Aligiery Dante's brief retelling comedy. Dante Aligierey Divine Comedy Hell

Aligiery Dante's brief retelling comedy. Dante Aligierey Divine Comedy Hell


Aligiere Dante



The main hero of the poem, the poet Dante himself, falls into the forest, where he meets Leopard, Leo and Wolf (allegory of human vices). Beatrice sends him a reimbat of the Roman poet Vergil.

Songs Second - Third

At the gate hero sees the inscription:

"Through me go to the city of the hardest torment,

Through me go to the torment and zapov,

Through me go between generations of sewers.

The right right of the Creator of My Buildings:

Made me the power that everyone gives birth to

The highest wisdom and percholyubov.

Only after me the world became a gate reduces.

Nothing forever, I'm on all a century.

Leave the hope of any incoming here. "

The poets entered and saw the Ridaychi souls of those who lived only for themselves. Charon, the carrier of the souls of the dead, did not want to take Dante, but Vergili agreed.

Fourth songs - Sixth

In the first circle of hell (Limb), they saw unbreakable babies and virtuous non-Christians (Homer, Horace, Ovid).

In the second round, Minos tail indicates the size of the MUK to violators of the marital loyalty (Cleopatra, Elena, Semiramid). Here he hears the story of the love story of FarRN to Paolo, who kissed only in the garden while reading books about love. Dante sympathizes French souls.

The entrance to the third circle guards the three-headed dog of Cerber. Here you are punished by the souls of the womb.

<...> By gluttony, I am appreciated

That Chvakalo teased all acquaintances -

And here I am launching in the rain, the poor.<...>

Songs seventh - ninth

In the fourth round, the entrance to the souls and hidden burned Pluto.

In the sixth circle there were heretics, rapists, liars and sanitians.

Tenth songs - twelfth

The entrance to the seventh circle was blown up three centaurs, which did not give souls to get out of the river filled with boiling blood.

Thirteenth songs - Sixteenth

The seventh circle was divided into three belts: tyrants, suicides, robbers.

Songs seventeenth - thirty

The eighth round is described where the taper Gerion helped the poets. In ten Rips, there were seductors, Lystsov, Svincomers, sovereigns, bribes, hypocrites, thieves, deserted advisers, definitions of discord and fake metals, people, money and words.

They were beaten with their whores, kept the snakes in Kali, they punished them with a heavy sword.

Thirty-first songs - thirty-fourth

In the well, which combined the eighth round with the last, ninth circle of hell, the giants suffered. In the first belt of the ninth circle there were traitors of their relatives (Cain), in the second belt, traitors of the Motherland (Antenora), in the third - traitors of friends (Tololi), and in the fourth - traitors of benefactors (Judecca). These souls were in three pastes of Lucifer (Judas, Brut and Cassia).

Thus, travelers were in the center of the Universe and rose to the South Bowl.


First songs - ninth

The purgatory was among the ocean, on the top of which was the earthly paradise.

It is described by the ending, where the souls of irreconcilable with the church fall (the King of Sicily Manfred), the negligent and those who died not with their death. Before the first circle of Dante's purulent sees a dream: the eagle in the sky wants to pick up his soul. Then the lion appears and shows the entrance to the purgatory.

Tenth songs - twenty-seventh

Describes seven circles of purgation.

The first round - pompous (Nioba laughed from Laton, that in the only two children. For this, seven daughters and seven sons were killed).

The second round is envious, which served examples of generosity.

The third round - angry (marco) is cleaned by the example of meekness.

The fourth round is lazy.

The fifth circle is stingy. The poets heard the shocks of the mountain, when some soul is taken to heaven.

Sixth Circle - Przezdvі receive examples of restraints, and in the seventh round - love is the examples of purity (Virgin Mary).

Before entering the earthly paradise, Vergil says and advises to take the crown and Mitra on his forehead as the signs of power. "

Twenty-eighth songs - thirty-third

Describes the earthly paradise. Dante passes the divine forest, two rivers: summer takes references to sins, and Just gives memories of good deeds. Before him passed biblical images. Beatrice appeared, noting that "he succumbed to the forth terrestrial." She instructed him to convey to those seen by people, for their way is distinguished from God.


First songs - ninth

Dante entered paradise andi first got on Mizyatsev Sky, where there were perfumes that the vows broke (blueberries, which were rapidly married).

The third sky is Venus - the spirits of loving.

Tenth songs - twentieth

Sovetsev Sky appointed Spirits of scientists (Thomas Akvinsky, Albert Great).

<...> Everything that dying or dead does not become, - only the default of the thought that the appearance of the Lord in his love gives her.<...>

Marse Sky shone a cross from the spirits of the military.

Sixth Sky - Yupіterov - Heavenly Eagle talks about the need for faith for salvation.

Song twenty-first - thirty-third

The seventh sky - Saturn - the spirits of the contemplates solve the problem of the purpose of destiny, decline in monasteries.

The eighth sky is starry - Dante Picture of the Triumph of Christ. Apostles Peter and Jacob, the poet gave answers to the substitute for faith and hope, Apostle John - about love. All the love of the priests are aimed at God.

On the ninth, crystalline, the sky was observed by the author of heavenly beauty and earthly deformity, harmony of the Heavenly Hierarchy.

Beatrice continues to talk about the decline of the church, false preachers.

The tenth, flaming sky - the light of God's grace in the form of roses with the petals of blissful souls.

Beatrice returns "on the third bench in the Higher Circle."

Dante in Ecstasy insistences prayers.

The poem is being completed by the devilment of all-configuring heavenly love.

On the night before a passionate Friday, in 1300, Dante, who at this point was only 35 years old, was lost in the forest, which was in a strong fright. From there it overlooks the mountains, and he is trying to climb them, but the lion, Wolf and Leopard and Dante get on his way to return back to the thick thicket. In the forest, he is waiting for a meeting with the spirit of verse, who says he can spend it into paradise through the circles of purgatory and hell. The hero agrees and steps after healing through hell.

Behind the walls of hell is heard a moan of lost shower, which during the existence no good, nor evil. Then overlook the Ahern River. It is a place to transport the dead by Demon Charone to the first circle of hell, which is called Lamb. In Limbe, hold the souls of wise, writers, and kids who were not baptized. They suffer, since they have no way to heaven. Here, Dante was able to go through and talk with the famous writers and meets Homer.

Going down below, to the next circle of hell, the heroes are watching the Minos Demon, which is engaged in the definition of what kind of sinner to send. Here they see how the souls of creatures are worn somewhere. Among them, Elena is beautiful and Cleopatra who died as a result of their own passion.

On the third circle of hell, the travelers meet Cerber - Dog. In this circle in the mud in the rain there are souls of those whose sin is a glorification. Here Dante meets his countryman - Chakco, who asks the hero to make a reminder living on Earth about him. On the fourth circle there are a penalty for miser and those who were too waste, they are under the protection of the Plutos Demon. The fifth circle is the place of torment for those who were lazy and angry.

After the fifth circle, travelers find themselves near the tower, which is surrounded by a reservoir. Through it, they are moved through the Demon Flagia. Swimmed by reservoir, Dante and Vergiliy are in the hellish city of Dit, but they cannot get into it, as the city is guarding dead evident. The Heavenly Messenger helped them, who suddenly appeared at the entrance to the city and curbed the evil the dead. In the city in front of the travelers, tomb appeared in the fire, from where the stons of heretics came from. Before descending from the sixth round in the next circle, Virgil tells the hero about how the remaining three circles are arranged, which are beginning to narrow to the center of the earth.

The seventh circle is located in the middle of the mountains, under the guard of the minotaur. In the midst of this circle there is a blood flow raging, they are terribly tormented by those who were a robber or tyrant. Around there are thickets, these are the souls of those who commit suicide.

Next comes the eighth circle, which consists of 10 pvov, which are called malice. In each of them, the seductors of women, the lets, sorcerers, sorpants, bribery, thieves, insidious advisers and seats are tormented. In the tenth RVA, the travelers descended through the well and found themselves at the center of the globe. There, they appeared before the Ice Lake, where those who betrayed their relatives are attempting. In the center of the lake was Lucifer, the king of hell. From him passes a small passage, which leads to another hemisphere of the Earth. The travelers passed through it, and came to the fitting.


