Is it possible to earn in the bookmakers. Is it possible to earn at the rates? My experience

Is it possible to earn in the bookmakers. Is it possible to earn at the rates? My experience
Is it possible to earn in the bookmakers. Is it possible to earn at the rates? My experience

How many people will be alive, so much will be interested in how to make money and receiving money, - preferably without much labor and strength. Lottery, disrupt the Kush in a casino or how to earn money at the rates - that's what is interested in and old, and young.

In this article, we will try to figure out than the desire for "easy profitable" is justified, consider legal ways to make money and real opportunities for funds.

Where is the desire to get light money

Perhaps there would be no reason to talk about, if our nation is universal confidence that everyone can win or get wealth. Recall our children's fairy tales. The whole generations grow on stories about goldfish, fulfilling all the desires, about the godfather-wizard and about the incredibly lucky Ivanushka-fool.

A little later, growing up, we face more stringent realities of life, sounded like this: do not work - do not earn. But still the faith in miracles does not pass, and the person before the death of Holy believes that one day a huge bunch of money may fall on him with this.

This is actively used by fraudsters, creating more and more advanced mechanisms of deception, based on the desire of a person to enriched, without doing anything. However, there are completely legitimate ways (even at the state level) to multiply their finances. This is such a popular game on "Forex", selling securities, rates on various events. Very popular today is the question of whether to make money at the sports betting.

Essence of any financial bet

Those who studied on the physics probably remember classes on probability theory. As you know, any event has two development options in the future - it either happens or not. Are you interested in earning at the rates? The answer here is very simple - you will get money if you rightly predict the outcome of a certain event. Lottery, roulette in a casino, all sorts of gambling, as well as games that require large intellectual abilities, such as earnings on selling currency, is the whole game "with the Universe in Bones," as the famous scientist and physicist said, who told the world about the theory of probability.

on the sport?

Meanwhile, it is impossible not to note that gambling fun is different. If when playing in the lottery you guess the numbers purely intuitively, then, by betting on the onset of a particular event, you connect your brain. This is called "Fundamental Analysis".

Since making money at the rates in supposed, the country is awaiting the presidential election. You know that there are two most likely applicants: A and B. Certainly, you can put blindly on one of them (which makes the percent of the sixty people put on this event), and you can think about it. For example, one of the running, let's say, and, before the election it was possible to raise the level of pension, and did it. In your country, there are a lot of retirees, and mostly support A. Also this potential president before the election developed the youth sports industry, therefore, a lot of young men will also support him. Thus, you analyzed and conclude that, and more likely to win the presidential race. What do you think, do you have a chance to guess? Of course, yes, besides, you have reinforced your assumption as such as reasoning. But, you will agree, it may be that and not so long ago it was noticed with his mistress than undermined his authority, and most of the country will support B. You missed an important point in the evaluation of facts and therefore did not guessed.

It is in this that the answer is to the question: "How to earn at the rates?" Having certain knowledge, you make an assumption about how the event is resolved, and or we win in the outcome or not.

Is it possible to win, making sports bets?

It should be noted that most of the Bookmakers are played out of political events, but sports. After all, the football, hockey matches, basketball and tennis tournaments, hockey matches are happening daily, jumps ... There is no more fascinating, than to watch how your favorite team is competing with the opponent's team - you are worried, worry and, of course, with some kind of probability you can Assume who won. Since the appearance of the first tournaments, enterprising people immediately understood that it is possible to receive round sums from gambling fans, promising to them in the case of the money remuneration correctly. And absolutely logical will ask: "And how to make money on sports betting?"

The algorithm is the same: you choose an event (or several), for example, a football match between England and France. You know that recently the British workshops are played by all rivals, and the French, on the contrary, is not lucky. And you put on the victory of England. You can choose any outcome of such a victory: that England wins that France will miss a certain number of balls, or you can even take a chance and guess the game account. If you are surely guess, then you will return your money with a percentage.

What is the probability of correctly guessing the outcome of the game?

If you are wondering how to make money on football bets, I will not be superfluous to see the movie "Money for Two". This film just tells the audience about the work of the bookmaker's office, the owner of which is Al Pacino, and McConahi is a former athlete who is very well versed in sports. After watching the film to the end, you make two outputs. The first - the office always remains in winnings, and it is in this that the essence of her work. The second verdict is: the probability is correct to guess the outcome is great, if you understand well in the subject of events, but even virtuosos can guess only nine out of ten. That is why truly enterprising people earn not at the rates, but on those who make them - gambling clients.

Who needs to do sports forecasts?

Of course, the greatest chance of guessing the outcome of this or that match - in people who are enthusiastically monitoring games. If you know who is a favorite, and who recently loses and loses glasses if you follow the transfers of players, new contracts, appointments of coaches, then you can qualitatively carry out a fundamental analysis. There is no like that you guess ten out of ten events, but it is likely that the same nine are yours.

Should I bet on the sport to those who are not interested in sports life and does not even know the names of the teams? We will be frank, you have less chances to win than people who are passionate about. But you can use the coefficients that give bookmakers to the victory of a team, as benchmarks, and also very successfully guess the occurrence of events.

Where to make bets - on the Internet or office?

And so, you still decided to bet. It should be noted that today there are many opportunities for this. For your convenience, the bet is accepted via the Internet, but you can also walk to the nearest office and deliver there.

