The further into the forest the more firewood. Further in the forest more firewood The value of the application of the proverb in the literature

The further into the forest the more firewood. Further in the forest more firewood The value of the application of the proverb in the literature
The further into the forest the more firewood. Further in the forest more firewood The value of the application of the proverb in the literature

Starting from ancient times, people learned to notice some relationships between different phenomena and analyze them. And then then they still did not mean much, but they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and statements.

What is the role of folk wisdom in the life of people

Wise thoughts and advice on all occasions that are contained in proverbs accompany us throughout our life. And despite the fact that some proverbs are not one hundred years, they will always be relevant, because the basic vital laws will never change. There are a lot of wise statements, for example: "The farther in the forest, the more firewood," "seems to be not sweet to the tooth," "praised - a young female", "you will live - see, wait - you will hear" and others. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, give important life advice.

"The further into the forest, the more firewood." The meaning of the proverb

Even in antiquity, without knowing how to count, people have noticed certain patterns. The more game will be achieved on the hunt - the longer time the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and the fire burns longer - the greater will be in the cave, etc. The farther in the forest, the more firewood is also a fact. On the edge, as a rule, everything is already assembled, but in the deep more often, where the person's leg did not go - there is no wonderless.

However, in this saying, there is a much deeper meaning. The forest and firewood do not need to be perceived literally, the people expressed simply the relationship of these concepts of these concepts, which occurred in our lives.

In the proverb "The farther in the forest, the more firewood" the meaning is: the more deeper into any business or the idea, the more the "pitfalls" pops up to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study any question, the more details of it recognize. Or the longer you communicate with a person - the better understand the features of his character.

In what situations most often used the proverb "The further in the forest, the more firewood"

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be applied in many situations, most often it is used when it comes to the emergence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any launched. Not in vain in the proverb they say about firewood. Everyone knows that the expression "to block firewood" means "make a mistake, enrolling the haze", that is, it is treated in a disapproving key.

You can apply this proverb not only in relation to some specifically started. "The further into the forest, the more firewood" - so we can say about the person who, for example, is constantly deceiving others, and the lie delays it into a vicious circle, generating all the new and new lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb the career ladder and for all this is ready for everything. If, to achieve his goal, he leads a dishonest game, the higher it rises along the "steps", the more non-deposition actions he has to do.


The stated in proverbs and sayings, briefly and heels characterizes all parties to life - the relationship between people, the attitude towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All proverbs and wise statements are a real treasure that the people collected in grains not one century and transmitted to future generations. According to proverbs and sayings, you can judge the values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in different cultures. It is in such statements that the world's vision is as a whole and in various private life situations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we must honor and take care.

As Sherlock Holmes spoke, a person's thinking man who thinks logically and thinking to logically make conclusions about the existence of the Black Sea or Niagara Falls, even if he never seen in his life, nor the other. It is about the fact that any action has results in the future, if there is a reason, it means that there is a consequence.

Such and the meaning of the proverb "The Forest of Crash - Slobs fly." True, its meaning shows that it is not always a consequence of positive.

What do flying sicks mean?

Imagine that the roller forest goes. Trees fall one after another, and in the process the dust rises, fly in all sides of the damaged wood. Well, if they won't hurt anyone, but such a chiner can imagine, and blind. When they say, "the woods are chicken - shoes fly," the meaning is as follows: to achieve a good and desired result, you may have to suffer a little damage from the pinch. But it is not comparable with a more global and enormous goal - the resulting wood. In the Ukrainian language there is similar in the meaning of the proverb. It sounds as follows: "de Borochno - there I have been powdered," which can be translated as "where there is flour - there is always dusty."

Another meaning of this proverb, more economic, - flying sins are small, but compulsory production costs.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped

The meaning of the proverbs "The Forest of Crash - Slitters fly" and "there would be no happiness, but I did not help any misfortune" is the opposite in meaning, although they are often confused. So, in the first case, it is meant that on the way to achieving good, and the main thing that the necessary result may have to suffer negative consequences. In the second case, it is meant that sometimes the emerging trouble can lead to good, unpredictable and unexpected consequences. Sometimes people are confused in the sense of these two sayings and use them incorrectly.

Another meaning of the proverb "The Forest of Crash - Slice Shot"

There is an interesting assumption that this proverb has in mind more large-scale concepts, such as whole nations. How to understand the "Forest of the Cut - Slice Shot" In this case? So, the forest can be associated with the people or nation in the process of change (roll shaft). Sometimes these changes are quite positive and carry something good, but any changes will be the cause of innocent victims. In this case, the sins are understood by human broken fate.

Synonymy saying about causality

The meaning of the proverbs "The Forest of Crackers - Slispers fly" and "without breaking eggs, not to fry the scrambled eggs" closely in meaning. And in that and in another case it is understood that on the way to a large and good goal can not do without concessions and possible inconveniences. But if in a conversation about the cutting of the forest, pinchs are optional and not very significant factor, then in the case of scrambled eggs, it is meant that no victims for the benefit (broken eggs) cannot do.

