Maximum scholarship in higher educational institutions. Types of scholarships for students in Russia universities

Maximum scholarship in higher educational institutions. Types of scholarships for students in Russia universities
Maximum scholarship in higher educational institutions. Types of scholarships for students in Russia universities

1. What is GAS (State Academic Scholarship)?
Gas get students - state employees. The required requirement is the performance of "good" and "excellent" without relocation and debts.
Until the first session, all students are 1-course state employees receive GAS.

2. Who and how does the increased Gas get?
For special achievements in the educational, scientific, sports, social, cultural and creative activity, the student - a statemate receiving GAS has the right to receive an increased state academic scholarship (PHAS).
Competition for PHAS passes 2 times a year: in June and December. Submission of applications - in electronic form.

3. Who has the right to receive a social scholarship?
Social scholarship is paid to certain categories of students - state employees to provide a document confirming the right to receive social scholarships (disability, orphans, Chernobyl residents (or equal to them), a veteran of hostilities receiving social assistance). Dates of documents are listed on the document. Certificate of social assistance recipient is valid for a year.
The payment of scholarship begins with the date of submission of documents and terminates with the deductions of the student or from the first day of the month following the month of termination of the basis of its appointment.
Documents and application for a scholarship Student must provide the study office of its structural division:
4. Increased social scholarship - what is it and how to get?
Increased social scholarships are getting needy students - state employees 1 and 2 courses on the basis of the session for "excellent" and "good" results. No additional references and applications should be provided. The scholarship is appointed on the basis of the previously submitted documents and the results of the session. Read more:

5. Does the right to receive a commercial student scholarship?
A commercial student has the right to participate in contests for registered scholarships and scholarships of funds (according to these scholarships).

6. What is the biggest scholarship?
The size of various scholarships in HSE varies from 400 rubles. per month to 30 thousand rubles. per month. The student has the right to participate in parallel in various scholarship contests. At the same time, its total scholarship can actually make 40 thousand rubles. per month.

7. When will the scholarship be paid? What dates are scholarships?
All designated scholarships for the current month are paid / translated into bank cards World from the 25th day of the month to the 5th day of the next month.
For all issues of accruals / payment of scholarships, transfer of funds to a bank card, contact directly in accounting:

boo Baykova OV: 8-495-772-95-90 * 113-20, boo Zharikova DA: 8-495-772-95-90 * 116-87, booze. Krivova A.S.: 8-495-772-95-90*117-51,115-76,

8. Where will I do a scholarship on which card?
To obtain a scholarship to a bank card, the world must report its data in.
Myasnitskaya st., House 20, cab. K-425
(Contacts of accounting staff - seemish).

9. What is? This is a map that is issued to all students learning on the budget to pay for a preferential passage of public transport.

10. How to issue a bank card world?
Go up in the accounting department of HSE (Monday-Friday, 9.30-18.00, break 13.00-14.00), Fill out the questionnaire and provide copies of documents (passport, student card).
On the readiness and receipt of bank cards can be clarified in accounting when filling out the questionnaire.

  • Orphans and children left without parental care.
  • Disabled children, disabled people I and II groups.
  • Citizens under the age of 20, having only one parent - disabled person I group.
  • Citizens who were exposed to radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP.
  • Children of military personnel who died in the fulfillment of their responsibilities of military service.
  • Children of the dead (died) Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation and the full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.
  • Children of the dead (deceased) officers of the internal affairs bodies, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, the controls of drug trafficking and psychotropic substances, customs authorities.
  • Other categories of citizens.

Presidential scholarships of the Russian Federation For graduate students studying in full-time education in scientific specialties, relevant priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. Scholarship size 14 000 rub. per month. The appointment of scholarships is made annually from September 1 to August 31 for one academic year.

Changed scholarship calculation rules: size and conditions of payments

So universities have the right to appoint an increased scholarship for the GTO gold icon, the production of choreographic work, for success in painting, sculpture, graphics, comics, pantomime, sketch, in literary activities, etc. The number of recipients of elevated scholarships should not exceed 10% of the total number of students.

