Squaded Museum - universal combat ship. Esminans and Ministry of Justice

Squaded Museum - universal combat ship. Esminans and Ministry of Justice
Squaded Museum - universal combat ship. Esminans and Ministry of Justice

Squaded Museum of Project 956 are the Soviet third-generation destroyers, the construction of which continued from 1976 to 1992. The ships of this project became the latest destroyers built in the USSR. SIFR of the project 956 - Sarych, they called SovRemenny Class Destroyer in NATO - by the name of the first ship of this series, the squadrous destroyer "Modern".

The construction of ships of the project 956 was carried out at the plant number 190. Zhdanov in Leningrad, the customer of the last ships of the series was already the Navy of the Russian Federation. Today, the Russian fleet is six destroyers "Sarych": three in the ranks, two in reserve and another ship runs scheduled repairs.

After the collapse of the USSR, the booking of new project ships 956 "Sarych" was discontinued due to insufficient funding, two ships were completed for the Navy of the People's Republic of China on the export project 956-E (1997-2000), in zero years, for the Chinese yet Two Sarycha in the modernized project 956-EM.

Initially, it was planned that the 756 Squaded District Mission will become the most massive not only in its class, but also in the entire Soviet fleet. All of them were planned to build about fifty. In total, the USSR Navy (and then Russia) received 17 destroyers of the Sarych project.

History of creation

Squaded Mission Center (destroyer) is a class of multipurpose high-speed maneuverable ships that can solve a large number of combat tasks: fighting submarines, destroy the enemy's aircraft (including rockets), to work according to the windy ships of the enemy, cover the connections of ships and accompany the convoy. Also, destroyers can also be used when carrying out landing operations, warehousing and intelligence services, performing mineral outlections.

The first squadrock policemen appeared at the end of the XIX century. At that time, their main task was the destruction of the opponent's destroyers with the help of powerful artillery weapons. The prefix "squadron" indicated that these ships can act as part of a ship connection in the marine or ocean zone.

The destroyers were actively used during the First and World War II. A wide range of tasks that these ships could solve significantly increased their significance as part of the fleet. The displacement of modern destroyers is approximately equal to the cruisers of the period of World War II, but they are much more powerful. Even more increased the role of the destroyed destroyers after the emergence of rocket weapons.

In the early 60s, the USSR begins the active development of the surface fleet. In the 50s, a large number of large superwater ships was recycled, the main focus was made on the underwater fleet and rocket. It was an explicit error.

In the 1960s, the USSR Navy becomes the ocean, a number of new tasks were set in front of him: the protection of the patrols of Soviet missile submarines, tracking the strategic submarines of the enemy, the detection and exploration of the aircraft carrier of the enemy, the monitoring of marine communications, conducting foreign policy shares.

To fulfill such tasks, aviance ships would have come better, but their building was very expensive. The Soviet alternative to aircraft carriers became large anti-submarine ships (BOD), but they should have been covered by the Escort ships, which were not enough. In addition, the destroyers who were in the moment the USSR Navy were already considered obsolete. Ships of projects 3-bis, 56, 68-K and 68-bis did not have rocket weapons and could not be equal to their foreign counterparts. Especially clearly all the above showed the large ocean maneuvers "Ocean", held in 1970.

The Soviet fleet needed a modern squadrous destroyer with powerful artillery and rocket weapons and capable of acting both in the composition of ship groups and independently.

The creation of such a ship was provided for in the shipbuilding program for 1971-1980, which was adopted in 1969. The military wanted the new destroyer to take part in landing operations, destroy small goals on the shore, to suppress the opponent's anti-defense defense, to provide air defense in the disembarkation zone. The future destroyer was called the "ship's fire support ship." His prototype was chosen by the destroyer of the project 56, so the new project was assigned the number 956.

Work on the creation of a new destroyer was started in 1971 and advanced quite slowly.

The fact is that customers changed the target ship's purpose several times right in the design process. A strong influence on the Soviet military was provided by the program of creating American destroyers Spruance - the first truly multipurpose ships of the US Navy. It was the appearance of such a program that the Americans contributed to the transformation of the "ship's fire support ship" in a multi-purpose destroyer.

In addition, the Esminets of the project 956 were planned to be used in conjunction with the BOD project of 1155. Soviet strategists believed that together they would have greater efficiency than a pair of American SPRANCE destroyers.

Avantproekt a new ship was developed by the Leningrad CKB-53 (Northern PCB). In the course of the work of work, the designers were made by all new and new tasks, the versions of the ship and the type of its power plant were constantly changed. Developers limited the possibility of a shipbuilding plant. Zhdanov, where they planned to build new destroyers: its length should not exceed 146 meters, and the width is 17 meters.

In total, thirteen options for pre-escort projects were made, all of them were carefully studied from the point of view of combat efficiency and cost.

As a result, the following requirements were put forward for the future destroyer:

  • the presence in the composition of the Armament of the PCR "Moskit";
  • SPK "Hurricane";
  • accommodation on the deck of the ship of the helicopter platform for Ka-252;
  • the presence of art installation AK-130.

A sketch project was approved by Admiral Gorshkov at the end of 1972. However, after that, changes continued to be made to the project. Paroturban EU was replaced by a Cotlombinal, which is recognized by many experts a rather unsuccessful decision.

Gak "Platinum" was chosen as the main hydroacoustic complex of the future destroyer. Installing the "Sarychi" a more perfect complex "Polynom" was not possible due to the significant mass-dimensional characteristics of the latter.

For this reason, the project ships of the project 956 were not able to approach the possibilities of the Po American destroyer SPRANCE, but the Soviet ship was significantly superior to his opponent on the power of artillery armament.

The result of all modifications and changes was the increase in the vehicle's displacement per thousand tons. The development of the project of the destroyer 956 cost the Soviet budget of 165.6 thousand rubles.

On November 1, 1973, the design of a new ship began, next year with a shipbuilding plant. Zhdanov was a formal contract for the construction of ships. The cost of work design was 2.22 million rubles.

In June 1975, the construction of the first ship of the project 956 - the Contemporary destroyer began. The project "Sarych" was completed in 1993, when the last ship from this series was adopted by representatives of the Russian Navy.

Initially in 1976 it was planned to build from 32 to 50 Sarych destroyers, that is, the project 956 was to become one of the most massive in the history of the Soviet fleet. In 1988, the number of ships was reduced to twenty units. However, the entire Soviet and Russian fleet was transferred 17 destroyers of this project. On average, each destroyer of the project 956 was built four years.

There was an attempt to establish production at the shipbuilder name of the 61 Communar in Nikolaev. There, they even began to build a new ellinge and received documentation from the Northern PCB, but in 1986 they refused this idea, and the two of the Esmina's already laid hulls were conserved.

Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Naval Fleet was transferred to 14 projects of the 956 project, three more ships were completed for the Russian Navy ("Restless", "persistent" and "fearless").