Once in purgatory, the travelers were washed in the water, and saw him hung up to him with souls who did not fall into hell, the angel was ruled. The travelers were inserted on it to the foot of the griming mountain. Here they managed to talk with those who, before died, managed to sincerely repent of sins and therefore did not come to hell. Next, the hero falls asleep, and it is transferred to the gates of purgatory.

Cordees, enviousness, obsessive angry, lazy, those who were too waste and stingy, wagons, and voluptipers are cleaned in purgatory from their sins. Having passed through the circles of this place, Dante gets to the wall, which is burning through which he must pass to get into paradise. Having passed this wall, Dante falls into paradise. He meets the elders of snow-white clothes, everyone is dancing and having fun. Here he notices his beloved Beatrice, and then deprived of feelings. In a moment, Dante wakes up in the river for the oblivion of sins - fly. The hero is suitable for an enervel, river that contributes to strengthening memory about her good, he ished away in it and now he is worthy to rise to the stars.

The journey of the hero now continues with his beloved, and they rise to heavenly circles. Immediately, they are found nuns, their souls who have forcibly married. Next, they saw the shining souls of righteous. The third sky is the souls of loving. The fourth sky is the habitat of the shower of the wise men. Next dwell souls are fair.

Travelers rose, finally, to the seventh heaven and found themselves on Saturn.

Further, the hero rose and began to talk with the spirits of the righteous about such concepts as love, faith and hope. On the ninth circle the first, which was opened by the travelers, was a sun point, which was a deity. Next, Dante ascended to empires, the highest point in the universe, where he saw the elder, then sent him even higher. The old man, whose name was Bernard, became Dante Teacher and together they stayed here where the souls of babies shine. Here, Dante saw a deity and gained the highest truth.

"Divine Comedy", the vertex creation of Dante, began to be born when the great poet has just survived his exile from Florence. "Hell" was conceived around 1307 and was created for three years of wandering. Then the composition of "purgatory" was followed, in which Beatrice occupied a special place (all the creation of the poet was devoted to it).

And in the last years of the life of the Creator, when Dante lived in Verona and Ravenna, Paradise was written. The plot basis of the poem-vision was the afterlife - a favorite motive of medieval literature, under the pen Dante received his artistic transformation.

Once the ancient Roman poet Virgil depicted a descent of mythological 3 in the underground kingdom, and now Dante takes the author of the famous "Enidida" to his conductors on hell and purgiousness. The poem is named "Comedy", and unlike the tragedy, it begins anxiously and gloomy, but ends with a happy finale.

In one of the songs "Paradise" Dante called his creation by the "sacred poem", and after the death of her author, the descendants assigned her the name of the "Divine Comedy".

We will not present the maintenance of the poem in this article, but we will endure in some features of its artistic peculiarities and poetics.

It is written by tercins, that is, three-stroke stanches, in which the first verse is rhymes with the third, and the second - with the first and third line of the next Tercine. The poet relies on the Christian eschatology and the doctrine of ADE and RAE, but its creation significantly enriches these ideas.

In the Commonwealth of Dante Vergile, it steps for the threshold of a deep abyss, over the gates of which he reads an ominous inscription: "Leave the hope of everyone here is incoming." But despite this is a gloomy warning, satellites continue their procession. The crowds of shadows will soon comprise them, which will be especially interesting for Dante, because they once were people. And for the Creator, Born by New Time, a person is the most exciting object of knowledge.

Having crossed in River Heron through the hellish river Aheron, satellites fall into the Lamb, where the shadows of the great pagan poets rank Dante to their circle, declaring the sixth after Homer, Virgin, Horace, Ovid and Lukan.

One of the wonderful adoption of the poetics of great creation is the rare reconstruction of the artistic space, and within its limits - the poetic landscape, that component, which, before Dante, did not exist in the European literature. Under the very creator of the "Divine Comedy" was recreated and the forest, and a wetland steppe, and an ice lake, and cliffs.

For Dantevsky landscapes are characteristic, firstly, bright image, secondly, the inclusion of the light, thirdly, lyrical painfulness, fourth, natural variability.

If we compare the scaffold description in the "hell" and "purgatory", we will see how terrible, frightening his picture in the first songs is replaced by the image of the joyful, light, penetrated by the greens of trees and blue air. The landscape in the poem is extremely concise: "The day went, and the sky air Dark / earth creatures took to sleep." It very much reminds earthly paintings, which is promoted by references:

Like selinine, resting on the hill, -
When it creates a short look
Who, who is the country of illuminated earthly,

and mosquitoes, replacing flies, circling, -
Valley sees full firefly
Where he tits where grapes cut.

This landscape is usually populated by people, shadows, animals or insects, as in this example.

Another significant component of Dante becomes a portrait. Thanks to the portrait, people or their shadows turn out to be alive, colorful, reliefly transmitted, filled with drama. We see the faces and figures of giants sitting calanted in stone wells, peer into the Mimicu, gestures and movements of former people who came to the afterlife of the antique world; Contemplate mythological characters, and Dante contemporaries from his native Florence.

Portraits sketched by poets are distinguished by plasticity, and hence the tangibility. Here is one of the memorable images:

He will drive me to Minos, he whom
Tail eight times around the back of the mighty,
Its from the malice even biting,
Said ...

The mental movement, reflected on the Self-portrait of the Dante itself, is also of great expressiveness and vital truth:

So I joined the courage of grief;
Resolutely in the heart fear is crushed,
And I answered, boldly speaking ...

In the appearance of Vergil and Beatrice less drama and dynamics, but the expression is fulfilled the attitude towards them himself, which worships them and passionately love them.

One of the features of the poetics of the "Divine Comedy" is the abundance and significance of the numbers in it, which have a symbolic meaning. The symbol is a special kind of sign that already in its external form concludes the content of the presentation detected by him. Like allegory and metaphor, the symbol forms the transfer of meaning, but unlike the named paths, it is endowed with a huge variety of values.

The symbol, on the thought of A.F.Lostheva, does not matter itself, but as an isna of meeting the famous constructions of consciousness with the one or another possible subject of this consciousness. The above belongs to the symbolism of numbers with their frequent repeatability and varying. Researchers of the Literature of the Middle Ages (S.S.Mokulsky, M.N. Golenishev-Kutuzov, N.G. Elina, G.V. Stadnikov, O.I. Pheetodov, etc.) celebrated a huge role of the number as measures of things in the Divine Comedy »Dante. This is especially true of numbers 3 and 9 and derivatives from them.

However, speaking of these numbers, researchers usually see their meaning only in the composition, the architectonics of the poem and its stroke (three cilts, 33 songs in each part, 99 songs in the aggregate, troped repetition of the word STELLE, the role of XXX song "Purvered" as a story about Meet the poet with Beatrice, three-strategic stanches).

Meanwhile, a mystical symbolism, in particular trolleys, is subordinated to the whole system of images of the poem, the narration and description of it, the disclosure of plot details and detailing, style and language.

Troproquinity is found in the episode of the climb of the Dante on the hill of salvation, where he is hampered by three beasts (Lynx - the symbol of solvents; the lion is a symbol of power and pride; the wolf is the embodiment of greed and korestolobya), as a picture of the Limba of Hell, where the creatures of three birth (souls of the Old Testament Righteous , the soul of infants who died without baptism, and the soul of all virtuous non-Christians).

Next, we see three famous Trojans (Elektra, Hector and Enai), a three-headed monster - Cerber (having a demon, dog and man). Nizhny hell, consisting of three circles, inhabited by three furies (Tsisifora, Meager and electro), three skelters of Gorgon. We also show three ledges - steps that appear three vice (malice, violence and deception). The seventh circle is divided into three concentric belts: they are remarkable to playing three forms of violence.

