Powerful system optimizer. Computer Optimization Programs Free Download

Powerful system optimizer. Computer Optimization Programs Free Download
Powerful system optimizer. Computer Optimization Programs Free Download

The latest one is the 10th version of Windows, I liked the users in many ways due to their stability.

On the one hand, not all users appreciated the changes in the interface, but it is easy to get used to new features.

On the other hand, even a wide list of new features did not save the owner from the need to follow the serviceability of all functions.

Over time, when the user sets a large number of applications, the system begins to work slower.

To minimize hanging, it is necessary to use special programs for optimizationWindows 10..

About the top ten of the best applications of this type we will tell in the submitted article.


Our top hit the programs shown in the table below.

Room in Rating The name of the program
2 Carambis Cleaner
3 Reg Organizer.
4 CCleaner
5 AVG TuneUp (version of Performance Optimizer)
6 Wise Care 365.
8 Auslogics Boostspeed.
9 Kerish Doctor 2018.
10 WPS Performance Station

Now consider each of the software products in more detail.


ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE + ULTIMATE is a collection of specialized utilities to optimize the tenth version of Windows.

Here are the tools designed for both ordinary users and professionals.

With a complete list of tools, you can find a screenshot below.

Some options become available when buying a program, so the presented program can be attributed to conditionally free.

On the other hand, the basic set of functions is enough in order to monitor the state of the operating system and adjust its operation to increase productivity.

If the user does not want to spend a lot of time on individual setting, it is enough to use the "turbo" mode.

In this case, the program will independently turn off the software that is not currently used to reduce its priority to reduce the load on the RAM.

  • the attractiveness of the interface;
  • powerful set of tools;
  • increased performance due to activation of the "Turbo" mode.
  • low level of protection from phishing;
  • lack of test results by independent experts.

Carambis Cleaner

The Carambis Cleaner program is designed to scan the system for the availability of files left after deleting applications.

It is also able to remove cache and other garbage. Already during the first launch, checks in automatic mode, upon completion of which the list of all files suitable for deleting is shown.

Compared to other applications of this type, Carambis Cleaner does not delete multimedia files, but this option is present.

You can use it if the software detects duplicates.

And they are deleted by the user decision, and not automatically.

A distinctive feature of Carambis Cleaner is the minimum amount of internal memory to install all components.

Also here includes a large number of additional features.

For example, the ability to change the list of autoloading, cleaning the registry and so on.

Caramberbis Cleaner program is conventional. Upon completion of the trial period, you must purchase a license.

But even after the expiration of the stated term, most of the options remain available.

  • effective work on Win10;
  • high computer check speed;
  • the ability to scan by individual graphics;
  • the presence of a Russian-speaking interface;
  • regular appearance of new versions.


  • the duration of the trial license is only 30 days.

Reg Organizer.

The REG Organizer program is one of the first to appear in the global market. It features simplicity of design, which allows you to quickly find the right functions.

The advantage of the application is the availability of advanced registry management technology. The user will be able to restore it, create duplicates and so on.

Using Reg Organizer also follows when the Internet speed does not allow you to quickly open pages.

The software is conditional, but at the same time version 8.0.4 and above does not have any restrictions on functionality.

To access the full package of functions, you must use a special licensed key. You can find it by link to download.

The menu is conveniently divided into three categories - for all users, advanced PC owners and a set of additional tools.

As a result, the probability of damage to the operating system is minimized.

But before using the application, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the video structure below.

  • lack of restrictions on the functionality in new versions;
  • several categories of options, taking into account the level of user knowledge;
  • a wide range of additional tools;
  • advanced registry management system.


  • too simple, boring interface;
  • possible problems in the work table after scanning.


The CCleaner program was not easy to become one of the most popular among the owners of Windows 10.

The reason is the ability to widely set up applications before cleaning.

For example, when checking browsers, you can clean the cache without affecting the log of visits, the latest boot points, and so on.

