Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady - Legend Gothic (Notre Dame de Paris)

Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady - Legend Gothic (Notre Dame de Paris)
Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God. Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady - Legend Gothic (Notre Dame de Paris)

Getting to the Parisian shrine is very easy. Its address: 6 PLACE DU PARVIS NOTRE-DAME, ILE DE LA CIT, 75004 PARIS, FRANCE. Nearby there are several stations: 4 Line - Cite or St-Michel; and 11lines - Hôtel de Ville station; , 11 and 14 lines - Châtelet station; 10 Line - Maubert-Mutualité or Cluny-La Sorbonne station.

You can use the transport of the network: Lines B and C, St-Michel station - Notre-Dame.

Opening hours and Mass in Notre Dame

From Monday to Saturday, the Cathedral can be visited from 8:00 to 19:00. On Sunday - from 8:00 to 12.30 and 14:00 to 17:00. Services in Notre Dame are held daily. On Sunday there are several services. International Mass begins at 11:30 am. Even if you are not a religious person, you can visit the service and, thus, listen to a free organ concert.

Cafes and souvenirs near Notre Dame de Paris

A little about the history and architecture of Notre Dame

The architecture of the cathedral is truly unique. The temple was built for almost two centuries, from 1163 to 1345 years. When his first stone was laid, a romantic style with its density and the founding of structures was laid in France. Over time, the Gothic, more intricate and lightweight came to replace him. Due to the fact that the cathedral has absorbed the best of both these styles, his building and acquired his appearance - unique and mystical. There is not a single inner wall of stone in the cathedral. They are replaced by columns that combine light arches among themselves, and stained glass serves for separation of rooms. According to the Gothic canons on the walls of the temple there is no painting. This allows the light that penetrates through colored glass, draw beautiful patterns.

The story of Notre Dame de Paris is full of tragic events. He became a changeless coin in the hands of the rulers of the country. With the authorities of Louis XIV, the cathedral lost its main decoration - stained glass windows. And at the time of the Great French Revolution, Robespierre declared the residents of the capital, which intends to demolish the shrine. But the love of Parisians to the cathedral was so great that they all agreed to pay the robbing fee for the needs of the revolution so that Notre Dame de-bets would be touched. Robespierre spared the building, but ordered the heads of the stone statues of kings who stole him. The large-scale restoration of the temple began in 1841, ten years after the yield of Roman Hugo. She lasted as many as 23 years old. The building was completely restored, broken statues and stained glass windows were replaced with new ones, and on the facade of the building a gallery appeared with chimerers. It was also cleaned of unnecessary buildings space in front of the temple to form an area.

Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady - Legend Gothic (Notre Dame de Paris)

Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady - Legend Gothic (Notre Dame de Paris)

"IL EST VENU LE TEMPS DES CATHÉDRALES" ... A song from such a popular musical "Notre-Dame de Paris" brought fame not only by performers, but also awakened the interest of the world to Roman Viktor Hugo, and to the most grand cathedral of France by the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God herself.

The Cathedral, who squeezes Viktor Hugo in his novel of the same name, is considered the main spiritual center of Paris, and many call it the "heart" of the city. Towing over Paris, the Cathedral attracts not only with its magnificence, but also by numerous secrets, legends are made about the secrets of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God.

On the site of the current Notre Dama in the 4th century, the Church of St. Sebastian was located, and not far from her was the temple of the Mother of God. However, in the XII century. Both of these buildings came to the deplorable state, and the Paris Bishop Maurice de Shuly decided to build a new cathedral in their place, which, according to his plan, should exceed all the cathedrals of the world.

The construction of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother Lady lasted almost two centuries. Not one dozen famous architects worked on his appearance, but Jean de Shel and Pierre de Montrey were made the greatest contribution to the creation of so many Molo Cathedral.

The length of the cathedral is 130 meters, the height of the towers is 69 meters, the capacity is about 9,000 people.

The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady was built on the ruins of the Roman Temple dedicated to Jupiter. The first stone of the Basilica was laid by Pope Alexander III in 1163.

Many different architects took part in the construction, this is evidenced by the style and different in height of the Western facade and the tower.

The construction of the towers was completed in 1245, and the entire Cathedral - in 1345. The giant sizes of the cathedral did not know equally equal until the middle of the XIII century, when the construction of cathedrals in Reims and Amiene began.

About the western facade of the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother Lady Le Corbusier said as a "pure creating of the Spirit." And the truth, present here two geometric shapes - a circle and square, symbolize, respectively, the infinity of God and the limited space created by him. Their joint existence in the facade lines shows how the world of God invades the world, created through the ordinances of the embodiment and the Nativity of Christ.

Under the balstrade the "Gallery of the Kings" stretches, 28 statues of which represent 28 generations of the Jewish kings - the ancestors of Jesus and Mary.

