All over Russia, high school students say goodbye to school - ahead of exams, prom and adulthood. Report about our graduates from the ceremonial line

All over Russia, high school students say goodbye to school - ahead of exams, prom and adulthood. Report about our graduates from the ceremonial line

Moderators: Semkov R.V., Shelkoplyas G. Yu

When the column approaches the square:

Sounds Beautiful music and the presenters enter:

RV: Good evening, dear friends!

G. Yu: Hello, dear residents and guests of the Absheron region, all those who will witness the solemn ceremony of presenting gold and silver medals "For special success in learning" to school graduates of our region!

R.V. Very soon on main square The Victory Square will solemnly and festively leave ______ young and beautiful graduates (graduates) of 2015!

G. Yu. And, of course, those who faithfully walked alongside them on the school steps for these 11 years are teachers, mentors.

R.V. And those dear people who helped to overcome this first life's road - parents!

Again June in this world,

On a school joyful planet.

Nature comes to life again:

Ringing, blooming, fragrant!

We celebrate the holiday with you:

What kind of people have we gathered here!

There is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us.

G. Yu. Soaring solemnly excitement,

The familiar introduction sounds

For all who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the holiday break out with thunderous fanfare!

Fanfare sounds

A detachment of drummers comes in and lines up around the perimeter of the square

R.V. School graduates of 2015 who have been awarded gold and silver medals "For Special Achievements in Learning" and their parents are invited to the square!

G. Yu: And now the graduates, teachers and parents of Lyceum No. 1 are coming out to the square ……………

Reporting about schools (read during the construction of schools on the square)

Beautiful callsigns

RV Dear graduates! The final chord of the school symphony sounded the exams. You finished writing difficult sentence my childhood - the time of happy discoveries, kind and cheerful cares.

G. Yu. And today's holiday is a launching pad in new life,
which gives you the command: "Take off!".

R.V. I am sure that the graduates of 2015 in their flight will reach stellar heights and will write many glorious pages in the history of their pedigree, their school, city, district, our mother - Kuban, and perhaps the whole great Russia!
G. Yu. And it cannot be otherwise! After all, this year is a glorious year Russian history! This year we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, the 770th anniversary of the victory of Prince Alexander Nevsky in Lake Peipsi, 340th anniversary of Emperor Peter 1.

R.V. This year, residents of our region celebrate two main anniversary dates- 220 years since the settlement of the Kuban by Cossacks and the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Krasnodar Territory.

G. Yu. Dear graduates! Be proud of your unique and distinctive history! Live, study, create always and everywhere for the glory of Great Russia, for the glory of the Native Kuban!

R.V. Let the sky over the country

Will be blue

It was lined with victories

Our Russian way!

Multiply the history of Russia,

And be a patriot for your homeland!

Thematic splash screen "Russia - we are your children!"

Graduates release balloons at the end of the screensaver - tricolor Russia

Solemn ceremony of awarding gold and silver medals.

The fanfare fell silent.

The drums are tired

We are waiting for the main action together with you,

We are waiting for the award ceremony

The highest award for years of study.

This is a great teaching job,

Genes that mom and dad give

These are the efforts of mothers and fathers,

Work and perseverance of students.

Glitter of gold and silver grands

- This is a wedding of minds and talents,

The highest ranks are honored:

The best chosen ones are to be counted.

Fanfare callsigns sound

R.V. For the solemn ceremony of honoring graduates of secondary schools, presenting gold and silver medals, announcing gratitude to parents, the head of the Apsheronsky District Municipal Formation A.E. Kravchenko and the Chairman of the Council of the Municipal Formation I.A.Vodyanov are invited

The head congratulates the graduates with graduation from school, receiving certificates of secondary education, medalists with receiving high awards - gold and silver medals "For special merits in learning."


A graduate walks along the star track, the presenter reads a report about him. G. Yu. Serious, independent, with a creative, analytical mind, ______ achieved high results in teaching. Her hobbies are mathematics, geography, English language... She was repeatedly awarded with certificates of honor for success in her studies and active social work in the classroom and at school.

The parents are walking a little behind.)

The head of the district A. E. Kravchenko presents a medal to the graduate.

I.A.Vodyanov presents gratitude to parents (father).

