Give an interpretation of the term grotesque. Grotesque

Give an interpretation of the term grotesque.  Grotesque
Give an interpretation of the term grotesque. Grotesque

Grotesque it a kind of conventional fantastic imagery, demonstratively violating the principles of plausibility, in which imaginative plans that are not combined in reality are bizarrely and illogically combined and artistic details. Ornaments were called grotesque discovered at the end of the 15th century. Raphael during the excavation of the ancient Roman baths of Titus. Distinctive feature of these images - a free combination of pictorial elements: human forms passed into animals and plants, human figures grew from cups of flowers, plant shoots intertwined with chimeras and bizarre structures. These ornaments are mentioned in his book by B. Cellini (Life of Benvenuto Cellini, 1558-65), JV Goethe writes about their features, calling them arabesques. The transfer of the term to the field of literature and the real flowering of this type of imagery occurs in the era of romanticism F. Schlegel in his "Letter about the novel" (1800) considers grotesque as an expression of the spirit of the times, its only, along with "personal confessions", a romantic product. On the grotesque, as on characteristic feature romantic literature, in contrast to the "form of the dead" - classical literature, indicates in the manifesto French romanticism“Prefaces to the drama“ Cromwell ”(1827) V. Gugh. S. Baudelaire addressed the problem of the grotesque in the article “On the nature of laughter and the comic in plastic arts”, Contrasting laughter as“ just comic ”grotesque as“ absolutely comic ”. The term grotesque became especially popular in the 20th century, initially in connection with innovative phenomena in theater arts(V.E. Meyerhold), later in connection with the spread of ideas expressed in the book of M.M. Bakhtin about F. Rabel (1965).

The grotesque could arise in those genres of literature where the implausibility of fiction was obvious to both the author and the reader (listener). Such are comic genres antiquity (the comedies of Aristophanes, The Golden Donkey (2nd century), Apuleius, humorous and satirical works Renaissance, folklore fables. Since the 18th century, grotesque is built mainly on the violation of the accepted system of reproducing reality, with which fantasy enters into a kind of conflict (grotesque stories by N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, "The History of a City", 1869-70, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin). Grotesque can be humorous when, with the help of fiction, the discrepancy between the present and the ought is emphasized, or when qualities that cause an ironic attitude are literally embodied in the fantastic forms of the appearance and behavior of the characters. However, it is in satire aimed mostly at ridicule social vices, where fantastic images act in the most generalized form, some of the content possibilities of the grotesque, in particular, its allegory, are more fully revealed. The grotesque can also be tragic - in works with tragic situations, when fate and the spiritual confusion of the individual are put in the center. This can be an image of the suppression of the personality by the instincts of biological existence ("Metamorphosis", 1916, F. Kafka), the motive of a collision with a doll, mistaken for a human ("Sand Man").

The word grotesque comes from French grotesque, Italian grottesco, which means - whimsical from grotta - grotto.

Extraordinary styles in art attract the attention of the same unusual people... And also the eccentric grotesque attracts special people. But what is the essence of this genre and how is grotesque reflected in literature? Let's figure it out. Grotesque is an ugly comic image of something or someone based on contrast and exaggeration. V everyday life, many perceive the grotesque as something ugly and eccentric. Nowadays, it is widely used in carnival images at various holidays.

A bit of history

The grotesque has quite ancient origins ... Its roots go back to ancient Rome in the time of Nero. Once the emperor, possessing incredible imagination and artistic taste, wished that the walls of his palace were decorated with views and images that did not exist in nature.

But fate is not too favorable and subsequently the palace was destroyed by Emperor Troyan. Time passed and soon, ruins and underground structures were accidentally found during the Renaissance.

The found underground ruins were called grottoes, which is translated from Italian as grotto or dungeon. The painting that adorned these ruins later became known as grotesque.


In an effort to immerse the reader in a world full of fantasy and incredible phenomena, the author uses many techniques and styles. One of them is grotesque... It combines seemingly incompatible - it's terrible and funny, sublime and disgusting.

Grotesque in Wikipedia means a combination of reality and fantasy, as a combination of truth and caricature, as an interweaving of hyperbole and alogism. Grotesque from the French quirky. In contrast to the same irony, the fact that in this style funny and funny images are horrible and frightening at the same time. It's like two sides of the same coin.

