Cultural revolution in the development of Donbass. The story of Donbass from antiquity to our time

Cultural revolution in the development of Donbass. The story of Donbass from antiquity to our time
Cultural revolution in the development of Donbass. The story of Donbass from antiquity to our time

The origins of cultural development in our region are in the distant past - since the sequence of the region. In the most distant beginning, folklore has been developed here, ritual traditions.

With the opening of the coal spear, the stage of more violent development of culture, art, crafts begins. The most common were in the Donbass legends, in particular, about the owner of the rich underground treasures of Schubin. The Gorlovsky miners had their own, distinguished from Donetsk and Makeyev, interpretation of the image of Schubin. On the one hand, he and the evil slave, on the other, the good patron of the miners. Historians argue that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current Bessarabika there is a swamp called Shubinskoye, with which a lot of tag and believes are connected.

The first cultural institution, the club-theater, was opened in 1890 by the leadership of the Korsun Space. It was intended primarily for employees. It held meetings, evenings of rest, performances of visiting artists. In about the same way, in the village of Mercutin, one of the large barracks was converted to the club, staged a scene and a visual hall with benches. The question of the composition of the vacationers was resolved more democratic. The club had a buffet with tea, biscuits, buns, sweets, so the name "Tea" was gained behind it.

The invention of photography allowed to document the original appearance of the Korsun copy, coal care, mercury mine, engineering plant, the village of Gorlovka with lines of houses and dugouts, portraits of P.N. Gorlova, A.V. Minenkova, A.A. Auerbach and other organizers of enterprises.

In the early years of the XX century, a network of entertainment establishments opens in Gorlovka. Comes to miners and synatographer. It applies to the territory of mines and other enterprises and printing products - newspapers, magazines.

Employees of mines and factories on weekends and holidays began to arrange country entertainment walks like that picnic, which is described in the story of A. Moloch.

Under the influence of the environment, the poetry of the student of the Steger school was formed, and then a mining specialist of the first mine Arkady Yakovlevich Kota, the first translator into Russian world famous "international".

Revolutionary events, the First World War, the events associated with foreign intervention interrupted the development of culture in the region, so its growth falls for the period of the twenties. At all major enterprises of the city are arranged rooms for clubs. For example, the auditorium at mine No. 5 was accompanied by about 500 spectators. The clubs most often put on performances whose audiences were mostly employees of mines and factories.

The circles of artistic amateur intensive were activated, having adopted and introducing the tradition of the club of the first mine. In 1927, many useful affairs were given. The palace of labor became the organizational and methodological center for the development of culture not only in the city, and in all of the Donetsk region. He was a friendly home for adults and children, for labor veterans, women, for inquisitive and inquisitive. Subsequently, the Palace of Culture was assigned the name V.I. Lenin, and for many years he became in Gorlovka the center of cultural life. In connection with the closure of the Koch Stegar mine in 1999, he was transferred to the Balance of the city. By the way, by this time the cultural and sports center of the styrene concern was published on the foressen of the cultural life of the city.

The 20-30s are characterized by a high surge in the development of culture, literature, artistic self-education. Miner's Gorlovka visited the writers, artists, cinematograms known in the USSR. The miner's poet Pavel Grigorievich Mercially known for the entire Donbass is worked here. Known at the time filmmaker-documentary Mark Aevkov, author of the film about Dneprostroy, creates a film from several parts about the work of the famous miner Nikita Isotova. This film paint about the work of noble carbon, who opened the school of mentoring, entered the filmnas of domestic documentary.

The Isotov movement has played an outstanding role in the rise of coal mining in the Donbas, and the image of Nikita isotova himself forever remained in the memory of people. It was a real man. The little film played an outstanding role in the promotion of an interesting person and his business.

The Great Patriotic War interrupted a confident flow of the cultural life of the city, although the muses during the roar of the guns were not silent.

After the liberation of Donbass, paramount attention was paid to the restoration of mines, plants, therefore the restoration of cultural institutions, schools, hospitals, etc. It was completed by the 50th year. In clubs and palaces, various mugs, ensembles, orchestras have earned. Cinemas opened in Nikitovka, Shakhtar - in the city center (1950). In 1946, a city library was located in a new building, and a children's branch was bought from her a year later. Of course, all cultural life concentrated around the coal mining enterprises.

After some cloud in the 60s, the revival of artistic creativity was observed. We were reviewed by amateur groups, theater studios. The ensemble of folk dance DK Mine "Kochegark" deserved universal recognition. In 1967, his head A.P. Calaberdin awarded the title Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine. In the same years, the "Yellow Yock years" feature filmed on the basis of the ensemble, in which for the first time from the screen, the popular and now the song of A. Malyshko and P. Mayborodi about Rushnik. One of the achievements of the ensemble was the creation of a kind of scenic picture, which reflects the story and everyday life of its mine. Spectators in the dance pictures saw coal mining in the mine.

Despite the absence of a professional theater in the city, Gorlovska had the opportunity to have the opportunity to watch tour not only visitors, a and their theatrical studio "Youth", subsequently received the title of the People's Theater.

By the end of the sixties in Gorlovka, there were 15 multi-degenerate newspapers, ten of whom went to the mineegol mines. In 1962, regular transmissions of urban wired radio began. Radio studios that reported information on the progress of coal mining, and miner labor vents began to appear in mines.

In large housing of the city in the mid-70s, 24 Palace of Culture and Club, music schools, the Museum of the City History, Art Museum, 70 libraries were functioning.

The state of cultural life in Gorlovka, as in other regions, in many respects depended on the economy and reflected its zigzags. Cultural institutions were in a very difficult situation and gradually collapsed their activity and amateurness. Some cinemas and cinema halls did not stand the crisis test. Lost financial support to the Palaces of the Culture of the Mine "Kochegarka" and them. N. Isotova.

Wired radio worked with large interruptions, in some mines "folded", especially in winter, the work of clubs, libraries. Closed museums of history at the mercury plant, the mines "Kochegarka", "Komsomolets", at school number 30. But nevertheless was replenished with the exhibits of the city history museums and artistic.

And yet cultural life, literature and art did not fade. In the late 90s, the Miner's cinema was restored with the help of enterprises of the city, including the "Artemog". In Gorlovka there is a library of a miniature book, transmitted by Gorlovyans enthusiast-collector V.A. Reasonable, which is named in his honor. In a short period of time at the Komsomolets mine, the Sports Complex "Olympus" was built. And the mining palace of culture remains and is still at the attractive center in Shakhtar Zhilmassiv.

# Russian # Donbass # Donetsk # DonetskRegion

Starting from the XVI century, the fate of the Donetsk region and its population is closely related to the Russian state, which has affected the economic and cultural development of the Donbass. Despite the fact that a number of scientists have formed the view that Donetsk Steppes were historically disliked the "unbridled region", which remained outside the borders of the region of the existence of the so-called "cultural peoples", the territory of Donbass was considered a component of the Eurasian steppe corridor for a long time. For example, the Donetsk archaeologist E.E. Kravchenko argues that the specified territory practically in all periods of its history was a formed densely populated area.

In particular, it concerns the territories nearby the Seversk Don and the Azov Sea, where there has always been a more or less numerous settled population. This population has always been polyeth ethnic. The formation of the region was held as part of the same historical actions as the formation of land neighboring.

If you compare the Donbass and Russia, we can conclude that the Donbass is also polyethnic, as well as the Russian Federation. According to Donetsk historians L.A. Krutov and O. B. Penkov, after the entry of the Donetsk region in the XVІІІ - the beginning of the XIH century, the Russian Empire, as an integral part of the wide historical and cultural region, Novorossia, his characteristic feature was that settlement, Infrastructure, the nature of existence here was created for a relatively short-term period.

A fairly rapid pace was suitable for its economic mastering. All this led to the fact that in the Donbass, a high level of self-identification of the population and its own moral world was formed, to the distinctive features of which include, above all, the Russian language as native and as a language of inter-ethnic communication; Russian culture, Orthodoxy; Understanding common historical roots with Russia.

The relationship with the inhabitants of the Russian Federation influenced the formation of a Donetsk character, which includes such qualities as: cigarette, hardness and perseverance in achieving the goal, determination, sustainability to emerging difficulties, enterprise, the ability to take responsibility, collectivism and strong temperament. Like the Russians, the Donongs are deeply patriotic and have a high strength of the spirit, they are capable of protecting their land to the last drop of blood, as evidenced by the events of the last three years. A large imprint on the formation of the character also imposed a difficult and dangerous work of Shakhtar. In the Donongs, share and prefers to the basic categories of Russian culture, for example, the ideal of coat, as the dissolution of the Russian person in the church, country and the people, is love for uniform values. This suggests that in contrasts of Western civilization, which is based on individualism, in the foreground in the foreground is oneness.

People living on Donetsk Earth are associated with Russian as native. So, M. Khaidheger claims that speech is always tuned to the articulation of a certain content, which is the result of self-imaging and self-expression of a person in the world. Therefore, analyzing speech, we plunge into the reality in which this speech stems, and so learn a reality. For it is always talking about something.

Thus, the Russian language is not a way to communicate, but the way of being. I would like to believe that the consctention story of Russia and the Donbass and general views on social development will bring the world to our land, ideals of freedom, justice and sovereignty.


1. Krutova L.A. Modern approaches to the study of the history of Donbass / L.A. Krutova, O.B. Penkov // Magazine of historical, political and international research, 2015.

2. Heidegger M. Bezia and Time / M. Heidegger. Per. with it. V.V. Bibikhina. - M.: Academic Project, 2013.

Maksimenko A.A., Denisenko O.A.