The construction of the ships of the project 956 "Sarych" was carried out using a sectional building assembly method. The cost of one destroyer (at the time of construction of the head and two subsequent ships) amounted to more than 90 million rubles. The price of the construction of subsequent ships decreased to 71 million rubles.

The project of the destroyer 956 was created exclusively for the needs of the Soviet Navy. It was the newest ship, and no one was going to sell it abroad. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the situation has changed: insufficient funding forced to look for customers on the side. In addition, by the beginning of the 1990s, Sarychi is somewhat outdated.

In the mid-1990s, the export modification of the destroyer was created - 956E. In 1999, the first "Sarych" entered the Navy. It is armed with anti-worker rockets with a slightly greater lesion range (up to 200 km), instead of four AK-630, it has two rocket artillery complex "Kashtan", no feed artillery installation, but is equipped with a full-fledged helicopter hangar. Several increased vehicle displacement. Until 2006, for China, four squadrocks of the project of the project 956E and 956EM were built.

Design Description

Domestic and foreign researchers of the Fleet history note that almost all combat ships, created in the Northern PCB, have a characteristic "spectacular" appearance. The project 956 is no exception. In descriptions of the appearance of the destination of this project, the definitions of "aggressive", "ominous", "expressive" are often used. And it can hardly be considered an accident.

Military ships are not only a fighting tool for the sea, they are also a serious geopolitical instrument, a symbol of the country's relics, the flag of which they represent. The military fleet is a means of political belief and influence, demonstrating the achievements of the country's scientific and technical development of the country and the power of its economy.

Naturally, the "expressiveness" of the external appearance of the ship should not reduce its combat efficiency. However, the project ships 956 is fine with this: most experts believe that the destroyers of this series are an example of an excellent combination of high functional qualities and aesthetic perfection.

The Sarych destroyers have a long-distance design with a saddle of the bow. The shape of the body reliably ensures the imperfectness of the deck and the optimal corners of the shelling of the ship's artillery armament. Body Observations provide impaired by excitement to 6-7 points. The deck elongation coefficient is 8.7. The ship's body is completed taking into account the requirements for reducing the radar visation of the vessel, although it should be noted that the Sarych destroyers do not belong to the "stealth ships".

In the nasal part of the body, in a rivet bouffer, there is an antenna Gak "Platinum".

Side Sailing Sailing Esmina - 1700 m2. The decks are placed parallel to Waterlinia, which simplified the installation of equipment during the construction and made the Esming of the project 956 more technologically.

Fifteen major bulkheads divide the vessel body for sixteen waterproof compartments. Project ships 956 have six decks: the second, the third and the upper decks, the semi-love deck, two platforms, one of which smoothly goes into the flooring of the second bottom. The main structures of the case, reinforcements and foundations are made of low-alloy steel. From the stern to the engine room there are two longitudinal bulkheads, they provide an additional rigidity of the vehicle's stern part. Esmina's splits have a significant collapse, which increases the stability of the ship.

The destroyers of the 956 project have high seaworthy qualities (seaworthiness unlimited). Sailors can use onboard armament complexes with sea excitement to five points. Ships are equipped with pitching calories. With the excitement of the sea in six points, the destroyers are able to develop up to 24 knots.

756 project ships superstructings are made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, they are connected to the housing and decks using rivets.

The superstructure of the ship can be divided into two large blocks: nasal and fodder. The nose part ends with a fock mast, and the fodder consists of a block with a chimney and a sliding hangar, on which the grotty mast is located.

Standard displacement of the destroyer is 6500 tons, complete displacement - 7940 tons, with overload - 8480 tons.

The power plant of the Esming of the project 956 consists of two COTURBIC GTZA-674 aggregates (total capacity of 100 thousand liters. P.), Located in two car departments - nasal and feed. It should be noted that Sarychi is the world's only third-generation warships in the world with a Cotlubbin Eu.

The turbo-block unit has a control system that is capable of adjusting the speed of rotation in different installation modes. In each of the car departments there are two boilers and a steam turbine. All destroyers, starting with the seventh ("persistent"), more reliable KVG-3 boilers were installed. Despite this, boilers call the weakest site of ships in this series. They are very demanding of the water supplied, quite often fail.

The water treatment system installed on the project ships does not properly ensure the quality of water, which led to the rapid wear of the boilers. Unlike atomic underwater rocket, it is open, that is, it is reported to atmospheric air.

The experience of using high-pressure boilers has shown that the domestic fleet (both Soviet and Russian) is not yet ready to transition to such energy installations.

In addition to the main, the ship's power plant includes an additional emergency boiler, which can give 14 thousand kg of steam. The destroyer has two shafts and two low nozzles. The maximum speed of the ships of this project is 33.4 nodes. The fuel supply is 1.7 thousand tons, which provides a melting range of 3,900 marine miles.

The steering unit consists of a hydraulic machine and a half-balancing steering wheel.

The Esming of the 956 project is equipped with two steam generator (total capacity of 2500 kW) and two diesel generators (600kW), which provide electricity ships.

Under normal conditions, the number of the crew is 296 people, including 25 officers and 48 Michmans. In wartime, the ship team increases to 358 people. On the Sarych destroyers, there were comfortable conditions for the habitat of the team: the officers are equipped with single and double cabins, and for Michmanov - two- and quadruples. Sailors are located in sixteen kubricks for 10-25 people in each. One person accounts for more than three square meters of residential area.

On board there is a separate cabin company for nutrition of officers, one more is intended to feed Michmans and a few canteens where food takes the sailors. On board there are several shower and sauna. The crew of the library, cinema hall, cable television, there is even a pool.

All residential and desktops of the destroyer are equipped with air conditioning system, it provides comfortable conditions for the crew operation in the temperature range from -25 ° C to +34 ° C. It should be noted that the project of the 956 project is beneficial from other ships of Soviet and Russian buildings in terms of conditions for the crew habit.

The autonomy of the Sarych destroyers in the reserves of provisions is 30 days.


The anti-aircraft missile armament of the Sarych destroyers consists of the M-22 "Hurricane" SPM, which is a maritime modification of the "beech" complex. On the ships of the later building installed the "Hurricane Tornado" SPR. Two launchers of anti-aircraft missiles are located on the nose (semi-kilk add-in) and on the stern (for the runway) of the ship. The mass of each SPK is 96 tons, the total ammunition - 48 managed missiles, which are in the cellars on special drums.

Characteristics of the SPC "Hurricane" allow simultaneously to fire 4-6 targets at altitudes from 10 to 1 thousand meters and at a distance of up to 25 km. The possibilities of the "hurricane-tornado" SPC are even more impressive: the maximum lesion range is 70 km. The shooting paced is one launch of the rocket in 6-12 seconds. The probability of aircraft damage to a volley from two missiles is from 0.81-0.96, the winged rocket is 0.43-0.86.

The destroyers of the Sarych project have a powerful artillery armament, consisting of two paired artillery settings AK-130 (caliber 130 mm) and rapid anti-aircraft artillery, which is the last line of air defense ships. Also, the artillery armament of the destroyers includes a multichannel fire management system of MR-184, consisting of radar, laser rangefinder, television and ballistic calculator.

