Traditions of South Africa. Information about the Republic of South Africa

Traditions of South Africa. Information about the Republic of South Africa
Traditions of South Africa. Information about the Republic of South Africa

By virtue of the identity of historical conditions of development, the culture of South Africa diverse and solid. This is a culture of the developed capitalist country, and the traditional culture of individual inhabitants of its peoples. Generally modern culture South Africa is tragic because of the ancient apartheid system.

The traditional occupation of the peoples of the bow on the territory of South Africa was cattle breeding and honey. considered the main wealth of the bow; They used, and cattle rarely scored. Combined the occupation of cattle breeding with hunting. lived by hunting and collecting.

Traditional Gottentot dwellings are round dome-shaped huts, which are either covered with hinges, or cooked from above. Gottentots - spears with metal tips, bows, long swings "Kirry".

Some peculiar features have developed in the culture and the life of the first European settlers in southern Africa. The traditional means of movement in Afrikaner from the XVIII century. It became a two-axle on wooden wheels with a sled out of sixteen oxen. In the very south of the province in the early colonization, there was a kind of architectural, who received the name of the Cappo-Dutch. Until now, in the Cape Town area, you can find a lot of buildings in this style, wearing traits of both typical Dutch architecture and peculiar South African.

On the rocks and large stones on the banks of rivers in Transvaal and in the north of the Cape Province, which are considered even more ancient. They depict elephants, antelope, and very rarely - hunting scenes. The tool for performing petroglyphs may have served.

The technique of Bushmen painting has been studied quite well. Paints were prepared from non-ferrous minerals and coal mixed with animal fat. The most ancient frescoes are made by one paint, later - polychromic. There is an opinion that part of the later creme pictures Made by nations Bantu. The arrival in the country from the north of the cattle breeding tribes Bantu found its own in Bushmen painting: on the rocks there are scenes of military battles between the bow and Bushmen. In later drawings there are already sailing ships and Europeans in wide-rolled hats and with guns.

In the north 'of Transvaal, the ruins of African settlements of the Middle Ages were found. On the hill, once discouraged stone wall, Are the ruins of Mahachma. Behind the wall are the remnants of the fenced stone residence of the ruler. The ruins of the conical tower are preserved near the entrance. When excavations in the valley of strengthening residues related to the XIV-XVIII centuries, polished, numerous iron and gold jewelry were found. Archaeological data allow us to talk about the close connection of these structures with Zimbabwe culture.

Modern culture of South Africa chips in the shakes of the apartheid system, forcibly exhausted barriers on the path of convergence of cultures of various racial groups. Apartheid serves the main reason The current spiritual stagnation and the poverty of the official approved by the authorities of South Africa. Conditions for separate development of races inhibit bright and original talents. The policy of apartheid led to mass emigration from the country's best representatives of its creative intelligentsia. Other distinctive trait modern culture of South Africa - its significant westernization in last years. In a much greater degree than in other countries of the African continent, the so-called "" West was distributed to South Africa.

Education systems in South Africa is also determined by apartheid policies. Different races learn separately. 2 / from African children leave school, not even graduating from the initial course, and access to, especially technical, is practically closed for representatives of the unfinished population.

Scientific activity in South Africa is a monopoly privilege of the top of the White population. South African scientific centers are equipped with modern appliances. Since 1965, an atomic reactor operates. South Africa is actively conducted by secret work on the creation of nuclear weapons.

Professional in South Africa appeared at the end of the XIX - early XX century. By this time, the creativity of the prominent writer and public actor O. Shreiner belongs. It belongs to the novels of the "African Farm" (1883), "Private Peter Halq from Mashonalen-" (1897), "From one to another" (1926) "Ondina" (1928), several collections of stories and a number of journalistic works. O. Shreiner had a significant impact on the development of democratic trends in South African literature. The largest and well-known writer Bantu was Thomas Mofolo. His historical novel "" Is widely known and outside of South Africa. Popular also Plate - Writer, Translator and public figure, poets evil and Vilacazi.

