National symbols. National symbols

National symbols.  National symbols
National symbols. National symbols

Are you planning to obtain US citizenship or US residency? Preparing for the citizenship test and want to know a little more about the country? Or are you just curious about what Americans themselves associate America with? We have compiled the main information you need to know about US state symbols.

State symbols of the USA

No country can do without a flag, anthem and seal. The United States is no exception. Many articles and books have been written about each of these three symbols of American statehood. We will draw attention to the most basic facts that are important to know.
Symbols of the USA

American flag

In America, flags are hung on government offices, along roads, and on the homes of ordinary citizens. The first thing that catches the eye of tourists is the large number of American flags. But do not be surprised, they were not hung out for the holiday, this is their daily arrangement.

The colors of the American flag, as well as the Russian one, represent the well-known tricolor: white, red and blue. It is decorated with 13 stripes, symbolizing the British colonies, which formed the state, and 50 stars, meaning the 50 states that are currently part of the United States. If you are planning to take the American Citizenship exam, be sure to know the answer to this question.

The state flag of the United States - Flag of the United States. It can also be called “Stars and stripes”, “Old Glory” and “The Star-Spangled Banner”.

Great Seal of the USA

It is this seal that confirms the authenticity of documents issued by the US government. If you've ever looked at the back of a one dollar bill, you've seen exactly what the big U.S. seal looks like. The reverse side of the seal is shown on the left of this banknote, and the front side is on the right. And yes, the Great Seal of the United States has two sides, although usually seals have only one. The obverse of this seal is often considered the coat of arms of the United States.

Seal - Stamp, seal
Great Seal of the United States

National Anthem

The lyrics for the US anthem are taken from The Defense of Fort McHenry by Francis Scott Key. Not surprisingly, Americans sing about the flag in their anthem. This poem was created after the writer witnessed the shelling of the fortress during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815. The US anthem is called "The Star-Spangled Banner". The song became an anthem only since 1931, and before that the United States did not have a fixed anthem.

Church hymn - hymn
National anthem

National bird of the USA

The most important symbol of the United States (of the representatives of the animal world) is the eagle, only it has little resemblance to ours. It is essentially a bald eagle, but in English it is called “bald eagle”. It is this bird that appears on the coat of arms, banknotes and many official documents. The eagle is also depicted on the Great Seal of the United States. In one paw, he holds 13 arrows, and in the other - a palm branch. This shows that the US "wants peace, but is ready for war."

In the United States, there are even laws that forbid killing an American eagle without permission.

National bird - National bird
Bald eagle - bald eagle

American architectural symbols

Of course, certain American buildings and monuments are recognized by people all over the world and have already become a kind of symbols of the United States: the Statue of Liberty, the White House or the Liberty Bell. Images of these items can be found not only on souvenirs for tourists, but also, for example, on postage stamps.

Each of these symbols has its own story. For example, the French donated the Statue of Liberty to the United States, and the Liberty Bell summoned city residents to announce the Declaration of Independence. This bell can still be seen in the city of Philadelphia. The President of the United States still lives and works in the White House. It is this building that is depicted on the twenty dollar bill.

Statue of Liberty - the Statue of Liberty
White House - the White House
Liberty Bell - the Liberty Bell

Intangible symbols of the United States

The phrase “In God We Trust” is the official motto of the United States. This phrase is sometimes controversial among Americans. After all, freedom of religion is one of the most important things for every inhabitant of America. This is even enshrined in the US Constitution. You can practice any religion or not practice any religion. The phrase is printed on all American paper banknotes.

Americans have another motto “E Pluribus Unum” (One of many). This phrase can be seen on the US coat of arms.

In God we Trust - We trust in God
Official motto - National motto

Uncle Sam

Every American knows Uncle Sam. And no, this is not some popular movie actor. This is the humanized image of the United States. Remember, American posters often depict an elderly man in a top hat, blue tailcoat, and striped pants? This is Uncle Sam. This image was especially famous thanks to the posters of the First World War.

Now the image of Uncle Sam is an enduring American symbol. You can often hear, for example, that something is needed "for Uncle Sam." This phrase means that it is necessary for the USA.