The interface provides a set of basic and optional functions - for example, a change in the list of software programs, work with duplicates, system restoration, and so on.

Experienced users will be able to select files and folders that the program should not affect.

This functionality is useful to those who use the corporate computer in the office, where it is important to maintain the whole story of perfect actions.

The CCleaner program provides a wide range of the settings of its own work.

The only drawback is not enough high quality analysis of the system. Some users complain about the need to re-check and clean unnecessary files.

But this minus is insignificant, since even on weak machines, re-checking and removing will take no more than 10 seconds of time.

  • several publications for customers with different target queries;
  • regular updates;
  • free version with minimal limitations.


  • lack of a built-in reference book;
  • the user needs administrator rights, otherwise the program will not work fully.

Avg Tuneup.

The Avg Tuneup utility complex appeared a few years ago. The program is different against the background of the rest of the scan of the entire system.

In the last versions, the interface was improved, thanks to which the program was much more convenient to use the program.

The user is available three options for the personal computer - standard, high performance and turbo.

The last mode contributes to the optimization of computers with a small margin of performance, as well as a PC with a large number of files stored on the hard disk.

After the inspection can be seen as percentaged performance improved.

The disadvantage of the submitted application is a large number of memory and resources used for full-fledged work.

Therefore, the AVG TuneUp should be used if there is a sufficiently large supply of free space on the hard disk, and the program's work does not affect the functionality of other applications.

  • beautiful and convenient interface;
  • several PC operation modes;
  • detailed results of diagnosis and cleaning.


  • a short validity period of the trial license;
  • high requirements for PC performance.

Wise Care 365.

The Wise Care 365 application interface is a cross between CCleaner and AVG TuneUp early versions.

The program contributes to the rapid scanning of the system for errors. The full elimination is left no more than 1-2 minutes if the hard disk is filled with 60-80 percent.

If there is no possibility to independently do diagnostics, you can select the automatic search mode and delete system errors.

In the background, the program consumes the minimum amount of memory.

To improve speed, a set of integrated utilities available in the basic version is provided. Wise Care 365 comes in conventional free mode.

After the license is expired, you must use the license code of access.

The disadvantage of Wise Care 365 is a morally outdated interface, but for some PC owners, it is even a plus, as it does not have to spend a lot of time to study opportunities.

  • free operational version;
  • availability of the planner;
  • convenient interface;
  • optimization of a personal computer with one click.
  • a lot of advertising in the version where the trial period has expired;
  • morally outdated interface.


GLARY UTILITIES program is popular abroad. Among Russian-speaking users, she is only gaining their turnover.

The interface provides a large number of functionality. A distinctive feature is to keep safe work with files.

At any time you can encode them by creating a unique access code.

Another advantage is the ability to check the drivers for updates.

The interface is moderately difficult, because in the section with modules there are dozens of integrated utilities.

Glary Utilities may not come to users whose computers have a minimum stock of the built-in memory.

When working with the operating system, a copy of the modified files is created, so if necessary, you can always make a rollback to the previous version.

  • a huge set of functions;
  • thorough getting rid of garbage;
  • the presence of a multilingual user interface;
  • active update appearance;
  • cleaning efficiency.


  • possible appearance of conflicts with antivirus software.

Auslogics Boostspeed.

The first versions of Auslogics Boostspeed began to actively appear in the domestic software market in 2012.

For several years of active improvement, the developers have added a wide list of new functionality.

Now users are given the ability to update drivers in automatic and semi-automatic mode, improve the Internet connection, change the parameters of the startup and much more.

Basic equipment includes a defragmant. With it, the hard disk begins to work more efficiently.

AUSLOGICS BOOSTSPEED provides a set of utilities designed specifically to optimize the 10th version of the Windows operating system.

Some of them are intended only for use by advanced PC owners. Therefore, it will not be further familiar with the instruction.

A large number of options, on the other hand, is a minus for those who used to use such advanced Auslogics boostspeed programs.