The frank fascization of the country in the 60s, the prohibition of the main national democratic organizations and their press bodies, the cruel and arbitrariness of the authorities forced many progressive writers and the poets to leave their homeland (E. Hutchinson, P. Abraham, etc.). But alive from their homeland, in emigration, writers and poets South Africa lead an active struggle against the racist regime. In emigration creates many stories and collections of stories famous writer, Public and politician A. La Gum. His first story of "wandering in the night" was published in 1962. They followed "and thread threefold twisted" (1966), "Stone Country" (1967), "at the end of the Tumanov season" (1972 ). The exposure of the Bantustanization policy is devoted to the story of A. La Gium "Time of Sorokoput" (1979). The names of such writers like N. Mountains and A. Pathton, whose works have an acute anti-ray orientation are widely known worldwide.

Civil trends expressing in the "protest literature" are imbued and. represented by poets who were almost all forced to leave their homeland and continue to work in emigration. Among them - D. Bruutus, B. Breitenbach, M. R. Kune-No, K. Peter, B. Fainberg, and others. People of different races are combined by hatred for racism; Their works prohibited in their homeland are an important tool in the fight against apartheid.

Despite the tremendous difficulties facing progressive writers left in South Africa, literature continues to develop within the country.

In major cities there are theaters. The most famous B. Brook in Johannesburg. Among theatrical groups in which only African actors are played, the most popular - Yo-Hannesburg troupe "Bantia Company".

The South African Health System is designed for service primarily by the White Population. In 1972, one doctor accounted for 440 whites, and among Africans - by 44 thousand. The development of medical science in South Africa is quite high. However, medicine achievements are available only to white residents of the country. African suffers not only from the lack of medical personnel and therapeutic institutions, but also because of an exorbitantly high treatment fee. Among the least secured layers of the African population, tuberculosis is widespread, etc., and about half of children do not live up to five years.

Multinational culture of South Africa

A huge African continent is so rich and diverse in its culture, which not only changes from one country to another, but also in a separate country, a mix of various civilizations is demonstrated. Previously, under the influence of European values \u200b\u200band Christianity, often African, who became the tradition of values \u200b\u200brejected, but with the rise of nationalism, the revival occurred. And now culture South Africa - represents the legacy of Afrikaner and French Huguenots, German and British colonists, Zulu and Spit, Asians and Indians.

Religion of South Africa

Christianity is the most common religion of South Africa. About two thirds of the inhabitants South Africa are Christians in one form or another, including Catholics, Anglican, parishioners of the Dutch reformat or African independent churches. Many Africans believe in predictor shamans called Sangomas. Exist in South Africa Also significant Hindu, Muslim and Jewish communities.

Economy South Africa

Today economy South Africa Due to the combination of high technologies, highly qualified management apparatus and cheap work force Make this region is quite investment attractive. The basis is minerals and minerals, agriculture, transport infrastructure, energy and foreign trade.

Science South Africa

Many discoveries and developments presented the world science South Africa. South African discoverers in medicine, mathematics, genetics, physics, and even the science and even IT-genius, which has become a cosmonaut. Achievements of Genetics Sydney Brenner and Physics Allan Kormak were marked by the highest world award - Nobel Prize.

Art of South Africa

Art in South Africa is as diverse and bright as the population and its culture in the country. Globally, modern art of South Africa It is relevant and in demand. The artist of William Kentridge was sold at auction for 3.5 million pounds in London in 2012.

Kitchen South Africa

A unique combination of many different external and internal influences of civilization demonstrates kitchen South Africa. Her people, landscapes, culture, languages \u200b\u200band long sophisticated story Create a modern mixture of kitchen, which determines this land, please local residents and tourists with their assortment and taste. These include Dutch, French, Indian and Malaysian recipes, and preparation methods that make their direction in the menu of restaurants and in the houses of local residents throughout the country.

Customs and traditions of South Africa

Thanks to rich cultural and traditional varieties, customs and traditions of South Africa are not uniform. Various ethnic and cultural groups live their indices and rites, an important contributation and geography of South Africa. Many of these customs, in addition to the rooted African cultures, are influenced by European and Western traditions.

Sport South Africa

In the country, sport is something like religion, and no matter what the differences are, everyone is worshiped by a sports altar. Sport South Africathere will always unite people in all spheres of life. Rugby, football and cricket are the most popular sports in the country.

The Republic of South Africa is a multinational society, but the separation of people into groups only in accordance with their skin color can entail problems. The same AfricanDers and the British will not be happy if they are identified with each other. In South Africa, many different tribal crops.

