Ethnic composition of the population of Russia. How many peoples live in Russia

Ethnic composition of the population of Russia. How many peoples live in Russia
Ethnic composition of the population of Russia. How many peoples live in Russia

Racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population

In solving issues related to the rationale for the placement of productive forces, great importance It has the study of racial and ethnic (national) composition of the population, i.e., the ratio of representatives of individual races and peoples, their placement, legal status, labor skills, etc.

All humanity in characteristic features appearance People are customary to divide the three big races: the European one, the Mongoloid and Equatorial.

Representatives of the European Dreams, which are 47% total The inhabitants of the Earth, to the great geographical discoveries lived in Europe, North Africa, in the Middle and Middle East and in India, in the future they were settled throughout the world. Mongoloid race people constituting 37% of the earth's population live mainly in Eastern and Southeast Asia. TO mongoloid race belongs to I. indigenous population America - Indians. Representatives of Equatorial, or Negro-Australoid, races (about 5% of the population of the Earth) live mostly in Africa.

The rest of the inhabitants of the planet (about 11-12%) relates to mixed and transitional racial groups resulting from migrations and mixing racial types.

Large races, in turn, are divided into the so-called small races. For example, the European-like race is divided into the North, Baltic, Alpine and a number of other small races.

Human races - groups of people connected by the generality of origin and external physical signs (skin color, the nature of the hair cover, the features of the face, etc.), prevailing in the distant past under the influence natural environment. The signs of these are mainly adaptive, acquired by a person as a result of adaptation to the conditions of the natural environment.

Nation(Peoples, ethnic groups) have been shaped as society usually developed from representatives of several small or large races.

The characteristic signs of the current nation are: the community of territory, language, economic life, national Culture, sense of patriotism.

Thus, peoples (ethnic groups) are groups of people united by the historically established unity of the language, territory, economic Life and culture, national self-consciousness. There are about 4 thousand peoples in the world, which can be classified by different signs, including in numbers and language.

Numerous (from 100 and more million people) peoples belong: Chinese - Han (representatives of Han people live mainly in China and make up more than 95% of the population of this country), Hinduscans (inhabitants of India, account for about a quarter of the population of this country), Americans (USA), Bengaltsi (main population of Bangladesh and Indian state West Bengal), Punjabtsy (mostly residents of Pakistan and Indian state of Punjab), Biharians (residents of the Indian state of Bihar, Bangladesh, Nepal), Russians, Brazilians, Japanese, Mexicans, Yavantsy.

The number of most of the peoples is small - less than 1 million people.

The classification of peoples in the language is based on the principle of their kinship, that is, taking into account the relatives of the origin of the language. On this basis, all nations are combined into linguistic families. Total families are about 20. The most common one is an Indo-European family, there is almost half of all mankind in her languages. As part indo-European family Slavic, Romanesque, German, Celtic, Baltic and other language groups are highlighted. The Chinese-Tibetan, Altai, Ural, Caucasian, Nigero-Kordofan, seven-Hamit family of languages \u200b\u200bare also widespread.

In accordance with the national population, all countries of the world are divided into one-nation and multinational. In general, multinational states predominate in the world, some of them live dozens and even hundreds of peoples. Representatives of such states can be India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, USA, most countries in Africa. Examples of single-ground states - Poland, Hungary, Germany (in Europe), Chile (in Latin America), Japan, Korea, Bangladesh (in Asia), Australia.

The Russian Federation is a multinational state. The largest people of Russian, the number of which is four times the latter the nations inhabiting the country. Russian numbers, according to the 2002 census, 115,889 thousand people, it is 79.8% of the total population. According to the results of the census in the published Federal Service state statistics The list includes 182 ethnic names, and in the 1989 census it was 128. This difference is not connected with a change in the number of peoples, but using new census methods. But even a modern census cannot give an absolutely accurate picture of ethnic diversity. For a variety of reasons, some of the peoples are taken into account with distortions. It is difficult to rewrite small communities, as well as those groups whose names are similar to each other: Arabs and Central Asian Arabs (the latter, apparently, partially rewrote just like Arabs), Gypsies and Central Asian Roma (many Central Asian Roma called themselves Roma), Turks and Turks "WhetherThins (most Mesquets called just Turks). Most Rusin, apparently, called themselves during the census by Ukrainians (so we are familiar, for the name "Rusin" in Soviet times was not recognized). Perhaps the information on the number of pelvis, Kamchadalov, Kerkov, as well as the peoples of immigrant origin (Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Moldovans, Azerbaijanis, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.) was incomplete.

Sixteen small peoples of Dagestan (Andians, Botlihtsy, Godobernts, cavators, Avashachtsi, Bagulala, Cahmalali, Tyndals, Hwarshina, Didoissea (Cezi), Ginuchans, Plants, Gunzibans, Archintsents, Kubachintse, Kaitagtsy) in previous Soviet censions were taken into account as anvarians and Dargins. In the All-Russian census of 2002, these groups were calculated separately, as well as with Avars and Dargins. Such calculations were carried out for the first time since the census of 1926. Significant generality of cracks, living predominantly in Tatarstan, is also calculated for the first time, and therefore inaccuracies were inevitable. The size of the ignition is included in the composition of the Tatars (in past censions, they were tattered by tatars).

The ethnic manifold of Russia is associated with a linguistic manifold. Specialists are among the territory of Russia, specialists relate to the following language families: Indo-European, Ural, or Ural-Yukagirskaya, Altai, North Caucasian, Carvetle, Afrazian, Sino-Tibetan, Chukotka-Kamchatka, Austro-Asian, Eskimo-Aleutskaya and hypothetical Yenisei, including Ketsky Language and several dead languages. In addition, one people - Nivhi - speaks in an isolated language. This language, as well as the Ketov language, Chukotka-Kamchatka and Eskimo-Aleutian languages, is customary to unite into the Paleoisian group of languages. Sometimes Yukagir languages \u200b\u200bare also ranked for this group, but here they are attributed to the Ural family of languages, which reflects the results of the latest linguistic studies.

Indo-European language family

The most numerous language family in Russia is Indo-European. In Russia, 8 its branches are represented: Slavic, Baltic, German, Romanesque, Greek, Armenian, Iranian, Indoary. TO slavic branch Russian, Ukrainians and Rusins \u200b\u200b(together - 2,943 thousand people), Belarusians (808 thousand people), forming with the Russians East Slavonic Group, Poles (73 thousand people), Czechs (3 thousand) and Slovaks ( 0.6 thousand), which are part of the West Slavic Group, as well as Bulgarians (32 thousand) and Serbs (4 thousand), belonging to the South Slavic group. In the aggregate, Slavic peoples account for 82.5% of the country's population.

Of 83 Subjects Russian Federation Russians form an absolute majority in 78. Russians are a numerical minority only in Ingushetia (they make up 1% - the lowest share in the entire Federation), Chechnya (4%), Dagestan (5%). Back in several regions, their share is less than half of the inhabitants - in Tyva (20%), North Ossetia - Alanya (23%), Kabardino-Balkaria (25%), Chuvashia (27%), Kalmykia (34%), Bashkortostan (36 %), Tatarstan (39%) and Mari El (47%). In two constituent entities of the Federation, Russians, without forming the absolute majority, they still constitute a relative majority, since they are there the largest people (Mari El and Bashkortostan).

As part of the Russian people there are ethnic and ethnographic groups. The most famous of them - the Cossacks is very original because it is an ethnicity education, which includes not only Russians (which is an overwhelming majority), but also representatives of other peoples: Ukrainians, Kalmykov, Ossetian, Bashkir, etc. The census materials indicate the maintenance of community in Russia Pomoric and relatives close to them, although their numbers defined by census are obviously lower than valid. The groups of so-called local Russians, or old-timers, in a number of areas of Siberia and the Far East are preserved, in a number of areas of Siberia and the Far East: Kerzhaki, Bricklayers, Obskaya, Bulk Peasants, Karama, Family, Yakuts, Lensky, Indigreers, Hikorda, Kolyan, Russian-Ustintsy. True, a cumulative number of all these groups is very small - only 269 people.

Ukrainians - the third population of the Russian Federation. They are mostly dispersed in Russia and with rare exceptions do not form compact areas. The largest groups of Ukrainians live in the following subjects of the Federation: Moscow (254 thousand), the Tyumen region (211 thousand, including in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Ugra - 123 thousand and Yamalo: the Nenets Autonomous District - 66 thousand) , Moscow Region (148 thousand), Krasnodar Territory (132 thousand), Rostov Region (118 thousand), Primorsky Krai (94 thousand), St. Petersburg (87 thousand), Omsk (78 thousand), Chelyabinsk (77 thousand), Orenburg (77 thousand), Voronezh (74 thousand) regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory (69 thousand), Saratov region (67 thousand), the Komi Republic (62 thousand), Samara (61 thousand. ), Belgorod (58 thousand), Murmansk (57 thousand), Volgograd (56 thousand), Sverdlovsk (55 thousand) regions, Bashkortostan (55 thousand), Irkutsk region (54 thousand), Altai Territory (53 thousand).

