The genre of the play “The Cherry Orchard. Cherry Orchard - Drama, Comedy or Tragedy? cherry orchard chekhov a

The genre of the play “The Cherry Orchard. Cherry Orchard - Drama, Comedy or Tragedy? cherry orchard chekhov a

"CHERRY GARDEN" - DRAMA, COMEDY OR TRAGEDY? The play "The Cherry Orchard" was written by A. P. Chekhov in 1903. Not only the socio-political world, but also the world of art felt the need for renewal. A.P. Chekhov, being a talented person who showed his skill in short stories, enters drama as an innovator.

After the premiere of the play "The Cherry Orchard", a lot of controversy flared up among critics and spectators, among actors and directors about the genre features of the play. What is the "Cherry Orchard" from the point of view of the genre - drama, tragedy or comedy? While working on the play, AP Chekhov in letters spoke about its character as a whole: “It was not a drama that came out, but a comedy, in some places even a farce ...” In letters to Vl.

A. P. Chekhov warned I. Nemirovich-Danchenko that Anya should not have a “crying” tone, so that in general there should not be “many crying” in the play.

The performance, despite the resounding success, did not satisfy A.P. Chekhov. Anton Pavlovich expressed dissatisfaction with the general interpretation of the play: “Why is my play so persistently called a drama on posters and in newspaper advertisements? Nemirovich and Alekseev (Stanislavsky) see positively in my play not what I wrote, and I am ready to give any word that both of them have never read my play carefully. " Thus, the author himself insists that The Cherry Orchard is a comedy. This genre did not at all exclude A.

P. Chekhov serious and sad. Stanislavsky obviously violated Chekhov's measure in the ratio of the dramatic to the comic, the sad to the funny. The result was a drama where A.P. Chekhov insisted on a lyrical comedy. One of the features of The Cherry Orchard is that all the characters are presented in a dual, tragicomic light. The play contains purely comic characters: Charlotte Ivanovna, Epikhodov, Yasha, Firs.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes fun of Gayev, who “lived his fortune on candy”, over the sentimental Ranevskaya and her practical helplessness, which was not age. Even about Petya Trofimov, who, it would seem, symbolizes the renewal of Russia, A. Chekhov sneers, calling him "an eternal student." Petya Trofimov earned this attitude of the author with his verbosity, which A.P.

Chekhov did not tolerate it. Petya gives monologues about the workers who "eat disgustingly, sleep without pillows", about the rich who "live on debt, at someone else's expense," about a "proud man." At the same time, he warns everyone that he is "afraid of serious conversations." Petya Trofimov, doing nothing for five months, repeats to others that "we have to work." And this is with the hardworking Vara and the business Lopakhin! Trofimov does not study, because he cannot study and support himself at the same time.

Petya Ranevskaya gives a very sharp but precise characterization of “spirituality” and “tact” by Trofimov: “... You have no purity, but you are just a neat girl”. A.P. Chekhov speaks with irony about his behavior in remarks. Trofimov now cries out "with horror", then, panting with indignation, cannot utter a word, then he threatens to leave and cannot do it in any way. A.

P. Chekhov in the image of Lopakhin. He is doing everything possible to help Ranevskaya keep the estate. Lopakhin is sensitive and kind. But in double illumination, he is far from ideal: there is business winglessness in him, Lopakhin is not able to get carried away and love. In a relationship with Varya, he is comical and awkward. The short-term celebration associated with the purchase of a cherry orchard quickly gives way to feelings of despondency and sadness. Lopakhin utters with tears a significant phrase: "Oh, it would be more likely that all this would pass, sooner our awkward, unhappy life would change somehow."

Here Lopakhin directly touches the main source of drama: it is not concluded in the struggle for the cherry orchard, but in dissatisfaction with life, which is experienced in different ways by all the heroes of the Liesa. Life goes on absurdly and awkwardly, bringing neither joy nor happiness to anyone. Not only for the main characters this life is unhappy, but also for Charlotte, lonely and unnecessary to anyone, and for Epikhodov with his constant failures. Determining the essence of the comic conflict, literary scholars argue that it rests on a discrepancy between appearance and essence (sitcom, comedy of characters, etc.). In the new comedy by A.P.