Western facade of Notre Dame has three inputs, their fitted portals are decorated with sculptural panels with images of different episodes of the gospel. Here briefly and expressively told and embodied the essence of Christianity.

In the photo - the central portal, known as the "Portal of a Scary Court". The entrance arches support seven statues on each side. At the bottom of the center on the jumper depicts the dead, rebels from the graves, awakened by two angels with pipes. The scene of the shower of the souls of the deceased Archangel Mikhail is depicted. According to this, the elected lead to paradise (according to the right hand from Christ), and the damned devil leads to hell, to the left. Next, up, on Tympana, depicted Christ-Sudiya and Angels. The bends of the arch are engaged in images of angels, patriarchs, prophets, martyrs and virgins.

The North "Portal of Our Lady" tells about the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Her Ascension to Heaven and Coronation as a queen of Heaven.

The facades of the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady are richly decorated with sculptures. They are among the best sculptures of the Middle Ages. Sculptures tell us the story of the fall to a terrible court.

The spire of the cathedral, on the basis of the statue of the Apostles.

Equestrian sculpture of Charles Great in front of the facade

Behind the Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Virgin Fountain

In the decoration of the cathedral dominates the gray color, this color of the stone from which the walls are folded. In the cathedral there are very few windows and here quite dark and gloomy. The only source of light serve stained glass windows, but light penetrating through numerous stained glass windows fills the temple with a variety of shades.

In addition to the candles, the cathedral is additionally lit with the help of bronze chandeliers, but the light is still not enough, and some time takes the eyes to get used to the twilight, reigning inside. This game of light gives the cathedral special enchanting beauty and some mystery.

The majestic interior of the cathedral, its incredible sizes of the nephogne and the transparent are striking every incoming! North Dame served as the place of coronation of French monarchs and the blessing of the Crusaders. And on August 18, 1572, it was here that the marriage of Heinrich Navarre (future king Henry IV) and Margarita Valua, familiar to us on the famous novel in Dumas "Queen Margo".

The massiveness of the columns on which the silicon navigations of the nebils are relieved, carved capitals facilitate. The ornament with which they are decorated, is like a foliage of trees and serves as a reminder of the Eden Garden.

Standing back to the entrance, you can cover the central nave in the center of the chief altar with the statue of the mournful of Our Lady, as well as the place of intersection of the Central Nafa and the Transport of the Cathedral - the Mary of the Mary of Mary.

At first, feeling a subtle fragrance that cannot be confused with anything, and then - seeing a huge bouquet of royal lilies that exudes it, you can see the image of the Mary of the Virgin Mary in the depths in the depths of the temple. This work of the XIV century was placed in the cathedral only in 1818 instead of the statue of the XIII century, destroyed during the Great French Revolution. Placed in his historical place, this Virgin Mary is one of the 37 images of Our Lady in the cathedral dedicated to her.

The gloomy of the shooting arches of Notre Dame brighter bright stained glass windows that adorn not only huge windows-roses of the Northern and South Portals, but also the chosen over the thread.

It is thanks to this amazingly clear and rich color of the pictures, the temple ceases to put pressure and fill in their sizes, the stained glass windows give "humanity" the interior and scarce lighting of the cathedral reborn into mysterious twilight. Before these bright stains, you will unwittingly stop and consider images, trying to remember or find out one or another biblical plot, which illustrates the stained glass window.

Of course, a tremendous impression is made by window sockets. Here in the photo - the northern socket created by about 1250, the one in which most of the original glass has been preserved. The center shows the Virgin Mary, which bears in the womb of his baby Jesus, surrounded by the characters of the Old Testament. Both sockets with a diameter of 13 m are considered to be masterpieces of Christian art.

As in most Catholic cathedrals (unlike Orthodox), there is a double gallery in the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, the surrounding choir and the chief altar. She drags along the altar barrier - a high partition separating the pollios from the new, which allowed the priests to create prayers in the world and solitude, protecting themselves from noisy fluff.

From the side of the gallery, the altar barrier is decorated with polychrome bas-reliefs, preserved, however, in its original form only partially. Here in the photo is a bas-relief, where you can learn Christ and his students.

One of the greatest relics of Christianity is stored in the Cathedral - the crown of Jesus Christ. He did the way from Jerusalem to Constantinople. Until 1063, he was kept in Jerusalem, in 1063 he was transported to Constantinople. Then the warriors crusaders captured Byzantium.

Byzantium was in progress, local princes needed money, and Bedouin II began to sell relics. So the thorns of the crown was bought by Louis IX.

In 1239, the crown was taken to Paris. By order of Louis, he was placed in a specially built chapel., Where he was to the French revolution. In the era of the revolution, the chapel was destroyed, but the crown managed to save, and in 1809 he was placed in the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God, where it is at the same time.

Together with a terns, the cathedral is located and a nail from the cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. Another nail can be seen in the Cathedral of the city of Cartman. Two more nails are in Italy.

