Meetings with artists. Witold Bialynitsky-Borulu

Meetings with artists. Witold Bialynitsky-Borulu
Meetings with artists. Witold Bialynitsky-Borulu

Witold Kaetanovich Białynitsky-Birulya (Belor. Vitold Caetavіch Białynіtski-Bіrulya; 1872-1957) - Belarusian, Russian and Soviet painter-landscape, People's Artist of the BSSR (1944) and RSFSR (1947), a real member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1947). Member of the partnership of mobile art exhibitions (from 1904), the Union of Russian Artists, AHRR (from 1922). Developed the traditions of Russian lyrical landscape of the late XIX century.

Born on January 31 (February 12) 1872 in the village of Ranks of the Belichnsky district of the Mogilev province of the Russian Empire in the family of a small tenant. The estate of the roof was in three kilometers north of the village of Tehtin and 20 km from Belynichi Mogilev region. The family often changed the place of residence. The father served in the Dnieper shipping company and often took her son in swimming in the Dnieper, Pripyat and sorry. For a while, the artist lived in Kiev from her senior brother Alexander. He studied first in the Kiev Cadet Corps, then Murashko N.I. (1885-89) went to Kiev drawing school, later he went to Moscow and entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture for the course to teachers Korovin S. A., Polenov in D., Snidishnikov I. M. In Moscow, the artist met I. Levitan, worked in his workshop. Under the influence of teachers carried away the scenery. In 1892, P. M. Tretyakov acquires a canvas "from the neighborhood Pyatigorsk" for its gallery.

Since 1897, Bialynitsky-Biruly demonstrates its paintings at the exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Fans of Artists and the Moscow Partnership, at international exhibitions and competitions. Since 1899, the artist's name appears in the catalogs of mobile exhibitions. The landscape "Eternal snow", exposed in the Caucasian jubilee exhibition in 1901, is celebrated by the Gold Medal. In 1904, Bialynitsky-Borun elected a member of the Movie Partnership, and in four years he honors the title of academician painting. It is also a member of the Union of Russian Artists and Society of Artists named after A. I. Kindji. In 1911, the picture "Hour of Silence" received two medals: honorable - in Munich, Bronze - in Barcelona.

In the same year, they created a picture "Winter Sleep" - one of the best canvases V.K. Bialynitsky-Biuruli. For this picture, the artist was also awarded a bronze medal at the international exhibition in Barcelona. The picture is used for a minimum of expression. Only a few planes and a small number of lines make up its composition. In the center of the picture is located the temple, the outlines of which are on the background of the sky. The smear is barely noticeable. Everything is shuddered by the haze of thickening twilight. Despite the laconide of expressive funds, the picture is emotionally rich, which is achieved by the skillful development of shades of color ratios.

In 1912, the artist acquired a plot of land in Tver province on the shores of Lake Udomly, not far from the places where Levitan often worked, and built a house with a workshop. He called his small estate "Seagull". With the "Seull", most of the creative and personal life of the master is connected. Odml Lake and its surroundings became an inexhaustible source of motives for his further creativity. Members of the party and governments came to the hunt in this estate, left by the artist as a personal property.

In 1917, Bialynitsky-Birulya organized an art school for peasant children. In painting continues to develop the traditions of "Russian impressionism", like Grabary, John and Baksheyev.

In 1922, Bialynitsky-Birulya becomes a member of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. In Soviet times, he continues to develop the traditions of the Russian lyrical landscape of the late XIX century, becomes one of the creators of the genre of a memorial landscape. In the 1920s and 1930s, the artist travels a lot in the country. He is interested in the first experiments of the reconstruction of agriculture in the state farm "Giant" and the Commune "Sebits", the construction of "Azovstal", the transformation of the North. In 1933, 1935 and 1937, he visited Polar, which is devoted to several series of landscapes.

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On February 12, 1872, Witold Kaetanovich Bialynitsky-Biruli was born in the village of Mogilev Province in the village of Mogilev province in the family of a small tenant. Although he lived most of his life in Moscow, Belarusian nature, among which his childhood passed, involuntarily penetrated the canvas. He was called Belarusian Levitan, whose creativity praised Repin, and the picture was still only a student in the famous Tretyakov collection.

