The abstract of the classes of "man from geometric shapes. The most accurate test for the definition of character: Draw a person test drawing a little man from geometric shapes

The abstract of the classes of
The abstract of the classes of "man from geometric shapes. The most accurate test for the definition of character: Draw a person test drawing a little man from geometric shapes

Another test used. We have already used geometric shapes to determine. Now the psychogeometry of emotions - we use the drawing of a person out of 10 figures to analyze their emotional status.

Constructive drawing of man in Yermoshin

Psychocatalist Psychoanalyst A.F. Ermoshin, on the basis of its psychotherapeutic practice, increased knowledge of psycho-geometry of character in a psycho-geometric test of libid psychologists.

Now on the basis of a circle, triangle and square ( constructive drawing of a man of 10 figures) You can use to analyze emotions, psychological injuries and psychosomatic problems.

A number of such problems include emotional stress in the body under stress, and various, and violations of cerebral circulation, localization in the body of psychotrauma and emotional pain.

A test for a structural drawing of a person will help:

  • Quickly determine the presence of emotional stress and its localization in the body.
  • Psychotion and age of the proposed psychological or emotional injury: resentment, grief, loss or rejection.
  • To see the presence of psychological symptoms: depression, panic, phobia, fear.
  • Determine the direction of character, its dominant or subordinate function.
  • Diagnose zones of bloating and drawnity of problem areas of the body.

Many psychologists, healers and psychotherapists use constructive drawing of man As a projective technique in his practice.

Emotion psychoometer test

Psychoometer test Of the 10 geometric figures based on a triangle, a circle and square is a great entrance to psychotherapy.

It allows you to determine your psychotype, the nature of the relationship with the opposite sex, the emotional status and self-determination.

You need to draw a figure of a person consisting of 10 geometric shapes. You need to draw a simple soft pencil on a white paper sheet of A4 format. You can use any combination of three geometric shapes: a circle, square and triangle.

Sign the age of drawn by the person.

You need to use exactly 10 figures - no more and no less.

You can increase, reduce items, impose them to each other. You can use in any combination, in any proportion.

So, you drew a person's figure of 10 rounded, triangular and rectangular geometric shapes. Calculate the number of triangles, squares (rectangles) and circles (ovals).

Record your psychotype formula: _ triangles, _ circles, _ squares. For example, if your figure consists of four triangles, four circles and two squares, then the formula of your psychotype: 442.

What is your little man?

Perhaps in your drawing, one of the figures prevail. Someone uses more triangles, someone loves the circles, and someone - the figures of the rectangular shape. Take part in the survey on this topic.

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8 psychological psychographic portraits

Below are truncated and incomplete characteristics of each of the 8 types, subtypes are not described. About how to get your full characteristic and decipher the entire test read below.

I Type (811, 712, 721, 613, 622, 631) - "Organizer" ("Head")

Agostlenik (Lat. Ago - Lead, Sthenos - Strength, Greek. Dromos - Power) - "The one who has enough power to lead others."

Easily adapt in the social sphere. Tell leadership and organizational activities. Oriented on authorities and meaning in society the norms of behavior. Often have a gift of good storytellers based on a high level of speech development (a high subject rate on temperament). We strive for dominance over others. Those who realize this property and have a developed level of self-control, are trying to keep themselves at certain boundaries.

They are distinguished by a pronounced need for active actions. A large psychomotoric is developed. Not only the result is of great importance, but the process of its implementation itself. In assessing both successes and failures are prone to exaggeration.

1. self-opping.

  • I have to take responsibility for myself, because others do not want to do this.

  • I am an incorrigible enthusiast.

  • I accept solutions without hesitation.

2. Expert assessment.

Lead, domineering, active, organizing.

"Parental" partner who is ready to bring up another and take care of him. Prefers the partner to occupy a "children's" position.

4. Community status.

Thinking extrovert.

Type (514, 523, 532, 541) - "diligent worker" ("responsible performer")

Orthenik (Latin. Ordinatus-ordered) - "Hasive
Organize uncertain situations. "

Subject oriented. For them, the ability to do business is priority. They seek to seek perfection in mastering the profession. Have a high sense of responsibility. Demanding to yourself and others. The relationship is quite scrupulous. High value appreciation and have increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Characterized by many features of the "organizers", but in making responsible solutions they often overcome doubts.

In relations differ in excessive delicacy. They consider inconvenient to refuse to request. It is taken for all things, often overestimating their capabilities in their implementation. We are sure that they can cope with any business alone. Can not pass part of their work to another, trusting only by yourself. They can withstand significant mental loads, although the high intensity of work causes irritation.

