Whose flag is white and blue cross. What the flags mean

Whose flag is white and blue cross. What the flags mean
Whose flag is white and blue cross. What the flags mean

Many people looking at the flagpoles, wish to know what the flags mean different countries. What are all these stripes, crosses, colors and not always understandable symbols? Below you can learn about the values \u200b\u200bof the flags of the biggest states.


The Black and Red Golden Flag of Germany originates in 1813. At this time, Europe resisted the conqueror Napoleon. German volunteer students who united in the "Corps of Freedom" were actively defended their homeland. Volunteers wore black capes with a red rumble and gold buttons. Every time Germany fought for their independence, these colors were out of the historic arena. And in 1949, the black and red-gold flag was approved by law, and the colors were official interpretation: black symbolizes the gloomy years of reaction, red is the blood of patriots, spilled in the struggle for freedom, gold is the sun of freedom.

Brexite or not, England remains one of the most respected territories of Europeans seeking to emigrate. This figure, which we owe the Union between these two countries, is marked by numerous battles, conquests and common stories. Therefore, it is natural that England and Scotland united under the flag of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

So the first version of the Union Jack was born, which caused a few protests: the Scots, who proudly carry the kilts Tartan, were indignant, seeing foreground English Cross St. George, that is, above his beauty Cross San Andres. They responded by changing the flag of the Union and turning two crosses.


To say for sure what the France flag is simply impossible. There is a minimum three common interpretation. The first of them says that the vertical bands of the French flag are the embodiment of the National Maiden: Freedom, Equality of Brotherhood. The second version was very loved by Teachers of French Schools, who urged the children in the fact that the colors symbolize the main layers of society the time of formation of statehood: blue - bourgeoisie, white - clergy, and red - nobility.

Registration of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

This new state, possibly one of the first and most influential on the planet, has adopted the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain or, in two languages, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, after a century. In many ways, without the consent of the persecuted Irish Catholics, it should be said, therefore, subsequent differences.

But also colonization, since the United Kingdom is the first colonial power in the world, which will begin to conquer Africa after the seizure of extensive territories of the Antille Islands and Asia. Would you like to say this phrase in English? Think about checking the connectors 🙂.

However, there is another explanation of the flag flowers of France. Blue colour Symbolizes freedom, and taking into account the fact that the flag of France appeared during the revolution, it looks more than logical. White color Symbolizes purity, peace, innocence and closely connected with the Virgin Mary, extremely revered by the French. Red color symbolizes blood, fighting and revolution, which presented the French their national symbol.

Know the flag of countries in which we traveled has important. To know how to recognize the basic flags of the world is also mandatory if we want to shine in society in history and geography. If you are learning englishIt is important to know how to distinguish various national flags, especially from the United Kingdom.

The triciary flag of the Commonwealth will be the subject of the envy of all your comrades! Union Jack, the symbol of the uprising. Jack Ripper, hit the road Jack or Little Jackie Chan? The origin of the word Jack is a riddle for historians who are trying to solve this mystery. Forced to recognize their defeat due to the lack of evidence, they can only reflect on the nature of this word that can be.

Great Britain

The modern flag of Great Britain appeared in the early 17th century. Then King Yakov VI together with the Scottish throne inherited English. Naturally, he came to mind the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the United Kingdom. And the flag for new country He received by connecting Scotland and England. On the flag of Scotland (white oblique cross on a blue background) just put the red cross on a white background (the flag of St. George), which was the flag of England.

Modern symbols of the Union Jack

This hypothesis is the most believable in accordance with historians, since the ships of the English fleet were the first to use this flag. Previously, with the exception of the authorities, the monarchy or the Kingdom of Great Britain, the meaning of Jack has changed during the next centuries.

Of all the artistic and cultural areas, music is where this symbol was proclaimed by many english rock bands, such as. As you can see, even the most revolutionary British cannot refuse their congenital patriotism!


Blue flag background symbolizes honesty, kindness, loyalty, peacefulness and chastity. In the upper left corner is the United Kingdom flag, which indicates that the country is included in the Commonwealth near the British Crown. In addition, the flag depicted 6 white stars: 5 of them form the South Cross - the main constellation on the sky of the Southern Hemisphere. But the sixth star symbolizes the Australia itself: 6 of its rays is the continental states, and the seventh are external territories.

Union Jack: Favorite Brand

Thus, as it happened with the image of Che Guevara, which is in T-shirts around the world, this symbol has developed completely differently. The symbol of the uprising for some, monarchies for others or even the illustration of the capitalist machine, the Jack Union continues to tell and worry emotions.

The appearance of the British flag

It seems that ahead of us is waiting for a successful future, but only the story will tell us! Let's understand: We are talking about blue, white and red flags of the United Kingdom. The tradition is that the royal flag will fly over the palace where the queen lives.


Red stripes on the sides of the Canadian flag symbolize quiet and Atlantic OceansWhere is the country. White color symbolizes the French monarchy (Original Canada was precisely french colonia), And the red color is the color of the cross of St. George, which is the color of Great Britain (now Canada enters the Commonwealth). Maple Leaf - Symbol of unity of all residents of the country, and the maple itself is the most common tree of Canada.

