Roman Ryabtsev biography. Roman Ryabtsev: "Group" Technology "- the project who has narrowed his age

Roman Ryabtsev biography. Roman Ryabtsev:
Roman Ryabtsev biography. Roman Ryabtsev: "Group" Technology "- the project who has narrowed his age

Roman Roman

date added: 14.02.2008

Full name - Roman Nikolayevich Roman. Born in Voronezh, January 25, 1970. Music was carried away in his youth, in eighteen years old by entering the duet "Forgive youth."

And the larger stage pleased a little later, in 1990. As a keyboard, he settled in the Bioconstructor team. And at the same time, the group has changed the name. So the novel was in the famous team "Technology".

In this case, he handed over to the colleague Leonid Velichkovsky. And he himself took the guitar and began to sing. In addition to them, Vocalist Vladimir Nechitaylo was registered in the "technology" and taking responsibility for the percussion Andrei Kakhaev.

In addition to all, Roman writes songs. Many of them bring fame to the group. The public responds well on "Click on the button", "half an hour." And the composition "Strange Dances" for more than a year held the first lines of the charts "Sound Track". In 1993, the success of Ryabtsev as a composer strengthened the track "Sooner or Late", according to the TASS version of the year.

Feeling confidence in our own power, he agrees to participate in the Radio France Intenationale contest. The result of this event was a contract with one of the Parisian studios, where he was given the opportunity to write an album called "Strange Dances" ...

After this work, the novel leaves from "Technology" to do a solo career. In 1995, he produces a debut disk "If I become another". In his new songs, techno-pop ceases to prevail, giving way to the guitar. In parallel, he begins to cooperate as a composer and the author of the texts with such performers like Yu-la, Vlad Stashevsky, Svetlana Razin, the group "brilliant" and many others ...

In 1997, he returns to the dance style and records the album "Red Calendar Day". With his participation, the work of the "Songs of Adult Boys", made by the duet "Forgive youth" and dedicated to the old and new hips of the team.

His work appears on the new collection of "technology", which the group calls the "best songs". Another former romance colleagues are trying to collect remix album, and think about the release of the next album.

The peculiar result of the creative path of the novel becomes the fact that the most famous part of his records in 2001 entered the Music series "Star Collection".

Many people remember and honor the GUPPU "Technology" of the occasion of the 90s. But few people know how in the future the fate of one of its soloists - Roman Ryabtseva began to be taken.

"Technologies" have long been no longer, the romance is very purposefully climbing in the steps of their population.

What appeared to your departure from "technology"?

I was gathered to fulfill the red music. On the last album "Technology" "Sooner or later," the present between my songs and things Leonid Velichkovsky was very vicious. Was-second, two of the first solts in the gpupe looked very stupid, it was especially noticeable at the exclusions, when part of the public of the fanate for me, and the dpumping part is not subject to. It seemed that the scene was two countertensed goups. In-thread, finance were involved, I thought it was not paid for me for my TPUD.

Your album "If I become a dpuugim" Autobiophic?

It has a despicable concept: with the last song, the thread of the horses of one love is given. Initially, hope is faced, but it turns out to be enthusiastically. Of course, all my songs are reappearing. I would not want to move to anyone what fell on my share. With the case, I realized that, after all this, I am still more resistant to the effects of agpsive writing from the end of women. This is important - after all, they are the main culprits of all misfortunes in their personal life.

Roma, let's look at the pony. When did your serve passion for music begins?

When I was injected my love. It was in the ninth grade. I fell in love with a girl for the year younger than me. Called her Oksana. Because of her, I started writing music. Together with his classmate, we corresponded to the duet of electronic music, we were even on the school Padio on the crossings. For three years we recorded the album. Then, already at the Institute, I ought in the Ensemble "Sunny KPUG", then I was first used in two gppses without a name, well, already in 1988 - 1989, I began to procusionally try in GPupe "Poddy, youth", which now is being converted from my help. In 1990, I was published in the team "BioconstPutemp", "Technology" in the same year, "Technology" was published on the same year.

Such a singer, as you, expand a lot of fans. Doesn't you annoy their chipes?

I have a whole entrance that I have been trapped with the most practical inscriptions with PRESSIONS Suggest in any way and anywhere, in love with love, etc. But there are also nicknamed fans, which are calling, inspected, how are my deeds, where the exclusions are going ... But, alas, I can not communicate with everyone who eager for my attention. And then I hate when people themselves first, especially the girls.

What makes your leisure?

I love to read books, the most divergent, ranging from fantastic and ending with historical pockets. Already in the first class, I first had such a big leaking like "SPA5". It is not located on the disco, in the nightclubs. But I love chatting with my dpusia more. We even ordered our club called Ph.D. ("Club sent to ..."), uniting people who used their favorite girls.