The Belarusians are as dispersed in Russia. They live in Moscow (59 thousand), St. Petersburg (54 thousand), Kaliningrad (51 thousand), Moscow (42 thousand) regions, Karelia (38 thousand), Tyumen region (36 thousand) and in other places.

Two people of Russia belong to the Baltic (Summer Lithuanian) branch of the Indo-European language family. These are Lithuanians (46 thousand) and Latvians (29 thousand). Together they make up 0.05% of the population of Russia. Among the Latvians living in Russia (Siberia), Latgalians meet - an ethnocon confessional group, whose representatives profess mostly Catholicism (most of the other Latvians - Lutherans). Latvians are resettled in Russia in small groups (the largest group in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - 4 thousand people), the largest number of Lithuanians focused in the Kaliningrad region (14 thousand).

The German language branches include the Germans (597 thousand), the Americans (1.3 thousand), the British (0.5 thousand) and conventionally Jews-Ashkenase (230 thousand). The conditional nature of the inclusion of Jews in this group is due to the fact that the Yiddish close to German language was first native for the overwhelming majority of them, but now the main part of Russian Jews considers native Russian. In their aggregate, representatives of the German branch are 0.6% of the population of Russia. Germans are most in the Altai Territory (80 thousand) and Omsk Region (76 thousand), where German and Azov German national districts are created, respectively. A lot of them also in Novosibirsk (47 thousand), Kemerovo (36 thousand), Chelyabinsk (28 thousand), Tyumen (27 thousand), Sverdlovsk (23 thousand), Orenburg (18 thousand), Volgograd (17 thousand .) Regions, Krasnodar Territory (18 thousand). The Russian Germans allocated an ethno-confessional group of Mennonites (Orenburg and Omsk Region, the Altai Territory and other regions) and a territorially separate group of the Golenders (Zalairinsky district of the Irkutsk region). Jews mostly live in Moscow (79 thousand) and St. Petersburg (37 thousand).

also in major cities The Americans living in Russia and the British are predominantly concentrated.

Romanesque language branch in Russia is represented by Moldovans (172 thousand), Romanians (5 thousand), Spaniards (1.5 thousand), Cubans (0.7 thousand), Italians (0.9 thousand), French (0 , 8 thousand). In general, the peoples of this language family account for 0.1% of the population of Russia and are concentrated mainly in large cities, Moldovans - also in rural areas. A significant number Moldovan lives in Tyumen (18 thousand) and Rostov (8 thousand) regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory (7 thousand).

Greek language branch includes only one people. Greeks (98 thousand, i.e. 0.07% of the population of Russia) live primarily in Stavropol (34 thousand) and Krasnodar (27 thousand) edges.

The Armenian branch unites Armenians with his close origin by Hamshails professing, in contrast to Christian Armenians, Islam. The number of Armenians in Russia in the last two decades has grown strongly, and they are numbered according to the 2002 census, 1130 thousand people. Most of all Armenians in Krasnodar (275 thousand) and Stavropol (149 thousand) edges, Rostov region (110 thousand), as well as in Moscow (124 thousand). A significant number of Armenians are available in Moscow (40 thousand), Volgograd (27 thousand), Saratov (25 thousand), Samara (22 thousand) regions, St. Petersburg (19 thousand), Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (17 thousand), Republic of Adygea (15 thousand). Hemshilov is very small (1.5 thousand people), they are mainly concentrated in the Krasnodar Territory (1 thousand), as well as in Rostov and Voronezh regions. In general, 0.8% of the country's total population belongs to the Armenian language branch.

The Iranian branch of the Indo-European language family includes Ossetians, Tajiks, Pashtuns, Persians, Central Asian Gypsies, Central Asian Jews, Gorish Jews, Tats, Talysh, Kurds, Ezida. Ossetians (515 thousand people) are concentrated mainly in the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (445 thousand), although there are also a significant number of them in some other places: Moscow (11 thousand), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (10 thousand). Ossetians are divided into two ethno-confessional groups: ions, mainly professing Orthodoxy, and Digor residents who adhere to Islam (live in the Digorsky and Iraf regions of the republic). In the period between census 1989 and 2002. In Russia, the number of Pushtuns has sharply increased, which was associated with the influx into our country of refugees from Afghanistan. According to the 2002 census, 10 thousand Pashtuns lived in Russia, and 6 thousand of them in Moscow. Tajiks (120 thousand people) are resets in the country dispersed: in Moscow (35 thousand), the Tyumen region (8 thousand) and a number of other places.

The majority of Central Asian Gypsies speak in Tajik language. According to the 2002 census, there were 0.5 thousand of them, but their number is likely to be greater, as part of them, as noted, could call themselves just Roma, and some generally avoided the correspondence. Persians (4 thousand people) live mainly in the Republic of Dagestan (0.7 thousand), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (0.5 thousand) and Moscow (0.7 thousand). The extreme small number of Central Asian (Bukhara) Jews (54 people) is likely to be associated with their abroad, since during the census some of them could indicate themselves just Jews.

Gorish Jews (3 thousand people) live in the Republic of Dagestan (over 1 thousand), Moscow (about 1 thousand) and some other places. Perhaps some of them could call them tatami, and some are just Jews. Tats (2 thousand people), for the religion of Muslim, they speak with the global Jews in the same language, also live in Dagestan (0.8 thousand) and some other places. Talysh (2.5 thousand people) live mainly in Moscow (0.5 thousand), St. Petersburg (0.3 thousand) and the Tyumen region (0.3 thousand). Probably, their number is greater, since in Azerbaijan they are inclined to consider the Azerbaijanis (and some of them could call themselves).

The most significant groups of Kurds (20 thousand people) are in the Krasnodar Territory (5 thousand), the Republic of Adygea (4 thousand) and the Saratov region (2 thousand). Ezidys (31 thousand people) are very dispersed, there are small groups of them in the Krasnodar Territory (4 thousand), Nizhny Novgorod (3 thousand) and Yaroslavl (3 thousand) regions. In the aggregate, peoples speaking in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Iranian branches make up 0.5% of the total population in Russia.

The Indoary language branches include Gypsies (excluding Central Asian) and the Indians who live in Russia, speaking in Hindi. The number of Gypsies, according to the 2002 census, amounted to 183 thousand people. Most of them in the Stavropol Territory (19 thousand), Rostov region (15 thousand) and the Krasnodar Territory (11 thousand). As for the quintionic Indians (5 thousand people), then their main part is concentrated in Moscow (about 3 thousand). In general, representatives of the Indoary branch constitute 0.1% of the population in Russia.

The total number of people living in Russia relating to the Indo-European language family is 84.7% of the country's population.

Ural-Yukagir Language Family

The Ural-Yukagir Language Family is represented in Russia with all three groups: Finno: Ugric, Selfie and Yukagir (some linguists do not recognize the existence of the Ural-Yukagi family and consider the Ural and Yukagir families separately). The largest Finno-Ugric branch unites residents predominantly in the North-West Russia, in the Volga region and Western Siberia. Karel, Finns, Izhortsev, water, Estonians, Veps, Saamov, Mordwo, Mari, Udmurtov, Fellmiang, Komi, Komi-Permyakov, Khantah, Mansi, Hungarians. Karel has 93 thousand people. Of these, 66 thousand live in the Republic of Karelia, 15 thousand - in the Tver region, the rest are dispersed in the country. Among Karel in the language and some elements of culture are allocated two groups: Livviki and people. The dialects of these groups differ greatly from the dialect of the majority of Karel, and some linguists consider them independent languages. Finns (34 thousand people) are represented in Russia in the main group of Finnov-Ingermanlanders. The most significant groups of Finns in our country in the Republic of Karelia (14 thousand), Leningrad Region (8 thousand), also live in St. Petersburg (4 thousand). The small hezhorsians (0.3 thousand people) are concentrated mainly in the Leningrad Region (0.2 thousand), also live in St. Petersburg (53 people).