Predated nails are the dispute of historians, how many were there three or four? But this question is not found to today.

Notre Dame Oveyan legends. One of these legends is associated with the gate before entering the cathedral. They are so great that it is difficult to believe that they could create a person. The legend says that their author was a blacksmith named Biscorn, who, on request, notre-lady, agreed to order the gate, worthy of the grandeur of the cathedral. Biscorn was afraid not to justify the trust of the canonian, and decided he would ask for a self-apection for the devil, promising to give the soul for the excellent job.

The gate for the cathedral was a real masterpiece, openwork intertures were combined with figure locks. But the trouble, the castles on the gate could not even discover the blacksmith, they did not give up to anyone, only after the sprinkling of holy water they succumbed. Biscorn could not explain what was happening, he lost the gift of speech, and a few days later he died from an unknown illness. And he took one of the secrets of the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God with her in the grave.

But the most exciting and remembered event when visiting the cathedral has become a walk for the chimer gallery!

Looking outside on the walls of the cathedral from the bottom up, you can see the monsters, bats, vampires, vampires, and mythical creatures, who seem to jump out and get out .... In fact, it is nothing more than the ends of the beams and overlaps , hurried by mordes. It seems completely unthinkable and incompatible this combination of images of demons with the building of the Christian temple themselves. However, according to Christian iconography, everything is logical and natural here. In the era of the Middle Ages, people believed that such a blinking like, and, accordingly, to disrupt the evil spirits and the most unclean from the temple, it was necessary to portray this very evil on the temple itself. So and "settled" here these strange creatures. And whether they protect the temple, whether they run from it, covered by horror .....

But why do they "decorate" the building of the temple? Are they just a decorative element, or they endowed with some kind of mystical abilities?

Himer has long been considered the silent guards of the cathedral. It was believed that at night the chimeras come to life and circuit their possessions, carefully guarding the peace of the building. In fact, by the plan of the creators of the Cathedral, chimeras personify the human character and diversity of sentiment: from Melancholy to the malice, from a smile to tears. Chimeras are so "thought", which began to seem alive creatures. And there is a legend that if you look at them in the twilight for a very long time, then they "come to life." And if you take a picture next to the chimera, then the person seems to be stoneworn in the photo.

At the corners of each of the bells, the chimer and Garguli statues are established - the intricate fiction of the architect Violle-le-Dyuk, since 1841 he managed with restoration work in Notre Dame, and who wished to decorate the building in this way, and at the same time to cause interest and attract the attention of the public.

This is the most famous from Himer, it can be seen immediately at the entrance to the gallery. As if she confesses the life of the ever-changing capital from the height of the height of the ever-changing capital ... I confess, I partly appeared to the gallery for the sake of this frame, because I have seen such an image many times, but, of course, I wanted to make sure that such a character is independent.

All of these incredible monsters, animal hybrids and fantastic birds are presented on the protrusions of the bells and "guard" an ancient building .... and here, even more than there, below, you are striking in this combination of incompatible in the same place - good and evil, Holiness and vice exist here independently and in parallel from each other - the sacred abode of Christianity, and evil spirits on his bell tower .... and nevertheless - all this forms a single building of the temple, the architectural complex, which, perhaps, is most likely The epithet "frozen music."

But Garguli notre-lady settled here already in the Middle Ages. Yes, Garguli and Chimeras are not the same. Garguli is inferior to their "younger sisters". And it is believed that the most beautiful Gargulians are at the level of the ArkButans of the Choir. If chimeras are a decorative element of the cathedral, then Garguli had a completely different purpose.

From French Gargouille translates like a chute or drainage tube. Thus, the monsters are nothing more than drainage pipes, removing rainwater streams from the roof and the walls of the cathedral.

The Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God is so diverse and many-sided that every year attracts a huge number of tourists. Every Sunday you can visit the Catholic Mass, and hear the largest organ of France, hear the extraordinary sound of a six-path bell (it was to this bell quasimodo who fell special love)

Types of Paris, opening from the height of the Cathedral amazing imagination! The whole city can be embraced by one look. In the east - hay and the modern part of the city ...

And in the West, its historical part. On the island, the Saint-Chapel Chapel and the Palace of Justice are visible, and then - Louvre, district of La Defens and Eiffel Tower.

Having been in the gallery chimer for about 5-10 minutes, do not know where to watch: whether to Garguli, or to Paris, whether it became an incredibly close to the cathedral, on those corners who are not visible from there, from below, and to which here - Serve!

For example - to a spire height of 90 m, designed by the same Violla-le-duk instead of a small spire, which was destroyed during the revolution ...

Or before the angel putting the last day of the world ...

Or to the bloodthirsty monsters devouring their victims ...

"Emmanuel" weighs more than 13 tons, and its language is about 500 kg. The bell only calls in the most solemn days - on large Catholic holidays.

