Biography. Ivan Franco Biography Franco hated those who tried to put a sense of civil debt in people, he wrote passionately and hot

Biography. Ivan Franco Biography Franco hated those who tried to put a sense of civil debt in people, he wrote passionately and hot
Biography. Ivan Franco Biography Franco hated those who tried to put a sense of civil debt in people, he wrote passionately and hot

There was a person who first honored a man in her, - Ivan Franco. This good gentleman in the embroidery, most of his life lived in the Polish-Austrian Lemberg, Negroes and Papuans considered the lower race, and in men saw not only friends, but also an object for love.

It is well known that Franco was born on August 27, 1856 in the village of Naguyevichi in Lviv region, whose residents firmly believed in an unclean power and even shortly before the birth of the future writer burned sorcerers. But few remember that the ancestors of the writer were Germans. This is indicated by their surname. "Franks" in Galicia called immigrants from Germany - mostly Kuznetsov. They settled between the peasants of Rusyn and earned their live craft. A simple blacksmith was the father of the writer - merry and a walk.

House Ivan Franco in Naguevichi

But the "Aryan" roots still affected. In his youth, Ivan Franco not only was fond of socialism, but also was a convinced supporter of racist theories. He learned knowledge on this issue in Lviv University, where, apart from lectures on philology, he listened to "free courses of psychology, paleontology and national economy."

His views, hoped from German-speaking brochures, he outlined in "Thoughts on Evolution in the history of mankind", published when their author was hardly twenty-five. The young Franco believed that races were divided into the lower and higher. To the first, he referred extinct Neanderthals, as well as blacks, bushmen and Papuans, whom the scope generally called "niniges" - that is, the most primitive.

According to the theory of Franco, primitive races before others "Viriznili with MAVP". And only from them in thousands of years there were more advanced individuals. It happened somewhere between Africa and India, where the ocean is splashing, and in doptop times, according to Ivan Yakovlevich, there was a "dry land" - drowned by the continent of Lemuria subsequently.

To the honor of Franco, it should be said that he always remained a racist theoretic. Negroes on the streets of Lviv did not beat - as the absence of those in Austria-Hungary XIX century. And because of the weak body. Low, red and physically underdeveloped writer did not even take into the army. Special "Superaribitational" Commission recognized the sulfur racist unsuitable for service to the emperor French-Joseph II with a rifle in his hands.

Unfortunately, the interesting anthropological views of the young Kameniara today are silent.

Probably not to attract the attention of skinheads to his work.

Franco's racist views combined with Freemasonry. The poem of Ivan Yakovlevich "Kamenyarі" today, as in Soviet times, is included in the school curriculum. In socialism, he was interpreted as the anthem of the revolution - the testimony of the true proletarian orientation of the Ukrainian classics. "Study Sy Rock!" - We were taught in the lessons, dying through the ruins of Frankivsk creativity.

Ivan Franco

In fact, at the time of writing "Kameniy", the poet survived the stormy passion to Masonry. It was them that they called "free bricklayers." Yes, and the whole symbolism of the poem is not a worker-peasant.

According to the historian and political scientist Konstantin Bondarenko, "in the middle of the XIX century, probably, percent of the ninety of all Galician intelligentsia (and Poles, and Germans, and Ukrainians) belonged to Masons. Masonic lies existed several. Some led their countdown from the XVIII century. Some only formed. The system of strict recognition from the world of world Freemasonry has not yet been considered mandatory. What kind of beds belong to Franco, it is unknown. However, his work of the period of the 70s. In many ways permeated with Masonic motifs. In Kameniakh, this influence, undoubtedly - messianism, a voice from above, calling for sacrifice in the name of others - all this is very characteristic of the ideology of "Vilny Kamenyariv". But Freeman Franco stayed for a long time. Since the end of the 70s, he joined the socialist movement, which rejected the religion, and the Freemasonry as the remnants of the past. "

But it should not be assumed that Ivan Franco just did that he burned in public works. He sought himself in other areas. Sometimes pretty spicy.

Here is an excerpt from the letter slightly melted "Kameniara" to the bride of Olga Roshko. In January 1879, he admits to her in his secret hobbies: "Lyudska's beauty, - Chief Men, Church, - Women - Everyone is strongly rotated on me ... With men I smіlіst. We do not know, Sovno, Scho Kolya HTO MІG Bethi is the subject of your own, then a man, nіzh a woman. I love the men who loved with your life, nіzh women knew. І Know Scho, - Sea in Mene Jacques Non Dick, Love. "

Twenty-one-year-old Franco describes how he loves to raise in Lviv, peering into men's faces, sometimes meets, talks with the viscous specimens, disappointed ... All this causes him very controversial feelings: "Meni is not terrible, it's terribly more than once, by Maid Ti Lyceum, Scho Meni like І attracted me to yourself, Ale Shaoo I can rush? I know, Shaho, the reason for the wrong foot to the men's heart is simple - Vihovanny, the Women's Women's Women's Women's Cosim - Ale Chi W MІG I CE SMINITY? "

Having heard such confessions, Olga Roshko - a priest's daughter - took and married. But not for Franco, but for reliable rural ass - Vladimir Ozarkovich. And what, asks, frightened? Well, loved the groom to cling to the streets to the most representatives of their sex. What is this? Members of our Union writers, for sure, in this, no Kramol will be ashamed. Like, I missed a man, I wanted to talk ...