The water (only 73 people) live mainly in the Leningrad Region (12 people), St. Petersburg (12 people) and Moscow (10 people). Estonians (28 thousand people) are resets in Russia dispersed. They are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (4 thousand), Omsk Region (3 thousand), St. Petersburg (2 thousand), Leningrad (1 thousand) and Novosibirsk (1 thousand) regions, Moscow (1 thousand) , Krasnodar Territory (1 thousand), Pskov region (1 thousand). In the Pskov region they live nearby Estonians Setu (197 people). Veps (8 thousand people) are resets in Karelia (5 thousand), Leningrad (2 thousand) and Vologda (0.4 thousand) regions. Saama living in Russia (2 thousand), in most concentrated in the Murmansk region. The Sami dialects differ greatly from each other, and many linguists consider them in different languages. Russian Saamas are divided into four main groups: Skoltsky, Teres, Babinski (the last representative died in 2003) and Kilda. The largest Finno-Ugric people - Mordva (843 thousand) - a very disperse is renseled, only a third of its total number is concentrated in the Republic of Mordovia (284 thousand). A significant number of Mordvoy is available in Samara (86 thousand), Penza (71 thousand), Orenburg (52 thousand), Ulyanovsk (50 thousand) regions, Bashkortostan (26 thousand), Nizhny Novgorod Region (25 thousand), Tatarstan (24 thousand), Moscow (23 thousand), Moscow (22 thousand), Chelyabinsk (18 thousand), Saratov (17 thousand) regions, the Chuvash Republic (16 thousand). Mordva is divided into two groups: Erzya and Moksha, talking in nearby languages. Maryz (604 thousand) are closest to Mordve. Over half of the total number of them (312 thousand) live in the Republic of Mari El. The large group of Mariers (106 thousand) is available in Bashkortostan, they also live in Kirov (39 thousand), Sverdlovsk (28 thousand) regions, Tatarstan (19 thousand). Markets, like Mordva, are divided into two groups: meadow-eastern and mountain marines, whose dialects are pretty close, but still have two different literary forms. Another major Finno-Ugric people - Udmurts (637 thousand people) - focuses mainly in the Udmurt Republic (461 thousand), also live in Perm Territory (26 thousand), Tatarstan (24 thousand), Bashkortostan (23 thousand), Kirov (18 thousand), Sverdlovsk (18 thousand) regions. The ethnographic division of the Udmurts on the Northern and South largely worn. At Udmurt language also speak Edmean (3 thousand people). They are resettled in the north of Udmurtia (along the Cherence River) and in neighboring areas Kirov region. Two close people - Komi (293 thousand people) and comi-perm (125 thousand people) - concentrated mainly within two subjects of the Federation - the Republic of Komi and the Perm region (respectively 256 and 103 thousand people). Komi, otherwise called Komi-Zyryanov, also inhabited by the Tyumen region (11 thousand). Komi-Zyryan, as well as comi-perm, are in their composition different groups. Comi-Zyryan's ethnographic group - Komi-Igents differ from most Komi in their main economic activity (reindeer herding). Komi-Izhemtsy live in the northern regions of the Komi Republic (for the river Pechers and its influx of Izhma), in the Tyumen region (mainly in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra), as well as in the Murmansk region. Among Komi-Permyakov, Komi-Yazvinians are distinguished (they live in the Perm region, along the course of the Yazvoy River) and Komi-Zuzdints (settlers in the Afanasyevsky district of the Kirov region). Khanty (29 thousand people) and Mansi (11 thousand people) are preferably resets within the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (respectively 17 and 10 thousand). The noticeable group of Khanty (9 thousand) also lives in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. The Khanty language is divided into a number of dialects, mutual understanding between which is difficult. On several dialects of this language (Kazym, Shrewshkarsky, Middle Bursky), literature has been created. In the language to Huntam and Manxi are close to Hungar (4 thousand), which has not been met in Russia in Russia. In their aggregate, the peoples of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Ural-Yukagir language family form, according to the 2002 census, about 1.9% of the population of Russia.

The Finno-Ugric branch is significantly inferior in numbers the second branch of the Ural-Yukagi language family - Samiyskaya. It includes Nenets, Entsents, Nganasanov and Selkups. Nenets (41 thousand people) live mainly in two autonomous districts: Yamalo-Nenets (26 thousand) and Nenets (8 thousand). Enzi (0.2 thousand) are resets mainly on Taimyr. Nganasans (0.8 thousand people) preferably live there. Sellocks (4 thousand people) dwell mainly in two geographically isolated regions: the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (about 2 thousand) and Tomsk region (about 2 thousand). The peoples of the Self-Language Branch of the Ural-Yukagir Language Family constitute a combination of only 0.03% of the population of Russia.

The Yukagir language branch is even small, to which only two people can be attributed, and then one of them is conditional: Yukagira (1.5 thousand) and Chudankans (1.1 thousand).

The fact is that the Chuvantes had previously talked in a language close to Yukagirsky, but they lost it, and one part speaks now in Russian, and the other is in Chukotka.

Yukagira themselves speak two very different from each other, poorly mutually understandable dialects, which part of linguists consider individual languages \u200b\u200b- Northukhagir (Tundrov) and Yuzhnukhagir (Kolymsky). The main part of Yukagirov (1.1 thousand people) lives in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Chudans are concentrated in the Chukotka Autonomous District (about 1 thousand). Two people of the Yukagir branch of the Ural-Yukagir language family account for only 0.002% of the population of Russia. In general, the Ural-Yukagir family covers more than 1.9% of the country's population.

Altai language family

With the Ural-Yukagir language family sometimes bring Altai. However, some linguists questioned the very existence of the latter, believing that the Altai languages \u200b\u200bform not a family, but the "Language Union", and believing that the similarity of these languages \u200b\u200bwas not due to the presence of general roots, but for long-term mutual influence. This family is divided into 5 branches: Turkic, Mongolian, Tunguso-Manchu, Korean, Japanese (Korean and Japanese languages \u200b\u200bA number of linguists in the Altai family do not include and consider isolated).

The most numerous from the named branches is Turkic. It includes Chuvashi, Tatars, Tatars, Nagaybaki, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Nagica, Kumyki, Karachay, Balkarians, Crimean Tatars, Crimeans, Karai, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Mesquets Turks, Gagauz, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Uygura, Kyrgyz, Altai, Telengitis, Teleuts, Tubalaters, Claws, Kumandints, Chulymtsy, Shorents, Khakas, Tuvints, Tofalars, Soyota, Yakuts, Dolgans.

More than half of the Chuvash (their total number of 1,637 thousand people) live in the Chuvash Republic (889 thousand), their large groups are available in Tatarstan (127 thousand), Bashkortostan (117 thousand), Ulyanovsk (111 thousand) and Samara (101 thousand) regions. 30 thousand Chuvashy live in the Tyumen region (half - to Khanty: by the Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra). The division of the crown into three groups - Virlie in the north and northwest, Anat Yenchi in the north-east and in the center, Anaturty in the south - is now weakly traced. Tatars (5,555 thousand) are resets in the country's territory very disperse. Only a little more than a third of them (2 million) lives in the Republic of Tatarstan. 991 thousand Tatars live in Bashkortostan, they are also resettled in Tyumen (242 thousand), Chelyabinsk (205 thousand), Ulyanovsk (169 thousand), Sverdlovsk (168 thousand) regions, Moscow (166 thousand), Orenburg region (166 thousand), Perm region (137 thousand), Samara region (128 thousand), Udmurtia (109 thousand), Penza (87 thousand), Astrakhan (71 thousand), Saratovskaya (58 thousand), Moscow (53 thousand), Kemerovo (51 thousand) regions. Most Siberian Tatars are concentrated in the Tyumen region. They are divided into a number of groups: Tyumen-Turin, Yaskolbinsk (Zabolotny), Tobolsk, Tevrisian, Tar Tatars, Barabinges, Kalmaki, Chats, Eustens. Another group of Tatars, which is sometimes considered to be a separate people, - Astrakhan Tatars. They are focused mainly in the Astrakhan region (Kharabalinsky, Volga, Narimanovsky, Krasnoyarsky, Volodarsky districts). A small number of Astrakhan Tatars lives in the Caspian district of Kalmykia. Astrakhan Tatars are divided into groups: Yurtovskiy, Kundrovtsy, Karagashi (the latter consider themselves rather Nogai than Tatars), Alabugattsy, etc. The two most numerous groups of the Volga Tatars are Kazan Tatars and Mishari, which differ from the Kazan Tatar with the peculiarities of language and culture. Mishary live in general a few west of Kazan Tatars, in a number of Tatarstan regions (Chistopolsky, etc.), as well as in Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Penza, Saratov regions, Mordovia, Chuvashia and Bashkortostan.

The main part is focused in Tatarstan (Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny, Zainsky, Mamadysheski, Nizhnekamsky, Kukmorsky, Kaybitsky, Pestrechensky and other areas), but they also live in Bashkortostan (mainly in the Bakalinsky district), Udmurtia (mainly in the Grakhovsky district), Mari El (in Marie: Turkish district), Kirov region (in the Kielez district) and other places. Close to kryashten people - Nagaibaki (about 10 thousand people) - also speaks to the dialect tatar language. Almost all Nagyabaki live in the Chelyabinsk region (over 9 thousand), mainly in Nagaybatsk and Chebarkul districts.

The major people of the Turkic branch of the Altai Language Family - Bashkira (1,673 thousand people). Bashkirs are not saturated as dispersed like the Tatars. In the Republic of Bashkortostan lives 1,221 thousand Bashkir (more than three quarters of the total number). Significant groups of Bashkir in Chelyabinsk (166 thousand), Orenburg (53 thousand), Tyumen (47 thousand, including in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra - 36 thousand) regions, the Perm region (41 thousand), Sverdlovsk region (37 thousand).

Kazakhs (654 thousand people) are resets in those regions of Russia, which are adjacent to Kazakhstan: Astrakhan (143 thousand), Orenburg (126 thousand), Omsk (82 thousand). Volgograd (45 thousand), etc.

