The lesson is the study of the lead abomination of Russian life in the story of the Mind childhood. Lead abittas soul circle

The lesson is the study of the lead abomination of Russian life in the story of the Mind childhood. Lead abittas soul circle

Lead abrasions

Lead abrasions
From the autobiographical story (ch. 2) "Childhood" (1913-1914) Maxim Gorky (pseudonym Alexei Maksimovich Peshkova, 1868-1936), which so called "That close, a soul circle of terrible impressions in which there lived ... a simple Russian man "

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

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Began and flowed with terrible speed thick, gentle, inexpressible strange life. She remembers me like a harsh fairy tale, well-tolded by a kind, but painfully truthful genius. Now, reviving the past, I myself, sometimes I believe that everything was exactly as it was, and I want to challenge a lot, reject, - too abundant with cruelty the dark life of the "stupid tribe". But the truth is higher than pity, and after all, I'm not talking about myself, but about that close, a soul circle of terrible impressions in which I lived, and to this day lives, - a simple Russian man. The grandfather of the grandfather was filled with a hot fog of mutual hostility of everyone with everyone; She poisoned adults, and even children accepted live participation in it. Subsequently, from the stories of Grandma, I learned that the mother came just in those days when her brothers persistently demanded from the Father section of the property. The unexpected return of the mother even more aggravated and strengthened their desire to stand out. They were afraid that my mother would require the dowry appointed to her, but withheld grandfather, because she married a "self-shot", against his will. Uncle believed that this dowry should be divided between them. They, too, have long and cruelly argued with each other about who to open a workshop in the city, to whom, in the Okoy, in Slobod Kunavin. Already shortly after arrival, a quarrel broke out in the kitchen during lunch, the uncle suddenly jumped on his feet and, beating over the table, began to swell and growl on the grandfather, the scala of teeth and shaking like dogs, and grandfather, knocking a spoon on the table, blushed The whole and ringing - rooster - shouted: - Metas in the world! Painly sparking a person, grandmother said: - Give them everything, Father, - You will be calm, give! - Czishch, Potaturch! - Santa shouted, accusable with his eyes, and it was strange that, little such, he could shout so deafening. Mother got up from behind the table and, not in a hurrying, walking down to the window, turned to all his back. Suddenly, Uncle Mikhail struck his brother nyotmat in the face; He sawed, clung to him, and both rolled on the floor, wheezing, oha, swearing. Children cried, the pregnant aunt Natalia, desperately shouted; My mother dragged her somewhere, taking into a shock; Merry ripple nurse Evgeni kicked out children's kitchen; Fallen chairs; A young Widewriter Gypsy Pripersphouse sat down at the back of the uncle Mikhail, and the Master Grigory Ivanovich, the pleading, a bearded man in sunglasses, calmly tied his hands with uncle towel. Having stretched the neck, uncle rubbed a rare black beard on the floor and hoarsely scary, and the grandfather, running around the table, cried plaintively: - Brothers, A! Native Blood! Eh you-and ... I'm still at the beginning of a quarrel, frightened, jumped onto the oven and watched in a terrible amazement, as a grandmother washes off the water from the copper hauntern Blood with a broken face of Uncle Yakov; He cried and turned her legs, and she spoke to a heavy voice: - Okayan, wild tribe, come home! Grandfather, stretching on the shoulder of a crazy shirt, shouted to her: - What, the witch, naughty beasts? When Uncle Yakov left, the grandmother jumped into the corner, is awesome: - Most Mother of God, Turn the mind to the children of my! The grandfather got sideways to her and looking at the table where everything was tilted, shed, quietly said: - You, mother, look behind them, and then they will be wrapped in Barbar, which is good ... - Full, God is with you! Rewind-ka shirt, I have a burrow ... And, squeezing his head with his palms, she kissed his grandfather in the forehead; He, - Little against her, - Published face in her shoulder to her: - It is necessary, you can see, share, mother ... - It is necessary, father, you need! They talked for a long time; First, friendly, and then the grandfather began to scold foot on the floor, like a rooster before the fight, threatened with her grandmother with his finger and whispered loudly: - I know you, you love them more! And your bear is - dries, and Yashka - Pharmacon! And they will eat well mine, divert ... Nescho turning on the furnace, I dumped the iron; Miscellaneous on the steps of the moisture, he clung to Lohan with feud. The grandfather jumped to the step, pulled me and began to look into my face as if I saw me for the first time. - Who put you on the oven? Mother? - I myself. - Vreche. - No, myself. I was afraid. He pushed me, gently hitting his palm in his forehead. - All in the Father! Go away... I was glad to escape from the kitchen. I saw well that the grandfather watches me with smart and greedy green eyes, and was afraid of him. I remember I always wanted to hide from these burning eyes. It seemed to me that grandfather was evil; He speaks mockingly with everyone, offensively, proud and trying to annoy everyone. - Eh you-and! - he often exclaimed; The long sound "and-and" always caused me boring, angry feeling. At an hour of rest, during the evening tea, when he, uncle and workers came to the kitchen from the workshop, tired, with hands painted with sandalwood, burned vitriol, with ribbon hair, all similar to dark icons in the corner of the kitchen - in this dangerous Hour Grandfather sat down against me and, causing envy of other grandchildren, talked with me more often than with them. All it was folding, sharp, sharp. His satin, shy by silks, the deaf vest was old, wi-fledged, the stente shirt of the urban, on the knees of the pants were blocked by big patch, and he still seemed to be dressed and cleaner and beautiful sons, wearing jackets, tricks and silk brazers on the neck. A few days after arrival, he made me teach prayers. All other children were older and have already learned a diploma from the Dyachka Assumption Church; The gold chapters were visible from the windows of the house. I was taught quiet, a buggy aunt Natalia, a woman with a childish face and such transparent eyes, which, it seemed to me, could see everything from behind her head. I loved to look into her eyes for a long time, without breaking, not blinking; She pushed himself, his head and asked quietly, almost whisper: - Well, please, please: "Our Father, izh, ..." And if I asked: "What is - IKO?" - She, frightly looking around, advised: - You do not ask, it's worse! Just say me: "Our Father" ... well? I was disturbed: why ask worse? The word "Jaco" took a hidden meaning, and I deliberately distorted him: - "Jacob", "I'm in the skin" ... But pale, like a melting aunt patiently corrected his voice, which everything was interrupted by her: - No, you say simply: "I can" ... But she herself and all her words were not simple. It annoyed me, preventing the prayer to remember. Once the grandfather asked: - Well, Oleska, what did you do today? Played! I see a stuff on the forehead. It's not great wisdom gap to fool! And "Our Father" memorized? Aunt quietly said: - He has bad memory. Grandfather grinned, having fun racing red eyebrows. - And if so, - you need to do it! And I asked me again: - You father sec? Not understanding what he says, I was silent, and my mother said: "No, Maxim did not beat him, and I forbade me." - Why so? - I said, the beating do not learn. "The fool he was in everything, Maxim, the dead, forgive the Lord!" - the grandfather spoke angrily and clearly. I was offended by his words. He noticed it. - Did you piss the lips? You are ... And, standing by silver-red hair on his head, he added: - And I'm on Saturday Sasha for thoroughly attend. - How to smoke it? - I asked. Everyone laughed, and grandfather said: - Wait, you will see ... Casting, I thought: Cut - it means to break the dresses given