Great people about poetry, poets. Quotes that learn lives: the best from great writers

Great people about poetry, poets. Quotes that learn lives: the best from great writers
Great people about poetry, poets. Quotes that learn lives: the best from great writers

It should be written either about what you know very well, or that no one knows.
Strugatsky Arkady Nathanovich and Boris Nathanovich

Poems succeed, if created with sincere clarity.

Lovely verse is similar to a bow conducted by sound fibers of our being. Nothing - our thoughts makes the poet sing inside us. I tell us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our soul our love and our grief. He is a cockpit. Understanding him, we become poets like him.
Anatole France.

Philosophy is not poetry, but poetry in its highest manifestation is philosophy.
Ilya Shevelev

Only that poetry, which makes me cleaner and courageous.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The true poet dreams in reality, only not the subject of dreams owns them, and he is the subject of dreams.
Charles Lam.

Spring poetry has beauty.
Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Poetry has one amazing property. She returns his original, virgin freshness. The most erased, until the end of the "reprimanded" words us, well who lost their figurative qualities for us, living only as a verbal shell, in poetry begin to sparkle, ring, fierce!
Konstantin Georgievich Powesty

Our sacred craft exists thousands of years ... with him and without the world world light. But no one said the poet that there is no wisdom, and there is no old age, and maybe there is no death.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

The poet is a philosopher of a concrete and painter abstract.
Victor Hugo

Those who write dark, or unwittingly give their ignorance, or deliberately hide him. We vaguely write about what vaguely imagine.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

Young poets pour a lot of water into their ink.
Johann Goette

Many people have an essay of poems - this is a disease of the growth of the mind.
Georg Lichtenberg

Poetry is like painting: a different work will be captivated by you more if you will consider it near, and otherwise - if you leave away.

Not in some poetry poetry: she is spilled everywhere, she is around us. Take a look at these trees, on this sky - everywhere blows beauty and life, and where beauty and life, there is poetry.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

Not everyone who can write poems - the poet.
Ben Johnson

The historian and poet differ from each other not by a speech - rhymed or unimposed; They are distinguished by the fact that one speaks of what happened, the other thing about what could happen. Therefore, in poetry more philosophical, serious than in history, for it shows general, while history is only a single one.

Analysis is not a poet case. His calling is to reproduce, and not dismember.
Thomas Makhalya

Not the poet who cans rhymes can.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Poetry is the game of feelings into which the reason makes the system; Eloquence is a matter of reason, which is animated with feeling.
Immanuel Kant

Poetic perception of life, everything around us - the greatest giftwho gotten from the pores of childhood. If a person does not lose this gift over long sober years, he is a poet or writer

These writers changed their work in the history of the 20th century literature, bringing their weighty, invaluable contribution to it. They are quoted, they refer to them, they speak and argue. It is indisputable, but the fact - these surnames are always on hearing. There is no such person who at least once heard of these writers or did not hold their books in the hands. So we will give them today, remembering the brightest and conflicting quotes 20 the best writers The past century.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

His works, shrouded in riddles and myths, love and read around the world. Being the creator of the flow of "magic realism", he wanted so much to tell people and told! Many of his love quotes and it is not surprising! After all, the heroes of his works were able to live and love to truly.

"Perhaps in this world you are only a person, but for someone you are the whole world."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

The government was afraid of him like fire, relatives loved with all the souls, and the intellectuals were respected and guarded. Solzhenitsyn never ceased to love his homeland for a second and think about her, even being far beyond. He lived long, full tests and deprivation of life, leaving behind a huge literary heritage.

"The formation of the mind does not add."

"Life is given for happiness."

"Smart in the world a lot, a little - good."

Carlos Castaneda

The books of the writer and thinker Carlos Castaneda became for some of the present discovery, and for the other new point of view of the world around. His worldview is unusual for simple man. And to a series of books dedicated to Shamisama, the author himself applied the term "magic", although it clarified that it was not enough to fully disclose the essence of our ancestors.

"If you don't like what you get, change what you give ”.

