyazhenko OD


Topic: "People's festive costume."

Purpose: Education : To uncover:- People's festive costume as a holistic artistic image;- Seversky and South Russian clothing complex;- a variety of forms and decorations of a national festive costume in various republics and regions of Russia;- Form and decor of women's hats; The expression of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity of the world, the unprofitability of the earth and heaven in the shaped row of folk festive clothing.Developing: continue the formation of skills and skills to perform sketches of a festive suit of different regions and peoples of Russia using various techniques and materialsEducational: form aesthetic and artistic taste among students,reliable and love for folk traditions.

Equipment (Materials: Paper, Paints, Pencils, Eraser); Training presentation, video "Woman in a folk costume".

During the classes.

    1. Organizational moment.


Fit a new lesson. I smile to you, and you will smile each other. And think: how good is that we are all together today. We are modest and kind, friendly and affectionate. We are all healthy. - I wish you all a good lesson!
    2. Topics and lesson objectives
On this note, we begin our lesson. Today we continue to work on the section "The ancient roots of folk art", our lesson for studying the new material is dedicated to the topic: "People's festive costume." The purpose of our lesson - Disclose composite elements of a festive costume; see a variety of decorations, home decorations, to touch the history of our homeland, the native village, feel the beauty and breadth of the native land, of our Russia.
    3. Statement of new material.
I. Actualization of knowledge.

Teacher: - Children! Do you like to wear beautiful clothes?

The class includes a student, dressed in the Russian folk suit.

Teacher: - Suit, what kind of people are presented on our assistant?

Teacher: Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also flavored in folk attire. The life of the peasants was inextricably linked with nature, the cultivation of the Earth and the corresponding labor cycles. The holiday either completed some phase of difficult peasant life, or preceded the next important stage. Holidays waited, they were preparing for them.

Festive clothing was very colorful, necessarily decorated with embroidery elements, praises, beads, cord, sparkles and other details, which, as a rule, was not in everyday clothes.To see all the beauty of a festive Russian costume, a computer presentation will help us today.Many nations have old holidays have a three-tiery for decorations.Headwear and the top of the costume are associated with the image of the sky, so the compositions of the patterns are based on the appeal to the Sun, the stars, birds that bind the sky and the earth. Ribbons, descending from hats, symbolize rain. In patterns and embroidery, the image of fertile land is dominated.

We wear caps, berets, hats. And in the ancient times, the women were kokoshnikov, Soroki, covering them on top of scarves. These hats were consisted of 2-5 elements and weighed sometimes several tens of kilograms.
Special attention of women has always been given to head removals of the most noticeable part of any costume. Headdresses were extremely diverse, but always shared on the maiden's maternity clothes and married women.

A married woman in an ancient custom must carefully close his hair from an extraneous eye. It was impossible to leave the house with a uncoated head, do household chores.

But young girls were not allowed to demonstrate their hair: "The Maiden Kosh is the whole world of the beauty." From here and the differences: Girls have light aircraft, bark, crowns, kokoshniki, ribbons, hoops, and in women - deaf forties, kiki, duffers, scarves.

The clothes of the middle strip and north of Russia consisted of a shirt, sundress, epanets, and in cold weather and shine.

People's festive clothing could tell a lot of interesting things about their owner: where does he come from, of what age, on what occasion is so dressed. The clothes of each region (province) of Russia had their own ornaments, served colors, decoration, shapes and styles. In the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Kostroma, Yaroslavl regions were common combination of white base with a red pattern.

Within the course of several centuries, the tradition of creating and carrying those forms of clothing, which were most functional and adapted both to climatic conditions and to transfer certain information about their owners. For Russia, in general, 2 types of women's costume kit are characterized: Seversky, which is based on a shirt and a long sarafan, and South Russian, the second component of which is a short and volumetric powdery.

The festive shirt was decorated with embroidery, which defended the woman from a bad eye. Especially decorated gates, debris, chest, hem.

It was believed that the richer was decorated with a shirt. The happier of its owner. Touching the land with a shirt with a podol, a woman received vitality, and embroidery with a symbolism of fertility gave the earth fertile forces.

The hem of shirt or skirts decorated with ornaments symbolizing the snowy arable land. These are triangles, diamonds, rectangles with points. The ends of woven belts were decorated with the heads of the lizards, which symbolized the underground-underwater world.

Teacher: What forms of the ornament are you known? Where do they apply?

Pupil Answers:

Ornaments are classified in three forms: centric, ribbon and mesh.

Centric The ornament is called the pattern, the decorative elements of which are grouped so that they create a closed movement. Such an ornament is used for decorations of tablecloths, napkins, plates, windows and other frames.

Tape The ornament is a pattern, the decorative elements of which create a rhythmic rut with an open two-sided movement fit into the tape. A ribbon ornament is widely used in the decoration of clothes in the form of an embroidered collar, the edges of the sleeve, belt, head dressing.

Reticulate The ornament is a pattern in the form of cells that are filled with decorative elements. Such an ornament was drawn up woven things.

Teacher: What colors prevailed in folk ornament and what are their meaning?

Pupils Answers: White, red, black, yellow, brown, brown, prevailed in embroidery. Sometimes gentle blue and natural green.

White color in folk ideas was associated with light, cleanliness and personified the feminine.

Red was the color of the sun, fire, life, beauty and personified the male start._ And now we will see an interesting video movie. In it, you will see pictures of great artists who portrayed the beauty of a folk costume.Video film "Woman in a folk costume."