On the territory of Donbass 10 years, the number of Jehovah's Witnesses numbered to 1 million, and now there are more than 25 thousand people. Nowadays the members of this religious organization. It is hope that in the future the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses will be perceived by the Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian confessional world. Changes in a constructive direction for Ukraine and the activities of the churches of the full gospel, which has yet been recently scared by the specifics of the characteristics of the Hariz Matich and Passionary Service.

The dynamic development of Protestantism in Ukraine, the replenishment of its communities with new members, the emergence of new confessions for Ukraine ("Church of Christ", "Novoapostol Church", "Church of Isus Christ of the Line Days" (Mormons) is not any threat to the Orthodox and Catholic churches of Ukraine. All Krestian denominations of Ukraine and non-Christian also capable of developing in parallel on the basis of mutual funds and complementarity, cooperation in the creation of current sociological projects.

Regional specificity of the regions has an important role in solving the National National Question. At the 2012 to the 2000th year, Orthodox Christian churches acted out of 900 religious festivals only 449, which is only 48.8% of all registered organizations. Therefore, a confessional map of Dondechini is PESERA and complicated. On Tables №2.3 Refractive Picture of the religious situation of Diechchini. Most of their protea-stantian unions and confessions of regional, general-Ukrainian and international importance that have authority and strong connections with Western centers. It is not only in those that appeared in the 1980s and 190s in Ukraine and in the CIS countries in the form of the so-called expansion (missionary churches who came from Western Europe, Canada and America). Among their church "Words of Life", "Christians of the Evangelsk", "Union of the Church of God" and others (see Table No. 2.1., 2.2)., But those who have Ukrainian roots, starting with the Epoch of Reformation and New Time .

The incidence of Protestanian directions is due to the economical, co-social and spiritual crisis of the Ukrainian society, which embraced all spheres of life. Social Socialization of the Company, a sharp depletion of a common ma b population, a low level of vital indicators of Ukrainians, even compared to neighboring countries of Eastern Europe, inevitable led to a numerical increase in the poorest reservoirs: a city plebs, small pre-DPRENIMENTS of the ruined peasantry, with their burden to "Claims " As noted above, in the robots of the Swiss scientist K. Yung ("Psychology and Religion", "Archetypes and Symbols") developed a scientific concept of a "co-lesson subconscious", laid down in the sacred memory of generations and manifests itself at the moments of social cataclysms and historical layers . According to K. Jung's thoughts, the archaic of mulings is always typical, the desire to collectively find confirmation of his own life-mentioned positions. Scheme of mass thinking is simple: everything that does not meet the requirements of the crowd will cause her anxiety and aggression. Thus, Protestantism has a difficult religious and social nature, which cannot be taken into account in the modern process of organization and control of Du-Khovna production.

Currently, Protestant centers in Donetsk Territory created an extensive structure of their missions, unions, associations with the purpose of not only active propaganda, but also to create their economic and corporate nominations ("All-Ukrainian Corporate Unions of Babitists", "Yuzhnoukra-Insk Union Adventist seventh day "and others). They seek to create a solid production system, sales market, own consumer and a lot of other. In a number of areas (Khartsyzsky, Slavyansky, Perschevnev, etc.), their own system of economic and spiritual life of the community has already been created, today more than 700 thousand population today. The internal life of a similar organization resembles the historical experience of Calvinist Cantons, with their clear system of manufacturing, economic, social and spiritual life of communities.

Thus, the experience of the work of Protestant organizations deserves close attention not only to philosophers and religious, but, in no less - sociologists, political scientists and economists of today.

Below we give the tables of religious organizations (Table 1.), the spiritual centers (Table 2.) and the monasteries (Table 3.) in the Donbas, which make it possible to trace the dynamics of development and the role of various religious denominations in the spiritual culture of the region.

Table 1.

Religious situation Don Bass 2000 - 2002

Ukrainian Greco - Kotolic Church 17

Table 1.1.

Church of the Evangelical Christians - Babe

Union of Evangelical Christians - Babe

Brotherhood of Independent Churches and Missions of Evangelical Christian Babe

Evangelical Christians - Babtists outside the unions

Adherents of the Council of Churches of Evangelical Christians - Babe

Evangelical Christians

Religious community of Nazaryan

Table 1.2.

Table 1.3.

Church of the complete gospel

Ukrainian Christian Evangelical Church ("Word of Life")

Association of independent charismatic churches of Ukraine

Spiritual Center "New Generation" of Christian Churches

Churches of full gospel outside the unions

Seventh Day Adventist Churches

Witnesses єgy

Church of Christ

Total Pratstestant Churches 622

Table 2.

Religious centers of divisions

1.3 Dioceses (Head, Donetsk, Donetsko - Lugansk)

    Donetsk Regional Association

3. Easternally Ukrainian Spiritual Center for Independent Churches and Missions EXB, Church of God's Ukraine

4. Ukrainian Evangelical Church, Spiritual Center "New Generation"

5. Easternally - Ukrainian association churches of ASD

6.Thogo Center for Independent Muslim Administration, Muslim Cultural Center, Independent Muslim Party

7.Buddist Order "Lung-Song - Pa", "Vedic School".

8.Regional spiritual association of Jewish unions of Donbass

Table 3.

Monasteries of Donestchiny

1. Svyatogorsk, Holy Men's Monastery (Gorlovsk Diocese of the UPC).

2. The monastery in honor of the Kashperian Mother of God (Donetsk Diocese of the UPC).

3. Montaster (Donetsk UPC).

4. MONALOP STC (S.Zvanivka, Artyomovsky district)

5.Onthansky monastery (S. Kisyleveka, Makeevsky district of the UPC).

Table 3.1.

Religious missions of Donbass

1. The christian mission "Ark" at the region. Combining churches ECB

2. The christian mission "Mercy", "Pearl" in the rep. Association of ECB (Donetsk)

3. Harvestian Mission "Dear to Life" at the spiritual center of independent churches of the EXP of Ukraine (Ghartsyzsk)

4. Medical Association Mission at the Region. Combining churches ECB

5. Christian mission "Ark" with oblast. Association Hwe (Slovyansk)

6. Christian mission "Disadvantage" in the overseas of Hves Donetsk region (Marupol)

7. HRISTIAN MISSION "BELIEVE MOST" at the Union of Free Churches Hwe (G. Mallovka)

8. Christian mission "Avana" with the Union of Free Churches of Ukraine (G. Mallovka)

9. Christian Mission "The World of Donbass" under the Union of Free Churches of Ukraine (Donetsk)

10.Religious mission "Annunciation, Mercy and Love" at the Union of Hwe (Donetsk)

11. The Eshiv spiritual spiritual seminary (Donetsk)

Cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Donbass in the modern period.


Donetsk region or Donbass is famous for not a small number of cultural places and recreation sites. No wonder our city is called the city of Million Roses. As is known for the period when Ukraine, was proclaimed independent, the Donbass region was not only an industrial center but also a place where it was possible to relax both physically and spiritually. Donetsk is a city with a high culture, in which cultural, educated and competent people live.

What are only theaters of Donetsk, among which the world famous Drama of Donetsk and the Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theater.

Donetsk Parks also die with their beauty, they are known worldwide. So, the photos of the park surrounding the Donbass arena, the whole world has already shielded, and the Park Shcherbakov after the restoration looks very impressive.

Monuments of Donetsk are, as well as Donetsk theaters, tribute to the history and pride of our city. Thousands of monuments, established by prominent figures of all spheres of science and art, who are somehow related to our glorious city are banging around Donetsk.

Museums and theaters, among other things, are the place where the intellectual elite of the region is going. Quite often, the theaters of our glorious city are visited by world celebrities, famous singers, dancers, artists.

Not so long ago, a new planetarium was opened in Donetsk, which meets the highest international requirements and is equipped with the latest technology.

Drama of Donetsk

Donetsk Academic Music and Drama Theater was founded in 1961. The theater is made in the form of an ancient Greek temple, with the exception of his scenic part. In the architectural project of the Dramsteater Donetsk, 1958, it was planned to establish a frontal figure, but they refused it because of the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR 1955 "On the elimination of excesses in design and construction".

During the reconstruction of Donetsk Drama Theater in 2005, it was decided to establish a sculpture on the front. Since the project documents did not survive information about which figure was planned for the installation, the image of the music tragedy was chosen from ancient Greek mythology Melpomen.

Donetsk Drama Theater is at the highest point of the transverse axis of Lenin Square. In this place, the construction of the new building of the House of Soviets was planned, but fortunately, changes were made to the plan of formation of the public center of the city and the theater was made in place.

The creative activity of actors theater is known not only in our region, but also beyond, as evidenced by the brilliant victories in all-Ukrainian theatrical festivals.

In August 2001, for significant achievements in the development of Ukrainian theatrical art, Donetsk, the regional Ukrainian musical and dramatic theater, for the first time in the history of the Ukrainian independent state, was assigned the status of academic.

Donetsk's dramteater today is headed by the Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine Mark Matveyevich Brovoon. He is the author of the idea and leading monthly television transmission about theatrical art "by the fireplace".

Drama of Donetskleads active touring activities far beyond the donbass. Today, the operating repertoire of the theater is represented as Ukrainian classical dramaturgy and world, modern dramaturgy.

The theater is located in the very center of the city, in close proximity to the Central Square of Donetsk - Lenin Square, as well as the attractions of the city as Donbass Palace and Philharmonic Donetsk. The building of the Drama Theater has a restaurant.

Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theater

Donetsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named Solovyanenko It was founded in 1941. On the opening day, the premiere of the opera M.I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin".