Paulo Coelho

Oh, no other writer in the world Paulo Coelo helps readers to look at things under a different angle, even to find great and look at life with constant optimism. It is loved and read around the world, and its 18 books have long stepped over a mark of 350 million copies.

"If you dare to say," goodbye ", life will reward you with the new" Hello "."

Jorge Luis Borheses

Inimitable poet, writer and thinker Borges was the owner of numerous awards. Despite the blindness in the second half of life, he still clearly seen and depicted in his works Human souls.

"Someone is proud of each written book, I am any read."

Brothers Strugatsky

Boris and Arkady Strugatsky, perhaps the most famous brothers writers. The idols of millions of people, they write about the future, about man and peace. Their works have long become a classic genre and part of the lifetime of the talent admirers of Strugatsky. How to do right choice, do not get lost and find yourself - these are questions to which their creativity meets.

"The money is needed to man in order not to think about them."

Ray Bradbury

It is believed that it is because of this writer, the reader readers showed incredible interest in the genre of fantasy and scientific fiction. What did Bradbury wanted to tell what Bradbury? Read in quotes:

When a person is 17, he knows everything. If he 27 and he still knows everything - he also, he is still 17. "

Umberto Eco

This writer of modernity is considered one of the most erudite people. He worked on television and in the press, and a lot can tell about lectures, which still reads around the world. In 2010, Eco said that another novel would hardly write, so we hurry to enjoy the works already written and replenish your reserve the next author's quote:

"Nothing is so encouraging the kidden, like the cowardice of another person."

Erich Maria Remarque

This surprisingly delicate and wounded person doubted all his life in his talent. He went through the war where he was seriously injured, and experienced deep, but unfortunately, unrequited feelings. Remark books are full of feelings and images that lived in his heart. Being a writer " lost generation"He celebrated the topic of war and love. About them and its famous quotes:

"The first person you think in the morning and last manThat you think at night is or the cause of your happiness or the cause of your pain.

Ernest Hemingway

The life of this writer complete surprises and adventures caused people no less interest than his numerous stories and novels. Brief on the one hand, but such a comprehensive on the other, the style in which Hemingway wrote was forever imprinted on the history of literature of the 20th century. From his quotation, people often learn something from their lives:

"All people in the world are divided into two categories. With the first easy, as easy and without them. It is very difficult with the second, but it is impossible to live without them. "

George Orwell

Ironic writer acute mind known, first of all, with his withdrawn works " Barnyard"And" 1984 ". His creations often die by the horrors of totalitarian regime. And although many of the quotes of Orwell, fortunately, did not come true, reading them, every time you shrink from how the prophetically sound they sound:

"Freedom is an opportunity to say that twice two are four.

Vladimir Nabokov

Wizard words, experts of human souls and the author of works about love was a real citizen of the world and amazingly versatile man. Nabokov could study female and male psychology, combining this occupation with the hobby of butterflies. By the way, they open new species, are now named in his honor.

"Memory resurrect everything except smells. But but nothing is so fully resurrecting the past, as the smell, once associated with him. "

Jerome David Salinger

It seems that living in the Synjer system was incredibly important. He left the literature by writing one only, but known worldwide novel "Above the abyss in rye." Threw the city for the sake of a deaf village. Being a rebellion by nature, the author of the cult work served as an example for many generations of the same rebels. And all his life, Sallinger lived as he considered it necessary, and not so, as society was waiting for him.

"Always I say" it's very nice to meet you, "when I'm not nice to me. But if you want to live with people, you have to say anything. "

Eugene ionesko

Despite the fact that the writer is considered one of the founders of the "Theater of Absurd", Ionea himself repeatedly said that his plays are realistic as much as the absurdity is all real world and surrounding reality. And his quotes - the best thing the confirmation:

"Better crane in the sky than a lump in the throat."

John R. R. Tolkin

Roman "The Lord of the Rings" brought John Tolkuan world famous, and his book became one of the most readable in the 20th century. The work of the writer was provided a huge impact on fantasy genre in particular, and on world culture generally. Today, John Tolkin is listed on the list "50 of the greatest british writers Since 1945, "and rightly is considered one of the most successful writers of the past century.