In the end, Kamenar still managed to marry. Bride, he found already "abroad" - in Kiev. Arriving in the "mother of Russian cities" from the Austrian Lviv for the money for the conceived magazine, Ivan Yakovlevich met a girl who "ripe". Her name was Olga Khoruzhskaya. She accounted for the sister of the wife of the teacher of the College of Harlagan E. K. Triagubov. The so-called "Ukrainian on the right" has reduced, which sometimes had sexual subtext.

Soon Franco offered Olga hand and heart. And immediately received a positive answer. Scientist Baryshna wanted married! In order for the groom, God forbid, she did not change his mind, she came to the very hundreds of rubles collected by the magazine. Subsequently, Franco recognized that he was married without love - "Z doctrini, Shah, Treka cessions from Ukraine, then Bіlsh Oswiece, a curser." He called his choice not by the Archibus, arguing that with another wife might be "to join the Kolya I, I am a bіlshoye." In general, following the example of most of our men, in all failures, vinyl not, and Babu.

Ivan Franco and Olga Khoruzhskaya

Idea Ukrainian marriage was not the best project. Literally on the eve of the wedding, the strange writer met with the exact opposite of his bride. The girl was polished by nationality, the Ukrainian question was not interested and served in the mail. "Fatalna for Men Booo, Scho Lazh, I am lying in today's friend. I am a PIKANOV one pouch і и и и и ї," Franco confessed in the letter of Historian Agatangel Krymsky. "Lyuya Peremo's deceased Ten Lit." Called Pannaochka virgin zhuravskaya. For the sake of her, Kamenyar, spitting on ideological, even published in Polish in one of Lviv editions the story "Manipulatka". Yes Yes! First in Polish, and only then in Ukrainian. Slightly disappeared "Ukrainian on the right"!

Personal life on the two fronts undermined the young family. Without receiving a proper portion of the man's caress, the writer's spouse slowly, but reliably went crazy. As Ivan Yakovlevich once expressed, "on TLI Zraza Yerotichnim". If you believe Franco, she even atheated his life.

After that, the heart of Kamenyar became like granite.

In 1914, the Great Writer passed Olga to the famous Lviv institution for the crazy - "to Kulparkova." And in her place came Tick Zhuravskaya - who had time for the thirty years of this nightmare to turn into a widow with two children.

By this time, the "idealist" himself became a disabled person - even to write could only with his left hand, removing each letter separately. According to the Canadian researcher, Thomas Primak, "In early 1908, Franco had a heavy paralysis and a mental disorder from which he never recovered."

About the causes of Frankivd's disease argue. Some call syphilis. Others - progressive schizophrenia. Other versions are possible. Be that as it may, at the end of the life of Ivan Yakovlevich, became increasingly to communicate with the "spirits" and hear "voices".

Despite the posthumous status of the Ukrainian classics, during the lifetime, Ivan Franco mainly mined food as a newspaper journalist and ... corrector. "I earn bread, mainly by the correction, because of which literary and scientific work is only a luxury for me," he complained in 1904 by the St. Petersburg professor of Hungarian.

The touched by Hungarians threw Kamenir the worker - an order for the article "South Russian Literature" for the Encyclopedia of Broggauz and Efron. South Russian at that time meant the same thing that now "Ukrainian".

With the task, Ivan Yakovlevich coped successfully. Work passed on time and, having received 803 crowns of the fee, asked Wengerov, is it not necessary for any St. Petersburg edition of the correspondent in Galicia? "Or maybe someone would be interested in my fiction?" He asked. - It seems to me that working in Russian, I do not change the interests of my homeland "...

But Franco's franco fiberism has not needed.

Contemporaries remembered Franco as a man with oddities - bile and touchy. It is difficult to find a prominent figure, which he would respond with admiration. Unless the forest Ukrainian recognized the "real man" in the literature. Now we would call such a subject by Misanthrop.

Ivan Yakovlevich Franco (UKR. Ivan Yakovich Franco; August 27, 1856 - May 28, 1916) - Ukrainian writer, poet, scientist, publicist, decadent and leader of the revolutionary socialist movement in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lomomeria (Austria-Hungarian Empire). In 1915, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but premature death prevented the consideration of his candidacy.

One of the initiators of the founding of the "Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party" (later the "Ukrainian Radical Party" - URP), operating in Austria.

In honor of Franco, the city of Stanislav was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk, and in the Lviv region, PGT Yanov - in Ivano-Frankivo.


Born in the family of a wealthy peasant in the blacksmith; Mother, Maria Kulchitskaya, originated from the impoverished Rusinsky gentry of Kulchitsky, the coat of arms of Cas, was 33 years old men. The first years of childhood described in his stories the most light colors. In 1865, Father Ivan died. Steph, Green Gavrilik, was carefully related to children, actually replaced the father of his father. Franco supported friendly relationships with stepfather throughout life. In 1872, the mother of Ivana died, step-in the children began to make march.

He studied at first at school of the village of Yassenet-Solna (1862-1864), then in the so-called normal school at the Vasilian Monastery of Drohobych (1864-1867). After graduating from the Drohobych gymnasium in 1875 (now Drohobych Pedagogical University) was forced to make money for tutoring. From his earnings allocated money for books for the personal library.