There is some extraordinary harmony and harmony throughout this temple. Cumbling and monolithicness - at first glance, and extraordinary lightness and airiness - if you look closely, or bypass and consider it from all sides.
This Square behind the cathedral is one of the most secluded and cozy corners in the city. Very nearby - crowded boulevards, river tram marina, metro station, noisy squares, crowds of restless trists, attackers and the cathedral itself, and the other sights of Site Island ... And here is quiet. Quietly leaving the water in the fountain, Flower flower beds are fragrant, the shadows of the trees are resting casual passersby .... And the cathedral itself is a logical dominant of this place, which is directed to the eyes of everyone who is here. Allows to open a wonderful view of sculptural compositions, rose windows and Arched counterphorts and arkbutans of the eastern part of the cathedral. Hardly notre-lads would be so monumental and impressive, if he is reliably protected with his most vulnerable and fragile side - from the rear - such a wonderful garden .... and the more time you spend, the more you ask the question: is it a cathedral Built in the middle of the garden ..... or whether the garden planted around the cathedral in order to hide and protect it from any unclean and from prying eyes

God "S Garden ~ Notre Dame de Paris

God "S Garden ~ Notre Dame de Paris

God "S Garden ~ Notre Dame de Paris

God "S Garden ~ Notre Dame de Paris

God "S Garden ~ Notre Dame de Paris

God "S Garden ~ Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame de Paris Thanks to Noman Viktor Hugo known to all the world. Few people know, but one of the most famous Parisian attractions is obliged to the writer also salvation from destruction.

By that time, as sent in 1832 to print Roman Hugo, not so much the famous Cathedral of Our Lady was in a very sad condition - years did not spare him. Despite the fact that the construction has been more than 500 years, the story of the sights of little worried French. And the writer himself argued that one of the tasks he put in front of him is to teach Parisian to love architecture.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Pari View from the Seine
View of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris
Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris - Gorgrali

And the architecture of this cathedral really deserves attention. For the construction of Notre Dame de Pans, more than two centuries - the building in the Gothic style was erected from 1163 to 1345 years. Fundamentally approached the process: several buildings were demolished, a new road was built. Interestingly, the construction was consecrated and began to use even at the construction stage - in 1182 the altar was consecrated, although the architectural construction itself did not acquire its final outlines by the time. With all this, Nets Cathedral ended only to 1196, when money appeared on the construction of the roof.

It is not surprising that during work for construction several dozen architects were attracted. However, as a result, they managed to build a unique structure, which today claims to be one of the most famous Christian temples in the world (it is visited annually up to 14 million tourists). But the desire to implement in general the brainchild the own ideas can still be discovered by looking at this ensemble. If we consider it intently, it becomes clear that the western wall and towers are distinguished by stylistically and dimensions.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris - Facade
Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris - Walls
Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris - in the evening

Finishing works were completed by 1345, and it can be said that until the XVII century, notre-ladies-de-bet survived the builders not by the hands. But the 18th century presented him with many tests and updates.

In 1708 - 1725, under the direction of Robert de Cota, the cathedral choir was significantly reworked. These works became part of the implementation of measures to update the cathedral promised to him for the birth of Anna Austrian, who was able to become pregnant after the Virgin Virgin. In the process of reconstruction from the foundation, fragments of columns, formerly part of the building that stood here earlier were removed. They were decorated with a rich ornament, and created them back in the 9th century.

On this update of the cathedral ended. In 1789, a revolution headed by Robespierre broke out in France. The revolutionary announced notre-ladies-de-bet "The Temple of Razma", and after another four years, I issued a decree to deprive the heads of the "stone kings who decorating the churches." Then the spire of the XIII century was destroyed.

In 1802, during the Board of Napoleon, the collapsed building returned the church. And after the work of the GUGO has gained popularity, the question of the demolition of the structure has not been standing. And in 1841, restoration work began, headed by Violla Le-Dujuk, already popular at the time by the architect. For 23 years, the structure has been restored, replaced by the crude statues, the new spire is 96 meters high. Thanks to Violla-le-Dyuku, Figures of Hammer appeared on the facade and the statues of monsters at the foot of the towers.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris - inside
Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris
Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris

The exterior of the building, thanks to the minimum of restorations, preserved almost in his original beauty. In particular, the three recognizable fitted portals that hide the inputs over which the panels with gospel plots rise. By the way, few people know that the above portals are depicted sculptures of the kings from the Old Testament - those that were beheaded by revolutionary.

In the external architecture of the cathedral, it is also worth noting the fact that the northern tower is more overall than South. And initially only in it were bells. In particular, the largest (one that sounds less frequently, and has the tonality of fa-diez). In the XV century, the bells appeared in the southern tower. Today, they are all except for the giant Emmanuel, they sound twice a day. And the most famous bell (and the oldest), wears the name "Bell".

