Russian military fleet. Fleet marine

Russian military fleet. Fleet marine
Russian military fleet. Fleet marine

The fleet has always been the pride of our state - and during the Russian Empire, and the USSR, and in modern times. We know that our marine, ocean spaces, coastal lines are securely protected. We invite you to talk about what the Russian fleet is in modern times. We learn about his tasks, structure, prospects, command.

Fleet of the Russian Federation

The so-called now, during the Russian Federation, the successor of the USSR Navy, the Navy of the Russian Empire, the naval forces of our country. Leads its modern history since January 1992. The Navy enters into submits to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The main headquarters of the Russian Fleet is located in the Northern capital - St. Petersburg. The acting admiral is Vladimir Korolev. In 2016, 148 thousand people served in the ranks of the Navy.

The Russian fleet for his short history managed to take part in a number of combat operations:

  • The first and second Chechen wars.
  • Armed conflict 2008 in South Ossetia.
  • Fighting Somali pirates.
  • Participation in the Syrian military operation.

Russian Fleet Day is the last Sunday of July. This is a professional holiday and guarding the sea expanses and coastal lines, and everyone who has tied their lives with the preparation of ships, and family members of sailors, and workers serving naval enterprises, and expensive Navy veterans.

Objectives of the Navy

In its activities, the Russian fleet pursues the following goals:

Military Navy

The Russian fleet is represented by the following components - see the table.

We continue to disassemble the fleet system of the Russian Federation.

Structure of the Russian Navy

The Russian Navy is a system of operational and strategic associations. Briefly get acquainted with them.

Superwater forces. This structure pursues the following tasks:

  • Protection of marine communications.
  • Confrontation of mine hazard (including mining barriers).
  • Cover and transportation of a landing.
  • Help underwater forces: ensuring the release and deployment of the latter, as well as returning them to the base.

Underwater forces. The main goals are intelligence activities, as well as the application of unexpected strikes on continental and maritime purposes. Their base is atomic submarines, which are equipped with covered and ballistic missiles.

Sea aviation. Presented by two groups - coastal and deck. The main tasks are as follows:

Fleet coastal troops. Consist of two divisions - marine infantry and coastal defense troops. The main tasks they have two:

  • Participation in combat operations in the composition of air, sea, air-marine assaults.
  • Defense of objects on the coast - ports, coastal objects, basic systems.

Other units. The Russian Marine Fleet also includes:

  • Divisions and parts of the rear.
  • Sweets.
  • Hydrographic service. It refers to the head of the oceanography and navigation of the Russian Ministry of Defense.


Get acquainted with the Navy Command:

Modernity and prospects

His peak of power The domestic Navy reached in 1985. Then the ship was 1561. Fleet held in the world the second (after the United States) place. In the two thousandths began his gradual weakening. As a result, in 2010, the Russian fleet owned only 136 martial ships.

In 2011, the former commander of Komostedov V. P. with bitterness noted that the superiority of one Turkish fleet over domestic estimated by 4.7 times. And the combined forces of NATO 20 times stronger than the main tasks of the fleet became only the protection of the coast and the fight against marine terrorism.

But in our time, Russia has already resumed its naval presence in the World Ocean. In 2014, the National Defense Defense Directorate was founded. The objectives of its activities are as follows:

In 2013, an operational command of the Permanent Mediterranean division of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation (Mediterranean squadron) was created.

As for the prospects of development, this goals for the state program of the arms up to 2020 it is planned to be allocated for NMF about 4.5 trillion rubles. Active funding has already begun in 2015. One of the main tasks is to increase by 70% the number of warships in the Navy.

The fleet of the Russian Federation is still the pride of our Fatherland. Today, he is experiencing difficult times - is in the rebirth stage, striving for the former power.


There are two options for writing the name of the fleet:

  • The first option is recommended by the specialists of the online portal of, with reference to the "Brief Directory for Registration of Acts of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation", as appropriate official speech standards. The same specialists, however, recognize the linguistic correctness of the second option.
  • The second option complies with the rules of Russian spelling and is confirmed by the regulatory dictionaries of the Russian language.

Emblem Navy

Naval flag Russia
Years of existence

October 1696 (as a fleet of Russia), January 1992 (as Navy Russian Federation) - Present

Participation in

First Chechen War,
Second Chechen War,
Armed conflict in South Ossetia (2008),
Fighting Somali pirates
Military Operation of Russia in Syria

Acting commander

Shortly before that, Russian Ministry of Defence Making an order for the development of a combat vehicle on caterpillars, which will be created exclusively for the fleet. It is planned that the new Fleet BMP will appear in 2015-2016.

At the second stage of the development of the coastal troops, it is planned to create and adopt a high-scale amphibious combat vehicle to ensure the actions of marines in any regions and climatic conditions, including in the Arctic zone, the creation of robotic combat factories, armed with weapons on new physical principles using weapons. Various energy sources for engine operation.

Sea aviation


UAV for the Navy are developed by the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). First of all, it is the CAPP of the helicopter type Ka-37c, Ka-135 and Ka-117.

One of the main tasks facing the fleet of helicopters in the near future will be a radar watch. The issue of lighting the air situation behind the horizon of the radio abuse of ship means is the question of paramount importance both in order to be contrary to the defense of ship groups and for their impact functions.

Also unmanned vehicles will also be involved in the underwater environment. Tasks such as the search and destruction of marine mines, the management of the anti-submarine and anti-informational struggle, the protection of submarines and surface ships from the underwater attack, the intelligence of a wide variety of goals in the sea - gradually all this becomes the task of tele-controlled and autonomous devices.


In the fall of 2011, in the Barents Sea Ka-52, for two weeks, it was planned to land on the deck of the ship. The testes were held, including the implementation of the landing of Ka-52 on the Deck Tavkre "Admiral Kuznetsov".

In early 2012, the modernization of the ten Ka-29 transport and combat helicopters, intended for their basing on Russian "Mistrahs" began. Onboard equipment and weapons systems of the machine will be upgraded to modern standards.