In many autobiographical stories, Franco (Gritseva School Science, "Paradash", "Schnschreiben") artistically recreated atmosphere of the then school education with his scholasticism, corporal punishments, moral humiliation of students. It can be seen on them how difficult it was to get the formation of a gifted peasant guy. Franco lived on the apartment in the far relative of Koshitskaya on the outskirts of Drohobych, often slept in the coffins that were manufactured in her joiner ("in the joinery"). Already learning in the gymnasium, discovered phenomenal abilities: he could almost literally repeat the hourly lecture of the teacher; knew on the heart of the whole "Kobzar"; Home tasks in Polish often performed in poetic form; Deeply and for the whole life absorbed the content of read books. The circle of his reading at this time was the works of European classics, cultural, historical works, popular books on natural science topics. In general, the Franco-Gymnasian personal library consisted of almost 500 books in various languages. At the same time, Franco began to translate the works of antique authors (Sofokl, Euripid); Under the influence of the creativity of Markian Shashkevich and Taras Shevchenko, he became interested in the wealth and beauty of the Ukrainian language, began to collect and record samples of oral folk creativity (songs, legends, etc.).

In the autumn of 1875, he became a student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lviv University. During the training of material assistance, Franco provided Emelyan Partitsky. He entered the Russophilic society, which as a literary language was "pagan." The first works of Franco were written in the paganism - the poem "People's Song" (1874) and a long fantastic novel "Petriy and Dovbestiki" (1875) in the style of Hoffman, published in the printed organ of Russian-friendly students. One of the first to drew attention to the work of the young Franco, was the Ukrainian poet Kesar Belilovsky, who in 1882 in the Kiev newspaper "Labor" published an article "a few words about the transfer of the Göthev" Faust "into the Ukrainian language Ivan Franco, and in Lviv student The journal "Friend" under the pseudonym Jedghayk for the first time poems eighteen-year-old Franco - "My song" and "People's Song".


Under the influence of letters of the Kiev professor Mikhail Dragomanov, the youth, grouping around "friend," met the Russian literature of the era of the great reforms and in general with Russian writers, and imbued with democratic ideals, after which the language of the Galician simple people elected the instrument of their literary speech; Thus, Rusinsky literature received in its ranks, along with many other talented workers, and Franco. Old Russophiles, especially the editor of the "Words" of Wenneditik Plushchansky, turned to the Austrian police with denunciations to the editor of the "friend." In 1877, all members of the editorial board were arrested, and Franco spent 9 months in prison, in one chamber with thieves and tramps, in terrible hygienic conditions. At his exit of prison, all Galician conservative society turned away from him, not only Rusophiles, but "Narovtsy", that is, the Ukrainian nationalist of the older generation. Franco was supposed to leave the University (graduated from the course of 15 years later, when she was preparing for the professorial department).

Ivan Franco (08/27/1856 - 28.05.1916) - The Great Ukrainian writer, one of the builders of the new Ukrainian nation.

Ivan Yakovlevich Franko was born in the village of Naguyevichi (now the Drohobych district of the Lviv region) in the family of a rural blacksmith. He grew up siren (in 1865 his father died - Ivan was nine years old; his mother died in 1872). Despite the material needs of the family, Ivan studied: in 1862 - 64 - at school in the neighboring village of Yasenica-Solna, in 1864 - 1867 - in elementary school in Drohobych, in 1867 - 1875 - in the gymnasium in the same Drohobych.

In 1875, Franco received a scholarship from the Glovinsky Foundation and in the fall of the same year he was signed up for the philological department of Lviv University. The scholarship was provided before graduating from higher education, and it seemed that the smooth road of a gymnasium teacher or professor at the university was heard to the capable young man at the university, which was calculated by his relatives and acquaintances.

But in the first university years, the self-determination of Franco as a Ukrainian figure, and also distinctly progressive, socialist destination. He is friends with Ostap Terletsky and Mikhail Pavlik, through the latter tying a correspondence with Mikhail Dragomanov, who at that time was in Geneva. It is because of the correspondence with a dangerous police in the eyes of the Police, the revolutionary socialist Dragomanovim Franco was arrested (11.06.1877). His together with his comrades was accused of forming a secret socialist society. 01/21/1878 The Court recognized him guilty and sentenced to 6 weeks of conclusion. Since then the term of the investigative conclusion in the punishment was not counted, Franco was released on March 5, 1878.

Despite a short sentence (we, thanks to the com. Stalin, I consider any conclusion of less than 10 years old), its consequences for Franco were terrible. First, according to the law, a man with conviction could not become a teacher, so the goal of learning at the university was unclear (at the same time, Franco took the scholarship). Secondly, during the conclusion, Franco was seriously cold; Later, this disease became chronic and pursued him all his life. Thirdly, the priest Mikhail Roshkevich (Olga Roshkevich's father, the bride, I. Franco) refused to franco in his walling and even forbade her daughter to see and correspond with the "criminal". Their marriage did not take place.

That's what to be a Ukrainian figure in the then Galicia!

At this police persecution, Franco did not end. 03.03.1880 His arrested in Kolomy - again on suspicion of socialist agitation. For three months he was kept in the investigative arrest, while they recognized that the arrest was unfounded. 06/13/1880 Franco on stage was sent from Kolomyi to Naguyevichi. The impressions of this conclusion were based on the story "at the bottom."

In the third time, the police remembered the "socialist agitator" Franco in connection with the arrival of the Ukrainians group from Kiev. 08/17/1889 Franco was arrested in Lviv. This time the investigators tried to batten the escorts in favor of Russia. 11/16/1889 Frank was released for the lack of evidence. And this time, the prison impressions were reflected in the poetic cycle ".

In 1886, Franco married Olga Khoruzhskaya (originally from Kiev). Four children appeared in their family, but since 1902, the family well-being began to collapse. Olga Franco has signs of mental disorder, which all intensified, and it brought a lot of burning Ivan Franco.

