The minimum list of work on the cleaning of stair cells. Washing entrances: how many times it is to clean and who is responsible for cleaning

The minimum list of work on the cleaning of stair cells. Washing entrances: how many times it is to clean and who is responsible for cleaning
The minimum list of work on the cleaning of stair cells. Washing entrances: how many times it is to clean and who is responsible for cleaning

Often, residents of houses are treated with complaints about the management company about poor-quality cleaning in the entrances of residential buildings. In order not to have such issues and complaints, there are standards, the violation of which can lead to criminal liability.

Cleaning stair cells

Work on the cleaning of stair cells include:

  • sweeping and washing the staircases, steps and sites before entering the entrance;
  • cleaning in elevator cabins;
  • wiping dust from ceilings;
  • wet wipes of walls, doors, plafoons, windowsills, window grilles, railings and cabinets where electrical switch are installed.

  • All types of work depend on the presence or absence of additional equipment in the house - elevator cabins and garbage disposal.

    According to regulations, wet sweeping and washing the staircases and steps of the two lower floors, as well as the cleaning of the site before the garbage chute should be carried out daily.

    Wet sweeping platforms above the second floor in homes where there is no elevator - twice a week, with elevator and garbage chute - once a week.

    Washing staircases and steps in the house where there is no additional equipment or there is only a garbage chute - twice a month, with any additional equipment - once a month.

    Floor washing in the elevator cabin should be carried out daily, and wet wines, doors and ceilings - twice a month.

    Washing windows on the staircases is provided once a year, and the wet wet windows of the heating devices is twice a year.

    Walls, doors, plaffones on staircases, as well as window lattices and attic stairs, cabinets for electric meters and mailboxes must be pilling 1 time per year, as well as wiping dust from ceilings.

    Cleaning the site before entering the entrance must be performed once a week.

    Infographics Site

    The frequency of basic maintenance work

    Maintaining maintenance work includes removal of garbage from waste cameras, as well as washing and disinfection of garbage capacities.

    All garbage from the garbage tree, which is in the entrance, should be collected in special containers, a capacity of 400 and 800 liters, portable garbagers with a capacity of 80-100 liters or bunkers.

    Based on the standards, the prophylactic examination of the garbage disposal in the entrance should be made twice a month.

    Removing garbage from garbage cameras, as well as their cleaning and washing of replaceable garbagers - daily.

    Cleaning loading valves of the garbage disposal - once a week, disinfection and cleaning of the garbage collector - once a month.

    Previously, the cleaning of entrances in an apartment building was carried out directly by the tenants themselves on the schedule of duty, which was highlighted on the first floor. Currently, managers or HOA are taken about the purity of entrances and house territories. Consider in the article questions related to possible risks of obtaining a fine for non-fulfillment of responsibilities and climbing standards.

    Is it necessary to harvest an entrance in an apartment building

    The general property of the MKD is determined by Article 36 of the LCD of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the cost of the content of common property belongs to the inter-weltering ladder, stairs, elevators, elevator and other mines, corridors, technical floors, attics, codes in which engineering systems are placed and so on.

    In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 dated 03.03.2013, which entered into force on 04/20/2013 (confirmed by the response of the Russian State Assembly of June 25, 2013), the minimum list of works and services designed to ensure the proper level of general property in the MCD (apartment building). In this resolution, the responsibility for the proper maintenance of equipment, engineering and technical networks and the supporting structures of the house is entrusted to employees of utilities. In paragraph 23, the list also listed a list of works concerning the maintenance of premises related to the total property of an apartment building (here it is about the content of the entrances):

    • tamburas, halls, corridors, galleries, elevator sites, elevator halls and cabins, staircases, marches and ramps are put in order by dry and wet cleaning;
    • window sills, window grilles, railing, electric cabinet doors and wardrobes themselves, mailboxes Door boxes, doors, closers door handles are wiping with a damp cloth;
    • the windows are clean;
    • metal lattices, cellular coatings, pit, textile mats are periodically cleaned.

    From the foregoing it follows that the work on the cleaning of entrances to the MKD is mandatory from 04/20/2013, and the management company of the MKD is responsible for their organization. It also develops a schedule for the cleaning of the entrances, which is prescribed in the annex to the Department of McD.

