Who really won the lottery. How to win a large amount of money in a lottery with a conspiracy

Who really won the lottery. How to win a large amount of money in a lottery with a conspiracy
Who really won the lottery. How to win a large amount of money in a lottery with a conspiracy

Each at least once played the lottery. But they won very few. Most people believe that the lottery win is something unreal. Their opinion is very biased, since in most cases the experience was sad.

Why is one luck, and there is no other?

There are people who put on the same sets of numbers and do not win for several years! Meanwhile, there are exceptions - lucky who won jackpot¹ almost immediately. Although there are very few such ones.

However, despite the statistics, there are ways to significantly increase the chances of winning the lottery.

About them and will be discussed in this article. First you need to understand and take the fact that luck in the game is somewhere between a good strategy, intuition, patience, perseverance and positive attitude.

There are a lot of components, but with the right approach you will learn how to stop worrying about your winning in the lottery, because you will act for sure. Tune in energy and abundance and attract wealth to your life will help you a powerful course.

"Valuable" lottery winning strategies

Before buying lottery tickets, remember this rule:

Never buy more lottery tickets than the minimum win in this lottery!

So, if the minimum amount that you can win in the draw is 100 rubles, then you can spend no more than 100 rubles per game. Buying more tickets will not increase the chance of winning the lottery.

In fact, the overrun of funds for the game gives a completely opposite effect. Stress, anxiety and experiences lead only to consumption of your energy and put a strong barrier for your intuition.

As the wise men say: "Only in calm water you can see the reflection of the starry sky."

If your feelings and emotions are calm, then you can see the prompts of your intuition. Go from the very beginning correctly, with the mind distributing your financial investments. So you increase your chance for good luck, because good mood and calm is the foundation of your success.

There are two methods that are used by players in the lottery. What are their features?

The first method. Spontaneous luck

You take every time the chance of the selected rooms and constantly change them, trying all new numbers and hoping only for a natural good luck. One of the advantages of randomly chosen numbers is that each game is different, but your success is completely dependent on the chance of fate.

Using this method, you are powerless to do anything. This is a very controversial method of winning a lottery based on a random selection.

The second method. Stubborn sequence

You select a static (unchanged) set of numbers that can be selected from dates, ages, addresses, etc. In any case, you always fully rely on luck only by these numbers, focusing on them.

But this is a psychological trap of static numbers. Some people manit a strange superstition associated with numbers. Someone has the favorite numbers, someone has significant, something marked in fate. Therefore, people try to take only them. They believe that it is these numbers that must win, and not some others.

Often, such players from year to year put on the same numbers. They fall into the trap of their mind and fear, thinking that as soon as they stop putting these numbers, the winnings would immediately fall on them.

There are, of course, exceptions are people who came numbers in a dream, or they have strong intuition. In fact, a very important part of the strategy for the game of the lottery. She is like a lighthouse that illuminates the numbers and leads your ship to win.

How to play the lottery?

You can choose one of the three techniques below. All of them are based on a certain choice of numbers and drawing up a game plan. Based on these methods, you can develop your own strategy that will work for you.

Studying the pattern of numbers, you realize that the chance in pure form does not really exist. We are talking about balance and equilibrium in the universe. To be lucky in a lottery, you need to watch how these or other numbers behave. Then it is necessary to draw conclusions and find the desired numbers for your winning.

Of course, there are exceptions in any strategy, however, watching statistics, you can see patterns and use them for money. To start the winnings, there may be small, but honing your skills, you can win more often and more.

The essence of strategies is based on studying the history of the game. This means that if the event happened at least once, it will definitely repeat, and you can foresee and calculate when it happens.

What do these strategies guarantee?

  • Make the game more enjoyable and predictable.
  • Help to understand how numbers behave in time.
  • Inspire you to develop and improve your own strategy to select numbers.

Yes, at the initial stage it will require patience from you. You still need the history of the game, at least in the last few dozen draws. It doesn't matter what kind of lottery, you can even play the lottery online. You will be able to download the history of winning numbers directly on the lottery site. The history of the games you need to develop your personal successful strategy.

Strategy №1. Combinations of the most often winning numbers

Singing the numbers of frequently winning numbers will give you the opportunity to win from time to time. She can even bring you to a jackpot. To do this, you write out winning numbers if some fall out several times - place this digit opposite.

The list with the most frequently wins numbers need to be updated from time to time, since through some time segment the numbers have a property to be replaced by other numbers.

Looking at such a list, you can clearly see the frequency of "good" numbers and use them in your game. Do not forget to celebrate the test history.

In addition to this method, use your intuition - "green". Looking at the entire list of rooms, ask to win the number in this lottery in the green color. You can intuitively see this color on some rooms - write them separately. So you will increase your chances of winning the lottery.

Strategy №2. Eliminate the numbers outside the game

This strategy will also not take much time. It is easy to count - you will need to hold the statistics of the participation of numbers in the game. For this you need:

1. To write down all the numbers that participated in the lottery for a certain time.

2. Next to each of the numbers to put numbers - how many times this figure was out of the game, and how much in the game.

3. Make the average value in the table. For example, if the number "2" fell 3 times in games, and did not fall out 1 time, then as a result, the table must be added to the table 2. If a draw is zero.

5. After each draw, the table with data must be updated to have topical information on the participation of numbers in the game.

So you can track what numbers play, how many times they fall out, which of them won. After such an analysis, try to make a numeric winning row. Use the "Green" technique described above.

Strategy №3. Choose numbers in the gap between the drop-down

You probably noticed that, for example, in one game, the numbers 8 and 10 fell out, and in the next number 9. Whenever you note nearby numbers participating in the intermediate game, you observe their pattern.

So you can predict what number will fall in the next game, if, for example, you will see in this game 8 and 10. Based on these three strategies, you can create your own method, and be sure to get your lottery win!

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

Jackpot is a prize fund in some slots, lotteries and other gambling (Wikipedia). How to win

There are quite a few people who love the lottery and regularly buy the tickets offered by it. After all, this is a great opportunity to attach a small amount of money to obtain significant capital. And hope for the fact that a large Kush will certainly find its owner, is an excellent way of tickling your own nerves. Wonderful and that a person who bought a lottery ticket is absolutely not risks. In addition, most people overwhelm curiosity, favors fortune to them. That is why they again and again experiencing their luck.


In one or another, lottery games exist in all countries. In the US, for example, they are national fun. Peter first brought to Russia together with shipbuilding, tobacco and other ingenic things. Today there are so many similar games. And before purchasing another ticket, many potential lucky people are interested in the winning lottery in Russia. After all, participate in it means a greater likelihood of obtaining the desired result.

However, it is always worth remembering that the lottery is a game. And if it's lucky one in it, then this is not a guarantee that it should be lucky. But still it is interesting how often people won in the lottery, and which one gives more chances for success. Interestingly, both lucky after receiving the winnings are managed by them.

