Modern England. Population in numbers and facts

Modern England. Population in numbers and facts
Modern England. Population in numbers and facts

The United Kingdom's population according to the preliminary forecasts of experts by 2025 will reach 25 million people. Despite active emigration from developing countries that came to 1981-2001, population growth during this time amounted to only 6%. The United Kingdom has one of the highest in the world that is 242 people per square kilometer.

The fertility rate in the UK is 1.3%, and mortality - 10.3%. The average life expectancy of men in Great Britain is about 75 years old, women - about 81 years old. In 2000, in the UK, the number of female population exceeded the male at 838 thousand.

According to experts, the United Kingdom's population has a serious problem - aging. So, in 2002, people over the age of 65 amounted to almost 16% of the total number of residents of the country. According to the population census conducted in 2001, it turned out that the number of people over 60 exceeds the number of children under the age of 15.

The United Kingdom has a very high degree of population urbanization. At the end of the XX century, the United Kingdom's population living in cities was about 90% of the total number of residents. The largest in the number of residents cities are London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leeds, Sheffield and others. Also, according to statistics, about half of all residents of Great Britain lives in cities with a population exceeding 100 thousand people.

The United Kingdom, the population of which is very multinational, in the second half of the 20th century, adopted a large flow of immigrants from India, Pakistan, and later from African states: Uganda, Kenya, Malawi. At the immigrants from these countries account for about 7% of the general population of Great Britain. As for the greatest part of them is the British (about 81%). Other indigenous peoples living in the UK are the Scots (about 9%), Irish (about 2%) and Welsh (a little less than 2%).

The population of Great Britain speaks English. In addition, a part of the population of Wales owns part of the residents of Scotland - Gaelle, and the population of the Norman Islands is French.

As for the religious sphere, the United Kingdom is mostly a Protestant country. Having in England state status, there are about 34 million followers. In Scotland, the Presbyterian Church plays a crucial role, the followers of which are 800 thousand people. There are also about 6 million Catholics in the country. In addition, there are quite numerous groups of adherents of metodisism, baptism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism. Very rapidly increases the number of escil adherents, the number of which in 2002 was 1.5 million people.

The political structure of Great Britain implies the right to vote for every citizen of the state and other countries belonging to the Commonwealth, as well as regardless of national origin.

Fogs, like basic weather conditions, mandatory "File about" Klok ", commitment to traditions, strictness of norms, oatmeal and special English humor. What else is the difference between strict England, the population of which is the main part of all the inhabitants of Misty Albion?

England as part of the UK

England, Britain, United Kingdom is the frequent name of one great power - the United Kingdom of Great Britain, which also includes the northern part of Ireland. The largest part of this country is England. The population and territory of it make up almost a third of the entire population and the territory of the kingdom.

Britain - the name that dominated much before the rest. So the land of Brittov, Celtic tribes, who settled the island before our era. After the conquest of these lands, the Romans of Britons gradually fully fastened the Angles and Saxons. Britain became England, that is, the "land of angles". Historically, there was such a way that the incident Angles became the main group of the Great Britain, sweating the indigenous aborigines on the small part of Wales.

Another important group of Celtic tribes of Albion is the Scottish, among which minor groups of gallows are vividly distinguished. Hella is a small ethnic group of mountain population of Celts, preserving its ancient language and tradition.

United Kingdom in numbers

According to 2015, about 64 million people lived on the territory of Great Britain. Of these, the population of England is 84%, Scotland - 8.3%, Wales - 4.8%, Ireland - 3%.

The British are leading in ethnic statistics. Their amount is 76%, the remaining 24 percent is represented by the Scots (less than 6%), Irish (about 2%), Welsh (3.1%). Other people who consider to be Britain with their home are migrants.

As a result of the moves, the population of England in the 19th century should significantly increase when the country had many more colonies. Poles, Jews, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Chinese, and from the former USSR are living with the British.

The urban and rural population is presented in the ratio of 93% to 7%. Age living in the country:

  • children under 14 years old - 19%:
  • older people, over 65 - 16%;
  • the rest of the population is young people and able-bodied citizens from 15 to 64 years.


The main state religion of Great Britain is the Anglican Church. Her parishioners make up 27 million people (Wales and England). The population of Scotland is more inclined to Presbyterian religion. Minor groups of believers make up Catholics, Muslims, Methodists, Judaists, Sikhi, Hindu.


English is the only state language in all regions of the United Kingdom, here are only dialects on which they speak in some areas, they are so distinguished that their owners do not always understand each other.