Union and mixing in the urban areas of South Africa, along with the suppression of traditional Negro cultures for many years of apartheid, mean that the old lifestyle gradually goes into the past, but in rural areas of the country, local cultures are still very strong. Among the various groups of the tradition of marriage and taboos differ, but most of the most African cultures are based on faith in the men's deity, the spirits of the ancestors and supernatural powers. Polygamy here is an ordinary phenomenon, and the redemption is paid for the bride. Cattle Playing important role In many cultures as a symbol of wealth and religious symbol.

The art of the indigenous population of South Africa is the last live element leaving in past cultures. Skatal painting on San Mountain, which dates back to 26 millennium, is the most important monument of these cultures. Sometimes traditional culture included practical tribe skills, such as the embroidery of beads in women-Zulus. The culture of the Zulus people is the most viable from black crops, and many Zulusov who sang on the demonstrations of the "Party of Freedom of the Incata" movement, were part of this ancient culture. The goat, which was nicknamed with red people because of their bright red clothes that most adult people of the tribe are also among the indigenous peoples of South Africa. Neddeel is a tribe living in the north-east of the country at the Mpumalanga Place in amazingly beautiful painted houses.

The culture of Africarators developed in isolation, and while they went through the fields with their herds and the Bible, europe experimented with democracy and liberalism. Now the life of local Africankers communities is still revolving around the Dutch reformist church.

In addition to Africaers, other white residents of South Africa are British. The British are more urbanized and dominated in business and financial sector. Africaers feel that they are more committed to South Africa, unlike the British, who are one foot here, and the other in Britain. The influential Jewish community and a small group of Hindus also lives in South Africa.

The British had a very big impact on the kitchen of South Africa. Steaks or sausage of bursk wars, as well as pierced vegetables and chips are ordinary food in this region. African dishes are not served in restaurants, although of course you can buy cheap rice with filler from street merchants in most major cities. Beer and brandy are very popular in South Africa, and the fault of South Africa has already separated worldwide.

South Africa is a house for a variety of diverse cultures, but many were suppressed during the apartheid, when the day after day, traditional cultures were not perceived, simplified and destroyed. In a society where you could be imprisoned for irregular painting, serious art was sent underground. During the years of apartheid was destroyed by the area six - multinational cultural part Cape Town and Johannesburg Sophiaatown, where world famous musicians studied their craft in the town, called "grinding skeleton." Groups such as "Ladysmith", "Black", "Mambazo" reported the rhythms of South Africa to Western listeners.

One of the most amazing aspects of South Africa is that the country is in the process of revival. Retrospective galleries of black artists, both modern and traditional; And the musicians from all over Africa perform on grand festivals.

Rest in South Africa can bring mass unforgettable impressions. Amazing natural landscapes, plants and animals that are no longer anywhere in the world, unique culture And traditions, beautiful beaches - the South African Republic there is something to offer a traveler.

Information about the country

The Republic of South Africa is located in the south of the continent. It borders with Namibia (in the North-West), Mozambique and Swaziland (in the North-East), Zimbawa and Botswana (in the north). Washed by the waters of two oceans - the Atlantic (in the West) and Indian (in the East). South Africa is the most economically developed country in Africa and the only one on the continent does not apply to the countries of the Third World.

Capital: Pretoria (administrative), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial).

Population: 48 601 098 (according to 2013).

State device: parliamentary republic.

Language: South Africa 11 languages \u200b\u200brecognized by public: Afrikaans, English, South Nuryel, Spit, Zulu, Northern Soto, Sesto, Tsvan, Swami, Venda, Tsonga.

Religion: Freedom of religion has been established in the country. Approximately 80% of the population refers to Protestant Christians, about 2% to Muslims, 1.5% to Hindus. 20% profes traditional beliefs (animalism, the cult of ancestors, fetishism, etc.).

Time: Looms from Moscow for 2 hours.

South Africa Republic


Climate South Africa has his own distinctive features In each of the provinces. Summer begins in October and ends in March. For this period, solar and clear weather is characterized in the morning and thunderstorms - in the afternoon. Such contrasts are peculiar to almost all regions of the country, excluding the caps of the provinces where the greatest amount of precipitation falls in winter (main cities - Cape Town, Bisho, Kimberly). In the provinces of Mpulang, Limpopo and Kuzulu-Natal of winter, on the contrary, very dry. The day of the thermometer column rises to +30 ° C, and at night often drops to +15 ° C. In general, in winter (from June to August) is usually sunny, up to +20 ° C, at night the temperature drops to +5 ° C.