Uncle Sam - Uncle Sam

English words related to national symbols

National colors- national colors. Usually the colors that are on the flag are taken. So sometimes national colors are translated as the national flag.
National myths- national myths
Coat of arms- coat of arms, coat of arms
Patriotism- patriotism
Motherland / Homeland / Native land- Homeland
Folk costume- folk costume
Folk dance- folk dance
National animal- national animal
National tree- national tree

Of course, there are many other American symbols as well. Some are very common, while others are very rare. American history it is still quite short, so everything that at least in some way relates to its creation is carefully preserved by the Americans and can even be considered a symbol of the country.

Anna Shutikova


State symbols of any country include state emblem, flag and anthem. Our Motherland also has them. They are needed both as an embodiment of its history and an expression of the patriotism of its citizens, its designation in the world, its visual and sound image.

That is why the attitude towards the coat of arms, flag and anthem is the attitude towards the state itself.

Inhabitants different countries are rightfully proud of their state symbols.

It is a rectangular panel of three equal horizontal stripes: the top one is white, the middle one is blue and the bottom one is red.

The colors of the flag have a deep meaning. White symbolizes peace, purity, truth, purity, imperishable perfection. Blue symbolizes faith and loyalty, constancy. Red is a symbol of energy, strength, blood shed for the Fatherland. Therefore, these colors are at the same time official, state and folk, national.

The state flag of the Russian Federation is constantly raised on the buildings of the authorities of our country. It hangs out on days public holidays and ceremonies. It also rises on the buildings of Russian diplomatic missions abroad.

As a stern flag, it flies on the masts of Russian ships. Three-color images of the flag are applied to the aircraft of the Russian Federation and to its spacecraft.

The flag testifies to belonging to Russia, denotes its territory, confirms the state functions of those bodies over whose buildings it flies.

The national flag is also raised during official ceremonies and celebrations. Every day, he soars at the place of permanent residence of Russian military units.

On days of mourning, the flag is lowered or a black ribbon is attached to the top of the flagpole. This testifies to the grief of the entire state, of the entire people.

The flag is our shrine, and we must treat it with respect and veneration.

A presidential decree established the holiday of the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, which is usually celebrated annually on August 22.

Russian anthem

The word hymn is of Greek origin. V " Explanatory dictionary Russian language "this word is explained as" solemn song adopted as a symbol of state or social unity. Song of praise. "

The national anthem of Russia to music and words is valid in our country since January 1, 2001.

Russia is our sacred state,

Russia is our beloved country.

Mighty will, great glory -

Your property for all time!

Chorus: Glory, our free Fatherland,

The age-old union of fraternal peoples,

Ancestors gave the wisdom of the people!

Hail, country! We proud of you!

From southern seas to the polar edge

Our forests and fields are spread out.

You are the only one in the world! You are the only one -

Native land protected by God!

Wide space for dreams and for life

The years to come open to us.

We are given strength by our loyalty to the Fatherland.

It was. So it is and it will always be so!

The procedure for the official use of the national anthem is established by a special law.

The anthem must be performed in strict accordance with the approved musical edition and text.

It sounds on especially solemn occasions: the inauguration of the heads of state, the ceremony of meeting and seeing off representatives of foreign states, conducting military rituals, and so on.

The national anthem is one of the main symbols of the country, therefore, its performance is accompanied by signs of the highest respect - everyone present stands up, and the military salutes or salutes with weapons.

In international life, singing the anthem of another country signifies an expression of respect for its representatives.

Today, the anthem is the same attribute of the state, a reflection of its history and a sign of sovereignty, like the coat of arms and flag.

The anthem is the official state symbol. He is, as it were, a musical and poetic embodiment of the country and its people, and therefore there should be the most respectful attitude towards him.


Capital - Baku city

Population - over 8 million people

Millions of foreign tourists come to Russia every year. They go to see the homeland of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, admire the Russian ballet and make sure that bears are walking on Red Square.

Those who are not attracted by the northern expanses also have their own opinion about our country. They are watching the events, sitting on the couch, turning on the TV, and surely without much difficulty they will be able to distinguish the flag of our homeland from the Union Jack. In this article, we have collected the official and unofficial symbols of Russia, which are most often called by foreigners.