1. Self-idle:

  • I tell me that I do not regret myself.

  • My desire does not miss the smallest things in the work causes discontent of others.

  • In relations with others, confonctions and diplomaticity are peculiar to me.

2. Expert assessment.

Diplomatic, executive, punctual, scrupulous.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

Equality is focused: expect equal rights and equal duties.

Intuitive introvert.

III Type (433, 343, 334) - "Initiator" ("Duman")

Tonnica (lat. Ton - tension, negativus - negative) - "Possessing the power to transform into imagination negative trends in positive images".

Easily abstract from reality, possess a "conceptual mind." We strive for mastering the selected objective activities, regardless of how the relationship with the surrounding.

Often experiencing alienation, feeling no such as everyone. Tell them to follow their ideas about the world, which are often far from reality. In difficult situations, prone to fantasy. Easily establish contacts with others and know how to maintain a certain distance with them. In critical interpersonal situations, it goes into ourselves, externally demonstrating non-vulnerable. They differ in variety of abilities, ranging from the ability to describe experienced events and ending with drawing, needlework.

1. Self-idle:

  • Close to reproach me in impracticality.

  • I strive to create a relaxed atmosphere around myself.

  • I feel lonely among other people.

2. Expert assessment.

Inspired, impregnated, fascinated.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

Romantic partner for which sentimental symbols are important. Feels deceived when the partner does not recognize or ignore a romantic tone in relations.

4. Community status.

Emotional introvert.

IV Type (181, 271, 172, 361, 262, 163) - "Emotive" ("Empathetic")

Emphostenic (Greek. Emphasis is expressive) - "has the power to transmit emotions and experiences with various means."

Have increased empathy in relation to others. It is hard to experience dramatic scenes even in movies. Difficult life circumstances can knock out the rut. Empathing.

The problems of other people cause their participation and sympathy. Telling to spend on concern about other too much strength and energy, which often makes it difficult to implement their own interests and abilities. They are distinguished by increased readiness for spontaneous expression of emotions and impulsive actions. We strive for the development of various activities. However, more productive in the case of a choice of any area.

1. Self-idle:

  • Other people's problems I take too close to the heart.

  • To any meeting, I need to thoroughly prepare.

  • I will not miss the case to take an autograph of a person who admire.

2. Expert assessment.

Expressive, careful, having, soulful.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

Soulful partner. Sensitive to the finest nuances of relationships.

4. Community status.

Touch extrovert.

V Type (451, 352,154, 253,154) - "intuitive" ("Sensitive", alarming-offending ")

Constable (lat. Contradictorius - controversial) - "Hasing a lot of doubt."

They have a high sensitivity of the nervous system and its fast depletion. Severe emotional lability. It works more efficiently, having the opportunity to switch from one type of activity to another.

Have increased sensitivity to novelty. Survised about the possible unfavorable development of events. They act on the first motive or for a long time they cannot decide anything at all. Their indecision is a consequence of difficulties in the rapid processing of a large amount of incoming information. They are trying to cover the immense and comprehend the impossible. This leads to difficulties in expressing their thoughts and feelings. Straightforward.

1. Self-idle:

  • When my words are ahead of thoughts, I get into an awkward position.

  • The habit of "telling the truth in the eye" creates unnecessary difficulties in life.

  • Implementing the one-sample work of me.

2. Expert assessment.

Natural, critical, suspicious, straightforward.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

It is believed that in marriage the most important is mutual understanding.

4. Community status.

Intuitive extrovert.

VI Type (442, 424, 244) - "independent" ("Free artist")

Ilosthenic (Lat, Immunus - Free, Logos - attitude) - "Having a power to insist on its own, be independent in relationships."

Characterized by a rich imagination and spatial vision. Involved in various types of technical, artistic or intellectual creativity. More often introverted. Just as an intuitive type, live by our own norms.

Resistant to pressure from the social environment. Emotionally exclude. Obsessed with original ideas. Assets-
The performance and efficacy of their work increases with increasing tension. Adverse circumstances will mobilize them. Create and act independently. Associve to defend their own point of view. It is difficult to reconcile with their mistakes. Burly react to the comments of others, perceive the criticism of "in the bayonies". Do not hurry to manifest initiative when establishing contacts.

1. Self-idle:

  • I always suffer because of my own misses.

  • In the dispute, I can easily go to an open conflict.

  • Even in the interests of the case, I can not cooperate with people unpleasant to me.