    What is a housing service "Cleaning of entrances"

    Cleaning of entrances and staircases should be performed well, and this is the legal desire of any owner of the apartment in the MCD. At the same time, to clean the entrances of their own tenants to force no one can - this is the function of housing and communal services. A specialized document regulates the frequency of cleaning.

    Government standards are designed to regulate the frequency of work on the cleaning of entrances and their quality used equipment and detergents used in the work (depends on the type of staircase). The specifics of the work carried out also depends on whether the elevator, garbage chute and other similar objects are in the entrance.

    Features of the work of the Criminal Code during the organization of entrances

    If the housekeeping of an apartment building is performed by the management organization or invited to it by the cleaning company, then the Criminal Code is required to provide cleaners to water. You can do this in several ways:

    • give them the keys to the basement;
    • take the pipe with water directly into the entrance, usually it is done on the first floor, that is, closer to the same basement.

    Each option has its own characteristics. Obtaining unauthorized people access to the basement is an additional reason for the concern of the management organization. Its representatives will have to ensure that the workers of the cleaning company cover the doors and have not allowed actions capable of harming to general aware.

    If it is possible to remove the pipe from the basement to the first floor, it is best to use this particular option. Here you need to remember that the crane should not be left in free access, otherwise, sooner or later, his someone will open and the entrance will fit the water. The correct solution for the management organization in this case will be a limitation of access to the crane with providing it only to cleaners and their own employees. This question can be solved simply and cheap, for example, closing the water source with a small wooden box with a mounted lock.

    Some managers ignore the solution to the issue with accessing cleaners to water. The latter in such cases call the apartments and ask their tenants to dial one or more buckets. This practice is better not to allow not to provoke well-defined discontent owners of housing. First, they pay water consumption in the counters. Secondly, regularly disturbing their employees cause fair irritation.

    Water for cleaning entrances is a resource paid by residents, so its consumption is approved separately and keeps on control. The number of water necessary for washing one entrance of water is approved on a general aware meeting, after which it fits into one. This provision is communicated to the management organization to the workers of the Cleaning Company. If it is, for example, 40 liters on a single washing of the entrance, and in reality 100 liters is consumed, then 60 liters - excessive consumption.

    Paying consumption over the standard tenants should not. It is for this that they discusses and approve a reasonable rate of consumption. All that above it, the management company should pay independently.

    The described question each Criminal Code decides in its own way. Much here depends on the activity of residents. If they really will closely monitor what amounts and under what rationale appear in the Count "Physical Operations", the management organization will have to rigorously fight overrun. With a small cost of several buckets of water, the amount incident even in one house per month is quite noticeable.

    Many managers really manage to write off such excessive consumption on one. If there are questions, they justify this by the fact that tenants at one of the assembly agreed to pay all the losses arising in the content of the house. It is possible to use this explanation, but it should be remembered that tenants can always challenge it if the Criminal Code has no clear documentary confirmation of its position.

    In most high-rise buildings, the tenants are quite satisfied with the minimal list of work on the cleaning of entrances, which are conscientious in accordance with PP No. 290 of 2013. However, in some cases, residents may require expanding a list of events regularly conducted by cleaners. The management company is obliged to support their initiative, since the main management body of the Ministry of Measures is the general meeting of its tenants.

    At the same time, paying the additional work of the Criminal Code will not be. If the owners of the apartments want cleaning to be conducted more often or included not stipulated by the event standard (for example, care for decorative plants in the entrance), then on this occasion the meeting takes place. On it, residents argue the list of additional work and the amount of payment, and also consider the candidates of the performers. If the decision is made and is ready to work on the proposed contractual organization, the Criminal Code concludes a contract with it and makes a corrected monthly payment in the receipt.

    If there is a black staircase in the entrance, then the same rules that act as a whole for entrances are applied to its content and cleaning. Some features are entered only by its appointment.

    Black stairs are usually contaminated not so intense, because they use them less. In some homes, residents closes on their floors outputs to such ladders to overlap access for outsiders. This is a serious violation, and the management organization needs to pay special attention to him. Providing fire safety serviced high-rise buildings is one of its main tasks.