Official symbols of Russia

The coat of arms, flag and anthem are the official symbols of any modern state. They are fixed on legislative level and personify the identity of the country. Not a single victory of our athletes or a summit meeting is complete without them.

The coat of arms of the state is a distinctive sign, an emblem that depicts objects of national pride. The two-headed eagle appeared on the coat of arms of Russia in the Middle Ages. Ivan III, having married Byzantine princess Sofia, took her family coat of arms, hoping that this gesture would strengthen the position of our country, emphasizing the transfer of the power of the fallen Byzantium to the Russian state.

The Russian flag consists of white, blue and red horizontal stripes. The first flags of Ancient Rus were military banners. Red colors were most often found on them, as the most solemn and beautiful.

At the end of the 17th century, white, blue and red were recognized as the state colors of Russia, and in the Petrine period the current order of the stripes on the flag was determined. According to legend, the sailors found it difficult to remember the order of the flowers, for this they were mercilessly flogged with rods. To avoid punishment, resourceful sailors came up with a word for memorization - "besik" - it is impossible to confuse colors with it.

Since then, the colors of the Russian national flag have changed periodically. Last time from 1917 to 1989, the symbol of the Soviet state was the red flag, the color of which personified the blood shed by the fighters for a brighter future. On August 24, 1991, the tricolor flag flew over the Kremlin immediately after the decision of the Extraordinary Session of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR to recognize it as a state one.

Hymn. "Russia is our sacred state ..." - these words, which sound at the most solemn moments, belong to Sergei Mikhalkov (the one who wrote "Uncle Stepa") and Gabriel El-Registan. The test was set to the music of Alexander Alexandrov.

Anthem of Russia (rock version). Beautiful video

Until the 18th century, the religious theme of chants dominated in Russia, and only in the time of Peter the Great began to appear secular music... The first official hymn was "The Prayer of the Russians", the author was the poet V.A. Zhukovsky.

The International is the unofficial anthem of the young Land of the Soviets

Unofficial symbols of Russia

In addition to state ones, there are also so-called unofficial symbols - what Russia is associated with in the minds of its citizens and foreigners:

People who glorified our country;

Famous places;

Great achievements;

Natural monuments: high mountains, deep rivers, huge lakes;

Household items;

Toys, musical instruments, clothing;

Plants and animals.

Some of the most popular symbols of the country will be discussed below.

Why is birch a symbol of Russia?

There are many birches in Russia. They became part of the life of the Russian people: in the summer they sheltered from the sun, and in the winter they gave fire to warm the peasant huts. Birch bark was used for weaving bast shoes and tuesques, and the first recordings were made on birch bark.

Since ancient times, this tree has been endowed with special properties, considering it a symbol of purity and femininity. Our ancestors believed that not only girls, but also mermaids cannot pass by the beauty of birch groves, gathering in such places to lead round dances.

With the baptism of Russia, birch became associated with the church holiday of Trinity. Temples and dwellings were decorated with young twigs.

"White birch under my window ..." - the heartfelt words of Sergei Yesenin, especially revered among the emigrants longing for their homeland, forever erected this tree on a pedestal of the main symbols of Russia.

the Red Square

Red Square is the heart of our state and the center of Moscow, one of the largest cities in Russia. Many pass here important events: Victory Parade, concerts on the occasion of significant dates, and there is also the "altar of Russia" - this is what Mikhail Lermontov called the Moscow Kremlin.

The architectural ensemble of the main square of the country, a whimsical mixture of buildings from different eras, organically illustrates the history of Russia. Its decoration is the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed - one of the most famous Orthodox churches in our country. It was erected in the middle of the 16th century on the occasion of the capture of Kazan.

St. Basil's Cathedral - a symbol of Russia

The Diamond Fund is the most popular museum in the Kremlin. It features unique gems, gold nuggets, art objects, including the imperial scepter, small and large imperial crown... These values ​​were the official symbols of tsarist Russia.


This is the most famous wooden transforming doll in Russia. The name, obviously, comes from the Russian name Matrona, and the root of this word "mother" is not accidental. Foreigners affectionately call her "Babushka doll" with an accent on U. Matryoshka symbolizes motherhood, fertility, femininity. It appeared in the 19th century; the artist Sergei Malyutin is considered the author.