Chekhov's words, deeds and actions of the heroes are in just such a discrepancy. The inner drama of each turns out to be more important than external events (the so-called "undercurrents"). Hence the "tearfulness" of the actors, persons, which is not at all a tragic connotation. Monologues and remarks "through tears" speak, most likely, of excessive sentimentality, nervousness, and sometimes even irritability of the characters. Hence the all-pervading Chekhovian irony. It seems that the author, as it were, asks questions to viewers, readers, and to himself: why do people waste their lives so mediocrely? Why are they so frivolous about loved ones? Why is it so irresponsible to waste words and vitality, naively believing that they will live forever and there will be an opportunity to live life completely, anew? The heroes of the play deserve both pity and merciless "laughter through tears invisible to the world."

Traditionally, in Soviet literary criticism, it was customary to "group" the heroes of the play, calling Gaev and Ranevskaya the representatives of the "past" of Russia, her "present" - Lopa-khin, and the "future" - Petya and Anya. It seems to me that this is not entirely true. In one of the stage versions of the play "The Cherry Orchard", the future of Russia turns out to be in such people as the lackey Yasha, who looks to where power and money are. AP Chekhov, in my opinion, is not without irony here either. After all, a little more than ten years will pass, and where will the Lopakhins, Gaevs, Ranevskys and Trofimovs end up when the Jacob's will be judged on them? With bitterness and regret A.

P. Chekhov is looking for a Man in his play and, it seems to me, does not find him. Certainly, the play "The Cherry Orchard" is a complex and ambiguous play. That is why the attention of directors from many countries is riveted to it, and four productions were presented at the penultimate theater festival in Moscow. Controversy about the genre has not subsided to this day. But do not forget that A.P. Chekhov himself called the work a comedy, and I tried in the essay to prove, as far as possible, why this is so

Disputes about the genre interpretation of the play "The Cherry Orchard"

One of the features of Chekhov's drama was the problem of determining the genre of his plays. Very often the point of view of the author on this issue did not coincide with the opinion of critics. The “undercurrents” characteristic of Chekhov's plays give a completely original and deep sound to his works. Particularly heated debates were conducted around his last play, which was staged in 1904, and there is still no definite answer to the question: "The Cherry Orchard" - a drama, a comedy or a tragedy?

Chekhov, just starting to work on his last play, defined its genre as a comedy, which he said in a letter to his wife O. Knipper, who became the first performer of the role of Ranevskaya. It was very important for Chekhov that on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, for which The Cherry Orchard was written, the actors convey the comic of everything that is happening. Therefore, the author in the correspondence gave each actor additional characteristics of the characters, so that everyone could fully incarnate in their hero, unfortunately, in most cases, he simply was not heard.

However, after the first reading of the new play by Stanislavsky, disputes arose between the director and the playwright - is "The Cherry Orchard" a drama or a comedy? The production of the play was under the control of Chekhov, during rehearsals he changed the play, adjusting to the actors of the theater, and this very upset the author. And even despite the success of the play, Chekhov believed that it was a complete failure, since the directors completely turned and disfigured the idea of ​​the whole action, simply because they did not understand its meaning, did not unravel the heroes.

One of the main mistakes of the first production was that Ranevskaya and Gaev became the main characters, although Chekhov repeatedly said that the central character was Lopakhin. And yet, their worries about the loss of the estate were brought to the surface. But the author himself constantly tried to explain that in fact their experiences are a consequence of weak characters and weak-willedness, therefore, they do not deserve sympathy and pity. Anton Pavlovich pointed out that tearfulness is present in the play, but there should not be real tears on their faces.

And some critics even asked the question "The Cherry Orchard" - a comedy or a tragedy? Of course, the play contains purely comic characters, depicted as extremely ridiculous, and it even seems that they are not really needed in the plot. For example, Epikhodov is so clumsy that he received the nickname "twenty-two misfortunes." The servants Yasha and Dunyasha are simple uneducated peasants who consider themselves almost equal to their masters. Charlotte Ivanovna is a governess, but she has no one to educate, because there is not a single child in the play. And what can a former circus performer teach, entertaining guests in the third act with different tricks?