The most close to the regulatory, the conversational language of residents of the southeastern part of England is considered. The territory of Wales is considered bilingual, since a significant part of its population communicates in the Welsh inference. Scotland's Mountains retained an ancient Celtic language in their culture, but at this time they know how to talk only 60 thousand people.

Citizens and villagers

On average, the United Kingdom has about a thousand large and small cities. The main part of the British lives in them. Divide the urban and rural population is difficult, as the typical English village is a suburb. Citizens are called in England inhabitants of the central regions of large cities. The large concentration of people in megalopolis forces the authorities to encourage the massive resettlement of their inhabitants in these suburbs, closer to nature.

The citizens of Great Britain live their own in private houses. Urban quarters of apartment buildings are, but they do not at all correspond to our habitual idea of \u200b\u200burban housing. These apartments are small and uncomfortable. Migrants, students, temporary settlers will be seized in them. The family of the same British prefer to be small, but a separate house. These houses are very close to each other, have a small courtyard and a small garden. The most common hobby is the British - to dig in the ground and grow something there.

If we consider the social foundations of the British in numbers, then 93% of all residents of the United Kingdom include themselves to the middle class of workers and employees. This is the so-called medium British. Under the concept, the worker refers to the hired workers of various qualifications. In terms of living, they are on an equal position with a local intelligentsia, employees, clerks, teachers, doctors. Unqualified manual labor is increasingly given to visit workers from other countries.

A few English to know (2% of the population) in their small circle focuses half of the national heritage of the power.

Full labor, small business and farming in this region are not very popular. In England, it is much more profitable to get a good specialty and work by the employee at any large enterprise than to lead your business. Owners of small workshops, cafes, restaurants and other small institutions, together with farmers fit in 5% of the population.

There are poor people here, and homeless people. They are a bit - mostly people fall into such a category, for a long time who lost their jobs or migrants who were not lucky to settle.

Such is the summary of England, the population of which was asked strict, prim and cold. In fact, most of the British are pretty friendly and friendly people, they are simply very pupil and sacred their age traditions, many of whom we do not understand.

Brief description of the country: the United Kingdom - the state in the North-West of Europe, on the British
Islands (the largest island of United Kingdom), northeast
parts of Ireland Island, O-ve, Men, O-ve, Norman and others. Small
Islands. Separated from the continent of the straits of La Mans and Pa de Calais.
Area 244.11 thousand km2. Population 65.2 million people. Density
Great Britain's population is equal to 266.5 people 1 km2. Capital -
United Kingdom - constitutional monarchy (but
formally the constitution is absent, there are a number of main
legislative acts). Head of State - Queen. Legislature
The power is carried out by the queen and
Two-challenging parliament (the House of Lords and the House of Commons).
The executive authority is headed by Prime Minister - party leader,
who received most votes in the election in the House of Commons and
Forming government.

As of 2016, the United Kingdom's population has the following distribution by age:

Under 15 years old
64 and older
17,3 %
66,2 %
16,5 %

Power ratio

Age-floor pyramid

the age pyramid of Great Britain has a stationary or
Rejuvenating type. Such a pyramid is typical for developed countries for
which are characterized by a decline in fertility. Despite this, when
relatively low mortality, the population of such countries has
Relatively high expected lifespan.

The coefficient of demographic load

For the UK, the coefficient of general
Demographic load is equal to 51.2%.
Such a ratio means that United Kingdom
experiencing a relatively high social
Load for society. This means that each
Working person in the UK should
provide more than 1.5 times more
the number of goods and services than it would
It is necessary for himself.


Marriage age: from 16 years since the consent of the parents
. British monoga family, monogamy fixed
British marriage is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bromantic
love. The determining factor of such a marriage is
Emotional individualism.
British family - non-phonic and built by
Father's line.
. The British family is nuclear and consists of
one or two parents living together with

Natural population growth

Infant mortality

The main causes of mortality in statistics for the year

1st place - heart and violations
blood circulation - 158,500 people
2nd place - cancer - 110,400
3rd place - Respiratory diseases 64,600

Causes causing a small natural population growth

High level of socio-economic development (in the family grow
Revenues and decreases the number of children)
High level of urbanization - 75%, rapid increase in income (in rural
The boreflast is higher, in cities fertility below)
Changing the status of women, emancipation and appearance of a new system
Increasing the share of senior age - "aging nation", reduction
Young age
The consequences of wars and military conflicts, terrorism
Industrial injuries; Technogenic catastrophes: automotive
Up to 250 thousand human lives, road transport
Accidents - 60,000, accidents.
Mortality from diseases (AIDS, cancer, etc.)
Natural disasters.