In Japan, there is a similar toy - a figurine of the wise old man Fukurama, also consisting of several dolls nested inside one another. She could be the prototype of the Russian nesting doll.

Russian troika

This is the name of an old horse-drawn carriage consisting of three horses. For the inhabitants of our country, the road has always been special meaning: endless expanses, long journeys in winter ... All this is invariably associated with horses - the faithful companions of the wandering. The method of movement in troikas made it possible to cover long distances at a fairly serious speed, about 50 km per hour. Such teams appeared 200 years ago, and from 1840 they began to organize competitions of triplets.

The number "three" also had sacred meaning for the Russian people: the holiday of the Trinity, the proverb "God loves the Trinity", three heroes, three wishes that the goldfish fulfills.


This beloved musical instrument of the Russian people is made in the form of a triangle with a neck and has 3 strings. It has existed for over 200 years. Modern look the balalaika was acquired thanks to the musician Vasily Andreev.

The existing myth "In Russia, many have been playing the balalaika since childhood"

There is no consensus on the origin of the balalaika. Some researchers argue that the instrument has Tatar or Kyrgyz roots, others insist on its Slavic origin. Balalaika always accompanied peasant holidays and moments of relaxation, buffoons played masterly on them.


It entered the everyday life of the Russian people in the 19th century after the widespread distribution of tea. The symbol of a hospitable home and family comfort has become the hero of proverbs, sayings and songs. The Urals are considered his homeland. In the District in 1778, the Lisitsin brothers made the first samovar, and then they organized a factory for their production.

It is known that at the wedding of Sergei Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, samovars were on the tables, from which they drank not tea, but cognac. This props was associated with the prohibition law in force at that time in the United States, which prohibited the import and use of alcoholic beverages.

From bast shoes to earflaps

Speaking about the symbols of Russia, one cannot fail to mention the items of national clothing. Bast shoes are a common version of peasants' shoes. They were made from bark or birch. The peasants were poor and such cheap but very short-lived shoes became a symbol of poverty and illiteracy of the people. Hence and all famous proverbs and expressions: "bast shoes" (about a simpleton), "we do not slurp soup".

Valenki is a winter version of warm and comfortable felt shoes, a symbol of the ingenuity of the Russian people. They are first mentioned in the "Lay of Igor's Campaign".

Ushanka is a warm hat. It is believed that it appeared in Russian everyday life thanks to the Mongols, who protected themselves from the cold winds with sheepskin hats. They were called Malachai.

Kokoshnik - a headdress in the form of a fan over the head. Usually women wore it for the holidays. It has been known since the times of ancient Russia, it was used by all classes. V modern Russia- an obligatory attribute of the Snow Maiden costume.

What else is Russia associated with among foreigners?

If you ask any foreigner what Russia is associated with in his view, then, very likely, you will hear:

Two troubles. Many people in Russia and abroad know the two main troubles of the country: roads and fools. And if fools are from the realm of jokes, then the roads in Russia are really not the most favorable situation.

Political leaders. The most famous among them are Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin. Everyone knows them and is always remembered when it comes to our country.

Every country in the world has such national attributes as a flag, anthem and seal. And the United States is no exception. Symbols of the USA, symbols of the USA are the subject of many articles and books. But what are the basic facts about them you need to know?

USA flag or stars and stripes

Government offices, streets decorated with flags in different countries can most often be seen on holidays or on the eve of them. In America, the flags are always hung and not only on state institutions, but also on the houses of ordinary citizens. A large number of American flags are the first thing you notice when traveling through the states.

The American flag - the tricolor - is represented by three colors: white, red and blue. These colors have a deep meaning: red symbolizes courage and valor, while white - innocence and purity, and blue - justice, perseverance and vigilance. The banner is decorated with 13 stripes - 13 British colonies, which formed the state. The asterisks on the flag, there are 50 of them, represent the 50 states that are currently part of the United States.

The flag has many different interpretations, one of them belongs to J. Washington, and it reads as follows: “We took the stars from Heaven; red meant the country from which we sailed; white stripes on red is a symbol of the fact that we have disconnected from it, and the stripes should symbolize the freedom of future generations. "

The Flag of the United States is also called Stars and stripes, Old Glory and The Star-Spangled Banner.