Also, for complete performance during peak load, more than 100 MB of free space in RAM is required, which among most applications of this type are quite large.

  • high level of efficiency;
  • the presence of a built-in store to add new tools;
  • direct connection with technical support representatives;
  • output information about the current load on the system;
  • reducing the workload of the processor and op.


  • recovery points need large free memory;
  • the trial version will last only 15 days.

Kerish Doctor 2018.

Kerish Doctor 2018 is one of the newest Windows 10 optimization programs.

It will also be suitable for users, whose computers have an older version of the operating system.

Advanced merges can be able to Kerish Doctor 2018. Restore hard drives at the surface level.

Compared to other competing programs, here you can get rid of "Tulbarov" in browsers, having robbed them from loading unnecessary advertising.

The interface is very clear, but the program still suffers from a large number of minor flaws.

On the other hand, the problem is solved by the constant advent of new versions with current updates, the loading of which occurs either in the automatic or semi-automatic mode (with confirmation of the user).

  • the game mode is maintained;
  • real-time functioning;
  • minimum requirements for personal computer parameters;
  • search for invalid partitions hard disk;
  • possibility to clean the basket.


  • 15-day license validity period;
  • long cleaning OS.

WPS Performance Station

Call the WPS Performance Station program with a full-fledged complex to optimize the operating system.

In fact, this is a separate utility that is positioned as an advanced task dispatcher.

There is no majority of optional capabilities provided for by competitive software, but on the other hand, it is compensated by the minimum amount of internal memory required for storing executive files.

WPS Performance Station works only on the newest versions of the operating system - 8 and 10.

As needed, you can independently choose the optimal operation mode - high performance and high savings in domestic resources.

In essence, WPS Performance Station is more monitored than a diagnostic agent.

  • operational performance of the user's actions;
  • several PC work profiles;
  • a lot of useful information about the state of the computer;
  • allocation of the minimum amount of memory for executive files.


  • simple interface;
  • minimum useful features.

Windows 7 optimization allows the user to achieve the best performance indicators. We can say that this needs to be done regularly, if you do not want your computer to slow down or during his work various errors appeared. There are a number of paid and free software optimization programs.

What affects system performance

The answer to this question may seem quite obvious - component of a personal computer. Indeed, the more powerful your central processor and the video card, the more RAM will be installed, the better the car will work. Even the most modern "hardware" is not a guarantee that you do not have to face problems in the work of PC. So even a modern computer should not litter by games and programs.

Graphical interface Aero.

With the advent of the Windows Vista operating system, Microsoft has started to implement an additional graphical desktop graphical interface in the following versions of the OS. It has a greater load on the computer, especially if the system resources are close to minimal. Each user, if necessary, can disable this interface to optimize the PC operation. Wishing can only disable individual interface elements. This will optimize the efficiency of the device and at the same time leave the appearance of the windows to the previous one.

The more the parameters of the AERO interface is disabled, the noticeable it becomes from a visual point of view. But the computer performance increases.

For the beautiful design of the desktop in Windows you have to pay PC performance

Hidden processes

Some users, especially beginners, do not realize that not all running processes are displayed as active windows. Most of them are hidden and can have an impact on RAM, which reduces performance. If you disable unnecessary services, you can free up a considerable amount of memory, thereby optimizing the operation of the device.

Remember that the disconnection of important system services can turn into problems, and the positive result, in this case, you will not achieve. Create a system to restore the system in advance so that in case of trouble, return to the Windows operating status. Without harm to the system, you can disable such services:

  • "IP Support IP" (Support IP Service);
  • "Remote Registry".

Computer needs to be brushed from temporary and unnecessary files.