"We do not choose times. We can only decide how to live in those times that chose us. "

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

Despite the fact that this american writer was the brightest representative "Lost Generation", he himself attributed his works to the "Jazz Epoch", they were invented. Today there is hardly a person who still has not read or who has not heard of his novel "Great Gatsby".

"It often happens that an important strip in the life of a person begins with some trifling episode."

Kurt Vonnegut

Most famous fantasy And Satirikov, Kurt Vonnegut passed through considerable tests in his life. He saw the war, failed in his career, but still not disappointed in this world. In his books, the writer was not afraid to make fun even the most tragic moments. That's all he.

"And, although people are stupid and cruel, see which beautiful day now"

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

In the books of this famous french writer Harmoniously intertwined the topics of love, nostalgia by childhood and other purely personal experiences. Despite the fact that the writer was assigned such short lifeHe managed to leave behind a lot of stories impregnated with love for all living things.

"Love is not to look at each other, love - it means to look in one direction."

Franz Kafka.

Franz Kafka was a kind of unique in the literary environment of the 20th century. His works impregnated with fear in front of the world and absurd, cause readers a whole range of disturbing feelings. This reaction will not cause any other book of any other writer. By the way, most of The works of the German publicist was published after his death. Kaby quotes often contain teachings and complaints:

Happiness eliminates old age. Who keeps the ability to see beautiful, he does not age ”.

  1. Michael Bulgakov

He is called the most mystical writer of his time and wrestle with soviet power. Refusing to write about five-year plates and socialism, Bulgakov had to face censorship and refusal to print. For a long time, his works were lacquered in the table, and seeing the light, they were immediately disassembled by the quotes.

"There are no evil people in the world, there are only people unhappy."

"The one who loves should share the fate of whom he loves."

Omar Khayam

Great Persian sage, philosopher, astronomer, mathematician and poet. His famous shoes are known in every corner of the world. His works are permeated with kindness and high moral values.

"True and lies are separated by a distance width with hairs."

"If a scoundrel will give you - pour! If the sage poison nallet - accept! "

Richard Bach

An amazing American writer of modernity, his philosophical works full of deep meaningAlthough they are written very easily and alive. He is a descendant of a talented composer-classic Johann Bach.

"No desire is given to a person without the best to implement it, maybe we just have to work for this."

"To become free and happy, we must donate just boredom. However, this is not always an easy victim.

Oscar Wilde

This talented writer at one time was called "Parodox Man". He was incredibly elegant, but simultaneously bright, and all the works instantly became popular!

"I heard so much slander to your address that I did not have doubts: you are a wonderful person!"

"Whether the remaining roles are already busy."

Marina Tsvetaeva

This talented poetess lived very bright, saturated life The same was her creativity. Her love Lyrics Very thin and oral at the same time. Although during life she did not achieve recognition, it is now difficult to find a person who would not have heard her name.

"The wings give freedom only in flight, folded behind the back they carry only the severity."

Quotes that learn lives: the best from great writers Updated: November 8, 2018 by the author: mila Ognevich

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov Popular Satiri writer, born in 1948, in Jurmala. The playwright is accepted and consists in the Union of Writers of Russia. Is the author large number Books. Among them, the works of diverse genres - essays, notes and plays, stories.

Russian writer, literary critic, a significant part of his life worked as a censor, contributing to the light of the works of Turgenev, Nekrasov, Pisem. Native of Siberia, Parents merchants, traveled a lot in the world. Working all his life official devoted everything free time Literary creativity.

Modern Russian writer, philosopher author of numerous essays, novels, stories and stories literary premiums. Engaged in Buddhist practices, leads a very secluded lifestyle, often travels in the east. Communicates with the public on the Internet, never appears at fashionable events, being a native inhabitant of Moscow. In 2001, in Germany, he was recognized as the best foreign writer.

The main character Roman F.M. Dostoevsky. Being a strong and proud person, under the pressure of complex life circumstances It goes on a double murder, which he justified the theory of "salvation of 100 lives of one life of a harmful interest officer." Romantic and man with clean soul, deeply experienced violence even over animals, he is hard to experience the happening.