Two sides of the Great Seal of the USA

This seal serves as a tool for authenticating documents produced by the US government. The Great Seal of the United States is depicted on back side one dollar bill. On the left side of the banknote you can see the image reverse side print, and on the right - the front side.

Although seals usually have only one side, the Great Seal of the United States has two. The obverse is considered the coat of arms of America. On the US coat of arms, there is an obverse - a bald eagle, the symbol of the United States, in the paws of which there are 13 arrows and an olive branch with the same number of leaves and olives. Thus, the eagle announces to the world that the United States calls for peace, but is also ready for war.

The other side of the great seal also has a deep meaning. Sometimes it is even called spiritual. It is represented by a pyramid with 13 steps and 1776 at the foot, which is written in Roman numerals. Above the top of the pyramid is the Eye of Providence and the motto for Latin"Annuit Coeptis" which means "It is supportive of our endeavors." Under the pyramid lies a scroll with the following saying “ New order for all ages. " This seal is kept by the Secretary of State, and it is placed only on presidential addresses and international agreements.

The word "seal" in English is "stamp, seal", and the Great Seal of the United States is "Great Seal of the United States".

National Anthem

The American anthem is based on Francis Scott Key's The Defense of Fort McHenry. This poem was written after the writer witnessed the shelling of the fortress during the Anglo-American War of 1812-1815. In their anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, the American people sing about the flag. The song became officially considered an anthem only in 1931, and before that the United States did not have an anthem.

The word "hymn" is translated from English as "church anthem", and the national anthem is "national anthem".

Feathered symbol of America

Among the symbols of the United States there are also representatives of the animal world - an eagle, or rather a bald eagle, which in English is called so "bald eagle". This national bird is depicted on the coat of arms, banknotes and various official documents. The Great Seal of the USA is also decorated with an eagle.

In America, there are laws that prohibit killing a bird without permission.

American mottos

The phrase "In God We Trust", which translates as "We trust in God" is the official motto of the United States (national motto). It is printed on all paper banknotes of the country. Sometimes the phrase becomes a source of controversy among Americans. The fact is that freedom of religion is very important aspect for every inhabitant of America. This is even stated in the US Constitution. You can practice any religion, or you can practice no religion at all.

Another famous motto of the American people is "E Pluribus Unum", which in Latin means "One of many". This motto is featured on the US coat of arms and football club Benfica (Lisbon). The quote belongs to Cicero (speech "On virtues"). The phrase consists of 13 letters - the original number of states that at one time formed a union, now known as the United States of America. Today the motto is interpreted as the unity of the nation, which once consisted of many nationalities who arrived in America. The expression "E pluribus unum" can be seen on all US coins.

Other US symbols

State symbols of the United States are also the Liberty Bell, which rang at the time of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, a gray-haired man with a beard in a top hat and clothes of national colors - "Uncle Sam", who has become an enduring American symbol. For example, the phrase “something is needed for Uncle Sam” means that something is needed for the United States.

Buildings are also symbols of the United States. national significance: the well-known Statue of Liberty, the White House, as the presidential residence, the United States Capitol - representing parliamentary power, the building of the Supreme Court in Washington, memorials to George Washington, Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson, Independence Hall and Mount Rushmore Arlington National Cemetery.

Peculiar symbols include the sports games loved by American citizens: baseball and American football, hamburgers and hot dogs, apple pie, bourbon (a type of whiskey), as well as Disneyland, Hollywood film studios, the lights of Las Vegas and Niagara Falls.

Related words national symbols

  • Patriotism - patriotism.
  • National colors - national colors, and this phrase is also translated as the national flag.
  • Homeland Motherland / Homeland / Native - land.
  • National myths - national myths.
  • Coat of arms, coat of arms - coat of arms.
  • Folk costume - folk costume.
  • Folk dance - folk dance.
  • The national animal is the national animal.
  • National tree - oak - oak.
  • National flower - rose-rose.

Anyone who studies English in depth and plans further training in the United States or plans to become a citizen of the American state, you need to know all the above facts.

