The history and culture of Finno Ugric peoples. Great relocation of peoples or the history of Finno-Ugric tribes

The history and culture of Finno Ugric peoples. Great relocation of peoples or the history of Finno-Ugric tribes

Finno-Ugry is one of the largest ethno-speaking communities in Europe. In Russia alone, 17 peoples of Finno-Ugric origin live. Finnish "Kalevala" inspired Tolkien, and Izhora fairy tales - Alexander Pushkin.

Who are the Finno-Ugry?

Finno-Ugry is one of the largest ethno-linguistic communities in Europe. It includes 24 people, 17 of which live in Russia. Saama, Ingermanland Finns and Setume live both in Russia and beyond.
Finno-Ugry are divided into two groups: Finnish and Ugor. The total number today is estimated at 25 million people. Of these, Hungarians are about 19 million, 5 million Finns, about a million Estonians, 843 thousand Mordlov, 647 thousand Udmurts and 604 thousand Mariers.

Where do Finno-Ugry live in Russia?

Given the current labor migration, it can be said that everywhere, but the most numerous Finno-Ugric peoples have their republics in Russia. These are such peoples as Mordva, Udmurts, Karelia and Marijah. There are also autonomous counties of Khanty, Mansi and Nenets.

Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous District, where comi-perm were mostly combined with the Perm Region in the Perm Territory. In Finno-Ugro Veps in Karelia has its own national volost. Ingermanland Finns, Izhora and Sellocking Autonomous Territory do not have.

Moscow - Finno-Ugric name?

According to one of the hypotheses, Okonim Moscow has a Finno-Ugric origin. From the Komi language "Mosk", "Moska" translates into Russian as a "cow, chick", and VA translates as "water", "River". Moscow in this case translates as "cow of the river". The popularity of this hypothesis brought her support to Klyuchevsky.

The Russian historian of the XIX-XX century Stephen Kuznetsov also believed that the word "Moscow" of Finno-Ugric origin, but suggested that it comes from the Maryry words "Mask" (Bear) and "Ava" (mother, female). According to this version, the word "Moscow" is translated as "Medleang".
Today, these versions, however, are refuted, since they do not take into account the oldest form of the "Mosknian". Stephen Kuznetsov used the data of the Erzyansky and Mari Languages, in Mari Language the word "mask" was only in the XIV-XV centuries.

Such different Finno-Ugra

Finno-ugrons are far from uniform in the language relations or in the anthropological. In terms of language sign, they are divided into several subgroups. The Permian-Finnish subgroup includes Komi, Udmurts and Edmen. The Volga-Finnish group is Mordva (Erizan and Mokshan) and Mari. The Balto Finns include: Finns, Finns-Ingermanlanders, Estonians, Setu, Quene in Norway, water, Izhorstsev, Karelies, Veps and descendants of Mary. Also, Khanty, Mansi and Hungarians belong to a separate Ugric group. The descendants of the medieval vesnets and Murom are most likely belonging to the Volga Finns.

The peoples of the Finno-Ugric Group are inherent in both European and mongoloid signs. Obskie (Khanty and Mansi), part of Marijtsev, Mordva have more pronounced mongoloid features. The rest of these features either equally, or the European divisory component dominates.

What do haplogroups say

Genetic studies show that each second Russian Y-chromosome refers to the r1a haplogroup. It is peculiar to all the Baltic and Slavic peoples (except for the southern Slavs and the Northern Russians).

However, the inhabitants of the North of Russia are brightly presents characteristic of the Finnish group of peoples of the Gaplogroup N3. In the very north of Russia, its percentage comes to 35 (Finnov has an average of 40 percent), but than south, the one is lower below. In Western Siberia, the relative N3 haplogroup N2 is also common. This suggests that in the Russian north did not mix the peoples, but the transition of the local Finno-Ugric population into Russian and the Orthodox culture.

What fairy tales we read

The famous Arina Rodionna, Nanny Pushkin, as you know, has had a strong influence on the poet. It is noteworthy that she was Finno-Ugric origin. She was born in the village of Lampovo in Ingermanland.
This explains a lot in understanding Pushkin's fairy tales. We know them since childhood and believe that they are invoking Russian, but their analysis suggests that the plot lines of some Pushkin fairy tales go to the Finno-Ugric folklore. Thus, for example, the "Tsar Tsar Saltan" is based - the fairy tale of "wonderful children" from the Vepsian tradition (Vepsa - the small Finno-Ugric people).

The first large work of Pushkin, the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". One of his main heroes is an old man Finn, a wizard and magician. The name is called saying. Philologist Tatyana Tikhmenheva, the compiler of the book "Finnish album" also noted that the connection of Finns with a witchcraft and clairvoyance was recognized by all nations. Finns themselves, the ability to magic admitted above force and courage and revered as wisdom. It is no coincidence that therefore the protagonist "Kalevala" Veetemeinen is not a warrior, but a prophet and poet.

Naina, another poem character, also carries the traces of Finno-Ugric influence. Finnish woman - "Nainen".
Another mischievous fact. Pushkin in a letter Delvigu wrote in 1828: "To the new year, it is awesome, I will return to you to Chukhlyandia." So Pushkin called Petersburg, obviously recognizing the originalness on this land of Finno-Ugric peoples.

  • Toponym (from Greek. Topos - "Place" and "Onima" - "Name") - a geographical name.
  • Russian historian XVIII century. V. N. Tatishchev wrote that the Udmurts (before them called the Voyets) they commit prayers "with any good tree, but not with a pine and ate, which do not have a sheet, do not have a fetal, and aspen is honored for a damned tree ... ".

Considering the geographical map of Russia, it can be noted that the names of the rivers ending on the "VA" and "Ga" are common in the basins of the Middle Volga and Kama: Socheva, Rywie, Cokshag, Wind, etc. In those places they live Translated from their languages \u200b\u200b"VA" and "ha" means "river", "moisture", "wet place", "water". However, Finno-Ugric toponyms are found not only where these peoples make a significant part of the population, form the republics and national districts. The arole of their distribution is much wider: it covers the European North of Russia and part of the central regions. Examples can be brought quite a few: the old Russian cities of Kostroma and Murom; River Yakhroma, Iksha in the Moscow region; Verkol Village in Arkhangelsk, etc.

Some researchers consider finno-Ugrics by origin even those familiar words as "Moscow" and "Ryazan". As scientists believe, in these places the Finno-Ugric tribes sometimes lived, and now the memory of them is stored ancient names.

Who are such finno-ugrin

Finns are called the people inhabiting the Finnish neighboring Russia (Finnish "Suomi"), and Hungarians called the Hungarians in the Old Russian chronicles. But in Russia there are no Hungarians and very few Finns, but there are peoples that speak in the languages \u200b\u200bof the Finnish or Hungarian. These nations are called Finno-Ugrics. Depending on the degree of proximity of the languages, scientists share Finno-Ug-Marks by five subgroups. The first, the Baltic-Finnish, includes Finns, Izhorsians, water, Veps, Karelia, Estonians and Liva. The two most numerous people of this subgroup are Finns and Estonians - they live mainly outside our country. In Russia, Finns can be found in Karelia, Leningrad region and in St. Petersburg; Estonians - in Siberia, Volga region and in the Leningrad Region. A small group of Estonians - Setu - lives in the Pechora district of the Pskov region. For religion, many Finns and Estonians are Protestants (usually Lutherans), Setu - Orthodox. The small people of Veps live in small groups in Karelia, the Leningrad region and in the north-west of Vologda, and the water left (there are less than 100 people left!) - In Leningrad. And vegets, and water - Orthodox. Orthodoxy, Izhorstsy are confess. They are in Russia (in the Leningrad region) 449 people, even about the same in Estonia. Veps and Izhorsians retain their languages \u200b\u200b(they even have dialects) and use them in domestic communication. Water language disappeared.

