Famous Belarusian composer, People's Artist of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus, Honored Artist of Arts, Igor Luchenok celebrates his birthday. Belarusian music brief excursion in the history of Belarusian music

Famous Belarusian composer, People's Artist of the USSR and the Republic of Belarus, Honored Artist of Arts, Igor Luchenok celebrates his birthday. Belarusian music brief excursion in the history of Belarusian music

The People's Music Art of Belarus comes into contact with the people's music and the Ukrainian people, the Western and South Slavs, a significant group of vintage songs is connected with calendar rites that existed in agricultural peoples. Common carols, generous, spring, vololaum, Yuryev, Troitsk, Kupalskiy, Znik, Karaski, Autumn Songs are common. Multiple songs of the family and ritual cycle: wedding, christening, lullaby, due. Widely represented dance, gaming, dance and comic songs. Lyrical songs are divided into genre-thematic groups: love, ballads, Cossack, recruit, soldiers, Chumatsky, songs of peasant Wolitsa. In the development of the Belarusian Music Folklore, the Russian revolutionary working song of the beginning of the 20th century played a major role. She had an impact on the melody of the Belarusian folk song. Some folk songs are created for the words of Belarusian poets (M. Bogdanovich, Ya. Klapala, Ya. Kolas, K. Bulo). With Soviet power, new folk songs appeared, developing the traditions of pre-revolutionary songs and drawing content from modern life. Many songs are created by amateur composers and folk choral groups (the choir villages are a big porous, chillshide, swelling, etc.). Old folk Belarusian songs are based on one-haired. They are characterized by wave-like melody of a compressed range with gradual movement and jumps, developed ornamental, rhythm flexibility, a variety of performing techniques. The most characteristic of the mean sizes, a variety of metrics. There are complex and sour cream tacts. A multifacene in the folk song of Belarus began to develop in the 80s. 19th century The main melody is carried out in the lower voice, and in the upper (so-called "eyeliner") - solo improvisation. There are 3-voice consonants. Songs in everyday life are performed without accompaniment, with the exception of comic and chastushki, which come across the accompaniment of harmonics (Bayana). A number of Belarusian folk songs are used in the works of Russian and Polish Classic composers: in the "Big Fantasy" Chopin, the first Symphony of Glazunov, Opera "Snow Maiden" and "Mlada" Roman Corsakov, "Lithuanian Rhapsodia", "Three Symphony Songs" Karlovich, Operators Montyushko (native of Belarus) and others.

Belarusian composers.

W. G. Mulyavіn (1941-2003)

Naradzіў ў Mountains. Sryryўskaya (1941), Pamemers - 2003, Mr. Minsk.

Currently by Muzylіshcha Vaschkin Paul G_tara (1952).

People Artist Belarus (1979).

Deserted Jewish culture RESPBLIKI POLANCH (1991).

Member of the UK Belarus (1986).

ASNUNEY CREATS: Opera-jumped "PRAIN SIGHT RAY", MUCH MUCH PREPLABLE "FOR YOUR GASS", Vakalny Tsykl "I am not Paeta", Song-іNstrumental Campazіzia "Vanka - Stink", "Praz ўSyu Wine", "Vyanok Bagdanovіch", Songі, apratzўki Belarusian folk song, music and dramatic performancesў, Kіnafilma.

W. U. Aloўnikaў (1919-1996) Naradzіў ў Mountains. Babruisk (1919).

Currently by the Belarusian Drug Administration of Claus Kampazіtsi Prafesar V. A. Zalalana (1941).

Deserted Artist Belarus (1955).

Dzheitch MastataTVAў Belarus (1957).

People Artist Belarus (1970).

Prafesar (1980).

Member of the UK Belarus (1940).

Pamper from Minsk (1996).

Wladzemіr Aloўnikaў Adosіzza Da Pleiada Kampazіtaraў, Yakiya Vesataki Mastotcka Ablіchcha Belarusian Songі ў Pacific Persian. Cottage Campazіtar ўlasdіva Zemystoztsi, Aktalna Tam. In Yago, the TDACHUVAYTS Magutniki Trytsiii Ruskay Kampazіtarskay School, Yakiya W. allynіkuў Her Hell Svaygo Nastaўka V. A. Zalalatarova - G. G. Rymskaga-Korsakawa І M. A. Balakіrava. That J. Hour Aloўnikaў - Glyboka Natsyanalny Mastak. Yago Music, Schchyraya І Hemight, Strahada and Strict, Human II Praўdzіvyu, Atramed Vodguk at the hearing, Uvalya ў Repertoir Prafanesian і samazyiny cellean.

Yaўgen Paleўskі

Yaўgen Paleўskі Naradzіўўўўў полесня проерсна 1959 ў Manyakku Razzawa Grodzenskay Voblastsi. Soconchyў Belarusian banking (Belarusian Dziajaya Academia Music) Pa Claus Іgar Luchanka І Dzzіtrey Smolskaga ў 1986 Homes. Expressive Pad Kіraўnіzzvs Syargea Slanіmskaga ў Saint-Friendly Cancervatorsі і Tamsama Brazh Udzl from Maystar Clase Tone Leiwa.