in the paint, and Schish and beat - the same thing, apparently. Beat horses, dogs, cats; In Astrakhan Budochiki beat Persian, - I saw it. But I have never seen that they were so brawl, and although here the uncle clicked her, then on the back of the head, the children treated it indifferently, only scratching a bruised place. I did not once asked them: - Painfully? And they always answered bravely. - No, Niskolachko! Noisy story with thimble, I knew. Evenings, from tea to dinner, uncle and master stitched pieces of painted matter into one "piece" and fastened cardboard labels to it. Wanting to joke over a semi-blind Gregory, Uncle Mikhail ordered a nine-year-old nephew to rolling on the fire of a candle of the masters. Sasha snapped with tongs to shoot Nagar with a candle, he strongly grew him and, imperceptibly laying under the arm of Gregory, hid behind the stove, but just at that moment grandfather came to work, and he sat down and put his finger in Kaneny thim. I remember when I ran into the kitchen to the noise, grandfather, clutching the ear with burnt fingers, funny jumping and shouted: - Whose deal, bassurman? Uncle Mikhail, bent over the table, chased his finger on his finger and blew on him; Master calmly sewed; Shadows jumped by his huge bald; Uncle Yakov came running and, hiding behind the angle of the oven, quietly laughed there; Grandma rubbed on the grater of raw potatoes. - This is Sasha Yakov gave! - Suddenly said Uncle Mikhail. - Draw! - Jacob shouted, jumping out due to the oven. And somewhere in the corner of his son we cried and shouted: - Dad, do not believe. He taught me himself! Uncle began to swear. The grandfather immediately calmed down, put the finger with grated potatoes and silently left, capturing me with him. Everyone said - the uncle Mikhail is to blame. Naturally, I asked for tea - will they sneeze and smoke him? "It would be necessary," the grandfather grunted, looking at me. Uncle Mikhail, hitting his hand on the table, shouted his mother: - Barbara, a lot of his puppy, otherwise I will turn him back! Mother said: - Try, Trim ... And everyone silenced. She knew how to talk brief words somehow, accurately repelled them from themselves, discarded them, and they diminished. It was clear to me that everyone is afraid of mothers; Even the grandfather himself spoke with her not as with others, - quieter. It was nice to me, and I proudly boasted in front of the brothers: - My mother is the strongest! They did not object. But what happened on Saturday was torn to my attitude to the mother. Until Saturday, I also managed to gather. I was very practiced how deftly adults change the colors of the matters: they take yellow, uroat it in black water, and matter is made by the dense-blue - "cubic"; Welcome gray in red water, and it becomes reddish - "Bordeaux." Simply, but not clear. I wanted to paint something myself, and I told Sasha Yakovov, a serious boy; He always kept in sight in adults, with everyone affectionate, ready to all and in every way. Adults praised him for obedience, for the mind, but the grandfather looked at Sasha Sasha and said: - Ecoo Pokhalim! Slender, dark, with scolded, rachy eyes, Sasha Yakov said hurriedly, quietly, choking in words, and always mysteriously looked around, accurately going to run somewhere, hide. His pupils were stationary, but when he was excited, trembled with squirrels. He was unpleasant to me. I was much more liked a little-awakened Sasha Mikhailov, a boy quiet, with sad eyes and a good smile, very similar to his meek mother. He had ugly teeth; They turned out from the mouth and in the upper jaw grew by two rows. It was very occupied; He constantly kept his fingers in his mouth, swaying, trying to pull the teeth of the rear row, and submissively allowed to suck them with everyone who wished. But I did not find anything more interesting in it. In the house, a bit of pacifier, he lived lonely, loved to sit in a half-walled corners, and in the evening at the window. It was good to be silent with him - sit by the window, closely clinging to him, and be silent for a whole hour, looking like in the Red Evening Sky around the golden bulbs of the Assumption Temple go there are black daws, swell high up, fall down and, suddenly covering the fooling sky Black network, disappear somewhere, leaving emptiness. When you look at it, I don't want to talk about anything, and a pleasant boredom fills the chest. And Sasha Uncle Yakova could talk about everything and solid, as an adult. Having learned that I wish to do a craft of a dyeer, he advised me to take a white festive tablecloth from the ward and paint it into blue. - White everything is easier to eat, I know! - He said very seriously. I pulled out a hard tablecloth, ran out with her on the courtyard, but when it was lowered her in Chan with a "cubic one," the gypsies came out from somewhere, I snatched the tablecloth and, pressing it with wide paws, shouted my brother, who followed it from Seine for wing work: - Zovi grandmother rather! And, ominously shaking a black shaggy head, told me: - Well, and get you for it! Grandmother came running, stumbled, even cried, ruging me funny: - Oh, you, Permyak, salty ears! So that they lifted yes slapped! Then she began to persuade the Gypsy: - You're, Vanya, do not tell the grandfather! I'm hiding the case; Maybe it will be hung somehow ... Vanka was concerned about, wiping the wet hands with a multi-colored apron: - Me, what? I will not say; Look, the sasheutka would not be strayed! "I'll give him a seven," Grandma said, leading me to the house. On Saturday, in front of the vigil, someone led me to the kitchen; There was dark and quiet. I remember tightly covered doors in the seni and in the room, and outside the windows of the autumn evening, the rustling of the rain. In front of the black brow, the ovens on a wide bench sat angry, unlike gypsies; Grandfather, standing in the corner of Lohani, chose a long rod from a bucket with a bucket, measured them, folding one with another, and swore with a whistle by air. Grandma, standing somewhere in the dark, loudly sniffed tobacco and grumbled: - Ra Hell ... tormentor ... Sasha Yakov, sitting on a chair among the kitchen, ter fists eyes and not with her voice, definitely an old beggar, pulled: - Sorry Christ for ... As a wooden, stood behind the chair Kids Uncle Mikhail, brother and sister, shoulder to shoulder. "Sleep - forgive," said the grandfather, skipping a long wet rod through the fist. - Well, take off my pants! .. He said calmly, and neither the sound of his voice, nor from the boy on the creaking chair, nor the screaming of the legs of the grandmother, - nothing disturbed a memorable silence in the dusk of the kitchen, under a low wigbed ceiling. Sasha got up, unbuttoned his pants, lowered them to his knees and, supporting his hands, bent, stumbling, went to the bench. Watch how he goes was not good, I also trembled my feet. But it became even worse when he disadvantaged on the bench down by the face, and Vanka, tied him to the bench under the mouse and behind the neck with a wide towel, leaned over him and grabbed his legs with black hands. - Lexes, "the grandfather called," go closer! .. Well, who says? .. Now looked like a sem ... times! .. Low waving his hand, he slapped a rod on a bare body. Sasha screamed. "You are lying," said Grandfather, "it's not hurt!" But EDAK is a hurt! And he hit so that on the body immediately caught fire, the red strip breastned, and the brother overwhelmed. - Not sweet? - She asked his grandfather, raising evenly and dropped her hand. - Do not you love? It's for thimble! When he swamped his hand, everything rose in his chest together with her; Hand fell, - and I have fallen exactly. Sasha squeezed terribly fine, disgusting: - I will not ... After all, I told about the tablecloth ... After all, I said ... Quiet, accurately psalter reading, grandfather spoke: - Donos - not justifying! The first whip is the first knut. Here you are for the tablecloth! Grandma rushed to me and grabbed me on his hands, shouting: - Lexey will not give! I do not give, monster! She began to beat the door at the door, calling: - Varya, Varvara! .. The grandfather rushed to her, his headed, snatched me and carried me to the bench. I fought in his hands, he pulled a red beard, bit his finger. He screamed, I tisked me and finally