The tale of the priest and his worker is a bastard. Pushkin's Tales

The tale of the priest and his worker is a bastard.  Pushkin's Tales
The tale of the priest and his worker is a bastard. Pushkin's Tales

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Once upon a time there was a pop
Tolokonny forehead.
Went pop in the bazaar
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Balda towards him
He walks without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What are you seeking? "
Pop him in response: “I need an employee:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too dear? "
Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
Diligently and very well,
In a year for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me some boiled spelled.
The pop wondered,
He began to scratch his forehead.
Clicking a crack is rosy.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It will not be expensive for both of us.
Live in my courtyard,
Show your diligence and agility. "
Balda lives in a priest's house,
He sleeps in the straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Everything dances with him until daylight.
The horse will harness, plow the strip,
The stove will flood, prepare everything, purchase,
He will bake the egg and peel it himself.
The ass will not be praised by Balda,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Popenok calls him aunts:
He will make porridge, babysit the child.
Only pop alone does not like Balda,
Never smack him.
He often thinks about reckoning:
Time is running out, and the deadline is already at hand.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking beforehand.
Here he confesses to the priest:
"So and so: what remains to be done?"
The woman's mind is quick-witted

He is fussy about all sorts of tricks.
Priadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that it becomes unbearable for him;
But demand that he fulfill it exactly.
So you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you can send Balda without reckoning. "
It became more fun in the heart of the priest,
He began to look at Balda more boldly.
Here he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker is Balda.

Listen: the devils have pledged to pay
I am a rent, but my death itself;
Better income is not needed,
Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
How are you eating your spelled,
Get me a full rent from the devils. "
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,

I went and sat down by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, end it in the sea to wet.
An old Bes came out of the sea:
“Why are you. Balda, did you come up to us? "

- “Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you damned tribe, to twist. "
The old devil took on gloom here.
"Tell me, why such a disgrace?"
- “How for what? You do not pay rent,
Do not remember the due date;
That will be fun for us,
You dogs are a great hindrance. "

- “Baldushka, wait you wrinkle the sea.
You will receive the rent in full soon.
Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you. ”
Balda thinks: "This is not a thing to do!"
A sent imp popped up,
He mewed like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda-little man;
What dues do you need?
We have not heard of the rent of the century,
There was no such sadness for the devil.
Well, so be it - take it, but with an agreement,
From our general sentence -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone.

F il-was pop,
Tolokonny forehead.
Went pop in the bazaar
View some product.

Balda towards him
He walks without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What did you ask for? "

Pop him in response: “I need an employee:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too dear? "
Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
Diligently and very well,
Three clicks on your forehead a year.
Give me some boiled spelled. ”

The pop wondered,
He began to scratch his forehead.
Click the crack after all.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It will not be expensive for both of us.

Live in my courtyard
Show your diligence and agility. "
Balda lives in a priest's house,
He sleeps in the straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Everything dances with him,
The horse will harness, plow the strip.
The stove will flood, prepare everything, purchase,
He will bake the egg and peel it himself.

The ass will not be praised by Balda,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Popenok calls him aunts;
He will make porridge, babysit the child.
Only pop alone does not like Balda,
Will never take a deep breath of him,
He often thinks about reckoning;
Time is running out, and the deadline is already at hand.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking beforehand.
Here he confesses:
"So and so: what remains to be done?"
The woman's mind is quick-witted
He is fussy about all sorts of tricks.
Priadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that it becomes unbearable for him,
And demand that he fulfill it exactly

So you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you will send Balda without reckoning ”.
It became more cheerful in the heart of the priest.
He began to look at Balda more boldly.