He wrote about his childhood: " I am Belarus ... Father served by the tenant, then in the Dnieper shipping company. Going to Flights on Dnieper, Pripyati, sorry, often took me to your office trips. It was the greatest happiness and joy, since just then, in those trips, I discovered for myself an incomparable nature of my dear Belarus".

In 1885, he graduated from the course in the Vladimir Cadet Corps in Kiev and then began to seriously engage in art, entered the Kiev drawing school N.I. Murashko and then at 17 years old in the Moscow School of Painting, Scary and Architecture. He studied at Illarion Spicynikov, Sergey Korovina, Nikolai Nick, Vasily Polenov, who influenced his taste and style. But an even greater influence on his painting at that time was a good familiar Bialynitsky-Biuruli Isaac Levitan. Ilya Repin wrote then about a young landscape: " This artist is a lucky man. He will find himself especially".

In 1892, the student picture of Bialynitsky-Biruli "from the neighborhood of Pyatigorsk" bought for his gallery a well-known collector Pavel Tretyakov, which was extremely rarely happening with the works of young artists. Since 1897, Bialynitsky-Birulya begins to regularly participate in exhibitions and contests. In 1904, he became a member of the Movie Partnership (he writes about this event. " ... old men were harsh and inexorably strict"), and in 37 years - Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. After 3 years, Bialynitsky-Birulya wrote one of his best works - "Winter sleep"For which he received a bronze medal at the international exhibition in Barcelona. And his picture "Hour silence" was awarded an honorary medal at the Munich International Festival and Bronze in Barcelona.

In search of his style, he sought to truthfulness and simplicity and was constantly improved, seeking freshness and sincerity. The approach to the creativity of Bialynitsky-Biruli can be traced in his letters: " Days are irremitted and most of them are not repeated. Yesterday she walked, admired the place and decided to write an etude here; Today I came to the same place (here even a twig emanated to clarify where to sit and write), and the "place" disappeared: yesterday there were pearl clouds, against the background of which naked birchings were drawn, and today the heavens are smooth, and today You yourself are some other, not yesterday. We, artists, should go through every hour spent on nature, on this. Extremely important is the first impression of the place that you are going to write. This impression must be kept, keeping during the whole work on the etud.".

In 1917, Bialynitsky-Birulya bought a plot in the Tver region, in his favorite places of Levitan. Later there appeared his cottage "Seagull". In the Soviet times, Bialynitsky-Birulu continues the traditions of the Russian lyrical landscape of the late XIX century. In the late 20s and 30s, he traveled a lot and painted memorable places associated with the life and creativity of famous figures of Russian culture. Then there were landscapes of clear glade - estate L.N. Tolstoy, Pushkin places, Mikhailovsky, surroundings of the estate P.I. Tchaikovsky in the wedge.

Nanny House Pushkin Arina Rodionovna

Most of the life, the artist lived in Moscow, but retained the memory of his homeland and children's trips: "It always seemed to me that I was indebted to Belarus. I was always disturbed by the thought that I wrote little about her, and so now, when I again in my homeland, I try at least a little crash". "I can't forget her forests, rivers, lakes, infinitely relatively and close to my heart "- wrote Bialynitsky-Boruli about Belarus. In 1944, he received the title of People's Artist of the BSSR, and in 1947 - the People's Artist of the RSFSR. In the same year, Bialynitsky-Biruly became a member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR. In the post-war time, for the first time after a long lack of his homeland came to Belarus. He lived for a long time on the White Dacha in Minsk and wrote about 30 etudes, paintings and sketches. Belarusian etudes are based on large cloths " Belarus. Spring bloomed again" , " Green May ", "Belarus. Beginning of summer".

The artist died at 85 years old from a long illness at his dacha "Chaika", buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

His works are kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Russian Museum, the Mogilevsky Art-Memorial Museum V.K. Bialynitsky-Biguli, as well as in private collections. For example, it is known that during your arrival in Mogilev Vladimir Spivakov I visited the artist's museum and admitted that he has three of his landscape in his private collection. The largest collection is 400 etudes and paintings, as well as many of the significant webs - are located at the National Art Museum in Minsk.