threw a pag, breaking my face. I remember the wild cry: - Typing! Kill! .. I remember the white face of the mother and her huge eyes. She ran along the bench and hoarse: - Dad, do not! .. Give ... The grandfather sends me to the loss of consciousness, and a few days I robbed, laying up my back on a wide burning bed in a small room with one window and a red, restless lamp in the corner before kid with a lot of icons. The days of unhealthy were for me the big days of life. During their I, I must have grown greatly and felt something special. Since those days I had restless attention to people, and, for sure I came out of the skin from the heart, it became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, her and someone else's. First of all, I was very struck by a grandmother's quarrel with my mother: in the cramped room, grandmother, black and big, climbed into the mother, pushing her into the angle, to the images, and sieves: - You did not take it away, eh? I was frightened. - Something hefty! You shake, barbarian! I am an old woman, but I'm not afraid! You shake! .. - Loose, milf: sick me ... - No, you do not love him, it's not a sort of siroto! Mother said heavily and loudly: - I myself for the whole life of the orphan! Then they cried both for a long time, sitting in the corner at the chest, and the mother said: "If not Alexey, I would leave, left!" I can not live in hell, I can not, milf! No strength... "You are my blood, my heart," the grandmother whispered. I remembered: Mother is not strong; She, like everyone, is afraid of his grandfather. I interfere with her to leave the house where she cannot live. It was very sad. Soon the mother really disappeared from the house. I left somewhere to visit. Somehow suddenly, just jumping from the ceiling, the grandfather appeared, sat down on the bed, felt my head cold, like ice, hand: - Hello, sir ... Yes, you answer, do not be angry! .. Well, what? .. I really wanted to hit his foot, but it was painfully moved. He seemed even more red than it was before; He head was restlessly swore; Bright eyes were looking for something on the wall. After driving a gingerbalker, two sugar horn, an apple and a blue raisin branch, he put it all on a pillow, to my nose. - Here you see, I brought the hotel to you! Furming, kissed me in the forehead; Then he spoke, quietly stroking my little tough handle painted in yellow, especially noticeable on curves, bird nails. - I am then passion, brother. Spoke very much; You bited me, scratched, well, and I also got angry! However, it is not difficult that you have fallen too much, - will go to the offset! You know: when your native beats, is not a resentment, and science! Alien do not come on, but nothing! Do you think I did not beat me? I, Olesh, beat that you, you will not see this and in a terrible dream. I was offended so much that, I saw, the Lord himself looked - wept! And what happened? The sirota, the poor mother's son, I reached my place, - the head of the shop, the head of people. Waving to me dry, folding body, he began to talk about the children's children's words strong and heavy, folding their one with another easily and deftly. His green eyes broke out brightly and, having fun with gold hair, thwise tall his voice, he was a pipe in his face: "You have arrived with a steamer, a couple of you were driving you, and I was in my youth myself, my Suproy Troyti Volga pulled. Barge - on the water, I am on babe, Bos, on sharp stone, on the fuses, and so from the sunrise to the night! Gangs the sunshine, the head, like cast iron, boils, and you, bent into three deaths, creak bones, - you go and you go, and the way does not see the way, then the eyes flooded, and the soul is crying, and the tear is rolling - Ehma, Olesh, please! You go, you go, yes from the straps, they will fall out, the muzzle in the ground - and be happy; It became, all the power purely came out, even though resting, at least breathing! Here's how God lived in my eyes, in the gracious Lord Isus Christ! .. Yes, I have extinct Volga-Mother three times: from Symbirsky to Rybinsk, from Saratov, Deliova, yes from Astrakhan to Makareva, to the Fair, - This is many thousands of versts ! And for the fourth year, I went to the fourth year, "the master showed his mind! .. He spoke and - quickly, as a cloud, grew by me, turning from a small, dry old man in a person forces fabulous, - he leads a huge barge against the river ... Sometimes he swore from the bed and swinging his hands, showed me how to go burlaci in the straps, how to pumped out water; Sang some songs, then again jumped on the bed and, all amazing, even more thick, told hard: - Well, but, Olesha, on a privala, on vacation, summer evening in the Zhiguli, somewhere, under the green mountain, you will be punished, the crafts, bonfires - Cashitz cook, yes, how the burning burlack is a heart song, and how it comes to, gets all the artel - Already frost is drinned on the skin, and as if the Volga will quickly go faster, "so, tea, a horse, and got up to the most clouds! And every grief - like dust in the wind; Before the people were singing that, it was, and porridge won from the boiler runs; Here Kashevar on the forehead is a half-one need to beat: play how you hosge, and I remember! I looked at the door several times, called him, but I asked: - Do not go! He, smiling, shouted from people: - Wait there ... He told up until the evening, and when she left, gently crashes with me, I knew that my grandfather was not angry and not terrible. I was difficult for me to remember that he was so cruelly beat me, but I could not forget about it. A visit to the grandfather was widely opened the door for everyone, and from morning to evening someone sat in bed, trying to steal me in every way; I remember that it was not always fun and fun. More often there was a grandmother from me; She slept on the same bed with me; But the most vivid impression of these days gave me Gypsies. Square, wide, with a huge curly head, he appeared in the evening, festively dressed in a golden, silk shirt, plight pants and a creamy harmonic boots. His hair glittered, sparkled diagonal cheerful eyes under thick eyebrows and white teeth under a black stripe of young mustes, a shirt burned, gently reflecting a red fire of a non-resident lamp. "You're a look," he said, lifting the sleeve, showing me a naked hand to the elbow in the Red Rumpers, "as it was separated!" Yes, it was even worse, a lot healed! - Do you feel: how grandfather in rage entered, and I see, he stops you, so I started to substitute this hand, I waited - Prut will be broken, grandfather will go away after another, and Baban Ali Mother! Well, the rod did not break, flexible, dyed! But still, you got less, - you see how much? I, brother, cheerful! .. He laughed by Shelkov, gentle laugh, looking at the blurred hand again, and, laughing, said: "So sorry to become me, as much as the throat is intercepting what!" Bed! And he is grooming ... Sniffing like a horse, winding his head, he began to say something about things; Immediately close to me, childish simple. I told him that I love him very much, - he simply just answered: "So because I love you too," for that and the pain accepted, for love! Ali I would be for another for whom? Don't care ... Then he taught me quietly, often looking at the door: - When you will hide in suite, you look, do not join, do not squeeze the body, - you feel? It is doubly a habitant when the body can be squeezed, and you dissolve it freely, so that it was soft, there is a kissel! And do not pierce, breathe in might and main, shouty than good mat, - you remember it, it's good! I asked: - Do you still have to sch? - What about? - quietly said Gypsies. - Cathone, will be! You, come, will often fuck ... - For what? - The grandfather will be pleased ... And again began to learn: - if he sees from the carport, just on top puts a vine, - well, here they are calmly, gently; And if he sees with a delay, "he will blow with him to his leather, to remove the skin," so you see the body to him, for the vine, you know? This is easier! Winking with a dark oblique eye, he said: - I'm smarter than quarterly in this business! I have a brother, from the skin at least Golitsy Shey! I looked at his fun face and recalled grandmother's fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich, about Ivanushka-fool.