And what about the "eternal student" Petya Trofimov? Chekhov portrayed him as an idle talk, able only to talk beautifully about a wonderful future and how to live. And it becomes simply ridiculous that the young and naive Anya listens carefully to him and becomes his like-minded person. And Gaev? He is considered funny and ridiculous by all the characters in the play, and even Yasha allows himself to be ironic about him. And Ranevskaya does not live in the present at all. The tendency to act rashly does not arouse sympathy. Perhaps, the author's tragic notes sound only when Lyubov Andreevna remembers her deceased son.

The problem of genre identification of the play

So what is the problem of determining the genre of the play "The Cherry Orchard" connected with? From the very beginning of his creative activity, it was typical for Chekhov to portray the surrounding reality through the prism of humor. It is no coincidence that his very first stories were published in humorous magazines. Using satire and humor, Anton Pavlovich tried to show the absurdity of many human actions. And "The Cherry Orchard" became the final product of all his work, absorbing all his thoughts about life and once again showing everyone that it was Chekhov who made a huge contribution to the development of the theater. Perhaps, there is still no consensus as to what genre The Cherry Orchard belongs to. For example, A.I. Revyakin classified this play as a tragicomedy, and even then very conditionally, because it lacks tragicomic situations and characters. M. Gorky called Chekhov's last play a "lyrical comedy".

For the audience, "The Cherry Orchard" is always presented in the director's reading. For more than a century of history, this play has been presented to the audience by tragedy, comedy and drama. This play has been successfully staged in various theaters not only in Russia, but also abroad. And what is very remarkable, the topic touched upon in it is still relevant.

In whatever genre The Cherry Orchard was staged, it will always remain the pinnacle of creativity of the great innovator - playwright Chekhov, who changed not only Russian, but also world theater. The reasoning of this publication can be used by pupils of grade 10 when preparing a report or essay on the theme of the "Cherry Orchard" genre.

Product test

The play Cherry Orchard was completed by A.P. Chekhov in 1903. It was a time of exacerbation of social contradictions and a stormy rise of the social movement. "The Cherry Orchard" became the summit work of the writer, his swan song.

The play just written immediately sparked fierce controversy: "What is this: a comedy or a drama?" And currently there are different opinions on this issue. The fact is that Chekhov himself understood comedy as a drama, ridiculing vulgarity with the subtlest irony. That is why in "The Cherry Orchard" he laughs and is sad along with his heroes.

Here we have Ranevskaya and Gaev, the old owners of the cherry orchard. What are they? And what is the attitude of Chekhov to these characters. Ranevskaya is, at first glance, a kind and easy person. She is characterized by sincerity, grace, emotionality. She sincerely rejoices at her return home, kisses loved ones, cannot hold back tears when meeting them. Ranevskaya is generous and merciful, she can give the last penny to the passer-by. Lopakhin recalls how Lyubov Andeevna once took pity on him: “Don't cry, little man, he will heal before the wedding” ... It may seem that Gaev is also mentally generous. He dearly loves his niece Anya, appreciates the beauty of the cherry orchard and cannot imagine that he would be cut down and divided into summer cottages.

Why does Chekhov laugh at Ranevskaya and her brother? Of course, because they are helpless in life, they do not know how to do anything themselves. Both of them are incapable of doing anything useful and live with empty ideas: they take money from a rich merchant, then they hope to "receive an inheritance from someone" or "give out" ... Anya is a very rich person. The writer is amused by their empty talk. But at the same time, Chekhov is sad, showing his heroes. The writer is sad because the "noble nest" is dying, people who could have lived it interestingly, fully, but did not use their abilities and capabilities, are dying. And along with these people, beauty dies.

Introducing all his heroes to us as if in double illumination, A.P. Chekhov, it seems to me, created a completely new genre of lyric drama. The play "The Cherry Orchard" awakens our thought, forcing us to reflect, think about important issues of human life, laugh and cry.