    The state of the Black Stairs of the Criminal Code should check regularly, as well as the availability of free access to it on all floors. If the tenants close the doors to the locks, then they need to hold an explanatory work with them. Persuasions are not always valid. In this case, management companies must achieve the execution of fire safety rules in a compulsory. In our country, there is a practice of proceedings in court issues with closed doors on black stairs. The judicial body naturally stands up on the position of the Criminal Code and obliges tenants to stop violations under the threat of serious fines.

    What are the rates of harvesting

    There is an approved list of services that are obliged to provide employees of housing and communal services. Among them, sweeping and wet cleaning of entrances and staircases.

    The company engaged in the service of the general property of the MKD should follow the following standards:

    • maintain in good condition building structures, heating devices and pipelines that are located on stair cells;
    • ensure the proper sanitary condition of the stair cells; (p.3.2.2 Resolutions of the Gosstroita of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 №170).

    According to paragraph 3.2.4 of the Resolution of the Gosstroita of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003, simultaneous ventilation of the ladder cells of the lower and upper floors should be ensured through open vents, windows, framugs or ventilation channels.

    The schedule of work on the content of staircases is compiled according to paragraph 3.2.7 of the Resolution of the Gosstroita of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2003

    For Moscow, a separate order is establishedaccording to which the housekeeping is carried out in an apartment building. Regulations for cleaning the entrances of the MKD in the capital include the following items:

    • cabins of elevators, marches and staircases sweep in a moistened broom and wash;
    • from the ceilings, dust is caught;
    • walls, doors, plafoons, window sills, railing, electric door doors and mailboxes are wiping;
    • the entrance site in the entrance is also swept and washed.

    When servicing the garbage disposal, the following types of work must be performed:

    • an inspection of the garbage disposal should be made, the garbage from the garbage receipt is removed, the garbage receiver is removed;
    • the loading valves and bunkers should be periodically removed;
    • the garbage capacities and garbage trunks should be periodically cleaned. Mandatory washing and disinfection of these objects must be carried out;
    • small blockages and faults must be eliminated on time.

    If the garbage damage is detected or faults (valves are mounted loosely, ventilation is broken, rubber gaskets are worn or cracked on garbage disposal), their operational elimination is necessary. These are engaged in utility workers.

    With a complete list of work, it is possible to familiarize yourself, having studied Appendix No. 8 "Decisions of the Government of Moscow No. 465 of 04.06.1996".

    What should be the frequency of harvesting of the entrances and what it depends

    Depending on the equipment, which is installed in the entrance, the cleaning of house entrances can be performed with different periodicity.

    If there is an elevator and garbage entrance in the entrance, the following periodic cleaning is observed:

    • daily
    • once a week sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • daily
    • once a month;
    • the floor of the elevator cabin is washed daily;
    • twice a month wipes with a damp cloth.

    If the entrance is equipped only with an elevator, then the list of cleaning work changes slightly (the cleaning of the garbage tree zone is excluded due to its absence), the frequency remains the same:

    • staircases and marches of the two lower floors daily sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • staircases and marches of the third and subsequent floors once a week sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • staircases and marches are no more often once a month;
    • the floor of the elevator cabin is washed daily;
    • walls, Doors, Plafones and Ceiling Elevator Cabin twice a month wipes with a damp cloth.

    If there is no additional equipment in the entrance, some types of work are excluded, and the periodicity of cleaning is changed:

    • staircases and marches of the two lower floors daily sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • staircases and marches of the third and subsequent floors two times a week sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • two times a week;

    If the entrance is only equipped with a garbage chute, the list of works and the frequency of their execution will look like this:

    • staircases and marches of the two lower floors daily sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • staircases and marches of the third and subsequent floors two times a week sweep the wet broom or brush;
    • zone at the loading valve of the garbage daily swept away with a wet broom or brush;
    • staircases and marches are no less often two times a month.

    Garbuds in the entrances of the MKD must be serviced with special care, types of work and the frequency of their implementation are shown below:

    • twice a month Preventive inspection of garbage disposal;
    • daily Garbage cameras are cleaned of garbage;
    • daily Cleaning garbage cameras;
    • once a week The loading cameras of the garbage disposal are removed;
    • daily Replacement garbagers are clean;
    • once a month The garbage industry is clean and its lower part of the trunk;
    • once a month disinfection and cleaning of all elements of the garbage disposal;
    • once a month the disinfection of garbagers is carried out;
    • as needed Releases are eliminated by garbage disposal.

