Sociology brief encyclopedic dictionary. Three-day structures What is everyday life everyday life Watch what is "everyday life" in other dictionaries

Sociology brief encyclopedic dictionary. Daily structures What is everyday life everyday life watch what is
Sociology brief encyclopedic dictionary. Three-day structures What is everyday life everyday life Watch what is "everyday life" in other dictionaries

Word " everyday life"Design for a reasonable reality, the actuality, the world of everyday life, where people are born and dying, rejoice and suffer.

Daily ever should be considered as an activity regulated by the standards and institutions.

The most important sign of everyday life is repeatability. Every day is becoming every day - inevitable, mandatory, usual, if it is estimated as a routine, trivial. In this quality daily events confronts holidays, weekendsAs well as rituals with whom the most important moments in the human life are associated. Therefore, not all events occurring daily belong to everyday life. Such, for example, sleep (dream), prayer, leisure.

Level of everyday life in a person's life

Main unit of time everyday are daywhich can be described on the basis of both the timeline - temporal measurement of everyday life and the event row - the routine of the day, the deritment of certain events to a certain time of the day. Usually, the day is divided into four parts:

  • time of the day of bodily needs (sleep, nutrition, sex, hygienic and cosmetic procedures) and spiritual (, obtaining information, psychological support);
  • time to keep;
  • time to work that provides livelihoods, or study;
  • free time for friendly communication, amateur occupations and just Notherelania.

Allocate also spatial measurement of everyday life - Places where everyday life proceeds is a system of spaces that includes human body spaces, its dwellings and settlements.

IN Body space Eliminate the bodily top - head and hands, and the body bottom, with which the physiology (selection, sex) is connected. Traditionally, high cultural value was attached to the top, and low value - the bottom considered "unclean". Only at the end of the XX century. The rehabilitation of human body and his bodily niza began.

IN Space housing Located a number of functional zones - the food zone (hearth, oven, kitchen, pantry, cellar, table), sleep zone (bed, bedroom), body care area (bathroom, toilet, washbasin). In traditional cultures, the zones of the sacred, sacred ("Red Angle") and the worldly (oven) were always distinguished. In the XX century The trend of desacralization of the dwelling space is observed and at the same time - all the large differentiation of its internal space - new zones of personal space appear.

IN space settlement (Cities) Places for (markets, shops), cafers (cafes, bars, snack bars), transport arteries (rivers, streets, roads), working areas, drinking water areas (rivers, reservoirs, wells, plumbing). In the city of the zone of power, recreation and sacred zones, confront the space of everyday life, although they can cross and coexist.

The space of everyday life is filled with numerous things - separate, autonomous parts of the culture. In each zone, they are also evaluated primarily on their utilitarian purposes. But any household item is polyfunctional. It can perform the functions of a memorial, sacral, prestigious, aesthetic, socio-status. The actualization of these functions is defined as a specific historical and momentary situation.

What is everyday life? Everyday life as a routine, repeated interactions is a non-flexible part of life, of course of a man of man, primary needs

Phenomenology Alfred Shzyuz (Alfred Schütz) (1899 -1959) Main works: Satisfying social world (introduction to understanding sociology) (1932) "Structures of the Life World" (1975, 1984) (Published by T. Lukman)

Life World (Lebenswelt), this is a casual world that is always surrounding a person common with other people who are perceived by him as a given

The world from the very beginning is an intersubjective and knowledge about it anyway. Socialized the setup setting N n. Mythological religious scientific natural

Practical meaning of the concept of "Gabiuts" (Pierre Burdieje) Individual and collective Habius field action and form of capital Practice concept

Habius is a system of stable dispositions of thinking, perception and actions, the cognitive "structuring structure" L Habius is a practical meaning, i.e. it is below the level of rational thinking and even language level, this is how we perceive the language L

Social practices Practice - active creative transformation by the subject of its environment (in contrast to the adaptation), unity of thinking and action. Practical activity is determined by the grandios of the subject.