Attitude towards lottery

It is unlikely that there are such people who would not want to win the lottery. And not just get some kind of money prize, but to rip the jackpot, which is calculated by millions of rubles. At the same time, in any country of the world of citizens can be divided into two categories. One of them includes optimists. They do not cease to believe in what they must be lucky, and constantly buy tickets, even in the absence of winnings. In the second group there are pessimists. Such people call the draws not more than anything like a scam.

Will people in the lottery win? In many ways it depends on luck. After all, there are cases when a person played all his life, but he had no winnings, or they were simply meager. But it happens differently. Cases are known when a purchased ticket brought an impressive cash prize to the player.

Lottery of Russia

Until the first of July 2014, there were two types of lotteries in our country. They were public and private. The last of them was unlikely to be protected from deception. After all, the organizers of such games used various tricks. But from 01.07.2014, according to the federal law adopted by the Federal Law, the conduct of private lotteries was canceled.

Only the person who bought a state lottery ticket could be felt quite protected from deception. The chances of winning it were the highest.

To date, there are such state lotteries as "Gosloto" and "Victory", "State Housing Lottery" and "Golden Horseshoe", "Golden Key" and "Lotto Million", "Sportoto" and "Stoloto", "Russian Lotto" and "Russian lotto 6 of 36".

Where are the lottery income send?

State lottery sends money received from the sale of tickets to various assistance programs, construction, development, etc. Each player takes part in solving these noble tasks.

For example, Gosloto sends the received income from its activities to the development of domestic sports. Realizing lottery tickets, the state gets the opportunity to build new sports facilities. Reporting on the financing of such construction is on the official website of "Gosloto". This is the best proof that the lottery is not at all shame.

Win prizes

So can luck smile by those who play this game? Yes, people who won the lottery in Russia really exist. Moreover, some of them got quite large prizes. The largest of them in the entire history of the country came a win in the amount of 358 million rubles. The lucky one who became its owner is a resident of Novosibirsk. In one of the points of the city, he made a bet, and waiting for the draw, saw the full coincidence of the numbers crossed out of them with those that fell on the lototron.

However, there are statistical data indicating that people who won considerable money issues in the lottery did not become more happy. Almost 60 percent of the winners could not take the right decision, which makes it profitably putting on them wealth. In most cases, the money was spent "on different". And they diverged for a short time. Only on a short period, the life of a happy winning ticket owner became a fairy tale, which the harsh realities soon changed.

Feedback from people who won in the lottery confirm that their luck depended only on the case. Which of this can be the conclusion? People who won the lottery in Russia are simple residents of the country that Fortune smiled. After all, if you compare the number of players who received large cash prizes, with the total number of tickets sold, then the reason for the increase in the army of pessimists becomes clear. And here sometimes luck depends on the psychological attitude of the person himself. After all, if he sincerely believes in his fortune, he is most likely lucky, despite all the statistical data.

But we still wonder to know who they are - people who really won the lottery. And how has their lives changed after good luck, which comes far from all? Consider the top of the biggest winnings that Russians received.

7 place

Big Kush at 29 million rubles in 2001 went to the unemployed family from Ufa. Nadezhda and Rustam Muhammemethanov have acquired a happy ticket of the "Bingo Show" lottery. It would seem that the people who won the lottery as an impressive amount of money should have changed their lives for the better. However, everything happened otherwise. Unfortunately, the spouses sent their destiny on a dubious path. After receiving the money, they became recluses, having fun only from alcohol. Only a part of the winnings of the spouse invested in the purchase of real estate. They purchased two apartments in the city center. In addition, Nadezhda bought the car "Zhiguli" eleventh model. However, neither her husband had no rights. That is why the woman gave the car to the nephew for temporary use. However, he managed to break the expensive gift. Then the hope acquired the "Lada" of the twelfth model, as well as the Gazelle. Subsequently, this property was cleared by long-distance relatives. And in the spring of 2003, a fire happened in the new apartment of Muhammemetian. Everything that was there was completely destroyed.

The rest of the money was spent "by mood." Significant amounts went to the repayment of credits of acquaintances, were given in duty, etc. The result was completely spent in five years. It would seem that people who won the lottery such an impressive amount should be happy. However, by interviewing the correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Hope admitted that her fate had changed only for the worse. At the same time, the woman said that he regretted that she fell so impressive winnings. Five years after receiving wealth, a woman died. Within a few months before this tragedy, her family lived in absolute poverty.

6th place

However, not all the stories of people who won the lottery end so sad. In the spring of 2009, the Happy Personoto ticket acquired Muscovite Evgeny Sidorov. The 51-year-old locksmith received 35 million rubles, invested only 560 rubles. The owner of a happy bet did not spend money on the acquisition of capital apartments, entertainment and travel. He together with his family moved to the Lipetsk region. Evgeny Sidorov settled in his native village, where he built a new home and became the owner of a small farm. Some amount of money the winner spent on repairing the local road. To date, a man is engaged in breeding Karpov.

5th place

The rating where people who won the lottery large amounts of money, continues forty-two-year-old resident of Voronezh. In August 2013, he unexpectedly smiled at the "Stoloto". Happy ticket brought 47 368 520 rub. On his purchase, the man spent only 120 rubles. According to Voronezh, most of the amount received, he distributed best friends and relatives.

So he helped to realize the dreams of people close to him. The money remaining money spent on the repair of the apartment and on various domestic expenses. A man did not change anything radically in his life. But, according to him, he retains hope again to get a decent prize.

4th place

The fate of people who won the lottery is sometimes not so good. An example of this can serve as a prize that has fallen in 2009 to Alberta Begragharana, a resident of the Leningrad region. In the lottery "Gosloto" a man won 100 million rubles. Get so impressive amount to him made a coincidence of six digits of forty-five.

Before buying a lottery ticket, Alberta Begragian was his own small business. He was the owner of several shopping kiosks. After receiving an impressive amount, the man's life has undergone fundamental changes. Together with his family, he moved from a removable apartment, buying several of his own in the center of Peter. Another major acquisition was the expensive Lexus car. In addition, a man has invested money in his own business, bought out a land plot located in the Krasnodar Territory. Here he planned the construction of the hotel. A significant amount of 12 million rubles a man lended to friends and acquaintances.

Despite the impressive size of the winnings, there was no single penny from him in two years. In addition, the former millionaire should remain the state without paying the tax on the money received. In order to return 4.5 million rubles, the attacks had to arrest part of Albert's property. In this regard, it is currently forbidden to leave abroad.

This is how sometimes the fate of people who won the lottery in Russia. According to the former Luncher, he needed to dispose of the amount received otherwise. To date, he would not spend them in a similar way, but just left to live with his family in the United States.

3rd place

Another major win in the "Gosloto" fell on 6.02.2014 in the circulation, which took place on this day, 46-year-old resident of Omsk Valery won 184 513 512 rubles. On the lottery tickets, this Siberian-builder was spent only 800 rubles.