In the next song, we just notice with Dante, as "three shadows suddenly separated": these are three Florentine-sinners, which "all three rank ranks", being on fire. Next, the poets are seen three instigators of bloody strife, a three-tech and three-headed Gerion and Triphy Lucifer, from the pasta of which three traitors stick out (Judas, Brut and Cassia). Even separate items in the world of Dante enclose the number 3.

So, in one of the three coat of arms - three black goats, in florms - mixed 3 karat copper. Thrust is observed even in the syntax of the phrase ("Hube, in Mount, in disasters, captive").

We see similar trocheus in "purgatory", where the angels have three radiances (wings, clothes and individuals). Three holy virtues are mentioned here (faith, hope, love), three stars, three bas-reliefs, three artists (Franco, Chimabue and Jotto), three varieties of love, three eyes in the wisdom that them looks around the past, present and future.

A similar phenomenon is observed in "Rai", where three Virginia (Maria, Rachel and Beatrice), forming a geometric triangle sit in the amphitheater. In the second song narrates about three blessed wives (including Lucia) and the three eternal creatures say
(sky, land and angels).

Three commander of Rome is mentioned here, the victory of African Sizipion over Hannibal at 33, the Battle of Trej against Three (three Horatians against Three Kuriatsiyev), the third (after Caesar) Caesare, about three angelic ranks, three Lilies in the coat of arms of the French dynasty.

The named number becomes one of the complex definitions-adjectives ("Three-shaped" fruit "," Triune God) is included in the structure of metaphors and comparisons.

What explains this trioity? First, the teachings of the Catholic Church on the existence of three forms of inthius (hell, purgatory and paradise). Secondly, the symbolization of the Trinity (with its three hypostasis), the most important hour of the Christian teaching. Thirdly, the effect of the Kapitule of the Order of the Templars, where the numerical symbolism was of paramount importance. Fourth, as shown by the philosopher and mathematician P.A.Florensky in his writings "Pillars and Approval of Truth" and "Through Geometry", Trochka is the most general characteristic of being.

The number "Three" wrote a thinker. It is everywhere as some kind of main category of life and thinking. Such, for example, three main categories of time (past, present and future) three-dimensions of space, the presence of three grammatical persons, the minimum size of the full family (father. Mother and child), (thesis. Antithesis and synthesis), three main coordinates of the human psyche (reason , will and feelings), the simplest expression of asymmetry in the integers (3 \u003d 2 + 1).

In a person's life, three phases of development (childhood, adolescence and youth or youth, maturity and old age) are distinguished. Recall the aesthetic pattern that prompts the creators to create triptych, trilogy, three portals in the Gothic Cathedral (for example, notre-ladies in Paris), built three tiers on the facade (ibid.), Three parts of the arcade, divide the walls of the oils into three parts, etc. D. All this took into account Dante, creating his model of the universe in the poem.

But in the "Divine Comedy" a subordination is found not only by the number 3, but also number 7, another magical symbol in Christianity. Recall that the duration of the unusual travel of Dante is 7 days, they begin the 7th and end on April 14 (14 \u003d 7 + 7). In IV, the song is remembered by Jacob, who served the lavan's 7 years and then for another 7 years.

In the thirteenth song "Hell" Minos walks the soul in the "seventh abyss." In the XIV, the song is mentioned 7 kings, precipitated inches, and in the XX - Tirisay, who survived the transformation into a woman and then after 7 years - inverse metamorphosis from a woman in a man.

The most detroteity is reproduced in "purgatory", where 7 laps are shown ("seven kingdoms"), seven strips; It says about the seven death sins (seven "p" on the forehead of the Hero of the Poem), seven choir, about seven sons and seven daughters of Niobe; A mystical procession with seven lamps is reproduced, 7 virtues are characterized.

And in "Rai", the seventh radiance of the planet Saturn, the Sielesties of the Big Bears It is said about seven heavens of the planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in accordance with the cosmogonic ideas of the era.

Such preference the saddimians is due to the prevailing days in the days of Dante on the presence of seven mortal sins (pride, envy, anger, despondency, misfortune, curdness and voluptuousness), about the desire for seven virtues, which are observed by purifying in the relevant part of the afterlime world.

The life observations of the family flowers of the rainbow and the seven-coming and small marsh, the seven days of the week, etc. have also affected.

Biblical plots related to the seven days of the creation of the world, Christian legends, such as seven sleeping years, ancient stories about seven miracles of light, seven sages, seven cities arguing to be the birthplace of Homer, about seven, fighting against FIV, were important. The impact on consciousness and thinking provided images
Ancient folklore, numerous fairy tales about seven heroes, proverbs like "Seven Discharges - One Answer", "Seven Spacious, and Two Cleaners", sayings like "seven spans in the forehead", "For seven woolstone Kisli", "Book for family seals "," Seven Pottkee ".

All this was reflected in literary works. For comparison, take the later examples: the beat of the number "Seven". In the "Legend of Unelenshpigep", Sh. de Koster and especially in the Nekrasovskaya poem "Who in Russia live is good" (with her seven wanderers,
seven wilts, seven big trees, etc.). A similar impact is presented about the magic and the symbolism of the number 7 we also find in the "Divine Comedy".

Symbolic importance in the poem acquires the number 9. After all, this is the number of heavenly spheres. In addition, at the turn of the XIII and XIV centuries, there was a cult of nine fearless: Heckers, Caesar, Alexander, Jesus Navi on, David, Judah Maccava, Arthur, Charles of the Great and Gotfried Boulevard.

It is not at all chance in the poem 99 songs, to the vertex xxx song "Purgatory" - 63 songs (6 + 3 \u003d 9), and after it 36 \u200b\u200bsongs (3 + 6 \u003d 9). It is curious that the name Beatrice in the poem mentioned 63 times. The addition of these two numbers (6 + 3) is also formed 9. Yes, and rhymes this special name - Beatrice - 9 times. It is noteworthy that V.Pavorsky, creating a portrait of Dante, placed a huge figure of 9 over his manuscript, emphasizing her symbolic and magical role in the "new life" and "Divine Comedy".

As a result, the numerical symbolism helps to bore the framework of the "Divine Comedy" with its multi-layered and multi-density.

It contributes to the birth of poetic "discipline" and harmony, forms a hard "mathematical design", saturated with the brightest imagery, ethical wealth and deep philosophical meaning.

The delicate creation of Dante amazes very frequently found metaphors. Their abundance is closely related to the peculiarities of the worldview and artistic thinking of the poet.

Stripping from the concept of the universe, which relied on the Ptolemy's system, from Christian eschatology and ideas about the hell, purgatory and paradise, facing the tragic MGLU and the bright light of the afterlime kingdoms, Dante was to be widely and at the same time to recreate the worlds performed by sharp contradictions, Contrasts and antinomies that accompany the grand encyclopedism of knowledge, their comparison, connection and their synthesis. Therefore, natural and natural in the poetics of the "comedy" were moved, transfers and convergence of compared objects and phenomena.

To solve the tasks, the metaphor that connects the specificity of the reality and the poetic fantasy of a person, bringing the phenomena of the space world, nature, the subject matter and the spiritual life of a person in similarity and relatives to each other. For some reason, the language of the poem is so powerful on metaphorization that promotes life knowledge.

Metaphors in the text of three kart are extremely diverse. Being poetic trails, they often carry a significant philosophical meaning, as, for example, "Half Darkness" and "Hurrying Enough" (in the ADE), "Rights Otrada", "Souls are upgraded" (in "Purgatory") or "Morning "And" Song Ranked "(in" Rai "). These metaphors combine various semantic plans in themselves, but each of them creates a single unstatched image.

Showing the afterlife as often found in the medieval literature plot, using the need for the theological dogmatics and colloquial style, Dante sometimes introduces commonly consuming language metaphors into its text
("Heart Sogreto", "Right Eyes", "Mars burns", "Thirst to speak", "Waves beat", "Ray Golden", "day left", etc.).

But much more often the author uses metaphors with poetic, characterized novelty and large expression, so significant in the poem. They reflect the diversity of the latest impressions of the "first poet of the new time" and are designed for the awakening of the recreation and creative imagination of readers.