    The following types of work, no matter what equipment is installed in the entrance, are held once a year:

    • windows are clean;
    • the entrance is removed at the entrance;
    • cleans the pit and metal grille;
    • the following objects are wiping with a damp cloth:
    • walls.
    • ceft stairs.
    • window grilles.
    • doors.
    • plafones on stair cells.
    • mailboxes.
    • cabinets for electric meters.
    • weak devices.

    Twice a year Dust huses from the ceilings, windows and heating devices are wiping with a damp cloth.

    How the cost of cleaning entrances is calculated

    The price of services that includes cleaning an entrance is formed from several factors:

    • salary of personnel who carries out the entrance;
    • time spent by cleaning staff;
    • the frequency of performing various types of cleaning.

    The worker classifies in the first category (the same cleaner) should not receive a salary that is inappropriate to the subsistence minimum of categories of able-bodied citizens. This is some specificity of calculating the wages of staff carrying an entrance. The tariff rates for the repair and maintenance of residential premises are set for one year or more, respectively, during this period there is an increase in the subsistence minimum. Therefore, in order to correctly calculate the planned value of the tariff rate of the cleaner, it is necessary to operate the size of the subsistence minimum of the second quarter of the current year, which, in turn, will be indexed on the planned growth rate of consumer prices.

    • The law on silence in Moscow and the region from January 1, 2018 and as a rule to use it correctly

    When calculating it will be necessary to take into account and compensating payments that take into account the cash on the payment of an individual's income tax.

    Insurance premiums and industry insurance payments are also taken into account when calculating wages and are included in a total amount of expenses. By defining labor costs, it is necessary to take into account the production calendar (number of working days) and cases where the cleaner may simply not go to work.

    When calculating the tariff rate, many other, equally important factors are also taken into account. These are used detergents, paying taxes, harvesting the entrances by the management company, posting payments, formation and delivery of residents of residents and others. To obtain the reasonable cost of work, it is necessary to take into account the totality of all of the above influencing factors and the area of \u200b\u200bpremises in which cleaning is carried out.

    The final amount of payment for the cleaning of entrances will be made up from the proportional equity participation of the owners of the MKD in the possession of general-purpose property (depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment). Further, the obtained amount of annual costs is divided into the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises and for twelve months.

    • Improvement of the local house of the apartment building: Rules

    What consequences may cause bad cleaning of entrances

    The tenants of apartment buildings often complain that cleaning in the entrance is carried out poorly, irregularly and on the stairs are dirty or dusty (depending on the time of year). Unfortunately, these statements are not unfounded - enough to go to most modern entrances. In addition to dirt, there you can find a web, and garbage, and walls with inscriptions left by the marker. The person gets used to everything, including dirty entrances every day, but there are those who are ready to defend their rights.

    An outrageous speech, according to many owners, is sufficient measure in order to change something, but this is not quite so. Paying municipal services, residents of the house pay and for maintaining cleanliness in the entrance. That is, you need to handle in housing and communal services, in which the house is located, or to the management company, behind which the house is fixed. These organizations should advise them on all issues relating to the cleaning of entrances. In addition, residents are obliged to provide qualified assistance.

    Usually, to solve a question with washing a staircase or an entrance, it is sufficient to write a statement where the main complaint and requirements are indicated. This statement is written in free form, the nuances, which should be considered when writing, will explain the representatives of the Criminal Code or Housing and Communist Party.

    Composing the complaint, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

    • it is recommended to indicate references to the relevant items of the contract and / or specific legislation (for example, paragraph 23 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03.04.2017 N 290 (Ed. of 27.02.2017));
    • if there are copies of acts and documents (for example, the conclusion of a sanitary and epidemiological service or an act of non-searching services), you need to apply them to the application;
    • it is necessary to write a complaint in two copies - one of them, with a note of the organization, that the complaint is accepted for consideration will remain at the tenants, the second is registered in the responsible organization.
    • A situation in which the Contractor refuses to sign a statement or will not want to accept it, in this case, you can send documents with a valuable letter with the investment describing.
    • the application should end with an indication of the measures that the tenants will accept if the organization voluntarily does not satisfy their requirements (for example, the submission of a complaint to the superior organization or supervisory authority).

