For the difference in military service 1 degree. Medal "For the difference in the military service" I degree

For the difference in military service 1 degree. Medal
For the difference in military service 1 degree. Medal "For the difference in the military service" I degree

The medal "For the difference in military service" was approved in 1974. She was presented by the prowess of the military personnel of the army, fleet, internal and border troops. The grounds for awarding are high rates of combat training, significant achievements in tactics and strategies, courage, heroism, as well as other merits, manifested during military service. This sign, the differences most often honored midshipmen and ensigns. The medal was preserved among in modern Russia.


The story of medals is rooted in medieval Europe. In those days they were not just award. Their presence was considered the riding honor. They were awarded only knights. On medals it was possible to identify the Chin of the Warrior, the genus of his activity, to understand who he serves. Such signs were only wealthy layers of the population. Usually these were feudal or representatives of higher estates. Already in those days the medals were a symbol of differences, and people who were worn, were an example for imitation.

On the territory of Russia, these signs appeared at about the same time. A distinctive feature was that they were given only by the military. The medals were minted gold coins that many were not used in direct intended. Often they were sewn on elements of clothing, for example, on shirts and caps. In the 16-17th centuries, the medals began to stamp in a more familiar form for us, with the name of an event or battle, and to hand over certain merit.


Nowadays, the awards are held quite often. Medal can get almost every person. For example, for long service, for merits to patronymic, etc., the state is engaged in the production of medals, as well as other awards. These are manufactured by the method of sealing. Pattern, inscriptions or drawing are applied by manually and engraving.

Actively began to create medals after the arrival of Soviet power. Participants of the October Revolution received especially much. And during and after the Great Patriotic War, they were presented with military and simple workers who made a significant contribution to the victory over the enemy. Medals usually received ordinary soldiers. Although they were often awarded and orders.

The most honorable and valuable is the Order of "Victory", made of 170 diamonds. Its owners in the entire history of the USSR and modern Russia were only 17 people. He establishes and presents senior awards only by the President of Russia. On his instructions, this can make another high-ranking official.

Medal "For the difference in military service"

This award was created and established in the 70s in the USSR. She was one of the most valuable medals. For all the time of its existence, the medal "For the difference in military service" 1 degrees received 25 thousand people, 2 degrees - 130 thousand. Such a sign is awarded for achievements and successes, valor and courage during service in the following types of troops: land, Navy, border and internal. Medal is worn on the right side of the chest.

The Soviet artist Zhuk A. B. was made by the creator of the drawing and form of the medal. It was made from brass in the form of a circle with the right five-pointed star on it. At its ends there were images of shields with various kinds of troops. The engraved voluminous silhouettes of the sailor, pilot and a soldier were placed in the center of the medals. The diameter of the medal was 38 mm. It was attached to a brass block, hidden thin ribbon of red fabric. In the midst of the ribbon there was a small bulk five-pointed star.


The first who received the USSR medal "for the difference in military service," became ordinary spirit of Anatoly, who showed courage and courage. He was noted for the capture of dangerous armed criminals. But most often it was awarded the ensigns and Michmanov, especially before various holidays and significant dates associated with the armed forces. Officers and soldiers were rarely awarded. During hostilities in Afghanistan, many military personnel received this reward for the valiant service, courage and courage. Some were awarded this honor posthumously.

The last award took place in the spring of 1993. In total, more than 140 thousand military workers received the medal "For the Difference in Military Service" of the USSR of both degrees. But this reward was preserved in modern Russia. The medal "For the difference in military service" of the Russian Federation is awarded for the same merits for which they were presented in Soviet times.

Medal "For the difference in military service" II degree

Medal "For the difference in military service"decree was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 28, 1974. The Regulations on the Medal made a change in the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 18, 1980.

Regulations on the medal

The medal was awarded servicemen of the Soviet Army, Navy, Border and Internal Troops:

For excellent indicators in combat and political training,

For special differences in the teachings and maneuvers, when carrying a combat service and combat duty,

For courage, dedication and other merits shown during the period of military service.

The awarding medal "For the difference in military service" was made on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the USSR Defense Minister, the USSR Interior Minister, Chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR.

The medal consists of two degrees (I and II), the highest of which is the degree.

The medal "For the difference in military service" is worn on the right side of the chest below the orders of the USSR. The ribbon to the medal on the general planke is placed after the ribbon to the medal "for the difference in the protection of the state border of the USSR".


medals "For the difference in military service"II degree

The medal of the II degree is made of Melchior and has the shape of a convex five-pointed star, in the intervals between the ends of which are five shields with the emblems of the main generics of troops. In the center of the medal - a specialized image of a soldier, sailor and pilot, framed by a ring with the inscription "for the difference in military service" and two laurel branches below. All images on the medals are convex. The reverse side of the image medal does not have, only in the lower part of the reverse there is a small embossed stigma of the Moscow Mint in the form of three stylized letters "MMD".

The size of the medal between the opposite ends of the star is 38 mm.

The medal with the help of the ears and ring is connected to the melchiorial block of 29.5 mm wide and a height of 27.5 mm. The block is covered with silk moored red ribbon of 24 mm wide with two longitudinal green stripes along the edges of 3 mm wide; The distance of the strip from the edge is 3 mm. In the center of the pad on the tape placed a Melchior five-pointed asterisk. The pad has on the back of a rowed pin with a nut to attach the medal to clothing. A clamping nut with a diameter of 19 mm has a stamp "Moscow Mint" by convex letters.


The first mass awards medal "For the difference in military service" of the II degree were made on the eve of the celebration of the Soviet Army Day in 1975. The medal "For the difference in military service" quickly became award for ensigns and Michmanov. Cases of awarding this medal of officers, and even more so persons of the ordinary and sergeant composition, took place less often.

By the beginning of 1981, about 25,000 servicemen were awarded a medal of the II. For 1985, the medals of the I and II degree were awarded about 5,000 and about 40,000 military personnel, respectively.

There are cases of rewarding medal. So, for example, the senior ensign V.A. Scrambles, which served in the railway troops, was awarded this medal three times. The first of his rewards occurred by a medal of II degree according to the orders of the USSR Defense Minister No. 287 dated December 23, 1982. In 1990, the Order of the USSR Defense Minister No. 9 of February 9, V.A. The empties were awarded I degree of medals. The last one, the third award, there was another I degree of the medal, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union - by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 11 of January 17, 1995.

As of January 1, 1995, about 120,000 awards were produced by a medal "For the difference in military service", about 120,000 awards were produced.

Medal "For Difference in Military Service" III degree

Medal "For Difference in Military Service"- Departmental Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 123 dated March 27, 1995 "On the awards of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation".

The medal was re-established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 85 of March 5, 2009. The order of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 123 of March 27, 1995 was recognized by the same order.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1851 of December 16, 2010, a change was made to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 85 of March 5, 2009.

Rules awarding

According to the provision on medal, the award is subject to positively characterized, which are not disciplinary recovery of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a reasonable initiative, diligence and difference in service.

The medal "For the difference in military service" has three degrees, the highest of which is I degree.

Medal III degree is intended for awarding military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to achieve the total duration of military service of 10 years in calendar calculation (I degree - 20 years, II degree - 15 years).

The award is performed in series: a medal III degree, then a medal II degree, then - a medal I degree.

Awarding the Medal "For Difference in Military Service" is carried out by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the manner prescribed in the Ministry of Defense.

The medal is awarded awarded in a solemn atmosphere by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or another official on his instructions. Together with the Medal "For Difference in Military Service", a certificate of the established form is given.

The medal is worn in accordance with the rules of wearing the military uniform of clothing and the signs of the difference in the military of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the departmental signs of distinction and other heraldic signs.


medals "For the difference in military service" III degree

The medal "For the difference in military service" III degree is made of metal of bronze color and has a circle shape with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex side on both sides.

On the front side of the medal: in the center - a relief image of a shield with a Roman number III in the center, denoting the degree of medals, on two diagonally crossed swords, wings and anchors, with a rope; Under them in a circle - relief inscription: "For the difference in military service."

On the back of the medal: In the center - a relief image of the emblem of the armed forces (a double-headed eagle with open wings, holding a sword in the right paw, and in the left - laurel wreath. On the eagle's chest there is a shield topped with a crown. On a shield on a red field - rider, striking dragon); In a circle - relief inscription: at the top - "Ministry of Defense", in the lower part - "Russian Federation".

The medal of the III degree with the help of a corner and ring connects with a pentagonal block, covered with a silk moored ribbon width of 24 mm. From the right edge of the ribbon, an orange strip 10 mm width is bordered with a black band wide 2 mm wide, from the left - a red strip width of 12 mm, in the middle of which is three green stripes 2 mm wide; The distance between the green stripes is 1 mm.

The elements of the medal "for the difference in military service" symbolize:

Shield (the symbol of the defense of the fatherland), the sword (the symbol of the armed struggle and the element of the military heraldic signs of the ground forces), wings and anchor (elements of the military heraldic signs of the Air Force and Navy) - Ready for the defense of the Fatherland,

Orange strip of ribbons of medals, bordered by the black stripe, - belonging to medals to the system of signs of the armed forces,

Red and green ribbon medals - the purpose of the medal for awarding the servicemen for impeccable service.