In 1902, I. Franco moved from hired housing to his own home (current address - ul. I. Franco, 152, where the Writer Memorial Museum works). For this construction, he took a significant loan, the payments on which were completed by His Son after the death of I. Franco.

In April 1908, Franco went on vacation and treatment in Lipik (near Zagreb in modern Croatia). Here his illness has greatly aggravated - both hands were paralyzed and, worse, signs of mental disorder appeared. These terrible manifestations of the disease in a later years, fortunately, somewhat softened, although Franco has never returned to full health. Contemporaries considered his disease to the consequence of the suffered syphilis, and it brought Franco very large trouble. But now, doctors are inclined to believe that Franco from the very conclusion of 1877 was sickly a rare form of rheumatism (Reiter's syndrome; but the concept of this syndrome was formulated a lot after the death of Franco).

Exhausted by diseases, money, family and public problems, Franco died in his house in Lviv 28.05.1916 and was buried at the Lychakov cemetery.

Poet. Franco first made a poet in 1874 and wrote poems until the end of his life, until 1916, in his poetic heritage - a lot of beautiful poems about personal experiences and public affairs, which accounted for several books.

But with the greatest strength of the poetic talent of Franco manifested itself in large poems. Here we see the realistic paintings of the modern Galician life ("", 1884; ", 1889;", 1890), images of the historical past of our people ("", 1887; "Ivan Szezhensky", 1895; "on Svyaturaskaya Mountain", 1900 ), reasoning about religion and god ("", 1885; ", 1889).

A very large place among the poems of Franco is occupied by the processing of plots of world literature ("", 1890; ", 1891;", 1892; ", 1895;" Kuznets Bassim ", 1900; and others).

The vertex of the poetic creativity of Franco is the poem "Moses" (1905), in which an allegorical picture of the rise of the Ukrainian people on the struggle for independence is given on the biblical plot.

Prozaik. In his prosaic works, Franco acted as a realist, focused on the problems of the modern Galician life. He first in Ukrainian literature began to describe the life of the Borislava workers and their class antagonists - entrepreneurs' Jews ("", 1877; ", 1884;", 1887; "Oilman", 1899). The best product of this cycle is the novel "" (1882).

A significant place is occupied by works from the life of the intelligentsia (", 1880;" for the home focus ", 1897;" Cross trails ", 1900). An important place in this row is occupied by works on the Ukrainian-Polish relations ("Lel and Poleln", 1887; "Pilts of the Company", 1894; unfortunately, both works remained unfinished).

Translator. Over the translations of the works of world literature, Franco worked all his life and made a lot in this field. From its translations you can create a whole library.

The range of its translations is extremely wide: there are works of the ancient Babylonian poetry, Ancient Indian, Old and Ancient Greek literature; From new literatures, we have its translations from German (Faust I. V.Get, 1882), French, English, Polish, Italian literature.

Among his translations are whole books of works by A.S. Pushkin, K. Gavlichka-Borovsky. Separately, it should be noted by the great historians of the ancient Rome, over which the poet worked for the last year of his life (August 1915 - March 1916).

You should know that Franco also translated Ukrainian folk songs into German, helped M. S. Grushevsky with the German translation of the "History of Ukraine-Russia". He translated not only artwork, but also the popular science works of a variety of subjects (1870-80s), which he believed useful for the enlightenment of the Ukrainian people.

Folkloclist. Interest in Folklore Franco showed from the very beginning of creative activity. The first publication of the folk fairy tale in his record appeared in 1876. The Galico-Russian People's Proverbs (1901-1910, TT. 1 - 3) and "Studios above Ukrainian folk songs" were the most important achievements on this field. 1 - 3) and "Studios over Ukrainian folk songs" (1907 - 1915)

Historian literature. Over the history of literature, Franco worked in several directions.

The first direction can be called the history of world literary plots. The most significant work in this direction was his doctoral dissertation ": Old Christian spiritual novel and his literary story" (1895).

The second direction was the collection, research and publication of works of Ukrainian literature. In the first place there is a collection of "Apocryphas and legends from Ukrainian manuscripts" (1896 - 1910, TT. 1 - 5). Franco found and published the works of Ivan Khozhensky, wrote about him a number of studies. He prepared and published the works of A. Svidnitsky, Y. Fedkovich, T. Shevchenko and many other Ukrainian writers.

The third direction was the writing of synthetic works on the history of Ukrainian literature. Here you should call such works as "CharakteryStyka Literatury Ruskiej 16 - 17 ww." (1892), "Karpatarus literature 17 - 18 centuries." (1900), "South Russian literature" (1904 - article for the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron), "Essay to the history of Ukrainian literature until 1890" (1910) and the big work "The History of Ukrainian Literature", from which Franco managed to work only the first part (from the beginning of Ukrainian literature to Ivan Kotlyarevsky, 1907 - 1912).

It should be known that Franco followed the innovations of modern literature, especially Ukrainian, wrote a whole mass of reviews, reviews and critical articles on these topics.

Scientist. In addition to the history of literature, Franco was engaged in other humanitarian disciplines. His interest in history was reflected in the works "" (1884), "Grimalov Key in 1800" (1900), "Public barns in Galicia 1784 - 1840" (1907) and a number of small articles. Interested his questions of sociology.

Franco also led the greater scientific and organizational work as the chairman of the philological section of the scientific society. Shevchenko and editor of this section.