Social scholarship It will be necessary to be paid to orphans, as well as children who remain without parental care, as well as contract soldiers who served in the troops at least 3 years and a number of other categories of students. The amount of payments will be at least 2,227 rubles. If those students have the right to receive a social scholarship, the first two years of study are studying on "good" and "excellent", they will appoint them increased scholarship, size which should be no less than the subsistence minimum, and this is almost 10,000 rubles.

When the social scholarship and material assistance lists

The procedure for the appointment and payment of state social scholarship was approved by order of the rector of St. Petersburg State University of 25.08.2015 No. 6169/1 "On approval of the Regulations on the scholarship provision of students in St. Petersburg State University". In accordance with paragraph 5.5 of the provisions in the event of the provision of documents for the appointment of state social scholarships from 1 to 10 each month, the question of the appointment of state social scholarship is considered at a meeting of the scholarship commission in the current month. In the event of the provision of documents for the appointment of state social scholarships after the 10th to the last day of the month, the question of the appointment of state social scholarship is considered at a meeting of the scholarship commission next month. You filed an application for the appointment of the state social scholarship on October 22, 2015, therefore, the question of appointing a state social scholarship to you will be considered at the meeting of the Scholarship Commission in November 2015.

An application for the provision of material assistance was filed by employees of the department for work with young people 19.05.2015. At the meeting of the scholarship commission on the distribution of material assistance, which took place on 05/27/2015, your statement was not satisfied due to the fact that in December 2014 you had already appointed financial assistance in the amount of 32,732 rubles. Your application for material assistance will be reviewed at a meeting of the Scholarship Commission on November 13, 2015.

Types and size of scholarships to students in Russia

  • high level of academic performance;
  • publication in the scientific journal;
  • participation or victory in any competition, festival or conference held at the All-Russian and international level;
  • participation in a grant, All-Russian and regional scientific exhibition;
  • the presence of a patent indicating the authorship of the scientific discovery.

Scholarship Foundation - This is the source of the payment of scholarships, the distribution of which is made on the basis of the Charter of the institution and in the manner prescribed by the Council of the Higher Educational Institution. The coordination of the document cannot be carried out without a student trade union and representatives of students.

Social scholarships students

  1. Closing session (if such debt is available).
  2. Obtaining a certificate of student status (issued in the school).
  3. Certificates about the sum of all the resulting scholarships over the past three months of training (is issued in educational accounting).
  4. Certificates of family composition indicating the year of birth of each member (if there is no such reference).
  5. The certificate demonstrating the low income of each family member (these payments should include all sources of income of a separate person) over the past half of the year, as well as copies of labor books of unemployed family members.
  6. Certificates and all necessary evidence testifying that the applicant may apply for accrual social scholarship.
  7. Appeal to USZN for registration of a certificate of socially unprotected status.
  8. Providing a certificate obtained in USSN to the educational department of the university or suza.
  • the possibility of paying a social scholarship provides every secondary and higher educational institution of the Russian Federation;
  • minimum scholarship size - 2452 rub. For universities I. 856 rub. for the souses;
  • social scholarships are paid regularly during the training semester, after which they must be reissued;
  • receive this scholarships can children-orphan children, children with disabilities, students with military service life from 3 years, victims of radiation incidents, children from low-income families.

The procedure for appointment and payment of scholarships in Ukraine

Scholarships permanently residing in the settlement or students in an educational institution, located in the village, which has been granted a mining status, an additional scholarship in the amount of 20 percent of the minimum ordinary (usual) academic scholarship of the relevant type of educational institution is paid.

Pupils and students who, according to the results of semester control, have 10-12 points for each subject on the twelve-balent or average score of the performance 5 on a five-point scale of estimation, the size of the ordinary (usual) academic scholarship is increasing compared to the appointed in accordance with paragraph 12 of this Procedure on:

Scholarships in colleges and technical schools

  • minors whose parents are disabled 1-2 groups or pensioners;
  • students from large or incomplete families;
  • students who already have children.
  1. Academic - from 487 rubles. This is an ordinary scholarship for state employees. To get it, it is enough just to pass sessions without triples. Those who are studying on a paid basis is not relying.

Today it is customary to chew students for the fact that they are not very interested in cultural events and art. It is unlikely to reasonably complain about young people. If you take into account how much the scholarship is in college, it becomes clear why dazz students are not to theaters.