    4. Practical work.
And now, we turn to practical work.The purpose of which, the creation of a Russian festive costume.You will now try to portray the Russian festive suit, perform work in color, not forgetting about the main colors and motifs of embroidery.Stages of work:- choose the costume version; - to build a general shape of the costume; - outline the places of jewelry and ornament; - determine the flavor (color) of the costume; - Perform work in color.And so the guys, proceed to work.
    5. Fastening knowledge.

The game "Chamomile" on the recognition of the most suitable element. The assistant holds a flower in the form of chamomile with tear-off petals, on which the name of the elements of the Russian folk costume is written. Those who wish students take place take off the petals and answer the question.

    6. Reflection

1. What was the most interesting in the lesson?

2. Conduct the phrase: "The most difficult at the lesson was when ...".

Thanks for the work. Estimates for the lesson.

    7. Home building: Finish work in color.

Class: 5

Presentation to the lesson

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  • To introduce students with the peculiarities of the Russian folk festive costume.


  • Development of skills for creating an artistic image in a decorative composition.
  • To form skills and skills of students when using various types of equipment.


  • Rise love and interest in traditional Russian culture, their homeland and its history.
  • Reliable respect for the artistic creativity of the Russian people.

Equipment and materials:

  • Tables depicting Russian folk costume.
  • Patterns of female and male figures.
  • Drawings guys on this topic.
  • Reproduction of historical paintings of Russian artists (I.P. Argunov "Portrait of an unknown peasant in Russian costume", K.E. Makovsky "Russian Beauty in Kokoshnik", A.P. Ryabushkin "Moscow Girl 17th Century")
  • Set of art materials.
  • Fabric, braids, beads, sequins, glue, scissors for appliqués.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizing time. Check availability to the lesson.
  2. Conversation about folk costume. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the festive folk costume.
  3. Staging an artistic problem.
  4. Adjustment, based on sketch made by paints.
  5. Summing up, work analysis.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Check availability to the lesson.

II. Formation of new knowledge. Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the festive folk costume.

The first screen saver appears on the screen.

Dear Guys! Today at the lesson we will talk about "folk festive clothes", its features.

Russian national costume is used since ancient times to this day. It has noticeable features depending on the specific region, destination (festive, wedding and everyday) and age (children, maiden, married women, old women).

With the general similarity to the face and in the receptions of the decoration, the Russian costume had its own characteristics. In the north of Russia, the peasants wore clothing essentially different from the peasants of the southern regions. A distinctive feature of the Russian national costume is a large number of outerwear. Cide and swing clothing. Caid clothes were worn through the head, the swollen had a cut on top of the bottom and stuck on hooks or on buttons.

Costumes nobility were made of expensive fabrics, with the use of gold, silver, pearls, dear buttons. Such clothes were inherited. The style of clothing has not changed centuries. Fashion concepts did not exist.

The Russian national costume was less common after Peter I in 1699 banned the wearing of a folk costume for everyone, except peasants, monks, priests.

Clothing in Russia was free, long and unusually beautiful. The most elegant was the clothes made of red cloth.

The usual idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian female northern suit is usually associated with a shirt, a sundress, a belt, sometimes apron. In the north, Sundars were often supplemented with breastplant swing clothing - the Epanechka, and in cold weather, a long sleeve shoodle was put on a sarafan.

  1. Russian Rubaha- In Russia, the shirt was made to be finished with embroidery in the most "vulnerable" places for evil forces - at the gate, along the edges of the sleeves, on the shoulders, and especially - on the pic. Embroidery served as a charm; It was dominated by solar symbols, as well as images of birds, especially roosters, which were traditionally considered guardians who distinguishes unclean power.
  2. Swing Sarafan. - Dressed on top of the shirt, decorated in front with a patterned strip, braid, silver lace, patterned buttons.
  3. Kokoshnik- The most common appearance of a festive headdress - a genus dense hard hat, decorated with river pearls, gold and silver threads.
  4. Epanechka - Swing shinking.
  5. Shugai - Long sleeved shine.

In the southern regions of Russia, another type of clothing was distributed, consisting of a shirt, a reference (skirts), an apron, headdress - hats (Soroki).

This clothing was unlike the Sarafan only peasant.

  1. Ponay - sewered from a woolen checkered domain material. She was decorated with embroidery, strips of lace, ribbons, beads. Ponune consists of three cloth, on the seams - ornament. In color, there were black, blue in a cage.
  2. Apron - "Scaffold", "Curtain". The apron always generously decorated, embroidery and often preference was given to red. No wonder the old word "red" meant at the same time and beautiful. The red color was also considered magical.
  3. Magpie - Vintage Russian headdress of married women or its part. It was widespread in Central Russia. It was the richest of female hats.

Now we carefully consider photos of women's clothing:

1. Festive suit of the young peasant of the Tula province

2. Festive suit of Voronezh province.

3. Festive suit of the Oryol province

Guys! Let's deal with what elements these costumes consist.

And carefully consider the reproduction of historical paintings of famous artists, in which there is an image of a Russian folk costume.

1. "Portrait of an unknown peasant in Russian costume" is one of the most famous works of the Russian artist Ivan Petrovich Argunova. The image of the peasant in this work is transferred with a piercing truthfulness and sincere sympathy. The ethnographic accurate outfit of the peasant of the Moscow province (embroidered with golden threads of Kokoshnik, a red sundress, a thin white shirt, bright decorations), as well as the infertility and the absence of every manners, they say about the peasant origin of the simultaneous. Her soft features of the face, friendly a slightly noticeable smile and a calm posture - everything is emphasizing the modesty, the openness and kindness of a woman from the people.