Even after the program is deleted from the computer from it, there is information. When we install the application, then information about it is entered into RAM, in additional elements of the hard disk and in the registry. Conduct a disk defragmentation regularly. Defragmentation is the data layout process. Subsequently, the computer will be easier to refer to the required information, as it will already know where and what is located. Experts recommend to resort to this procedure, at least once a month. Regular disk deframentation will significantly increase productivity, especially if you often reinstall the program. If the hard drive volume and data on it is much, then defragmentation can last for a long time, so you are taking patience.

As mentioned above, when installing programs, information about them is recorded in the system registry. There is a huge amount of PC configuration data, settings and parameters. Naturally, if it is regularly not to clean the registry, it can lead to failures during operation, the appearance of errors and deterioration in the performance as a whole. Specialists recommend nothing in the registry manually, since you accidentally delete important system data, and this will lead to bad consequences. It is advisable to use special software (CCleaner, Wise Registry Cleaner, etc.) and already with it to remove all the garbage. Such utilities analyze the registry and give a list of its problem areas. You can only notice what you think unnecessary, and the rest is left as it was.

After installation, many programs and applications are automatically written in the list of those tasks that need to be run immediately after the PC is turned on - in autoload. Many of them do not even see the user, but each of such a certain extent consumes computer system resources.

Remember that in no case should not be disabled those programs and utilities that are run by the system itself. You can easily learn to look at the location of the EXE file. If you see the \\ System32 folder, do not turn off the application.

These simple manipulations will help improve computer performance and optimize its work. If you are worried that you can remove some important system file, then use special programs.

Good programs to optimize Windows 7 and improving performance

Many of the following programs are able to do what will help the user noticeably improve the performance of a stationary computer or laptop. Remember that you should not install several applications on the PC at once for optimization, since in this case the best result you still do not get, and the PC will work even worse. Thus, if you didn't like one of the applications, you completely delete it and only then start the installation of another program. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of all the applications described and select the appropriate thing and your car.

It is also possible to mention the program of other sense - it is Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, anti-virus climbing, able to save a computer from worms and other crushing programs that also eat a lot of resources.

Advanced Systemcare.

Advanced SystemCare offers you a whole arsenal tools to optimize Windows 7

This program has a very simple, pleasant interface. The utility extends in two versions - one paid, and the other is not. Accordingly, their capabilities are slightly different. There are more tools in the paid, allowing to improve the performance of the computer, but, as practice shows, not all of them can guarantee a good result. Therefore, you can download and establish a simple, free version of the program. To get started, it is enough for you.

Systemcare works on all modern operating systems from Microsoft, including on Windows 7. With its help you can:

  • perform manipulation over the system registry;
  • delete temporary, unnecessary files;
  • fix shortcuts and delete unused;
  • perform the defragmentation of the hard disk;
  • clean the system registry.
  • Improved version additionally allows you to analyze information from a hard disk, check the files for the presence of malicious content and delete it.

    If you select the "Full Installation" mode when installing the SystemCare, then the "[email protected]" will be mounted on your computer. Pay attention to this and stop the point to the "selective installation". Perhaps this is the only negative, and in the whole other SystemCare is really good and shows excellent optimization results.


    CCleaner is one of the very first programs to optimize the computer. The utility has a pleasant and understandable interface, respectively, it is suitable for both newcomers and professional users.

    Among its advantages can be noted:

  • high speed;
  • extensive database of tools;
  • clear and convenient graphical interface.

  • CCleaner can clean the registry, browser data, conductor and unnecessary system data

    The program is distributed free of charge, so everyone can easily find it on the network and download from the official site of developers. After installing and starting in the menu on the left you will see only 4 buttons:

  • "Cleaning" - allows you to analyze the system for unnecessary and outdated files and eliminate the problems found;
  • "Registry" - provides the user with the ability to analyze the state of the system registry. If any unused data is stored in it or there are errors, then the program will display all this, and you can remove them. If you are experiencing that by mistake, remove something important, CCleaner clarify you: "Do I need to create a backup copy of the registry?";
  • "Service" is a very useful section, since here you can do everything to achieve the best device performance. It is possible to remove installed programs (a kind of alternative to the similar standard Windows 7 "Programs and Components" service). Also there are settings for changing program autoloaders and tools for full disk cleaning
  • "Settings" - the CCleaner settings section of the program settings, and not the system optimization options).
  • CCleaner is a good free utility with a mass of opportunities and Russian localization.