This wonderful person was born on February 29, 1872 in the foil of the Rank (not far from the village of Tekhtin) of the modern Belynichsky district in the family of a small tenant. Due to the conflict nature of the Father, they often had to change the place of residence. But it is precisely due to this circumstance, young Witold could see the world and nature of Belarus and Russia. Significantly later, being in captivity of children's memories and impressions, he will be tirelessly draw the landscapes of his native land, reflecting in them the inconspicuous beauty of the picturesque Belarusian forests, armor, gardens and fields.

About those years he recalled: "I am Belarus. Born in the estate of the Rank near Belichyn on Mogilev region. There were my childhood years. Father served by the tenant, later - in the Dnieper shipping company. Going to flights along Dnieper, Pripyat, Sobs, he often took me on a trip. It was for me the greatest happiness and joy, for precisely then, in those trips, I discovered with nothing with anything that is not comparable to my native Belarus. "

For a while, the artist lived in Kiev from her senior brother Alexander and studied in the Cadet Corps. Here he became friends with local artists who, appreciating the possibilities of the young man, introduced him to M. Murashka - the head of the art school known at the time. Leaving the Cadet Corps, Witold goes to school, where he receives the initial painting lessons, and then engaged in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Friendly relations with teachers, Mobile artists, N. Roshrev, S. Korovin, I. Polyshnikov, the assimilation of their rich professional experience had the basic influence on the formation of his taste and artistic manner.

At the same time, V.Boyalinitsky-Birulya meets I. Luitan. Frequent meetings, conversations, work in the workshop of the Great Painter became a good school for a novice artist. Under the influence of the talent of his teachers, he begins to understand that his favorite genre is a landscape, only then acquires artistic, touches the mind and soul of a person when the color of life comes through the color and shades of paints. Later, the studies of the artist's creativity noted that the painting was always invisible to the man, his spirit.

Since 1897, V.Byalinitsky-Birulya begins to show its paintings at the exhibitions of the Moscow Association of Artists and the Moscow Society of Artists, at international exhibitions and competitions, where its work is increasingly and more often and become noticeable.

Since 1899, the artist's name appears in the catalogs of mobile exhibitions. His landscape "Eternal Snow", exposed in the Caucasian jubilee exhibition in 1901, is celebrated by the Gold Medal. In 1904, V. Byalynitsky-Borulo elects a member of the Society of Mobile Exhibitions (Mobile), and in four years he honors the title of academician painting.

A great success came to the artist in 1911, when his picture "Hour of Silence" received an honorary medal in Munich and Bronze - in Barcelona. This recognition has become one of the highest achievements of the master.

In subsequent years, his work is closely connected with the "Seull" - the cottage that he built in 1912 near the places where I. Levitan (Tver region) was often worked. Lake Udomlya and its surroundings served as an inexhaustible crinic motifs for further etudes.

In 1936, the artist visits Pushkin places - Mikhailovskoye and Trigorskoe - and brings a whole series of paintings from there. Having been in the wedge, in the homeland of P. Tchaikovsky, he exhibits new landscapes - corners of nature that loved the classic of Russian music.

The theme of the Great Patriotic (1941-1945) of the War entered the work of V.Byalinitsky-Biruly as a large non-healing wound. About this period, he left the paintings "Red Army in the forests of Karelia", "in the footsteps of fascist barbarians" (1942) and others.

In 1944, he, already a well-known master, receives the title of People's Artist of Belarus, and in 1947 it becomes a national artist of Russia and is elected by a valid member of the USSR Academy of Arts. In the spring of the same year, after a long separation with native places V. Byalynitsky-Birul, Belarus visits Belarus: "... I can't forget her forests, rivers, lakes, infinitely relatives and close to my heart," the artist said. - When I go out to write, it is hard to break away from the green seedlings. I see the German tanks on the outskirts of the roads. They remind me that there are still bloody battles here even recently ... Years shove me. Otherwise, I would have visited Polesie, or in Krasnopol, or in the town of Chasi at Mogilev. What are the picturesque places there ... ".