On June 22, 2012, a ship Helicopter of the Ka-31 radar watch with the side number "90 red" arrived in the military use and preparation of flight composition of Aviation of the Navy of Russia in Yeisk. Presumably, this is the first serial helicopter KA-31, built for the Navy of Russia.

In August 2012, the manufacture of the first prototypes of the Ka-52K helicopter for the Mistral Mistral Universal Vehicle. Until that time, while Mistrali arrive from France to Russia, testing tasks on the rise-landing of helicopters on the deck, as well as a year earlier, it is planned for the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

In September 2012, it became known that a total of Ka-52K per "Mistral" will be at least 14 cars.

The same will be done with the helicopters of Ka-29 and Ka-27.

By 2014, the Naval Fleet of Russia will adopt the marine version of the helicopter Ka-62 "Kajak". Helicopters will be scented on small ships, in particular corvettes of the project 20380


In the period from 2013 to 2015, RSK MIG "should transfer Aviation of the Navy of Russia 20 single aircraft MiG-29K and four double MiG-29CUB. The aircraft will be part of a separate ship fighter airlock of the Northern Fleet of Russia and will be based on the Aviamaker "Admiral Kuznetsov".

The first four cars MiG-29k / cube Russian military should receive in 2013 MiG-29K / cube fighters replace the SU-33-3-armed in service, which in 2015 the resource ends, but there is an intention to extend the resource heavy deck fighters SU-33 At least five years, perhaps even until 2025.

IL-38N will expand the circle of solved tasks and will become indispensable for marine aviation. Now only anti-submarine and rescue aviation remained as part of the fleet. She began to bring to modern requirements.

In December 2013, the Ministry of Defense concluded a contract with the Irkut corporation for the supply of five SU-30SMI fighters of five educational and combat Yak-130. In total, in the interests of the Navy in the near future, it is planned to order 50 Su-30cm and about a dozen Yak-130.


After many years of disputes, you need a large ship with airplanes or you can do atomic submarines and cruisers, the Russian admirals chose the "American" model of the fleet - ship groupings with an aircraft carrier in the center. Such a layout, as they consider, will expand the zone of influence of the Russian fleet and the zone of action of fighter aviation on the Pacific Ocean and the North Atlantic. It was also decided that at the first stage two aircraft carriers will be created - one on the Pacific and on the Northern Fleets.

Russia still has no key technologies of a full aircraft carrier, for example, an aircraft catapult, although, in the USSR, during the implementation of the project 1143.7, Ulyanovsk, the ship was equipped with two lighthouse steam catapults, created at the proletarian plant, the only heavy aircraft gunner "Admiral Kuznetsov" In January 1991, the Northern Fleet in January 1991, instead of the catapult, is equipped with a running springboard.

It has already been decided that the aircraft carrier will be atomic. The diesel version was rejected due to the needs for a large amount of fuel, which would have to carry him on the tanker. Also now it is determined that the new Russian aircraft carrier will be built on two different shipyards according to the modular principle, and collect modules made independently of each other are planned at the largest Russian shipbuilding plant "Sevmashpredprinity" ("Sevmash").

In addition to Sevmashpredit, in the future, the construction of an aircraft carrier on the main infrastructure project of OSK OJSC, as part of the creation of a shipbuilding cluster in St. Petersburg on the island of Kotlin, called Novo Admiraltei shipyard. The end of the construction of the first stage is scheduled for 2014, the second stage - for 2015, the third - for 2016.

The Navy of Russia completes the formation of technical design on a new aircraft carrier. Its primary appearance will be defined already in 2013, and the final project of the ship should be ready for 2017. President of the UKK Roman Trotsenko previously stated that in this case the first ship was supposed to be launched in 2023. By this time, the Navy must complete the formation of an escort group for each aircraft carrier, which will consist of rocket cruisers, destroyers, multipurpose submarines, frigates, corvettes, landing ships and vessels of collateral, including icebreakers for the Arctic zone - only about 15 ships each.

Simultaneously with the construction of aircraft carriers, the military will create new bases for their ensuring. In addition, to train the aviation group, which will reach 100 airdrons, the Ministry of Defense will build a landing simulator on the deck in the city of Yeisk in the Krasnodar Territory, and also continues the use of a terrestrial test complex of a thread in the Crimean city of Saki.

On November 26, 2012, Izvestia newspaper reported that the project of the first Russian atomic aircraft carrier, developed jointly by St. Petersburg enterprises of the Central Region of the Chernei, developed jointly by St. Petersburg enterprises of the Central Committee of the Krylov and the Nevsky Design Bureau for the end of the year. The project of the ship with approximate displacement of 60 thousand tons is based on the technologies of the 1980s. The Navy was suggested in essence the old Soviet aircraft carrier Ulyanovsk, which did not build because of the collapse of the USSR. In the late 1980s, it was a modern aircraft carrier, a decent answer to American aircraft carriers of the Nimitz type. By 2020, when the first Russian aircraft carrier should go to the sea according to plan, USA Already have the latest floating airfields of Gerald Ford series, which almost twice as long as the ship designed by St. Petersburg designers.

In addition, the Navy of Russia does not suit too much a large superstructure of the ship, which makes it too noticeable for the opponent's radars, as well as the absence of an electromagnetic catapult, which already has Americans and greatly simplifies planes from the deck.

In addition, the warning deck is not placed on the revolving deck (DRL) - the mandatory component of the modern aircraft carrier.

Basery systems

Perspective basing systems will be created in the Kamchatka and Primorsky Territory. There will be a single comprehensive system of basing for nuclear submarines, landing and helicopter ships and other superwater vehicles of large displacement, a basing system will also be created in the Black Sea Fleet in the Novorossiysk area. In addition, work is underway to update the basing systems in the Kaliningrad region and in the Caspian region.

At the international level, it is discussed to create items of logistical support of the Navy in Cuba, Seychelles and Vietnam.

On May 22, 2012, it became known that a complex of works on the modernization of the Baltiysk military harbor was performed: dredging works are held to ensure the basing of ships and submarines in perspective. The development of the Baltic Fleet infrastructure will be continued: the construction of military towns, modernization of the Chkalovsk airfield and the Baltiysk military harbor. Work on improving the basing system and coastal infrastructure is already underway.

