Quotes from Anime "Your Name. Your name - Kimi No Na Wa Anime Your name How many episodes

Quotes from Anime
Quotes from Anime "Your Name. Your name - Kimi No Na Wa Anime Your name How many episodes

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- ❬❬ Good day ❭❭ -


I decided to make a selection of quotes from Anime "Your Name". Information is taken from the Internet. I will leave a link to the source at the end of the post.

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Enjoy reading⸙

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I open my eyes in the morning and for some reason I cry. It happens to me. I can't remember that dream. Only ... only ... I remember that I lost something. This feeling does not leave me for a long time and during the day. I always seek something or someone.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

This feeling captured me for a long time. Probably that day ... that day, when the stars flew off from the sky. It seemed as if I found himself in a wonderful dream. In my head, only two words are indescribable beauty.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Threads are wangling and acquired form. Twisted, messed up, sometimes they are unraveling, they are rushing, but then they wooled again. This is Musubi, weaving knots. This is the time itself.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Who are you? Why did I come here? To see her! Save it! I wanted her to live! But who? Who is it? Who did I want to see? Dear man who do not want to forget! Which should not be forgotten! But who? Who? Who? Who? Your name?

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

And you lap my chest!

Uh ... where did you know?

Jotzuha saw everything.

AAA ... Sorry, could not do anything. Yes, and only once

Only one? What is the difference how much! Balbes!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Of course, we will not meet. But ... if it turns out, how do I do? He will get angry or will it just be awkward? Or maybe ... he will be glad? Of course, we will not meet. But ... in one I am confident: if we see each other, I'll immediately understand that you lived with me that I lived you.

Good day, dear aniboxy! Today I, Aimi-chan, will introduce you to a very romantic and touching anime. Therefore, take a handkerchief with you and sit comfortably, as you are waiting for you the best moments of this wonderful creativity with:

But! I warn you right away! Material contains spoilers! So, if you find out something, do not throw in me: s
So, let's start: s

I open my eyes in the morning and for some reason I cry. It happens to me. I can't remember that dream. Only ... only ... I remember that I lost something. This feeling does not leave me for a long time and during the day. I always seek something or someone.

Yes, get out already!
- Well, what are you harmful?
- You're hard.
- Grubian.

Mitsuha, you're sleeping now?

Threads are wangling and acquired form. Twisted, messed up, sometimes they are unraveling, they are rushing, but then they wooled again. This is Musubi, weaving knots. This is the time itself.

- Yes ...
- How did you manage to get lost on the way to school?
- Well, just ... I got carried away ...
- Fascinated?
- I got carried away!
- mm?
- Ugly ...
- AA?
- got carried away!
- Yeah!
- Haa ... I got too carried away! In Tokyo, life boys. Fun!

What? Are we?
- Are we with her?
- In dreams, we are with him ...
- In dreams, we are with her ...
- Change bodies?!

Musubi, if time can be reversed, please ... Give me another chance.

In whatever corner of the world you did not, I will look for you.

Who are you? Why did I come here? To see her! Save it! I wanted her to live! But who? Who is it? Who did I want to see? Dear man who do not want to forget! Which should not be forgotten! But who? Who? Who? Who? Your name?

Three years ago, when I did not know you yet. Then, three years ago, you came to see me!

- Taki ... Taki ... Are you true? Taki!
- I came to see you. I had to try. You were so far.
- But how? After all, I then ...
- I drank your Kurikovaca.
- EE? Did you drank him?! Fool! Pervert!
- What?!

- And you lap my chest!
- EE ... How did you know?
- Joatsuha saw everything.
- AAA ... Sorry, could not do anything. Yes, and only once
- Only one? What is the difference how much! Balbes!
- Sorry.

Of course, we will not meet. But ... if it turns out, how do I do? He will get angry or will it just be awkward? Or maybe ... he will be glad? Of course, we will not meet. But ... in one I am confident: if we see each other, I'll immediately understand that you lived with me that I lived you.

Once and you will find your happiness.

This animation tape is about two simple Japanese schoolchildren. She lives a modest life in a small town in Japan's province, he is a student of the Tokyo school. The story begins when he wakes up in her body, and she is in him, and they do not understand at all what it happened. However, the next morning they wake up in ordinary bodies, and very vaguely remember what happened yesterday. However, such transformations continue ... Although the most interesting starts when they stop.