The works are written "by first person" (for example, the trilogy "Childhood", "adolescence", "Youth"; Tourgeyev's story "Family Chronicle" and "Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson"; Roman "Life Arsenyev "; Stories M. Gorky from the collection" By Russia "and his trilogy" Childhood "," In People "," My Universities "; - Mikhailovsky" Childhood of Topics ";" Summer Lord ";" Childhood Nikita ";" Asya ", "First Love", "Wound Waters").

In autobiographical works, the author himself is always the author, and all the events described are transmitted directly through its perception. And yet these books are primarily artwork, and the information given in them cannot be perceived as a real history of the author's life.

Let us turn to the works, and -imikilovsky. What do they unite them?

All heroes of the stored stories are children.

As the basis of the plot, the authors took a picture of the painting of the spiritual growth of a small man. The narration of the past of his hero is not in the chronological sequence, but drawing pictures of the strongest impressions remaining in the mind of the child, artists of the word show how this events perceived the real time that he thought about how he felt the world. The author gives readers to feel the "live breath" of history.

The main thing for writers is not the events of the era, but their refraction in the soul of a growing person; Psychology of heroes, their attitude to life, difficult gaining themselves.

All writers their works claim that the foundation of the child's life is the love that he needs from others and which he is ready to generously give people, including close.

Childhood lessons are comprehended by heroes all life. They stay with him as benchmarks who live in their conscience.

The plot and composition of works are based on the life-affirming worldview of the authors, which they transmit to their heroes.

All works have a huge moral force that is needed today to a growing person as an antidote against confusion, violence, cruelty, swelling our society.

The works shown in the works seems to be both the eyes of a child, the chief hero located in the thick of events, and the eyes of a wise man, evaluating everything from the standpoint of great life experience.

What distinguishes these autobiographical works?

In the works, and - Mikhailovsky, the authors are told not only about the childhood of heroes, but also about how their independent life is.

And open the children's impressions of their heroes in front of the reader.

The life of small heroes is also folded and illuminated by writers in different ways.

Gorky work is different from other autobiographic ages by the fact that the child is in another social environment. Childhood, shown by bitter, is far from a wonderful period of life. The artistic task of Gorky was to show the "lead abomination of life" of all the social layer to which he belonged. On the one hand, the writer was important to show "close, silent circle of terrible impressions," in which Alyosha lived in the Kashirin family. On the other hand, - to tell about the enormous influence on Aleas those "beautiful souls", with whom he met in the grandfather's house and in the surrounding world and who instilled "hope for rebirth ... to the life of light, human."

The hero of "Childhood" is peering into this life, in the surrounding people, trying to understand the origins of evil and hostility, stretches to bright, defends his beliefs and moral principles.

In the story "My Universities" strongly publicistic start, which helps the reader deeper to understand the identity of Gorky, his thoughts, feelings. The main lesson of this story is the thought of the writer that a person creates its resistance to the environment.

The childhood of the characters of other writers was sograted and love relatives. The light and warmth of family life, the poetry of happy childhood is carefully recreated by the authors of the works.

But immediately there are also sharp social motives: the unsightly sides of the landlord and aristocratic-secular existence are drawn distinctly without embellishment.

"Childhood" and "adolescence" - the narration of Nicholya HRIETEN, whose thoughts, feelings and errors are depicted by a writer with full and sincere sympathy.