41 medalists

Honoring talented graduates, Olympiad winners

G. Yu. Today at our holiday we honor the graduates who have been years successfully demonstrated knowledge of sciences at zonal, regional and all-Russian subject Olympiads!

RV: You paved the way to success with your diligence, curiosity and painstaking work!

G. Yu.: You are always ready to solve the most challenging tasks and go forward to the intended goal! Your victories constitute the diamond fund of our region.

Awarding of graduates - winners of subject Olympiads.

G. Yu. Agree, Roman, all roads lead to childhood. Our graduates are entering adulthood today, leaving the walls of their native school.

RV But a little time will pass, and on the first of September a new generation of girls and boys will go to the land of knowledge. Let the first bell, the first teacher, and the first ball be sure in their lives!

Choreographic composition “Cadets. First ball "

A waltz is played for the graduates - participants in the governor's ball.

The presenters read on the opening chords.

G. Yu.: Kuban, your youth is spinning in a waltz!

And on the wing it becomes like a bird.

But, scattering to distant lands,

She, of course, will come back!

R. In ... he will be able to bring glory to you,

To multiply your beauty and wealth.

So that you, Kuban, could bloom like a garden!

To increase Cossack valor!

Waltz of graduates and teachers.

G. Yu ... Dear adults, look how young, our graduates are beautiful, and the air is filled with their wonderful dreams and the expectation of a wonderful future!

RV So let each of your dreams now grow wings, and with these blue balls they rush upward!

The song "Don't Drop the Ball!"

Stars and big blue balloons are released into the sky

G. Yu. We, the people of Absheront, have the following motto:

Graduates: Soaring to the stars, strive upward!

Live and study only for "five"!

To multiply the glory of the Kuban dear!

G. Yu .. Absheron district, we all have been dear to us since childhood.

He bound us forever with a single destiny.

And wherever fate has thrown you-

Remember him every day, every hour!

R.V .. Emerald green of forests and fields,

Nice, kind and generous people.

Clean air, heady at early dawn.

And be proud that you were born on this earth!

The final song "Over Apsheronsk!"

Developed by Prototype at Classroom Hour and posted on 16th December, 2014
You are at:

  1. Decoration - banner, garlands of balls;
  2. Leading - two people (man and woman);
  3. Music sounds (thematic selection);
  4. Procession of a column of graduates (reportage about schools, graduates).

When the column approaches the square:

  1. Fanfare (Music);
  2. Beginning (Music) - background to the words of the presenters.

Good evening, dear friends!

Hello, dear residents and guests ... of the district, all those who will witness the celebration of the graduates of schools in our area today, the celebration of the graduates and teachers who showed high results of the unified state exam, the presentation of the best of the best gold medals!

Very soon, our graduates will solemnly come to the festive square!

Teachers are mentors who faithfully walked alongside, helping to step up the steps of school knowledge.

The closest people, those who helped to overcome this first road in life - parents!

Leading. (against the background of solemn music)

Again June in this world,

On a school joyful planet.

Nature comes alive again

Ringing, blooming, fragrant!

Graduates ... did you recognize them?

What kind of people have we gathered here!

There is a sea of ​​smart, clean eyes,

Here youth enchants us!

Here souls are full of anticipation

In love by an accidental confession

Excitement reigns solemnly

The familiar introduction sounds

For those who have been waiting for this moment for a long time,

Let the ball break out!

Farewell ball! (Music - in the background)

Meet the youth and pride of ... the region - the graduates of 20 ... years!

Golden fund ... of the region, pride ... - graduates are medalists!

(The presenters read a mini-reportage about each school, its medalists and leading teachers)

Music backdrop.

Dear graduates! The final chord of the school symphony sounded the exams. You have completed the difficult sentence of your childhood - the time of happy discoveries, kind and cheerful concerns.

And today's holiday is a launching pad for a new life, which gives you the command: "Take off!"

We are confident that the graduates of the 20th year will reach stellar heights in their flight, and will write many glorious pages in the history of great Russia!

A year of culture is marching across the country, filling our hearts with a sense of pride for the great past of our people, uniting and enriching our life with new discoveries and impressions.

20.year will be remembered for us as a bright event in the unification of the people, when the Russian language as the basis native culture turned back the river of history, returning Crimea to Russia in 60 years! Our country has expanded its borders, which means there are more 20 graduates!