Here he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker is Balda.
Listen: the devils have pledged to pay
I have a quitrent after my very death;
Better income is not needed,
Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
How are you eating your spelled,
Get me a full rent from the devils. ”
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,
He went and sat down by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, end it in the sea to wet.
An old Bes came out of the sea:
"Why did you, Balda, climbed up to us?" -

“Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you damn tribe, twist. "
The old devil took on gloom here.
"Tell me, why such a disgrace?" -
“How for what? You don't pay your rent,
Do not remember the due date;
That will be fun for us,
You dogs are a great hindrance. "
“Baldushka, wait, you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the rent in full soon.
Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you. ”
Balda thinks: "This is not a thing to do!"
A sent imp popped up,
He mewed like a hungry kitten:

“Hello, Balda little man;
What dues do you need?
We have not heard of the rent of the century,
There was no such sadness for the devil.
Well, so be it - take it, but with an agreement,
From our general sentence -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:
Who is most likely of us to run around the sea,
That one and take a full rent for yourself,
In the meantime, a sack will be prepared there. "
Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you making this up, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What a foe they sent!
Wait for my little brother. ”

Balda went to the nearest forest,
I caught two bunnies, but in a sack.
He comes to the sea again,
Finds a devil by the sea.

Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
“Dance-weave you to our balalaika;
You, devil, are still young,
It's weak to compete with me;
It would only be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.

One two Three! catch up. "
The imp and the bunny set off:
Imp on the seashore,
And the bunny in the woods to the house.
Here, running around the sea,
Sticking out your tongue, lifting your muzzle,
The imp came running, gasping for breath,
The whole wet baby, wiping with his paw,
Thought: the matter will cope with Balda.
Lo and behold - and Balda is stroking my brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, darling. "

The imp was dumbfounded
The tail tucked in, completely calmed down,
He glances sideways at his brother.
"Wait," he says, "I'll go get the rent."
I went to my grandfather and said: “Trouble!
The youngest Balda overtook me! "
Old Demon began to think about it.
And Balda made such a noise,
That the whole sea was confused
And in waves it dispersed.

The imp got out: “Enough, little man,
We will send you the whole rent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose any meta for yourself.
Who will throw a stick next,
Let him take the rent.
Well? Are you afraid to dislocate your handles?
What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I'm waiting for this cloud;
Throw your stick in there
Yes, and I'll start with you, devils, a dump. "
The imp got scared and to the grandfather,
Tell about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, the devil threatens with a rope.
The imp got out again: “What are you bothering about?
There will be a rent for you, if you want ... "-

“No, - says Balda, -
Now it's my turn
I will appoint the conditions myself,
I’ll ask you, you little foe, a task.
Let's see what your strength is.
See, there is a gray mare?
Raise the mare, you
Yes, carry it for half a mile;
Take down the mare, the rent is already yours;
You will not carry the mare, but it will be mine ”.

Poor devil
I crawled under the mare,
I took the trouble
I got busy
He raised the mare, took two steps,
On the third, he fell, stretched out his legs.
And Balda to him: “You stupid demon,
Where are you going after us?
And I could not bear it with my hands,
And I, look, will take it between my legs. "
Balda sat on a filly astride
Yes, galloped a mile, so that the dust is a pillar.
The imp was frightened and to the grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.
The devils became in a circle
There is nothing to do - the devils have collected a rent
Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
Balda is walking, quacking,
And the pop, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the hit
He writhes with fear.
Balda found him here,
I gave the rent, and began to demand payment.
Poor pop
He raised his forehead:
From the first click
Jumped pop to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost the pop language;
And from the third click
Knocked out the mind of the old man.
And Balda condemned with reproach:
"You wouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest."

Fairy tale pop and worker watch

Books for children

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837)

AS Pushkin is one of my favorite Russian poets and writers, and Pushkin's tales are dear to the heart from childhood to all our Russian people. It is difficult to express and re-read all the enormous contribution Alexander Sergeevich made to our culture. I remember well how at first my mother re-read to me "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" or "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", I remember Pushkin's tale about the priest very well.

Especially as a child, I loved looking at illustrations for Pushkin's fairy tales. Listening to Pushkin's tales from my mother was so exciting, I vividly imagined the pictures of fairy-tale characters and experienced their joy, troubles and victories with them. Thank you very much to our wonderful artists who made children's fairy tales and our children's books so interesting and exciting that we reread and revised them many, many times from year to year.