Being at home, in 1947 the artist creates about thirty paintings, etudes and sketches: "Belarus. Spring bloomed again, "Belarus. Apple trees in bloom, "" Old Belarusian village "," grilled Belarusian birch "and others.

V.Byalinitsky-Birulya is not accidentally considered an unsurpassed Master of the Spring Landscape. More than two hundred it is known, where the awakening of nature is displayed, its update is displayed. These paintings are lyrical, emotional. According to the muted palette of non-lass paints, the elusive transition and alternation of the colors of the painting work is recognized by unmistakably. He was a subtle connoisseur of nature, well understood her condition, noticed the shades and showed this wonderful green color in the dynamics, constant change. V.Byalinitsky-Birules wrote all his life, water and sky, using only three or four colors. But this modest Master's palette was enough for those who loved the charming beauty of landscapes, their quiet light sadness. He recalled with love about his childhood in nature: "My life since childhood is constantly connected with nature. In her and with her, for me there has always been the meaning of life. I grew up in the village, in nature, in the nation. "

A great artist died on his dacha "Seagull" on June 18, 1957 at the age of 85. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. In Belynichi and Mogilev, there are two artistic museums named after Academician Painting Witold Caethanovich Bialynitsky-Biuruli, where dozens of original paintings of the artist are exposed. The Belynsky district is constantly held with the participation of artists from Moscow, Kostroma, Minsk, Mogilev, Belynich, after which the Funds of artistic museums are significantly replenished. In the urban village of Belynichi and Mogilev, the name of the famous painter, our countryman, are named streets. At the site of the former foil of the Rank (UD. Tehtin), where the artist was born, a memorial sign was installed.

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    Biography of the artist, creative path. Gallery of paintings.

    Bialynitsky-Birulya Vitold Kaetanovich

    Byalynitsky -Birlala Witold.

    (1872 - 1957)

    "He was one of their modest, simple followers of Levitan, as much and loyally loved Russian nature, although he had not reached the heights of his teacher. For years, and his work will be appreciated in the same way as now appreciate Europe's work of small Dutch." (Nashirvanov B.N.)

    Studied in the Kiev drawing school N.I.Murashko, then in the Moscow School of Painting, Scarying and Architecture (1889-1897) S.A. Korovin, VD Polenova, I.M.Pryanishnikova.

    Back in 1892 P.M.Tretyakov Bought it picture "From the surroundings of Pyatigorsk" For your gallery. Member Mobile Fiction Association Since 1904

    The title of Academician painting The artist received in 1908 for the picture "Days of early spring". In the work of Bialynitsky-Biuruli a close connection with the poetic I.I.levitana.

    After 1917, Bialynitsky-Biruly became one of the main keepers of the traditions of the Russian realistic landscape. I portrayed memorable places related to the life and creativity of famous figures of Russian culture: in 1928, a series of landscapes of a clear clearing - estate was performed. L.N. Tolstoy, in 1937 - Types of Pushkin Mountains, in 1942 - Landscapes with the image of the estate P.I. Tchaikovsky In the wedge.

    In 1944, Bialynitsky-Birulya created a series of paintings, imprinted monuments of the ancient Russian architecture in the vicinity of Arkhangelsk. The author of the set of landscapes, in which the nature of Belarus sick to him.

    His harmonious, refined painting-landscapes, are lyrical meditation of the author about the eternity of nature. In his work, V.K. Byleynitsky-Biruly continued and developed the traditions of the Russian lyrical landscape of the XIX century.

    This wonderful person was born on February 29, 1872 in the foil of the Rank (not far from the village of Tekhtin) of the modern Belynichsky district in the family of a small tenant. Due to the conflict nature of the Father, they often had to change the place of residence. But it is precisely due to this circumstance, young Witold could see the world and nature of Belarus and Russia. Significantly later, being in captivity of children's memories and impressions, he will be tirelessly draw the landscapes of his native land, reflecting in them the inconspicuous beauty of the picturesque Belarusian forests, armor, gardens and fields.

