Bardard: Tale. Barnyard

Bardard: Tale. Barnyard
Bardard: Tale. Barnyard

Mr. Jones owns Manor's farm near the town of Willinger in England. Old Borov Major collects at night in a large barn of all animals living here. He says that they live in slavery and poverty, because a person assigns the fruits of their work, and calls for an uprising: you need to get rid of the person, and the animals will immediately become free and rich. Major seals the old song "Baby England". Animals are confused together. Preparation for the uprising take on pigs that are considered the smartest animals. Among them, Napoleon, Snowball and Visngun are distinguished. They turn the teaching of the Major into a slim philosophical system called animalism and set it out the foundations of the rest on secret gatherings. The most faithful disciples are broken horses boxer and clover. The uprising occurs earlier than it could be expected, as Jones drinks, and his workers completely abandoned the farm and stopped feeding the cattle. The patience of animals comes an end, they pounce on their tormentors and drive them. Now the farm, the farm yard manor belongs to animals. They destroy everything that reminds them of the owner, and his house is left as a museum, but none of them should never live there. The estate gives a new name: "Cumorial".

The principles of animalism of the pig are reduced to seven commandments and write them on the wall of the barn. According to them, it is now and forever obliged animals to live on the "livestock":

  1. All two-legged - enemies.
  2. All four-legged or wings are friends.
  3. Animals should not wear clothes.
  4. Animals should not sleep in bed.
  5. Animals should not consume alcohol.
  6. Animals should not kill other animals for no reason.
  7. All animals are equal.

For those who cannot remember all the commandments, the snow shrinks them to one: "Four legs are good, two legs are bad."

Animals are happy, although they work from dawn to dawn. Boxer works for three. His motto: "I will work even more diligent." On Sundays, general meetings are held; Resolutions always push pigs, the rest only vote. Then everyone sing the anthem "Bodies of England". Pigs are not engaged, they are followed by others.

Jones and his employees attack the "Bottle Dvor", but the animals are fearlessly defended, and people in panic retreat. Victory leads animals to delight. They call the battle of the battle at the Corovnik, establish the Order of the "Animal Hero" of the first and second degree and are awarded distinguished in the battle of snow and boxer.

Snowball and Napoleon are constantly arguing at meetings, especially about the building of the windmill. The idea belongs to the snowball, which itself performs measurements, calculations and drawings: He wants to attach a generator to the windmill and supply a farm with electricity. Napoleon objects from the very beginning. And when the snowball convinces animals to vote at the meeting in his favor, at Napoleon's signal to the barn, nine huge ferocious pieces are broken and pounce on the snow. That barely escapes, and no one ever sees him. Napoleon cancels any meetings. All questions will now solve a special committee from pigs, headed by himself; They will sit down separately, and then declare their decisions. Dog threatening growl dries objections. The boxer expresses general opinion in words: "If this comrade Napoleon says, it means that it is right." From now on, his second motto: "Napoleon is always right."

Napoleon announces that the windmill should still be built. It turns out that Napoleon always insisted on this construction, and the snowball just kidnapped and assigned all its calculations and drawings. Napoleon had to pretend that he was against, because there was no other way to get rid of the snow, "who was a dangerous person and had a bad influence." An explosion, which rang out once at night, destroys half the windmill. Napoleon says that this is the revenge of the snow for his shameful exile, accuses him in a variety of crimes and declares her death sentence. He encourages immediately start recovering the windmill.

Soon Napoleon, gathering in the yard of animals, appears accompanied by dogs. He makes those who opposed him once pigs, and then several sheep, chickens and geese to confess the secret connection with the snow. Dogs immediately overcoal the throat. Shocked animals mournfully begin to sing the "animals of England", but Napoleon prohibits the execution of the hymn forever. In addition, it turns out that the sixth commandment says: "Animals should not kill other animals without a reason." Now everything is clear that the traitors who themselves recognized their guilt, it was necessary to execute.