Dear graduates! Time is moving forward rapidly, giving a start to important future projects! And you will create this future for the glory of Great Russia, for the glory ... and small homeland- ... the district!

"Russia" - vocal and choreographic composition flash - mob.

Dance - choreographic and musical groups come out from behind the curtains on both sides to their piece of music, filling the area and performing general movements synchronously). Each participant of the flash mob has 2 flags (tricolor). Children stay in the square, forming a corridor (path) in the center of the square.

Dear friends, the head of the municipality ... the district (name of the head) is invited to the stage to greet the stage.

And the Chairman of the Council of the municipality (full name of the chairman).

At our holiday today there are guests of honor - the heads of urban and rural settlements ... of the district, we invite to the stage the head of ... the urban settlement - full name, and the rest of the heads of the settlements (list). People walk along the path and go up to the stage, and the children ("living corridor" with flags) greet them.

The head congratulates the graduates with graduation from school, receiving certificates of secondary education, medalists with receiving high awards - gold medals "For special services in learning activities».

Music background on words.

We are starting the solemn ceremony of awarding graduates with gold medals "For Special Achievements in Academic Activity"

Dear graduates and parents! This year the order of awarding medals has changed. Graduates of the 20th year receive medals of the federal level "For special achievements in learning" and the regional level "For special successes in educational activities".

In 20. year in our region, 29 graduates are awarded federal medals, of which 19 people will be awarded regional medals established by the Legislative Assembly ... of the region.

Dear (name of the head or chairman)! Today you will be presenting medals "For special achievements in educational activity" at the regional level, and graduates will receive federal medals no later than October 20. of the year.

Music as background.

For awarding the gold medal "For special achievements in educational activity" all the awardees are invited to the stage (name and surname of the graduate).

Dear graduates, there is no need to explain to anyone that the medals "For Special Achievements in Academic Activity" are a symbol of the appreciation of your personal long-term work.

And all these years, next to you, people have painstakingly paved the way for you to your goal, without whom it is unthinkable to imagine receiving today's awards - your parents!

To announce the gratitude of the head of the municipality ... the district for the invaluable parental work and worthy upbringing of the daughter is invited ... All awarded parents.

A school is a staircase that cannot be taken down. I got up on the first step - and already set off on a continuous path upward, and this road has no final point. A person studies all his life, but the starting point for everyone is school.

It is easy to walk when you see the light ahead of the mentor. The higher you rise, the brighter and warmer the light becomes - a spark of goodness, love and wisdom, a hot piece of the teacher's soul.

If there is a universal specialist in the world, then it is he - the TEACHER. Psychologist, teacher, educator, healer, confessor all rolled into one. But the most important thing is that he is a real, understanding, devoted, reliable friend.

To award gratitude to the head of the district, teachers are invited who prepared students who received high scores on the exam.

This is the pride of the education ... of the district! 5 people

It is especially pleasant to note today those students who showed high results in the unified state exam.

Day by day, the years pass faster and faster

Leaving questions, changing answers.

And who, if not you, know that knowledge is power and light.

And who, if not you, know that life is distinguished by the striving for light!

Graduates are awarded with thanks from the head of the district: 10 people

At the end of the award ceremony ...

Dear full name! Today most of the budget of our district is aimed at developing educational institutions... By making our school strong, you create a reliable future for your native ... and our great Russia! Thank you for that!

All graduates: Thank you!

Music sounds. The honorable persons leave the stage. The musical theme is changing.

June! The youth of the country is flourishing, but we must not forget June 1941, when the war took over the same enthusiastic hearts and eyes directed to a happy future.

It has been ... years since the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War... The memory of them - the young heroes of the war, will always live in the heart Russian people and passed on from generation to generation for the edification of descendants.

May the future of today's graduates be cloudless and peaceful. Dear graduates! The ship of your life today raises the scarlet sails of hope and high, talented dreams!

Introduction song "School Waltz" Against the background of the introduction:

Let the whole planet dance

Let the sadness and sadness go away

I believe that we are with you

See you someday ...

Will you give me a smile

And wave your hand to me

This day won't happen again

He's the only one in life.

Choreographic picture "Scarlet Sails". The first verse is a couple of graduates. Part 2 of the first verse - dance group- children in suits "design" a ship with scarlet sails from garlands of balls (5 garlands). Chorus and second verse - couples dancing.