On October 2, 1977, the theater was awarded the title "Academic" for a great contribution to the development of Soviet art. During the Great Patriotic War, the troupe of the theater artists was evacuated to Sazanovka village, later in the city of Przhevalsk. There were concerts in hospitals, military units, before the rear workers. Even during the time of war, the actors of the theater continued to work on new performances in order to support the spirit of the army in such a difficult period.

At the end of January 1944, the theater troupe returned at the then Stalino (now Donetsk), where the opera premiere was held in September

A. P. Borodin "Prince Igor" in honor of the first anniversary of the liberation of the city from the German occupiers.

In 1992, the School of choreographic skills under the leadership of the People's Artist of Ukraine Vadim Pisarev was founded on the basis of the theater. Since 1994, the theater has been organized by the International Festival "World Ballet Stars". Artistic director of the theater - People's Artist of Ukraine Vadim Pisarev.

Building itself donetsk Opera and Ballet Theater conceived in the classic style, has approaches from three sides. The auditorium and lobby are decorated with stucco parts. Initially designed for 1300, now the theater has 976 seats. Over the beliefs and balconies of the auditorium, as well as in some foyer niches, sculptural busts of composers, poets, playwrights and decorative vases are installed.

The repertoire of the theater includes more than 30 works of the Ukrainian, Russian and Western European classics: operas, ballets, operetta.

The building of the Donetsk Opera and Ballet Theater in 2002 was established a monument to Anatoly Solovyanenko, in honor of which the theater is now called.

The theater is located in the heart of the city, opposite the cinema Shevchenko, not far from the Donbas Palace Hotel.

Donetsk parks

Park Shcherbakova

The history of the current Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after Alexander Sergeevich Shcherbakova began back in 1931, when it was decided to create a city park on the open steppe site behind the Bakhmutka River (now the first urban pond). Alexandra Sergeyevich Shcherbakova Park Shcherbakova occupied 120 hectares of the Earth, but in the subsequent its area increased. Initially, the park was named after the Russian party leader Pavel Petrovich Posychev, but soon after it was repressed, the park was renamed. Since then, the park has been referred to in honor of Alexander Sergeevich Shcherbakova - the Soviet state and party figure, Colonel-General of the Red Army, a valid member of the Communist Party, held in the Central Committee of the Party and stayed as a deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet office during the entire first convocation. The formation of Scherbakov Park as the main place of recreation and entertainment for residents of the city and its guests falls on the 60s - 70s of the last century. It was during these years that the main mass of structures was erected, as well as places of recreation and entertainment. The amusement park was founded, which today is the only stationary in the city. A variety of entertainment sphere attracted people from all over the region. From the very beginning of its existence, Shcherbakov park does not stand still, but continues to improve. Its boundaries are expanding, new structures and plantations appear, the reservoir is cleaned, replacing the equipment from the equipment to the new and modern. In addition, the entertainment zone of Shcherbakov Park is also transformed: new rides, swimming facilities of the boat station are arranged, sports and other sites are being built, which, of course, makes the park with an excellent discovery of analogues in Ukraine.
In 2005, a plan for the reconstruction of Schecherbakov Park was developed, with the implementation of which a complete restructuring of the landscape was carried out, the Park embankment was strengthened, recreational sites were equipped, and a huge number of decorative colors, shrubs and trees were planted. If earlier the entrance to Shcherbakov Park from the stadium street was depicted in the form of columns with cornices, then now is represented by a large decorative fence and forged gates. Now this entry is the main one. After the work carried out, Park Shcherbakova took the appearance of a modern park made in the European style. The original fountain was erected, and the Statue of the Great Angel of the World, which personifies the famous patrons of past years and the present time was erected in 2008. In addition, on the territory of Park Shcherbakova, the Dolphinarium Nemo opened in Donetsk. Currently, 14 modern attractions are in the park, the updated boat station works, there are children's zones with playgrounds and swings and much more. In the future, it is planned to build a year-round water park. In winter, new year holidays are held with the participation of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, who attract a large number of children and their parents. In the center of the park is installed a big New Year tree.

Forged figures park in Donetsk

Forged Figure Park Donetsk was opened in 2001. Located in Voroshilovsky district for the building of the Donetsk City Executive Committee. Initially, there were only 10 sculptures from the metal in the park, but each year their number is growing. Now Donetsk Pampsis is a full member of the "Rings of European Cities Kuznetsov" - an organization that combines sculptors of different countries. In addition, he entered this organization the first of all the cities of the post-Soviet space, officially becoming one of the best blacksmal cities of the continent.

The blacksmithhood in Donetsk was born for a long time, when in 1900 in Paris at the International Industrial Exhibition was awarded the Palma Prize, which Alexey Merzalov was forgotten - the Blacksmith of the Yuzovsky Plant. Interesting is that palm has been made of only one rail, and with its manufacture of Merzalov used only chisel and hammer. The original palm tree is located in the St. Petersburg Museum of the Mining Institute. There are two copies in Donetsk. One of them is located opposite the settling center of EXPODONBASS, the other near the regional state administration. The park development occurred rapidly and next year of its existence in his collection was added another 19 forged figures, as well as 2 arbors: "Four Dragon" and "Ukrainian". Later, in 2004, a "gazebo for lovers" appeared in the park, which became a favorite place of newlyweds. In 2005, another interesting composition appeared - an alley of the "zodiac signs", represented by 12 wrought-iron figures. In 2005, the Kovna Figurian Figure Figure Collection of Fairy Tale Avenue, which included various fabulous characters: Pike, Muha Centochoha, Pinocchio, Kolobok, Thumbelina and others.
Every year in the park are festivals for blacksmithing art. The best works are selected and then remain in the park. To date, there are more than 60 exhibits in the park, and their number continues to grow.

Forest Park

Forest Park is a modern hotel and wellness complex located in one of the most picturesque places in the Donetsk region, namely in the Velikoadolsky forest, which is 65 kilometers from Donetsk. The park covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 41 hectares. You can relax and wellze here at any time of the year. Forest Parqual is based on recently, in 2004, but even during this short period of time the park managed to become popular among residents of the Donetsk region and neighboring regions. Thousands of people are resting in the park, a special excitement is observed during the holidays, so you should plan your vacation in advance and can make a preliminary order. The complex itself was repeatedly awarded various prizes, including the Donbass tourist bonus. In addition, in 2006, Forest Park became the unquestioned winner of the "100 best goods" contest. The hotel base of the complex is represented by seven landscaped cases, in which 26 rooms are located with all the necessary amenities (more here), and complies with the European standards of 4 stars. A two-time meal, the use of all the territorial attractions of the resort, as well as bathrooms and other accessories in the room is also included. In addition, the Forest Park has many entertainment vents. The hotel and wellness complex presents to your attention a wonderful restaurant, attentive staff of which will do everything in order to create a cozy and comfortable vacation atmosphere for you and your loved ones. Also on the territory of the park there is a comfortable cafe terrace - a great place to carry out all sorts of parties or corporate events. The bar will delight the selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Attractive for many people in Forest Park is the presence of a camping here with arbors and mangals. Here you can relax in tents, to eat in the fresh air, cook kebabs and other goodies, and just bearently closer to nature, which is not enough for many urban residents. Fishing lovers will also remain very satisfied with the rest in Forest Park, because here you can go fishing and get a good catch. They will find a lesson and connoisseurs of more active pastime. For them, Billiards, tennis courts, mustache, as well as the Paintball platforms are provided to Foresta Park. Paintball is a game using pneumatic rifles and gelatin balls with harmless paint inside. In addition, on the territory of Forest Park, children's playgrounds, a Russian bath, sauna, mini golf and much more are always at your service. Special attention is paid to the health sphere Forest Park, the activities of which are aimed at the prevention of various diseases and functional disorders, as well as to the improvement of patients. The wellness center is equipped with modern balneological, as well as other modern physiotherapy equipment.
Monument Solovyanenko 2002. Monuments
Anatoly Borisovich Solovyanenko was born in Donetsk, where his creative career began. An outstanding Ukrainian opera singer, tenor, actor. People's Artist of the USSR, Laureate of Lenin and State Prizes. T. G. Shevchenko, Kavaler of the Order of the Italian Republic. Sculptor: A.M. Smears, architect - V.E. Vyazovsky
Lenin monument 1967
Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov (Lenin) - Russian and Soviet political and statesman, revolutionary, head of the Bolsheviks party, organizer of the October Revolution, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR and the USSR. The philosopher, founder of Marxism-Leninism, the ideologist and the creator of the Communist International, the founder of the Soviet state. Sculptor E.M. Kuntsevich, Architects N.K. Ivanchenko and V.N. Ivanchenko
Copy of Bochum Bell 1997 Bochum bell is a bell in the city of Bohum, located at the city hall. The author of the bell, Jacob Mayer, made it using the shaped steel casting in 1851. The bell participated in the World Exhibition of 1867 in Paris and became its sensation.
Sculpture "ArchRert Mikhail" 2002 The statue is a figure of Archangel - in Christian ideas the main angel. In the books of the Bible, Archangel was called only one Michael, but according to the ideas of the Church, the Archangels are several.


Essays of the history of the Donetsk region

"Sleep the mounds are dark, the Sun of the Sun"?

From South England, through Rastock, Bat, Kent, Chemnitz, Rur, Kladno, Pilsen, to the south of Russia, stretched the long thread of the Hercinian mining flexura, in the folds of which treasures originated, which laid the foundation of the power of the modern "Donetsk lobby". "World Fights" and great icing, volcanic activity and destructive activities of the winds - none of the processes formed the geographical appearance of the planet, did not pass the Donetsk region. About 300 million years ago, in the late coal or early Perm period, in the area between the Azov and the Donets, the deposits of stone coal were formed. Approximately 150 thousand years ago, archangets, hunters for elephants and cave bears (finds near the cities of Artemovsk-Bahmut and Makeyevki) came to the sneakers of the Donetsk ridge. Neanderthals (Parking at the village of Antonovka Mariinsky District) were driven into these parts of the Bizonov and Mammoths, Saiga and deer, horses and wolves until the beginning of the latest great icing (about 100 thousand sides). A modern type man (Ambrosievsky fireshop, the cereal of Mospino, the workshops from the village of Red and White Mountain) hosted in the foothills of the ridge in the era of Mesolitis, Neolith, Eneolita and the early Bronze Age.