The world famous Russian writer, author psychologically deep workswho read people in different countries. Large connoisseur of the human soul, passions and weaknesses of people. Lived life full of tests, but always believed that human soul Starting over violence and sinfulness.

Popular Russian writer, scientist-japonist, literary critic, translator, public figure. His feathers literary works Publishes Bori's pseudonyms? With Aku? Ning, Anna Borisov and Anatoly Brusnikin. Akunin quotes will be interested in any person, as they are very wise and true.

The collection includes quotes of great writers:

  • The era of the great attack of the mesh. And in the first rows of this terrible army - women. It is sad, but so. V. Shukshin
  • Thieme to live and then when life becomes unbearable. Make it useful. Nikolay Alexandrovich Ostrovsky
  • A rich man makes his heart. Wealth is not determined by the fact that a person has, but what it is. Henry Ward Becher
  • Only unloved women are never late. Alexander Duma Father
  • Being interesting - the first duty of a little-known author. The right to be boring belongs to only those writers who have already become famous. Edmund Berk
  • The most virtuous woman is the one that Nature has created himself with passionate, and the reason made himself cold. Emil Zol
  • In jealousy - one share of love and ninety-nine shares of pride. F. Larochefuky
  • Russia is the game of nature, not the mind. Fedor Muhaylovich Dostoevsky
  • The greatest ability of the writer is to be able to twist. Who can and who is in the power of silence, he will go far. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • Nature ... Wakes in us the need of love ... Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Time is never worth it, life is constantly evolving, human relationships are modified every fifty years. Johann Wolfgang Guete
  • Beautiful is life. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky
  • First I. the most important quality Women - meekness. Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Even brutal heart Wins affectionate request. Albius Tibull
  • Description of the flower with love for nature much more concludes civilian feelingthan the guards of bribes ... Fedor Muhaylovich Dostoevsky
  • Friendship, which stopped, never, actually, did not begin. Publishing Sir
  • I hate all sorts of devoted! I love all my life! Vladimir Mayakovsky
  • If you were guaranteed absolute success in some one thing, what purpose would you put in front of me? Brian Tracy
  • Our civilization is just beginning, and we are not able to imagine, even with the fervent imagination itself, to which power it will bring us to. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky
  • Life is a big surprise. Perhaps death will be even a big surprise. Vladimir Nabokov
  • We rarely binds to a woman what she attracted us. John Collins
  • Life is not a property that needs to be protected, but a gift that needs to be divided into other people. William Falkner
  • Love is, what happens to men and women who do not know each other. Somerset Maugham
  • Remember My Testament: Never invent nor fabul nor intrigue. Take what life itself gives. Life is much richer than all of our fiction! No imagination will come up with you that it sometimes gives the most ordinary, ordinary life, respect life! Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • Who does not like nature, he does not like a man, he is not a citizen. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
  • The idea and its embodiment should occur simultaneously and inseparable from each other. Ralph Vagina Williams
  • Like the fruit of wood and life is only sweet before starting withering. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin
  • Everyone has an artist's artist own Life, drawing strength and inspiration in itself. Sergey Nikolaevich Bulgakov
  • Life is nothing but a constantly defeated contradiction. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Krickni - hear any, whispers - hear the closest, and only loving will hear what you are silent.
  • Life is eternity, death is only a moment. M.Yu. Lermontov
  • It is better to write for yourself without readers than writing for readers without having yourself. Syril Connolly
  • Women love only those who do not know. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov
  • Women without male society fade, and men without female are stupid. Anton Chekhov
  • It is necessary to be a round idiot to write not for money. Samuel Johnson
  • A woman is a failed man. Jack London
  • There is no such moment when you can say: "Well, now I have achieved success. You can nice. " Carrie Fisher
  • Writers - People requiring vocabulary pay in cash. Michael Augustin
  • If life does not seem to be huge joy, then this is just because your mind is falsely directed. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The writer is the one you can silence, closing his book. Max Grehechnik
  • The day is a little life, and it is necessary to live it as if you have to die now, and you unexpectedly presented a day. Maksim Gorky
  • The writer must write a lot, but should not hurry. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • Any weakening of mental life in society inevitably entails the strengthening of material inclinations and benut-egoistic instincts. Fedor Tyutchev
  • In addition to the person of the producing exist and higher species. Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Outside either art, nor truth, no life, nothing. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
  • Drunkenness does not give birth to vice: it discovers them. Happiness does not change the morals: it emphasizes them. Socrates
  • In art, always and at all times two prompting began - knowledge and approval: knowledge mental nature Man and approval of this nature in reality. A. N. Tolstoy
  • The writer is very not difficult. There is no of that freak, which would not find a couple, and there is no that nonsense that would not find a suitable reader. And therefore, not a Roby ... We want the closure of something ... to be a writer who is printed and read is very difficult. To do this: be surely visible and have a talent for at least a lentil grain. Chekhov, "Rules for beginner authors"
  • To be honest, inaccessible to light and curtain for a husband, it means to be a woman in the genius. Honore de Balzac
  • What is read without difficulty was written with great difficulty. Enrique Hardell Ponsel
  • A person who sees life in the true light, and interprets it romantically, is doomed to despair. George Bernard Show