Lost: Host.

Guys, you have to believe in miracles!

Sometime early spring morning

Sails fly up over the ocean,

And the violin will sing over the ocean ...

Not three eyes, because this is not a dream.

And the scarlet sail, however, flies proudly.

In the bay where the brave Gray found his Assol

In the bay where Assol waited for Gray.

Children let go of the boat with scarlet sails into the sky. Graduates release their balloons.

And let the symbol of your future happy life balls soaring into the sky!

Guys, letting go of the thread, have you forgotten to make your most cherished wish? It will definitely come true !!!

A musical theme sounds.


What is happening in the world?


It's just June.


just June, do you think?


We have witnessed today prom... And all of us are a little sad from this.


Ah, graduation! This is a reason to comprehend everything, there are a lot of them for so many years.


Yes, and there were many more victories and surprises, and joy, and grief ...


No, in graduation you only need to talk about kindness and light, like the sky is above me!


This, fortunately, is very easy to do. It is worth remembering that the most important thing in the world! ..

Sing the song "Do you know, do you remember?"

Music theme (in the background.)

We want Russia to spread its wings

So that the sun and stars always shine on her.

You will find a crossing from the past to tomorrow.

Your time has come, because you are right.

Everything is ahead of you: you are very young,

You are the youth and pride of our Russia.

Hand in hand, you will be able to fix everything!

Your time has come because you are right!

Dear graduates! You start your first independent steps in the 20th year, which is marked significant events: 22 Winter Olympic and 11 Paralympic Games were held in the… region.

These games once again proved to the whole world that our traditions are strong, and our country continues to bring up bright, strong athletes who are able to surprise and delight the world, bring joy to people, make the hearts of millions of our citizens beat in unison, filling them with pride for their Fatherland. ...

Music. The stage is filled with teachers (kindergartens). Music - background to the words of the presenter (he comes out alone to say the words).

Guys, school time leaves you irrevocably. Today's celebration is a milestone. The boundary between childhood and adulthood. But do not be sad and sad, because today you are on the verge of a new life, you open new stage in their destiny.

An exciting moment for hundreds of thousands of eleventh graders all over Russia. Today they say goodbye to school. Solemn rulers, a sea of ​​flowers, parting words from teachers and, of course, the last bell.

This year, for the first time, schools themselves chose a convenient date for the solemn lines, so in some places they have already taken place, and somewhere they will still celebrate in the week. But the majority is still traditionally celebrated on May 25th.

The last bell rang today in Crimea. At the school at the international children's center"Artek" organized a ball for the graduates. In Moscow, Red Square, Vorobyovy Gory, Poklonnaya, and VDNKh will become the venue for the largest festivities. Pupils of the Kolmogorov boarding school in Moscow are saying goodbye to school.

To your last lesson they came without delay. And how did you not want it to end! After all, today the graduates were allowed to choose which teacher to go to. They wanted to remember every moment of this day in detail, so they did not stop taking pictures for a second and once again walked around the whole school together.

The girls will not sit down - they are afraid to wrinkle ironed blouses and skirts. Boys are helped to straighten ties and bow ties. The last day of school should be spent on "five plus".

This is the most exciting moment. The schoolyard is full. Parents and teachers freeze in anticipation, graduates are preparing to leave. The music is about to die down, and the last bell will ring for them.

The most successful students get the right to carry the bell, although it is not easy to choose them here. To the boarding school. Kolmogorov, only the best come from all over Russia. But today they do not think about grades and exams, but only talk about how much they will miss.

“It's a pity to leave such a situation, to leave the guys with whom we have become so friends here and have become really family. It’s sad to leave our teachers ... But, on the other hand, it’s natural that we grow up, and today everyone was so proud to put on the ribbons of graduates, and it was at that moment that we felt that, indeed, graduates, ”says a graduate of the Kolmogorov Moscow State University Natalia Strelnikova.

“For the most part, I will miss the conversations that we had with friends, about mathematics, about physics,” says Jibril Musigarbe, a graduate of the SSCC.

They say goodbye to the school so that they will be remembered for a long time. On the festive concert each number is a dedication to one of the teachers. The voice sometimes broke, and it became more and more difficult to hold back the tears.