The national flag is one of the most important and respected symbols of the country. As a rule, the motive depicted on the flag is associated with the history or culture of the country. While most national flags include various geometric figures, colors and common symbols, there are flags with surprisingly bizarre things depicted on them. From a naked man decapitating another person to machetes and assault rifles, be sure to check out these twenty-five bizarre symbols depicted on flags around the world.

25. Mozambique

When it comes to national arms flags, nothing beats the Mozambique flag. The national flag of Mozambique is decorated with an AK-47 assault rifle, symbolizing the country's defense and vigilance. The open book symbolizes the importance of education, while the hoe represents the country's agriculture.


Everyone knows that the dragon is a very important symbol in many Asian countries, but Bhutan is one of the few countries that has decorated their national flag with this creature. The dragon depicted on the flag is Druk, the legendary thunder dragon of Bhutan, who holds in his paws a jewel called norbu. The yellow part represents the peacefulness of the country, while the red half represents Buddhist spiritualism.

23. Kingdom of Swaziland

The national flag of Swaziland features a black and white shield (showing that people of different races can live together) and two spears. The three blue items are the feathers of the long-tailed velvet weaver and the banana-eater. The feather symbol has great meaning and can only be used by the king of a country.

22. Kyrgyzstan

What looks like a shiny tennis ball is actually a sun crossed by two sets of three lines is a stylized image of the top of a traditional Kyrgyz residential building called a yurt. The flag features 40 identical rays located around the sun. According to popular legend, they mean 40 Kyrgyz tribes united against the Mongols. epic hero named Manas.

21. Belize

While most national flags contain a moderate amount of symbols and numbers, the Belizean national flag design is quite intricate. In the center of the flag, two lumberjacks (mestizo and black) are depicted, armed with cutting tools and surrounded by 50 mahogany leaves. This is a reference to the logging industry, which is a large industrial sector in the country.

20. Libya

The Libyan national flag, which was used between 1977 and 2011, was the only flag in the world with only one color. There were no drawings, symbols or other details on the flag. Purely green flag was chosen by then Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. He symbolized him political philosophy and Islam. In 2011, after Gaddafi was killed, an earlier version of the flag was adopted.

19. Nepal

The national flag has one interesting primacy - it is the only non-quadrangular state flag in the world. In fact, it is a simplified combination of two separate flags depicting the symbolism of the crescent moon and sun. Until 1962, the flag was even stranger, as the sun and moon emblems were human faces which made them look like modern emoticons.

18. Kenya

Kenya is another African country with spears on its national flag... Together with the dominant red color in the central part of the flag, they symbolize the protection of the country and the blood shed during the battles for independence. The black color at the top represents the Kenyan people, while the green stripe denotes the country's landscape.

17. Isle of Man

The Isle of Man, located between the islands of Great Britain and Ireland, is a self-governing territory of the British crown known for its unusual flag. Three armored legs with gold spurs joined together are set against a red background. This strange symbol, officially known as the triskelion, was used by the ancient peoples of Mycenaeans and Lycians thousands of years ago. The Isle of Man has been using this symbol since 1932, but it's not entirely clear why they adopted it.

16. Cyprus

Since August 1960, Cyprus has been using the national flag, which depicts a map of the island with two olive branches. Olive branches as well as pure White background symbolize peace, and Orange color the map represents its large deposits of copper ore.

15. Uganda

The common crane, endemic to the African savannah, is the centerpiece of the Ugandan flag. The three colors represent the African people (black), the African sun ( yellow) and African brotherhood (red). The raised leg of the crane symbolizes the movement of the country forward.

14. Grenada

The national flag of Grenada, used since 1974, has a deep red border with 6 yellow stars, which symbolize the six counties of the country. The central star, surrounded by a red disk, represents Saint George, the capital of Grenada. The strange little symbol on the left is a nutmeg, one of the symbols of Grenada. The red color of the flag stands for courage and vitality, yellow for wisdom and warmth, and green for vegetation and agriculture.

13. Mongolia

The national flag of Mongolia includes three vertical stripes, one of which depicts the national symbol of Mongolia, Soyombo. If you look closely at the symbol, you will recognize the symbols of fire, sun, moon, earth, water and the Yin-Yang symbol. The central blue stripe represents the sky, while the red stripes represent Mongolia's ability to thrive in harsh conditions.

