Who is attributed to the authorship of the term lost generation. Ernest Hemingway as a representative of "Lost Generation

Who is attributed to the authorship of the term lost generation. Ernest Hemingway as a representative of
Who is attributed to the authorship of the term lost generation. Ernest Hemingway as a representative of "Lost Generation

« Lost generation"(English Lost Generation) is The concept received its name according to the phrase, as if uti-tested and taken by E.Hemaniui as an epigraph to the novel "and the sun rises" (1926). The origins of the worldview, which united this informal literary community, was rooted in a sense of disappointment and the results of the First World War, which covered West European and the United States writers, and some of them were directly involved in hostilities. The death of millions of people raised the positivist doctrine of "benefactor progress," undermined faith in the rationality of liberal democracy. Pessimistic tonality, relative to the "lost generation" prosecutors with the writers of a modernist warehouse, did not mean the identities of common ideological and aesthetic aspirations. The specifics of the realistic image of the war and its consequences did not need speculative schematism. Although the heroes of the books of writers "Lost Generation" are convinced individualists, but they are not alien to the front partnership, mutual execution, empathy. The highest values \u200b\u200bof the Higher Values \u200b\u200bare sincere love and devoted friendship. The war appears in the works of the "lost generation" or as an immediate dense with the abundance of repellent details, or as an annoying reminder, beating a psyche and a preventive transition to a peaceful life. The books "lost generation" are not equivalent to the total flow of works on the World War. Unlike the "adhent of brave soldier Schweika" (1921-23) Y. Gashek, there is no clearly pronounced satyrian grotesque and "front humor". "Lost" do not just listen to naturalistically reproduced horrors of war and the memories of her (Barbus A. Fire, 1916; Selin L.F. Travel to the edge of the night, 1932), but introduces the experience gained in a wider channel of human experiences painted as a kind romanticized bitterness. "Breaking" of the heroes of these books did not mean a conscious choice in favor of "new" anti-liberal ideologies and regimes: socialism, fascism, Nazism. The heroes of the "lost generation" through apolitical and participate in the public struggle prefer departing to the sphere of illusions, intimate, deep personal experiences.

Chronologically "Lost Generation" for the first time declared her novels "Three Soldiers" (1921) J.Dos Passos, "Huge Camera" (1922) E.E.Kammings, "Soldier Award" (1926) U.Folkner. "Lost" in the setting of post-war violent consumerism, sometimes beyond the direct connection with the memory of the war in the story of O. Khaksley "Yellow Kom" (1921), Romanov F.S. Fitzgerald "Great Gatsby" (1925), E.Hehmingway "and rises Sun "(1926). The culmination of the relevant minds fell on 1929, when the most perfect work in the art was almost simultaneously published, embodied the spirit of "Lost": "Death of the Hero" R. Koldington, "on the Western Front Without Change" E.M. Mark, "Goodbye, Weapons! " Hemingway. With its frankness during transmission, not so much battles, how many "troops" truth Roman "On the Western Front Without Change" echoed with the book A. Barbus, differing greater emotional warmth and humanity - qualities inherited by subsequent Romans Remark on a close topic - "Return" (1931 ) And "three comrades" (1938). The soldier's mass in Barbus and Remarika novels, the poems of E. Toller, the plays of Kaizer and M.anderson opposed individualized images of the Roman Hemingway "Goodbye, weapons!". Participated along with Dos Passos, M. Kauli and other Americans in operations on the European front, the writer greatly summed up the "military topic", immersed in the atmosphere of "Lost". The adoption of Hemingway in the novel "The Commands of the Bell Calls" (1940) of the principle of ideological and political responsibility of the artist marked not only a certain milestone in his own creativity, but also the exhaustion of the emotional psychological selection of "lost generation".

Theme of war in the work of E. Hemingway

"Lost Generation" "Lost Generation" - the definition used in relation to the group of foreign writers who spoke in 20 years of century with a series of books that expressed disappointment in capitalist civilization, aggravated by the tragic experience of the I World War. The expression "Lost Generation" for the first time used the American writer Gertruda Stein (Gertrude Stein) in a conversation with E.Hehmingway. Then the "lost generation" began to be called people who passed through the First World War, spiritually injured, who were fascinated in Ura-Patriotic ideals, once who were fascinated, sometimes internally devastated, sharply feeling their inaccuracy and alienation from society. "The lost generation" is because it is named so that, having passed the circles of an unnecessary, meaningless war, worsering in the natural need to continue the kind of his own, dismantled in his life and the future. [29; 17]

Democratically minded intellectuals of America, France, England, Germany, Russia and other countries drawn into war were internally convinced: unwanted, unnecessary, not his war. It was felt by many, that's where this spiritual proximity between people standing during the war on different sides of the barricades.

People who have passed through the meat grinder of war, those who managed to survive, returned home, leaving on the battlefields not only who are hand, who's physical health -, but also something more. Ideals were lost, faith in life, to the future. What seemed durable and unshakable - culture, humanism, mind, individual freedom of personality, was collapsed as a card house, turned out to be empty.

The chain of times was broken and one of the most significant and deep changes in the moral and psychological atmosphere was the emergence of a "lost generation" - generation, lost faith in those high concepts and feelings, respect for which it was brought up, rejected devalued values. For this generation, "all the gods died, all the battles" stayed behind, every "faith in a person was undermined."

Hemingway took the words "" You Are All A Lost Generation! "Epigraph to his novel" Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises) ", and the formula went to walk through the light, gradually losing real content and becoming a universal designation of time and people of this time. But Between people who experienced the same life experience pulled a sharp meal. Outwardly, everyone looked equally: demonstrative cynicism, persons curved in an ironic smile, disappointed, tired intonation. But the fact that for some was a true tragedy, for others, it became a mask for others, The game, common style of behavior.

They were injured, truly experienced the loss of ideals, which first of all the holy believed, as personal, unsuccessful pain, were tested, unpleasual modern Mira. But carefully cherish this his mental state was not going; They wanted to work, and not idle to interpret about losses and unrealized plans.

The general meaning of the creative efforts of representatives of the "lost generation" - writers can be determined as the desire to bring a person from under the power of ethical dogma requiring total conformism and almost destroying the value of the human person. To do this, it was necessary to find, work out, create a new moral principle, a new ethical rate and even new philosophy Genesis. They were united by a taking place to the war itself and to those stations and principles (social, economic, political, ideological, moral), which in their development inevitably led to the universal tragedy. They just hated them and noted from the threshold. In the consciousness of the writers of "Lost Generation", the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to burn out from the same principles, to bring a person from the herd state, so that he could realize himself as a person and develop its own life principles that are not subordinate to the "well-established values" of an antagonistic society. The heroes of these writers never resemble submissive alien will of puppets - living, independent characters, with their own characteristics, with their intonations, most often imaginary indifferent and imaginary ironic. What are the features of those who are called "lost generation"? Representatives of the "lost generation" are, in the overwhelming majority, are young people who have just graduated from school, and sometimes did not have time to finish. [ twenty; 65]