    About those years he recalled: "I am Belarus. Born in the estate of the Rank near Belichyn on Mogilev region. There were my childhood years. Father served by the tenant, later - in the Dnieper shipping company. Going to flights along Dnieper, Pripyat, Sobs, he often took me on a trip. It was for me the greatest happiness and joy, for precisely then, in those trips, I discovered with nothing with anything that is not comparable to my native Belarus. "

    For a while, the artist lived in Kiev from her senior brother Alexander and studied in the Cadet Corps. Here he became friends with local artists who, appreciating the possibilities of the young man, introduced him to M. Murashka - the head of the art school known at the time. Leaving the Cadet Corps, Witold goes to school, where he receives the initial painting lessons, and then engaged in the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Friendly relationship with teachers, mobile artists N. Roshevykh, S. Korovin, I.PryanishnikovThe assimilation of their rich professional experience had the basic influence on the formation of its taste and artistic manner.

    At the same time, Byalynitsky-Birulya meets I. Luitan. Frequent meetings, conversations, work in the workshop of the Great Painter became a good school for a novice artist. Under the influence of the talent of his teachers, he begins to understand that his favorite genre is a landscape, only then acquires artistic, touches the mind and soul of a person when the color of life comes through the color and shades of paints. Later, the studies of the artist's creativity noted that the painting was always invisible to the man, his spirit.

    Since 1897, V.Byalinitsky-Birulya begins to show its paintings at the exhibitions of the Moscow Association of Artists and the Moscow Society of Artists, at international exhibitions and competitions, where its work is increasingly and more often and become noticeable.

    Since 1899, the artist's name appears in the catalogs of mobile exhibitions. His landscape "Eternal Snow", exposed in the Caucasian jubilee exhibition in 1901, is celebrated by the Gold Medal. In 1904, V. Byalynitsky-Borulo elects a member of the Society of Mobile Exhibitions (Mobile), and in four years he honors the title of academician painting.

    A great success came to the artist in 1911, when his picture "Hour of Silence" received an honorary medal in Munich and Bronze - in Barcelona. This recognition has become one of the highest achievements of the master.

    In subsequent years, his work is closely connected with the "Seull" - the cottage that he built in 1912 near the places where I. Levitan (Tver region) was often worked. Lake Udomlya and its surroundings served as an inexhaustible crinic motifs for further etudes.

    In 1936, the artist visits Pushkin places - Mikhailovskoye and Trigorskoe - and brings a whole series of paintings from there. Having been in the wedge, in the homeland of P. Tchaikovsky, he exhibits new landscapes - corners of nature that loved the classic of Russian music.

    The theme of the Great Patriotic (1941-1945) of the War entered the work of V.Byalinitsky-Biruly as a large non-healing wound. About this period he left the paintings "Red Army in the forests of Karelia", "In the footsteps of fascist barbarians" (1942) and others.

    In 1944, he, already a well-known master, receives the title of People's Artist of Belarus, and in 1947 it becomes a national artist of Russia and is elected by a valid member of the USSR Academy of Arts. In the spring of the same year, after a long separation with native places V.Byalynitsky-Birulya visits Belarus: "... I can't forget her forests, rivers, lakes, infinitely relatives and close to my heart, - said the artist. - When I go out to write, it is hard to break away from the green seedlings. I see the German tanks on the outskirts of the roads. They remind me that there are still bloody battles here even recently ... Years shove me. Otherwise, I would have visited Polesie, or in Krasnopol, or in the town of Chasi at Mogilev. What are the picturesque places there ... " .

    Being at home, in 1947 the artist creates about thirty paintings, etudes and sketches: "Belarus. Spring bloomed again ", "Belarus. Apple tree in bloom », "Old Belorussian village", "Separated Belarusian birchs" other.

    V.Byalinitsky-Birulya is not accidentally considered an unsurpassed Master of the Spring Landscape. More than two hundred it is known, where the awakening of nature is displayed, its update is displayed. These paintings are lyrical, emotional. According to the muted palette of non-lass paints, the elusive transition and alternation of the colors of the painting work is recognized by unmistakably. He was a subtle connoisseur of nature, well understood her condition, noticed the shades and showed this wonderful green color in the dynamics, constant change. V.Byalinitsky-Birules wrote all his life, water and sky, using only three or four colors. But this modest Master's palette was enough for those who loved the charming beauty of landscapes, their quiet light sadness. With love he remembered his childhood in nature: "My life since childhood is constantly connected with nature. In her and with her, for me there has always been the meaning of life. I grew up in the village, in nature, as a nation " .

