Children's fairy tales online. "Golden Fish" - Indian Folk Fairy Tale

Children's fairy tales online.
Children's fairy tales online. "Golden Fish" - Indian Folk Fairy Tale

On the shore of a big river lived in the old chaolache an old man yes old man. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river fish to catch, the old woman was cooked this fish or on the coal, the only they were feste. The old man does not catch anything and hungry at all.

And in the river Tov, the golden god Jala Kaman, the Vladyka of Waters. Somehow once became the old man's network from the river to pull out, feels: something hurts the heavy network. He pulled out of all his might, somehow pulled out the net ashore, looked around - and his eyes snapped from a bright glitter: Lies in his networks a huge rice, everything that was cast out of pure gold, moves fins, stamps, in all his fish eyes on the old man Watching. And says Golden Fish Old Fisherman:

"Don't kill me, an old man, do not carry me out, the old man, to my house. Let me go better on the will, and for this ask me what you want.

- What can I ask you, a miracle fish? - says the old man. "There is no good home, nor torture so that hunger is quenched, no clothes to cover the body. If you regret all this in great grace, I will be grateful to you until the death.

Listened to the old man, drenched the tail and said:

- Go ravoisi. You will have a home, and food, and clothes.

I let go of the old man in the river, went home myself. Only when it came to know nothing: standing instead of a shala from the branches of a house from strong teak logs, and in the house there are spacious shops, so that guests to sit down, and there are whole white rice dishes there, to eat, and lie chest clothes, elegant So that in the holiday to people to seem to seem to appear. Says an old man to his wife:

"See, the old woman, as we were lucky with you: I didn't have anything, but now we have plenty." Tell me thanks to the Golden Fish, that today I got into the network. It all gave us for the fact that I let her go to the will. Now our troubles and misfortunes are over!

Heard the old woman that her husband: told, and only sighed, headed his head, and then he says:

"Eh, an old man, an old man! .. For many years you have lived in the world, and your mind is less than that of a newborn baby. Is it so asking? .. Well, we will eat rice, we demolish clothes, and then what? .. Stay now back, ask for fish five servants, ask the house new - yes not this miserable shawa, and big, good, - such So that the most king in it in it was not ashamed ... And let them in that house there are pantry, full gold, let the rice and lentils of the barn are breaking, in the backyard, let the new wagons and plows stand, and in the stalls buffaloes - ten strokes ... and still ask , May the fish of you will make the old-year to you, so that in the whole district people worshiped us and respected. Go, and do not yet scream, do not come back home!

I really didn't want to go old man, but he did not argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the shore and became a fish call:

- Appear to me, Miracle Fish! Golden fish!

After a short time, the water was muddled in the river, the golden fish began to move from the bottom of the river-fin moves, she moves the tears, in all his fish eyes on the old man looks.

- Listen, wonderful fish, "says the old man," I asked you, yes, I can see, my wife is unhappy: you want you to make me in our country an old-age, and she also wants a house twice the current one, he wants a servant five , and buffaloes ten harnesses, and rice full barns, and gold jewelry wants, and money ...

Listened to the golden fish old man, waved his tail and said:

- Let everything be so!

And with these words, back to the river dived. Went an old man home. Sees: All the surrounding residents with trumpets gathered on the road, with drums, in their hands hold rich gifts and garlands of flowers. Standing without flourishing, as if someone is waiting. As the old man's peasants saw, all the knees fell and shouted:

- Older, older! Here he is, our favorite elder! ..

Here the drums scored, the pipes played, put the peasants of the old man in the deserted Palaankin, on their shoulders to the house they were reported. And the house of the old man is new - not a house, but the palace, and the house is all as he asked for fish.

Healing since then the old man and the old woman happily and sneakly, all of them seems to be plenty, and the old woman grumbled. There was no month, as she began to pester to the old man:

- Is this respect, is it honorable? Think, you think about a big older man! No, it is necessary that you go to the fish again, I asked her good things: let him make you over the whole earth by Maharaj. Go, old, ask, and not, say, the old woman, they say, my swear will ...