Honest and slightly naive young men, believing in the loud words of their teachers about the progress and civilization, reading the selling press and listening to chauvinistic speeches, went to the front with the consciousness that they fulfill a high and noble mission. Many walked to war voluntarily. The impression was terrible; Faced with the wrong reality, fragile junior ideals crashed. The cruel and meaningless war immediately scattered their illusion, showed the emptiness and falsehood of high-speed words about the debt, justice, humanism. But refusing to believe the chauvinistic propaganda, yesterday's schoolchildren do not understand the meaning of what is happening. It is not clear to them why people of different nationalities must kill each other. They begin to gradually free from nationalist hatred for soldiers of other armies, seeing the same unfortunate ordinary people, workers, peasants, which were themselves. In the boys awakens the spirit of internationalism. Post-war meetings with former opponents are even more strengthened in the "Lost Generation" internationalism. [ eighteen; 37]

As a result, the long reasoning soldiers begin to understand that the war serves as a means of enriching some people, they understand her unfair and come to denial of war . The experience of those who passed through the meat grinder of the First World War, for a lifetime, determined their relative hate for militarism, to cruel, meaningless violence, contempt for the state device, which generates and blesses hardwood slaughter. Writers "Lost Generation" created their anti-war works, believing this work with its moral debt not only to the fallen and survivors, but before future generations. [ eighteen; 43]

The best representatives of the "lost generation" show hardness and courage in all life trials, whether the military days with terrible shelling, the explosions of mines, cold and hunger, the death of comrades in the trenches and lazarets or difficult post-war years, when there is no work, no money, no money Life. Heroes meet all the difficulties silently, supporting each other, struggling with all their ways for their lives. The combination of "Lost" and personal courage in resistance to hostile circumstances is grain of that worldview, which underlies their nature. "Point of Support" of people cripped up war - front-line partnership, friendship. A partnership is the only value generated by the war. In the face of mortal danger and deprivation, the partnership remains durable. The soldiers hold on to this partnership, as for the only thread that connects them with pre-war past, with a peaceful life.

After returning to a peaceful life, where the former front-line people are looking for a "road to a new life" and where the estate and other differences are found between them, the entire illusion of this concept is gradually revealed.

But those who remained faithful front friendship, strengthened and enriched her in difficult years of peaceful and pre-war life. Comrades in the first call were rummaged to help their friends in the fight against the nascent fascism.

After returning from the war, the former soldiers feel confused. Many of them went to the front from school bench, they have no profession, it is difficult for them to find work, they can not get a job in life. Former soldiers do not need anyone. The world reigns evil and the kingdom it is not the end. Once deceiving, they are no longer able to believe in good. The surrounding reality is perceived by the former warriors of the mosaic of large and small human tragediesin which the fruitless chase of a person for happiness was embodied, hopeless search for harmony inside himself, doomed to defeat a person's attempt to find some incredit spiritual values, moral ideal. [ 20; 57]

I realized that nothing had changed in the world that all beautiful slogans calling them to die for "democracy", "homeland" were a lie that they were deceived, - confused, lost faith by anything, have lost old illusions and not Found new, and, devastated, began to burn their lives, swapped her in digestive drunkenness, debauchery, searching for all new and new sensations. All this gave rise to loneliness of a separate person among people, loneliness as a consequence of the unconscious desire to go beyond the world of conformists, accepting the modern order of things as a norm or universal inevitability. Loneliness is tragic, it's not just to live alone, but the inability to understand the other and be understood. Lonely people are surrounded by a deaf wall, through which it is impossible to reach neither inside, nor outside. Many of the "lost" could not stand the struggle for life, someone committed suicide, someone fell into a crazy house, someone adapted and became the accompaniment of revengers.

In 1929, Roman E.M. Marka (Erich Maria Remarque June 22, 1898, Osnabruck - September 25, 1970) "All Quiet On The Western Front", in which the author sincerely and excitedly told the truth about the war. And so far this is one of the most striking anti-war books. The remark showed the war in all her terrible manifestations: paintings of attacks, artillery duels, many killed and cripped in this hello meat grinder. This book is worn from personal life experience writer. Together with other young men, 1898, Remark was called into the army in 1916 with a school bench. Remarik who participated in the battles in France and on other sections of the Western Front, was injured several times. [ eleven; 9] In August 1917, he fell into Lazareza in Duisburg and in letters sent from there to his part of the front-line comrades, captured unsolicited paintings that prepared the soil for creating such memorable episodes of the novel after a dozen years. This novel contains a decisive and unconditional condemnation of the Spirit of Militarism, who prevailed in Kaiserovskaya Germany and contributed to the unleashing of the war in 1914. This book is about the recent past, but it is facing the future: the life itself turned it into a warning, because the 1918 revolution, which overthrow the Kaiser regime, the spirit of militarism did not eradicate. Moreover, nationalist and other reactionary forces used the defeat of Germany in the I World War for the propaganda of revenge.

With the anti-war spirit of the novel "All Quiet on the Western Front" closely connected its internationalism. Increasingly thinking soldiers, the heroes of the novel, over the fact that (or who) makes them kill people of another nationality. Many scenes of the novel tell about the partnership and friendship of the soldiers. Seven classmates got to the front, they fight in one company, together they spend rare hours of relaxation, together teach recruits to protect them from an imminent death in the first minutes of battle, together are worried about the horrors of war, go to attacks together, sit in the trenches during Artillery shelling, bury the dead comrades together. And here from seven classmates - the hero is one. [ eighteen; 56]

Its meaning is revealed in the first lines of the epilogue: when the main character was killed, it was so quietly and calmly, that military reports consisted of alone phrases: "All Quiet on the Western Front." FROM light hands Remarika this imbued bitter sarcasm of the formula has gained character phraseeological turnover. Cracker, with a deep subtext title of the novel allows the reader to expand the frames of the narrative and advise copyright ideas: if in the days when with a "high" point of view of the main command, everything remains without change on the front, so much awful, then what to say then about the periods of fierce , Blood battles? [ nineteen; 12]

The main romance of the remark is internally interconnected. This is how the continued chronicle of a single human destiny in the tragic era, the chronicle is largely autobiographical. Like his heroes, Remark passed through the meat grinder of the 1st World War, and this experience for his whole life identified their hate them to militarism relaxing, to a cruel, meaningless violence, contempt for the state-owned device, which creates and blesses hardhearts.

Richard Oldington (Richard Aldington July 8, 1892 - July 27, 1962) belonged to the post-war or "lost" generation of writers, since the flourishing of his creativity refers to the 20-30s. Xx in. Poet, novelist, novelist, biographer, translator, literary critic, critic, Oldington was an expressive of the sentiment of the "lost generation", spiritual confusion caused by war. The meaning has played in Olddington's work world War. [ thirty; 2] "Death Of A Hero" (1929) - the first novel of the writer, who immediately received fame far beyond the limits of England. Externally, according to the plot intent, the novel is placed in the framework of the biographical novel (this is the history of the life of a separate person from birth to death), and on its own issues refers to the anti-war novel. At the same time, the novel breaks the framework of all familiar genre definitions. So, considering the problem of a military catastrophe, to reaping before its reason, it can be noted that less than half of the place are applied in it with front-line scenes. The history of his hero's life, the author disassembles fragmentary, making his way to touch through the scattered influences, but traces it from beginning to end, warning about the tragic outcome. However, the individual history appears as a typical history as the fate of the generation. The main stages of this development, a complex process of character formation, the path of individual destiny, taken in relationships, are presented as an example not a particular case. [ nine; 34]