Publisher. The first works of Franco were printed in the Lviv student journal "Friend" in 1874. Having moved to Lviv, Franco, together with Pavlik, joined the editorial work and in 1876 - 1877 were the actual leaders of this magazine.

Since then, Franco has constantly again again the publication of his magazine or newspaper; So, in 1878, Franco, together with Pavlik, managed to release two issues of the magazine "Public Friend", which were confiscated by the police. After that, in 1878 - 1880 pp. Friends published separate books in the "Small Library" series. Later, Franco participated in the publication of the magazines "Mir" (1881 - 82), "Zarya" (1883 - 1886), newspapers "Case" (1880, 1883 - 1885), "Kurier Lwowski" (1887 - 1897; this last work itself Franco called the "hiring of neighbors").

In 1894, the dream of Franco was finally implemented - his own magazine "Life and Word" began to leave. This magazine had considerable assistance with Nadniprany Ukraine, as a monetary (in particular, through M. V. Kovalevsky) and literary (articles for publication).

At the end of 1897, the leadership of the scientific society. Shevchenko (led by M. Grushevsky) decided instead of magazines "Zarya" and "Life and the Word" to start from 1898 to publish a new magazine - "Literary and Scientific Bulletin". Franco became part of his editorial board and actively worked there until the end of 1906.

At the same time in 1898, the Ukrainian-Russian Publishing Union was formed, in whose work Franco actively participated until the beginning of his severe illness.

Public figure. In the 1870s, political Ukrainians in Galicia were represented by Moscow, who thought that the sun would be happy in the north, in St. Petersburg, and populists who hoped for his climbing in the West in Vienna. Both groups opposed the Polish community, which after the constitutional reform of 1867 took an increasing impact in the region.

In 1890, young Galician intellectuals founded the Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party, headed by Ivan Franco before 1898. It was a batch of socialist direction, striving to become a representative of the wide circles of workers.

In 1895, I. Franco was a candidate from a radical party to the ambassador to the Vienna Parliament at the Menoshl - Dobromil - Mostisk. In 1898 he was also a Ternopil Candidate - Zbarazh - Skalat. Both of the "Democratic" influence, all means of "democratic" influence were fleeing against Franco: from arrests of agitators and bans of assembly to the bold theft of votes, with the result that Franco was not elected.

In 1899, I. Franco came out of the Radical Party founded by him and became one of the organizers of the new Ukrainian National Democratic Party. This step did not benefit the radicals that lost the influential figure, nor the national democrats, which did not receive a big political influence, nor Franco, who did not differ in activity in the new party and gradually moved away from the political struggle, focusing on the literary and scientific work.

In connection with interest in political life and the subsequent personal participation in it, the Franco wrote many publicistic articles, among whom a significant place occupies the understanding of issues of socialism and social democracy. Due to the critical attitude of Franco to the Communist Gods Marx and Engels, his journalism has undergone and falsification during the domination of communist Moscow.

Ivan Franco on the vocation was a poet, the writer; But in the context of the enslave of the Ukrainian people, he could not afford to be only a writer - he willingly and resolutely taken for any work that was believed useful for lifting the Ukrainian people. Therefore, many of his literary plans remained unrealized, to which he bitterly complained in some verses. But it is the universalism of his activity that allows us to say that in the face of Ivan Franco we are not only a great writer, but also one of the builders of the Ukrainian nation.

Direction decadence Genre verse, Tale, Roman, Novel, Story, Piece Language of works ukrainian, tongue, Russian, Polish, German Works on the site LIB.RU Media Files on Wikisklad Quotes in Wikitatnik

Ivan Yakovlevich Franco (Ukr. Ivan Yakovich Franco; August 27 - May 28) - Ukrainian writer, poet, scientist, publicist and leader of the revolutionary socialist movement in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lomomeria (Austro-Hungarian Empire). In 1915, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize, but premature death prevented the consideration of his candidacy.

One of the initiators of the founding of the "Russian-Ukrainian Radical Party" (later the "Ukrainian Radical Party" - URP), operating in Austria.

In honor of Franco, the city of Stanislav was renamed Ivano-Frankivsk, and in the Lviv region, PGT Yanov - in Ivano-Frankivovo.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 5

    ✪ Review of Banknote Ukraine, 20 hryvnia, 2005, Ivan Franco, Lviv Opera House, Bona, Covera, count

    ✪ Captain Cook. Around the world expedition. Air Force Documentary Cinema.

    ✪ knowledge and life! Lviv Stavropigia University. Scientists Sophia Blank and Yaroslav Kmiti!

    ✪ Opening of the Florin Aryan Race in Siberia

    ✪ People and education. Hours - light! Dr. Sofia Blank, Professor Yaroslav Kmit, Michael Melikhov.



Born in the family of a wealthy peasant in the blacksmith; Mother, Maria Kulchitskaya, originated from the impoverished Rusinsky gentry of Kulchitsky, the coat of arms of Cas, was 33 years old men. The first years of childhood described in his stories the most light colors. In 1865, Father Ivan died. Steph, Green Gavrilik, was carefully related to children, actually replaced the father of his father. Franco supported friendly relationships with stepfather throughout life. In 1872, the mother of Ivana died, step-in the children began to make march.

He studied at first at school of the village of Yassenet-Solna (1862-1864), then in the so-called normal school at the Vasilian Monastery of Drohobych (1864-1867). After graduating from the Drohobych gymnasium in 1875 (now Drohobych Pedagogical University) was forced to make money for tutoring. From his earnings allocated money for books for the personal library.

