The system of authorities and management in the generic and neighboring community. History of primitive times 2 Features of the organization of a neighboring territorial community

The system of authorities and management in the generic and neighboring community. History of primitive times 2 Features of the organization of a neighboring territorial community
The system of authorities and management in the generic and neighboring community. History of primitive times 2 Features of the organization of a neighboring territorial community

The neighboring community was a formation more complicated than a generic community in a primitive social organization.

It can be said that the neighboring community is a transitional stage between the generic society and class. How did the neighboring community appear?

Causes of formation

Prerequisites for the emergence of a new social formation were several:

  • Primitive tribes have grown over time, and the blood connection between the components of their clan and individual members has ceased to be realized;
  • The transition from hunting and gathering and cattle breeding and agriculture accelerated the separation of land between parts of large tribes;
  • Improvement of labor instruments, in particular, the emergence of metal equipment for the processing of the Earth, made it possible to the individual cultivation of the site in opposition to the group.

Thus, the transition from the generic structure to the neighbor was an objective consequence of human development.

Is it possible to "hold" the disintegrating community?

In many philosophical systems, the disagreement of mankind is called one of the main social vices. In different Epochs "World Religions" and cultural areas, they tried to find a means of uniting large masses of people separated by national, cult, property and other differences. But was it possible to preserve the primitive community?

The generic community turned into a neighbor slowly and gradually. After the appearance of cattle breeding and primitive agriculture, the tribes continued to live and work together: Pashnyi and pastures were considered common property, which was processed together, the harvest was distributed among the members of the community of equally.

The inequality between people was manifested by biological. For example, when converted to other places, the weakest members of the tribe remained on the old territory or did not survive at all, and during the transition to it they joined the eliminated people who were not relatives to the rest of the tribe. Someone died on the hunt or in war; Someone could work more than the middle community member.

Holders of increased physical and mental strength, as well as more "faded" tools were not obliged to share the harvest and mining obtained using these advantages. In a later era, the living space was distributed like this: the hunting grounds remained public property, but each genus or family was treated separately.

A neighbor community is a few generic communities (families) who lived in one area. Each of these families have its own chapter. And each family leads its farm, at its discretion uses the product produced. Sometimes a neighbor community is also called rural, territorial. The fact is that her members lived usually in one village.

The generic community and the neighboring community are two consecutive stages in the formation of society. The transition from the generic community to the neighbor was the inevitable and natural stage in the life of the ancient peoples. And this was their reasons:

  • A nomadic lifestyle began to change the settled.
  • Agriculture was not litter-firing, but pashy.
  • The tools of labor for the processing of land became more perfect, and this, in turn, sharply increased labor productivity.
  • The emergence of social bundles and inequality among the population.

Thus, there was a gradual decay of the generic relationship, which was replaced by family. The total property began to go to the background, and the first was nominated. However, for a long time, they continued to exist in parallel: forests and reservoirs were common, and cattle, dwelling, guns, land plots - individual benefits.

Now every person began to strive to engage in his business, making them on life. This undoubtedly demanded the maximum association of people so that the neighboring community continue to exist.

What is the difference between the generic community from the neighbor?

  • Firstly, in the fact that in the first prerequisite there was the presence of related (blood) connections. There was no such thing in the neighboring community.
  • Secondly, the neighboring community consisted of several families. And each of the families owned by his property.
  • Thirdly, the joint work that existed in the generic community was forgotten. Now every family was engaged in its plot.
  • Fourthly, the so-called social bundle appeared in the neighbor community. More influential people were distinguished, classes were formed.

The man in the neighboring community became more free and independent. But, on the other hand, he lost powerful support that was in the generic community.

When we talk about what the neighbor community is distinguished from the generic, then one very important fact should be noted. The neighboring community had a great advantage over the generic: she became a kind of not just a social, but socio-economic organization. She gave a powerful impetus for the development of private property and economic relations.