On July 10, 2012, it became known that FSUE "Central Project Association" for Special Special Council of Russia "commissioned by the Ministry of Defense of Russia developed a project for the reconstruction of berths with a total length of 3 kilometers on the basis of the Navy in the city of Baltiysk Kaliningrad region, the press release of the enterprise.

"The port was built during the Second World War for the basing of German ships and has never been updated since then."

The composition of the reconstruction work includes the deepening of the bottom of the water area, the reconstruction of the proportionate front with the laying of modern engineering networks, as well as new construction to provide vessels.

The project is carried out in two stages, currently being prepared by working documentation.

Works on the construction of a unified integrated system for the basing of nuclear submarines (submarines) and new large superwater ships, including Mistral helicopter monasters, are conducted on the territory of the Murmansk region, Kamchatka and Primorye.

In the territory of the Murmansk region, Kamchatka and Primorsky Terrays, a strike core of the Russian Navy consisting of an APL type "Borey" and "ash", corvettes and frigates, with a single basing system, but did not mention helicopter monitors. Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Vice Admiral Victor Chirkov also reported earlier that this year the preparation for the large-scale construction of a new Navy content system until 2020 was intensified.

The Russian Federation will create a number of objects in the Arctic on the Arctic on the highway for the basing of the Navy warships and the border service.

The construction of objects of the first stage of the Novorossiysk Naval Base (NVMB) will end by the end of 2013. These objects are designed for large low-sediment military ships, and this will begin to begin the long-awaited relocation of the Black Sea Fleet from the Crimea to Novorossiysk. The first to the new base will arrive the flagship ChF - Guards Rocket Cruiser " Moscow ».

In Vladivostok, a new propulsive front was actually created, providing mooring and basing ten ships of various classes, including promising, which are not yet as part Navy . The new coastal infrastructure provides the basing of ships from the third to the first rank: guard, corvettes, frigates, destroyers and rocket cruisers with the possibility of entering the fleet of the new generation ships, with the exception of the Mistral type helicopter. Replaced all communications that provide parking and basing ships. According to these communications, the transmission from the shore on the ships of electricity, water and steam is carried out. In addition, in the new "milestone front" created the so-called "storm system" to remove the water from the berths in case of severe precipitation.

The engineering service of the Pacific Fleet (Tof) together with the enterprise "Specstroy Russia" is preparing for the design and construction of hydraulic structures, which are designed to provide basing in the port of Vladivostok of the Mistral vehicles.

The pier, located in the center of Vladivostok, were deeply modernized with the strengthening of the coast. The contemporary complex of the propulsive structures of TOF is able to take not only all the existing types of ships, but also those that should be approved for up to 2020.

During the reconstruction, the specialists of one of the branches at the Special Special Council were actually created a new "mooring front", replaced all communications that provide parking and the basing of ships in accordance with modern requirements, created a storm system for draining water from berths. As a result of the modernization, an increase in the safety of parking ships was ensured independently of hydrometeors.

March 18, 2013 Brigadier General of the Lebanese Armed Forces retired Amin Hayy in an interview with Turkish radio said:

The visit of Russian warships in Beirut in order to replenish reserves and fuel should not be an ordinary phenomenon.

Previously, Russian ships were sent to Tartus without visiting Lebanese ports. One of the reasons for the current visit to Beirut may be that Lebanon It can turn into a new center for a Russian strategic military base in the region. In the light of current events in Tartus, the port of Beirut has become a safer parking site for Russian ships.

Flags ships and ships of the Navy of Russia

Flag Jack Pennant warships

Flags Officials of the Navy of Russia

Educational institutions of the Navy of the Russian Federation

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Navy (Navy), type of armed forces (Sun), designed to solve strategic and operational tasks on ocean and sea twearies; In a number of states - naval forces (Navy). According to their combat capabilities, modern Navy is able to inflict nuclear strikes on important ground-based enemy objects, destroy the forces of his fleet in the sea and in the databases, violate the (tear) ocean and sea transportation, conquer the domination of marine (ocean) areas, to promote land forces (SV) In carrying out operations on continental TVD, to defend their maritime (ocean) transportation, land maritime assaults. The Navy conducts operations and conducts fighting independently or together with other types of Sun. The main properties of the Navy: high mobility, large autonomy, the ability to operate in any areas of the world's ocean, constant combat readiness and high combat stability of its underwater forces and aircraft carrier groups.

The development of the fleet began in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome and China, trade vessels were originally built, and later military rowing ships. In the Greek Fleet in the 5th century BC, the main class of the warship was triger. The most common types of vehicles of the Roman fleet in the 3-2th century BC were Trill (the same as Triele) and Pentera (a lot of large sizes with 5 rows of chest). In the 1st century BC in Rome, along with these types of ships, Lubourgs appeared - small ships with a single-row placement of chest and greater maneuverability. The main methods of armed struggle on the sea were Taran and Aborduzh. Later, throwing machines were used as weapons - ballists and catapults, installed in the nasal part of the ship and shifted by stones and incendiary shells. In the 7th century of our era, Venetsians based on Roman Lubourne created an improved type of rowing ship - a gallery, which gradually pushed out other types of row ships and by the end of the Middle Ages became the main combat ship. In 10-12 centuries in a number of Mediterranean countries, as well as in the Anglo-Sailors, Normannov and Danes have emerged sailing ships. The transition from rowing courts to sailing ended by the middle of the 17th century. Artillery becomes the main weapon of sailing ships. In 16-17 centuries in England, France, Spain and Holland are constant military fleets. By the beginning of the 18th century, ships, depending on the displacement, the number of guns and the number of crew, began to divide into classes and ranks. At the same time, the combat organization of a sailing fleet was formed - a squadron appeared. The tactics of maritime fighting with sailing fleets was to build his ships to the brilvater column, to take a covered position in relation to the enemy ships and, concerning them with them, destroy them with fire of their artillery. If the artillery duel did not lead to success, the battle was completed by an arbor bit.