Immigration increased in the UK from Ireland. Adaptation
Irish immigrants to the new environment took place very slowly. AND
Now they retain still withdrawal and some alienation in
Relations with the British.
Due to large recovery work, and tade
Industry after World War II increased the influx in
England workers from European countries.
The increase in the number of immigrants from the former English colonies served
The reason for the emergence of the issue of racial relationships on
British islands. Government of Great Britain in special
Acts made attempts to limit immigration from their former


According to statistics, in 2015:
641 thousand people arrived in the UK. 323 thousand
Lean the country.
284 thousand people migrated to the UK in search
Work, which is 70 thousand more than in the previous year.
The number of citizens of Romania and Bulgaria arriving in
Britain, doubled in 2015 and reached 46 thousand.
For the period from January to March 2016, the number of citizens of countries
EU working in the UK compared with
Last year increased by 283 thousand people.

Demographic Policy

Despite the fact that the existing level
fertility in Britain does not even provide
simple reproduction of the population, state
considers it sufficient to satisfy
their internal and external interests and
needs. In Britain, prevails the opinion of
the fact that childbirth is a private thing
individuals and families, and the growth of the population will not bring
no benefits - economic, environmental,
state or social.


Currently, the country is characterized by low, population growth -
the result of both rapprochement of fertility and mortality rates and
Reduced balance migrations. In some years, the increase is
Negative (with positive migration balance). With low
The problems of "aging nation" are associated with natural increase. In 2016.
The year of persons aged 65 years and older were 16.5% of the population.
Average life expectancy: 76 years old - men, 86 years old - what
higher than in 2012 (71 men, 79-women) birth rate (on
1000 people) - 12.0. The mortality rate (per 1000 people) is 10.7.
The current dynamics of the population is sharply different from
Demographic processes of the tears of the Great Britain in the XIX century,
When, despite active emigration in the colony, the population grew
rapid pace due to high fertility.

Pretty motley for European states. From the earliest periods of history, the British Outlies were the process of formation of three different ethnic communities - the British, Scots and Walessets, or Welsh, who held three historically prevailing areas of Island - actually England, and Wales. The relationship between these three indigenous peoples of the island and the ethnic processes that took place in their environment have always occupied an important place in the political history of the country. The national question should be noted, finally not resolved and now.

The dominant and most numerous nation of Great Britain - the British, which exceeds 45 million people. They inhabit actually England, most of Wales, and a little south of Scotland. From the Celtic peoples of Great Britain, the scots are the most numerous, the number of which exceeds 5 million people. They inhabit predominantly northwestern regions of the island and Shetland, Orkney and Hebrid Islands. Because of the geographic and economic insulation among the Scots, still retains its originality, a kind of ethnic group, living in the mountains of the northwestern part of the island. Their self-caller, the British are more often called their highlanders (mountaineers), in contrast to the residents of South Scotland - Lowlanders. Gela retained their ancient Celtic language. It is now saying about 1% of the country's population. But their number is constantly declining.

Northern Ireland was attached to the British state in 1922, when the rest has achieved independence. The United Kingdom includes 6 counties from 9 Irish Olster province. The ethnic composition of the population of this area is non-unugene: about 500 thousand Irish Catholics live here and about 1 million AngloDers and Scotonowers. Such a composition of the population was here in 17-18 centuries during the reinforced colonization of Ireland. Unlike the rest of Ireland, where the lands were distributed to the major English owners - Landlordam, the Earth were allocated to small and medium tenants - the British and the Scottles from the south of Scotland. Until now, the Irish Republican Army (Terrorist Organization) is still in Olster.

At the turn of the 20th century, a little more than 38 million people lived on the territory of the modern UK, and now in different sources from 56.9 to 57.4 million people.

Since the 1920s, mortality remains at approximately one level, and the fertility falls. With the stability of the mortality rate led to a decrease in the population. If at the beginning of the 20th century it reached 500 thousand years. / Year, then by the end of the 70s, up to 1 thousand people fell / year. Now the natural population increase is negative.

Since the natural population growth from the 20th century was low, the growth rate of the population largely depended on the external.

From the beginning of the 20th century, until 1931 continued intensive relocation of residents to the "White" Dominions of Great Britain - and the South African Union. But in 1931, independence was granted to dominion, and many Englishmen returned back.

A lot in the country of Irish; Irish immigrants began to arrive in the country back in 17-19 centuries. Currently, there are about 1 million Irish in the country.

A rather large group (about 500 thousand people) in the UK make up mostly living in London and other major cities.

After 2 World War in connection with large recovery work, the influx of workers in England increased. Now in the UK there are about 1 million immigrants from (not counting Irish), and the total number of foreign citizens in the UK is over 3 million people. In addition, 40-50 thousand temporary workers arrives from Europe (most of all from) to the country.