2. Expert assessment.

Excitable, persistent, independent, sharp.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

Independent partner: retains a certain position in marriage in relation to its partner. She strives to observe the distance and wants the partner with respect to its requirements.

4. Community status.

Touch introvert.

VII Type (415, 325, 235, 415) - "Communicative" ("changeable")

Intenik (lat. Initiare - start) - "possessing ease in the awakening activity."

Distributed in behavior and speech. Immediately in social relations. Easily involve in the situation and also easily out of it. Burly react to what is happening events.

According to the momentary impulsion, they agree to participate in affairs, which are an obstacle to the previous targets. Easily endure uncertain relationships, awkward situations and conflict circumstances. Possess economic ace.

1. Self-idle:

  • For some reason, my vitality is annoying.

  • I find it difficult to present my thoughts in writing.

  • In his judgments, I rely on common sense.

2. Expert assessment.

Fight, dodgy, assertive, changeable.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

Friendly partner: Wants to be a companion and looking for himself the same satellite with which everyday care could be divided. It does not claim romantic love and takes as the inevitable daily burden of living together.

4. Community status.

Emotional extrovert.

VIII Type (118, 127, 217, 316, 226, 136) - "self-sufficient" ("technically oriented")

Argostenic (Lat. Agtage - Strengthen, Greek. Henna - Support) - "Holding a sufficient power to withstand loads."

Emotionally stable. Behavior is characterized by tendencies opposite to emotive type. In most cases, they own and consistently adhere to certain rules.

Avoid communicating with those who do not know how to hide their feelings. "A conversation about life or souls" prefer a targeted conversation. Before tying acquaintance, try to look at the intended partner. Sensitivity to experiences of other people is slightly lowered due to the absorption of the subject (business) side of communication. Show rigor to yourself and others. Being good experts, can perfectly organize an object of business. Tell closing in a circle of their own problems.

1. Self-idle:

  • I like to act in moderate mode.

  • Any detailed discussion, in my opinion, only prevents the fulfillment of a particular case.

  • I always do what I say.

2. Expert assessment.

Weathered, reflecting, stable, balanced.

3. Relationships with the opposite sex.

RATIONAL PARTNER: Manages its emotions, accurately complies with rights and obligations.

4. Community status.

Thinking introvert.

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  • Test Picture of a person from geometric shapes - This test was developed by the psychologist A. V. Libin with a group of colleagues, based on the analysis of more than 30,000 drawings of adults and children. With the help of this test, it is possible to identify individual features of the individual, in particular sustainable trends in behavior and dominant.

    How does the test drawing a person work?

    This test works on the basis of an analysis of unconscious behavior. It is believed that precisely the unconscious behavior of a person, determines the real nature.

    One of the forms of manifestation of unconscious behavior is a drawing. Analyzing drawings, you can identify some patterns that are characteristic of one or another type of personality.

    In order to take a test figure of a person you will need the following:

    - A4 size sheet, folded twice;

    - pen or pencil

    What to draw?

    It is necessary on a sheet of paper to draw a person from geometric shapes (circle, square and triangle). In the aggregate, the drawing of a person should turn out from 10 different geometric shapes.

    When you draw, try not to think about it, just draw, what will come to mind. If there are difficulties with the image, geometric figures, then draw as it turn out, and when analyzing your drawing, give it a planned shape. If suddenly it turned out that you lack the desired number of items in the picture, you can draw them and on the contrary if items turned out to be more than you need, unnecessary you can cross.

    In order to interpret the obtained Figure fill in the corresponding fields on the site, responding to all the necessary questions and then click on the button "Go to test results".

    Who can take a test figure of a person?

    Persons of any age are allowed to test. However, the most often this testing takes place for schoolchildren to identify the psychological orientation of the individual.

    Remember that any results show this testing should not be treated with all seriousness. Since the real estimate can give, only a qualified psychologist.

    Constructive drawing of a person - a test for profession. It reveals individual-typological differences, thereby determining several professional types.

    Professional types:

    1. leader
    2. responsible performer
    3. alarming
    4. scientist,
    5. intuitive,
    6. inventor,
    7. emotional
    8. insensitive to the experiences of others.


    You need to draw a figure of a person composed of 10 elements, among which can be triangles, circles, squares. You can increase or decrease these elements (geometric shapes) in size, apply to each other as needed. It is important that all these three elements in the image of the person are present, and the total number of the figures used was equal to ten. If during drawing you used more figures, then you need to smoke unnecessary, if you are used by the figures less than ten, it is necessary to draw the missing. Follow the picture according to this instruction.