The film begins with the acquaintance with the main characters - the same Tatiban and Mitsuha Miamiju, waking up, they feel the feeling of losing something important to them. Further, the film begins a story about the life of Mitsuhi Miydzu, high school students living in rural areas. She wakes up in a stupor, but quickly comes to himself. In school, friends inform her that in the afternoon she behaved very unusual, but Mitsuha could not remember anything. Upon returning home as Miko, as a ritual, they and sisters in the inhabitants are made by satellites (this is the type of ancient SACE, manufactured by chewing rice). In the crowd of Mitsuha notes his classmates who condemn it and consider it disgusting. After the end of the ritual, she breaks down and shouts to the entire district about hate to his native city and his life, and that the next time wishes to be born a beautiful boy from Tokyo. The next morning, Mitsuha somehow turns out to be transferred to the body of a high school student Takiban, living in the center of Tokyo, not knowing how and why it happened.

Soon and Mitsuha understand that they are both transported in each other's bodies during sleep and decide to try to find this reason. After time, they begin to consider life in someone else's body, for short periods of time, cheerful and interesting, agree not to enter everyone, leaving notes and notes about each other's bodies. But, despite the agreements, Mitsuha helps one to get closer to his colleague Okudra and eventually appoints a date with her. At the end of the day spent with the same, his colleague leaves him, saying that he now like someone else, and not she. Unfortunately, the transformation stops. After thinking, Taki is trying to contact Mitsuha, but fails. Subsequently, he decides to talk to her personally, going to her hometown.

Not knowing neither the name of the city, nor where he is, he relies exclusively on his sketches, which drew from the local landscapes, and trying to find the road there. Accomparing his friend Tsukas Fuji and Colleagues Miki Okudar, he travels through other parts of Japan to find this town. In one restaurant, the waitress recognizes the landscape in the picture, saying that this city was beautiful. The owner of the restaurant will take them to where this town was previously (now instead the giant crater), and says that the comet has destroyed Itori 3 years ago by killing one third of the population. Taki browsing the list of names of people who died from the incident, and finds the name of Mitsuhi and both of her friends, Katsuchiko Tassigavara and Sayaki Natori.

Already, without realizing that there is a reality, he is trying to find notes that Mitsuha left in his phone to make sure that he did not dream, but right in his eyes they all disappear. After that, the same goes to the underground temple in the mountains, in which Grandma Mitsuhi drove the sisters to present the cutes-sake as a gift to the gods. Realizing that his and Mitshai temporary frames were previously synchronized, the Sake drank, made by Mitsha, in the hope of restore the connection with her body before hitting the comet fragment. In her body, he tells friends about the catastrophe and shakes them in an attempt to evacuate the city. The spirit of Mitsuhi awakens in the body, and she heads to the top of the mountain, where it follows in the body of Mitsuhi, but they cannot see each other. But as soon as the sun sits down and comes Katarier-docks (twilight), they return to their bodies and now, standing there, can see each other. Despite the joy of the meeting, Taki warns Mitsuhu about the ambulance and says that it is necessary to convince her father to evacuate the population until it is too late. They also decide that they should write their own names in their hands, so as not to forget about each other and about their exchange bodies. But before they have time to finish writing, their reunion breaks up, the Sun fully disappeared and they returned to their time frame. Despite the fact that they are desperately trying to remember each other's names, they do nothing.

5 years later, it was shown that the inhabitants of the town of Itori managed to escape, and Mitsuha and still occur somewhere in Tokyo on the staircase. And at least they have no memories of moving between bodies, they feel that they know each other and ask each other's names.

Last year, the triumph was conquered the Cinemas Anime "Your Name" from the wonderful director Makoto Synk, before that was in the hearts of the narrow circle of connoisseurs. The most beautiful, cash and high-completed full-length in the history of Anime after the work of Miyazaki.

Success resulted in 350 million dollars in the box office. More reached only "my neighbor Totoro". Rumors about the new masterpiece from Japan spread the srangian radio. And now Synk is called new hope and the most shining star of Japanese animation.

For more than a year, Blu-ray did not go. We wanted to roll more. Nevertheless, anyone who wanted, looked in an affordable quality. Even the dubbage arrived, Russian and Ukrainian. Honestly, I do not understand such people.

Naturally, I waited for the release of disks, which occurred at the end of July 2017. That's just. For the first week, 638 394 copies were sold! Madly a lot. It is time to evaluate this masterpiece.