The next door to Mr. Frederick with fifteen armed workers attacks the "hotsture", they wound and kill many animals and explode the newly built windmill. Animals reflect the attack, but they themselves bleed and exhausted. But, listening to Napoleon's solemn speech, they believe that they won the greatest victory in the battle of the windmill.

Boxer dies from the insight. Over the years, there are less animals, who remembers life on the farm to the uprising. The "Cottary Dvor" gradually becomes richer, but everything, in addition to pigs and dogs, are still starving, sleeping on straw, drink from the pond, day and night work in the field, suffer in winter from the cold, and in the summer from the heat. With the help of reports and reports, the visgun invariably proves that every day life on the farm is becoming better. Animals are proud that they are not like everyone else: after all, they own the only farm in the whole England, where everyone is equal, free and work for their own good.

Meanwhile, pigs are moving to Jones House and sleep in beds. Napoleon lives in a separate room and eats from the front service. Pigs begin to trade with people. They drink whiskey and beer, which they themselves cook. They require all other animals to give way to them. Violating the next commandment, pigs, using the gullibility of animals, rewrite it as it is profitable, and the only commandment remains on the wall of the barn: "All animals are equal, but some animals are equal to more others." In the end, the pigs are putting on the clothes of Jones and begin to walk on the hind legs, under the approving bleed of sheep, wrapped in a squeezing: "Four legs are good, two legs are better."

People come to visit the pigs from neighboring farms. Animals look into the living room window. At the table, guests and hosts play cards, drink beer and pronounce almost identical toasts for friendship and normal business relationships. Napoleon shows documents confirming that from now on farm - the joint property of pigs and is again referred to as the "Manor Farm". Then the quarrel turns around, everything is screaming and fighting, and you can not disassemble where a person, and where is the pig.

On the farm "Manor", which is located next to the town of Willinger in England, ripening the uprising. At the beginning of the story of the farm owns a local alcoholic farmer Mr. Jones. Farm business go out of hand badly. At night, all the respected Borov clever suggests them to raise the uprising, which calls to overthrow the power of people and performs the song "Beasts of England". A few days later, he dies. Animals led by boars Napoleon, Snowball and squeezing are preparing for an uprising. Once, Jones forgets to feed animals, and it becomes the cause of the uprising. Animals persecute him, and the farm managers become pigs. Animals proclaim seven commandments that everyone must observe. The snowball from a green tablecloth created a flag, drawing a white hoof and horn. Green color symbolized the fields of England, and hoof and horn personified the republic of animals. On the renewed "cattle yard", animals consider themselves free and happy despite the fact that they have to work from sunset to dawn. Special labor qualities shows the old horse box, which works for three. At one of the assembly, Napoleon seizes the sole power on the farm, based on the support of ten huge pieces, which he raised, hiding still with puppies. Another leader of the uprising, snowball, fled, and since then no one has seen him. The purpose of animals becomes the construction of a windmill. They work even more, the boxer at the construction site undermines health. Once a storm destroys the practically built windmill. Napoleon announces the explosion of the escaped Snow to the sabotage and speaks him in absentia to death. On the orders of Napoleon, several animals are executed by dogs (including four piglets that protested against the abolition of Napoleon Sunday Assemblies) and birds on charges of secret connection with the snowball. Gradually, one after another, Napoleon corrected, and then overturned all the commandments except one, the first and most important thing. However, this commandment did not remain unchanged and took the following form - "All animals are equal, but some are equally different." Life on the farm passes under the control of Napoleon and the pigs approached by him, which make all the decisions on the "cattle yard". The owner of the neighboring farm Mr. Frederick is trying to capture the livestock, but his attempt ends with failure. Boxer gets wound. After a few years, there are actually no animals left, remembering times before the uprising. The horse of boxing, who can no longer work, take off to the slaughterhouse. The shanguna managed to convince animals that the hero of labor and the uprising was taken to the hospital, where he would be better than on the farm. Also, the Visngun, together with his flare sheep, ultimately convinces animals that life on the farm is becoming better and better. At the same time, the pigs move to the house of Jones, put on his clothes, drink his wine, play cards with people - neighbors from other farms. The story of the sorry of people and pigs is ends, followed by a clover and several other animals from old-age horse: "The remaining outside translated views from pigs towards people, from people to pigs, again and again they peered in the faces of those and others, but it was already impossible Determine who is who ".

