What can be drawn on the school theme. How to draw school and teachers with a pencil - simple phased lessons for beginners

What can be drawn on the school theme. How to draw school and teachers with a pencil - simple phased lessons for beginners

Now we will have a lesson for gradual drawing class, or a classroom room. The class is a place at school, where students are usually engaged during a lesson. This is usually a big bright room. It should have several windows to be sufficient lighting. On the front board always hangs a chalk board for chalk. In the classroom there are parties (student tables) for several pieces in several rows. Usually there are three such rows. There are passages between the rows. Each table has two chairs. On the ceiling there are lamps of daylight. Also lamps can hang over the board. Pupils are usually engaged in the class or office attached. Sometimes students can go from the office to the office when changing the subject. Sometimes it is necessary to portray your classroom. This lesson will help you with this. Make it will be not so simple. Follow our prompts. Be careful. You can arm a ruler. It is recommended to draw a class on a large sheet of Watman, because in the figure a lot of parts and for them you need a lot of space.

Stage 1. Initially, we construct the walls of the walls. To do this, select a point and carry out from it in three sides. The bottom is the lines of intersection of walls and gender. Vertical - this is the corner of the room. Then, at the top of the vertical straight line, we also choose the point and you will already carry out two straight and at a short distance two more parallel to the first. These are lines of the intersection of walls and ceiling.

Stage 2. Draw windows on the wall. With the help of the line we will build two rectangles. In the forefront, we show the slopes and on both windows at the bottom will make windowsill.

Stage 3. Now we draw the frames on the windows and between them.

Stage 4. On the front wall, draw the board. It consists of the main part and two side parts. At the bottom of the main part of the board Stand for chalk. On the side of the board light switch. Load the straight line on the ceiling to the wall with a board. Above the boards are two day lighting lamps. They are thin and long.

Stage 5. Now, at this stage you have to portray many desks with tables. Draw them using a ruler. So it will be more convenient for you. Start from the first row by the window. There are three desks and six chairs. Then the middle row: four parties and eight chairs and at the end of the third row as well as the first. The basis of each table is a rectangle. Chair seat - square. The back of the chair is a rectangle.

Stage 6. Here it is necessary to draw the legs of each table with thin lines and the chair.

Stage 7. On the ceiling, we draw rectangular plaffones covering light bulbs.

Stage 8. In the end, we get this picture. It came out a black and white pattern. It can be painted in those colors that are present in your class.

Let the schoolboy sits an Afas. Then because of the desk, only its upper part will be visible - above the belt, as well as the legs below the knees. Better to start creativity with student table image. It is located at the bottom of the sheet.

Draw a rectangle placed horizontally. This is the lid of the party. In both sides, down from it is moving on one leg, they stand on them. Between the legs of the student table and the lid of the parties draw another rectangle. His big side is equal to the length of the table covers. It closes the bottom of the schoolchild's body.

Head and face

It's time to depict him himself. Decide how much the child is the years. If he visits the initial classes, the part of the body, which looks out of the desk, is 1.5 times the diameter of his head. That is, the body in relation to the head has a ratio of 1.5: 1. In high school, the proportion becomes 2: 1, in the older - 2.5-3: 1.

In the place where the student will sit at the desk, make a distinguish from this scheme. The easiest way to draw a straight line, which rushes up from the table covers. Measure the number of centimeters that you leave on the drawing of the head and body.

Start from the image of the head. If the student is still very young, let it be round. A high school student may have an oval form. It will help the face to make a symmetrical line again. With the help of it and a pencil, spend a vertical cut, which divides the face of a schoolboy in the pressure.

Start drawing the details of the face. Take a ruler. Position it vertically, divide the circle or oval into 3 parts. Put in these places on the point. Swipe through the entire circle on these points 3 barely noticeable horizontal lines.

On the first draw eyes. They are symmetrically located relative to the vertical line. Above them - eyebrows. On the second line, put 2 points - these are nostrils. You can spend a small horizontal line in this place. This is the bottom of the nose.

Lips also depict symmetrical. They are located between the second and third horizontal segments. Upstairs draw the hair, on one line with eyes behind the circle or oval - ears.

Body, Schoolchild Feet

Draw your neck, then shoulders. A child dressed in a suit, a t-shirt or shirt. Hands pressed to the body to elbow. Draw them slightly bent. The bottom of the hand lies on the desk. Picture a notebook on it. The student holds the left half of the revealed notebook. To give it to canvas, draw only a thumb. The rest are under notebook. Right hand holds a pencil. A diligent boy makes the mark in it.

The back of the chair is visible from behind him. It is depicting in the form of a square. She comes to the shoulders of the child. From under the parties it looks out of his lower legs from the knees. On the legs - pants. At the feet depicting boots. Only the front part of them is visible.

Erase the auxiliary lines. Picture of a schoolchildren at the desk ready.