  • Anyone who does not hope to have a million readers should not write any string. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • The artist always writes about the main thing in the life of a person. When the writer says: I am writing about the construction of a waterproof station, - sorry for him, and the reader. Yuri Kazakov
  • To kill time is suicide. D. Pekk
  • Although human life No prices, we always do as if there is something even more valuable. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
  • Learn and read. Read the books serious. Life will make the rest. Fedor Muhaylovich Dostoevsky
  • Want to write - sit we write. Want to be printed - we will expand in a cake, print. But if anyone wants to be a writer - that is, to speak in front of readers, do not go to the service, live on fees, tavern in the editorial board for tea and brandy, ride the world, lead conversations in the houses of creativity, joined nights to reason with colleagues about literature problems , carelessly get a writer's writer from his pocket - he fell to the propagation with his progressive pride and the sign of involvement in literary process. Mikhail Weller, "Site Dovlyova" knife "
  • I had ideals all my life. And so, realizing that they are already missing for me, I began to complain. Comfort very nice ... John Golsuorussi
  • A person cannot start writing, without accumulating the famous stock of bitterness. Ginzburg, Lydia Yakovlevna
  • Only that humor will live, which arose based on vital truth. Mark Twain
  • I was surprised by how helpless our mind are, our mind, our heart, when we need to make a slightest change, unleash one node, which life itself displays with incomprehensible ease. Marcel Prost.
  • Takt is good taste In behavior and manner, keep yourself, and the pupil is good taste in conversation and speeches. Nikola-Sebastian Shamf
  • In immoral society, all the inventions that increase human power over nature are not only not good, but undoubted and obvious evil. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • The modest author seeks not to lie. Big - aim to tell the truth. Leonid Zorin
  • After all, for every case, the existence of two parties, conservative and progressive, eternal parties, corresponding to the two parties of human nature, is found; The strength of the habit and the desire of improvements. Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky
  • Remember that happiness does not depend on who you are and what you have; It depends solely on what you think about it. Dale Carnegie
  • All people from the very beginning and before any legal act are in possession of the earth, that is, they have the right to be where nature or chance placed them. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • Kindness in a woman, and not seductive eyes will conquer my love. William Shakespeare
  • Writers who decorate the language and related to it as an object of art, thereby make an instrument of a more flexible, more adapted to transmit thoughts. So the analyst pursuing purely aesthetic purposes contributes to the creation of a language, more adapted to satisfy physics. Jules Henri Poincare
  • If there is no point in death, then it was not in life. Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov
  • Scripture - hardworking idleness. Johann Wolfgang Goethe
  • A woman is the embodiment of a triumphant over the human spirit. Oscar Wilde
  • The nationality of the writer determines the language. The language on which he writes. Sergey Donatovich Dovlatov
  • A woman can throw a lover, but nothing will throw his dresses. Erich Maria Remarque
  • We ourselves are created from dreams and this our little life is sleep surround ... William Shakespeare
  • Women have only one tool to make us happy and thirty thousand funds - to make our misfortune. Heinrich Heine
  • Better let I be ashes and dust! Let my flame run out better in a blinding outbreak than the mold wanders it! Jack London
  • Life - without start and end. We all lies with the case. Alexander Blok
  • Who did not know how to limit himself, he never knew how to write. Nikola Bouoye
  • Life is a deception with charming longing ... S. A. Yesenin
  • When you love, I want to do something in the name of love. I want to sacrifice yourself. I want to serve. Ernst Miller Hemingway
  • Life is not defeated. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov
  • Everyone can write a three-volume novel. All that is needed for this is not to know any life or literature. Oscar Wilde
  • Who is not burning, he smokes. This is the law. Long live flames of life! Nikolay Alexandrovich Ostrovsky
  • Evil can not be defeated, because the struggle against evil is life itself. Alexandr Duma
  • Literature serves as a representative of the mental life of the people. N. A. Nekrasov
  • Life for ten percent consists of what you do in it, and on the ninety - of how you take it. Somerset Maugham
  • Wisdom is a combination of truths mined by intelligence, observation and experience and attached to life, is the harmony of ideas with life. I. A. Goncharov
  • Life is a strange thing. Jack London
  • Science is the most important, the most beautiful and necessary in the life of a person, she always was and will be the highest manifestation of love, only her one man wins nature and herself. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
  • If there is no further growth, it means that the sunset is close. Seneca
  • You can not cross all women, but it is necessary to strive for it. George Amada.
  • Human souls, like rivers and plants, also need rain. Special rain - hope, faith and sense of life. If there is no rain, everything dies in the soul. Paulo Coelho
  • Misfortune softens a person; Its nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to the understanding of objects superior to the concept of a person in ordinary and daily position. Nikolay Gogol
  • A truly polite person is always filled with love. He loves a man whom he wants to know, in order to save him. Max Frish.
  • Leave three men together after lunch, and you can be sure that the conversation will go about women and that he will lead it that one of them who is older. Alexander Duma-Son
  • They say that to die well, saving the life to another. D. Bokkaccho
  • The first and undoubted duty of a person is participating in the fight against nature for their lives and the lives of other people. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Well-known english writer. Years of life: from 1812 to 1870. Many of his novels were subsequently fascinated. It is thanks to his works that appeared the concept of " english humor"As an expression of a sharp sarcastic humor with thin tint Aristocratic.