Geographically, the modern central Donbass is a rocky steppe, in the northeast framed by centuries-old pines and chalk rocks of the River River of the Sea of \u200b\u200bSeversky Donets, and in the south - is lost in the mosquine limans and extended sandy braids of the small Azov Lake. The winter is warm here (-5, -80 in January), and the summer is not roast (+ 12-230 in July). In the Donbas, - traditional for the southeastern Avlacoge of Russian plains, lack of water (500 mm. Precipitation per year). Pechenest, Donetsk, Kurakhovskoe, Starobeshevskoye, Dr. Reservoirs, Seversky Donetsk-Donbass channel (at the village of District), city and village ponds, factory water loss (in Donetska: "Seas", "Taps", "Betting", " Lizir ") were diverted with metallurgists, mining equipment and energy, in the advantage of the years of Soviet power. In 1843, on the shores of the shallow river Kamach, the Yekaterinoslav forest-based naturalist Victor von Graff (1820-1867), asked in the dry Donetsk steppe, a man-made Veliko Anadolsky forest (145 hectares). In 1960-1970. Akaciai, Osinovye, Ivov, Ryabinovaya, Panked, Military Artificial Groves ("landings") rose around the miniature villages. In W floor. XX century, exhausted (in-Donetski - "frozen") of hopeless underground work, Donetsk miners in a mass order were divorced on the gibbons, cherry, cherry, apple, plum, cherry, pears, apricot, dr. Gardens, sage Bakhchy, broke the vineyards . At about the same time, on the track "Mariupol - Slavyansk", a magnificent botanical garden appeared between Donetsk and Makeyevka (now, they say, is the central office of Rinat Akhmetov). In W Sex 1970s. One half (in most cases-developed according to the principle of self-grapted) of household plots (very American!), Souned in potatoes, the second - corn. Colorado beetles in the Donbass were abundant! My neighbors in the mining settlement Novo-Kalinovo kept in the personal farm of chickens, geese, turkeys, cows, pigs, often started small apiary. For all sorts of summer, a couple of banging figures could be found in dry Donetsk beams in the casting of the clock and with black from coal dust outlines, peacefully watching bearded bearded kosami behind those attached to the driven peg. In 1960-1970. Donetsk was called the "city of millions of roses" (the initiative of the popular Donetsk leader Vladimir Degtyareva). Twenty-seven centuries, from the tribes of the Bronze Age: "Ancient", "Catacombriknikov" and "Sonbroths" - to medieval polovtsy, Stepnyaki was erected in the Donbass the funeral mounds - the earthen embankments, on the gentle of the grooves of which Kipchaks began to waters "(From Turk. : "Babai", strong warrior; However, there are other interpretations of the origin of this term in the literature). At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the nuclear mounds were covered in the shade of red hot areas (rocks of rocks).

Millennies, political fates of this region determined the struggle of "soil" ("sranny", Ants, Kievan Rus, Greeks, Germans, Serbs, Ukrainians, Russians) and "Steppes" (with "Ancients", "Catackets", Kimmerians, Scythians, including and with royal, sarmatics (mainly by Alans), goths, Hongnov-Hunns, Khazari (black Bulgarians, Alans, Ugra, Anti, Dr.), Pechenegs, Takets, Polovtsy, Mongols, Crimean and Volzhsky Tatars, Turks, Cossacks).

Historically, the extreme (Donetsk) West of the Great Steppe inhalled Indo-Europeans. Starting from the XV century. BC. These were the tribes of the Iranian language group ("nozzles", Kimmerys, Sarmatians, Scythians, Alans). At the end of IV V.N.E. The Gunnskaya Connection Atilla burned the road to the Donetsk steppe and the Northern Azov of Turkic-speaking ethnic groups: Ancient Bulgarians, Avaras, Khazaras, Pechenegs, Tamkes (Berendeys), Polovtsy, Tatars, toe.

During the period of domination in the steppe of royal Scythians in the VI-II centuries. BC. On the shores of the Azov Sea appeared a few cities of merchants from Greece. Repeated (overweight) wave of Greek settlers, this time the cattle breeders and farmers, arrived in Donetsk lands in 1779 with Metropolitan Gothephic and Kaffaian Ignatius (Hozanov) from Crimea on the humble diploma of Catherine II Alekseevna (they founded villages: Great Yanisol, Kermenchik, Lasp , Mangush, Sartan, stalled, Cherdakly, Modern cities - Urzuf, Donetsk Yalta, Mariupol, etc.).

In the era of the great resettlement of peoples, the middle of the III century. AD, Germanians (Gothic goths) destroyed an antique Tanais at the mouth of the Don. The peaceful German colonists are Mennonites, and then, Lutherans and Catholics - got into the azovye and under Yekaterinoslav in 1788 and further - in 1790-1796. and 1804-1810. According to the project of Count Rumyantsev and the orders of Prince Potemkin. At the turn of the XYII-XIX centuries. Donetsk Germans was founded by the village of Ostramim, who became the center of the Telmansky district of the Donetsk region in the Soviet years. At the same time, Kirchwald, Tiegengov, Rosengart, Schenbaum, Kronsdorf, Rosenberg, Schrenbaum, Wiereau, Reichenberg, Kamenoyu, Mirrau, Kaerdorf, Gatland, Nigigo, Ehochald, Tigerorth, Tyrgart, and others during civilian (in 1918) and the Great Patriotic War (in 1941-1945) The invasion of the Germans - Prussakov and Austrians - should have changed the state system and the ethnic composition of the population of the region (historically, since the conquest of Prussia, the Germans in Slavic lands were war on total destruction). However, the Germans, from among the militant, for a long time in Donetsk steppes were not delayed. Germans-peasants, descendants of refugees from the traditional (still from the Middle Ages) of the European landlessness, distant consequences of the Reformation and Napoleonic wars of the turn of the XYIII-XIX centuries. They live on the lands of the Donetsk region and at this time.

In the first centuries of the European Renaissance, in the XIII-XIV Art., Italians are predominantly, Venetians and Genoes - built several trade factories on Donetsk lands, in particular: the village of Adomakh in the mouth of Calmius and the colony of Tana, the future azak Azov, at the mouth of the Don . In XYII century. The Genoese was held in the azovye fish and the corona factories. In the 20s of the XIX century in Mariupol, on the site of the former adomaha, "new" Italians, part of the Slavs from the Austrian provinces of the Adriatic coast, for example, owners of trading houses: Stanislav Goleno, and brothers Memblaces, Cavalotti Shipbuilder, Trade Control Holders : Radel and Petrookino, etc. But, in general, the naval of the Italians in the dry steppe Donbas did not fit.

During the Crimean campaign of 1854-1855. The Anglo-French squadron attacked the Priazovsky cities of Taganrog and Mariupol. Arabat, Genichesk, Berdyansk and Yeisk, were also subjected to ship bombardment. In the shallow water in the Azov Kosy, the allied squadron in the complete cavalry system met the desperate "double" (twice the authorities) of the Cossacks of Joseph is twice. In 1849, these Cossacks founded on the coast of the Azov Sea of \u200b\u200bthe village of Novonikolayevskaya (now the city of Novoazovsk), Nikolaev and Pokrovskaya. Among these "Sughvigolov" was the great-grandfather of Makeevsky Metallurg, and then the Minister of Vladislav Egorov and the Donetsk historian Vadim Zadunaysky. In the campaign of 1854-1855, those who returned because of the Danube Cossacks smooth did not allow the European occupation of the Donetsk region. However, the second stream of the British and French fell into the Donetsk steppes in the village. Tr. XIX century, due to the industrial "boom" of the XIX-beginning. XX century

