Boris and Gleb Ancient Rus. Curse Svyatopolka Messy

Boris and Gleb Ancient Rus. Curse Svyatopolka Messy
Boris and Gleb Ancient Rus. Curse Svyatopolka Messy

Photo icon painter Victor Morozov

The Russian Orthodox Church on August 6 notes the Day of Memory of the Saints Boris and Gleb Passioner Princes.

Who are Boris and Gleb?

Princes Boris and Gleb (in baptism Roman and David) are the first saints, canonized by the Russian Church. They were the younger sons of Kiev Grand Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich (equivalent prince Vladimir). The brothers were born shortly before Rus's baptism and were raised in the Christian faith.

Why is the day of saints Boris and Gleb celebrate several times?

Indeed, a year a few days dedicated to the memory of the Saints Boris and Gleb. For this year, May 15 - the transfer of their relics to the new church-tomb in 1115, which Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich built in Vyshgorod, on September 18 - the memory of Holy Prince Gleb, and on August 6, the joint celebration of the saints.

What feat did the saints?

The life of the saints was sacrificed for love. Boris and Gleb did not want to raise his hand on his brother and support the internecine war. The brothers chose death as a sign of infinite love for Christ, in the imitation of his godfather. The feat of Boris, as well as his brother Gleb, is that they voluntarily refused worldly, political struggle in the name of fraternal love.

How did Boris and Gleb died?

Vladimir called Boris in Kiev shortly before his death. He gave the son of the army and sent to the campaign against Pechenegs. Soon the prince passed away. His eldest son Svyatopolk declared himself a great prince Kiev. Svyatopolk took advantage of the fact that Boris was in the campaign. However, holy and was not going to resist this decision. He dismissed his army with the words: "I will not raise my hands on my brother, and even on the eldest me, whom I should consider for the Father!".

That's just Scholyopolk was still afraid that Boris would like to take away the throne from him. He ordered to kill his brother. Boris knew about it, but did not hide. He was attacked with spears right during prayer. It happened on July 24, 1015 (on August 6, on the new style) on the bank of the Alta River. He said to his killers: "Come on, brethren, finish your service, and will be the world of brother Svyatopolku and you." Boris's body was brought to Vyshgorod and secretly put everyone in the temple in the name of St. Vasily the Great.

Soon, Svyatopolk killed the second brother. Gleb at that time lived in Murom. Gleb also knew that he would be killed, but the civil war for him was wary of death. The killers overtook the prince at the mouth of the River of the Smalli, next to Smolensk.

Why Boris and Gleb canonize?

Boris and Gleb canonized as passion recorders. "Passion Merpets" is one of the ranks of holiness. Holy, who accepted martyrdom for the execution of God's commandments. An important part of the Passionwood's feat is that the martyr does not hold evil on murderers and does not resist.

When writing text, site materials were used

Boris Vladimirovich (Prince Rostovsky) Gleb Vladimirovich (Prince Muromsky)

The stories of Boris and Gleb are dedicated to one of the first monuments of the Old Russian literature: "Tale" of Jacob of the Chernorris and "reading" of Nestor's chronicler. In honor of the brothers, many temples and monasteries were built.

Life Picture

Brothers Boris and Gleb were the younger sons of Kiev Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich from his wife, in the elementary Kiev chronicle the mother of them is called "Bulgarian", in other annals, it is called Grechanka (perhaps she was a prisoner's concubine), and the Saint -annoyan and Yaroslav Wise's uniform brothers. Sources share the names of the brothers: Boris and Gleb - names received at birth, Roman and David - with baptism. However, the name Boris had already ceased to be pagan by that time and could be used for adoption during baptism (in the 10th century, Prince Boris I, having killed Bulgaria, was already canonized). The name Gleb belongs to the pagan names and is known in the story of the Joamakhova chronicle about the murder of Svyatoslav Igorevich his brother Gleb for Christian beliefs. About 987-989. Boris received Rostov from his father, and Gleb - Murom.

The death of the brothers

Both brothers, according to the generally accepted version, were killed by Svyatopolk Okayanny during the struggle for power.

The canonical version, known as from the chronicle of the material and the ancient Russian aiographic legends, tells many details about the death of the brothers. In 1015, the father of the brothers became ill - Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich, and Boris was called up to Kiev. Soon, on his arrival it became aware of the invasion of Pechenegov, and his father sent him with a buddy to reflect their raids. Boris has not met Pechenegs anywhere and returning back, stopped on the Altea River. Here he learned about the death of his father and about the classes of the grand mining table with a consolidated brother Svyatopolk. The squad suggested to go to Kiev and master the throne, but Boris did not want to break the holiness of the generic relationship and with indignation rejected this proposal, as a result of which the Father's warriors left him and he stayed with her grandmother.

Meanwhile, the Svyatopolk, who, notifying Boris about the death of his father, proposed to be in love with him and increase his lot, wanted the murder of Vladimir's sons (he himself should be considered the son of Yaropolk, since his mother, which Vladimir took his brother, was in that The moment is pregnant - therefore, it is called the son of Vladimir, then the nephew) eliminate rivals on the possession of the principality. Svyatopolk sent a confusion and Epiphany boyars to kill his brother - as sympathy for Boris People and squads made it a dangerous opponent. The way with his friends came to Alto, to the Tent of Boris, at night at 24 (30) of July; Hearing the singing of Psalms, informed from the tent, the way decided to wait until Boris was lying to sleep. As soon as Boris, doubly sad and death of his father and rumors about the evil intention of his brother, graduated from the prayer and lean to bed, broke the killers and pierced Boris and his servant of Hungary George, who was trying to defend Mr. His own body.

Another breathable Boris murderers were wrapped in a tired cloth and were lucky. Svyatopolk, having learned that he was still alive, sent two Varyags to kill him that they did, piercing his sword in his heart. Boris's body secretly was brought to Vyshgorod and was buried there at the Church of St. Vasily. Boris was about 25 years old.

After the murder of Boris, Svyatopolk called to Kiev Gleb, fearing that being killed by Boris not only the only one, but also a single brother, he could become avenger. When Gleb stopped near Smolensk, he received from the fourth brother - Yaroslav wise news about the death of his father, about the occupation of Kiev Svyatopolk, about the murder of Boris and his intention to kill him, Gleb; At the same time, Yaroslav advised him not to go to Kiev.

As life says, when the young prince with tears prayed for his father and brother, the Scholopolk was sent to him and showed an explicit intention to kill him. The rates accompanying him, on the news of the chronicles, were angry, and on the lives of the Holy Prince they were forbidden to use their weapons in defense. Gorjrew, who was standing at the head of the Svyatopolk sent by Svyatopolk, ordered to slaughter the prince of his chef, native Torch. The murder of Gleb occurred on September 5, 1015. The body of the murderer of the killer buried "on an empty place, on the Breasons of the Miscean Dogs," (that is, in a simple coffin, consisting of two wounded logs). E. Golubinsky believes that we are talking about the burial of the body directly at the murder site on the shore of the Dnieper down from Smolensk in five versts from the city.

In 1019, when Yaroslav took Kiev, according to his order, Gleb's body was found, brought to Vyshgorod and buried, along with Boris's body, in the Church of St. Vasily.