3 1997 PA 1999 ATRAYMLIVAў RESTAGE OF POLKAGA URANDA, IN PADSTAVA CHGO PRAKAVAў OF GDANSK ў ACADEMII MUCH MUSICI ІМТАКА Art. Manyushki over the creators for SIMFANIKNAGA ARCESTRA "Barbara Radzіvіl" І Studi Music Music Akadem Music Music ў Krakawa over the vast Creative Paradians. Udzelnіchaў at the Summer courses of ACANTHE 2000 / IRCAM.

Tikotsky Evgeny Karlovich


Evgeny Karlovich Tikotsky (1893-1970)

Evgeny Karlovich Tikotsky was born on December 26, 1893 in St. Petersburg. The ability to music manifested itself very early. However, ended in 1911 a real school, he at the insistence of his father entered the natural branch of the Psychoneurological Institute in St. Petersburg, to avoid the right to do simultaneously in the music school. The first acquaintance with the musical and theoretical foundations, as well as sincere friendship with the composer V. Cheap, was caused by E. Tikotsky wish to compose. He begins to write small plays for piano, tries to harmonize Russian folk songs, more than a year working on their youth symphony. In February 1915, E. Tikotsky call on the army, and he hits the front. In the summer of 1919, he enters into the ranks of the Red Army, in the fall as part of the eighth division takes part in the liberation of Belarus from Belopolds.

Churkin Nikolai Nikolaevich


Nikolai Nikolaevich Churkin (1869-1964)

Nikolai Nikolayevich Churkin, who gave music to the ministry for eight decades, was born on May 22, 1869 in the small town of Jelal-oglu in the south of Tiflis province (now the city of Stepanovan Armenian SSR). In 1881 he was accepted in Tiflis Military Feldsher School. At school there was a brass band, choir, drawing class, who fascinated the boy much more than the future medical career. And when in 1885 N. Churkin graduated from school, he was left by the educator and the head of the school brass orchestra. In 1888, N. Churkin enters the class of composition M. Ippolitov-Ivanov Tiflis Music School.

Zaritsky Eduard Borisovich


In 1964 he graduated from Minsk Muses. School, in 1970-Belarus. Cons. on cl. Compositions A. V. Bogatyreva.

From 1970 he has been working in Belarus. Philharmonic (conductor-consultant). Now: Cantata (for Soprano, Choir and Orc.) - Red Square (Sl. B. Stormovova, 1970); For Orc. - Symphony (1969), variations (1968); For oboe with Orc. - Concert (1970); For F-p. - 6 preludes (1965), variations (1967), a fugue for two topics (1968); For volc. and fp. - Sonata (1968); For flute and F-p. - Rondo (1966); For cymbal and fp. - Concertino (1971); for voice and fp. - wok. Cycles on cl. A. Vertinsky (1971), on the cl. L. Hughesa (1967); arr. Belorus. nar. Songs.

Ruten Igor Mikhailovich

Year of birth: 1938


Igor Mikhailovich Ruenok (r. 1937)

He graduated from the Belarusian state conservatory in the class of composition of Professor A.V. Bogatyreva (1961), an assistant internship of the Leningrad Conservatory. ON THE. Roman Corsakov under the direction of Professor V.N. Salmanova (1965), graduate school of the Belarusian State Conservatory under the direction of Professor T.N. Hrennikova. Laureate of the Leninsky Komsomol BSSR Prize (1969), winner of the All-Union Leninist Komsomol Prize (1972), Honored Artistic Worker of the BSSR (1973), Laureate of the State Prize of the BSSR (1976). People's Artist of the BSSR (1982). People's Artist of the USSR (1987).

Dzzіtry Bran_Slavavіch Smolskі

Naradzіў ў Mountains. Mіnsk (1937)

Currently, Belarusian dwarja sewers on the Klaspazіtsii Prafesar, A. V. Bagatyrov (1960), Aspirantutsua Pad Kіraўnіtvs Prafesar MaskўSKY CANSERVATORII M. І. Pipyko (1967).

LAўREAT PROMMII LENINKAGA Camsamola Belarus_ (1972).

Deserted Jewish MastataTVAў Belarus (1975).


Prafesar (1986).

People Artist Belarus (1987).

Member of the UK Belarus (1961).

The active activity of Belarusian composers, the musicians began long before the emergence of their united creative union. In 1919, the songs of G. Puksta appeared, in Bobruisk wrote music E. Tykotsky. A few years later, amateur singers and musicians put the first Belarusian opera on a revolutionary topic: "Labor Liberation" N. Churkin. The 20s were marked by the beginning of the creative path of N. Mandov, who wrote romances to the poems of the jokes ... These people became proud of Belarusian musical art. Especially fruitful were the 30s, when choral chapel, philharmonium, Belarusian State Conservatory, who had time to make five issues of performing faculties and two (1937 and 1941), and two (1937 and 1941) - composer, are created in the republic.

Decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) "On the restructuring of literary and art organizations" (1932) it contributed to the cohesion of the disadvantaged forces, the emergence of creative unions, including the Union of Composers of Belarus.

And he began with a section with the Union of Writers: Protocol No. dated 2.07.1933 "AB STVARANNI Aўtannay Schackii Campaziatraў Pismenniki Sayuza Sayuzaў. Afarmnna Gatti Schshaii ўStlastsi at TT. Dunza I Lyankova."

In 1934, the I all-storey composer conference took place, in accordance with the decision of which the composer section of St. Petersburg was renamed the Organizing Committee of the Union of Composers of Belarus (since 1938 the Union of Soviet Composers of Belarus). Until 1992, this public organization included an integral part to the Union of Composers of the USSR; Since 1999, it has become the Belarusian Union of Composers. As was recorded in the Charter: "Matta Svarenna Sayuza Campazitaraў - Sadzainychats Scheduranny High Mastatskih Creator, Costa Campaziatraў, stemmannia Maeryal I dwells for creatures." The embodiment of these goals into life, all 8 Chairs of the BSK attached paramount importance throughout its 70-year history.

The first "leader" of the Belarusian composers became the Honored Artist of the BSSR Isaac Lyuban, in 1929, which created the first song in Belarus on the partisan theme - "Song of the Dumor Partizan". In the pre-war years, his song "Byva and Zdarov, Zhvitz Bagata" used widely fame. During the Great Patriotic War, Lyuban, like other cultural figures, went to the army's volunteer, graduated from the courses of political officers and soon fought on the Western Front as a rifle battalion commissioner. None of the fighters suspected that their political officers - the author of the song, which everyone knew and loved and loved. The composer wanted to write a song about the future victory, although it was still in spring 1942. There was no Stalingrad, nor Kursk arc, but there was already a great battle near Moscow. Seventeen variants of texts proposed by fellow soldiers had to reject, and only eighteenth liked everyone. Porus's words: "Let's drink to the homeland, drink for Stalin!" - I knew, without exaggeration, everyone. Cautors of these poems are a former miner, ordinary battalion of Matvey Kosenko and a professional poet, an employee of the Army newspaper Arseny Tarkovsky. In May 1942, the song "Our toast" was performed in Moscow at a concert of masters of Belarusian art and had a great success. Her People's Artist of the USSR Larisa Alexandrovskaya sang.

With the Belarusian music, the peoples of the Soviet Union became acquainted even earlier, during the first decade of the literature and art of Belarus in Moscow (1940). Opera performed on it: "Mihasa Padgorna" E.Tikotsky, "Tvetka Shpostlya" A.Terenkov, "At Palsa Palsa" A. Bogatareva, ballet "Salawi" M. Kroshner became evidence of the high level of the Belarusian Soviet musical culture (A. Bogatarev received Stalinist premium for his opera). Today it is difficult to imagine that in one year there are so many large works, we can say phenomena in the musical life of the republic. Even earlier, in the 39th, they were delivered on the stage of the Belarusian Opera House. Speaking of traditions, how not to remember Vasily Zolotarev, a student of Balakirev and Roman Corsakov, introduced to the Belarusian music "Notes" of the Russian, St. Petersburg school. His ballets "Prince-Lake", "Tale of Love", Symphony "Belarus" entered the Golden Fund of the Belarusian Musical Culture. He studied horseshoes, tinnitters, Bogatyrev, who later became the second chairman of the Board of the Union of Composers. Anatoly Vasilyevich Bogatyrev - founder of the modern Belarusian composer school, whose work covers almost all the musical genres. Continuing the traditions of classical music, including Russian, he is a deeply national composer. In the difficult military and post-war years, he, heading the union of composers, influenced the formation of many creators with its chamber ensembles, as well as the life-affirming choirs, cantats "Leningrads", Belarusian Partyzan.

In 1943, Moscow resumed the activities of the Union of Composers of Belarus, which was able to collect most of the surviving composers in a short time. In 1944, after the liberation of the capital of Belarus, composers, artists of the Opera Theater, returned to Minsk. Tikotsky brought Opera "Alesya" ("Girl from Polesia"), which has become, can be said, the musical symbol of Belarus. He wrote her in bitter, in a bomb shelter. Minsk was in ruins, halls were not preserved, tools, notes, the most valuable was restored by memory. To his first post-war congress in 1947, the Union of Composers approached with noticeable successes. This year, the first national post-war opera (and the first Belarusian opera on the historical plot) "Kastsus Kalinovsky" D. Lukas was set.