    Video: Overview of the Free CCleaner version

    Tuneup Utilities.

    Tuneup Utilities provides a whole range of opportunities to optimize the operation of a personal computer. Conditionally, the program can be divided into several separate utilities, each of which performs a specific task. The application interface is quite simple, which will make it possible to understand even the starting user.

    Tuneup Utilities will help to conduct a comprehensive Windows 7 system optimization.

    What can Tuneup Utilities:

  • the utility allows you to analyze the system as a whole. Upon completion of the test, Tuneup Utilities will show you a list of identified problems. Immediately in one click you can fix these problems;
  • it is possible to configure the autoload service manager. The user can independently choose the programs that he needed immediately after the launch of the PC and remove the extra;
  • there is an opportunity to make cleaning from temporary files, including those that are stored in the browser;
  • there is a function of checking and cleaning the registry.
  • The above tools are already quite enough in order to obtain optimal performance indicators of the computer. Tuneup Utilities has a number of useful features, such as a system registry defragmentator and a tool for cleaning RAM. The program applies in Russian, so no one should have problems in working with it.

    Wise Registry Cleaner

    This is a free utility designed to optimize the work of a personal computer. Russian language is present. How can you guess from the name, the key dignity is to work with the system registry.

    You can figure out the utility functionality immediately after it starts, as its interface is simple and understandable. It analyzes the registry for errors and outdated data. Before performing all manipulations, the user is invited to make a backup copy of the registry so that you can restore accidentally remote important information.

    Wise Registry Cleaner will analyze the registry on errors and outdated keys, and then provide the opportunity to get rid of them

    You can independently make other changes to the system registry. If it becomes clear that the result was not brought, then you can return everything to the previous state for a couple of clicks. After analyzing Wise Registry Cleaner provides full and reliable information about each problem found or registry error.

    The program has the setting, thanks to which you can automatically run the registry scan on the computer. To do this, it is enough to specify a certain time interval, after which the scanning will be launched. There is a built-in defragmantor.

    Easy Cleaner

    One of the easiest free applications that consumes the minimum system resources. It has all the necessary features to optimize the computer. For example, a user can easily perform manipulation over the system registry. The utility will analyze the data and show all possible options for eliminating the found errors or unused registry information. It is possible to remove broken shortcuts, unnecessary or outdated files that have not been used for several months. The program also allows you to work with web browsers, in particular, to delete previously saved cookies, history and other information. At first, the interface does not seem to be most clear, but it is worth spending a little time and understand it.

    Easy Cleaner will even come up with novice PC users

    Red Button.

    Red Button is a simple and free application to optimize the computer. Compared to analogs, it takes at least a free space on the hard drive. Allows you to conjure with services and applications on your computer. It is enough to press a few buttons - and you will see all active services and processes, as well as complete information about them. For example, you can estimate the number of resources consumed.

    The Red Button program interface is minimalism in the flesh, just press multiple buttons to see active services and processes

    Red Button allows you to free a little space on the hard disk of the computer by laying the files involved in the operating system itself. By the way, this does not offer any other similar program. Due to the cleaning system from the trash and outdated files, the utility allows you to achieve improved system loading speed and, accordingly, increase its performance. The Red Button interface is easy, at first glance it is clear which tab for what is responsible. Especially if you switch to Russian. In case of difficulties, refer to reference documentation, which, fortunately, is also present in the Russian-language version.

    Auslogics Boostspeed.

    One of the leaders in the field of programs to optimize the work of a personal computer - Auslogics Boostspeed. Software has a bit overloaded interface, but it is at first glance. In fact, it is not difficult to deal with the program.

