Completeness and complexity of the nature of Oblomov, writings in Russian literature. Completeness and complexity of the nature of Oblomov Oblasting in Russian literature Positive side of the nature of Oblomov

Completeness and complexity of the nature of Oblomov, writings in Russian literature. Completeness and complexity of the nature of Oblomov Oblasting in Russian literature Positive side of the nature of Oblomov

Fullness and complexity of the nature of Oblomov.

In the light of these diametrically opposite interpretations of Oblomov and Oblomovshchy, we will look closely towards the text of a very complex and multi-layer content of the Goncharovsky novel, in which the phenomena of life "spin from all sides." The first part of the novel is dedicated to one ordinary day of life Ilya Ilyich. This life is limited to the limits of one room, in which she lies and sleeps. Externally, there are very few events. But the picture is full of movement. Firstly, the mental state of the hero is increhensively changing, the comic merges with tragic, carelessness with internal torment and struggle, sleep and apathy with awakening and glooming feelings. Secondly, gonchars with plastic virtuosity guess in household items surrounding Oblomov, the nature of their owner. Here he goes in the footsteps of Gogol. The author describes in detail the Cabinet of Oblomov. On all things - abandonality, traces of desolation: last year's newspaper is lying, on the mirrors a layer of dust, if someone decided to dip the feather in the inkwell - a fly would fly out from there. The character of Ilya Ilyich is taped even through his shoes, long, soft and wide. When the owner did not look away from bed legs on the floor, he certainly got into them at once. When, in the second part of the novel, Andrei Stolz tries to awaken the hero to an active life, confusion reigns in the soul, and the author conveys it through it with the familiar things. "Now or never!", "To be or not to be!" The bugs raised himself from the chair, but did not immediately go to the shoe and sat down again. "

The image of a roman in the novel is also symbolic and a whole story of relations to him Ilya Ilyich. The robe at Oblomov is special, oriental, "without the slightest hint of Europe." He, as a obedient slave obeyed the self-moving body movement of his host. When the love of Olga Ilinskaya awakens the hero at the time of active life, his determination is associated with a bathrobe: "It means," thinks, "suddenly throw a wide bathrobe not only from the shoulders, but also from the soul, crazy ..." But in The moment of the sunset of love, like an ominous omen, flashes the threatening image of a robe in the novel. The new mistress of Oblomov Agafya Matveyevna Pshenitsyna reports that she got a robe from Chulana and is going to wash him and clean it.

The connection of the internal experiences of Oblomov with things belonging to him creates a comic effect in the novel. Not anything significant, and shoes and bathrobes characterize his inner struggle. The solar habit of the hero to the late oxidic life, his attachment to household goods and dependence on them is found. But here Goncharov is not original. He picks up and develops the Gogol Reception of Human Dead Souls known to us. Recall, for example, descriptions of the Cabinets Manilov and Sobesevich.

The peculiarity of the Goncharovsky Hero is that his character does not exhaust this nature and is not limited. Along with the domestic environment, the novel includes much broader communications that affect Ilya Ilyich. The very concept of a medium forming a human character, the Goncharov is immensely expanding. Already in the first part of the novel, the bugs are not only a comic hero: other, deeply dramatic starts are slipped behind humorous episodes. Goncharov uses the inner monologues of the hero, of which we learn that the bugs are a living and complex person. He is immersed in youthful memories, it moves the reproaches for lack of life without life. Oblomes shake his own Barce as a person, towers over him. In front of the hero, a painful question arises: "Why am I?" The answer to it is contained in the famous "Sing Oblomov". The circumstances that influence the nature of Ilya Ilyich in childhood and youth are disclosed here. Live, poetic pattern of crushing - part of the soul of the hero itself. It includes Russian Barba, although Baria, the bump is far from being exhausted. The concept of "Oblomovshchina" includes a whole patriarchal structure of Russian life not only with negative, but also with deeply poetic parties.