Other Flags of the United Kingdom

If you want to drink, do not hesitate to contact one of our teachers. State flag It has great importance For each country. The Scottish government decided that the flag would be placed in each building every day from 8 am. Attention: The Republic of Green Ireland is independent and has nothing to do with the United Kingdom. Only Olster from Belfast, mostly Protestant territory, continues under the British rule with a separate flag.

Orange color is associated with Irish Protestants in the north because of William Orange, King of England, Scotland and Ireland. The Brazilian flag has some characters that we can easily identify: stars, for example, show the number of states of our nation and federal District. Colors are forests and forests, gold, the starry sky with the track "Order and Progress".


The upper saffron strip of the Indian flag symbolizes the courage and strength of the country's population. The lower green strip is a symbol of fertility, natural wealth and rapid development. And between them is located white stripe As a symbol of peace and truth. On this strip, the Wheel "Lion Capitals" Ashoki in Sarnathe, symbolizing the chakra.

According to research analysis, about half of these countries christian characters And one-third includes religious Islamic symbols on their flags that occur from the two largest religious groups in the world appearing in different regions. In British countries, Christianity marks a strong presence. George, St. Patrick and Andrei First Called. In addition, Spain, Greece, Norway and the Dominican Republic are among other countries with national Christian characters.

The second largest religion in the world dominates many countries of the African continent. Islamic symbols are found on the flags of 21 countries of Africa south of Sahara, in the Asia-Pacific region and in the Middle East and in North Africa. For example, the National Bahrain flag consists of five white triangles, symbolizing five pillars of Islam. In addition, countries such as Algeria, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Brunei are among many, including Islamic star and crescent on their national flag.


Red circle on a white background of the flag of Japan is uniquely interpreted as a symbol of the sun. It is believed that this flag appeared in the XII century, when Japan fought with mongolian Ordami. The authors of this flag consider Buddhist monks who came to mind in such a way to show that the rulers of Japan occurred from the goddess of the sun.

However, there are cases when this symbol is not a religion, as it takes place in Singapore, which has a crescent with the stars on its flag, but they do not have religious significance. According to the government of Singapore, the crescent "represents a rising young nation, and five stars are ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality."

When religious characters Buddhism or Hindus they appear in five national flags, and in three of these cases, symbols are applied to both religions. For example, the Cambodian flag depicts Angkor Wat, a temple historically connected with both Hinduism and Buddhism.


The Red Flag of China is uniquely connected to the Communist Party, which manages this country. A large golden star is a symbol of the leadership of the party. As for 4 stars smaller, then, most likely, they denote four classes: peasants, workers, intelligentsia and proletarian bourgeoisie.

The flag of Nepal also corresponds to this feature, and Buddhists and Hindus represent two prevailing religious groups in the country. India is also like this, and the central wheel of the naval oxygen has symbolic meaning both for the Hindus and for Buddhists.

Israel is already standing like a lonely country with Jewish symbols on its national flag, including the star of David and a white and blue striped background, representing a traditional Jewish prayer shawl. The Japanese flag includes chinomarians or rising Sunwhich represents the spiritual roots of the Sintoets in the ancient Japanese empire. Already in South America The golden sun shines in the flags of two peoples: Uruguay and Argentina. It is believed that astro-king represents the god of the God of the Inka of the Sun.


On the US flag, almost all past and present state construction. 13 bands symbolize thirteen colonies that stood at the origins of an independent state. 50 white stars on a blue background symbolize the number of modern states. As for the values \u200b\u200bof the colors, the red symbolizes the valor, dark blue - justice, attentiveness and hard work, and white - purity and innocence.

New Zealand - This is the country that is in Oceania. It is formed by several islands, and its capital is called Wellington. In general, there live almost 4, 5 million people. Nevertheless, it is the official member of the British community. The flag of New Zealand has a dark blue background with four red stars forming the cross on the right side, and on the left side - the image of the British flag.

This flag was not always official. The first was known as "combined tribes". He had white background With the Red Cross in the center, and there were four white stars on the upper side of the mast. She remained to represent the region as long as. After that, the flag of the Union Jack appeared, which was represented by the British rule in the region.


But a detailed answer to the question about what the flag of Russia means is already given. This topic dedicates a separate article that you can read -.

More about symbols. Cross

Cross - one of the most common symbols, "sign sign", which from prehistoric times was present as a symbol in almost all cultures of the world. The emergence of the image of the cross, apparently refers to the neolithic when the cross begins to appear in different societies from each other. The cross is the symbol of the center of the world and the connection point between the sky and the earth, the cosmic axis. The emergence of the symbol of the cross refers to the era of neolithic (5-3 thousand years BC). A cross becomes an almost universal symbol in a variety of different mythological and religious systems in the Poshyolithic Epoch. This is one of the most common characters. The symbol of the cross simulates the spiritual aspect, the ability to infinite and harmonic stretching, both in the vertical direction and in the horizontal. The vertical direction is the ascent of the Spirit, the aspiration of God, Eternity - Star, Intellectual, Positive, Active, Male Strength. In the horizontal direction is an earthly, rational, passive, negative, female force.