Three very small groups are distinguished among the Kazakhs - the Russine Turyatinian and Stepheet, as well as Kosh-Agach. Turyatinian Kazakhs, or in a different way - baptized Kazakhs, live in the Altai Republic (Ust-Kansky district). Step-paced 2002 cossacks in the Altai Territory,

where they previously lived, were not identified. Kosh-Agachsky Kazakhs are compactly reset in the same area (numerically prevailed over the local Altai), as well as in the Ulagan district of the Altai Republic. Karakalpaki's close to the Kazakhs (1.6 thousand) live mainly in the border areas - Volgograd, Saratov, Orenburg.

Karachay (192.2 thousand) live mainly in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (169.2 thousand) and Stavropol Territory (15.1 thousand). Speaking with them in the same language Balkarians (108 thousand people) live in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Nogai (91 thousand people) are resets in several regions in the territorial separation from each other: Dagestan (38 thousand), Stavropol Territory (21 thousand), Karachay-Cherkessia (15 thousand) and others. Kumykov (422 thousand people) are focused mainly in Dagestan (366 thousand), they are also in North Ossetia - Alanya (13 thousand) and the Tyumen region (12 thousand, including in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Ugra - 10 thousand). Crimean Tatars Currently live in Crimea and in the Krasnodar Territory (about 3 thousand). Close to them in the Language of Crimea (157 people), confessing Judaism, after leaving most of the most part to Israel, are preserved by small groups in the Krasnodar Territory (32 people), Moscow and the Moscow Region (36 people), St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region ( 21 people) and in some other places. Little remained in Russia and Karaimov (366 people, including 117 in Moscow and 53 in St. Petersburg).

Azerbaijanis (622 thousand people) Russellin in Russia are very widely, significant groups of them are available in Dagestan (112 thousand), Moscow (96 thousand), Tyumen region (42 thousand, including in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District - Ugra - 25 thousand), in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (19 thousand), St. Petersburg (17 thousand), Rostov (16 thousand), Saratov (16 thousand), Sverdlovsk (15 thousand) regions, Stavropol Territory ( 15 thousand), Samara (15 thousand), Moscow (15 thousand), Volgograd (14 thousand) regions, Krasnodar Territory (12 thousand). Due to the active migration inflow of Azerbaijanis in the Russian Federation, it is much larger than the 2002 census showed to the Azerbaijanis in the Turks and the Meskhetian Turkis (according to the 2002 census, respectively, 92 thousand and 3.3 thousand people). . According to the census, the most significant groups of Turks live in the North Caucasus: in Krasnodar (13 thousand) and Stavropol (7 thousand), Kabardino-Balkaria (9 thousand).

Gagauza (12 thousand people) are also resets in Russia mainly dispersed. The largest number of Gaguzov in Russia lives in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (1.6 thousand people) and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (0.9 thousand), Moscow and the Moscow region (1.7 thousand) .

Turkmen in Russia - 33 thousand. Among them is allocated to a compact rural group in Stavropol, the so-called Stavropol Turkmen, or Truchmen, which are numbering 14 thousand people. 3.5 thousand Turkmen also live in Moscow and 2.1 thousand - in the Astrakhan region. Uzbeks (123 thousand) are widely resets in Russia, the most significant groups in Moscow and the Moscow region (28.5 thousand), the Samara region (5.5 thousand), the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (5.2 thousand .), Bashkortostan (5.1 thousand) and Tatarstan (4.9 thousand). Close Uigur (3 thousand people, including in Moscow and Moscow region, 2 thousand) do not form large groups. Dispersally resets through the territory of Russia and Kyrgyz (32 thousand people), the most notable groups of which are available in Moscow (4 thousand), Krasnoyarsk Territory (4 thousand) and the Tyumen region (3 thousand).

In the 2002 census, the Altai peoples united in previous censuses were taken into account under the name of Altai people who live mainly in the Altai Republic and neighboring regions: Actual Altai, or Altai Kizhi (67 thousand), Telengitis (2.4 thousand), televisions (2 , 6 thousand), tubalars (1.6 thousand), jackets (0.9 thousand) and Kumandints (3.1 thousand). Altai-Kiezi are concentrated in the Altai Republic (62 thousand), almost all the televiges, tubalars and jacans are also in the Altai Republic, the overwhelming majority of televisers - in the Kemerovo region (mainly in the Belov district), Kumandintsy - in the Altai region, the Republic of Altai and Kemerovo region. Earlier and chulymans were not distinguished (0.7 thousand), which included in the composition of Tatars or Khakasov. Chulymetsy are resettle in the flow of the Chul River (from where their name) in the Tomsk region (0.5 thousand) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (about 0.2 thousand). Another small Turkic-speaking people - Shorents (14 thousand) - lives in the neighboring Kemerovo region (about 12 thousand), mainly in the area known as Mountain Shorey. 1 thousand Shorets live in Khakassia. Khakasy (76 thousand) are resets mainly in the Republic of Khakassia (65 thousand), where they make up 12% of the population. The former Khakasov division into four or five groups - Kyzyltsev, Kachintsev, Sagaitsev, Koybalov, and sometimes also Beltirov - greatly worn, although most Khakasov still remember what group they belong to. More than 4 thousand hakasov live in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, another 1 thousand settlers in the neighboring Tyva. Tuvintsy themselves (243 thousand people) in the overwhelming majority are concentrated in the Republic of Tyva (235 thousand), where about 4/5 of the population are formed. According to their economic and cultural estate, Tuvintsy-Tajunits, living predominantly in the Tajinsky district of the republic, are distinguished. Tuvints are close to toflara (0.8 thousand people), focused mainly in the Irkutsk region (0.7 thousand), mainly in the Nizhneudinsky district. Sometimes with Tuvans bring the hooots (2.8 thousand people), in the past who spoke on Turkic language, but now switched to the Buryat language. Soyota is compactly reset in Okinsky district of Buryatia.

Yakuta (444 thousand people) - one of Russia significant in the number of Turkic-speaking nations is almost exclusively (97%) concentrated in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and about half of the population are there. Dolgans (7 thousand people), speakers, very close to Yakut, are focused mainly in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (about 6 thousand), and, above all, in the former Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District (now the municipal district ), mainly in Khatanga and Dudinsky districts. They are in the Anabar district of Yakutia. In general, the peoples of the Turkic branch of the Altai language family account for 8.4% of the population of all Russia.

The Mongolian branch of the Altai language family is represented in Russia by Buryats, Kalmyks and Mongols. Buryats (445 thousand people) live mainly in the Republic of Buryatia (273 thousand), the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous District of the Trans-Baikal Territory (45 thousand) and the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous District of the Irkutsk Region (54 thousand). In addition, a significant number of Buryat is available in the Irkutsk region and the Trans-Baikal Territory outside these autonomous districts (respectively 27 thousand and 25 thousand). In the Republic of Buryatia and the Aginsky district, Buryats are about 3/5 people, in the Ust-Orda district, they do most form, yielding in numbers of Russian. Kalmyks (174 thousand people) are concentrated mainly in the Republic of Kalmykia (156 thousand, i.e. 90% of all Kalmyks). 7 thousand Kalmykov live in the Astrakhan region, mainly in the areas adjacent to Kalmykia. Kalmyks are divided into several groups: Large Daerbetes, Small Dairbets, Belts, Hoshuts, Buzawa (Don Kalmyks). Mongols (2.7 thousand people) are resets in Russia dispersed: in Moscow (0.5 thousand), the Irkutsk region (0.5 thousand), Buryatia (0.3 thousand) and other places. The Mongolian language branch includes 0.4% of the population of Russia.

To the Tungus-Manchurian branch of the Altai language family in the Russian Federation belongs to Evenki, Even, Nehydals, Nanice, Ulych, Uyalt, Orochi, Udagei and (conditionally) Thai. The largest of the listed peoples is Evenks (36 thousand people). Only a small part of them (1/10) is the average in the former Evenk Autonomous District (now the Krasnoyarsk Territory area) (3.8 thousand). Half of all Evenks (18 thousand) lives in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Evenks are also resettled in the Khabarovsk Territory (4.5 thousand), Buryatia (2.3 thousand), Amur (1.5 thousand), Irkutsk (1.4 thousand) regions and in other places. EVENA (19 thousand people) live in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (2.5 thousand), in particular in EVENA-Rattai national District, as well as in the Kamchatka Territory (1.8 thousand), the Chukotka Autonomous District (1.4 thousand), Khabarovsk Territory (1.3 thousand). Unhydals (0.6 thousand people) are concentrated mainly in the Khabarovsk Territory (0.5 thousand), by the flow of the Amgun River. Nanikes (12 thousand people) in the overwhelming majority (90%) live in the Khabarovsk Territory (11 thousand), mainly by the flow of the Amur River. Small groups of Nanaysev are in the Primorsky Territory (0.4 thousand) and the Sakhalin region (0.2 thousand). Ulichi (2.9 thousand people) are resets mainly in the Ulch district of the Khabarovsk Territory (2.7 thousand). Uyt, or, in a different way, Orcoi (0.3 thousand people), live in the Sakhalin region. Orochi (0.7 thousand people) live in the Khabarovsk Territory (0.4 thousand), in Vaninsky, Komsomol and Soviet-Havan district. Udagei (1.7 thousand people) are resettled in Primorsky (0.9 thousand) and Khabarovsk (0.6 thousand) edges. Thai (0.3 thousand people) - mixed origin, previously talked to Nanayan and Udegean, but later moved to Chinese, and then into Russian, - now they are mostly living in the Primorsky Krai, in the village of Mikhaylovka of the Olginsky district.