Famous weekly "musical environments" began to be held with listening to new essays, concert activity resumed. Replaced A. Bogatareva as Chairman of the Board of the Union of Composers In 1949, N. Aladov, who was educated in St. Petersburg, was one of the organizers and teachers of the Belarusian Conservatory. The author more than 260 musical works, including: Opera "Andrei Kostya", Music comedy "Taras on Parnass". He laid the foundations of the artistic processing of folk songs, many genres of professional musical art.

E. Tikotsky headed the union of composers for 13 years (from 1950 to 1963). At this time, the Union was replenished with young graduates of the Belarusian State Conservatory. Among them, G. Vagner, Yu. Semeneko, E.Glebov, D.Smolsky, I. Malchenok, S. Cornez, Susor. The pickling and study of the records of folklore, folk songs is activated. Recognition is obtained by the works of Sirma, Citovich, L.Mukharinskaya. The most important achievements in the genre of vocal music should include the creation of the State Anthem of the BSSR (September 1955) by composer N. Sokolovsky (famous for the famous song "Neman") and the author of the text M. Climkovich.

In the following years, the case of E. Tikotsky as the "leaders" of the Union, D. Kamsky, G. Lihrma, Y. Semerenao. The union was a highly professional creative organization (perhaps, Vladimir Mulyavin was the only member with unfinished higher education - an unusually gifted musician and composer, whose entry into the Union was unanimously supported in Minsk and in Moscow).

Since 1980, the Epoch of I. Malchenka, heading him and today, began in BSK. The Union organizes republican and international musical festivals, conducts numerous concerts and meetings with listeners, actively participates in decades of the Belarusian art and the days of Belarusian culture in Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Uzbekistan. Numerous commissions are working: propaganda of Belarusian, military-patriotic music, musical and aesthetic education of children and young people, musicology and criticism, ethnozymology and folklore. Music literature, gramzapsy is published. Composers actively drive creative business trips to collect materials to new works. It became harder to exercise all this after the "restructuring" when the state could no longer have such support as a creative union as before.

Today, BSK and the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth will revive the best traditions of this multi-year friendship. For example, jointly conduct a charitable action "Chernobyl Shlyah - Road of Life." With the support of BSK, the Republican Center for Creative and Scientific Youth renews its work. Over the past years, a professional composer school has been created.

His songs knows and loves the whole country. His melodies spike all: from Mala to Great. His name is heard far beyond Belarus. Igor Mikhailovich Ruenokok - People's Artist of the USSR and Belarus, the winner of the State Prize, the owner of the orders of Francis Skorne and Friendship of Peoples, Honored Art Worker. Today is a maestro birthday.

As always, Igor Mikhailovich immediately invites to the house. But we were not the only one who decided to congratulate the famous Belarusian composer.

So that you in life and work it is only, as they say, faith, hope, love and health!

In his years, Igor Mikhailovich the lunches feels 27 - eternally young soul and heart. Therefore, a birthday is a special reason for joy, especially when they congratulate relatives, friends, fans and many famous personalities.

Igor Ruenok, Composer, People's Artist of Belarus, Honored Artist:
It was 10 years ago, when I arrived in Kazakhtin. There I have a good comrade Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. And as I remember now, they met me, congratulated ... Kazakhtin! Imagine! And it is very memorial to me.

Never forget about the birthday of the master of musical tact famous artists. For example, Joseph Kabon, with whom Igor Ruten in a good relationship for many years. However, the maestro always knew how to be friends, so it is not surprising that friends talk about it only good words.

Vladimir Provalinsky, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus:
He is decent. If he said the word, he remembers him, whoever appeal. A miracle will come and say: "Igor Mikhailovich, help!". He will always help!

Igor Mikhailovich the Light does not like to pick up himself. The main thing about him can tell his songs: "Alesya", "May Waltz", "dear my countrymen", "Polka Belorusskaya", "Veras", "Veronika", "Trab of the House of Byvation Character", "Letter from the 45th" . The compositions to which the composer wrote music, can be listed for hours. Some of them are especially expensive to master.

Igor Ruenok, composer:
Four works. This is "My relatives Kut" (Yakub Kolas), "Spadyna" (Yanka Kupala), "Zhuraўli on the Palessi Lyatsyats" (Alesa glass) and "May Waltz".

Igor Mikhailovich Ruten graduated from three conservatory: Belarusian, Leningrad, Moscow. He wrote hundreds of instrumental works. It was he who was the author of the anthem of the Belarusian capital - "Song about Minsk". This melody is discouraged by the chimes on the Minsk Town Hall every hour.

Igor Ruenok, composer:
I never chased gold, silver or some benefits. Never! I just served the Soviet Union. I am the People's Artist of the USSR, and I am very proud of it!

And this is the rare frame when Igor Mikhailovich takes the accordion and begins to play. This tool is a gift of the Father. But still, we are happily seeing the maestro at the piano.

Igor Mikhailovich the flaw does not bring the line under his work. And today he can not live without a musical tact. On his piano - new unaccepting scores.

We wish the famous composer for many years of life and the accomplishment of all his creative ideas!