    A special commission is sent from the management organization to assess the quality of the list of work established regarding the cleaning of the entrance.

    In the absence of measures to change the situation on the part of the Criminal Code or the organization serving the house, residents can send a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, city or district administration.

    Current issues are considering up to 30 days from the date indicated at the receipt mark, and in the case of not a tolerant delay, the term is reduced to 1-5 days.

    • Interaction of owners with a management company: how to avoid conflicts and achieve understanding

    How can the housekeeping can be organized by tenants

    Cleaning entrances of residential buildings can be carried out in two ways. The choice is made on the basis of concrete circumstances.

    The first option involves hiring a cleaner who will follow the order in the entrance and on the staircases. It can be one of the tenants at home. Residents gradually collect a fixed amount of money for wage cleaners.

    It is necessary to assign a person responsible for contact with the hired employee who gives him a fee and transmitting comments coming from tenants. Agencies engaged in clining were greatly popular. They provide a wide range of services and serve apartments, houses and other premises. Residents can enter into an agreement with such a company and pay her money under the contract.

    This option provides guarantees of high-quality housekeeping, as employees qualified, use professional agents and equipment, firmly comply with the rules of the contract, and their work is effectively organized. In addition, it is possible to obtain additional services if necessary, that is, flexible cooperation conditions are offered.

    For many managerial organizations, the option with attracting an entrances of specialized companies is most preferable. Exceptions are those of the Criminal Code that their own clinical work is well established. In this case, they can provide this service themselves, collect payment for it and dispose of the funds received. So that the tenants do not have complaints, you need to comply with two main conditions:

    • high quality and timely cleaning;
    • set the tariff corresponding to the average rates for this service.

    The rest of the Criminal Code of the Treaty with the Cleaning Firm will make it possible to take care of maintaining cleanliness in the entrances. Residents in most cases this option is also satisfied. Few today is ready to remove the entrances on their own, and specialized companies do it on a clear schedule and quite efficiently.

    The decision on the choice of a cleaning firm is accepted on a general aware meeting. It can pass with the participation of CC or without it. In the first case, the management company offers a candidate and voicing the size of the monthly fee for its services. Upon receipt of approval from most residents, a contract is concluded.

    The initiative may also show tenants or cleaning companies. If they bring the protocol of the general meeting with a decision on the order of services from a particular firm, the Criminal Code remains only to accept it and proceed. In both cases, a new line for cleaning entrances with a fixed fee appears in the receipt for utilities.

    The second option is more complicated, since the activities related to the cleaning of the entrance are organized by residents. This issue should be solved at the General Meeting, in this case the decisions taken on it will act on the entire public territory.

    • General needs: species, standards, calculation

    This option is implemented according to the following algorithm:

    1. A public meeting is organized, which should be convinced by the owners of the apartments in the need to attend.
    2. The person who will take on the control functions is determined. Better, if he is trusted, as it will be responsible for the resolution of controversial situations.
    3. The amount of necessary work related to the cleaning of the entrance is discussed. Usually, this is the purity of the floor and walls. Sometimes you need a general cleaning with washing windows, batteries and lighting devices. If there is an elevator, then it is necessary to take into account its cleaning.
    4. The frequency of cleaning the entrance is established. You can take the basis of the terms specified in the current legislation, but at the request of the tenants, the deadlines can be changed.
    5. The order is discussed in which the housekeeping will be cleaned. A graph is drawn up. It is worth hanging it on a prominent place on the staircase, and not count on the oral agreement.
    6. Penalties are being developed. Although the Administrative Code provides a penalty for violating the rules for the maintenance of the entrances in purity, everything is not so simple. Most likely, the impact will go through conversations and comments. As an option - to hang on the door of unfair tenants the corresponding sign.

    In any high-rise building, the entrance is a kind of hallway for all available apartments. In some homes, such rooms are comfortable, spacious, and, basic, clean. Other residential buildings should not boast of it. In practice, the cleaning of entrances belongs to the number of services for LCD services. Therefore, the management company should be solved such a task, whose employees know how to bring order in the entrance. As a result, the dirty entrance can become exemplary, and the tenants are satisfied with how it is cleaned and cleaning.