Koreans (149 thousand people, 0.1% of the country's population) form a separate Korean branch of the Altai language family. The largest number of Koreans in Russia are available in the Sakhalin region (30 thousand), they also live in Primorsky Krai (18 thousand), Rostov region (12 thousand), Khabarovsk Territory (10 thousand), Moscow (9 thousand), Stavropol Territory (7 thousand), Volgograd Region (6 thousand), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (5 thousand) and other places. Like the Korean language branch, which forms one people, the Japanese branch consists of some Japanese (in Russia 0.8 thousand people).

The Japanese in Russia is very small, they mainly live in the Sakhalin region (0.3 thousand) and Moscow (0.2 thousand). In general, 9% of the population of Russia belongs to the Altai language family.

North Caucasian language family

The third largest (after the Indo-European and Altai) language family is North Caucasian, divided into two branches: Abkhaz-Adygh and Nakho-Dagestan. Abkhaz-Adygh branch unites Abkhaz, Abazin, Kabardians, Circassians, Adygets and Shapsov. Abkhaza live mainly in Abkhazia, in Russia there are few of them (11 thousand people). They are resettled in the Russian Federation dispersed and nowhere form compact arrals. Most of all the Abkhaz in Moscow (4 thousand) and the Krasnodar Territory (2 thousand). Abkhazes in the tongue are close to Abazines (38 thousand people), preferably living in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (32 thousand people). Four nearby people - Kabardians, Circassians, Adygets and Shapesov - are sometimes called the general name of Adyg. The largest of them is the Kabardians (520 thousand people) - mainly lives in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (499 thousand, i.e. 96% of the total number). Notable groups of Kabardians are available in the Stavropol Territory (7 thousand) and North Ossetia - Alanya (3 thousand). Among the Kabardians, the group of Mozdok Kabardians, living in the Mozdok district of North Ossetia - Alanya and Persons, unlike most Kabardians, who adhere to Islam, Christianity, are distinguished. Talking on one with the Kabardinians Kabardino-Circassian language Circassians (61 thousand people) live mainly in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (50 thousand people). 4 thousand Circassians are resettled in the Krasnodar Territory. Adygei (129 thousand people) live predominantly in the Republic of Adygea (108 thousand) and consists in 24% of the population in it. Malnian people Shapsuga (3 thousand people) is almost entirely concentrated in the Krasnodar Territory, in Tuapse and Lazarevsky districts. The peoples of the Abkhaz-Adygh branch are 0.5% of our country's population.

The second branch of the North Caucasian Language Family - Nakho-Dagestan - unites Chechens, Ingush, Avars, 13 Andhowsez peoples, as well as Archintsev, Laktsev, Dargin People, Kubachintsev, Kaitagtsev, Tabasaranov, Lezgin, Agules, Rutulists, Tsakhurov, Udine. The largest of these peoples - Chechens (1,360 thousand people), which mostly live in Chechen Republic (1,032 thousand), there are also noticeable groups of Chechens in Ingushetia (95 thousand), Dagestan (88 thousand), Rostov region (15 thousand), Moscow (14 thousand), Stavropol Territory (13 thousand), Volgograd (12 thousand), Tyumen (11 thousand), Astrakhan (10 thousand) regions. Dagestan Chechens form a group of Akkintsev (Aukhovtsev), inhabiting predominantly Novolaksky, Kazbekovsky, Khasavurtovsky and Babayrtovsky districts of the republic. Ingushi (413 thousand people) are resettled mainly in the Republic of Ingushetia (361 thousand). The most notable group of Ingush outside the republic lives in North Ossetia - Alanya (21 thousand).

Indigenous Dagestan peoples are concentrated mainly in the Republic of Dagestan. Avarz residents, including Ando Cesov and Archintsev, in Russia 814 thousand people. Of these, 758 thousand in Dagestan, the number of the second largest people of Dagestan - Dargintsev - is 489 thousand. Like other Dagestan peoples, Darginians live mainly in the territory of the Republic of Dagestan (405 thousand). The noticeable group is available in the Stavropol Territory (40 thousand). As for the number of Kubachinsev and Kaitagtsev, they are numbered, according to some Dagestan scientists, respectively, 4 thousand and 17 thousand people, although the census of 2002 is much smaller. Another 6 nations are resets mainly in Dagestan. These are Laktsi (in Russia 157 thousand people, of which 140 thousand in Dagestan), Tabasarans (respectively 132 and 110 thousand), Lezgins (412 and 337 thousand), Aguly (28 and 23 thousand), Rutults ( 30 and 24 thousand), Tsakhura (10 and 8 thousand). Notable groups of Tabasaranov (5 thousand) and Lezgin (7 thousand) are available in the Stavropol Territory. Lezgins also live in Tyumen (11 thousand, including in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District - Ugra - 9 thousand) and Saratov (5 thousand) regions.

The School-Dagestan group also includes Udine (in Russia there are 3.7 thousand people.). Udine groups are available in the Rostov region (1.6 thousand) and Krasnodar Territory (0.8 thousand). Udine lives also outside of Russia - in Azerbaijan and Georgia, as, however, Lezgins and Tsakhuras, many of which are seased in the border areas with Russia, Azerbaijani areas. The Nakh-Dagestan language branch includes 2.7% of the population of the Russian Federation. In general, the North Caucasian family belongs to 3.2% of the country's inhabitants.

10 Peoples of Russia scientists are conventionally called Paleoisian. This is probably the descendants of the oldest, Dunzhus, the population of Eastern Eurasia. Of these, only 5 peoples of Chukotka-Kamchatka language family speak related languages. Some linguists also distinguish the Yenisei and Eskimo-Aleutian linguistic families, but this division is not generally recognized. Chukchi-Kamchatka family includes chukchi, koryaks, kerges, constituting the Chukchi-Koryak language branch, and conferences with Kamchadlala, forming the ITELMEN Language branch. The most numerous people are Chukchi (16 thousand people), which are resettled within the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug (13 thousand). In addition, 1.5 thousand Chukchi live in the neighboring Kamchatka Territory. Koryaki (9 thousand people) are also resets mainly within the Kamchatka Territory (7 thousand). There are koreas and in the neighboring Magadan region (0.9 thousand people). The composition of the Koryakov allocate a group of the Alutors (the number, according to one of the estimates, about 3 thousand people, while the census took into account only 12 people), which stay predominantly on the East coast of the Kamchatka isthmus.

Some ethnologists consider the anutors with independent people. Related Kershek Koryakov (8 people) - the most small indigenous people of Russia - lived in the village of the Mayo-Pilgino of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. Now most of them went to different areas of our country, and only 3 people remain in Chukotka. The Iliance branch of the Chukchotsky-Kamchatka language family includes ITERmen (3.2 thousand people). They live predominantly in Kamchatka Territory (2.3 thousand), and half of them are resettled in the territory of the former Koryak Autonomous Okrug. 0.6 thousand Itelmen live within the neighboring Magadan region. As for Kamchadalov (2.3 thousand people), they can be attributed to the ITERMENSKY BATTER, and even the entire Chukotka-Kamchatka language family is conditional, since this people who have developed as a result of the mixing of Russian and conferences, now speaks Russian Language. The vast majority of Kamchadalov (1.9 thousand people) is concentrated in Kamchatka Territory, 0.3 thousand. Live in the Magadan region. Eskimos in Russia 1.8 thousand people. Russian Eskimos live mainly in the Chukotka Autonomous District (1.5 thousand). They are divided into three groups (maternal, champlins and lilacs), whose languages \u200b\u200bare very different from each other. The masculine will live in the city of Anadyr, as well as in the village of Lorino, Lavrentia and Welen on the northeland of the Chukotka Peninsula, Chapliners - in the villages of the new Chaplino, lilacs, holding and Wales in the south-east of the Chukotka Peninsula, the lilac - in the village of Sirenics (their language almost disappeared) .

Aleuts (0.5 thousand people) live in the Kamchatka region (0.4 thousand), mainly on the Commander Islands. Russian Aleuts are divided into two groups: Berinders and Mednovtsy. Berinders focused in the village of Nikolskoye on the island of Bering (one of the commander islands). Currently, their Aleutian language almost disappeared, and the overwhelming majority of them speak Russian. The second group of Russian Aleuts - Mednovtsy - until the end of the 1960s. We lived on the island of Copper (Commander Islands), in the village of Preobrazhenskoye. Then they were resettled in the village of Nikolskoye on the island of Bering, where Aleuts-Berinders and Russians live. MEDOVTERS can be included in the Aleutian group only conditionally, as they spoke not at one of the Aleutian languages, but on a kind of "mixed" language formed as a result of the mixing of a series of Aleutian dialects with Russian. Now this language, like Beringovsky, almost disappeared, and most of the slowers speak Russian.