Discussion about the accuracy of the generally accepted version

There is also a version, according to which, in the death of Boris, not the Svyatopolk Opayan, but "good" brother Yaroslav Wise, later disguised his participation. In 1834, Professor of St. Petersburg University Osip Senkovsky, translating into Russian Sagu on Eymunde ("Eumundov Slage"), discovers that Varyag Eymund, together with a friend, was hired by Yaroslav Wisely. In Saga, it is described as the konung Yarisleif (Yaroslav) fights with a borisleif, and in the Burisleph saga deprive the life of the Varangians by order of Yarisleif. Some researchers are suggested under the name "Burisleifa" Boris, others - the Polish king of Boleslav, whom Saga confuses with his ally Scholyopolk.

Then, some researchers on the basis of Sagi about Eymund supported the hypothesis that the death of Boris's "work of hands" of Varyags sent by Yaroslav Wisely in 1017, given the fact that, on the annals, and Yaroslav, and Bryachl, and Mstislav refused to recognize the Scholyopol's lawful prince in Kiev . Only two brothers - Boris and Gleb - stated their loyalty to the new Kiev prince and pledged to "honor him as her father", and it would be very strange for Svyatopolk to kill their allies. To date, this hypothesis has both its supporters and opponents.

Also, historians and historians, starting with S. M. Solovyov, suggest that the story of the death of Boris and Gleb is clearly inserted into the "Tale of Bygone Years" later, otherwise the chronicler would not repeat again about the beginning of the reign of Svyatopolk in Kiev.

In ancient Russian literature

Saints Boris and Gleb - traditional characters of literary works of the agiographic genre, among which the "Tale of Boris and Gleb" occupies a special place, written in the middle of the XI century in the last years of the reign of Yaroslav Wise. Later, the "legend" was supplemented by the description of the miracles of the saints ("Tale of Miracles"), written in the past three authors in 1089-1115. Total "Tale of Boris and Gleb" has been preserved in more than 170 and lists, and a possible author on the basis of the research of Metropolitan Makaria and M. P. Pogodina, the Jacob of the Blackberizer is considered.

There is also "Reading about Boris and Gleb, written by St. Nestor in the chronicle. According to a number of researchers, "reading" was written earlier than the "legends" created, according to their version, after 1115 on the basis of "reading" and the chronicle.

Regarding the stories about the murder of Boris and Gleb in the ancient Russian annals, there is an opinion that all of them to Article 6580 (1072 years) are later inserts made not earlier than the relevant of the brothers described in this article. This is due to both the beginning of the origin of the cult of holy brothers, and with understanding in the middle of the third quarter of the XI century, the history of their death in the context of the biblical commandment "not killed" after the cancellation of blood revenge.

S. M. Mikheev believes that the source of all works is the Vorajan legend about the murder of Boris, supplemented by the Russian story about the death of Gleb and the struggle of Yaroslav with Scholyopolk. On their basis, the chronicle story was created about Boris and Gleb, and then "reading" and "legend." According to A. A. Shamatov "Reading" and "Tale" are the result of creative processing of a common protograf, which, in his opinion, is the "Ancient Kiev Chronicles" of the second quarter of the XI century.



Boris and Gleb are considered the first Russian saints, but the exact date of their canonization is disputes:

  • according to A. A. Shamatova, this is due to the transfer of about 1020 the body of Gleb from the banks of the River of the Smreydini to Vyshgorod and His burial at the Church of St. Vasily;
  • V. P. Vasilyev in his essay "The History of Canonization of Russian Saints" (1893) also binds the beginning of the reverence with the above fact, but expands the time frame of canonization to 1039, linking it with the Kiev Metropolitan Ioan I;
  • metropolitan Macarium (Bulgakov) believes that the reverence of Boris and Gleb began after the construction in 1021 in Vyshgorod the first wooden church in the name of these saints (sanctified 24 (30) July). This was preceded by the opening of the relics of the brothers after a fire that destroyed the Church of St. Vasily, which they were buried.

Most reliable, according to researchers (E. E. Golubinsky, M. K. Karger, N. N. Ilina, M. Kh. Aleshkovsky, A. S. Khorosheva, A. Poppé), is the canonization of Boris and Gleb, which occurred at Transferring (either immediately after) their relics to a new stone church. This solemn ceremony was committed on May 20, 1072 with the participation of Children of Yaroslav wise princes of Izyaslav, Svyatoslav and Vsevolod, Kiev Metropolitan George, a number of other bishops and Kiev monasses. At the same time, the brothers immediately found not the local, but the general worker, which made them the cartridges of the Russian land.

There is a version and later canonization of Boris and Gleb - May 2, 1115, when their relevance was transferred to the temple built by Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich. This dating does not find support from researchers who indicate the presence of names of Boris and Gleb as saints in the documents of the last quarter of the XI century, the features of their gymography and the fact of transferring particles of their relics to the Czech Republic in 1094-1095.

The brothers were canonized as passion recorders, which emphasizes the adoption by them of martyrdom not from the hands of the persecutors of Christianity, and from the units and their martyrdom is to the priesthood and non-resistance to enemies. However, regarding the cause of the canonization, E. Golubinsky notes that the brothers were not canonized for martyrdom, but due to the wonderfulness attributed to their relics (especially he emphasizes that Prince Svyatoslav, also the Son of the Grand Duke Vladimir, killed by Svyatopolk, was not canonized since It was killed and buried in the Carpathian mountains and information about the wonders from his coffin is unknown).

West in Russia

Initially, Boris and Gleb began to be honored as the wonderworkers-healers, and then Russian people and mostly the princely kind began to see their intercessors and prayer books. In the praise of the saint contained in the "Tale", they are called the intercessors of the Russian land and the heavenly assistants of the Russian princes:

The chronicle is full of stories about the wonders of the healings that took place from their coffin (a special emphasis on the glorification of brothers as healers was made in the oldest church service of the holy, dated XII century), about the victories obsessed with their name and with their help (for example, about the victory of Rüric Rostislavich over Konchak , Alexander Nevsky over the Swedes in the Nevsky Battle), on the pilgrimage of the princes to their coffin (for example, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Prince Galitsky, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich - Prince Suzdal), etc.

Academician D. S. Likhachev notes: "The political trend of Cult Boris and Gleb is clear: to strengthen the state unity of Russia based on the strict fulfillment of the feudal obligations of junior princes in relation to the elders and senior to the younger."

In honor of Boris and Gleb, the following celebrations are established (according to the Julian calendar):

  • May 2 - the transfer of them to the relics to a new tomb church in 1115, built by Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich in Vyshgorod.
  • July 24 - Joint celebration of the Holy.
  • September 5 - the memory of Prince Gleb.

The celebration of the memory of the Saints on July 24 from the beginning of the XII century is constantly found in monthly a month (Mstislavovo Gospel, the beginning of the XII century; Yuryevsky Gospel, 1119-1128; Dobrilovo Gospel, 1164 and others). Initially, the day of memory in the monthly holidays referred to small holidays (saints with gloriousness), then began to be celebrated as the middle (saints with the Power Play), and from the second half of the XII century, this day of memory in the month of honor began to accompany the sign of the cross in the circle, which they celebrate the main after

The Holy Rus has always been a fertile soil for the emergence of great and noble husbands, which was born, grew and accepted the martyrdom of the first Russian Saints Boris and Gleb.