On the wide and soft character of Ilya Ilyich, the middle Russian nature with the soft outlines of the sloping hills, with a slow, leisurely flow of plain rivers, which are bottled into wide ponds, are striving to quick thread, then a little bit crawling around the pebbles, as if thinking. This nature, alien to "wild and grandiose," promises a man late and long-term life and imperceptible, to sleep like death. Nature here, like a gentle mother, cares about silence, measured calmness of the human life. And with her at the same time a special "way" of peasant life with a rhythmic series of everyday life and holidays. And even the thunderstorms are not terrible, but the beneficial there: they are constantly at the same time, not forgetting almost never Ilyin of the day, as if to support the famous legend in the people. " Neither terrible storms, no destruction in that edge. Printing a leisurely restraint lies in the characters of people treated by Russian mother-nature.

In the light of the diametrically opposite interpretations of Oblomov and the Oblomovshchy, we will look closely towards the text of a very complex and multi-layer content of the Goncharovsky novel, in which the phenomena of life "spin from all sides." The first part of the novel is dedicated to one ordinary day of life Ilya Ilyich. This life is limited to the limits of one room, in which she lies and sleeps. Externally, there are very few events. But the picture is full of movement. Firstly, the mental state of the hero is increhensively changing, the comic merges with tragic, carelessness with internal torment and struggle, sleep and apathy with awakening and glooming feelings. Secondly, gonchars with plastic virtuosity guess in household items surrounding Oblomov, the nature of their owner.

Here he goes in the footsteps of Gogol. The author describes in detail the Cabinet of Oblomov. On all things - abandonality, traces of desolation: last year's newspaper is lying, on the mirrors a layer of dust, if someone decided to dip the feather in the inkwell - a fly would fly out from there. The character of Ilya Ilyich is taped even through his shoes, long, soft and wide. When the owner did not look away from bed legs on the floor, he certainly got into them at once. When, in the second part of the novel, Andrei Stolz tries to awaken the hero to an active life, confusion reigns in the soul, and the author conveys it through it with the familiar things. "Now or never!", "To be or not to be!" The bugs raised himself from the chair, but did not immediately go to the shoe and sat down again. "

The image of a roman in the novel is also symbolic and a whole story of relations to him Ilya Ilyich. The robe of Oblomov is special, East, "without the slightest hint of Europe" ....

The answer was left the guest

Roman "Oblomov" I. A. Goncharov did not lose its relevance and its objective meaning and in our time, because in it the universal philosophical meaning is laid. The main conflict of the novel - between the patriarchal and bourgeois proteins of Russian life - the writer reveals on opposing people, feelings and reason, peace and actions, life and death. With the help of taking antithesis, Goncharov makes it possible with all the depth to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, penetrate the character's soul.
Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz are the main characters of the work. These are people of one class, society, time. It would seem that people of one environment have characters, the worldview should be similar. But they are completely opposite to each other. Stolz, in contrast to Oblomov, is shown by a writer with an active man, whose mind prevails over feeling. Goncharov makes attempts to figure out why these people are so different, and the origins of this is looking for in origin, education and education, as it lays the foundations of characters.
The author shows the parents of heroes.
Stolz raised in a poor family. His father was German by origin, and the mother is the Russian nobleman. We see that all days have spent the family in work. When Stolz grew up, his father began to take it in the field, for the bazaar, forced to work. At the same time, he taught him sciences, he taught the German language, that is, he brought up respect for knowledge in his son, habit to think, doing business. Further galleries began to send the Son to the city with instructions, "and never happened that he forget anything, reedded, did not hear, gave miss." The writer shows us as zealous, persistently this person develops economic chain in Andrei, the need for permanent activity. Mother taught the son of literature and managed to give him a wonderful spiritual education. So, galleries formed a strong, smart young man.
And what about bugs? His parents were nobles. Their life in the village of Oblomovka took place in their special laws. In the blessing family there was a food cult. The whole family solved, "what dishes will be at lunch or dinner." And after dinner, the whole house was covered, immersed in a long sleep. And so passed every day in this family: only sleep and food. When the brooms grew, he was given to study in the gymnasium. But we see that Ilyusha's parents did not interest the knowledge of the Son. They themselves came up with prepositions to only free the adorable child from studying, dreamed of getting a certificate, proving that "Ilya passed all sciences and art." He was not even released once every street, because they were afraid, no matter how he wondered, did not get sick. Therefore, the bugs grew lazy, apathetic, did not receive due education.
But let's look deeper into the characters of the main characters. Rethinking in a new page read by me, I realized that Andrei, and Ilya had his own tragedy in life ...