Each arthrow has a mechanized ammunition feed, which allows it to fire with a pace from 30 to 90 shots per minute for a distance of more than 24 km. The ammunition for each barrel is 500 shells, of which 180 are always ready to use.

Automation of the loading and supply of ammunition allows you to fire to full exhaustion of ammunition.

The weight of one artist is 98 tons.

The rapid anti-aircraft artillery of the Esminets of the project 956 consists of two batteries of automatic complexes AK-630M. Batteries are located from each side of the ship and are designed to destroy the winged rockets at low heights. The composition of each battery includes two six-characteristic artists with a rotating block of trunks and SU "Vympel". The shooting range of AK-630M is 4 km, the timer of firing 4 thousand shots per minute.

The main anti-worker weapon of the Sarych destroyer is anti-workers Mosquito missiles. At the "restless" and all subsequent ships of the project installed the modernized complex "Moskit-M". The destroyers of the 956 project have two fixed launchers, each of which is located four PCR "Mosquito".

The range of defeat of the goal at Mosquita is 140 km, and Moskita-M - 170 km. Rockets have a combat lot weighing 300 kg and develop the speed in flight to M \u003d 2.5-3. The ship can release all eight missiles in just 30 seconds.

On the upper deck of the destroyers there are two two-pipe torpedoes of the caliber of 533 mm. Mine weapons are represented by two RBB-1000 reactive mortars, which can fire at a distance of 1 thousand meters. Bombers are located in the vest part of the ship. Their main task is to destroy the enemy submarines at low depths in close proximity to the ship. The combat part of each of the jet bombs is 98 kg. The destroyers of the 956 project can install the boom mines (on board is taken up to 22 minutes).

The destroyers of the project 956 do not have a permanent helicopter hangar, but is provided temporary, sliding. It can be based helicopter Ka-27. The helicopter platform is located almost in the center of the ship, so it has a smaller impact of a quilting pitching.

The helicopter can be used for anti-submarine struggle, it can also carry out reconnaissance and give a target design for anti-religious missiles.

At the Sarych squadrocks, several types of radar stations are installed: "Frigate", "Fregat-M" and "Frigate Ma". For the overseas detection of enemy objects and target designation, the Bridge system uses, it can search at distances up to 200 km. The target designation for the anti-worker missile complex produces the mineral system, it has both an active and passive radar channel. The ship can accept targeting from airplanes or helicopters.

On the destroyers of the project 9566 there is no on-board information and control system, its functions performs the tablet of the Sapphire-U settings.

Project ships 956 are equipped with a complex of radio-electronic struggle, which includes means of radio engineering exploration and interference formulation system, as well as means of passive and active counteraction.

Esminets of the 956 project have a well-thought-out survivability system. Around the potentially dangerous premises of the ship (cellar, the engine room) created fire offices due to the enhancement of the housing with steel structures.

There is a fire-fighting highway with several pumps, systems of bulk fire extinguishing, foaming, water irrigation of assets and bulkheads. Also on the ship have a system of rapid irrigation and flooding cellars.

To eliminate the water threat on project ships, there are: drainage systems, waterproofing and balancing tanks. There is a system of external wrap in the case of infection of external surfaces.

Armor protection (anti-cab) Provided only artillery installations and PCP "Moskit".

Project ships 956 "Sarych"

Ship NameWater descent dateDate of write-offNotes
"Modern"18.11.1978 30.09.1998
"Desperate"29.03.1980 30.09.1998
"A great"21.03.1981 30.09.1998
"Current"24.04.1982 30.09.1998
"Irreproachable"25.06.1983 20.07.2001
"Combat"4.08.1984 in 2010.
"Persistent"27.07.1985 30.09.1998
"Winged"31.05.1986 30.09.1998
"Stormy"30.12.1986 Under repair
"Radiant"30.05.1987 18.12.2006
"Fast"28.11.1987 As part of someoneThe ship "Fast" is the oldest of the project ships in the ranks
"Rumbled"4.06.1988 WritingOn disposal
"Fearless"18.02.1989 In reserve
"Radiant"30.09.1989 Writing
"Restless"9.06.1990 In reserve dkbf
"Persistent"19.01.1991 As part of DKBFFlagship of the Baltic Fleet.
"Admiral Ushakov"28.12.1991 As part of KSF.
"Impressive" 17.10.1987 Separated for metal
27.05.1994 Included in China Navy
16.04.1999 Included in China Navy
"BUY" - Building stopped


27.04.2004 Included in China Navy


23.06.2004 Included in China Navy


Displacement, t:
Sizes, m:
Max. Speed, Uz.33,4
Sailing distance, miles:
at a speed of 32.7 knots1345
at speed 18 knots3920
Autonomy, day30
Crew, people
Home Energy Installation2khgtza-674.
Total power, l. from.100000 (2x50000)
Impact rocketPKR "Moskit"
Anti-aircraft rocketM-22 "Hurricane"
Artillery armsAK-130.
Artillery anti-aircraft armamentAK-630M.
Anti-ordeal2HDTA-53, 2khrbu-1000

Evaluation of the project

Squaded Museum of Project 956 Sarych were created in the era of the Cold War, and their main opponent in the world Ocean was an American ship of a similar class SPRANCE. This destroyer of the US Navy and its characteristics had a great influence on the future appearance of Sarychi. There was a competition between the two superpowers and the Soviet admirals demanded that our ship would not be worse.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the difference in the power plants of two ships. Moreover, the gas turbine energy installation SPRANCE looks much preferable and according to characteristics, and in its reliability. The American energy installation can reach full capacity for twelve minutes, the Soviet destroyer is necessary for this one and a half hours.

Artillery armament is definitely more powerful at the Soviet ship (initially it was designed as a land support ship), but the American destroyer exceeds him in the anti-submarine fighting. Initially, the "Sarych" had more powerful rocket weapons, but after modernization on SPRANCE, universal PU for missiles "Tomahawk" were installed, which gave a significant advantage to the American.

However, currently the main destroyers of the United States are vehicles of the Arle Berk type. This ship was designed in the mid-80s and significantly exceeds the project ships 956 in almost all indicators. "Arle Berk" is the fourth generation destroyer, so it's not too correct to compare it with Sarrych.

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Squaded Mission Center (Sokr. Esminets) - Multi-purpose combat speed-free shuttle ship to combat submarines, aircraft (including rockets), and enemy ships,

the protection and defense of the connections of ships or convoys at the crossing of the sea. It is also used for intelligence and sentigible services, artillery support when landing the landing and for the production of mineral offices.

The Russian name "Mission-Russian" comes from the fact that in Russia the torpedoes were called "self-deviating mines." The designation "squadron" indicates the ability to act as part of the squadron in the ocean and sea zone.
Initially, the ships of this class were called "fighters (destroyers)": it was believed that in battle they should intercept and destroy the enemy destroyers. English Equivalent of the term - Destroer (English Destroyer - Destroyer). Unlike them, the Ministry of Justice remained a class of light ships that do not have powerful artillery weapons with low seaworthiness and autonomy.