    The existing law clearly regulates frequency, deadlines, as well as the requirements for how to remove the place of common use and stairs. Special documents contain information about the operational and technical conditions of the content of such premises. Therefore, every employee of such services, knowing the law on maintaining the order in public areas, knows how many times a month it should be removed in the entrance.

    According to the existing documentation that the appropriate law is determined, the tenants are not required to clean and washing public places, as well as hire a customer to guide order. Such work should carry out employees of specialized organizations with which the corresponding contract is concluded, the sample of which can be taken in management.

    This contract contains information that is quite substantiated by the living conditions of people in residential buildings, as well as who are responsible for the implementation of all provisions. The document contains several important items, where the features of how to make the cleaning of common areas, namely:

    • deadlines and frequency of work on the guidance of order in such a room;
    • frequency of cleaning of stairs;
    • frequency cleaning area near the garbage wire;
    • purification of cleaning in elevator room;
    • the frequency of cleaning the windowsills, windows and lamps in the entrance;
    • work on deratization and disinfection.

    This contract clearly establishes how often the floor should be removed and washed in such houses in such houses. It is also indicated by a responsible person who is responsible for the quality of work on cleaning such premises. A sample document can be found in the administration of the serving company.

    Features of the content and washing of rooms

    The basis of the proper maintenance of common areas in residential funds is compliance with frequency
    Cleaning in such premises. The regulatory part of the work on sanitary processing, which uses a special tool, also clearly defines the corresponding law. Depending on the special equipment available in the entrances, there are graphs of cleaning of such territories. As an installed equipment, which should also be washed, an elevator and garbage disposal is meant.

    The presence in the entrance of the elevator equipment increases the degree of load on the person responsible for cleaning, since it has often to wash the floor in this room and wipe the walls.

    In the entrances with the elevator on the middle floors, it is enough to clean and wash the floors once a week. The presence in the household system of the garbage disposal involves its regular service. In practice, the cleaner has to wash the floors in front of the hatches daily, where the garbage is unloaded. It also provides for an entrance treatment contract.

    The worker who serves such equipment must extract the entire garbage from the reservoir of waste reception, as well as daily wash the floors in the garbage disposal. In practice, it should be washed with replaceable containers. Once a week, the cleaner is obliged, as it provides for a contract, clean and clean the hatch of garbage loading. Once a month you need to wash and disinfect using a special agent, all elements of the garbage disposal system, as well as the camera receiver.

    How to maintain and washing the entrances

    The guidance of the order in the entrances determines the corresponding contract, where it is clearly spelled out how many times the cleaning of these common use places should be cleaned. This contract allows us to find out how often the person responsible for the order is obliged to purify floors and walls of places that tenants consider the communal property of general purpose. The procedure is based on the quantity and quality of work on the content of those places where the cleaner fulfills its duties. If the work is completed not as determined by the contract, the inhabitants of the entrance are eligible to file a complaint, having an appropriate sample of writing. This clearly defines the law, the contract, as well as the instruction.

    As the adopted law determines, the maintenance of such public seats implies daily wet cleaning on the lower floors. For this, a wet broom is used, which is processed by the floor and lower part of the walls. Ladder marches and floors of the two lower floors are subjected to such a cleaning, including the entrance site. Sweeping using a wet broom of the upper floors should be carried out twice a week. In the presence of an elevator cabin, its base should be purified in a similar way at least once a week. Cleaning such places is a very important event.

    Processing the territory before the garbage chute, as regulates the appropriate law, with the use of a wet broom is recommended daily. Cleaning the base on the ladder and marches of the upper floors, if the elevator is functioning, is usually produced once a week. Wet treatment of the lift cabins is recommended with the same frequency. Once a week it is necessary to clean the lattices installed on the ground before entering the entrance.

    As the law determines, an important event is the local optical cleaning of surfaces, architectural elements and equipment in the entrance. Such work is usually held once a year. The responsible worker must clean from the window pollution, lamps, as well as remove dust from the ceilings using a suitable tool and snap. Also implies cleaning mailboxes and boxes, where electrical counters are located.

    State Standard of the Russian Federation "Housing and communal services. General specifications "clearly stipulates how often it is necessary to remove the entrances, elevators and so on. If you do not have anything like this in your entrance, feel free to submit a claim to the organization providing your home housing and utilities.