Roman Goncharova "Oblomov" was written during the transition of Russian society from obsolete, Domostroevian traditions and values \u200b\u200bto new, educational views and ideas. The most difficult and difficult this process was for representatives of the landlord social class, as it demanded almost a complete abandon from the usual lifestyle and was associated with the need to adapt to new, more dynamic and rapidly changing conditions. And if part of society easily adapted to the updated circumstances, then for other transition process turned out to be very difficult, since it was essentially opposed to the usual way of life of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. The representative of such landsel drivers who failed to change together with the world, adjusting to him, in the novel is Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. According to the plot of the work, the Hero was born in the village of Russia far from the capital of Russia, where he received a classic landowner, Domostroevsky education, which has formed many basic features of Oblomov - Saintlessness, apathetics, uninimal, laziness, reluctance to work and wait that someone will do everything for him. Excessive parental careek, permanent prohibitions, the peaceful-lazy atmosphere of the crushing led to the deformation of the nature of a curious and active boy, making it an introverted, prone to an escapherm and not able to overcome even the most minor difficulties.

The inconsistency of the nature of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov"

Negative side of the nature of Oblomov

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich does not solve anything himself, hoping for help from the side - Zakhar, who will bring him food or clothes, gallery, able to solve problems in a crushing, Tarantyev, who, though he deceives, but he will understand the situation of interest to the Oblomov, etc. . The hero is not interested in real life, she causes him boredom and fatigue, while the true peace and satisfaction he finds the illusions invested by him. Conducting all days, lying on the sofa, the bugs are building unrealculated plans to arrange the crushing and his happy family life, in many ways similar to the calm, monotonous atmosphere of his childhood. All his dreams are sent to the past, even the future, which he draws himself, - the echoes of the distant past, which is more impossible to return.

It would seem that the lazy, living in an unlocked apartment, the hero-slab cannot cause sympathy and location from the reader, especially against the background of an active, active, purposeful friend Ilya Ilyich - Stolz. However, the true essence of Oblomov is disclosed gradually, which allows you to see all the multifaceted and the internal unrealized potential of the hero. As a child, surrounded by the quiet nature, caring and control of the parents, thinly feeling, the dreamy Ilya was deprived of the most important - knowledge of the world through his opposites - the beauty and deformity, victory and defeat, the need to do something and the joy of their own difficult labor. From the small years, the hero had everything that he needed - the helpful courtyard was performed on the first call, and their parents were poured in every way. Outside the parent nest, obcomments, not ready for the real world, continues to expect that everyone around will treat him as warm and friendly, as in his native broom. However, his hopes were destroyed in the first days in the service, where there was no business to him, and everyone was only for himself. Exhausted will to life, the ability to fight for their place under the sun and perseverance, the bugs after a random mistake itself goes from service, fearing the punishment of the authorities. The first failure becomes the last one for the hero - he does not want to move forward, hiding from the real, "cruel" world in his dreams.

Positive side of the nature of Oblomov

A person who could pull Oblomov from this passive, leading to the degradation of the personality of the state, was Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Perhaps gallery protrudes in the novel by the only character who thought not only negative, but also the positive features of Oblomov: soulfulness, kindness, the ability to feel and understand the problems of another person, inner calm and simplicity. It was to Ilya Ilyich Stolz came into difficult moments when he needed support and understanding. Pigeon tenderness, sensuality and sincerity of Oblomov are revealed during relations with Olga. Ilya Ilyich is first aware that it is not suitable for an active, purposeful Ilinskaya, who does not want to devote himself to "Oblomovsky" values, is a subtle psychologist in it. Bakes are ready to abandon his own love, as it understands that he will not be able to give Olga, the happiness that she dreams about.