Pushkin's tale about the golden cockerel was very instructive and the picture from the book forever engraved in my memory, as the cockerel sat on the king's head and began to peck at him. The names of Pushkin's fairy tales are very telling, and even if someone does not know what they are talking about, a lot can already be said from the names of the fairy tales. The image of the princess in Pushkin's tales is also diverse and multifaceted. There are also evil, envious and insidious princesses, and there are also kind, sweet, beautiful and affectionate ones, whom you want to imitate and whom you want to be like. This is how we learn wonderful, good qualities from childhood.

Each hero of Pushkin's fairy tales helps children learn and gain life experience visually on the images and character of the heroes, their actions, in general, in my opinion, this is the main power and task of fairy tales - to learn from the example of others ...

Svetlana Bordner

Books for children. Illustrator Victor Glebovich Britvin

Pushkin's Tales

The tale of the priest and his worker Balda

Drawings by V. Britvin

F il-was pop,
Tolokonny forehead.
Went pop in the bazaar
View some product.

Balda towards him
He walks without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What did you ask for? "

Pop him in response: “I need an employee:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too dear? "
Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
Diligently and very well,
Three clicks on your forehead a year.
Give me some boiled spelled. ”

The pop wondered,
He began to scratch his forehead.
Click the click, after all, the rose.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It will not be expensive for both of us.

Live in my courtyard
Show your diligence and agility. "
Balda lives in a priest's house,
He sleeps in the straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Everything dances with him,
The horse will harness, plow the strip.
The stove will flood, prepare everything, purchase,
He will bake the egg and peel it himself.

The ass will not be praised by Balda,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Popenok calls him aunts;
He will make porridge, babysit the child.
Only pop alone does not like Balda,
Will never take a deep breath of him,
He often thinks about reckoning;
Time is running out, and the deadline is already at hand.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking beforehand.
Here he confesses:
"So and so: what remains to be done?"
The woman's mind is quick-witted
He is fussy about all sorts of tricks.
Priadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that it becomes unbearable for him,
And demand that he fulfill it exactly

So you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you will send Balda without reckoning ”.
It became more cheerful in the heart of the priest.
He began to look at Balda more boldly.

Here he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker is Balda.
Listen: the devils have pledged to pay
I have a quitrent after my very death;
Better income is not needed,
Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
How are you eating your spelled,
Collect me a full rent from the devils ”.
Balda, with the priest in vain without arguing,
He went and sat down by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, end it in the sea to wet.
An old Bes came out of the sea:
"Why did you, Balda, climbed up to us?" -

“Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope
Yes, you damned tribe, twist. "
The old devil took on gloom here.
"Tell me, why such a disgrace?" -
“How for what? You don't pay your rent,
Do not remember the due date;
That will be fun for us,
You dogs are a great hindrance. "
“Baldushka, wait, you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the rent in full soon.
Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you. ”
Balda thinks: "This is not a thing to do!"
A sent imp popped up,
He mewed like a hungry kitten:

“Hello, Balda little man;
What dues do you need?
We have not heard of the rent of the century,
There was no such sadness for the devil.
Well, so be it - take it, but with an agreement,
From our general sentence -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:
Who is most likely of us to run around the sea,
That one and take a full rent for yourself,
In the meantime, a sack will be prepared there. "
Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you making this up, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What a foe they sent!
Wait for my little brother. ”

Balda went to the nearest forest,
I caught two bunnies, but in a sack.
He comes to the sea again,
Finds a devil by the sea.

Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
“Dance-weave you to our balalaika;
You, devil, are still young,
It's weak to compete with me;
It would only be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.

One two Three! catch up. "
The imp and the bunny set off:
Imp on the seashore,
And the bunny in the woods to the house.
Here, running around the sea,
Sticking out your tongue, lifting your muzzle,
The imp came running, gasping for breath,
The whole wet baby, wiping with his paw,
Thought: the matter will cope with Balda.
Lo and behold - and Balda is stroking my brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, darling. "

The imp was dumbfounded
The tail tucked in, completely calmed down,
He glances sideways at his brother.
"Wait," he says, "I'll go get the rent."
I went to my grandfather and said: “Trouble!
The youngest Balda overtook me! "
Old Demon began to think about it.
And Balda made such a noise,
That the whole sea was confused
And in waves it parted.