Within a few days after the circulation, the Lottery organizers had to be looking for a lucky one. As it turned out, the man did not come into touch, as he was stunned by the news on him. He locked in his house and did not want to communicate with anyone for three days. A little later, Valery asked not to disclose his surname and other details. The press service "Gosloto" reported only that the man lived in Siberia all his life and that he had three children. According to the lucky one, he decided to spend his win on moving to the sea and buying a new house there.

2nd place

In the fall of 2014, a 45-year-old man, a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, became the owner of a state of 202,441,116 rubles. Mikhail, so the name of the winning, the rate cost only 700 rubles. For money, he turned only two months later, and after gone "underground." Mikhail, he said about his winnings, did not even tell him to relatives. He assured journalists that for some time his luck would be kept secret.

1st place

And the largest prize, which was seen by the history of Russian lotteries, was already mentioned winnings of 358 million rubles. The 47-year-old Medic from Novosibirsk received this impressive amount arrived for money with his best friend. He told the organizers of the lottery that he plans to move to Moscow to buy a house and engage in the development of his own business. Its plans also to provide financial support to everyone who especially needs it.

"Russian Lotto"

About this company can be said that it has one of the largest prize funds. It provides it with a decent place in the ranking of the best organizations of this kind. And although people who won the Russian Lotto lottery received amounts not reaching a hundred million, many winnings here can also impress. For example, a prize of 29.5 million rubles. He got a resident of the Yaroslavl region, which, unfortunately, nothing is known. That is why what money went, and how the fate of the lucky one has happened, we do not know. I would just like to believe that he found this unexpectedly melting on him with the wealth of decent application.

One million rubles won in the Russian Lotto and Victor Balon. This resident of Severomorsk bought five lottery tickets on the eve of her 47th anniversary. For the money won, Victor has planned to buy property or give them to his daughter as an investment of its startup. The girl dreams of his own business in the organization of celebrations.

Lottery today enjoy incredible popularity and there are reasons for this. First, this is the easiest way to get light money. Secondly, the minimum risk, since the cost of the ticket is insignificant or varies within the limits of reasonable. Thirdly, everyone wants to check as far as he is a Pet Fortune. There are a huge number of organizations that arrange the games of this kind. In their diversity, it is easy to lose, because everyone will prefer the lotteries in which to actually win.

The top 10 includes the best lottery games that do not guarantee, but increase the chances of money success.

Spanish game La Primitiva. ("La primitive") opens the top ten most successful lotteries. The story of "La Primitive" begins from 1736, when the first draw was held. The organizer has an excellent reputation, which has never been standing in fraud. All winnings are regularly paid for the winners for several centuries. Not only a citizen of Spain can become a participant in a gambling event, but any resident of the planet. For this, it will be enough to purchase a ticket online. Only persons over 18 years old are allowed to participate, otherwise the winnings will be canceled. The minimum amount of Jack Pot is 1.5 million USDLLs. Since all the existence of La Primitiva, the most successful lucky ones became owners of the amount of 24 million euros (2005); 2.5 million Evro (2008) and 4.53 million euros (2009). Before you purchase a ticket online, you need to be confident in the reputation of intermediaries, since on the Internet, you can encounter scammers. In order to become the owner of the main prize - Jack-Pota, it is necessary that 6 numbers from 49 coincided in your ticket. To obtain other prizes, it will be enough if 3, 4 or 5 numbers coincides.

("Megabaks") is one of the popular American lotteries, which is famous for frequent winnings. Statistics argue that each 50th participant becomes the winner in each edition. The largest amount of Jack-Pot, which was recorded at the $ 30 million and was won in 2004. In order to become the winner of the game and disrupt the main prize, you will need to guess 6 digits from 48. Attend happiness with the help of "Megabucks" can be three times a week. The event takes place with the obligatory participation of the Commission that control the conduct of the draw. The winners of the circulation can get 60% of the amount won right away, the rest will go to pay taxes. The second option involves getting gaining parts for 26 years, but without loss of 40%.

Mega Millions ("Mega Million") is one of the US state-owned lotteries and the most reliable. Mega Millions in 2012 became a record holder among other lotteries in the entire history of gambling. This happened, thanks to the jack-sweat of which was 656 million dollars. In order to become the owner of a round sum, the participant must guess the 5 numbers of fifty in one game card and 1 number out of 46 in the second. The winners of secondary prizes are those who managed to guess 5, 4 and 3 numbers. "Mega Million" holds twice a week circulation, and anyone can take part.

("Powerball") - the most popular American gambling. The probability of winning secondary prizes is 1 to 38, that is, each 38 participant wins the lottery. With regards to the main prize, Jack-Pota, then the chances of success are significantly falling and amount to 1 to 292 201,330. The minimum size of the "Big Kush" is 40 million dollars. The largest prize fund was roving in 2013 and amounted to 590 million dollars.

"- one of the popular Russian lotteries. Of course, it can not boast of fantastic cash prizes, as in American lotteries, but still people won here quite often and good money. The amount of the maximum jack-sweat was 30 million rubles in Bingo. In addition to cash prizes, real estate and cars are played here. Super prize here can get the one who before others on the playing field will match all 15 numbers. The game is held once a week on Sundays with the participation of the circulation commission.

"- one of the youngest organizers of gambling. It is two sieving lotteries: "6 of 49" and "Keno-Sportloto". The first is held once a week, the second - every day, at midnight. In Sportloto 6 of 49, a participant who determines all 6 digits can become a happy owner of several million. Comforting prizes in this game Waiting for players who were able to determine only 3 numbers from 49. The principle of the second lottery is to guess as much as possible the right numbers in the rate. The largest win here is 10 million rubles.

The lottery company can bring the ticket to the train on a solid amount of money. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special sticker with a railway ticket. After that, you are automatically a member of the next circulation. The biggest gain, which here was fixed here was about 12 million rubles. Super prize receives the participant of the lottery, in which all the numbers of the game combination coincided with the number of railway tickets. All information about the executives carried out is compulsory published on the company's website.

"- One of the most popular and favorite games of Russians. In every circulation, its participants have a chance to get a cash prize, real estate or car. The owner of the main winnings of several million can be the one who coincided in the game field the first five balls from Lotteron. The major gains also receive participants who have previously closed one horizontal line with numbers.

"Come in the top three most popular lotteries of Russia with a good reputation. Those who wish to participate in the game, must acquire a ticket for a symbolic amount of 50 rubles and wait for the draw of the circulation. In addition to cash prizes, real estate is also played here. The biggest Jack Pot, which was won here amounted to 29 million rubles.