If you go to Safari Tour in South Africa to see the famous national parks, it is better to choose the period from May to July - at this time the weather is most suitable for such travel.

Average daytime temperature at South Africa

Cities of South Africa Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sen. Oct. November Dec
Durban +27 +27 +27 +25 +23 +22 +22 +22 +22 +23 +24 +26
Durban, T water +24 +25 +24 +23 +21 +20 +19 +19 +20 +21 +22 +23
Cape Town. +26 +27 +25 +23 +20 +18 +18 +18 +19 +21 +24 +25
Cape Town, T Water +18 +18 +17 +16 +16 +16 +15 +15 +16 +16 +17 +18
Pretoria +29 +28 +27 +24 +22 +19 +20 +22 +26 +27 +27 +28
Johanbburg +20 +19 +18 +16 +13 +10 +10 +13 +16 +17 +18 +19

South Africa Republic


South Africa has amazing nature. Deserts, savanna, tropical forests, picturesque valleys, majestic mountain ranges, beautiful beaches of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans - there is something to see. There are many reserves in the country: Umfolosy, Jint-Castle, Vailderes, Lotten, Mkuzy, etc. Magnificent National Parks Royal-Natal, Augrabis, Kalahari Gersbok, Kruger, Waterfall Tughela (height - 948 m), Lake Santa Lucia and Sibayy - Each of these places deserves visits. On the expanses of South Africa, you can see more than 20,000 species of plants, many of whom are no longer found anywhere in the world. Huge baobabs, unique proteins, capsic heather, milk, samshes, a variety of herbs and flowers create the appearance of the country. Animal world Posted by African elephants, lions, chepads, giraffes, zebras, crocodiles, antilopes, many types of monkeys, birds, etc. Many representatives of the Fauna South Africa today are on the verge of extinction. They can be seen only in national parks and reserves.

Traditions and customs

Throughout history in South Africa, the cultures of indigenous peoples, colonizers and migrants, however, the traditions and customs of some tribes reached our time almost unchanged. Larger distribution they have in villages and remote corners of the country. Urban residents consider themselves modern and more value material benefits than the traditions of ancestors. In South Africa, there is little formalities relating to appearance and behavior, but punctuality is of great importance: late is considered as disrespect.

South Africa Republic

In each settlement there is a shaman, to which they are treated for cure from the ailments. This is a very revered person, it is often coming to the everyday board. Preserved traditional wedding rituals. Girls can marry even in very young age (13-14 years), guys must prove their worth. The groom passes the initiation: spends several days in privacy and conversations with elder. The community expects an attachment from it - the extraction of a large hunting trophy or another act of courage (it all depends on the customs of the tribe). On the eve of the wedding, several future husbands perform ritual dancing, sing, and in the morning they make a ablution in the lake. Then, surrounded by relatives, passes a rather severe rite of initiation, and after a few days they play a wedding. Rich feast, toasts, dancing, songs - mandatory components of the holiday. By the way, many tribes are allowed polygamy. The number of "second halves" depends only on the financial capabilities of the husband. For each wife, it is customary to pay "Lobol" - ransom, usually in the amount of 10-12 cows.

The indigenous peoples of South Africa believe in higher power Nature, resettlement of souls, legends and legends of the ancestors. For example, the beliefs are very common in the fact that underwater inhabitants are inhabited in the reservoirs, who drag people to the bottom and make them their slaves. Therefore, in some tribes with caught, they belong to any daras of the seas and rivers - fish, seafood, etc. It is common in Tolokosha - a house that is hidden in dark corners and steals girls. That is why many traditional constructions of South Africa round, without corners.

Major holidays and events in South Africa: Day of reconciliation (December 16), Youth Day (June 16), National Festival Arts in the Graystown (in July), Big festival Live art (September-October). There are many exhibitions in the country, where you can get acquainted with folk art. The residents of South Africa are very developed traditional crafts: manufacture of ceramics, creating jewelry of beads, weaving baskets and mats, wood carving. A separate place is occupied by the production of filters for filtering beer (from palm branches and leaves) for the Zulussian beer ceremony.

South Africa Republic

Culture and architecture

European and local traditions are bugged in architecture and culture of South Africa. "CALAL" is a settlement consisting of a chamber for livestock and surrounding his hut round or rectangular shape. W. of different nations Accepted their ways to design dwellings. For example, Neddeel decorate the walls with paintings with images geometric figures, people, animals, etc. In large cities you can see the samples of the so-called "cap of architecture", in which the European style is adapted to African conditions.