With all his short, but pious life, they demonstrated to people how to take God's will.

Memorable dates:

Life Boris and Gleb

In times, when Russia was still a pagan state and mired in idolatry and sacrifices, the prince of Kiev Vladimir and his Bulgarian wife Milolyaki, in 986 - 987 two sons were born - Boris and Gleb.

At that time, in loving prince it was not the first pagan marriage, and he had many children. So the Boris and Gleb brothers were not the first in his birth, and did not have the right to qualify for the Great Board. The first challengers for the princess were the eldest sons of Vladimir - Yaroslav and Svyatopolk, the latter was adopted, but called his native son.

The life of Prince Vladimir was saturated with permanent military companies, which ended the victories and the joining of lands. So in 988, the prince of Kiev unleashed the Russian-Byzantine War and began the siege of the Orthodox city of Korsun. This hike was marked by the victory and marriage of the Prince on Anna, the sister of the Byzantine emperors. The only condition for the marriage that Anna exhibited was the rejection of Prince Vladimir from the worship of the pagan gods and the heart acceptance of Orthodoxy. Prince Vladimir accepted these conditions, and during return to Kiev was baptized by the name of Vasily. After that, in 989, the prince organized the baptism of all his children, where the sons of Boris and Gleb adopted the Christian names David and Roman.

Favorite sons of Vladimir Gleb and Boris brought up in piety, and received the best education. They spent a lot of time for reading books about the life and acts of the holy fathers brought from Greece, from Mount Athos, and the Holy Scriptures. Both brothers dreamed of spiritual exploits, with which daily appealed to God in prayers. Sharing the love of Christianity among themselves, they guarded the sick and disadvantaged, belonging to them with a kind and mercy.

After years, Boris was raised by the Vladimir-Volyn Principality, who was at the right bank of the Luga River, the city of Murom, and later, in 1010 he was planted for the princess of Rostovsky lot. His younger brother Gleb received in control of Murom. In the management of lands, young princes tried to spread Orthodoxy and follow the compliance with the righteous and pious lifestyle environment, so that it serve as an example for the entire people.

At the beginning of the 1015 year, Prince Vladimir trained a terrible disease, and as inesently, the news came about the attack of the many thousands of Pechenegs. Because of the illness, the prince could not personally participate in the battle, and directs to reflect the enemy raid of the son of Boris, who heard not only a zealous Christian, but also experienced warrior.

Accompanied by the Army, Boris goes to a military campaign, but Pechenegi, frightened the Grozny troops decided to escape. The return of the princely troops turned back in mourning colors from the leading death of the Grand Duke, whose death opened the road to fight for the throne between the senior brothers Yaroslav and Svyatopolk.

Killing Princes Boris and Gleb

Senior Brother Svyatopolk, immediately after the death of his father, took advantage of Boris and usurped power in Kiev. But being concerned about the Universal People's Love for the youngest brother and the fact that everyone preferred to see him on the throne, Svyatopolk decides on his murder. He sends an attorney to his plans and loyal service to Boris, which would have fulfilled.

At that time, Boris already knew that Svyatopolk seized power, and what his death would follow. He lets his troops who persuaded him to return to Kiev and become legal on the right ruler, and remains to wait at the Viola River of its fate. In the shore of the Tent, Boris commended the betrayal of his brother and the death of his father, raised prayers and chants about their souls.

Having finished his service, Boris's borders goes to bed. The murderers alone the murderers are broken into the tent and pierce open to Boris's bed, inflicting numerous blows with spears and daggers. After making sure that the bloody work was performed, they secretly withdraw the body of the prince in Vyshgorod. There, in the church, Vasily Great secretly passed the burial of the killed, who was just 25 years old at that time.

Svyatopolk fearing revenge from the other of his brothers, could no longer stop, and conceived to make another murders. His people kill Prince Svyatoslav. Regarding Gleb, Svyatopolk is solved by the news about the death of the father to lure him into Kiev, which he leaves without hesitation, but driving to the city of Smolensk, he receives a new news from Brother Yaroslav. In this message it was said about the usurpation of the power of the Svyatopolk, about the murders of the brothers and that Gleb would become more like, because he threatens the same fate, and refused to travel to Kiev.

Without waiting for the arrival of Gleb, Svyatopolk sends its people to make another murder, who find the prince off the coast of the Dnieper River, praying, like his brother Boris, about the souls of the killed relatives. Gleb, like Boris refused to protect and escape, and submissively accepted his fate.

The killers did not make it difficult to make themselves the carriage of the prince, and buried him where he was littered, on the banks of the Dnipro river. Gleb was killed at the age of 24. Only years later, the efforts of Yaroslav, the body of Gleb was found and buried near Boris's body.

Boris and Gleb Cathedral

One of the first churches dedicated to Boris and Gleb became the Vasily Vasily of the Great, where they found their last head of the bonds of the princes of passion recorders.

In her place, after the fire, in 1021 a new Borisoglebsk Church was erected, with the transfer of brothers in it. Since that time, the general reverence of martyrs begins everywhere and new temples and monasteries are built in honor of the brothers.

So in the 12th century in Chernihiv, in the territory of the internal fortress walls, the devints, Borisoglebsky Cathedral was erected. According to the appearance of architects, this should be a temple with many deep niches and tobrels.

For centuries, until the middle of the 17th century, the cathedral was subjected to repeated destruction and recovery. So at this time the cathedral acquired an eight-marched rotunda and dressed in the Baroque style.

In the days of the Great Patriotic War, the Borisoglebsky Cathedral got very much, it burned almost to the ground. But in the 60s, it was completely restored, and moreover, the Cathedral was given the same appearance, with the giving it ancient Russian forms.

Thanks to restoration work, restored bas-reliefs, reliefs and ornaments, the Borisoglebsky Cathedral looks monumental, static and powerful.

Monument to Boris and Gleb

The first Russian holy intercessors and the wonderworkers of Boris and Gleb's healers were devoted to the monumental monument, which is located on the territory of the Borisoglebsky monastery in Dmitrov.

At a high pedestal, cast from bronze, two horse riders are holy princes Boris and Gleb.

The monument was devoted to the anniversary of the creation of the monastery, and was erected in 2006. The artist and sculptor of this beautiful monument is Alexander leaderships.

Icon Boris and Gleb on the horses

The canonization of the killed princes passed the last Yaroslav wise. At the same time, in honor of the brothers, the text of services was written, in which not only a noble origin, military courage, princely dignity, but also their sincere readiness for the adoption of martyrdom for the sake of common Christian affairs.

Initially, the images of the brothers were captured on crosses and raised images, only a century later, the pictorial icons of Boris and Gleb began to appear, based on their descriptions in the legends.

So, at the beginning of the 14th century, in addition to the paired icons in growth, Icon was written, where the brothers are depicted on the horses, like military leaders, with fluttering flags. This icon appeared under the influence of the Byzantine tradition, which respected stability in the images of holy couples on the horses, as if refirring their intercessory and military function.