2. "Russian Beauty in Kokoshnik" K.E. Makovsky.

It seems that it is about her verses A.S. Pushkin "Beauty"

All in her harmony, all evidence,
All the above peace and passions;
She rests shamefully
In the glory of its solemn;
She looks like a circle:
She has no rivals, no girlfriends;
Beauties of our pale circle
In her shyangia disappears.
Wherever you have hated
Although love dove,
What b in the heart neither
You're intimate dream, -
But, stunting with her, embarrassed, you
Suddenly stop involuntarily,
The reverence of the Bogomolo
Before the shrine of beauty.

3. "Moscow Girl 17 V." A.P. Ryabushkin - Painting is amazingly simple. According to the old street of Moscow there is a girl. Her gait is light and graceful. She boot over the snow. The impression of lightness is enhanced by fluttering coat and ribbon in a chic spit.

The figure of the girl clearly looms against the background of a snowy street. She is slight. Her head covered with a high headdress, proudly raised up. Snow-white leather face covered with a light blush. She's dressed simply: a raspberry fur coat, from the sleeves of which look out of the emerald greenery of the sleeves expensive. In a blond braid, a red ribbon is woven. Colors are bright, saturated.

III. Staging an artistic problem.

Based on the sketch made by the colors, we work on the applique. Work performed from pieces of fabric, braids, beads.

IV. Adjustment, based on sketch made by paints.

V. Summing up, analysis of work.

View and exhibition of finished sketches, discussion and evaluation

Plan-abstract lesson "People's festive costume" Grade 5


* promote the development of national identity of students,

* form respect for Russian culture,

* Develop patriotism.



* To introduce students with a Russian festive suit.

* To form an understanding of the connection of people's ideas about the device of the world and the shaking clothing.

* Fasten the skills of working with a decorative composition.


* Develop aesthetic worldview.

* Contribute to the perception of a valid attitude towards the traditions of the Russian people.


* Develop mental cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, visual-shaped and logical thinking, speech).

I. Actualization of knowledge.

Teacher: - Children! Do you like to wear beautiful clothes?

The class includes a student, dressed in the Russian folk suit.

Teacher: - Suit, what kind of people are presented on our assistant?

Teacher: Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also flavored in folk attire. The life of the peasants was inextricably linked with nature, the cultivation of the Earth and the corresponding labor cycles. The holiday either completed some phase of difficult peasant life, or preceded the next important stage. Holidays waited, they were preparing for them. And so on Russia there was a whole set of wonderful holidays and wonderful folk traditions that have come to this day. Let's remember now, what folk, christian, holidays do you know? (Transfer of traditional holidays)

II. Formation of new knowledge.

"We celebrate ..."

This well-known saying came to us from the depths of centuries. A thousand years ago, our ancestors were enough to look at the clothes of an unfamiliar person once, to understand what kind of terrain, what kind of tribes belongs to what his social status and "civil condition" is an adult or not, whether marriage was combined and so on .

Such a "business card" allowed to immediately decide how to behave with a stranger and what to wait for him. We note, by the way, that a person, without the extreme need of changed into clothes, not corresponding to his dignity and the floor, was expected at best of the conviction, if not punishment.

The clothes of each region (province) of Russia had their own ornaments, served colors, decoration, shapes and styles. In the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Novgorod, Kostroma, Yaroslavl regions were common combination of white base with a red pattern.

Due to the climatic and cultural differences in the regions of Russia, the national costume among Russians did not work out in uniform forms. An archaic South-Russian donutic complex (with a skirt of three panels - bye), a later Severorussian complex with Sarafan and the Central Russian mixed complex, and also formed under the influence of the city fashion at the end of the XIX century complex "couple" (with skirt and sweatshop) and an ensemble from One-piece dress. The belt was the necessary element of male and female suits in all of the above complexes.

In addition to the most common features that divided the forms of the Northern and South Russian costumes, some features characterize the costume of every province, county and even sat down. Folkwear differed in the appointment (everyday, festive, wedding, mourning), age, marital status. To see all the beauty of a festive Russian costume, a computer presentation will help us today.

Let's repeat what details of old-Russian clothes do you know? (View Slides, Student Answers.)

Most often, the differences were not cutting and type of clothing, but its chromaticity, the amount of decor (embroidered and disinanted patterns), the use of silk, gold and silver threads.

Festive clothing was very colorful, necessarily decorated with embroidery elements, praises, beads, cord, sparkles and other details, which, as a rule, was not in everyday clothes. The most elegant was clothes made of red cloth. The concepts of "red" and "beautiful" were unequivocal in the people's presentation.

Let's see the passage from the wonderful movie "Morozko". Pay attention to the clothes of the heroes, and on the headwear. (View HF)

After Petrovsky decrees, the Russian noble and urban costumes were undergoing Europeanization. Aesthetic ideas about the beauty of a person have changed. The keeper of the national ideal and costume remained the Russian peasantry. Trapezoid or direct monumental silhouette, main types of Croy, picturesque decorative and color solution.

Headdres of ancient Russia were told in the peasant environment until the XVIII - XIX centuries.