Nar. MUZ. The lawsuit in Belarus comes into contact with the Nar. music by rus. and Ukrainian People, Zap. and south. Slavs. So. A group of vintage songs is associated with calendar rites that existed from farming. Peoples. Common carols, generous, spring, vololaum, Yuryev, Troitsk, Kupalskiy, Znik, Karaski, Autumn Songs are common. Multiple songs of the family and ritual cycle: wedding, christening, lullaby, due. Widely represented dance, gaming, dance and comic songs. Lyrich. Songs are divided into genre-thematic groups: love, ballads, Cossack, recruit, soldier, Chumatsky, Peasant Wolnitsa songs. In the development of Belarus. MUZ. Folklore played a big role in Rus. revolution. Working song Nach. 20 V. She had an influence on the melody of Belarus. nar. Songs. Non-ry nar. Songs are created on the cl. Belarusian poets (M. Bogdanovich, Ya. Kupala, J. Kolas, K. Bulielo). With owls. The authorities appeared new Nar. Songs developing traditions of the pre-breather. Songs and drawing content from Sovr. Life. MN. Songs are created by amateur composers and nar. Choir. teams (the choir village is a big poma, the church, pouring, etc.). Vintage nar. Belorus. Songs based on one-haired, are often performed in a heteropal manner. They are characterized by the wave-like melody of a compressed range with an enclosed movement and jumps on a quart or quint, developed ornamentics, rhythm flexibility, a variety of performing techniques. Songs are diatonic. The texts are characterized by SILLABILITY (when singing there are plug-in vowels, forming artificial syllables). The most characteristic of the mean sizes, a variety of metrics. There are complex and sour cream tacts. Multifolor in Nar. The song of Belarus began to develop in the 80s. 19th century OSN. The melody is carried out in the lower voice, and in the upper (t. n. eyeliner) - solo improvisation. There are 3-voice consonants. Songs in everyday life are performed without accompaniment, with the exception of comic and chastushki, which come across the accompaniment of harmonics (Bayana). A number of Belarusian folk songs are used in the works of Russian and Polish Classic composers: in the "Big Fantasy" Chopin, the first Symphony of Glazunov, Opera "Snow Maiden" and "Mlada" Roman Corsakov, "Lithuanian Rhapsodia", "Three Symphony Songs" Karlovich, Operators Montyushko (native of Belarus) and others.

Belarusian folk song "You, Cheryvona Caliina"

Belorus. nar. dance. Melodies are usually a 2-row meter and are performed in a rapid pace. Melody develops through seventures, syncopes are found. In most dances, the dancing reflects the labor processes ("Lenok", "Bulba"), the attitude of a person to the surrounding nature ("Metelitsa"), a significant place occupies the story dancing ("Yurochka", "LEVONICH", "Polka-Yanka").

Among Belorus. nar. Tools are the most common cymbals. In nar. Byet, the range of their sound does not exceed 1.5 octaves, the mounted sound is missing. Sovr. Reconstructed cymbals are three octave, chromatic - form the basis of the Belarusian orchestra. nar. Tools. Bayans, harmonics and violin are also common; from drums - tambourine and a small drum; The windows are a twin and a poultry. Popular nar. Instrase ensembles consisting of cymbal, harmonics, tambourine or violin; Harmonics, tambourine or violin. These compositions often join the twin and clarinet. Students. Tool in Nar. ensembles was a drug. Cello bastela, in the present. Time almost disappeared from performing practices. Already with con. 19th century Gradually come out of use are also extremely popular in the past Duda (Volyanka) and Lira (Lera).

In the 17th century Spiritual Kant appear in Belarus. One of the edges created by the Belarusian. An enlightener Afanasiya Filippovich and placed in his "diariest" (1645-46), was the first model of the taller's tank record. Melodies (Kiev. Notation on a five-line note mill). The first published music sample Belorus. nar. Songs - "Kupala to Ivan" ("Vilensky Bulletin", 1817). The songs were printed in magazines and newspapers, in music applications to ethnographic. Works and Sat. Song texts (P. V. Shaine, E. R. Romanov, I. A. Serbov, N. A. Yanchuk, etc.), they went out. Small Sat. (Z. Radchenko, I. G. Bullko-Mashko). Wide systematic. Work on collecting and exploring Belarus. MUZ. Folklore began only after the Great Oct. Socialist. Revolution.

With con. 16th century In Belarus, school develops, from the 18th century. - Fortress T-R, in the performances of the K-Rozhogo included choir. Music, songs, dancing, ins. Naigry. From the 40s 19th century Muses are activated. LIFE Minsk, Vitebsk, Grodno (ch. arr. Concerts of tour and local lovers, performances of visitors Theater. Troupe). In 1852, Komich was delivered to Minsk. Opera "Selyanka" Montyushko on the Liber. V. I. Dunin-Marzinkevich. Operetta M. Ya. Kimont "Ballets" ("Watching") on the one. Dunin-Marzinkevich's comedy was shown by Belarus. MUZ. Dram. Circle in Vilnius (1915). A great place was given to music in the performances of the first Belarusian. Troupes I. T. Buynitsky (beginning 20th century; songs and dances for intermedia were patched and treated with a Polish comp. L. Rogovsky, Lithuan. Comp. S. Shimk).