Drawing is a tempting and fascinating occupation. This will agree with everything who at least once tried to reflect their own fantasies with a pencil or paints on paper. Beginner artists visual art is given easier, simple schoolchildren are more difficult. But everyone who is full of inspiration and faith in itself, the drawing will be bright, interesting and unusual. It is always better to start artistic classes with the fact that it is familiar with simple colors, pets or simple illustrations on the topic: "School". For children, they will become an excellent error in memory, and in adults will cause a warm nostalgic mood. But how to draw school to miss anything, and all the details were in our places? The perfect option is to use our phased instructions with photos and videos. See how to draw teachers, class, school courtyard and other things in our current article.

How to draw a native school with a simple pencil stages - instructions for children 7-8 years

Draw a school in a phased simple pencil is not at all difficult. You can transfer your attitude to your favorite educational institution on paper, depicting a cool room, the first teacher with a pointer in hand, a bell with a ribbon or a portfolio with a tutorial. And you can simply draw your urban or village school with all its nuances and features: wide front door, high window vaults, traditional balustrade and multistage porch.

Read and see how to draw a native school with a simple pencil in stages, in the instructions for children of 7-8 years.

Necessary materials for drawing "Native School" by a simple pencil according to instructions for children

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • rule

Step-by-step instructions for creating a picture "Native School" Pencil for children 7-8 years

How to draw a school of the future to the colors in the 5th grade

What does school look like in your imagination? In which classes would you like to study? What is filled with a school courtyard in which new Scholars will be happy to spend time? Have you already thought about it? It is time to reflect their fantasies on paper and draw a school of the future to the colors in the 5th grade. With a large and friendly front entrance and wide light windows, with motley curtains or floral porridges, with a traditional low parapet or colorful floral greenhouse. How to draw a school of the future to the colors in the 5th grade, the artist will decide.

Required materials, for drawing "School of the Future" paints

  • sheet of white landscape paper A4
  • simple pencil sharpen
  • paints watercolor honey
  • art brushes
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions, how to draw to the paints of the school of the future child in grade 5

  1. Put landscape paper horizontally. In the middle, draw a small rectangle, stretched to the sides. From both sides, add a narrow rectangle, speaking just below the central one. So you will have the outline of the school building of the P-shaped layout.
  2. Through the entire building, draw two straight horizontal lines, separating the construction into three smooth horizontal parts.
  3. On the lower "floor" in the very center, you will show a two-dimensional entrance door.
  4. Add the front door of the details: visor, threshold, door handles and steps.
  5. On the central building of the building erase old lines and draw seven new, separating the wall on smooth horizontal stripes.
  6. In each second strip, draw small vertical strips forming squares-windows. The remaining lines will erase.
  7. Similarly, draw long horizontal strips on the side housings.
  8. Add vertical lines to get windows. Everything is superior to erase.
  9. In each window, hover the windowsill and window frame. Add the school suitable roof. On separate windows you can draw curtains or flower pots with small plants.

Keep in mind! Optionally, you can add relief walls (tile, brick, etc.) To do this, it is enough to spread the thin mesh on the flat surfaces of the facades, barely pressed on the pencil.

Detailed instructions, how to draw teachers on physical education, school courtyard or class, for novice artists

Each novice artist depicts a school on canvas in his own way: someone - in the form of a cozy "watercolor" school courtyard, someone embodies it in the image of a small schoolboy with a heavy wounder. We offer all young tanners to draw a native class with strict rows of old parties and a wide neat board. Detailed instructions, how to draw teachers on physical education, school courtyard or class, for novice artists, look for below.

Required materials for drawing "Native class" novice artists

  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser
  • ruler at least 10 cm

Detailed instructions for novice artists how to draw a school class

  1. To make a cool room perfectly on the landscape sheet, put it on the table horizontally. Divide the cloth into several zones (floor, ceiling, wall, etc.), as in the photo using a simple pencil and a ruler.
  2. At the second stage, mark the location scheme with parties, windows on the walls, the blackboard.
  3. Start drawing the contours of the part with high legs, leaving the same distance between them. Do not forget! Items located closer to us always look bigger in comparison with those that are in the background. Even if in reality, their dimensions are the same.
  4. It's time to add to the parties chairs and arrange additional fields around the chalkboard.
  5. At this stage, make up the windows: draw the window frames, add curtains and eaves. Position the relief from the ventilation system, ceiling beams, etc.
  6. Just below the windows, place radiators with narrow oblong sections. Erase all auxiliary lines.
  7. If there is a desire and inspiration, in the foreground two schoolchildren leading an imperious dialogue. With such detailed instructions, how to draw teachers on physical education, school courtyard or class, novice artists will not have any problems.

How to draw teachers at the board with a pencil phased for children of senior classes

Unlike adults, teenagers are difficult to realize the value of the daily teacher labor and the global effect of educators on the fate of each of us. But not in vain say that the teacher is able to make a person from monkey. Assessing the difficult work of teachers can be appreciated only in a conscious age, putting responsibility for someone else. In the meantime, teenagers stay to learn to read, write, make and, of course draw.

Do not waste time, take care of creativity! Use our instructions, how to draw teachers at a pencil board in stages for high school students.