The imp got out: “Enough, little man,
We will send you the whole rent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose any meta for yourself.
Who will throw a stick next,
That let him carry off the rent.
Well? Are you afraid to dislocate your handles?
What are you waiting for?" - “Yes, I'm waiting for this cloud;
Throw your stick in there
Yes, and I'll start with you, devils, a dump. "
The imp was frightened and to the grandfather,
Tell about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, the devil threatens with a rope.
The imp got out again: “What are you bothering about?
There will be a rent for you, if you want ... "-

“No, - says Balda, -
Now it's my turn
I will appoint the conditions myself,
I’ll ask you, you little foe, a task.
Let's see what your strength is.
See, there is a gray mare?
Raise the mare, you
Yes, carry it for half a mile;
Take down the mare, the rent is already yours;
You will not carry the mare, but it will be mine ”.

Poor devil
Crawled under the mare,
I took the trouble
I got busy
He raised the mare, took two steps,
On the third, he fell, stretched out his legs.
And Balda to him: “You stupid demon,
Where are you going after us?
And I could not bear it with my hands,
And I, look, will take it between my legs. "
Balda sat on a filly astride
Yes, galloped a mile, so that the dust is a pillar.
The imp was frightened and to the grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.
The devils became in a circle
There is nothing to do - the devils have collected a rent
Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
Balda is walking, quacking,
And the pop, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the hit
He writhes with fear.
Balda found him here,
I gave the rent, and began to demand payment.
Poor pop
He raised his forehead:
From the first click
Jumped pop to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost the pop language;
And from the third click
Knocked out the mind of the old man.
And Balda condemned with reproach:
"You wouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest."


Victor Glebovich Britvin- Russian graphic artist, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, author of illustrations for works of world, Russian and Chuvash classical literature.