Great oct. Socialist. The revolution and education of the BSSR (1919) laid the beginning of the flourishing of nat. MUZ. Iska In 1918-19 in Vitebsk, Minsk, Mogilev, Gomel, Bobruisk were opened by Nar. Conservatory, later transformed into music. Technical schools. MUZ. Schools are created in Split. Cities of Belarus. Of particular importance acquired Belarus. MUZ. Technical school in Minsk (1924), on the basis of the opera and ballet classes, the state was opened in 1930. Studio Opera and Ballet, and in 1933 - Belorus. T crop and ballet; Symph. The technical school orchestra has become the basis of the Symph. Orchestra Belorus. Radio (1928), Unsemble Belorus. nar. Tools - Orchestra Nar. Philharmonic tools (1937). In 1932, Belarusian opens. Conservatory, in 1937 Belorus. Philharmonic, united Symph. Orchestra, orchestra nar. Tools, Unsemble Belarusian. songs and dances, choir. Capella, Instrase and wok. Ensembly, group of soloists. In 1940, Belarusian was organized. Song and dance ensemble. G. R. Shirma, transformed in 1955 in the state. Choir. chapel. Composers of Belarus in 1938 united into an alliance of composers (in 1932-38 there was a section of composers at the Union of Writers of the BSSR, then Belorus. Branch of the USSR CK). During the years of the fascist occupation, the artists of Belorus. T-ra Opera and ballet combined participation in front brigades with performances in the performances of T-Mortar of the Bratsky Republics; In the 1943-44 season, the T-ra team worked in Gorky and Kovrov, and in the fall of 1944 resumed activities in the liberated Minsk. Belorus. The song and dance ensemble toured around the country.

After graduating from the Great Fatherland. Wars 1941-45 in Belarus restores the activities of all muses. collectives and institutions are formed by state. nar. Choir of the BSSR (1952, art. Hands. G. I. Zitovich), state BCR dance ensemble (1959, art. Hands. S. V. Drechin), Choir (1946) and the Conal.-Pop Orchestra Belarus. Radio and television (1958), Minsk Chamber Orchestra (1968) are organized by Nar. Opera Studios, Symph. and nar. orchestras, ins. ensembles.

By 20th. The beginning of the activities of Belarus. Composers who laid the foundations of prof. MUZ. Schools. Among the writings of H. H. Churkin, symphony (1925) is of particular importance - the first Belarusian. Symph. composition; The composer also created the opera "Liberation" (1922, post. 1924), songs and romances on the cl. J. Khawl and Ya. Kolas. N. I. Aladov made a FP. Quintet (1925), romance cycles (on S. Ya. Kupala and M. Bogdanovich, 1923), Komich. Opera "Taras on Parnassa", Cantata "Ten Years" (both 1927). E. K. Tikotsky wrote the 1st Symphony (1929). Mass songs create in these years A. E. Turnkov, K. Pukst, I. I. Lyuban.

In the 30s. Created a production. Split. genres: music. Comedy "Holy Kitchen" Tikotsky (1931), "Coksagyz" Churkin (1939), Cantata "Over the River Oresa" Aladova (1933), "Tale about Medvedikh" A. V. Bogatyreva (1937, S. A. S. Pushkin) , 1st Symphony of the Book (1934), Symphony "Chelyuskintsy" (1935) and "Belarus" (1936) who worked in Minsk Rus. Composer V. A. Zolotareva, "Belorusskaya Suite" Treuenkov (1933), Symphony of Aladova (1936), Instru. Concerts E. K. Tikotsky (for Trombone), A. K. Klumov (for FP.), Table (for violin), FP. And the violin plays of Klumov. In the song genre, S. V. Polonsky, V. A. Efimov, fruitfully worked fruitfully. F. Sokolovsky, I. I. Lyuban - the author of the popular song "Stay healthy."

Performance on the stage of Belarus. T-Ra Opera and Ballet Opera "Migrasa Podgorny" Tikotsky (1939), "In Polesia's forests" Bogatyreva (1939), "Flower of happiness" Tournamenkova (1940), the first Belarusian. Ballet "Nightingale" M. E. Kroshone (1939) laid the beginning of Nats. MUZ. Theater. All these performances were shown in Moscow during the 1st decade of Belarus. Iska Va and Lithing (1940).