Necessary materials for drawing "Teacher at the board" pencil

  • a sharp pencil with a soft rod
  • eraser
  • sheet of white album paper A4

On a note! Children in high schools can draw teachers at the board on any toned paper. Illustration of a teacher on a yellow, pale blue or light lilac background will look brighter and deeper.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pencil pencil "Teacher at the board" for high school students

  1. Put the paper sheet horizontally. In the central part, select a place where the teacher will stand. Sketch the body and head loop. From two sides of the torsa schematically, the shoulder joints are schematically.
  2. Continue the hands in the natural position, depicting the elbow joints with circles, and the rest is the straight lines.
  3. Add volume limbs. In the left palm "insert" a pointer.
  4. Start the image detail: draw the collar along and the right sleeve of the jacket.
  5. Dorisite the teacher's suit in detail - the second sleeve, folds and pockets on the jacket. Picture hand brushes, clearly drawing all your fingers.
  6. Mouse over all the auxiliary lines in the teacher.
  7. Getting Started by drawing the bottom of the head: depict your chin, nose, lips and a small podium.
  8. Dorisite completely face and ears. Special attention is paid to eyes and eyebrows.
  9. Make a neat hairstyle. Let the hair be collected in a tight beam on the back of the head.
  10. In the background, draw a large rectangle blackboard. Write a primitive mathematical example on the working area.
  11. Will erase all the remaining auxiliary lines, bring the drawing to the ideal. Strip the outfit teacher with a soft pencil, add glare into the eyes.

From our useful article you probably learned how to draw school, teachers and a classroom with a pencil and paints. Detailed step-by-step instructions with photos and videos will be useful not only to children of 7-8 years or students of 7-11 classes, but even novice artists.

How to draw school?

Draw a school building is quite simple. However, still before drawing a pencil school, some nuances should consider, so it will look more realistic, and the drawing will not resemble geometric shapes.

In order to draw school, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, eraser and a simple pencil. To build the whole sheet of paper, it is better to arrange horizontally. It should also be declared how to draw school, that is, with the facial (from the facade) or in the future (in this case, you will need to raise at least two sides of the building).

Draw a school

With the help of a simple pencil, it is necessary to make sketches. Use the line to achieve direct lines is not recommended because it is a drawing, and not a drawing. If you decide to draw only the front side, the facade rectangle should be located slightly below the middle of the sheet. After that, you can designate nearby objects - trees, school garden, and so on. Then you should start drawing the building, pointing the porch and winding windows on the facade.

After that, you need to pay attention to small objects - school tablet, curb, roof, window design and doors. Now you can go to the surrounding objects. Draw a path, trees, fence. You can also add the figures of schoolchildren going to school. Then you should clarify small details, such as blinds and flowers on the windows, tile. After that, you can remove unnecessary lines with an eraser and apply a light hatching if you do not want to paint the drawing.

If you draw a school building in the future, the drawing should be started with the closest angle to you. Next, it is necessary to build roof lines and bases that, according to the law, the prospects must be found on the horizon. Also drawing a school in perspective, you should consider that you will need to position the door and windows. And the closer the windows to you - the amount of size should be more. Now you know how to draw school stages, and you can do it in two variations.

The school is an integral part of childhood and youth of any person. That is why the question of how to draw school is always relevant. If it is good and colorfully draw a pencil school, it may be a very interesting poster or a postcard dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.
Before drawing school to prepare:
one). Paper;
2). Elastic erase;
3). Pencil;
four). Multicolored pencils;
five). Liner.

To understand how to draw school it was easier, it is recommended to split the work process on the image into several stages:
1. Start a schematic sketch. Note the school building and the track leading to it;
2. Note the figurines of the pair of schoolgirls in the foreground;
3. Draw the roof of the school;
4. Put the facade of the building, as well as draw the porch;
5. Draw the windows. On the sides of the school, you will show trees and shrubs;
6. Distribute students who are in the foreground. To make a drawing more interesting, depict a few more guys away a little;
7. Realizing how to draw a pencil school in stages, you can paint it. For this purpose, not only color pencils are perfectly suitable, but also markers or paints. Before taking care of the pencils, carefully read the whole sketch of the liner;
8. Will erase the overall sketch;
9. Skin the track leading to school, a pencil of a light brown shade. Grass Color the pale green tone;
10. Green pencil places Make a shade of grass slightly more rich. Brown tone shadow the trunks of both trees. Foliage foliage with pencils of orange and yellow colors;
11. The sky is toned with a gentle blue pencil. The roof of the building is coloring silver-gray, gray and golden pencils;
12. Coloring the school building, its windows and porch with pencils of the corresponding shades;
13. Skin the clothes, hair and faces of students in various colors.
School drawing is now ready! Knowing how to draw school gradually, you can make original and bright greeting cards dedicated to such popular holidays as September 1 or the day of the teacher! You can decorate such postcards with all sorts of sparkles, and so that the drawing is as colorful as possible, it is possible to use a gouache or watercolor instead of the pencils. The main thing is to choose in this case it follows solid and high-quality paper, for example, Watman.