On this colorful icon, it can be seen that the monumental iconography has changed over time by giving way to graceful and externally beautiful images. But the faces of the saints, as before, are depicted with a well-pronounced sorrows, humility, calm concentration and sincere divine love.

In honor of the Orthodox Princes of Boris and Gleb, who adopted martyrdom, a large number of icons was written and monasteries, cathedrals and temples were erected. In the chronicles, it is told about the wonderful healings that took place with the tombs, and about the great acts and victories of the saints with the names of the Holy Martyrs, whose images are preserved to this day.

J.the ITIA of the first Russian saints, princes-passion recorders Boris and Gleb, especially loved by our people. They were raised by many generations of our ancestors. Reading a touching story about young princes, who wished to divide the sufferings of Christ and voluntarily who accepted death from the hands of murderers, Russian people learned to accept the will of God, whatever she was, in their hearts of humility and obedience in their heart.

However, the historical canvas of the events of the time and the opportunity to present, in which the characters who gave us this great example were in place. We offer our readers an article by the artist of D. V. Donskoy, which is engaged in the period of ancient Russia and the "Dictionary of Russian Princess-Rurikovich".

The holy princes of ancient Russia, primarily the princes from Rurikovich's kind, make up a special, very numerous chin of the Saints of the Russian Church. Until the end of the XV century, more than a hundred princes and princes were canonized for general or local reverence. This is the princes of equivalent, the inki, passion recorders and princes, glorified by their public ministry. Princes-Passion Merities Boris and Gleb were not the first saints of Russian land, but they are the first saints, canonized by the Russian Church. The main sources of information about their lives and reverence retained the Russian chronicles, gortgles and various liturgical monuments.

Let us turn to historical realities. The beginning of the first decade of the XI century, comes to the end of the rule of the Grand Duke Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the Baptist of Russia. He is solid hand leads the political ship of the Russian state, which occupies an important place in the system of interstate relations of that time. The chronicler emphasizes the friendly nature of relations between Rus with its Western neighbors: "Causing the Ladish and the sephanom Ogurskaya and the Andri Hi-Chičsky". However, the Grand Duke concerned his intrameal affairs.

At the seventy-year-old Vladimir Svyatoslavich, from different wives at the end of life were eleven relatives and one adoptive son; Daughters at Prince was fourteen. Two senior sons - Svyatopolk (receiving; † 1019) and Yaroslav († 1054), matured, trying to carry out their own policies. This is strongly worried about the Grand Duke, who, despite his father's feelings, is rigidly and even severely cracking with confused.

Killers at the Tent Prince Boris
(up); Kinja Boris's killing
And George Harrina (below).
Miniature from Silvevestrovsky
Collection 2nd half of the XIV century

The first, Svyatopolk, on suspicion of conspiracy and attempted the Power of Father, sharpened with his wife (the daughter of Polish prince Boleslav I brave from the dynasty of Pisels) and her confessor, Kolobrzegsky Bishop Reinber, in the dungeon. The second, Yaroslav, who was sitting at the reign in Veliky Novgorod, from 1010 years after the death of the elder brother Vyslava, in 1014 refuses to transfer the usual tribute to Kiev in Kiev in the amount of two thousand hryvnias. The Grand Duke perceives it as an open rebellion and announces his intention to go war on his son. In turn, Yaroslav, the "fear of his father", leads from the sea Varyaja squads.

The confrontation of sons and his father ended with his death, which followed July 15, 1015 in the Princely Residence in the village of Berestovo near Kiev. The body of the Grand Duke, wrapped in the carpet and, in accordance with the custom, entrusted to Sani, according to the evidence of the chronicles, transported to Kiev. Here the Grand Duke buried in the Stone Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Tenty), which he generously sacrificed throughout life. According to the testimony of the German chronicist, Merzeburg bishop Titmar, the marble sarcophagus of the Grand Duke stood "in sight in the middle of the temple."

By the death of the father, Prince Svyatopolk, as the elder in the family, is exempt from the conclusion and occupies a Kiev table, despite the plans of the stepfather, who have read the heirs of Boris, one of his youngest sons. Svyatopolk Distribution of generous gifts is trying to attract the inhabitants of Kiev, then he begins a bloody struggle against his summary brothers-Vladimirovichi.

Now let's turn to the brothers Boris and Gleb. About them know the following. Boris (in baptism - novel) Vladimirovich is the ninth son of the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavich and some Princess, Bulgarian. According to the Tver Collection, compiled in 1534, he and his brother Gleb were sons of another spouse Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich - Anna, the daughter of the Byzantine Emperor Roman II (from the Macedonian dynasty; † 963). According to non-papers, their mother was called Milolyak.

The date and place of birth of Boris is not known; He was baptized in honor of the St. Noman Swekopevts. As a child, Boris was very friendly with the younger brother Gleb (in Baptism - David, in honor of the Prophet David). Date and place of birth Gleb are also not known.

Boris, a scientific diploma, reads the lives of saints, praying God to "walk in their footsteps." The brothers love to do alms, following the example of the Father, whose bellows repeatedly reports the chronicle. This same mercy and meekness Boris showed at the reign in his parish, where he was already married ("the law for the sake of Cēsis and obedience for the Father"), his Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich sends him.

At first, the prince was planted by the Father in Vladimir-Volynsky (on the right bank of the Luga, the right influx of Western Bug), where Boris lives after marriage. Then, according to non-pace data, he owns Murom (on the left bank of the Oka), but is located in Kiev. Finally, since 1010, the Grand Duke translates the Son to the reign in Rostov (on the North-West shore of Lake Nero). Gleb from the same time is printed in Murom.

In the spring of 1015, Boris is located in Kiev near the dying father, since "Love Ba Be Fatherfully, your wake of everyone." The Grand Duke sends him at the head of the eight-thousand troops to repel the attack of Pechenegs. Historical sources preserved the portrait of Prince Boris, a real warrior, who "bodym by Krash Kravniy is high, the teaching of the shoulders of the Grand T-Ban in Cresll's Day of the Preciousness of Weld, Beard, Mala and Mala, John Boe More."

Without having met enemies, Boris turns back and at the distance of one day of the journey to Kiev, on the Altea River (the right tribe, near the city of Pereyaslavl-Russian), breaking the camp, learns from the messenger about the death of his father. He is covered by the premonition that his Svetopolk's older brother, who rightfully sat down in the Kiev table, seeks to destroy him. But in the name of fraternal love, fulfilling the commandments of Christ, Boris decides to submit to his brother and take the martyrdom, for the power and wealth of transience. The governors from his environment, on the contrary, advise him to go to Kiev, start the fight with the elder brother for the Kiev table and become a great prince. But Boris refuses, not wanting "to fit the hand to his brother of his old hazag". The squad leaves him and probably passes to the side of Svyatopolka, and Boris remains alone, only with his people: "And then the day is Saturday."