I have already 10 years old as a fan Macoto sync. I am not interested in his sudden glory, wonderful paintings came out without big budgets. "Five centimeters per second" is one of the first in my list of favorite artwork. At the same time I do not like Miyazaki. Think of tomatoes.

After such an introductory, I want to talk about the last work Sink not in a positive key. By the end of the article will go big spoilers! It is assumed that you have already looked at the movie.

Let's immediately say about the appearance, so that later it does not remember it once again. Too obvious. Impeccable graphic. Finally, well-drawn characters. Although it is a pity that their style is specifically close to the Grandmith Miyazaki and Josoda. There used to be distinctive faces. Well, backs, landscapes, nature, cities are the highest quality in the world. Here you have 6 screenshots of visual pleasure.

Compliments to exclude at the end of the article. Let's go through the plot to understand why I did not like the last film "Artist over the clouds".

At Synk it turned out what is usually characterized as "Summer Blockbuster". Stupid, attracted collection of all the best, but beaten looking flawlessly. Commercial product.

Very rushed in the eye set of templates. Both anime, and personally Sinkaevsky. Trim hair, suffer about life in a deaf village, pass by each other in a big city, look at an unusual heavenly phenomenon. Light targets. It is enough to throw proven moves in the story - and they will work. Here their mass, they like a nodule between beautiful backgrounds.

The repetition of the same artistic techniques from old works like sunlights on the background of the girl carrying ahead. The same theme of love at a distance, forgetting and parting. But once the abstracts expressed simply repeated without the development of thought. On the contrary, it is a step back compared to the "five centimeters".

Jokes are repeated, lines of minor characters are blurred. The story has grown stricter, and the time for static personnel and household episodes the author pays the same. As a result, the story suffers from schematics, and emotional moments do not carry sufficient semantic load.

The "Garden of Graceful Words" had a bad scenario, "Cattle Votes" had a raw approach, the "distant star voice" there was no budget. Here are the main claims for me. Although it would seem where there should be no misses.

Not previously explained, the story begins with the fact that the boy and the girl periodically change their bodies. Their ordinary life in their body does not show, but introduce her through the eyes of another dumbfounded hero.

The sequence of scenes is wicked successfully. The viewer gradually understands what is happening, and comes closer with the characters, asking them the same questions. You can even think that such successful solutions accompany the entire timing, but it is deceptive to a good tip.

Taciban's high school student still lives in Tokyo, enjoys drawing and architecture, in the evenings work in a prestigious Italian restaurant. Miyamiz Mitsuha is the same age. Performs ritual dancing in the temple at the grandmother, tolerates the alienation of the father-mayor, suffers from a boredom. Both dream of getting out of their surroundings: Cleafomani and extinguishing megalopolis.

The opposite of the desires performed with the change of the body is poorly shown. But there are many funny situations related to work and friends. Mitsuha receives the fame of the kitsanka, and the same manages to tie relations with a colleague at the Okudra restaurant.

The nature of mystical relocations do not explain. Maybe it's dreams? But no! The film is generally suffering from inexpensively. Straight answers are drowning in a plot suprek.

When the ghost of romance appeared for the first time, remember, the girl was crying when aware that the boy was now on a dating organized by her, it came from nowhere.

Sorry, this is the key moment of the film, and he has failed. Interaction through text messages is shown very briefly, generalized. The adaptation to the difficulties of life in another body is shown in detail - the rest is removed on a distant background. And then suddenly the same on the date they say that it can be seen - he loves another!

Where did the understanding of love from the early works of Sink? Here just in the plot is spelled out - it means, accept, they already fell in love.

It happened on the 40th minute, when, again, nothing but adapting to difficulties was not between the characters. Nor a hint of attachment, friendship, sympathy - nothing!

Somewhere on the same minutes closer to the middle they cease to change their bodies. Why? Again a word of explanation. Unlike good works, where, you know, the scene turns have a reason.

Here is the journey of the main character and the friends felt behind him was funny. Although it was not the slightest reason to go with him. They tried to find the city in drawing. I'm sorry, what? He does not know where a person lives, whose body spent several days? Yes, the first question that would ask each: Where am I?

In general, the turning point is that three years ago, the city of Ittory, together with Mitsuha, squeezed fallen a fragment of the comet. Time travel was added to the resettlement. Mitsuha died, and the events that she saw her eyes was happening three years ago in front of the catastrophe.