Point Zero - Zero kilometer

Along with Notre Dam de Paris is Crypt Potti Notre Dame - a museum in which the exhibits associated with the Cathedral are collected. In particular, elements of buildings that were here previously, and found during the excavation 65 - 72 years of the last century. And on the square in front of the temple, you can find the beginning of all roads in the country - a French zero kilometer.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris Opening hours:
Open every day from 8:00 to 18:45 (19:15 Saturday and Sunday).

Login free and free
A passage with bags and suitcases is prohibited.

Excursions in Russian are held by volunteers on Tuesday and on Wednesday from 14:00, on Saturday 14:30
The meeting place is located at the bottom of the cathedral, under the authority.
These excursions are free.

Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris in numbers

About 13 million pilgrims and visitors from around the world per year or an average of more than 30,000 people per day. On some days, more than 50,000 visitors per day.

- Area 4800 m2
- Altitude of the arch of 33 meters
- Height under the roof of 43 meters
- Height of 10 meters aisle
- Height of the towers of 69 meters
- Steps 380.
- Spire height 96 meters

- Length of the Nafa 60 meters
- Sale of 14 meters
- The length of the choir is 36 meters
- Total length of 128 meters
- Western facade length 43 meters

- Self width 12 meters
- Width of the choir 12 meters
- total width of 40 meters
- Width of the transverse sobe 48 meters
- width of the western facade of 40 meters

- Diameter of roses in the North and South 13.10 meters
- Diameter Pink West 9.70 meters


In the northern tower, eight bells cast in 2012:
- Gabriel, # 2, 4162 kg, diameter 182.8 cm
- Ann-Genevieve, Si2, 3477 kg, diameter 172.5 cm
- Denis, DO # 3, 2502 kg, diameter 153.6 cm
- Marseille, Re # 3, 1925 kg, diameter 139.3 cm
- Etienne, Mi # 3, 1494 kg, diameter 123.7 cm
- Benoît-Joseph, Fa # 3, 1309 kg, diameter 120.7 cm
- Maurice, floor # 3, 1011 kg, diameter 109.7 cm
- Jean-Marie, # 3, 782 kg, diameter 99.7 cm

In the southern tower, two bells:
- Emmanuel, cast in 1686, Fa # 2, 13230 kg, diameter 262 cm
- Marie, cast in 2012, floor # 2, 6023 kg, diameter 206.5 cm

A large organ: 5 keyboards, 111 registers and 7374 pipes.
The choir organ: consists of two keyboards and pedals and 1840 pipes.


Address: 6 Parvis NOTRE-DAME - PL. Jean-Paul II, 75004 Paris

The Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, or Notre Dame de Paris, is perhaps the most recognizable sample of gothic architecture. His appearance is familiar with almost everyone as his name, because the Cathedral is immortalized in a variety of works of art. Along with both Montmartre, the Cathedral of Notre Dame is one of the main, to miss that almost no tourist allows himself. Every year, the Cathedral attends about 13.5 million (!) Man. Notre Dame attracts travelers not only to its unique architecture - the cathedral is located in a mystical halo, full of secrets, legends and amazing stories.

Notre Dame through the century: History of the famous cathedral

At the site of the Cathedral of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, the sanctuary was erected from ancient times. In the time of the Romans, the temple of Jupiter was standing here. Then the first Christian Basilica of Paris appeared here, erected on the foundation of the Roman Temple. And in 1163 the construction of that majestic Notre Dame Cathedral was started, which we know.

For centuries, Notre Dame played an essential role in the life of Paris and all of France. Here coroned and crowned the French kings. Here fed out outstanding sons of France.

But during the Great French Revolution This rich story has become almost a sentence of the cathedral: the building miraculously survived! Jacobinians were eager to demolish the "Markobesia", but for their main shrine, Parisians themselves, having gathered a huge redemption for him. The building was preserved, but pretty over him "mocked": in particular, Notre-ladies lost his famous spire placed on the roof, almost all of his bells were remembered on the guns, destroyed many sculptures. Especially injured the sculptures of the Jewish kings, placed above the three portals of the facade: statues were beheaded. And the cathedral himself declared the temple of the mind.

Since 1802, worship services began to be held in Notre-lady, and three years later, the coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine was committed here. However, despite the significance of the cathedral, Notre Dame was in an extremely old state and desperately needed restoration. Who knows that this building would have survived to the present day, if not ... Victor Hugo and his famous novel "Cathedral of Paris Mother of God"!

After the publication of the book in 1830, Parisians remembered their architectural and historical treasure and finally, they thought about its preservation and restoration. By that time the age of the building was already almost 7 centuries! In the XIX century, under the skillful leadership of the architect Duke, the first serious restoration of the cathedral was carried out. At the same time, Notre Dame found and the famous chimera gallery, which today is so impressive guests of Paris.

And in 2013, Paris celebrated the 850th anniversary of the Notre Dame. As a gift, the Cathedral received new bells and a renovated organ.