During the rule of the Khazar Kaganat (in the VIII-X centuries) of the Khazar Kaganat (in the VIII-X centuries), the early-medieval Jews, which were subordinated to the local Alansky (Ossetian ancestors), Bulgarian (Turkic) and Ugric (Hungarian ancestors) of the Tribe. In the VII - X centuries. Khazar Jews managed the movement of goods according to the "Great Silk Road" from China in the Black Sea and Next - to South, Central and Northern Europe. Jews mistaken in Donetsk steppes up to the defeat of the Dudon Sarkela, Rusich Svitoslav in 965, Khazara (Alaans and Bulgarians) founded the first settlements in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern villages, Virgin, Tatianovka, Sidorovo, lighthouses, Novoselovka. To con. XIII and XV centuries. The two waves of the migration of Jews in question compound related, on the one hand, with the beginning of religious persecutions in Western Europe, and on the other hand, with the provision of Polish kings, in particular, Boleslav Pious (Charter on August 16, 1264) and Casimir Great ( Printed 1367, confirmed in 1456), commercial and administrative benefits to Jewish people from Germany. In xy-xyi centuries. To gray. Xyii in. Jewish communities (kahala) monopolized wine trade in Ukraine, actively engaged in tax fees. As a result, during the Peasant War 1648-1653. Under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the skating rink of Cossack pogroms was held under the Ukrainian Jewish communities. At the end of the XYIII century, as a result of the three sections of the Commonwealth (1772, 1793 and 1795), about 700 thousand Polish-German Jews turned out to be among the Russian Empire (their descendants in the Donbasse - Zhanna Kovalevskaya, Zoya Zoylakina, Cily Mirminestein, Abram Berimbaum, etc.). Another 5 thousand came to the Donetsk land in 1783 after the transfer of the Krymsky Hanication stepper in the sentence of Catherine II Great (if you remember, precisely for this brilliant diplomatic maneuver Grigory Potemkin was awarded the title "Prince Tavricheic"). In 1812, during the accession to Russia of Bessarabia, another 20 thousand Jews became submitted by the Russian king (and among them the professor-historian Maria Moldavskaya). With accession to Russia of Georgia (1801) and the Caucasus (1801-1828), at the expense of the Gorsky, descendants of the Khazar, Jews, the number of the South Russian Jewish population grew by another 10 thousand people. In 1791, in the years of the reign of Alexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825), the imperial authorities began to introduce a "straight line" (the limits of the permitted resettlement) of the Jews in which, in its final boundaries (1835 ), entered the territory of the Donetsk region. In 1823-1825, as if apologizing for the medieval sides of the Son of the Loser Igor (? -945) and the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga (? -969), trying to change the nature of the Jewish mentality, the office of Alexander I Pavlovich allocated Belarusian Jews 30 thousand tits (15 tents per soul) in Donetsk Priazovye. Thus, the Donetsk villages of Zelenopol, Khlebodarovskoe, Ivanopoly, arose. However, in the lard. XIX century consolidate the Jewish settlers on Earth, by and large, failed; Alexander I suddenly died (November 19, 1825) in the Priazovsky city of Taganrog. (By the way, from January 4 to January 5, 1826, on the way from the Azov region to St. Petersburg, the body of the Winner of Napoleon Bonaparte was resting in the Holy Resurrection Church of the city of Slavyansk). In VT.pol. XIX century, against the background of the growth of the Jewish revolutionary ("Zionist") movement, the first streams of Donetsk Jews began to move into Palestine. At the same time, the third wave of Jewish immigrants arrived in Donbass, mainly merchants and bankers (for example, I. Yumansky, F. Fryskovich, A.Pripkovich, etc.), which, by the Thieves of the centuries, largely "mastered the Donetsk niche Medium-sized businesses and engaged, among other things, small crafts, construction contracts, loans, retail, fair and port trading, so on. In 1937, as a result of the Soviet-Chinese conflict of 1929 and the occupation of Manchuria by the Japanese in 1931, in the Khabarovsk Territory on the Bira and Amur Rivers, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Transibirsk Railway, the Jewish Autonomous Region, Birobidzhan, was founded by the decision of the Central Bank of Mikhail Kalinin. 1948, not without the assistance of Joseph Jugashvili-Stalin (1925-1928-1953), the Jewish state of Israel was formed in the Middle East. In recent years, Nikita Khrushchev (1953-1964) and, especially, after coming to power, Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-1991) began a mass outflow of Novorossiysk (Kharkov and Donetsk) Jews to the Middle East and further to Western Europe, USA and Australia. In this stream, Donbass, and in general, the Eastern Ukraine left Alexander Mirminestein, Alexander Sherman, Herman Makarov, Elena Geller and many others. The central regions of Donetsk at that moment were practically empty, and Donetsk apartments exchanged for used cars (Certificate Olga Phillipovskaya).

Roma appeared in Donetsk lands after joining Russia, Moldova and Valahia. These people were extremely reluctant and go to contact with the authorities. Therefore, today they live in the Donbas in the villages with very inactive names: "Shooting" (in the drawing of Makeyevka), Kabyudokhovka (described by Constantine Powest), "Intrunning", so on. The names of Tsygans are usually Moldovan or Russians: Ivankovich, Chekanov. So according to the names, this ethnic area is not easy to select from the general Donetsk medium. In the markets - let's say, on the Makeevsky "Red Bazaar" - Gypsy redundantly a lot!

The first Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Vainahi, representatives of other Caucasian ethnic groups appeared in the Donetsk region on the destruction of Catherine II Great (1762-1796), and also together with the inclusion of the Caucasus Empire and Part of the Transcaucasia, i.e. Under Alexandra I Pavlovic (1801-1825) in 1801-1828. In feathers. XIX century Russia were attached - consistently - Eastern Georgia, Mingrelia, Imeretius, Guria, Ganzha, Karabakh, Shirvan, Baku, Nakhichevan, Migra, Sukhum Kale, Western Georgia, Dagestan, Abkhazia, Armenia. At the end of the XIX, the industrial "boom" began in the Donbas. And here on the wave of this "boom", representatives of the Caucasian and considerable number of manner began to arrive at the metallurgical and coal enterprises of the Donetsk region. In 1930 Caucasians, including highly qualified technical intelligentsia, amounted to a significant part of the engineering composition of Donetsk shakhtyari management. In 1950-1970 Donetsk Caucasians were actively mixed with the Slavic population (for example, Marcaryan-Sinitsyn) and among themselves (Mzzzchvili-Cukukia family, Beridze-Khachkaryan).

The descendants of the representatives of the overseas ethnic groups, moved to the Podletsovo-Priazovsky steppes as a result of the hikes of Scythians Ishpakaya, Partuto, Mada in the 70s. Yii - Nach. Yi centuries. BC, as well as during an unsuccessful response punitive "expedition" of the Persian Tsar Darius I in 512 BC, not preserved in modern Donbas. Memory, however, remained. About bloody battles VI V.Do N.E. The unique stone statue of Scytha from the village of Olhovchik, that the city of Shakhtersk. Small flows of Kurds, Assyrians, and later - Koreans and Vietnamese went to Donbass after the Russian-Iranian and Russian-Turkish campaigns P.P. XIX century, as well as as a result of the outcome of the Soviet army from Iran in 1946, following the results of the US-Korean (1950-1953), and the US-Vietnamese (1964-1965) of military campaigns. Comprehensive assistance to the DRV Soviet Union rendered until 1975

Social cataclysms and marine treads have repeatedly interrupted the natural processes of settlement of the Donetsk region. So, the invasions of the Persians in the VI century. BC, Sarmatov in II in BC, ready (German) in III V.N.E, Gunnov in IV in AD, Slavyan (Svyatoslav's campaign - 965, Yaroslav Wise - 1036; in Less degree, Vladimir Monomakh - 1103, 1109, 1111, 1116; the unsuccessful campaign of Prince Igor 1185 on the Donetsk Khan Konchaka, described in the "Word about the regiment of Igor"), the uprising of Kondrati Bolotnikova 1705-1708 1719, Russian revolution 1917-1920 (24). and hunger 1921-1922, Patriotic War 1941-1945. And the "Perestroika" of 1991 made terrible devastation into these lands. In 1223-1239 The asphalt roller of the Horde Subscent-Bagatu and Batu-Khan in the desperate jerk "Go to the last sea" passed through the Donetsk steppes, leaving the horrific toponyms: Skilevant's beam, Tatar grave, River red (not from the blood?), so on. The following, in 1380, the defeat of the remains of the Tatar "Domnik" the remains of Tatar "Domnik", hiding in his native Donetsk beams, after traveling on the Kulikov field (it was the second, after May 31, 1223, the battle on the river Kalka flowing, as believed in The Volodarsky district of the Donetsk region) and, mainly, the second, 1395, the campaign of Tamerlane to the Golden Horde on Tahtamysh (remember the picture of Vasily Vereshchagin "Apotheosis of War"?) For a long three and a half, the Donetsk Steppe reached the fate of the desert desert.

"Chet-I-Kipchak" (Polovtsaya Steppe) - so called this edge, the scientists of the Arabs, who followed in the XIII century in the mongolian Horde, in a hike in South and Western Europe. "The Earth from the bones and dead heads scattered on the grass, like manure," wrote about it in 1246, the Italian monk John de Plano Caprini, next to the decree of Pope of Roman in Central Asia and east. "Vasta Solitudo" (extensive desert) - characterized it in 1253 Wilhelm de Rubruk, Ambassador of the French king to Mongolian Khan. "Wild Field" - called the territory of modern Donbass rare travelers - by the advantage, diplomats, and runaway Cossacks, - "Putting the feet" from the Azov region to the Dnieper and Don pools (Sigismund Herberen, Iosaf Barbaro, Alexey Saffron, Sidor Azaburin).

At the end of the XIII century, two major military political centers were distinguished in the Tatar Golden Horde: Donetsko Danube - Tambourika Noga (? -1300) and Saraysky (Volzhsky) - Khan Tachta (1297-1300 GG). In 1298-1300. Tuche twice passed Seversky Donets in pursuit of tatars to the foot. In 1300, Tokhta restored the power of the Goldenopa Genghisids in the Padontovsky-Priazovsky steppes. During the heyday of the Golden Horde at Khan Uzbek (1312-1342), Donetsk Tatars accepted Islam. Their main settlements of this time - Azak (former Tana and the future Azov) at the mouth of Don, the seaside village of Sedovo near Novoazovsk, the settlement near the village of Lighthouses of the Slavic District. In per.pol. Xy in. The Golden Horde broke up into Siberian, and then - Kazan, Crimean, Dr. Khanate. In 1433, in the steppes between the Dnieper and Don, a large horde was naked. In the middle of XY. Crimeans pushed out a big horde from the territories of the Donetsk Basin on the Volga. Since then, specifically: with nach. Xiii -ser. XY explosive Crimean - in small quantities - Nogai and Volzh Tatars live in the Donbas. In 1577, the West from the mouth of Calmius, the Crimean Tatars founded the reinforced settlement of the White Shed (from where, obviously, the name of the Priazovsky Reserve "Belosaray Spit"). However, already in 1584, the Tatar white shed was destroyed, perhaps the Cossacks.