    You will need three sheets of paper with a size of 10 × 10 cm. Each sheet is numbered and signed. On Sheet number 1, the first trial figure is performed; Further, respectively, on Sheet No. 2 - the second, on Sheet No. 3 - the third. After performing three drawings, the data is processed. If the instructions are violated, the material is not processed.

    Interpretation of the test "Constructive drawing of a person from geometric shapes"

    Data processing is performed as follows: The number of triangles spent in the image spent in the image is calculated, circles and squares (for each figure separately), and the result is written in the form of three-digit numbers, where hundreds indicate the number of triangles, dozens - the number of circles, units - the number of squares.

    These three-digit figures are the so-called "pattern formula", according to which drawing drawing to the appropriate types and subtypes.

    The interpretation of the test is based on the fact that the geometric shapes used in the drawings differ in semantics. The triangle is usually attributed to the "acute", "offensive" figure associated with the male beginnings. Circle - Figure Stipped, more consonant with sympathy, softness, roundness, femininity. Of the square form elements, it is easier to build anything easier than others, therefore the square, the rectangle is interpreted as a specific technical structural figure, "technical module".

    A typology based on the preference of geometric shapes allows you to form a kind of "system" of individual-typological differences.

    It must be remembered that the manifestation of these qualities depends on the level of mental development. With a high level of development, individual features are developed, implemented, quite well realized. With a low level of development, may not be detected in professional activities, but attend situationally, worse, if inadequately situations. This applies to all characteristics.

    I type - "Head". These are usually people who have a tendency to senior and organizational activities. Oriented to socially significant norms of behavior, may have a gift of good narrator based on a high level of speech development. Have a good adaptation in the social sphere, dominance over the others hold in certain boundaries.


    The most rigid dominance over others is expressed at the subtypes 901, 910, 802, 811, 820; situationally - in 703, 712, 721, 730; When exposed to speech on people - verbal leader or "Teaching Subtype" - 604, 613, 622, 631, 640.

    II type - "responsible performer". It has many features of the type "Manager", but there are often fluctuations in making responsible decisions.

    This type of people is more focused on the "ability to do business", high professionalism, has a high sense of responsibility and demanding to themselves and others, highly appreciates the right point, i.e. Characterized by increased sensitivity to truthfulness. Often they suffer from somatic diseases of nervous origin as a result of overvoltage.

    III type - "alarming-consuming".It is characterized by a variety of abilities and gifts - from thin hand skills to literary rigging. Typically, people of this type are closely as part of one profession, they can change it to a completely opposite and unexpected, have a hobby, which is essentially the second profession. Physically do not tolerate mess and dirt. Usually conflict because of this with other people. Different with increased vulnerability and often doubt. We need soft prubing.


    415 - "poetic subtype" - usually persons with such a formula of the picture possess poetic rigging; 424 - Subtype of people recognizable by phrase: "How can this be bad work? I can't imagine how it can work badly. " People of this type are characterized by special care in the work.

    IV Type - "Scientist". These people are easily abstract from reality, possess a "conceptual mind", differ in the ability to develop "on all" their theories. Usually possess mental equilibrium and rationally think over their behavior.


    316 - characterized by the ability to create theories, most and comprehensive coordination work; 325 - Subtype characterized by a great passion for the knowledge of life, health, biological disciplines, medicine.

    Representatives of this type are often found among persons engaged in synthetic arts: cinema, circus, theatrical-spectacular director, animation, etc.

    V Type - "intuitive". People of this type have a strong sensitivity of the nervous system, its high depletion.

    It is easier to switch on switchability from one activity to another, usually perform "minority lawyers", followed by new opportunities. Have increased sensitivity to novelty. Altruistic, often take care of others, possess good hand skills and figurative imagination, which makes it possible to engage in technical species of creativity.

    Usually produce their moral norms, possess an internal self-control, i.e. Prefer self-control, reacting negatively to encroachments relating to their freedom.


    235 - often meets among professional psychologists or persons with increased interest in people's psychology; 244 - has the ability of literary creativity; 217 - has the ability to inventive activities; 226 - A great need for novelty, usually puts very high criteria for achievements for yourself.

    VI type - "Inventor, designer, artist". It is often found among those with a "technical vest". These are people who have a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engage in various types of technical, artistic and intellectual creativity. Frequently introverted, as well as an intuitive type, live by their own moral norms, do not accept any impacts from the side, except self-control. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas. It has the opposite tendency to emotive type. It usually does not feel the experiences of other people or belongs to them with the inattention and even strengthens the pressure on people.