South Africa famous rock painting. In the caves of the dragon mountains still find images of animals, people and fantastic creatures. The most ancient of them were found not far from the town of Kuruman. According to some estimates, they were created more than 10 thousand years ago. As for professional visual arts, its recognized generators are considered to be Gerard Skod, Georges Pemba and Gerard Bhungua (XX century). Among the others famous painters You can call such artists like Mkhlab Dumile-Fenia, Helen McGabo Sebidi, Jeremy Wafer, Karel Nel, and others. Their works can be seen in the national picture gallery South Africa in Cape Town, Durban Art Gallery, etc.

In literature, legends and legends have great influence of various nations South Africa: Zulusov, Gottentots, Bushmen, etc. Modern writers write both in English and Afrikaans and other state languages. One of the first African novels, who saw the world was the "African farm" Olive Schreiner (1883). The subject of many books is associated with the apartheid regime. Among the writers of South Africa there are two Nobel laureate - Nadin Gorder and John Michael Kutcie. Other famous writers - Mike Nikola, Andre Brink, Ivan Vladislavich, Adel Naody, etc.

Musical traditions They have both local and European roots. Music and dancing are closely woven into the daily life of South Africa. They play, mainly on the drums, xylophones, saxophones, harp, guitars, etc. Developed choral singing, especially among the peoples of Sean and Matabel. Many dances are connected with traditional beliefs - "Harvest dances", "Dancing hunters" and others. Among famous musicians, you can call such names like Miriam Macuba and Brand Passy, \u200b\u200bthe group "Ladysmith Black Mambazo", which received the Gremmi Prize.

South Africa Republic

Basic currency

The official currency of South Africa is a South African rand equal to 100 cents. You can exchange money in banks, airports and hotels. Banks work only until 15:30 on weekdays and until 11:00 on weekends, which is not very convenient, and hotels additionally charge a commission of 1%. Exchange points are not very common, so it is best to use a credit card for calculations. Their main types are accepted in all major stores, hotels, etc. The exceptions make up the gas station - there is only possible cash.


There are no direct flights from Russia to South Africa, however, the choice of airlines carrying out regular flights to Johansburg and Cape Town is quite wide: KLM, Air France, Lufthansa, Turkish Airlines, British Airways, Iberia, Egypt Air, Qatar Airways, Swiss, Emirates. Depending on the air carrier, you will need a transplant in Frankfurt, London, Paris, Zurich or Dubai. The duration of the flight is 14-15 hours (excluding docking).


Standard voltage - 220 V (exceptions: in Port Elizabeth - 200/250 V, in Pretoria - 230-250 V). Forks, as a rule, with 3 round pins, but there is also a technique with two pins, besides, smaller in size. Adapters can be purchased, but you will have to spend some time on their search.

Car rent

Take a car for rental for the tour in South Africa can anyone not under 23 years old who has international driver's license. Insurance is already included in the rental price. It is also necessary to make a deposit for the gasoline tank (about 400 rands), it will be returned after you surrender the car with a full tank. The movement in South Africa is left-hand, the speed should not exceed 60-80 km / h in the city and 120 km / h - on the track. Given the crime rate, it is necessary to block the doors, and at stops always lift the glass.

South Africa Republic

Our advice

The crime rate in South Africa is high. This is especially true of Johannesburg, which is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world. At South Africa resorts is relatively safe, but do not forget about the precautionary measures: do not carry with you large sums money, be especially attentive when removing money in an ATM (fraud in this area is very developed), do not go anywhere alone, do not use public transport In the dark, the day, etc., besides, you should not take a camouflage on holiday in South Africa and in general the clothes of the khaki color, especially if you are going to go on an excursion to neighboring countries - you can be understood incorrectly.

No special vaccinations for rest in South Africa do not need. Confirmation of vaccination can be required on the border only if you visited countries where there are foci of hazardous diseases, such as yellow fever (region of Amazonia, etc.). It is necessary to take a means from malaria, sunscreen, repellent, clothes made of natural cloth with long sleeves, headdress. It is worth listening to the guide recommendation not to swim in unfamiliar reservoirs and follow all the instructions of the accompanying sfari.