"I will not go," the old man answers. "Or don't you remember how we had already lived, how were we hungry, how did you like?" All our fish gave: both food, and clothes, and a new home! It seemed to you little, so she weathered us with richness, I did in the whole district with the first person ... Well, what else do you want?

How much an old man argued, how much I refused - the old woman in any way: go, they say, to fish, and that's it. Well, a poor old man should do - I had to go on the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call :. - Split, Gold Fish! Appear to me, miracle fish!

He called once, called another, called the third ... But no one was floating on his call from the depths of the water, as if it was not in the Golden Fish River. Long waited for the old man, then sighed and went home. He sees: it stands on the site of a rich house of the Old Shalash and sits in that haze his old woman - in the dirty rags, hair, like a rod of the old basket, stick out, sick eyes with stakes seized. The old woman is sitting and bitterly crying.

I looked at her old man and said:

- Eh, wife, wife ... I said you after all: you want a lot - you will get a little! I told you: the old woman, do not greading, lose and what you have. You didn't listen to my words, but I got it in my opinion! So what is now crying?

Abstract lesson

according to literary reading

on the topic: "Golden Fish" (Indian Folk Fairy Tale)

Grade 2.


Teacher MBOU SOSH №22

Otina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Theme of lessons: "Golden Fish" (Indian Folk Fairy Tale)

Objectives lesson:

Subject: Select the replicas of characters, read on the roles, transfer the intrusion of speaking, determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

MetaPermet: Work in a pair: listen to the opinion of the partner, to evaluate it, produce a common position, determine the causal relationships of phenomena.

Personal: Develop emotionally moral spherical.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

    Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Today we continue to work on the work of the Golden Fish. What genre of this work? (story)

We say that the genre of this work is a fairy tale. Tell me, what signs should be present at a fairy tale (zinc, fabulous magic heroes, fabulous signs). Let's look for these elements of the fairy tales (the children find a stained in a fairy tale, fabulous trickens, fabulous signs, read).

    Actualization of knowledge.

In which country wrote this fairy tale? (In India).

Tell us what you know about this amazing country?

Why did she name it?

Posts of children about India.

India - an amazing country, melting a huge number of interesting things and facts clopped behind the thousand-year history of India. Ancient India laid the foundations of many modern sciences, without which it is simply impossible to imagine the development of modern humanity.

The name "India" comes from the Indian River, which shelted around itself the very first settlements. The Aryans called the Indian River "Shinda".

Capital Countries - Delhi. In the north of the country there are high mountains, and in the south it is washes by the Indian Ocean. Tropical forests are growing in this country, they live tigers, elephants, monkeys. On the ground of India, the Great Rivers Ind and Gang proceed.

It is interesting to know that over the past 10,000 years, India has not invaded the territory of another country.

India - Motherland Chess

Algebra geometry - Also take the beginning here.

Interesting fact: mathematical term " the weight of the discharge "and the decimal calculus system was developed in India in 100 g. BC.

India occupies 2nd place in the population and 7th place in the world in the territory.

In India post office more than in any other country.

The very first university in the world was founded in India In 700 BC More than 10.5 thousand students from all over the world have studied more than 60 items. Another university, Napanese, built in IV Art. - One of the most outstanding achievements of ancient India in the field of education.

: Ayur Veda - the first school of medicine in the history of mankind. Ayur Veda appeared about 2500 years ago in India.

The art of navigation and navigation, like science, formed in the valley of the Sind River about 6,000 years ago by representatives ancient Indian civilization. The word "navigation" and English "Navy" roots go to the ancient language of India.

Mathematics and astronomer Bhaskara (1114 - 1185) was able to accurately calculate the amount of time which land spends on 1 full turn around the sun. This time is 365,258756484 days.