The able-bred UK population is a little more than 40%, so the problem of the rational use of the working-age population is in acute. There is constantly both spontaneous and organized redistribution between individual districts.

According to the social composition, the United Kingdom's population is relatively uniform:

  • 2% - large bourgeoisie;
  • 5% - small hosts - farmers and faces of free professions;
  • 93% - workers and employees.

For the social composition of modern England, a fairly high% of medium-sized layers is characterized, the so-called "average English".

The United Kingdom is one of the most densely populated and countries in the world. On average, 1 km2 accounts for 230 people. However, in the territory of the country, the population is distributed very unevenly. The main part of the inhabitants of Great Britain is concentrated in England. Here the average density increases to 356 people / km2. Within England itself, the main industrial belt country along the London Axis - Liverpool; Half of the entire population lives in this belt.

The most unclosed areas are in Scotland - 86 people / km2, and the population is concentrated mainly on coasts, in valleys and lowlands.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, there is an intensive resettlement of rural residents in the city, where more than 88% of the country's population lives. Conduct the border between urban and rural settlements difficult. Many villages have become a "bedroom" of nearby cities.

Total in the UK is about a thousand cities. Half of the country's city inhabitants is concentrated in seven conurbations. One of them, Central Claidside (1.7 million people) - is located in Scotland, and the rest - in England. It:

  • Tineside - 0.8 million;
  • Western Midland - 2.4 million;
  • Southeast Lancashire - 2.3 million;
  • Western Yorkshire - 1.7 million;
  • Merseiside - 1.3 million;
  • Big London - 7 million.

In the "hierarchy" of British cities, London occupies the main situation as the capital, the main political and cultural center of the country.

In addition to London, many "metropolitan" functions are performed by another 10 cities in Great Britain: Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast - as the capital, respectively, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland; Glasgow, Newcastle, Leeds, Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield - as the central cities of conurbats and regional centers. In addition, over 150 cities in the number of residents and the role they play in the lives of nearby territories are higher than the majority of cities. These cities are called "City", all the other "Town".

In the UK, mostly two types of rural settlements are distributed. In the Low Eastern part of England, the population lives mainly in the villages. In the West, where animal husbandry is mainly developed, farms and individual farms prevail.

The population of Great Britain is more than 63 million people.
The British Islands constantly accomplished invasion from continental Europe. Romans, Saksa, Danes, Normans and others occupied the lowland part of Britain, kicking out the indigenous population to the north and west to the mountainous areas of the country. Thus, the British islands were divided into lowlands (Anglo-Saxon) and the mountain (Celtic) zone. Thanks to this separation, the inhabitants of Cornwall, Wales, Ireland and Scotland to this day are used in their speech various dialects of the Celtic language.
The National Composition of Great Britain is:

  • the British (81.5%);
  • scottled (9.6%);
  • irish (2.4%);
  • welsh (1.9%);
  • other nations (4.6%).

On average, 1 km.2 live 245 people, but the southeastern and central part of England, the central part of Wales, the northern regions of Scotland lives the most densely.
The state language is English, but the Scottish and 2 Celtic Languages \u200b\u200b(Welsh, Gelsky) have widespread.
Large cities: London, Edinburgh, Leeds, Sheffield, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol.
Most of the inhabitants of Great Britain are confestable, but here you can meet Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims.

Life expectancy

Men on average live up to 76 years old, and women - until 81 years old.
The British live for 2 years less Swiss, Japanese and Italians. The United Kingdom spends on health care only 9.7% of annual GDP (approximately $ 3700). But this amount cannot be called sufficient expenses, because the cost of living in the UK is very high.
Residents of Great Britain suffer from cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumors, obesity (26.1% of the population: This indicator is 17% higher than the average for Europe).

Traditions and customs of residents of Great Britain

The British are proud of their essential difference from representatives of other nations of the world: they still strictly comply with such traditions as a game of cricket and left-sided movement.
The British can be called the cold-blooded people - they never show their feelings (approval, as a rule, they express the phrase: "Not bad"). But, nevertheless, the British are sociable and possess a good sense of humor.
Interesting traditions of the British is to disguise into another clothes for dinner; Participation in competitions in the ability to build ugly grimaces and runs with rolling cheese ...
Interesting traditions and customs belong to festivals, for example, the most popular takes place in Chelsea (May), and the most solemn and grand holiday of the country is the birthday of the queen.
Arriving in the UK, you will be able to understand why it is called the country of tradition. So, you will have the opportunity to see the shift of the guard at the Buckingham Palace, the keys ceremony (Tower's closure ritual), royal tools salutes (they are produced by special cases) ...