Varyags pierced with a sword heart
Prince Boris (at the top); Coffin Prince
Boris carry on the burial (below)

In his tent on the banks of the river, the prince on the eve of death spends the night in prayer, then prays and for the morning. On Sunday, on July 24, he was overtaken by the killers, Vyshgorodsky "Balyr", led by a certain fasteners sent by Svyatopolk. The murderers rush into the tent and pierce Boris spears. The faithful servant of Him, Georgii, "Rod, Ugrica (Hungarian - - Approx. Auto) ", Trying to cover the prince, killed on his chest. Wheeling into the tent Boris's body, the villains put it on the cart and carry in Kiev. In the way it turns out that Boris is still breathing, and two Varangians, Eymund and Ragnar, artite him with swords. The cap of the prince of the way and other killers represent the saint as proof of the overthrow of the villain.

The prince of Boris in Vyshgorod is buried, in 15 versts north of Kiev, from the Wooden Church of St. Basil the Great, since Kievans, for obvious reasons, fearing his collateral brother Svyatopolk, "not a row of it."

Crashing with Boris, Svyatopolk, the depth of the fall of which does not know the limits, is decided on the second murder - Brother Gleb. Fear of revenge on the part of the surviving brothers, first of all Yaroslav, fears for their throne and not least, the audacity of despair pushes him to this new crime.

Svyatopolk sends the messenger to Gleb so as to decease him to Kiev: "We'd like the father's father, the head of the head, not to edit Bo Viemi."

By the annals and anonymous "Legend of the Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb", the prince rides aquatic path, along the Volga and Dnieper, from his parish, from Murom to Kiev. Reaching Smolensk "in the boiled" and swimming about three more versts downstream, Gleb approached to the left bank of the River of the Smithy (now dried) when it was pushing it into the Dnieper. Suddenly, he receives news from Veliky Novgorod, from Brother Yaroslav, with a warning about the attemptation pregnant. This news does not stop him - he does not want to believe in the villain of his brother Svyatopolka.

According to another version of the events, according to Rev. Nestor, the chronicler, the author "Reading about Life and Emitting ... Boris and Gleb", at the time of the death of Father Gleb is located in Kiev and runs to the north ("I essentially different Tamo by the Holy Gate"), fleeing from Svyatopolk . He sails on the ship, wings up to Smolensk (but only from the south) and also stops on the mixture.

On Monday, September 5, are the murderers sent from the Svyatopolka. They capture the ship of Prince Gleb, and the Druzhinnik Allah, the Muscan of Fratubyts Svyatopolk, orders one of the people of Gleb, a traitor to the traitor with the characteristic name of Torchin (that is, from Torkov, the Turkic nomadic tribe. - Approx. Auto) Cut your prince. The body of the prince is buried on the shore of the "Misa of the Two Delodama", that is, according to the simple peasant custom, in the extended logs, and not by the prince - in the stone sarcophage.

The killers will wait for Prince Gleb
(up); Kill Prince Gleb (below)

At the end of the same or the beginning of next 1016, the blessed prince Yaroslav Wise, gathering a big rhe out of a thousand whirlwinds and three thousand Novgorod people, goes to Svyatopolk, grief desire to avenge the innocent brothers. In Veliky Novgorod, Planting Konstantin Dobrynich (died after 1034).

Svyatopolk, having learned about the approach of Yaroslav, in turn, attracts Pechenegs to his side. The troops are found at the city of Loveman (on the left bank of the Dnieper) and, divided by the river, will wait for three months, not deciding to start the battle. On the eve of the battle, Yaroslav receives news from his informant that Svyatopolk is brazed with a friend. It is transferred across the river to the right bank and suddenly attacks the enemy. Due to the fact that the lakes covering the position of the Svyatopolka are covered with thin ice, Pechenegs cannot help him. Svyatopolk suffers a crushing defeat and runs to Poland to his test of the prince Boleslav I, and his spouse captures Yaroslav. And then Yaroslav 28 years old, notes the chronicler.

In the spring of 1016, Yaroslav joins Kiev and occupies the father's throne. In 1017, he concludes an alliance with the German Emperor Heinrich II against Scholyopolka and Bolevlav brave. In the same year, it goes to the city of Bear (on the right bank of the Bug), where, according to some reports, Svyatopolk fixed. Then causes a defeat to Kiev Pechenegs.

In the summer of 1018, the Army of Polish Prince Boleslav, to which the Svyatopolk is joined, invades Rus and defeats the victory over Yaroslav on the Bug River. Yaroslav is just four husbands running to Velikiy Novgorod, intending to further "bait for the sea", however, Novgorod Postener Konstantin Dobrynich prevents him, and the Novgorod residents "Oklenosha" his rooks.

Wanting to continue the war with Boleslav and Svyatopolk, Novgorod collects money and hire a big army. Meanwhile, on August 14, the opponents of Yaroslav join Kiev. Boleslav Brave sends to the great Novgorod Metropolitan of Kiev John I († about 1038) with a proposal to exchange his daughter in captivity, on the relatives of Yaroslav, captured during hostilities. The story of Merzeburg bishop Titmar clarifies their composition: "There was a stepmother of the king (the widow of the father of Yaroslav, the exact origin of it is unknown. - Approx. Auto), His wife (her name Anna is known from the late sources of the XVI century. - Approx. Auto) and nine sisters; At one of them, the predance, which he had previously sought, forgetting about his spouse, married the old libertine Boleslav. " Yaroslav refuses this proposal and then sends the embassy to Sweden to the Swedish side of Olav Schretonungu († 1022) with a proposal to create an anti-police military union.

Construction five-scale church
(up); Transferring the Holy Poles
In the newly built church (below)

Meanwhile, in the fall of the same year, a quarrel happens between Boleslav and Svyatopolk. Boleslav leaves Kiev, taking a bad job with him, as well as Boyar Yaroslav and his sisters. In early 1019, Yaroslav protrudes from Veliky Novgorod. Having learned about his approach, Svyatopolk runs from Kiev to Pechenegs, and Yaroslav again occupies a Kiev table.

In the same year, Svyatopolk together with the Big Pechersk Reli goes to Russia. In the decisive battle on the Altea River, the place of the death of Brother Boris, Yaroslav wins a complete victory. His opponent runs to bastard and soon dies a terrible death, which deserves for all the laws of God and human. Yaroslav, according to the chronicler, "Sedge Kiyev Uther sweat with his buddy showing his victory and work is great."

Presumably in the summer of 1019, the Grand Duke Kiev Yaroslav begins to collect information about the place of the death of his brother Gleb. "The same one (in 1020. - Approx. Auto) "Various witnesses report light and radiance at the murder site on the Smydini River. Then Yaroslav sends priests to Smolensk with the order to find the body of Gleb; According to the acquisition, the body of Gleb is transported to Vyshgorod and buried next to the grave of Brother Boris at the Church of St. Basil, built by the father of passion recorders.

One day, at the site of the burial of brothers, parishioners see over the grave of the saints "Pillars" and hear "Angels of the stupidity", and then two cases occur, which became the beginning of the people's reverence of the princes of passion recorders. One of the Varyags "End" by ignorant of holy place, where the princes were buried, then the fire broke out of the grave and fell the feet of one who unintentionally desecrated holy place. Then there is a second sign: the Church of St. Basil, next to which the graves were burned, but the icons and all church utensils are saved. This is perceived as a sign of the intercession of passion recorders.