If you are interested in how to make money on the interests on the Internet, then you need to take the following steps:

  1. Select the Internet Control. There are a lot of them, and the conditions for working with customers in most are very tempting. But the most important thing for you is that there were no problems with payments. So before issuing a bet, read the reviews on the forums, talk with gambling players, find out who can trust your money and get them back in case of winning, of course, with percentages.
  2. Register on the site.
  3. Explore all partitions carefully, read how the resource works. Very many Internet bookmertors are putting clients by offering various promotions.

How to make money at football rates

Each Bookmaker provides a gambling players in the sports line, which indicates the upcoming games on all sports and the coefficient. As for the latter, this is a digit showing the attitude of the bookmaker to the likelihood of event outcome. For example, a football team A has a coefficient of 1.2, that is, very small, and the teams b - 6. What does this mean and who is advisable to put? These figures are decrypted as follows: the bookmaker believes that the team has a rather high chance of winning. This is calculated from the fundamental analysis, news, forecasts and universal expectations. To find out how much you will win, multiply the rate on the coefficient.

Puting 10 dollars, in case of winning you can pick up $ 12, clean Navar - 2 dollars. In the fact that the B team will win, the bookmaker is very doubted, so promises you in case of victory to multiply your bet on 6. Such a high ratio says that the bookmaker is almost confident in defeating the team b, otherwise he would promise to promise you 60 dollars at Delivered 10? But in life there happens anything, and you can put on the team b if you have some kind of information that gives the chances of winning.

Algorithm Winning Guessing Sports Events

To make sure your experience make sure how to make money on sports betting, try different methods and game options. Most of the experienced players recommend such an action plan to achieve success:

  1. Choose a good match. This is no case to be a game of your favorite team, since in this case you will be impassive and you will not be able to soberly assess the chances of winning.
  2. Make a bet on that command to which the office gives the smallest coefficient (on average, this value should not exceed 1.5). The smaller the coefficient will be, the higher the chances of winning. On the second team, the bookmaker should give the coefficient very high, for example, its value should be in the area 3, but the more, the more, the better for you.
  3. Do not make a bet if the rule number two is not performed, since you risk losing more.

It is very easy to explain logically. For example, there is a game of an obvious favorite and the team, in the victory of which few people believe. The bookmaker office offers you to predict the outcome of the match. But since sufficiently confident in the victory of the favorite, it does not offer you a lot of money in case of winning. On the opponent, it will present a high coefficient.

How much can you win by doing sports bets?

The answer to this question depends on the two components: how successful you are playing and what amount is ready to take a chance.

If you win often, but you are afraid to put large amounts and make a relatively low bet, it is unlikely that the money received will be so serious in order to talk about them as serious earnings.

But, making high rates even on commands with small coefficients, you can receive sufficient profits. For example, you have 5 thousand dollars in the turn. After putting this amount on the winnings of the team with a 1.5 coefficient, you will receive 7.5 thousand dollars, the net profit will reach 2.5 thousand. In the case of loss you lose your 5 thousand, what you always need to remember.

Now that you know how to make money at the rates, you can try happiness in this matter. The risk is noble, and you may well be lucky. Many serious players create their own system and even leave official work, relying only by the will of the case and their own knowledge. Good luck!

I will not make a lot of impact the topic with the question: Is it possible to earn at the sports betting? The answer is yes, you can. But it is only necessary to understand that at the rates earn an average of 3-5% of all players, these figures are approximately commensurate with how many traders earn on the stock market.

How much can you earn at the rates?

You can earn from 30 to 50% per annum. In the event that you are found people / koppers who claim that they raise up to 1000 percent a year and now you are happily rubbing the handles in the hope of easy earnings, then I hurry you to upset such a percentage of profitability does not happen. Believe me if everything was so simple, then these people would never have shared any information with you, but would simply resist somewhere in the Saint-Tropez and did not worry about you, offering / imposing you for a penny to buy their forecasts.

You can start earning at rates only if you are ready to give up this case completely, dedicating yourself to the study and testing of various strategies. The worst thing that can happen to the player at the first stage is if he has several bets in a row. The player begins to believe himself through Chur, thoughts appear in the head: " Why did I generally go to work if you can earn so easy at rates?". As a rule, after that, the player makes a bet either by the Wa-Bank, or on a very large amount, in the hope of rapid earnings and naturally loses everything. Through it is absolutely everything and this is a normal situation, the main thing is necessary to make the right conclusions and build your own strategy. which will make money at the rates.

How to make money on sports betting?