“The holiday is twofold - both joyful and at the same time, of course, sad. Usually our graduates do not forget us, they come often, especially in the first year. They get bored, and we meet them with pleasure, ”says Larisa Smirnova, teacher of biology at the Kolmogorov Moscow State University.

For the graduates of this gymnasium, parting with school is also parting with home. More than half of them live in a hostel. They are not just friends, but already native people. So many people decide to enter one university and one faculty.

“They will still be somewhere nearby, they will enter Moscow University, other universities - they will not go far. So they will maintain this connection for the rest of their lives, ”says Kirill Semyonov, director of the Kolmogorov Moscow State University SSCC.

Tomorrow they will sit down again for their textbooks. The first exams in geography and literature are already on Friday, and they promise not to forget the school and come together for the holidays.


"On the air" School News "

Footage "The beginning of graduation".

Host 1 Good evening.

Lead 2

We are glad to welcome dear teachers and parents of alumni, distinguished guests and just heartfelt friends to the festive hall.

Good evening to you! kind prom!

Slide "School News"

Lead 1

On the air "School News"

Lead 2.

Time rushes in full swing

Calls us behind him!

Flew by year after year

Many days already, and now ...

Everyone is ready, everything is ready:

Flowers, smiles and words.

So meet in this room

The culprits of the great celebration!

We greet the graduates of 2010 with friendly applause and class teacher Perov N.A.

Graduates rise to the stage to the music of the "School Waltz"

The celebration is best time a year.

Everyone is smart, kind and attentive

We wish everyone that the sky is a big star,

You are sure to light it today.

May star destiny without delay

Will write a new chapter in life!

Dreams, love, success and inspiration,

Let a holiday in reality give you!

Graduates go down to the "School Waltz" in the hall

Dear graduates!

Your year of study is over ...

And the first takeoff, and the first fall ...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment ...

While you are together, class, still close ...

So, our program opens with a report from the hall of the House of Culture, where a solemn ceremony of presenting certificates of graduation from a basic secondary school is taking place. And the honorary right to open the ceremony is given to the director of the school, V.I. . (goes to music) The director addresses them with words of greetings and wishes of good luck.

The solemn moment is coming ...

Graduates receive a school leaving certificate.

Presentation "Presentation of certificates"

( Graduates receive certificates and remain on stage) + certificates from the school + certificates from the Palace of Culture and the library.

Ved. So, the report from the ceremony of presenting certificates is finished and now we are passing the microphones to the heroes of today's celebration to find out how they feel now.

(A word to graduates) poems for teachers + song to the tune "Just give"

It's hard to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I would like to find kind words for everyone.

Never again will I be a schoolgirl.

Do not rush to skip to lesson.

A mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but my soul is in turmoil,

The girls have tears. Why?

How we have been waiting for this moment

How many years have been preparing for it!

Close and a little distant

School is our second home -

Like a bright and strict memory

We will take it with us in our hearts.

Nine years ... from such first graders

We grew and gained strength.

And so many years older today

There were those who taught us good things.

Gray strands are powdered,

A new wrinkle has laid down ...

Smart, beautiful, good,

My teachers are strict!

I give you all the spring flowers

All the love that is in the heart of the bank.

In life until the last moment

I am indebted to you.

We continue our program. We bring to your attention the announcement of the final series of the m / s "My Fair Nanny". The first teacher of our graduates is invited to the stage, brilliantly performing throughout three years its important role. We meet Suyunchaliyeva B.K.

Slide "photo of the 1st class with S.B.K" + fanfare under the exit

Poem for the first teacher.

Do you recognize us? Look ...

Your first graders are standing here!

We wore big knapsacks,

Rulers, pens, and notebooks

We remember you with love,

So dear, so familiar.

Like a mom, you treated us

And we were with you as at home.

Thank you bow down

Accept from all graduates

We will remember you like this

And we can't change our memory

Graduates are now in front of you

They want to kneel

Give flowers

Ved. The floor for congratulations is given to S. B. K

Who led you into the depths and breadth of knowledge,

Who opened before you,

How difficult it is to say goodbye to them ..

It’s not easy ... But this moment has come!

We meet the class teacher of the 9th grade N.A. Perova.

Congratulations to the children.

A word to the graduates (verse by Vick)

Everything was: roads, and adversity,

And the light of the sun, and the light of your beloved eyes ...