The main fabrics used for the folk peasant clothes were domain canvas and simple linen wool, and from the middle of the XIX century. - Factory silk, satin, brocade with lush flower garlands and bouquets, Kumach, Sitz, Satin, Cashmere.

The main methods of ornamentation of domestic fabrics were patterned weaving, embroidery, bait. Striped and checkered patterns are diverse in shape and flavor. The technique of folk patterned weaving, as well as embroidery on the account of the threads caused straight, geometric contours, the lack of rounded outlines in the pattern.

Tell me what the most common elements of the warmer ornament do you know and what do they mean? (Rhombus, oblique crosses, octagonal stars, rosettes, Christmas trees, bushes, stylized female figures, birds, horse, deer).

Patterns, woven and embroidered, were performed with linen, hemp, silk and woolen threads, painted by vegetable dyes, giving muffled shades. Gamma Colors of Multicolor: White, Red, Blue, Black, Brown, Yellow, Green. Multi-color solved, most often, based on white, red and blue (or black) colors.

From the middle of the XIX century. Household fabrics are displaced by factoryery with printed floral, checkered, stripped patterns. Folk costumes with raspberry roses and bright green leaves on a black or red background we find in the paintings of Malyavina, Arkhipov, Kustodiev, reflecting a bright national peculiarity of the Russian people's life of this time. (View reproductions on slides)

An important place in the costume was occupied by various decorations. In large quantities we were put on the neck of pearls and beads, colored wool, Gaitans - Nizani from beads, to which crosses, samples, amber beads, beads made of diph glass, tapes were pretended. Large love enjoyed large earrings, pendants, sometimes they achieved shoulders. Colored belts, narrow wicker wicker and wide rainbow woven swashers were supplemented and decorated with a suit, completing the integrity of the entire ensemble.

Many nations have old holidays have a three-tiery for decorations.

Headwear and the top of the costume are associated with the image of the sky, so the compositions of the patterns are based on the appeal to the Sun, the stars, birds that bind the sky and the earth. Ribbons, descending from hats, symbolize rain. In patterns and embroidery, the image of fertile land is dominated.

We wear caps, berets, hats. And in the ancient times, the women were kokoshnikov, Soroki, covering them on top of scarves. These headquarters consisted of 2-5 elements and weighed some somewhat kilograms.

Headwear shared on maiden and female, or "Baby". The girls on custom swallowed their hair into one braid, the top was left open. Therefore, their headdress is all sorts of crowns, bandages, hoops, who were decorated with river pearls, beads. "The bandage", or, as often called it, "Beauty", "Volushka", in each village had its own form and ornament. It is based on its fabric strip, often from fine-disconnecting sense, with a solid naked part of a semened canvas semed (paper), decorated with a pose or embroidery, with durable strings at the ends. It covers the head in the form of a hoop or dressing.

The girl's headdress was complemented by the "guns" - balls from a white goose or swan fluff, as well as "curly" - bright redispberry. In ancient times, the Slavic girls walked with loose hair. Later, this custom has been preserved only in wedding rituals.

The basis of all Russian women's headdresses, despite their diversity, was a solid naughty part, depending on the form (flat, vopoto-like, with horns) called nick or horned pocket.

Special attention of women has always been given to head removals of the most noticeable part of any costume. Headdresses were extremely diverse, but always shared on the maiden's maternity clothes and married women.

A married woman in an ancient custom must carefully close his hair from an extraneous eye. It was impossible to leave the house with a uncoated head, do household chores.

But young girls were not allowed to demonstrate their hair: "The Maiden Kosh is the whole world of the beauty." Hence the differences: Girls have light aircraft, boron, crowns, kokoshniki, ribbons, hoops, and in women - deaf forties, kiki, duffers, scarves. (Demonstration of models from the school museum collection)

Within the course of several centuries, the tradition of creating and carrying those forms of clothing, which were most functional and adapted both to climatic conditions and to transfer certain information about their owners. For Russia, in general, 2 types of women's costume kit are characterized: Seversky, which is based on a shirt and a long sarafan, and South Russian, the second component of which is a short and volumetric powdery.

The festive shirt was decorated with embroidery, which defended the woman from a bad eye. Especially decorated gates, debris, chest, hem.

It was believed that the richer was decorated with a shirt. The happier of its owner. Touching the land with a shirt with a podol, a woman received vitality, and embroidery with a symbolism of fertility gave the earth fertile forces.

The hem of shirt or skirts decorated with ornaments symbolizing the snowy arable land. These are triangles, diamonds, rectangles with points. The ends of woven belts were decorated with the heads of the lizards, which symbolized the underground-underwater world.

Teacher: What forms of the ornament are you known? Where do they apply?

Pupil Answers:

Ornaments are classified in three forms: closed, ribbon and mesh.

The closed ornament is called the pattern, the decorative elements of which are grouped so that they create a closed movement. Such an ornament is used for decorations of tablecloths, napkins, plates, windows and other frames.

The ribbon ornament is a pattern, the decorative elements of which create a rhythmic row with an open double-sided movement, fit into the tape. A ribbon ornament is widely used in the decoration of clothes in the form of an embroidered collar, the edges of the sleeve, belt, head dressing.

The mesh ornament is a pattern in the form of cells that are filled with decorative elements. Such an ornament was drawn up woven things.

Teacher: What colors prevailed in folk ornament and what are their meaning?

Pupils Answers: White, red, black, yellow, brown, brown, prevailed in embroidery. Sometimes gentle blue and natural green.