As mentioned earlier, the player must build its own strategy. This strategy must include the following:

  • Bank-management. The player must determine the amount of money he is ready to invest in the bet. Also, the maximum rate of bet must be defined, in the first steps it should not exceed 5%.
  • Strategy "Dogon". Do not use the "Dogon" strategy, at least 1000 bets made, i.e. As long as you can not objectively evaluate whether this strategy will approach you. You should not believe the beautiful stories that "Dogon" is the only strategy for earning at the sports betting. For novice players, this strategy should be called a "fast deposit".
  • Repeated bet. Do not make 2 bets on the same event. Many, after not the last bet in the head, the thought appears about the rapid wage. Better pass and analyze the past rate, only after sure in the next bet - do it.
  • Rates with a translate. For novice players, it is rather difficult to find bets with a translate, but they are the key to successful rates and one of the main factors that will allow you to earn from rates at the distance. In order to find bets with a translate, you need to focus your attention only in one sport. Start the analysis is not from the line of the bookmaker, but from the events itself, i.e. Without the coefficients represented. Exhibit your own coefficients, then compare them with bookmakers. If you are sure that the bookmaker underestimated one of the athletes or one of the teams, then make a bet.
  • Sites with sport forecasts. There are many useful free sites with sport forecasts. Consider them in the form of recommendations, but as an indication of the actions. You should not buy forecasts for sports, their forecasts are absolutely no different from free. If you do not have a capper, whose advice you listen, you can navigate our independent "rating of kapper." It is located on the left side of this resource.
  • Use various useful services. It is not worth acquiring anything, there are many useful free tools. For example: oddsportal - comparison of the coefficients from 80 bookmakers in Prematche and in Live, - Dog Line BC, - Live Statistics on 32 sports. More free services for large saving on sports are available in the "" section. Located at the very bottom of the page.

Observing these requirements, the likelihood of achieving success in terms of your earnings at the rates will increase much. The main thing is to refer to understand that this is a sport in which Barcelona can lose an outsider.

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What exactly should not do:

  • Make bets on "Familize". If the first and second time the bookmaker will forgive the player for the bid, the outcome of which was known to the player in advance, then for the subsequent times the punishment will be cutting the maxima or blocking the account.
  • Create several accounts.
  • "Vilk". The attitude of bookmakers to the forkirts is the same as to "post elegors".
  • Make money not with their own bank cards and electronic wallets.
  • Register a new account on your girlfriend, wife, mom, aunt or grandmother. If the player's account was blocked, then in no case should you open it on women who do not understand the betting. Since when you win and try to bring money, with a high probability of a bookmaker asks to pass identification. In which it will start asking what exactly the one or another was motivated, what is different from P2?

Is it possible to earn at the rates?

Summing up this article, which described how much you can earn at the rates and how to do it. It must be said that the rates are suitable only to those who are not just fond of sports, but with all seriousness and awareness approaches rates. Gambling people will not be able to earn at the rates, in this case you need to weigh every effect. Often there is a situation at which the player earned a whole month at the rate, and then during the day managed to merge the entire bank.

Do you like sports? Do you want your passion yet income? Then you can try to make money on sporting events. And this will help 10 simple rules for novice players.

1. At the very beginning, you should determine what is for you betting. If the winnings are not the goal itself, then there is no point in reading the article. But if sports rates For you, the method of enrichment, then it is necessary to take them as work.

For this you need:

Develop your own or take advantage of ready-made game strategies (passive - rate on the most likely event, aggressive - bid on a disputed match);

Identify your game bank (how much tools are you ready to spend on the rates, how much do you want to make bets, what the size of the bets will arrange you to immediately not go bankrupt);

Being constantly aware of the events of the sport that you decide to put your funds.

2. Exclude the word "Vernak" from the lexicon. How can one be 100% confident in the bets in such an unpredictable sphere as sport? In addition, this forecast is likely to relieve only the coefficients. It is unlikely that your game requires such a risk that does not fit into the overall profit strategy. Such a bet, of course, gives the likelihood of winnings, but the bet on the favorite usually has a small coefficient (1.1-1,4), and this is too slow an increase in capital.

3. Also should be taken to play only in large bookmakers officesAfter all, the larger the office, the stronger she values \u200b\u200bhis reputation. Therefore, first hire references, how much the office exists, which there are reviews about it, and only after that make bets. Here are a few names of large bookmakers: Pinnaclesports, Bet365, Bwin, Betfair, Williamhill, Unibet, Sportingbet, PlanetOfbets, Pari-Match, 10bet.

When you see the high coefficients offered by small offices, remember that free cheese is only in mousetrap. Is there any guarantees that tomorrow they will not evaporate with your money?

4. Also, should not be put on obvious favorites, because the coefficient is low, and they can both play and even lose such examples, there are a lot of such examples. But what is the funny thing, these rates are most popular in the circle of players. If suddenly you still decided on it, do not make a big bet on the victory of the favorite.

Because of this, you can lose a rather big amount, but not to go into minus and playing lost money, you will need to bet and win several times in a row. So that this does not happen, try to bet on the coefficient of Total (rate on the total number of headed goals), odds (difference in goals clogged) or an accurate account.

5. Do not express rates. These are rates that include several outcomes whose coefficients are multiplied with each other. But the rate does not win, if even one event has not played, so the more the final coefficient, the more there are events there and the higher the risk of losing.

But if still decided to try express, Try to choose a chain of no more than 2-3 events in which the ratio is no higher than 2. To choose such events will not be easy, you need experience and knowledge, so that the Council for beginners - put orders.

6. Everyone happens when luck turns to your face and all your rates won, at such a time you need to continue to play while you are lucky, but when the pair-three bets have not played - to stop to stop so as not to lose the bank and do not go bankrupt. It is not easy to do, because at such moments the mind goes to the background, and manage the person's emotion. "Now rest again, now I will win and everything will return that I lost it," this is the beginning of a big loss, because you start to increase the rates with the hope of playing, but again and again lose. So the entire bank goes to no, and you remain with anything.