    If this is a good specialist, then he can make others do what he considers it necessary. Sometimes it is characterized by "worn", which occurs is situationally, when, due to any causes, a person closes in a circle of his own problems.

    Consider the test results only as information to thinking as the starting points to pay attention to when choosing a further strategy. The online psychologist will help competently use the test results, will help to navigate in the structure of the accents and correction of the psychological state.

    Want to get a more accurate interpretation of the test? Save your records and.

    The method of drawing men from geometric shapes was used in psychology for a long time. Some believe that it was proposed by a graphologist from San Francisco E. Mahoney. But data confirming it, unfortunately, was not found. A systematic study of the results obtained on this test is proceed relatively recently. A large collection of this kind of drawings was collected by A. V. Libin.

    The purpose of the test is to determine the individual typological characteristics of a person based on the ratio of geometric figures in the figure, as well as the graphic features of its execution.

    Instruction: Draw a little man out of ten geometric figures - triangle, circle and square. Figures can be increased or decreased in size, apply to each other. It is important that they are all used in the figure, that is, it is impossible to draw a little man out of 10 squares, 10 triangles or 10 circles.

    Data processing: Count how much you got triangles, circles and squares in the figure of a little man, and write this number to a three-digit number, for example: triangles - 3, circles - 2, squares - 5. Number: 325. Thus, we obtain a three-digit number, which denotes the "Formula of the Picture".

    Based on the differences in the preferences of geometric shapes, there are eight main types (or groups) and 63 subtypes when performing figures of men.

    If you have a number of this series: 901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640 - Do you feel about Type 1 "Head".

    Numbers: 505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550 - Type 2 "Responsible Artist".

    Numbers: 406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460 - Type 3 "alarming-consuming".

    Numbers: 307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370 - Type 4 "Scientist".

    Numbers: 208, 217, 226, 235, 244, 253, 262, 271, 280 - Type 5 "intuitive".

    Numbers: 109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019, 028, 037, 046 - Type 6 "Inventor, constructor".

    Numbers: 550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 2,095, 073, 055, 091, 073, 082, 091 Type 7 "emotional".

    Numbers: 901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109 - Type 8 "opposite emotive".

    Some comments to the psychological portrait can be made by the features of the image of men:

    The small size of the drawings may be associated with fatigue, stiffness, discomfort;

    Reinforced hatching - with internal voltage, suspicion, sometimes with a condition

    The drawing of the person is associated more often with increased sociability, and the absence of it - with difficulties in communication, which is advisable to find out;

    The presence of the "neck" in the little man testifies often about the high vulnerability of a person, which makes it difficult to get rid of the communication and from which it is advisable;

    The presence of square pockets on the human body may indicate increased care towards children;

    The presence of round "buttons" - about sympathetic care for older close;

    The presence of "triangles" - about the need to do any order, instructions.

    The key to the test "Drawing of a man of geometric shapes":

    Type 1 - "Head" (901, 910, 802, 811, 820, 703, 712, 721, 604, 613, 622, 631, 640). For the "head" are characterized by the presence of organizational and oratory abilities, orientation on public norms of behavior, a high level of social adaptation. Persons of this type have pronounced targeted behavior, which characterizes them as leaders. In achieving the goal may not be considered with their health, stress resistant. Oratoric skills, the ability of a good narrator allow them to engage in teaching work and pedagogical activities. Their will and energy are noticeable to everyone, since they are their most vivid qualities. The ability to intensive volitional effort, long and sustainable, is reflected on their internal life and external behavior. Their hardness, perseverance, excerpt and composure puts them in the attention center. They are always inherent in a clear awareness of what they want, what they want and what ways can be achieved. These are people in which nature itself has invested the ability to influence other people, directing them according to their plans and intentions. The ability to the energetic and long-term voltage, the ability to fight for their interests, composure and resistance contributes to the fact that these people usually become talented administrators, representatives of the executive branch, managers of enterprises. People of this type have to review their conclusions in many respects and redo their projects before finally verify them with correctness. Hence, their famous conservatism, disapproving attitude towards the "shock of the foundations", to the criticism of the established principles. When it comes to the implementation of what they consider their duty, neither the seduction of a personal nature, nor the request for loved ones, is not able to minimize them from a selected path, which it seems to be the only right way. It is especially developed a sense of self-esteem, sometimes turning into Strong pride and self-conceit from the fact that a person who seeks to power and forced to join the fight against others cannot not protect his "I" from encroachment.