The hero of the novel is a young man George Westrbuorn, at the age of 16, who read all poets, starting from Choser, the individualist and Estete, who sees around himself the hypocrisy of "family morality", screaming social contrasts, decadent art. After hitting the front, it becomes the sequence number 31819, is convinced of the criminal nature of the war. The front does not need personalities, do not need talents, there are only obedient soldiers. The hero could not and wanted to adapt, did not learn to lie and kill. Having arrived on vacation, he looks at life and society is completely different, she has sharply feeling her loneliness: neither parents nor his wife, nor a friend, to comprehend the measure of his despair, understand his poetic soul or at least not to injure its calculation and businesslikeness. The war left him, the desire disappeared to live, and in one of the attacks, he substitute himself under the bullet. The motives of "strange" and the completely non-dealer death of George are not strong for others: few people guess about his personal tragedy. His death was rather suicide, voluntary exit from hell of cruelty and unscrupiance, an honest choice of uncompromising talent, not visiting the war. Aldington seeks to analyze as much as possible psychological condition Hero at the highlights of his life to show how he breaks up with illusions and hopes. Family and school based on lies tried to form Wordborn in the spirit of the warlike singer of imperialism. The military theme and the consequences of the war of the Red Thread pass through all the novels and the stories of Oldington. All heroes of them are associated with the war, on all its destructive effects are reflected.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, 1896-1940) is an American writer, known for his novels and stories describing the so-called American "Jazz Epoch" of the 1920s. Creativity F. S. Fitzgerald is one of the most remarkable pores of its top bloom of the 20th century. Its contemporaries were Driver and Falkner, Forest and Hemingway, Sandberg and T. Wulf. In this brilliant pleiad, the efforts of which American literature in the 20s - 30s of the twentieth century turned into one of the world's largest lites, Fitzgerald belongs bright role. Writer of an extraordinary slim warehouse, he chronologically opened new epoch In the development of domestic literature, the first to speak from the face of the generation, which entered into life after the global catastrophe of the First World War, imprinted in deeply poetic, fulfilled at the same time expressive images not only his dreams and disappointments, but also the inevitability of the collapse of ideals from genuine Humanistic values. [31; eight]

Fitzgerald's literary success was indeed early and noisy. The first novel "This Side of Paradise" (1920) he wrote immediately after the end of the army service in Alabama. The edge expressed the mood of those who, not having to get to the front, nevertheless survived the war as a turning point in history, affecting everyone who fell To live in these years, when the usual order of things and the traditional system of values \u200b\u200bwere undermined. The book narrated about the "lost generation" for which "all the gods died, all wars were rarely, every faith disappeared." Conscious that after the historical disaster they became impossible former forms of human relations, the characters of the first novels and the stories of Fitzgerald feel around themselves the spiritual vacuum and they are transmitted to the thirst for intensive emotional life, freedom from traditional moral restrictions and taboo, but also mental vision , insecurity in the future, the outlines of which are lost behind the rapidness of the changes occurring in the world. [31; 23]

John Roderigo Dos Passos (John Roderigo Dos Passo; January 14, 1896, Chicago - September 28, 1970, Baltimore) - American Writer. He was Sanitar during the First World War. Participated in the war of 1914-1918 in the French, Italian and American armies, where he revealed itself as a pacifist. In his work "Three Soldiers" (1921), the author acts as a major realist artist. It gives a deep analysis of the psychology of Americans in the military era, with particularly convincing, outlining the state of the social crisis, which has become typical for the advanced elements of the army by the end of the war. His heroes were a musician, a farmer and seller of lenses - people from different social layers, with various views and concepts who lived in different ends of the country and united by terrible army weekdays. Each of them somehow revealed against his lotion, against violent death, cure and humiliation, against the suppression of an individual will of a powerful army machine. In their face suffered a whole generation. The tragic "I", which sounded from the pages of the books of contemporaries of Pass Passos, turned around the writer's tragic "we". [ eighteen; 22]

The best representatives of the "lost generation" did not lose humanistic feelings: conscience, human dignity, aggravated sense of justice, compassion, loyalty to loved ones, self-sacrifice. These features of the "lost generation" were manifested in society in all critical moments of history: during World War II and after it, during the "local wars". The presentity of works on the "lost generation" is enormous. Writers told the truth about this generation, showed their heroes with such as they were actually with all their positive and negative features. Writers influenced the worldview of readers, they condemned the foundations of antagonical society, resolutely and unconditionally condemned militarism, called for internationalism. With their works, they wanted to prevent new wars, warn people about their exceptional danger to humanity. At the same time, the creativity of the writers of "lost generation" is performed by humanistic aspirations, they call upon a person in any conditions to remain a person with high moral qualities: faith due to courage, honesty, in the value of stoicism, in the nobility of the Spirit, due to the high idea, loyal friendship, immutable ethical standards. [22; 102]

Ernest Hemingway as a representative of "Lost Generation"

Ernest Miller Hemingway (Ernest Miller Hemingway1899 - 1961) - American Writer, Laureate Nobel Prize In literature 1954. Ernest Hemingway has repeatedly participated in hostilities. Ernest Hemingway participated in the I World War, which went volunteer. In those years, when Europe was already covered by the war, in the USA, the consciousness of its capacity and invulnerability gave rise to the mood of self-satisfying isolationism and hypocritical pacifism. On the other hand, in the working, in the intellectual medium, conscious antimilitarism increased. [ sixteen; 7] However, the United States has become an imperialist and even colonial power from the beginning of the century. Both the government and the largest monopolies were interested in the markets, jealously followed the height of the colonies, spheres of influence, etc. The largest capitalists carried out enhanced capital exports. The Morgan House was completely unpaid was the Entente banker. But the official propaganda, this root monopoly, treating public opinion, screamed everything louder about German atrocities: an attack on Little Serbia, the destruction of Louven, finally, the underwater war and the sole "Luisania". Newspapers all more persistently demanded that the United States take part in the "War for Salving Democracy", in "War to Detect Wars." Hemingway, like many of his peers, rushed to the front. But he did not take it in the American army, and therefore, together with his comrade, he was recruited in April 1918 to one of the sanitary detachments, which the United States sent to the Italian army. [33; 10]

It was one of the most unreliable sections of the Western Front. And since the transfer of the American parts was slow, these voluntary sanitary columns were also to demonstrate the American form and thereby raise the spirit of reluctantly fought Italian soldiers. Soon, the carcolonna Hemingway fell on the site near the Foss Alta, on the Pialation River. But he was striving for the forefront, and he was instructed to distribute gifts in the trenches - tobacco, mail, brochures. On the night of July 9, Hemingway got out of the supervisory post nominated forward. There he was covered with a shell of the Austrian mortar, causing heavy contusions and many small wounds. Two Italians near him were killed. Come into consciousness, Hemingway dragged the third, which was seriously injured, to the trenches. He was discovered by the spotlight and hurt the machine gun, damaged knee and shin. The wounded Italian was killed. When inspection, hemingway immediately extracted twenty-eight fragments, and in total there were two hundred and thirty-seven. In Milan, where he was treated, Hemingway survived the first serious feeling to Agnes von Kurovski, a high black-haired nurse, a native of New York. Agnes von Kurovski largely served as a "model", with whom Catherine Barkley's nurse was written off in the novel "A FAREWELL TO ARMS!" Coming out of the hospital, Hemingway made his destination by Lieutenant in the infantry shock part, but was already October, and soon a truce - Hemingway was awarded the Italian military cross and a silver medal for a valor. Then, in Italy, 1918, Hemingway was not yet a writer, but a soldier, but, undoubtedly, the impressions and experiences of this six months on the front not only imposed an indelible seal for his entire further path, but also directly reflected in a number of his works. In 1918 Hamingway was returned home to the United States in the Hero Oleole, one of the first wounded, one of the first awarded. Maybe this is some time and stolen the pride of a young veteran, but very soon he was shared with this illusion. [33; eleven]

Later, he was repeatedly returned to the war, religious sensations experienced in mind. The experienced on the front left in the memory of the writer, in the smallestness itself, the non-heavenly wound. Hemingway always attracted the image of people in extreme situations when true human character, in the "moment of truth," as he loved to speak, the highest physical and spiritual tension, collisions with mortal danger, when a true essence of man is highlighted with special relief.