Health care

South Africa boasts the most developed health care system on the continent corresponding to European standards. Even in small and remote settlements You will find a well-equipped clinic and hospital. Emergency assistance in the country is free, for further treatment will have to pay (medical care is very expensive). Tests for yellow fever, malaria and HIV infection are carried out everywhere (for a very symbolic fee).

The Republic of South Africa is one of the most colorful countries of the African continent. Thanks to the extraction of diamonds and gold, the South African economy flourishes, and the infrastructure and service are at a fairly high level. This is the most suitable country to get acquainted with African identity, its culture, historic Heritage, unique floral and animal world. The affectionate water of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, which merge near the southernmost point of Africa will give a lot of unforgettable impressions.
It is best to rest in South Africa from September to December, the bathing season lasts from September to mid-May. To visit the national parks, May-July is suitable when animals are collected on water. Watch whales best from June to December. The greatest number Tourists come to South Africa for the New Year.

Climate South Africa

South Africa is located in the field of subtropical and tropical climate. The average annual temperatures range from + 12 ° C to + 23 ° C. The difference in the temperatures of the coldest and the hottest belts is about 10 ° C. Determines this difference not so much latitude as relief and fluctuations in absolute heights. The average temperature of January from + 18 ° C to + 27 ° C, July - from + 7 ° C to + 10 ° C. The precipitation falls from 60 mm on the coast, 650 mm on the plateore to 2000 mm on the eastern slopes of the dragon mountains.

Money South Africa

South African rand (ZAR) is 100 cents. In the circulation there are banknotes 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 rands and coins 5, 2, 1, 2, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent.
1 zar \u003d 0.4 UAH

Traditions of South Africa

South Africa is a house for a variety of cultures, but many were suppressed during apartheid, when traditional cultures were not perceived, simplified and destroyed. In society, where a person could be imprisoned for irregular painting, serious art was underground. Over the years, the apartheid was destroyed by the area of \u200b\u200bSix - the multinational cultural part of Cape Town and Johannesburg Sophiaatown, where world famous musicians studied their craft in the town, called "grinding skeleton." Groups "Ladysmith", "Black", "Mambazo" reported the rhythms of South Africa to Western listeners.

Kitchen South Africa

In the culinary traditions of South Africa, sharp and spicy cuisines of the East are mixed, rational habits of European migrants and original cooking methods peculiar to african tribes. Most interesting local meat dishes, clearly borrowed from European cuisine, but noticeably different from the generally accepted recipes: pilaf of lamb with raisins and Kuragya "Bobota", dried "Biltong" meat, a roasted tail of the crocodile, stewed meat with water lilies, "Watterblommetybredi", assorted meat "Cara Lamb ", spicy sausages" Burvorus ", huge steaks with greens, triangular spicy cookies with Samsas meat and much more. Special pride of local culinary seafood. Round year On the table of lobsters, squid, mussels, oysters and all kinds of fish. Very popular among tourists, famous fish "Kingklip" and eel in Malayski, Langusts with fruit salad and smoked in smoke of herbs halibut, exquisite seafood pate, shark and caviar sea hedgehog, as well as hundreds of other "marine" dishes.

Sights of South Africa


One of the foundations of the country and administrative center Transvaal Province, TSSvan (Pretoria) lies 60 km north of Johannesburg. The most bright attractions are Kerkplets Square with Old Town Hall (1899), the Cathedral Square with the buildings of the Old Radesaal and the Palace of Justice (1898), Bintirion Park, which contains the official residence of President South Africa, State theater., Kruger Museum (dedicated to the first president of Transvaal Paulus Crupe and the History of the Anglo-Board War), the house of Melrose, one of the largest in the world administrative buildings - UNION-Bildings (1910), Monument to the First Sellers (1949), Fort Clasppercope, Building of the South African Reserve Bank, National Zoo, Radcliffe Observatory and Municipal art Gallery. Special pride of local residents - TSSvan Museums: Museum of Natural Sciences and Industry, Museum of History national Culture, Museum of Police, Museum of the Court of St. Petersburg, Museum of the Natural History of Transvaal, Museum under open sky Piernif, Museum of Mark, not far from Tsvan and the cultural village of Naddeel, surrounded by beautiful vineyards.