Formally, in European diplomatic practice, after the Tatar invasion of 1239 and up to the elevation of Moscow at the beginning of the XIV century, the territory of the modern Donetsk region was listed under the care of the Russian-Lithuanian principality (the "Grand Principality of Lithuanian"; from 1569, after the Lublin Union, " Commonwealth speeches "). In fact, it did not own anyone: here it ran here one of the segments of the Muravo tract (from the River Red and Aidar, the tributaries of the Seversky Donets - in the interference of Bakhmuta and Lugani, and further - to Calmius and the dairy river), according to which the Tatars and then "Noga" , "Broadbands", "Crimea" and Cossacks transported extraction in Azov (Genoese Tanas, Tatar azak at the mouth of Don), ait of the city and Crimea.

And precisely to this period - XY-XYI centuries. - It is customary to attribute the time of the origin of a strange ethnocultural education - the South Slavic Cossacks. In everyday life, Military business and civilian structure, the Cossacks scrupulously followed the customs of Turkic-speaking "Stepnyakov": according to Nikolai Gumilev - "Long Will People". The culture had the most primitive, lived. However, already in W.Pol. The XY century The ethnic composition of the sub-Dneprovo-Dneprovsky Cossacks was, by the advantage, Slavic (although "Muscovites" Ivan III, as before, called them "robbery Cherkasy"). On the extension of Tatar rule in the Don and Donetsk steppes, the Cossacks settled along the banks of the rivers. Therefore, in the places of compact resettlement (meaning - in the south and south-east of the Slavic world), among them it was made to allocate the Cossacks of Donskie and Zaporizhzhya. In terms of lifestyle and the nature of the classes, "Cossacks" and "Donets" differed little from each other: the first, and the second went by campaigns in the azovye, the Black Sea region, on the Dnieper, Danube, Vistula, Dniester, Volga, on the Caspian, to the Moscow State, Later - to the Urals and to Siberia, uniting in troops and dares along the steppe, along the whims of the military fortune. Nationality and Don, and Zaporizhzhya Cossacks are almost definition. Up to par. XYII century to faith questions they treated quite formally. In any case, - tolerant, however, as the "early" chingizids. Approximately with con. XY in Ser. XVII centuries. Cossacks were hardly the only "indigenous" population of the steppe Donetsk region.

In 1603, large groups of Donetsk Cossacks participated in the campaign of Falsmitria I to Moscow. In 1606-1607, according to the call of Mikhail Molchanov, as part of the troops of Ivan Bolotnikov - Ilya Goncharov ("Ilyoki Muromets"), they took the tsarist residence of Vasily Iy Ivanovich Shuisky (1606-1610) - Moscow region village Kolomenskoye. In 1608, the Donetsk Cossacks joined the Tushinsky Thief forces, Falseedmitria II (killed on the hunt on December 22, 1610 with baptized Tatarith Peter Russer). In 1611, in the composition of the first Russian militia (the nobleman, the prince of Lyapunov, Prince Dmitry Trubetskoy and Ataman Ivan Zarutsky), Donetsk Cossacks participated in the unsuccessful siege of the capital of the Moscow kingdom, occupied (from September 21, 1610 to October 26, 1612) Alexander Gonsevsky Poles ( Poles were let into the city of Prokoki Lyapunov with the boyars, which shifted on July 17, 1610. "Wasil's elected self-container" of Vasily Shui). In the spring of 1611, Ivan Zarutsky tried to organize an attempt at the second Russian militia of Dmitry Pozhesky. In the spring of 1613, together with the queen Marina Mnishek and her son from Falgestmitria II ("Tornkom"), he hid in Astrakhan, in Delta Volga. However, on June 24, 1614, all the actors of this tragedy were captured on the island of a bear in the Yaik-Urals and, in the spring of 1615, secretly killed in Moscow. On February 21, 1913, the Cossacks Dmitry Trubetsky broke into a meeting of the Zemstvo Cathedral and ensured the election of Mikhail I Fedorovich (Romanov) to the Russian throne. In 1637, "Cossacks" and "Donets" mastered the Turkish fortress of Azov (Ancient Tanais and Azaku) at the mouth of the Don and put it to the feet of the "White Tsar" Mikhail I Fedorovich (1613-1645). Mikhail I Fedorovich, however, according to the Council of the Father, Patriarch Filaret-Fedor Nikitich Romanova (OK.1556, 1557-27, 1637) did not want to become a "Cossack sovereign" and, having enlisted the sentence of the Zemstvo Cathedral, in 1642 refused to accept Azov " Under the high sovereign hand. " In P.Pol. Xyii in. Cossacks from Azov were evacuated, the fortress - returned to the Turks, and again, "Big" - including Donetsk - "Blood", he was already taken by grandson Mikhail I Fedorovich, Peter I Alekseevich (1682-1725). It was taken in the hardest siege of 1695 and 1696. As a result of the political intrigues of 1642, the exit for "chas" of the Don and Dnipro "Industrialists" in the Azov and Black Sea more than the attacker, until 1696, remained locked, and in Ser.-W.Pol. XY explosive Cossack aggression turned out to be directed partly - on the Caspian (in Persia-Iran), in the Caucasus and in the Volga region, but mainly in the subway and Central Russia, the Urals and (based on the conquest of 1581-1584. Cossack Ataman Yermak and, based in 1586-1587, Russian fortresses Tyumen, Tobolsk, and also - in 1619, 1628, 1665, respectively, - Yenisei, Krasnoyarsk, Seleginsky Ostrog) to East Siberia. 1648-1653 "Cossacks", under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, established control over the enormous subwayprovskogo Ukraine. However, go to raids with Tatars and at the Tatars on weakened in the lane. floor. Xyii in. Turkey and Persia and manage the country - tasks, yet, of different levels, and in 1650-1653. Cossacks Khmelnitsky began to send petitions to the Orthodox Moscow King with a request to take them, and with them, conquered by Ukraine, to the Russian citizenship. In recent years, Alexey I Mikhailovich Mikhailovich (1645-1676), in 1669-1671, "Donctions" Stepan Razin once again tried to establish control over the state Russian. On June 4, 1671, after brutal torture on the frontal spot on Red Square in the center of Moscow (it was beaten by a whip, put on burning coals, burned with hot iron, so on.) Stepan Razin was quartered. The last major surge of the Cossack People's Half the first half of the reign of Catherine II Alekseevna Great (Sofia Frederica Augustus Anhalt-Church, 1762-1794), namely: for the years of the Peasant War, 1773-1775 years. The leadership of the Yaitsky (Ural) Cossack Emelyan Pugacheva ( executed on January 10, 1775 on Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, after which the River Yaik Tsarsky Decree was renamed the Urals). After 1775 with the "South Slavic Tatarist", by and large, it was finished: the Cossacks of the XIX-XX centuries. The initial ethnocultural originality has completely lost and turned into one of the privileged clauses of the Russian Empire - the faithful holders of the royal regime.

The first Slavic settlements (ANTs: Penkovsky archaeological culture) arose in the Donbas in Y-Yii V.N. On the left bank of the Seversky Donets (the settlement of the village of the Virgin Mary of Slavic District). Starting from Kievan Rus IX century. Up to the elevation of the Moscow Principality in Con. Xiy-XY explosive, Donetsk Slavs settled mainly at the Torky Lakes and the Northern Padontovier. With the transformation of Moscow to the centralized state, with the beginning of the fastening of peasants in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian in the XV-XYI centuries. and as a result of the Russian-Lithuanian war 1500-1503, the second, after the Kiev Rus, the colonization of the Donetsk territories itself, began. So, by the 20s of the XYI century, the first written mention of the settlement of hermit monks in the chalk mountains on the right bank of the Seversky Donets, in the area of \u200b\u200bmodern Svyatogorsk. In Russian sources of the XVI-early XYII centuries. You can find paintings of the Donetsk watchman on Seversky Don and Torah, as well as information about "hooing people" (seasonal workers) at torrential salvarians from Belgrade, Oskol, Yelets, Kursk, Liven, Valek and Voronezh (see, for example: Valuicanin's story Pokhinko Kotelnikova about Donetsk Salt Varnitzi from 1625). After the burning of Moscow "Crimea" Devlet-Hires in May 1571, Voevod Ivan IY Grozny (1530-1584) Prince Mikhail Vorotinsky began to build a system of source and sitting in these parts, designed to protect the borders of the Russian lands from the Steppe Wolitsa (Kolomatskaya, Obiasanskaya, Bakali, Izyumskaya, Svyatogorsk, Bakhmutskaya, Aidar Storeby). So in the Donbas there appeared the Muscovites. In twenty years, erected in 1599 by order of Boris Godunova (1598-1605) at the site of the River Oskol River to Seversky Donets City of Tsarevo Borisov (burned by Tatars), until the beginning of the Polish intervention of 1604 and the uprisings of Ivan Bolotnova 1606-1607 GG, served as the coordinating center of the South Russian borderline. In W floor. Xyii pen. Des. XVIII centuries, Muscovites persistently (not experiencing them in P.P. XIX century. Followed General A.P. Everyolov in many years of struggle for the Caucasus?), In 1673, 1679 and 1684. Constricate defense structures in the Donbas: Mayak Ostrog, Izyumkaya and Torky Defense Lines. Favorite Sophia I Alekseevna (1682-1689) Prince Vasily Golitsyn in Inchlastic Crimeans 1687 and 1689 was relying on Donetsk Ostrog and Towns. and Peter I Alekseevich Great (1682-1725) in the Heavy Azov Campania 1695 - 1696, as well as in battles with the army of the King of Swedish Karl XII (1682-1718) in Ukraine in 1707-1709. On the fragments of fortification facilities, Boris Mikhail Vorotnsky, Tsarsky (Alexey I Mikhailovich), Gregory Protasov and Kharkov Colonel Gregory, Zakharzhevsky (Fedor II, 1676-1682, 1663), Rainegorodok (1684) and - a little later, with young Ivan V and Peter I Alekseevich, - Bakhmut (1702, Sovr. Artemovsk).