He argued that the war was the most fertile topic, because it concentrates. The idea that military experience is extremely important for the writer that several front-day days can be the weighty of many "peaceful" years, repeatedly repeated them. However, the process of finding the clarity of the understanding of the true nature and nature of the disaster has not been rapid and simple. He took place gradually, throughout the first post-war decade, and in many respects stimulated by reflections on the fate of front-line, those whom will be called "lost generation." He constantly thought about the experienced on the front, assessed, weighed, gave his impressions to "cool", tried to be as objective as possible. [ sixteen; 38] Next, the topic of the First World War can be traced in his work - he works a lot in Germany, France, Lausanne. He writes about the riots inspired by the fascist regime, about the humbled France. Later the author of the novels "Farewell, weapons!" and "the command calls the bell" will take part in World War II, in English aviation, fantastic with the Summer Aircraft pilots, FAu-1, will lead the movement of French partisans and will actively fight against Germany, for which in 1947 he will be awarded bronze medal. Thus, a journalist with such a rich military experience could be much deeper compared to many of their contemporaries to delve into the international problem.

Brave reporter, better known as the talented writer Ernest Hemingway wrote his reports from a hot spot - Spain, covered by the Civil War. Often, he was surprisingly accurately noticed all the features of the move of war and even predicted its possible development. He showed himself not only as the author of impressive landscapes, but also as a capable analyst.

The problem of "lost generation" is deployed in full force in the Roman E.Hehmingway "Fiesta (The Sun Also Rises)", published in 1926. It was possible to write a novel to such a deadline, only possessing the incredible health of Hemingway. But there was another circumstance, even more significant - he wrote a novel about his generation, about people he knew to the last dash of their nature, who watched for several years, living next to them, drinking with them, arguing, having fun, Body together on Borda in Spain. He wrote about himself, putting his personal experience in Jake Barnes in the image of Jake Barnes, much experienced by him. At one time, Hemingway decided to abandon the name of the novel "Fiesta" and decided to call him a "lost generation", but then changed his mind, put the words about the "lost generation" by the epigraph, and next to him put another - a quote from Ecclesiast about the Earth, which dwells forever. [17; 62]

Working on the novel, Hemingway went from life, from living characters, so the heroes of his novel are not single-pool, not masany of one paint - pink or black, these are living people having and positive and negative traits Character. In Heminguway's novel, the characteristic features of the famous part of the "lost generation" are captured, that part of his part, which really was morally destroyed by the war. But himself, and many people close to him in the spirit, Hemingway did not want to rank with the "lost generation". "Lost generation" is heterogeneous.

The pages of the novel arise characters - named and unnamed, - which are indisputable and definable at first sight. Those who are fashionable by their "lost", appeal to the "courageous" idleness, "soldiers'" directness, even though they know only the first-head. The Roman Hemingway, the features of many people familiar to him; The novel arose multipoint and beautiful image Earth, the image of Spain, which he knew and loved. [ fourteen; 76]

All the work of Hemingway Autobiographical and its own experiences, excitement, thoughts and views on events in the world are expressed in his works. So, the novel "A FAREWELL TO ARMS!" dedicated to the events of the First World War, in which the protagonist deserts, but not because of his human qualitiesBecause he is opposed to war, all what he wants is to live with his beloved woman, and in war he only crips himself. Lieutenant Frederick Henry (Frederic Henry), - Face is largely autobiographical. Creating this novel, Hemingway was highly self-critical, continuously ruled, reworked written. He made 32 options for the Roman's finale, until he stopped at a good ending. It was, according to his recognition, painful work. A lot of effort was spent on the inventing name. [ fifteen; 17]

Immediately after entering the novel led the list of bestsellers. Roman marked the beginning of Hemingway World Glory. This is one of the most readable works Literature of the XX century. Roman "Farewell, weapon!" The people of all generations are read with the same interest. War occupied a significant place in the work of Hemingway. The ratio of the writer to the imperialist wars was unambiguous. In his novel, Hemingway shows all the horrors of war, which is a mosaic of large and small human tragedies. The story is conducted on behalf of Henry and begins with the descriptions of front-line life in the days of the lull. In this image, a lot of personal, tested and experienced Hemingway. Lieutenant Henry is not against war as such. Moreover, in his presentation, this is a courageous craft of a real man. Getting to the front, he experiences the loss of illusions, deep disappointment in the war. Personal experience, friendly communication with Italian soldiers and officers awaken him from a chauvinistic fugue and lead to an understanding that the war is a meaningless, cruel slaughter. The disorderly retreat of the Italian army symbolizes the lack of harmony in the world. To avoid execution in a ridiculous sentence, scratched indifferent hand in a pocket notebook, Frederick takes an attempt to escape. He succeeds. Henry's flight is a decision to get out of the game, break ridiculous connections with society. He violates the oath, but his military debt is depicted in the book as a debt before subordinates. But neither Frederick himself nor his subordinates have not realized their own debt towards the war at all, they did not see meaning in it. They are solved only the feeling of elbow and genuine mutual respect. Whatever Hemingway wrote about, he always returned to his main problem - to a person in tragic tests that fell into his share. Heminghai confessed the philosophy of stoicism, giving him due to human courage in the most distingar circumstances. [21; sixteen]

The theme of the Civil War in the work of Hemingway emerged in no coincidence. She grew up from reports about Italy on the soil of the author's hatred to the fascist regime and the desire to resist him any affordable way. It is surprising that an American, at first glance - an overview observer, so deeply and sincerely took the mentalities of completely different peoples. The danger of nationalist ideas of fascist Italy and Germany began to be clear from the very beginning. There was loved by the desire for the liberation of its territory with Patriots of Spain, and an obvious is a smaller threat to humanity by communism.