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Title: Standard

About the book "Bottom Dvor" George Orwell

George Orwell became popular after the publication of the 1984 novel novel - today the most famous book. This novel was preceded by a few more works, in our opinion, undeservedly overlooking attention. Yes, George Orwell wrote a "livestock" (in other translations - "farm animals", "Scottlefield", etc.) - just a wonderful satirical story-anti-astope. We will talk about her today, but a little later we will tell about. However, both of these works entered.

Well, a "hotsture" can be downloaded at the bottom of the page in FB2, RTF, EPUB, TXT formats.

In general, we advise you to read the book before "1984", and not vice versa, because the novel seems to develop a scheme that has become the basis for a story. Images are summarized here, but, nevertheless, perceived much easier to at least for the reason that all events occur among animals, and not people (but we understand how well the allegory is built).

In principle, the book can be viewed as in a certain sense, the background to "1984" - after all, here we are witnessing how society came to such a "bouquet" of social diseases, which are described in more detail in the novel. The book helps to understand what the causes of the events that led to the Pig Kingdom and the distortion of all laws were. And everything seemed to be so good ...

George Orwell did not just choose the fabulous form of the narrative (yes, here the beasts not only talk, but also build, plow the earth, and in general, they are engaged in the economy). With the help of animals, a social hierarchy is very pronounced - ranging from chickens, work horses and ending with the most close to people - pigs.

The story begins with the fact that the owner of the farm ceases to care for his cattle, because of which the animals decide to make a revolution, expel it and start on their own economy. After they managed to achieve the conceived, a fairly incredible atmosphere of freedom and joy reigned on the farm. It seemed that a new, happy epoch for all animals began. But in fact, Euphoria is quickly ended - they had to work a lot, and only the "working" cattle, while pigs considered themselves suitable only to reflect and point out others.

The "Bottry Dvor" is written easier than the romance followed. Light language and the absence of creepy parts of materialized nightmares really make the story more simple. Nevertheless, the metaphoric series here is simply impressive - it will also make the reader think about reality, distracted from the fantastic form of presentation and carry out parallels with the modern world.

Parable, complete humor and sarcasm. Can a modest farm become a symbol of a totalitarian society? Of course yes. But ... What will this Society see his "citizens" - animals doomed to the slaughter?

And three days later the old leader peacefully moved away in a dream. He was buried at the Far End of the Garden.

He died in early March. In the next three months, the animals were deployed with might and main. For those who are inxicate, the speech of the leader made a complete coup in the views. They did not know when the predication of the leader would come true, did not hoped that the uprising would be done with their lives, but they knew firmly: their debt is to prepare it. The task of teaching and organize animals laid, of course, on pigs. Among the animals they were heard the smartest. Among them, two young boars of the collapse and Napoleon, whom Mr. Jones refused for sale. Napoleon, a large, fierce view of Berkshire Khryak, the only ones on the farm Berkshire, was a few, but was distinguished by incredible perseverance in achieving the goal. The collapse was more lively in the same way and much more speech and resourceful, but, by the general opinion, was inferior to Napoleon in the power of character. In addition to them, the boars on the farm did not hold one subimbat. Of these, the most noteworthy was a fatthemers named Schukach, a tallord, whitish, with running eyes and a sighty voice. He was somehow what a little: when he was required to prove something difficult to appear, he had a manner to turn the belly, to twist the tail, and for some reason she convinced. About Stukche said that he should not give anything black for white.