Neusal Slavic Community

In the Eastern Slavs, the final transition to the neighboring community occurred in the seventh century (in some sources it is called "Verve"). Moreover, this kind of social organization existed long enough. The neighboring community did not give the peasants to open, a pie handpiece reigned in it: the richest reversed the poor. Also in such a community, the crushed peasants should always be focused on the neighbors. That is, the social inequality has somehow restrained, even though it has been naturally progressed. A characteristic feature for the neighbor community of Slavs was a circular responsibility for perfect misconduct, crime. It concerned the military service.


The neighboring community and generic community are varieties of social devices that existed at one time each people. Over time, the transition to the classroom has gradually occurred, to private property, to social stratification. These phenomena were inevitable. Therefore, communities went down in history and today are found only in some remote regions.

Neighboring community and generic community The neighboring community is a few generic communities (families) who lived in one area. Each of these families have its own chapter. And each family leads its farm, at its discretion uses the product produced. Sometimes a neighbor community is also called rural, territorial. The fact is that her members lived usually in one village. The generic community and the neighboring community is two consecutive stages in the formation of society. The transition from the generic community to the neighbor was the inevitable and natural stage in the life of the ancient peoples. And this was their reasons: the nomadic lifestyle began to change to the settled. Agriculture was not litter-firing, but pashy. The tools of labor for the processing of land became more perfect, and this, in turn, sharply increased labor productivity. The emergence of social bundles and inequality among the population. Thus, there was a gradual decay of the generic relationship, which was replaced by family. The total property began to go to the background, and the first was nominated. However, for a long time, they continued to exist in parallel: forests and reservoirs were common, and cattle, dwelling, guns, land plots - individual benefits. Now every person began to strive to engage in his business, making them on life. This undoubtedly demanded the maximum association of people so that the neighboring community continue to exist. The differences of the neighboring community from the generic than the birth community differs from the neighbor? Firstly, in the fact that in the first prerequisite there was the presence of related (blood) connections. There was no such thing in the neighboring community. Secondly, the neighboring community consisted of several families. And each of the families owned by his property. Thirdly, the joint work that existed in the generic community was forgotten. Now every family was engaged in its plot. Fourthly, the so-called social bundle appeared in the neighbor community. More influential people were distinguished, classes were formed. The man in the neighboring community became more free and independent. But, on the other hand, he lost powerful support that was in the generic community. When we talk about what the neighbor community is distinguished from the generic, then one very important fact should be noted. The neighboring community had a great advantage over the generic: she became a kind of not just a social, but socio-economic organization. She gave a powerful impetus for the development of private property and economic relations. Neosal Slavic Community In the Eastern Slavs, the final transition to the neighboring community occurred in the seventh century (in some sources it is called "Verve"). Moreover, this kind of social organization existed long enough. The neighboring community did not give the peasants to open, a pie handpiece reigned in it: the richest reversed the poor. Also in such a community, the crushed peasants should always be focused on the neighbors. That is, the social inequality has somehow restrained, even though it has been naturally progressed. A characteristic feature for the neighbor community of Slavs was a circular responsibility for perfect misconduct, crime. It concerned the military service. In conclusion, a neighbor community and a generic community are varieties of social device that existed in due time for each people. Over time, the transition to the classroom has gradually occurred, to private property, to social stratification. These phenomena were inevitable. Therefore, communities went down in history and today are found only in some remote regions.

The period of mesolite and neolithic was the time of change in the main cell of the then society - the community.

In the farmers, as farm labor instruments improve, the use of working cattle, a separate family has become an increasingly independent production cell. The need for joint work disappeared. Increased this process introduction of bronze, and especially iron, labor instruments. The generic community was inferior to the neighborhood. In it, generic relations were replaced by territorial.

Residence, tools of labor, working cattle in the neighboring community become the property of individual families. However, arable and other land continued to remain in communal property. On arable land, members of one family worked, however, the clearing of fields, all members of the neighboring community were made by their irrigation.

At cattle breeders, the birth relationships were preserved longer than far from the farmers. Stads have remained a common property of the genus for a long time.

Over time, it went into the past equality inside the community. In the families themselves, the power of chapter over other households increased.

"Which families became more consistent than others accumulated wealth. In the most advantageous position turned out to be leaders, elders.