    The auslogics boostspeed survened interface slightly beats in the eyes, but, looking after you will understand that everything is arranged here as it is impossible

    At the first launch, the utility will offer:

  • scan the computer for temporary and unnecessary files;
  • fix errors in the system and registry;
  • remove incorrect labels and records in them.
  • Boostspeed scans a computer to determine the reason for the reduced speed of the device. After completing the analysis of the system, the user will be able to see a complete list of problems found by car and eliminate them independently. In addition to deleting temporary and outdated files, as well as work with the registry, Boostspeed has a built-in defragmant, with which you can improve your hard drive. In a separate tab, there are additional tools for optimization (active, alas, only in the paid version). There is also an instruction manual in Russian, as well as the ability to change the program interface language.


    A good program to optimize the work of a personal computer. It has all the necessary tools for this, as well as the support of the Russian language. There is a function of a full-fledged computer analysis. When the analysis procedure is completed, you will see the number of errors and their type.

    GLARY UTILITIES can carry out a full analysis of your computer

    You can set the system scan settings in the appropriate tab. With this utility you can:

  • change autoloading parameters for software;
  • find and remove spy viruses;
  • get rid of old and unnecessary labels;
  • delete individual files that are not used for a long time;
  • analyze the system registry, search for errors and outdated parameters.
  • There is an ability to change the privacy and data security settings. The program interface is clear and simple, therefore, and even a beginner will be able to figure it out.


    SpeedupMyPC program is successful even despite not very high efficiency.

    Conditionally free program with the speaking name to optimize the computer. SpeedupMypc has a wide "arsenal" settings, which will allow you to optimize the operation of the computer. Its possibilities, of course, are limited. Independent custom testing has shown that the program works slightly worse than its analogues, and productivity gains after making all the proposed changes are low. According to the development of developers, with its help you can:

  • clean the RAM;
  • customize the work of processes;
  • change network settings.
  • In fact, all these manipulations do not lead to the apparent effect. Good results The program shows only due to the fact that the time and outdated files are cleaned. Despite this, users still use it to optimize it. Russian localization is available.

    Comodo System Cleaner

    Free program for Windows operating systems. Comodo System Cleaner has proven itself since its appearance and to this day is popular with users. With its help, you can significantly increase the stability of the computer, improve the performance of even an old PC. The utility consists of several embedded applications, the integrated use of which will allow you to achieve the desired result.

    Comodo System Cleaner will make your computer with Windows OS faster

    Comodo System Cleaner is:

  • work with autoload programs;
  • the ability to change the settings when starting the system;
  • the ability to remove unnecessary software;
  • cleaning the registry from garbage, outdated settings.
  • If any old files you have been found, which you have not used for a long time, then after scanning the program will report it. Found files and any others that you yourself consider unnecessary (for this they will need to be noted) are removed without the possibility of recovery. Comodo System Cleaner has a simple interface, broken into several sections. Each of them allows only specific tasks. Russian language is present.


    A free program designed to clean the computer from the accumulated garbage. Unfortunately, the interface is not the easiest. To begin with, the user will have to determine the system scan settings - specify what you need to find, after which the search procedure itself will begin. Fortunately, there is a Russian language, so it is possible to figure out all the intricacies of the program.

    NCleaner program interface - solid flags-checkboxes, you need to sit and figure out before you instruct the program to analyze the system

    The application allows you to scan the system registry for errors, outdated or remote files. There is a possibility of removing old and temporary files that occupy a place on a computer and consume system resources, but do not have practical benefits. The utility allows you to change the autoload parameters of other applications installed on the computer. Through the program interface, you can completely clean the local disk, but remember that all the data you delete cannot be restored. So work with the program carefully.

    Comparative table of characteristics of popular programs for improvement and acceleration of PC

    With the help of proper software, each user may easily optimize the operation of its PC, increase the performance of even the old device and work on the computer without problems. If you do not want to charge the cleaning and acceleration of the computer with programs, then you will be able to manually optimize, but be careful - do not delete too much.

    If you need a free program Improving computer performance, then you got directly to the point.

    On this page you can download it for free and familiarize yourself with the detailed description. It is called "ADVANCED SYSTEMCARE 6".

    You can download the program for computer performance by direct link at the bottom of the site (the download will automatically happen). After downloading, unpack (it is in the RAR archive).

    No problem arises with the installation. Although I tested it on Windows 7, but on other operating systems Windows, she judging by the description of the creators should also work well.

    Program capabilities to increase computer performance and laptop

    Using this program you can the following: Delete malware, perform registry repair, clear the system from garbage, delete unwanted files, speed up the Internet, fix shortcuts, defragment the registry, optimize the system, improve safety, scan discs, fix vulnerability and defragment discs.

    Immediately after starting, everything that the program can do you will see, you need to put the ticks in the right places and click Check.

    Only this is not all possibilities. To increase productivity, you can use other tools, it is enough to press the toolbar. At your service will be given a mass of tools:

    • To increase the speed of games, the program is also in Russian and free.

    Unixtile (Forced File Delete), Cleaning Viruses, Cleaning Registry, Disk Cleaning, File Schroeder, Smart RAM, Game Booster, Internet Accelerator, Registry Defregue, Run Manager, Repair of Labels, Repair System, Repair IE, Driver Manager, Process Manager, Management System, auto sound, system research, much more and everything is completely free.

    And that's all. To increase the performance, you can use the turbo accelerator by clicking just one key.

    Also with the program you have a gadget (see after restarting), where you can always evaluate in what state your processor, video card, and so on.

    Of course, this program is not a magician, it will not be able to make a superman from a weak computer, but still work with it is not only simple, and almost everything happens automatically and for free, while other analogs are paid.


    Win XP / Vista / Windows 7, 8, 10


    Developer URL:

    Every year we produce all new and new games with cool graphics, super effects and thousands of fans. But not everyone can do the computer's upgrade every time each. But so I want the long-awaited gaming novelty to slow down, so that it is possible to play at maximum settings with faded and colorful effects, completely immersed in the gameplay with incredible graphics.

    In the above case, the so-called gamers for gamers - software for overclocking a computer, namely video cards, processors and in general to optimize the system. These utilities find a rational approach to the computer resource section, and some even allow you to emulate a more powerful video card, thanks to which you can run some games that did not want to work before.

    In addition, the gamers and everyone can use programs that provide information about computer resources. With the help of them, you can learn almost all the information about the installed components: model of motherboard, RAM modules, processor and many other gland parameters, including software.

    Usually programs for overclocking the computer increase its speed by increasing the clock frequency of central and graphics processors and an increase in the supply voltage. It is necessary with caution, because with an increase in the capacities of a stationary machine or a laptop, the temperature of many elements increases. Therefore, the main thing here is not to overdo it and be sure that your power supply or cooling system will cope with the load, because it is possible to fix a laptop or computer, but it takes you time and money.

    You can do without using programs for overclocking the computer by changing the settings in the BIOS motherboard and the video card. But if you have never come across this, it is better to neglect this way. Due to the complexity of this method, we will not dwell on it, and we turn directly to the description of the programs for gamers and accelerate the computer.

    In addition to the basic functions of overclocking components of a computer, program-optimizers may contain various tools to improve the performance of the operating system by releasing the memory, defragmentation of hard drives, disconnecting, unnecessary during the game, smoothing Windows fonts, all sorts of widgets, etc. Thanks to this optimization, all resources Computer will be directed to work and performance of the necessary application, in our case on the game.

    Razer Game Booster

    Razer Game Booster is a powerful free program to optimize the operation of the operating system and increase the speed of the computer. Improving the performance of the game is achieved due to the temporary optimization of the OS, namely defragmentation of RAM, closing unnecessary during the game of background processes, Diagnostics DirectX and other processes.