In literature, grotesque and satire go hand in hand.... But they are not the same thing. Under the mask of implausibility and fantasticness lies a kind of generalizing view of the artist at the world and important events in him.

Plays, décor and costumes are based on this whimsical style. He fights against the mundane and allows authors and artists to discover the unlimited possibilities of their talent. Style will help expand the inner boundaries of a person's worldview.

Grotesque examples of using style

  • A striking example of application is fairy tales. If you remember, then the image of Koshchei the Immortal pops up. Having been created, this figure combined both human nature and unknown forces, mystical possibilities, making him practically invincible. In fairy tales, reality and fantasy are often intertwined, but still the boundaries remain obvious. At first glance, grotesque images appear as absurd, devoid of any meaning. The enhancer of this image is a combination of everyday occurrences.
  • The story "The Nose" by Gogol is also considered a shining example using style in the plot. The protagonist's nose acquires independent life and is separated from the owner.

In painting

In the Middle Ages, it was typical for folk culture expressing an original way of thinking. The style peaked in popularity during the Renaissance. He endows the works of the great artists of the time with drama and contradiction.

Do not miss: artistic device in literature and Russian.


This is a manifestation of the comic style in art in its sharpest sense. With the help of irony, grotesque, a bit of hyperbole, she reveals humiliating and terrible phenomena, giving her poetic form. Many poets use this artistic style to ridicule any phenomenon.

A negative attitude towards the subject of ridicule will be characteristic of satire.


An element used by many authors and poets for exaggeration. The artistic figure helps to enhance the eloquence of thoughts. This technique can be successfully combined with other stylistic turns. ... Exaggeration is combined with and comparison, giving them an unusual color. Hyperbola can be found in different art styles, such as oratorical, romantic and many others to enhance sensory perception.


A technique that is used to oppose the hidden meaning to the explicit one. When using this artistic figure, there is a feeling that the subject of irony is not what it seems in reality.

Forms of irony

  • Straight. Used to belittle and strengthen negative traits subject of discussion;
  • Anti-irony. Used to indicate that an object is undervalued;
  • Self-irony. Your own person is being ridiculed;
  • An ironic worldview. Rejection to heart social values and stereotypes;
  • Socratic irony. The subject of discussion itself must come to hidden meaning statements, pondering all the said information of the subject.

What-n. in a fantastic, ugly comic form, based on sharp contrasts and exaggerations.

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


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    Grotesque, grotesque, grotesque (bookish). adj. to grotesque in 1 value (claim.). Grotesque style. || Ugly comic. A grotesque sight. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    grotesque- Grotesque, grotesque oh, oh. grotesque. Rel. to the grotesque reception associated with it. BAS 2. The lower floor of the Sheremetev palace has a grotesque canopy, a grotesque chamber, an entertainment hall. 1773. RM 1928 1 138. Through a large ravine three ... ... Historical Dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

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  • City of Nezhnotrakhov, Bolshaya Dvoryanskaya, Ferflucht Platz, Alexey Kozlov. A grotesque novel about the formation and search for one's own self in the wonderful city of Nezhnotrakhov, upon closer inspection, it turns out to be terribly similar to Voronezh. Surreal descriptionseBook
  • Life by concepts. Election of the Tsar, Sergey Karamov. Grotesque realism, a satirical genre created by the author, allowed him to describe in full social aspects of our life today, reaching at times the pathos of denunciation, everything ...

Grotesque (from Italian grottesco - bizarre from grotta - grotto) is a peculiar style in literature, which emphasizes the distortion or confusion of the norms of reality and the compatibility of contarsts - comic and tragic, fantastic and real, etc. Whole literary directions denied the grotesque, arguing that in exaggeration, distortion, there is no fidelity to "nature."

Why should the reader know that baby Gargantua, who crawled out of Gargamel's ear, who ate sixteen large barrels, two small and six pots of giblets, screams, as if inviting everyone to drink: "Drink, drink, drink." And how to believe that 17,913 cows were allocated to feed the baby, and 1105 cubits of white woolen cloth were taken for his pants. And, of course, a prudent reader will not find an ounce of truth in a story about how, having decided to repay the Parisians for a bad reception, “... Gargantua unfastened his beautiful codpiece and poured them so abundantly from above that he drowned 260,418 people women and children ".