Blue background represents the sea and the sky. Cross-shaped stars remind us of their location south of Pacific Ocean. The Little Flag of England reminds British Board in the country. The first is "Flag of Silver Fern". She has a silver fern on a black background. This view is mainly used in sports Competitions and local events.

Tricolor flag and forms a kind of wave in the middle representing three kingdoms. In the middle there is a white part, which means "those JSC Marama, the kingdom of being and light." This "wave", which combines three colors, is actually a fern leaf that hints at the best future and new life. New Zealand is a territory known for its natural beauty and attracting thousands of people to engage in island tourism.

Scandinavians, for example, portrayed the hammer of the Torah, God of war and thunderstorms, in the form of the T-shaped cross. The cross was also the attribute of the gods of Assyria, Persia and India. In the American Indians, he represented both a person and four sides of the world and four winds. For alchemists, the cross was a symbol of four elements: air, earth, fire and water. There were also such interpretations of the symbol of the cross, as "health", "fertility", "immortality", "Union of Spirit and matter". In some civilizations, the cross symbolizes life, active male start.
The cross emphasizes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe center and the main directions leading from the center. The center determines the highest value of the system, setting the hierarchy of space, determining the lines and direction of links and dependencies. A man who thinks myths, sees in the cross of the intersection, the development path. It is well known for the key role of intersection as a choice between life and death in fairy tales, heroic Epos, conspiracies, domestic behavior. Crossroads in myths are a transition from one kingdom to another, a place where good and evil are opposed, this is the place of witch and demons, the last suicide shelter.
IN ancient symbolism The cross acts as a geometrized version of a global tree with a solid space orientation system. However, the world tree was not the only source of the image of the Cross. Perhaps in the formation of the symbolism of the cross participated such motifs as the image of a wooden fire, a solar sign (crossed rays). Almost everywhere, the cross is considered a symbol of fire and light. Researchers of mythology see in it a stylized image of two pieces of wood used in antiquity to mining fire. The cross often acts as a model of a person or an derived deity. The cross and "cruciation" of a person with open hands constantly beats in the ritual, in folklore, in mythological and religious plots.
All planets known to the ancient were designated a symbol of a cross in combination with solar and lunar symbols: Saturn was indicated by a cross over the crescent; Jupiter - Cross under the crescent; Mars - Cross, resting on the circle; Venus - Cross under the circle; Mercury - a cross over which a circle is raised, and above it - crescent
Of course, all these values \u200b\u200bwere not inherent in the cross initially, but in the process of interpretation of this symbol from the point of view of newly emerged myths and religions.
After the recognition of Christianity by Konstantin Great and especially with the V c. The cross began to be depicted on sarcophagas, lamps, caskets and other objects, replacing the XP-monogram, which served as a distinctive emblem of early Christianity. The cross symbolizes torment and death. And, above all, he himself is her gun, tool torture, passions, flour. In the Middle Ages, its use has expanded even more. He became a symbol of the power of the Church and in this capacity was used by knightly orders, included in the images of the coat of arms and was placed on Khorugwe. Multiple reproduction of the cross for strengthening and increasing well-being was practiced. Crosses were surrounded by a sacred name or name, using special honors. An even more often a crusade or thread, sewing were used for the purpose of the overag. Recall the design of the crosses of all outlets from the house (windows, doors, etc.) and the "fixing" of the mouth with a yawk.
The general plan of churches also repeated its drawing. Where Christianity would be approved as a religion, the cross became an integral part of church ritual, and the main symbol in art, architecture and in many other areas, including flags and heraldry.
The shape of the cross and the number of ends vary greatly. In addition to the usual 4-finite cross, there are 3-, 5-, 6-, 8- and 12-finite. Ends may have the shape of leaves, triangles or other geometric figures, alphabetic and other characters.

Portugal, the language and the presence of which spread throughout the four parts of the world, almost all of which were unknown by the terrible sea as a barrier, throughout their long and glorious history had four types of flags or royal banners. They symbolize three dynasties and two modes.

How did they appear and what is the meaning of the castles in the hands of Portugal? Squades and 5 wounds of Christ, castles and conquest Algarve? References without any reason. Than more money In the banner, the greater the estimated and proclaimed redemption. Nothing in common with pious wounds or with Jew.