Nicholya Hirt, hero of the work, - a boy with a sensitive soul. He craves the harmony between all people and seeks to help them. He more acutely perceives the events of life, sees what others do not notice. Not about himself thinks, suffering, seeing human injustice. The hardest life questions put the boy in front of him. What is love in a person's life? What is good? What is evil? What is suffering, and is it possible to live without suffering? What is happiness (and misfortune)? What is death? What is God? And in the end: what is life for what to live?

A distinctive feature of the nature of Nikoles is the desire for self-analysis, the strict court of his thoughts, motivation and actions. He blames, execute himself not only for unworthy actions, but even words and thoughts. But this is the flour of a sensitive children's conscience.

A different picture in the narration of the hero's youth. It has previous aspirations and noble mental qualities. But he brought up in false prejudices of the aristocratic society, from which only the story is released, and only passing through doubts and serious reflections and meet other people - not aristocrats.

"Youth" is a story about errors and revival.

Books about childhood and adolescence were created to Tolstoy. But Tolstoy was first introduced to the history of the formation of the human personality the topic of acute inner struggle, moral self-monitoring, revealing the "dialectic of the soul" of the hero.

Tyoma Kartashev ("Childhood of Tyoma") lives in the family, where the father of the retired general gives a completely defined direction to raising children. The actions of the Töhoma, his pranks are becoming the most close attention of the Father, which resists the "sentimental" to raising the Son, "generating" from it "Natural butt". However, the mother of the Tyoma, the woman is smart and subtly educated, sticks to a different look at the upbringing of their own son. In her opinion, any educational measures should not destroy human dignity in the child, turn it into a "fierce brother", intimidated by the threat of corporal punishment.

The unlimited memory of the executions for misconduct will continue for the Tyom for many years. So, after almost twenty years, after almost twenty years, he recalls the place where his sequels, and his own feeling for his father, "hostile, never pretty."

"Mikhailovsky holds his hero, a kind, impressionable, hot boy, through all the burns of life. More than once his hero falls like a bug, "in the smelly well." (The image of the bug and the well is repeatedly repeated in the tetralogy as a symbol of the impasse state of the heroes.) However, the hero is able to revive. The plot and family chronicle composition are built as searching for exiting crises.

"My compass is my honor. You can worship two things - genius and kindness, "says Kartashev to his friend. The point of support in life for the hero will be the work in which the talents, spiritual and physical forces of the hero will be revealed.

In the "Children's years Bagrova - grandson" there are no incidents. This is the story of a peaceful, disassembled childhood, which is surprising only by an unusual sensitivity of a child, which is promoted by an unusually sympathetic education. The special strength of the book is in the image of an excellent family: "The family allows a person of any epoch more steadily in society ... Limiting the animal in man," said A. Platonov. He also emphasized that the family in the image of Aksakov brings up the feeling of homeland and patriotism.

Serge Bagrova had a normal childhood, sheeded by parental love, tenderness and care. However, he sometimes noted the lack of harmony between his father and the mother because "that on the one hand was demanding, and on the other hand, the inability to satisfy fine demands." Seryozha's surprise noted that his hot beloved mother is indifferent to nature, arrogant to peasants. All this overshadowed the life of a boy who understood that the share of guilt lies on it.

At the heart of the story I. Shmelev "Summer Lord" lie the impressions of childhood and the reflection of the world of the children's soul. House, Father, People, Russia - All this is given through children's perception.

In the plot, the boy is allocated to the middle position, a certain center between the father, boiling in affairs and care, and a calm, balanced Gorkine, whom the Bogomolers take for the father. And the novelty of each chapter is in the child's discovery of the child's world.

The image of beauty in the story of Multician. This is, of course, pictures of nature. Light, joy - this motive in the perception of nature by a boy sounds constantly. Landscape - like the kingdom of light. Nature spiritually knows the life of the child, connects it to invisible threads with eternal and beautiful.

With the image of the sky enters the story and the thought of God. The most poetic pages are pages, drawing Orthodox holidays and religious rites. They show the beauty of spiritual communication: "Everyone was connected with me, and I was connected with everyone," the boy joyfully thinks.

The whole story is like sown bow and monument to Father, created in the Word. Very busy, father always finds time for a son, for home, for people.

One of the contemporaries writes about him: "... the power of the talent, but even stronger, deeper and irresistible tragedy and the truth is shocked and passionately loving soul ... no one else is given to hear such a gift and guess someone else's suffering, like him."

"Childhood Nikita." Unlike other works, in the story of Tolstoy, each chapter represents a complete story about a kind of event from the life of Nikita and even has its name.

From the children's years, A. Tolstoy loved the magic Russian nature, learned the rich, figurative popular speech, respectively referred to the people and entered all these qualities and Nikita.

Poetry is spilled in everything that surrounds this boy - gentle, observant and very serious. In the most ordinary events of the life of Nikita, the author finds inexplicable charm. He seeks to leave the world around us and infects these aspirations of others.

In this work, told with a joking smile, a large world and deep feelings of adults and children are revealed.

As can be seen from the analysis of works, the life of some heroes makes a serene and calmly in a happy family (Serezha Baghrov, Nikita).

Other characters Shalyat, suffer, fall in love, suffer, lose their parents, fight, set themselves difficult philosophical questions, who have a thinking person from birth and to death.

Grandpa told her:

- Are you healthy?

They kissed three times.

The grandfather pulled me out of a close heap of people and asked, holding a head:

- Whose will you be?

- Astrakhan, from cabins ...

- What does he say? - Grandfather addressed to the mother and, without waiting for the answer, pushed me away, saying:

- Skala-those fathers ... Peel into the boat!

I moved to the shore and the crowd went uphill, at the congress, taking a large cobblestone, between two high slopes covered with fruned grazing grass.

Grandfather with his mother went ahead of everyone. He was an increase in her arm, Shagalo Chalno and quickly, and she, looking at him from top to bottom, just sailed through the air. For them, uncle moved silently: Black smooth-haired Mikhail, dry, as grandfather; Light and crispy yakov, some thick women in bright dresses and a person six children, all over me and all quiet. I walked with a grandmother and a little aunt Natalia. Pale, blue-eyed, with a huge belly, she often stopped and, choking, whispered:

- Oh, I can not!

- Are they disturbed by you? Grandmother grumbled angrily. - Eco is a stupid tribe!