About what has happened to Yaroslav, who informs Metropolitan Ioanna I. The Vladyka is "in the enjoyment", reflecting whether it is possible to trust this revelation. Finally, Metropolitan comes to "Duznovna and in joy," believing in a miracle. Yaroslav and Metropolitan decide to open the princely tombs.

In Vyshgorod, where there was a burnt church, a small wooden chapel ("Picture") is constructed, the cancers solemnly open, the acquired power remaining nonplosted, exuded the fragrance. Coffins are made "in that chramine ... and I put the earth on the gum of the country."

Soon two new miracles occur: Chromeman - the dings of the city manager by name Mironeg heals after the call of the saints, and then the same happens with a certain layer. Mirogeg himself reports the great princes about these wonders, the Metropolitan. Metropolitan gives the prince "Dobel to Agregate Godigor": to build a church in the name of the saints ("The Church is the name of Herbaditi"), which is done. Then the power from the "cell", where they still restned, tolerate the church to the newly built fifty and install there. The day of their transfer, July 24, which coincides with the anniversary of the death of Boris, is announced by the day of the overall memory of the princes and entered into the church calendar. On the occasion of the holiday, the Grand Duke Kiev Yaroslav suits the Pier.

We have a detailed story about the canonization of saints in all its stages, which is a rarity in the Byzantine and Old Russian literature. After the first wonderful signs (fire from the grave, the fire of the church, in which its decoration and utensils were not injured), which, as a result of their ambiguous nature, could not be immediately relevant to genuine miracles, arise, are not Boris and Gleb holy. On this basis, relics rise and are exhibited for a local, allowed church, but officially not yet established reverence.

After some time and two subsequent wonders of healing, in detail documented and deserved metropolitan confidence, the latter, together with the Grand Duke, decides on canonization. In pursuance of this decision, a church is built in the name of the saints, an annual holiday is established and the service of passion recorders is compiled, which was the personal labor of Metropolitan John I, or the work of an unknown author who worked on the order of the Lord.

It remains to clarify the chronological detail - the year of canonization of holy princes Boris and Gleb. According to the testimony of St. Nestor, the chronicle, the healing of the chrome occurs in the presence of Metropolitan of John I and the Grand Prince Yaroslav. Consequently, a miracle should be dated the latest 1039 year< . Поскольку акт перенесения мощей был совмещен с актом канонизации и приходился на праздничный день, на воскресенье, следует выяснить, на какие годы падает соотношение «24 июля - воскресенье» в период от середины 20-х до конца 30-х годов XI века. Юлианский календарь сообщает нам, что такими годами были 1026-й и 1037 годы.

The choice in favor of the last date is obvious. Firstly, 1026 is too close to events related to the detection of the remains and the beginning of the worship of the holy princes Boris and Gleb. Secondly, it should be borne in mind that only after 1036, when with the death of the younger brother of Mstislav (the domain of the eastern subway and left bank) and the conclusion in the dungeon ("in Brub") of another younger brother, Pskov Prince Sudislava, Yaroslav became "self-assets "All Russian Earth (excluding Polotsk Principality). In addition, the establishment of a special Metropolis of Constantinople Patriarchate in Kiev ("Metropolitan of Starti"), the discovery of which the Grand Prince of Kiev Yaroslav Wise has achieved. The canonization of the Holy Princes-Strastierphets was to strengthen the independent position of the Russian Church.

So, with all certainty, it can be concluded that the holy princes Boris and Gleb were canonized with the Grand Duza Kiev Yaroslav Mudrome and Metropolitan Kiev John I, on Sunday, July 24, 1037 in the Kiev Diocese (first stage).

The subsequent fate of the saints of the saints of brothers is also considerable interest: they were transferred twice twice, and both times on Sunday and in May.

By the death of the Grand Prince of Kiev Yaroslav wise reverence of the Holy Passionerpians grows. Their new reburial occurs in 1072, when their nephews, princes of Izyaslav (at the time the Grand Duke of Kiev; † 1079), Svyatoslav († 1076) and Vsevolod († 1093) Yaroslavichi, as well as Russian hierarchs led by Metropolitan George († After 1073) on Sunday, May 20 transfer the remains of the holy brothers to a new one-eyed church. This church was built by the compassion of the Grand Duke on the place of the former five, already dead.

Transferring the relics of Prince Boris
(up); Transferring power
Prince Gleb (below)

Princes carry on their shoulders a wooden coffin of Boris, and then in the church shift the power to the stone sarcophagus. Then bridge the stone sarcophagus with the sleeves of Gleb. With the opening of the tombs of holy princes, Metropolitan blesses the three princes brothers with the hand of Holy Gleb. Then the Divine Liturgy is performed, after which the feast is satisfied.

Since then, the process of communional glorification of the saints of Boris and Gleb and Gleb (the second stage of canonization) begins.

It should be noted that when the coffin of Boris was opened and the church was opened with fragrance from the relics (an important fact for the already previously held canonization), Metropolitan Georgy, being "not felt faithful to Nima," the NIC fell and began to pray and ask for forgiveness: " I'm sorry for the sorry, Yako of your infidelity, Kyatima.

It should be explained here that the doubts of Metropolitan Greek were quite natural. Boris and Gleb - it is the passion recorders, parties to the passions of Christ, and not martyrs for faith (the canonization of the princes demanded additional agreement with Constantinople).

The princes fell victims of political crime, died in the princely gravity, like many before and after them. At the same time, the third brother, Svyatoslav, who was not on the canonization of which and speeches was not from them from the hand of Svyatopolk. However, the motives of the saints were completely different, unprecedented before Rus: they sought to do on the Word of Christ, the death of her peace.

We also note that almost all of the Holy Greek calendar belong to the number of martyrs for faith, reverend (ascetic-devotees) and saint (bishops). The laity, in the rank of "righteous", are extremely rare. It must be remembered to understand the entire exclusivity of the canonization of the princes killed in the interdiscomotions, and the desired of the first canonization in the new church, which became more recently the pagan people.

At the end of the XI century, the spread of the honors of the holy princes Boris and Gleb becomes so wide that "grace of god in the country of Seia Rusk Rusk Prachatti and healed all the passion and aless" encourages the Grand Prince of Kiev Svyatoslav Yaroslavich to start building a stone church in "80 Locked" height. The construction ends shortly before the death of the next Grand Duke - Vsevolod, but after a sudden collapse of the church dome for some time, "the return of Curb region".

Heavenly intercession of saints
Princes Boris and Gleb in Battle
Russian troops with cookie

In 1102, attention to the shrine was attracted by the new generation of princes: the grand-nephew of the Holy Passion Mains, Chernigov Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich († 1115), took on the work of the construction of a new stone temple in Vyshgorod, while another grand-nephew, Pereyaslavsky (at that Time) Prince Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh († 1125), ordered the silver boards with images of saints, arranged for their relevant the fence from silver and gold, decoring it with crystal suspensions, and installed gold-plated lamps. So skillfully decorated the tomb, which later pilgrims from Greece, who have repeatedly visited the shrine, said: "Nowhere is there such beauty, although in many countries we saw saints."