Kets (1.5 thousand people), which some linguists belong to the hypothetical Yenisei language family, are resets mainly in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (1.2 thousand) for the River Yenisei. Extremely small southeries (19 people) Nowhere are not resettled compactly: on the old place of their stay in the village of Vorogovo, the Krasnoyarsk Territory left only three people, the rest were drove on different populated points of Russia. Nivekhov in Russia 5 thousand people. They live in the Khabarovsk Territory (2.5 thousand) and the Sakhalin region (2.4 thousand).

Carteware Language Families

Georgians (198 thousand people) and Georgian Jews (53 people) form a Carteware Language Family. In Russia, Georgians are resets dispersed. Their most in Moscow (54 thousand), Krasnodar Territory (20 thousand), the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania (11 thousand), Rostov region (11 thousand), St. Petersburg (10 thousand), Moscow region ( 10 thousand), Stavropol Territory (9 thousand). Georgians also include a number of groups that some scientists are recognized by individual peoples - these are Megrellas, Lases, Svants, Adjirts, Ingilius.

Afrazian language family

The number of small families in Russia includes the Afrazian (Semitian-Khamita) language family to which Arabs, the Arabs of the Central Asian (conditional) and Assyrians belong. During the census, about 11 thousand Arabs were taken into account. Apparently, they are somewhat less, since it was ranked by a part of the Central Asian Arabs, which, on the contrary, in reality more than the census showed (less than 0.2 thousand people). Arabs Most in Moscow (3 thousand) and the Rostov region (2 thousand), Central Asian Arabs live by small group. Assyrians (total number - 14 thousand people), as well as Arabs, most in Moscow (about 4 thousand)

Sino-Tibetan Language Family

Sino-Tibetan language family is represented by Chinese and Dunganins in Russia. Dungan speaks on one of the dialects chinese Language, unlike the Chinese profess Islam. According to the 2002 census, the Chinese in Russia are only 35 thousand people, but not all during the census were taken into account. Most of all the Chinese in Moscow (13 thousand people), in Primorsky (4 thousand) and Khabarovsk (4 thousand) edges, Sverdlovsk (2 thousand), Irkutsk (1 thousand) and Rostov (1 thousand) regions , St. Petersburg (1 thousand people) and other regions. As for the Donggan, the representatives of this people in our country are very small (0.8 thousand people) and nowhere form compact arrals. The most notable group is in Ingushetia (0.2 thousand).

Austro-Aziasian Language Families

There are representatives of the Auscorean family in Russia, these are Vietnamese living in our country, whose number in recent years has increased markedly. The census recorded a few more than 26 thousand Vietnamese. Most Vietnamese (about 16 thousand people) focused in Moscow.

Today, Russia ranks first in the world around the territory area. However, this does not mean that the population of the Russian Federation is also located on leading positions among other countries. The fact is that a significant part of the territory is occupied by deserted steppes and Taiga, as the most distant areas of Siberia. Therefore, in the density of the population, Russia is far from the first positions in the world.

RF number indicators

According to the first large-scale census in 1897, the number of Russian population was more than 67.4 million people. These were people of different nationalities and races Mostly dominated rural residents. The reason for this was the developed farmers and farming. In addition, as such large cities was a bit. Craftsmen and merchants lived in them.

The literacy rate at the beginning of the 20th century in the country was catastrophically low. Only 21% of people have passed at least primary school. According to the religion, the population statistics shows that most of Russia inhabitants at the time were Orthodox (about 70%). The rest belonged to such confessions as Islam, Catholicism and Judaism. Interestingly, three-quarters of the population represented the peasants. The number of burghers amounted to about 10.7%, foreigners - up to 6.6%, Cossacks - a little more than 2%, nobles - 1.5% and so on.

In the mid-1920s, the dynamics of the population of Russia began to wear a steadily positive character. So, in 1926, the number of countries amounted to about 101 million people. At the time of the early World War I, the number of residents of Russia exceeded 110 million, at the end of hostilities - about 97.5 million. This is the only Russian Federation in the entire history of the country in the country's demographic indicators. And after 10 years, the situation has stabilized. By 1955, the number of Russian population reached the mark of 110 million people.

The country was waited by its demographic peak in 1995. Then the number amounted to about 148.5 million people. In the next 15 years, a slight decline in indicators in connection with mass emigration to Western countries was observed. In total during this period, Russia left more than 6 million people.

Currently equal to 146.3 million people.

Demographic density

The geography of the population of Russia is very diverse and uneven on subjects. Most of the inhabitants are concentrated in the territorial triangle between St. Petersburg, Irkutsk and Sochi. Causes are a favorable climate and a positive economic background. North of this region prevails a long-term permit, and to the south - endless deserts.

In the density of the population, Siberia occupies one of the most recent places in the world. Less than 29 million people live in this region. This is only a fifth of the Russian Federation. And on Siberia Square is three quarters of the Russian Federation. The most densely populated points are the strip of Derbent Sochi and Ufa-Moscow.

In the Far East, a large density is observed throughout the entire Transsiberian route. These are cities like Omsk, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, etc. Increased population density indicators and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Blacksmith Coal Basin. All these regions attract residents with their economic advantages.

As the statistics of the population of the Russian Federation, the greatest demographic number is reflected in megalopolis and capitals autonomous republics. It is noteworthy that the rural lights every year will be allowed faster due to moving local residents In major cities.

Demographic dynamics

Modern Russia is the territory, the population of which grows mainly due to a significant tide of migrants from neighboring countries in search of wealth. The fact is that in the Russian Federation on this moment There is a demographic crisis. barely exceeds 1.5. In parallel with this there is a catastrophically high level mortality. The reason for this serve several components at once. According to statistics, more than half of deaths happen due to heart disease, about 15% - from cancer and its consequences, more than 4% - from the defeat of the internal organs.

It is worth noting that Russia occupies one of the first places in the world by the number of deaths for external reasons (more than 14.5%). This is higher than the same indicators of the other European countries 6 times. Most of the deaths occur as a result of accidents, including production. Every year about 6 thousand people become victims of murder. Mortality of juvenile Russians keeps at the level of 5% of the total.

In 2006, about 1.5 million children were born in the country. The corresponding coefficient rose to 10.4 points. Nevertheless, mortality amounted to more than 2.1 million people. Together with migration indicators, the population of the Russian Federation has decreased by almost 0.7 million inhabitants. In the same year, a slight positive dynamics was noted in the life expectancy, which was 66.8 years. Nevertheless, this is a fairly low indicator compared to other European top countries.

In 2007, the structure of the population of Russia has undergone important changes. As a result of mass migration, the country has replenished more than a quarter of a million people from different parts of the planet. This made it possible to reduce the demographic lag of Russia. Interestingly, the greatest birth rates were first noted in the Magadan region.

In 2008 and 2009 Compensated for more than 70% of the numerical losses of the Company from mortality rates. The fertility exceeded the threshold of 1.7 million children, reaching the coefficient of 12.3. Such a positive trend was observed in 67 subjects of the country. In parallel with this, the total life expectancy in the regions gradually increased.

In 2012, mortality and fertility rates were expected to be equal to 1.9 million people. At the same time, the increase in migrants reached the threshold of 300 thousand. In 2013, the birth rate prevalted over mortality: 1.9 against 1.87 million people. It was noted in 43 regions of the federation.

In 2014, fertility rates exceeded the mortality rate of 33.7 thousand people. In view of 143.7 million inhabitants.

Commitment to urbanization

Over the past century, the rural population of Russia has decreased 4 times. By 1914, 82.5% of people lived in the outskirts and villages, by 2014 - less than 26%. Today, the main population of Russia is residents of large and small cities.

The main reason for such an increase was the planned economic policy Soviet Union. For the period from 1929 to 1939. in countryside The rapid collectivization and industrialization of the Company was carried out. In the early stages of reform, the country shook terrible hunger, but later there was a significant increase in the industrial industry throughout the USSR. In the late 1940s, the rural part of the population began to gradually move to the city for finding best Life.

Reducing the rate of urbanization was noted in the mid-1960s, as well as in the 1980s. For a long time, this indicator was not more than 1.5%. Already at that time, the urban population was at a mark of 74% of the total number of the country. Over the years before today's day The situation has not changed. The percentage of Russia's urbanization is equal to 74.2%. It is about 106.7 million people. When in rural areas, the number of barely exceeds 39 million inhabitants.

Most of the population is presented in megalopolis. At the moment, 15 cities are highlighted with more than 1 million inhabitants. He heads the list of Moscow (12.1 million people), then the St. Petersburg is coming (5.1 million people). In such cities such as Novosibirsk, Kazan, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Perm, Novgorod, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov and Volgograd, population indicators are in the range from 1 to 1.5 million inhabitants.