American at the place of birth, Jack London is the author of hundreds of adventure novels and short stories. According to the image of the nature, animals and human actions in a critical moment of life, he does not know equal to himself. The writer took the fascinating stories from its own difficult life.

The native of Ireland, the son of rich and famous parents. The playwright, the poet, ancient Estet, a talented playwright, the author of numerous essays and fairy tales. All his plays at the end of the 1890s were put on theater scenes London. In their works, the immorality and vices of the aristocratic society.

Famous Kyrgyz writer who wrote in Kyrgyz and Russian, the hero of the Kyrgyz Republic (1997), people's writer Kyrgyz USSR (1974), hero Socialist Labor (1978), member of the CPSU since 1959. The quotations of Aitmatov Chingiz should listen to every person, because these are very clever phrases.

Popular American writer and philosopher, creator of the philosophical direction of objectivism. Your first story on english language "The Husband I Bought" - Rand wrote in 1926, it was the first year of her life in the United States. Quotes Ain Rand show her attitude to life values And people.

Popular German Writer of the 20th century, most of his work was posthumously published. His unique works are able to call the readers a strong disturbing feeling, which is a unique phenomenon in world literature. Franz kafka quotes are permeated with various complaints and teachings.

Famous Colombian writer, journalist. Laureat Nobel Prize in 1982 literature. Improveter literary direction "Magic Realism." In 2012, he was honored by the "Order of Honor" for his contribution to the strengthening of friendship between nations Russian Federation and Latin America. Quotes Gabriel Garcia Marquez can really take note of anyone.

Cult Brazilian writer. In total, he wrote 16 books, the total circulation exceeds exceeds 300 million. The popularity in Russia came to him after the book "Alchemik", which was very long in the top of the bestsellers. Quotes Paulo Coelho urge to act in life with optimism and not be afraid to look for something new.