In India : quadratic equations Already used by India scientists in the XI century. The greatest numbers operated by the Greeks and the Romans were the number of about 100, whereas already in 5,000 BC. Indian scientists used numbers of about 10 53 (10 to degree 53). The numbers of such orders had their own names in India. Even today, the largest number with its own name is terra 10 12 (10 to degree 12).

Until 1896, India was monopolist in the field of diamond mining.

Bridge Bailey - the highest bridge in the worldLocated in Himalayas (India), built in 1982

Knowledge anesthesia (anesthesia) was available to the doctors of ancient India. In ancient Scriptures, confirmations were found on the knowledge of ancient civilization in anatomy, digestion, metabolism, physiology, etiology, genetics and the immune system.

India exports computer programs (software) in more than 90 countries of the world.

More than 5000 years ago in India The yoga teachings originated.

The most common dining food an ordinary Indian average man isMeals. : Rice ride, as a rule on a banana leaf or on an iron big dish and several seasons with seasonings.

In India is distributed Disposable dishes from leaves and clay. Eco-friendly and wise decision. Tea and coffee that can be bought on the street poured into clay bricks, and after throwing out (utilized in the rainy season), especially distributed at train station. Dish and plates from green dried leaves.

Tea in India without milk, only tourists drink. In the train, tea peders wear with them sacred tea and metal container with hot sweet milk, instead of boiling water.

Cow - a sacred animal in India. They are always and everywhere: meditatively marching on the beach, looks into the shopping bed, carefully take the banana crust from your hands.

Eighth Miracle of Light - Taj Mahal

Whiteramor tomb Taj Mahal in Agre Call poetry in stone. Most tourists take a very beautiful legend for faith, which is told on the creation of this masterpiece of architecture. Tourist guides tell the tourist groups that the governor of Shah-Jahan's favorite wife (1592-1666) built a magnificent mausoleum for her (1631-1653), which was rightfully an architectural pearl of India.

    Work on the content of fairy tales.

(Answers to Questions Page 86)

    Why the old man met several times with fish (children's answers)

    Hold the text conversations to the old man with the old woman. Think, with what feeling they spoke with each other an old woman and an old man.

Old woman - with irritation, indignation, anger.

Old man - with bewilderment, confusion, discontent.

Work in parach

Read these conversations with matters on the roles.

3. Name what character was an old man and an old woman.

Old character -robust, modest, kind, malleable, unrequited, blessing, mortal.

The character of the old woman -obstract, evil, greedy, rude, non-advisable, demanding, ungrateful.

4. Who do you like from the heroes? (children's responses)

-Why do you not like the character of the old woman? (all her features are negative)

Such people do not like in society, their actions condemn.

- How was the old woman for greed and ungrateful?

Why was the old man been punished? Is there any such qualities such as dryness, unrequitution?(No will - negative trait. The old man has not enough courage to resist the greedy old woman, he obeyed, performed all her whims)

- Whether such in life happens ?

There are moments in life when you just need to show your character, perseverance, to say firmly - no.

For example: Your acquaintances ask you to do what you think is a bad act.

Any fairy tale gives us life lesson.What does this fairy tale teach us? ( do not greed).

Find and read the proverb, which is included in the Indian Fairy Tale "Golden Fish".

Do not greader, lose and what you have.

    The outcome of the lesson.

What life lesson did you get out of a fairy tale?


Choose and finish the sentences:

    today I learned ...

    it was interesting…

    it was difficult…

    i performed tasks ...

    i realized that ...

    now I can…

    i felt that ...

    i purchased ...

    i learned…

    i managed …

    i could ...

    i'll try…

    i was surprised ...

    the lesson gave me for life ...

    i wanted

6. Maximum task.

Retell a fairy tale, draw a drawing to the episode you like.