Finally, in 1113, the Church in Vyshgorod was completed, but the Greater Prince of Kiev Svyatopolk Iaslavich († 1114), who was ruled by the Chernigov prince Oleg, that he was not erected by the temple for saints, did not agree on the transfer of the relics. And only on his death, when Vladimir Monomakh occupied Kiev table, on Saturday, May 1, 1115 (in the year of the century of the death of the brothers), the newly built stone church was consecrated.

The Borisoglebsk Church was one of the largest in the Domongolian Rus, it can be compared, for example, with the Savior Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov. A new cross-dome building, with a tower for lifting to choirs in the north-western corner, had a length of the West-East of 42 meters, with a small width of 24 meters.

The walls were folded from bricks in the masonry technique "with hidden nearby", the facades are decorated with arched niches with a ledge, the roof of the root of lead. From the inside the temple was painted with frescoes, paved with irrigated tiles. Prince Vladimir Monomakh decorated ("Pokova Srebrom and Zlatom") Niche. The temple stood until the end of 1240, when the army of Khan Batya ruined Kiev and neighboring cities. Mention of him in the chronicles after the Tatar-Mongolian invasion disappear. The relics of saints of passion recorders during the events were lost.

In the week of Holy Mironositz, on May 2, 1115, in the presence of Metropolitan Kiev and All Russia, Nikifora I († 1121), the Cathedral of the Bishops, Igumen, Princes and Boyar, the solemn transfer of the relics to the new Stone Cathedral took place. The procession was held with a huge coherence of the people, so crayfish with the relics moved with great difficulty. Ropes ("Frecks"), on which Sanya dragged with racks, could not stand and continuously rushed, so that the carriage came from the morning to Liturgy. The brought crayfish were left at the entrance to the church and until May 4 were there that during these two days the people could apply to the relics of saints of the passion recorders.

On making cancer in the temple, there was no place for them, since the dispute arose between the princes. Vladimir Monomakh wanted to put the remains in the middle of the temple "and Terem Silver to put over Nima," Oleg, with Brother David († 1123), wanted to place them "in a mosquito (arched crypt for burial. - Approx. Auto), Idess the father ... Appointed (Great Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich another 40 years ago - Approx. Auto) ". The spore of the princes was decided by lot, laid on the throne, in favor of Svyatoslavich.

Over the next centuries, the reverence of the holy princes of Boris and Gleb as the assistants of the Russian princes and the defenders of the Earth, Russian constantly increased. Their wonderful assistance and intercession manifested themselves in the fight against the Polovtsy and the Pechenegs (XI century), then in front of the Nevsky battle (1240), when the Saints Boris and Gleb appeared in the root, in the middle of the rowers, the "Mole of the One", putting his hands on his shoulders to each other. "Brother Glabe," said Boris then, "said to row, and we will help the affinition of your Oleksandra" (Great Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky; † 1263). The victory on the Church of the Lake (1242) was also obsessed with "Holy Martyr Boris and Gleb ... Great Prayers", their prayer assistance was taken when taking the Novgorod army of the Swedish fortress of Landskron at the mouth of the Neva (1301), during the uprising in Tver (1327) at Prince Alexandra Mikhailovic († 1339), raised against the Tatar "Prayer Novyny Martyr Saints of the Holy Duzki Boris and Gleb"

The Sainry Straights Boris and Gleb are revered as the intercessors of the Russian Earth. They are praying for the good nephrants of the authorities, to strengthen the Orthodox faith and to overcome the disbelief, deliverance from trouble, hunger, diseases, sorrow and sudden death.
These saint pray for the taming of any enmity and malice between people. Blessed princes are also asked to ask the Lord for the praying to leaving sins, dispossessing and health, the preservation of external enemies, internal civil workers and courage in the face of deadly danger from the invasion of external enemies.

It must be remembered that the icons or saints do not "specialize" in some specific areas. It will be right when a person draws faithful to God, and not because of this icon, this saint or prayer.

The lives of the saints of Boris and Gleb passwords

The saints of the boring princes-passionerpits Boris and Gleb (in the Holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints, canonized both Russian and the Konstantinople church. They were the youngest sons of Holy Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir (+ July 15, 1015).

Holy Prince Vladimir with sons

Vladimir had twelve sons from different wives. Vladimir's senior children often knew each other, they were born in times when the prince tried to strengthen the pagan faith. Svyatopolk was born from Grechany, the former nun, which Vladimir took his wife after his brother, which they were overthrown from the throne. Yaroslav was born from the Rogged to Polotsk, who, Vladimir killed his father and brothers. And then Rogned himself tried to kill Vladimir, filled with Anna Byzantine.

Boris and Gleb were born later, about the years of the baptism of Russia. Their mother was from the Volga Bulgaria. They were brought up in Christian piety and loved each other. Boris was naked in the Holy Baptism by Roman, Gleb - David. There are evidence that Boris read some book, usually the lives or torment of the saints, then Gleb sat next to and listened carefully, and so dreamed Gleb nearly near his brother, because it was still small.

When the sons began to grow up, Vladimir instructed them to manage the territories. Boris got Rostov, and Gleb - Murom. The reign of Gleb in Murom was not easy. They say that Murom pagans did not allow him to their city, and the prince had to live outside the city walls, in the suburbs.

Holy Prince Boris.

Prince Vladimir loved Boris more than his sons, in many respects he trusted him and intended to convey to him Kiev and the Grand Diction. Boris was married to Egnes, the Danish princess and over time already became famous as a brave and skilled warrior.

Shortly before his death, the Grand Duke Vladimir urged Boris to Kiev and sent him with the army against Pechenegov. Shortly after the departure Boris, Vladimir died. It happened on July 15, 1015 in the village of Berestov, near Kiev.
At this time, one Svyatopolk was in the capital, which took advantage of his position and collapsed power in Kiev, proclaiming himself a great prince Kiev. He wondered rather to get rid of the rivals brothers until those were taken. Svyatopolk decided to hide the death of his father. At night, by his order in the princely, the terme was dismantled. Vladimir's body was wrapped in the carpet and descended on the ropes to the ground, and then taken to Kiev, to the Church of the Most Holy Virgin, where they buried, without rewarding him due honors.

Boris, meanwhile, not finding Pechenegs, turned back to Kiev. The news of the death of the father and the workout in Kiev in Kiev found him on the shore of a small river of Alta. The squad persuaded him to go to Kiev and take the grandfather's throne, but the Holy Prince Boris, not wanting the internecial distribution, dismissed his army:

"I will not raise my hands on my brother, and even on the eldest me, whom I should consider for the Father!"

Hearing it, the squad left him. So Boris stayed on the Altant field only with a few of his servants.
Svyatopolk sent Boris a false message with a proposal of friendship: "Brother, I want to live in love with you, and to the fact that my father gave you, I will add!"

Killing Prince Boris.