The grotesque world is a world of exaggerations taken to the extreme, often fantastic. Parts grow menacingly in it human body, the scale of phenomena, the size of things and objects change. At the same time, phenomena and objects go beyond their qualitative boundaries, cease to be themselves.

The type of grotesque imagery is inherent in mythology, archaic art... The term itself appeared much later. When excavating in one of the photos Ancient rome ornaments were found representing strange, bizarre interweaving of plants, animals, human faces.

A mixture of human and animal forms is the oldest type of grotesque. In the language, the word grotesque has become entrenched in the meaning of a strange, unnatural, bizarre, illogical, and this is a reflection of the most important side of the aesthetic phenomenon inherent in all kinds of art.

Grotesque in literature can be not only a technique, an element of style that colors a work in illogical tones, but also a method of typing. The pinnacles of his Renaissance art were Rabelais' Gargantua and Pantagruel and Erasmus of Rotterdam's Praise of Folly.

Aesthetically, grotesque in literature is a reaction to the "principle of likelihood", to the art of pedantic fidelity to "nature." Romanticism became such a reaction to the art of classicism. At this time comes the realization of the aesthetic essence of the grotesque.

After the appearance of "Preface to" Cromwell "(1827) by B. Hugo, the popularity of this term increased. The grotesque is often outwardly unassuming." A joke "in which" there are so many unexpected, fantastic, funny, original ", Pushkin called Gogol's" Nose ". Rabelais, in the introduction to the novel, appeals to the readers, "kind students and other idlers" with a request not to judge by outward gaiety, without thinking properly, not to start laughing.

The grotesque image strives for extreme generalization, revealing the quintessence of time, history, phenomenon, human existence. In this, the grotesque image is akin to the symbol. Grotesque " Pebbled leather"Was placed by Balzac over the" lower layer "of works -" Scenes of Mores ". Gogol's "Overcoat" is not only and not so much protection " little man"How much the quintessence of the insignificance of his being. According to Saltykov-Shchedrin, "The History of a City" arose to absorb the very essence of "those characteristic features of Russian life that make it not quite comfortable."

The grotesque in literature is the artistic unity of contrasts: the top and bottom of the human body (in Rabelais), the fabulous and the real (in Hoffmann), fantasy and everyday life (in Gogol). “The grotesque image, - wrote M. Bakhtin, - characterizes the phenomenon in the state of its change, still unfinished metamorphosis, in the stage of death and birth, growth and formation”. The scientist showed the ambivalence of the grotesque image of the folk culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, in which he simultaneously ridicules and asserts, in contrast to the denying satire of the new era.

In the grotesque of the Renaissance, the contrast of the top and bottom of the human body, their mutual substitution, was of paramount importance. In the realistic grotesque, the contrast is social. In Dostoevsky's story "Bobok" social top and bottom come together. "The lady" Avdotya Ignatievna is annoyed by the close proximity of the shopkeeper. Comic in the story is the memory of the burial "society" about the past real, "home grave" hierarchy. The grotesque contrast penetrates the very fabric of the work, expressed in sharp interruptions in the author's speech and the speech of the heroes.

Realistic art brings previously unseen "psychologization of the grotesque" (J. Mann). Not only phenomena are split in the realistic grotesque outside world but also human consciousness itself, the theme of duality arises in literature, begun by Gogol's "Nose" (after all, State Councilor Nose is a double of the stupid, vulgar Major Kovalev). The theme is developed by Dostoevsky in the story "The Double" and in the scene of Ivan Karamazov's "meeting" with the devil.