Two Christian relics are stored in Notre Dame: one of the fragments of the thunder crown, which by legend was watered on the head of Jesus Christ, as well as one of the nails, which Roman legionnaires had Christ to the cross.

"Stone Symphony": Architecture of the Cathedral Notre Dame

The majestic and monumental building of the Cathedral is a genuine masterpiece of early gothic. Special impression produces its fitted crusades, beautiful stained glass windows and windows, decorated with sculptures inlet portals. In this construction, architectural harmony admires, and the breath of history, which is felt in all his appearance. Not in vain Victor Hugo called the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady of "Stone Symphony".

Notre Dame de Paris outside

The most attention is attracted by the main western facade of the cathedral - It is one of the most recognizable architectural images. Visually, the facade is divided into three parts, both vertically and horizontally. In the lower part there are three portals (monumental inputs), each of which has its name: portal of a terrible court (central), portal of Our Lady (left) and portal St. Anna (right). Names correspond to the plots, which are depicted in surprisingly beautiful sculptural compositions on the portals.

In the center of the portal of a terrible court - the figure of Christ. Under it - arising from the graves of the dead, awakened by the call of angelic pipes. According to the left hand of Christ - sinners, going to hell. According to the right - righteous people going to heaven.

Over the portals is the so-called " gallery Kings", Represented by 28 statues of the Jewish rulers. She suffered the strongest during the revolution, and in the process of a large restoration in the XIX century, all destroyed statues were replaced with new ones.

It is curious that already in 1977, during construction works under one of the Parisian houses, original sculptures were found, lost during the revolution. Subsequently, it turned out that the future owner of the house in the midst of revolutionary unrest bought several statues, saying that he was needed for the foundation. In fact, this person retained the sculpture under his house - apparently, "until better times." Today, these statues are stored in the Clooney Museum.

From the side of the Western facade, you can consider two bell tower, cheer up. By the way, although at first glance they seem symmetrical, looking after you can see the lung, barely caught asymmetry: the left tower is somewhat massive right.

If it is possible, go around the perimeter cathedral to see and side facades, their impressive input portals with virtuoso executed reliefs, and also consider eastern apse of the temple (Altar ledge) with amazingly beautiful carved vaulted arches.

Inner space

The first thing that rushes into the eyes inside the cathedral is unusual lighting. The light penetrates inside the building through numerous multicolored stained glass windows, creating a bizarre game of light on the vaults of the central nef. At the same time, the most light hits the altar. Such a well-thought-out lighting system creates a special mystical atmosphere.

Instead of massive walls inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame - vaulted arches and columns. Such an organization of space has become a real opening of the Gothic style and allowed to decorate the cathedral of many color stained glass windows.

Central Netre-Lama Nal seems huge. The scale of the cathedral is associated with its initial purpose - because by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creators, he had to accommodate the entire population of Paris! And Notre Dame really perfectly coped with this task at a time when the number of residents of the French capital did not exceed 10 thousand people. And all this population lived on the island of Site, where the cathedral is.

To learn a lot of interesting things about the history of the island of Site, where Paris originated, you can in our audio accounting "" available in the Travelry Appendix.

What to pay attention to the cathedral notre ladies

From the western side of the cathedral is the pride of Notre Dame - Big ancient organ, Created in the XV century! And one of the three stained-glass windows can be seen rose-shaped windowswho are real gothic masterpieces and decorate the cathedral from the XII century.

In front of the altar there is a fenced space, intended for priests and church singers and called choir. Separate attention deserves the fence of the choirs - it is skillfully decorated with colored sculptural compositions with the image of the evangelical scenes created in the XIII-XIV centuries! Their color design was restored during the restoration in the XIX century.

Your attention will attract numerous interesting sculpture, adorning the cathedral notre ladies. In particular, the baroque sculpture "Pieta" for the main altar.

In our we will pass through the Cathedral of Notre Dame, paying attention to the most interesting and learning about the history and design of the building.


From the river to the Notre Dama, a small extension is adjacent, which deserves special attention. After all, it is in it there is a temple treasury, where the most important Christian relics are kept (including the legendary crown of Paris, for legend, back in 1239!), As well as valuable objects of church offense, which are elegant works of art. The collection is very rich and diverse.