The beginning of the creation of a regular military fleet of Russia was founded in 1696, when the Azov flotilla was built in order to fight for the Azov and Black Seas on the river, the Azov Flotilla was built on the river. During the Northern War, 1700-21 years was created by the Baltic Fleet, who nominated Russia to the number of large marine powers. Already at the beginning of its formation, the Russian fleet won the first victory over the Swedish fleet in the ganguta sea battle of 1714 and later entered many heroic pages in the domestic history.

In the 2nd half of the 18th century, the development of industry, science and technology made it possible to significantly improve the design of ship housings, their sailing and artillery weapons. The displacement of linear ships increased from 1 to 4 thousand tons, the number of tools increased to 135, the ship artillery was improved (bronze guns were replaced with cast-iron, rapidity increased to 1 shot of 3 minutes, shooting range - from 300 to 600 m). Sailing fleet reached its top.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the first steam warships appeared. After the Crimean War of 1853-56, all states moved to the construction of steam armored ships. The transition to the construction of the steam fleet coincided with the introduction of a row ship artillery, which has a greater range and shooting accuracy. The appearance in the 1870s mines, and then torpedo led to the creation of mine barrels and the destroyers. Stormy technological progress led to the creation of three main types of ships on a fleet: squadron battleships for artillery battle; cruisers for the sentigible service, exploration and destruction of merchant ships; Mission to complete the combat minno-torpedo attack of damaged ships. Increasing the role of the Navy at the end of the 19th century (the theory of "sea strength", the founders - the American counter-admiral A. T. Mahan and the British vice-admiral F.H. Kolombo) was associated with the active colonial policy of the leading states of the world.

After the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-05, bathers appeared in the Flotov, who became a decisive force in the armed struggle on the sea. They are constantly improved: the number of artillery of the main caliber artillery, its range and rapidity (up to 2 shots in 1 min), reservation, speed of stroke. In connection with the technical improvement, the role in the sea battle of torpedorate weapons increased and as part of Fleets instead of the destroyers, the Squaded Mission (destroyers), equipped with artillery and torpedo weapons appeared. For the intelligence, the fight against the enemy's esmin and actions on maritime communications in many states built light cruisers. Improving internal combustion engines, electric motors, batteries and periscopes created prerequisites at the beginning of the 20th century for the construction of submarines (PL), which in most states were originally intended to combat surface vehicles of the enemy in coastal waters and intelligence. In a number of states, the construction of hydrosalets began.

In the 1st World War in battles at sea, hundreds of surface ships, pl, and at the last stage - and airplanes. The battleships were used extremely limited due to sharply increased mine danger, threats from pl and other combat. A wide application was widely used, the displacement of which by the end of the war increased to 8 thousand tons, and the speed of the course was up to 30 knots (55.5 km / h) and more. The vehicles of the universal destination showed themselves to the destroyers who became the most numerous in the composition of Fleets who fought states; Their displacement was reduced to 2 thousand tons, speed - up to 38 knots (70 km / h). Further development received miner barriers. Special types of trawls appeared: Squaded (speed), basic and trawl boats. An important role in the hostilities on the sea began to play PL, which were taken into an independent genus of the Navy forces, capable of successfully solving not only tactical, but also operational tasks. During the 1st World War, aircraft carriers appeared, guard ships, torpedo boats. For the first time, maritime aviation was used, the airplanes of which were engaged in reconnaissance, caused bombing strikes on ships and fleet databases, corrected fire artillery fire. Arms of marine aviation aircraft along with bombs Torpeda became a bomb. The Navy began to turn into the appearance of the aircraft, combining compounds and parts of surface ships, pl, aviation and marines, with the dominant value of the surface ships.

In the period between the 1st and 2nd world wars, preference was given to the construction of battleships. Ships of other classes are aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, etc. - were intended to ensure the actions of the battleships. In 1937-38, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States moved to the serial construction of aircraft carriers. Creiser, destroyers, pl, torpedo boats were intensively built. Flotov included bomber, mino-torpedo, intelligence and fighter aviation. Ships were equipped with an improved artillery and torpedo weapon, non-contact mines appeared, new anti-submarine weapons, radar and hydrolytics began to be used.

In the 2nd world war, the will with the sea increased significantly. During the war, the battleships lost to aircraft carriers the role of the main shock force. Intensive development received marine aviation (deck and ground-based base). The role of the PL, which was used mainly to combat surface ships. Aviation, pl and mine weapons were used to combat enemy PL. Flots began to use air defense ships. The war confirmed the conclusion that the goals of the armed struggle on the sea are achieved by the combined efforts of the heterogeneous forces of the fleet.

In the post-war period in the construction of the Navy of many foreign countries, and above all, the United States, the main efforts were directed to the creation of atomic pls armed with ballistic missiles, as well as aircraft carriers. There was a quality update of the park aircraft aircraft Navy. Superwater ships began to be equipped with anti-workers, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft missiles, and atomic PL - strategic rockets. The saturation of ships and aircraft aircraft Aviation VMS with various electronic means has sharply. The anti-submarine and landing helicopters, ships and boats appeared on underwater wings, on an air cushion, etc.

In Russia, after 1917, the Navy was created and developed as an integral part of the RSFSR (since 1924 - the USSR). Decree on the creation of the working and peasant Red Fleet (RKKF) was adopted by SNK 29.1 (11.2) .1918. During the years of the Civil War, 1917-22 in the RKKF, more than 30 marine, lake and river military fleets are formed, mainly from the ships of the Baltic Fleet. Most ships of the Black Sea Fleet due to the threat of capturing their German occupiers 18.6.1918 was flooded in the area of \u200b\u200bNovorossiysk, some of the ships went to the Azov Sea and amounted to the core of the Azov military flotilla. Ships acting on the side of the White Movement, in November 1920 were taken to Tunisia. After the end of the Civil War from the Russian Imperial Fleet, the units of ships were left, which demanded repairs.