And adults and children - I didn't like everything, I felt someone else, even the grandmother somehow fed up, moved away.

Especially did not like my grandfather; I immediately pulled the enemy in him, and I had special attention to him, fearless curiosity.

Reached the end of the congress. At the very top, leaning against the right slope and starting the street, stood a squat one-storey house, painted with a dirty-pink paint, with a lowered low roof and screamed windows. From the street he seemed to me in big, but inside him, in the little fellow rooms, it was closely; Everywhere, as on a steamer in front of the pier, the angry people were fussing, the steins of the sparrows were rushing, and there was a caustic, unfamiliar smell everywhere.

I found myself on the yard. The courtyard was also unpleasant: it is all hung with huge wet rags, made with a thick multicolored water. In it, too, Mokley rag. In the corner, in the low-dilapidated extension, the firewood burned in the oven, something was boiling, bouffroil, and the invisible person loudly spoke strange words:

Began and flowed with terrible speed thick, gentle, inexpressible strange life. She remembers me like a harsh fairy tale, well-tolded by a kind, but painfully truthful genius. Now, reviving the past, I myself, sometimes I believe that everything was exactly as it was, and I want to challenge a lot, reject, - too abundant with cruelty the dark life of the "stupid tribe".

But the truth is higher than pity, and after all, I'm not talking about myself, but about that close, a soul circle of terrible impressions in which I lived, and to this day lives, - a simple Russian man.

The grandfather of the grandfather was filled with a hot fog of mutual hostility of everyone with everyone; She poisoned adults, and even children accepted live participation in it. Subsequently, from the stories of Grandma, I learned that the mother came just in those days when her brothers persistently demanded from the Father section of the property. The unexpected return of the mother even more aggravated and strengthened their desire to stand out. They were afraid that my mother would require the dowry appointed to her, but withheld grandfather, because she married a "self-shot", against his will. Uncle believed that this dowry should be divided between them. They, too, have long and cruelly argued with each other about who to open a workshop in the city, to whom, in the Okoy, in Slobod Kunavin.

Already shortly after arrival, a quarrel broke out in the kitchen during lunch, the uncle suddenly jumped on his feet and, beating over the table, began to swell and growl on the grandfather, the scala of teeth and shaking like dogs, and grandfather, knocking a spoon on the table, blushed The whole and ringing - rooster - shouted:

- Metas in the world!

Painly sparking a person, grandmother said:

- Give them everything, Father, - You will be calm, give!

- Ksyz, Potaturch! - Santa shouted, accusable with his eyes, and it was strange that, little such, he could shout so deafening.

Mother got up from behind the table and, not in a hurrying, walking down to the window, turned to all his back.

Suddenly, Uncle Mikhail struck his brother nyotmat in the face; He sawed, clung to him, and both rolled on the floor, wheezing, oha, swearing.

Children cried, the pregnant aunt Natalia, desperately shouted; My mother dragged her somewhere, taking into a shock; Merry ripple nurse Evgeni kicked out children's kitchen; Fallen chairs; A young Widewriter Gypsy Pripersphouse sat down at the back of the uncle Mikhail, and the Master Grigory Ivanovich, the pleading, a bearded man in sunglasses, calmly tied his hands with uncle towel.

Having stretched the neck, uncle rubbed a rare black beard on the floor and hoarsely scary, and the grandfather, running around the table, cried plaintively:

- Brothers, A! Native Blood! Eh you-and ...

I'm still at the beginning of a quarrel, frightened, jumped onto the oven and watched in a terrible amazement, as a grandmother washes off the water from the copper hauntern Blood with a broken face of Uncle Yakov; He cried and turned her legs, and she spoke to a heavy voice:

- Okayan, wild tribe, come home!

Grandfather, stretching on the shoulder of a crazy shirt, shouted to her:

- What, the witch, naughty beasts?

When Uncle Yakov left, the grandmother jumped into the corner, is awesome:

- Most Mother of God, Turn the mind to the children of my!

The grandfather got sideways to her and looking at the table where everything was tilted, shed, quietly said:

- You, mother, look behind them, and then they will be wrapped in Barbar, which is good ...

- Full, God is with you! Rewind-ka shirt, I have a burrow ...

And, squeezing his head with his palms, she kissed his grandfather in the forehead; He, - Little against her, - Published face in her shoulder to her:

- It is necessary, you can see, share, mother ...

- It is necessary, father, you need!

They talked for a long time; First, friendly, and then the grandfather began to scold foot on the floor, like a rooster before the fight, threatened with her grandmother with his finger and whispered loudly:

- I know you, you love them more! And your bear is - dries, and Yashka - Pharmacon! And they will eat well mine, divert ...

Nescho turning on the furnace, I dumped the iron; Miscellaneous on the steps of the moisture, he clung to Lohan with feud. The grandfather jumped to the step, pulled me and began to look into my face as if I saw me for the first time.

- Who put you on the oven? Mother?

- No, myself. I was afraid.

He pushed me, gently hitting his palm in his forehead.

- All in the Father! Go away…

I was glad to escape from the kitchen.

I saw well that the grandfather watches me with smart and greedy green eyes, and was afraid of him. I remember I always wanted to hide from these burning eyes. It seemed to me that grandfather was evil; He speaks mockingly with everyone, offensively, proud and trying to annoy everyone.

- Eh you-and! - he often exclaimed; The long sound "and-and" always caused me boring, angry feeling.

At an hour of rest, during the evening tea, when he, uncle and workers came to the kitchen from the workshop, tired, with hands painted with sandalwood, burned vitriol, with ribbon hair, all similar to dark icons in the corner of the kitchen - in this dangerous Hour Grandfather sat down against me and, causing envy of other grandchildren, talked with me more often than with them. All it was folding, sharp, sharp. Its satin, shy by silks, a deaf vest was old, wi-fledged, the stente shirt of the urban, the knees of the pants were blocked by large patch, and he still seemed to be dressed and cleaner and beautiful sons, wearing jackets, tricks and silk brazers on the neck.

A few days after arrival, he made me teach prayers. All other children were older and have already learned a diploma from the Dyachka Assumption Church; The gold chapters were visible from the windows of the house.

I was taught quiet, a buggy aunt Natalia, a woman with a childish face and such transparent eyes, which, it seemed to me, could see everything from behind her head.

Separate circumstances expressed by single verprica and heavily turnover. Examples from the story of A.M. Gorky "Childhood".