In a grotesque work, the writer in various ways "convinces" the reader of the possibility of coexistence of the most incredible, fantastic with the real, familiar. The fantastic in him is the most acute reality. Hence the emphasized plastic reliability in the description of the nose and the interweaving of the incredible with scenes of ordinary vulgarity in Gogol's story. In the story "Bobok", His Excellency the late Major General Pervoedov plays with the late court councilor Lebezyatnikov in preference. The fantastic splits and enlarges reality, changes proportions. Science fiction is not an end in itself for the author. She is often "removed" by the writer: in Swift's "Gulliver's Travel" - with an accurate, comically pedantic description of the place and time of action, scrupulous citation of names and dates, in Dostoevsky's "Double" - a denial of the illusory, fantastic nature of what is happening, which each time accompanies the appearance of a double - Golyadkin - junior. The fantastic is exposed by the writer as an artistic device, which in due time can be abandoned for further uselessness. Often, the realistic grotesque, examples of which we have given, is based entirely on the play of various image planes. Sometimes a grotesque work is a parody, as, for example, "The History of a City" by Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The grotesque can be based not only on the ultimate increase - hyperbole, but also on a metaphor. The nature of grotesque scenes in Taras Shevchenko's poem "Dream" is metaphorical, the water of which is from the cry of the tsar, strictly preserving the hierarchy - from the most "big-bellied" to "small" - his henchmen fall into the ground. The satirical grotesque of T. Shevchenko's political poetry, dating back to folklore traditions, the traditions of Gogol, Mitskevich, was an innovative phenomenon, he preceded satirical grotesque Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Art developed traditions of romantic and realistic grotesque. Thus, under the influence of the traditions of Hoffmann, Gogol, Dostoevsky, the grotesque style of F. Kafka was born. Kafka is characterized by a combination in the work of fabulous, nightmarish events with a believable depiction of the details of everyday life and the "normal" behavior of people in unusual situations. The hero of Kafka's story "The Metamorphosis" is a traveling salesman who wakes up and sees himself transformed into an insect.

The forms of the grotesque were used by A. France in satirical novels"Penguin Island". "Rise of the Angels", K. Chapek, T. Mann, I. Ehrenburg ("Julio Jurenito"), M. Bulgakov in satirical stories(collection "The Devil"), the play "Run", the novel "The Master and Margarita".

Grotesque is less common in poetry and drama than in prose. Among the dramatic grotesques are the plays by D. Pirandello, B. Brecht, E. Ionesco, fairy-tale plays by E. Schwartz.

Signs of the grotesque have a "terrible picture" in the poem by V. Mayakovsky "Sit down": at the meeting "half of the people are sitting." The poetics of the grotesque is characteristic of many poems of "City Columns" by N. Zabolotsky.

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If you have met young girls on the street, dressed too pretentiously, defiantly and abundantly plastered, then know that with their grotesque appearance they want to attract attention to themselves. What does Grotesque mean? I recommend reading a few more interesting articles, what does the Taliban mean, how to understand the abbreviation SIZO, what is the SBU? This term was borrowed from French "grot"which can be translated as" cave".
However, most of all the word Grotesque is used in literature, describing some contradictory surreal, terribly comic and really mystical descriptions of a strange, disturbing blood, arousing a morbid interest in reality. In literature, grotesque is a kind of artistry of imagery, sharpening and generalizing the forms of being with the help of a contrasting and bizarre combination of the fantastic and the real, cartoons and the like.

Grotesque- this is special kind artistic imagery, tragicomic or comical, highlighting and generalizing life manifestations with the help of alogism and hyperbole, fantastic and real

Hyperbole in painting is an ornament in which pictorial and decorative motives, in simple words, this is a jumble different types and styles

V spoken language term Grotesque they are used when they want to highlight something eccentric, ugly, fantastic, therefore it is often used to describe distorted and repulsive forms, for example, paintings by Salvador Dali, girls " ready" or " soft grunge", as well as some bands playing in the style hard rock, for example Radiohead, Kiss, Black Sabbath.

Do not forget the work of Gogol "The Nose", in which this "honored" organ went for a walk around St. Petersburg. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the works Franz Kafka, from whose books some impressionable citizens simply "go away".

Origin of the word Grotesque

This term is rooted in 15th century when Italian treasure hunters were digging up the dwellings of ancient people, they dug mounds, and one day they stumbled upon caves and grottoes, in which lived a large tribe, painting the walls of their "abode" with mysterious drawings... Their themes were very diverse and in some places they combined the terrible and the beautiful. In the images one could catch motives from plant and animal life, hunting scenes. Therefore, this phenomenon was originally designated by the "robbers of antiquities" - grotesque. Why grotesque? The fact is that these distorted drawings for the most part were in the grottoes, it was from this root that the name of the concept came.
As artistic image grotesque has two plans, this is a kind of convention, deviation from the norm, an obvious caricature, which is why it is often used for purposes of satire and humor.