Types of crosses

Egyptian (Antonievsky) Cross
Cross Tau. The more ancient name is the "Egyptian Cross", was also called the "Key Nile". Speaking about the association of this symbol with the waters of life, Count Gobl D "Alviella in his book" Migration of characters "draws attention to the fact that the ancient Egyptians for measurements of the water level in Nile used the tool Nilomeer, a very reminder to the cross. It is a connection with the Neil It was the reason that this symbolism began to communicate with life, because the fate of the harvest was covered with water and the fate of the Nile, which was a matter of life and death. In the Egyptian papyrus there is an image of a cross-Tau, located in the mouth of Pharaoh during the forgiveness of the enemies. Cross also Put in the grave of Pharaoh, which meant the immortality of the soul. Often, there was a chest of Egyptian mummies. The image of the cross is visible on many gods and goddesses, which probably meant their divine favor and power, giving life.
. IN different cultures I was interpreted as a sign of creative power, resurrection, kindness, remuneration, liberation from physical suffering, divine unity, Four sides of the world, four primary elements.
Used in the southern and eastern parts of the Roman Empire for the execution of criminals. In the pre-Christian period, death on the cross was considered shameful. Other his name, "Hobber Cross", stems due to similarity with the appropriate execution gun.
Tau-cross is named by the letter T of the Greek alphabet, since it has the same form. Greek "Tau" originated from the Phoenician letter "Tau", which had an X-shaped form and meant "mark, sign."
Since the Taua cross was the last letter of the Jewish letter, he symbolized the end of the world. In the Judean tradition, he was also perceived, on the one hand, as a sign of Cain, on the other, the rescue of the Jews during their exodus from Egypt. The last of his interpretations is ascebated by perception as a common protection mark. Archaic images were met in India, China, Phenicia, Assyria, Decolumbovy America. The history of this symbol is very complex. This is what Manley P. Hall writes on this "encyclopedic presentation of the Masonic, hermetic, Kabbalistic and Rosencraisor symbolic philosophy": "Oak at some height (usually, a few feet) is spilled, and the upper part is placed on the bottom. The figure obtained at the same time was the symbol of the Hu Druids symbol. There is a suspicion that this symbol comes from the location of the horns in a bull or a ram, which was noticed by the Egyptians, and the vertical part was the face of the animal. Sometimes such a cross is called Hammerous.
Tau-Cross was drawn to the forehead of each participant of the Miter Mitra. Greek caduceus is the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bTau-Cross. "
According to. Old Testament, Cross Tau and was the sign on which Moses erect a snake in the wilderness.
This sign served as a liberation symbol for those accused, but then justified. "If the letter t is in the Christian monograms, then this letter is thus located in order to be clearly to perform in front of all others, since T was considered not only a symbol, but even the very image of the cross. An example of such a monogram is on Sarcophage III century" (Uvarov, Christian symbolism, M., 1908). Tow-Cross is associated with the name of Anthony since this saint wore an image of the T-shaped cross on its clothes. Bishop of the city of Verona Saint Zenon put such a cross on the roof of the Basilica raised in 362. Such a sign is found in the inscriptions on the tombs of the catacombit of St. Callista. According to Terertullian, who repeats the words of Ezekiel, Greek "Tav" is a genuine shape of the cross. The sign will be depicted on the bore of the righteous in Heavenly Jerusalem.
Tau-Cross Varieties

The shape of the crown and the tip of the variable shield in each reign. It is divided into two parts vertically, being part that is located next to the stem of green, occupying two fifths, and the other part of the red color takes three fifters. A large shield of red with 7 locks around it, and a small white shell holds five small blue linings. Each of the housings contains 5 silver beads.

Flag of Spain, Flag of Catalonia: Similar, but different colors!

Contrary to popular belief, the flag of Spain is not similar to the Catalan flag. Discover all these differences. At first glance, when we compare the Spanish flag with the Catalan flag, we see the same colors. We have two yellow, which are the same, but red is a little orange than red. Also do not say Spanish or Catalan, that their flags have the same colors, you can attract their anger!

Cross Potent.

One of the main heraldic crosses. Composed of four tau crosses. Named from the French word Potence - "Support", since its form resembles supports used in antiquity. It is also called a hammer cross. This shape of the cross is particularly often used when decorating temples, church utensils, saint closures. Similar crosses enclosed in a circle, we see on the Holy Weights

The site offers Flag of Catalonia and Spain flag for sale online

Red I. yellow colors The Catalan flag is the old colors of the coat of arms of Barcelona. On the yellow strip, to the left near the flagpole, there is an arms. This is the coat of arms of Spain. Golden chains on a red background with central emerald materialize the Kingdom of Navarre. Lily flowers on a blue background belong to royal family. Two columns of Hercules to the left and right from the coat of arms cause Canary Islands And the Balearic Islands.

  • The tower on a red background is synonymous with the Kingdom of Castile.
  • The lion to the right of the coat of arms symbolizes the Kingdom of Leon.
  • Vertical red and yellow bands indicate the Argon Crown.
  • Pomegranate in the gray part refers to the Kingdom of Granada.
  • This is one of the oldest flags of Europe.
  • It becomes the official flag of Catalonia.
  • However, during the dictatorship of Franco it is prohibited.
In October, Tunisia celebrates the 190th anniversary of creating his flag!

Greek cross

Greek Cross - Cross with shoulders of equal length, in which a vertical bar and crossbar of the same length ...
The horizontal axis in it crosses the vertical in the middle, forming a square. Such a cross is called Crux Quadrata. This simplest cross was used from prehistoric times as a symbol of the Sun God, the Rain God, as a symbol of elements, of which the world was created: air, earth, fire and water. IN early Christianity The Greek Cross symbolized Christ. Such a cross is carved at the tomb of Prince Yaroslav Wise in the Kiev Sofia Cathedral. Sometimes the "Greek Cross" is depicted inscribed in a circle, symbolizing the cosmological sphere of heavenly.
On the national flag of Greece, this cross, white on a blue background, first appeared in 1820, symbolizing the struggle against the Board of Muslim Turkov. For the first time, the White "Gpean Cove" on a cpasic background appeared on a soldier's military banner, one of the cantons, which was united by the Holy Roman Impeach Power in 1291. Although in the sweecer, it was in appeared on the flag from 1339, this "sign
Holy Captation "(known as well as" Geneva ") was officially
Fit both national only in 1848 year.