Many mistakenly consider the meaning of the proverbs "The Forest of Craise - Slice Shot" And "The Further in the Forest - the more firewood" the same, because in the first and second case we are talking about the forest and trees. But it is not so. The second saying implies that any business in the execution process can bring more and more surprises, and the further - the moreover, you can face with big troubles.


The Russian language is rich not only in words, but also by phraseologists, cruise expressions, sayings and proverbs. Using them, you sat down speech, make it even more colorful and rich, and also show your intellectual level worthy. However, it is important to use the desired phrases to the place, otherwise you are projected, instead of shine with the mind. Now, knowing the correct meaning of the proverbs "The Forest of Crash - Slice Shot", "without breaking the eggs, not to fry the scrambled eggs", "the further in the forest - the more firewood", you can use them to the place.

The figurative meaning of the proverb on the forest is more than firewood

Andrei Martin

The figurative meaning is not as not related to the forest .. You can cite a synonymic chain of the forest - Debrist - problems (tasks). Firewood - a solution to the problem, that is, it makes sense to become this: the more you decide for problems, studying any question, the more new problems of tasks that require new solutions appear ... I like the law of Murphy on this topic "Solution of one task (problems) entails the appearance of many other unresolved tasks (problems)" ... I - a programmer, on this this law or a saying can be applied to approximately this sense so "identifying one error in The program entails an increase in the number of missessed errors :-) "This saying can be applied everywhere

What does it mean further into the forest, the more firewood?)))


the further you get into the problems the more and large-scale they become
The further deepen into the situation, the more unexpected moments arise. I argue on the basis of them that there is an expression "to block firewood", which is probably older than this saying.

Sergey Krfachev

and what is the saying, when you go into the forest, it is not difficult to go, and the further, the harder, thickets. And in life, you wrap a business, at first it seems nothing, and then it turns out that the problems are fully, the farther, the more.

Natalia Kondrackskaya

About the same as "not knowing the broth - do not go into the water" or "know less - you're better sleep and stay longer" it takes for some reason, and then you regret what he took up, because it did not calculate the strength and pitfalls (especially if He took someone to help and did not cope, but hurt).

Where does the proverb - the further in the forest, the more firewood?

⊰ ð ð ⊱

The farther in the forest, the more firewood.
What (what) is further in the EU, the more important things. The more deeper into some Affairs, in contact with problems, the greater the surprises or difficulties that are not easy to overcome. The proverb itself is Russian, recorded from the XVII-XVIII centuries. : Dale in the forest, more than firewood; What's next in the forest, then more firewood. In Polish, apparently, Rusism: Im Dale / Wlas, Tym Wiecejdrzew. FFL with hysteria wife. Daughter declares that she is not able to live with such violent parents, and dresses to leave home. The farther in the forest, the more firewood. It ends the fact that the important guest takes the doctor on the scene, putting lead grades to her husband. (A. Chekhov. Waterville). Will the end be, whether the time will come when with a light heart you can tell yourself * everything I wanted to achieve what I wanted? Unlikely. The farther in the forest, the more firewood. (V. Tenryakov. Behind the running day). * Apotheosis of this "process" was a way out of the General Union of the Wisers of the Bondarev joint venture of the RSFSR; Then followed the convening of an emergency congress of the entire Bondarev wing of the joint venture RSFSR. Opponents of their own, their assembly and plenums of VL. Gusev won the "Parade of Schukach". IE-SKH! Cut the shoulder - breathing his hand .. Further into the forest - more than firewood: the Bondarev Secretariat closes decisively and the Union of Writers of the USSR, since he "stopped his existence.". Just and clear. (B. Mozhaev. Passions-Mordesti. Literary newspaper. 25.09.91). After that [accrual] salary leaves the area in your hometown. The further in the forest, the slower "makes their way" money. (Arguments and Facts, №45. 1996). Cf. : Further in the sea - more grief; Further in the dispute - more words.

How to write a fairy tale on the proverb "The next to the forest, the more firewood"?

How to write a fairy tale on the proverb "The next to the forest, the more firewood" for the 2nd class?

Galina Vasilna

We lived in the same village woman and her two sons. The children were not big, but they could already help at home. I once left my mother to work, and before my departure I asked my sons to go to the forest, bring the raw-toe:

My sons are my dear, far into the forest do not come, too much a twigs do not take. So that you yourself are not tired of tired and hands did not hold.

Mom went away, and the sons dressed warmer, took sledges, rope and went to the forest. They came from the edge, looked around, it seemed to them that there was little twigs here. Let's go further into the forest. It is true, the further in the forest came, the more firewood found. It can be seen from the edge others cut down, and not everyone went into the thicket. The guys distorted firewood, ringed into sledges. They tried, I wanted my mother to please and more to prepare twigs. Only when they went to the opposite way, then heavy sleeves loaded in the snow, they cling to the bushes, then they were lying on the side.