Field and space Social field - a network of relations between the objective positions of agents in a specific social space. In reality, this network latent (hidden), it can only manifest itself through the attitude of agents. For example, the field of power (politicians), the field of artistic taste, the field of religion, etc.

Dramatic of interaction Social structure of everyday life Irving Goffman (1922 -1982) Main works: Presentation of self in everyday life) (1959)

Interaction ritual (Interaction Ritual: Essays on Face-to-Face Behavior) (1967) Frame Analysis (Frame Analysis: An Essay On The Organization Of Experience) (1974)

Analysis of frames Our attitude to any situation is formed according to the primary model of perception, which is called "primary frames represent the" point of view ", with which it is necessary to take a look at the event, how the signs should be treated, thereby they give meaning to what is happening, frames are primary (non-reflective) structures Perception of everyday

Ethnomethodology of research in ethnomethodology (1967) The daily world is based largely on the basis of speech interactions, the conversation is not just an exchange of information, but an understanding of the context of the situation and shared values, the daily conversation is based on uncertain statements that are deciphered over time and the meaning is not transmitted , and clarifies in the Communication process

"Background expectations" The everyday world is built on the recognition of his "Needless", the reciprocity of his perception is not questioned, it is believed that everyone is able to understand the actions of others on the basis of general knowledge

Power structures The subject of nutritional sociology consists in a nutritional study as a social system, its task is to show social, cultural and historical and economic conditionality of food processes; Disclosure the nature of socialization and social bundle in the process of consumption of food, to investigate the formation of human identity and social groups through sets and practices of nutrition.

The function of nutrition is stronger than all others: during the period of hunger, even pain and sex reflexes are depressed, and people are able to think only about food, - P. Sorokin wrote in the work "Hunger as a factor: the effect of hunger on the behavior of people, social organization and social life" (1922)

In the life of human society, food is more fundamental than other needs, including sex. This idea is very important for sociology, because it essentially refutes Freudian psychology

Being a primary human need, a material condition, the nutrition is the institution of socialization and the mechanism of social (and not only physical) reproduction of the Group, in these processes the social group restores the unity and identity of its members, but at the same time differentiates them from other groups.

Structuralism in the work "To the psychosociology of modern food consumption" Bart writes that the food is not just a set of products, these are images and signs, a certain way of behavior; Consuming something modern man does this necessarily designate.

The food is also associated with the value - semiotically - with the typical situations of the life of a modern man. The food gradually loses in the meaning of its subjective entity, but more and more transforms into a social situation.

Materialism Jack Gouda "Cooking, Cuisine and Class: Study in comparative Sociology" What nutrition as an element of culture is impossible to explain, not knowing the way of economic production and its associated social structure

The materialistic method in nutritional sociology explains why people with all the variety of products feed on monotonous. It is not only a class, the economy is to blame. We eat what is sold in the neighboring supermarket, which is offered to us by the economic system of the market and distribution of products, based on their understanding of the case (standardization as a factor of improving productivity).

Historic Types of Power Systems Primitive Societies "Humanity begins with the kitchen" (K. Levi -Stros) Society of hunters and collectors: Assigning farm First Food Revolution (F. Stelle) 500 thousand years ago

Eating ancient world Neolithic revolution 15 thousand years ago Second Food Revolution: a settling lifestyle, producing economy The emergence of irrigation agriculture The role of the state in food distribution

Example: Suchumerian civilization Writing and cooking: Sumerians (6 thousand years ago) Opening of Sumerians: Wheel-Caissure Agriculture Osn. Culture - barley drinks - invention of beer

FIELD OF SWEK: FIRLINE TABLE Dairy products: Method of storage of milk (cheese) Pottery art and dishes: Storage systems Type of cooking furnace (Lavash)

The taste system is based on the taste of the ancient power laws. Compliance with the balance of elements. Any thing, and food including, consists of four elements - fire, water, earth and air. Therefore, in preparation, the Greeks were considered, the opposite fire against the water should be combined, the earth against air, cold and hot, dry and humid (and then - sour and sweet, fresh and sharp, salty and bitter.