At the origins of statehood.

The highest governing body in communities and tribes was a meeting, in which all adult communities and members of the tribe took part. Introduced by the meeting for the period of hostilities leadercompletely depended on the support of the tribesmen. Eldersthe Council of the Community of the Tribe. All relations within the Company were regulated by customs, traditions. Thus, the organization of power in primitive communities and tribes can be called self-government.

As the material inequality develops, inequality in the field of management has increased. More wealthy members of the community, the tribes began to have an increasing impact on the management. In the People's Assembly, their word becomes decisive. The leader's power extended to peaceful periods, and gradually began to move by inheritance. In conditions of increasing inequality, many customs and traditions have ceased to effectively regulate life. The leaders had to resolve disputes between the tribesmen, to punish them for misconduct, which could not be. For example, after the appearance of property among individual families, theft appeared, which did not exist before, since everything was common.

The development of inequality contributed to the strengthening of collisions between tribes. During the period of the Paleolithic of the war were rare, often ceased at the first injuries. Wars in the conditions of the formation of a manufacturing farm were kept constantly. Separate communities and tribes accumulated large food reserves. This was envied by other tribes, poorer. Yes, and rich tribes were not offended to be reached on the side.

For successful defense and attacks, the tribes were united in alliances led by a leader's leader. The best warriors (warriors) were rafted around the leaders.

In many ancient societies, the leaders also acquired priestly functions: only they could communicate with the gods, asking them to help them for tribesmen. The leader-priest led the rites at the temples.

Over time, the tribesmen began to supply the leader and its approximately necessary. Initially, these were voluntary gifts, signs of respect. Then voluntary donations became compulsory serves - taxes.The material basis of this phenomenon was progress in economic development. It is estimated, for example, that the primitive farmer of anterior Asia in two months of work provided himself with products for the whole year. He produced during the rest of the time he gave the leaders, priests.

After a successful raider on the neighbors, the leader and its warriors received a greater and better part of the production. Many prey was also given to the elders and priests. Among the production were also prisoners. Previously, they were released, or sacrificed the gods or eaten. Now prisoners began to force work. The growth of the riches of leaders and nobility as a result of wars increased their power over the tribesmen.

The tribe unions were usually not rains among themselves. Often one tribe dominated in the Union, sometimes by force forcing others to join the union. It was often conquered by one tribe of others. In this case, the conquerors had to develop new control mechanisms. The leaders of the tribes-conquerors became rulers, and their tribesmen - managed management assistants. The structure created in many ways has reminded stateone of the main signs of which is bodies for managing society separated from the Company itself.

At the same time, the tradition of self-government remained for a very long time. Thus, even the most powerful leader convened a national assembly, where important decisions were discussed and approved. The meeting elected the successor to the deceased leader, even if he was his son. The role of self-government increased in extreme conditions: when attacking a stronger enemy, natural disaster, etc.

The first states arose where leaders and their assistants also became heads of economic life. So it was in those places where for agriculture it was necessary to build and maintain complex irrigation facilities in good condition.

The beginning of civilization.

The period of primitiveness in certain areas of the Earth ended at the turn of IV-111 millennium BC. To change, he came a period that is called civilization. The word "civilization" itself is associated with the word "city". Construction of citiesit is one of the first signs of birth of civilization. Finally, civilization has developed after the emergence of states. Gradually, culture was characteristic of civilization. A huge role in this culture and in all life began to play writing,the emergence of which is also considered the most important sign of the transition to civilization.

By the end of the period of the ancient world (V century. N. E.) The distribution area of \u200b\u200bcivilization was a lane from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Outside this band, tribes did not have their own states. The area of \u200b\u200bcivilization expanded, although there was also an inverse movement due to wars, natural cataclysms.

Civilization among different nations had their differences. It was influenced by the natural and climatic conditions, the circumstances of the historical path of peoples, etc. Historians talk about different ancient civilizations. Sometimes this term denote the story of a separate people, states (ancient Egyptian civilization, Sumerian civilization, Chinese civilization, Greek civilization, Roman civilization, etc.). However, the civilizations of the ancient world had a lot in common, which allows you to combine them in two models - ancient prison civilizationand antique civilization.