So you can save it! And yes, the film moves in the right direction - to prevent the death of people with a person from the future. At least the resettlement ceased, it was possible to get into the simulated Itori because the hero came to a mystical place and drank Sake, cooked by the priestess of the temple ... Do not ask. Maybe everything is happening further - his drunken nonsense.

The salvation of the city was interesting. If you omit the reaction of some people who were not allowed to penetrate what was happening. Why did friends believe in the fall of the meteorite, if Mitsuha did not tell them about relocation to another body? Why the savior was surprised by the Father's refusal, if ... did not tell him about relocation to another body?

Why she, fool (fool), does not explain anything sister, guys, but only shouts: "Run!" And herself dumps ... The fact that she went to that innermost place, of course, did not prevent, but then it looked like a girl tupit, and then he gives Dera.

An episode with salvation was to become dynamic, but turned into some kind of sucks with clarifying spiritual torments. Again, bad setting. But the role was played by the fact that school friends were fond of radio, and the heroine is the daughter of the mayor.

Next we are thrown over time, showing the last turn of the plot. Mitsuha went to Tokyo and randomly (!) Meets his boy's altera ego in the carriage. But how do you penetrate, if we have just extended from the subsurface with the salvation of the city?! That is, the city will explode in a couple of hours, but it is not so important for a tolik as a girl traveling on a bike to the boy.

For some reason, the riding - the author does not explain why! Does not speak with the viewer. Just gives a scene, which is built as it should touch, and it remains satisfied with the result. Even the scene, where she gives him a lace in the past - fake. Her movement, throw his "red thread of fate," was unnecessarily sharp and taken from the ceiling.

The bicycle sprint leads to the place, "where time flows differently." The first and last time the same and Mitsuhi occurs a dialogue, which is spent on jokes. Without a shelter, during an exciting point, it was impossible to do with junction? Capture, but the film has a lot of problems in trifles.

By the way, as the heroine so quickly delve into the plan to save the city, returning to his body? I ask so many questions, because there are no direct answers. The film is designed for a very unpretentious audience.

So suddenly begins to forget the name "beloved" and why he came to the place of the former city. Why forget? "More drama!" - Sinkay shouted, throwing the leaf ascribed to the normal plot.

It is also not clear why the heroine fought so much for evacuation, given that she only saw a couple of minutes to crater instead of the city. And then thought at this time about the boy. Considering that she began to forget the boy, saw could see sleep. This time is exactly. And even this crater did not give a clear understanding of what was happening - the boy did not say anything important during the reunification.

And now the climax has come. Evacuate people failed. Judging by the sky, until the fall of the celestial body remains less than an hour. Mitsuha with his accomplices Katsuchiko and Sayakov undermined the power plant and announced the radio haze about the collection of citizens from the school. Not rolled.

The mayor makes everything possible to calm people after turning off the electricity when a daughter comes to him with a serious face. There is not the slightest opportunity that he will believe her will declare evacuation for no reason. Already refused, and then she is also a criminal. What happens?

Nothing will happen! The author of the script Bolt put on his story, did not come up with the junction and simply cut it out! If you have not watched the movie, it's hard to believe it. At the moment when everything is bad, the scene breaks down, and only from the news in the future we learn that most residents saved for unknown reasons.

The main problem of the film - I never believed in the relationship of the main characters. If they had evolved against the background of the global plot consisting of finding out the nature of mystical phenomena, a meteorite, the lines of minor heroes would be excellent. But the plot does not care about all these interesting things. They are schematically shown on the background. What hundreds of lives hanging on the hairs when you can stand and joke about the bare-dried sake from saliva girls?

Self-speaking sync reduced to the complete repetition of the ending of the "five centimeters per second". Only without a train. But there children divided the time and circumstances, and here "well, they just forgot, because mysticism." The scene ended approximately the same - it was separated, barely turned around.

But this is not a masterpiece of 2005, so after 5 minutes of screen time, the heroes saw each other, being in different cars, and rushed to seek after disembarking. Accidentally. In Tokyo. When we were given to understand that they were all forgotten.

Not a hint of a logical substantiation. HAPPY END.

"Your name" is a very medium film that suffers from a holey scenario and incorrectly arranged accents. I do not want to call him badly. From smooth scenes of everyday life, you get pleasure; From brightness, kindness and unhurried pace becomes warmer on the soul.

Here is a truly outstanding schedule. I will definitely remember the frames of the fall of meteorite, sunny Tokyo, traditional and western interiors.