7. It is always necessary to follow the selected strategy calculated in advance, with a certain fraction of probabilities. In it, you have already determined the size of each bet (approximately 1-3% of the total amount of the bank, so the loss will not hurt much by your budget), the number of different bets per week, how much single and how many express rates need to be done to increase revenue . If you start to retreat from the strategy that you yourself have chosen, it will be the beginning of the path to bankruptcy. And accept the rule not to raise your fixed bet more than a few points. This will also help not come soon to bankruptcy.

8. It is also not worth making your bets from personal attachments to any teams and athletes. They should not be connected with your future profit. After all, if you put on your favorite football team, and now she has no better times, someone got injury, someone coach decided to care and left in stock, someone is simply not in shape. It can easily provoke a loss of the entire bank. And if you put on the opponent and win, then you can go to the stadium to the next game of my favorites and cheat for them alive, thereby proving your love and dedication to the team.

9. As in every work, making their rates, you need to be aware of events. It is impossible to come and put on behalf of the heart and put on whom "Hand lay down." It is necessary to start conducting research, read reviews ,. It is not possible to help it in this can the Internet, here, in addition to articles, you can also reconsider all the game teams or an athlete to see what they feel like. Spend a little personal time to analyze the situation in a particular sport, and only then make a bet. This will help to avoid unnecessary costs.

10. The most important thing is never to forget that life without betting exists. Do not change bets on family, children, parents, friends. These people always support you, even if you have been confused, will be near and help to go through any difficulties.


The desire to earn light money is every person, usually, many believe that it is easiest to do this, of course, on the stock exchange, more precisely in the bookmaker. Having calculated on a good Kush, the clients of bookmakers are becoming more and more novice betters. Lightly give their money without a fight, informed and careful earn at the sports betting. How to beat the bookmaker office, not only retaining, but also introducing money earned, without yielding to the rampant excitement? More about this and the friend next in the text.

Fast passage

Earnings at the rates: where to start

The most important rule that each better should remember, whether it is a novice or an experienced player: it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between sober analytical calculation and the dependence on the game. In the first case, the rates can become a source of additional income, in the second - a serious problem that can bring you considerable financial losses. So, never play money from a family budget, savings or funds made in debt. You can put only an amount that cannot be powered by pocket, for example, highlighted on entertainment.

However, too little initial bank for real earnings is also not suitable. In this case, you should not expect millions from 1000 rubles of the deposit. The use of various tactics and strategies implies a certain amount on the game account or humility with the fact that the budget itself is increasing.

For a few days, the newcomer is impossible to become a professional handicapper, but to double the attached amount for a couple of three weeks is completely under power. With experience, profits will increase, and after a year the bookmaker will be able to become a source of stable income for you.

After the starting better was determined with the size of the initial capital, you need to choose a sport for rates. Better, if it is a fairly common game, for example, a loved one with millions in which you are doing well or. Even previously viewed matches will become an excellent opportunity to win at the rates.

How do bookmakers earn at rates

Bookmakers earn a cloud of money from frivolous betters. Are wrong with the players who believe that to make money on forecasts in bookmakers easily. The overwhelming majority of betters only lose money, providing revenue to enterprising dolzes. One thoughtlessly make bets without adhering to any system, and in the rust of Azart put all the big and big money. Others are dedicated fans of favorite teams, they, as a rule, little about the winnings, the emotions themselves are important. Our goal is to understand that sober rates with an analytical assessment without emotional accompaniment can consistently make a profit.

Another part of the profits of bookmakers is made up of the so-called margin. This is the difference between the coefficients that the office takes itself as an intermediary. For example, when distributing the probability of victory between teams 40 and 60%, the bookmaker gives 37 and 57, respectively. The office has a wide staff of experts, which make up forecasts for matches, as well as artificially underestimates the coefficients for popular from players for rates. Exodes.

How to earn at the rates: Instructions for beginner

All bookmakers are created with one goal - making profit, therefore, to count on a huge kush, jackpot and the like simply stupid. Even if you manage to win a large amount (above 100,000 rubles), its full payout can be expected only in the case of a legal BC and probably with a delay. Therefore, it is advisable to make a medium-sized betting in different bookmakers, not to keep serious money on accounts and even minor winnings are more often.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

  1. Registration on the exchange rates.

In Russia, it is better to choose bookmakers who managed to get a license for their activities. For payments at rates in illegal offices, no one is responsible. It is useful to read reviews about the work of the bookmaker on the Internet on special forums for betters, ask for playing familiar. On our site you will find only the official BC official in the Russian Federation, where taxes in the state budget are transferred from the winnings. So you are guaranteed to get your money.

  1. Refill.

The office (or even two) is selected, now you need to put money on a virtual wallet. Bookmakers offer a wide selection of means of making funds: bank cards (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro), electronic systems (QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex Money), cash at rates receiving points. The main EPU of the licensed BC - Kiwi is also perfectly running online banking.

  1. Select bet.

Now you can play. Open the line in your bookmaker and make a bet.

One of the main mistakes of newcomers is thoughtless forecasts at the targeting of intuition. Sooner or later, such tactics will still lead to a complete drainage of the bank, and the betting participant, wanting to recoup, will invest new and new amounts, gradually raising the rates. How not to be in this seems to be an inseparable circle and combine the bookmaker? Correctly - have a good strategy and stick to it.