These are the phrases "Warter Depth", "I hit me", "Gul burst" (in the "hell"), "firms", "smile rays" (in "purgatory"), "Light I want to ask", "Nature's Light "(In" Rai ").

True, sometimes we meet an amazing connection of old ideas and new looks. In the neighborhood of two judgments ("Art ... God's grandson" and "Art ... follows Nature-) We are confronted with a paradoxical combination of traditional references to the Divine and characteristic of the" comedy "the plexus of truths previously learned and newly acquired.

But it is important to emphasize that the above metaphors are distinguished by the ability to enrich concepts, revive text, compare similar phenomena, to transfer the names by analogy, to face the direct and portable meaning of the same word ("crying", "smile", "art"), identify The main, permanent sign of the characterized object.

In Dantevskaya metaphor, as in comparison, signs ("Overl" and "Pikule") are compared, but comparative ligaments (unions "as", "as if", "as if") in it are not available. Instead of twisted comparison, a single, firmly fascinated image arises ("Light is notching", "screams take off", "Oral of Moluba", "Sea beats", "Enter me in the chest", "Run of four circles").

Metaphors encountered in the "Divine Comedy" can be divided into three main groups depending on the nature of the relationship between space and natural objects with alive creatures. The first group should include personification metaphors in which cosmic and natural phenomena, items and abstract concepts are assessed by the properties of animated creatures.

Such, Dante "Fight a friendly spring", the "earth flesh called", "The Sun will show", "the bustle will reject", "the sun lights. And others. To the second group, it is necessary to rank metaphors (from the author of the "comedy" is "splashing hands", "Towers", "Mountain's shoulders", "Vergiliy - Springtones", "Lighthouse of love", "Stamp of confusion", "Putu evil ").

In these cases, the properties of living beings are like natural phenomena or subjects. The third group consists of metaphors that combine multidirectional comparisons ("Pravda Lik", "Words are assisted", "Light Speed", "Wave of Hair", "Thought Knet", "evening fell", "tanned Dali", etc.).

It is important to see the reader that in the phrases of all groups there is often an author's assessment, which allows you to see the attitude of the Dante to the phenomena captured. Everything that is related to the truth, freedom, honor, light, he will certainly welcome and approves ("tastes the honor", "shine screamed wonderful", "Light of Truth").

The author's metaphors of the "Divine Comedy" transmit various properties of the captured items and phenomena: their form ("Circle of the top of the Loe"), the color ("Color of the accumulated", "torment the air is black"), sounds ("Gul burst", "Sun" will raise ", "Rays are silent") the location of the parts ("in the depths of my dement", the "head of the cliff") lighting ("Zarya overwhelmed", "the gaze of Light", "the light of the solid"), the action of the subject or phenomena ("Lampade", " The mind regards "," the story flowed ").

Dante consumes metaphors of different designs and composition: simple, consisting of one word ("Occhanged"); The forming phrases (who is moving the universe, "" Flame of clouds fallen "): Deployed (forest metaphor in the first song" Hell ").

According to the monk, Guillaria, Dante began writing his poem in Latin. The first three verses were as follows:

Ultima Regna Canam, Fluido Contermina Mundo,

Spiritibus Quae Lata Patent, Quae Praemia Solvut


"In Dimidio Dierum Meorum Vadam Adportas Infori." Vulgat. Biblia.

In the middle of n. g. roads i.e. for the 35th year of life, the age that Dante in his Convito calls the vertex of human life. According to the general opinion, Dante was born in 1265: it became 35 years old he was 1300 g.; But, moreover, from XXI Hell's song, it is clear that Dante implies the beginning of his wandering at 1,300, during the anniversary announced by Papho Bonifacim VIII, on the passionate week to Great Friday, - a year when he comespaced 35 years, although his poem was written much later; Therefore, all incidents that happened later than this year are given as predictions.

Dark forest,according to ordinary interpretation of almost all commentators, means human life at all, and in relation to the poet - his own life is especially true, that is, life, fulfilled delusions, beaten by passions. Others under the name of the forest, of course, the political state of Florence of the time (which Dante calls tRISTA SELVA,Clean. XIV, 64), and connecting all the characters of this mystical song in one, give it political importance. Here is the eg. As a Count Perkari (Apolog. DI Dante. Vol. II, p. 2: FEC. 38: 386 DELLA PROPOSTA) explains this song: in 1300, for the 35th year of life, Dante, elected to the Florence priors, soon was convinced among the stem , intrigues and fury of parties that the true path to public good is lost, and that he himself is in dark forestdisasters and expulsion. When he tried to climb on hillsthe vertex of state happiness, he was introduced to an insurmountable obstacles from his native city (Barca with the Movie Schuro),pride and ambition of the French king Philip Beautiful and brother His Carla Valua (Lion),and Care and ambitious plans of dad Boniface VIII (Wolf).Then, indulging in his poetic attitude and putting all the hope of military dictionaries of Charles Great, Señora Veronsky ( PSA) he wrote his poem, where, with the assistance of spiritual contemplation (Donna Gentile),heavenly Enlightenment (Lucia)and theology ( Beatrice),led by the mind, wisdom of man, impersonal in poetry (Virginia),he is to pass the point of punishment, purification and awards, in this way, the vices, comforting and correcting weaknesses and rewarding the virtue of the immersion in contemplation of the highest good. It can be seen that the ultimate goal of the poem is to call on the nation of the vicious, torn by partners, to the unity of political, moral and religious.

Dante escaped this life performed by passions and delusions, especially the parties to the parties, in which he had to go as a ruler of Florence; But this life was so terrible that the memory of her again gives rise to horror in it.

In the script: "So the town is (forest) that death is a little more." - The Eternally Gorky World (Io Mondo Senia Fine Amaro) is AD (Paradise XVII. 112). - "As a real death destroys our earthly existence, so death moral deprives us of a clear consciousness, free manifestation of our will, and therefore moral death is a little better than the death itself of real." Strakefuss.

Sleep means on the one hand, human weakness, the darkening of the inner light, the lack of self-knowledge, in one word - the absolusion of the spirit; On the other hand, the dream is the transition to the spiritual world (see Ada III, 136).

Hill, By explaining most of the commentators, means virtue, according to another ascent to the highest good. In the original Dante awakens at the hill sole; sole hill - The beginning of salvation, that minute when our soul arises saving doubt, the rock thought that the way we went to this minute is false.

The limits of yudoli.Yudol is a temporary field of life, which we usually call Yudolia tears and disasters. From XX songs of hell, Art. 127-130, it can be seen that in this judo, the poet served the twinkling of the month. A month means a weak light of human wisdom. Copy.

Planet, leading people direct road, there is a sun, which, according to the ptolomeva system, belongs to the planets. The sun has not only the meaning of the material shone, but, in contrast to the month (philosophy), there is a complete, direct knowledge, divine inspiration. Copy.

Even the gleam of divine knowledge is already able to reduce in us partly the false fear of the earthly yudoli; But it completely disappears only if we are completely useful by the Fear of the Lord, like Beatrice (Hell II, 82-93). Copy.

When climbing, the leg, which we rely, is always below. "Rides from the lowest to the highest, we are fed forward slowly, only step by step, only if it is firmly and rightfully stand up on the lower: the ascent of the spiritual is subject to the same laws as physical." Strakefuss.

Bars (Uncia, Leuncia, Lynx, Catus Pardus Opening), on the interpretation of ancient commentators, means Sweistance, Lion - Pride or Population, Wolf - Care and Poorness; Others, especially the newest, see Florence and Guelphs in Barce, in Lion - France and especially Charles Valua, in Wolchite - Pope or Roman Smoke, and, according to with this, give the entire first song the meaning of pure-political. By explaining the cannegisser, Bars, Leo and Wolf means three degrees of sensuality, moral damage to people: Bars is awakening sensuality, which is indicated by his speed and agility, the motley skin and unequivacy; The lion is sensuality already awakened, prevailing and not hidden, requiring satisfaction: because it is depicted with the Great (in the original: raised) head, hungry, angry before the fact that the air around him shudders; Finally, the Wolf is the image of those who have completely betrayed sin, why it is said that it has already been a poison of life, because Dante is completely deprivable to calm and robs and more and more robs in a moral death.