Spain is an unusual country. She represents the known world of scatteries - Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia - all residents of the provinces over the past history compete with each other and in every way emphasize their own independence. But during the Civil War, as Hemingway writes, it played a significant role. It would seem - such a division should influence negatively on the course of hostilities, the inability to contact the neighboring provinces usually scares and reduces the enthusiasm of the fighters. But in Spain, this fact played a diametrically opposite role - even in the war, representatives of different provinces compete with each other and it leads to the fact that the conclusion of the areas of each other attached only the strength of the combat spirit - everyone wanted to show his heroism to whom there are no equal among his heroism neighbors. About this fact, Ernest Hemingway mentions in a series of Spanish reports dedicated to Madrid. He writes about the enthusiasm emergence of officers, after the enemy cut them off from neighboring sections of the front. The civil war in Spain began during the conflict between the Communist Party supported by the two great powers - the Soviet Union and the United States and the party led by General Franco - enlisted support for Germany and Italy. And in fact it became the first open opposition to the fascist regime. Hemingway, Lyuto hated this ideology, and, who fought against her, instantly rose on the side of his like-minded people. Already then the writer understood that these actions later would not turn the "little victorious war", the struggle against fascism would not end in Spain, and much more large-scale military operations unfold. [25; 31]

In the play "The Fifth Column" and the novel "For Whom The Bell Tolls", the author openly criticizes fascism. Hemingway criticizes everything in the dictator - from solutions in appearance to decisive actions taken in the people's management. He makes a man who reads the French-English dictionary to the legs, acting in front of the peasants of Duelyanta. In his articles, the writer repeatedly called on the world to draw attention to the raised phenomenon in order to wrap him to the root. After all, the American, understood that the fascist regime would not disappear for the year and a half, as his contemporaries believed. The writer was able to adequately appreciate the Policy of Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. He hated fascism and fought against him with all possible ways - and as a journalist, and as a voluntary participant of hostilities. In his struggle against fascism, he even reached the fact that he joined the Communist Party, without sharing her views. Since communism was considered as the only equivalent opposition to the aggressor, to act on his side was supposed to be the greatest success in such a battle. In that civil War I wore a dramatic character for him - he is forced to stand up on the side of other people's views, going away from his own. The writer transfers the same contradictory feelings to Robert Jordan (Robert Jordan) - the main character of the novel "For Whom The Bell Tolls". His hero gets the task to go to the front line and when the offensive of the Republican Army will begin, with the help of the partisan squad to blow up the bridge in the rear from the fascists to prevent them from throwing reinforcements. It would seem that the plot is too simple and uncomplicated for the big novel, but Hemingway in this novel solved a number moral problems, I solved them for yourself in a new way. And first of all it was a problem of value. human life In correlation with moral debt, voluntarily adopted in the name of a high idea. Roman is permeated by the feeling of tragedy. With this feeling lives his hero Robert Jordan. The threat of death is vital over the entire partisan detachment, then in the form of fascist aircraft, then in the guise of fascist patrols appearing in the location of the detachment. But this is not a tragedy of helplessness and doomed in the face of death, what was she in the novel "A FAREWELL TO ARMS!"

Understanding that the task may end the death of Jordan, nevertheless, it claims that everyone has to fulfill its debt from the execution of debt depends a lot - the fate of the war, and maybe more. "So to replace individualism of Frederick Henry, who thinks only about Tom. In order to preserve his life and his love, in the new hero Hemingue in the conditions of the eve of the warrior, not an imperialist, and the revolutionary, the main thing is the sense of debt to humanity, before the high idea of \u200b\u200bthe fight for freedom. Yes, and love in the novel rises to other heights, gossy with the idea of \u200b\u200bpublic debt. [33; 30]

The idea of \u200b\u200bdebt in front of people permeates all the work. And if in the novel "A FAREWELL TO ARMS!" Hemingway, the mouth of his city denied the "high" words, then in the application of the War in Spain, these words again acquire their original value. The tragic sound of the novel gets its completion in Epilogue - Jordan performs the task, the bridge is blown up, but he himself gets a heavy wound.

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Lost generation - literary current, emerging between two wars (first and second world). His representatives are young people designed to the front at the age of 18, often not yet graduated from school, early began to kill. After the war, such people often could not adapt to a peaceful life, many cumshots with themselves, some went crazy

The emergence of the term: The term is attributed to Gertrude Stein. Subsequently, he became known thanks to the mention of the Roman Ernest Hemingway''Plast, who is only with you''' '.

Lost generation - This is called in the west of young front-line, who fought between 1914 and 1918, regardless of the country for which they fought, and returned home morally or physically crippled. Also they are called '' Ethnic War Victims. Returning from the front of these people could not live again normal life. After the surviving horrors of the war, everything else seemed to be a petty and not worthy of attention.

For creativity writer, 'attainant generation''''vsœ, Gods died, all of the war risked, every faith disappeared. Conscious that after the historical catastrophe, the former forms of human relations became impossible, the characters of the first novels and the stories feel around themselves the spiritual vacuum and they are transmitted inherent to Jazz's thirst for intensive emotional life, freedom from traditional moral restrictions and taboos, but also mentality, uncertainty in The future, the outlines of which are lost in the swiftness of changes occurring in the world.

''Pscribers of the lost generation'''' - an accurate determination of the mood of people who passed the first world war; pessimists, deceived by propaganda; lost the ideals that sued them in the world of life; War destroyed many dogmas, state institutions; The war has gained them on challenge and loneliness. The heroes of the works of '' attainant generation' 'are deprived of a lot, they are not capable of one-way with the people, the state, the class, as a result of the war they oppose themselves to the world, who deceived them, carry the bitter irony, criticizing the obstivities of false civilization. Literature'Poter generation'''' is perceived as part of the literature of realism, despite his pessimism, which brings it closer to Lit modernism.


· Disappointment in modern civilization;

· The loss of educational ideals;

· Tragic experience of the 1st World War

The occurrence time:


1. John Dos Passos (USA)

2. Thomas Wolfe (USA)

3. William Falkner (USA)

4. Francis Scott Fitzgerald (USA)

5. Ezra Pound (USA)

6. Ernest Hemingway (USA)

7. Erich Maria Remarik (Germany)

8. Henri Barbus (France)

9. Richard Oldington (United Kingdom)

Modernist techniques

Mindflow - ϶ᴛᴏ Inner monologue, brought to the absurd, an attempt to photograph the entire apparent chaos of human thinking.

Modernists rejected traditional types narration. Recognized the technique of consciousness of consciousness as the only true way Cognition: The novel takes 2 states, in which the PS will say: wandering around the city (a collision with reality''' ') and the state of rest in a state of dorms - there is no contact with reality. There is no author's voice (since the subconsciousness does not need manager).

The flow of consciousness is most individualized (due to the level of consciousness). Paradox - striving for the most accurate gear, writers destroy the realism of the image.

The most vivid representatives of modernism:

· James Joyce -''ULiss'''' (stream of consciousness)

· Marseille Prost --''v search for lost time''' (stream of consciousness)

· Kafka -''Prection'''''Zamok''''''Process'''''''Process'''''''Пецеss'' (absurd philosophy)

Mindflow this is:

  1. object description, what is described by modernists, it is in him from the point of view of modernists a person's life focuses;
  2. this is new artisticIt turned out that traditional artistic means inner life a person is impossible to describe, writers modernists have developed a new artistic reception , Consciousness technique, as a new reception of the organization of text. This technique should be used in any aesthetic school, it is neutral, and this is not belonging to the modernism alone (for example, the modernist of Kafka did not use this technique, and the realist of Falkner used).

Distinctive signs of postmodernism pointed out the American literary critic I. Hassan. He counted them thirty one, comparing with modernism. The most characteristic features in a row ''modernism - postmodernism'''' are:''Form (single, closed), the goal is a game, ... Synthesis - antithesis, combination - disconnection, ... genre / border - text / intertext, ... metaphor - methonymy, ... metaphysics - Irony''''''''''''

Lost generation - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Lost Generation" 2017, 2018.

The creative experiment started by the Paris Expatriates, modernists of Herret Studine and Sherwood Anderson, was continued by young prose and poets, which in the 1920s came to american literature And they subsequently brought it worldwide glory. Their names throughout the entire twentieth century are firmly associated in the minds of foreign readers with the submission of US literature as a whole. This is Ernest Hemingway, William Falkner, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, John Dos Passos, Tornton Wilder and others, mostly modernist writers.