On the shore of a big river lived in the old chaolache an old man yes old man. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river fish to catch, the old woman was cooked this fish or on the coal, the only they were feste. It does not catch the old man, and the newer is starving.
And in the river, the golden god Jala Kaman, Vladyka under. Somehow once became the old man's network from the river to pull out, feels: something hurts the heavy network. He pulled out of all his might, somehow pulled out the network ashore, looked up - and his eyes snapped from a bright glitter: lies in his networks a huge fishing river, everything that melted from pure gold, moves fins, stamps his fish eyes on the old man Watching. And says Golden Fish Old Fisherman:
"Don't kill me, an old man, do not carry me out, the old man, to my house. Let me go better on the will, and for this ask me what you want.
- What can I ask you, miracle fish? - Says the old man. - I have no good home, nor torture so that the hunger is quenched, nor clothes so that the body is covered. If you regret all this in great grace, I will be grateful to you until the death.
Listened to the old man, drenched the tail and said:
- Go ravoisi. You will have a home, and food, and clothes. I let go of the old man in the river, went home myself. Only when
came to know anything can not: stands instead of a bar of the branches of a house from strong teak logs, and in the house there are spacious shops, so guests to sit down, and there are whole white rice dishes to eat, and lie chest clothes in order Holiday people seemed not to be ashamed. Says an old man to his wife:
"See, the old woman, as we were lucky with you: I didn't have anything, but now we have plenty." Tell me thanks to the Golden Fish, that today I got into the network. It all gave us for the fact that I let her go to the will. Now our troubles and misfortunes are over!
Heard the old woman that her husband told her, and he only sighed, shook her head, and then he says:
"Eh, an old man, an old man! .. For many years you have lived in the world, and your mind is less than that of a newborn baby. Is it so asking? .. Well, we will eat rice, we demolish clothes, and then what? .. Stay now back, ask for fish five servants, ask the house new - yes not this miserable shawa, and big, good, - such So that the most king in him in it was not ashamed ... And let them in that house storerooms, full gold, let the rice and lentils of the barn are breaking, in the backyard, let the new carts and plows stand, and in the stalls buffaloes - ten harnesses .. . And asked, let the fish of you will make it to make you so that in the whole district people read and respected us. Go, and do not yet scream, do not come back home!
I really didn't want to go old man, but he did not argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the shore and became a fish call:
- Appear to me, Miracle Fish! Golden fish! After a little time, the water muddled in the river, the golden populated
Fish from the bottom of the river - fin moves, heats the tears, in all his fish eyes look at the old man.
- Listen, miracle fish, "says the old man," I asked you, yes, you can see, my wife is unhappy: you want you to make me in our country an older, and she also wants a house twice the current one, wants servants of five, and buffaloes ten harnesses, and rice full barns, and gold jewelry wants, and money ...
Listened to the golden fish old man, waved his tail and said:
- Let everything be so!
And with these words, back to the river dived.
Went an old man home. Sees: All the surrounding residents with trumpets gathered on the road, with drums, in their hands hold rich gifts and garlands of flowers. Standing without flourishing, as if someone is waiting. As the old man's peasants saw, all the knees fell and shouted:
- Older, older! So he, our favorite elder! .. Here the drums scored, the pipes played, put the peasants
The old man in the deserted Palaankin, on his shoulders to the house they were conveyed. And the house of the old man is new - not a house, but the palace, and the house is all as he asked for fish.
Healing since then the old man and the old woman happily and sneakly, all of them seems to be plenty, and the old woman grumbled. There was no month, as she began to pester to the old man:
- Is this respect, is it honorable? Think, a big man - an older! No, it is necessary that you go to the fish again, I asked her good things: let him make you over the whole earth by Maharaj. Go, old, ask, and not, say, the old woman, they say, my swear will ...
"I will not go," the old man answers. "Or don't you remember how we had already lived, how were we hungry, how did you like?" All our fish gave: both food, and clothes, and a new home! It seemed to you little, so she weathered us with richness, I did in the whole district with the first person ... Well, what else do you want?
How much an old man argued, how much I refused - the old woman in any way: go, they say, to fish, and that's it. Well, a poor old man should do - I had to go on the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call:
- Split, Gold Fish! Appear to me, miracle fish! He called once, called another, called the third ... But no one
Floored on his call from the depths of the water, as if it was not in the Golden Fish River. Long waited for the old man, then sighed and went home. He sees: it stands on the site of a rich house of the Old Shalash and sits in that haze his old woman - in the dirty rags, hair, like a rod of the old basket, stick out, sick eyes with stakes seized. The old woman is sitting and bitterly crying. I looked at her old man and said:
- Eh, wife, wife ... I said you after all: you want a lot - you will get a little! I told you: the old woman, do not greading, lose and what you have. You didn't listen to my words, but I got it in my opinion! So what is now crying?