The play "The Cherry Orchard" was written by A. P. Chekhov in 1903. Not only the socio-political world, but also the world of art felt the need for renewal. A.P. Chekhov, being a talented person who showed his skill in short stories, enters drama as an innovator. After the premiere of the play "The Cherry Orchard", a lot of controversy flared up among critics and spectators, among actors and directors about the genre features of the play. What is “The Cherry Orchard” from the point of view of the genre - drama, tragedy or comedy?

During the hour of work on the play, AP Chekhov in letters spoke about its character as a whole: “What came out of me was not a drama, but a comedy, in some places a farce ...” In letters to Vl. A. P. Chekhov warned I. Nemirovich-Danchenko that Anya should not have a “crying” tone, so that in general there should not be “many crying” in the play. The production, despite the deafening success, did not satisfy A.P. Chekhov. Anton Pavlovich expressed dissatisfaction with the general interpretation of the play: “Why is my play so persistently called a drama on posters and in newspaper advertisements? Nemirovich and Alekseev (Stanislavsky) see positively in my play not what I wrote, and I am ready to give any word that both of them have never read my play sensitively. " Thus, the author himself insists that The Cherry Orchard is a comedy. This genre by no means excluded the serious and sad from A.P. Chekhov. Stanislavsky obviously violated Chekhov's measure in the ratio of the dramatic to the comic, the sad to the funny. The result was a drama where A.P. Chekhov insisted on a lyrical comedy.

One of the features of The Cherry Orchard is that all the characters are presented in a dual, tragicomic light. The play contains purely comic characters: Charlotte Ivanovna, Epikhodov, Yasha, Firs. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes fun of Gayev, who “lived his fortune on candy”, over sentimental Ranevskaya and her practical helplessness. Even about Petya Trofimov, who, it would seem, symbolizes the renewal of Russia, A. Chekhov sneers, calling him "an eternal student." Petya Trofimov deserved this attitude of the author with his verbosity, which A.P. Chekhov did not tolerate. Petya gives monologues about the workers who "eat disgustingly, sleep without pillows", about the rich who "live in debt, at someone else's expense," about a "proud man." At the same time, he warns everyone that he is "afraid of serious conversations." Petya Trofimov, doing nothing for five months, repeats to others that “we have to work”. And this is with the hardworking Vara and the business Lopakhin! Trofimov does not study, because he cannot study and support himself at the same time. Petya Ranevskaya gives a very sharp but precise characterization of “spirituality” and “tact” by Trofimov: “… You have no purity, but you are just a neat woman. A.P. Chekhov speaks with irony about his behavior in his remarks. Trofimov now cries out “with horror,” then, panting with indignation, cannot utter a word, then he threatens to leave and cannot do it in any way.

Landowner Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya and her daughter Anya are going from Paris to the family estate. Ranevskaya lived abroad for 5 years. The landowner's husband died of alcoholism. She started living with another man. But then a misfortune happened - the youngest son of Ranevskaya Grisha drowned.

Later, with a new lover, she travels abroad, where he robbed her and left. The landlord is in a tight financial position, her estate and garden are awaiting sale. It is home to brother Gaev, the landowner's brother, and Varya, her adopted daughter. The governess Charlotte and the footman Yasha come with her. The merchant Lopakhin is waiting for her at the estate. He became rich, and yet his ancestors were her peasants. The clerk Epikhodov proposed to the maid Dunyasha. But some troubles constantly happen to him. Ranevskaya arrives and cries - she is at home. Lopakhin offers Ranevskaya a way out of this situation: to cut down the garden and lease the land to summer residents. But her young years passed here. In her opinion, this cannot be done. Gaev is trying to find a way out. He even swears that the estate will not be sold, as he wants to take money from a rich aunt.

The second part takes place outside the home. Lopakhin again asks Ranevskaya to listen to his proposal to lease the land. She doesn't agree and doesn't listen to him. Dunyasha refuses Epikhodov. She falls in love with Yasha. Ranevskaya recalls the money spent, husband, son, lover. She invites Lopakhin to propose to Varya. Varya, Anya and the “eternal student” Trofimov arrive. He argues with Lopakhin, who taunts him. Trofimov believes that Lopakhin is a predator that eats everything in its path. He argues that a person must work and give up pride. A passer-by asks for money, and Ranevskaya gives him a coin. Varya is unhappy with her act, and Lyubov Andreevna says that she wooed her. Everyone leaves, Anya and Trofimov stay. He invites her to flee, anticipating misfortune.