At the same time, modernism in American reversal differs from European more obvious involvement in public and political events of the era: the shock military experience of most authors was impossible to silenced or bypass, he demanded an artistic incarnation. It invariably misled the Soviet researchers who announced these writers with "critical realists." American criticism identified them as "lost generation".

The determination of the "lost generation" was resembling the mound of the city of Stein in a conversation with its driver. She said: "All you are lost generation, all young people who visited the war. You have no respect for anything. All you are singing." This saying was accidentally heard by E. Hemingway and flew to them in everyday life. The words "all of you lost generation" he put one of two epigraphs to his first novel "and rises the sun" ("Fiesta", 1926). With time this definition, accurate and capacious, received the status of a literary term.

What are the origins of the "Lost" of the whole generation? The first world was a test for all mankind. It can be imagined than it has become for boys, full optimism, hopes and patriotic illusions. In addition to the fact that they directly hit the "meat grinder", as this war called this war, their biography began immediately from climax, with the maximum overvoltage of spiritual and physical forces, with the hardest test to which they were absolutely not prepared. Of course, it was dormant. The war was forever knocked them out of the usual rut, determined the warehouse of their worldview - an exacerbily tragic. A bright illustration of the above is the beginning of the poem of the expatriate of Thomas Stonza Eliot (1888-1965) "ash environment" (1930).

Because I do not hope to return to reverse, because I do not hope, because I do not hope to reiterate other people's gifts andutaria. (Why elderly to paint his wings?) Why sorrow about being Velic Some kingdom? Because I do not hope to once again experience the wrong glory of the current day, because I know, I do not know that true, let the transit force that I do not have. Because I do not know where the answer is. Because thirst for me not to quench where the trees bloom and streams flow, because this is no longer. Because I know that time is always only time, and the place is always and only the place, and what is urgent, just at this time and only in one place. I am glad that everything is as it is. From the blissful face is ready to turn away from a blissful voice, because I do not hope to return. Accordingly, I will die by building something that we will die. And I squeeze on us, I pray God and pray to give me to forget that with myself I discussed so much, what I tried to explain. Because I do not hope to return. Let the answer be these few words, since what is done, should not be repeated. Let the sentence we will not be too severe. Because these wings do not take part more, they can only beaten - the air, which is now so small and dry, smaller and land than the will. Teach us to endure and loving, not to love. Teach us do not twitch more. Pray for us, sinners, now and in the mortal hour, pray for us now and in the mortal hour.

Another programmatic poetic works of the "lost generation" - Pooms T. Eliota "Fancy Land" (1922) and "Hollow people" (1925) are characteristic of the same sense of devastation and hopelessness and the same stylistic virtuosity.

However, Gertrude Stein, who claimed that the "lost" had no respect for "nothing," turned out to be too categorical in his judgments. Not over the years, the rich experience of suffering, death and overcoming has not only made this generation very stalk (none of the writing brachia "cut down", as they were predicted), but also taught them to unmistakably distinguish and highly reluctant vitality: communication with nature , love for a woman, male friendship and creativity.

The writers of "lost generation" have never constituted any literary group and did not have a single theoretical platform, but the community of destinies and impressions have formed their similar life positions: disappointment in social ideals, the search for negligent values, and stoic individualism. Together with the same, aggravated tragic maidos, it determined the presence of a number of common features in the prose of "lost", despite the diversity of individual art handwriting of individual authors.

Community manifests itself in everything, starting with the subject and ending the form of their works. The main topics of the writers of this generation - the war, front weekdays ("goodbye weapons" (1929) Hemingway, "Three Soldiers" (1921) Dos Passos, a collection of stories "these thirteen" (1926) Falkner and others) and post-war reality - "Century Jazz "(" And Sun "(1926) Hemingway," Soldier Award "(1926) and" Mosquitoes "(1927) Falkner, novels" Beautiful, but doomed "(1922) and" Great Gatsby "(1925), Novelistic collections "Jazz Century Stories" (1922) and "All sad young people" (1926) Scott Fitzgerald).

Both themes in the works of "lost" are interrelated, and this connection is causal. In the "military" works are shown by the origins of the loss of generation: front episodes are submitted by all authors rigidly and unwritten - contrary to the trend of romanticization of the first world in official literature. The works about the "world after the war" show the investigation - the convulsive fun of the "jazz century", resembling a dance on the edge of the abyss or a feast during the plague. This is the world of crushed war and broken human relations.

Problems that occupying "lost", with the initial mythological oppositions of human thinking: war and peace, life and death, love and death. It is symptomatic that death (and war as it is synonymous) will certainly protrude one of the elements of these opposition. Symptomatic and the fact that these issues are solved by "lost" by no means in mythopoietic and not in the abstract-philosophical plan, but more specifically and more or less socially definitely.

All the characters of the "military" works feel that they are fooled, and then betrayed. Lieutenant of the Italian army American Frederick Henry ("Forgive, weapons!" E. Hemingway) directly says that no longer believes in the crackle phrases of "glory", "sacred debt" and "the greatness of the nation". All heroes of writers of "lost generation" lose faith in society, bringing their children to the sacrifice of "Torgachevy calculations", and demonstratively rustle with him. It concludes the "separate world" (that is, deserts from the army) Lieutenant Henry, diverted in drinks, couments and intimate experiences of Jacob Barnes ("and rises by the sun" Hemingway), Jay Gatsby ("Great Gatsby" Fitzgerald) and "All sad young People "Fitzgerald, Hemingway and other prosaikov" lost generation ".

What do the meaning of being survived the heroes of their works survived in war? In the life itself, as it is, in the life of every individual, and, above all, in love. It is love that takes a dominant place in the system of their values. Love understood as perfect harmonious Soyuz With a woman - this is creativity, and a partnership (human warmth nearby), and a natural start. This is a concentrated joy of being, a kind of quintessence of everything that is standing in life, quintessence of life itself. In addition, love is the most individual, the most personal, one of you belonging to the experience that for "lost" is very important. In essence, the dominant idea of \u200b\u200btheir works is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe undivided domination of the private world.

All heroes of "lost" are building their own, an alternative world, where there should be no "Torgachet's calculations", political ambitions, wars and deaths, all of the insanity, which is happening around. "I am not created to fight. I have been created to eat, drink and sleep with Catherine," says Frederick Henry. This is the credo of all "lost". However, they themselves feel the fragility and vulnerability of their position. It is impossible to absolutely burn out from a large hostile world: he is and then invades their lives. It is not by chance that love in the works of writers "Lost Generation" launched with death: it almost always stops death. Catherine dies, the beloved Frederick Henry ("Goodbye, weapons!"), The random death of an unfamiliar woman entails the death of Jay Gatsby ("Great Gatsby"), etc.

Not only the death of the hero on the advanced, but also the death of Catherine from childbirth, and the death of a woman under the wheels of the car in the "Great Gatsby", and the death of Jay Gatsby, at first glance, who do not have any attitude towards war, turn out to be related to it. These rampant and meaningless deaths act in the novels of the "lost" of a kind of artistic expression of the thoughts about the unwiseness and cruelty of the world, about the inability to get away from him, about the briefness of happiness. And this thought, in turn, is a direct consequence of the military experience of authors, their mental donomas, their injury. Death for them is a synonym for war, and both of them - and war and death - they act in their works of some apocalyptic metaphor of the modern world. The world of works of young writers of the twenties is the world cut off the first world from the past, changing, gloomy, doomed.