Variety of peoples

Today, the ethnic and religious composition of Russia includes hundreds of nations and is fully reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. About 200 nations live in the country. Each of them has its own culture, traditions and religious views.

Main ethnic people Russia is Russian. According to the results of a large-scale census in 2010, this nation takes almost 81% of the country's total population. This is more than 111 million people. All other nationalities are among the remaining 19.1%. It is noteworthy that every year the number of Russians in the Russian Federation falls inexorably. Over the past 12 years, the number of this ethnic mass has decreased by almost 5 million people. In turn, for the reporting period, there is a significant increase in migrants from Asia.

Over the past 10 years, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Circassians and Kumykov moved to Russia. The gain of the first and at all amounted to more than 22.5%. In parallel with this there is a significant decline in some european peoples. Such peoples, as Finns, Poles, Ukrainians, Karelia and Belarusians came to this list. The greatest negative percentage belongs to the first (-40.5%).

The largest native people (more than 1 million people) are Russian, Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashi, Chechens and Armenians. Each of these ethnic groups It is considered the basic element of the foundation of Russian society.

Indigenous population - Russian

This ethnic people of Russia represents eastern Slavswho lived in Russia from time immemorial. Most of the Russian population is in the Russian Federation, however, large diasporas are also observed in Kazakhstan, in Ukraine, Belarus and the United States. This is the most numerous European ethnic group. At the moment, there are more than 133 million Russians on the planet. The vast majority of them confess to Orthodoxy.

There are more than 111 million Russians in Russia. They focus on all subjects of the country, from cities to villages. To date, the Russian people as the community of nation is about 77.7% of the total population of the Russian Federation. Most of the representatives of the ethnic group live in Moscow - about 9.9 million people. In the region adjacent to the capital, there is a little more than 6.2 million Russians. The following regions are Krasnodar Territory, St. Petersburg, Rostov and Sverdlovsk region. There are a total of about 16 million Russians.

It is noteworthy that in this national group allocate a number of ethnographic subclasses. In Karelia, the Russian man is called a watercourse or a groundwater, on the coast of the Barents Sea - Pomor, in the Komi Republic - a chill. All this names of the ancient peoples who previously lived in Russia. Interestingly, there are our names from the Russians from the central part of the country. For example: Katkari, One-Novors, Fields, Meshcheryaki, Sayan, Tsukany, Sevryuki, Tudovlyan, Talady, etc. In the Caucasus and in the Asian region of the country, such subclasses are allocated as don Cossacks, Molokan, Kamchadal, Kerzhaki, Siberians, Mason, Gurana, Markovtsy and others.

Separately, it is worth noting mixed groups, for example, Russian Jew. However, official scientific papers There is no such separation.

Tatar people

Ethnic composition The population of Russia is 3.7% determined by representatives of the Türko-Public tribes. Tatars live mainly in the Volga region, Siberia, Ural, and in the Asian region of the country. IN lately A significant number is celebrated in the Far East. In total, more than 5.3 million Tatars live on. This is the second largest ethnic group of the Russian Federation.

Tatars It is customary to divide on 3 main territorial groups: Volga-Ural, Astrakhan and Siberian. Most of the representatives of the people live in the Republic of Tatarstan (more than 2.8 million people). Interestingly, the National language belongs to the Altai class, and dialects can be somewhat several: Kazan, Mishar and Siberian.

Most Tatars are Muslims-Sunni. In rare cases, atheism and Orthodoxy are confess. Tatar nationality is partly part of some largest subethnos: Kazanla, Mishary, the siestarians, Kasimimens, Sibiryaki, Tytyari, quicken, etc. Less significant in the number of subgroups: Lipki and Nagyabaki. Interestingly, the latter are Orthodox Christians.

Ukrainian nationality

The ethnic population of Russia by 1.35% consists of the Western Slavic diaspora. Bright representatives Nations consider Rusins \u200b\u200band Malorus. Today, this ethnic group is called Ukrainians. After Russian and Poles, this is the most numerous Slavic people in the world. Preferably live in Ukraine, however, a significant part is in Russia and in North America.

Historians refer to Ukrainians such ethnographic subgroups as Posals, Boyki, Lemki and Gutsules. Most of them inhabited Western areas of Russia. Currently, all of them are combined into a single people. There are more than 1.9 million Ukrainians in Russia. Of these, almost 160 thousand live in the Tyumen region, 154 thousand - in Moscow, a little less than 120 thousand - in the regional part of the capital. The following regions in the number of Ukrainian people - Krasnodar Territory, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Omsk, Orenburg, Primorye, etc.

It is noteworthy that the ethnic territory of the nation is considered in Europe the second largest after Russian. Historically, it covers more than 600 thousand sq. Km.

Bashkir Nation

This Turkic-speaking people inhabited the territory of Russia from the Middle Ages. Bashkirs mostly live in Russia. The Republic of Bashkortostan is considered to be their cultural and historical center. All indigenous people talk on the Turkic-Altai Dialect.

Data in Russia accounts for about 1.1% of the general population. Their number is slightly less than 1.6 million. The overwhelming part of Bashkirov lives in the native republic (74%). More than 160 thousand is in the Chelyabinsk region. Also, the increased number of Bashkirov is noted in Tyumen, Orenburg, Perm and Sverdlov.

Before the beginning of the 20th century, the whole national writing was Arabic, then she was transferred to latin language and Cyrillic. Since ancient times, Bashkirs are adherents of the Sunni current of Islam. The main occupation of the population is still considered cattle breeding. On the other hand, in recent years, agriculture, poultry farming and fisheries are noted in Bashkortostan. The male part of the population is often engaged in hunting. Women, in turn, bind whole bee plantations.

From crafts well developed weaving, embroidery, carpet production, leather finishing. Today, a significant part of the republic's profits depends on the metallurgical industry. It is worth noting that this type of activity of Bashkirs was famous for the 16-17th century.

Over the years, the lifestyle of local residents has changed dramatically. Nevertheless, there are still settlements where he was preserved by half-cleaning.

The self-proclaimed people of Chuvashi

The ethnic composition of the population of Russia includes not only listed, but many other nationalities. According to the last census, about 1.5 million Chuvash lives in the country. Outside of Russia, there are only about 50 thousand indigenous representatives of nationality. Most of the population is based in Chuvashia.

To date, 4 territorial subgroups are separated. In the West of the Republic, the Republic lives in the north-tree, in the south of Anaturt, in the eastern steppe areas - Harti. National language - Chuvash. It is a mixture of Turkic and Bulgarian. May have several dialects depending on geographic commitment.

The main religion is Orthodoxy. A minor part of the population adheres to Muslim. In the east of the republic, small villages remained, in which an ancient shamanist remains the only religion. All Chuvashi is very honored their traditions and customs, national holidays.

The main economic industry of the region remains animal husbandry. In the republic they grow pigs, sheep, horned cattle, large birds. In the southern regions, historical traditions of horse breeding are preserved. Chuvashia is rich in meat and dairy products. Local products are exported far beyond the republic. In total agriculture Busy more than 20% of the crude.

Charisma and traditions of Chechens

Initially, this people were called Nochchchi. Today, the ethnic composition of the population of Russia per 1% represent the descendants of ancient Nagorn tribes - Chechens. The overwhelming majority of indigenous people are based in the North Caucasus. In the Middle Ages, Nochchchi was settled by such historical areas of Dagestan, like Khasavurtovskaya, Kazbekovskaya, Kizilyurtovskoy, Novolakskaya, and others. The total number of representatives of the nation is 1.55 million people in Russia - 1.4 million.

Until the revolution of 1917, the Chechens called nakh nations. Their composition included Ingushi, Bazbi and Kitnts. Today, 84.5% of representatives of the ethnic group live in Chechnya, the rest is in Dagestan and Ingushetia. Moscow has about 14.5 thousand descendants of Nochchchi. This is a little more than 1% of their total.

Many historians believe that Chechen people have developed as a result of the internal consolidation of the Vainakh population in the period from 16 to 18th century. At this time, an active Islamization of the region took place. Most Vainakhov began to master mountainous areas. Gradually formed a religious and cultural background of modern Chechens. At the moment, it is impossible to finally determine all the ethnic factors of Vainakhs.

Armenian diaspora

This is one of the most ancient peoples belonging to the Indo-European family. In the world of Armenians a lot of many, however, they are unevenly reset, so the total number even to theoretically reveal is difficult. Most of them in Armenia, Karabakh Republic, Georgia, Lebanon, Abkhazia, Jordan and the Russian Federation.

These ethnic minorities in Russia account for about 0.8% of the population. It is almost 1.2 million people. On the territory of Russia, Armenians are most in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory, in Moscow and the region, as well as in Rostov. In the cities of representatives of this ethnic group, about 98% live.

The carriers of the protoarmyan dialect were the peoples of Brigi and Luvians. In modern understanding, the National Language of Armenians is considered the historical heritage of the ancient tribes of Highlands. The diaspora's own culture has practically no left. Back in the first millennium BC. e. Armenians moved to the territory of Luvians and Hurrites, borrowing their customs. Nevertheless, some scientists agree that the ancestors of this ethnic group were migrating ancient Greeks.