    A great artist died on his dacha "Seagull" on June 18, 1957 at the age of 85. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery. In Belynichi and Mogilev, there are two artistic museums named after Academician Painting Witold Caethanovich Bialynitsky-Biuruli, where dozens of original paintings of the artist are exposed. The Belynsky district is constantly held with the participation of artists from Moscow, Kostroma, Minsk, Mogilev, Belynich, after which the Funds of artistic museums are significantly replenished. In the urban village of Belynichi and Mogilev, the name of the famous painter, our countryman, are named streets. At the site of the former foil of the Rank (UD. Tehtin), where the artist was born, a memorial sign was installed.


    When they call the name of Vitold Caethanovich Bialynitsky-Biuruli, in consciousness there are captivating images of their native nature. I began to melt the snow - and its white cover is disturbed with dark stains of the expusing earth, the leaf, cold water of the river flows wide ribbon. Such a fragile, touching the first greens appeared; And in the remote spring air goes into a transparent distance, becoming violet, thickets have not yet selected shrubs.

    And there are images inspected by autumn nature. The beauty of the autumnal gold of parks alleys and forest edges with flaming bunches of rippers and branches of crimson leaves. Bright greens of distant ozimes are combined with heavy, black with blue vapors. Against the background of the low gray sky, the trees lost foliage. Restless ripples were covered with sharp rustling of northern wind water.

    And then further - the paintings of the Russian winter with pink frosty mornings, with traceings and groves covered with fluffy snow cover. And all this is seen through the eyes of the artist, gently loving the nature of his country Iat Lyubov transmitting those who are found from the works created by him.

    Witold Kaetanovich Bialynitsky-Birulya was born in Belarus in the town of Bialynichi in 1872. He received the first lessons of painting in Kiev, in the enjoyed wide fame of the drawing school N. I. Murashko. Professional skills acquired here helped Bialynitsky-Biarly, when he was 17 years old, to enter the Moscow School of Painting, sculpture. In the school beginning, the artist passed a large, serious school of realistic art. Among the teachers who have been engaged in both the representatives of the older generation of mobileians and their traditions developing more young realist artists.

    V. K. Bialynitsky-Birulya so recalls the years of his stay in the school: "In the primary class, he taught at that time S. A. Korovin, in the head - N. V. Nerv, in figure - P. M. Pernichnikov. I have done them all. But the favorite was spanking. This wonderful teacher I studied two years. Spanking knew how to fix the school etude with one or two strokes. "Throw to draw coal, you need to brush" , "he said, and in these words with emergency brightness, his views on painting were expressed ... The spindles had a strong influence on me with their ability to grab the phenomenon in his vitality. And Korovina I am obliged to understand the etude, as definitions of the main relationship inside the designed motive.

    Light and shadow, sky and earth, private and general-bind all this together Sergey Korovin helped. Looking back in the past, you realize that the authority of the nurse was rooted in that this artist was undoubtedly a real painter. Epizodically happened to me to work in the workshop V. D. Polenov - I wrote still life. "

    At the annual student exhibitions, open to wide review, the pictures of Bialynitsky-Birulya have attracted attention. In the 16th exhibition catalog of 1893, his work was reproduced "Caps". In 1897 his picture "From the surroundings of Pyatigorsk" acquired for its then already famous gallery P. M. Tretyakov. It was the largest event in the biography of a young artist, who had just entered the path of independent work. The acquisition of the picture by the deepest connoisseur and the connoisseur of Russian art marked the beginning of the public recognition of the creativity of Bialynitsky-Borul.

    In this early work of the artist, there is the freshness of the perception of nature, which will always be characteristic of him. Written in traditions cultured in the Moscow School, this landscape also captivates the tempering and harmonious harmony of his flavor. True, there are no more deep lyrism in it, which then becomes an integral line of landscapes created by V. K. Bialynitsky-Borul.