Durban is one of the largest ports of Africa and the center of Kwan-Natal Province, the most popular among tourists from all over the world. The richest shopping city and a fashionable resort, famous for their eastern bazaars, golden beaches and nearby the seaside of the Indian Ocean, Durban is considered one of the most colorful cities of the continent. It is worth considering the church of St. Paul (1853), a picturesque park on the ruins of the old fort, the building of the City Hall of the City Hall (1910) with a memorial complex, the Old Station, the Temple of Sri Ambalavanar Alayiam - the first and largest Hindu temple in Africa, and Also the largest mosque of the Southern Hemisphere of Juma in the Indian Quarter (975 sq. M.). The National Museum is greatly popular. natural History, Museum of Natural Sciences, Museum of Old Buildings, Center of African Art, Park Reptil Phitzimmons, Dolphinarium C-Warld and Durban Botanical Garden.

Maputlandend is one of the most distant and wild districts of South Africa, the Land of the Peoples of Tsonong. This area is known for the world's highest dunes and huge territories with a completely untouched nature. Tropical and subtropical faces here climatic zonesTherefore, you can see and wet savanna, and rainforest, and wetlands, sising life, river delta. Almost all kinds of wild animals in South Africa and more than four hundred bird species live in Maputlaland. Coral reefs B. National Park Gulf of Sodlya attract hundreds of diving and sea fishing fans, and the unique area of \u200b\u200bKosi Bay is known for its ecosystem of salted lakes.

Cape Town.

Cape Town (founded in 1652) - the location of the country's parliament, the capital of the West Kapska province and one of the most interesting cities of Africa. Located on the peninsula separating two oceans and "crowned" with a famous cape Good HopeThe city lies at the foot of the dining area (height 1086 m) - an ancient reference point for navigators and a real symbol of the modern city. Keiptown's attractions include the oldest building of South Africa - Castle (1666-1679, now a collection of antiques and painting), the building of the Parliament and the Cathedral of St. George in the old Park Company-Garden, the residence of President South Africa, Pink Palm-Three Mosque and Nurel-Vareda, Turkish baths (1906), the longest shopping street of the Continent - Furtrecker Road, one of the best Botanical Gardens - Kirstenbosh on the eastern side of the dining area, commercial center City Bowl, filled with artists and artisans Avenue George, a cable car to the top of the dining area, the mansions of the Old-Dutch architecture and the lush buildings of the Victorian era in the old quarters.

Northern Cape

Northern Cape is the largest province of the country. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Great Desert, a unique animal world, beautiful landscapes and unreasonable wealth of the subsoil, Northern Cape attracts a huge number of guests from all over the world.
Kimberly, the diamond capital of South Africa, rose around diamond mines. Until now, in the center of this city-museum there is Big How ("Great Hole") - the largest mini-quarry mine in the world, which marked the beginning of the "diamond fever" of the beginning of the last century (for a small fee and now you can try to find a diamond) . Today, Kimberly is a modern city with wide streets, magnificent parks and gardens, comfortable hotels, our own tourist tram, an excellent museum of the arts of Villama Hamphris and, of course, a luxurious mining museum on the edge of Big How. At 5 km from Kimberly, there is still an acting diamond deposit of the Bultfontein, according to which excursions are held. Interesting thresholds of Thunder-Ellie and Egerton Rapids on the Orange River, Lindberg Lodge Farm Reserve. From here it begins most of the routes to the Great Desert Kalahari.


Calahari is one of the most unusual corners of the globe. The desert on the ocean coast, one of the dry places on the planet, the edge of fantastic landscapes and a unique animal world, this area is becoming increasingly popular with tourists from all over the world. In addition to the usual acquaintance with the desert, here you can visit the Motherland of the Motion of Boycutov - Mmabato City with Museum of Maficenga, the endless Prairie Stellaland, National Park Augrabis with a famous two-stage waterfall, "Stretch of Christianity" - Kuruman city with the famous source of Kuruman's eye and vineyards, inspect cave drawings Caves Wonder Car, Kalahari-Orange Museum and Palm Dale Avenue (monument guarded by the state) in Apington, as well as visit the beautiful Calahari Gersbok National Park with an area of \u200b\u200b2 million hectares.

Park Kruger

Kruger National Park in East Transvaal is considered business card countries. Equal in Square to a small state, this unique reserve guards the animal and vegetable world of Savannan and semi-desert Southern Africa: more than 50 species of fish, 114 types of reptiles, 507 species of birds and 147 mammalian species. There are several equally original reservations in the district - Sabi-Sand, the nursery of the scoise, maniletie-gami, etc.