The largest Baltic-Finnish people of Russia are Karelia. They live in the Republic of Karelia, as well as in Tverskaya, Leningrad, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. In everyday life, Karelia speaks on three dialects: Actually, Karelian, Little Livkovsky and Livvikovsky, and their literary language is Finnish. Newspapers are published on it, magazines, at the Philological Faculty of Petrozavodsky University there is a department of Finnish and literature. Kareli and Russian know.

The second subgroup make up Saama, or blades. The main part of them is resettleve in Northern Scandinavia, and in Russia Saama - the inhabitants of the Kola Peninsula. According to most professionals, the ancestors of this people once occupied a much larger territory, but over time they were pushed back to the north. At the same time they lost their tongue and learned one of the Finnish devices. Saama are good reindeer herders (in the recent past nomads), fishermen and hunters. In Russia, they confess Orthodoxy.

In the third, Volzhsky-Finnish, the subgroup includes Mari and Mordva. Mordva - the indigenous population of the Republic of Mordovia, but a significant part of this nation lives throughout Russia - in Samara, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions, in the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, in Chuvashia, etc. Even before joining the XVI century. Mordovskaya lands To Russia, the Morder had his own know - "Iminitions", "policemen", i.e. "the owners of the Earth." Iinasors were first baptized, quickly bliss, and in the future their descendants were the element in Russian nobility, a little smaller element than immigrants from the Golden Horde and Kazan Khanate. Mordva is divided into Erzu and Moksha; Each of the ethnographic groups has a written literary language - Erzyansky and Mokshansky. According to the religion of Mordva Orthodox; They were always considered the most Christian head of the Volga region.

Mariy residents live mainly in the Republic of Mari El, as well as in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions. It is believed that this nation has two literary languages \u200b\u200b- Lugo-intensive and mountain-mari. However, not all philologists share this opinion.

More ethnographers of the XIX century. celebrated an unusually high level of the national identity of Mari. They stubbornly resisted accession to Russia and baptism, and until 1917, the authorities prohibited them to live in cities and handicrafts and trading.

In the fourth, Perm, the subgroup includes itself Komi, Comi-Perm and Udmurts. Komi (in the past they were called Zyryanami) form the indigenous population of the Komi Republic, but they also live in the Sverdlovsk, Murmansk, Omsk regions, in Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts. Their primordial classes - agriculture and hunting. But, unlike most other Finno-Ugric peoples, there were many merchants and entrepreneurs among them. Even before October 1917. Komi in terms of literacy (in Russian) approached the most educated people of Russia - Russian Germans and Jews. Nowadays, 16.7% of Komi works in agriculture, but in industry - 44.5%, and in education, science, culture - 15%. Part of the Komi - Izhtems - mastered the reindeer herding and became the largest reindeer herders of the European North. Comi Orthodox (part of the Old Believers).

Very close in tongue to Zyryanam Komi-Perm. More than half of this people live in the Komi-Permyak Autonomous District, and the rest - in the Perm region. Permians are mostly peasants and hunters, but throughout their history they were both factory fortress peasants in the Urals, and burlaca on Kame and Volga. By the religion of Komi-Permyakov Orthodox.

Udmurts are focused mostly in the Udmurt Republic, where they make up about 1/3 of the population. Small groups of Udmurts live in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, the Republic of Mari El, in Perm, Kirov, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk regions. Traditional occupation - agriculture. In cities, they most often forget their native language and customs. Maybe, so the Udmurt language considers only 70% of Udmurts relatives, mostly residents of rural areas. Orthodox Udmurts, but many of them (including baptized) adhere to traditional beliefs - worship the pagan gods, deities, spirits.

In the fifth, Ugra, the subgroup includes Hungarians, Khanty and Mansi. "Ugra" in Russian chronicles called Hungarians, and "Ugra" - Obzhrov, i.e. Khantov and Mansi. Although the Northern Urals and the lowering of Obi, where Khanty and Mansi live, are located thousands of kilometers from the Danube, on the shores of which Hungarians created their state, these nations are the next relatives. Khanty and Manci belong to the small peoples of the North. Manci live mainly in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District, and Khanty - in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts, the Tomsk region. Mansi primarily hunters, then fishermen, reindeer herds. Khanty, on the contrary, first fishermen, and then hunters and reindeers. And those and others profess Orthodoxy, but did not forget the ancient faith. The big damage of the traditional culture of Obzhrov inflicted the industrial development of their edge: many hunting grounds disappeared, rivers polluted.

Old Russian chronicles preserved the names of the Finno-Ugric tribes, now we have disappeared, Chud, Merry, Murom. Measure in the first millennium H. e. The Volga and Oci died in the interflore, and at the turn of the I and II millennium merged with the eastern Slavs. There is an assumption that modern Mariers are the descendants of this tribe. Murom in the first millennium BC. e. lived in the Oka basin, and by the XII century. n. e. Mixed with eastern Slavs. By miracles, modern researchers consider Finnish tribes who lived in antiquity on the shores of Onega and Northern Dvina. It is not excluded that they are the ancestors of Estonians.

Where they lived and where the finno-ugrons live

Most researchers converge on the fact that the Pranodina Finno-Ug-ditch was on the border of Europe and Asia, in areas between Volga and Kama and in the Ural. It is there in the IV-III millennia to n. e. There was a community of tribes related in the language and loved ones by origin. Qi millennium N. e. Ancient Finno-Ugry settled to the Baltic States and Northern Scandinavia. They occupied the extensive territory, crumbling forests, is almost the entire northern part of the current European Russia to the Kama in the south.

Excavations show that the ancient Finno-Ugry belonged to the Ural race: in their appearance, the features are mixed with European and Mongol-ID (wide cheekbones, often a Mongolian eye cut). Moving to the West, they mixed with Europeanoids. As a result, some peoples that occurred from the ancient Finno-Things, the Mongoloid signs began to smooth and disappear. Now the "Ural" features are peculiar to all the Finnish peoples of Russia: medium height, a wide face, a nose, called "Kurban", very light hair, a nursing beard. But these features are manifested in different ways. For example, Mordva-Erzya is high, blonde, blue-eyed, and Mordva Moksha and increasing down, and the face of sewing, and their hair is darling. Marytsev and Udmurts often encounter eyes with the so-called Mongolian fold - Epicatus, very wide cheekbones, a liquid beard. But at the same time (Ural Race!) Light and red hair, blue and gray eyes. Mongolian fold is sometimes found in Estonians, and at the Rod, and from Izhorts, and Karel. Komi are different: in those places where there are mixed marriages with nonsense, they are black-haired and tear; Others are rather reminiscent of Scandinavians, with a slightly wider face.