Before the First World War, the main appointment of the destroyers was a torpedo attack of the fundamental forces of the opponent fleet, especially large ships. During and after the war, they become multipurpose martial ships capable of performing a wide range of tasks. The main ones were anti-heart and anti-submarine defense of their forces.
Their displacement and their significance increased, especially since almost all fleets in the world linkers disappeared (in the 50s - 60s. XX century). The largest of modern destroyers are equal to the displacement of the Epoch of the Second World War, but significantly exceed them in firepower.

Origin of destroyers

Although the vessels capable of using torpedoes appeared at least since 1874 (English "Vesuvius" was able to develop speed in 9 nodes) (1873 - Fregate "Shah"), the first carriers of the torpedo, combining small size and cost and high speed, built in 1877 in England "LAYNING" in England (English "HMS Lightning -" Lightning "), capable of developing speeds in 18 nodes, and built in Russia (at the Bird Plant in St. Petersburg) in the same Year of the Ministry of Useser "Explosion".
They and the same type with them ships were small, high-speed and cheap in production, but any of them could potentially slaughter a linear ship of that era.

The first successful attack of Torpedas was committed on January 14, 1878 during the Russian-Turkish War, 1877-1878. It was carried out by mine boats "Chesma" and "Navarin" (with displacement of only 6 tons), which two torpedoes were sinking the watchtown Turkish steamer "Intibach".
Although small, with a small margin of the destroyer of the destroyer could be easily destroyed long before they approached the distance of an effective torpedo attack, they could act as part of the fleet of large ships, while this fleet was near his base.
This led to the need to install a large number of "anti-mining" small-caliber artillery guns on large ships. Marine countries realized the need to combat this danger and created the class of ships intended for the destruction of the Ministry of Eating and smaller torpedo vessels - torpedo boats and the destroyer.
These ships were supposed to be the same fast as the policeman, but armed in addition to the torpedo and cannon. They had to create a barrier at some distance from the forces of the main fleet and prevent the destination destination at the attack distance. In Russia, such ships were called "destroyers of the Ministry of Users".

However, in those days it was clear that this concept had its own problems. Although such ships could destroy the destroyer, they themselves, acting away from their fleet, were practically defenseless against large warships. Another problem was that due to low displacement, the destroyers had a small stock of the course.
The destroyers designed to protect the main fleet should have had the same stroke reserve as other fleet ships, so they usually had much more displacement than boats and the destroyer, which they had to resist. The Esminian class was born thanks to England and Japan in the 1880s.
He received universal recognition and distribution after the Civil War of 1891 in Chile and the Japanese War of 1894-1895. In these conflicts, flotilla of cheap fast small torpedo ships have proven their effectiveness, and therefore, the need for funds to combat them.

First samples

The destroyers occur from the experimental large destroyers of the 1880s and 1890s., Built mainly in England. The English name of this type of ships (eng. Destroyer) was distributed only at the beginning of the 1900s.
The initial role of the destroyers is to confront the threat from the destroyer, hence the French Contre-Torpilleur and Spanish contratorpedero name.

In 1881, the Polyfemus torpedo tank ship was built in England. He had a speed of 18 knots and was able to resist the destroyers with his ram, as well as threaten with large warships of Taran and Torpedi. But the ship was not very successful due to lack of cannon weapons and not very high speed.

In 1884, "Swift", a large destroyer, armed with six 47-mm rapid powders and three torpedo devices, was built. Although it was not fast enough, compared to the usual destroyers, at least he had armed for the fight against them. Japanese ship "Kotaka" (1887)

Built in 1885 in England, by order of Japan, Kotaka ("Falcon") can be considered the first representative of the new class of ships. Designed and built in accordance with the Japanese technical task, he was disassembled delivered to Japan, where he was assembled and launched in 1887.
Its weapons were 4 single-minute (37-mm) rapid tools and 6 torpedo devices. The speed was 19 nodes (35 km / h), water displacement 203 tons. On tests in 1889

"Kotaka" demonstrated that it is capable not only for coastal actions, but also on marine hikes as part of the fleet.

Almost immediately after the Japanese order in England, a ship was ordered to deal with the policeman for Spain. The ship that received the name "Destructor" was laid at the end of 1885, launched on the water in 1886, was commissioned in 1887
Its displacement was 380 tons, it was armed with 1-M 90-mm, 4-57-mm and 2-37-mm guns, as well as 3 torpedo devices, was 60 people in the carriage.
Shortly thereafter, the Royal Navy began experiments with the class of courts "Rattlsnik" (English RattleSnake), "Country Movies". 17 large destroyers were built - a series of ships was built for the first time, and not separate ships. Rattlsneck had a speed a little more than the ordinary destroyers.

The first ships formally called "destroyers of the destroyer", there were two Khavok class vehicles (eng. Havock), built for the English fleet in 1892, and launched on water in 1893
They had a displacement of 240 tons, the speed of 27 knots (50 km / h), armed with 1-m 12-pound (76-mm) tools, 3-6-pound (57-mm) tools, and 36 -Sm torpedo devices. Courts were able to make marine transitions along with the fleet.

France, who has a significant number of the Ministry of Economicians, built its first destroyer in 1899. The United States laid their first destroyers "Bainbridge" (English USS Bainbridge, Destroyer No. 1) in 1902, by 1906 they had 16 destroyers.

In Russia, until 1898, a police station was built with a displacement of 90 - 150 tons, which had a speed of 20-25 nodes (the so-called "number of the Ministry of Economy", which did not have their own names).
They had one embedded nasal fixed torpedo to the body and one or two single-tube rotary torpedoes on the upper deck, as well as one or two lung cannons. The Squaded Mission in Russia stood out into an independent class of warships after the Russian-Japanese war 1904 - 1905.

The development of destroyers at the beginning of the 20th century at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries in the design of the destroyers appear steam turbines. The first destroyer with the steam turbine became English "Viper" (Eng. Hms Viper), built in 1899
On tests, it has reached a speed of 36 knots. Although Viper himself soon broke in half and sank during a storm, the English fleet ordered several more destroyers with steam turbines. By 1910, they were already widespread.

In 1905, England began to build destroyers, working not on the corner, but on oil (Tribal project (English Tribal)). Flots of other countries also began to switch to petroleum fuel, for example, the United States in the Polding project in 1909, Russia in the Novik project in 1910
Between 1890 and 1914, the destroyers have become much larger: the displacement has increased from the initial 200 tons to 1000. Since the design of the destroyers was aimed at putting as much powerful engines as possible in the easiest case as possible, the Esminian housing was often made from very thin steel. (up to 3 mm).