This tercin is determined by the time of the poet. It has been said above, it began on the Great Friday at the passing week, or on March 25: it became about the spring equinox. However, Filalettes, based on the XXI songs of Hell, believes that the journey of his Dante began on April 4. - Divine loveon the representation of the Dante, there is the cause of the traffic of the celestial. - Top Star It is indicated by the constellation of the Aries, which at this time the sun comes.

Dante Alighieri (Dante Alighieri) 1265-1321

Divine Comedy (La Divina ComMedia) - Poem (1307-1321)

On Poldorog's life, I - Dante - I was lost in the dense forest. Scary, the colors of the wild animals - the allegories of vices; There is nowhere to go. And here is the ghost, which turned out to be a shadow of his beloved ancient-Roman poet Vergil. I ask for help. He promises to lead me from here in the wanderings in the afterlime world so that I saw hell, purgatory and paradise. I am ready to follow him.

Yes, but forces do I have such a journey? I was an orcoul. Vergilie Urgoril me, told that Beatrice itself (my deceased beloved) decreased to him from Paradise to hell and asked to be my conductor in the safety travels. If so, then it is impossible to fluctuate, the determination is needed. Arrange me, my teacher and mentor!

Above the entrance to hell inscription, takes out any hope of incoming. We entered. Here, right behind the entrance, moaning pathetic souls who have not worked in any kind of malno. Next, the Ahern River, through it, the ferocious Charon transports on the boat the dead. We - with them. "But you're not a dead!" - Quickly shouts to me Charon. Virgil pulled him. Floated. Missed the roar, the wind blows, flames flames. I lost feelings ...

The first circle of hell - Lamb. There are languishing the souls of unbreakable babies and glorious pagans - warriors, wise men, poets (among them and Vergil). They are not tormented, but only grieve that they have no place in paradise as non-Christians. Vergile and we joined the great poets of antiquity, the first of which Homer. She was spent and talked about unearthly.

At the descent in the second round of the underground kingdom, Mosnos Demon defines how the sinner in which place of hell is to overtake. He reacted at me just like Charon, and Vergil was also dumbered. We saw the degraded souls who worn by the hellish swirl (Cleopatra, Elena beautiful, etc.). Among them, Francesca, and here are inseparable with their lover. The immense mutual passion led them to the tragic death. Deeply compassioned them, I lost my feelings again.

In the circle, the brutal dog of Cerberry is rampant. Flare was on us, but Vergili was dumbered and his. Here they are lying in the mud, under heavy shower, sinning sinners. Among them is my countryman, Florentica Chakco. We talked about the fate of the hometown. Chakko asked me to remind him of living people when I return to Earth.

The demon, guarding the fourth round, where the extracts of waste and buying (among the last many spiritual persons - Dad, Cardinals), - Plutos. Vergili also had to be placed to be taken away. From the fourth descended into the fifth round, where the angry and lazy, mired in the swamps of the Niza Nizna. Approached some tower.

This is a whole fortress, around it extensive reservoir, in a Chelny - rower, demon fluegia. After another move, I sat down to him, float. Some sinner tried to cling to the board, I Orugg him, and Vergilie said. Before us is the hell city diet. Every dead evil hurt prevents us in him. Vergilius, leaving me (oh, scary one!), I went to find out what was the matter, I returned concerned, but encouraged.

see also

And here also hellish fun in front of us appeared threatening. Recruited the suddenly appeared heavenly messenger who curled them anger. We entered the diet. Everywhere with a flame of tombs, of which the stons of heretics are coming. Through a narrow road make their way between tombs.

From one tomb suddenly grown a mighty figure. This is a pharyam, my ancestors were his political opponents. In me, hearing my conversation with a twentieth, he guessed the fellow countryman. Pride, it seemed, he despises all the abyss of hell, we hovered with him, and here the head of the neighboring tomb was leaned: yes this is the father of my friend Guido! He was meant that I was the dead and that his son was also died, and he fell in desperate NIC. Phyrinata, calm him; Gvido alive!

Near the descent from the sixth round in the seventh, above the grave of Panya-heretic Anastasia, Vergil explained to me the device of the remaining three circles of hell, tapering down the book (to the center of the Earth), and what sins in which zone what circle is punished.

The seventh circle is compressed by mountains and guard by the demo-semi-minted minotaur, weekly roaring on us. Vergil shouting at him, and we hurried to move away. They saw a fluid flow in blood, in which tyrants and robbers are boiled, and from the shore in them, the centaurs are shooting out of the onions. Centaur Ness became our acclaimed, told about the execution rates and helped switch the boiling river VJrod.

Around the prickly thickets without greens. I broke some branch, and black blood was fitted out of it, and the trunk groaned. It turns out that these bushes are the soul suicides (rapists over their own flesh). They are peeled by the hellish birds of Garpii, trample past the running dead, causing them unbearable pain. One truncated bush asked me to collect broken bits and return them to him. It turned out that the unfortunate is my countryman. I fulfilled his request, and we went further. We see - the sand, the flakes of fire flies on top of it, puzzling sinners who scream and moan - everything, except one: he lies silently. Who is it? King of Kapani, a proud and gloomy bootiness, struggled by the gods for his stallness. He is now faithful to himself: either he is silent, or the gods are loudly swing. "You yourself are tormented!" - shouted his verse ...

But towards us, tormented by fire, move the souls of new sinners. Among them, I hardly recognized my highly high teacher Brunetto Latini. He is among those who are responsible in the tendency to the same-sex love. We talked. Brunetto predicted that the world is waiting for me fame, but there will be many very hardness in front of which you need to resist. The teacher warked me out to take care of his main essay in which he was alive, "treasure."

And three more sinners (sin - the same) dance on fire. All Florentines, former respected citizens. I talked to them about the Zloscey, our hometown. They asked to give alive countrymen that I saw them. Then Vergil led me to deep failure in the eighth round. We will shut there a hellish beast. He is already climbing from there.

This is a motley taper Gerion. While he is preparing for a descent, there is still time to look at the last martyrs of the seventh circle - the usurists, which are in the whirlwind of flaming dust. Multicolored wallets with different coat of arms hang from their neck. I did not talk with them. Let's hit the road! Sit down with a top riding in Gerion and - Oh horror! - Smoothly fly to failure, to new flour. Descended. Gerion immediately flew away.

The eighth circle is divided into ten pvov called malice. In the first RIV, the summers and seductors of women are executed, in the second - Lytz. Jimons brutally beat horny demons, the lets are sitting in the liquid mass of the minddock - the stench is unbearable. By the way, one slut is punished here not for wandering, but for shining her lover, saying that she is good with him.

The next ditch (the third sinus) was laid out by a stone, the pesting round holes, of which the burning legs of high-ranking spiritual persons who traded church positions stick out. The heads and the torso are clamped with well-wall wells. Their successors, when they die, will also joke with flaming legs in their place, fully hesitated to the stone of their predecessors. So explained to me Dad Orsini, at first I accept me for my successor.

In the fourth sickness, the priests, asteristers, witch are tormented. They are twisted with the neck so that, sobbing, they irrigate their tears not breasts, but ass. I jerked himself, seeing such a mockery of people, and Vergili shared me; Sin regret sinners! But he, with sympathy, told me about his fellow countryman, the mannota, whose name was called Mantua - the birthplace of my glorious mentor.

The fifth ditch is flooded with a boiling resin, into which the devils of the crusts, black, winged, throw bribes and are watching that they are not overwhelmed, and they will not be treated in crochets and get the most cruel way. At these nicknames: a malfunction, cososhy, etc. Part of the further path we will have to go through their terrible company. They are shifted, showing languages, their chief made a stunning obscene sound. I haven't heard this yet! We go with them along the ditch, the sinners dive into the resin - hide, and one climbed, and they immediately pulled out hooks, going to torment, but allowed us to talk with him. The poor fellow got the vigilance of crushes and dived back - they did not have time to catch him. An irritated devils rushed together, two fell into the resin. In the turmoil we hurried to retire, but it was not there! They fly for us. Virgil, picked up me, barely managed to run in the sixth sinus, where they are not the owners. Here the hypocrites are tampering under the severity of lead gilded clothes. But crucified (nailed Kolomi), the Jewish High Priest, which insisted on the execution of Christ. His legs with legs with a leaded lead guide.