Interesting facts about the cathedral Notre Dame

  • In 1572, a very unusual wedding ceremony took place in the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Heinrich Navarre (the future king of Henrich IV) was married to Margarita de Valua. The bride was a Catholic, and nothing bothered to be in the temple, but Henry at that time was a Huguenot, and therefore was forced to spend his own wedding ... on Peniti, before entering the temple.
  • It was in the cathedral notre ladies de beta who began a legendary lawsuit over Jeanne d'Ark, who passed after her execution and fully justified the French heroine.
  • The famous Gorgoles, who decorate the Cathedral, have not only decorative, but also quite practical importance: they are part of the drainage, protecting the structure from the effects of rainwater. Actually, their name itself occurred from French Gargouille - "drain pipe, chute." Designed in the form of grotesque characters, Gorgoles and chimeras also symbolize human sins and evil spirits that are expelled by their temple.
  • If you are considering a high spire that crepts up over the Cathedral of Notre Dame, you can notice the figures of the twelve apostles located at the base of the spire. Curious item: All the apostles look around, and only the Apostle Thoma turned to the spleen. From the Middle Ages, he was considered a patron of builders and architects, and in his image the architect Duk, who held the restoration in the XIX century and restored the spire, depicted himself! That is why the Apostle Foma is so carefully considering the construction.
  • On the roof of his risot of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (this is a small extension from the south side) the bees hives are placed!

There are still many curious facts about the Cathedral of Notre Dame and other attractions of the Isle of the Site you will learn from our audio accounts "".

Around the cathedral notre ladies: what is interesting nearby

  • On the square in front of the Notre Dame is located zero kilometer"- a small bronze star, mounted in the square. It is from this point that the length of all highways of the country is being countdown.
  • Also on the square in front of the cathedral is archaeological crypt (Crypt notre yes de par), which is a museum of archaeological artifacts found in the vicinity of Notre Dame during excavations. Exhibits cover the widest segment of history - almost 20 centuries, starting with antiquity and ending with the XIX century.
  • In the southern part of the square in front of the Cathedral, notre ladies riding on horseback king Karl Great, Ruled by Franks in the VIII and the beginning of the IX century. The monument appeared here in the second half of the XIX century.
  • Eastern apse of the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God goes into a cozy shady garden on the coast, called square John XXIII. It is from here that you can consider the beautiful openwork gothic arches apse of the Cathedral and his spire.
  • A little further, on the easternmost tip of the island of the sieve, another tiny square -Ile de France. It is a memorial to the martyrs of deportation, in memory of 200,000 French sent by the fascists to the concentration camp. A beautiful and well-kept pink garden breaks near the memorial.
  • Not far from the cathedral, on the picturesque embankment of O-Fleur, there is a house in which the famous Pierre Abelar and Eloise (House No. 9) once lived.

As you can see, not only in the cathedral itself, Notre Dame, but also around it you can spend a lot of saturated and informative hours, considering the surrounding structures, studying the monuments of the antiquity and resting in nearby squares. Well, if you go a little further, then other historical and architectural treasures of Islands will open before you: Saint-Chapel Chapel, Justice Palace, Concierger's Castle and other interesting sights. They enter our route , In which you are waiting for many exciting stories and interesting stories.

Notre Dame: Practical information

How to get

From remote areas of Paris to get to the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady, most convenient for the subway - Stations are located near the cathedral Cite. and Saint-Michel - Notre-Dame.

And from nearby areas (for example, 1, 2, 5, 6 districts) It is quite convenient to reach on foot. The island of Sita, on which the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris is located, connects both with the right and left shores of the hay with antique bridges.

Work and cost

Cathedral Open daily on weekdays from 7.45 to 18.45, in Sat. and sun. from 7.45 to 19.15.

Treasury of Cathedral Notre Dame: Mon.-ft. 9.30 - 18.00., Sat. 9.30 - 18.30, Sun. 13.30 - 18.30.

Notre Dame is a current temple with a free entrance. But to visit the treasury will have to buy a ticket(€ 4 full, € 2 preferential).

Towers of the cathedral and observation deck:

From April 1 to September 30 - 10.00 - 18.30.
From July 1 to August 31 - on Fridays and Saturdays work until 23.00.
From October 1 to March 31 - 10.00 - 17.30.

45 minutes before closing, the input stops.

The cost of lifting to the tower: € 10 (A common ticket with a visit to Conciergeri is possible - € 15). At the same time, you must be ready to overcome 422 steps to get to the viewing platform with a magnificent panorama.

The Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God was built on the spot, where the Ancient Roman temple once stood, and later the Christian Basilica. This cathedral is the personification of classical gothic, the striking, the wealth, the beauty of the main facade and the ease of the openwork Arkbutanov from the eastern side. The majestic and beautiful Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady, for the stretch of many centuries, played the role of the "heart" of the capital of France. Imperial coronations and national funeral were held here. In 1429, thanksgiving prayer was held, after Karl VII was crowned in Reims. In this cathedral, the French kings and Queen were crowned, in particular, Heinrich IV with Margarita de Valua.

The construction of Notre Dame de Paris began in 1163 during the reign of Louis VII French. Historians disagree in the opinion of who owns the honor to lay the first stone at the base of the cathedral - Bishop Mauris de Sully or Pope Alexander III. It is only a reliably that the Galo-Roman Temple of Jupiter existed earlier at this place, and later - Basilica St. Sunfan. Construction lasted 182 years, and was completed in 1345.