Do you want a master?

Sudi herself. I pere care so that all my things are closed by running, on the shelves - I will find them later. All over the floor, I have a PAsBrotage of the PRA from the Paznaya AppPaput. I think that it is easy to put it that I have in the room. As for the preparation of food, I think that it is irreplaceable, because I love very much and can cook.

An ideal woman, what is she, where to find it? These questions excite the minds for no one century. Today, the composer was joined by the composer, the author, the musical producer of the group "Technology" Roman Rowbets on this topic.

I.D. Is there an example of impeccable relationship in your life?

R.R. In life, this has never met. All externally prosperous families always have their own "skeleton in the closet." Even in cinema and books, relations are always complicated by those or other factors. Otherwise, it would be uninteresting to read the novels and watch melodramas (smiles).

I.D. The romantic image created in "Technology" meets internal content?

R.R. To begin with, I did not create and did not even try to create any image. All songs and poems that I wrote and write is an absolutely honest reflection of one side of my inner world. But any world is not unionolar. And sometimes you have to remind some surprisingly asking: "You're like such songs, but now I was rude and obscene, how so?" That angels and demons live in every person. And if the angels flute in the scenic embodiment, then the demons need to be periodically walking. Otherwise, we will tear into pieces (smiles).

I.D. What is unbearable for you?

R.R. Forest egoism, expressed in a jealous desire to limit the freedom of a partner. What does not speak about the absence of respect, confidence, and, in principle, the love itself.

I.D. What women inspire on creativity?

R.R. Favorite.

I.D. Should your woman share hobbies?

R.R. It would be strange if a woman would look with me on the Internet for various synthesizers and other music equipment (laughs). No, of course, there are also plenty of such women in the world, but I have not met them. But hobbies not related to my work are simply obliged to at least to some extent to be divided by it. "Watch not at each other, but one way." This is perhaps one of the fundamental factors of harmonious relationships.

I.D. Is there a recipe, how to not forget about love? About how it all began and for what was created?

R.R. No recipes and magic sticks, everyone has everything individually. But it is necessary to clearly understand that "as then, at the beginning" will never be anyone else. Because every day you go to bed with one person, but you wake up a little different. And over time, this difference is accumulating. And so as not to bury your soul in the grave of nostalgia for those times, it is necessary to learn about the relationship in the daily world every day. Two main words here: compromise and respect.

I.D. With what person would you never be friends?

R.R. With a fanatical supporter of the authorities. All other deviations are just welcome (laughs).

I.D. What a raisin in man demoling the roof?

R.R. The main thing is that this raisin does not grow up to the size of the Kuragi. Well, the taste, on the color, - all the markers are different. Never guess what makes you lose rest and sleep (smiles).

I.D. Appearance matters? Would you have a relationship with a ugly woman?

R.R. Of course, it has a priority when meeting, but what will happen next ... although not. Could not. It was a relationship: long and serious, as it were charming and clever she was not.

I.D. And the last, but if you do not want to answer, I will understand (laugh). Is it true that "technology" broke out due to a woman?

R.R. Not true. This is just a loud journalistic title, broken from context, and so stuck to our story. The reason was insurmountable, as it seemed to me at that time, creative disagreements and resentments related to our work. Women near, of course, attended and influenced, but not so much to appear the main factor (smiling).

Thanks for the conversation, novel. It was nice to talk and, I hope, this is not the last of our conversation. I wish new breakthroughs in creativity and stability in personal.

Irina Danilchenko

(Photo from the personal archive of Roman Ryabtseva)

Musician, poet and composer - about nostalgia and future

There was such a supervisory pop ballad - "love here no longer lives." True, not the group "Technology", and Vlad Stashevsky, their colleagues on the once common producer Yuri Eisenshpis. Also, Roman Ryabtsev, according to him, did not remain warm feelings and there are no regrets about the decision to leave the once fashionable, and now the collective-covered dust, which, actually, was held on it.

Nostalgia died, synthesizers are idle in a personal collection, and on the scene of the rims now comes out with a guitar and new songs, still romantic, but already completely different. In an interview with "Zh", he spoke about what the difference between genres coming out of fashion and eternal music, whether everything was terribly starting with a clean sheet, and also why competition is growing in the artistic environment, and professionalism falls.

The novel, you already left the "technology" for a long 10 years, but then returned to "native fenats." Now, I understand that bridges are burned finally. Will you then regret? Still with this team you have a lifetime ...

Not all, but only its part. Already since 1993, I worked as a composer, an arranger with other performers, not to mention my solo projects. In our country, it often happens like this: first everyone laughs over ABBA, and then, after 10 years, they begin to fill, as it was great.

The same happened with the "technology". We tried to enter the same river twice on the wave of nostalgic sentiment of the public, recorded an album, several singles, but, as it turned out, it was not necessary for anyone.