It was difficult to transition: a rocky way - in the seventh sinus. There are a thieves that bite the monstrous poisonous snakes. They scattered into dust from these bites, but they are immediately restored in their guise. Among them, Banny Fucci, who has risening the sacristy and melted the blame on the other. The man is rude and blasphemy: God sent "in FIG", reed up two Kukisch. Snakes immediately attacked him (I love them for it). Then I watched a certain snake merged with one of the thieves, after which he took his appearance and got on his feet, and the thief is sent, becoming a reptile gad. Wonders! Such metamorphosis will not find Ovid,

Likui, Florence: These thieves are yours. I am ashamed ... And in the eighth Rib, insidious advisers. Among them, Ulysses (Odyssey), his soul is sharpened in the flame, capable of talking! So, we heard the story of Ulysses about his death: Thirsty to know the unknown, he sailed with a handful of bravels to the other end of the world, suffered a shipwreck and, together with friends, drowned away from the people inhabited by people,

Another talking flame, which is hidden the soul who did not call himself named after the deserted adviser, told me about his sin: this adviser helped Roman dad in one unrighteous matter - hoping that the dad would let him go to his scenario. To the sinner of Heaven's sinner tolerant than those who hoped to escape repentance. We switched to the ninth moat, where the sounds of the troubles are executed.

Here they are, instigators of bloody strife and religious stem. The devil will deduce them with a heavy sword, cuts off the noses and ears, crushes a skull. Here and Magomet, and encouraging Caesar to Cesensky Civil War, and bentheled warrior troubadur Bertrand de Born (his head in his hand bears like a lantern, and she exclaims: "Mount!").

Next, I met my parent, angry with me for the fact that his violent death remained indispensable. Then we switched to the tenth of the ditch, where the alchemists are married by eternal itch. One of them was burned out that jokingly boasted, as if he was able to fly, - became a victim of the den. I didn't get to hell for it, but as an alchemist. Here they are executed by those who gave themselves to other people, counterfeiters and generally liar. Two of them came up with each other and then they scored for a long time (Master Adam, mixed copper into gold coins, and the ancient Greek Sinon, who deceived the Trojans). Vergil reproached me for curiosity with whom I listened to them.

Our journey in malleazumah ends. We approached the well leading from the eighth circle of hell in the ninth. There are ancient giants, titans. Among them, Nemveod, angry with something in an incomprehensible language, and Antey, who, at the request of Vergil, lowered us on the bottom of the well on his huge palm, and immediately straightened.

So, we are at the bottom of the universe, near the center of the globe. I have an ice lake in front of us, you have frozen your relatives. One, I accidentally threw a nail on my head, he shouted, and he refused to call himself. Then I clung to his hair, and then someone called him by name. Scoundrel, now I know who you are, and tell you about people! And he: "VRI, what you want, about me and about others!" But the icy pit, in her one dead gnawing the skull to another. I ask: what? Pick up from his victim, he answered me. He, Count Ugolino, revenge on his faithful like-minded person, Archbishop Rujjeri, who worked him and his children hunger, sharpening them in the Pisa Tower. Unbearable were their suffering, the children died in the eyes of the Father, he died the last. Shame Pisa! We go further. Who is this before us? Alberigo? But he, as far as I know, did not die, since it turned out to be in hell? It happens this: the body of the villain still lives, and the soul is already in the underworld.

In the center of the Earth, the Lucifer's Ruiser, Lucifer, Liberated, Liberated, and Summary, Disfigured, Three-Timy, and Summary, and Summary. From the first to his mouth sticks out Judas, from the second brut, from the third Cassion, he chews and torments their claws. The worst of all accounted for the most vile traitor - Judas. From Lucifer stretches the well, leading to the surface of the opposite earth hemisphere. We squeezed into it, climbed to the surface and saw the stars.


May they help me to touch the second kingdom! His Guard Stretcher Caton met us inappropriate: who are? How dare to come here? Vergilius explained and, wanting to delight Katon, the warmth responded to his wife's wife. What does marcy here? Go to the seashore, you need to wash! We're going. Here it is, sea distance. And in coastal herbs - abundant dew. Her Vergil washed away with my face with an abandoned hell.

From the sea gave us the driven by the Angel Chelny. In it, the souls of the departed, who were lucky enough to not get into hell. Moored, went ashore, and the angel sailed. The shadows of the arrivals crowded around us, and in one I learned my friend, singer Kozhellu. I wanted to hug him, but the shadow is impregnated - hugged himself. The goat at my request was born about love, everyone was heard, but here Caton appeared, but she shouted on everyone (they did not do it!), And we settled to the grief of purgatory.

Virgil was dissatisfied with him: he gave rise to shouting on himself ... Now we need to develop the upcoming road. Let's see where the arrived shadows move. And they themselves just noticed that I am not a shadow: I do not miss the light through myself. Surprised. Vergil explained it all. "Go with us," they invited.

So, we hurry to the foot of the purgant mountain. But whether everyone is hurrying, does everything so much wait? There is a group of not very hurrying to climbing: they say, it will time; I climb the one who is neat. Among these sludges, I learned my friend Belakva. It's nice to see that he, and at the lifetime of the enemy of any rush, faithful to himself.

In the foothills of the purgatory, I happened to communicate with the shadows of victims of violent death. Many of them were fairiful sinners, but, saying goodbye to life, managed to repent and therefore did not fall into hell. This is an annoyance for the devil, deprived of production! He, however, found how to recoup: not gaining power over the soul repentant who repented the deceased sinner was abused over his killed body.

Not far from all this we saw the royal-majestic shadow of the sideline. He and Vergil, having learned each other countrywoman poets (Mantuans), fraternally embraced. Here is an example to you, Italy, a dirty boutinal, where they are completely broken bonds of fraternity! Especially you, my Florence, is good, you will not say anything ... Find, look at yourself ...

Forelling agrees to be our conductor to fitting. It is a great honor for him - to help high versgil. Stepodo chatting, we approached the blooming fragrant valley, where, preparing for overnight, there are shadows of high-ranking specials - European sovereigns. We published observed them, listening to their consonant singing.

Introne an hour when the desire is attacked by sailing back, to your loved ones, and remember the bitter mig forgiveness; When Peeligrim possesses sadness and hears, as the chime distantly cries the bottom of the bottom of the Impressive ... In the valley of the Earth's lords, there was a cunning snake temptation, but the arrival angels expelled him.

I was facilitated on the grass, fell asleep and was moved to the gates of purgatory in a dream. The angel guarded their angel seven times in my forehead and the same letter - the first in the word "sin" (seven death sins; these letters will be erased from my forehead as they climb on the vague mountain). We entered the second kingdom of the victim, the gate closed behind us.

The climb began. We are in the first round of purification, where the pride of the pride is bothering. In the Environment of Gordini, the sculptures embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba high attachment - humility are erected here. But the shadows of the cleansing pride: in the lifetime of the unreleased, here they are in punishment for their sin bent under the weight of the stone blocks poured on them.

"Our Father ..." - this prayer sang a baked pride. Among them is a miniaturist artist Odrees, with his loud glory in his loud. Now, he said, realized that there was nothing to throw: they are all equal to the face of death - and the Old man, and having sang the baby "Nam-Nam", and Glory comes and leaves. The sooner you understand and you will find the strength to curb your pride, come down, - the better.

Under your legs, we have bas-reliefs with captured plots of punished pride: Lyucifer and Briarry, Lucifer, Tsar Saul, Oloferne and others. Our stay in the first round ends. The Angel was erased from my forehead one of the seven letters - as a sign that the sin of pride I was overcome. Vergil smiled at me

We climbed into the second round. Here enviously, they are temporarily blinded, their former "enviable" eyes do not see anything. Here is a woman, who walked evil from the envy and rejoiced their failures ... In this circle, I will not be cleared after death, because it rarely envied anyone. But in the prured Gorders - probably for a long time.