In many autobiographical stories, Franco (Gritseva School Science, "Parades", Schönschreiben) artistically recreated atmosphere of the then school education with its scholasticism, corporal punishments, moral humiliation of students. It can be seen on them how difficult it was to get the formation of a gifted peasant guy. Franco lived on the apartment in the far relative of Koshitskaya on the outskirts of Drohobych, often slept in the coffins that were manufactured in her joiner ("in the joinery"). Already learning in the gymnasium, discovered phenomenal abilities: he could almost literally repeat the hourly lecture of the teacher; knew by heart the whole cobbar; Home tasks in Polish often performed in poetic form; Deeply and for the whole life absorbed the content of read books. The circle of his reading at this time was the works of European classics, cultural, historical works, popular books on natural science topics. In general, the Franco-Gymnasian personal library consisted of almost 500 books in various languages. At the same time, Franco began to translate the works of antique authors (Sofokl, Euripid); Under the influence of the creativity of Markian Shashkevich and Taras Shevchenko, he became interested in the wealth and beauty of the Ukrainian language, began to collect and record samples of oral folk creativity (songs, legends, etc.).

In the autumn of 1875, he became a student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lviv University. During the training of material assistance, Franco provided Emelyan Partitsky. He entered the Russophilic society, which as a literary language was "pagan." The first works of Franco were written in the paganism - the poem "People's Song" (1874) and a long fantastic novel "Petriy and Dovbestiki" (1875) in the style of Hoffman, published in the printed organ of Russian-friendly students. One of the first to drew attention to the work of the young Franco, was the Ukrainian poet Kesar Belilovsky, who in 1882 in the Kiev newspaper "Labor" published an article "a few words about the transfer of the Göthev" Faust "into the Ukrainian language Ivan Franco, and in Lviv student The journal "Friend" under the pseudonym Jedghayk for the first time poems eighteen-year-old Franco - "My song" and "People's Song".


Under the influence of letters of the Kiev professor Mikhail Dragomanov, the youth, grouping around "friend," met the Russian literature of the era of the great reforms and in general with Russian writers, and imbued with democratic ideals, after which the language of the Galician simple people elected the instrument of their literary speech; Thus, Rusinsky literature received in its ranks, along with many other talented workers, and Franco. Old Russophiles, especially the editor of the "Words" of Wenneditik Plushchansky, turned to the Austrian police with denunciations to the editor of the "friend". In 1877, all members of the editorial board were arrested, and Franco spent 9 months in prison, in one chamber with thieves and tramps, in terrible hygienic conditions. At his exit of prison, all Galician conservative society turned away from him, not only Rusophiles, but "Narovtsy", that is, the Ukrainian nationalist of the older generation. Franco was supposed to leave the University (graduated from the course of 15 years later, when she was preparing for the professorial department).

Like this stay in prison and the secondary conclusion in 1880, and another one in 1889 was closely introduced to Franco with a variety of types of Society of Society and workers and workers, brought by the need and exploitation to prison, and delivered a number of topics for fiction, which Printed mainly in the editable magazines of the Dragomanian direction; They amounted to the main fame of Franco and immediately began to translate into other languages. Of these, the cycle of stories from life of the proletarians - workers and the rich-entrepreneurs on oil peculiarities in Borislava; imbued with a humane attitude to the human dignity of a story from the life of thieves and "former" people; Alien Religious and National Antagonism Stories and Tale from Life Jews.

The prison is inspired by the cycles of lyrical works, of which one, according to a number of critics, deeper and talented, but less popular, full of idealistic sadness into broad universal motives, and others who have been highly popular, vigorously and effectively call on society to fight against Public (class and economic) inappropriate. Franco showed talent and in the area of \u200b\u200ban objective historical novel: His "Zakhar Berkut" (1883, from the time of the Tatar invasion of the XIII century) received a prize even at the competition of the national-bourgeois magazine "Zorya", which did not see in it "Naturalism of Zola" (pseudoclassics and Scholastics - Galicians have always exhibited this reproach against Franco). In the Ukrainian provinces of the Russian Empire, this novel attracted serious attention to the readers to his author, so unlike the majority of the cultural movement of the Kingdom of Galicia and the Lomomeria, and laid the beginning of a closer to communicate Ivan Yakovlevich with the Ukrainians of the Russian Empire.

For "naturalistic" and "radical" works by Franco Galichane, too, could not not recognize the brilliant talent, despite the fact that these works contained the challenge to the entire bourgeois-cleric Galitsky society; A huge readiness, literary education and awareness of Franco in matters of political and public and political-economic serve for "nations" by prompting to seek Franco's cooperation in their bodies.

1885-1892 years

We gramually established peaceful relations between Ivan Franco and the Peoples, and in 1885 he was invited by them to the main editors of their literary and scientific authority "Zorya". For two years, Franco led the "zory" very successfully, attracted to the staff of her all the talented writers from Malorussia, and the conciliatory attitude towards the Uniate clergy expressed his poem "Parc region" ("Barsky jokes"), in which the image of an old rural priest, believing My soul "for the sheep has its own." Nevertheless, in 1887, the most zealous clerics and bourgeois insisted at the removal of Franco from the editor; Other mines also did not like the excessive love of Franco to Russian writers (Franco and personally translated a lot from the Russian language, and much published a lot), which Galician nationalists considered Moscow.