"- Honored Leader among existing Russian lotteries. It is here that the largest winnings in the entire history of the existence of licensed gambling in Russia are recorded. The most impressive Jack Pots, which managed to disrupt the participants make up 100 million rubles (2009); 35 million rubles (2009) and 60 million rubles (2013). "Gosloto" is considered the largest organizer of lottery games in the number of prizes and participants in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Anyone on this planet can easily get rich in fairly considerable amount. All that is needed for this every day to experience your success on strength - buy a lottery. It must be remembered if you decide to start playing, then you need to do so wise, and realizing your risk. Those who believe that to win is easy - mistaken. I can assure it to this case it is necessary to approach very carefully, otherwise you can easily stay without money. It is impossible to call the name of the next lucky one, it's just incredibly made. The probability of winning everyone is the same. It must be remembered - that the chances of victory are equal to everyone. All you need to play.

Next, we will tell you about 10 lucky ones, which only in 2011. Thanks to its faith, they became happy owners of large amounts of money. Big luck fell on their head. These events changed their lucky rhythm of life beyond recognition.

Jump with parachute

Our lucky moved from Bulgaria to England over 17 years ago. In his homeland, he found a passion - jumping with a parachute. Name of our hero, George Traykov. He was 43 years old when George found out that he became another lottery winner. He decided to celebrate his victory with a parachute jump. It is noteworthy that the lucky ticket that this Million brought him accompanied him and during the jump. George bought a ticket after he heard the news that the jackpot grows from the draw to the draw. Subsequently, when he checked the ticket initially, it seemed to him that he had left with anything, but after, recoverying a ticket again, he realized that he became richer for 1 million pounds. George is extremely happy with his victory, but he believes that all the money will not get to him, but his daughter. He intends to spend a significant amount for her education in the most elite senior institutions. He is also pleased with the fact that he will not have to say goodbye to his favorite passion - parachute sports that he will continue to receive positive emotions from his hobby. On this, the story of our lucky one does not end, because already all year after all year, he again won the largest lottery in the tight. Although this time his winnings were modest, but he still managed to disrupt the Kush in the amount of 160 thousand pounds!

Do not forget to buy a ticket

Paul Goldi - British worker - a plumber, noting Christmas Eve, decided to compare the selected numbers in his ticket, which is quite by chance, almost forgetting, acquired this morning. It turned out that the Family Budget of Paul was replenished by 7.2 million pounds. Family floor can not forget this day - in which they were happiness, in what joy. They immediately spent part of the winning luxury cars (2 Audi Car). Also in plans they have a big house with a beautiful veranda and a luxurious green garden. Family members at the moment do not plan to leave their work, but at the moment dream of rest and travel.

The rooms that led to the fabulous end: 34/33/25/22/15/13

Multimillion winnings in Normandy

Frenchman Alexander, who worked for a very long time in a motor transportation organization by Schapher's freight forwarder, radically changed his life. Playing all his life into the French lottery Loto, he was able to rip the prize equal to 10 million euros. When the lucky one took the money due to him, he decided to buy a firm in which he worked. The company has long been unprofitable. But when Alexander bought it, he managed to withdraw her for good profits. Our hero did not change personnel politics - all workers remained in their places.

The French lottery Loto is very popular, as it is famous for its large jackpots. But it costs to notice that winning will not get you easy. To do this, you need to select 5 numbers from 49 and 1 out of 10, and guess them. By the way, now Thelotter offers a syndical version of the game in this lottery.

Winning combination: 49/42/15/11/9 and 3.

Businessman and millions

For a long time, or rather 24 editions, the African Powerball Lottery has not seen a lucky bank. This fateful sequence has changed a simple, not the most successful businessman. He could win the most maximum jackpot In the entire history of this lottery. Someone this story may seem completely ordinary, but it is worth noting that our lucky one almost broke the very wonderful ticket.

Our hero acquired a ticket on a roadside refueling just for a half buck. Subsequently, he asked to scan a ticket for winning. The seller making it stated, there is no winning. However, he immediately doubted in the health of the scanner and produced the procedure for checking the ticket again. The repetition revealed that this ticket was not so simple.

The entrepreneur told that he began to play the lottery recently. And plays, only when the jackpot achieves truly insane values. Then it makes sense to play, as he explained. At the moment, he is going to spend some of the winning to close his debts and payments for the apartment. The remaining money to spend on yourself.

African lottery Powerball has a fairly simple system. In order to thwart the maximum winnings, it is necessary to guess 5 balls and 45 and 1 extra out of 20. As in most other lotteries, if the winning combination is guessed not one, but several players, then the winnings are divided between them in equal parts.

Rooms that have helped businessman pick up his jackpot: 6/30/31/33/36 and PB 16.

The largest European jackpot

The most popular European Lottery Euromillions in 2011 was pleased with his players the biggest jackpot at that moment, in the entire history of the drawing. Then jackpot amounted to 185 million Euro.

This grand jackpot was able to win an ordinary married couple who had been married for more than 30 years. The names of the lucky ones - Kristen and Colin. This family lived on all his life is extremely poor, so for example Kristen worked as a nurse in one clinic.

This family has two children, so part of the money won they want to spend on their bright future and on education. Even some of the money they want to spend on good new cars and trips around the world. Colin plans to embody all his dreams to reality for this money, and Kristen wants to leave work and protect the family hearth.

Numbers who brought this family winnings: 17/19/38/42/45 and additional 9/11 balls.

However, this is not ceased to be surprised at this, so according to the new rules upon reaching a jackpot of 185 million, players who have not guess additional rooms are also owners of fairly valuable prizes. And in this circulation there were 12 such people. All of them became richer by 1 million euros. Very common in Europe. The circulations are played in Paris. The minimum jackpot amount is 15 million dollars.

Error ticket

Cancer accident occurred with a native of the United States of America. Kathy Scruggs often plays in all the favorite MEGA Millions lottery. And as usual, being in a small cafe, asked to sell her one ticket. The cashier, by his negligence made a mistake, and handed it a completely different lottery ticket - Powerball. But Katie did not argue with her, just paid and left. It was this mistake that brought Katie cash in the amount of $ 25 million. The won amount was very needed, because she was unemployed. She recognized his winnings only in the morning. She distributed with money very simply - you need to buy houses for your relatives, buy a car and travel around the world. The considerable amount of Katie decided to spend on charity.

Winning combination: 59/50/42/41/16 and PB 5.

It is probably the most large and most famous not only in the United States, but all over the world, since her jackpot is truly grande! The rules for conducting: it is necessary to guess 5 numbers from 59 and 1 PB out of 35. Accordingly, the jackpot won the players who gave all the numbers.

$ 107 million

Brian McCarthy is a man who plays in the lottery rather rarely, managed to ripped a kush in the amount of $ 107 million. This winnings brought him 5 tickets that he acquired in one of the local ATMs. Such a major victory broke into his life extremely unexpectedly. When Brian approached an ATM for cash withdrawal, he wanted to play one of the famous in America. In the same ATM, he bought as many as five tickets. One ticket was happy, he brought him a win. Brian did not want to choose the numbers himself, but relied on a random number generator.