Often customers of corporate concerts say: "Just don't get anything new, only old songs. We grew up on them, we conceived our children under the "strange dances." This, of course, damn flattering, but when you hear it for the hundredth time, you begin to feel like an ancient fossil, museum exhibit or younger brother Kobzon.

I don't want to turn into a mummy and a cream voice "click on the button". I'm not going to harm on the buttons. I felt that the group turns into a naphthalene substance, all speeches are reduced to participation in discos of retro radio stations or in dubious precast suolars with the participation of groups, which I personally did not even notice in my hit parade and the more I didn't think that I would be with them On the same scene. But when you get into this terrible nostalgic clip, this happens more and more.

Therefore, I decided to put a bold point. I have accumulated a lot of new material, with whom I want to move on. It is absolutely impossible to work on it in the context of "technology". Fresh compositions do not fit into the procrusteo bed of the notorious "buttons" and the cold sound of the synthe-ass, from which only a small amount of fans today is bang.

Are their few of these nostalging fans? Very many artists complain of me in an interview that the public constantly asks to play "something old", and the opposite applies to the new one with a big distrust ...

If we talk specifically about the synth-pug, his fans really remained very little. This is noticeable even in festivals that each year arrange enthusiasts. If earlier dozens of foreign teams came to such events, today all this turned into dull intransigents. Sinti-pop went into the deep underground, and there he, in general, took his decent niche. Most styles are not eternal and worried about their ups and falls ...

For example, in the 1980s, AIDS and Tresh Metal was wildly popular. Everyone was shaking Haiter and blew her hair, and today it was all left somewhere, and in heavy music there were quite different styles. Oldskul lovers, of course, remained, but they hid in small town clubs.

I myself love synthesizers very much, I have a whole collection ... But still my seven guitars are more expensive to me. In contrast with those genres, which will disturb their age, there is music out of time. This is a guitar music that began rock and roll and which he will end.

Such directions as classic rock and roll, rocabilly, blues, classic harder do not disappear anywhere. AC / DC both began to chop in the 1970s, and the same thing is also chopping. At the same time, no one says: "Guys, you are not relevant." And even if they say, they will still be their fans.

I was asked here on the radio: "What can you offer young people?" The same thing as everyone else. I do not put the goal in front of him to work on some definite age audience - this is a request and inner prostitution. I want to do not beat loud words, create for eternity.

- What is the concept of a new solo project? Is there a general leitmotif in this story?

The modern music industry is at the stage of development, when to think large forms - epic albums - no longer makes sense. I used to sit and thoroughly worked on a record, building songs in a certain order (for example, the Dieter "spied" the chip - put a nurse to the third in a row), I thought about how the dynamics from the composition to the composition would develop, created a concept.

Today, in the era of the Internet, clip thinking and prosperity of a variety of pirate services, where you can find any music, people usually do not listen to the albums, they listen to individual songs. They were even called exclusively on tracks, which, frankly, wakes up: the track from DJ, and the work where there is vocals, is a song. But this is me so ... Iconge in Starikovsky (laughs).

In general, the task number one is now as interesting as possible to submit several new compositions to the public. We have already removed one clip in intentionally very simple stylistics of the late 1980s - early 90s, where the video sequence does not distract from the song itself and at the same time creates a certain atmosphere. I even wanted to find the Super VHS camera, but all my familiar operators said that they did not store such an old one. So I had to create the effect of the "floating" picture, as on the St. Petersburg television of 1989, with the help of modern programs.

Now we write clips scripts for two more songs and arranged a competition for listeners for the best Lirik video: this is a format when some pictures are simply imposed on music, and the text is displayed in parallel, and it turns out that now such The video is the most viewed on the Internet.

Already after the release of several singles, we will release an album. The working name is "Spring", named one of the songs. And it is very symbolic, because now I really feel a kind of revival after the lethargic winter sleep, in which the technology has stayed in recent years.

Since we started talking about the clips, when they only appeared on domestic television, it was a wonder. How now, in your opinion, has changed the industry in Russia changed?

Judging by the result, which many performers give out, everyone seeks to spend smaller money. In addition, half of the songs that clips are removed, you will not listen in principle without visual accompaniment. In general, the overall crisis affects. Basically, all clips are quite simple, filmed in the pavilion with small enclosures of computer graphics. There are very few story stories left. I want to do just such.

- Start all with a clean leaf of 20 years and in the already mature age - different things. Are you not afraid?