But what I remember about the story: a joke about the panel of myself in the morning, repeated four times, lines about the laces, wooping, Aki itself, because she got, and stupidity during the salvation of the city.

Here, the actions, emotions and events simply occur. Because the author wanted to show beautiful scenes, and not build a folding story. As a result, the good scenes themselves turned out to be stretched and theatrical.

I hope you enjoyed "your name." It is unlikely that my criticism expresses a popular opinion, and the film has a message. I just want to believe that success will spur Sintsy to do something better, and not to stop on a well-established format.

I will start a review from request. Please do not see this film in bad quality !!! Wait for Bluray Edition. At the time of writing a review in the network there was a version in terrible quality and watermarks in the size of the half-screen, which I, for the absence of patience, and looked. Do not repeat my mistakes. Do not allow yourself even the smallest to spoil the impression from Kimi. no. Na. wA., After all, the rice in this film is truly awesome, and it should be enjoying it only in the highest quality, but ideally on the big screen. In general, bring patience, and it will definitely reward.

Makoto Xinkai returned! One of the most famous directors of modernity, a recognized genius of romantic daily days, the last works of which in the circles of the "sophisticated" critics were fashionable to criticize, again broke into Olympus anime industry, releaseing a full-length film Kimi No Na Wa ("Your Name", "Your Name"). The film instantly took off to the tops of world rated rated ratings, and only firming positions as more and more viewers get the opportunity to familiarize themselves with this masterpiece of animation art. At the time of writing, the Kimi No Na Wa review occupied the first place in the ranking of the largest Western website MAL with a unthinkable estimate of 9.4 / 10, with a huge margin of overtaking such, it would seem, real estate titans anime, like Gintama. and. Let's try to figure out whether numerous praise is deserved to the film, or we witnessed fashionable puff, which will soon subscribe. If briefly - absolutely deserved!

Brief information

Your name Full length film lasting in almost two hours, released in the summer of 2016 studio COMIX WAVE FILMS.. As director, the author of the script and the chief editor spoke Macoto Xinkai. Anime is based on original script. The film from the first days of rental became the leader of Japanese cinemas. In less than two months, more than 11 million (!) Tickets worth over $ 140 million were sold in Japan alone. This is the first film not from the studio. Ghibli.who achieved such a deafening success. But then whether it will be, because sooner or later Kimi No Na Wa will reach the screens of Western cinemas (damn, how I hope to show in Russia, as I hope ...).

Your name He tells the story of two people unfamiliar with each other. - Living in a small town, tired of boring rustic life and dreaming to move to Tokyo. - A simple Tokyo guy, student in high school, and in his free time earning in the Italian restaurant. Their fate would never cross, if on one day they did not accidentally ... changed bodies. Now they have to get to know each other better and find an answer to the main question - what happens to them?

I am sure, many of you will arise a natural question: "What's in Kimi. no. Na. wA. so special? Why is the usual film at first glance gained so wildly popular during the times, when it would seem, nothing revolutionary to come up with no longer impossible and the viewer would not be surprised? " To answer this question, it is necessary to have at least a surface view of the previous works Macoto sync. The fact is that the works of the director always allocated the depth of meaning in them and caused by emotions. However, his previous works were aimed at a fairly narrow spectator audience and are difficult to perceive. Take, for example, - beautiful anime, in my opinion, the best of what has previously created Xinkai. But when, still as a schoolboy, I first saw him on television - I scored after twenty minutes. "Skobet!" - thought the young brain, and the hand quickly switched to another channel. To understand Sinkaev works, you need to think. It is necessary to possess certain life experiences and try to spread the story of his own life. Byousandsoku 5 Centimeter is a really difficult work for perception, which, with an irregular interpretation, can leave the oppressive impression or even to be depressed. This explains not the highest ratings and a strong discrepancy in opinions - some people simply did not understand what the director wanted to say, and for them anime appeared boring (especially for the young audience), and the part understood did not understand that, they say , Life is Tlen and hopelessness, we all grave in the endless spaces of space.

In "Your name", the depth of the mortgage is about at the same level, but it is much easier for perception. The reason is to multi-levelness. In Byousoku 5 centimeter, the level of perception is only one - you either understand the anime, or not. In Kimi No Na Wa, everyone will find something like that. Young viewers will be admired by a comedy and romance, adults will like fantasy and drama, well, and thinking people will be able to enjoy the struggle of the opposites that Sinkai used in his new work. Kimi No Na Wa enables each viewer to feel the endless stream of emotions without the need to search for a deep meaning and unnecessary reflection, be it joy, sadness, anger or despair. When the depth of the meaning and power of emotions, Xinkai made his new product available to understand the ordinary viewer, and that is why the number of higher estimates in Kimi No Na Wa is already much higher than that of the other works of the master.