White color in folk ideas was associated with light, cleanliness and personified the feminine.

Red was the color of the sun, fire, life, beauty and personified the male start. The topic of Russian clothing is another important meaning.

Clothes - business card.

Almost every woman was obliged to sew clothes for himself and family. Accordingly, the more successfully the costume was obtained, the more ornament, decorations, etc., the better and more diligence was considered the mistress. In addition, the basis of the Slavic worldview is the ability to harmonize the space around itself. That is - harmony in the family, order in the yard and house. This harmony can be achieved only under the condition of internal harmony. If a person balanced and led his energies into harmony - it will easily do it with the space around him. Accordingly, if a woman is in harmony with himself - the result of its actions (in this case, sewing and decorating clothes) will be harmonious and attractive. Conclusion - if a person comes to you in a torn shirt with sticking threads and oblique sleeves - this is a reflection of the atmosphere in his family, respectively, in his soul. There's good good to expect anything from this person, what would he touch - it will turn out as much as his shirt.

More importantly. Only women were engaged in needlework. This is another confirmation that the ancestors understood that the atmosphere in the family depended only from women.

III. Consolidation of knowledge.

The game "Tuesuck" on the recognition of the costume element like. The assistant holds woven tuys with the notes, on which the name of the elements of the folk costume is written. Those who wish students take place take away the leaves show on the assistant called part of the costume.

IV. Practical work.

Task: Perform a sketch of a folk and festive suit (winter or summer), to discuss in advance the magnitude of the figures.

Performing practical work is accompanied by the sound of music (Russian people).

Materials: paper, gouache, watercolor, brushes (large and small)

Spectator: illustration with the image of a folk costume, a computer presentation, a student in Russian clothing, hats from the museum.

Music row: Russian municipal melodies, folk dance music and songs.

Teacher: Guys, we must remember that the peasantry in Russia is the keeper of aesthetic ideas and traditions in a folk costume

V. Analysis of work. Summing up the lesson.

At the end of the 2-hour lesson, the exhibition and discussion of children's work, during which the shortcomings and the most successful moments and works of the guys are revealed. The best sketches on the school exhibition are chosen by the method of universal solution.


To use the preliminary viewing of the presentation, create an account (account) Google and log in to it:

Lesson studying a new material.

To uncover:

People's festive suit as a holistic artistic image;

Severorus and South Russian Clothing Complex;

A variety of forms and decorations of a national festive costume in various republics and regions of Russia;

Form and decor of women's hats; The expression of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe integrity of the world, the unprofitability of the earth and heaven in the shaped row of folk festive clothing.


continue the formation of skills and skills to perform sketches of a festive suit of different regions and peoples of Russia using various techniques and materials


form aesthetic and artistic taste among students,

reliable and love for folk traditions.
equipment (materials: paper, distributing and didactic material).
During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.
All in place

All right

Pencils, gum, paints,

Album each lies

Work asks and trembles.
II. Conversation.
On this cheerful note, we begin our lesson. Today we continue to work on the section "The ancient roots of folk art", our lesson for studying the new material is dedicated to the topic: "People's festive costume."

Let's with you guys start with the epigraph: these are words of the people's song:

"A red maiden got up early

Ozzled Bela and Blush

Washed clean dew

Love bright sundress

Gold painted,

beaded embroidered

On the head Kokoshnik

and on my legs boots

With her very well done

in the painted shirt. "

Indeed, this is a description of the Russian festive folk costume.

The purpose of our lesson

Reveal the component elements of a festive costume of two regions of our country;

see a variety of forms of jewelry, home decor, touch the history of our homeland, native village (look at the exhibition a folk costume of our village),

feel the beauty and breadth of the native land, our Russia.

Let's guys imagine that we live in Russia not in the twenty-first century, but somewhere in the eighteenth!

What can you say about the life of the Russian family?

What was life?

How lived in the summer, and how in winter? (Children express their opinions.)

Indeed, a hard life was among the Russian family in past centuries. In the spring and summer - hard work in the field. The work began with the first ray of the sun, and they were injured when it was completely dark. But when the holiday came, he was for the peasants joyful and desirable. He was waiting and prepared for him. Everyone was put on better clothes. It was sewed themselves, and everyone wanted to show their outfits, their skill. Any clothes were bold, because it was getting great difficulty, and each thing had to serve for many years, often not one generation in the family.

What clothes then wore?

What is different from ours?

Reply to And these questions decided the search group, which was preparing in addition to our lesson. And now we will give them the word.

Speeches of students, show slides and summarizing this information.
Men's clothing.

Traditional men's clothing compared to the female, was distinguished by prostate and ordinary. The main parts of it were shirt and pants (port). Rubah sewed from white or colored canvas. She was worn to release on top of the pants. It was almost before the knees. She was with the fields (inserts on the shoulders) wounded around the neck on a small rack with a cut on the chest. Hem and hand had a decorative finish made of black wool. The shirt was intercepted by a narrow or wide belief of manual manufacture. Bright woolen belt attacked a modest suit.

The upper clothes served zipun from a housecloth's cloth, stabbing on the left side, a clasp on hooks or buttons.

Male shoes served boots or lapties.

Let's summarize the information received.

What was part of a Russian male suit?

  1. In the Russian male suit included:
- Rubaha-Kosoporotka

Powder pants


The main motifs of embroidery were: the theme of the guard from the unclean strength; Forces of life, land that received the energy of the Sun and capable of giving life to everything alive.