Ancient-growing is the first civilization. Its the oldest form of steel of the states in the valleys of the Great Rivers - Nile, Eufrat and Tigger, Inde, Huanghe. Then the states have developed outside the river valleys. For all the ancient countries, a large role of state power was characterized, the huge power of government rulers. The prevailing population was the peasantry, combined, as a rule, in the community. Slavery played a minor role.

Antique civilization later developed. It mainly covered the Mediterranean area. True, the first states here are also believed to ancient civilization. However, on not entirely explained reasons, the development went on a different way. In the state device of ancient states began to prevail the traits of self-government. Antique states are called polishes. The rulers in the Policy were elected at the national assets, the role of government agencies was performed by the former community structures, such as the Council of Elders (Areopag, Senate). However, over time, the polis device was replaced by monarchical authorities. In the ancient states, a significant part of the population lived in cities. Along with agriculture, craft and trade were great importance. The work of slaves played a significant role.

Theme 2 Civilizations of the Ancient World

The emergence of a neighboring territorial community and the beginning of the decomposition of primitive society. Durable annilateral of agricultural communities creates a certain limitation of access to rare resources (some breeds of stone, plants, animals). This objectively leads to the need to exchange between communities. A regular excess product allowed part of it to send to the change of the required community, but of hard to reach raw materials. But with the presence of the same economic and cultural type, the products are also similar, therefore, to exchange a product on a rare raw material, which is already available, unprofitable. This is possible only if necessary to replenish the missing stock. In this regard, it is born prestigious economy.It appears on the basis of donating relationships. The main goal of the prestigious economy is the creation of important social relations of various nature (inter industry, inter-bar, marriage, friendly, etc.). For this, the community in need of raw materials creates some new product that does not have neighbors (new barley variety, wheat, new breed of domestic animals, an unusual product, etc.). In this case, it is possible to exchange rare things. As a result, a prestigious product appears, which have few, which dramatically distinguishes the community compared to others. After that, with the manufacturer of the product or with its owner, they seek to be friends, that is, to create or support existing links, because in emergency situations they can be useful. At the same time, the prestigious product may apply to a limited (agreed) community circle.

Further improvement of agricultural skills and animal cultivation, the subsequent appearance of more productive labor instruments make it possible to create a significant overcome product. He continues to remain in community ownership. But for the needs of the community, it is efficiently used, mainly elders, formally, with general consent. This situation becomes an incentive for individual savings. The easiest way it was to implement in specialized hunting and collecting communities. The best hunters and collectors encouraged the leaving of their part of the extracted excess product. Thus, the labor nature of the distribution is born. So the best workers received the opportunity to become richer than others.

In agricultural communities, the labor nature of the distribution was possible in the section of the communal field on the individual sections and the appearance of the boostening as a shopping cell.

In communities, where development receives a prestigious economy, this scope is beginning to monopolize men, as it makes it possible to start making individual accumulations by participating in prestigious exchange. Patient settlements even begin to appear in these societies. Even in Maternal families, men-brothers played a big role.

Since the tribes combined a large number of birth, then when concluding marriage, a choice has always appeared. Women treated as an important workforce, so the departure of it in another race led to a weakening of a kind. In this regard, the loss of labor requires a refund: a working on a public field or in other areas of labor. The development of a prestigious economy creates a form of marriage redemption. There is a tradition of degrochetics of relatives (uterine collusion, cradle, or lulents, collusion).

The desire to prestige could be satisfied by enrichment. Therefore, at the stage of transition from matrimariality and matrilineship to patientity and patriilinearity, the distribution of land between families, which turn into a shopping cell - the POOLAND. This, in turn, forms a neighbor community, because relations inside the genus change. The main efforts are the labor efforts within the boostening. Even if the representatives of this pedunnation do not belong to the main race and cannot, by virtue of this, claiming high status in the tribe, they, accumulating significant wealth, due to the darobamment relationships can create a significant group of friends and have an impact on decision-making. The property position of a person in the community began to determine his social status.