Kimi No Na Wa occurs a harmonious association of traditional and modern Japan. Everyone knows that Japan is a country with deep traditions, which are revered by residents to this day. What, however, does not prevent her from remaining the most developed post-industrial country in the world. Sinkay took all the best of the two opposites of his homeland, and united them in the work. After all, it is not easy to the place of action in Kimi NO Na Wa, a deaf depth and thriving Tokyo were chosen. Not just so much attention is paid to Japanese deities, traditions and Tokyo cafes, in which you can have a delicious cake. Kimi No Na Wa is entirely built on the game of contrasts. Boy and girl. Village and city. Earth and space. Comedy and drama. Daily and fiction. Past and future. The skillful association of opposites allowed the director to create an unprecedented beauty spectacle - a multifaceted, immense, but at the same time very close and native.


The competent selection of characters in anime about everyday life always plays a crucial role. Heroes must harmoniously combine two factors: simplicity and originality. Simplicity, because it and everyday life, so that the characters in it are the most ordinary and realistic. The viewer must learn in the characters itself, because in this case he will empathize much stronger. Originality, because no one wants to observe for boring and gray heroes. We have enough gray and in everyday life - tired. The main characters Kimi No Na Wa - Mitsuha Miyamizu (Mitsuha Miyamizu) And fully comply with the requirements listed above. Despite the simplicity, watching them interesting, and I really want to empathize. They are realistic, they are bright, they alive . They have a charisma, which manifests itself in minor trifles like the evening cry of Mitsuhi about her desires or rude confusion, when it comes to his sampa. Combining, these little things add up in a bright picture of characters, which are subsequently forced to remember the main characters with warmth. By the way, this is one of the rare cases when the fact that schoolchildren are the main characters, did not damage the anime atmosphere.

About secondary characters to speak, in general, nothing. They are good, but they play too a minor role so that someone specifically can be allocated. All attention is paid to Mitsukh and Taki, and this is an absolutely justified decision.


The format of the two-hour film allowed the blue to build a story with a well-developed structure and smooth manner of the narration. He, like no one, understands the importance of smooth development of the story being told, because only then the audience will have time to get used to the characters, only then will empire them and can feel the full range of emotions. The plot of Kimi No Na Wa is great: in history there is also logical jug With an abundance of comedy moments, allowing you to quickly meet with characters and get used to them; and smooth development with truly unexpected plot rotations, from which the spirit captures; and several culmination episodescausing hurricane emotions; and calm intervalsso that the viewer can get together with thoughts and relax; and impeccable endingresponsible for all questions and providing emotional discharge. Even fiction, which has always been considered a weak side of the director, fit into the plot of Kimi No Na Wa properly. For two hours, Xinkai managed to tell more than most of the multi-sieuled anime-serials combined.

A couple of words about the ending. It was impossible to come up better completion of the story.I do not understand the feedback in which the Kimi No Na Wa end is called one of the weak points of the plot. She is gorgeous!Last three minutes under the accompaniment of songs Nandemonaiya.groups Radwimps.- This is generally the best scene that I have ever met in anime.

Reflections about the ending (with spoilers), if not watched - it is better not to read

I have never wanted to see the Happy End so much in my life! Yes, sometimes such an ending is not optimal and can spoil the impression of the work as a whole, but in the case of Kimi No Na Wa, the main characters, and with them the viewer, fully deserved a good ending. They were looking for, they tried to find each other with all their forces, and no distance and even time could stop them! Unlike Takaki and Akari from who lost contacts and perceived it as proper, Mitsuha and did everything to meet again. If they did not find each other, my mood for a couple of weeks would be spoiled. I say absolutely serious! When the heroes met on the above-ground transition and passed by each other, I felt the void somewhere inside myself, because I really believed that Xinkai would complete the story as well as in one of his previous works. But, fortunately, the master was not so cruel, and accepted the right decision. After completing viewing, I still shone a smile on my face. Smile absolutely happy man. How little sometimes we need for happiness!