Social meal space in the Middle Ages. Food as a body's need suddenly receives a different moral assessment - Christianity calls for asceticism, nutritional restriction, denies meals like pleasure and pleasure, recognizes it only as a need - hunger Dan a man in punishment for its original sin.

But in general, food - and it is extremely important - in Christianity it is not divided into clean and unclean, the church is unequivocally asserting - the food itself does not bring up and does not give a person from God, in Gospel teaching it is clearly shown: "Not what is included in the mouth , desets a person, but what comes from the mouth. "

Food in Christianity also loses the nature of the victim - in this its fundamental difference from Judaism and other (including monotheistic) religions. It is believed that a sufficient one victim - Christ himself brought himself voluntarily sacrificing for the sake of salvation of all, the rest of the victims are simply inappropriate (including victims of various animals like Kurban-Bayram from Muslims

Here are more news - there are not lying ones, like the Romans, and sitting on the chairs or stools at the table, appeared, finally, glassware and tablecloths, and also fork - from Byzantium she will come to Venice later,

Again, the culture of meat was revived - war, hunting, game for aristocracy, and pork (pigs graze in the forest, feeding with acorns) for simpleness.

The Opposition "Terra E Silva" (Earth and Forest) in the system of nutrition, Frankov and Germans "Forest" became the basis of nutrition against the "Earth" at the Romans - Meat against Bread; Beer against wine; Pork fat against olive oil; River fish against sea; Region ("healthy" \u003d "fat" \u003d "strong") against moderation

The man of Middle Ages sought to change the natural taste of the product, transform it, replacing it with artificial - spicy taste and aroma. This also applied to drinks - spices were added there without measure

Italian Renaissance - greatness of sugar, he is still roads, but he makes people happy, and it is added everywhere (in wine, rice, paste, coffee) and of course - in desserts, while, by the way, the combination of acute and sweet, candy of that time And sweet, and spicy at the same time. But soon the sweet taste is crowded and rises on everyone

Modern food system The third food revolution associated with the export of American products to other regions gave its fruits, but also European cultures have mastered America, this feature is the interpenetration of agriculture - is an important characteristic of the modern food production system.

The industrial nutrition system involves not only highly mechanized, standardized and automated agriculture, based on scientific cultural cultivation technologies, but also the actual food industry.

Storage technology has affected the production of products, because now it was possible to produce partially cooked products and freeze them - semi-finished products. A modern nutrition system changes not only the technology of storage, but also the technology of cooking products.

The meaning of the kitchen changes. The task of cooks is now fundamentally different - to place semi-prepared products, in this sense the art of the chef has now become different, although it never ceased to be art

The modern industrial nutrition system is based on new ways to store food. Hypermarkets are usually combined into the network, the largest Wal-Mart network in the United States is, it combines 1,700 hypermarkets around the world (they are designed equally), in the US WAL. Mart controls - imagine about 30% of all sales

Significantly changed the structure of the food: the first difference, if earlier all agricultural societies assumed carbohydrate food as the basis, now the basis will be considered protein food. Here is a significant difference - if the bread was ate before, now eating bread.

The second difference - if earlier man ate something that was the basis of the nutrition of his region (the Japanese feels not more correctly than we, simply the foundation of the food of their region, was seafood), now the food is delocalized - we eat products from all over the world, and often Season.

The third fundamental difference of nutrition: Industrial mass production of food creates, respectively, massive identical tastes. Here is an amazing feature of the tastes of modern people - we eat very and very monotonous

Everyday life is a holistic sociocultural living world, which is in the functioning of society as a "natural", self-evident condition of human life. Everyday life can be considered as ontology as the boundary condition of human activity. Judging studies imply approach to the world of man and his life itself as a value. Everyday life is a significant topic in the culture of the 20th century. It is necessary to distinguish between everyday life and theoretical discourse about everyday life. Currently, everyday life as a specific area of \u200b\u200bsocial reality acts as an object of interdisciplinary research (history, social and cultural anthropology, sociology, cultural studies).