In what numbers are paid scholarship

The payment of scholarships to students takes place in each of the university or college. Now these enumerations began to translate into a bank card, but it was not always. Previously, to obtain their money, the student had to spend several hours in anticipation of payments.

Freshmen and senior school students receive an academic scholarship, the size of which is standard. The approximate amount is 1500 rubles (this is in institutions, and in schools and colleges - smaller). Excellent receiving at the discretion of the leadership or an academic, or an increased scholarship, the size of which can vary from 2000 to 2500 rubles.

Scholarships and material support

The right to receive a state social scholarship has a student who submitted to the educational institution issued by the social protection authority at the place of residence a certificate to obtain state social assistance. This reference is represented annually. The above-mentioned categories of students are submitted to the scholarship commission (in the educational department) of the Faculty Documents confirming belonging to established benefits. The right to receive a state social scholarship has a student who submitted a certificate in the scholarship commission issued by the social protection authority at the place of residence to obtain state social assistance. This reference is submitted to the Faculty Training Department every year.

  • passport;
  • certificate of housing bodies on family composition, or a certificate of student living in a hostel;
  • certificate from the educational institution about student learning and the amount paid over the past 6 months of academic scholarships (or on non-treatment of scholarships);
  • in the case of living together with parents, or if the student is married, and also, if he himself has any income, in addition to scholarships, documents (certificates) are provided on the income of all family members for the 6 months preceding the month of circulation.

Student scholarship law

  • closing session and debts;
  • obtaining a student status certificate;
  • certificate of the total amount of all received scholarships over the past 3 months of study;
  • a certificate about the composition of the family, which indicates the dates of the birth of each family member;
  • providing documentation that will prove low family income;
  • appeal to the Uzzn bodies for registration of a certificate of socially unprotected status;
  • provide the appropriate certificate to the educational department of the university.

Participants in the State Duma, July 3, 2016, adopted the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 36 of the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation ". This document introduced an innovation in the 5th Part of Article 36, which entered into legal force from January 1, 2017.

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculation of the sum of scholarships, accrued to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and alternates.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel a secured person, but if the student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, the total amount of its income can be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's spend some of the calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

The size of the minimum, elevated and social scholarships for 2018 - 2019 academic year

So minimal state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education (undergraduate programs, specialist programs, magistracy programs) and 890 RUBLES for secondary vocational education (training programs for skilled workers, employees, programs for training mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can receive students of universities, student without triffs.

For well-student students, an increased scholarship is envisaged - from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand, for students in graduate school, its size is from 11 thousand rubles to 14 thousand. To have the full right to receive such an increased scholarship, a student or graduate student should not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other public undertakes in his university.

State scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students, adjunctures or scientific and pedagogical personnel is from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the specialties of technical and natural branches of science - from 7696 rubles, trainees assistants - from 3120 rubles, orders - from 6717 rubles. Doctoral students receive OT. 10000 rubles.

State social scholarship, 2018 - 2019 academic year, paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

For this payment, students receive and academic payments are eligible. Also on a social scholarship, have full right and persons who are orphans live without parental care, disabled (1 and 2 groups), veterans and disabled hostilities, people affected by nuclear power plants, whose family's income on one of the members Families does not exceed the minimum in the region.

See also: How to get a loan to a student?

In addition to the above scholarship species, a number of registered scholarships were adopted in the Russian Federation: for example, scholarships them. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1500 rubles, scholarships them. V.A. Tumanova - 2000 rubles. A nominal scholarship of students, passing training in the specialty of journalism, literature, they are also accrued. A.A. Voznesensky - 1500 rubles.

The Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-student students is from 1,400 to 2,200 rubles, the sum of graduate students - from 3,600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is paid to those students who are trained on the most priority for the state specialties: Economics, modernization. The amount of payments is from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of from 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let's conclude: if you are interested in your successful learning, it can be rewarded by the ruble: the better you have to take, the more you can get paid for scholarships.

If you think you can use additional scholarships, you should contact the dean to get the required references.

It is no secret that applicants who have not passed by the Competition seek not to waste time, and are looking for an alternative option for admission. The technical school and college are institutions that produce specialists from different directions and guaranteeing certification for a short time spent on study. Average level specialists are fairly in demand in the labor market, so the lack of incoming colleges are not experiencing.