Other peoples

IN currently The ethnic composition of the population of Russia is diluted not only by representatives of Turks and the highlands, but also by many other diasporas. For example, Avars - the people whose ancient tribes include such ancient tribes, as Andians, Archintse and Ceza. Their number in Russia is more than 0.9 million people.

Such ethno groups, as the Kazakhs, Mordv, Darginians, Azerbaijanis, Mari, Udmurts, Ossetians, Belarusians, Kumyki, etc. should be allocated, and the total population of Russia is about 3.7%. The ethnic structure of the Russian Federation also includes Kabardians, Yakuts, Buryats, Moldovans, Uzbeks, Komi, Gypsies, Kyrgyz, Circassians and hundreds of other peoples.

Jews in the country remained not so much as in the early 2000s. Their number is 156.8 thousand people. Interestingly, during the last census, many representatives of this ethnobroup noted the nationality of the Russian Jewish nationality.

Russia is one of the most multinational, polyethnic states of the world. The ethnic composition of the population is an exceptionally complex mosaic. The dynamics of changes in the number of peoples can be established on the basis of comparison of the first census data of 1897 and the following, including the last - 1989

All the peoples of Russia can be divided into 3 groups. The first - the indigenous ethnic groups, formed in Russia, most of which live in Russia, and outside of its small groups are constituted. The number of these peoples is more than 100. The second group is those peoples of neighboring countries (i.e. republics former USSR), as well as some other countries that are presented in Russia with significant groups, in some cases with compact settlement. These include 26 ethnic groups: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Moldovans, Georgians, Koreans, Poles, Lithuanians, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Bulgarians, Gagauz, Greeks, etc. And finally, the third group is formed small subdivisions of ethnic groups, In the overwhelming majority of those living outside Russia (in the near and far abroad), ethnic groups - more than 30. This is the Meskhetian Turks, Assyrians, Abkhaza, Karakalpaks, Romanians, Hungarians, Chinese, Kurds, Czechs, Arabs, Uygura, Iranians, Vietnamese , Halha-Mongols, Serbs, Jews, Afghans, Slovaks, Dungan, Belukhi, Talysh, Liva, etc.

The indigenous ethnic groups include 94% of the total population of Russia. The peoples of the second group at the beginning of 1989 were 5.5% of the total population within the Russian Federation. As for the peoples of the Third Group, the total number of them is 0.5% of the population of Russia.

In addition to Russians, which make up 81.5% of the total population (1989), the most numerous Tatars - 3.8%, Ukrainians - 3%, Chuvashi - 1.2%, Peoples of Dagestan - 1.2% (among them Avars - 544 thousand .), Bashkirs - 0.9%, Belarusians - 0.8%, Mordva - 0.7%.

The total population in 32 national entities in 1989 - 25.8 million people, 17.6% of Russian residents, including in the 21st Republic - 23.1 million people, or 15.7%. All republics, the autonomous region and autonomous districts are distinguished by a complex ethnic composition of the population, and the share of the title (giving the name to the appropriate formation) of the people in some cases is relatively small. Of the 27.2 million non-Russian in Russia, 9.7 million people of the title peoples of the republics, the autonomous region and autonomous districts and 4.3 million people live in Russia and 4.3 million representatives of other non-Russian peoples. Thus, almost half (48.5%) of the entire population (except Russian) lives outside their national entities, i.e. in other regions of Russia. So, 70.8% Mordva, 68% of Tatars, 49.6% of Mari residents live outside their republics.

Of the 21st of the Republic of Russia only in six title peoples Most of the majority (Chechnya, Ingushetia, Chuvashia, Tuva, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia). In addition, in polyethnics Dagestan, 10 indigenous peoples form 80.2% of the total population. In the 9 republics, the title population is less than a third of the entire population (including in Karelia - only 10% and Kalmykia - 11.8%). The increase in the share of title peoples occurs both due to their higher natural growth in comparison with the Russians, and through the departure of representatives of nonetito peoples.

The picture of the settlement of peoples in autonomous districts is significantly different.. The populated very rarely and possessing huge reserves of minerals, they have already attracted immigrants for several decades, and not only Russians, but also Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars and representatives of other ethnic groups. As a result of 30 years (1959 - 1989), the number of title peoples of districts increased by only 5.7%, and Russians are almost four times; As for the rest of the peoples, their number in the districts increased 7.2 times. As a result, the ethnic structure of the population of autonomous districts has changed dramatically and now the title peoples in most districts make up only a small percentage. Thus, their share in all districts decreased from 35.2 to 11.2%, and in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District in 1989 it was 1.5%, in Yamalo-Nenets - 6. Chukotka - 9.5, Nenets - 11.9%. At the same time, Komi-Permyakov was 60.2% in Komi-Permyakov, in Aginsky Buryat - 54.9% Buryat.

According to the 1897 census in the Russian Empire, there were 146 languages \u200b\u200band the adverbs that the actual number was somewhat ethnic community Due to insufficient ethnographic learning studies. Over 190 ethnic community taking into account the universal census of 1926 in the USSR. To the 1959 census as a result of an arbitrary association of nearby territorial and tribal groups, the number of officially recognized ethnic units decreased to 110. This trend towards the simplification of the national-ethnic structure also manifested itself when preparing correspondence 1970 - 1989. According to the population of 1989, 128 ethnic groups lived in Russia. However, experts believe that the number of nations, ethnic groups in Russia is 176 units.

Ethnic, nation is a historically stable community of people, united common language, culture, traditions, self-consciousness, general territory, where the nation was formed.

- this is multiethnic countryin which 130 peoples live, among which 78% is a Russian nation, in a number of 116 million people. Among other major peoples, with more than 1 million people. - Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashi, Chechens, Armenians. The population of other peoples ranges from several hundred (small nations Far North) up to 1 million people The number of people numbered up to 10 thousand people, in Russia more than 60.

Among Russian nationalities, about half refers to "inrogen", i.e. having out of Russia their state Education. These representatives former republics The USSR, as well as the Germans, Koreans, Greeks and others (the total number of their few exceeds 5 million people.), And the largest group is Ukrainians. The indigenous peoples of Russia have different ethnic roots - Indo-European (including Slavic), threat-Finnish, Turkic, Mongolian, Paleoisian, etc.

Russia has formed the following ranges of nations. The area of \u200b\u200bresidence of the Russian people is the zone of basic economic development, stretching from the West to the East of Russia, with the concentration of most people in Central and Southern Russia.

However, russian population Reusary everywhere, in the whole space of Russia. For - in living more than 20 million people. Russians, incl. In border areas and their share is 30-50%, about 2 million Russians live in far abroad. The total number of Russian nation in the world
It is about 150 million people.

The main aroles of the residence of other people of Russia are:

  • The Ural Volga region, where are the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, from the North, the Republic of Komi and Komi are adjacent to them - Perm. The peoples of these republics have long lived in the close side of each other and with the Russian population, so their settlements are mixed with each other and are placed frequently outside their republics. Thus, less than 40% of Tatars of Russia live in Tatarstan, the rest are resettled from Moscow to Yenisei. In many republics, the majority of the population are Russian. According to religion, this is mainly Orthodox and Muslims.
  • The North Caucasus region includes Karachay-Cherkess, Kabardino-Balkarian, Chechen, North Ossetian, Dagestan and Kalmyk Republic. The history of these peoples proceeded, both during the Russian Empire and in soviet timeswhen a number of nations were in the Great Patriotic War Deported is, Balkarians, Ingush, Chechens ,. According to religious affiliation, they are Muslims, Kalmyks - Buddhists, - Orthodox.
  • Siberian region - the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation of several republics - Yakutskaya, Buryat, Khakass, Tuvinian, Gorno-Altai. Common trait The population is their Turkic and (Buryat) origin and belonging to Orthodox, Buddhist religions and shamanism. These nations are weakly assimilated by Russian culture, retain their traditions, classes, lifestyle, weakly mixed with other peoples.
  • The extreme north is the region where about 30 small northern northern peoples live, some of which has its own national districts - Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets, Khanty-Mansiysky, Evenki, Dolgan-Nenets (Taimyr), Chukotka, Koryaksky. Other peoples or very strongly scattered around the space of the North (Euren) and the Far East, or so small ones that settle in several administrative districts, rural districts, settlements. According to religion, this is most of the Orthodox and adherents of local beliefs.
  • European North-West, the most large people which are residents living in the Karelian Republic, as well as other threat-Finnish few peoples - Veps, Saama, Izhhorians, part of which was assimilated by the Russian population.

Accommodation of many peoples in close proximity to each other, with their customs and traditions is enough complex problem. However, for the economy of the country, the varieties of forms economic activityassociated with the way of life and the traditions of each people are undoubtedly a blessing. It helps, for example, to conduct rational economy and master the resources in such harsh districts, like Tundra and Fierotundra, north taiga and coast, semi-desert and mountains.