  1. Let's go to the female festive costume.

Guys, if a male suit was almost the same in the regions of the country, then female had significant differences:

Let's stop in this way:
Female Folk Costumes (Slide Show)
Northern Suit:

The traditional female outfit of the Russian North is often called the "sarafined complex", since its main parts - a shirt and sundress. In the old days, shill of linen and hemp canopy. Sleeves, shoulders and gates, not closed with sundress, were expanded with red threads. The festive sundress itself was sewed from an expensive fabric, decorated with a patterned strip, braid, silver lace, patterned buttons. Sarafan was put on short eppach. And in the cold - a shower. Head was tied with a bandage ribbon, and on holidays - Kokoshniki. At the end of the spit was a bunch of beads.

In such a suit, the girl looked like - Pavushka.

Guys, pay attention.

The northern costume included:




Southern folk costume.


In the southern regions of Russia, the type of clothing consisting of a shirt, a denemy, an apron, happiers, and forties. This clothing was in contrast to the Sarafan only peasant. Their woolen checkered household material was shown in which they turned around, strengthening on the waist. I ponled with ribbons and braid. The Apron relied to her. It was completely decorated with patterned stripes. Headwear decorated with embroidery, lace strips, ribbons, embroidery beads.
Thus, the composition of South Costume was included:




In Russian folk costume, a headdress occupies an important place. (Slideshow).

Consider the shape and decor of female hats with. 54.

They are often decorated with images of the sun, stars, tree, birds, and the names of the birds themselves:

kokoshnik from the word "Kokon" - Rooster,

kika or nickname (duck), forty.

Each detail of the head remove attached originality of a woman's appearance, created a local flavor of a resident of a resident of one or another area.

Work with the picture.

Woman in folk costume looked very beautiful. Many artists The beauty of the Russian woman displaced on their web. The best paintings of famous Russian artists are devoted to peasants. These are pictures: Surikova, Vasnetsova.

One of the outstanding artists was portraitist I.P. Argunov, the fortress richest landowner Sheremetyeva.

Consider his picture written in 1784. This is a "portrait of an unknown in Russian costume."

So in front of you a Russian peasant in a festive suit.

Golden sarafan;

White blouse;

Decorated with sewing kokoshnik;

The appearance of a pretty, innocent girl in the portrait turned out to be a pretty many generations of viewers. Today, it is kept in the main museum of Russian art to our Tretyakov Gallery.

Today we will try to show the beauty of the people's costume in their works.
III. Practical work.
And now, we turn to practical work.

The purpose of which, the creation of a Russian festive costume.

Each of you lie templates where you have to portray the Russian festive suit, perform in color, not forgetting about the main colors and motifs of embroidery.

1) 1 group - works »Artists" with gouache.

2) the group "Fashion designers" - work with non-ferrous paper - fulfill the application.

But first remind of safety regulations

(briefing together)

Working with glue, remember:

  1. The glue should be applied on paper only with a tassel and a thin layer.

  2. When gluing details, the glue does not hit the surface of the table.

  3. Not three eyes with hands.

  4. After working a hand.
Rules handling scissors.

  1. Do not hold the scissors to the end.

  2. Do not leave the scissors in the open form.

  3. Do not cut scissors on the go.

  4. Do not approach the comrade during cutting.

  5. Put the scissors on the table so that they do not breathe in the edge of the table.

  6. Transfer scissors only in a closed form.

And so the guys, proceed to work.

During work, you will hear the records of the folk team "Ladushka" of our village sandy, which, as you created festive costumes and sang these mental songs.

(People's folklore melody sounds).

IV. Analysis lesson.

On the board of his works, the guys fought the "cheerful dance".

All of you are well done, it turned out a wonderful dance, which we will talk about the following synthesis of the lesson:

"Festive Folk Gulyan."

V. Let's summarize the lesson.

Guys, today we considered the northern and southern festive costume of the Russian people.

You are given cards.

Properly position the composite parts relating to the north and south.

Thus, today we have touched our culture, the traditions of the Russian people, because in a festive costume, the latitude of the soul, the power of the will, beauty, the integrity of the world, the latterness of the earthly and heaven in the image of some folk festive clothing were reflected.


1. It was interesting in the lesson when ...

2. On the lesson I was fine, because ...

3. It was difficult at the lesson when ...

4. The teacher after today's lesson would have wished ...
VI. Home building: Finish work, task a search group - to prepare messages "Festive Folk Gulyanya."
VII. Zven for lesson.