In terms of armament, destroyers finally abandoned underwater fixed torpedo devices and switched to deck multi-tube apparatus on a rotating platform. To control the shooting began to use special optical sights fixed on the rotating platform of the device.
The main shock weapon of the destroyer - Torpeda becomes more perfect. Its diameter increased from 357 to 533 - 600 mm, and the weight of the battle charge reached 100 kg.
The range has increased dramatically and the speed of the torpedo. On early destroyers, the living space for the crew was very limited. On the destroyers of the class "Heavok" there was no sleeping places to relax crew, even officers slept in chairs in the cabin company.
The smoke and the condensate of the vapor did the life of the crew very uncomfortable. The first type of British destroyers who had separate cabins for officers were the River Type of Building 1902.

Combat use of early destroyers

The initial purpose of the destination of the destroyers is the fight against the policeman, but soon in the Navy of different countries realized that high-speed destroyers can be used more flexibly. English Vice Admiral Sir Balduway Walker described the role of destroyers in the Royal Navy:

Fleet protection from enemy torpedo ships

Intelligence of the enemy shores before approaching his fleet

Observation of enemy ports in order to concern their torpedo ships and prevent them from returning to the port.

Attack of the enemy fleet.

The first significant combat episode with the participation of Esminians occurred in Port Arthur on February 29, 1904, at the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war. The three divisions of the destroyers (on another classification of the Distancestands), the total number of 10 ships attacked the Russian fleet in the harbor and releasing from 16 to 18 torpedoes, seriously damaged Russian armadasians "Cesarevich", "Retvosan" and a cruiser "Pallada".


Destroyer (Sokr. destroyer) - Multipurpose warning high-speed maneuverable ship to combat submarines, aircraft (including rockets), and enemy ships, protection and defense of ships or convoys at the crossing of the sea. It is also used for intelligence and sentigible services, artillery support when landing the landing and for the production of mineral offices.

The Russian name "Mission-Russian" comes from the fact that in Russia the torpedoes were called "self-deviating mines." The designation "squadron" indicates the ability to act as part of the squadron in the ocean and sea zone. Initially, the ships of this class were called "fighters (destroyers)": it was believed that in battle they should intercept and destroy the enemy destroyers. But, as it turned out, according to the results of the Russian-Japanese war, "no fighter for a single destroyer intercepted and did not destroy" (quote). English Equivalent of the Termin - destroer. (eng. destroyer - Destroyer ). Unlike them, the Ministry of Justice remained a class of light ships that do not have powerful artillery weapons with low seaworthiness and autonomy.

Development of destroyers at the beginning of the XX century

The increase in the number of torpedo and torpedo-artillery ships in 1892-1918

Country / Ship Types Destroyer Destroyer
date 1892 1900 1904 1914 1918 1892 1900 1904 1914 1918
Great Britain 186 95 159 n / D. 94 0 75 131 243 433
France 220 219 282 n / D. n / D. 0 2 31 n / D. n / D.
Germany 152 113 90 n / D. n / D. 0 1 47 210 311
Russia 143 174 156 n / D. n / D. 0 1 60 n / D. n / D.
Italy 129 144 143 n / D. n / D. 0 n / D. 15 n / D. n / D.
Japan 29 34 n / D. n / D. n / D. 8 19 n / D. n / D.
USA n / D. n / D. 34 n / D. n / D. n / D. n / D. 16 n / D. n / D. n / D.

Combat use of early destroyers

The initial purpose of the destination of the destroyers is the fight against the policeman, but soon in the Navy of different countries realized that high-speed destroyers can be used more flexibly. English Vice Admiral Sir Balduway Walker described the role of destroyers in the Royal Navy:

  • Fleet protection from enemy torpedo ships
  • Intelligence of the enemy shores before approaching his fleet
  • Observation of enemy ports in order to concern their torpedo ships and prevent them from returning to the port.
  • Attack of the enemy fleet.

The first significant combat episode with the participation of Esminians occurred in Port Arthur on February 29, 1904, at the beginning of the Russian-Japanese war. The three divisions of the destroyers (on another classification of the Distancestands), the total number of 10 ships attacked the Russian fleet in the harbor and releasing from 16 to 18 torpedoes, seriously damaged Russian armadasians "Cesarevich", "Retvosan" and a cruiser "Pallada".

World War I

Russian destroyer "Dried"

Squaded Ministry of Justice of the First World War period had a displacement of 1 - 1.3 thousand tons, speed 30 - 37 nodes (55 - 68.5 km / h) steam turbines, boilers with oil nozzles, up to 4 dual-pipe 450- and 533 mm torpedo , up to 4 instruments of caliber 88 mm and 102 mm. For a long time, the best ship of this class was Russian "Novik".

During the war, destroyers received a new purpose - to protect the fleet from underwater attacks. Submarines that actively used during the war could have a secretive approach and torpebed surface ships. The destroyers of the First World War had enough speed and weapons to attack the submarines before they are loaded, or artillery fire, or a ram. Since the destroyers had a sufficiently small precipitate and more speed, they were difficult to torpedo, the torpedoes most often passed by.

The desire to attack the submarines in the underwater position led to rapid changes in the design of the destroyers, their hulls began to amplify for taranans, equipped with deep bombs and hydrophones to detect underwater purposes. The first case of the attack of submarine Esminz was a ram of the German submarine U.19. English Esming "Badger" (English Badger) October 29 U.19. It was only damaged, but next month the destroyer Garry (English. Garry.) Successfully Skilled the Boat U.18.. The first case of the destruction of the submarine in the deep bomb was December 4, when UC.19 It was surrounded by the Esmin "Lyevuellin" (English. Llewellyn.).

Underwater threat led to the fact that many destroyers were aimed at hunting for submarines; After Germany in the summer of G. decided on an unlimited underwater war, the destroyers began to appoint commercial vessels into convoys. After America's accession to the war, American destroyers joined military action. In the Mediterranean on the side of the Antena, even a division of Japanese destroyers was acted. The convoy service was no less dangerous than combat: from the total losses of the British destroyers (67), 18 were lost from collisions and 12 sank.

By the end of the war, the British type W was considered to be the highest achievement in the construction of the destroyers.

At the end of the First World War in the UK, a new subclass of the destroyers appeared - "The leader of the destroyers", larger displacement, with a higher speed speed and with stronger weapons than that of ordinary destroyers. The ship was intended for artillery support, withdrawal of the Esminians, the fight against the enemy's esminists, the management of the groups of the squadded destroyers and could serve as a scout at a squadron of large ships.

Interwar period

In the post-war period, the emerging trend continued to increase the size of destroyers and the improvement of their weapons. During the war, a number of opportunities to attack the ships of the enemy fleet were missed due to the fact that all torpedoes were produced in the first volley. In the English Esminians Types V. and W. At the end of the war, they tried to solve this problem by installing 6 torpedo pipes in two structural devices, instead of 4 or 2 pipes in early models. This was the standard for the Esminians of the early 1920s.