Strategies games at rates

On the Internet you can find many strategies to receive profits in bookmakers. Some of them are highly efficient, others are extremely dubious. The newcomer is not at all to learn each of them. We bring to your attention the most effective and time-tested options. After a series of strategies played when earnings at the Sport rates become permanent - you can kill your own action plan.

  1. Rates against favorites.

Beginners are difficult to see such events, and many experienced analysts use these tactics. Its meaning is that the coefficient of favorite is always small, experts take into account past achievements and assesses their chances of the future game. But it is necessary to follow her carefully - a lot of events affects the match, which is desirable to explore.

The Spanish team of Barcelona very strongly in the home championship. The coefficient of her victory bookmakers always give a small. However, parallel to the club holds matches and in the Champions League. The schedule was drawn up so that on Tuesday, Barcelona is waiting for a very responsible meeting with the Italian Juventus, and in front of it, on Saturday, as part of the National Championship, the favorite plays with Middle Malaga. Bookmakers in habit are put in line the minimum coefficient to the victory of a strong club, little given, the fact that the team will not be laid out onto a complete coil and spend all the strength on the ordinary duel. As a result, the victory won Malaga with a score of 2: 0, and the betters that adhere to this strategy received a very good profit.

  1. "Forks".

Some time ago, the use of "forks" was extremely popular among the betters. They registered in several offices and played the difference in coefficients. However, today, the numbers at bookmakers differ in little, and they learned to calculate once or twice. And therefore, they have full right to block the account.

In the Final Champions League there are Bavaria and Real Madrid. We will put on the pass one of the teams further.

The 1st office offers the following coefficients:

Bavaria - 1.5;

Real - 2.5.

2nd office:

Bavaria - 1.8;

Real - 1.9.

We form a "plug": Real at 2.5 (from the first office) and Bavaria by 1.8 (from the second). On the Internet there are even special calculators for which you can correctly distribute the amount of the bank for profit.

So, in our case:

The initial bank is $ 200. According to the Calculator, the "Vilk" for Real We must put 83.72, and Bavaria - 116.28. For any outcome, the winnings of 9.3 dollars we are provided. A bit, but with a 100% warranty.

  1. Dogon.

Dogon's strategy is the most favorite from the betters. Its essence in increasing the amount of the bet when losing the previous forecast. Although such a strategy is used in the casino - it is important to have enough budget to the winning bet.

We will put on the total in football on the Italian team Milan with a coefficient of 2.

  1. Milan - Jenoa: Forecast 100 bucks per TB2.5. The match ended the victory of the owners with a score of 1: 0, the rate lost.
  2. Pescara - Milan: The forecast is already $ 200 per TB2.5. The match ended in a draw 1: 1, the rate lost.
  3. Milan - Palermo: We double again - 400 bucks per TB2.5. The match ended 4: 0, played the rate.

Net profit amounted to:

400*2 – 400 – 200 – 100 = $100.

In addition to gaming strategies, there are financial, the most famous of them:

  • martingale strategy (based on the principle of Dogon);
  • dalamber strategy (variety of first);
  • flat (game for a fixed amount).

Unfortunately, win-win strategies in theory in practice have a number of disadvantages, the main of which are: the limitation of the maximum betting betting and the incoming initial bank of the better.

Professional handicappers allocate three main essentials of success:

  1. Reliable bookmaker, whose activities do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.
  2. Properly selected game strategy and care attention.
  3. Psychological resistance and control over their emotions.
  4. Maximum use bonuses offered by bookmakers to increase your earnings at the rates.

Many successful players at the rates are completely free to share their knowledge in social networks with less lucky colleagues, give useful tips and teach earn at the rates. Their experience proves that beat the bookmaker is real! Absorb the information, test and win and then earnings at the sports betting can be your main source of income.

Hello, dear readers. In this article we discussed the rates in the bookmakers in the last years in recent years and the most important thing - we will try to figure it out if you can earn at the sports betting and what is necessary for this.

How to earn at the bids on the sport and what a newcomer can count on

In people who are first faced with the world of sports rates, the question appears: "Do you really earn at the rates and how much can an ordinary person make money?". Earnings in sports bets are comparable to the category of high-rod, but the profit can be more than more than, for example, from an ordinary deposit in the bank. Of course, there are risks, but this is an integral part of any financial transactions.

Based on this, the first and most importantly rule for novice players is that it is allowed to play in the bookmaker office exclusively for money that you can afford to spend it, not risking your well-being. It is extremely recommended to play focus or taken from the family budget.

The initial amount for the game (referred to as a bankroll) must allow you to make at least 50, and better than 100 rates of the same size.

What should I do to make the idea to earn in the bookmakers become a reality?

In the world of sports betting there are people who are referred to as professional handicapper (these are people earned at the rates, it is a job for them). They are engaged in sports analyst and are well oriented in the mathematical side of sports rates. To become a professional, it is necessary to have a mathematical warehouse of the mind, understand the principles of the work of the bookmaker's office and master the main canons of predicting sports events.