They were engaged in the finno-eel agriculture (to prevent the soil ashes, the forest areas were burned out), hunting and fishing. Their settlements were far from each other. Maybe for this reason they have not created states anywhere and began to be part of the neighboring organized and constantly expanding powers. Some of the first references to Finno-Thieves contain Khazar documents written in Hebrew - the state language of the Khazar Kaganat. Alas, there are almost no vowels in it, so it remains to guess that the "CCRS" means "Mary's Cherems", and "MKSh" - "Moksha". Later, the Finno-Ugry was paid to the tribute to Bulgaram, they were part of the Kazan Khanate, to the Russian state.

Russian and Finno-Ugry

In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Russian settlers rushed on the lands of Finno-Ugors. Most often, the settlement was peaceful, but sometimes indigenous peoples resisted their edge to the Russian state. The most fierce resistance was made by Mariers.

Over time, baptism, writing, urban culture, brought by Russians, began to push out local languages \u200b\u200band beliefs. Many began to feel Russians and really became them. Sometimes it was enough to be baptized for this. The peasants of one Mordovian village wrote in the petition: "our ancestors, the former Mordva", sincerely believing that only their ancestors, pagans were mordeva, and their Orthodox descendants do not treat Mordve.

People moved to the cities, left far - to Siberia, to Altai, where there was one tongue for all - Russian. Names after baptism did not differ from ordinary Russians. Or almost nothing: Not everyone notice that in the names of the Schukshin type, Vedenyapin, Piyashev is not Slavyansky, but they immediately go to the name of the Shukshi tribe, the name of the Goddess War, the Doashness of the Doashristian name. So a significant part of the Finno-Ugro was assimilated by the Russians, and some, accepting Muslim, mixed with Turks. Therefore, Finno-Ugry and do not constitute the majority anywhere - even in the republics who gave their name.

But, dissolved in the mass of Russians, Finno-Ugry has retained their anthropological type: very blonde hair, blue eyes, nose-shchka, a wide, cheese face. This type of XIX Writers. called "Penza's peasant", is now perceived as typical Russian.

The Russian language included a lot of Finno-Ugric words: "Tundra", "Kilka", "Salaka", etc. Is there a more Russian and all the favorite dish than dumplings? Meanwhile, this word is borrowed from the Komi language and means "Bread Ushko": "Pel" - "Ear", and "Nyan" - "Bread". Especially many borrowing in the northern dialects, mainly among the names of nature phenomena or elements of the landscape. They give the peculiar beauty of local speech and regional literature. Take at least the word "Taibol", which in the Arkhangelsk region are called a deaf forest, and in the pool of the river Mezen - the road walking along the sea shore near Taiga. It is taken from Karelian "Taibale" - "Estiments". For centuries, people living nearby have always enriched each other's culture.

Finno-Ugilities on the origin were the Patriarch Nikon and the Avvakum Protopop - both Mordvini, but the enemies are irreconcilable; Udmurt - Physiologist V. M. Bekhterev, Komi - Sociologist Pi-Tirim Sorokin, Mordvin - Sculptor S. Nehodov-Erzya, who took the name of the people with his pseudonym; Mariec - Composer A. Ya. Espai.

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Finno-UgryTheir place in the history of the Russian nation and the Russian state is an academic question. However, in the last twenty years at the level of the yellow press, the question of finns and Ugra Delitants were taken to discuss. I do not respect myself to those skilled in the anthropology, but it is able to determine the main problem butt points that do not allow Ukrainians and the Russians to find a common language and adhere to the thread of the discussion.

The main problems in the question of the history of Finno-Ugrov, standing on the way to mutual understanding, are the following

Low level of education in the era of the Internet. Unfortunately, the majority of people do not seek to know the academic ( scientific) Parts of the question Slavs (including their appearance, decorations, myths, fairy tales, religion and culture) In the history of Russia. Alas, but read academic literature is difficult due to the method of presentation of the material. And it is so! Read a yellow press on the topic " Slavs"(or similar) with loud anti-Ukrainian phrases and extreme statements very simple and, most importantly, remembered easily and quickly! Unfortunately! Moreover, the availability of access to the Internet does not help solve the issue, and even on the contrary - complicates. Expressive prospects" "Mouth to the opponent on the forum and mix everything into one pile outweighs common sense and - has rummed my own mythology and zombie on the finno-thief ...

The reluctance of the authorities to meet people. The authorities of Russia such a position of Russian citizens is extremely profitable: no spending on the part of Russia for the publication and agitation of academic literature; Yellow press publish not at the expense of the stateNaturally, it spreads lightning. Many such literature on the topic finno-Ugro (And not only) was published in the past - by last century and today new-fashioned cleverings did not come up on this issue on this issue, and they relate to those old sources, even not honored to revise them for the availability of refutations. In addition, to manage stupid and embittered much easier - show your finger and say: "FAS!".

As a result, the next problem floats: Looking for yourself and can not find (or afraid). However, Karamzin found Russia at one time. Since tA The history of Karamzin influenced some of the Russian historian - Klyuchevsky. So since then - the main favorable positions of the history of the Russian state of Karamzin are flowing from one textbook to another, forgetting about the population and inhibiting it to the state, which is extremely wrong! In fact, the history of Karamzin became the first customer political version of the history of Russia, after which the story passed from the plane of science to the policy plane. It is possible that in Russia the story as a science in general, no one to Karamzin did. Otherwise, Karamzin would not have to write it under the order of the king.

What can help resolve the issue of Finno-Ugric peoples?

Divide the Questions of Language and DNA. It turns out that the DNA (roots, race), the population of Russia really consisted of mostly from the Finno-Ugrov ( read below). However, who said that Finno-Ugry can not master the Slavic language and, being in fact Finno-Ugrons, speak Russian and beat himself a fist in the chest?

Having read about the Ukrainians of all the time of the Tsar of Pea, the Russians, for some reason, blame Ukrainians in dislike for the throat-Finns. We (Ukrainians) do not show the finno-ultrasound dislike. We oppose that the Russians themselves show the Finno-Ugrations of the dislike, trying to disengage from the relationship with them. As a result, the Russians are trying believe from the big part of ourselves, And this part is filled, to which there is no relationship. I'm not saying that Russians dont Have nothing in common, but Russians put a question in this waythat we (Ukrainians) are not in court. As a result, the Russians themselves their behavior and uneducation cause a negative from the Ukrainians, calling. Guys, Ukrainians cannot by definition! The question is why the Russians are rejected from their part of the Finno-Ugric heritage ???

Lack of information generates rumors and fiction. In question finno-Ugric Heritage In Russia, the situation is similar. actively opposing filling white spots in its Finno-Ugric History and this "forces" Ukrainians (gives all the grounds and occasion) to fill these white spots for Russians, expecting, naturally, his vision of the question. But for that all a responsibility The Russians themselves are not silent! An actively analyze themselves (and do not invent) and thus you will deprive your opponents of the agru. Who interferes?

Additionally, on the topic of finno-thieves ...

According to the successful comparison of the Academician of Ores Borisovich Tkachenko, world famous Meryanist (discipline in the finno-thief engaged in the study of the people of Mary): " In the Russian people, on the maternal line associated with Slavic Pranodina, Father was Finn. According to the father's line, the Russians rise to the Finno"This explanation makes a lot of cultural facts in the life and development of the Russian nation. In the end, Moscow Rus, and Novgorod developed on the lands of the souls populated by the Finno-Ugric tribes, Mary and Meshchers, as well as in Mordovskaya, Wepsevskikh, Vserved-Izhora , Karelian and Perm territories.