Within the framework of classical approaches (presented, in particular, by Marxism, Freudism, structural functionalism), everyday life was believed to be lower reality and a negligible value. It seemed to the surface behind which some depth thought, the veil of fetishistic forms, followed by genuine reality ("it" - in Freudesism, economic ties and relations - in Marxism, sustainable structures that determine human behavior and worldview - in structural functionalism). The student of everyday life acted as an absolute observer for whom the living experience performed only as a symptom of this reality. In relation to everyday life, "hermenevics of suspicion" was cultivated. Everyday and uncomfortable were different ontological structures, and everyday life itself was tested for truth. As part of classical methodologies, everyday life could act as an object of design and rationalization. The tradition of this is sufficiently stable (A. Lefevere, A. Geller).

Hermeneutic and phenomenological schools in social philosophy and sociology acted as an alternative to the classical paradigm of social knowledge. The impetus to a new understanding of everyday life was given by E. Gusser, in his interpretation of the vital world. In social phenomenology, A. Scytva was made by the synthesis of these ideas and sociological installations M. Weber. The shyuz formulated the task of studying everyday life in the context of the search for the limiting grounds of social reality as such. Various variations of this approach are represented in modern sociology of knowledge (P. Berger, T.lucman), with several other methodological positions in symbolic interactionism, ethnometerodology, etc. The evolution of studies of everyday life is conjugate to the change of social knowledge paradigms. In our ideas, everyday and non-daily no longer act as various and not commensurate according to their meaning of ontological structures. These are different reality only inspired because they represent different types of experience. Accordingly, theoretical models are not opposed to constructs of everyday mentality and everyday consciousness. On the contrary, the criterion of the rationale and validity of social knowledge becomes the continuity and compliance of the concepts of science and constructs of everyday consciousness, and other adverse forms of knowledge. The central issue of social knowledge is the question of the correlation of social knowledge with everyday values \u200b\u200b(first-order constructions). The problem of objectivity of knowledge is not removed here, but the forms of everyday life and thinking are no longer checked for truth.

Inseparable from understanding the problems of everyday life, the folding of the "postclassical paradigm" of social knowledge. The studies of everyday life from the industry dealing with a specific subject turns into a new definition of the "sociological eye". The nature of the research facility - the daily life of people - changes the attitude towards the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe knowledge of the social world. A number of completely different researchers (P. Faerabend and Yu.Habermas, Berger and Lukman, E. Hidden and M. M. M. M. M. M.D.) justify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to rethink the social status of science and the new concept of a learning subject, the return of the science language " Home ", in everyday life. Social researcher loses the privileged position of the absolute observer and acts only as a participant in social life on a par with others. It comes from the fact of plurality of experiences, social practices, including language. Reality is seen only as phenomenal. The change of view of the view makes it possible to draw attention to the fact that it used to seemed to be insignificant earlier, and secondly, to overcome the deviation from the norm: archaic in modern times, the banalization and technology of images, etc., respectively, along with the classical methods of studying everyday life are used Methods based on the approach to the narrativeness of everyday life (Case Studies, or a study of a separate case, a biographical method, the analysis of "stranded" texts). The focus of such studies is the analysis of self-remedies of consciousness, familiar, routine practices, practical feeling, specific "practice logic". The study turns into a kind of "commonsensology" (from Lat. Sensus Communis - common sense) and "FORMOLOGY", for the form remains the only sustainable beginning in the context of the alternativeness and instability of social and plurality of cultural principles (M. Muffezoli). Life forms are no longer interpreted as higher or lower, true or unidentified. No knowledge can be obtained outside the context of culture, tongue, tradition. This cognitive situation generates the problem of relativism, because The problem of truth is supplanted by the problem of communication of people, cultures. The task of knowledge is reduced to the historically determined "cultural action", the purpose of which is to develop a new way of "reading the world". As part of these approaches, "Truth" and "Emancipation" from immutable laws are transformed into value regulators.

H.H. Kozlova

New philosophical encyclopedia. In four volumes. / In-t philosophy RAS. Scientifies. Tip: VS Stepin, A.A. Huseynov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Thought, 2010, t.III, N - C, p. 254-255.