    This program for overclocking the computer does not climb the registry, does not speed up the operation of the iron and does not change the Windows settings. "What is she doing then?" - you ask. When you are going to play the long-awaited game, you must start the Game Booster before that and the utility with a slight movement of your hand will cleanse the system from unnecessary braking baggage. Upon completion of the program, everything will return to its place.

    The program interface is quite simple and understandable. For the lazy, the Razer Game Booster has an excellent button that will make automatic optimization and will not make you yourself choose optimization settings. In just one click, your computer will be fully ready for the game, and if you wish, you can configure everything yourself.

    If you need a computer overclocking, then you should download Razer Game Booster.

    Game Fire

    Modern games are quite demanding to system resources, and if there is still a significant consumption of resources to the operating system, the game can only work on low settings, or even work at all. Game Fire will help partially solve this problem.

    Turning off unnecessary running services and visual Windows effects, it optimizes the operation of the system for the game. Thanks to this program to optimize, the system will not devour precious resources and they will all be directed only to the game. The utility is easy to learn, contains automatic shutdown by default. You can also manually specify which process you would like to disable.

    You can download Game Fire for free.


    Rivatuner is perhaps one of the most popular utilities for overclocking and testing the performance of video cards from NVIDIA and AMD. It allows you to overclock the video card right through the iron or through the driver and finely adjust its operation.

    From all available functions, you can select the following:

    • working with the DIRECT3D and OpenGL video card driver,
    • configure video mode and screen update frequency,
    • adjustment of brightness, contrast and gamma,
    • control of the fan settings on the video card,
    • set the core frequency, memory and a shader block,
    • providing a report on the characteristics of video cards, drivers, etc.,
    • traffic tracking, video card voltage and cooling system.

    The program has the ability to create profiles to start each application, there is a built-in driver setup database and a Windows registry editing tool.

    The Rivatuner utility, first of all, is useful for the owner of the GeForce video cards, and the owners of ATI video cards are forced to use a program with limited functions.

    You can download Rivatuner absolutely free and set up a video card in your pleasure.

    EVGA Precision X.

    EVGA Precision X is a very convenient program for overclocking video cards based on NVIDIA. Unlike Rivatuner, this program is not overloaded with different settings and can be used as its simplified alternative.

    Despite its low weight and simplicity, it can still become a powerful tool for overclocking video cards. Among the functions of the utility to optimize the video card, the following can be noted:

    • control of the memory frequency, kernel and a shader block,
    • control fans in automatic and manual mode,
    • creating profiles up to 10 pieces with hot keys for each,
    • view temperature in the tray, creating screenshots of the game and much more.

    EVGA Precision X is a free tool for overclocking your video card.

    You can download EVGA Precision X for Windows-based computers.


    3D-Analyze has not been updated, but a very useful program that is intended to run new games and applications on old video cards.

    The program is able to emulate the settings and parameters of new video cards (for example, support for pixel shaders), or quite "pretending" to a specific video card model. The utility does not require installation.

    For the performance of a new game, you need to run the 3D-Analyze program, select the executable game file (usually extended EXE or BAT) and try to set the desired settings in the program window.

    In subsequent settings, the settings do not have to be renovated, as the program changes the original game file.

    By the way, if you won't make any specific settings, we can again take advantage of this program for setting optimal characteristics.


    PowerStrip - is one of the most popular programs that allow working with video mode and video cards. The program supports almost any video cards and is able to impregnively increase their productivity.

    With it, you can switch the screen resolution, change the color palette, contrast, brightness, flicker frequency, etc. In addition, you can assign individual settings in addition to different programs and assign hot keys to replace different parameters.

    Download PowerStrip - program to optimize working with video cards.

    We draw your attention again, incorrect work with a computer acceleration and, in particular, video cards can lead to a sad outcome. Therefore, try to do without excessive overload of computer components.