Thus, to start betting (from English - to put, make bets) you will need:

  • Reliable Internet access;
  • Daily free time (at least 2-3 hours);
  • Focus and "cold" head;
  • Bankroll;
  • Good knowledge in some sport.

Most often, newcomers stop at the most common sports: football, basketball or hockey. From the point of view of professional players, the most profitable tennis bets. If this sport does not attract you, then start with football - the most popular sport in the world, except for the United States.

The novice player with minimal investments is able to earn, doing rates, about 10% of the bankroll over the month. Undoubtedly, it is quite possible to earn 70% or more subject to the use of high-adjustable strategies. But then the threat of the loss of the entire deposit is significantly increasing.

In general, 10% of the bankroll is an excellent indicator, but to achieve stability, you need to adhere to certain rules and approach the projection of sports events is very reasonfully and realistic.

Bookmakers regularly offer thousands of different bets on hundreds of sports events. Of all these offers, the player can stay on any of them. So what do those numbers mean the coefficients that are offered by the bookmaker?

A decent bookmaker offers several types of display of coefficients. Consider an example where the probability of an event is 35%. What is the method of calculating coefficients for different systems?

Decimal coefficients (for example, 1.2; 3.0, etc.). For clarity, consider the case - the match of two equivalent football teams, the probability of victory of each of them is 35%, the likelihood of a draw of 30% (35 + 35 + 30 \u003d 100). The decimal coefficient is defined as 100, divided by the percentage of the probability of an event. Then the coefficient for the victory of each team will be 2.9, and for drawing - 3.3. Here, a bookmaker margin is not included here for easing the calculations (on this). Suppose the player put 100 rubles. On winning one of the teams. If the event is played, the player will receive 100 × 2.9 \u003d 290 rubles. Or clean 290-100 \u003d 190 rubles.

English coefficients (for example, 4/1; 10/11, etc.). Thick the likelihood of the same event (35%) for such coefficients. Here the calculation is cut into 10, we get - 3.5 + 3.5 + 3 \u003d 10. Then out of 10, we subtract 3.5 (the probability of an event) and we obtain a numerator for a fraction equal to 6.5. In the denominator, we put 3.5. As a result, we obtain 6.5 / 3.5 or 1.9. Putting 100 rubles in English coefficients. We get clean 190 rubles.

American coefficients (for example, +375; -160, etc.). Here the calculation comes down to the phrase "earn 100 rubles." In particular, the coefficient -150 means that for pure winnings of 100 rubles. It is necessary to bet in 150 rubles. This is an option of a minus coefficient. It happens and the advantage - how much will you get if you put 100 rubles. When the office exhibits the coefficient of +150, it implies that for a bet 100 rubles. Better will be able to get 150 rubles.

Essentially, the bookmaker's office are intermediaries that are taking care of a certain percentage. Named percentage is called margin. Because of the margin, the coefficients for equilibious events will be not 2 to 2, and at the best case 1.95 per 1.95 (in low organizal offices). In the usual offices, the corresponding coefficients will vary in the range of 1.8 - 1.9. The question arose where it is not affected by arriving? I went to the bookmaker for mediation.

In addition, bookmakers acquire to arrive by adjusting the coefficients depending on the public opinion and financial flows. Simply put, the bookmaker understands what the majority of players will put and underestimates the coefficients for such events.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that the income in the bookmaker is determined exclusively by the coefficients that the bookmaker exposes.

Instructions for earnings in sports rates - the first steps of the novice

The beginners will be very popular with the following instructions in order to avoid unnecessary problems:

  • First of all, it is necessary to carefully read the rules of the bookmaker office and assimilate the main terms;
  • Next, you need to register in the selected office. If there is no electronic wallet, then start such - Skrill, Neteller, Webmoney or others;
  • Replenish a deposit (put some amount on your office in the office);
  • Choose an event and make a bet.

Rates on the sport online and their specificity

Currently, most players try to earn at the interests on the Internet. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is very convenient - you can install without leaving the house.

On the one hand, the easyness to find statistical and analytical information on the Internet, gives the benefits some advantage, but on the other - almost everything that must be taken into account, the bookmakers take into account and laid in the coefficients.

The superiority of the bookmaker relative to the average player is no doubt, because high-quality specialists with appropriate software work in offices. In addition, the office will receive a profit without reference to the result of the competition, this is facilitated by the principle of receiving rates.

Therefore, everything that the player can make is to think, analyze and put adhering to our own tactics and strategies. Special programs that can be attracted to help themselves:

  • Calculate the size of the bet;
  • Find the best coefficient of all offered offices;
  • Carry out accounting of its rates.

You also need to not only be able to find the necessary information on the Internet, but also easily use it to use it.

Bookmakers for sports betting - how to choose

Below are the tips to choose a bookmaker, then not to disappoint in your choice:

  1. Reliability. Here, first of all, there is due to the payment ability of the office. It is possible to find out this by reading feedback on a specific office on forums, specialized sites, etc. Without confidence in getting a winnings disappears the meaning of betting;
  2. Methods of input and output of funds. It is necessary to find out whether the office supports payment systems suitable for you;
  3. Rules and positions of the office. Before making bets, carefully read all the rules. Often, beginners lose their deposit due to the banal ignorance of the rules;
  4. Coefficients. It is necessary to play in the office with more or less high coefficients, as it really affects the size of the winnings and even if you will be a plus or minus beeter;
  5. The size of the minimum deposit. There are many offices that have a lot of minimum for input or output. These indicators must be compared with their financial capabilities;
  6. Width of the line of the proposed events. Decide whether the proposed list of competitions and painting to them are sufficient for you.