When all exams are handed over, the places are defined, the student could breathe calmly if it were not for one "but". I really want to know whether students are laid in college scholarship? Get an answer to questions about what she is, is heavily different from university, what is its size. Light all exciting student nuances can only know knowledge.

Payments in college

According to regulatory acts of the Ministry of Education, scholarships in colleges exists and is divided into social and academic.

How much is the size of the scholarship:

  • payments to students, social scholarships are 730 rubles. Children from large families, children with disabilities, students who already have their children, and some more categories of poor or low-income, can apply for its receipt. This payment is not eligible to delay if the student gives educational tests on time. It will not be paid attention to how successful was the passing. Orphans also draw up a social scholarship;
  • for each student in Moscow College, an academic scholarship of 487 rubles is established, paid monthly. In this case, the session must be submitted without triple. A difficult task for meager promotion by the state;
  • increased scholarships in colleges are also paid, but it is an individual decision of the Teaching and Management Composition of College or Technical School.

Only those who are studying in the daily budget department can receive a scholarship. Undoubtedly, the size of scholarships is ridiculously small, the student forums boil, discussing this burning topic. But in the near future there is no change in legislation, so that this question cannot be resolved.

Disappointing facts

The college student scholarships evaporates for the first half an hour after receiving. This is a joke of the students themselves. Based on the minimum amount of payments that do not even bear the semantic load, many students would be eagerly exchanged this privilege on ordinary travel or chose that this money is organized by hot meals during the study process.

There is not enough scholarships even for paying the hostels, if any. To say that students do not attend museums, exhibitions and do not participate in the cultural life of the city much easier, but it is impossible to afford highly aestine entertainment on such a minimum allowance. Many are twisted due to an additional part-time or by support from parents.

Minimum student budget

Costs of modern college students include nutrition costs, accommodation, Internet, passage, mobile communications. Because of the acute lack of funds, many are forced to earn money in their free time, and sometimes not paying attention that there is just no time to study. This affects performance, and as a far-coming consequence, on the volume of learned knowledge. There are no problems with the payment today, except for one - cash is very small.

It should be noted to qualify for a social scholarship to provide a certificate from social services in the Deanate of College. But to obtain such a certificate, you will need quite a long time due to the influx of applicants. This is also a tangible inconvenience, but these are the rules established by law.


From September 1, the Ministry of Education involves increasing the size of scholarships by 15-20%, but mostly will affect only those students who distinguished themselves in the scientific, research, sports, cultural life of the educational institution. Freshmen will not be able to show up this fact.

It is also known that in Sevastopol was discovered non-profile in scholarships, during from January to April, which touched students in a medical college. The prosecutor's office insisted on the payment of all debts, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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In order for the poor student to somehow live in this cruel world, it is not at all necessary to be a child of rich parents or pour around the clock dishwasher. Here are a few quite legal and real ways to get a good amount even with minimal estimates in the counters.

Method 1: Social Assistance

If your parents relate to the category not enough people, you can ask for social assistance. Such payments are provided by the university, the city, the state and sometimes even by charitable organizations.

State social scholarship

how many: 2227 p.

How often

How fast: Immediately upon readiness of certificate from social protection bodies.

On a note!

It is possible to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the provisions in more detail with the provisions of which and in what cases.

Some lucky more than the rest, and they, having in the counters, have one troika, have the right to social scholarship. Who are they?

  • Disabled
  • Orphans
  • Affected by radiation catastrophes,
  • Veterans.

Also count on a social scholarship can those who relate to the category of poor.

To decorate all the necessary documents, contact the corresponding MFC or the social protection department. After the income will be calculated there and the vital circumstances of a particular student, the authority will give the appropriate certificate for the university.

That student who lives in a hostel and does not receive other income but an academic scholarship in the amount of 1,500 rubles, can be recognized as "alone living poor." In this case, the social service will surely ask whether a student has received material assistance from parents or other relatives and acquaintances, and if he received something in what sizes. But somehow documented these data should not be confirmed.

Be prepared to provide the following documents in social protection bodies:

  • Passport,
  • Certificate or registration certificate in form number 9 or number 3,
  • Help from the university with data on the course, form and learning time,
  • Certificate of property available
  • Evidence that you have the right to benefits (certificate of parent's death, a certificate of his serving of punishment, a certificate of disability, etc.),
  • Income certificate.