As the hero of "Cherryev" said, "I see a goal, I do not see obstacles." I am a hundred percent sure that the group "Technology" is a project already narrowing his age. We fulfilled our task, remained in the story, but to shake my grandmother further, I don't see any sense in convulsions. I already had several performances with fresh material, and I feel a response. I see, for example, as people, having heard a song for the first time, they begin to sing along the third chorus. So it clings, and I move in the right direction. And then, if we speak frankly, what to be afraid? All the hits of "technology" - "click on the button", "sooner or later", "strange games", "half an hour" - I wrote. It is not difficult for me. I do not depend on any third-party authors, poets, arguers, I do everything in my studio. I am going to have an excellent composition of musicians. Among them, for example, Oleg Abramov, a guitarist of the lead fog, with whom we played another 20 years ago. So we slowly get ready for a large solo concert in Moscow in the spring, on which, in fact, the presentation of my solo project will be held.

When you started your nice way, there were various moods in the musical world - both the protest rock, and psychedelic avant-gardists. Why did the neoromantic scene attracted you?

I never wanted to sing editors from the newspaper, how many groups loved to do this in the late 1980s. "And in the store there is no sausage-s-s! And I have been replaced by panties, s! ", - When I performed on the first Voronezh rock festival, there was a percent of the material there. 90. I got up from this hair.

I was brought up in Western music, and in the songs of such performers of the new wave as Duran Duran, New Order, Alphaville, if political notes appeared, then very episodically. Everything was beautiful, neoromantically ... I began to listen to Russian music in 15 years, and it was a "aquarium" that I loved since once and for all.

In addition to the "train on fire" and several more compositions in which Boris Borisovich in a veiled, allegorical form raises political topics, he did not have such things. BG in politics never lez. In general, I think it is the prerogative of journalists, bloggers ...

I myself can walk on such issues on my page in the social network, but I will not sing about it, and it's not about age. Even when I was young and hot, I also did not pull into this sphere. I believe that music should carry people joy. If, as we have said, people have proclaimed children under the "strange dances", it is terrible to imagine that they began to do this for some politicized aggressive manifesto, and what an infernal being in the end could be born.

Nevertheless, the musicians also live under a glass cap. How does the surrounding reality affect the creative person? And how can I protect against its negative impact?

It depends solely on the ability to maintain internal equilibrium and filter information. I still have not 20 years old, and I somehow learned, reading news, do not faint every time, but just look at it from the side and draw conclusions: "Well, here is the end even closer. What do we still have to do? Neglect and walke. " I just see many people who acutely react to everything, and eventually go crazy, stand with posters on the pickets, meet another end of the world. You don't want to like it at all. I have my own life, my goals and objectives. And now, the most important thing for me is a new start as a solo artist. Nothing can not be knocked down from the way or distract, no meteorites and asteroids approaching land.

Is there any musical community today in Russia today, or has the time of individualists come?

There are some clans, parties that are going around certain composers, producers or musicians. But in general, the single musical community does not exist. There used to be rock clubs, but they died. Today, everyone for themselves: we still have any, but capitalism, albeit based on the reasons "Dunno on the moon". Everyone fights for his place under the sun.

- What is the level of competition?

In fact, high enough, because simplification and cheapening of the music production process led to the fact that today every schoolboy, pumping pirate software and programs from the Internet, can write a track and become an artist. The same synthe-pop in the 80s was a lot of rich aesthets that could afford to buy a synthesizer, and today people simply use a ready-made set of sounds. But it usually has nothing to do with creativity. That is, competition is high, but the level of professionalism falls.

There is another problem: in tons of musical slag it is very difficult to find something worthwhile. How in this situation be listeners and artists?

And those and others have not just. In the idea of \u200b\u200bidentifying something interesting and standing, music portals and radio stations could engage. But on the radio they turn the fact that it likes its owner, or brings profit. There are rare cases when artists become popular only thanks to the Internet. So it happened with Peter Nasham, Igor Rasterieuyev ... In fact, I will be banal, but talent will try my way. If you really have something interesting, sooner or later there will be demand for him.

- Do you find any curious young performers?

Yes, for example, the group "hardly". The guys play a very high quality, pleasant, rather heavy rock. I even advertise them on your pages on the Internet. The problem of many young teams is that they come up with themselves difficult to memorize names. In general, I am sent a lot of music, and pearls, of course, you have to catch out of the general heap of manure.

- You had experience abroad. There was no thoughts to quit everything and stay there?

Not. You know to understand a woman, you need to think like shoes. The same here: In order for, for example, working in France, where I wrote down the album, you need to grow in that cultural environment or at least spend in it for a long time. The French musical market, on the one hand, is close to our fact that the emphasis is also done on the text component, on the other - it is very specific. So work abroad was just experience for me. But I sometimes are interested in collaboration with foreign artists. For example, now we record a duet with a Greek singer, with which she accidentally met in the summer in Moscow at the Greek Festival. The song will appear in several versions - in her native language, in English and in the mixture of Russian and Greek.