In the question of the chronology of the genesis of the Ukrainian (Malorossiysky) national identity of historians, there are no consensus. However, it is clear that the origins of the Russian statehood should be looking for approximately in Ser. XII century, in the chronicles of the transition of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky (1125-1157), the son of Yuri Dolgoruky (1125-1157), at the limits of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. It is also clear that to ser. Xyi c., Perhaps, in the investigation of the cataclysms "Okrichnina" and the vague time, Kiev and Lviv ahead of Moscow Ivan Iy Vasilyevich Grozny (1533-1584), Mikhail I Fedorovich (1613-1645) and Alexey I Mikhailovich (1645-1676 GG.) In culturally (see, for example, op. on the activities of the Metropolitan of Kiev, Archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, founder of the Kiev fraternity Peter Mogily, 1596 - 1647, etc.). Not by chance, in W.Pol. 1660 It was in Kiev and Lviv that the Moscow first primers were fled: Dyack Ivan Fedorov (OK.1510-14 December 1583) and Belarusian Master Peter Mstislavts, in 1563 -1564. founded in Moscow on ul. Nikolskaya Printal Courtyard and on March 1, 1564, who released the first Russian printed book "Apostle", (and then, already in Lviv, - "Characters" and "Bulk"). In 1649, at the invitation of Tsar Alexei I Mikhailovich and his bedding of Fedor of Mouth, from Kiev, inkoms of the Inkoki Kiev fraternity Epifani Slavinetsky (beginning xyii century Petrovsky (Piotrovsky) - Sitnianovich; 1629-25 August 1680), who prepared the soil of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon (in the world - Nikita Misa, 1605-1671) and the subsequent split of the Russian Orthodox Church. In W floor. Xyii in. It is in the Kiev-Mogilev Academy, and not at the universities of Italy and Germany sent devices of the Moscow secret order to study (say, Ivan Ozersov), the teacher ("Uncle") Alexei Mikhailovich Tsarevich Alexey, founder of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, that on Sparrow Mountains, Fyodor Rtishchev (1625 - 1673). In xyii-xyiii centuries. The graduates of this particular "Ukrainian" Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy were outstanding Russian scientists Mikhailo Lomonosov, Peter Postnikov, Stepan Krasheninnikov, Andrei Bryantsev, Ivan Kargopolsky and many others. Pupil of Simeon Polotsky Sylvester Medvedev (in the world - Simeon Agafonnikovich, 1641-1691, executed, as a participant in Sophia Alekseevna's conspiracy) enjoyed the special location of Prince Vasily Golitsyn (1643-1714) and Tsarevna Regensha Sofia Alekseevna (1658-1704) . Ideologists of Petrovsky transformations per. Xyiii century There were outstanding immigrants from Ukraine Feofan Prokopovich (1681-1736), Stefan Yavorsky (1658-24 November 1722), Arseny Satanovsky. In the 50s. XYIII Art. Of the ten members of the Russian Sacred Synod - nine were immigrants from Malorosia. Ultimately, by the beginning of the XYIII century, in the investigation of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon (it is interesting that, after the actual removal from the power of 1658, Nikon-Nikita even tried to run to Ukraine!) And the extensive reformist activity of Peter I Alekseevich Great, traditional Moscow Culture XY-Nach. XYIII centuries, essentially turned out to be displaced in Old Believers. The culture of Ukrainian (Malorosiyskaya) came to replace the Staromoshkovskaya culture in Northeast Rus. In p.p. Xyiii century On the foundation of the Malorossiysk cultural tradition, periodic cultural interventions from the countries of Western Europe, the national culture of the Russian Empire XYIII-XX centuries was formed.

Meanwhile, the peasant war is 1648-1653. Under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the "Ukraine of the Russian Land" to the New Russian Center hiding behind the forest schools - the second "secondary" of the Kiev prince Andrey Bogolyubsky (approx. 1111-1174) departed. On January 8, 1654, at Pereyaslav Rada, the peasant Ukraine jumped into loyalty to the Moscow Romanovsky Dynasty (1613-1917). As a result, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, by virtue of their military experience, headed by the Ukrainian peasant movement, unexpectedly, were in the fodder of a huge agricultural land. And it is clear that in this situation no matter in the population, none of the demarcation of ethnic borders in the deserted Donetsk lands: before that whether it was generally writings, rampant hetmans, ordinar devices and merchant boyars, with heads immersed in political intrigue (Yuri Khmelnitsky, Ivan Bryukhovetsky, Demyan Multi-sink, but also Russians - Prince Yuri Trubetskoy, Prince Semyon Pozharsky, Prince Semyon Lviv, Rocky Prince Grigory Romodanovsky, Ocolnichy Prince Peter Dolgoruky, Prince Ivan Prozorovsky, Prince of Fedor and Vladimir Volkonsky, Prince Fedor Baryatinsky, Prince Semyon Zvenigorodsky, Boyar Vasily Sheremetyev, Andrei Boturlin, Ivan Rzhevsky, Ivan Khitrovo, Athanasius Ordin-Naschokin, Artamon Matveyev), treason (Ivan Vyhovskaya, Pavel Tether, Peter Doroshenko, Ivan Mazepa), war with a respondent, the Kingdom of Swedish, with the Kingdom, brilliant The port and, finally, in the fascinating process of reinforcing by the Cossacks of Ukrainian farmers-peasants? Nevertheless, April 30, 1747, resolving a private dispute between the "Donets" and "Zaporozhets" about fishing in the Azov Sea, the Government Senate Elizabeth I Petrovna (1741-1761) established the administrative border of the troops of the Donsky and troops of Zaporizhia on the Kalmius River , on both shores of which in W.Pol. XIX century The village of Yuzovka is located - modern Donetsk. (The latter circumstance in November 1917 gave the grounds to the Don Ataman Alexei Kaluedin to present UNR Mikhail Grushevsky territorial claims to Donbass. "Bolsheviks", as you know, announced the war of the directory only on December 5, 1917).

By the beginning of the reign of Catherine II, Alekseevna Great (1762-1796), forever, restless Zaporizhia Cossacks, largely lost its combat significance. By this time, the "Kochubei" and "Bezboro" turned into a boredrals and landowners, in the extreme case - the Odnodvords, and the resettlement of immigrants from the Ottoman and Austrian empires began in Donetsk region. In 1764, Catherine II responded to the resignation of the last hetman of Ukraine Cyril Razumovsky, and one of the outcome of the Russian-Turkish campaigns of the end of the XYIII century, as well as the result of the first section of the Commonwealth in 1772, was the final "abolition" by the Last Zaporizhik Sechor (4 June 1775). Moreover, after consistent destruction of the damnotsky (in March 1709), Kamenskaya (1709-1711), Oleshkovskaya (1711-1728) and a new juicy (existed from March 1734 - June 1775), Zaporizhzhya "Double Cossacks "Who did not have time to become the landowners, mostly left - within the limits of Turkey (settled on Berezani, Tiliguly, Hadzhibay and Balti, from Akkerman to Bender, as well as in Budzhake and Danube Girls), part - Embankment in the Pre-Based, and even in Caspiani. In 1792, the Sannaya Cossacks Zechariah Chapigi and the Black Sea Milit of the "Cossack Admiral" Anton Golovatoy - drew on the territory of the modern Krasnodar Territory. After 1775, in small groups of the Cossacks, they were scattered in the winter and yurts in the stone beams of Donetsk Wild Steppe (perhaps, the Donetsk settlement was founded - the prototype of the modern city of Makeyevka, as well as the villages, and later the city - Druzhkovka and Avdeevka). On February 14, 1775, on the territory of the modern Donetsk region, in the desert lands between the Seversky Donets, Dnieper and Don, Decree of Catherine II, Alekseevna was revived established by Peter I Alekseevich in mid-December 1708. (True, in other borders), South Russian Azov province - Sister-twin province of Novorossiyskaya.

At the beginning of 1783, Ekaterina Alekseevna abolished two southern provinces (Azov and Novorossiysk), making up a new Ekaterinoslavian governance with the center in Kremenchug. On December 2, 1796 by Decree Paul I Petrovich (1754-1801, the conspirators of the Governor-General of St. Petersburg of St. Peter Palen), as it were, in the peak of administrative transformations of the unloved mother, Voznesenskaya, Yekaterinoslav province and the Tavrichesky region were combined into a huge New Russian province, And her center of Yekaterinoslav was renamed Novorossiysk. In October 1802, the heir to Paul I Petrovich Alexander I Pavlovich (1777-1825), "Rassed" the immense Pavlovsk Novorossiysk province. Its territory was divided between Nikolaev (in 1803 its center from Nikolaev was translated into Kherson and the name of the province changed to Kherson), Tavrichesky and Ekaterinoslav provinces. Donetsk region was part of Ekaterinoslav province until the creation of the Donetsk province by decree of SNK on February 5, 1919.

Starting from the first Romanov, Moscow settled Donetsk land, for the most part, in an ordinary order: watchdogs and settlers. Zaporozhets and Donets, especially after the Azov campaign, 1637-1642, settled on the edge of the spontaneous (though, the same spontaneously and extended hunger, epidemics and tatars). After January 8, 1654 (after Pereyaslavskaya Rada), the waves of Maloros agriculture arrived and rolled back from the Donetsk pool depending on the movement of imperial borders.