The young man was able to pick up the money won there, where he bought a lottery. When he came, he was deliberately silent about what works where it works. However, later it turned out that he was the son of the owner large chains of Marriott hotels. Thus, the son was able to replenish, and without the considerable state of the family on the "modest" amount. Brian decided to pick up his winning at once with one payment (not stretching payments for many years). Of course, in this case he had to pay large taxes. He immediately acquired a new car and decided to do tourism.

At that time, Mega Millions were conducted by the formula where it was necessary to indicate 5 balls from 56 and 1 of 46. This lottery is very in demand in America, everything is played in it. At the same time, the jackpots in it are truly huge. They start with $ 12 million, while the cost of the ticket is extremely symbolic and is $ 1.

Winning combination: 12/17/30/35/47 and MB 26

Another million

An American named Kinny in the distant 2008 has already won a large amount of money - $ 1 million. However, he said, he did not stop playing. Such perseverance was not in vain, because in 2011 he got another $ 1 million. A rather common lottery Super Millions is sold in America in any stall. Our hero, feeling unreason, decided to walk to the pharmaceutical store. On the way he caught a small shop offering to buy a lottery. Without coping with temptation, he bought one ticket and continued his way. Returning home, Kinny took his own ticket from pocket to check. Removing the protective field, he discovered that he won one million dollars. Kinny is a singing father, he has three children. The first win he spent solely on their training. But the second he plans to spend not only for children, he wants to please himself. What, of course, greatly pleases.

Super Millions (super millions) - instant lottery. Removed the protective field - became richer. At the cost of a ticket in $ 20, the winnings can be up to $ 5 million.

Another mistake, another million

Stories about how cashiers in stores are mistaken when selling lottery tickets quite a lot. But it is worth paying attention to another such story. It happened in America and is associated with the famous. Robert Tibodo is the most ordinary resident - I decided to play the Powerball lottery and purchase a ticket. However, the cashier made a slight emboss. And the purchased ticket added the Power Play function, which automatically increases the amount when the winnings. So, according to the lottery rules, the ticket is not allowed or replacing its numbers, then Robert had to sacrifice another dollar to redeem his ticket. After that, of course, he was upset, despite the fact that the total amount of the ticket was only 2 dollars. However, in the poor arrangement of the Spirit, he was not long. So the next day he learned that his ticket won 200 thousand dollars. An even greater surprise brought him a trip to the store, where the ticket was purchased. It turned out that the Power Play function brought him not 200 thousand dollars, but one million. After this incident, Robert stopped sprawing from small mistakes, even on the contrary, for a slight emboss, which he had accomplished the cashier, he awarded her check with an impressive amount. Robert built a new home for the money won, and now I am extremely rejoiced by life.

The rooms that this Million brought him: 11/16/40/51/56 and PB 38.

Lost Jackpot

This is probably the most amazing story. Jackpot searched for real owners more than 7 years. A group of friends from Ontario decided to create their little syndicate and play the lottery Super 7. Friends were not from the family rich, so they threw out only one ticket, so that you have to try your luck. And so in December 2003 they bought this long-awaited ticket. It is worth noting that in the end, friends managed to win with their ticket only 1 free ticket, and Jackpot then got completely different people. An additional ticket of young people did not take, as they were a little distressed with their losses. However, what was their surprise when they found out that this ticket was supposed to bring them a long-awaited winning lottery. The situation was as follows: when the store owner found out that a ticket was sold at his point of sale, which won a grand jackpot (And people behind him did not come), he began to look for a ticket in his store and found him. He even took the winnings. However, the representatives of the lottery, suspecting something wrong, began to understand this situation. For the proceedings took more than 7 years. It is noteworthy that during this time the income increased by 2.3 million dollars.

Rooms that won: 6/8/14/25/36/41/42.

That's how to win in the lottery!

Hello, dear readers of the financial magazine "Site"! In this issue, we will tell about how to win a large amount of money in the lottery, as well as about the most winning lotteries, which is absolutely realistic to win anyone.

Probably, every person wants to get a huge amount of money just like that. There are several ways to do this, but they all have their own nuances. Most simple method Quickly obtain a decent amount of money or valuable prizes - victory in Lottery .

For many, this topic is peculiar tabooSince this activity is very risky. In fact, having communicated with experienced players, you can identify several trends and rules, sticking to which you can make the win more realistic.

The main advantage of the lottery is that they do not require a person to a smooth account. nothing. For victory, you do not need to end the university or seek support from the outside, there is no need to own business or be a child from a rich family.

To win the prize (both real and money), Enough faith and a little bit luck. Thanks to self-confidence, many people buy tickets in the hope of winning. It is worth notingthat individual people are enough once try good luck to become the owner of a big amount, and some years Waiting for the cherished win, and fate with time decides to reward them for patience of victory.

This material will present answers to such important issues:

  1. What does science say about the likelihood of victory in various lotteries;
  2. How to make a decision if a desire has appeared to purchase a ticket;
  3. There are lottery, in which you can really win even a novice player;
  4. Is it possible to generally win in the lottery and how to get the chance of victory as much as possible?

What the most interesting questions presented above are asked as experienced players and amateurs (or beginners), so further exhaustive answers to them will be considered, and will also be presented review Effective Winning Methods Together with interesting facts from the world of lotteries.

So, we start!

There are effective ways how you can win a lottery big money. About this and not only - further in the article

1. Is it possible to win in the lottery - the opinions of people + an example of a major win in Russia in foreign online lottery 💬

There are two opposite opinions on the expense of whether to win in the lottery and whether it is possible to do this in Russia:

  • One follows the opponents of the lottery: It is almost unrealistic to win, or in any case, they actually win the organizers who sell tickets at the expense of a large number of participants.
  • The second opinion is inherent in optimists and experienced players. It is that with the help of popular lotteries, such as Sportloto, Gosloto, etc., can and financially independent. This is due to the fact that they exist quite a lot of time and work absolutely honestly, providing solid winnings to people.

It is worth noting that to win remons. In this case, there is a chance for each player, because statistics and mathematics argue the following: the winning may be equally any ticket, bought anywhere. Based on this, a solid cash remuneration can be caught as a player in the capital and someone from a small town.

With all this, you should not forget about such a term in the game theory that is called called "Distance" .

This indicator characterizes how fast is a person can get a long-awaited win And is the only obstacle to any victory.

The bottom line is that you can play as one day and a week, a couple of months, half a year or even a few years, but to predict what time Jack Pope is impossible , After all, it may be a time unknown period of time. And the whole secret is that the probability of winning is always the sameSo it can get money or valuable prizes as a person who acquired his first ticket and a player with a valid experience.

Of course, it is not necessary to especially trust the mystical technologies and various magical techniques, so only casual will be said about them so that the material does not lose its completeness.