It's hard to drag, the guys are tired, and the house is still very far away. After all, they went to the forest with a light, and back with loaded sleds.

They see the guys, what's the evening, and they will not get out of the forest. Then they removed half of the wood from Sanok, bid again and hurried home. Going along the road, and think: after all, the mother said not to come far. After all, and on the edge of the forest could be dialing those firewood, which was fit on their sledges. It is not always necessary to go far beyond what you can not carry.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

Watch what is "The farther in the forest, the more firewood." in other dictionaries:

    Cf. The only case was lung ... But ... the further in the forest, the more firewood. Each afternoon, Lganya's talent became in them ... in undoubtedly bo / linse. GL Assumption. New times. Three letters. 2. CP. Will you go for good mind from here? it is seen …

    Came further in Lѣs, Tѣm more than firewood (Chѣm Dalѣe in the dispute, Tѣm more words). Cf. The only one was lung ... But ... then further in Lѣs, TѣM is more than firewood. Each day Talent Lghanya became in them ... B is undoubtedly the big ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    The farther in the forest, the more partisans

    The farther in the forest, so it is in fig - (from the last. The farther in the forest, the more firewood the farther events develop, the more difficulties arise; the root sounds like in the forest) source sign ... Living speech. Dictionary of spoken expressions

    The farther in the forest, the third extra - (from the last. The farther in the forest, the more firewood the farther events develop, the more difficulties arise; the root sounds like in the forest) source sign ... Living speech. Dictionary of spoken expressions

    The farther into the forest, the more firewood (the further in the dispute, the greater the words) cf. The only case was lung ... But ... the further in the forest, the more firewood. Each afternoon, Lganya's talent became in them ... in undoubtedly bo / linse. GL Assumption. New ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

    The farther // Vlez, the greater the interest / in the forest, the more partisans - Ambassador. Before.: The further into the forest, the more firewood. What would the child be treated, just not fucked by the ambassador. Before., Makar.: What would the child be treated, just not crying., Eng .: To Fuck make love ... Explanatory dictionary of modern conversational phrases and progress

    The further got, the more interest - (from the last. The farther in the forest, the more firewood the farther events develop, the more difficulties arise; the root sounds like in the forest) source sign ... Living speech. Dictionary of spoken expressions

    the farther "Vlez, the closer got out ... the thicker the partisans are joke." Paroding sayings "The farther in the forest, the more firewood" ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

    Union. 1. Joins turnover or attached. Run. with a comparison value, comparing whom, which l. With what is said in the main thing. Turn louder than usual. In the south of the stars brighter than in the north. The mountains were higher than someone assumed. 2 ... encyclopedic Dictionary


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Starting from ancient times, people learned to notice some relationships between different phenomena and analyze them. And then then they still did not mean much, but they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and statements.

What is the role of folk wisdom in the life of people

Wise thoughts and advice on all occasions that are contained in proverbs accompany us throughout our life. And despite the fact that some proverbs are not one hundred years, they will always be relevant, because the basic vital laws will never change. There are a lot of wise statements, for example: "The farther in the forest, the more firewood," "seems to be not sweet to the tooth," "praised - a young female", "you will live - see, wait - you will hear" and others. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, give important life advice.

"The further into the forest, the more firewood." The meaning of the proverb

Even in antiquity, without knowing how to count, people have noticed certain patterns. The more game will be achieved on the hunt - the longer time the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and the fire burns longer - the greater will be in the cave, etc. The farther in the forest, the more firewood is also a fact. On the edge, as a rule, everything is already assembled, but in the deep more often, where the person's leg did not go - there is no wonderless. However, in this saying, there is a much deeper meaning. The forest and firewood do not need to be perceived literally, the people expressed simply the relationship of these concepts of these concepts, which occurred in our lives.

In the proverb "The farther in the forest, the more firewood" the meaning is: the more deeper into any business or the idea, the more the "pitfalls" pops up to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study any question, the more details of it recognize. Or the longer you communicate with a person - the better understand the features of his character.

In what situations most often used the proverb "The further in the forest, the more firewood"

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be applied in many situations, most often it is used when it comes to the emergence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any launched. Not in vain in the proverb they say about firewood. Everyone knows that the expression "to block firewood" means "make a mistake, enrolling the haze", that is, it is treated in a disapproving key.

You can apply this proverb not only in relation to some specifically started. "The further into the forest, the more firewood" - so we can say about the person who, for example, is constantly deceiving others, and the lie delays it into a vicious circle, generating all the new and new lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb the career ladder and for all this is ready for everything. If, to achieve his goal, he leads a dishonest game, the higher it rises along the "steps", the more non-deposition actions he has to do.


The folk wisdom, laid in proverbs and sayings, briefly and is characterized by all sides of life - the relationship between people, attitudes towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All proverbs and wise statements are a real treasure that the people collected in grains not one century and transmitted to future generations. According to proverbs and sayings, you can judge the values \u200b\u200bthat are inherent in different cultures. It is in such statements that the world's vision is as a whole and in various private life situations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we must honor and take care.