The highest sympathy of Franco found but the Ukrainians of the Russian Empire. At that time, due to the Emian Decree in Russia, the publication of works in Ukrainian was strongly limited, therefore its collection of poems "s vertices і low" ("from heights and dollars", 1887; 2nd ed., 1892) many rewrite and memorized For memory, and a collection of stories from the life of working people: "In Poti Chola" (1890); There is a Russian translation "In the sweat of the face", Moscow, 1901), brought to Kiev in the number of several hundred copies, was embarrassing. Something he began to put in Kievan Starne, under the pseudonym "Miron"; But in Galicia, the Peoples were involved in their cooperation continued to look for his cooperation and printed, for example, his Anti-Isuhite story "Missіya" ("Vatra", 1887). Its continuation, "Plague" ("Zorya", 1889; 3rd ed. - Vick, Kiev, 1902), should be reconciled by the Peoples with Franco, since the hero of the story is an extremely nice priest-union; The participation of Franco in the nationalist journal "Pravda" also foreshadowed the world; But the agreement held in 1890 by the agreement of Galitsky mines with the Polish gentry, Jesuit and the Austrian government forced Franco, Pavlik and all progressive Rusins \u200b\u200bof Galicia to separate to a completely special party.

By agreement of 1890 (this is the so-called "new era") Rusin language acquired in Austria very important advantages in public life and school, to the university inclusive. The Party of Strict Democrats, organized by Franco and Pavlik for the counterweight "New Ere", took the name "Rusko-Ukrainskka Radical Party"; Her "People" authority (1890-1895), in which Franco wrote a lot of publicistic articles, existed to the death of Dragomanov (he sent articles from Sofia, where he was a professor); Subsequently, instead of the "people", this very intensified party has had other newspapers and magazines.

"People" preached by selfless dedication to the interests of the peasantry, and the useful means for raising peasant welfare was the introduction of community land tenure and artelle; The ideals of German Socialism appeared to the "people" often with something barracks, "like Arakchev military settlements" (Dragomanov's words), Marxist theory of facilitating the prolitation of mass - inhuman; Franco cums up to the fact that he began to popularize (in the "Zhistict I words") English Fabianism. In a religious relationship, the "people" was a Yazry enemy of Ulya and demanded freedom of conscience. Nationally, the "people" also firmly held Rusinsky, as well as "Novoearrs", and considered it mandatory for the Ukrainian intelligentsia, but brought such a need from the motives of purely democratic and proclaimed the struggle against chauvinism and Russian. In the controversy "People" against the narrow-monolutionist "truth", the most caustic articles belonged to Franco; The political poems published by him ("NIMECHIN", "OX, Vibori", etc.) even more annoyed nationalists. Strengthened journalistic activities and leadership of the Radical Party was carried out by Franco completely free; Means to life had to be mined with a diligent paid work in the Poland newspapers. Therefore, in the first two years of the publication of the "people" almost ceased franco creativity and its scientific classes; The time free from journalism and politics was enough for Franco's short lyrical poems (in 1893 a collection of "Zіvyal Fox" was published - "faded leaves" - gently melancholic love content, with the motto for the reader: SEI Ein Mann Und Folge Mir Nicht ( "Be a person and do not take me an example")).

1893 and further

The 25-year-old literary anniversary of Franco was solemnly celebrated in 1895 by Ukrainians of all parties and countries. The best Ukrainian writers of Russia and Austria without the difference in the directions dedicated to Franco Collection: "Prior" (1898). Under the life of Franco, some of its writings are translated into German, Polish, Czech and - mostly at the end of his life - Russian.

Franco, leaving politics, died during the First World War in poverty and was buried at the Lychakov cemetery in Lviv. Sons I. Ya. Franco, Senior Taras and Junior Peter, who used to worked in the USSR in the chemical industry under the contract, became writers. In 1939 they supported the accession of Galicia to the USSR. Peter, he was elected to the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR, but he was suspected by the Soviet government in disloyalty, in June 1941 he was arrested and disappeared in the Basch of the NKVD when the German troops approach Lviv. Taras in the postwar years taught literature and wrote memories of the father. The granddaughter of Franco, Zinovia Tarasovna, streamlined the works of Franco, who did not pass censorship.


Shielding works

The works of Ivan Franco were repeatedly shielded in cinema, fairy tales - in animation

Year Country Name Producer Notes
the USSR "Borislav laughs" Joseph Rona The second name is "wax kings." The film is not preserved
the USSR "Zakhar Berkut" Joseph Rona
the USSR "Stolen happiness" Isaac Shmaruk
Gnat Yura.
Film playing
the USSR "Painted Fox" Alexander Ivanov Cartoon
the USSR "If the stones were told ..." Yuri Lysenko Based on "Borislav Story"
the USSR "Hare and Yozh" Irina Gurwich Cartoon
the USSR "To the light!" Boris Shilenko
Vasily Lapoknysh
Nikolai Ilinsky
Filmalmans based on the stories "To the Light!", "Malay", "Pantalach"
the USSR "For home hearth" B. Mushchais
Yuri Suuryko
the USSR "Zakhar Berkut" Leonid Zayka
the USSR "Stolen happiness" Yuri Tkachenko Telefilm
Ukraine "For the sake of the family hearth" Boris Savchenko
Ukraine "Western" Oleg Bimima TV five-part film based on the novel "Crosspaths"
1993 Ukraine "Crime with many unknowns" Oleg Bimima Television sevenisian film
Ukraine "Island of love " Oleg Bimima Novel "Nature" based on the story of "Motherland"
Ukraine "Stolen happiness" Andrei Dontik Modern adaptation of classical drama
Ukraine "Fox Nikita" Animation Multi Measure