The nature and fate of Oblomov are closely connected - his bravery, the inability to fight for his happiness along with spiritual kindness and softness lead to the tragic consequences - the fear of the difficulties and grievances of reality, as well as the complete care of the hero in the peaceful, calm, wonderful world of illusions.

National character in the novel "Oblomov"

The image of Oblomov Roman Goncharova is a reflection of a national Russian nature, its ambiguity and versatility. Ilya Ilyich is the same archetypal emelya-fool on the furnace, which hero in childhood told nanny. Like a fairy tale character, Oblomov believes in a miracle, which should happen to him by himself: there will be a favorable firefish or a good wizard, which will take it into the beautiful world of honey and dairy rivers. And the chief of the wizard should be not a bright, working, active hero, but be sure to "quiet, harmless", "some kind of lazy, whom everyone is offended."

Unquestionable faith in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in the possibility of the impossible - the main feature is not only Ilya Ilyich, but also of any Russian person, which is asked for folk tales and legends. Finding on the fertile soil, this faith becomes the basis of a person's life, replacing the reality of the illusion, as it happened from Ilya Ilyich: "The fairy tale was mixed with his life, and it sometimes saddenly, why the tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale."

In the finals of the Roman Oblomov, it would seem that the "Oblomovskoye" happiness, which had long dreamed of - a calm, monotonous life without stress, caring good wife, arranged life and son. However, Ilya Ilyich is not returning to the real world, he remains in his illusions that become more important for him and significantly than real happiness next to his adorable woman. In fairy tales, the hero must withstand three tests, after which it will be expected to fulfill all the desires, otherwise the hero will expect death. Ilya Ilyich does not pass any test, the passing first before failure in the service, and then before the need to change for Olga. Describing the life of Oblomov, the author seems to appeal about the excessive faith of the hero in a unrealized miracle for which it is not necessary to fight.


At the same time, the simplicity and complexity of the nature of Oblomov, the ambiguity of the character himself, the analysis of his positive and negative parties, allow you to see the eternal image of the unrealized personality "not his time" in Ilyce - "no one, who did not manage to gain their own place in real life, and therefore the departed In the world of illusions. However, the reason for how the potters emphasizes, not in the fatal coating of the circumstances or the severe fate of the hero, but the wrong education of the sensitive and soft in the nature of Oblomov. Grown as a "room plant", Ilya Ilyich turned out to be unsuitable for a rather tough for his sophisticated nature of reality, replacing it with the world of own dreams.

Test on the work

Lecture "The complexity of the nature of Oblomov"

Lecture Plan:

    Easy composition

    Hero's mental state

    Interior and character of the hero

    Wednesday and character of the hero

    Nature Oblomovka

    Dear memories

    Petersburg life and buddies

1) simplicity composition.

After the revenue of the novel, the critics unfolded the controversy around the novel. The figure of the main character was interpreted in different ways. This suggests that Roman Goncharova in content is very complex and multi-layered.

At first glance, this will not say in any way, because the composition of the novel is very simple. The extensive exposition is the first part of the novel - draws a picture of the spiritual launch of the hero. The composition of the first five chapters resembles the construction of "portrait" chapters "Dead Souls". At the end of the first part, Stolz appears to introduce Oblomov with Olga, which served as a stronger novel. Then he disappears for a long time and returns only in the last part. The second and third part is a love intrigue. The appearance of Olga in a dramatic action is revealed by the authentic nature of Oblomov. The fourth part is a kind of epilogue - the relationship of Oblomov with Agafei Wentycian.

List the main compositional elements of the novel "Oblomov" and their appointment in the novel. (Reminder: in the novel "Bakes" 4 parts).

2) the spiritual state of the hero

The first part of the novel is dedicated to the usual day of life Ilya Ilyich. This life is limited to the limits of one room, in which she lies and sleeps. Externally, there are very few events. But the picture is full of movement.
Firstly, the mental state of the hero is indispensable, comic merges with tragic, carelessness with internal torment and struggle, sleep and apathy with awakening and gleaming feelings.
Give your own examples of changing the spiritual state of the hero. Describe what happens to the hero in the situation you?