During the Great Fatherland. Wars 1941-45 ch. The theme of the work of Belarus. Composers becomes heroic. Wrestling owls. People against FSH. Invaders, in particular, adopted grandiose sizes partisan movement. In addition to numerous. Songs (N. I. Aladov, A. V. Bogatyrev, A. K. Klumov, I. I. Lyuban, S. V. Polonsky, G. K. Pukst, N. F. Sokolovsky, E. K. Tikotsky, M. E. Shneiderman, etc.), the cantata "Leningrads" (1942) and "Belarusian partisans" (1943) of the Bogatyrev, Symphony-Ballad "in the harsh days" of Aladova (1942), Opera "Alesya" Tikotsky (1944) are devoted to this topic , Belarusian. T-R Opera and Ballet). War's echoes are heard in Symph. and chamber-ins. . Without an announced program (2nd Symphony of the Book, 2nd Ed. 1943; FP. Trio Bogatyreva, 1943; 2nd Quartet Aladova, 1943). A. K. Klumov created Satirich. Comedy "Adventures of Fritz" (1944).

Belorus. Opera creativity in the 50s. Closely connected with heroic-patriotic. theme. Created and executed on the stage of Belarus. T-ra Opera and Ballet The first Belarusian. Historic. Opera "Kastsus Kalinovsky" D. A. Lukas (1947), Opera "Girl from Polesia" Tikotsky (1953, on the material of Opera "Alesya"), "Nadezhda Durov" Bogatyreva (1956), ambassador. Fatherland War 1812, "Clear Dawn" Tournamenkov (1958) on the struggle of the people for the reunification of Belarus in 1939, the first Belarusian. Opera for children "Marinka" Bucsta (1955). In 1949, the premiere of the ballet "Prince-Lake" ZOLOTAREVA was presented, the Belarusian was basically laid. nar. Legends. In 1958, a lyrical comedy ballet G. M. Wagner "Fold Bride".

In the wok.-sym. and Symph. genres of Belarus. Music reflects major events of the history of the people and his owf. Life: Kantati "Belarus" Bogatyreva (1949), "Forty-year-old" Aladova (1956), "Poppene" Kuznetsov (1958), "Memory of Constantine Charnelova" Semenyako (1958), Wok.-Symph. The poem "Eternally Live" Wagner (1959), Symph. Poem "Parisan Jel" Tolnikova (1952, 3rd. 1960) and others. A large development is obtained earlier than weakly represented in Belarus. music of the Symphony genres (N. I. Aladov, A. V. Bogatyrev, P. P. Zakovyov, G. K. Pukst, E. K. Tikotsky, from the con. 50s. Also, E. A. Glebov, in . I. Cherednichenko) and Instrases Concert (D. R. Kaminsky, P. P. Zakovrov, E. M. Tyramand). D. R. Kaminsky Along with the FP., Violin and Cello used for the first time as the citabla soling tool; His experience was developed by E. G. Degtyarik, E. A. Glebov, D. B. Smolsky and others. Among the contract. Belorus. Chamber instant Music - FP. Quintet P. P. Shivyna, FP. Trio L. M. Abelovich, Sonata A. V. Bogatyreva for FP., Violins and Cello, etc.; Chamber-wok. Music is represented by the cycles A. V. Abelovich (on Sl. M. Bogdanovich, F. I. Tyutcheva, R. Burns), A. V. Bogatyreva (on S. Ya. Kupala, A. Kuleshov and W. Shakespeare), D . A. Lucasa (on Sl. L. Ukrainki), K. Puksta (for A. Zzonka) and others. In the field of the song, V. V. Tinovnikov operate (cycle about the heroes of the Great Fatherland. Wars 1941-45), Yu. V. Semenyako ("oh, noisy green forests" et al.), P. P. Tykovrov ("bison" and others), D. A. Lukas ("Sun as clear" and others). The music of the Hymn of the BSSR wrote N. P. Sokolovsky (1955). In the 60s and beginning. 70s. On the scene of Belarus. T-ra Opera and ballet post. Komich. Operas "Barbed Rose" (1960) and "When the leaves fall out" (1968) Semensyako, his own Opera Poem "Star Venus" (1970) about Belarus. Poet M. Bogdanovic, Ballets "Dream" (1961), "Alpine Ballad" (1967) and "Choosing" (1969) Glebova, "Light and Shadows" (1963), "After Bala" (1971) Wagner. The first experience of creating a teleoper belongs to Vagneur ("Morning", 1967). In MN. genres of Belarus. Music composers R. P. Butvilovsky, S. A. Kortes, I. M. Luenok, D. B. Smolsky, K. D. Tesakov, O. G. Yanchenko, and others. Content and genre diversity are distinguished by Wok.- Symph. Music 60s and beginning. 70s. Among it means. . This genre is Cantata "Belarusian songs" and monologues about V.I. Lenin for Bass and Orchestra of Bogatyrev, the Orator of "Bell", "Sveti, Zarya" and a concert for voice with the Glebov orchestra, Wok.-Symph. The poem "Sidel" Cortes and others. The genre of Instrases is widely represented. Concert (A. V. Bogatyrev, R. P. Butvilovsky, M. M. Wagner, D. R. Kaminsky, S. A. Kortes, O. G. Yanchenko). Significant chamber inst. Ansembly N. I. Aladova, D. R. Kaminsky, Wok. Cycles E. M. Tyramand, D. B. Smolsky, choral production. A. V. Bogatyreva, E. M. Tyramand. Popularity won songs I. M. Luenka. MN. Composers work in the field of pop music and movies.