Social scholarship is issued for a period of one year from the date of issuance of reference. That is, if the certificate is issued in April 2017, and the student filed it only in September, the social scholarship will be paid since September to May next year. Next year will have to re-undergo a procedure for collecting and submitting documents.

Do not worry that you do not know all the subtleties of social scholarships. In the university, you will definitely prompt, because university employees constantly monitor the relevance of laws, regulations and regulations, and will certainly advise you about whether you have the right to such benefits.

Latest news to learn better in Deanate - there will definitely tell about all the ways of obtaining material assistance from the state

Increased social scholarship

how many: equal or more add to the subsistence minimum.

How often: Every month for one year.

When serve: At the beginning of the semester.

Only specialists and bachelor of initial courses (first and second) can be calculated for such assistance and only if they earned their estimates to the usual scholarship.

Another mandatory condition is one of the parents belongs to the disabled of the first group.

And finally, only good scholarships and excellent students may apply for such a scholarship.

On a note!

The final amount calculates the university. However, it should not be higher than the income of the student to the subsistence minimum per capita (such a standard is established by the state). For example, in the fourth quarter of 2016 was installed summary of the cost of 9691 ruble. He was considered so: if the academic and social scholarship was 1485 and 2228 rubles, then, subject to the winner of the competition for an increased scholarship, its size will be no less 5978 rubles.

A more accurate amount determines the university, considering the student's pre-educational program, its course and the size of the scholarship fund.

Material aid

how many: Not more than 12 social scholarships.

How often: Every month for one semester.

When serve: By decision of the university.

Here the criteria will be much wider than when paying social scholarships. For example, the university pays the material scholarship from its own "pocket", and pays once a quarter, and the minimum size is not registered anywhere, so the size of the scholarship will depend on how the number of students in this quarter will have to assist.

Such a type of assistance may be pupils, whose parents are divorced, students with children or severely sick, in need of expensive treatment. In these cases, it will be necessary to provide universities with a copy of the checks for medicines or the child's birth certificate.

On a note!

Some universities give their students with money gifts for a wedding, and in some it is customary to pay the way home and inverse to nonresident or foreign students.

Program "5+"

On a note!

how many: 3500r.

How often: Every month for one year.

When serve: from 10.06 to 10.09.

On this type of scholarship, the student can count only on the condition that he studies without triples, and at the same time refers to the category of poor. This scholarship is issued by the "Creation" charitable foundation. There is a selection among students over 21 years old. The Foundation loves excellent students, participants in various conferences and competitions, competitions, sports competitions. Only achievements over the past two years are taken into account.


Within the framework of this aid, it will be necessary not only to prove the low-income family, but also write a letter-essay, telling about the student, his family, his interests, hobbies and dreams.

In addition, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Certificate of academic performance, certified by the seal of the university.
  3. Copy of the passport.
  4. Certificate of stay under guardianship or guardianship or other documents providing benefits (for disabled people, adoptive families, refugees, etc.).
  5. Help in the form of a 2-NDFL about income of all family members / certificate of family poor.
  6. Extract about the family composition with original seal.
  7. Premium certificates, diplomas, medals, diplomas over the past 2 years.
  8. The photo.
  9. Motivation letter.

Method 2: participation in the sports or cultural life of the university

Universities love to compete with each other. And the best way to do is sports competitions or amateur. At the same time, the leadership of the university will not regret any money to those who support the image of the university. So play football, go to the dramatic circle - become a pet dean!

On a note!

Increased state academic scholarship can reach 10,000 rubles, and in some universities - 300,000 rubles (SPbSU, for example).

The size of the scholarship may vary every semester, depending on the number of applicants, their achievements and the size of the Fund. And there are universities in which the size of such a scholarship is fixed and does not change.

Scholarship for social activities

Want more money, lead an active cultural life in the walls of your university. Provided that your activity will be successful, the university will notice and, more importantly, will celebrate your merits.

Participate in different events of the educational institution, highlight them on social networks, take part in the creation of Studies, etc.

If entertainment events are not yours, you can devote yourself to science. Treaty assistance in conducting scientific conferences. Even simple distribution of Beijiks will help show you in the best light.