So they, blinded sinners, whose blood had ever burned envy. In silence, the words of the first currency - Cain sounded the words: "He will kill the one who will meet!" In fear, I am a student to the verse, and the wise leader told me bitter words that the highest eternal light is unavailable envious, enthusiastic crops.

We passed the second round. Angel came again, and only five letters remained on my forehead, which will be left to get rid of the future. We are in the third round. In front of our eyes, a cruel vision of human rage was flashed (the crowd scored with a meek young man). In this circle they are cleaned obsessed with anger.

Even in the darkness of hell there was no such black Mohl, as in this circle, where the rage of angry. One of them, Lombards Marco, talked to me and expressed the idea that it was impossible to understand everything that was happening in the world as a consequence of the activities of the highest celestial forces: it would mean to deny the freedom of human will and remove the responsibility for his deed.

Reader, did you happen to wander in the mountains foggy evening, when and the sun is almost not visible? So we ... I felt the touch of angelic wing to my forehead - erased another letter. We climbed the fourth circle lit by the last ray of sunset. There are lazy, whose love for good was slow.

The sloths here should be rapidly running, not allowing any indulgence to their lifelong sin. Let them be inspired by the examples of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who had to rush, or Caesar with his amazing termination. We ran past us, disappeared. I want to sleep. I sleep and see a dream ...

Dreamed of a disgusting woman, in my eyes turned into a beauty, which was immediately suspended and turned into an even worse urba (here she, imagining the attractiveness of the vice!). Another letter disappeared from my forehead: I, it means, won such a vice as lazy. We rise in the circle of the fifth - to the buyers and wastewater.

Poor, greed, greed to gold - disgusting vices. The molten gold was once poured into a sip to one obsessed greed: drink to health! I am uncomfortable surrounded by meek, and then an earthquake has happened. From what? In my ignorance I do not know ...

It turned out, the shaking of the mountain was caused by flashes on the fact that one of the souls was cleared and ready to climb: this is the Roman poet of the stations, a fan of Vergil, who was opposed to what he would accompany us towards a vicious top.

From my forehead, another letter, who denoted the sin of misappropriateness. By the way, did the stations that tried in the fifth round was a stingy? On the contrary, wasteful, but these two extremes are punishable. Now we are in a circle of the sixth, where gloves are cleared. It would not be necessary to remember that Christian devotees were not characteristic of the gluttony.

Former worshipers are destined to be hunger flour: extinguished, the skin and bone. Among them, I discovered my deceased friend and countryman Forese. Talked about their, crowded Florence, Forese convictedly responded about the dissolute lanes of this city. I told the friend about Vergilia and about my hopes to see my favorite Beatrice in the afterlife.

With one of the heaven, the former poet of the old school, I had a conversation about literature. He admitted that my like-minded people, supporters of "New Sweet Style," reached in love poetry much more than himself and the masters close to him. Meanwhile, he was erased the penultimate letter from my forehead, and I was open to the highest, the seventh circle of purgatory.

And I remember everything, hungry, hungry wagon: how did they say so? After all, these are shadows, not the body, they will not be hungry. Vergilius explained: Shadows, although they are noticeable, the outlines of the implied bodies repeat the outlines (which would be emitted without food). Here, in the seventh round, the filamentous filamers are cleaned. They burn, sing and reclaim examples of abstinence and chastity.

Flame-covered solvents divided into two groups: predicted by same-sex love and not kneading measures in two-fallen soils. Among the latter - the poets of Guido Guiniecley and Provencallen Arnald, who sophisticated us in their adverb.

And now we ourselves need to pass through the wall of the fire. I was frightened, but my mentor said that it was the way to Beatrice (to the earthly paradise located on the top of the purgatory mountain). And here we are threesome (the stations with us) we go, the fairymental flames. Passed, go on, the evening, stopped on vacation, I slept; And when I woke up, Vergile turned to me with the last word of farewell and approval, all, from now on he will silenced ...

We are in the earthly paradise, in the blooming, announced by the twentiest bird grove. I saw a wonderful Donna, singing and collecting flowers. She told that there was a golden age, innocence was blushing, but then, among these flowers and fruits, the happiness of the first people was destroyed in sin. Hearing this, I looked at Virgil and the Station: both blissfully smiled.

Oh Eve! It was so good here, you all destroyed with your jerks! Live lights floats by us, the righteous elders in snow-white clothes, crowned with roses and lilies, are marked by roses and lilies, and wonderful beautiful beauties are dancing. I could not look at this amazing picture. And suddenly I saw her - the one I love. Shocked, I made an involuntary movement, as if trying to cuddle up to verse. But he disappeared, my father and Savior! I buried. "Dante, Vergil will not return. But you will not have to cry for him. Look at me, this is me, Beatrice! And how did you get here?" she asked angrily. Then a voice asked her why she was so string to me. I replied that I was delivered by the bait of pleasures, was wrong for her after her death. Do I recognize my guilt? Oh yeah, tears of shame and repentance, I lowered my head. "Raise the beard!" She said sharply, did not bu in her eyes from her. I lost feelings, and woke up immersed in the fly - the river giving the oblivion of perfect sins. Beatrice, look at the one who is so devoted to you and so sought you. After a ten-year separation, I looked into her eyes, and my eyesight was averaged from their dazzling shine. Proskel, I saw a lot of beautiful in the earthly paradise, but suddenly the cruel vision came to change everything: the monsters, the ruination of the shrine, the breakdown.

Beatrice deeply grieving, realizing how much bad lifting - in these visions revealed to us, but expressed confidence that the forces of good ultimately will win evil. We approached the Evnoe River, drove from which to strengthen the memory of perfect to you good. I and the stations were washed in this river. The sip of her sweet water poured new forces into me. Now I am clean and worthy to climb the stars.

From the earthly paradise, with Beatrice, we fly together to the Heavenly, in the inaccessible to the understanding of mortal heights. I did not notice how you soared, looked at the sun. Do I really stay alive, capable of it? However, Beatrice was not surprised by this: the cleaned man was spiritual, and the spirit burned to the sins is easier than the ether.

Friends, let's pass here - do not read further: disappear in the irrelevant incomprehensible! But if you are not crowded ledge of spiritual food - then forward, after me! In the first paradise of Paradise - in the Sky of the Moon, which Beatrice called the First Star; immersed in its subsoil, although it is difficult to imagine the power capable of accommodating one closed body (what I am) to another closed body (in the moon),

In the depths of the moon, we met the souls of nuns, abducted from monasteries and forcibly issued married. Not in its fault, but they did not hold down the presence of virginity given when we were tated, and therefore higher heavens are not available. Do you regret it? Oh no! I would not agree to regret with the highest righteous will.

But still wondering: what are they to blame, coming to violence? Why are they not climbing above the sphere of the moon? You need to blame not a victim, but a rapist! But Beatrice explained that the victim carries a well-known responsibility for the violence committed on her, if, resisting, did not show heroic resistance.

Failure to fulfill the vow, approves Beatrice, almost recalculated with good deeds (too much need to do them, barking guilt). We flew to the second Sky of Paradise - to Mercury. Here lived the souls of ambitious righteous. This is no longer a shadow, in contrast to the previous inhabitants of the afterlime world, and the lights: shine and radiating. One of them broke out especially bright, rejoicing communicating with me. It turned out, this is the Roman emperor, the legislator of Justinian. He is aware that the stay in the field of Mercury (and not higher) is the limit for him, for the ambition, making good deeds for their own glory (that is, loves above all), they missed the ray of true love for the Divine.

The light of Justinian merged with a dance of the lights - other righteous souls, I thought, and the course of my thoughts led me to the question: why did God-Father sacrifice the son? It was just that way, the Verkhovna will, forgive the sin of Adam! Beatrice explained: the highest justice demanded that humanity itself redeems his guilt. It is unable for it, and I had to fertilize the earthly woman, so that the son (Christ), aligning the human with God, was able to do it.