Here are the three and developed the teachings of the old leader in a slim philosophical system and called it "cattle". A little bit of every night, when Mr. Jones fell asleep, they secretly converged in the barn and clarified the main positions of the cattle of the rest of the cattle. It is impossible to convey, with what stupidity and indifference they encountered at first. Someone said that they are obliged to keep loyal to Mr. Johns, and called him not otherwise as the owner, but also allowed the immature statements of this kind: "Mr. Jones feed us. Without it, we are getting off with hunger. " Someone asked questions of another kind: "What does it matter to us, what will happen after our death?" Or "if the uprising still happens, what's the difference, we will work on it or not?" Pigs spent a lot of work, while convinced that such statements are incompatible with the spirit of cattle. But the most stupid questions asked Molly, a gray mare. She was the first question to collapse: "And after the uprising sugar we will have?"

"Will not," the collapse cut off. - We can not produce sugar. And in general, why do you need sugar? You get plenty of oats and hay.

- And the ribbons in the mane can be worn? Molly asked.

"Comrade," said the collapse, "these tapes that you are so lousy, a symbol of slavery, that's what they are." Is freedom not more than ribbons?

Molly agreed, but without much confidence.

But to refute the fiction that the manual raven Moses dissected, the pigs turned out even harder. Moses, Mr. Jones favorite, was a yabed and headphone, but he knew how to talk his teeth. He assured that there is a mysterious land where dairy rivers flow with fermented shores, all animals will go there after death. The edge of this, said Moses, in heaven, right behind the clouds. There is all a week that no day, Sunday, the clover is not translated all year round, and linen sugar and linseed cake are growing right on the hedge. The animals could not tolerate Moses: he was missing for nothing and the whole day was idle, but some believed in dairy rivers and fermented shores, and the pigs cost incredible work to convince them that there is no such edge and in risen.

The most devoted followers of the pigs were Liver horses - fighter and bash. They could not come up with themselves alone, but, once and permanently recognizing pigs with their teachers, literally absorbed every word and intelligibly transmitted to others. They did not miss any underground assembly in the barn and the first to sing the "creature of England", which the meetings invariably ended.

The uprising was previously carried out, and easier than they expected. Mr. Jones, the owner, though steep, but skillful, in recent years he was pursued for failure. He lost a lot of money in litigation, fell in spirit, addicted to drinking. And all day long stayed in the chair in the kitchen, read the newspaper, squeezed the beer and fed the Moses to be twisted in beer crusts. Employees have laid out, they were blocked, the fields threatened with weeds, the roofs were turned around, the hedges glanced, the cattle was unprofitable.

It came in June - the time of Senokos. On the eve of Ivanov of the day - he fell on Saturday - Mr. Jones went to Willinger and so loaded in the "Red Leop", which came back only to dinner on Sunday. Employees in the morning harmed the cows and went to hunt a hare, and ask animal feed and did not think. Mr. Jones himself raised on the sofa in the living room, covering the face "News of Warld"; So the evening came, and nobody asked animals so nobody. Finally, their patience burst. One cow knocked out the door of the residents, the animals rushed to Souskam and - Let's grab grain. Here they woke up Mr. Jones. The minutes did not pass, and along with four employees broke into the resident, and the whites threw the animals. Such celoded animals could not demolish. And, without claiming, everything, as one, rushed to their oppressors. On Jones and workers, kicks and blows fell from all sides. Animals came out of obedience. Nothing like people have never seen, and this unexpected rebellion of those most animals, whom they as soon as they did not oppress and did not kone, hesitated them to loss of consciousness. They tried to fight off, but in a minute, the other was launched. And now all five grumbled on a country road to Bolshak, and the cattle, triumph, chased after them.

Mrs. Jones looked out in the window, saw what was going on, there was a challenge in the sacrifice and the tasks ran away from the farm. Moses jumped from the sixth and, loudly Karaya, drank behind her. In the meantime, the animals kicked Jones with employees on the road and slammed the trees gate. They still did not have time to understand what happened, and the uprising had already happened, Jones was expelled, and the Lord's courtyard went to them.