W il-was a pop,
Tolokonny forehead.
Went pop in the bazaar
View some product.
Balda towards him
He walks without knowing where.
“What, dad, got up so early?
What are you seeking? "
Pop him in response: “I need an employee:
Cook, groom and carpenter.
Where can I find this
A minister not too dear? "
Balda says: “I will serve you gloriously,
Diligently and very regularly,
In a year for three clicks on your forehead,
Give me boiled spelled. ”
The pop wondered,
He began to scratch his forehead.
Clicking a crack is rosy.
Yes, he hoped for a Russian maybe.
Pop says to Balda: “Okay.
It will not be expensive for both of us.
Live in my courtyard,
Show your diligence and agility. "
Balda lives in a priest's house,
He sleeps in the straw
Eats for four
Works for seven;
Everything dances with him until daylight,
The horse will harness, plow the strip,
The stove will flood, prepare everything, purchase,
He will bake the egg and peel it himself.
The ass will not be praised by Balda,
Popovna only grieves about Balda,
Popenok calls him aunts;
He will make porridge, babysit the child.
Only pop alone does not like Balda,
Will never take a deep breath of him,
He often thinks about reckoning;
Time is running out, and the deadline is already at hand.
Pop neither eats nor drinks, does not sleep at night:
His forehead is cracking beforehand.
Here he confesses to the priest:
"So and so: what remains to be done?"
The woman's mind is quick-witted
He is fussy about all sorts of tricks.
Priadya says: “I know the remedy,
How to remove such a disaster from us:
Order Balda a service so that it becomes unbearable for him;
But demand that he fulfill it exactly.
So you will save your forehead from reprisal
And you can send Balda without reckoning. "
It became more fun in the heart of the priest,
He began to look at Balda more boldly.
Here he shouts: “Come here,
My faithful worker is Balda.
Listen: the devils have pledged to pay
I have a quitrent after my very death;
Better income is not needed,
Yes, there are arrears on them for three years.
How do you eat your spelled,
Get me a full rent from the devils. "
Balda, without arguing with the priest in vain,
I went and sat down by the seashore;
There he began to twist the rope
Yes, end it in the sea to wet.
An old Bes came out of the sea:
"Why did you, Balda, climbed up to us?"
- Yes, I want to wrinkle the sea with a rope,
Yes, you damn tribe, twist. -
The old devil took on gloom here.
"Tell me, why such a disgrace?"
- How for what? You do not pay rent,
Do not remember the due date;
That will be fun for you,
You dogs are a great hindrance. -
"Baldushka, wait, you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the rent in full soon.
Wait, I’ll send my grandson to you. ”
Balda thinks: "This is not a thing to do!"
A sent imp popped up,
He mumbled like a hungry kitten:
“Hello, Balda little man;
What dues do you need?
We have not heard of the rent of the century,
There was no such sadness for the devil.
Well, so be it - take it, but with an agreement,
From our general sentence -
So that in the future there will be no grief for anyone:
Who is the most likely of us to run near the sea,
That one and take a full rent for yourself,
In the meantime, a sack will be prepared there. "
Balda laughed slyly:
“What are you making this up, right?
Where can you compete with me
With me, with Balda himself?
What a foe they sent!
Wait for my little brother. "
Balda went to the nearest forest,
I caught two bunnies, but in a sack.
He comes to the sea again,
Finds a devil by the sea.
Balda holds one bunny by the ears:
"Dance, weave you to our balalaika:
You, imp, are still young,
It's weak to compete with me;
It would only be a waste of time.
Overtake my brother first.
One two Three! catch up. "
The imp and the bunny set off:
Imp on the seashore,
And the bunny in the woods to the house.
Here, running around the sea,
Sticking out your tongue, lifting your muzzle,
The imp came running, gasping for breath,
The whole mokreshenek, wiping with his paw,
Thought: the matter will cope with Balda.
Lo and behold - and Balda is stroking my brother,
Saying: “My beloved brother,
Tired, poor thing! rest, darling. "
The imp was dumbfounded
The ponytail tucked in, completely subdued.
He glances sideways at his brother.
"Wait," he says, "I'll go get the rent."
I went to my grandfather and said: “Trouble!
Little Balda has overtaken me! "
Old Demon began to think about it.
And Balda made such a noise,
That the whole sea was confused
And in waves it parted.
The imp got out: "Enough, little man,
We will send you the whole rent -
Just listen. Do you see this stick?
Choose your favorite meta.
Who will throw a stick next,
That let him carry off the rent.
Well? Are you afraid to dislocate your handles?
What are you waiting for?" - Yes, I'm waiting for this cloud;
Throw your stick in there
Yes, and I'll start with you, devils, a dump. "
The imp was frightened and to the grandfather,
Tell about Baldov's victory,
And Balda is making noise over the sea again
Yes, the devils are threatened with a rope.
The imp got out again: “What are you bothering about?
There will be a rent for you, if you want ... "
- No, says Balda, -
Now it's my turn
I will appoint the conditions myself,
I’ll ask you, foe, a task.
Let's see what your strength is.
See, there is a gray mare?
Raise the mare, you weave,
Yes, carry her half a mile;
Take down the mare, the rent is already yours;
You will not carry the mare, but it will be mine. -
Poor devil
I crawled under the mare,
I made it hard
I got busy
He raised the mare, took two steps,
On the third, he fell, stretched out his legs.
And Balda to him: “You stupid devil,
Where are you going after us?
And I couldn't bear it with my hands,
And I, look, will take it between my legs. "
Balda sat astride a filly,
Yes, galloped a mile, so that the dust is a pillar.
The imp was frightened and to the grandfather
I went to talk about such a victory.
There is nothing to do - the devils have collected the rent
Yes, they put a sack on Balda.
Balda is walking, quacking,
And the pop, seeing Balda, jumps up,
Hiding behind the hit
He writhes with fear.
Balda found him here,
I gave the rent, and began to demand payment.
Poor pop
He raised his forehead:
From the first click
Jumped pop to the ceiling;
From the second click
Lost the pop language;
And from the third click
Knocked out the mind of the old man.
And Balda condemned with reproach:
"You wouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest."