Marco Polo than famous. Marco Polo - Great Traveler from Old Venice

Marco Polo than famous. Marco Polo - Great Traveler from Old Venice
Marco Polo than famous. Marco Polo - Great Traveler from Old Venice

Marco Polo is an Italian merchant and traveler who has written after his journey in Asia "a book about the diversity of the world."

Marco Polo was born in 1254. In 1260, the Father and Uncle Marco - Venetian merchants Niccolo and Maffeo Polo - went from Constantinople, where they had already been trading in Asia for several years. They visited the Crimea, in Bukhara, and the most distant point of their journey became the residence of the Great Mongolian Khan Khubila. After negotiations with the Venetians, Khubilai decided to enter the intercourse with the West and decided to send the embassy to Pape, having ordained both brothers to be his representatives before dad. In 1266, the Polo brothers went to Europe. In 1269, they reached the fortress of the Aqua on the Mediterranean Sea and learned there that the Pope IV, to which they had a message from Hubila, died, and the new dad was not yet elected. The papal legate held in the AccKe told them to wait for the election of the dad. And then the brothers decided to spend time waiting in Venice, where they were not already fifteen years old. They lived in their homeland for two years, and the election of the dad was all postponed. Then the Polo brothers again went to Aki, taking with them and the young Marco, which was then no more than seventeen years old. In Akk, they received a letter to Hubilaus from the Papal Leah, which reported on the death of the Pope of Clementia IV. But barely only they went through, as they found out that the papal legate himself was elected dad under the name Gregory X. The new dad ordered the messengers to return travelers from the road and handed them the letters to the Grand Khan, after which the Venetians were secondary to the distant path.

Returning to Mongolia, the Polo brothers did not adhere to the same path they followed the Great Hanu for the first time. If, before they drove along the northern Tian-Shan previation, which significantly extended the road, now they have passed a shorter way - through the current Afghanistan. But despite this, their journey into the residence of Hubilai-Khan lasted about three and a half years.

2 Armenia

Marco Polo, together with his father and uncle, began a trip with the Small Armenia, which is characterized in his book as "the country is strongly unhealthy." I made a big impression on the Venetians on the seashore of the shopping city of Laias (Ayas) - the share point of valuable Asian goods and the place of the congress of the merchants of all countries. From the Minor Armenia, Marco Polo went to Turkmen land. Great Armenia, which Marko Polo then visited, was a comfortable becoming for the Tatar army. From the Great Armenia, the Venetians went to the northeast, in Georgia, stretching along the southern slope of the Caucasus.

3 Tauris

Then travelers went down to the Kingdom of Mosul. Then they visited Baghdad, where "Califa lives everyone in the world of Saracin." From Baghdad, Venetian travelers fell into Tavriz (Tabriz) - the Persian city in the province of Azerbaijan. Tauris is a large shopping city lying among beautiful gardens. The merchants are conducted by trafficking precious stones and make big profits. The main trade of the country - horses and donkeys, whom residents are sent to Kizi and Kurmaz (Ormuz), and from there to India.

From Taurisa, travelers went down to the south, to the Persian city of Yazdi (Yazd), and then, having passed seven days over the magnificent, abundant wild forests, arrived in the province of Kerman. There, in the mountains, Rudokops mined turquoise and iron. After leaving the city of Kerman, Marco Polo and his companions acted in nine days later, came to the city of Kamadi, surrounded by beautiful groves of the dates and pistachio trees.

4 Ormuz

Continuing his way to the south, travelers reached the fertile valley of Kormaza, the current Ormuza, and then arrived to the shores of the Persian Gulf, in the city of Ormuz. This terrain, rich in dates and spices, seemed very hot and unhealthy Venetians. Ormuz was a major trading city. There were delivered from different places for sale precious stones, silk and gold fabrics, elephant bone, dick wine and bread, and then took out all these products on ships. "They have bad ships," Marco Polo celebrated, "and they dies a lot of them, because they are not incomplete with iron nails, but stitched with ropes from the bark of Indian nuts."

From Ormyuza Marco Polo with satellites, climbing to the northeast, went dangerous expensive through a barren desert, in which only bitter standing water came across, and seven days later reached the city of Kobinan (Kukicenan). Further, Marko Polo's path ran through the cities of Sapurgan (Shibargang) and Tican (Talican - in the northeast of Afghanistan).

Next, travelers joined the area of \u200b\u200bShesmur (Kashmir). If Marco Polo was holding the former direction, he would come to India. But he rose from here to the north and in twelve days arrived in the land of Vakhan. Then, through the mountainous deserts of the Pamir, after a forty-day transition, travelers reached the province of Kashgar. Now they found themselves in the country, where Maffeo and Niccolo Polo were already, during their travel from Bukhara to the residence of the Great Khan. From Kashgar Marco Polo turned to the West to visit Samarkand. Then, Returning again in Kashgar, he headed to the Run, then in Khotan, and then reached the border of the Great Desert Takla Makan. After a five-day trip along the sandy plain, the Venetians arrived in the city of Lob, there they rested eight days, preparing for the transition through the desert stretching to the East.

5 Kapichion.

For the month, travelers crossed the desert across and arrived in the province of Tangut, to the city of Schzhou (now Dun-Hua), built on the western border of the Chinese Empire. The travelers went to the city of Suktan (now Jusuan), in the vicinity of which they are bred in large quantities, and then in the city of Canpichion (now Zhanj, in the central part of the Chinese province of Gansu) - the then capital of Tangutov. "This is a big, majestic city in which noble and rich idolaters, having a lot of wives," wrote Marco Polo. Three Venetians lived a whole year in this city. From there, Marco Polo traveled to Karakorum, for which he had to cross the Gobi Desert twice.

6 Meeting with Khan

Venetians drove through the province of Sanduk (Tennduk) and, having moved through the great Chinese wall, arrived in Chiagannor (in Inner Mongolia), where he was one of the summer palaces of the Grand Khan. After leaving Chiagannor, they arrived three days later in Chiandu (Chanda), and there travelers were adopted by Great Khan Khubilam, who lived in their summer residence, located behind the "Great Wall" north of Hanbalyca (Beijing).

Marko Polo speaks little about the admission rendered to the Venetians Khubilam, but describes the palace of the Great Khan very detailed, built out of stone and marble and all the murdered inside. The palace was placed in the park, surrounded by a stamina; There were assembled all sorts of beasts and birds, the fountains beat, there were arbors from bamboo everywhere. In the summer palace, Khan Khubilai lived for three months a year.

7 Hanbalyk

Together with the Courtyard Khan, Kubile travelers then moved to the capital of the Hanbalyk Empire (Beijing), where the magnificent Palace of Khan was. Marco Polo described in detail in his book and this Khansky Palace: "Three months a year, December, January and February, Great Khan lives in the main city of China Hanbalyke; There's his big palace, and here he is: first of all the square wall; Each side is a mile in length, and in the district, it means four miles; The wall is thick, in the embroidery of good ten steps, white and the circle of the gear; In every corner of the beautiful, rich palace; They keep the giving Great Khan; There are still on the palace in each wall, the same as coal; Total walls of eight palaces. Behind the wall there is another, smaller in the diameter rather than in length; And then eight palaces, the same as the first, and they also keep backed by the Great Khan. In the middle of the Palace of the Great Khan, it was built as: this is no longer seen anywhere; There is no second floor, and the foundation over the ground is ten spans; Roof erasing. The walls in large and in small rest are covered with gold and silver, and dragons, birds, horses and all kinds of animals are painted, and so the walls are covered, which, except gold and painting, can not be seen. The hall is such a spacious, more than six thousand people can be there. Diva is given how many places there are spacious and perfectly arranged. And the roof is red, green, blue, yellow, all colors, finely yes, skillfully laid out, glitters, like crystal, and glows from afar. "

Marco Polo lived in Hanbalyka for quite a while. He really liked the Great Hanu with his lively mind, muscles and ability to easily absorb local adverbs. As a result, Khabilai gave Marco Polo various orders and sent it not only in different areas of China, but also to the Indian seas, to Ceylon Island, to the Koromandel and Malabar Islands and Kohinhin (Indo-China). In 1280, Marco Polo was appointed Ruler of the city of Yangui (Yangzhou) and twenty-seven cities in this area. Following the instructions of the Great Khan, Marco Polo traveled most of China and handed over in his book a lot of information, valuable and ethnographic, and geographical relationship.

8 First Journey in China

Great Han gave Marco Polo instructions and sent him a messenger to the West. Leaving Hanbalyk, he walked four months in this direction. According to the beautiful stone bridge with twenty-four arches, having three hundred steps in length, Marco Polo crossed over the Huanhe River. Having drove thirty miles, the traveler joined the large and beautiful city of Zigi (Zhusian), where silk and gold fabrics are released and sandalwood is treated with great art. Moving further to the West, Marco Polo in ten days reached the area of \u200b\u200bTyayan Fu (Taiyan), abundant vineyards and tute trees.

Finally, driving through the whole of China, the traveler reached Tibet. According to Marco Polo, Tibet is a very large area whose people speak their special adveria and worships idols. There are good cinnamon crops and "many of such spices, which have not seen in our countries."

After leaving Tibet, Marco Polo headed to Haindu (Zundy) and from there, while crossing the Tzinshasian River (apparently, Yangtze) - reached Karazhan (now the province of Yunnan). From there, heading for the south, the Polo joined the province of graceland, the capital of which Nachyan was on the site of the current city of Junchan-Fu. Further, following the big road that serves a trading path between India and Indo-China, he drove the Baoshan region (in Yunnan's province) and after a fifteen-day trip on horseback on the forests, abundant elephants and other wild animals, reached the city of Miang (Munic). The city of Muga, who has long been destroyed, was famous at that time a miracle of architectural art: two towers folded from a beautiful stone. One was covered with gold sheets in a thumb, and the other is silver. Both of these towers were supposed to serve as a gravestone monument to the king of mehanas, but his kingdom fell and became part of the possessions of the Great Khan.

Then Marco Polo descended to Bangali, the current Bengal, which at the time, in 1290, was not yet captured by Khan Khubilam. From there, the traveler went to the east, to the city of Kangigu (apparently, in North Laos). Residents there tattooed their body, blowing with needles on his face, neck, abdomen, hands and legs of lions, dragons and birds. South Cangygu Marco Polo during this journey did not come. Hence he rose to the northeast and fifteen days later the way came to the province of Tololoman (on the border of the current provinces Yunnan and Guizhou).

Leaving Toloran, Marco Polo followed twelve days along the river, on the shores of which were often found large cities and villages, and arrived in the province of Kungii, which was within the borders of the possessions of the Great Khan; In this country, Marco Polo was struck by the abundance of wild animals, especially bloodthirsty lions. From this province, Marco Polo headed in Kachan Fu (Hepjiang), from where it came to the already familiar road, which led him back to Khan Khubila.

9 Second Journey in China

After some time, Marco Polo, with a new instruction from the Great Khan, made one more trip to the south of China. First of all, he visited the larger area of \u200b\u200bManzi, where he visited Koigangui (Huayan), located on the shores of the Juanhe River. Residents of this city were engaged in salt mining from salt lakes. Then, moving farther to the south, the traveler visited one after another several shopping cities: Panshin (Baoin), Kaiu (Gaju), Tijui (Taizhou) and, finally, Yangui (Yangzhou). In the city of Yangui Marco Polo for three years was the governor. However, he and during this period did not remain long in one place. Continuing to ride around the country, he carefully studied the seaside and domestic cities.

Marco Polo described in his book the city of Sainpu (January), lying in the northern part of Hebei Province. It was the last city of Manzi's area, resisting Hubilaus after the whole area was conquered. The Great Khan besieged the city for three years and mastered them thanks to the promotion of the Venice Polo. They advised Khan to build throwing machines - Ballists. As a result, the city was defeated by a hail of stones, many of which reached three hundred pounds.

Of all the cities of South China, the greatest impression was made at Marco Polo Kinsai (Hangzhou), located on the Zyantanjiang Shipping River. According to Marko Polo, "twelve, thousands of stone bridges in it, and under the arches of each bridge or most of the bridges of the court can pass, and under the vaults of other - ships are smaller. Do not be surprised that the bridges are a lot here; City, I will tell you all in water, and the circle of water; You need a lot of bridges here in order to pass everywhere. "

Then Marco Polo went to the city of Fugue (Fujian). According to him, there were often rebounds of the population against Mongolian rule. Not far from Fugue is a large port of Kaiton, leading busy trade with India. From there, after five days of the road, Marco Polo arrived in the city of Zatuita (Quanzhou) - the farthest point in his journey through Southeast China.

Marco Polo, having fully completed his journey, again returned to the court of Khan Khubila. After that, he continued to perform various assignments, using his knowledge of Mongolian, Turkish, Manchur and Chinese languages. He took part in the expedition to the Indian Islands and subsequently amounted to a report on swimming on it, then a little famous, seas.

10 departure from China

In continuation of eleven years, not counting the time spent on a trip from Europe to China, Marco Polo, his father Niccolo and Uncle Maffeo remained in the service of the Great Khan. They walked around their homeland and wanted to return to Europe, but Hubilai did not agree to let them go. The Venetians had a lot of valuable services to him, and he offered them all sorts of gifts and honors to keep in her yard. Nevertheless, the Venetians continued to insist on their own. Suddenly, they helped a happy accident.

The Mongolian Khan Arhun, who reigned in Persia, sent to the great Hanu ambassadors who were entrusted to ask for Arhaun's wife Kubila's daughter. Khubilay agreed to give his daughter for him and decided to send the bride with a big retinue and rich in Persia, to Arhuna. But the countries lying on the way from China to Persia were covered by the uprising against Mongolian dominion and was not safe for them. After some time, the caravan was forced to turn back.

Ambassadors of Persian Khan, having learned that Venetians skillful navigators began to ask Hubile to trust them with "Princess": the ambassadors wanted the Venetians to bring her to Persia with a steep way, by sea, which was not so dangerous.

Hubilay Khan after a long hesitation gave way to this request and ordered the food fleet from fourteen four-person ships. Maffeo, Niccolo and Marco Polo led the expedition, which was in the way for more than three years.

In 1291, the Mongolian fleet left the port of Zaton (Quanzhou). Hence, he headed for an extensive country of Chianba (Chamb, one of the regions of the current Vietnam), which was subordinated to the Grand Khan. Next, the Khan Fleet went to the island of Java, who could not capture Hubilai.

11 Sumatra

After parking on the islands of the Sendur and Condor (off the coast of Cambodia), Marco Polo reached the island of Sumatra, which he called Malaya Yavoy. "This island extends so far to the south that the polar star is at all invisible, no, nor a lot," he said. And it corresponds to reality for residents of southern Sumatra. The land there is surprisingly fertile, are found on the island of wild elephants and rhinos, which Marco Polo called unicorns.

Bad weather detained the fleet for the whole five months, and the traveler, using the case, visited the main provinces of the island. Sagovy trees were especially struck: "They have a thin bark, and inside one flour; It makes delicious dough. " Finally, the winds allowed ships to leave a small java.

12 Ceylon

The fleet went to the southwest and soon reached Ceylon. This island, spoke Polo, was once much more, but the northern wind blew there with such a force that the sea flooded part of the Earth. In Ceylon, according to Marco Polo, the most expensive and most beautiful rubies, sapphires, topases, amethysts, grenades, opals and other gems were mined.

In sixty miles east of Ceylon, Mariaphels met the large region of Maabar (Koromandelle Beach by the Industan Peninsula). She was famous for pearl fishing. Marko Polo's journey in India lasted along the Koromandel coast.

From the shores of India, the fleet Marco Polo again returned to Ceylon, and then went to the city of Kail (Kaive) - at that time a lively port, where ships came from many eastern countries. Further, having encouraged Cape Komorin, the southernmost point of Hindustan, the navigators saw Koillalon (the currently quilon), the harbor in the Malabarian coast, which was in the Middle Ages one of the main trading points with West Asia.

After leaving Koillan and continuing swimming towards the north, along the Malabarian coast, the fleet Marco Polo reached the coast of Eli country. Having visited Melibar (Malabar), Gogurat (Gujarat) and Macoran (Macroman) - the last city in the north-western part of India, - Marco Polo, instead of climbing Persia, where he was waiting for the bridegroom of the Mongolian princess, headed to the West Through the Omansky Bay.

13 Madagascar

The desire to see new countries was so strongly at Marco Polo, that he dreamed of five hundred miles to the side, to the shores of Arabia. Flotilla Polo went to the island of Scotra (Socotra), lying at the entrance to the Aden Bay. Going away by a thousand miles to the south, he sent his fleet to the shores of Madagascar.

According to the traveler, Madagascar is one of the largest and most beautiful islands all over the world. Residents here were engaged in crafts and industrialled ivory. The merchants who arrived here from the coast of India were used to move around the sea only twenty days, but the return journey took at least three months from them, since the current in the Mozambician strait delibe their ships to the south. Nevertheless, Indian merchants willingly visited this island, selling gold and silk fabrics here and getting a sandalwood and ambru in return.

14 Ormuz

Lifting up from Madagascar to the northwest, Marco Polo sailed to Zanzibar's island, and then to the African coast. Marco Polo visited Abaiy or Abyssinia, a very rich country where a lot of cotton grows and good fabrics are distinguished from it; Then the fleet reached the port of Wall, almost at the entrance to the Bab el-Mandant, and further, following the shores of the Gulf of Aden's Gulf, stopped consistently in Aden, Calate (Calchat), Dufar (Zafar) and, finally, the meter (Ormuz).

In Ormuze and ended the swimming Marco Polo. Mongolian princess finally got to the border of Persia. By the time of her arrival, Khan Arhun managed to die and civil wars began in the Persian kingdom. Marco Polo gave the Mongolian princess to the patronage of the son of Arhuna Gassana, who just at that time led the struggle with his uncle, Brother Arhun, who tried to capture the liberated throne. In 1295, the rival of Hassan was strangled, and Hassan became Persian Khan. How was the further fate of the Mongolian princess - unknown. Marco Polo, together with his father and Uncle, hurried in his fatherland. The path was lying on the Trapezund, Constantinople and Negripont (Halkida), where they sat on the ship and sailed to Venice.

15 Return to Venice

In 1295, after a twenty-tetteless lack of lack, Marco Polo returned to his hometown. Three travelers, saturated with the hot rays of the Sun, in rude Tatar clothes, with Mongolian manners, almost forgotten their native speech, were not recognized even with the most close relatives. In addition, there were no rumors about their death for a long time in Venice, and everyone considered three polo died in Mongolia.

Which of us in childhood did not dream of distant edges, about exciting adventures? But alone remains just dreamers, and others, matured, are sent to turning dreams in the pere. These words relate to those people, thanks to which great discoveries were committed, continents were conquered.

Marco Polo: Traveler, whose biography is interesting today

He was born in a merchant family in about 1254. His father led business in the East, so Marco often accompanied him in distant trips. Sophisticable and observant young man remembered everything that saw on the road. Marco Polo biography and today is read as one exciting novel, filled with extraordinary incidents. The path lay them on the Mediterranean Sea, the Tiger River, with Ormuza their caravan was sent by land. Thus, these were the first European expeditions to Central Asia.

Marco Polo is a traveler who made a huge contribution to the development of science and geography as a whole. He easily taught the languages \u200b\u200bof those countries where he stayed for a long time (Mongolia, China). Running notes of it later became the most valuable source for drawing up the maps of the region. The emperor of the Criminal Empire trusted the enterprising young man so much that he ordered to accompany the princess at her journey. This is exactly the greatest in the history of that time. It took part of whole fourteen ships, and it ended with success.

The biography of Marco Polo tells not only the successes of the brave traveler, were in his life and black stripes. Leaving from Venice in 1271, he returns to his homeland only in 1295. But then he fought with Genoa, and during one swimming Marko enters the prison. To pass the time, he begins to tell his neighbors around the chamber about his adventures. These stories were so interesting and bright that even the guards listened to them. And then many citizens began to come to hear fantastic stories of first mouth. The leaving from Pisa, the writer Rusticheno, decided to write these entertaining stories on paper. So the famous "Book Marco Polo" appeared, filled with subtle comments of the experienced traveler.

Biography Marco Polo and today fascinates us. After all, it was not only very long to travel and tedious, but also dangerous. However, despite the difficulties, the brave venetian marks the beauty of landscapes, describes the customs of countries, retells legends. Coming out of the conclusion, Marco continues to work on the book, which many of his contemporaries considered ordinary fiction. However, the next generations of navigators and openers confirmed the words of the merchant. And after reading this work, an idea about the sea travel to Asia occurred.