12. Saudi Arabia

The world oil producer, Saudi Arabia, is another country with a weapon on its national flag. Like Libya and other countries, the green background represents Islam, and the sword is a symbol of military power and the House of Saud, the founding dynasty of the country. The Arabic inscription above the sword is Shahada, the Islamic Declaration of Faith.

11. Ecuador

The national flag of Ecuador consists of three colored stripes and an extremely intricate and intricate coat of arms in the middle. There is a mountain on it (Chimborazo mountain, the most high mountain in Ecuador), river, steamer, sun, spears, laurel and palm leaves, and several other objects associated with the country. At the top of it all is the condor, which symbolizes the strength of Ecuador.

10. Angola

If the design of the national flag of Angola reminds you of the communist symbol of the former Soviet Union, you are not alone in your opinion. The symbol in the middle of the flag is the crossed cogwheel (representing industry) and the machete (which represents the peasantry and armed struggle). The flag was adopted in 1975 when Angola was under the rule of the Marxist government. Therefore, it recreated the image of the hammer and sickle that was on the flag of the former Soviet Union.

9. Gibraltar

The flag of Gibraltar features a red castle with three towers and a golden key. The castle symbolizes the Kingdom of Castile, a large and powerful medieval kingdom, and the key denotes the fact that Gibraltar is considered the entrance to the Mediterranean.

8. Papua New Guinea

On two identical triangles of a diagonally divided national flag Papua New Guinea there are strange objects. At the bottom are five stars in the shape of the Southern Cross (symbolizing the fact that the country is located in the southern hemisphere), while the right side is adorned with the bird of paradise, the legendary bird of Papua New Guinea. The flag is even more unusual because it was designed by a 15-year-old schoolgirl who won a nationwide competition for a new flag design in 1971.

7. Turkmenistan

The national flag of Turkmenistan boasts an impressive championship - it is the most detailed national flag in the world. The crescent moon (a symbol of Islam), five stars (representing the country's five provinces) and a red stripe containing five incredibly detailed and intricate carpet patterns (representing the five original large tribes of Turkmenistan) have given the flag a unique title.

6. Sri Lanka

The predominant symbol of the national flag is a large golden lion holding a kastane sword. The lion represents the people of Sri Lanka and their bravery, while the sword represents the country's ability to defend itself. The four small objects in the corners of the flag are sacred ficus leaves and represent the traditions of Buddhism and the four virtues: kindness, benevolence, happiness and serenity. The two stripes on the left represent Tamils ​​and Moors, the main ethnic groups in Sri Lanka.

5. Wales

From afar main character the national flag of Wales is similar to the symbol on the flag of Sri Lanka, but in this case the creature depicted on the flag is not a lion, but a red dragon. The dragon, sometimes also known as the Welsh dragon, is a reference to the legendary king Cadwaladr ap Cadwaladr, who ruled Wales in the 7th century, who was often associated with the dragon.

4. Virgin Islands

The national flag of the Virgin Islands, the insular part of which belongs to the United States, is a simplified version of the United States coat of arms. The arrows located in the eagle's left paw represent the three large islands of the archipelago, and the letters under the eagle's wings are the initials of the country.

3. Barbados

If you think that the trident depicted on the national flag of Barbados is placed on the flag in honor of Neptune or Poseidon, then you are wrong. The trident appears on the flag in honor of the trident of Britain, the mythical patroness of then Roman Britain, and represents the three principles of democracy.

2. Cambodia

Cambodia is one of the few countries that has a building on the national flag. In the case of this southeast Asian country, the building featured on the flag is Angkor Wat, a legendary structure in Cambodia and the largest religious monument in the world.

1. Benin Kingdom

Benin's modern national flag consists of three colored stripes and does not include any other symbols. However, the old flag of the Kingdom of Benin (before the colonial empire in today's Nigeria) was much more "interesting". It depicted a naked man holding a sword that was decapitating another person. The exact origin of the flag is a mystery, but the image is generally believed to represent the Itsekri people. ethnic group who acted as an intermediary between the Bini people of Benin and the Europeans on the coast.