Slavs did not assimilate the Finnish tribesbut. it finno-Ugry adapted for a new language And they adopted a part of the Byzantine spiritual culture. Therefore, Russians have the opportunity to choose. Realize their rooted on this earth, see no ancestors not only and not so much Slavs, feel that the culture of the Russian people is based on the Finno-Ugric basis.

Who are the Finno-Ugry (literature on the topic)

Finno-Ugry - Ethno-language community of peoples, numbering more than 20 million people. Everything finno-Ugric peoples are indigenous in their territories. Finno-Thieves They lived in Eastern Europe and in the Urals since the times of Neolith (new Stone Age). From the Baltic Sea to Western Siberia, from the forest-steppes of Russian plains to the coast of the Northern Ocean - original finno-Ugric lands and close to them of the self-physical peoples.

In linguistic terms finno-Ugry They are divided into several subgroups. The Permian-Finnish subgroup makes up Komi, Udmurts and Edmen. Volga-Finnish group: Mordva (Erizan and Mokshan) and Mariyza. The Balto Finns include: Finns, finna Inghermanlanders, Estonians, Setu, Quene in Norway, mysterious water, Izhhorz, Karelia, Veps and descendants of Mary. A separate Ugric group belongs to Khanty, Mansi and Hungary. The descendants of the medieval vesnets and Murom are most likely belonging to the Volga Finns.

In anthropological attitude finno-Ugric peoples Heterogeneous. Some scientists allocate special ural race, transitional between Europeanoids and Mongoloids. All the peoples of the Finno-Ugric Group are inherent in both European and mongoloid signs. Obskie (Khanty and Mansi), part of Marijtsev, Mordva have more pronounced mongoloid features. In the rest, these features are either equal, or the Europeanid component dominates. But this does not testify to the benefit of Indo-European origin of the Finno-Ugro, Indo-European anthropological traits from the language Indo-European community should be distinguished.

Finno-Ugro All over the world unites common material and spiritual culture. All real finno-jersigns live in harmony with nature, with the world around them and with neighboring peoples. Only the Finno-Ugric peoples and at the beginning of the Third Millennium retained in Europe in the most complete traditional culture, including, as not paradoxically and Russian. However, this paradox will explain. Unlike many peoples, Finno-Ugors try to preserve in their culture as many customs and traditions as possible, including (perhaps in Russia, this explains a rather large number of preserved ancient traditions and elements of times of Russia).

Karelian-Finnish Epos "Kalevala" retained for the history of Belomorsk Karelians, and not urbanized finns; Almost all Russians ancient fairy tales, epic and legends (epic folklore - the most ancient of all forms of oral folk culture) were recorded by ethnographers at the end of the 19th century in the areas of residence of Karel, Veps and descendants of the Finno-Ugric peoples in the Arkhangelsk province. Most of the monuments of the Old Russian wooden architecture went to the inheritance from Finno-Ugric lands. Several years ago, the epic of the Erzyansky people "Mastorava" was recorded and restored, which in itself is unique.

The spiritual life of Finno-Ugra is impossible without folk beliefs. Even long ago, baptized peoples have retained a huge reservoir of culture associated with pre-Christian beliefs. And some, like Markets, still adhere to, mostly traditional faith. Do not confuse these beliefs with paganism. Markets, Erizan, part of the Udmurts, Obzhni have national religions.

Finno-Ugric question - This is no doubt and the Russian question. The issue of ethnic identification of the Great Russian Ethnic Sheet. In all the territories of the Russian Plain, where the Russians now live, the Finno-Ugry also lived. A big problem, what was the character of Slavic colonization. After all, the Russians retain the same material and spiritual traditional culture precisely with Finno-Ugric peoples, and not with southern Slavs or Turks. Psychological peculiarities of the population, its national character, especially in the north, northwest and northeast of the European part of Russia (the most indigenous part of Russia) among Russian and Finno-Ugrations are also common.

I hope that the above information on the topic of Finno-Ugrations and Russia will help to find problem areas in the history of Russia and understand in which direction the history of Russia itself should be built by postponing policies.

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40 000

Archaeological culture Language Religion

Finno-Ugric peoples (finno-Ugry) - the language community of peoples speaking in Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bliving in Western Siberia, Central, Northern and Eastern Europe.

Classification and numbers

Finno-Ugric peoples are divided into two groups: Finnish and Ugor.

The total number of Finno-Ugric peoples is estimated at 25 million people. Of these, Hungarians are about 14 million, Finnov 5 million, Estonians about 1 million, Mordov 843 thousand, Udmurts 637 thousand, Mari residents of 614 thousand.

Finno Perm Group

Baltic-Finnish subgroup

  • Finns (Suomi) - 6,000,000: 4,800,000 - in Finland, 300,000 - in Sweden, 300,000 people in the USA, 50 people in Kazakhstan.
    • Ingermanlanders - 32 231: 20,300 - in Russia, 10 639 - in Estonia.
    • KNAV - 10 000 - 60 000 - in Norway.
  • Estonians - 1,050,000: 920,000 - in Estonia (), 39 763 - in Finland (), 28 113 - in Russia (2002), 25,509 - in Sweden (), 25,000 - USA ().
    • Veru - 74,000 in Estonia.
    • Setu - 10,000: 10,000 - in Estonia, 214 - in Russia (2010).
  • Karelia - 120,000: 93 344 - in Russia (2002), 20,000 - in Finland.
  • Veps - 8,240 people in Russia (2002).
  • Izhhorians - 700 people: 327 people - in Russia (2002).
  • Lively - 250-400 people (in Latvia).
  • Raving - 100 people: 73 - in Russia (2002).

SAMA subgroup

  • Saama is 30,000-70,000: 40,000 - in Norway, 20,000 - in Sweden, 6,500 - in Finland, 1.8 thousand people - in Russia (2010).

Volga-Finnish subgroup

  • Mordva - 744 237 in Russia (2010)
    • Mokshan - 49 624 in Russia (2002)
    • Eriangan - 84 407 in Russia (2002)
  • Markets - 547 605 in Russia (2010)

Perm subgroup

  • Udmurts - 636 906 in Russia (2002).
    • Foundation - 3 122 in Russia (2002).
  • Komi-Zyryan - 293 406 in Russia (2002).
    • Komi-Izhemtsy - 15 607 in Russia (2002).
  • Komi-Permyaki - 125 235 in Russia (2002).
    • Komi-Yazvinians - 5,000 in Russia.


Danube subgroup

  • Hungarians - 14,500,000: 9 416 015 - in Hungary (), 1 563 081 - in the USA (), 1 433 073 - in Romania (), 520 528 - in Slovakia (), 315 510 - in Canada (), 293 299 - in Serbia (), 156 600 - in Ukraine ().
    • YaSi (medieval Alanian people assimilated by the Hungarians)

Obskaya subgroup

  • Khanty - 28,678 people in Russia (2002).
  • Mansi - 11,432 people in Russia (2002).