    Type 2- "Responsible Artist" (505, 514, 523, 532, 541, 550). It has many features similar to the type "manager", but often fluctuates in making important decisions. People of this type usually possess a high level of professionalism. They are distinguished by increased demanding to themselves and others. The prevalence of deliberate and rational actions over all mental movements, imposes a peculiar imprint on all the qualities of the person. People of this type can often be found among the owners and managers of commercial and industrial enterprises, banks, i.e. among people who deal with the organization composed of a large number of material and technical objects and documentation, which requires for maintaining and maintaining Not only hard work, but also intelligence.
    Caution and calcability helps them to be economical and peeling, and their stability and constancy contribute to the strength of the case, which they develop slowly, but right. They do not risk, despite the opening brilliant prospects, but prefer to act for sure. They are conservative in politics or moderately liberals, never following extreme views. Primary restraint and calculation of them and in matters of love and marriage. They are able to subjugate their love hobbies to the requirements of reason. Possessing a fairly developed intelligence and will, they are well versed in the life realities and their affairs that are performed with great accuracy. Often they are true. Due to increased demands to themselves, without noticing fatigue, undermining health. Diseases of nervous origin - their frequent satellites. Therefore, "responsible performers" must carefully monitor the observance of the regime of labor and recreation.

    Type 3 - "Anxious and Response" (406, 415, 424, 433, 442, 451, 460).

    This type is characterized by a variety of abilities - from literary to abilities to precise manual skills. Despite the abundance of talents, it needs to be soft, so often unreasonably does not believe in their forces, doubts himself. The "alarm-consuming" type has increased attention to the order and purity, physically did not accept dirt and mess. People of this type may unexpectedly change their profession to others. Usually, they are closely as part of one specialty, they have a hobby, which is very successful. Often, this new profession is art. Therefore, we can observe how the doctor becomes a singer or artist of pop, the former builder goes to the scene and reads parodies, and the magazine editor begins to create products of decorative and applied art. There are often cases when people of this type exhibit their outstanding abilities in other art types, for example, a musician has a tendency to painting or sculpture, the poet is interested in music,
    The actor is improving in vocal skill, etc.

    For people of this type of activity, art is essential, the epicenter of their life, which absorbs them. They give art a majority of their time. This is due to the feature of their emotional sphere, which strongly affect their fantasy. Possessing the abilities to subtle aesthetic experiences, aesthetic pleasures they prefer to all the others. They differ in observation, lively susceptibility, developed imagination, and their aggravated observation allows a lot to notice, from what eludes the eye of others.

    415 - the poetic subtype is characteristic of people capable of poetry, poetic giftedness.

    424 - This subtype is distinguished by the fact that everything that happens, makes with emergency care.

    Type 4 - "Scientist" (307, 316, 325, 334, 343, 352, 361, 370). This type of people in their judgments can easily abstract from reality, make interesting theoretical generalizations, "to have their own theory." As a rule, they have a tendency to clear, consistent thinking, the result of which is the ability to establish patterns, connections and relations between what is happening. These people often can be caught in a state of thoughtful and tense work. Analyzing the facts, they can, in case of perseverance and methodicality, make generalizations, turning the disorderly pile of material into a slim, developed building of science, if science is their hobby or profession. This kind of ability helps people take a worthy place in various areas of activity. So the politician with the scientific warehouse of the mind will be valuable in that it is well oriented in the complex interaction of factors affecting social life. The teacher may understand complex processes of learning knowledge by students, and the businessman take into account the most risky circumstances in their transactions.

    People of this type, possessing ideological interests, over which they work consciously and persistently, often strive in their career to scientific activities, summarizing their professional experience to dissertation work or book. They are rational, carefully think over their behavior. However, with all rationality, they have very significant artistic abilities, they are not lost on the stage, they know what to do when they ask "to play something." Synthetic species of art: theater, cinema, circus, stage.

    316 - In the field of science, this is usually "global theorists" engaged in interdisciplinary, methodological or science issues; In practice, such people are usually excellent coordinators of various services.

    325 - a subtype with such a combination often to biology, medicine, botany. Loves growing plants, care for animals.

    235 - Subtype, often found among psychologists;

    217 - Subtype for whom the ability to technical invention is characteristic.

    244 - Subtype, common among people writing scenarios, instructions.

    226 - Subtype characterized by setting the highest plank in its achievements, as well as high criteria for assessing other people.