We flew to the third sky - to Venus, where the souls of loving, shining in the fiery depths of this star. One of these spirits - the Hungarian King of Carl Martell, who spokes up with me, expressed the idea that a person can realize his abilities, only acting on the field that meets the needs of His Nature: Bad, if a born warrior becomes a priest ...

Sweet shine of other loving shower. How many blissful light, heavenly laughter! And at the bottom (in hell), it's impurious and sullenly in the shadows ... One of the lights spoke with me (Trubadur forgive) - condemned the church authorities, sophisticated dads and cardinals. Florence - the city of Devil. But nothing, he believes, will soon be better.

The fourth star is the sun, the habitat of the wise men. Here shines the spirit of the Great Theologian Foma Aquinas. He happily welcomed me, showed me other wise men. Their consonant singing reminded me of church evil.

Thomas told me about Francis Assisi - the second (after Christ) the spouse of poverty. This is a monk, including his nearest disciples, began to walk bare. He lived his holy life and died - a naked man on his bare earth - in Lona poverty.

Not only me, but also the lights - the spirits of the wise men - he listened to the speech of the thomas, stopping singing and spinning in dance. Then the word took Franciscan Bonaventure. In response to praise to his teacher, reckoned by Dominican Market, he recalled the teacher of Foma - Dominica, the farmer and the servant of Christ. Who continued his business now? Not worthy.

And again, the word took Thomas. He argues about the great advantages of King Solomon: he asked himself a mind from God, wisdom - not to solve theological issues, but to reasonably rule the people, that is, the royal wisdom, which was given to him. People, do not judge about each other hastily! This is busy good things, he is evil, but suddenly the first will fall, and the second will rise?

What will happen to the inhabitants of the Sun on the Judgment Day, when the spirits find the flesh? They are so bright and spiritual that it is difficult to imagine them materialized. Our stay here, we flew to the fifth sky - on Mars, where the sparkling spirits of Warriors per faith are located in the form of a cross and sounds sweet anthem.

One of the lights that form this wonderful cross, without going beyond its limits, benoyed the book, closer to me. This is the spirit of my valiant grandfall, the warrior of Kachchagvida. He welcomed me and praised that the glorious time in which he lived on Earth and who - alas! - I passed, replaced by the worst time.

I am proud of my ancestor, with my origin (it turns out, not only on vulnerable land you can experience such a feeling, but also in paradise!). Kachchagvida told me about himself and about his ancestors born in Florence, whose coat of arms - White Lilia - now painted with blood.

I want to learn from him, clairvoyant, about his further fate. What is waiting for me ahead? He replied that I would be expelled from Florence, in loyalty wardings to know the bitterness of someone else's bread and the steepness of other stairs. To my honor, I will not hurt with unclean political groups, but myself will become a party. In the late ends, my opponents will be posted, and the triumph is waiting for me.

Kachchagvida and Beatrice encouraged me. Strengthen stay on Mars. Now - from the fifth sky on the sixth, with red Mars on the White Jupiter, where the souls are fair. Their lights fold in the letters, in the letters - first in the call to justice, and then into the figure of the eagle, the symbol of the right imperial power, the unknown, sinful, westing land, but approved in heaven.

This majestic eagle entered into a conversation with me. He calls himself "I", but I am heard "We" (justifying the power of collegial!). It is clear to him that I myself can not understand: why is he paradise open only for Christians? What is bad virtuous Hindu, not knowing Christ at all? So do not understand. And even the truth, - the eagle admits - that a bad Christian is worse than glorious Persian or Ethiopia,

The eagle personifies the idea of \u200b\u200bjustice, and he does not have claws and not the beak mainly, but the Warrior Oco, composed of the most worthy of light spirits. Pupil is the soul of the king and the Psalmist David, in the eyelashes shine the souls of the Doharistian righteous (and after all, I just argued about the paradise "only for Christians"? It's possible to give any doubts!).

We ascended to the seventh sky - to Saturn. This is the abode of contemplates. Beatrice has become even more beautiful and brighter. She didn't smile at me - otherwise it would be at all kind of miser and blinded me. The blissful spirits of the contemplates were silent, did not sing - otherwise they would have stunned me. The sacred Svetoka theologians of Pietro Damyano said to me.

The Spirit of Benedict, named by one of the monastic orders, was angry with modern self-adhesive monks. After listening to him, we rushed to the eighth sky, to the constellation of the twins, under which I was born, first saw the sun and breathed the air of Tuscany. From his height, I looked down, and my gaze, having passed through the seven of the paradise visited by us, fell on a ridiculous little globe, this handful of dust with all her rivers and mountain paces.

In the eighth heaven, thousands of lights are glowing - this is the triwest spirits of great righteous. My vision is mine intensified, and now even a smile Beatrice will not blind me. She smiled wondered and again prompted me to draw gaze to the light spirits, sending the anthem to the Tsarice of Heaven - the Holy Virgin Mary.

Beatrice asked the apostles to talk with me. As far as I penetrate the sacrament of the sacred truths? Apostle Peter asked me about the essence of faith. My answer: faith - argument in favor of the invisible; Mortals cannot see with their own eyes what opens here in Paradise, but they will believe in a miracle, without having a visual evidence of his truth. Peter remained satisfied with my answer.

Will I see the author of the Holy Poem, the Motherland? Will it be crowned with laurels where they baptized? The Apostle Jacob asked me a question about the essence of hope. My answer: Nadezhda - Waiting for the Family Honored and Glory Gov. The deliberated Jacobs littered.

Next question about love. He was asked by the apostle John. Answering, I did not forget to say that love draws us to God, to the word truth. Everyone was reproited. Exam (what is faith, hope, love?) Successfully ended. I saw the racing soul of the forefather of our Adam, who lived in the earthly paradise, expelled from there to Earth; After death, the long-haired limb; then moved here.

Four lights flashed in front of me: Three Apostles and Adam. Suddenly Peter scared and exclaimed: "My throne is captured, my throne, my throne!" Peter hated his successor to Roman dad. And it's time for us to part with the eighth heaven and crawl into the ninth, supreme and crystal. With unearthly joy, laughing, Beatrice threw me into a rapidly rotating sphere and ascended herself.

The first thing I saw in the sphere of the ninth sky is a dazzling point, a symbol of the deity. The lights rotate around it - nine concentric angels. Nearest to the Divine and therefore smaller - seraphims and cherubs, the most remote and extensive - archangels and just angels. It is used to thinking that the great is more small, but here, as you can see, the opposite is.

Angels, told me Beatrice, the peers of the universe. Their rapid rotation is the source of the whole movement that is performed in the universe. The hurried disappear from their host was overtaken in hell, and the remaining still being spinning into paradise, and they don't need to think, want, remember: they are quite satisfied!

Ascension to empires is the highest area of \u200b\u200bthe Universe - the last. I again looked at the one, whose beauty rising in paradise raised me from the top to the leave. We are surrounded by pure light. Everywhere sparks and flowers are angels and blissful souls. They merge into a kind of shining river, and then acquire the shape of a huge paradise rose.

Contemplating a rose and comprehending the general plan of Paradise, I wanted to ask Beatrice about something, but I saw it not, and a clear elder in white. He pointed upstairs. I look - she glows in an inaccuable embroidery, and I appealed to her: "About Donna, who left the mark in hell, giving me help! In all that I see, I realize your good. For you I went from slavery to freedom. I will keep me So that my spirit worthy of you is freed from the flesh! " I looked at me with a smile and turned to the eternal shrine. Everything.

Old man in White - Saint Bernard. From now on, he is my mentor. We continue to contemplate with a rose of empire. The souls of immaculate babies are shining in it. This is understandable, but why and in the hell there were someone's souls - can't they be vicious in contrast to these? God knows what potency is kind or bad - in which infant soul is laid. So Bernard explained and began to pray.

Bernard prayed to Virgin Mary for me - to help me. Then gave me a sign so that I looked up. After watching, I see the Supreme and Brightest Light. At the same time not blind, but gained the highest truth. Contemplating a deity in his light trinity. And the love of me entails me to drive and the sun and the stars.