The prose of "lost generation" is characteristic of the unmistakably recognizable poetics. This is a lyrical prose, where the facts of reality are missed through the prism of the mantle hero, a very close to the author. It is not by chance that the favorite form of "lost" is a narrative of the first person, involving the epitically thorough description of the events excited, an emotional response to them.

Prose "lost" centripetal: it does not deploy human fate in time and space, and on the contrary, thickens, the action compacts. It is characterized by a brief time segment, as a rule, crisis in the fate of the hero; It may include the memories of the past, due to which the subject expansion and clarification of the circumstances, which distinguishes the works of Falkner and Fitzgerald. The leading composite principle of American prose of the twentieth is the principle of "compressed time", the opening of the English writer James Joyce, one of the three "whales" of European modernism (along with M. Proust and F. Kafka).

It is impossible not to notice a certain similarity of the plot decisions of the works of writers "Lost Generation". Among the most frequently repetitive motives (elementary units of the plot) - short-term, but complete happiness of love ("Farewell, weapons!" Hemingway, "Great Gatsby" Fitzgerald), vain searches for a former front line of their place in post-war life ("Great Gatsby" and "Night" Fitzgerald, "Soldier's Award" Falkner, "and rises by the sun" Hemingway), antensed and untimely death of one of the heroes ("Great Gatsby", "Goodbye, weapons!").

All these motifs were later converted by the "lost" themselves (Hemingway and Fitzgerald), and most importantly, their imitators who did not snuff powders and who did not live at the breakfast of the epoch. As a result, they sometimes perceive as some clichés. However, similar plot decisions suggested the writers of "lost generation" itself life: at the front, they daily saw meaningless and untimely death, they themselves were painfully the lack of solid soil under his feet in the post-war time, and they, like no one, could be happy, but their happiness often It was fleeting, because the war raged people and broke fate. And the aggravated feeling of tragic and artistic flair, characteristic of the "lost generation", dictated their appeal to the limit situations of human life.

The style of "lost" is also recognizable. Typical prose for them is an externally impartial report with deep lyrical subtext. The works of E. Hemingway particularly distinguishes the extreme laconicism, sometimes the lapidarity of phrases, simplicity of vocabulary and a huge restraint of emotions. Concisely and almost dry solved in his novels even love scenesthat obviously excludes any false relationship between heroes and, ultimately, has an exceptionally strong impact on the reader.

Most writers of "lost generation" were destined to have been destined to others, and some (Hemingway, Falkneur, Wilder) and the Decades of Creativity, but the Falkner was only able to escape from a certain in the 20th circle of topics, the problems, poetics and stylistics, from the magic circle of chemous sorrow and the doomes of "lost generation". The community of "lost", their spiritual fraternity, mixed on a young hot bloodturned out to be stronger than thoughtful calculations of various literary groupswho disintegrate without leaving the trace in the work of their participants.

Every time the beginning of the century brings us a special culture of "lost generation". Previously, we read their books, listened to their music, now we still watch their films and TV shows - as well as films and TV shows about them.

2014 - special. The whole world recalls one of the terrible pages in the history of not only Europe, but also humanity - the beginning of the First World War. One hundred years ago, the old light, together with Russia, entered the era of the endless territorial disputes and geopolitical intrigues, which covered the excessively growing human greed. Of course, in the language of economists, this should be called the natural development of capitalist defendant, but the fact remains a fact: due to the political and mercantile ambitions of the strengths of this world, millions of innocent victims suffered.

In fact, the 1914th year continues until now, for Humanity has already experienced the two scary world wars, and today, according to experts, stands on the threshold of a new one. Anyway, a hundred years ago, the First World War brought people not only the mountain, death and suffering, but no matter how paradoxically sounded it, gave civilization such a phenomenon as a literature "lost generation".

In any textbook history or literature, we will find a textbook description of this direction of human thought. Lost generation (Fr. Génération Perdue., eng. LOST. Generation.) - The concept resulting from two wars (first and second world). It became a leitmotif of creativity of such writers as Ernest Hemingway, Erich Maria Remark, Henri Barbus, Richard Oldington, Ezra Pound, John Dos Passos, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson, Thomas Wolfe, Nathaniel West, John about "Hara. Lost Generation is Young people, designed to the front at the age of 18, often not yet graduated from school, early began to kill. After the war, such people often could not adapt to a peaceful life, dismissed, finished the life of suicide, some went crazy.

The figurative expression "Writers of the lost generation" went into use thanks to Gertrude Stein, who called the Parisian to God of the first quarter of the last century, where the very classics of world literature were now included. Populated this term the brightest representative "Lost Generation" - the Great Ernest Hemingway in his autobiographical novel "The holiday, which is always with you. The expression quickly spread in the West, and the Lost Generation began to call young front-line, which were fighting between 1914 and 1918, and returned home morally or physically crippled. They are also called "unrecorded victims of war." Returning from the front, these people could not live again with a normal life. After the surviving horrors of the war, everything else seemed to them with petty and unworthy attention. After some time, the remark in his novel "Three Comrades" gave an exhaustive characteristic of the representatives of the "lost generation" themselves. These are rigid people, decisive, recognizing only specific help, ironic with women. Sensuality they have ahead of feelings.

Since then, a hundred years has passed, no one generation has changed, but in 2014 the term "lost generation" again brings attention to himself. The expression again began to be actively used already in relation to those who are about 30 years old: in America it is Yappean, in Europe - Generation Y, and in Russia - a generation of Next. Children born in the 80s, who adult in the revolutionary 90s, in "zero" included such that they can easily combine with the front-line wiring war - these are people without meaning to life, without a goal of existence, people, doomed for what. On the one hand, the children of the stroke of the centuries are the most advanced generation in the history of mankind. They grew up in conditions of incredible computer achievements, which is called - in the age of high technologies, when the information rules the world. But, on the other hand, this generation had the happiest childhood, because he did not know military conflict, did not know the horrors of hunger and deprivation, it is a product of greenhouse conditions. This is the most apathetic generation that is not interested in anything, except for the consessivity and "Mimmishnyj's" on YouTube, their accounts in social networks And the cool "Self". Generation YouTube is an exceptionally positively configured thinking without any exconse to nonconformism. Because it does not need it in principle.

Already the first year with the filing of sociologists and other representatives of the inquiry public, journalists and psychologists explore the most trouble-free generation in history. People experienced, adults are sure: every next generation is stupid and immorally the previous one. Especially ashamed of old men for the last generation, the so-called - the children of the Internet, the mobile phone and the cloudless air conditioner above the head. Fashion magazines whose flourishing just came to the period of the formation of a new lost generation, formulated 10 major signs of modern youth. First, the authoritative edition of Time was developed by the article on the generation of "Yayay" (Eng. - Mememe). As it should be a self-respecting publication, it did not open anything new, only the facts are made.

People begins to populate the planet, not similar to their moms, dads, grandparents, they say a lot. But now it's time when you can make the first conclusions. By the generation "Yayay" (it is also called Millennials - the generation of Millennium) attribute citizens of 1980-2000, that is, the older of them have already reached the age of Christ, and the younger joined the rapid time of teenage. In Russia, "Millenniums" are younger: the shocks of the late 80s - early 90s made their own adjustments to the upbringing of the children born then, so many sociologists believe that our "Millenniums" begin from about 1989. Anyway, the MAXIM magazine, readable by "Millenniums", detected the very 10 main features of the generation "Yayay".