In the third act, Lopakhin and Gayev go to the city to attend the auction. They have fun in the estate: they arrange dances, show tricks. Ranevskaya is worried. She says that she wants to return to her lover in Paris, but Trofimov does not understand this. Lopakhin and Gaev arrive. Lopakhin is the new owner of the garden and estate. He bought them. He is very happy and does not see the despair of Ranevskaya and Gaev. When he leaves, the landowner cries, Anya calms her down.

The fourth act shows the departure of the landowner to Paris. Charlotte and Yasha are traveling with her. Dunyasha is crying. Lopakhin does not dare to propose to Varya. Anya and Trofimov stay together. And the forgotten old lackey Firs is dying. The clatter of an ax is heard. Soon there will be neither a garden nor a manor in which the landowners lived.

The play shows that the main thing for our time is money and profit. The age of pragmatism has come. The play teaches not to humiliate or destroy the past.

Read the summary Chekhov's Cherry Orchard by action

Step 1

The events of the play unfold in the spring of 1904. Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya with her daughter, a servant and a lackey return to their homeland. They spent about five years behind the cordon. The family is looking forward to meeting them. Dunyasha put on her best dress and is waiting for the hostess. Even Lopakhin made a remark to her about her appearance. Lyubov Andreevna and her brother are bankrupt. They are forced to sell their property, including their favorite cherry orchard. Ranevskaya's friend, the prosperous merchant Lopakhin, who came from a simple family, recommends to his close friend to cut down the garden, and in its place to rent the land for summer cottages. The landowner doesn't even want to hear about it. This garden became dear to her, because her best childhood memories are associated with it. Nevertheless, Lopakhin advises a friend to weigh the pros and cons. Ranevskaya's brother Gaev wants to take money from a relative and pay off debts.

Ranevskaya has three months to pay off her debts, otherwise the cherry orchard will be automatically put up for auction.

Step 2

Time passes. It's time to resolve the issue of the cherry orchard, and the landowner and her brother continue to lead their usual life. Gaev and Lyubov Andreevna throw money down the drain. Lopakhin returned from Kharkov, and the case remained unresolved. The merchant asks Ranevskaya many questions about his advice, but she does not seem to hear. Lyubov Andreevna and her brother are so calm, it even seems that they are hoping for some kind of miracle. In fact, there is no magic, they just gave up.

At this time, Dunyasha is walking with Yasha, Epikhodov and his friend Charlotte. Dunyasha has sympathy for Yasha, but for him she is just a temporary distraction. Epikhadov loves Dunyasha, he is even ready to give his life for her.

Step 3

Music is playing in the living room, everyone is moving out, dancing. The long-awaited day has come. August 22 - the day of consideration of Ranevskaya's property at the auction. Lyubov Andreevna worries and looks forward to news from her brother. She was completely lost in her thoughts. Ranevskaya thinks about whether the money that the relative sent them was enough to pay off the debts.

The atmosphere in the room is heating up. Ranevskaya has a presentiment of failure and is already in her thoughts to prepare to go to Paris. Her beloved is waiting there. Lyubov Andreevna wants to marry her daughters: Anna to Petya, and Varvara to her friend Lopakhin. In the latter, Ranevskaya does not doubt, but about Petya she is worried, since he is constantly studying at the university, how will he provide for his family?

At this time, a discussion flares up that for the sake of love you can do crazy things. Petya reminds Ranevskaya of her lover, who once robbed her and left. There is no auction result yet, but everyone present already knows what they will do if the house and the cherry orchard are sold.

Lopakhin and Gayev enter the living room. The latter cannot hold back tears, but Ermolai Alekseevich is insanely happy. The merchant informs everyone that he is the new owner of the house and garden. He is proud to have reached such heights on his own without any help. Now Lopakhin will make his dream come true, he will cut down the garden and will rent out summer cottages.

Ranevskaya is crying, Varya is nervous, and Anna reassures her mother that her whole life is ahead and there will be a lot of fun.