The building is traditional for the Catholic Councils the shape of an elongated cross. The start of construction had to take time when Gothic was only in their rights as a style in architecture, therefore, despite the dominance of the vertical, the horizontal even successfully competes with it. Due to this, in all the appearance of the building, incomparable clarity is traced. The main facade with a predominant tank height is powerful and at the same time elegant. Horizontal it is divided by gallery for three tiers. In the lower tier there are three portals - the Virgin, a terrible court and St. Anne. There is a gallery of kings between the lower and middle tier with the main stained glass window, which is 28 statues of kings from the Old Testament.

The initial appearance of Notre Dama is distorted by time and endless wars bringing destruction. In particular, under Louis XIV, graves and stained glass windows were destroyed, and during the Great French Revolution on the orders of Robespier, they were decapitated by the statues depicting the French kings. Later it turned out that one Parisian bought them, allegedly planning to use as a building material. In fact, the new owner hid the statues under his home, where they were discovered in 1977.

From 1844 to 1861, the architect Violla-le-Duke carried out the restoration of the temple. In addition to the standard for medieval basil of erkers, arches and colonnade, it supplemented the building with many sculptural images of demons, chimeras, monsters, wonderful birds, grotesque figures of evil monsters, which, looking out of the most unexpected facade sites, ironically contemplate the city from height. It seems that these stone sculptures, murdered to the Gothic Pinakl, hung over the protrusion of the wall, or hidden by the spire, there are a whole eternity, immersed in their thoughts about the fate of people who have slept far below. In particular, medieval Gorgoles served as a prototype for chimer. To create sculptures, Violla-le-Duk is attracted 15 sculptors led by Joffwrui.

During the restoration, the cathedral also received a new oak, trimmed by lead spire, whose height was 96 meters. His predecessor was disassembled in 1786. At the foot of the spire there are four sculptural groups of work home. In addition to the bronze statues of the apostles in each group there is an animal, symbolizing one of the evangelists. Therefore, next to the Holy Mark is Lion, Luke - Bull, John - Eagle, and near the Holy Matthew - Angel. Liquors of all statues are facing Paris, except for the Thomas, who looks at the spire, probably for the reason that this saint patronizes architects.

One of the most remarkable features in the guise of notre-ladies de par are stained glass. In addition to its direct appointment - to provide natural lighting in the cathedral, stained glass windows complement the interior decoration, thus replacing the wall painting. Most stained glass windows were created in the middle of the XIXV during reconstruction. It is interesting that initially they were supposed to collect from transparent glass. But the famous French writer Prospere Merim, who at that time was the main inspector of the historical monuments of France, insisted that they were performed similar to medieval, that is, multi-colored. As for the stained glass above the main entrance, it is well preserved from the Middle Ages, so it was renovated, partially replacing the missing elements. In the center of the rose is the Mother of God, and all sorts of scenes from the daily life of peasants, virtues and vices, signs of the zodiac depicted on the "petals". The diameter of the main stained glass is 9.6 meters, and two side roses - 13 meters, which makes them the largest in Europe.

The Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady is famous for their bells. The biggest of them sounds in the tone of the phase, but it is extremely rarely used. Four other bells, each of which has its name (Denise David (Fa-Diez), Hyacinthe Jeanne (Fa), Antoinette Charlotte (Re-Diez) and Angelique Francoise (Pre-Diez)) Parisians and guests of the capital of France twice a day - In 8 and 19 hours.

In Notre Dame de Paris is a magnificent organ. The first one tool received the Cathedral in 1402. To do this, the old authority placed in the new Gothic building. In the future, the tool was repeatedly rebuilt and reconstructed. A significant contribution to the improvement of the body in 1733 was Verry, after which there were already 46 registers who were already in the instrument, located on five manuals. In addition, the organ placed in a new building, the facade of which was made in the style of Louis XVI. The next important restoration was held in 1788 by Francois-Henri Kliko.

Under the guidance of an outstanding French Organity Builder Aritid Kavay-Call in 1864-1867, a complete upgrade of the tool took place. As a result, the authority received 86 registers and mechanical tract equipped with barx levers. In addition, the sound has changed, which has acquired the traditional Kavier-Call tools. Softness.

From 1902 to 1932, the tool was once again expanded, and the tract was replaced by electric pneumatic. The initiator of the innovation was Louis Vierne, who from 1900 to 1937 served by the titular organist of the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God.

During the reconstruction of 1959, the body was replaced by the console on American, and tract - on electric. For the latter improvement, about 700 km of cable was used. Nevertheless, the system turned out to be unreliable and often failed, as a result of which in 1992 the copper cable was replaced with an optical, and the console was computerized. To date, the body is the largest number of registers (111). It consists of 8,000 pipes, more than 900 of which were installed in Tierry and Klicho.

The titular position of the Organist of Notre Dame de Paris, which is one of the most prestigious in France, is now occupied by three musicians: Philippe Lefevre, Olivier Latri, Jean-Pierre Lygu.