Varieties of the Greek Cross

The consecration cross is a small Greek cross in a circle, which was located at an altitude of 2.5 meters above the ground on the inner and external walls of the church. In total, the church was 24 cross: three was applied red paint on each wall inside and three was portrayed with a bas-relief on the external walls. Candlesticks were attached above the crosses. 12 burning candles inside the church symbolized 12 apostles, which kept the cross of Christianity. In addition, these symbols of Christ were called upon to lean the devil and his demons and were an important attribute of the consecration ceremony: the priest climbed the stairs, dub thumb In the sacred oil, lubricated the cross, and then fumaway under the crude cadyl

Cross Round "T-shirt"

In ancient times, long before the coming of Christ, in the east there was a custom to cut the bread cruciform. It was a symbolic action that meant that the cross separating the whole on the part connects those who used these parts. According to the testimony, Horace and Marciala, the twist cubs cubs are crosswise crucible to make it easier to break it. In a direct connection with the mysteriousness of communion, on the pitfall, the pelons and other things were depicted bread as a symbol of the body of Christ, refractable for our sins. Breads separated by six parts are available on the tombstone from the Cave of Saint Lukina (III century). The circle means, according to the explanation of the Holy Clement Alexandria, that "the Son of God is an endless circle, in which all the forces converge."

Cross of St. George

Red cross on a white background. The cross is named after the Great Martyr of the IV century, who saved the princess from the dragon. In English banners, it appears during the crusades of 1227-1272. Is an the main part "Union Flag" since its approval in 1606. Currently, the Cross of St. George - the emblem of royalists.

The contour cross or gamma cross (Gammadion) is formed from the four Greek letters "Gamma". He symbolizes Christ as the cornerstone of the church. Depicted on the vestments orthodox priests.

Red Cross
Red cross on a white background - the colors of the Schwetsk flag in the reverse order. The symbol of the International Committee of the Red Cross, founded in Geneva in 1863. This organization, the brainchild of the Swiss banker Henry Daut (1828-1910), is designed to provide medical care and ensure the neutral status of doctors in all the warring armies of Christian countries.

In Turkey, in 1877, a similar organization was created for Muslim countries, named "Red Crescent". In IPAN, it uses a two-day emblem - lion and sun; Colors are also kratuy and white; Following the 1979 pebble, this emblem of the Most of the place of field. In the USSR, this flag represented the Red Cross and crescent next to one with another. National Societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent exist today in 149 countries of the world.

Latin Cross

Latin Cross - Cross with an unequal length shoulders in which the vertical bar is longer than the crossbar. It is called CRUX IMISSA, the horizontal axis in it refers to the vertical as one to three. It is an image of a person with outstretched hands. This is the direct image of the passions of Christ. As a symbol of Christianity, he is most common in the Western world. He is also called the cross of the crucifix, the cross of life, the cross of suffering. This cross symbolized God in Greece and China long before Christianity. The cross growing from the heart was a symbol of kindness of Egyptians.
Long-time-input name "Latin Capting". In the first century
The priests launched a place in the book, where it is necessary to proceed; this
The sign lived to the present day in English pyankotyiasis for use in
Some Faces. He is called "dagger" or "obelisk".

Varieties of the Latin Cross

The Cross of St. Peter (Cross of the Apostle Peter) is a Latin cross with a crossbar attached below the middle of the vertical bar. The Cross of St. Peter is called a turned the latin cross. According to the legend, the Holy Peter was crucified on the crossed cross upside down.

Cross of evangelists. The Cross of Evangelists symbolically designated four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luka and John.

Scandinavian cross
Cross, elongated away from the flag tree. Present on the flags of the Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and many Scandinavian islands.

Cross Golgotha \u200b\u200b- Latin Cross known as the cross "climbing" or "descent." It depicts three steps of Christian "virtues" - faith (the highest), hope, mercy. One of the most laconic crosses of the altar.

Calvary - the sacred burial place of Adam and the crucifixion of Christ. Occasionally happened greek words "Skull": round, the crank-like shape had a hill himself. Literal, literal translation - "frontal place". Located outside the city feature, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gardens. Medieval iconography often made a scope of the crucifixion scene by the Jerusalem urban wall. According to the Christian version, the body of Jesus hanging on the cross turned out to be directly over the ashes of Adam. Blood of the Son of God Stamped on the remains of the first battle. In this way " new person"I spun the original sin of the" Old ", so Adam's skull in a Christian visual symbolism was often placed at the foot orthodox Cross. "At the place where I will be buried, Adam prophesied," the Word of God will crucifant and irrigates the blood of my skull. " In the sacred geography of Calvary, the world, world mountain, Earth PUP was considered.

The Orthodox Cross Calvary had a more complex visual symbolism.