Analyze the bookmaker's office to be the above set out parameters. If the office corresponds to them, you can safely register.

Popular payment systems

Here we give a brief description of the most common payment systems that bookmakers work.

WebMoney - The most popular payment system for players from the CIS. Webmoney's temptation in several ways to enter and output money, as well as in ease of registration. Minus Systems is a 0.8% commission for the transfer of funds and the fact that not all Western bookmakers work with it.

Yandex money - Another domestic payment system. Accepted by all the bookmakers of the post-Soviet space. For the withdrawal of funds, the Commission is charged 3%. Of the serious Western bookmakers with Yandex.Money, there are few, for example, William Hill.

Skrill - The most popular payment system in the world. Its recognition, both among bookmakers, and among the players is substantiated by the lack of various types of commissions. SKRILL system offers its users a number of prizes and bonuses, as well as a loyalty program. The disadvantage of the system can be called a complex registration and requirement for checking documents. However, this drawback is completely overlapped by all the advantages of the payment system. Having a Skrill wallet, you will be able to introduce and derive funds in any Bookmaker World Constor.

In addition, you can still identify payment systems such as NETELLER and QIWI, but they are inferior in popularity above the systems described.

Basic rules and possible newcomers - how to avoid them

A list of simple rules of the game that can protect you from many mistakes:

  • Put only on those sports that know well;
  • Play offices only with high coefficients;
  • Do a preliminary analysis of the sports event, which is going to make a bet;
  • Play according to your own strategy. Do not make rapid rates;
  • Do not put more than 1-2% of the bankroll;
  • Sports rates are not recommended, long expressions (over four events), the "match will watch" type rates.

Types of sports betting

What is the orders and the principle of express rates

In all bookmakers, two types of sports betting are now popular: ordinary and express.

Orders They are the easiest place of betting, they are also called single bets. It doesn't matter what you put (victory, draw or number of heads) if the bet is made only on one event - this is an ordinary. Payment at this rate is calculated extremely easy by multiplying the size of the rate and the coefficient.

Express. Many newcomers are wondering - how to make an express rate? An express is called a bet consisting of several orders (minimum of two), i.e. to put express you need to immediately choose several events from the painting of the bookmaker. To determine the winnings at this rate, it is necessary to multiply the coefficients of all events included in the express, and after - the resulting common coefficient is multiplied by the rate.

To win according to the express, it is required that all the events that take place in it won. In case of a loss of at least one event of express, it is considered to be a loser.

What is total and odds

Total. A very common type of sports betting among fate. Here you need to give a forecast for the total number of heads (points, angular, etc.) in the duel. TM is a total less, and TB is a total of more. TB1.5 rate suggests, in the match, both teams in the amount will score at least two heads. If goals in the match two or more, the bid has played, otherwise - loss. There are still totals with a number of heads, for example, TB2. With such a bet, if two goals are scored, the bet is made. For winning you need three goals or more.

Fora Provides a "virtual" additive head of the heads of one of the commands. Consider as an example ahead for football bets. Suppose, pre-aromatic analysis showed that the guest team should not lose, then we put a ore for the success of the guests +1 or F2 (+1). In this case, we add one goal to the final result of the match. For example, if the game ended 1: 1, then with such fores, guests won 1: 2, which means that the rate played. If the guests lost 1: 0, it means the return rate, and the defeat 2: 0 or more - the bet lost.

It is easy to guess that with the neurochy phoras (-2.5, +0.5, etc.), the return is impossible.

Earnings on football rates is the most common due to the popularity of the football itself. Professional handicappers never bet on their intuition or their own assumptions. So the fans do, believing that the favorite club wins. Such an approach to the rates enriches only bookmakers, since it is impossible to foresee a random goal, injury, etc.

That is why you need to follow the following rules at football bets:

  • Never make bets for the team for which they are ill. You will not be able to be objective, making such a bid;
  • Make rates only on the league in which they are well oriented;
  • Do not put on top matches, for them, bookmakers calculate the coefficients very accurately;
  • Hold back emotions to not be mistaken;
  • Do not get distracted by the match itself, watch the coefficients (they change).

Before playing for real money, it will not be superfluous on paper or on virtual money in the bookmaker office, i.e. Try to make free football bets.

In order to count on the winning of the bookmaker, you need to stick to a certain strategy of betting. All strategies are usually divided into gaming and financial. Consider them in more detail.

Gaming strategies

Gaming strategies for sports betting on the Internet can be found a lot. Consider the most popular of them.

Bet on an underestimated event or Value Betting. As a rule, players try to predict the outcome of events, without thinking about the profitability of their game on a long period of time.

But there is another category of bestors oriented primarily by the magnitude of the coefficients and profit in the prospect of a long game. Players such a category make rates, exceptionally beneficial in the long term. If there are rates only on overestimated coefficients, then profit in the future is ensured.

Such an approach and call Value Betting or rates on the events undervalued by the bookmaker.

Bookmakers forks - These are several bets on a specific event in various bookmakers, in which the winnings are provided regardless of the result of the elected event. This situation is possible due to the different assessment of the probability of the same event by various bookmakers.