Hello, young literary man! It is good that you decided to read the fairy tale "Golden Fish (Indian Fairy Tale)" in it you will find the folk wisdom, which is asked by generations. There is balancing between bad and good, tempting and necessary and how great that every time the choice is correct and responsible. Often, the dialogues of the heroes are concerned, they are full of kindness, kindness, directness and with their help, a different picture of reality is identified. After reading such creations in the evening, the paintings of what is happening become more alive and rich, filling with a new range of paints and sounds. After reviewing the inner world and the qualities of the main character, the young reader involuntarily experiences a sense of nobleness, responsibility and a high degree of morality. Probably because of the inviolability of human qualities in time, all morals, morality and the problematics remain relevant at all times and the epochs. All environmental descriptions are designed and set out with a sense of deepest love and appreciation to the object of presentation and creation. Fairy Tale "Golden Fish (Indian Tale)" Read free online will be fun and kids and their parents, the kids will be happy to end, and moms and dads are happy for the kids!

N and the shore of a big river lived in the old chaolate old man and an old woman. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river fish to catch, the old woman was cooked this fish or on the coal, the only they were feste. It does not catch the old man, and the newer is starving.
And in the river, the golden god Jala Kaman, Vladyka under. Somehow once became the old man's network from the river to pull out, feels: something hurts the heavy network. He pulled out of all his might, somehow pulled out the network ashore, looked up - and his eyes snapped from a bright glitter: lies in his networks a huge fishing river, everything that melted from pure gold, moves fins, stamps his fish eyes on the old man Watching. And says Golden Fish Old Fisherman:
"Don't kill me, an old man, do not carry me out, the old man, to my house. Let me go better on the will, and for this ask me what you want.
- What can I ask you, miracle fish? - Says the old man. - I have no good home, nor torture so that the hunger is quenched, nor clothes so that the body is covered. If you regret all this in great grace, I will be grateful to you until the death.
Listened to the old man, drenched the tail and said:
- Go ravoisi. You will have a home, and food, and clothes. I let go of the old man in the river, went home myself. Only when
came to know anything can not: stands instead of a bar of the branches of a house from strong teak logs, and in the house there are spacious shops, so guests to sit down, and there are whole white rice dishes to eat, and lie chest clothes in order Holiday people seemed not to be ashamed. Says an old man to his wife:
"See, the old woman, as we were lucky with you: I didn't have anything, but now we have plenty." Tell me thanks to the Golden Fish, that today I got into the network. It all gave us for the fact that I let her go to the will. Now our troubles and misfortunes are over!
Heard the old woman that her husband told her, and he only sighed, shook her head, and then he says:
"Eh, an old man, an old man! .. For many years you have lived in the world, and your mind is less than that of a newborn baby. Is it so asking? .. Well, we will eat rice, we demolish clothes, and then what? .. Stay now back, ask for fish five servants, ask the house new - yes not this miserable shawa, and big, good, - such So that the most king in it in it was not ashamed ... And let them in that house there are pantry, full gold, let the rice and lentils of the barn are breaking, in the backyard, let the new wagons and plows stand, and in the stalls buffaloes - ten strokes ... and still ask , May the fish of you will make the old-year to you, so that in the whole district people worshiped us and respected. Go, and do not yet scream, do not come back home!
I really didn't want to go old man, but he did not argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the shore and became a fish call:
- Appear to me, Miracle Fish! Golden fish! After a little time, the water muddled in the river, the golden populated
fish from the bottom of the river - fin moves, heats the tears, in all his fish eyes look at the old man.
- Listen, wonderful fish, "says the old man," I asked you, yes, I can see, my wife is unhappy: you want you to make me in our country an old-age, and she also wants a house twice the current one, he wants a servant five , and buffaloes ten harnesses, and rice full barns, and gold jewelry wants, and money ...
Listened to the golden fish old man, waved his tail and said:
- Let everything be so!
And with these words, back to the river dived.
Went an old man home. Sees: All the surrounding residents with trumpets gathered on the road, with drums, in their hands hold rich gifts and garlands of flowers. Standing without flourishing, as if someone is waiting. As the old man's peasants saw, all the knees fell and shouted:
- Older, older! So he, our favorite elder! .. Here the drums scored, the pipes played, put the peasants
the old man in the deserted Palaankin, on his shoulders to the house they were conveyed. And the house of the old man is new - not a house, but the palace, and the house is all as he asked for fish.
Healing since then the old man and the old woman happily and sneakly, all of them seems to be plenty, and the old woman grumbled. There was no month, as she began to pester to the old man:
- Is this respect, is it honorable? Think, a big man - an older! No, it is necessary that you go to the fish again, I asked her good things: let him make you over the whole earth by Maharaj. Go, old, ask, and not, say, the old woman, they say, my swear will ...
"I will not go," the old man answers. "Or don't you remember how we had already lived, how were we hungry, how did you like?" All our fish gave: both food, and clothes, and a new home! It seemed to you little, so she weathered us with richness, I did in the whole district with the first person ... Well, what else do you want?
How much an old man argued, how much I refused - the old woman in any way: go, they say, to fish, and that's it. Well, a poor old man should do - I had to go on the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call:
- Split, Gold Fish! Appear to me, miracle fish! He called once, called another, called the third ... But no one
floored on his call from the depths of the water, as if it was not in the Golden Fish River. Long waited for the old man, then sighed and went home. He sees: it stands on the site of a rich house of the Old Shalash and sits in that haze his old woman - in the dirty rags, hair, like a rod of the old basket, stick out, sick eyes with stakes seized. The old woman is sitting and bitterly crying. I looked at her old man and said:
- Eh, wife, wife ... I said you after all: you want a lot - you will get a little! I told you: the old woman, do not greading, lose and what you have. You didn't listen to my words, but I got it in my opinion! So what is now crying?

On the shore of a big river lived in the old chaolache an old man yes old man. They lived poorly: every day the old man went to the river fish to catch, the old woman was cooked this fish or on the coal, the only they were feste. The old man does not catch anything and hungry at all.

And in the river Tov, the golden god Jala Kaman, the Vladyka of Waters. Somehow once became the old man's network from the river to pull out, feels: something hurts the heavy network. He pulled out of all his might, somehow pulled out the net ashore, looked up - and his eyes climbed from a bright glitter: Lies in his networks a huge fishing river, everything that molded out of pure gold, moves fins, stamps to the old man on the old man Watching. And says Golden Fish Old Fisherman:

Do not kill me, old man, do not carry me out, old man, to my home. Let me go better on the will, and for this ask me what you want.

What can I ask you, a miracle fish? - says the old man. - I don't have a good house, nor torture so that the hunger is quenched, no clothes to cover the body. If you regret all this in great grace, I will be grateful to you until the death.

Listened to the old man, drenched the tail and said:

Go ravoisi. You will have a home, and food, and clothes.