The foot of the cross was placed inscriptions: "M. L. R. B." - Lob's place crucified to be, "G. G." - Mountain of Calvary, "G. A." - Head of Adamov. Moreover, it was indicated that the right bone of Adamov was depicted superimposed on the left, as accomplished during the burial. From the foot of both sides of the cross rose a cane with a sponge and spear of the Lohrin. Next to them, accordingly, the letters T and K. The medium crossbars are placed in the inscriptions "IS" "XS" - Jesus Christ, "Nika" - the winner, "SN" BZHIY "- Son of God," I. N. Ts. I. " - Jesus Nazoria King Jewish. At the very top there was the inscription "Tsuri Polyv" - the king of glory. The cross of Calvary was embroidered on the pleasures of the Great and Angelic Shima -Nela, on the chest, on both shoulders and back.
He was also depicted on the burial Savane.

Pectoral cross

The pectoral cross is the name that comes from the Latin Pectus - "chest", it is worn on a chain or thread. This cross is a symbol of power and put on cardinals and priests. Usually covered with gold, it can also be decorated precious stones and include such emblems like a heart or rose.

Native Cross

Cross orthodox Christian when baptized; worn usually right on the body, why is the name of a cub or van; It is either metal, or wooden (especially often cypress). The native cross dresses on the baptized in the fulfillment of evangelical words: "Who wants to go for me, reject himself, and take his cross, and follow me" (MK.8: 34). In Russian orthodox tradition On the turn native cross Place the inscription "Save and Save".
Belt crosses are the only object from the area of \u200b\u200bthe Orthodox religious cult, which is allowed to freely make and sell.

"Cross Crucifixes."

Depicted in the form of a four-pointed cross with the Figure of Jesus degenerate to him. When Christ on crucifixes is depicted with closed eyesThe cross is called "Dead Christ", with open - "Christ in agony". When Christ is depicted with a crown on the head, the cross is called the "Crucifixion of Christ-King". Initially, such crosses were decorated with precious stones and mean a victory, and a lamb to or above the cross symbolized "who will take the sin of the world." One of the first images of Crucified Jesus's images reached by V c. It was made on the doors of the Church of Saint Sabina in Rome. With vi in. Crucified Jesus was depicted in a long robe of a collussian. This image of Christ can be seen in the early bronze and silver crosses Byzantine and Syrian origin of the VII-IX centuries. To IX century Jesus on the cross appeared, as a rule, alive, risen and trigeon. Only in the X century. appeared images of dead Christ. Traditionally, the crucifix crosses had a crossbar to stop the feet of Jesus. Originally, the legs of Christ were depicted by the degraded each separately. For the first time, the figure of Christ with crossed feet, naught one nail, appeared on the crosses from the XIII century. On the godling of the Savior Savior, Greek letters were written "Truly Summer."
By orthodox version Crucifixes Christ was depicted with arms outstretched at right angles, resurrected and "calling in their arms of the entire Universe and carrying the New Testament Altar - Cross." The traditional crucifixion for Catholicism assumed the image of Christ with the keens, and not straight hands. Such an image pursued the goal to emphasize the suffering and death of Christ. At first, Christ was not connected to the cross, he was covered in a long tunic, with a crown on his head and outstretched hands. Beard and nudity appeared only in the 11th century, symbolizing suffering. Five wounds were also added and the crown of the crown. Often at the top depict a scroll with the letters of the INRI - Latin abbreviation of the words "Jesus from Nazareth, King Jewish". Crucifixion can be seen in the houses of Catholics, in their hospitals and institutions. Protestants, the crucifixion is considered a symbol of the Roman dad and, as a rule, is absent in their homes and churches. There is such a cross over the altar. Sailors Protestants were worn on the back of the crucifix tattoos, because they believed that evil would not touch them, having met with the face of Christ.

True Cross-genuine from the point of view of the Christian structure, on which the crucifixion of Christ was carried out.
Parts of the True Cross were common in many countries, being sacred relics. According to skeptics, their so much, which would be enough for the construction warry. According to the estimates of the French scientist Ch. Roalta, the famous parts of the true cross in the amount are 4,000,000 cubomyllimeters, while the cross on which Jesus was crucified could accommodate approximately 178,000,000.
With the acquisition and exaltation of the true Cross, a semi-minor story is associated. After I. Universal Cathedral Konstantin Great wished to erect the temple on Calvary. To fulfill this goal in 326, Konstantin Elena's mother went to Jerusalem, intending to find a cross. Since, according to custom, the execution guns buried near the place of her commit, the cross soon found, but with him two others. The difficulty of identification arose, because a plate with the inscription "Jesus Nazarenan Tsar Jewish" lay separately. By order of the Patriarch, Makaria, the crosses were alternately attached to the body of a sick woman, and only the true cross returned her health. Then they were attached to the deceased, and from the touch of the true Cross, that was risen. Hence the name of the cross - the life-giving. The elimination of the Cross of the Lord was carried out on September 14, 335 in the Sunday Temple. Part of the life-giving tree Elena left in Jerusalem, where she was placed in a silver ark, and the other with nails found in the Holy Coffin was sent to Constantinople. Particles of the True Cross were also in Russia.
Another motive of the gain of the True Cross is the return of it to the VII century. from Persian captivity. In 614, the Persian King Hozroi, defeating the Byzantine Emperor Foku, took Jerusalem and took the true cross to Persia. After the conclusion of the world with Byzantium in 628, the successor of Hozers Siroz, the shrine was returned to Jerusalem. Emperor Irakli himself suffered a cross on Calvary, having taken to royal clothes, but was stopped by unknown force. On another day, he is on the suggestion of the Patriarch, like the Lord, in Rugish and Bosoy, made the Holy Cross to the temple.
The Celtic legend reported that before the battle of Badonon in 518, the King of Arthur carried the true Cross for three days, as a result of which the British won.