Anya reveals to Petya the secret that the garden does not matter to her, she strives for a completely different life.

Step 4

Empty rooms, packed luggage. All you can hear is the sound of an ax and a saw. The new owner of the estate is expecting his friend and her relatives to say goodbye to the house and their servants. On this occasion, Lopakhin treats guests to champagne, but no one is in the mood for drinking this drink. Lyubov Andreevna and her brother are barely holding back tears, Anya and Petya are waiting for the wedding, Yasha is happy that he is leaving his native land and going abroad.

The former owners of the estate go to Kharkov, and then to different parts of the world. Raevskaya and Yasha fly to France, Anna to study, and Petya to the capital, Gaev gets a job at a bank, and Varya becomes a housekeeper. Epikhodov remained to help Lopakhin on the estate.

Only Firs is calm and in no hurry. Due to the chaos that reigns in the house, everyone forgot that they had to take him to the hospital.

Suddenly Pischik comes and gives the money he borrowed to Lopakhin and Lyubov Andreyevna. Pischik told about his earnings. The fact is that he rented out the land and made a good profit.

Ranevskaya hopes for the marriage of Vary and the merchant Lopakhin, but this was not destined to come true. Everyone started to load their luggage. Only Ranevskaya and her brother remained in the yard. They hugged each other tightly, cry, remember the moments of their childhood and youth. They understand that everything has changed and will not be the same as before.

Lopakhin closes the turnkey house. Everyone forgets Firs. But he does not hold any grudge against the owners, he just quietly lies down on the bed and leaves this world.

All you can hear is the sawing of a cherry orchard. A curtain.

The play teaches its reader to cherish and cherish what you have at the moment, tomorrow it may not be. Life is moving forward, everything around is changing, today you are a master, and tomorrow you are a servant, and vice versa.

By actions and chapters


Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna is the owner of a wonderful garden of cherry trees. Outside the window, a beautiful spring, cherry blossoms, but this marvelous garden will soon be sold due to large debts.

The life of Lyubov Andreeva was difficult and tragic, she had to endure a lot of grief. Her husband died of drunkenness, after a while she met and fell in love with another. After a while, fate gives her a heavy blow, her son Grishenka dies. She could not survive this grief and left her native estate to live in Paris, together with her daughter Anya. They lived there for about five years, Lyubov Andreevna's lover went after her, he soon robbed her and left her.

During Ranevskaya's absence, Leonid Gaev, Lyubov Andreevna's brother, along with her adopted daughter Varya, looked after the estate. The day of the return of Ranevskaya and Ani came, Varya and Leonid went to the station to meet them. At home, the merchant Yermolai Lopakhin with a maid named Dunyasha, Epikhodov a clerk, an old servant Firs, a governess Charlotte Ivanovna, a neighbor of Simeonov-Pishchik, Petya Trofimov, Grisha's teacher, remained waiting for them. Gradually the house was filled with people, everyone is in a good disposition, talking about their own. The sisters Varya and Anya are keeping secret, Anya wants Varya to marry the merchant Lopakhin, and Varya dreams that Anya will marry a rich man.

Lyubov Andreevna looks with trepidation at every corner of the house, she is overwhelmed with emotions of joy, because for her the garden is the personification of her life, childhood, youth, a symbol of her homeland. The merchant Lopakhin convinces Ranevskaya and her brother that the only correct solution in this situation is to give the land to the summer residents, breaking it up into lots. But Lyubov Andreevna and Gaev do not want to sell their estate, they do not want the trees to be cut down, because they are alive.

Every day, Lyubov Andreevna receives telegrams from her lover, in which he persuades her to come. She realizes that, despite his terrible meanness, she continues to love him. On the day of the auction, Ranevskaya and Gaev rely very much on the money of their rich aunt, but they are not enough to buy out the estate. The estate is sold, Lyubov Andreevna is going to live for some time on the money of her aunt, and return to her lover, Anya dreams of studying at the gymnasium, of work, of a wonderful new world. Varya and Lopakhin are in love, but he cannot explain himself to her. Everyone is on the eve of something new in their life, and somewhere from far away in the garden you can hear the muffled sounds of an ax.

Picture or drawing Cherry Orchard

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