Among the musicograms and folklorists - L. D. Auerbach, G. S. Glushchenko, T. A. Dubkova, V. I. Elats, A. B. Ladygin, L. S. Mukharinskaya, I. G. Nisnevich, S. G . Nisnevich, B. S. Smolsky, K. I. Stepanevich, G. I. Zitovich, G. R. Shirma, T. A. Shcherbakova et al.; among singers - nar. art. USSR L.P. Alexandrovskaya, T. N. Nizhniova, Nar. art. BSSR L. F. Alekseeva, A. D. Arsenko, Z. I. Babiy, I. M. Bolotin, L. F. Brazhnik, V. F. Volccnetskaya, L. I. Galushkin, A. M. General, in . I. Glushakov, S. M. Danilyuk, M. I. Denisov, S. Yu. Drucker, P. I. Podetsky, M. A. Zyuvanov, V. M. Malkova, R. V. Mlodek, I. P . Sykov, N. N. Serdobov, I. D. Sorokin, V. M. Chernobaev, T. I. Shimko; Conductors - Nar. art. BSSR T. M. Kolomyceva, L. V. Lyubimov, fell. Deat. Script in the BSSR I. S. Abmis, I. A. Hitgarz, M. E. Shneiderman, seeding. Artist BSSR V. V. Kataev; Cholar conduits - Nar. Artist of the USSR G. I. Zitovich, G. R. Shirma, Nar. art. BSSR A. Kogadeev, fell. Deat. Script in the BSSR N. Petrov, B. V. Rovdo; violinists - fell. art. BSSR A. L. Immortal, L. D. Gorelik; Pianists - fell. art. BSSR E. Ya. Efron; Zimbalists - Nar. art. USSR I. I. Zhinovich, Nar. art. BSSR A. A. Ostometsky, fell. art. BSSR V. A. Burkovich, S. M. Novitsky, X. I. Shmelkin.

The BSR function in the BSSR. Symph. Orchestra, Minsk Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra Nar. Tools, academic choral chapel, choir of radio and television, state. nar. Choir, the ensemble of the song and dance of the Red Banner Belarusian. military. District (Osn. In 1938), Concert-Pretty Radio and Television Orchestra, Conservatory and Specials with her. Medium music. School (Minsk), 12 muses. Schools, 96 muses. schools. At the Institute of Art History, Ethnography and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (Osn in 1957) there is a music sector.

Literature: Jumped by N., People's Music of the UHANSTRUMENT BELARUS, "SPAISSI ADDZELE HUMTINGER NAUP", KN 4 - Prats Cathedra Ethnhagrafii, t. 1, Sshyaky 1, MINSK, 1928; Belyaev V., Belarusian folk music, L., 1941; Nisnevich S., comments on the melodic and bulk structure of the Belarusian folk song, "News of the Academy of Sciences of the Belarusian SSR", 1948, NO 3; Her, Belarusian symphonic music, Minsk, 1959; Her, Belarusian folk song in Music Music Dramaturgich Nantsyanal operas I Ballet, MINSK, 1962; Mastaztva Sovetskay Belarusi. Zborornik Artkulau, MINSK, 1955; Tsitovich G., Nisnevich I., Belarusian SSR, M., 1957 (musical culture of the Union republics); Sizko V. A., Belarusian Soviet Opera, Minsk, 1959; Maistra of Belarus scene, MINSK, 1960; Solsky B.S., Belarusian Music Theater, Minsk, 1963; Yelatov V.I., Farm Fundamentals of Belarusian People's Music, Minsk, 1964; its own, rhythmic foundations of Belarusian folk music, Minsk, 1966; its own, melodic foundations of Belarusian folk music, Minsk, 1970; ChReko Yu. M., Belarusian ballet, Minsk, 1966; Nisnevich I., Nisnevich S., essays on the history of the Soviet Belarusian musical culture, L.-M., 1966, L.-M., 1969; Zhuravlev D. N., composers of Soviet Belarus, Minsk, 1966; Mukharinskaya L. S., Melodic language of the modern Belarusian folk song, Minsk, 1966; Her, Belarusian People's Partisan Song, Minsk, 1968; Words of the Maystroi SCENA, MINSK, 1967; Kuleshova G. G., Belarusian Soviet Opera, Minsk, 1967; Stepantevich K. I., Belarusian concert, Minsk, 1968; History of the music of the peoples of the USSR, TT I-IV, M., 1970-72; Gistora of Belarusian Savetskaya Musici, MINSK, 1971.

IG Nisnevich