    Type 6- "Inventor, Designer" (109, 118, 127, 136, 145, 019.028, 037, 046). People of this type have a "technical vein", a rich imagination, spatial vision, often engage in any technical species of creativity, are occupied in technical profession, tend to design, inventiveness. They adhere to those social norms that themselves create themselves. More oriented to objective activities. Emotional, obsessed with their own original ideas. Sometimes their work is manifested not only in the technical, materialized, but also in the intellectual sphere, the sphere of ideas. People of this type have good memory, observation. The external material world is usually more interested in more than subjective experiences. Facts in their eyes have a much greater value than reasoning and theory. Their will and energy rush to the materialization of ideas, inventions, rationalization, reorganization of technical objects. Possessing great ability to work, they often achieve significant results in favorites. There are usually a lot of tools in their house, because their tendency to make, correct, repair, is often not only their profession, but also a hobby.

    019 - Subtype with the ability of interesting forms of interaction with the audience, for example, an inimitable entertainer.

    145 - Subtype, fond of composerial activities, or loving sing, often has a musical education.

    Type 7 - "Emotive" (550, 451, 460, 352, 361, 370, 253, 262, 271, 280,154, 163, 172, 181, 190, 055, 064, 073.082, 091). People of this type have increased empathy towards other people. They are soft and kind. It is hard to endure the cruel frames of a film or excerpts from the criminal chronicle, especially sensitive to the misfortunes of others, so much that any unpleasant news or events can knock them out for a long time. Pain, the suffering of other people respond to them with a special force, it takes a lot of energy that often prevents them from realizing their capabilities. People of this type have strong emotional memory, depth and resistance of feelings. They have warmth, heartiness and responsiveness, seeing their appointment to help people in grief and needs.

    The features of their mental warehouse allow you to call these people with altruists capable of self-sacrifice. They differ in modesty, trying to diminish and hide their merits, their meaning, not counting on praise from the outside. Meek, sensitive and delicate, they are not able to offend themselves, nor offend others. But in terms of their personal mental convictions, they can be adamant, are not amenable to threats and do not step back from what they consider fair. They possess the ability of intuitive penetration into the spiritual life and the spiritual warehouse of another person. They believe in the possibility of enlightenment and ideological and moral rebirth of humanity and have hot and selfless love for people who endure the need and deprivation. They are active and energetic when implementing ideas that are deeply captured. Their mercy often does not know borders.

    Type 8 - possessing opposing emotive types properties (901, 802, 703, 604, 505, 406, 307, 208, 109). These are people who experience sympathy to others, but adhering to sufficiently strict requirements. Thus, externally, sympathy for others is observed, but in specific cases they show harsh demanding, sometimes excessive. Of these are extremely demanding teachers, which will "make" do what you need, despite resistance, ailments and other reasons to which their students refer. They can be found among the directors who are talking about that they are "despot", among the leaders who are overweight to their subordinates. People of this type can often be found for the store store. They tend to show their authority, even rudeness. These are their ways of self-affirmation. They feel good people who "can be crushed" and are not shy to do it. The desire for anything to be elevated in life, make a career forces people of this type to focus all their energy and intellectual opportunities to achieve their goals, using often cunning, hypocrisy and freakiness. Possessing vulnerable prude, sometimes in the most simple and innocent jokes they see the offense, a mockery or mockery. They can be vengeful and seek to take revenge on the offender.


    All you need for this interesting personality test is a blank sheet of paper and pencil.

    With the help of triangles, circles and squares, draw a person consisting of ten elements.

      You need to use only three given geometric shapes: triangle, circle, square.

      In your drawing man, each figure should be present at least 1 time.

      You can change the size of the figures at your own desire.

    You do not need to think a lot to draw a person, try to draw the first thing that will come to mind. Remember that in total in the figure of a person should be 10 elements.

    After you made a drawing, consider the number of triangles, circles and squares that you used in the picture.

    Write your result in the form of numbers. The first digit is the number of triangles (for example, 3), the second digit is the number of circles (for example, 2), and the third is the number of squares (for example, 5).

    You should have a three-digit number. For example, 325 (3 triangles, 2 circles, 5 squares).

    Ready? That's what is your number.

    This psychographic test "The structural drawing of a person from geometric forms" was developed by Russian psychologists.

    Test: Man from geometric shapes

    1 Type - Head (811, 712, 721, 613, 622, 631)

    These are easily adaptable personalities, ready to manage and engage in the organization of any activity. As a rule, these are excellent storytellers, eloquent and able to support the conversation. They love to dominate, but try to control ourselves and not cross the borders with others.