He himself, secretly from everyone, sent hired killers, loyal to him Boyar Poozha, Talets, Elovita (or Elovich) and Lyashko to kill Boris.
Saint Boris informed about such a treachery of the Svyatopolka, but did not hide and, like the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, was readily met death. The killers overtook him when he prayed for the morning on Sunday day on July 24 (old style) 1015 in his tent on the bank of the Alto River. Like wild animals they attacked the saint and pierced his body. Boris's favorite servant, a certain throat (Hungarian) named George, covered him with him. He was immediately killed together with the prince and cut off his head to remove the golden decoration from the neck, which was once in love and distinction, the prince gave him.
However, Saint Boris was still alive. Coming out of the tent, he began to pray hotly, and then turned to the killers:

"Come on, brethren, finish your service, and there will be a world of brother Svatopolkol and you."

At this time, one of the murderers pierced him with a spear. The body was wrapped in a tent, put on the cart and lucky to Kiev. There is a version that Boris still breathed on the road and, having learned about it, Svyatopolk sent two Varyagov to finish him. Then one of them extracted the sword and pierced him in the heart. Boris's body was brought secretly to Vyshgorod and buried in the Church of St. Vasily. He was about 25 years old.

Alive still the prince of Murom Gleb remained. Svyatopolk solved the cunning to lure Gleb in Kiev: Gleb sent the messengers with a request to come to Kiev, since the Father is seriously ill (for which Svyatopolk and hid the death of his father). Gleb immediately sat on the horse and rushed to the call with a small squad. But he will overtake the messenger from Brother Yaroslav:

"Do not go to Kiev: your father died, and your Boris's brother killed by Svyatopolk!"

Deep sorrowfully, the Holy Prince preferred death than the war with his brother. Meeting Gleb with the murderers occurred at the mouth of the River of the Smydini, not far from Smolensk. He turned to them with a touching plea sprum "Kolos has not yet matured, the juice of silence is poured."
Then, remembering the words of the Lord, "what kind of my name will be betrayed by brothers and parents," handed him his soul. Small squad Gleb, seeing the murderers, fell in spirit. The leader, the nicknamed Gorasor, jumped, ordered the cook, formerly with Gleb, to slaughter the prince. He, "The name of Torchin, thumping a knife, stabbed a Gleb, like a disseminated lamb." He was about 19 years old. His body was thrown on the shore, and so lay in obscurity, between two decks.
But no beast nor the bird touched him. For a long time, no one knew about him, but sometimes in this place they saw burning candles, heard church singing. Only after many years, on the command of Prince Yaroslav, it was transferred to Vyshgorod and was put in the Church of St. Vasily near Boris. Later, Yaroslav Wise built a stone five-key Borisoglebsky cathedral on this site, who soon became a family temple of Yaroslavichi, the sanctuary of their love and loyalty, fraternal consent and service to Fatherland.

The fabulous princes - passionwesters did not want to raise her hand on his brother, but the Lord himself dismissed the credit-loving Tirana:

"I am defering and AZ Wait" (Rom. 12:19).

Prince Yaroslav, gathering the army from Novgorod and Mercenaries-Varyagov, moved to Kiev and expelled Svyatopolka from Russia.
The decisive battle between them took place in 1019 on the Altea River - at the very place where the Holy Prince Boris was killed. According to the evidence of the chronicle, when the defeated Svyatopolk fled from the field of Brani, attacked him a disease, so he weakened by all the body and could not even sit on her horse, and carried him on her stretchers. Svyatopolk, named by the Russian people, fled to Poland and, like the first Brahiberian Caine, did not find peace and sherself and was linked to such fear that it was miraculous that he was pursuing him, and he died beyond his fatherland, "in some deserted place. " And from the grave, Smyrad and Glovonia proceeded. "Since that time, the Chronicler writes," Kramol subsided in Russia. "

Vladimir had other sons who died in gravity. Svyatoslav, Prince Drevlyansky, was killed by Svyatopolk, but is not counted for the faith of saints, because he was involved in the struggle for power and was going to bring the Hungarian army to help. Another brother is the winner of Yaroslav - with a weapon in his hands went on his brother. But he does not curse as Svyatopolk. No wonder Yaroslav had a nickname wise. Perennial works, construction of temples, the adoption of laws deserved to be a sample of an outstanding ruler, which is a sample of an outstanding ruler.

From a rational point of view, the death of holy brothers seems meaningless. They were not even martyrs for faith in the true sense of the word. (Church honors them as passion recorders - this chin of holiness, by the way, is not known for the Byzantines).
The life of the saints of the passion recorders was sacrificed to the main Christian value - love.

"Who says:" I love God, "he hates his brother, that liar" (1 in. 4:20).

They took death as a sign of infinite love to Christ, in the imitation of his godfather. In the consciousness of Russian people with their martyrdom, they, as it were, the sins of the whole Russian land have reached, who have recently labored in paganism. Through their lives, he wrote an outstanding Russian writer and historian of G. P. Fedotov, "The image of the meek and the suffering Savior entered the heart of the Russian people forever as the most cherished shrine."

The holy brothers did the fact that in those days in Russia, accustomed to blood revenge, it was still new and not clear, they showed: for evil it is impossible to give evil even under the threat of death.
The impression of their act was so great that the whole earth recognized them with saints. It was a coup from the pagan consciousness (POSTOLOGE AND OUT) for Christianity (achieving a spiritual and moral ideal).

Boris and Gleb were the first saints, canonized Russian church. Even their father, Prince Vladimir, was counted for the face of saints much later. They were honored in Constantinople, Boris and Gleb icon was in Constantinople Sophia. Their living was included even in Armenian Mini (reading books for every month). I glorify the saints dedicated to them the tale says that they became assistants of the "all lands" people.

Saints Boris and Gleb are special patrons, the defenders of the Russian Earth. Their name was released from the ultrasound innocent, and sometimes the bloody civilians stopped.

Many cases of their phenomena are known in difficult for our homeland, for example, - on the eve of the battle on the Neva in 1240 (when St. Boris and Gleb appeared in the root, in the middle of rowers, "dressed up with a lot", putting hands on the shoulders to each other ... "Brother Gleb, said Boris, behaved to row, but help our concern to our Alexander "), or on the eve of the great Kulikov battle in 1380 (when the holy brothers appeared in the cloud, holding candles and nude swords in the hands, saying Tatarovsky's leaders:" Whoever ordered to destroy the Fatherland Our, from the Lord we are granted? "

Boris and Gleb names just like Roman and David, were favorite in many generations of Russian princes. The Oleg Gorislavich brothers wore names Roman (+ 1079), Gleb (+ 1078), Davyd (+ 1123), one of his sons was named Gleb (+ 1138). Monomacu had sons of Roman and Gleb, Yuri Dolgoruky - Boris and Gleb, Holy Rostislav Smolensky - Boris and Gleb, from St. Andrew Borolyubsky - Saint Blessed Gleb (+ 1174), Vsevolod has a great nest - Boris and Gleb. Among the sons of Vslav Polotsk (+ 1101) - a complete set of "Borisoglebsky" names: Roman, Gleb, David, Boris.

The gravestones of Boris and Gleb princes, in the holy baptism of Roman and David

Major, the passwords of Svolya Boris and Gleb, and honor honest sufferings, you have suffered from Christ for Christ.

Video about saints