I let go of the old man in the river, went home myself. Only when it came to know nothing: standing instead of a shala from the branches of a house from strong teak logs, and in the house there are spacious shops, so that guests to sit down, and there are whole white rice dishes there, to eat, and lie chest clothes, elegant So that in the holiday to people to seem to seem to appear. Says an old man to his wife:

See, the old woman, as we were lucky with you: I didn't have anything, but now we have plenty. Tell me thanks to the Golden Fish, that today I got into the network. It all gave us for the fact that I let her go to the will. Out of our troubles and misfortunes ended!

Heard the old woman that her husband: told, and only sighed, headed his head, and then he says:

Oh, an old man, an old man! .. For many years you have lived in the world, and you have less mind than a newborn baby. Is it so asking? .. Well, we will eat rice, we demolish clothes, and then what? .. Stay now back, ask for fish five servants, ask the house new - yes not this miserable shawa, and big, good, - such So that the most king in him in it was not ashamed ... And let them in that house storerooms, full gold, let the rice and lentils of the barn are breaking, in the backyard, let the new carts and plows stand, and in the stalls buffaloes - ten harnesses .. . And asked, let the fish of you will make it to make you so that in the whole district people read and respected us. Go, and do not yet scream, do not come back home!

I really didn't want to go old man, but he did not argue with his wife. He went to the river, sat down on the shore and became a fish call:

Appear to me, miracle fish! Golden fish!

After a short time, the water was muddled in the river, the golden fish began to move from the bottom of the river-fin moves, she moves the tears, in all his fish eyes on the old man looks.

Listen, a miracle fish, "says the old man," I asked you, yes, you can see, my wife is displeased: you want you to make me in our district an old-age, and she also wants a house twice the current one wants a servant Five, and buffaloes ten harnesses, and rice full barns, and gold jewelry wants, and money ...

Listened to the golden fish old man, waved his tail and said:

Let everything be so!

And with these words, back to the river dived. Went an old man home. Sees: All the surrounding residents with trumpets gathered on the road, with drums, in their hands hold rich gifts and garlands of flowers. Standing without flourishing, as if someone is waiting. As the old man's peasants saw, all the knees fell and shouted:

Older, headman! Here he is, our favorite elder! ..

Here the drums scored, the pipes played, put the peasants of the old man in the deserted Palaankin, on their shoulders to the house they were reported. And the house of the old man is again new, and the palace, and the house is all as he asked for fish.

Healing since then the old man and the old woman happily and sneakly, all of them seems to be plenty, and the old woman grumbled. There was no month, as she began to pester to the old man:

Is this respect, is it honorable? Think, you think about a big older man! No, it is necessary that you go to the fish again, I asked her good things: let him make you over the whole earth by Maharaj. Go, old, ask, and not, say, the old woman, they say, my swear will ...

I will not go, - the old man answers. - Or don't you remember how we had already lived, how were we hungry, how did you like? All our fish gave: both food, and clothes, and a new home! I have little shown, so she gave us wealth, I did in the whole district with the first person ... Well, what else do you need?

How many old man argued, how much I refused the old woman in any way: go, they say, to fish, and that's it. Well, to do a poor old man, I had to go on the river again. He sat down on the shore and began to call :. - Split, Gold Fish! Javism to me, Miracle Fish!

He called once, called another, called the third ... But no one was floating on his call from the depths of the water, as if it was not in the Golden Fish River. Long waited for the old man, then sighed and went home. He sees: it stands on the site of a rich house of the Old Shalash and sits in that haze his old woman - in the dirty rags, hair, like a rod of the old basket, stick out, sick eyes with stakes seized. The old woman is sitting and bitterly crying.

I looked at her old man and said:

Eh, wife, wife ... I said you after all: you want a lot - you get a little! I told you: the old woman, do not greading, lose and what you have. You didn't listen to my words, but I got it in my opinion! So what is now crying?