In 1926, the first Soviet program of military shipbuilding was adopted. By 1929, a significant part of the ships was repaired, the Esminians, partially battleships were modernized, naval bases were restored. In 1929-40, the Baltic and Black Sea and Chernomorsky (1935) and North (1937) fleets were established at the expense of the construction of new ships. For the direct leadership of the Navy, the People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR (December 1937) was formed. At the same time, the People's Commissariat of the USSR shipbuilding industry was allocated from the national commissariat of the Defense Industry of the USSR. In 1938, a program for the construction of the Big Maritime and Ocean Fleet was adopted. At the same time, new forms and ways of conducting hostilities at sea, directions for the development of the fleet forces were actively investigated. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the USSR Navy included about 1 thousand warships of various classes (including 3 lincars, 8 cruisers, 54 destroyers and leaders, 212 pls, 22 watchdogs, 80 trawls, 287 torpedo boats), Over 2, 5 thousand sealed aircraft and 260 coastal artillery batteries. The system of basing the forces of the Navy has significantly improved.

During the Great Patriotic War, the USSR Navy was fighting for the destruction of the fleet of the enemy, violated his maritime communications, guarded his marine, lake and river transportation, promoted the Primorsky grouping of Soviet troops in conducting defensive and offensive operations. The Northern Fleet together with the Allied Navy (Great Britain, USA) provided communications connecting the Northern Ports of the USSR with the ports of these states, conducted active actions on the maritime communications of the enemy. To ensure the safety of vessel traffic in the Arctic, and in particular in the Northern Sea Route, the White Sea military flotilla was created. In 1942, the Northern Fleet was entrusted with the defense of the Peninsula Middle and Rybachi. The Baltic Fleet participated in the defense of Liepaja, Tallinn, the Moonzund Islands, Hanko Peninsula, Oranienbaum Bridgehead, Vyborg Bay Islands and the Northern Coast of Lake Lake, and also played an important role in the heroic defense of Leningrad. The Black Sea Fleet together with SV defended Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk, participated in the defense of the North Caucasus. On multi-water rivers and lakes to create defensive frontiers, river and lake floties: Pinskaya, mantle, Ladoga, Onega, Volzhskaya, detachment of ships on Lake Ilmen. From the Azov military flotilla, the detachments of ships were allocated for action on the Don and Kuban rivers. Ladoga military flotilla provided communications through Lake Ladoga (Road of Life) with a besieged Leningrad. The sailors of the Volga military flotilla in the defense of Stalingrad and to ensure important national business transportation on the Volga, made a great contribution. In 1943, the Dnieper Military Flotilla was recreated, and in 1944 - Danube military flotilla. The ships of the Dnieper flotilla, relocated in the pool of the Oder River, took part in the Berlin operation of 1945. Danube Flotilla participated in the liberation of Belgrade, Budapest and Vienna. The Pacific Fleet and Amur Military Flotilla in August - September 1945 participated in the defeat of the Japanese Quantong Army, the liberation of Korea, Manchuria, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The Navy sent about 500 thousand sailors and officers to land fronts. Military sailors fought near Odessa, Sevastopol, Moscow, Leningrad. Over the years of war, the Soviet Navy conducted over 100 maritime operational and tactical landing operations. For combat merits in the Great Patriotic War, 78 ships were assigned to the Guards title, about 80 compounds and parts were honored with honorary names, over 240 ships, parts and various formations of the Navy received state awards. More than 350 thousand sailors were awarded orders and medals, over 500 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, of which 7 were twice.

In the post-war time, the USSR Navy developed, taking into account the experience of the Great Patriotic War on the basis of achievements of science and technology. Diesel and atomic submerities were created, rocket ships and boats, anti-submarine ships capable of conducting successful struggle with modern PL. Sea aircraft received jet aircraft, capable of carrying rocket over long distances and hit the ships of various classes, replenished with antiwriter airplanes and helicopters. Rocket complexes were admitted to the Navy. Marine infantry received military equipment necessary to land off marine assaults on an unequipped coast.

The Navy of the Russian Federation is the successor of the Russian Navy and the Navy of the USSR, intended to ensure military security from the marine and ocean areas, the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation and its allies in the world ocean by military methods, maintaining military-political stability. In addition, the Navy creates and maintains the conditions for ensuring the safety of the Morcherya activities of the Russian Federation in the World Ocean.

The Navy of the Russian Federation consists of maritime strategic nuclear forces and naval forces (troops) of general purpose. Includes: underwater forces, surface forces of the fleet, sea aircraft and air defense, coastal troops, which are the values \u200b\u200bof the forces (troops) of the Navy, as well as special troops (intelligence, communications, radio engineering, radio electronic struggle, sea engineering, ship repair, hydrographic, etc.) and rear. Coastal troops, in turn, are divided into the kind of troops: maritime infantry, coastal rocket-artillery troops and coastal defense troops. In organizational terms, the Navy includes the Baltic, North, Pacific and Black Sea Fleets, as well as the Caspian military flotilla and compounds, parts, central subordination institutions. The main shock force of the Navy is a rocket underwater cruiser of strategic destination, multipurpose atomic submarines and marine rocket-bearing aviation.

The US Navy, Great Britain, France and China includes: strategic nuclear forces (atomic missile PL) and general purpose (aircraft carriers, battleships, multipurpose pl, escort ships, fire support ships, various landing ships, etc.), as well as aviation Navy and marine infantry. Navy Italy, Germany, Canada, Turkey, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands and other NATO member countries, as well as Sweden, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Arab Republic of Egypt, India, Israel, Pakistan, Japan, etc. include diesel pl, surface Ships, aircraft Navy, marine infantry and subsidiary ships (see more details in articles about these states).