In the conditions of the producing economy, it was possible to "plan" reserves for an agricultural cycle. Each individual family could provide himself at the calculation of the yield and processed area. Need to exchange ready identicalproducts inside the collective disappeared, and the product produced began to act as the property of the team, but to remain from the manufacturer. So originated separed property. This is the main distinguishing sign of the neighbor community.

The literature often meets the indication that the formation of a neighbor community creates private property. The most common distinction between the separate and private property is that a regular redundant product is continued to be created using the first, used for consumption and accumulation, in exchange it is used episodically; Second (Private) Form of ownership Creates supporting productused purposefully for the exchange and accumulation of wealth due to this. It can be said that the prerequisites for the formation of private property appeared in the field of prestigious economy. Separate property is a private ownership of community property. Since an important feature of private ownership is the right of complete disposal of the land plot until its sale, the private property on the ground was in its pure form, even at the stage of ancient civilizations. The main regulator of the Earth remained a neighborhood, which was supposed to guarantee its members a stable existence.

The appearance of a neighbor community led to a change in relationship in it. In conditions of separate ownership, cooperation from the scope of exchange is transferred to the sphere of production. The economic cell becomes august (it is the same consumption cell). The community performs the functions of the economic body, regulates economic relations between the boards. Social organism that regulates relations between communities becomes a tribe.

The main forms of relations in the neighboring community:

but) farming - mutual assistance in the development of the site, during sowing and cleaning work (reliable assistance); It is envisaged that the assistance received according to the principle of Darobamment should once be answered by assistance. Thus, the relationship becomes circular, communities;

b) farw - Assistance in emergency situations (natural disaster) by product loan (it is a loan, not a handover), sometimes under interest (or refundable relationships). In this case, the return time was negotiated;

in) services-exchange - Forms in the conditions of separation of crafts from farming, when handicrafts are obtained for the provision of its products, agriculture and animal husbandry products are obtained.

Stable functioning of these relationships and the whole community is possible when saving exemplary economic equality of the boostening.But private land tenure when combining with a number of other factors (the number of the boosters; the ratio of male and female, adult and children's composition; different natural abilities; hardworking; random factors (cropping, fire, etc.) creates conditions for the formation of economic inequality (poor - rich).

Some mechanisms exist in the community that allow temporary smoothing inequality. With the existence of the Reserve Fund of the Earth, additional areas provide additional sections. Rich boosters make part of community expenses (festivities) or undertake to periodically share part of the property according to the principle of primitive equality (public distribution, meals). North American tribes in North America, such a custom was called potchech. The growing up of a new generation causes the need for land. The lack of a reserve fund requires the external activity of the community. This is either the capture of the Earth in the neighbors, or the removal of the part of the community (young landless generation) for free lands (colonization).

Nevertheless, in the community is sooner or later as a result of the property inequality (economic inequality of the boosterns), the relationship of interpretable dependence and operation is beginning to be formed. Pomogeneous Relations in economic inequality will develop in patronage (patronage)how the most strong courtyard acts as a cartridge (patron), weaker - as a client (under the auspices). This form of addiction implies the preservation of the economic independence of the client, but otherwise he is forced to maintain the interests of the cartridge.

Frozen Relationships, in economic inequality generate babel (debt). Obviously, when preserving some of the traditions of primitive equality, the boalan was less common in the initial period. Probably, in this case, it was put on the boiler room, but he worked out his debts in the Russian economy.

Since the surplus product can not only accumulate, but also to withdraw, it gave rise to an era of enslavement and wars "all against all" (robbing wars), that is, as soon as a person began to produce more than he needed for everyday existence, those who wish to live without producing. Main-bar wars were often accompanied by the destruction of settlements, extermination and capture captured by residents. The prisoners were killed or adopted to replenish the decrease in their own births. Moreover, the purified territory was immediately not settled, as it was believed that it was for some time under the auspices of the spirits of the enemy.

Thus, the period of decomposition of the primitive community of building and the formation of civilization (classes, classes, states) begins.