3) the interior and character of the hero

Secondly, Goncharov is guessing in the home of home the character of the hero. For example, the author describes in detail the Cabinet of Oblomov. On all things - abandonality, traces of desolation: last year's newspaper is lying, on the mirrors a layer of dust, if someone decided to dip the feather in the inkwell - a fly would fly out from there. The character of Ilya Ilyich is visible even through his shoes, long, soft and wide. When the owner did not look away from bed legs on the floor, he certainly got into them at once. When, in the second part of the novel, Andrei Stolz tries to awaken the hero to an active life, confusion reigns in the soul, and the author conveys it through it with the familiar things. "Now or never!" "To be or not to be!" "The bugs raised from the chair, but did not immediately go to the leg in his shoe and sat down again."

Or a bathrobe, which is symbolic in the novel. We have a whole story of relations to him Ilya Ilyich. The robe at Oblomov is special, oriental, "without the slightest hint of Europe." He, as a obedient slave obeyed the smallest movement of his owner's body. When the love of Olga Ilinskaya awakens the hero on time to active life, his determination is associated with a bathrobe: "It means," thinks, "suddenly throw a wide bathrobe not only from the shoulders, but also from the soul, crazy ...". But at the time of the sunset of love, like a ominous omen, flashes the threatening image of a robe in the novel. The new mistress of Oblomov Agafya Matveyevna Pshenitsyna reports that she got a robe from Chulana and is going to wash him and clean it.

The connection of the internal experiences of Oblomov with things belonging to him creates a comic effect in the novel. Not anything significant, and shoes and bathrobes characterize his inner struggle. The solar habit of the hero to the late oxidic life, his attachment to household goods and dependence on them is found.

bathrobe and Plaid

Bathrobe and shoes

Plaid and armchair.

4) Wednesday and character of the hero

Along with the domestic environment, the novel includes much broader links that affect Ilya Ilyich. The notion of the environment forming a human character itself, the poter is expanding immensely. Already in the first part of the bug novel, not only the comic hero: the internal monologues of the hero are slipped behind humorous episodes, of which we learn that the bugs are a living and complex person. He is immersed in youthful memories, it moves the reproaches for lack of life without life. Oblons shake his own Baria, as a person, towering over him. The question arises in front of the hero: "Why am I so?". The answer to it is contained in the famous "Sing Oblomov". The circumstances that influence the nature of Ilya Ilyich in childhood and youth are disclosed here.

What part of the novel is shown, what influenced the hero in childhood and youth?

"Childhood, adolescence, youth"

"Sleep Oblomova"


5) the nature of the crushing.Live, poetic pattern of crushing - part of the soul of the hero itself. It includes Russian Barba, although Baria, the bump is far from being exhausted. The concept of "Oblomovshchina" includes a whole patriarchal structure of Russian life not only with negative, but also with deeply poetic parties.

On the wide and soft character of Ilya Ilyich, the average Russian nature was influenced, with the soft outlines of the sloping hills, with a slow, leisurely course of the plain rivers, which bloom in wide ponds, they strive to quick thread, then a little bit crawling around the pebbles, as if he had conceived. This nature, alien to "wild and grandiose," promises a man late and long-term life and imperceptible, to sleep like death.

Nature here, like a gentle mother, cares about silence, measured calmness of the human life. And with her at the same time a special "way" of peasant life with rhythmic alternation of everyday life and holidays. And even the thunderstorms are not terrible, but the beneficial there: they are constantly at the same time, not forgetting almost never Ilyin of the day, as if to support the famous legend in the people. " Neither terrible storms, no destruction in that edge. Printing a leisurely restraint lies in the characters of people treated by Russian mother-nature.

What role does the Obloma description play a description of nature?

6) expensive memories

Under the nature and creating poetic fantasy of the people. "Then the Oblomov had a different time: he robbed to Nian to the infinite winter evening, and she whispering him about some unknown country, where there are no nights, no cold, where everyone is committed by miracles, where the rivers of honey and milk are coming, where no one It doesn't do anything all year round, and the day-day only know that all kind well done are walking, such as Ilya Ilyich, yes beautiful, that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale.