Reflections about emotions (also with spoilers), if not watched - it is better not to read

In fact, I can not even imagine how hard the heroes of Anime had to have. For five years, they understood that they lost something very expensive, but could not remember what it was. Have you ever happened that you have come up with a good idea, hold it all day in my head, and then, at the most right moment, does she slip away from you? Do you know the feeling of resentment and despair, when you are trying to remember something, but you can not? And now try to realize that Mitsukh and Taki had to experience such emotions for five years! Constantly search for something, but not to be able to find. Remember something, but not to be able to remember. And so day after day ... just incredible. That is why I wanted to meet them so much, and was so happy when I saw her.

Minute sentimentality

As I already noted, the blue was able to optimally combine the features of traditional and modern Japan. It brings me to a series of reflection. If you do not want to read sentimental nonsense - just miss the next paragraph.

If you think about, we are confronted every day with the mixing of the past, present and the future, but in a hurry we will not pay attention to it. Enough look around, and you will notice a lot of new things. Take a look at the newly built, fashionable shopping center, in the shadow of which one-story wooden houses were attached, in which people have been living for many years. Come on the empty urban streets, and try to comprehend the fact that ten, twenty, fifty years ago, the inhabitants of your city were in a hurry on them, engaged in their small concerns. Think about the fact that many years ago under the tree, by which you go through, people sat and peacefully spoke. Sometimes we do not notice that the past, present and the future are actually firmly connected by the thread of time, similar to the one that the main heroes of Kimi No Na Wa are connected. This, by the way, is one of many metaphors used by Xinka.


One hundred ten minutes of visual pleasure. Amazing. Delightful. Incredible. When describing the rice of Kimi No Na Wa, I want to use only the strongest and sublime epithets. Screenshots are not able to convey all the beauty of urban and rustic landscapes drawn by artists studio COMIX WAVE FILMS.. To the full, greatness is revealed only in dynamics. Artists surpassed themselves. As in all other works, Sinnaya, in Kimi No Na Wa, much attention is paid to heaven, trains and infinite natural spaces. From time to time I stopped the video to just take a closer look at the smallest details of the images, because the detail of the background is at the highest level, and goosebumps throughout the body from the very first personnel. In addition, a colossal work was done with light and a shadow, which made it possible to give images with unprecedented depth and expressiveness. And this is provided that I watched Kimi No Na WA in soap quality 480p with Watermarks in the size of the half-screen. It is difficult to even imagine what the image will be in FullHD or in cinemas!


Where there is not enough expressive graphics (there are practically no such moments in Kimi No Na WA), musical accompaniment comes to the rescue, which also managed to fame. Music to Anime wrote and performed a popular Japanese group Radwimps.And, in my opinion, the musicians fully coped with their task. Especially for anime they composed over twenty-two tracks, including some with vocals. As in all other Sinkaev works, preference was given to lyric instrumental music performed on the piano, violin and guitar - a win-win option for dramatic everyday life, allowing to maximize the effect of emotional episodes. The combination of incredible visual and musical accompanies made it possible to create an amazing imagination of the scene, which in anime is found at least five to six pieces. I repeat - they must be seen and hear, words to convey all the beauty of Kimi No Na Wa is simply impossible.


Characters - 10.0. Simple, but very live characters who want to empathize. The case when simplicity is perceived better than something complicated.

The plot is 10.0. A delightful story with an derived as a Swiss clock with a structure, unexpected plot turns and an ideal ending.

Rice - 10.0. It must be seen with your own eyes ...

Music - 10.0. Great musical accompaniment, reinforcing the effect of emotional moments.


Makoto Sinkai surpassed himself. He created a creation, in which every detail is ideal. An animated art masterpiece that will leave a deep mark in history and serve as a necessary impetus to the anime industry, which has recently been in a state of stagnation. Anime, which with a swing beats the strings of the soul and drives them into the resonance. Two hours of pleasure that you are unlikely to ever forget. Do not believe me - Believe the ratings. Do not believe Ratings - Believe yourself. Look at least in order to make your own opinion, and I assure you - you will not disappoint. Kimi No Na Wa is one of the best anime that I have ever seen in my life, and I did them like a lot. I recommend everyone without exceptions. But for a start, wait for the release of Bluray edition or display in cinemas (if this happens in general). All good, and see only the best!


Rudean, Special for site

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Anime Browse Kimi No Na Wa ("Your Name", "Your Name") Was Last Modified: September 9th, 2018 by Rudean.