There are a large circle of people who rely in case or for effectiveness. special conspiracies or spells, in the existence of happy numbers or items, as well as the opportunity to get into the so-called series of winnings. Such beliefs are devoted to a huge number of stories that are demonstrated in popular literary works, theatrical productions, serials and Hollywood films.

With all this, any player, as he would not believe, is given not to a magical coincidence, but banal statistics and the mathematical probability of one or another desired event.

Of course, the need for faith in your strength and in your success should not be underestimated. Does not have negative emotions and the fact that the successful is always the person who is optimistic about the case than the one that thinks exclusively in a pessimistic key. And this is due to the fact that the player confident in his endeavors comes more complicated and judiciously, not allowing emotions to absorb themselves.

1.1. Lottery online - what is its essence + advantages over the usual (paper) lottery

A rather interesting trend of modernity is the rapid set of the popularity of the so-called online lottery who quickly and confidently occupy their positions on which they were previously stood paper analogs.

It is worth a few more details to consider the feature of this sphere on the example of international service Jackpot.com.. This organization has won the popularity by the fact that it gives the opportunity to people from around the world Take part in the lotteries, trying their luck in the most popular contests from any corner of the Earth.

The main thing nuancewhich allows you to successfully work such services, is the fact that users not necessary Buy special paper Tickets in the country where the lottery is held. On sites it is enough to find the most suitable competition and report on your desire to participate in it. The service will allow you to choose the numbers if there is a need for this, and will offer to pay the lottery fee.

The most attractive moment is the correspondence of the chances of winning and the size of the prizes with real! That is, you can eg, participate in local european or american lotteries Winning B. euro or dollarswith the same chance that they play local Residents!

At the same time, each wishing can have the opportunity to choose several draws at once, if there is a desire to try happiness at once not once in various systems. Thanks to this, you can not miss the most anticipated events in the world of lotteries in any corner of the planet.

Essence online lottery It also lies in the fact that in sensations and on technology, the purchase of an Internet ticket is no different from visiting the real places of their sale. In fact, the computer player transmits money to the system, and she in turn pays him a win in case of success, engaged in all the nuances alone (Buying tickets, cooperating directly with the organizers or developing their unique ways).

It is worth noting that at least the online system to participate in the lotteries from around the world has been created not so long ago, some of them, such as Jackpot.com, are trying to gain customer confidence in that they receive licenses to a special British commission, which is engaged in gambling issues.

Thus, the benefits of Internet lotteries are unequivocal:

  1. There is no need to visit specialized shops or certified tickets for tickets.
  2. You can confirm your participation in this or that draw right at home.
  3. It is possible to take part in contests from around the world, relying on the services that take on all the troubles on the interaction with the organizers, as well as with the payments of Jack-Pot.
  4. There is an easy way to simultaneously take part in the lottery on different parts of the globe, receiving the winnings in the most desired currencies.

1.2. One of the biggest winnings in Russia on the overseas online lottery is a real example.

You can not talk about lotteries and do not mention real winnings! In the first quarter of 2016, a resident of Russia from the Moscow region made an online bet on a popular European lottery. How it would not sound surprisingly, but a personal driver managed to win phenomenal according to our standards prize - 824 thousand Euro!

Winner of the Foreign Lottery from Russia with a very big win

Of course, he did not advertise his contact details (including the name and surname), but he gladly shared his experience and prehistory. According to him, he took the game very recently. Literally a few months passed before he managed to disrupt a large kush.

He lives with three children, and therefore money, especially in such a size, cannot be completely unnecessary. That is why a man decided to try to success in Austria-Lotto, find out about him on the Internet. Without much difficulty and for a long expectation, he told Jack Pot, who was safely arrived in the suburbs. The problem did not even become the fact that the gaming experience in the man actually was not.

All readers may immediately have a question: how to catch a bird of happiness? The basic methods of winnings will be discussed further, and now you can stay on several recommendations.

Scientists of many countries of the world were asked questions related to the probability of victory in the lottery. First of all, they were interested in: is it possible to develop some strategyif you assume that the starting capital is available in unlimited quantity? Is it possible to increase the chance of victory by any actions? How realistic, inserting without limited, to get in the end more than it was originally by playing the ticket price for all time?

Results, as expected, enough prosaiski. The theses can be conveyed like this:

  • all numbers and combinations are equally even, which means a certain set of numbers cannot fall out with more chance than the other;
  • any strategy cannot somehow affect the loss of something specific, so it is equivalent to simple (randomly) selection;
  • there are no technologies that can guarantee both regular and disposable victory.

Everything is connected with the simple mathematical principle of all lotteries: in order to win something, it is necessary to simply choose, without obeying anything, waiting for the gift of fate.

Based on this, studies of representatives of the exact sciences of confidence with experienced players did not add, and therefore psychologists were involved in, deciding to study the human factor of this issue.

The fact is that the victory is affected not only the mathematical probabilities, but also the actions of the player himself, who buys a ticket, takes certain solutions and chooses some numbers.

All combinations are equally advantageous, which means the size of the prize will depend only on how much another person decides that it is necessary to make bets on a specific sequence. The more people choose it, the less money she can bring each of them.

Note! Based on this, a fairly simple psychological principle is formed: the player needs to choose unpopular numbers. In fact, it is necessary to be in the smallest company of people, because in this case the winnings will be the maximum possible.

This idea that acquires more and more followers, in the most simplified form is as follows: somehow deceive the system or beat it with tricks it is impossible, because the chance of winning the same for any combination of numbers.

That is why it is worth play against other participants, trying to predict what choice will be the least popular. To take advantage of this psychological principle, it is enough to study the image of the average player by analyzing the factors that can affect the style of his game.

The effectiveness of such a technique is associated with the fact that absolutely all people think about the same, and therefore the player with a scientific and psychological approach is enough to adhere to a simple rule: it is worth avoiding typical combinations (Such who are more likely to choose the bulk of rivals), and not to succumb to stereotypes.

2. Types of lotteries and features of the draws 📑

Nowadays, a variety of lotteries available to a simple person is quite large. That is why any novice player can simply get lost in it, making rapid steps and losing their money.

Specialists and experienced people who have long been fond of lotteries, always give the same advice to those who want to try themselves in this area: it is best to trust the most famous and large draws. At the same time, preference is better to post domestic , because the rules of participation in such lotteries is always easier and more transparent.

  1. The larger than the draw, the more prizes and the more they are larger.
  2. Participation in Russian lotteries is safer and more convenient, because the ticket is easier to buy, and the winnings can be taken on your own without using the services of intermediaries.

At the same time, based on the previously described facts, it is worth noting that there is a large number fraudsterswho are trying to knock back newcomers from the right path, offering them "victory" game technology.

Previously, it was established that no technique could bring the winnings, however, there are ways to increase the size of the prize if the victory was still coming. That is why it is worth flee from those who offer "Magic ways to always win in the lotteries".