Berger P., Lukman T. Social constructing reality. M., 1995;

Vendenfels B. Everyday, as a smelting tigl rationality. - In the book: Socio-Logos. M, 1991;

Ionin L.G. Sociology of culture. M, 1996;

Shuttz A. Formation of concepts and theory in social sciences. - In the book: American Sociological Thought: Texts. M., 1994;

SHUTZ A. ON Phenomenology and Social Relations. Chi., 1970;

Goffman E. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. N.Y.-L., 1959;

Lefebvre A. La Vie Quotidienne Dans Le Monde Modern. P., 1974;

Maffesoli M. La Conquete du Present. Pour Une Sociologie De La Vie Quotidienne. P., 1979;

Heller A. Everyday Life. Cambr., 1984;

De Certeau M. The Pactice of Everyday Life. Berkeley; LOS ANG.; L., 1988.

There are moments in life when you want to just take and change everything. But that "everything" - it is not clear and how to do it - especially. Therefore, many remain in Routine and continue to fuss in life.

There are 11 excellent ways that change in life began to occur right now. Thanks to them, in your everyday life will be more paints and positive. And this is the beginning of large-scale changes!

Change the usual routes

Those roads we go through day per day become automatic. You are mechanically hurrying in cases, thinking about your own, not noticing either landscape, no beauty or people around. Try to bring something new to your route every time: type of transport, road, corner, turn.

If you constantly hurry to work, and think over the new route is problematic, then just start returning home by another way. Surely, in the place where you live, there are places in which you have not yet been, or you are very rare. Visit them already this week!

Try every week new taste

Have you ever tried to dishes Vietnamese cuisine? Or Italian Palela? Or maybe you will surprise the taste of Mexican Gucamole?

Take yourself a rule - try at least one new dish a week. Enough every day to eat the same thing! Surprise yourself this week a campaign in a cute place where you will try to do not eat in life! You will have a new experience and unforgettable feelings!

Do surprises

Deliver the joy of loved ones - it's great! Brings a sea of \u200b\u200bpositive emotions! Small and unusual attention signs bring together people and update relationships. Try!

Also remember that there is a spiritual law of sowing and harvest, which says "that you will lay, then you will get enough." Doing surprises to others, expect surprises in your life!

Travel around the cities of their country

It is not expensive, does not require long clearance of visas and preparations. Just on the weekend buy ticket to some kind of town and take a walk in it until the evening.

The road and walks will help you understand thoughts and feelings and return home updated and rested.

Change the image

It is not necessary to repaint the hair in red or make a piercing in the nose. No need global changes. It may be a pleasant trifle, but be sure to once a month.

Update haircut, Padulian with bangs and make-up. If you always dress in jeans - buy yourself a beautiful dress. And if you are a fan of official business style - let yourself bright colors. Add positive yourself and others!

Do what you usually do not know

But always very much wanted. Are you closed and modest in communication with colleagues? Come in the morning, wish everyone a good day, and, smiling, make a compliment to every person in the office. Are you in the life of the trees? Invite friends on coffee and cooking desserts. Walk gloomy? Try to smile to everyone with whom you will be visually visiting on the street. In general, do what they do not expect from you.

Share the zone of the usual comfort, and change the model of behavior. It is not easy, but believe me, the feelings will please you!

Pass the courses

Find inexpensive master classes in some kind of "for the soul". Learn to dance, sing, play on the balalaica, cool cut vegetables, learned the main phrases of the Chinese language or the skill of a relaxing massage. The choice is varied, like your talents!

The goal, so that you resist the soul in classes, did not think about work and problems, but charged with new knowledge and positive.

Learning something new

It already applies to your professional and personal growth. Training always brings new emotions and new results. Think what kind of skill will help you to reach a new level in work or business and act!

Permutation in the house and in the workplace

Small (or very big!) External changes will make your brain think in a new way. You will definitely have new ideas, joy and state of creation (this is when even in trifles you can draw pleasure and inspiration).