    Pretty active, do not like to sit idle. Attach importance not only the result, but also the process itself to achieve the goal. They can exaggerate their successes and failures, and intolerant, facing obstacles in their path.

    In relations, they prefer to occupy a domicile role, and in the event of a conflict show rivalry.

    They love to be the center of attention and crave confessions. At the same time, this type of person takes responsibility for himself and wants to justify the expectations of others.

    It is characterized by impulsiveness, and when deciding, they act depending on the mood. This can lead to rapid decisions and unpleasant consequences.

    2 Type - Responsible Artist (514, 523, 532, 541)

    This type of personality is primarily aimed at improving their skills and achieving professionalism. Such a person is responsible, can show demanding, both to himself and to others.

    A person has a developed sense of justice and the desire to truth. Although he has good organizational abilities, may doubt if you need to take an important decision.

    The relationship is suitable, manifests tacty. Could not refuse if it was asked about something. Sometimes it can take for several things at the same time, relying only on ourselves, but does not always really expect her strength. Prefers to do the work itself, without rearring it to others. It is hard to experience failures.

    These people differ in hard work and demanding to themselves, waiting for the same from the rest. The work includes gradually, stable with strong mental voltage, but may be tired at a high pace of operation. The result is more important, not the process of activity. Always seek to complete things.

    Externally, such people are more restrained, but can emotionally react with changes in external factors. They need to be ridiculous, since due to overvoltage there is a risk of developing nervous diseases.

    3 Type - Initiator (433, 343, 334)

    This person has philosophical thinking, can be cut off from reality. It happens alienated, and it seems to him that he is not like the rest. In case of difficulties, fantasies are inclined to go into their world.

    Although they are not difficult to establish contact with other people, they tend to keep a certain distance in communication. Faced with a conflict situation, they may close in themselves, but externally remain calm.

    They differ in abilities in various fields, do not like monotony and avoid routine work. Encouraged when changing activities and the emergence of new opportunities. We strive for novelty and may unexpectedly change the profession. This type is distributed in people of art engaged in creative activities working in advertising and design.

    4 type - emotional (181, 271, 172, 361, 262, 163)

    This type has a developed ability to empathize with others. Life difficulties and even dramatic films can cause severe experiences.

    Plots and not indifferent to the problems of others. Often, other people's problems put in the first place, pushing their needs to the background. May be impulsive and act under the influence of emotions. Although they have abilities in different activities, it is best to realize if you choose some one direction.

    In relationships, sensitivity is shown, the troubles and breaks of the relationship are seriously worried.

    Relations with others are generally built easily and do not go beyond the accepted behavioral norms. They are important as their own and their activities are assessed by others.

    Test: Man out of 10 figures

    5 type - intuitive (451, 352, 154, 253, 154)

    This type is characterized by a sensitive nervous system and emotional variability. Quite quickly depletion. Better work if you can switch to different activities. In case of failure, can worry for a long time. There may be impulsively or long to show indecision in certain matters.

    The difficulties are mainly related to the fact that it is difficult for them to immediately digest a large amount of information, because of which they sometimes cannot clearly express their feelings and thoughts.

    Sincere and simplest in words, do not hide anything behind the soul, preferring to tell the truth. Sometimes it can lead to difficulties in understanding with others. Accustomed to follow their own behaviors and maintain contact with a narrow circle of people. Sometimes they may take over the implicit leadership role, but the insecurity can impede the embodiment of this desire.

    It is intended to analyze their own actions and actions, but they do not give any point of view. Feel the need to control the circumstances to avoid unexpected trouble.

    They do not like when they are limited to something, there may be wounded or tend to doubt themselves.

    Examples of man's drawings from geometric shapes

    6 Type - independent (442, 424, 244)

    This is the type of a free artist with developed imagination and a wonderful vision of space. They are close to various types of creativity, including artistic and intellectual. More often occurs among the introverts. They adhere to their own behaviors and it is difficult to put pressure from the outside.

    Often they are interested in unusual ideas, and are able to actively work, even when the tension is growing. Difficulties make them even better gather.

    Possess independent thinking and know how to protect your opinion. Comments of other people cause them a noticeable emotional reaction, heavily react to criticism. They are difficult to accept their own misses.

    Do not rush to come to contact, often hide their true feelings inside, trying to seem more relaxed than in fact. Carefully open in new relationships, and although it is difficult for them to trust another person when it happens, the relationship is durable and durable.