Lit.: Combat Chronicle of the Russian Fleet. Chronicle of the most important events of the military history of the Russian Fleet from the IX century to 1917 M., 1948; Gorshkov S. G. Sea Pole State. 2nd ed. M., 1979; The fighting path of the Soviet Navy. 4th ed. M., 1988; VEYNENKO N.P., Makeev B. N., Skivarev V. D. Naval Fleet: the role, development prospects, use. M., 1988; Armed forces of basic capitalist states. M., 1988; Firsov I. I. Peter Creation: To the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet. M., 1992; Berezovsky N.Yu., Berezhnaya S. S., Nikolaev 3.V. Movie Chronicle of the Navy, 1917-1941. M., 1992; Military encyclopedia. M., 1994. T. 2; Gribovsky V. Yu., Zrolgin A. A. History of the Russian Fleet. St. Petersburg, 1996; Russian science - naval fleet. M., 1997; Kostya G. G. Naval Fleet of the country, 1945-1995: ups and downs. St. Petersburg., 1999.

The Navy of Russia has 203 superwater ships and 71 submarines, including 23 atomic submarines equipped with ballistic and cruise missiles. Russia's defense capability at sea provides modern and powerful ships.

"Peter the Great"

The heavy atomic rocket cruiser "Pya Great" is the largest in the world in the world a non-aviance shock ship. It is able to destroy the enemy aircraft carriers. The only cruiser of the famous Soviet project 1144 "Orlan". Built in the Baltic Plant and launched on the water in 1989. Commissioned after 9 years.

For 16 years, the cruiser passed 140,000 miles. The flagship of the Northern Fleet of the Navy of Russia, the port of the registry is Severomorsk.
With a width of 28.5 meters, a length of 251 meters has long. Complete displacement of 25860 tons.
Two nuclear reactors with a capacity of 300 megawatts, two boilers, turbines and gas turbinerators are able to provide energy by the city by the population of 200 thousand. May develop speed up to 32 nodes, the melting range is not limited. Crew in 727 people can be in autonomous swimming 60 days.
Armament: 20 CM-233 launchers with covered rockets P-700 Granite, firing range - 700 km. Film complex "Reef" C-300F (96 vertical start missiles). Anti-aircraft system "Cort" with a reserve of 128 missiles. Artist by AK-130. Two anti-submarine rocket and torpedo complex "Waterfall", the Council-1M anti-separated complex. Reactive installations of bombing of RBU-12000 and RBU-1000 "Tornado-3". Three anti-submarine helicopters "Ka-27" can be based on board.

"Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union of Kuznetsov"

Heavy aviance cruiser "Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" (Project 11435). Built in the Black Sea Shipbuilding Plant, launched in 1985. I wore the names of "Riga", "Leonid Brezhnev", "Tbilisi". Since 1991, he entered the Northern Fleet. We carried the combat service in the Mediterranean, participated in the rescue operation at the death of Kursk. Three years later, according to the plan, it will take up modernization.
The length of the cruiser is 302.3 meters, full displacement of 55,000 tons. Maximum speed - 29 nodes. The crew in 1960 people can be in the sea a month and a half.
Armament: 12 granite anti-relocated missiles, 60 missiles "Break-1", 24 Installations of the VCC "Blade" (192 rockets,) and "chestnut" (256 rockets). It may carry 24 Ka-27 helicopters, 16 sundonous aircraft Yak-41m vertical takeoff and up to 12 Su-27K fighters.


"Moscow", Guards Rocket Cruiser. Multipurpose ship. Built on ship shipping factor of 61 Communar in Nikolaev. Was originally called "Glory". Commissioned in 1983. Flagship of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia.
He participated in the military conflict with Georgia, in 2014 he carried out the blockade of the Ukrainian Navy.
With a width of 20.8 meters, it has a length of 186.4 meters and a displacement of 11490 tons. Maximum speed 32 node. Swimming range up to 6000 nautical miles. The crew in 510 people can be a month in the "autonomy".
Armament: 16 installations of P-500 "Basalt", two art installations AK-130, six 6-bodle art installations AK-630, installations B-204 S-300F SPF (64 rockets), launching installations SPC "OSA-Ma" (48 rockets), torpedo devices, reactive bombing of RBU-6000, Ka-27 helicopter.
A copy of "Moscow" - the cruiser "Varyag" is the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.


The watchdog "Dagestan" was commissioned in 2012. Built on a Zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant. In 2014, transferred to the Caspian flotilla. This is the second ship of the project 11661k, the first - Tatarstan is the flagship of the Caspian Fleet.
Dagestan has more powerful and modern weapons: the Universal RC "Calibr-NK", which can apply several types of high-precision missiles (the shooting range is more than 300 km), Zrak "Palma", AU AK-176M. Equipped with STELS technology.
With a 13.1 meter width, Dagestan has a length of 102.2 meters, displacement of 1900 tons. May develop speed up to 28 nodes. The crew of 120 people can be in autonomous swimming for 15 days.
The shipyard laid four more such ship.


The flagship of the Baltic Fleet Esminets "persistent" was built on the Leningrad Shipbuilding Plant named after Zhdanov and launched on the water in 1991. It is intended to destroy terrestrial targets, anti-aircraft and anti-worker defense of compounds.
With a width of 17.2 meters, it has a length of 156.5 meters, and a displacement of 7940 tons. The crew of 296 people may be in swimming without entering the port up to 30 days.
The destroyer carries the Ka-27 helicopter. Equipped with spray art installations AK-130/54, Six-power installations of AK-630, installations of P-270 "Mosquito", six-solid reactive bombing installations, two SHTIl SPC and torpedo devices.

"Yury Dolgoruky"

Atomic submarine "Yuri Dolgoruky" (the first submarine of the project 955 "Borea") was laid in 1996 in Severodvinsk. Commissioned in 2013. The port of the registry is Gadzhiyevo. It is part of the Northern Fleet.
Boat length 170 meters, underwater displacement - 24,000 tons. Maximum surface speed - 15 nodes, underwater - 29 nodes. Crew 107 people. Maybe three months carry combat duty without entering the port.
Yuri Dolgoruky carries 16 ballistic missiles "Bulaw", equipped with PHR 9R38 "Needle", 533-miliethly torpedo vessels, six installations of acoustic counteraction RPPS-324 "Barrbum". In the coming years, six more submarines of the same class will be built on the versions of Russia.