    Materials on the topic:

    Out of the morning from the apartment on the staircase - and the mood rightly spoiled? Or, on the contrary, returned in the evening - and even with guests! - And almost impaired in a bunch of garbage directly in front of the elevator? What if a person, the responsibility of which is the cleaning of the entrance (including - the elimination of annoying advertising in elevators), negleces these responsibilities? What provisions exist for harvesting entrances and staircases and which document regulates them?

    This document, clearly regulating all the actions of the cleaner, is called.

    In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 290 dated 03.03.2013, which entered into force on 04/20/2013 (confirmed by the response of the Russian State Assembly of June 25, 2013), the minimum list of works and services designed to ensure the proper level of general property in the MCD (apartment building). In paragraph 23, the list has a list of works concerning the content of premises relating to the total property of an apartment building. The work on the cleaning of entrances to the MCD is mandatory and from 04/20/2013 the management company of the MCD is responsible for their organization. It also develops a schedule for the cleaning of the entrances, which is prescribed in the annex to the Department of McD.

    Periodicity of work on the cleaning of entrances and stairwells

    Type of work

    Type of equipment on stair cells

    no equipment

    garbage chute


    garbage chute and elevator

    Wet sweeping of the staircase and marches of the lower 2 floors





    Wet sweeping of staircases and marches above

    2nd floor

    Wet sweeping places before loading valves of garbage disposal



    Washing staircases and marches

    Washing cabin floor cabin



    Wet Wall Wall, Doors, Plafones and Elevator Ceilings

    Washing windows

    1 time per year

    Cleaning the site before entering the entrance. Cleaning the metal grille and pit.

    1 time per week

    Wet watches, doors, plafoons, etc.

    1 time per year

    Wet wet windows and heating devices

    2 times per year

    Also in this document, regulations for cleaning garbage chutes in the entrance halls of residential buildings are prescribed. Here is what the cleaners are required:

    Periodicity of maintenance work

    No. p / p

    Type of work


    Preventive examination of garbage disposal

    2 times a month

    Removal of garbage from waste cameras


    Cleaning garbage cameras


    Cleaning loading valves of garbage disposal

    1 time per week

    Sink replaceable garbagers


    Sink the bottom of the trunk and the gesture chiter

    1 time per month

    Cleaning and disinfection of all elements of the garbage disposal

    1 time per month

    Disinfection of garbagers

    1 time per month

    Elimination of a cloth

    as needed

    The following types of work are held once a year:

    • washing windows;
    • cleaning site at the entrance to the entrance;
    • cleaning the pit and metal lattices;
    • a wet cloth of the following objects: walls, attic stairs, window grilles, doors, plafoons on stairwells, mailboxes, cabinets for electric meters, low-current devices.

    Twice a year, dust from the ceilings, are wiping with a damp windows and heating devices with a damp cloth.

    If nothing like you on your staircase has not seen for a long time if the last cleaning of the entrance was made back in the past millennium - boldly apply to the organization serving your home. If it does not help - go to complain about the upstream organs.

    We like to see the purity and order in public areas to which the entrances of residential buildings are. We pass through these premises several times a day. Contain it clean - the necessary and important part of the common culture, because it is a face of the house.

    Not all people living in multi-storey buildings can proudly report that the cleanliness of the manager from the management company is in the entrance. Much more often, the residents themselves are carried out. Do not everyone know that there is an approved list of services that are obliged to provide employees of housing and communal services. These include sweeping and wet cleaning in the entrances and on the staircases.

    Oddly enough, but the fee for them is already included in the bill per apartment, and their provision may not be implemented. People come out of this situation with different ways:

    1. For your funds hire a cleaning lady.
    2. Implementation of cleaning in the order of the queue on your own.

    Both options have one main disadvantage: double fee for the same range of services. Legislation regulates the standards for the implementation of such works. Every day, housing and communal services should sweep the stairs and the playgrounds of the first 2 floors, wash the floor in the elevator and in front of all the garbage disposer doors. Weekly they should:

    1. Scatter all stairs and playgrounds with a wet broom.
    2. Remove the courts under the entrance visor.
    3. Sleep the grid of metal and the collection for dirt under it.