Before starting to conduct active activity, check with the commission, which documents will need to be provided.

Scholarship for creative activity

Creative activity is participation in public exhibitions, speeches, competitions and, of course, victory in them.

On a note!

Be sure to ask for certificates of participation in all activities - it is they will be your proof of an active creative way. If there are no certificates, make a document in advance and ask the organizers to assure it with your seal.

Follow the news of your university - often he suggests what you can do to get a material or intangible remuneration. For example, participation in the international competition for the creation of packaging design or writing an essay by the world-famous work.

Scholarship for sports achievements

Well, everything is simple here - you need to participate and win socially significant sports competitions. The degree of importance of the competition determines the university itself.

Method 3: Be a round excellent student and publish scientific works

Those who study at "excellent" have high chances to receive a presidential scholarship of 20 thousand. In addition, such students are also encouraged by many other organizations: the Ministry of Education, regional authorities, banks with numerous charitable funds and, of course, universities themselves.

On a note!

In some universities, the scholarship is raised immediately after a flawless session.

Increased academic scholarship

There are 3 ways to get PHAS:

  • Pass on "excellent" all objects in two sessions in a row;
  • Win competition in the competition of projects or developmental work;
  • To win the thematic contests (for example, in the Olympics).


The results of the achievements will be valid only for one year.

Government and presidential scholarship

Government scholarship size: up to 5000 ruble.

The size of the presidential scholarship: up to 7000 rubles.

How do payouts occur: Monthly during the year.

Scholarship of the Charitable Fund and Companies

Depending on the selected scholarship program, you can qualify for a scholarship of different sizes - 6000, 10,000 and even 15,000 rubles.

If your scientific work is good, it can attract the attention of persons interested in research. For example, the work of young ecologists is monitored by the Fund of Vernadsky, Economists and Energy - Bi-Pi, Oilmen - LUKOIL, programmers - Google girls. In general, in almost every field there are stakeholders who are ready to encourage young minds with scholarships.

To participate in the competition, it is enough to prepare all the same package of documents - publications, certificates, diplomas. And since here the selection is not so strict, then some is enough only to participate in conferences, and not necessarily victory in them.

Well, depending on the chosen Fund, the package of documents may change slightly - find out in advance.

Method 4: Win in business game

A business game is a way for bold and charismatic young people. The manual will evaluate the ability to work in a team, as well as on leadership qualities and creativity.

There are many such scholarships, but we recommend carefully read the program of each Fund. If you are interested only in money, you can fly. For example, there are such scholarships, the receipt of which only provides for the place of travel to the place of the game and back. There are those that do not give money, but help to get on internship.

Scholarship of the Potanina Foundation

Scheduled size: about 15000r.

How do payouts occur: Monthly before graduation.

This fund pays a scholarship of the Master's Day Forms of Learning. There are not looking at the estimates.

In the selection it will be necessary to pass 2 stages. I will have to fill in the questionnaires and write 3 essays (by the way, you will help with writing an essay, but you can read how to do it yourself) - motivational, popular and popular and on the topic of the most memorable events of your life.

The application is filled on the site of the selected fund.

To participate, you must provide the following documents:

  1. Copy of a higher education diploma.
  2. Recommendative letter of the supervisor.

Actually in the second round there will be a business game itself, from the beginning and to the end of which your abilities for teamwork, leadership qualities and creativity will be assessed.

Scholarship "Consultant +"

Scheduled size: about 15000r.

How do payouts occur: Monthly during the semester.

This scholarship is paid to those who are familiar with the system and is able to use it to solve the legal case. In universities, contests are arranged among students of the first-fourth courses of the faculties of jurisprudence and economics.

Maximum permissible scholarship size

So, taking into account all the existing scholarships, let's deal with what the maximum amount you can get as a student.

Take as an example of an average student living in a hostel receiving a scholarship of 1,500 rubles, studying the highest marks is published in scientific journals and even received several grants for their research, is a member of the club of the university "What? Where? When?" And gives the statutes of the GTO. So, look here:

It turns out that a monthly such student will be able to receive 60 313 rubles. Nickloid, right? But next year it will be necessary to abandon social scholarships ...

In the meantime, you are engaged in collecting evidence for the state and various funds, we I will be happy to help not run your studies.