  1. This is the first nebant generation in the observed story.
  2. They are friends with parents
  3. They are non-aggressive and careful
  4. They are accustomed to approval and are absolutely confident in their own value and importance, regardless of what they do and what they achieved
  5. They wish to live in the zone of absolute comfort and do not tolerate serious unfortunately
  6. They are actively not liable
  7. They are obsessed with fame
  8. They are unproductive and non-revived, prefer to use ready-made schemes and do not seek to invent something new
  9. They don't like to make decisions
  10. They are miles, positive and fragile-lemns

Can agree or not with similar conclusions, but the cinema is on that and exists to reflect the fact that she worries modern society. Hollywood decided to draw the image of the "generation of prose". As a result, the air of the TV channels flooded the series in which Millenniums appeared without bills.

"American Horror Story" (American Horror Story)

It would seem that the most unwitting series of modern horror genre caused an unprecedented splash of popularity from the audience of 12-35 years. Third season " American history Horrors "-" Shabash "- became aforementioned sentence to generation of the 90s. Showing three main types of modern girls, the authors of the series in a rigid form drew the attention of societies on those who come to replace the current 50-year-old. In the mouth of one of the young witches, the screenwriters have invested the quintessence of the entire image of the generation "Yayay":

"I am a representative of the generation Y, born between the appearance of AIDS and September 11. We are called the generation of Next. We are distinguished by selfiness and narcissism. Perhaps because we are the first generation, where every child gets awards just for participation. And, perhaps, from the fact that social networks allow us to exhibit each of your fart or sandwich for everyone to review. But perhaps the main trait is indifference, indifference to suffering. Personally, I did everything so as not to feel: sex, drugs, bumps - just to get rid of pain, do not think about the mother, about the wage, about all those boys who did not love me in response. And, in general, I was raped, and two days later I, no matter what happened, came to the lessons. Most people would not have been able to survive. And I - this: the show must continue! I would give everything I have or will be to feel pain, suffer. "

Gossip Girl (Gossip Girl)

If in the 90th main television Bible for all who were born in the 70s, were two cult series, now already considered by television classics - "Beverly Hills 90210" and "Melrose Place", then the generation of "Millenniums" grew on the critic "Gossip". American television teenage drama, based on the popular eponymous series of novels by the writer Cecile von Tsigzar, for six seasons showed the offside of the world "Golden Youth". The plot develops around the lives of young people living in the elite area of \u200b\u200bNew York and visiting a privileged school. In addition to study, they are friends, they quarrel, take drugs, jealous, suffer, love, hate and everything else that is inherent in the heroes of teenage drama. All of all the audience themselves and the heroes themselves will learn daily from the popular blog of the mysterious "Gossip", voiced Kristen Bell. None of the characters do not know who is hiding under this nickname, and the actress itself only appears in the frame. In fact, we witnessed opinions on the part of the lost generation of the 2000s.

"How to succeed in America" \u200b\u200b(How to make it in america)

A rich or poor, live in the Upper Manhattan or in Bronx, no one has canceled such a thing as the "American Dream" or more international importance of this winged expression - "from dirt to Kings". 2 seasons on the air of the HBO television ether lasted the Dramati "How to succeed in America" \u200b\u200bfrom the executive producer Mark Walberg, who gave the generation of Yap-the glamorous series "Hands". "How to make it in america" \u200b\u200bis a series of two young businessmen, Cam and Ben, seeking to the American Dream. They disassembled in fashionable clothes, walk on stylish parties, but they themselves have not found themselves in life. They are interrupted by the fact that they illegally resell all sorts of stylish exclusive clothes than and earn a living. As a result, their main dream is to create your brand of clothing in the style of Casual - stumbles on the treachery of large showrooms and Sailz-companies, and guys, disappointed in everything, and, above all, in themselves, scored on their own idea. The inability to fight for the place under the sun is one of the main features of the generation "Yayay".

"Girls" (Girls)

After the promising series "How to succeed in America" \u200b\u200bfailed his rating fiasco, HBO channel launched a new project from Judda Apatou - "Girls". Another draft of four girlfriends stuck in a transitional age in the area of \u200b\u200b25 years in New York, created the most talented student of the famous comedian - Lena Dunham. The actress never hidden what made the series about herself, about his peers who could not achieve anything in life. They in childhood were sown "sex in big city"And in practice everything happened not as in the life of the iconic Carrie Bradshow and her diverse girlfriends. The series "Girls" has just entered the air with a full-fledged third season, the HBO channel safely extended him to the fourth, and all the trickers and viewers recognized the third season the best. Lena Danem finished all his own conclusion about the generation Y - he can no longer help him! By a member of the statement of the vintage, in the eyes of the characters, it also flashes a mute question "What The Fuck Am I Doing?" - His experience and understanding in a particular context and is the content of "Girls", becomes the experience that the heroine is covered. Only here is the process of accumulating this experience in Manhattan, after all, somewhat delayed, and the 25-year-old girls will turn into 40-year-old Loserche. But this is the plot of a completely different television series.

"Looking" (Looking)

Another HBO Drama has become a novelty of this television to the fashionable topic now - how difficult to gay live: "in the search". The first season of the new series turned rake, and the joy of the corresponding audience show was extended by the second season. This is the story of three gay friends, one of which is the artist, the second - the waiter in the restaurant, and the third is the developer of computer games. With buddies in the course of the show, incredible stories happen, and the famous Misn Gay district in San Francisco, where this Trinity lives, is looking for his happiness and love, and someone just sexual adventures in the asphalt jungle. The unarmed look is noticeable that "in the search" - the next kind of "sex in the big city", which was already cloned taking into account the LGBT topics in two signs of the beginning of the 2000s - "close friends" and "sex in another city". Russian film crimits were one in the opinion regarding the innovations of American television. Nevertheless, after the series "In Search", the gay-topic on television will no longer be the same - in our eyes it ceases to be a rattle for fighters for minority rights, scared for alarmed guardians and a trump card for demagogues in expensive costumes. It acquires naturalness - what else do you need? Gay theme has long been Must Have all foreign television series - from Sitters to a terrible drama, but in the case of "Looking" Generation Next, here it is shown that neither there is a terrible despair - heroes under 30, and happiness is not all, solid misunderstanding All fronts!

"New Girl)

At the end of the last century, television series were different. Those who today approached Rubikon in 30 years, without exaggeration, rose on the greatest sitcom of all times and peoples - "Friends". 10 years after their final, the creators of "Friends" presented the generation of Y Sitka "new". Heroes - new, the place of action is not a multi-storey in New York in Manhattan, and Loft is somewhere in Los Angeles, but the principle of action is the same. Four subjects are three guys and one girl - they shoot one apartment, one of them - like a successful manager, but the three others are full of husks and nishbudes. The plot "New" is externally built on love experiences of all heroes, each of which, as a result, will be with the character, with whom it is necessary, but the subtext of the series is frighteningly relevant: these 30-year-old characters who, by and large, nothing in life So they did not achieve, they live in the day and do not seek anything, or they are afraid to strive for something, because they really brought them up the society of the stroke of centuries. But we will not be about sad: the series "New" was extended to the fourth season, and, it means that there is hope that the heroes will form.