Cross Romanian. (Teutonic Cross, or cross crosslet).

Four little crosses at the ends symbolize four gospels. In the form of a slanting cross is called the Cross of St. Julian.

Cross "Burgundy", or "Andreevsky

The name of the cross with inclined crossbars; the same as the Andreevsky Cross; sv. Andrei - Patron of Burgundy. According to legend, the Apostle Saint Andrei was crucified on the cross in the form of the letter X. Starting from the XIII century, this cross (white on a blue background) is present on the flag of Scotland, whose patron was Holy Andrei.
Andrei was also a holy patron of Russia. About 1700 Peter I placed the image of the Andreevsky Cross on state coat of arms, on your personal press, on the naval flag, etc.
Andreevsky Cross is also called oblique cross in Heraldry called "Saltir" and reminds the letter X in the form - the first letter of the name of Christ. It is also called Crux Decussata (from the image of the Roman Figure X). Depending on its color symbolizes different saints: Blue or White Cross - St. Andrew; Red - St. Patrick; Black - Saint Osmund; Golden Cross - St. Alban (first British Great Martyr).

Varieties of oblique cross

Cross of St. Patrick

Named in honor of the Sacred Patron of Ireland, which is about 432 discovered Christianity for the country. This is oblique cross, red on a white background. He is a heraldic sign of Fitzgeralds, who, by order of Heinrich II, won the Irish lands in 1169. In 1801, this cross was included in the United Kingdom Flag. There is also present on the flag of Jersey Island.

Flag of the United Kingdom.

Armenian cross

Cross Armenian Cross, Khachkar. (Khachkar-Cross Stone) - traditional element Armenian culture, stone carved sculpture in the form of a cross, usually installed on the roads or during monasteries.

Cross Jerusalem or Cross Crusader

Cross Jerusalem or Cross Crusader is five golden crosses on a silver background. He was worn as the coat of arms Godfru - the guardian of the Holy Tomb and the first ruler of Jerusalem in the first crusade in 1099. It is often used on the bedspreads in the altar: the big cross symbolizes Christ, four small - authors of the four Gospels spreading the teachings of Christ on the four sides of the world. Five crosses together symbolize the wounds of Christ.

Orthodox cross

Symbol orthodox church in eastern Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and in Russia.

Traditional Orthodox eight-spoard cross - Vertical with three crossbars. Two of them are horizontal, and the third, lower, beveled. The top of three transverse crossbars is called "titulus" and depicts the inscription that was nailed on Calvary Cross - The name of the crucified and its fault. It was written there: "Jesus Christ, the king of the Jewish" (INRI in Latin). But on the cross it was satisfied with the foot - because human hands are unable to withstand the severity of the body. Crucified did not hang, but as if stood on the cross. Sleeping stick and means this footage.
The lower slanting of the crossbar - the backup for the feet of Jesus Christ symbolizes "Merilo Righteous", weighing sins and the virtues of all people. It is believed that it is tilted on the left side, symbolizing the fact that the repentable robber, crucified by the right of Christ, (first) hit the paradise, and the robber, crucified on the left side, his own degree of Christ, even more aggravated his posthumous fate and got in hell. The letters of the IIS XS are a Christogram, symbolizing the name of Jesus Christ.

Varieties of Orthodox Crosses

Stone cross.

The six-pointed shape of the cross with the inclined lower crossbar is one of the ancient Russian crosses. For example, the Poklonnaya Cross arranged in 1161 by the St. Eurline, Prince Polotsk, was six-pointed.

Seven-pin cross.

The seven-pin cross has one upper crossbar and skewed fit. Such a cross can be seen on the icons of the Northern Letter. In the historical museum, such a cross is depicted on the image of Parassel Friday, at the formation of St. Dmitry Solunsky in the Russian Museum, as well as on the "Crucifix" icon of 1500, belonging to Dionia. Seven-party crosses erected on the domes of Russian temples. Such a cross towers above the entrance of the Resurrection Cathedral of the New-Jerusalem Monastery.

Cross "Grape Line"

The cross, from the bottom end of which, as it should be up, two stems with sheets and with a grape brush on each. "I am a true grape vine, and my father - winegrot" - Jesus Christ called himself. "I am vine, and you branches; Who dwells in me, and I am in it, he brings a lot of fetus. " "These words of Christ laid the foundation of the symbolism of the grape vines," wrote A. S. Uvarov in his work "Christian symbolism".