This material is useful for students.

  • 8 classes (in the process of studying the topic - proposals with separate circumstances)
  • Grade 9 (for preparing for GIA)
  • Grade 11 (for preparation for the USE)

During the preparation for the exam and GIA, it is useful not only to solve tests, but also to consider the finished material - proposals with dedicated syntactic structures.

Read the theory.


1. Posted - secondary member of the sentence, which

· Indicates the place, time, cause, image of action, etc. And answers questions where? where to? where? when? why? as? Despite what? and etc.

· It is expressed by adverbs, nouns with pretexts, verbalists, particlepoted turns.

2. Required circumstances are circumstances that are in oral speeches are pronounced with a special intonation and on the letter are allocated by commas.

3. Distribute!

Tempecios as part of speech answers the questions what do you do? What made?

Circumstance as secondary sentence sentencepronounced solitary adherence and considerable turnover answers the question as?


Read fragments from artistic works.

The verbality, which is part of a separate circumstance, is highlighted by a large bold font.

The verb, which is given a question for a separate circumstance, is highlighted by a large font.

Using the theory, try to prove that the selected syntax design is not a separate definition, not a separate addition, but a separate circumstance, pronounced single verbalism or a partial turnover.

The more you consider ready-made examples, the more correctly or faster in search of separate circumstances, and therefore save time for other tasks on GIA and EGE.


In order for the content of fragments to be more understandable, we advise you to read information about the main characters of the story of A.M. Gorky "Childhood".

Main heroes Tale A.M. Gorky "Childhood"

Alyosha Peshkov - the central hero of the story.

Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin - Grandfather Aleshi Peshkova, owner of a beautiful workshop

Akulina Ivanovna - Grandmother Aleshi Peshkov.

Varvara - Mother Alyoshi Peshkov.

Uncle Mikhail and Yakov, aunt Natalia

Alyoshi cousins: Sasha Uncle Yakov and Sasha Uncle Mikhail

Grigory Ivanovich - Master in the beautiful institution of Grandfather Kashirina.

Ivan Gypsies - Podlidysh, worker in the workshop of Grandfather Kashirina.

Good business - guests.

Resident - residential, apartment. Quantity - borrow housing in someone else's house, apartment.


Chapter 1

At the grave - I, grandmother, wet side and two angry men with shovels. All shrinks warm rain, small, like beads.
- Easy, - said Budechnoy, Leaving away.
Grandma cried, Hiding the face to the end of the headscarf.

Makeup on nodes and chests, I look out the window, convex and round, exactly eye of the horse; Mutany, foamy water is infinitely poured behind the wet glass. Sometimes she Getting upLicking glass. I involuntarily jump on the floor.
- Do not be afraid, - says grandmother and, easy raising me with soft hands, again puts on the nodes.

We threatened over us, overlooked. I already knew that it was a steamer, and was not afraid, and the sailor hurriedly lowered me to the floor and rushed out, Speaking:
- need to run!
And I also wanted to escape. I went out the door. In a native slot, it was empty. Not far from the door glitter copper on the steps of the stairs. Looking at the topI saw people with cotton and knots in your hands. It was clear that everyone leaves with a ship, "he also needs to leave.

She said [grandma], somehow especially throwing wordsAnd they are easily strengthened in my memory, similar to flowers, the same affectionate, bright, juicy. When she smiled, her dark, like cherries, pupils expanded, Flamming inexpressible pleasant light, the smile having fun with white, strong teeth, and, despite the many wrinkles in the dark skin, the shoes, the whole face seemed to be young and bright ... The whole was dark, but shone from the inside - through the eyes - a restless, cheerful and warm light. She is a sutula, almost a humpback, very complete, but moved easily and deftly, exactly a big cat, - she and soft, the same as this affectionate beast.

I as if I slept, hidden in the dark, but she appeared, woke up, brought himself to the light, knitted everything around me in a continuous thread, everything was splured into a colorful lace and immediately began to my whole life, my most clear and most intimate and dear person - this is her disinterested love for the world enriched me Satisfied with a strong force for a difficult life.

Forty years ago, steamers floated slowly; We drove to the bottom for a very long time, and I remember well the first days of saturation of beauty.
The weather was established; From morning to evening I am with a grandmother on the deck ... Do not hurry, lazily and gulco plumbing on grayish blue water, Stretches upstream of the light redhead steamer, with a barge on a long tug ... the sun is imperceptibly over the Volga; Every hour around everything is new, everything changes; Green Mountains - like lush folds on rich clothes of the earth; On the shores are the city and villages, exactly the gingerbreads issued; Golden autumn leaf floats on water.

You look like good! - Every minute he says grandmother, Moving from board to boardAnd all shines, and her eyes are happily expanded.
Often she Looking at the shore, I forgot about me: stands at the side, Fasting hands on the chestSmiles and silent, and in front of tears. I twitch her for dark, with a sleepy colors, skirt.
- Are? - She will grow. - And I seemed to be raised yes, I see.
- What about crying?
"This is dear, from joy and from old age," she says, smiling. "I'm already old, for the sixth dozen summer-vests, my sparse-went."

And ... Begins to tell me some kind of wonderful stories about good robber, about the holy people, about every beast and unclean power.
Fairy tales She is quiet, mysterious, Leaning toward my face, looking into my eyes expanded pupils, accurately pouring my power in my heartlifting me. Says, it sings exactly, and the farther, the folders they sound the words. Listening it is incomprehensibly nice. I listen and ask:
- Yet!

I remember the children's joy of grandmother at the sight of the bottom. Dring by handShe pushed me to board and screamed:
- Look, looked like good! Here he is, the father's bottom! Here it is what, gods! Churches - Those, look like you are flying as if!

Grandfather with his mother went ahead of everyone. He was taking her hand to her, Challenged finely and quickly, and she, Looking at the top down, exactly in the air sailed.

Chapter 2.

Now, Reviving the past I myself sometimes believe that everything was as it was, and much I want to challenge, reject, is too abundant with the cruelty's dark life of the "stupid tribe".
But truth is above pity, and after all, I'm not talking about myself, but about that close, the soul circle of terrible impressions in which I lived - and to this day lives - a simple Russian man.