The following large innovation in the construction of the destroyers became Japanese cars like "Fubuki" (Yap. 吹雪). The head ship was designed in and transmitted a fleet in the city of their armament included 6 powerful five-lifted guns and 3 tapered vehicles. The second group of ships of this type has received tools with a large elevation angle for use as anti-aircraft and 610-mm oxygen torpedoes of type 93 (American Long Lance designation English. Long Lance - "Long spears"). In later destroyers of the type "Ariaki" of 1931, the Japanese further improved their torpedo weapons by placing the spare torpedo in the superstructure, the speeding up recharge the torpedo to 15 minutes.

The rest of the maritime countries began to build such large destroyers. The American destroyer of the PORTER project borrowed a paired five-year-old guns, and in the destroyers of Projects "MEHEN" (English. Mahan.) And Gridli (English. Gridley.) (1934) increased the number of torpedo pipes, respectively, to 12 and to 16.

From the detection of submarines, there was Sonar, or "Asdik" (English. ASDIC.). Weapons to combat submarines since the first world has changed slightly, nasal bombers, the need for which the Second World War showed, did not develop.

The Second World War

The destroyers were the most massive superwater ships of the Second World War and participated in almost all significant maritime battles at all marine theaters of hostilities. Some idea of \u200b\u200bthe intensity of their use can give statistics of losses: the English fleet of 389 who participated in the War of the destroyers lost 144, German out of 21 wars and 19 built during the war lost 25, Japan out of 168 destroyers lost 132, US lost about 80 destroyers , USSR lost 33 destroyers.


Soviet destroyer project 30bis

In the late 1940s - early 1950s, based on the experience of the war, a number of destroyers were built with traditional weapons. They were significantly large in size than the time ships of the 2nd world, armed with fully automated instruments of the main caliber, radar, sonar, as well as weapons to combat submarines, such as BMB-1 bombers in the USSR and Squid. in the West. These projects include the Soviet destroyers of projects 30Bis ("fast") and 56 ("Kotlin"), British project "Daring" (English. Daring.), American project "Forest Sherman" (English. Forrest Sherman.).

Some ships of the time of war were upgraded to fight submarines and they were extended to be expressed to avoid the costly construction of new ships. Examples are the American FRAM I program, and English ships of the type "15".

Rocket era

Soviet destroyer project 56a "resourceful". Food has established anti-sophisticated rocket weapons.

The appearance in the early 1960s "Land-Air" and Earth-Earth missiles changed the tactics of the sea war. Large countries began the construction of missile destroyers (American reduction of DDG, Russian - Esminets UR), such as Soviet project ships 61 (NATO designation "Kashin"), English-like County (English. County), American type "Charles F. Adams" (eng. Charles F. Adams.).

Martial use of destroyers in the post-war

The destroyers took an active part in several wars and local conflicts after World War II. At least five destroyers were lost:

Modern destroyers

Due to the complications and high costs, the destroyers stopped being the most numerous class of ships. (As of the city, in all fleets of the world there were less than 200 destroyers, against 350+ frigates). Their size and displacement, as well as appointment and opportunities, are widely vary depending on the country. The largest (US) reaches 9,200 tons and are able to solve their tasks in any area of \u200b\u200bthe World Ocean. The smallest (Mexico, Peru) is the re-equipped ships of the time of the war of about 2500 tons, suitable for actions in their shores, in the possibilities of inferior to modern frigates.

In addition, political considerations are influenced by the classification. So fleets seeking to get allocations despite the resistance of the state, the class of the proposed ship is "understood." For example, the British type "County", often attributed to light cruisers, was represented by Parliament as a "big destroyer". On the contrary, the fleets wishing to increase their prestige with a limited budget, the classification is overestimated. For example, Argentine "Almirant Brown" (Span. Almirante Brown.) According to the characteristics, it corresponds to the frigate.

Perspective destine DD (X) (USA)

British Esminets "Glasgow" ("Type 42")

In the UK, 8 destroyers of the project "Type 42" are currently used. British destroyers have a displacement of about 5000 tons, armed with guns and rockets, including 114 mm (4.5 inch) guns MK 8., anti-aircraft missiles Sea Dart., 20 mm Baquors guns, an artillery self-defense system Vulcan Phalanx, anti-submarine torpedo, helicopter. Soon these ships will be replaced by the ships of the new project "Type 45" ("Daring" (English. Daring.)), with a displacement of about 7200 tons. Two new series ships are already laid on the water. The Esming "Type 45" is designed primarily for aircraft carrier warp defense. The main weapon of the ship is the SPK ASTER 15/30. Rocket ASTER 30. May hit targets (including low-challenging low-teeth) at a distance of up to 100 kilometers.

Canadian destroyer "Algonkin" (type "Iroquim")

In the Canadian fleet, the osmins of the type "Iroquois" carrying 4 helicopters are used. These are ships with anti-aircraft and manageable rocket weapons. Designed in the 1970s, they became the first military ships using gas-turbine motor installations. 2 Turbines are used in cruising mode, 2 more connected to achieve maximum speed in 29 nodes. According to the design, they are largely repeated by American destroyers of the project "Sprewish".

Russia (previously USSR) from 1965 to 1981 did not classify their ships as destroyers, with the exception of previously constructed. In a typical case, ships with similar characteristics were treated with high anti-herineal (BOD). This reflected the views on the new appointment of ships in a rocket and nuclear war. After 1991, there is a gradual refusal to the unorthodox system of classification of ships, adopted in the Soviet Union and the Class of the Esminians are listed by the projects of projects 1155,1155.1. At the same time, the global tendency towards the erosion of the borders of this class of ships between the sudden destroyers, cruisers and heavy frigates is also held. In the Russian Fleet, this process is illustrated, for example, project frigates 1154, promising combat ships of the project 22350.

Soviet destroyer project 956 (type "Modern") "impeccable"

The only ships, which, from the moment of bookmarked on the Stapel, were classified as the Squaded Museum of the Ministry of Education, which was built since 1981. Sarych type project 956 projects (also known as the type "modern"). The main appointment of them is the struggle with the surface forces and support for the landing, and only then anti-aircraft and anti-parental defense.

Esming projects 956/956a ("modern") are available in Russian (7 units for 2008) and Chinese (2 units + 2 ordered in Russia) Fleets. These are large multipurpose rocket ships armed with 8 launchers of anti-workers Mosquito missiles, an anti-aircraft missile complex "Hurricane" (48 rockets), 2 twisted automatic wiring of 130 mm caliber, two paired torpedo devices, anti-submarine reactive bombing of RBU-6000. Anti-aircraft missiles are able to attack and terrestrial targets, tools and torpedoes are designed for use against submarines and ships on a small distance. There is a helicopter. Standard displacement is 6500 tons.

The newest ships of the Indian fleet - Delhi etms. Ships are armed with anti-religious missiles KH-35 (Uranus), having a range of 130 km. Soon these rockets will be replaced with rockets. Brahmos.. For air defense, the Russian anti-aircraft missile complex "Shtil" and Israeli complex Barak.. Russian anti-submarine reactive bombes of RBU-6000 are used to combat submarines. There are also 5 torpedo guides for 533-mm torpedoes. Create two helicopters Sea King.. The ships of the Delhi project are planned to be replaced by the ships of the "Kolkata" project, the first of which was already built in March 2006.