I look into the past years

I remember you with warmth and feeling ...

I took an example from you, went to you for advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light

That is enough to warm up ten.

You give everything to great work,

You will awaken a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living.

For your deeds and thoughts, beauty!

We will never forget you

We will love and remember all our lives.

Second mother - you are with us!

Our whole class is grateful to you.

The graduates sing for you,

who did not carry diaries every day.

And, sometimes, everyone ran away from lessons ...

But you, believe me, respected you all!

(song to the tune "Birthday")

Ved. On the eve of the prom, the special correspondent visited the teachers' room of our school and learned the opinion of teachers about today's graduates. So, pay attention to the screen.

Ved. So, it was our special correspondent who visited the secret place for our students - the school teacher's room.

And our broadcast will continue with a reportage on the topic "School days"


The current model of the Losers (he) is introduced.

Late 20th century model of a Losers, made in full size. Outwardly, she is no different from a good student, but internally ...
(Pointing to the head)
- What do you think it is?
All: head.
He: - What do you know about the head?
One student (raises his hand). One head it's good, but two better.
Losers: - Ha ha ha! Mine alone is enough for you to get everyone's head spinning!
He: - Let's go further. These are two ears. Why two?
Losers: - So that it flew into one, and flew into the other ...
He: - Eyes are given ...
Losers: - Look into other people's notebooks. Written off - order!
He: This is the mouth. What for? To speak...
Losers: - But I have not learned! And I forgot my notebook! ... For what a deuce?
He: - Let's go further. These are hands….
Losers: - And why are you so little about my hands? You would talk a lot about the hands of an excellent student. Yes, from my hands and feet the whole class and the whole school are crying: tugging at the braids, unscrewing the nuts on chairs and tables, scribbled tables, notes in all directions, calls, conversations, chatting on the phone - my handiwork ...
He: - Yours, yours ... Do you have any questions?
Losers: - And we will leave school, will there still be such people?
He: - We wish you that this was the last poor student in your school life(carried away, he resists).
Losers: - I'll leave myself! Took a fashion to criticize ...

Song to the tune "Forgive me, believe me"

Ved .: Thank you, graduates.

And now on the air - the constant heading "For you, parents"

Dear Parents! Graduates, of course, do not say goodbye to you, but they say goodbye to you. school age, their school joys and failures, grades and diary entries.

Mothers, beloved kind mothers!

We want to thank you.

For caring, for being with us

Everyone is ready to pass the exams.

You passed from class to class,

They gained knowledge and grew,

Everything that we were taught at school -

You helped us to master everything.

Always be young

As beautiful as it is now

And we will try very

There is nothing to upset you!

Ved. The floor is given to the parents of graduates

To the song “ Parental home»Parents go up to the stage.

If the son is the first everywhere,

The stars from the sky are easily enough

It's all parenting nerves

Heaven is moving towards him.

If a daughter grows up to the joy of others,

Clever, sportswoman and artist,

So it was mom who tried-

And she was also a close friend.

Here they are - beloved children:

Your boys and your girls

Your little ones, your little ones.

There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given for daughters and sons!

How many hard and long years

Given for daughters and sons!

Song to the tune "Light the Lights"

Perova N.A.

Who loved children, caressed

Who did not sleep at night,

Who worried about them,

And sometimes he was grim?

Patiently, day after day

I raised them.

Did you help the teacher?


Handing letters of thanks to parents. (Screensaver 21)

Well, we continue the "School News" program with the reportage "This never happens again ..."

Video showing.

Under the words of the leader, the children rise to the final song.

Nine flew past school years, you have grown up and now you understand well that there is good and evil, good and bad, beautiful and noble in the world. In school, you learned fairness, honesty. And today it's time to say goodbye. Some of you will continue their studies in the tenth grade, some will leave school, but all of you will forever remember your school years, the lessons that you have learned here, those with whom you are fortunate enough to meet every day.

Song to the tune "Light it up"

Dear graduates! And today you will continue the tradition of our school and light the 2010 alumni star in the schoolyard.

This concludes our broadcast.

And you, dear viewers, turn on any program to your taste, as well as you can actively participate in such programs as "Lick your fingers" (ie banquet) and Dance show "Dance while you are young".

Goodbye, see you soon.