Theme lesson: "Russian folk suit."
Type of lesson: combined
Kind of activity: individual, steam room, group
Estimated result:
- Artistic and creative:
Mini project - the creation of an album "People's festive costume",
Creation of a collective creative composition "Russian Horovod";
- Metapled: (Wood)
Cognitive actions - the ability to build an artistic image;
Regulatory actions - the study of students to determine the purpose of their work, identify the stages of work, to find appropriate means and tools, to implement phased control and evaluating their actions;
Communicative actions - the ability of a student to cooperate, the ability to understand the intentions and interests of people interacting with him.
- Personal:
a sense of pride for the culture and art of the Motherland, their people;
Understanding the special role of culture and art in the life of society and every individual person;
formation of aesthetic feelings, artistic - creative thinking and fantasy;
the ability to cooperate comrades in the process of joint activities under the guidance of the teacher;
The ability to discuss and analyze your own artistic activity and work of classmates from the position of the creative tasks of this topic.
Goals and objectives:
1. Acquaint students with the figurative structure of a Russian women's costume, its structure, symbols of ornament and color; To form an understanding of the connection of people's ideas about the device of the world and shaped clothing.
2. To educate the national self-consciousness in the process of admission to Russian folk culture, to regional cultural values.
3. Develop educational and informational and information and communicative competences: to know the history of the origin of Russian clothes, to be able to distinguish different costumes, be able to find the necessary information and use it; Promote the development of cognitive and creative activity of children in visual and decorative, artistic creativity, to intensify an independent creative search in solving artistic tasks.
Musical row: Russian folk music.
Materials for students: colored paper, glue, scissors, album, paint.
Materials and equipment for the teacher: video sequence - Presentation "People's Festive Clothing", distributing materials and patterns for papers, supporting cards "The sequence of the National Festive Costume"

During the classes:

I. Organizational stage. Summing up to the purpose of the lesson.

II. Stage "Setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson". Motivation to the study of the topic. The choice of students with the task they would like to reach the end of the lesson. Mastering a new material.

Answers on questions.

IV. Stage "Preventive". Fizminutka.
Task: Conducting a warm-up gym for the prevention of hypodynamine, as well as preventive gymnastics for the eyes.
V. Stage "Primary testing of understanding and consolidation of skills". Staging an artistic problem.

VI stage"Application mastered in practical activity"

VII. Stage "Information about the homework, instructing about its execution"

VIII. Stage "Reflection (summing up classes). Assessment of results.

Abstract lesson

I. Organizational stage. Summing up to the purpose of the lesson.
Task: the inclusion of students in the work on the personality-meaning level.

II. Stage "Setting the purpose and tasks of the lesson." Motivation to the study of the topic. The choice of students with the task they would like to reach the end of the lesson. Mastering a new material.
Task: get acquainted with a traditional Russian costume, his meaning, decoration.

Previously, the woman was told:
Krasno Maiden goes
As if the Pavoda floats.
- Can we also say about the modern woman? Why?
It turns out the appearance of a person, his costume plays an important role in the life of everyone. It was not by chance that it was long ago said: "We celebrate for dressing, they escort the mind."
What are we talking about today? What to do in class?
The theme of today's lesson is a traditional Russian costume. We learn that in the guise of a woman allowed to say about Nyu:
"Krasno Maiden goes,
As if the Pavushka floats,
On her dress blue,
Tape Alay in Spit,
On the feather's head
And further
And herself is Majik,
Speakers the word Pava.
- What kind of image says in this song?
Children: This song speaks about a Russian girl.
Let's learn how to create a sketch-image of Russian women's clothing. What is needed for this?
Let's make a scheme of our lesson.
- Get acquainted with the history of costume
- explore the rules of the decoration
- Perform creative work
- evaluate your work

Teacher: Who is the author compares a Russian girl? And why?
Children: He compares it with a "pavushka", which is dressed in a beautiful Russian costume, on the head of a crown or kokoshnik, decorated with pearls and pendants. She performed the hostess, holding a high head, back straight, "Like Pava", "Sweded Swan", a young girl always put a braid to show: "Spit - Maiden Beauty" spoke in the old days.
Teacher: The image of a woman has long been reading in Russian folk art, folklore, and often he does not separate from the image of the bird - the oldest symbol of good and well-being. "Swanushka", "Pava", "Iron", "Golub" - epithets that have long been magnified in folk poetry, emphasizing the plastic side of the image of Russian beauty.
Today we will travel a trip to the past, let's get acquainted with a Russian costume.
Interest in the Russian folk costume always existed. Folk costume is an invaluable inalienable heritage of the culture of the people accumulated by centuries. Folk costume is not only a bright distinctive element of culture, but also the synthesis of various types of decorative creativity.

Awareness of a new topic
Students get initial knowledge, awareness is aware of the topic through the word Teacher, a dialogue, a discussion, explanatory -elstural material, the presentation "Russian People's Festive Suit"
The awareness of the topic involves together with the children's work and placement at this stage of activity, the choice of means of expressiveness and materials and methods of work.
Russian Folk Suit is another testimony of a strong connection with the culture of distant ancestors. The costume carries information about people of the left era, about their life, worldview, aesthetics. The best traditions of the Russian costume continue to live today. Color, pattern, silhouette, sundres, shoes, ponov, caftans inspire modern artists - fashion designers, contribute to the development of creative abilities in creating their own models of costumes and their elements. We see how Russian costumes are expressive in folklore, in artistic amateur activities, in theatrical productions and etc.
The teacher tells how the costume of Ancient Russia has changed, and the costume of Ancient Russia has changed and improved: the shirt was the basis for a female and male costume. Male costume was a combination of shirt and ports. Old Russian ports sewered from two straight panels and a lasty between them. On the belt they fixed the shoelace - the Gasnik. The ports were non-strokes, they were filled into boots or onuchi. Like a shirt, ports subsequently could be the bottom and upper. The lower ports were made from a thinner material (canvas, silk), and the upper - from the more dense (cloudy
The usual idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian female suit is connected to the sundress.