At first they did not believe their happiness. And first-in-idly galloped all the metachable - I really wanted to make sure that there were no trace of people on the farm; Then they rushed back to the services, to destroy the traces of the hated dominion of Jones. We spawned a gathering attached to the barbell; Mundstuki, Trenzel, dog chains, terrible knives, which Mr. Jones pulled out piglets and lambs, disassembled into the well. The enthusiasm, laundry, shores, the vile rush thoroughly threw the garbage smoking in the courtyard. There are also flew and whites. When the whites began to fire, the animals burned out of joy. The collapse sent to the fire and ribbons, which wovel horses in the mane and tails in market days.

- Tapes, - he announced, - equal to clothing, and clothes are one of the signs of man. All animals should walk bare.

Its words made such an impression on the fighter that he brought a strawed hat, which in the summer saved him from the annoying flies, and also threw it into the fire.

Soon, everything was destroyed, which reminded Mr. Johns. After that, Napoleon led animals to the resident and gave everyone a double grain soldering, and two galley dogs. Then they sang the "creatures of England" from the beginning to the end seven times in a row, slept to sleep, and never in life did not sleep well.

They woke up by the habit at the dawn, immediately remembered what wonderful changes occurred in their lives, and they rushed together to pasture. A little away on the pasture, the swords took up, from which it was visible as the palm of a little bit of the farm. Animals climbed on it and with bright morning light looked around. Everything here, wherever I throw a look, moved to them! How not to admire, how not to gripe, and they jerked, they silent! And rushed in dew, and fir up the sweet summer grass, and vowed into the air, whiskers of the Black Earth in the air, and inhaled her satisfying smell. They met the whole farm meticulously; Onemen from delight, they looked at arable land, meadow, garden, pond, groves, looked as if they saw them for the first time, and could not believe that the farm went to them.

Then the Guska moved to the courtyard and stopped in silence in front of the shopping house. And although the house also moved to them, enter it they Roblal. But the collapse and Napoleon quickly facing indecision, fell on the door, hacked her, and animals one by one, cautiously stepping out of the fear of how to damage, they stretched into the house. On the tiptoe, they passed from the room to the room, they spoke muted voices, with trepidation looked at the unheard of luxury - beds with parims, mirrors, a sofa of a horse's hair, a plush carpet, the lithograph of Queen Victoria over the fireplace in the living room. And already going down the porch, Molly had enough. Returned - and discovered it in the front bedroom. Clicking to the shoulder borrowed from the toilet table Mrs. Jones Blue Ribbon, she picked up in the mirror. She was chosen and took out of the house. Hung to the cuisine ceiling decided to betray the land found in the pantry barrel of beer fighter broke through the hoof, and nothing else was touched anything else. Not talking from the place, unanimously adopted the resolution - to consider the master house with a museum. Everyone agreed that anyone from animals does not apply to live in it.

Animals went to have breakfast, after which the collapse and Napoleon again convened them.

- Comrades, - said Napoleon. - Now the seventh hour, we have a whole day ahead. Today we will begin to Cosmitsa, but we have another matter, and we should do in the first place.

And then the pigs opened them that over the past three months they have learned to consider and write on the oldest settings found on the garbage, for which the children of Mr. Johns once studied. Napoleon ordered to bring on the bank of black and white paint and led them to the Tesne Gateway overlooking Bolshak. There collaved (he turned out to be the most capable of writing) He pushed the brush with a leg, put the inscription "Merzic Dvor" on the top of the gate and brought the "hotsture". From now on, forever the farm will be referred to as so. After that, they returned to the courtyard, and there, the collapse and Napoleon ordered to bring the lap and told her to the end of the Big Barn. They explained that through stubborn labor, the pigs have been able to reduce the situation of cattleism over the past three months. Now these seven commandments will be drawn on the wall and will become an unbreakable law that animals of the cattle courtyard will be guided by forever. Not without difficulty (the pig is not easy to stay on the stairs), the collapse sprawled upstairs and began to work, and Stukach - he stood just below - held a jar with paint. The commandments were drawn on a rich wall with large white letters - they were visible for thirty meters. Here they are:

Seven commandments

1. The one who goes on two legs is the enemy.

2. The one who goes on four (as well as the one who has wings), - friend.

3. Animal and not wearing clothes.

4. Animal and not sleeping in bed.

5. Animal Yes Do not drink alcohol.

6. Animal can not kill another animal.

7. All animals are equal.

The letters were bred clearly and, except that in the word "four" instead of the first "e" stood "and", and in the word "sleeping" the "C" turned over in the wrong direction, everything was exclusively competent. The collapse read the commandments out loud for general information. Animals threw their heads according to their heads, and those who are inxiciently become not a bag to memorize the commandments by heart.

"And now for the work, comrades," said the collapse, discing the brush. - For us, it should be a matter of honor to remove the harvest faster than Jones and his employees.

But then there are three cows - they have long laid - they looked loudly. They were no longer militant, and the dust of them had just did not burst. The pigs thought, thought, ordered to bring the fauna and fell quite worn bows - and for this, their legs were consolidated. And in five subsideries foaming fatty milk, and many glanced at him with undisguised curiosity.

- Where are we going to disappear milk? - There was a question.

"Jones, it happened, mixed milk to eat milk," one chicken said.

"Comrades, do not score yourself with this milk," Napoleon shouted and departed his carcass. - They will be engaged. Vintage is our primary task. Comrade collapse will lead us. In a few minutes I will come. Forward, comrades! Vintage is not waiting.

And the animals fell into the field to mow, and in the evening it was noticed that the milk disappeared.

George Orwell


Prints with the resolution of The Estate Of The Late Sonia Brownell Orwell and Literary Agencies Am Heath & Co Ltd. And Andrew Nurnberg.

© George Orwell, 1949

© Translation. L.G. Basin, 2013.

© Edition in Russian Ast Publishers, 2014

© Electronic version of the book prepared by Litres (, 2014

Mr. Jones, the owner of the Ukrainian yard, locked the chicken coop at night, but forgot about the lazes for young people. The lantern in his hand went to the chance, the circle of light rushed from side aside when he, writing out the monogram, went to a black go, threw off his boots, hit his last on this day a mug of beer from the barrel and climbed into the bed where the snoring was already asked Mrs. Jones.

Forest in the bedroom went out, the rustling and rustling were heard in all services. The day passed the rumor that the old man gladly, the prize whipping of the middle white breed, was a surprising dream and he wants to tell an animal about him. Agreed, as soon as Mr. Jones gave rise to ravis, gather in a big barn. The old man of the leader (he was always called, although he was exhibited under the nickname of Willingendon's beauty) he won on the farm, and everyone willingly agreed to raise an hour, just to listen to him.

In the depths of the barn on something like a peel under hanging from the Matitz, the lantern spread out on the Solla Rutter. He shouted twelve, and although in recent years he is overloaded, but he was still magnifying, wise and benevolent appearance of this pig did not even spoil the fastened fangs. Soon other animals began to flow, they were torn for a long time, trying to settle down - each on his own way - more comfortable.

Three dogs came running first: Chamomile, Rosa and Kusai, he tried the pigs behind them - these were silent before the straw. The chickens were angry with the window sills, the pigeons were fought on rafters, sheep and cows were placed behind the pigs and began for their chewing. The fighter and bash, a pair of scrambled horses, they came together, they were leisurely made his way to a platform, they were looking for a long time, where to step up, so that they would not crush the hoof with a koskoy brushed in Straw Melon. Cashki was a debit of a sall, the mare was not the first youth, heavily refined after the fourth foal. The fighter, the powerful conagament almost no two-meter growth, superior to two ordinary horses, combined. Because of white marks on the snoring, he seemed silly, and indeed the mind did not shine, but he was revered for durability and unheard of hard work. Following the horses, the white goat of Mona and Donkey Veniamin rushed. Veniamin was older than all on the farm for years and worse than all the temper. He lubl more and broke the silence, only to let some cynical remark, for example, stated that the Lord God gave him a tail to drive flies, but he personally would have cost without a tail and without flies. He is one of the entire cattle on the farm never laughed. And if he was preparing for why, cut off: I do not see, they say, the occasion. Upon all, he was devoted to a fighter, although he did not show it in any way, and on Sundays they usually grazed side by side in the header behind the garden, pinched the grass, but did not speak.