Squaded Museum of Project 956 - third generation destroyers, which were built in the USSR from 1976 to 1992. The vessel of this project became the latest Soviet destroyers. The series had the Sarych cipher, and according to NATO classification, it was called SovRemenny Class Destroyer - by the name of the first model, the Ministry of Emergency "Modern". The construction of the ship was produced at the Leningrad Zhdanov Plant. Today we will get acquainted with the destroyers of the project 956 more.

Modern situation

To date, 6 destroyers of the Sarych type are located as part of the Navy of the Russian Federation. Three of them are in the ranks, two stand in the reserve, and one more is a planned repairs. As part of the Pacific Fleet, still serves the destroyer "Fast". And in the Baltic Fleet, the service ships are "persistent" and "Admiral Ushakov". The destroyer "Fast" is the oldest of the ships of the series still in the ranks. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the bookmark of the project ships 956 ceased due to insufficient funding. In 1997-2000, two vessels were completed for sale in the PRC of the 956-E project. The index "E" means "export". A little later, the 756E squadrocks were finalized, and the export project was called 956EM. The index "M" denotes "upgraded".

Initially, it was planned that the destroyer of the 956 project will become the most massive in its class and in the Soviet fleet in principle. In total, it was planned to build about five dozen ship. In fact, the USSR (and later the Russian Federation) received only 17 Sarych ships. Now let's get acquainted with the history of creating this ship.

Prerequisites for creating

Squaded destroyers (destroyers) are called multipurpose high-speed maneuverable ships. They can fight underwater vessels, destroy aircraft, resist the surface ships, cover the connections of ships and finally accompany the convoy. In addition, the destroyers can be used for sentirect, landing and intelligence operations, as well as the production of mine barrage.

The first destroyers appeared at the end of the nineteenth century. They were actively used during the first and second world wars. The spectrum of tasks performed by the squadded destroyers, expanding every year, made them very meaningful for the fleet. With the advent of missile armament, the role of destroyers in the marine battle increased even more.

In the early 1960s, the surface fleet began to develop particularly actively. When the Navy of the Soviet Union became the ocean, new tasks appeared in front of the ships: the protection of rocket submarines patrols, the enemy's submarine tracking, conducting foreign policy and monitoring of water communications. To fulfill these tasks, aircraft carriers would get better, but they were very expensive in construction. Large anti-submarine ships (BOD) were a Soviet alternative to aviance cruisers, however, they needed escort, and the shoes' shoes in the USSR were not enough. In addition, the destroyers standing at that time, the destroyers are already morally outdated and could not withstand foreign analogues on equal. Ocean maneuvers "Ocean", conducted in 1970, unitely illustrated. Thus, the Soviet fleet needed a new, well-armed destroyer, capable of acting both independently and as part of ship groups.

The shipbuilding program for 1971-1980, provided for creating such a ship. The new destroyer was supposed to participate in landing operations, suppress the enemy's anti-infraent defense, destroy small goals on the shore and provide a fire defense in the landing zone. The future ship was called the "ship's fire support ship." As a prototype for construction, a squadron project of the project 56 was chosen, so the new project received number 956.


The development of the destroyer of the project 956 began in 1971. She moved very slowly. The fact is that the customer directly during the design changed several times the target appointment of the future ship changed. The Soviet military has a great influence of design solutions, embodied in the American destroyer SPRANCE - the first truly multipurpose ship Navy America. In addition, new vessels were supposed to be used together with the UAV of the project 1155. The Soviet military believed that such a tandem would be more efficient than a couple of American destroyers.

Avanproekt a new vessel was developed in the Leningrad CKB-53. As work performed before the designers, new tasks appeared, the type of ship's power plant and the options for its weapons were constantly changing. In addition, the developers were limited to the possibilities of the Zhdanov plant, where new ships were supposed to build. According to the plant requirements, the length of the ship must be no more than 146, and the width is 17 meters. In total, 17 projects were developed, each of which was studied in terms of efficiency and economic feasibility.

Ultimately, it was decided that in the future the destroyer should be:

  2. PKR "Moskit".
  3. SPK "Hurricane".
  4. Helicopter platform for ka-252.
  5. Artistors AK-130.

At the end of 1972, the sketch project approved Admiral Gorshkov. Despite the clarity that appeared, even after approval, the project continued to make changes. Parroid turbine power installation was changed to the kitallybinding. Gak "Platinum" was chosen as the main hydroacoustic complex. The more perfect Gak "Polynom" could not be established on the destroyer due to major dimensions of the complex. Ultimately, the project ships did not approach American analogues. The only thing they surpassed a competitor is artillery power. The creation of a project of the new destroyer cost the Budget of the USSR in 165 thousand, and the working design was 2.22 million rubles.


In the early summer of 1975, the construction of the first model of the project 956 - the "modern" project was launched. According to the original plan, in the future, up to 50 such vessels should have been built. In 1988, this amount was reduced to 20 units. But this indicator of the USSR could not reach - the Navy received only 17 copies of the ship. Each destroyer of the project 956 was built on average four years.

To increase the output, an attempt was made to establish the construction of destroyers in the Nikolaev factory. 61 Communar. However, in 1986, it was abandoned from such an idea, and the two embedded vessels of the ship couldned. By the time of the collapse of the USSR, 14 destroyers were built. The rest of the three were completed in the Russian Federation.

In the construction of the vessel used the section of the body assembly. At the time of construction of the head vessel, its cost amounted to about 90 million rubles. The following two vessels were approximately also (the last expensive ship was the destroyer "excellent"), and further ships fell by 20 million. The reason for this was the development of the technology and the establishment of the production process.

Initially, the combat vehicle was created purely for the needs of the Soviet fleet. No one was going to sell the newest ship abroad. Nevertheless, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the lack of funding led to the search for third-party customers. Moreover, the beginning of the "zero" armament of Sarychi began to obstruct.


All ships created by the Northern PKB are characterized by a characteristic appearance, and the project 956 has not been an exception. The vessel of this project is often called aggressive, sinister and expressive, and this is clearly not a coincidence. Since Military ships symbolize the power of the state, their appearance is given hardly not the same amount of attention as and technical parameters.

The 756 destroying destroyers of the project 956 are constructed by a long-to-block scheme with a saddle nose. The shape of the body is selected in such a way as to ensure the optimal corners of the work of artillery arms and the non-deck of the deck. The housing dousers protect the vessel from flooding by excitement to 7 points. The housing is made so as to reduce the radar visibility of the vessel, however, "Sarych" does not apply to "stealth ships".

The side sailing of the destroyer is 1700 m 2. The decks are located parallel to Waterlinia, which simplifies the change of equipment during the restructuring and makes the ship more technologically. The housing is divided into 16 waterproof compartments with 15 bulkheads. In total, the destroyer six decks: the 2nd, 3rd, top, semi-love deck and pair of platforms, one of which moves to the second bottom. All major construction designs, foundations and reinforcements were made from low-alloy steel. Two longitudinal partitions increasing the rigidity of the ship pass from the machine compartment to the stern. Thanks to the considerable collapse of the splits, the destroyer is staring. Thanks to the sedatives of pitching, the destroyers are consistently run even with significant excitement. With excitement in six points, the speed of the ship can reach 24 nodes.