Multi-purpose nuclear submarine "Severodvinsk" was the first submarine of the new Russian project 855 "ash". The most "quiet" submarine in the world. Built in Severodvinsk. In 2014, he became part of the Northern Fleet of the Navy of Russia. The port of the registry is western faces.
With a width of 13.5 meters, it has a length of 119 meters, underwater displacement of 13,800 tons,
The surface speed of Severodvinsk is 16 nodes, underwater - 31 node. The autonomy of swimming is 100 days, the crew is 90 people.
It has a modern silent nuclear reactor of the new generation. The submarine is equipped with ten torpedo apparatus, Cable missiles P-100 "Onyx", X-35, ZM-54E, ZM-54E1, ZM-14E. Strategic Winged Rockets X-101 and may affect targets within a radius of up to 3000 kilometers. Until 2020 in Russia, it is planned to build six more classes of class "ash".

Military forces are a specific type of armed forces, guarding the interests of Russia. They are ready to protect their homeland on the ocean and nautical theaters of hostilities. The fleet is ready to interact with the ground forces during possible continental wars.

Flag of the Navy

Since 1992, the fleet has returned the historical flag of the Russian Navy, thereby continuing the interrupted tradition. Under it, as before, the sailors perform responsible tasks of maintaining the country's defense capability.

Tasks of the fleet in peacetime

In peacetime, the fleet potential serves to contain the possible aggression of the likely enemy in relation to the Russian Federation. There is a continuous training and combat work. It would seem that the time is peaceful, but somewhere on its routes continuously carry out a combat duty of rocket-bearing submarines (RPLSN). In strategically important areas, search, observation and maintenance of RPLSN, aircraft carrier groups of the probable enemy. It is opposed to its intelligence, communications. There is a preliminary examination of areas of possible hostilities.

The Navy of Russia is ready to protect the coast, act jointly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops in the event of civil conflicts, and when eliminating the consequences of the catastrophe - to work with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Civil Defense.

Obviously, it is naval forces that are a better guarantee of the implementation of national economic activities in the World Ocean. They represent the Russian Federation on endless water expanders, execute representative functions by the command by visiting the ships. Russian Navy also performs interstate obligations, participating in peacekeeping operations ratified by the world community, subject to their compliance with the interests of the country.

Tasks of the fleet in wartime

In wartime, the fleet is ready to actively defend the sovereignty of the state on the space of the exclusive zone, as well as on the shelf of continental. In addition, he also follows with military threats to perform a specific "maritime task" - to defend the freedom of the open sea. To perform the above tasks during the specified combat work standards, it is translated into a military state by operational deployment. If you have the possibility of localizing the conflict or prevent it, protecting shipping, this feature is paramount.

Under the conditions of the active phase of hostilities, the fleet of the Navy of Russia should affect the remote ground objects of the enemy, ensure the combat operation of the RPLSN, to strike on the underwater and surface naval forces, the coastal defense of the enemy, to protect the coast of Russia, to interact with the land front groupings of the troops.

Fleet composition

The leadership of the military fleet is carried out by the General Command of the Navy. It refers to the management of its functional forces and means: surface and underwater, naval aviation, coastal troops, coastal artillery-rocket, marine infantry.

The organizational Navy of Russia is the following operational and strategic associations: Baltic, Northern, Pacific, Black Sea Fleet, as well as the Caspian Flotilla.

Northern Fleet

Naval databases are Severomorsk and Severodvinsk. It is called ocean, atomic, rocket. The basis of combat power is atomic submarines-rocket magazine and torpedo submarines, rocket-bearing aviation, and pr / boat, pr / boat, rocket ships, as well as an aircraft carrier - Fleet flagship, a nuclear heavy rocket cruiser "Peter Great". At the same time, this mighty combat ship is the flagship of the Navy of Russia.

The length of this missile cruiser is 251.1 m, the width is 28.5 m, the height from the level of the main plane of it is 59 m, the displacement is 23.7 thousand tons. Mighty "heart" giant serve two nuclear reactors. The autonomy of the flagship of the flagship of Russia is determined by the reserve of food for the crew on board, which is enough for about 2 months. Technically, thanks to its reactors, the cruiser can swim in unlimited - without entering the port. Maximum ship speed - 31 node.

The Northern Fleet is the most terrible operational and strategic formation of its power to military ships in order to combat training, educational combat missions are regularly set. For example, the flagship of the fleet about once every and a half years together with the accompanying ships intersects the Atlantic Ocean, in his account participation in the international exercises "East-2010", "Indra-2009".

Baltic Fleet

Near the "windows to Europe" carries the composition of his (ships) today is hardly upgraded and updated. The process takes place against the background of the military relics of NATO countries in Europe. The Baltic Fleet is planned to be strengthened at the expense of new projects of the project 11,356 with eight cruising anti-relocated rockets and anti-submarine rocket-trades on board.

This operational and strategic formation is based in the Kaliningrad region (Baltiysk) and in the Leningrad Region (Kronstadt). It is functionally protects the Baltic Economic Zone, contributes to the safety of courts, performs the functions of foreign policy. This is the oldest Russian fleet. His story began with a victory over Swedish ships 05/18/1703. Now 2 - "Restless" and "persistent" - form the basis of the combat power of the Baltic Navy of Russia.

Forms his combat potential of a brigade of diesel submarines, the division of ships of surface, auxiliary ships, coastal troops, sea aviation. The flagship ship is the squadrous destroyer "persistent". This year, shipping navigation systems (hydrometeokomplexes, cartographic systems, hydraulic designers, etc.) are updated.), It is planned to modernize the Baltic Harbor.

Black Sea Fleet

After entering the Russian Empire of Crimea, in 1783, this fleet was created with Empress Catherine, this fleet was created. Now it is based in the cities of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. From 18.03.2014, the main base of the ChF - G. Sevastopol - became part of Russia.

25 thousand people numbers l / s of the Black Sea Navy of Russia. It is the following strength and means: diesel submarines, surface vehicles type "Ocean-Sea", sea aviation (fighter, rocket, anti-submarine). The main tasks of this fleet is the protection of the Black Sea Economic Zone and the provision of shipping. The flagship of the fleet is the rocket cruiser "Moscow".

At the current time, military browsers report the formation of the Black Sea Fleet Coastal and Artillery with providing radiotechnical A / h, equipped with complexes of S-300 PM2, "Poles-C1". The naval fleet aviation is expected to be enhanced by MiG-29 and Su-27cm aircraft, Su-25cm attack aircraft. It is also assumed to reinforce anti-submarine aircraft by additional acquisition by parts of IL-38N aircraft, helicopters shock ka-52k and decks Ka-29m and Ka-27.

As reported in the press, the Tu-22m3 bombers will be stationed in the guards in the Guards. They will be able to tactically support the Wamf Wamf ships of the Mediterranean squadron. In parallel, the formation of land in / h peninsula.

Pacific fleet

This fleet of the Russian Federation ensures the protection of Russia's interests in the Asia-Pacific region. It is based in Vladivostok, in Fokino, in Small Ulysses. The basis of combat power is the strategic underwater rocket cruisers, submarines atomic and diesel, ocean surface ships, sea aviation (fighter, rocket, anti-submarine), coastal troops. The flagship of the fleet is the Varyag rocket cruiser.

This fleet performs an important strategic task of nuclear deterrence. Constantly on the routes of combat duty are atomic submarines. Pacific ships of the Navy of Russia are guaranteed to protect the regional economic zone.

Caspian Flotilla

Caspian flotilla is based in Makhachkala and Caspian. The region of this sea is its responsibility zone. Organizational flotilla is a component of the southern in. It forms brigades and divisions of surface ships. The flagship of flotilla is the guard ship "Cheetah", equipped with Calibr-NK Cabin Rockets. Before it, the tasks of countering terrorism, the safety of swimming, the protection of the state interests of Russia in the oil-producing region are delivered.

Ships included in the Navy of Russia

At first glance, a non-specialist is difficult to even imagine the ship's staff of the Navy of Russia, but still, as it turned out, this information is in free access. This allows you to "embrace an immense": in a convenient compact form to submit a summary data on the fleets of the Power, occupying 1/5 sushi (see Table 1). We comment on the reduction allowed in the table: the fleet in it for compactness is indicated by capital letters.

Table 1. Ship composition of the Russian Navy as of the beginning of 2014.

Class FROM B. T. KFL C. Total
Rocket Cruiser strategist. destination10 4 14
Diz. / Electric submarines8 2 8 2 20
Multipurpose submarines atomic, armed torpedo with rockets18 10 28
Atomic submarines Special forces8 8
Diesel submarines Special forces3 1 2 6
Total - underwater fleet 47 3 24 0 2 76
Heat. Atomic rockets. Cruiser2 2 4
Heat. Avianeke Cruiser1 1
Rocket. Cruiser1 1 1 3
Squad. Ministry of Justice3 2 4 9
Watchdown ships 2 3 5
Big antivody. ships5 4 1 10
Watchtime ships 3 2 5
Small missiles. ships3 4 4 2 4 17
Small artillers. ships 4 4
Small antivody. ships6 7 8 7 28
Rocket. Boat 7 11 6 5 29
Oppusses. Boat 1 1 1 3 6
Artillers. Boat2 5 7
Far Trashrs4 2 7 13
Raid travelers1 15 5 2 23
Middle Trawers6 5 7 2 2 22
Large landing. ships4 4 4 7 19
Landing Boat4 6 4 6 2 22
Landing Ships on remuneration. pillow. 2 2
Total - surface fleet 42 56 52 33 44 227

Prospects for the development of the Navy of Russia

Let us analyze the prospects for the development of the fleet, based on the interview given by the Commander of the National Security Committee of Russia, Admiral Viktor Viktorovich Chirkov.

The logic of the development of the fleet as a complex, holistic organism, considers admiral, does not accept reconciliation solutions.

Therefore, its development is planned as a strategic process until 2050. The purpose of further progress is associated with an increase in the effectiveness of the enemy's nuclear containment.

The plan provides for what will receive the Navy of Russia the latest ships in the 3 stages:

  • from 2012 to 2020;
  • from 2021 to 2030;
  • from 2031 to 2050.

At the first stage, the construction of submarine atomic cruisers IV generation will be completed. The main carrier of the ballistic weapon will be RPLSN of the 955A project.

The second stage will be marked by the replacement of the current RPLSN their analogs of the IV generation. It is also planned to create for surface ships of the ship's strategic missile complex. At the same time, the development of underwater atomic cruisers of the fifth generation will be launched.

At the third stage, it is supposed to deploy the construction of the tests of the atomic cruisers of the V generation.

In addition to the fundamental increase in the potential characteristics of the Navy of Russia, the newest ships are the strategic underwater cruisers and the RPLSN - will be characterized by an increased high-speed, low noise, perfect bond, using robotics.

Tasks facing coastal troops

Recall that earlier we have already called the main bases of the Navy of Russia for all its fleets. However, the intended development of the fleet for the period up to 2050, will certainly affect the coast guard. What accents in it sees the commander of chirkov? Considering the Bases of the Navy of Russia in the process of their further strategic development, Viktor Viktorovich makes a bet on the completion of the creation of coastal missile systems, the preparation and equipment of marines for the fulfillment of tasks in the conditions of the North.


Although the basis of the organizational structure of the Navy of Russia will not change (4 fleets and 1 flotilla), in their framework there will be heterogeneous highly melany shock forces. In the key of their creation, successful development of unmanned vehicles, systems of artificial intelligence, marine robotosuses, weapons of non-fatal action are continued.

Summing up the review of the fleet of Russia, you should pay special attention to the prospect of its update by ship IV, and then V generation. However, the basis of the power of the Navy after the implementation of the plan will be underwater atomic cruisers V generation. A fundamental increase in combat power will be accompanied by the improvement of management systems, the integration of the Navy forces into interspecific groups of troops at possible theaters of hostilities.

In the end of our modest presentation of the Navy of Russia - the photo of its atomic flagship, the rocket cruiser "Peter Great".