As soon as the horse lightened, as in the barn of the Guska passed the brood of the ducks beat off from the mother's duck, they firmly flashed and sneaks from side to side, looking for a place where they did not come. Kashka did his front foot, they perfectly settled behind her and immediately fell asleep. In the last minute, Zhemunno Semenia and crumbling sugar came, a gray mare Molly, a pretty fool, who drove the trees of Mr. Jones. She was located closer to the platform and immediately began to shake the mane - she was not wait to boast woven into her red ribbons. The cat came the cat, looked around, habitually choosing Stewplea, eventually squeezed between a fighter and kishka and blissfully climbed - she missed the ear of the ears from beginning to end.

Now everything came to the barn, with the exception of the manual crow Moses - he dreamed on the sixth of the black stroke. When the leader was convinced that the animals were conveniently fit and tuned to listen, he cleared his mind and began his speech:

So, comrades, how is our life arranged? Let's look truth. Poverty, unbearable work, untimely death - here is our lot. We appear on the light, we get exactly so much food, so as not to die from hunger, and the working cattle is also exhausted, until all the juices are squeezing, when we are no longer suitable for anything, we are killed with monstrous cruelty. There is no such animal in England, which would not say with the leisure and joy of life, hardly he knocks on the year. There is no such animal in England, which would not have been tanked. Poverty and slavery - that's what is the life of animals, and we will not leave anywhere.

But isn't it the law of nature? But isn't our country so poor that can not feed those who live in it? No, comrades, no, no and once again. The land of England is abypical, the climate is grapphered, and, besides us, she is able to feed the worry of many many and many. One of our farm could contain a dozen horses, two dozen cows, hundreds of sheep, and they all would have lived enough and dignified, as we did not dream. Why then do we own this miserable existence? Yes, because the fruits of our Labor assign people. That is the reason for all our troubles. If you determine it briefly - it is in man. Man is who our true enemy. If we remove a person, we are forever committed with hunger and unbearable work, because a person is their reason.

Of all the living beings, one person consumes, but does not produce anything. He does not give milk, does not carry eggs, it is impossible to hover in a plow, because he is too weak, he does not catch a rabbit, because he does not know how to run quickly. Everything is so, and nevertheless, he owes us. He makes us work on ourselves, takes the fruits of our work, we feed the injignment themselves. Our work is processed by the Earth, our manure is facing, and what do we have? Nothing but your skins. Here you are, cows, how many milk liters did you give over the past year? And where did it go milk to whom you could let strong calves? Its all, to the last drop, drank our enemies. Here you are, chickens, how many eggs did you demolish this year and from how many eggs raised chickens? Where did the rest go? They were sold on the Jones market and his employees to help out money for themselves. Here you are, bash, where are your foals, four foals, your hope and support in old age? They were sold alone by one, barely hit the year, and you will never see them again. It's hard for you to get you, you hardly worked in the field, and what did you get in return - a meager buckle, a place in the day and nothing else!

But even this miserable existence is broken until time. I am sin to complain, I was lucky. I went to the thirteenth year, four hundred piglets were born from me. So nature identified to live a boar. But there is no such animal, which at the end of life would not catch a merciless knife. Here you are, the swelling will not pass and the year, and you are all up to one, desperately work, say goodbye to life on the deck. All of you are cows, pigs, chickens, sheep, everyone is waiting for this terrible end. Even horses, even dogs and those it does not pass. Here you are, the fighter, on the very day, when you, such a mighty, will leave forces, Jones will give you to know you, and he will cut your throat to you and let go for the feed. Dogs are the same when they make up and die, Jones will give a brick on the neck and drowns in the nearest pond.