The superstructures of the squadrocadas of the project 956 were performed from aluminum-magnesium alloy. With the housing and deck they were connected via rivets. The superstructure is conditionally divided into fodder and nasal blocks. The stern part is a block with a chimney and hangar with a grotto mast. The nose part is distinguished by a fock mast.

The displacement of the vessel fluctuates from 6.5 (standard) to 8.48 (with overload) of thousands of tons.


Power installation of the first modifications of projects of the project 956 includes two COTURBIC GTZA-674 brand aggregate. Their total capacity is 100 thousand horsepower. The aggregates are located in the nose and feed of machine branches. In each of the car departments there are two boilers and one steam turbine. The speed of rotation at various installation modes is regulated by a turbo-aggregate. It is important to note that Sarychi became the only 3rd generation in the world in the world with a kitallybinding energy installation. Starting with the seventh model (the destroyer destroyer), the ships began to be equipped with more reliable KVG-3 boilers. Nevertheless, the boilers remained a weak venue of the ship, as they are very demanding on the purity of the supplied water. In addition to the main boilers, the power plant has an emergency boiler, which gives 14,000 kg of steam.

The destroyer has a pair of low noise screws. The steering unit includes a hydraulic machine and a half-balancing steering wheel. The ship can develop a speed of 33.4 nodes. Thanks to the stock of the fuel, which is 1.7 thousand tons, the maximum vessel's melting range is 3,900 nautical miles.

Electricity Squaded Documents of the project 956 are provided by two steam generators (total power is 2500 kW) and two diesel generators (total power is 1200 kW).


In peacetime, the number of the crew of the destroyer is 196 people, including 48 Michmans and 25 officers. In wartime, the crew increases to 358 sailors. Officers live in single and double cabins, Michmans - in two or quadruples, and sailors - in Kubrick for 10-25 people. In any case, each member of the crew accounts for at least 3 m 2 living space.

On board, two cabins are equipped for nutrition of officers and Michemans, as well as several dining rooms in which sailors eat. For swimming on the ship there are several shower and sauna. In addition, at the disposal of the crew - the library, the cinema, and even the prefaby pool.

The vessel residential and work premises are equipped with air conditioning. In terms of the habitat of the crew, the destroyers of this model differ from other Soviet ships.

The standard reserve of provisions is enough for the vessel autonomously existed for 30 days.


The anti-aircraft missile armament of the Sarych ships includes the complex M-22 "Hurricane", which is a maritimate modification of the "beech" complex. The combat ship has two starting racks of anti-aircraft missiles: the first is located in the semi-love add-in, and the second is for the runway. The mass of the "hurricane" SPC is 96 tons. Its ammunition consists of 48 managed rockets that are stored in the cellars. The "Hurricane" SPC can simultaneously attack up to 6 targets at a height from 10 m to 1 km, at a distance of up to 25 km.

Starting from the 14th vessel ("unrestrained" / "Radiant"), the destroyer began to arm a "hurricane-tornado" SPC. It can affect targets at a distance of 70 km. To make one launch of the rocket, you need a maximum of 12 seconds. A volley from two rockets amazes an airplane with a probability of 0.81-0.96, and the winged rocket - with a probability of 0.43-0.86.

The artillery armament of the Sarych destroyer consists of two paired installations of AK-130 and anti-aircraft artillery, which is in air defense air defense. In addition, the firefire control system (SUO) MR-184, consisting of a radar station, a laser rangefinder, a ballistic calculator and the thermal imager, works as part of artillery armament of ships. The mechanized submission of ammunition allows you to fire from the artist with the pace of up to 90 shots per minute to a distance of up to 24 kilometers. Each trunk has a wip in 500 shells, 180 of which are always ready for work. Installation weighs 98 tons.

The composition of the rapid anti-aircraft artillery of the destroyed destroyers includes two batteries of automatic complexes AK-630M. They are located on the boards of the vessel and are responsible for the destruction of enemy winged rockets at a low height. Each battery has in its composition two six-fuel settings with the "Vimpel" control system and the rotating block of trunks. AK-630M produces 4,000 shots per minute and can affect targets up to 4 km.

The main anti-develop gun "Sarycha" is the Moskit Rocket Complex. Starting from the ship "Restless," instead began to establish the complex "Moskit-M". Four anti-religious missiles are placed in two fixed starting plants. Mosquito missile can affect targets up to 140 km, and its upgraded version is up to 170 km away. The vessel can release all 8 missiles (the weight of each is 300 kg) in just 30 seconds.

On the upper deck of the ship placed a pair of two-pipe torpedo devices by a 533 mm caliber. As for mine weapons, it is represented by a pair of reactive mortars of the RBU-1000 model, capable of attacking the targets to a kilometer. In the stern "Sarychi" there are bombers responsible for the destruction of enemy submarines at small depths in close proximity to the board of the vessel. Also on the destroyers can be installed mines of barriers.

In the temporary sliding helicopter hangar of the ship, the K-27 helicopter is based. Since the playground for the helicopter is located almost in the center of the vessel, a killek is minimally acting. The helicopter can be used both to combat boats of the enemy and for intelligence and purposeful works.


Esminet of Project 956 has a serious survivability system. Potentially dangerous vessel premises (engine room and cellar) are fenced by fireproof with reinforced steel walls.

Fire truck, a system of volume fire extinguishing, a foaming system, as well as a system of water irrigation of bulkheads and gatherings, is equipped as a means of combating fire on the vessel. In addition, there are separate irrigation and flood systems to protect the cellars.

From the water threat, the ship can save the drainage system, balancing tanks and waterproof. To protect against infection of the outer surface of the vessel, a wizard system is provided.

Only artillery installations and launchers of the Mosquito PCR "Moskit" are provided with armor anti-ski protection.


During the production of a series of vessels, their device succumbed to partial upgrades. From the 6th Corps (Esmynets "Combat") of the court received the RLS "Fregat-M2" with two flat antennas. Starting from the seventh case ("persistent"), the ships were equipped with more perfect KVG-3 boilers. From the 14th Corps (destroying ", previously" presenter "), the release of 956a began. It was distinguished by the anti-aircraft installation of the "Hurricane Tornado", as well as new radar and navigation equipment.

Ship Name

Year of issue



"A great"







Under repair



As part of someone



In reserve

"Immount" ("Radiant")


In reserve dkbf


As part of DKBF

"Admiral Ushakov"

As part of KSF.


Cut on metal

"Hangzhou" ("important")

In the composition of China Navy


"Taizhou" ("impressive")

Ningbo ("Eternal")

Project Models 956.

Briefly get acquainted with the chronology of the creation of destroyers of the project 956 and their present status will help the table above.