Sarafan - Casual Clothing - He should not have improved the figures. Sarafan is sewn with wide prures or on straps. The cut can be rounded or rectangular. Budnic Sarafan sewed from domaining motley or knobs. For a festive Sarafan, they usually bought expensive material - Parce, Chinese, woolen Garus.
Sarafans were decorated with a tool and a line of clasp with patterned ribbons, braid, lace.
Buttons played a special role in the decoration of sundresses, they sometimes achieved the sizes of chicken egg.

Sarafan dressed on a long shirt. She was one of the most elegant parts of a female costume. Especially magnificently decorated the gate, chest, wide armor, hem and sleeves.
III. Stage "Actualization of Knowledge".
Task: Repetition of the studied material required for the "opening of a new knowledge", identifying difficulties in the individual practical activity of each student.
What is the ornament?
What did the ornament embryo?
-What symbols were used in ornaments?
The ornament could be vegetable, geometric, zoomorphic or mixed. It was believed that the ornament, along with red, has a protective effect, so he was located in those places where the clothes ended. At the same time, surrounding the hand with symbols, the man wanted to increase its strength and agility.

So dressed in the central regions and in the north of Russia.
The costume of the South provinces was different from the northern fact that instead of Sarafan, there was a mellow. Consisen consisted of several sewn or partially crosslinked tissue tissue collected at the belt on the cord. Looks from the plaid tissues or red into the transverse strip. They decorated on the picker strips of the fabric, ribbons, braid. In some areas, the bubrels were turned on, according to the ideas of the peasants, their bracot was protected from unclean power.

On top of the least endured the apron, he not only protected the clothes from pollution, but also served as an additional decoration.
- What do you think there existed such differences in the face, and especially in the color scheme of the costumes of the North and South?
And completed the costume of a Russian woman headdress. He paid special attention.

By the head, it was possible to know from which area of \u200b\u200bits owner, to which age group it belongs.
Girls ubiquitously might leave their hair unacqualified, there was enough ribbons on her head. They also wore the "dressing", Kokoshnikov. A married woman had to hide her hair, so hats were closed, for example, the "dump".
Not only the golden thread was decorated with hats, but also a river pearl. Still, the most common view of the headquarters was Kokoshnik. In the Pskov province wore Kokoshnik "Shishak", embroidered with pearls, pearls assembled in "bumps" - a symbol of fertility. The forehead is lowered pods in the form of a mesh of small pearls.
Another amazing kokoshnik, in the form of a flat round hat. So that the fields are hijacked, pearls rushed to horse hair. The Kokoshnikov themselves did from the cardboard, tightened with a pair and were expanded by pearls.
The peasant woman is dressed in his traditional costume, as it were, the model of the Universe: the lower earth tier of clothing is covered with the symbols of the earth, seeds, vegetation, the upper edge of the clothes we see birds and the impersonation of the rain, and at the very top all this is crowned with clear and indisputable symbols of the sky: the sun , Stars, birds.

Under the singing of the girls, the girls were rushed, the fabrics, they were preparing their own, they walked with singing around the village in the warm summer evening, they intended their best outfits for dance and festivities - so there was an inseparable connection of costume with a song and relative to their originality of rhythms and harmonic combinations.

And of course the topic of the costume was reflected in folk fishers: a clay toy, a nestling. And in folk music.
IV. Fizminutka.
Task: Conducting warm-up preventive gymnastics for the eyes.
V. Stage "Primary testing of understanding and consolidation of skills." Staging an artistic problem.
Task: Choosing ornaments and color solutions for creating a sranfana sketch (paper layouts) in the material.
VI stage "Application mastered in practical activity"
Task: practical performance assignment, independent creative work of students.
Independent work. In the process of work, additional information is reported.
More than 500 years ago on the rules of wearing and storing clothes in the "Domostroy" it is said: "On holidays and in the weather, it should be put on clothes in an elegant, in the morning carefully walk, and from dirt, and from snow, and from the rain to take care of , do not pour drink, eat food and lar not to dump, do not sit on the blood and wet. From the holiday or from the guests, with a gate, an elegant dress, with myself removing, look at him, drying, swaying, drop the dirt, clean it well, to put it well where it is stored. "
- Are we also carefully treat our clothes?
A lot of an important part of the costume was the belt. Previously, walking without a belt was considered a sin. On the newborn, immediately after baptism was put on the pose. The width of the belt could be from 1 to 10 cm. Depending on fashion, the belt was told on the waist, then under the breast. The girls wore removal pockets on them - "Lanka". Women attached small wallets for money, keys, and sometimes even chicken bone "Paste", which by beliefing helped them wake up early in the morning.

Rent a belt with a person, take it out, meant to escape it. This is where the expression "broken person" originates from the roots - a man of unworthy behavior.
Students work in three tasks: Differentiation in training:
1 group performs sketches in color (weak schools);
2 The group performs a sasrafan sketch in the technique - appliqué;
The 3group works individually and in a pair - perform a bulk figure. Technique - paper plastic. Used video visuality.
The end result: 1 and 2 groups are issued album (mini-project) - "Russian women's costume" and protect.
The group 3 is a collective composition "Cheerful dance" - Russian tunes, chastushki.
VII. Stage "Information about the homework, briefing about its execution"
Task: Search engine work in visual comparison of various folk costumes.
VIII. Stage "Reflection (summing up classes). Assessment of results.
Task: inclusion of students in activities on the analytical level.
it was interesting to me…
I was surprised ...
I was hard ...
I wanted…
Total lesson
Pupils overlook the board with their own works.
- Reviewing for wonderful costumes, we can really say: "Miracle is wonderful, Divo wondering."