Unpleasant here is the fact that bookmakers, as a rule, do not like forklips and try to get rid of them in every possible way: the maxima of rates are cut, they block accounts, etc.

Dogon. Call the strategy of the betting strategy, where the magnitude of each next rate is determined depending on the result of the previous one. The main goal is to return previously lost money and acquiring some profit.

For example, you "catch up" a draw in football and put on it, until it happens. At the same time, with each time you increase the bet in such a way as to return the previous losses and make a profit. This event will surely happen, but it is possible that by that time you just do not have enough money at the rate. Thus, the doghon is not such a win-win strategy, as may initially seem.

Corridors. Strategy similar to forks. In this case, different bookmakers are looking for a "corridor" in totals or phoras. In case of good luck (the result of the match fits into the selected "corridor") play both bets and it turns out a decent gain. Otherwise, the flow rate and the player does not lose anything.

The consequences of such a game are similar to the game for forks.

Financial strategies for sports betting

There are a lot of financial strategies for sports for sports, here we will consider the most common of them:

Flat - The most simple and at the same time is the most secure financial strategy, according to which all bets should be the same value. The essence of the strategy is that if the player decided to bet 3 (5, 10, ...) units, then the rate adopted rate does not change over a long period. The increase or decrease in the bankroll is not the reason for changing the value of the bet.

Fixed profit - A more progressive strategy compared to Flat. Here, the bet "B" is directly proportional to the foreseeable return "W" and inversely proportional to the value of the coefficient "to" the event under consideration. The rate of bet is determined by the formula B \u003d W / (K - 1).

The strategy provides for the artificial task of profit (fixed profits). The safe amount of profit is considered within 1/20 - 1/30 from the bankroll, and the recommended coefficients are from 1.3 to 5.

Strategy Martingalea - Strategy that has come to betting from a casino. The essence of the strategy is that the player is set in the size of the first bet and in the case of loss increases the size of each subsequent rate twice - until it wins. After winning, a new series begins with an element rate. In this case, the coefficients for events should be at least 2.

Kelly's criterion. The strategy is to calculate the acceptable rate of the rates on the selected event.

The optimal rate is calculated according to the following formula: C \u003d (k x V - 1) / (k - 1), where k is a coefficient, V is the probability of an event, C is the value of the bet.

Other ways to make money in the bookmaker

Below is described how you can earn at the bets in the bookmakers in other ways - they cannot be attributed to strategies.

Film. The rate is done on an event that has already happened, for example, scored a goal (such rates provide for the game in Lyiv). To do this, either need to be in the stadium or have access to a faster broadcast compared to the bookmaker. Those. They saw a scored goal - quickly make the appropriate bet until the bookmaker closed the betting market. The disadvantage of such a game is that the bookmaker, computing you, can blame fraud and block the account.

Bookmaker errors. Sometimes the bookmakers have erroneous coefficients (more often in Lyiv). It can be technical or analytical errors. Many players on them are betting and often get winnings. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to abuse such bets, because The bookmaker can easily close the account.

Bonushantery. There are people who earn bonuses of bookmakers. As a rule, for the output of the bonus, the latter needs to be played, putting it up a certain number of times. For this purpose, opposite rates are made in various offices with bonuses. At the same time, losing 20-50% of the bonus, you can profit. But for permanent earnings, you have to open all new accounts (bonuses mainly offer new players), and this threatens blocking bills.

Advertising and partnership. Reliable method of earnings at rates. Many bookmakers provide an opportunity or giving advertising their office. A partner is to attract newbies. For good earnings in this way you need.

Sports Rates Offline

Recently, more and more players go to the game in bookmakers over the Internet and this trend is growing. But there is a category of players who crave the Spirit of Azart, existing only in offline offices. What you need not to forget those who play offline offline:

  • Take your own solutions, do not affect the influence of local regulars- "professionals";
  • Lack of information. At home via the Internet you can find all the necessary information. In the ground office, you will not have such an opportunity;
  • The likelihood of delay in paying a large win. At the checkout elementary may not be enough money for paying a large win;
  • If you find yourself a lucky banner, you can add to the list of unwanted customers and stop accepting your rates.

Based on the above, decide whether to play in the ground office.


On the Internet at each step you can find offers to purchase information on the so-called "contractors". Remember, this is all deception and nothing more. We think everything is logical:

  1. Even if contractual matches on team sports and exist, then only in the third-rate leagues. They are extremely low rates on them and therefore economically unprofitable - the profit will be small, and the contractual match will have to pay all participants in general enough;
  2. In single competitions, the possibility of such matches is more. But is it worthwhile worth the risk of an athlete to ruin your sports career? And most importantly, in the case of suspicion, the bookmaker can simply make the return rates and not pay the winnings;
  3. If you were the organizer of the contractual match, would you apply to this on the Internet? I think it is unlikely.


In general, making money at the bookmakers at the sport is possible, but for this you need to approach the rates professionally:

  • Choose a certain sport and explore it thoroughly;
  • Carry out a deep analysis of the selected event;
  • Apply the optimal strategy for sports betting;
  • Spend thorough work on oneself in a psychological plan;
  • It is preferable to put in the bookmakers on the Internet.