Already soon after arrival, in the kitchen, during lunch, a quarrel broke out: Uncle suddenly jumped on his feet and, Burning through the table, Began to swell and growl on the grandfather, complaints about teeth scaling and shakinglike dogs, and grandfather, Knocking a spoon on the table, Blushed the whole and bellish - rooster - shouted:
- Metas in the world!
Painfully sparking a person, Grandma said:
"Give them everything, father," you will be calmer, give! "
- Ksyz, Potaturch! - shouted grandfather, EyesAnd it was strange that, a small one, he can shout so deafening.

I'm still at the beginning of a quarrel, Frightened, Jumped onto the oven and from there in a terrible amazement looked like a grandmother washes off the water from the copper wool's blood from a broken face of Uncle Yakov; He cried and hooked his feet, and she spoke to a heavy voice:
- Okayan, wild tribe, come home!
Grandfather, Tensioning on the shoulder ispiled by a shirt, Shouted to her:
- What, the witch, naughty beasts?
When Uncle Yakov left, the grandmother jumped into the angle, fabulous voyage:
- Most Mother of God, Turn the mind to the children of my!

A few days after arrival, he made me teach prayers. All other children were older and have already learned a diploma from the Dyachka Assumption Church; Golden chapters were visible from the windows of the house.
I was taught quiet, a buggy aunt Natalia, a woman with a children's face and transparent eyes that, it seemed to me, it was possible to see everything from behind her head.
I loved to look into her eyes for a long time Not broken without blinking; She pushed himself, his head and asked quietly, almost whisper:
- Well, please, please: "Our Father, others ..."
And if I asked: "What is - Yako?" - she is, pugishly looking around, Advised:
- You do not ask, it's worse! Just talking for me: "Our Father ..." Well?

I knew a noisy story with a wrist. In the evening, from tea to dinner, uncle and the master stitched pieces of painted matter in one "piece" and fasted cardboard labels to it. Wanting to joke over half-blind gregory, Uncle Mikhail ordered a nine-year-old nephew to rolling the worser cloth candles on fire. Sasha pushed the hardening forceps to shoot Nagar with the candle, heavily glowed him and, grigory, imperceptibly under the arm, He hid behind the stove, but just at that moment the grandfather came, got for work and he himself put his finger in the woven cloth.
I remember when I ran into the kitchen to noise, grandfather, Clutching the ear burnt fingers, funny jumped and shouted:
- Whose case, bassurman?

Slender, dark, with scolded, swachiy eyes, Sasha Yakov said hurry, quietly, Singing words, and always mysteriously looked around, for sure Going to run somewhere, hide ... He was unpleasant to me. I was much more liked a little-awakened Sasha Mikhailov, a boy quiet, with sad eyes and a good smile, very similar to his meek mother.

It was good with him to be silent - sit at the window, closely cling to it, and silence a whole hour, Lookinglike in the red evening sky around the golden bulbs of the Assumption Temple go there - the black daws are swosquered, torn high up, fall down and, suddenly covering the fooling sky with black network, Disappear somewhere Leaving emptiness. When you look at it, I don't want to talk about anything and a pleasant boredom fills the chest.

And Sasha Uncle Jakova could talk about everything and solid, as an adult. LearningWhat I wish to do a craft of a dyeer, he advised me to take a white festive tablecloth from the ward and paint it into blue.
- White is always easier to paint, I know! - He said very seriously.
I pulled the hard tablecloth, ran out with her into the courtyard, but when I lowered it in Chan with a "cube", I got out from somewhere the Gypsies, I snatched the tablecloth and, Squeezing her wide legsShouted a brother that followed from Seine for my work:
- Zovi grandmother rather!
AND, sinister shaking black, shaggy head, Told me:
- Well, you will fall for it!

Somehow suddenly exactly jumping from the ceiling, Grandfather appeared, sat down on the bed, felt my head cold, like a lot, hand:
- Hello, sir ... Yes, you answer, do not be angry! .. Well, what? ..
I really wanted to hit his foot, but it was painfully moved. He seemed even more red than it was before; He head was restlessly swore; Bright eyes were looking for something on the wall. Drowing from a pocket of a gingerbread goat, two sugar horn, an apple and a branch of blue raisinsHe put it all on the pillow, to my nose.
- Here you see, I brought the hotel to you!
Furious, Kissed me in the forehead; then spoke ...
- I am then passion, brother. Spoke very much; You bited me, scratched, well, and I also got angry! However, it does not matter that you have suffered too much - it will take himself! You know: when your native beats is not a resentment, but science! Alien do not come on, but nothing! Do you think I did not beat me? I, Olesha, beat that you, you won't see this and in a terrible dream. I was offended so much that, I saw, the Lord himself looked - wept! And what happened? The orphan, the son of his son, I got to my place, - the head of the shop, the head of people.
Washing to me dry, folding bodyhe began to talk about the children's children's words strong and heavy, folding them one with another easily and deftly.

His green eyes blocked brightly, and having fun of golden hair, Thickening high voiceHe is a pipe in my face:

You arrived at the steamer, the couples were driving you, and I myself was drove in my youth myself with my own strength of the Volga True. Barzha - on the water, I'm babe, Bos, on sharp stone, on the fuses, yes so from the sunrise to the night! Gang up the sunshine, head, like cast iron, boils, and you, Bending in three deaths- bones creak, - you go and go, and I don't see the way, my eyes poured, and the soul is crying, but the tear is rolling, - Eh-Ma, Olesh, pray! ..

He spoke and - quickly, as a cloud, grew in front of me, Turning from a small, dry old man in a person forces fabulous- He alone leads against the river a huge gray barge ...

More often there was a grandmother from me; She slept on the same bed with me; But the most vivid impression of these days gave me Gypsies ...

You look, "he said Raising the sleeve, showing me naked hand, To the elbow in the red scars, - Won, how to split! Yes, it was even worse, healed a lot!

Do you feel: how grandfather went into rage, and I see, he stops you, so I started to put this hand, I waited - I will break the grandfather, my grandfather will go away after another, and Baban Ali Mother! Well, the rod did not break, flexible, dyed! But still, you fell less, - you see how much? I, brother, cheerful! ..

He laughed with silk, gentle laugh, again looking at the blurred hand, and laughing, SAID:

So sorry it became me, as much as the throat is intercepting what! Bed! And he is grooming ...

Snorkeflage horsepower winding head, He began to say something about his grandfather, immediately close to me, childish simple.

I told him that I love him very much, - he simply just answered:

So after all, I love you too, - for that and the pain accepted, for love! Ali I would be for another for whom? Don't care ...


to be continued