The correct alternative to the use of magical techniques is to acquire an extra ticket and the choice of atypical numbers.

There are two main varieties of drawing: instant and circulation . They differ in two main points: the duration of the waiting for the prize and its size.

2.1. Instant lottery

The draw of this type is the most simple and simple. About whether the player was lucky this time, he learns practically immediately. About that, in your life, we have already told in one of our publications.

To determine whether the ticket turned out to be a winning, most contests have enough protective coating in the right place (the so-called scratch-layerwhich always met on cards to replenish the mobile account). Other draws imply a slightly different way to identify a winning situation: part part of the ticket and unfolds.

The most interesting thing in such lotteries is that most prizes can be obtained. right in place. If the player caught a real Jack Pope, then you have to contact the organizers, but it can be done as soon as possibleSo that after a few days to become the owner of a pleasant amount of money.

2.2. Grade lottery

Draws of this type are characterized by the fact that prizes are distributed by successful players at a certain time. Despite this, there are two main types in this type of competitive:

  1. each person himself chooses numbers by writing them on a ticket or drawing out from the proposed list;
  2. all participants receive branded cards with ordinal numbers, so the one wins the one who has been happy.

The first species is considered more popular and interesting, as it makes it possible to players to feel their influence on the situation, choosing the numbers on the ticket.

In addition, the following lotteries are also attributed to circulation: auction pranks (Conducted by specific trademarks, which for advertising their products produce lottery cards and in a certain date they distribute prizes with lucky), as well as a different kind of quiz.

These shares and events are held on a one-time basis, as they are organized not by professional lottery communities, but by commercial enterprises.

Such competitions most often mean the opportunity to get not some kind of money prize (although it is possible), but certain presents (both from the company itself and from its partners and sponsors).

The experienced players advise to pay attention to such events that may seem at first glance frivolous. Due to the fact that the number of participants is limited to the target audience of a specific brand, as well as circulation of tickets or auction products, is not so difficult to win.

SureThe money is most often much more pleasant than household appliances that can already be available, but such expensive things, like modern smartphones, tablet laptops or even cars can not interfere.

Verified ways of large winning lottery

3. How to win a large amount of money in the lottery - Top 5 working ways 📝

As mentioned earlier, the techniques of how to choose the appropriate numbers in the lottery ticket, there is an countless set. Some people try to do it absolutely by chance, others - rely on those found somewhere complex mathematical strategies. There are also those players who choose as their combinations for drawing renal dates your life, however, experts do do not advise.

Despite this, experienced players allocate several ways at once, which give a real possibility, though in the minimum way, but still get closer win Closer to yourself.

The most beautiful thing is that all these technologies are available to everyone, which means all players have the opportunity to check them in action, after analyzing how true the author was the author when he spoke about the performance of his technique.

Method number 1. Little approach

This technology is the most idle in execution, which means it allows you to spend the least of all your own forces. As mentioned earlier, all sequences easually soundSo you should not worry about choosing your own gaming strategy. It is enough to come up with absolutely any (both random and iconic) combination to use it everywhere.

In this case, it is enough to choose it throughout long The period is not to think every time about numbers, hammering your head with extra experiences.

Any combination can lead to victory, however, for a specific sequence, it is simply worth waiting for this triumphant moment. It is enough just to regularly acquire tickets and fill them in accordance with your invented rule. each time equally.

Method number 2. Psychological analysis

To take advantage of this method, it is enough to remember that information that went earlier: if it is impossible to go into battle against the service itself, trying to deceive the organizers and deceive the lottery, then you need to redirect your entire strength for competitors .

The main requirement of this approach is to simply simply forget about familiar numbers (For example, the date of some public holiday, which will be on the eve of the draw). At the same time, in order to stop its choice on the least in demand combinations, all sequences in the head have a kind of effort to disassemble several components.

Most often, happy digital sets that people mentally refer to the first group are most frequent among the players. It turns out that the most popular are from 60 to 75% existing combinations (the most simple or most associative).

Let's give a simple example:

As an example, you can bring the fact that any number to 31 It is considered more popular than any other, but it is connected, it is possible with the familiar numbers around us. In this case, it is assumed that in a person's head, associations arise in the human head duration of months.

In fact, all people in those situations when they need to come up with some numeric sequence, immediately provoke the memories of memories in their head, and after all, the number of days is simply can not exceed 31. That is why the choice of combination should be carried out with the help of numbers more, because they will definitely be less likely.

Such an approach will not be able to bring the winnings, but will make it more serious, because the combination of this kind is simply very unpopular, which means you don't have to share money or prizes with competitors.

Method number 3. Game with friends (lottery syndicate)

In this case, experienced players advise to do this: the team of comrades is discounted for a common cause and acquires the maximum number of tickets to its company.

Such a kind of cooperation allows not easy to do something together in a circle of friends, but also significantly enhance the winning chanceAfter all, the number of tickets is increasing, which means you can try more combinations.

In this case, the experienced players advise together with friends using the syndicate strategy, give preference game "6 of 49", as well as try collective happiness in the draw "Gosloto 5 of 36" . Apply such a simple, and most importantly - an effective method, it is possible for other contests. For example, in Russian Lotto, it will be possible to purchase a lot more game cards.

Despite all this, when using the described approach, it is worth understanding one very important rule: when a person puts money into a common budget, winnings, whose contribution or whose combination will not be brought it, is necessarily distributed equally. No one is issued priority.

Of course, in the case of which it is possible to provide a system, according to which the more people bought tickets, the most part of the prize is given to him, but it all needs to be discussed in advance to avoid conflicts.

Let's try to highlight a few key dogmas that cannot be disrupted in any case:

  1. The player cannot ask for money from his friends if he lacks a new ticket, because in case of victory, disputes will begin on the one who owns the proportion for him.
  2. For the same reason, it is forbidden to pay for his comrades in order not to enter into conflicts after declaring results. Friendship, as the famous folk wisdom says, more expensive than money.
  3. It is impossible to invite new participants to such a syndicate without clarifying all the nuances of the joint case or on a dishonest basis.
  4. It is best to beware of those people who sow around themselves a bad mood, as well as there are no faith in their strength. The team should have only persistent and optimistic people.

The most important thing in this case - do not forgetthat all members of such a syndicate are friends and are on one side of the barricades, which means they are interested in the general success, which they would most likely not receive themselves.

It is worth noting from history that such a strategy of cooperative tickets brought one company from 7 people a prize in the amount of 315 million dollars. It happened in 2005When the hospital staff decided to unite their efforts by throwing out in the overall budget. Such news shocked not only Los Angeles, but also the whole world! There are enough such examples from the whole globe.

Method number 4. Application rates in the deployed form

Such a technique involves the following player actions: He thinks over all the desired lottery sequences in advance, and then writes them into the same fields on the ticket. In fact, several combinations can be in one area.