Take the rank in the middle of the working week

And spend it as you want. Work is important, but sometimes it is worth breaking out of the usual circle. Feel yourself with a schoolboy who strives a lesson and enjoys freedom.

Put in the city, eat ice cream, go to the zoo or just read the book in the park. The main thing is that it is impossible to spend this day at home or in domestic issues. This is your freedom day!

Organize photo session

Just let the photographer and the stylist themselves choose your image. So you can see yourself completely from the new side, and beautiful photos will gather a lot of likes and comments on your pages. It will inspire you!

Ask God about the miracle

The main difference between God from man is that we are natural, and he is supernatural! Therefore, can make for a person excess of what we can do for yourself.

Sincerely ask him about an obvious miracle in your life and expect. Believe it, it works! In my life, I constantly see a wonderful manifestation of God's love and power simply because I let him do it.

Believe and get wonders!

Of course, this is not a complete list of how you can make life amazing, diverse and harmonious. Each person has its own unique way. Share with me in the comments by your advice!

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Where does your day begin? Maybe from runs in the morning? Or maybe with coffee? And what then? Work? Or, if you are a student, then college, or institute, university? Many questions that should not just have, but develop them. Decorating as an adjective proposal like a Christmas tree toys. I present to you a tassel, and you will choose the watercolor.

When to start? When to get together and ... and paint your morning, your day, evening? In any way. What exactly do you like?


What do you listen to music? What genre do you like? Or even the pace? Would you like to learn not only to listen, but also create creativity? Try yourself. You need to try, you need to try. Take a look at the Internet. How to create music? Inspiration, wide range. That's what helps you. Guitar, piano, these are the tools on which I can play. I play, I come true at the expense of it. Heart sinks in harmony. Who has not tried, he will not understand. If there is no Internet or you are bad, then what to do? Many people who come across this problem always come out of this situation. Music can be found everywhere. Just hear it. Someone will say that I am writing empty words. And these someone simply do not believe, there is no faith, and this music will not find you, and you will not find it. Music is changing over time. New genres confuse people brains. But of course, depending on what genres. And I do not deny the opinions of others. I just brought my point of view. Do not forget those sensations that are experiencing you. Buy the tool. Learn using books, video lessons on the Internet. Make your life more diverse. And imagine. You wake up, do, as usual all morning affairs: breakfast, charging or something else. After, before you go there, where you need to rush, you get behind the guitar and play the most beloved music that comforts you and envelops the calm blanket and mood for all day.


Have you ever read books? Or your mind has already killed in the virtual world? I happened, I started to read the book, but after reading only half, I began to engage in other affairs, and after and forgot about the book, a book, aware of me. Soon I started reading a book with a smaller volume. And read to the end. And concluded that the book is interesting not only in terms of volume, but also in content. Soon found a book on more, called "a man who laughs" (Viktor Hugo). Very interesting book, only with a little tedious start. In my free time I read it. Remember! The book does not open you the future, it only shows your real inner world. It helps to sort out yourself!


Who would like to know how much he will live? Most answered that they would not want to know this. Well, the rest admitted that not against. Suppose you learned. Would you like to change it? Probably everyone wanted to live for longer. And in order to do it, what? Need to change. Besides for the better. Do not sit on the social network all your day, all the studies and even the whole weekend, and raise your ass and escape. Running until the lungs give you to understand what they are tired. Extend the life and the more it is possible to diversify with whom you should meet. It will be your new friend - sport. If you are alone, then the sport dispels your loneliness. If you are offended by someone or angry, the sport will remove stress as a friend. Will always help. And again an example with the morning. Waking up, you feel a sleepy, not survived lemon. Go under the shower. Although he helps to cheer up, but the dice helps heat and stretch the shower, but a run in the morning. Just imagine you run around the city. The city is sleeping. Silence. The breeze when running caress your sleepy face. Eyes will get drunk from the wind. The sun gets up with you. Music accompanies your tempo, your heartbeat, your breath.

The body tells you thanks.

These three ways helped to make my everyday and the same life just lighter, just brighter and just better.