The composition of "Oblomovshchina" includes Goncharov unlimited love and caressing, which since childhood is surrounded and treble Ilya Ilyich. "Mother trembled with his passionate kisses," looked "greedy, careless eyes, whether the eyes are not mutted, whether he didn't hurt anything, could he sleep, did not wake up at night, did not want in a dream if he had a heat" .

This also includes the poetry of the village privacy, and the pictures of the generous Russian hospitality with the Giant Pies, and the Homeric Fun, and the beauty of the peasant holidays under the sounds of the balalaika ...

It turns out that not only slavery yes Barly form the character of the hero ...
What is included in the concept of "breakdown" in the novel? (Is it possible to say confidently that this concept includes only negative features of the hero?)

7) Petersburg life and buddies

There is something from a fabulous Ivanushka, wise sloth, with distrust relating to everything prolonged, active and offensive. Let them fuss, build plans, squeeze and pushed, command and lackers are other! And he lives calmly and caretively, like the epic hero Ilya Muromtsu, who Sydney promised thirty years and three years.
Here are to him in the St. Petersburg modern guise of "Kaliki disturbing" (as they came to Ilya Muromets to ask the water to eat. Ilya does not refuse them, but refers to the outlines, they ask him just to get up and go. And he gets up! And then, on their advice, it is sent to wander), his name is in the wage of the sea. So on whose party our sympathies? We suddenly involuntarily feel that our sympathies are on the side of the "lazy" Ilya Ilyich. What seduces the Oblomov St. Petersburg life, where is his name to come? Metropolitan France Wolves promises him a secular success, an official of the Sudybinsky -Bücracratic career, Penkin's writer - a vulgar literary accusation.

"Proggy, a kind of friend, on the ears stuck, - complains the bugs on the fate of the official of the Sudybinsky. - And blind, and deaf, and it is for the rest of the world. But it will be in people, it will be gripped in time with time ... and how There is little man here you need: his mind, will, feelings, - why is it? "

"Where is the person here? What is it crushes and crumbles? - Oblomov will give the voids of the secular bustle of Volkov. - ... Yes, ten places a day - Unhappy!" "He concludes," turning over his back and rejoicing that he does not have such empty desires and thoughts that he does not happen, but lies here, keeping his human dignity and his peace. "

In the life of business people, the bugs do not see the field that meets the highest appointment of man. So is it not better to remain a baking sheet, but to preserve the humanity and kindness of the heart, than to be a voyage careerist, active broom, worn and heartless?

And when Stolz at the time raised Oblomov from the sofa and he plunged with his head to the secular "real" life, according to the gallery, the brooms exploded! "Once, returning from somewhere late, he especially rebelled against this fuss." - "whole days, gripped, putting on a bathrobe, - do not remove your boots: the legs and itch! I do not like this your Petersburg life! - He continued, Look at the sofa.

"What do you like? - asked Stolz. -" Not like here ". -" What exactly didn't like it here? "-" Everything, the eternal runway running, the eternal game of tray passiones, especially greed, interrupting each other Roads, gossip, peres, click each other, it looks from the legs to the head; Listen, what they say, so glov will be spinning, wretched. It seems that people are so smart, with such dignity on the face; Only hear: "This was given that he got rent." - "Mind, for what? - Shots by someone." This was played yesterday in the club; He takes three hundred thousand! "Boredom, boredom, boredom! .. Where is the man here? Where is his integrity? Where did he disappear, how did it changed to any trifle?"

So why is the bugs lying on the sofa? ... not because he does not want to live to the detriment of his moral dignity. His "Lurence" is perceived in the novel as early as the denial of the bureaucracy, secular bustle and bourgeois defense. Laziness and intricateness of Oblomov are caused sharply negative and fairly skeptical attitude to his life and interests of modern practical people.
What did Oblomov saw in St. Petersburg society, what makes him doubt the correctness of the words of the gallery about active life? (Write an essay from at least 5-6 sentences).