    Since 1897, the artist begins to systematically show his paintings at the exhibitions of the Moscow Society of Artists and the Moscow Association of Artists. Finally, in 1899, the works of V. K. Bialynitsky-Biruly appear at the mobile exhibition. Further creative biography of painter is inextricably linked with the partnership of mobile art exhibitions, which united artists represented by the progressive democratic wing of Russian artistic culture. A number of years V. K. Bialynitsky-Birulya is exhibited as an exhibitor, from 1905 - a member of the partnership.

    During the years of study, Bialynitsky-Borulu from the largest masters of realism of the CII century, during the first of its speeches at exhibitions, the main features of the artist's creative individuality are the truthfulness, the content of artistic images, deeply emotional, lyrical perception of nature, a high culture of pictorial skills. His landscapes are inherent in a pronounced national character: they are inextricably linked with the line of democratic realism in the Russian landscape school, which goes back to Savrasov. This is a "mood landscape." But the "mood" here is not to print subjectivism in the perception of nature. On the contrary, it is inextricably linked with a deeply realistic understanding of nature, the ever-updated life, which she is full. As you know, this line of development of the Russian landscape found an exceptionally vivid expression in the creative activity of Levitan. V. K. Bialynitsky-Borulu is always with a special warmth and with a sense of great gratefulness recalls Levitan, as an artist who played a significant role in his creative self-determination.

    The deep philosophical content of the paintings of Levitan, the wealth of human feelings expressed in them, the great value of the motive, as the poetic basis of the figurative picture of the painting, is that the features of the creativity of the Great Russian landscape player who had a particularly deep impact on Bialynitsky-Boruli.

    V. K. Bialynitsky-Bnerulya writes a number of paintings for which he is awarded awards at exhibitions. His works are purchased for museums. The picture "By Spring" lovers, which shown in the XIX exhibition, brings V. K. Bialynitskomu-Birulya, the first prize for the landscape at the Society Competition 1899. In 1901, a gold medal marks a picture "Eternal snow", asposed in the Caucasian anniversary exhibition.

    Great success falls on V. K. Bialynitsky-Biruly in 1911, when he receives a gold medal at the Munich exhibition for the painting "hour of silence". In the same year, at the exhibition in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthey received the second gold medal for the painting "in front of the spring". In 1904, the Museum of the Academy of Arts is bought by Painting V. K. Bialynitsky-Boruli "Spring day" (1902). The Council of the Tretyakov Gallery, which included then V. A. Serov and I. S. Ostrukhov, acquires for the gallery the second work of the master "At the end of winter" (1907). Scenery "Cutting fields" (1911) was purchased for Russian museum.

    In 1908, V. K. Bialynitsky-Birulya received the title of academician of painting. In 1912, the artist writes a famous picture "Spring", later a width meeting State Tretyakov Gallery. This is one of the works of the artist, which in its entirety shows the originality of his creative appearance, the measure of the skill achieved. Limit modesty and sincerity of feelings are distinguished by this landscape depicting the outskirts of the village with small huts, deserted snowy expanses, a relaxing rock of the river. Composite, rhythmic construction of the landscape is extremely simple and harmonious. With a remarkable loyalty, a certain moment was captured in the life of nature: the snow is still very much, but the beginning of spring is already felt. Extremely successfully found for the image of a cold, non-stern day, monochrome, but richly designed in a tonal ratio of color. Here, the lyrical perception of nature is narrowly planned, its intense emotional experience, which, developing, will subsequently become the main features of the works of Szoynitsky-Borul.

    It was the same paintings that I. E. Repin, when V. K. Bialynitsky wrote ~ Birulya in a letter dated January 14, 1910: "I am always with a new great pleasure I look at your salary with a sleeve brought by snow; I love these beems, white edges reflected in the mountain river, "and in the same letter -" I am so accustomed to refreshing the soul to your alive trends, simplicity and freedom. "

    It should be emphasized that the last words, indeed, the essence of the perception of nature V. N. Bialynitsky-Birul, as an artist-realist, determines the essence of the nature of the perception of nature.

    A genuine, deep sense of love for the nature of his country, the truthful embodiment of her beauty and diversity, the immediacy and sincerity of the perception was protected by the Bialynitsky-Boruli from the influences of the declaration, formalistic art, which was crossed by many novice artists at the beginning of the twentieth century.