Classification of state-territorial entities

Modern independent Finno-Ugric states

Modern Finno-Ugric National Authority

Romania Russia


  • Cherkalskaya culture - the culture of the Bronze Age in the south of the Urals and Western Siberia
  • Inter-Culture - Culture of the Bronze Century in Trans-Urals and Western Siberia
  • Ananyan culture - the culture of the Iron Age on the Middle Volga region
  • Pianoborsk culture - the culture of the Iron Age in the Volga region and the Ural
  • Bakhmutin culture and Kama
  • Dyakovsky culture - the culture of the Iron Age in Central Russia
  • Gorodetskaya culture - the culture of the Iron Century in southern Russia and the Volga region
  • Karaiakupovskaya culture - the culture of the Iron Age on the Southern Urals
  • Kushnarenkovsky culture - the culture of the Iron Age in the Southern Urals
  • Mazuno culture - the culture of the Iron Age in the Kama region and at the bottom river
  • Sargatsky culture - the culture of the Iron Age in Western Siberia


Landbooking analysis shows the existence of direct contacts of the population of the Indoran Group with the population of the Finno-Ugric Language Group. V. N. Chernetsov indicate the presence of many Iranian devils in the language, folklore and rites of the later Ugric population of Western Siberia (Khantov and Mansi).


According to the latest genetic data, the tribes that spread the haplogroup n migrated from South Siberia.

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  • Bongard-Levin G. M., Granttsky E. A. From Scythia to India. M., 2000.
  • Bernshat T. A. Christianization in the ethnocultural processes of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the European North and the Volga region (comparative generalization) // Modern Finno-Thieves. Experience and problems. Collection of scientific works of state. Museum ethnography of the peoples of the USSR. - L., 1990. - P. 133-140.
  • The worldview of the Finno-Ugric peoples. M., 1990.
  • National V. V. Introduction to historical uralistics. Izhevsk: Udmiyl, 1997.
  • The peoples of the Volga region and the Urals. Komi-Zyryan. Komi-Perm. Markets. Mordva. Udmurts. M., 2000.
  • Ryabinin E. A. Finno-Ugric tribes as part of ancient Russia. Spb. : Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University, 1997.
  • Helimsky E. A. Comparative, Uraltish: lectures and articles. M.: Languages \u200b\u200bof Russian culture, 2000.
  • Fedyanovich T. L. Family customs and rites of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga region. M., 1997.


Excerpt characterizing Finno-Ugric peoples

Chernyshev was sitting with the book of the French novel by the window of the first room. This room was probably before the hall; In it, there was still an organ for which some carpets were launched, and in one corner there was a folding bed of Adjutant Benigsen. This adjutant was here. He can be seen that with a feast or case, sat on a folded bed and dreamed. Two doors were led from the halls: one straight into the former living room, the other right to the office. From the first door heard voices of German and occasionally in French. There, in the former living room, they were collected, at the request of the sovereign, not a military council (the sovereign loved uncertainty), but some persons whom the opinion about the upcoming difficulties he wanted to know. It was not a military council, but as it were, the Council of Selected to clarify some questions personally for the sovereign. On this half, the Swedish General ArmFeld was invited, General Adjutant Volzogen, Vinzingerode, whom Napoleon called the Running French subject, Misho, Tol, not at all a military man - Count Stein and, finally, the Pful himself, who, as the prince of Andrei, was La Cheville Ouvriere [Basis] All business. Prince Andrei had a time to consider him well, as Pful soon came after him and went to the living room, stopping for a minute to talk to Chernyshev.
Pful at a glance, in his Russian general unfortunately stitched uniform, which is awkward, as on a dressed, sat on it, seemed to be a prince Andrei as if he was familiar, although he never saw him. Wayer, and Mac, and Schmidt, and many other German theoretics of the generals, whom Andrei managed to see in 1805 months; But he was typical of all of them. Such a German theorist involved in itself everything that was in those Germans has never seen Prince Andrei.
Pful was low in growth, very thin, but wide, coarse, healthy addition, with a wide pelvis and bony blades. He had a very wrinkled face with deep eyes inserted. The hair in front of the temples, obviously, were hurriedly were invited to the brush, they were naive with tassels behind. He, restlessly and angry looking around, entered the room, as if he was afraid of everything in a big room, where he entered. He, with an awkward movement, holding the sword, turned to Chernyshev, asking German, where the sovereign. He can see how soon I wanted to get the room, graduate from the worship and greetings and go for the case before the map where he felt in place. He hurriedly nodded his head on the words of Chernyshev and smiled ironically, listening to his words that the sovereign inspects the strengthening, which he, Pful himself laid on his theory. He is bassist and cool, as they say self-confident Germans, grumbled to herself: dummkopf ... or: Zu Grunde Die Ganze Geschichte ... or: S "Wird Was Gescheites D" Raus Werden ... [Stupidity ... to hell is all ... (it.) ] Prince Andrei did not hear and wanted to go through, but Chernyshev acquainted Prince Andrew with Pfull, noting that Prince Andrei came from Turkey, where the war is so happily. Pful glanced almost so much on Prince Andrew, how much through him, and said laughing: "Da Muss Ein Schoner TaktischCr Krieg Gewesen Sein". ["That then, it must be properly tactical was war." (Him.)] - And, changing contemptuously, passed into the room from which voices were heard.
It can be seen, Pful, already always ready for ironic irritation, now was especially excited by the fact that they dared without him to inspect his camp and judge him. Prince Andrei, one shortly of this dating, thanks to his Austerlitsky memories, was the clear characteristics of this person. Pful was one of those hopelessly, invariably, to the martyrdom of self-confident people, whom the Germans are only there, and precisely because only the Germans are self-confident on the basis of an abstract idea - science, that is, imaginary knowledge of the perfect truth. The Frenchman is self-confident because he honors herself personally, both mind and body, irresistible charming for both men and women. Anglicin is self-confident on the grounds that he is a citizen of the well-maintained state in the world, and therefore the Englishman knows that he needs to do, and knows that everything he does as an Englishman is undoubtedly good. Italian self-confident because he is excited and forgets easily and others. Russian self-confident precisely because he does not know anything and does not want to know, because it does not believe that you can know something. The German self-dedicated is worse, and all the most confused, because he imagines that he knows the truth, the science he himself invented, but which is the absolute truth for him. Such, obviously, was Pful. He had a science - the theory of a submitting movement, derived from the history of the wars of Friedrich the Great, and everything that he met in the newest history of the wars of Friedrich the Great, and everything that he met in the modern military history seemed to him nonsense, barbarism, ugly clashes, In which so many mistakes were made on both sides that these wars could not be called wars: they did not fit under theory and could not serve as a subject of science.
In 1806, Pful was one of the compilers of the War Plan, concerned by Yena and Aurshette; But in the outcome of this war, he did not see the slightest evidence of the wrongness of his theory. On the contrary, the retreats made from his theory, according to his concepts, were the only reason for the whole failure, and he was told with his characteristic joyful irony: "Ich Sagte Ja, Daji Die Ganze Geschichte Zum Teufel Gehen Wird. [After all, I said that everything would go to hell (him.)] Pful was one of those theorists who like their theory so that they forget the goal of the theory - her app to practice; He in love for the theory hated every practice and did not want to know her. He even rejoiced to noise, because the failure, which took place from the retreat in practice from theory, argued him only the justice of his theory.
He said a few words with the prince Andrei and Chernyshev about the real war with an expression of a person who knows forward that everything will be bad and that is not even dissatisfied with it. Unclean hair brushes protruding on the back of the head and hurriedly sloping temples especially eloquently confirmed this.
He walked into another room, and from there immediately heard the bassish and grilling sounds of his voice.

Prince Andrei did not have time to bear the eyes of Pfula, as the Count Benigsen joined the room and, nodding Bolkonsky, not stopping, went to the office, giving some orders to his adjutant. The sovereign was driving him, and Benigsen hurried forward to cook something and have time to meet the sovereign. Chernyshev and Prince Andrew came out on the porch. The sovereign with a tired view got off the horse. Marquis Pauluchi said something sovereign. The sovereign, bowing his head to the left, with a disgruntled view he listened to Paulchi, who spoke with a special heat. The sovereign moved forward, apparently, wanting to finish the conversation, but the painted, excited Italian, forgetting the decency, went after him, continuing to say:
- Quant A CELUI QUI A CONSEILLE CE CAMP, LE CAMP DE DRISSA, [As for the one who attacked the Driss camp,] - said Pauluchi, while the sovereign, entering the steps and noticing the Prince Andrew, peered into an unfamiliar face .

Considering the geographical map of Russia, it can be noted that the names of the rivers ending on the "VA" and "Ga" are common in the basins of the Middle Volga and Kama: Socheva, Rywie, Cokshag, Wind, etc. In those places they live Translated from their languages "VA" and "ha" Mean "River", "moisture", "wet place", "water". However, Finno-Ugric Toponymis{1 ) There are not only where these nations make a significant part of the population, form the republics and national districts. The arole of their distribution is much wider: it covers the European North of Russia and part of the central regions. Examples can be brought quite a few: the old Russian cities of Kostroma and Murom; River Yakhroma, Iksha in the Moscow region; Verkol Village in Arkhangelsk, etc.

Some researchers consider finno-Ugrics by origin even those familiar words as "Moscow" and "Ryazan". As scientists believe, in these places the Finno-Ugric tribes sometimes lived, and now the memory of them is stored ancient names.

{1 } Toponym (from Greek. Topos - "Place" and "Onima" - "Name") - a geographical name.

Who are such finno-ugrin

Finns Call the people inhabiting his neighboring Finland (Finnish " Suomi "), but ugra In the ancient Russian chronicles called Hungarian. But in Russia there are no Hungarians and very few Finns, but there are peoples talking in languages \u200b\u200brelated to Finnish or Hungarian . These nations and call Finno-Ugrics . Depending on the degree of proximity of languages, scientists share finno-Ugro for five subgroups . First baltic-Finnish , enter Finns, Izhorstsy, water, Veps, Karelia, Estonians and Liv. The two most numerous people of this subgroup - finns and Estonians - They live mainly outside our country. In Russia finnov. You can meet B. Karelia, Leningrad region and in St. Petersburg; Estonians - in Siberia, Volga region and in the Leningrad Region. Small group of Estonians - Setu - lives in Pechora district of the Pskov region. By religion, many Finns and Estonians - protestants (usually, Lutherans), setu - orthodox . Small nate veps. lives in small groups in Karelia, Leningrad region and northwestern Vologda, but water (there are less than 100 people left!) - In Leningradskaya. AND WEPES, and water - orthodox . Orthodoxy confess I. Izhhorians . They are in Russia (in the Leningrad region) 449 people, even about the same in Estonia. Veps and Izhhorians Save their languages \u200b\u200b(they even have dialects) and use them in domestic communication. Water language disappeared.

The biggest baltines-Finnish Russian people - Karelia . They live in Republic of Karelia, as well as in Tverskaya, Leningrad, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. In everyday life, Karelia speak three dialects: Actually karelian, Livikovsky and Livvikovsky, and their literary language is Finnish. Newspapers are published on it, magazines, at the Philological Faculty of Petrozavodsky University there is a department of Finnish and literature. Kareli and Russian know.

The second subgroup is made Saama , or blades . Their main part is resettleve in Northern Scandinavia, but in Russia saama - inhabitants Kola Peninsula. According to most professionals, the ancestors of this people once occupied a much larger territory, but over time they were pushed back to the north. At the same time they lost their tongue and learned one of the Finnish devices. Saama are good reindeer herders (in the recent past nomads), fishermen and hunters. In Russia they confess orthodoxy .

Third, volzhsko-Finnish Subgroup includes markets and Mordva . Mordva - indigenous population Republic of MordoviaBut a significant part of this nation lives throughout Russia - in Samara, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions, in the republics of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, in Chuvashia etc. Before joining the XVI century. Mordovian lands to Russia, the Mordov appeared his own know - "Iminitions", "Gulf", that is," the hosts of the Earth. " Iminitions The first were baptized, quickly bliss, and in the future their descendants were the element in the Russian nobility, a little smaller element than immigrants from the Golden Horde and Kazan Khanate. Mordva shared on erzu and Moksha ; Each of the ethnographic groups has a written literary language - erzyansky and Mokshansky . According to Mordva religion orthodox ; They were always considered the most Christian head of the Volga region.

Mariyza Live predominantly B. Republic of Mari ELas well as in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Sverdlovsk and Perm regions. It is believed that this people have two literary languages \u200b\u200b- meadow-based and mountain-mariy. However, not all philologists share this opinion.

More ethnographers of the XIX century. celebrated an unusually high level of the national identity of Mari. They stubbornly resisted accession to Russia and baptism, and until 1917, the authorities prohibited them to live in cities and handicrafts and trading.

In fourth permian Subgroup includes actually Komi. , comi-Perm and Udmurts . Komi.(in the past they were called Zyryanov) form the indigenous population of the Komi Republic, but they also live in Sverdlovsk, Murmansk, Omsk regions, in Nenets, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts. Their primordial classes - agriculture and hunting. But, unlike most other Finno-Ugric peoples, there were many merchants and entrepreneurs among them. Even before October 1917. Komi in terms of literacy (in Russian) approached the most educated people of Russia - Russian Germans and Jews. Nowadays, 16.7% of Komi works in agriculture, but in industry - 44.5%, and in education, science, culture - 15%. Part of the Komi - Izhtems - mastered the reindeer herding and became the largest reindeer herders of the European North. Komi. orthodox (part of the Old Believers).

Very close in tongue to Zyryanam Komi-Permyaki . More than half of this nation live in Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous District, and the rest - in the Perm region. Permians are mostly peasants and hunters, but throughout their history they were both factory fortress peasants in the Urals, and burlaca on Kame and Volga. By the religion of Komi-Perm orthodox .

Udmurt{ 2 } focused mostly in Udmurt Republicwhere they make up about 1/3 of the population. Small groups of Udmurts live in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Republic of Mari El, in Perm, Kirov, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk regions. Traditional occupation - agriculture. In cities, they most often forget their native language and customs. Maybe, so the Udmurt language considers only 70% of Udmurts relatives, mostly residents of rural areas. Udmurt orthodox But many of them (including baptized) adhere to traditional beliefs - worship the pagan gods, deities, spirits.

In the fifth uGORSKY Subgroup includes hungarians, Khanty and Mansi . "Ugra "In Russian chronicles called hungarian, but " yugroy " - obzhrov, i.e. Khantah and Mansi. Although Northern Urals and Lowwhere Khanty and Manci live, are located thousands of kilometers from the Danube, on the shores of which the Hungarians created their state, these nations are the next relatives. Khanty and Mansi Below to small nodes of the North. Mans live mostly in x anty-Mansi Autonomous District, but khanty. - in Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous districts, Tomsk region. Mansi primarily hunters, then fishermen, reindeer herds. Khanty, on the contrary, first fishermen, and then hunters and reindeers. And those and others confess OrthodoxyHowever, they did not forget the ancient faith. The big damage of the traditional culture of Obzhrov inflicted the industrial development of their edge: many hunting grounds disappeared, rivers polluted.

Ancient Russian chronicles preserved the names of the Finno-Ugric tribes, now disappeared - chud, Merya, Murom . Merya In the first millennium N. e. The Volga and Oci died in the interflore, and at the turn of the I and II millennium merged with the eastern Slavs. There is an assumption that modern Mariers are the descendants of this tribe. Murom in the first millennium BC. e. lived in the Oka basin, and by the XII century. n. e. Mixed with eastern Slavs. Miracle Modern researchers consider Finnish tribes who lived in antiquity on the shores of Onega and Northern Dvina. It is not excluded that they are the ancestors of Estonians.

{ 2 ) Russian historian XVIII century. V. N. Tatishchev wrote that the Udmurts (before them called the Voyets) they commit prayers "with any good tree, but not with a pine and ate, which do not have a sheet, do not have a fetal, and aspen is honored for a damned tree ... ".

Where they lived and where the finno-ugrons live

Most researchers converge on the fact that Pranodina finno-Ugro There was at the border of Europe and Asia, in areas between Volga and Kama and in the Ural. It is there in the IV-III millennia to n. e. There was a community of tribes related in the language and loved ones by origin. By the first millennium H. e. Ancient Finno-Ugry settled to the Baltic States and Northern Scandinavia. They occupied the extensive territory, crumbling forests, is almost the entire northern part of the current European Russia to the Kama in the south.

Excavations show that ancient finno-jerse belong to ural race: In their appearance, the features are mixed with European and Mongol-ID (wide cheekbones, often Mongolian eye cut). Moving to the West, they mixed with Europeanoids. As a result, some peoples that occurred from the ancient Finno-Things, the Mongoloid signs began to smooth and disappear. Now the "Ural" features are characterized in one degree or another Finnish peoples of Russia: Middle height, wide face, nose, referred to as smoking, very blonde hair, a non-beard. But these features are manifested in different ways. For example, mordva Erzyahigh, blonde, blue-eyed, and Mordva-Moksha and increasing down, and face wider, and their hair is darling. W. marytsev and Udmurtov There are often eyes with the so-called Mongolian fold - Epicatus, very wide cheekbones, a liquid beard. But at the same time (Ural Race!) Light and red hair, blue and gray eyes. Mongolian fold is sometimes found in Estonians, and at the Rod, and from Izhorts, and Karel. Komi. There are different: in those places where there are mixed marriages with nonsense, they are black-haired and discoloration; Others are rather reminiscent of Scandinavians, with a slightly wider face.

Finno-Ugry farming (To prevent the soil ashes, the forest areas burned out), Hunting and fishing . Their settlements were far from each other. Maybe for this reason they have not created states anywhere and began to be part of the neighboring organized and constantly expanding powers. Some of the first references to Finno-Thieves contain Khazar documents written in Hebrew - the state language of the Khazar Kaganat. Alas, there are almost no vowels in it, so it remains to guess that the "CCRS" means "Mary's Cherems", and "MKSh" - "Moksha". Later, the Finno-Ugry was paid to the tribute to Bulgaram, they were part of the Kazan Khanate, to the Russian state.

Russian and Finno-Ugry

In the XVI-XVIII centuries. Russian immigrants rushed to the lands of Finno-Ugrov. Most often, the settlement was peaceful, but sometimes indigenous peoples resisted their edge to the Russian state. The most fierce resistance was made by Mariers.

Over time, baptism, writing, urban culture, brought by Russians, began to push out local languages \u200b\u200band beliefs. Many began to feel Russians and really became them. Sometimes it was enough to be baptized for this. The peasants of one Mordovian village wrote in the petition: "our ancestors, the former Mordva", sincerely believing that only their ancestors, pagans were mordeva, and their Orthodox descendants do not treat Mordve.

People moved to the cities, left far - to Siberia, to Altai, where there was one tongue for all - Russian. Names after baptism did not differ from ordinary Russians. Or almost nothing: Not everyone notice that in the names of the Schukshin type, Vedenyapin, Piyashev is not Slavyansky, but they immediately go to the name of the Shukshi tribe, the name of the Goddess War, the Doashness of the Doashristian name. So a significant part of the Finno-Ugro was assimilated by the Russians, and some, accepting Muslim, mixed with Turks. Therefore, Finno-Ugry and do not constitute the majority anywhere - even in the republics who gave their name.

But, dissolved in the mass of Russians, Finno-Ugry has retained their anthropological type: very blonde hair, blue eyes, nose-shchka, a wide, cheese face. This type of XIX Writers. called "Penza's peasant", is now perceived as typical Russian.

The Russian language included a lot of Finno-Ugric words: "Tundra", "Kilka", "Salaka", etc. Is there a more Russian and all the favorite dish than dumplings? Meanwhile, this word is borrowed from the Komi language and means "Bread Ushko": "Pel" - "Ear", and "Nyan" - "Bread". Especially many borrowing in the northern dialects, mainly among the names of nature phenomena or elements of the landscape. They give the peculiar beauty of local speech and regional literature. Take at least the word "Taibol", which in the Arkhangelsk region are called a deaf forest, and in the pool of the river Mezen - the road walking along the sea shore near Taiga. It is taken from Karelian "Taibale" - "Estiments". For centuries, people living nearby have always enriched each other's culture.

Finno-Ugilities on the origin were the Patriarch Nikon and the Avvakum Protopop - both Mordvini, but the enemies are irreconcilable; Udmurt - Physiologist V. M. Bekhterev, Komi - Sociologist Pi-Tirim Sorokin, Mordvin - Sculptor S. Nehodov-Erzya, who took the name of the people with his pseudonym; Mariec - Composer A. Ya. Espai.

Ancient clothes in about d and and and z o r c e in

The main part of the traditional female costume of Power and Izhoriev - shirt . Vintage shill shiva is very long, with wide, too long sleeves. In the warm time of the year, the shirt was the only woman's clothes. Esho in the 60s. XIX century The young after the wedding was supposed to walk in one shirt until the coat did not give her a fur coat or caftan.

Wask women have a long preserved an ancient shape of a notchy waist clothing - hursguxet which put on top of the shirt. Hursguxet looks like russian ponyth. Its richly decorated with copper coins, sinks, fringe, bells. Later when in life was entered Sarafan. The bride put on the wedding of Hursguxet under the sapan.

Peculiar disheveled clothes - annu - worn in the central part Ingermanland (part of the territory of the modern Leningrad region). It was a wide, reached by the armpits of a cloth; It was sewn to his upper ends and shifted it through the left shoulder. Anna daveed on the left side, and therefore the second cloth was put on him - Hurstut . He was wrapped around the waist and also wore on the strap. Russian Sarafan gradually pushed out of the vintage clothes from the engineer and Izhoriev. Successful clothes leather belt, cords, wicker belts and narrow towels.

In ancient times, Wall women shawl's head.

Traditional clothing x and n t o v and m and n s and

Clothes Khanty and Mansi sewed from Skur, fur, fish skin, cloth, rope and linen canvas. In the manufacture of children's clothing, the most archaic material was used - bird skins.

Men Winter worn swing fur coats from deer and hasty fur, squirrel and fox paws, and in the summer a short robe of coarse cloth; Gate, sleeves and right floor twisted fur. Winter shoes It was fur, and wore it with fur stockings. Summer Made from Rumpuhi (suede from deer or energies), and the sole of the elk skin.

Men's rubahi Sili from a speckled canvas, and pants from Rumpuga, fish skin, canvas, cotton fabrics. On top of the shrue necessarily put on Woven belt , to which suspended by beaded bags (They held a knife in wooden sheaths and lights).

Genis Winter worn Shub From the skins of deer; The lining was also fur. Where there was little deer, the lining was made from the holy and squirrel skins, and sometimes from the duck or swan fluff. In summer wore sukonny or Cotton Bathrobe , Decorated with stripes from beads, colored matter and tin plaques. These plaques of women were cast in special molds of soft stone or pine crust. The belt was already male and more elegant.

Women and winter and summer covered their heads scarves with a wide border and fringe . In the presence of men, especially the older relatives of her husband, traditionally relied on the clock close up. Existed at Khantov and headbands embroidered beads .

Hair Before it was not taken to cut. Men, dividing hair on a straight sample, collected them in two tails and tied with a color cord . Genzhens swung two braids, decorated them with color cord and copper suspensions . At the bottom of the braids so as not to interfere with the operation, combined the thick copper chain. Rings, bubrels, beads and other decorations were suspended to the chain. Hasshes at Khantah, according to custom, wore a lot copper and silver rings. The jewelery from the beads were also widespread, which was covered by Russian merchants.

How dressed m and r and y

In the past, Mari's clothing was extremely homemade. Upper (she was put in winter and autumn) sewed from homemade cloth and sheepskin, and Shirts and summer cafts - from white linen canvas.

Genis wore shirt, caftan, pants, headdress and lapties . The shirts embroidered fish, wool, cotton threads. They were worn with belts that were caught with wool and silk, decorated with beads, brushes and metal chains. One of the species Married Married Headpapers looked like a cap was called shymaksh . It was sewed from a thin canvas and put on a bark skeleton. Mandatory part of the traditional costume Mariek was considered Decorations of beads, coins, tin plaques.

Men's suit consisted of holshoy embroidered shirt, pants, canvas kaftan and lapes . The shirt was shorter than feminine, she was wore with a narrow belt of wool and skin. On the head nailed felt hats and sheepskin caps .

What is the Finno-Ugric Language Rodation

Finno-Ugric peoples in terms of lifestyle, religion, historical destinies and even appearance differ from each other. Combine them in one group based on kinship of languages. However, the language proximity is different. Slavs, for example, can easily agree, explaining each on their adverbs. But the Finno-Ugry will not be able to simply explain to the collections in the language group.

In the deep antiquity, the ancestors of modern Finno-Ugrle said in one language. Then his carriers began to move, mixed with other tribes, and once a single language broke up into several independent. Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bdiverged so long ago that there are few words in them - about a thousand. For example, "House" in Finnish - "Koti", in Estonian - "Kodu", in Mordovski - "Kudu", in Marijskaya - "Kudo". It seems the word "oil": Finnish "VOI", Estonian "VDI", Udmurt and Comi "New", Hungarian "VAJ". But the sound of languages \u200b\u200b- phonetics - it remained so close that any Finno-Ugric, listening to another and not even understanding what he says, feels: this is a kind language.

Finno-Ugrome names

Finno-Ugric peoples confess (at least officially) orthodoxy Therefore, their names and surnames, as a rule, do not differ from the Russians. However, in the village, in accordance with the sound of local languages, they change. So, Akulin becomes Okul, Nikolai - Nikul or Mikul, Cyril - Kyrlya, Ivan - Jõwan. W. komi. For example, patronymic is raised before the name: Mikhail Anatolyevich sounds like a Misha, that is, Anatolyev Son Mishka, and Rosa Stepanovna turns into Stepan Rose - Stepanov's daughter a rose. In the documents, of course, everyone has ordinary Russian names. Only writers, artists and artists choose traditionally rustic uniforms: Jõwan Kyrlya, Nikul Erket, Illya Vasya, Yard Stepanov.

W. komi. often found surname Durkin, Rochev, Kanev; Udmurt - Corepanov and Vladykin; W. mordeva - Vedenyapin, Pi-Jashev, Kechin, Mokshin. Especially common in the face of the surname with a decreasing suffix - Kirdyakin, Viyaykin, Popsuchkin, Alyoshkin, Varlashkin.

Some mariyza , especially unprotected chi-Marie. In Bashkiria, at the time accepted Turkic names. Therefore, Chi-Marie is often found surnames similar to Tatar: Anduga-Nov, Baythemirov, YashpatrovBut the names and patronymic have Russians. W. karelian There are names and Russians, and Finnish, but necessarily with the Russian end: Perchtuev, Lampiev. Usually in Karelia by last name you can distinguish Karel, Finn and St. Petersburg Finn. So, Perchtuyev - karelian, Perthu - petersburg Finn, but Perchunen. - finn. But the name and patronymic of each of them can be Stepan Ivanovich.

What do the Finno-Ugry believe

In Russia, many finno-ugrin profess orthodoxy . In the XII century Veps were chosen, in the XIII century. - Karelia, at the end of the XIV century. - Komi. Then to transfer the Holy Scripture to the Komi language was created perm writing - the only original Finno-Ugric alphabet. Throughout the XVIII-XIX centuries. Kresen Mordva, Udmurts and Mariy. However, the Mariyians so fully and did not accept Christianity. To avoid appeal to a new faith, some of them (they called themselves "Chi-Marie" - "True Mari") went to the territory of Bashkiria, and those who stayed and baptized often continued to worship the old gods. Among mariers, Udmurts, Sami and some other nations were distributed, and now preserved, the so-called Dvelverie . People worship the old gods, but recognize the "Russian God" and His Saints, especially Nicholas. In Yoshkar-Ola, the capital of the Republic of Mari El, the state took under the protection of the sacred grove - " kyusoto."Now there are pagan phenoths here. The names of the supreme gods and mythological heroes are similar to these peoples and are likely to rise to the Old Finnish name of the sky and air -" iLMA. ": Ilmarin - Finns, Ilmilina - karel, Inmar. - udmurtov, EN - at Komi.

Finno-Ugrome cultural heritage

Writing many Finno-Ugric languages \u200b\u200bof Russia are created on the basis of cyrillic, with the addition of letters and admonish signs transmitting sound features. Karelia , whose literary language is Finnish, write Latin letters.

Literature of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia Very young, but in oral folk creativity a centuries-old story. Finnish poet and folklorist Elias Lronrot (1802-1884) Collected the tested epic " Kalevala "Among Karelov Olonetskaya province of the Russian Empire. In the final editorial office, the book was published in 1849. Kalevala, which means" Country Kaleva ", in his songs-runes tells about the exploits of the Finnish heroes of Vynyamyarden, Ilmarin and Lemminkäinena, about their struggle with the evil Louchi. , hostess of grate (Northern Country of Mraka). In a magnificent poetic form, the epos talks about the life, beliefs, customs of the ancestors of Finns, Karel, Vepes, Veps, Izhoriev. These information is unusually rich, they reveal the spiritual world of farmers and hunters of the North. "Kalevala" stands Along with the greatest epomasics of mankind. There are EPOS and some other Finno-Ugric peoples: "Kalevipoeg."(" Son Kaleva ") - estonians , "Pen-Bogatyr"- W. komi-Permyakov , preserved Epic legends morder and Mansi .