At the very beginning of the XYIII century, the suppression of the uprising of Torking Solevarov under the leadership of Kondrai Bulavin (1705-1708), - the rebellion was triggered by a stupid resolution of Peter I Alekseevich the dispute between the Don and Slobodsk Solpromshells (Peter, not delight in the essence of the case, ordered to rewrite controversial salt springs On the treasury) - a, then, a plague epidemic of 1718-1719. It seemed forever put the end of the Maloros (not CorComatic) to master the Donetsk lands. However, periodically recurring sash destruction in 1709, 1711, 1728 and 1775, Polish uprisings 1831, 1863, the campaign of Nikolai I Pavlovich (1796-1855) in support of Franz Joseph I (1830-1916) in 1848-1949, the creation of the Austrians of the "Head Russian Rada" and the publication of Zori Galitsky in 1848 (that is, in fact, the beginning of a language codification called in the subsequent Ukrainian), as well as the repressive activity of the Polish governor of Galicia Count Agenar Golukhovsky in the second Half of the XIX century (it was directed to the displacement of the descendants of the ancient Kievan-Rusinov from the land of the unexpected Galician principality) initiated new and more, the truth, not very large, waves of migrants in the steppe Donbass from Central and Western Ukraine.

From the second half of XYIII and almost to the third quarter of the XIX century, the settlement of the Donetsk steppe becomes a royal policy, and in the empty lands on the shores of the Donets and Samara in the administrative (contractual and decree) procedure, the flows of refugees from the Austrian and Ottoman Empires are sent, as well as Russian landlords that have expressed Preparedness to settle the empty steppe territories to serfs. (True, there were relatively few such). So, in 1751-1752. On the flanks built by the decree of Anna-Joanovna (1643-1740) by Generals of Dobeni and Alexey Tarakanov Ukrainian defensive line (1731-1733), - the line began to construct on the eve of the Russian-Turkish campaign 1735-1739, in the heat of fierce The fights for the Polish Royal Throne of 1733, but not completed - in the interfluve of Bakhmut and Lugani, the major military teams of Serbs and Croatov, General I. Chorvat-Otkurtich and Polkovnikov I. Shevich and Raiko Presadovich (in Russian office work - Dereradovich; Their descendants participated in the battle of Austerlitz, battles at Culme and Fer-Shapenuyaz, Borodino, in the conspiracy of Palena vs. Paul I Petrovich, in the persecution of Emelyan Pugachev, were governors, members of the State Council, diplomats, hierarchs of the Church, etc., and T .P.). Following the Serbs, hiding from the Austrian and Turkish aggression, the Macedonians, Valahi, Moldovans, Romanians, Bulgarians (Slavs), Roma, Armenians, were reached into the territory of the Northern Donbass, and also, as a result of the sections of the Commonwealth, Russian Old Believers hiding in Poland. (Silver, delivered, yellow, Kamenka, Cherkasy, good, Kalinovskoye, Trinity, Lugansk). With that, from the first days of its existence, Donetsk Slavserbia was subjected to a powerful assimilation by Russians (Velikovsami), Ukrainians (Malorus) and Cossacks, so that by the Thieves of the XIX-XX centuries. From the settlers in Croat, Shevich and Presadovich in the Donbass, there were alone toponyms (the city of Slavyansk, Slavyanogorsk, Dr.) and the names (Vidovich, Popovich, Salzova, Milovic, Mosalsky, Galdich, Marcaryan, but also a lagoon, and a quail, and SERD, DR. ).

Obviously, in such a situation, serfdom on the Donetsk lands - in the newly educated settlements of migrants and immigrants - did not receive, and he could not get serious development. At the end of the 18th century, in the Donbas, however, the process of broad distribution of a free land under the so-called "rank cottages" of persons in the public service, which gave a well-known impetus to the development of landlord land ownership. So, ataman troops of Don Troops and Mius received great puts between Calmius and Musay (on the lands of Ilovaiski in early 1990, Batracille Praskovya Volkov, the grandmother of the author; in the Donbas and today there is a city of Ilovaisk). In the area of \u200b\u200bSvyatogorsk, the Earth was donated by the prince Gregory Potemkin. 400 thousand decishes of the Earth along the Seversky Don, Samara, bull, wolf were left behind the tsarist yard. In an effort to avoid double taxation for the ownership of empty lands and to get 10-year-old benefits to the economy, Donetsk Cossacks were often recorded for familiar landowners from among the Cossack German. So, for example, at the end of the 1780s. At the cottages of the Izyumsky Colonel Evdokim Shidlovsky in the upper reaches of Calmius (more than 16 thousand hectares), the Cossacks from among his colleagues who went on peace were founded by two Slobods: Alexandrovka and Round, which, with time, the Voroshilovsky and Kiev regions of the city of Donetsk arose. The population of Alexandrovka and the roundheads (according to the census of 1782 - 142 men and 82 women) on the auditive fairy tales were listed "for Shidlovsky", and in fact they remained personally free people. In this sense, it is very significant that on the eve of the reform of 1861, the government corresponders of Alexander II of the liberator (1818-1881) in the Bakhmutsky district of the Azov province, only 27% of the landlord peasants were able to find, and they did not find them at all in the Mariupol district.

Initially, however, and entrepreneurial interest in the settlement of Donbass was not very large. At the turn of xyii-xyiii centuries. It emerged to the areas of Northern Donbass and was associated with an increase in the development of salt fishery, explored in the Bakhmut area and Torky Lakes by local sketches and described by Field Marshal Burchand Christopa and Empress Anna I Ioanovna (1643-1740), the poet and Adjunction of the St. Petersburg Academy Gotlib-Friedrich-Wilhelm Junker. True, after the conclusion of the Kychuk-Kainardzhi world between the Russian and Ottoman Empires (July 10, 1774), Russia became available to the cheaper Crimean salt, and in 1782, the Governor General of the Lacely Prince Gregory Potemkin Torking Salt Fishes closed.

New, this time a fantastic life is historical Donbass gained in the literary XIX century. During this period, the bloody dramas of Wild Donetsk Steppe Wolitsa began to turn the poetic myths. "At Lukomorye Oak Green, the Golden Chain on the Oak Tom" - these beautiful Pushkin Stragas were inspired by the legends of the Donetsk Northern Priazia (Lukomorye is a deliberation). Bride-Snow Maiden from the Opera Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov - Also, Donbassovka, because, according to Libretto, it was taken in the family of Stariki-Berendei - one of the tribes of the Donetsk Union P.P. XI century. Oksana and Andrey - Characters Opera Seeds of the Gulak-Artemovsky "Zaporozhets beyond the Danube" - descendants of immigrants from Opoethized New (1775) of the Zaporizhia Snish, destroyed by Peter Tekel. The most detailed one of the poetic and most poetic examples of the Donetsk region, however, already the XYII-XYIII centuries, left Nikolai Gogol in the story of Taras Bulba (read the travel of Colonel Taras with the sons Andriei and Stepan to Zaporizhia Six; perhaps, Gogol told in Is it about Donetsk Khomutovskaya steppe?). "I saw Solovetsky Austzov - from Anzer Mountain, Zavalzhye - from Sunnov in the lower, panorama of the Urals - with plants, rearprovaya - from Kiev-Pechersk Heights, Magic Plains of the accident and Coyu-Su, the whole sea of \u200b\u200bthe Balkans - from the Eagle's nest on the Saint Nicholas, The happy valleys of the Girlovsky Sultancy are from Dervish Mountain, but if now I had to admire this huge picture from the chalk cliffs of Svyatogorsk, I would undoubtedly forget a lot for nothing, "I wrote down at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The owner of the Donetsk estate "Nescutual" Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. Catechezis Cossack, and therefore, in part, - Donetsk, mythology of Ukraine XIY-XYIII centuries. Anonymous "History of Rus" was published in 1846 (among its authors, Grigory Fifty). This essay had a great influence on the work of Kondrai Ryleev, Alexey Bestumev-Ryumin, Nikolai Gogol, Taras Shevchenko, Mikhail Maximovich, Nikolai Kostomarova, Panteleimon Kulesh, Mikhail Dragomanov and many of many others. However, it is important to specifically emphasize, according to the XX century researchers ( And, in particular, Nikolai Ulyanova, etc.), to the true history of the Steppe Ukraine "History of Russ" has about the same attitude as "Ruslan and Lyudmila" Alexander Pushkin - to the ancient history of the Donetsk region.

In the first half of the XYII century, Prairi's subdontazovskoye-priazovsky, for centuries, the herds were chasing their teen horses-Tarpanov, were repulsed from the priazovsky Turks from the Donski and Zaporozhye Cossacks. From 1637 (Taking Azov) to 1708 (the suppression of Bunte Bulavin) Donbass was approximately as in the XYIII century, European Middle West was presented in European travelers. After the creation of the Azov province in 1775, the edge began to settle multinational Gogol chikhikov (what is not the Pintexter family from the "rider without head"?). At the turn of the XYIII-XIX centuries. Latifundistrate settlers replaced the "farmers" (only in 1793 in Slavic and Mariupol counties, there were 20 horse breeders and 45 livestock factories). And all this time, the brilliant future of the region, its flourishing, was drained to the salt, chalk, alabaster, ore and coal deposits of the interfold of the Donets and Calmius, at the fairs and in Mariupol's trading offices, Berdyansk and Taganrog.

Donbass not only thought Catherine II and Gregory Potemkin as a great historical experiment, similar to the conquest of Ermacom of a deserted Tatar Siberia or the development of the Europeans of the Krasnok North America. Donbass and was Slavic America.

America, with bitter Slavic fate ...