Cross with a tern crown

This cross has the shape of the eight-pointed cross, the second crossbar of which in the center is circled with a circle with the edges along the edge, symbolizing the crown. The image of the cross with a ternger crown is used for many centuries among the different peoples who took Christianity. The cross of such a form is depicted on the pages of ancient Armenian handwritten book. Such a cross is placed on the icon "The glorification of the cross" of the XII century, located in Tretyakov Gallery. The image of the cross with a ternim crown is also embroidered on the Pokrovka of "Calvary" - the monastic contribution of Queen Anastasia Romanova.
In the New Testament Matthew (27; 29), Mark (15; 17) and John (19; 2) they tell about the fact that "warriors, the crosses of the crown from Tern, laid him on the head", "and we were healed by the wounds" ( Is. 53; 5). Since then, the thorns symbolizes the crown of suffering.

Cross "Refractory-Konstantinovsky"

Greek abbreviation "ic.xp.nika", meaning: "Jesus Christ is the winner," they were written in gold on three crosses in Constantinople Emperor Konstantin.
The image of the cross is printed on the prosforas with the addition of words, meaning victory to Christ: "IS.Khr.nik." This "Refractory" seal means the redemption of sinners from sinful captivity.

The cross is an agar "braided".

"This weaving is obtained from the ancient Christian art, where it is known in the thread and mosaic. Byzantine weekee, in turn, moves to the Slavs, in which it is in ancient era Especially common in verbal manuscripts "(V.N.Stkpkin Russian Paleography Tutorial, M., 1920).
The entire surface of the cross consists of a variety of weaving elements. Such images were distributed in the decoration of Bulgarian and Russian handwritten and old-line books.

Cross petal

The four-stented cross, whose ends have the kind of petals, and the middle connecting them, looks like a flower core. It was believed that such a cross wore the wonderworker on the omophore. The petal cross is often used to decorate church buildings, for example, in the mosaic of the XI century Kiev Sophia Cathedral.

The cross is four-site "Doodle".

The cross-shaped cross is common in Christianity the shape of the cross. The symbolism of the cross is associated with the history of the execution of Christ, with drops of blood falling on Earth from Rounds Christ. Greek Gospel of the II century from state Public Library Opens a sheet with a "drop-shaped" four-end cross. Among the copper inappropriate crosses, cast in the first centuries, 2 millennia are often found "Capper" Encolpion (in Greek. - "Breast").

Lithuanian cross

In Lithuanian customs, the cross as a monument is placed on the grave of the deceased, near the manor - as a sign of spiritual protection of this place, when you ask God about the grace or when thank you for her. These monuments, along with the ritual and religious meaning, have also acquired status national Symbol.

Pisa Cross

Cross Maltese

The Maltese cross is formed by the connection of four copies in the eight-pin cross, every end of which denotes one of eight virtues. The white cross of this shape on a black background was the emblem of the military and religious Order of hospiters, or John (members of the Catholic spiritual and knightly Order of St. John Jerusalem, founded in the XII century in Palestine), who freed the holy land from Muslims during crusades 1095 - 1272 years In the XIII century, the Order became the universal, as the Church itself, divided by eight (universal number of areas of space) "languages", representing the main states of feudal Europe. The name "Hospitallers of St. John" Knights preserved, as well as the red mantle with an embroidered white silk eight-pointed cross - a symbol of chastity and eight knightly virtues. The ordinance seal portrayed the patient on the bed with the same cross in the heads and lamp in the legs.
In 1530, Emperor Karl V provided Malta to the spiritual and knightly Order of John, who received the name of the Maltese order since then. The symbol of the Knights of the Maltese Order was the White Eight-Spoile Cross, the eight ends of which were denoted eight bliss, waiting for the righteous in the afterlife.
Sometimes called the Cross of St. John Jerusalem or St. George Cross. In 1798, the Cross became the Higher Order Russian Empire, by order of the Emperor of Russia, Paul I, who was awarded the title of the Great Master of the Maltese Order. The Maltese cross at one time was awarded Suvorov, Ushakov, Kutuzov.
In 1807. Russian emperor Alexander I, the Award was established by the St. George Cross, according to the Maltese Cross. It was intended for awarding the lower ranks of the army and the fleet for exploits and courage in war time. Everyone who was awarded the crosses of St. George the victorious of all four degrees, was called "Georgievsky cavaliers." russian heraldik Golden Maltese crosses had goldenosa, Mirgorod and Znyakov, Poltava province on their coat of arms; Pogar, Bonza and Konotop Chernihiv province; Kovel Volynsky, Perm and Elizavypol Gubernia, Pavlovsk St. Petersburg, Window Kullyndskaya, Belozersk Novgorod provinces.
In modern Britain, the Maltese cross indicates the sanitary brigade of St. John, and is also present on some orders giving a knightly rank (for example, on the "Order of Bani"). In the philatelee "Maltese Cross" is the first postmark, operating from 1840 to 1844.

Bulgakov S. N. Orthodoxy. M., 1994; The history of the development of the Cross Form: Short course Orthodox Starography. M., 1997; Foli J. Encyclopedia signs and symbols. M., 1997. Sheynina E. Ya. Encyclopedia of characters. M., 2001.griga P., Trivik O. Whea of \u200b\u200bHer Majesty // Homeland. 1995. № 3-4.

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