Marco Polo Biography is a fantastic story about a person who sought to know our planet, open the curtain of secrets over countries that are highly distant from his homeland. He died on 1324, after the last days, engaged in trade and observations. And this difficult traveler managed to enter his name in

  • Marco Polo was born about 1254, in Venice or on the island of Korcula (the territory of modern Croatia).
  • Father Marco Polo, Nikolo, and Uncle Muffeo Supporters of the version of the Croatian origin of the family consider people from Eastern Slavs. Nikolo and Muffeo were merchants who many years led trading with the countries of the East, were on the Volga and in Bukhara. In 1269, returned to Venice from the next wander, from the holds of Khan Kuba (Khubila).
  • 1271 - Father and Uncle take the seventeen year old Marco Polo on the next journey. Pope Grigory X sent polo to Asia. The ultimate goal of their route was China - the city of Kambala (Beijing), the initial point - Venice. Descriptions of the way will differ. Some researchers argue that Polo moved through Akki, Erzemum, Ormuz and Pamir on Kashgar and from there to Beijing. Others believe that the main points of the route were Akka, the southern coast of Asia, Armenian Hinda, Basra, Kerman, the southern foothills of Hindukusha, Pamir, the desert of Takla Makan, the city of Zhanie (this is already China, and travelers spent about a year here), Karakorum.
  • 1275 - anyway, the merchants arrived in Beijing. For many years, they traded in China, and Marco Polo consisted of serving the Great Khan Cuba and enjoyed the large arrangement of the ruler.
  • By occupying your position, Marco Polo traveled almost all of China. Later he was appointed Ruler Jiannan Province. In total, Marco, Nikolo and Maffeo Polo stayed in China around seventeen years.
  • 1292 - Polo leave China. Now they are sent to Persia, since they are committed to accompany the Mongolian princess issued to marry the Persian ruler.
  • 1294 - in Persia Polo receive news about the death of the Great Khan Cuba, after which they are sent to their homeland.
  • 1295 - Polo return to Venice.
  • 1297 - Marco Polo participates in the sea battle between Venice and Genoa. Captured.
  • September 1298 - July 1299 - Marco Polo in captivity. In prison, he dictates another prisoner, Pizantsu Rustichean, "Book" - his memories of distant journey.
  • This work at that time was hardly the only source of knowledge of the West on Central, South and East Asia. Marco Polo was not a geographer, so the distance in its description was much overestimated, as a result of which the cartographers were not entirely accurate maps. But describing the lives of the eastern peoples, artfully outlined observations were priceless. Thanks to Polo, Europe learned not only about paper money and cities with a million population (however, not all believed in it), but also about the Islands of Java and Sumatra, about the country Chipinggua (Japan), about Ceylon and Madagascar, about Indonesia. It was from Marco Polo that Europe learned about the spices that were later valued just like gold.
  • The family Marco Polo knows a little - he was married and he had three daughters, as well as several closest relatives. In the family, the polo was not everything smoothly, sometimes reached the court proceedings.
  • January 8, 1324 - Marco Polo dies in Venice. According to the researchers, the last period of life he was a very rich man. It is also known that before the death of Polo gave free one of his slaves and left him a large amount.

The Italian merchant and traveler who represented the history of his journey in Asia in the famous "book about the diversity of the world."

Despite doubts about the reliability of the facts set forth in this book, expressed from the moment of its appearance until this time, it serves as a valuable source of geography, ethnography, history of Armenia, Iran, China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, India, Indonesia and other countries in the Middle Ages . This book had a significant impact on navigators, cartographers, writers of the XIV-XVI centuries. In particular, she was on the ship of Christopher Columbus during his search route to India; According to researchers, Columbus made 70 marks on it.

Marco Polo was born about 1254 in Venice or on the island of Korcula (the territory of modern Croatia). Polo ancestors arrived in Venice from Dalmatia and have never been among the noble Venetian merchant surnames. When Marco was six years old, his father Niccolo and Uncle Muffeo went to the last nine years in the east. During this time, the mother's mother died, and his aunt for the father's line was raised. Marco got quite a balanced for that time education - read the Bible and some ancient authors, able to count and write. And spent his free time at the Venetian canals or in the port, where came and from where they went to all the ends of the light loaded by the goods commercial vessels.

Marco was 15 years old when his father Nikolo and Uncle Mateo were returned from a distant and prolonged journey to Venice - rich merchants. It was in 1269. They visited the Crimea, on the Middle Volga, in Samarkand and Bukhara, in Mongolia. According to them, the Mongolian Empire stretches from the Danube to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Even China was under the rule of Mongolian Khan Khubila.

Han welcomed the polo brothers and, when they gathered in the opposite way, instructed them to transfer the letter to Pope, in which he expressed his readiness to establish diplomatic relations.

Only in two years (1271) the polo brothers received a response letter dad and gifts for Khan Kubila. This time Nikolo took the 17-year-old son Marco. So the famous 24-year-old journey Marko Polo began. The way to China was long, he took about 4 years (1271-1275).

The first Chinese city, in which in 1275 the Polo family was reached, there was a Shahazh (modern Dunhuan). In the same year they got to Schand's summer residence in Chanda (in the modern Chinese province of Gansu). According to Marko Polo, Khan was delighted with them, gave various orders, did not allow him to return to Venice and even held him by the Governor of the city of Yangzhou (head CXLIV, book 2). In addition, the Polo family (according to the statements of the book) participated in the development of the Han Army and taught it to use the catapults during the siege of fortresses.

In the spring of 1292, the fleet from the fourteen four-person ships sailed from the port of Zaitun (Quanzhou). During the trip around the eastern and southern shores of Asia, Marko Polo learned about Japan, about the Islands of Indonesia ("Labyrinet 7448 islands"), about the country of Chambo on the East Coast of Indochina. From the Pacific Ocean to the Indian ships passed by the Malacca Strait, made a three-month stop on the shores of Sumatra. After stopping on Ceylon and swimming along the western banks of India, the ships entered the Persian Bay and threw anchor in Ormuess, where Polo visited 22 years ago. During the navigation on the Indian Ocean, Marko Polto managed to get some information about the African coast, Ethiopia, Islands Madagascar, Zanzibar and Socotra. Having delivered the princesses to Persia, the Polo family in 1295 returned to Venice. All Venice was amazed, having learned how many wealth - precious stones - brought three travelers from the east.

Soon the war broke out between Venice and the Genieta for the Championship in trade on the Mediterranean Sea. Marco Polo equipped with the ship and participated in the battle himself. Together with his team, he was captured and sharpened to the Genoese prison. There, Marco Polo told prisoners about his travels for distant countries. One of the prisoners - the Italian writer Rustician - recorded the stories of Venetian about everything that he saw and heard during her interesting and long journey.

After some time, Marco Polo was released from prison, returned to Venice and continued records of his travels. He died in 1324, a notable, respected man. His book was interested in contemporaries. Initially, she went in many handwritten lists. For the first time was published in 1477, and then translated into many languages. This book introduced Europeans with the distant countries of the East, with their nature, inhabitants, culture. True, not everything was reliable in it. But then the huge number of more valuable information about the East, which gathered Marco Polo while traveling, made this work as a favorite book of such prominent navigators, like Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Fernando Magellan. The Book Marco Polo played an important role in the opening of America and the sea route to India.

"To Niga Miracles of Light"

Also known under the names of "Travel Mark Polo", "Book about the diversity of the world", "Book Marco Polo" (Older. Livres des Merveilles du Monde).

Despite doubts about the reliability of the facts set forth in this book, expressed since its appearance until this time, it serves as a valuable source of geography, ethnography, the history of different peoples of the world.

The description of Marko Polo Travels in Asia and Africa, held between 1276 and 1291, which Rusichelli and Pisa, who was with him in the Genoese prison, recorded Rustichelli in the Staofranzaz language.

"Travels" consist of four parts. The first describes the territories of the Middle East and Central Asia, which Marco Polo visited on the way to China. The second describes China and the yard of Hubilai-Khan. The third part refers to seaside countries: Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia and the East Coast of Africa. The fourth describes some of the war between the Mongols and their northern neighbors.

The descriptions of Marco Polo are full of inaccuracies. This applies to the names of individual cities and provinces, their mutual location, as well as descriptions of objects in these cities. The famous example is a description of the Bridge near Beijing (the name of the Marco Polo's name now), which actually has two times less than the arches than is described in the book.

Marco Polo visited

And Rhenium

According to Marco Polo, Armenia was divided into the Great (most of the modern Armenia) and a small one (most likely he meant Kilicia).

"This is a great country. It begins in the city called Arzing (Erzincan), where Tkut is the best fabric and canvas in the world. It also has the best baths from natural sources that have throughout the city. The people of the country are Armenians. There are many cities and villages in the country, but a significant city is Arzing, where the throne of Archbishop is located, Arziron (Erzrum) and Arzizi (ARZHIS). Passing out of the demandson in Tauris, there is one castle - PiPurt (Bayburt), it stands on the Peninsula hill and here you can see silver mines, "the traveler wrote.

Marco Polo, perhaps, was the first European, who opened the west indescribable and majestic beauty of the Biblical Mount Ararat. In his notes, he described everything. Marko Polo, wanted to convey that important fact that it was in Armenia, on the top of the Holy Mountain there is noev the ark.


Rosia is a big country in the north. Christians live here by the Greek confession. There are many kings and your own language; The people are simple and very beautiful; Men and women of white and blond women. On the border there are many difficult passages and fortresses. Dani they do not pay anyone, only a bit of the king of the West; And he is Tatar and called Taktaktai, they pay tribute to him, and no one else. This country is not trading, but there are many expensive high value fur; They also have a sable, and ermine, and proteins, and Ercolins, and many nice foxes, the best in the world. They have a lot of silver ores; They mined a lot of silver.

About another than nothing to say here, and therefore let's go from Russia and tell you about the Great Sea that the circle of these areas, and local residents, let's start first of all from Constantinople.

But I will tell you first of all about the area that north and northwest. In this country, I will tell you, there is a lacquer area, she borders with Russia, there is a king, and the inhabitants of Christians and Saracins. A lot of good fur here; The merchants take them out in different directions. Residents are engaged in trading and crafts. About another than nothing to say here, and therefore let's go from here and tell about the other.

I want to say about Russia something that I forgot. Know, according to true truth, the strongest cold in light in Russia; It is difficult to hide from it. The country is large, to the sea-ocean; At this sea, they have several islands where the creams and falcon-pilgrims are found, all this is exported to different countries of light. From Russia, I will tell you to Norway, the path of the underworner, and if it were not for the cold, then it would be possible to walk there soon, but from the great cold it is not easy to walk there.

To Itay

In 1260, Nikolo (Father Marco), with his brother Muffeo made a trade expedition to East Asia. Marco was also among the travelers. The route ran from Venice (Northern Italy) to the Palestinian Akt, then - to the port of Ayas that on the southern coast of Asia. The merchants overcame the Armenian Highlands and went down the tiger to the port of Basra. The purpose of this company was the achievement of the shores of China by sea. But resting the difficulties of the maritime travel and not trusting unreliable (according to merchants) ships, they abandoned the sea and continued a trip to China on land.

In China, Marco Polo lived for about 15 years by doing trading. Khana Marco has crossed East China many times many times. From the tracks of the traveler with accuracy, you can find out only two routes. The first path passes along the coastline south to the cities of Kinsai and Zeytun. The second path leads to Eastern Tibet, Yunnan and on North Indochina.

To Azakhstan.

In the history of penetration into Europe, the name of the Kazakh land can not be named the name of Venetian Marco Polo, the "greatest traveler of all the times and peoples", as he was well deserved called the Russian scientist, researcher Asia I. Musketov. The paths of the Polo brothers crossed the territory of Central Asia, and the Kazakh land (refill, the Syrdarya Valley and or).

In the six chapters of the book, Marko Polo describes in detail about the disagreements and the struggle between some courageous people named Alaau and Berk. The name of Alau Batyr meets in folklore works published by V. V. Radlov in his work "Samples of national literature of the Northern Turkic tribes", and in the "song about the forty Crimean heroes" ("Tsyrynz Kitryk, Batyr Tural Zhyd").

M Ongolia

For 17 years, Marco Polo served at the courtyard of Mongolian Khan Khubile, who founded the Yuan Empire. Performing the instructions of the emperor, he drove almost in all provinces of today's China. The book "On the diversity of the world" was written by subsequently, became the present property of medieval literature. It describes in detail about life, life, traditions, history and culture of the 14th century.

In 1292, Khan let go of three travelers with rich gifts; They went to the ocean and through Kohinhin, Sumatra, Ceylon, Trapezund and Constantinople returned to Venice in 1295

In Venice, Marco Polo thanks to his wealth achieved a high position and received a nick Masser Millioni.

And notium

The trip to India was the last of the big missions Marco Polo. This is said in his book: "Marco returned from India, because of many seas, and a lot of new told about that country"

In the book Marco Polo there is a mention of the city of Muga. It is believed that Mies are a Pagan on the Iravadi River. Accordingly, Mies Marco Polo is Burma.
In the book, Marco Polo says that the city of Myan is "Big, notable, most important in the kingdom; People here are idolaters, they say special, their tongue, subject to the Grand Khan. "

And Ndoneesia

The traveler Marco Polo is believed (1254-1324) was the first representative of Europeans who visited the Indonesian archipelago. He allegedly wandered there by chance, studying the search for various spices, which at that time were extremely appreciated.

In the introduction, Marco describes Indonesia as eight kingdoms, in six of which he visited, "namely ... in the kingdom of Ferk, Basman, Sumatra, Dagroyan, Lamboy and Funsur." Perhaps the most primitive of them was Basman, whose residents "do not have a law like beasts." He notes: "The Great Han considers them his subjects, but they do not pay him Dani, because it is so far that people of the Great Han do not get here."

M tsya marco polo

Marko Polo Museum is located in Korcula, Croatia.

Museum Marco Polo is located very close to the Cathedral of St. Mark in one of the old houses, where he was born on one of the versions. Is it really no one knows.

At the entrance to the museum you will be visited by the wax figure of Marco Polo himself, dressed in a suit similar with what merchants and travelers were worn. A wide stone staircase leads to the building, which can be climbed to a narrow door from the board. Here are scenes from the life of young Marko Polo in Korcula, his travels through the Egyptian sands and China, a scene of a meeting with Khan Kubember in Mongolia, as well as the scene of the imprisonment Marco Polo - it was there he took up his description of his travels.

M Arco Polo (TV series)

american historical television series telling about the journey of the legendary Venetian merchant Marco Polo. The main roles were executed by Lorenzo Rickel (Marco Polo) and Benedict Wong (Khubilay-Khan). From December 12, 2014.

Plot of the film

1273 year. The young Venetian Marco Polo, together with his father, in the group of European merchants arrives in China, which is under the rule of the Mongols and is at the courtyard of the ruler, Hubilai-Khan. Father Marco offers Khan to give his son to him in exchange for commerce on the Silk Road. Marco is trained in local traditions and culture, it becomes close to Khan and impaired it is involved in political intrigues at the courtyard.

Source - Internet

Marco Polo is the famous Italian traveler, Venetian merchant, writer.

Marco's birth documents are not preserved, so all information is approximate and inaccurate. It is well known that he was born in a merchant family, which was engaged in trading jewelry and spices. He was nobleman, had the coat of arms and belonged to the Venetian nobility. A merchant Polo was inherited: his father was named Nikolo, and it was he who joined his son to travel with the aim of opening new trade routes. Marco did not know his mother, as she died at birth, and this event occurred when Nikolo Polo was far from Venice, in his next journey. The boy's upbringing was engaged in a father's line, while Nikolo was returned from a distant journey with his brother Muffeo.


No documents were preserved about whether Marco was studied somewhere. But it is known for the fact that he dictated his book to his ceamator, Pizanza Rusticiano, while he was captured by the Genoesers. It is known that in the future he learned many languages \u200b\u200bduring the journey, but if he knew a diploma - the question was still controversial.

Life Path

Marko made his first journey along with his father in Jerusalem in 1271. After that, his father sent his ships to China, to Khan Kubilai, at the courtyard of which the Polo family has lived for 15 years. Marco Polo liked Hanu his fearlessness, independence and good memory. He, according to his own book, was an approximate Khan, participated in solving many state issues. Together with Khan, he gained the Great Chinese Army and suggested that the ruler use the catapults in hostilities. Khubilay appreciated the millennial and intelligent, not by the years of the Venetian young man. Marco traveled many Chinese cities, performing the most complex diplomatic instructions of Khan. Having a good memory and observation, he delve into the life and life of the Chinese, studied their language, did not marry their achievements, which sometimes exceeded even European discoveries in their level. Everything that Marco saw in China for the past years in an amazing country, he described in his book. Shortly before departure to Venice Marco was appointed by the ruler of one of the Chinese provinces - Jiannan.

Khubilay did not agree to let go of his pet home, but in 1291 he sends a polo family to accompany one of the Mongolian princesses issued to marry the Persian ruler to Ormuza, the Iranian Island. During this journey, Marco visited Ceylon and Sumatra. In 1294, when they were still on the road, they comes to the news of the death of Khan Khubila. The polo no longer makes sense to return to China, so it was decided to go home to Venice. Dangerous and heavy path lay through the Indian Ocean. Of the 600 people who floated from China, only a little managed to get to the final point of travel.

Marco Polo is participating in the war with Genoa, from which Venice competes for the right of maritime trading paths. Marco, participating in one of the marine battles, is captured, where he spends several months. It was here that he dictated his friend on misfortune, Pizanza Rusticiano, who was in one cell, his famous book.

Nikolo Polo was not confident that the son would return alive from captivity and was very worried that their genus could interrupt. Therefore, the prudent merchant married again, and he had three more sons in this marriage - Stefano, Muffio, Giovanni. Meanwhile, his eldest son, Marco, returns from captivity.

Upon returning the case, Marko go excellent: he successfully marries, buys a big house, it is called in the city of Mr. Million. However, the citizens mocked their compatriot, considering this eccentric merchant a liar who tells fairy tales of distant countries. Despite the material well-being of the recent years of his life, Marco jeep on travels and in particular - in China. He could not get used to Venice, to the end of his days recalling love and hospitality Kubila. The only thing he pleased in Venice is the carnavals that he visited with great pleasure, as they reminded him of the magnificence of the Chinese palaces and the luxury of the Khan outfits.

Personal life

Returning from the captivity in 1299, Marco Polo married a rich, noble Venetian donate, and in this marriage they had three adorable daughters: Belela, Fantin, Margette. However, it is known that Marco very regretted that he had no son who could pass into the inheritance his merchant heritage.


Marco Polo sick, and in 1324 he died, leaving prudently will. He was buried in the Church of San Lorenzo, who was demolished in the XIX century. The luxurious house Marco Polo burned down at the end of the XIV century.

The main achievements of the Polo

  • Marco Polo is the author of the famous "book about the diversity of the world", which disputes do not fail still: many are questioned the accuracy of the facts described in it. Nevertheless, it is very masterfully described the history of the Travel Polo in Asia. This book has become an invaluable source of ethnography, geography and history of Iran, Armenia, China, India, Mongolia, Indonesia in the Middle Ages. She became a desktop book of such great travelers as Christopher Columbus, Fernando Magellan, Vasco da Gama.

Important dates biography polo

  • 1254 year - birth
  • 1271 - First Journey with Father in Jerusalem
  • 1275-1290 - Life in China
  • 1291-1295 - Return to Venice
  • 1298-1299 - War with Genoa, captivity, "Book about the diversity of the world"
  • 1299 - marriage
  • 1324 - death
  • The right to be called the Motherland Marco Polo is imposed by Croatia and Poland: Croats found documents for which up to 1430, the family of the Venetian merchant lived on the territory of their state, and the Poles argue that "Polo" is not a surname at all, but the national belonging of the great traveler.
  • By the end of the life, Marco Polo turned into a sufficiently miser, a screed man who was sudden because of money with his own relatives. However, for historians, it is still mysterious for the fact that Marco, Nightly before his death, let go of one of his slaves to his will and bequeathed him a rather large amount of money from his inheritance. According to one of the versions, Lead Peter was Tatarin, and Marco did it in memory of his friendship with Mongolian Khan Khubilam. Perhaps Peter accompanied him in the famous journey and knew that most of the stories in the book of his owner were far from fiction.
  • In 1888, the butterfly, the jaundice Marco Polo was named after the great traveler.