Films about Ivan Franco

Year Country Name Producer Ivan Franco Notes
the USSR "Ivan Franco" Timofey Lechukhuk Sergey Bondarchuk Artistic biographical film
the USSR "Ivan Franco" Scientific and popular film
the USSR "Cotsubinsky Family" Timofey Lechukhuk Yaroslav Gelevas Feature Film
the USSR "Ivan Franco" E. Dmitrieva Documentary
Ukraine "Ivan Franco" M. Lebedev Documentary, Studio "Cinematographer"

Franco Ivan Yakovlevich (1856-1916) - the great Ukrainian writer-thinker, scientist and public figure. Born in the family of a kuznez peasant on Drochobychin. After numerous solarms and disasters graduated from the gymnasium; He studied at Lviv University. The Austrian authorities persecuted Franco, threw in prison on charges of socialism, in creating secret societies, in sympathies to the Russians, in relations with the peasant movement. The worldview of Franco was formed under the influence of T. F. (see) and Russian revolutionary democrats - (see), (see), (si.), (See), (see), Saltykov-Shchedrin, Nekrasov.

The spread of Marxism influenced the development of the revolutionary-democratic ideology of Franco towards scientific socialism. He studied and popularized "(see) Marx and Engels and" "(see) Marx; I first transferred to the Ukrainian language 24th chapter I of Tom "Capital" and selected sections from "" (see) F. Engels.Mirovzing Franco is closely connected by the liberation movement of workers, with awakening to the political life of the proletariat, which has formed at the time in areas Oilfields and in the cities of Western Ukraine, with the achievements of natural science, with teachings (see) and Darwinism. Franco criticizes false darwinists who apply biological laws to interpretation of human society and making reaction conclusions on the basis of this. He calls for the democratization of science, to turn it into an instrument of struggle for the interests of workers.

Philosophical views are set forth in the works: "A few words about how to streamline and lead our folk publications", "Thoughts on evolution in the history of mankind", "Literature, its appointment and the most important features", "Critical letters about the Galician intelligentsia", and Also in a number of artistic works. The basis of the whole Franco sees in matter. Nature is immortal, eternal, is in constant motion, drowning. The Spirit is not the second world creative beginning, but only the defillas of moving matter, the function of the material brain and the nervous system. Human knowledge of Franco treats as a reflection of reality, nature. He refuted agnosticism and relativism.

Franco expressed some dialectical ideas, he saw a continuous change in the world, his inconsistency, focused on what goes forward. He is an atheist, a fighter against feedism and an unacted Popovshchina, against clerics and religious education of young people. The brightest journalistic works of the writer are directed against the Vatican, Catholicism, Uniate, sectarianism. Franco criticized the false theory of the eternity of capitalism, exposed capitalist society as a society predatory, devouring generation and the destructive health and morality of the masses. This is the world of deception and violence. The bourgeois democracy, proclaimed "equality" before the law, "looks as if they console the hungry in that he has the right to be full, without giving him a bread." Franco firmly believes in the celebration of the revolution. Recalling Marx's teachings about socialism, Franco calls for the elimination of the "walls" separating the working person from the productions of production, to turning the productions of production into public property, to the elimination of "between", this is synonymous with private property, to collective labor and work distribution.

In the struggle for the advanced literature, Franco opposes idealistic aesthetics with its metaphysical ideas about the eternal norms of the art of the materialistic aesthetics of Belinsky, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov and Shevchenko. OI emphasizes the historical nature of art, argues that life is the main engine in art. For Franco, as for Shevchenko, poetry is "condensed, concentrated, crystallized reality." He exposes a merciless criticism the theory of "art for art", decadacy, decadence in the literature. In his artworks, Franco deeply realizedly reflected the undermineum position of the working people of Western Ukraine. He first introduced the workshop in Ukrainian literature. M. Gorky highly appreciated the work of Franco. An outstanding patriot, a conversant friendship of the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, Franco believed that "the hour will come!" "And Ukraine grunks" in the Bagry of Hallo in the circle of the peoples of free ... ".

He fought for the reunification of Ukraine as part of Russia, where, according to his conviction, the "Spring of Mankind" began - the revolution of 1905. Speaking for the equality of peoples, Franco wrote: "Nation, which in the name or state, whether any other interests Inhibits, stifling and stops in free development another nation, the state mooring itself and to the state, which is as if it should serve this oppression. " He argued the impossibility of solving a national issue without solving the issue of social. Franco was a decisive enemy as a bourgeois Ukrainian nationalism and rooted cosmopolitanism. He was the first in Ukraine to expose M. Grushevsky as an ideologist of Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism, Wallow of Flavor without the bourgeoisity of the Ukrainian nation, began the activities of a spy organization, which demagogically called himself the "Union of the Age of Ukraine", condemned the book of M. Grushevsky on the history of Ukraine, written in the senior aggressors who was preparing the plan for the seizure of Ukraine, rejection of her from Russia. Scientific interest is the Book of Franco, directed against M. Grushevsky (1912).

In ideological development, Franco also had erroneous views. He did not always have been able to avoid national limitations, as in the interests of the democratic national liberation movement in Ukraine, Lenin was indicated. Franco did not in his views by Marxist, but his entire glorious life, his huge artistic talent, which he put on the service of the workers, his combat activity in the interests of the liberation of the Ukrainian people and strengthening the friendship of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples brought him universal love; Not only the Ukrainian people, but also all the peoples of the Soviet Union honor the memory of Ivan Franco.