    In houses without elevator and garbage disposal twice a week sweeping the wet broom of the stairs and
    Places of the first 2 floors. The rest are cleaned with periodicity 2 times a month. Monthly in homes with elevator and garbage chutes should be removed all stairs and platforms. A wet cloth wipe the elevator cabin once every 2 weeks.

    Once every six months Wipe the radiators of heating batteries and window sills. Wash windows, walls, plaffers of lamps, doors, correspondence boxes, ceilings, lattices on the windows, stairs on the attic or roof are necessary annually. Another thing is that not always all this is observed.

    In the case when in practice these services are not provided in full, you should write a claim to the management of housing and communal services. If you refuse to provide them, the legislation allows you to demand recalculation. Of the total amount of payments, they must exclude the amount intended to guide purity and order.

    You can handle complaints about the absence of listed services to the district administration in which you live, district prefectures, the Department of Housing and Communal Services and the City Improvement. In the absence of the desired result, you have the full right to file a lawsuit. But before such a step it is worth achieving an act that services do not turn out to be. It will be better if the employees will be signed.

    Purity on its staircase

    When you get housing in the secondary market, then there have already been their own rules for the guidance of purity. You have only two outputs:

    1. Comply with the existing rules at least at first. And then, if there is a desire and the opportunity, try to change them.
    2. Conflict with neighbors.

    It is not recommended to walk with your charter in someone else's monastery, so it is better to act better in the first scenario. In order to subsequently change the foundations, you will need respect for neighbors, patience and perseverance. In the new building you yourself can create rules. Make it will be much easier than changing old. How to create an ideal situation when satisfied people live in pure entrance?

    It is a little easier to establish local rules for guiding cleanliness on its floor. For the organization, you only need to talk to the neighbors on the stairwell and come to a common opinion (perfect option).

    Start discussion stands with a specific list of work performed. It may be the most popular
    option: sweeping and washing floors, wet cleaning of walls, windows and all accessories. It can be supplemented or changed at the request of tenants. If there are pots with flowers on the windowsill, they need to water them. Plants can belong to different owners, so it is desirable to take care of them to be at the same time with duty on the flood.

    After that, they decide how often it is necessary to clean up. Be sure to touch on the question of general cleaning, conducted 1-2 times a year. The schedule of duty is made up and hang in a prominent place. All nuances and possible situations must be discussed, at least the most common:

    1. Will the owner of the apartment be out of turn be removed if a large company comes to him, which will leave a lot of marks?
    2. How will the schedule change in the case of a long lack of tenants of one of the apartments?

    If you discuss all the details "on the shore", it will be easier to live, because you do not have to once again gather about abnormal situations. If there is a desire, you can organize joint inventory and cleaning products. Ragged, mop and different powders are needed. Most of them are consumables that need to buy. Well, if there is a responsible for inventory among the tenants.

    Clean the house on your own

    There are two methods for solving this problem, the choice will be carried out in each case individually. The first path provides for the hiring of a cleaner who will follow purity. She can be someone from the tenants. The most important thing in this case is to solve the financial question. Residents must be transferred monthly to these goals a fixed amount of money.

    In this case, it is not without appointing a responsible person who will contact with hired workers, pay for its services and transmit comments from tenants. Special clearance agencies that provide a large range of services received widespread. They take to serve apartments, offices and other rooms. You can conclude an agreement with one of these organizations. The issue of collecting funds in this case will remain the lead.

    The second way is the most difficult - to organize the conduct of cleaning events by the forces of the neighbors. It is better to solve at the General Meeting. Then the established regulations will be valid throughout the residential building. You need to act according to the instructions:

    1. Organize a meeting where there will be tenants from all apartments. It is better to convince neighbors to be present at this event so that no one has questions.
    2. Select a person controlling the process. It is desirable that everyone trusted everyone. Because he will resolve possible disputes.
    3. Solve the issue with the list of works.
    4. Decide how often you need to make cleanliness.
    5. Create and post schedule on duty. He must be in sight.

    Agree on liability for improper fulfillment of obligations. Forgetful citizens can help special signs on the apartment door or the comments of neighbors. But all the disputes are better to solve peaceful way, because the common thing is fulfilled and it is not necessary to become enemies because of this.