The main nuance of such a complex, at first glance, the approach is firstly, the need to take part in the draw, where everyone can choose the numbers themselves. SecondlyThis method implies the need for big Attachments, since it will have to pay extra for the complex bid.

As a result, this can recoup and bring a pleasant gain, because the number of sequences used is increasing, which, in fact, is the only real way to somehow affect the chance of victory.

Method number 5. Participation in the so-called distributed circulations

Buying tickets from the organizers who support deferred prizes with accumulation can bring considerable success. The case is that distributed circulations are actually draws with several stages.

Participants do not receive their prize immediately after the end of the lottery, and wait for the completion of the whole series. As a result, accumulate significant amount of moneywhich is subsequently distributed in the relevant proportions all the winners.

Experienced game argue that in this case the main advantage is not a chance of winning (and he is standard here, because it is very difficult to influence it), and his the size . Indeed, often large companies engaged in draws, in a similar way distribute between the won the striking sums.

The stories of most millionaire players are associated with this approach to the lottery, when under the standard conditions of victory (the chance is the most common) there is an opportunity to get much more than with a medium-term rubbing, in which prizes are distributed before the new lottery series.

So, exist 5 basic ways Either increase the chance of victory without any tricks (indirectly such techniques are associated with the use of more combinations), or raise the size of the winning due to the use of unpopular sequences.

List of winning lotteries in which you really win

4. Lottery, in which actually win - the most famous and most winning lotteries of Russia, the CIS and the world 📊

Modern technologies allow the most common people to participate in the draws from around the world. With all this, the most popular always remain domestic The organizers of the drawing, because the simple people nourishes them more confidence than foreigners.

The most popular belongs to the following lotteries with the ability to almost instantly become a rich and independent person:

  • for a long time known Sportloto Keno (Analogues of this system of drawing are in many countries), as well as Sportloto "6 of 49";
  • Russian lotto.which, if you can say, is considered a kind of version of the people's game, that's just with the possibility of real win;
  • Gosloto (has several varieties depending on how much it is necessary to guess numbers);
  • prize lottery ( Housing lottery and Golden Key), which allow you to get very valuable gifts that are often more desirable than a small monetary reward.

It is worth noting that such a variety indicates only that all sorts of lotteries are in demand, because they give a real way to earn at low costs. There are other ways, quickly and a lot.

In all of the above draws, there were already cases when the player broke million Jack Pope . At the same time, very often their organizers decide to take advantage of the technology of distributed circulation. Thanks to this, they manage to accumulate the winnings, then to distribute it in the required volume to each person, the combination of which was victorious.

Among foreign competitions with the purchase of tickets and the choice of numerical sequence should be noted as american Mega Millions and New York Lotto and european In which the winnings can be obtained in euros, Euro Jackpot and Euro Millions.

Note! The most interesting thing is that the game in foreign draws though it will cost more, but, given the current currency rate, the winnings can be simply phenomenal For domestic realities.

It is worth not a crying to the soul to say that almost every large organization in Europe is trying to periodically please their players with storage prizes. In one Spanish lottery for example , it was possible to get as jack-sweat as much as 74 000 000 Euro (at the time of the draw it was more than 5.6 billion rubles)! It was this win that La Primitiva was preparing with all its participants who would smile luck.

It may seem to take part in any foreign lottery it is very difficult, however, for this there is no need to look for people in another state, but it's no longer worth going there.

It is enough to take advantage of one of the existing services that make bets on a wide range of draws at any point in the world. For instance , Thelotter.com. Allows you to take part in several draws with stunning prizes, incl. And in Euro Millions, which is available directly in the richest countries of the world, which means it is forced to attract players constantly something special.

This lottery differs from others by several pleasant features that will help get rich even a resident of the Russian depths that will buy a ticket via the Internet. Passes draw every week, which makes it possible to apply a multi-time strategy on practice .

The residents of the largest European states may officially take part, but online Systems The contingent is constantly expanding, which is beneficial both to the organizers (more people buy tickets) and participants, because they can join the receipt of solid winnings.

The most interesting thing is that quite often the organizers decide on the implementation additional Draw or pleasant surprise for players to increase its popularity. At the same time, there is such a rule, according to which the cash prize, which did not get anyone for 7 days, It is transferred to the draw for the next week.

As a result, the following historical facts are registered:

  • the largest prize for all the existence of this lottery was 183 million euros (later he was distributed among the winners),
  • and one person managed to get the whole 115 million!

Thanks to such stunning indicators, the "Euro millions" draw quickly won its popularity not only in the major countries of the European Union, but also in other states on all continents.

The best free online lotteries with real winnings and cash prizes "Social chance", "Lotzon", cranes, etc.

5. Free lottery with real winnings - Top-3 online lottery for real money without investment 💰

How it would not sound strange, but you can try to try and absolutely is free .

The main disadvantage of familiar lotteries is that it is necessary to increase its chance. cooperate (then the winnings of the individual player falls) or buy a large number of tickets at once (Grow costs for participation).

As a result, there were projects relatively recently, which enable a person to win the prize, not inserting a single personal penny! The secret of such services that can be easily found on the Internet is that they earn on advertising , And since the chance to win, as in any other lottery, small, then they work not only on the joy of players, but also not at a loss.

About how, we told in one of our articles, but how much you can earn at zero investments on free online lottery draws, read further.

Here profit can vary from minor sums (about from 2 to 20 rubles. per day) before amazing (exist jack-sweat up to 300,000 rubles.And experienced players are able to receive a normal salary without initial capital and special efforts.

Despite the simple principle and the reality of such projects, it is best to familiarize yourself with the rating of the most popular and reliable services so as not to get into the paws of fraudsters.

1st place.SocialChance

"Social chance" is a clear and favorable project that daily plays its jack-sweat. The maximum amount of disposable payout is 10 thousand rubles, however, compared to the familiar lotteries, it is not necessary to do here. no investment!

You can allocate several advantage of the project at once:

  • clear site interface, as well as its fullness (there are pages with frequently asked questions and full answers to them, there are articles about the service itself and the basics of its functioning);
  • specialists of the resource was developed so-called "Honesty control"Thanks to which any player can verify that it was not deceived and the system was fading a specific number, and did not change it during the game (it's just that it is done: before the draw is a draw, a person downloads an archive with a number that is protected by a password and can be opened due to the selection digits keys);
  • large prizes table.

On the last moment it is worth mentioning additionally. In the system it is necessary to guess 6 numbers. Profit increases from 1 kopeck 10 times per guessing figure. In the case of complete luck, the winnings increases to the maximum - up to 10,000 rubles.

Each player has a certain number of attempts. After registering and specifying information about yourself, you can get to 6 Game chances.

Performing simple additional actions allows you to get more attempts on a permanent or temporary basis, which makes it possible to significantly increase the likelihood of remuneration!